"WESTERN" DEMOCRAT, CHAELOTTE, 1ST. C POKYKOAKt. THE SUN-SET LAND. Oh, dimly through the mist of yean, That roll their dreary waves between, The gorgeous sunset land apj-ears, Arrayed in hues of fadeless green; And from that far-off sunny clime, Old half-forgotten songs arise, And stealing o'er the waves of Time, The sweetly lingering mu.-ic dies. As some bright island of the sea, Forever blooming, ever fair, Though cold, dark billows round it be, Eternal sunshine hovers there; Thus o'er the silent sea of years, Our eager lunging looks are cast, When robed in fadeless spring appears The sunlit Eden of the past. There memory waves her garlands green Beside the lone hope-haunted shore; And musing 'mid the arcadian scene, Twines ilowers that bloom for us no more. Oh, hallowed clime ! blest land of luvc ! Sweet paradise of eaithly dreams! Still through thy vale may fancy rove, Still bask beneath thy evening beams. And there they dwell those cherished ones With snow-white brows and waving hair; see them now, I hear their tones Of sweetness sigh along the air. Hark ' how their silvery voices ring In cadence with the wind's low sigh; Not sweeter is the wind-harp's string That wakes at eve its melody. They call us; see, they wave their hands, As by the mirage lilted high, That clime in all its beauty stands Against the forehead of the sky; With wreathed brows, with laugh and song, With tender looks hand clasped in hand They more along, that love-link'd throng, Within the banated sunset land. DEATHS OF ENGLISH KINGS. William the ('onijueror died from enormous fat, Strong drink, and the violence of his passions. William Ruins died the death of the poor stags that he hunted. Henry the First died of glutton-. Henry tin' Second died of a broken heart, oc casioned by the bad conduct of his children. Richard Cenr de Lion died like the animal from The Happy Man. Happy the man who meets his tailor without flinching, and can be ''at home" when the tax collector visits him