WESTERN DEMOCEAT, CHARLOTTE, N. C. POlf iOkh. for the Wcstrrn Democrat. THE GRANDFATHER MOUNTAIN. Composed by a Fanner To years old, who ! near the -Mountain. Hail thou Grandfather, in thy might, Thy craggy peaks, thy towering height, Far and wide extends thy fame, And many thousand- lisp thy name. Thou giant monarch of the twain, With time began thy peaceful reign; The little hillocks round thee greet, Like waiting subjects at thy feet. Pile upon pile the cliff- arise And seem to mingle with the skies, And round thy ancient crest display Their waving locks of n-ver'd gray. Though vivid lightnings o'er thee flash, And deep-toned thunder round thee crash, And raging tempests earth doth shake, Thej ne'er thy culm repose can break. Thou, in thy craggy bosom, rear The prowling wolf and savage bear, While the wild (h er thy herbage crop, And foxes sport upon thy top. Aroond thy breast wild roses grow, And groves of balsam fan thy brow, While rivers trickling from thy feet, To distant lands and climes retreat. Thy costume changes with the year: In Autumn yellow robes appear, Hut witli December's cntting blast, A snowy mantle 's o'er thee cast. Thy beauteous grandeur we admire, !ut more the Power that built thy spire. For thy proud form would scarce be miss'd If blotted from creation's list. COUNTRY BOYS. Country lads often feel that their lot is a hard . 1 hey see city hreu youngsters on i hey see city breu youngsters on then travels and their sprees at t lie age of fourteen ! veritable young gentlemen, with :i finished exterior, a seirar and a cane. The voans farmer at the same age finds himself with a hoe in hand and a cheap straw hat on his head, sweating among the lulls ol coin, lie is ireuent!y envious of h is city brother whisking past him in the cars with kid gloves, delicate ringlets, and plenty of money in his pocket. Mind your corn, boy; hoe it out clean, keep steadily to the labor you have in hand, do it well, and in time your good days will come too. If you find farming is not suited to your taste, or your strength, or circumstances if you like mechanism hetier, or have a capacity for business, whatever eventually you may engage in, it is all the same, you have begun right. The city blades have begun wrong; and in due time you will see it. Their lathers ami mothers will, in the end, see it too. o not feel envious of the pleasures that a hothouse man enjoys; hut remember, not in a malicious, but sober spirit, that such plants wither early. JJy the time you have act ui red fixed habits ' ofindustry, and acquired a Corresponding perfection of mind and hotly, your delicately reared eotemporary ofthe town begins to feel the debilitating effects of idleness and dissipation, lie is not alone to blame for a weak body and a profitless mind; it is the result oi a system; but he cannot escape from its effects; these be must endure for himself in his own person. His father may be a professional man, or a merchant, or may be merely rich; the chances are fifty against one that the son will not rep! ice his father. Such is the result of well settled experience; business falls into the hands of those who are most competent; it does not descend to heirs. It is the country boys after all who do the city business. Observing men have often stated this fact; and iutjtiire into the origin of Cleveland, or Boston, or New York, you will find it to be so. All external circumstances are in favor of the son or the clerk succeeding to the trade of the ol i linn ; but the son seldom, almost never, dtes in the position ol a partuer of the house. Why is it? Simply because habitual industry is wanting; habitual indulgence is not wanting. A ith all the external odds against it, the country furnishes the cities their principal business men. If intelligent, faithful and persevering, and above all, moral, honest, steady, cheerful and coatented, the chances are that the lad with the hoe will eventually do the business of the father of the lad in gloves, who is now luxuriating iu his travels. OIi to Farmer. - TROUBLES ABOUT MARBIAUfc IN ROY AL ClBCLES. Aii offer ot man iasre in Knuland has been reeentlv made by the Puke ot Rutland to the Princess Mary, sister of the Dnke of Cambridge. The Trim-ess, whose affability and good humor are deemed her chief attractions, docs not conceal her wish to accept her only suitor. The Puke is neither a Very wi:e or very handsome man; but he is very rich, very well bred, and very amiable. In short, he would probably make her an excellent husband, and she would make him an excellent wife. Nevertheless, it seems it must not be. The consent of the parties thentselresis, under the circumstances, not enough. y the provisions of the Royal Marriage Act, passed some ninety years ago, to gratify the tyrannic will of George 111, no member ot the reigning family can legally contract matri- ROH1 Wlinoui tne assent Ot tnc sovereign personally ..1 ..! , declared. Her Majesty's ideas of the ascendancy which her notions of State policy ought to have in all matters of the kind, which are somewhat like ' those of her grandfather, resolutely refuses to allow any mingling of royal blood with that of her nobles, the fear oi' seeing some of her own innocent ofi'sprinLr follow the example of her uncles and graml-iineles, governs het ahsolutelv; and the requisite license has conseqoentlj been refused to her unhappy cousin, who appears destined to wither and pine ou the lruitless stem. iueh are Borne of the incidents of tttouarchj as established bv statute amongst the Brittoas. t-. IT DftKABTUL RESULTS FROM HTOROPHOBIA A letter from Portsmouth, Ohio, writtuu by a lady to her husband in Louisville, makes mention of an extraordinary circumstance. A shot t time ago a young lady was bitten by a dog. Hydrophobia manifested itself on her, and while contincd by the disease she bit her sister, who was waiting; cu her. The sister was attacked by the same disease, she Uit tne motuer. au three were alive ar tee-fast accounts, but were all raving mad, and there was no prospect of t heir recovery. A POOK AND HIS MONKT SOON PaKTED. SVnor Oviedo, the old Cuban of sixty years, who is. aoout 10 marry me young ana DetWUBl ZUKH Jart- lott. of Xew YorL, is spending his money ly. thou- sands lor jewelry. His purchases in diamonds and other knick-knacks, of one Broadway establish- I r;r up .r pro,y ' little sum of fcoS,0U0. One U the sweetest trifles j of the lot was a pair of Single-Stoned blecve buttons j for ?2,UU0. 1 ! A man who don't believe the world is grow- j ing any better, says the time may come when the lion ami the lamb shall he down together, but he thinks the lamb will be inside of the lion. Sox sot Malta. "Jeeius" was recently initiated A NW Fashion. Among the novelties re intotbe order ofthe Sons of Malta, and graphically cently introduced for ladies' apparel, is a new ar describes his introduction into the "vale of mystery," tide of suspenders. They bear rf einblance to as follows : I those worn by gentlemen, except they are made of Vou are first crabbed and thrown into a tub of coj wator ami forthwith several large men begin ! to stick pins into you. Hauling you out of the tub of water, they rush you into another department, and now new men make a lune after you, dressed in disguise, and immediately commence pouring hot molasses into your hair and boots. Meanwhile, a stream of cold water is flooded on to you, and a man dressed in black thrusts a snuff box in front of jour nose, and all at once you begin to sneeze vociferously, and the eager crowd begins to laugh and hurrah. Shoving you further along, the chief men and bottle-washers grab you by the nose, hair and coat tail, i.nd in this way rip every bit of dry goods loose from your person, and again i the crowd roars with tumultuous laughter at your ' nude state, with five or six men holding on to your hair and toes, forcing you up a soaped pole with j pins and sharp sticks. You now begin to think ; you are forsaken by all good people, and the devil j has certainly got possession of you, knocking you j on the head so that you see stars as numerous as ! they are in the milky way. Vou are handled in ! this kind of tantalizing way for two hours, when ; the officers give you a large dose of liverwort and tar, and then turn you loose. An Honest Man. When railways were in their infancy in England it was supposed that they would injure the estate through which or near ,.1., i.i ! i- i i . m:..: .., which they ran, and the hnglish Cabinet Minister, - i Mr Labouchere's father, received the compensation j I nl' I ".. I'.... .... I...... ilalnnuint nf ttia ui vicv,vov mji an i uiuc i 1 1 u i j uuulhv v huc 'sort. After his death, his sou, finding that there was no injury to the estate from the vicinity of the ! railway, but the contrary, refunded the 9150,000. NOTICE. I will expose to public sale at the Court House in Charlotte on Tuesday of the County Court, in October next, the TRACT OF LAN I) on which Archibald Frew now lives. A credit of six months will be given for , Note and security JAMES W. OSBORNE, Trustee. 2m August 23d. . AT 1" "T lir 13 f P T T IvAlXlYllN CV MA Li, 1 1 JM Commission Hrrtj);utfs, Wilmington, N. C. BOTIT. C. RANKIN. Aug. 30, i8.y. ly-pd AI.KRKl) MARTIN. immense sacrifices:: New Goods. Wilmington Branch 2d Store below T. II. JJrem Co. ESPECTFULLY inform their numerous custom ers of Charlotte and the surrounding country, thev are selling off the balance of their stock of that Summer Goods. Fancy ailfl Staple Dry CwOOCls, gg f .-j o) f gHE RAQI !k WHO 52 3, for Gents', Youths' and Hoys' wear. Hoots, Shoes, Hats. Caps. Trunks, and a lull supply of M!ilIiHeiV GrOOCls, Bonnets Flats and Hats Bonnet Ribbons and French Flowers, all of which will he sold at reduced ju ices. Also, a large and beautiful assortment of Lace Points, Berage and Linen Dusters, all of the latest sty ie. The above named (loods must lie closed out by the tirst of October to make room for our Fall stock. We have the best and largest assortment of Ladies" and Misses' Gaiters, Hoots and Shoes, Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags, Satchels, and Bonnet Boxe Attention is called to the large stock ot Ready-made Clothing", it being made up in the most substantial manner, and is equal to that sold by any other house in the Union, and is a choice and fashionable stock. Gents' Fitmishiuej Goods of every Style. This is positively a dosing sale, as every article must be sold by the 1st October. Merchants and others are requested to call and examine before making purchases, as they will find it to their interest to do so. They ran buy from 25 to 50 per cent cheaper than at any other House. We always keep on hand the best anil cheapest as sort ment-uf GROCERIES, Hardware. Cedar Ware, ic. David Kahxweilek Daniel K a a x w e i lc a, Charlotte, Aug. 30. Jacoi: Kauxwkii.eh. FRENCH MILLINERY. KAHNWEILER k P.ROS. respectfully inform the Ladies of Charlotte and vicinity, that thev will open on or about the 1st of October, a MILLINERY DEPARTMENT, under the superintendence of MISS 1'. PFIEL, who is acknowledged by persons of taste to suit and please the most fastidious Aug. 30, i860.. tf CHARLOTTE FOUNDRY AND Macliino Factory. The undersigned begs leave tocall the attention of the 1 public to the fact that he is now ready to fill all orders ' for making Steam Kuffinis.Miyilrtiulic Cot- ; n, M ie Plotr (patented by .1. P. Harris of Missis ion M'rcsses .utd all kind ot Machinery. ! .csses the advantage of combining FOUR LATHE MACHINE Browns patent self-feeding j PLOWS IN ONE. It can be laid five times and sharp mammoth Bathe Machine will be made to order- It is j ened twelve times without the aid of a Black raith. It warranted to cut 50,000 laths per day, and is regarded can be used the whole season without any additional as the greatest invention of the day. Every saw mill expense. For sale at the should have one attached, for it saves all the refuse 1 lumber The right to said machine can be purchased - f the subscriber for either of the followinc named counties: Mecklenburg;, Gaston, Lincoln. Cabarrus, L nion and Anson. AlAs KIXDS OF AST1 PJS ja Iron and Brass or other auiUla MADE AT SHORT NOTICE AND REDUCED PRICES. Particular atten tion given to the making and repairing of Thrashing Machines, Horse Powers, Cotton Gins, .Mill Work, and Agricultural Works of all kinds. Blacksmith ing, Jobbing Work. Wagon Work, and Horse Shoeing, dune with dispatch. All Work must be PAID F0II when DELIVERED, as cash has to be paid for every thing uecessary to carry on the establishment. ScsT All orders for work must be specified in writing so that the work and specifications mav agree. feS-All contracts connected with the concern must be made with the undersigned alone. J. M. HOWIE, Practical Engineer, will give his con stant attention to the business. All letters on business will be directed to Charlotte Foundry.'' J. A. FOX, Proprietor. Charlotte, N. C, July 12, 1859 tf Southern Plows, Corn Shelters, &.c. NO. 54 VESEY STREET, NEW-VOBK CITY. A. F. M. k Co. would respectfully inform Southern Merchants and Dealers in Agricultural Implements, that I hey are slill manufacturing all kinds of both Steel and Iron Southern Plows. Plow Castings. Corn Shelter. Grain Cradles, flay and Stalk Cutters. Fan Mills, Store Trucks. Garden and Canal Barrows, Gin Gear Segment Custings, &c., Ac, expressly for the Southern Trade. Also, on hand, all kinds of Agricub. "st'iiriiSTr'Sr?; pr;ces than any other house in the United States. They have a descriptive Wholesale Price Catalogue, which they will furnish on application by mail or otherwise. All Good. warranted to be as represented. A. F. MAYHER fc CO., No. 54 Vesev St., N. Y. Successors to John Mayher Co. (Who established the busiuess in 1S20.) Send for a Price List. Sept. C, 165y 3m-pd I delicate vvnite elastic laonc, w in iru.eueuge aooui one inch wide, and are attached to the skirt by buttons "Where was John Rogers burnt to death?" in quired the teacher of one of the pupils, who re sponded that he couldn't tell. "Joshua knows," said the little girl at the foot of the class. "Well, if Joshua knows he may tell," said the teacher. "In the fire," said Joshua, looking very solemn and wise. TIN-WARE and. Stove Depot. A. A. N. TAYLOR WOULD respectfully announ-je to the public that he continues to carry ou business at the store on the West Corner of Public Square, where he keep? constantly on hand the largest assortment of ever offered in North Carolina: among which will be found the celebrated Iron Witch Cooking Store, which has gained such a famous reputation in t lie .Southern country for the last eighteen months. This Stove he warrants superior to any cooking stove now in use. It is simple in its arrangements, consumes less fuel, and does more work in a given time than any other Stave in use. He has all kinds of Parlor and Box Stoves ; . . . .i . . -it-. - ami Keeps constantly an extensive una varied oioc in ,. ' , . . ... in ti't't-l fii. .in mi ,i Hint firirii it ii f il ft' Jirass Ki ttles, Cost Iron Bedsteads, Cast Iron Ware, Hat Racks, Cradle, dec, all of which will be sold, Wholesale and Retail, cheap er than lias ever been before ottered in this vicinity. He would return his thanks to his friends and cus tomers for the very liberal patronage they have bestow ed upon him, and hopes to merit a contiuance of the same. His motto is "Quick Sales and Small Profits.'' SSf All kinds of JOB WORK attended to with dis- patch: and all ORDERS will be faithfully and prompt ly executed. Charlotte. July I, 1859. GREAT SACRIFICE A T MORR O II" S Tl RN- O U T. The subscribers respectfully inform the people of the surrounding country that they hare reduced the prices of their stock, consisting of Dry ools, Roots, Shoes, lints, Caps & Keatfy-aiiatle dotliiiis'. Also, a great variety of other Goods, which will be sold regardless of cost. Fine Kobe Dresses worth $5 00 at $2 50 Mantillas li a 00 at 2 50 Shawls " 4 00 at 2 00 Bonnets " 8 oo at .; 50 Hoop Skirts " 2 50 at 1 25 Fast colored Prints " 15 ar 10 Bleached and unbleached Domestics at New York prices. and the prices of all other Goods kept in store will be reduced in proportion to the above. HAMMERSHLAG & M FN DHLS. Morrow's Turn-out. July 5. J85! tf HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE CO., HARTFORD, Conn. Incorporated A. D. 1810. Charter Perpetual. Authorized capital $1,000,000 Capital paid in 500,000 Surplus A3SFTS JANUARY 1. 300,000 1859. Cash on hand and in Hank Cash in hand of Agents and in transit. Heal Estate unencumbered (cash value) Bills receivable, amply secured 2.404 Shares Bank Slock in Hartford, 2,200 ' " New York, 710 " " " Boston, 100 shares Bank of the State of Missouri, State and city Bonds, 0 per cents, Bail Road Stocks, United States' Treasury Notes, $43,455 22 54827 0!) 15,000 00 73,174 55 2.'!0,4i: 00 197,750 00 74,020 00 10,000 0" 74,245 Oo 16,250 00 4.0:0 00 S80J.70y 80 DIRECTORS. Charles Boswell, Henry Keney, Calvin Dav, II. Huntington, Albert Day. .lames Goodwin Job Alhn, John 1. Brace, Charles .1. Buss. Timo. C. Allyx, Secretary, C. C. Lyman, Astittant Sec'it II. Huntington, President. Wn. N. Bowers, Aetuaru. This old and reliable company, established for near ly fifty years, continues to Insure against loss or dam age by Fire on dwellings, furniture, warehouses, stoi cs, merchandise, mills, manufactories, and most other kinds of property, on its usual satisfactory terms. Particular attention given to insuring Farm Property, consisting of Dwellings. Barns and Gut-buildings con nected, and Furniture. Five Stock. Hay, Grain, Farming Utensils, &c. contained in the same, for a term of three to five years at low rates of premium. Applications for Insurance may fie made to the un dersigned, the dnlij authorized Agent for Charlotte and vicinity. Losses equitably adjusted at this Agency, and paid immediately, upon satisfactory proofs, in funds current in the cities of Xew York or JJoxtoit, as the assured may prefer. Thomas W. Dewey, June 23. 185'.). y Agent at Charlotte. A T T U N T I O , F A K M K R S ! July 10 ls59. tf CHARLOTTE FOUNDRY. JONAS Architect RUDISILJ uiid Builder. (DESIGNS FURNISHED AND BUILDINGS j COMPLETED ON THE MOST REASON ABLE TERMS, AND IN EVERY STYLE OF ARCHITECTURE,) On College sired, corner of Eighth street. Charlotte, N. C. WOULD most respectfully announce to the Citizens of ' Charlotte and surrounding country, that he still con i tinues the above business in Charlotte, where he is prepared to furnish DOOBS, BLINDS AND SASH, to the public on the most reasonable terms, and on the , shortest notice. Having a great many small claims for work done. ' scattered all over the country, he is determined to ' change his method of doing business and hereafter will require CASH for all work done in his Machine ! Shop, before removal. Jan. 25, 1858. tf j ""STMT HOWELL, Saddle and Harness jVlanufacturer, CHARLOTTE, N. C, ONE BOOR SOUTH of the MANSION HOUSE. B- Repairing promptly and neatly done. Jan. 1. 1859. j C ASH PAID FOR HIDES, BY . TVI- HOWELL, ONS DOOR SOCTU OF THE MANSION' HOUSE. Jan'y I, lSoi. tf NEW DRUG STOKE, irwin's corner, Charlotte, A. . E. NYE HITChTsON & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Foreign & Domestic Drugs, ! ARK now receiving Fresh and Genuine Drugs from the New York market, which have been purchased upon I such terms as to be sold low for cash. We would respect fully call the attention of the public to our stock of PURE WHITE LEAD, Black Lead, lied Lead, Litherage, Snow White Zinc, Burnt Umber, Raw Umber, LINSEED OIL, s Tanners' Oil, Pure hperm Oil Lard Oil, Chrome Green, Train Oil, Chrome Yellow, Machinery Oil. Paris Green, Lubricating Oil 1 Spanish Brown, Sea-Elephant Oil, Lamp Oil, Ked feaniters, Drop Black, Alcohol, Pure Liquors, Foreign Perfumery, I'utty iu cans, Snaps, Venetian Red, Kerosene Oil, Turpentine, Castor Oil, Burning Fluid, Sweet Oil, London Porter, Olive Oil, Canton Teas, Paint Brushes, Graining Brushes, Steel Graiuers, Tobacco. Segars. Fresh Congress Water, Eng. Finishing Varnish, Picture Varnish, Damar Varnish, Fresh Citrate Magnesia, Furniture Varnish, Copal Varnish, Grecian Varnish, apans. Window Glass (French) Black and brown ICE SODA WATER. June 14, 1 859. NEW SPRING AND SUMMER By Koopmann Sl Phelps. The subscribers return their thanks to the public for the very liberal patronage heretofore bestowed on them, and would respectfully inform their friends and cus tomers that they have received a large stock of Goods for the Spring and Summer Trade, which they will sell as cheap as the cheapest. They feel certain that they can give satisfaction both in price and quality. A large lot of Ready-made Clothing of various styles and qualities, on hand, at reduced prices. GROCERIES, Hardware, &c, Of all kinds, kept constantly on hand and for sale on the most reasonable terms. They invite purchasers to give their extensive stock an examination before buying elsewhere. "KOOPMANN & PHELPS. April 10, 1850 S TO K E HO 8JSE FO R S A I JR. Jhr The subscriber offers for sale that large brick IIU Store House, next to the Court House. In addi tion to a lartre store room, it has three rooms in the second story, suitable forOftiees of any kind. Also, a lot at Davidson College with comfortable buildings thereon. J. II. MAXWELL. August 2, 1850 tl.J-pd Land for Sale. The subscriber offers for sale all his Lands lying in the county of Inion, on the waters of Goose and Crook ed Creeks, viz: One tract lying on the waters of Crook ed creek, adjoining Dr. E. C. Alexander, John Foard. Robt. Mann and others; one other tract adjoining said tract, and John A. Lemmond, Henry Sheill and others. Also, one tract on the waters of Goose creek, adjoining Dr. K. O. Alexander, Eli Stewart, the Marion Gold Mine and others; together with another tract adjoining A. F. Stevens and others, lying on both sides of the Lawyers' Road leading from Charlotte to Wadesboro. Any or all of the above-named lands will be sold privately to any person desirous of purchasing between this and the 1st October next. TERMS made known on application to the subscri ber near Eli Stewart's in Fnion county, or by address ing me at Coburn's Store, Union county; N. C. CYRUS Q. LEMMOND. April (. Gm-pd gas Works. The subscribers respectfully inform the public that they are prepared to erect (Lis Works for lighting cities, towns, villages, colleges and large hotels. They have erected works in Charlotte and Raleigh, N. C, which have given entire satisfaction to the citizens of those places. As to qualifications, ability and promptness in fulfilling contracts entered into by them, they refer to the following gentlemen : James H. Carson, President of Charlotte Gas Work com- iany. Charlotte. N. C. Wm. Johnston, President of Charlotte & S C Railroad company, Charlotte. N. C. Dr Thos D Hogg, President of Raleigh Clas Association, Raleigh, N C. Col G 11 Young, Waverlv. Mississippi. A (1 Story, President of Gas Works. Little Falls, N Y. F T Story. Supt. Gas Works, Watertown. N Y. W S Schocner & Co. 221 Pearl street. New York. For further information, address the undersigned at Raleigh, N. C. WATEBHOUSE & BOWES. September 14, 1S58. y Great Southern Remedy. ar acoto's CordLial. For all Bowkl Diseases, cholera, oyse.ntkhy, diarr hoea, CHOLERA MORBUS, BILIOUS COLIC, CHOLERA IN FANTUM. Also, admirably adapted to many ois easks of Females, most especially painful menstrua t i o n . THE virtues of Jacob's Cordial are too well known to require encomiums. 1st It cure the worst cases of Diarhoea, 2d 3d 4th 5 th Cth 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th It cures the worst forms of Dysentery, It cures California or Mexican Diarrhoea, It relieves the severest colic, It cures cholera morbus, It cures cholera infantum, It cures painful menstruation, It relieves pain in back and loins, It counteracts nervousness and despondency, It restores irregularities, It dispels gloomy and hysterical feelings. It's an admirable tonic. A few short Extracts from Letters. Testimonials, $c. "I have used Jacob's Cordial in my family, and have found it a most efficient, and in my judgment, a valu able remedy. Hon. HIRAM WARNER, Judge of Supreme Court, Ga. 'It gives me pleasure in being able to recommend Jacob's Cordial: my own personal experience, and the experience of my neighbors ar.d friends around me, is a sufficient guarantee for me to believe it to be all that it purports to be, via: a sovereign remedy. Wm. II. Underwood, Formerly Judge of Superior Court, Cherokee Circuit.'' "I take great pleasure in recommending this invalua ble medicine to all afflicted with bowel diseases, for which I believe it to be a sovereign remedy decidedly superior to anything ever tried by me. A. A. Gailihnc. Deputy G. M. of the Grand Lodge of Ga.'' ' I have used Jacob's Cordial in my family, and this, with all I hear about it as a remedy bv those who have tried it, induces me to believe that it stands at the head i of every preperation of the kind, and I would recom mend its use in the diseases for which it is compounded. Mii.ks G. Dobbins. Cashier of the State Rank of Georgia, Griffin." " If there is any credibility in human testimony, Ja- cob's Cordial must stand preeminent above all other preparations for the cure of Dowel Diseases. From the mass of testimony in its favor coming in from all quar- : ters. it must be far in advance, as a curative agent, ot j most if not all other 'patent' preparations. A. Fleming, Cashier Marine and Fire Insurance Bank. Griffin.'" ' This efficient remedy is travelling into celebrity as : fast as Bonaparte pushed his column" into Russia, and gaining commendation wherever used.'" Georgia Jeffcr-si-nian. Ma: fJth, 18j3. Sold by J. ASHUIST, Charleston. S. C, Im- , porter and Wholesale Druggist, (who will supply the trade.) and bv Druggists everywhere. Nov. 19, I85S. l.v-pil 1 500 head of Beef Cattle, 500 head of Sheep. The subscriber will pay the highest cash prices for Beeves and Sheep. Those having Beef Cattle or Sheep for sale would do well to inform me in person or by letter as early as possible. J. L. STOUT, Town Butcher. Charlotte, June 7, 1859. New Books. History of Frederick the Grkat, by Thos. Car.'ile. Mizpaii: Prayer and Friendship, by L. C. Loomis. Courtship and Matrimony, with other Sketches, by Robert Morris. The Minister of Life, by M. L. Charlesworth. The Sociable; or 101 Home Amusements. The Life and Times of the Great Hugh Miller, of Scotland, by T. X. Brown. Annals of the American Pulpit, by Dr. Sprague. Lippincott's Pronouncing Gazetteer, or Geographi cal Dictionary of the World, Dora Dean or Maggie Miller, Mrs M. J. Holmes. Scouring of the White Horse, or the long Vacation Ramble of a London Clerk. The Kn. Pepper, Papers by Jacques Maurice. Dust and Fome, or Three Oceans and Two Conti nents, by T. Robinson Warren. I also have a few copies of Hawks' History of N. C, Vols. I and II. Cantwkll s Justice and X. C. Form Book. Feb. 15, 1859 P. J. LOWRIE. omwrnmimmm &wm. J. D. PALMER, One Door above the Bank of Charlotte, Respectfully informs the pub lic that he 5as just received a splendid assortment of Con fectioneries. West India Fruits, SEGARS of various brands, chewing k c smokinf Tobacco. Snuff. Slv. - Cr N'; - . r o t S -riSc a variety of Musical Instru ments, Yankee Notions, &c. A FINE LOT OF WILLOW WARE. lie is constantly receiving fresh supplies of the above Goods and many other articles not enumerated. CANDY MANUFACTORY. The subscriber is now manufacturing an excellent article of Candy, free from poisonous coloring, unlike the New York steam refined candy. Call and see and trv it. " J. D. PALMER. 'November 9, 1858 tf LIFE INSURANCE. THE undersigned as Agent will receive applications for Insurance in the North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company. This Company is the oldest in the State, and has been in successful operation for several years. Its rates are moderate, and all losses promptly adjusted. Persons wishing to insure their own lives or the lives of their Slaves, in this Company, will call at the Office of the Agent, at the Bank of the" State. JggT" SLAVES insured for TWO-THIRDS of their VALUE. THOS. W. DEWEY, Agent. Jan'y 11, 1859. Iv Atlantic Mutual Fire and Marine INSURANCE COMPANY. CAROLINA CITY, N. C. Incorporated by an Act of the Legislature of Xortli Carolina. This Company being July organized, is now prepared to receive applications for insurance upon Buildings, Merchandise, Furniture, Mills, Manufactories, Ships and their Cargoes, and most kinds of property, at remunerative rates of premium. It is aimed in the organization of this Corupanj-, to make a safe medium for Indemnity and Protection io the assured in case of loss. An honorable and upright course of dealing, and a faithful fulfillment of its con tracts, will at all times characterize the business of the Company. Applications for insurance may be made at the office of the company, or to its authorized Agents. DIRECTORS: John A Parrott, Levi T Oglesby, W B Grant, David S Jones. Geo W Dill, j?ol Thos J Blakely, Luke Blackmail, Wm S Long, David W Bell, A B Chap in, Sanil Letters, Joel H Davis, D A Hargett, E Mallett. OFFICERS: John A Parrott, President. Levi T Oglesby, Vice President, W S Long, Treasurer, E A Thompson, Attorney, A B Chapin, Secretary. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. W B Grant, W S Long, David W Bell. March 22, 1850. Cm LIVER INVIGOBATOR, NEVER DEBILITATES. IT Is roinponnilril en tlrely from Gums, and has become au established fact, a Standard Me lieiue, ki.owu and approved by all tint I have used it. and is new n ali the diseases for which it 1 1 within the last two yeirs 1 relief, as the numerous IpciasvaaiOQ show, to the temperament of tha sorted 10 witli coulideace in Is recommended. It has cured thousands who had given up all hopes uusolicited certificate Iu my The dose must be adapled individual taking it. and in act gently on the Bowel. Lei the dictates ot" your use of the LIVER IV wil! cure Llrer Com tacks, l))'iieis!n, Summer C o m - ed lu such (juauUlies as to judgment guide you n the VIGOR ATO R , and It plaints, unions At- ! Chronic Olarrlioea, I pi. , Ints, Dysenlt j Stomach, Hnltll ual Ie, Cholera, Chole I infantum, Elutu 1 Prmalc Wealtness EccssfuUjf as an Ordlna U Inc. Itwillcure S1CIC j thousands can testify,) In two or three Tca en at coiutnenceiueut of 'giving their testiiinony ry, lropsy. Sour Cost I v n s, CI10I-' ra.Uoi litis, Cholera lcitce, Jauiidlci', cs, and may be used sue ry Family Mell-j HEADACHE, (as! twenty minutes, 11 spoon I tils are luk-j attack. . . . . . . . . V . a . . . 1 j in its favor. MIX WATER I THE MOUTH WITH THE IN VIGOR A'l OR, AND SWALLOW BOTH TOGETHER. P. Ice One Dollar per Bottle. SAHFORD'S FA Mil. V CATHARTIC PILLS, C IMPOUNDED FROM Pure Vegetable Extrartai, and put un In ULASS CASES, Air Tight, mot will keep In any ellinate. The Kamllv Cn- m M Pi marilr I' I I.I, impm whirh the proprle'or has than twenty yearn, demand from those who and the satisfaction u hich use, has Induced me to place tle but active Cathartic used in his practice more The constantly increasing have Ions used the PII.T. all express in regard to their them within the reach of all. The Profession well know ou different portions of the Tne FAMILY CA has, with due reference to been compounded from a that different Cathartics act bon els. THAHTIC PI 1,1, this well established fact, variety of the purest Vege alike on eierv part of the table Extracts, which act alimentary canal, and are! es where" a Cathartic is( rangements of tht nt-ss, Pains In tlie Costive-lira. Palnl Ti KOi anu sale in all ca Ej needed, such as Ue 5 SJomnth, Sleepi ng Back and Loins, 2 and Borcnes over ajj from sudden eeld. which . ; end In a Inog course or Fe rrl I He, a Crecpl Kg en C tlichndV. Kestless- tike whole Ioly, frfuently. if neilected. ver. Los of ApfMs aailon of Cold over ness, Headache, or H w eight In f he hend. ... 1 .""O -j lilnf, Worms la Children or Adults, H Rheumatism, t'rt Purifier of the Blood -J and ma diseases to which flesh is heir, too numerous! KJ to mention In this advertise. taent Oose. 1 to 3. 1 PRICE THUEE DIMES. The Llvir Iml: at r and Kamlly Ca thartic Pills are retailed bv Pmnifists generally, and sold wholesale by the 1 rade in all the large town. S. T. W. SAiVFOlU), f. n . Mauufa't irerand Proprietor, 335 Broudway, New York. F. SCARR k CO., and E. NYE Charlotte. N. O. HUTCHISON k CO. April 2G, 1889. TURNIP SEED. A large supply of superior Turnio Seed Red Top, Flat Dutch, Ruta Baga. Large Globe. Large Norfolk, Yellow Aberdeen. Just received from the North, and for sale at July 26, i859 E. NYE HUTCHISON k CO S. IO tEiROES WANTED. The subscriber wants to buy one hundred good Ne groes, for which the highest prices IX CASH will be paid. Persons having that kind of property for sale will find it greatly to their interest to apply immediate Ivto JAMES H. DAVIS, Pineville, N C or to A. A. N. M. TAYLOR at Charlotte August 2, 1859 3m 1. -- , -WMfflWi CHARLOTTE THE SUBSCRIBERS having fomleQti, selves into a comjiany, respectful " er their services to the people of Charloti1"1'" the country generally in their line of bu- 1 They are prepared to furnish Mom L""" Guavestoxes, Mantel Pieces, Frax Marble. Table Slabs. Marmi.k Sr... 'lTrk ' to pattern, cut according to the most upproved ts, anv stvles. and upon and upon the most accommodating tern,. offered in the Southern country. Jn thp Southern countrv. Tlitv- n-;n a.. 'tf Thev will k stantly on hand the best description of Egyptian, hal' on leric rder ana American .mnuic All orders for any article addressed to the suhsrriK vmi meet in"" J..V....J.. ....... ,,, uejm(i and forwarded with the utmost care and dispatch The Yard is situated on the north-west corner of n. Railroad Depot Yard. te WM. TIDDY k SON'S. January, 16.19. ly :il ..... ...Wl. nnimnt attenllen ait.l .,:tl i TAN BARK. 100,000 CORDS Tan liark wanted, fur a liberal price will be paid. M. B. TAYLOR Charlotte, March 22, 1859 tf x.nc3L for Sme. J. Rare Chance is now offered to buy one 0f (h, Handsomest Farms in Western North Carol;,,,, THE subscriber being desirous to remove from fa country, oilers for sale the PLANTATION V which she now resides, lying 4 miles from Charlotte on the Western Plank Road. The land is now in a , state of cultivation. In the yard is a Well of fine, cS Water. The Plantation has been much imiiruve(jn the last few years. The Dwelling House and ont-bniM. ings are ail new. There is also a young Orchard of several hundred fine choice FRUIT TREKS on the plantation, bearing this the second year. This Plan, tation is very healthy, and is beautifully situated, too. taining 50 Acres, one half of which is cleared. JgeSg"" Terms made to suit the purchaser. For ; ticulars enquire of the subscriber on the premises. MRS. A. M. BTKVENS0I May 10, 1859. tf REMOVAL. The Confectionery and Family Grocery Store J MOftDY & NISBET has beeii removed to the stand cp. posite the Presbyterian Church, where they are receiv. ing direct from New York large additions to tlitit stock of CONFECTIONERIES, FAMILY GROCERIES, &c. Among their stock may be found everything usuall, kept in a store of this kind. A good assortment of Cake Trimmings, Willow Ware, 4cc, always on hand. Thej- have in their employ an excellent BAKEBj snj are prepared to furnish Families and Partys with Cakci of all kinds at short notice. Nov. 10, 1858. MOODY k NISBET. We have also opened a branch of our store at Lin colnton, where Mr Moody will superintend the bMiaeti and hopes to secure a share of public patronage in that section. July 4, 1859. MOODY & NISBET. New and Fashionable IF1 urniture WARE ROOMS, Clmrlolte, . C. J. M. SANDERS & Co., arc constantly re, ceiving from New York, Boston, kc, a general assort ment of fine and fashionable FURNITURE, w hich ikej will sell at extremely low prices for Cash, and every article warranted to give satisfaction. Those in warn of good Furniture, at very low prices, will please gift them a call. Also, on hand, Irish's JUetattic Burial Cases. J. M. SAN DECS & CO., Feb. 22, 1859. Charlotte, N. C. LOWRIE'S s x 5ir05 I receive all the New Pub lications as fast as they come for ward from the Press; and kttfi constantly on hand a large lot of School, Academy and t'olli;'e TEXT-BOOKS, and many useful reference and recreative works. I also keep a very large stock of Stationery, plain and fancy. Having made an arrangement with the Southworth Paper Manufacturing Company, I am en abled to sell paper at the same prices by the whole sale for which it can be bought in the Northern cities, freight added. P. J LOWRIE. Feb. 15, 1859. TO PLANTERS. COTTON GINS, of the best quality, with 10 inch saws, delivered at any Railroad Landing in tUl State, or on the N. C. Railroad, at $2 per saw. f particulars address ' J. M. ELLIOTT, April 20, 1859- Cm Winnsboro', 8. C MEKI,aEftBtlKtt BOXDS. Seven per rent per milium These Bonds are undoubtedly the safest invcstinrtii that can be made, and are really preferable to an)' State Bonds. The County cannot repudiate. They bear tete cent interest payable wMi-stmiuiilly, with ConpOa"1 the same. They are of the denomination of HW wt,'lil will make them more current and useful for doiiic-'1' purposes. The coupons will prove a coiivf.'"nl medium for paying count taxes. The citizeal "f1 county should posse-s thein. and they are now oferN " them. Proposals loft at either Bank in Charlotte with Stephen W . Davis will receive prompt iitumion. If. W. GUI0K, Sept 28. 1858. Pres't. W., ('. k. K. Kailrond. Exclusively Wholesale Dni-. Paint and Oil Warehouse. CSANTOS, WALKE & CO., wholesale deal"' in DUl'US; Lamp, Machinery and Paint OIWi Varnishes. Paints, kc. kc. No. 36, Iron front, West side, Market S.pwrt, NORFOLK, V CriS" Goods shipped from New York, Philadelphia r Baltimore, to Charleston, w hen required. November 9, 1858. 7 ....... , . ciiAnu- Located corner of Baltimore and Charles street'i BALTIMORE, M.I. The largest, most elegantly furnished, arid PPul,r Commercial College in the I'nited Slate.'-. Students in attendance from nearly every ."llc in Union. Every young man should write immediately for of those large and beautiful Ornamental Circular?; . . . . . . . .u Utile t'fii v ii L ii 1st".-) ...... r: ;i mii:uuii(i me exienor anil interior view m - w :-i s ,. t... will"' '. . . .i . . .... i lilt " ...... ' 'iiiiincrr:;ii l,OUegC, j II Ilia II - II I p. will be sent by return mail, free of charge, with i logue containi ng list of students, terms of tuition. P ions of the Press on our new system of Book-keep"1!?. F A Of I TV Science ot E. K. LOSIER. Pri the Accounts, Business, Customs, etc. , nffl. J. M. PHILLIPS. Professor of Book-Keeping and co menial calculations. , H. B. DAVIKS. Associate Professor of Book-Keep" N. C. JOHNSON. Professor of Penmanship. S. T. WILLIAMS. Eta. Mercantile Law. REV. E. Y. REESE, D. D., commercial EtlmS- Trustees. , Hon John P Kennedy, non Joshua Vann'' Hon Thomas Swann, Wm H Keigl'br. b l Jacob Trust, Esq. William Knabe, h?q'fu The lime usually required to complete the course, from eight to twelve weeks. Large circulars and catalogues stating term sent bv mail free of charge. Address .,4 E. K. LOSIER, Baltimore, May 10, 1859 y-pd est

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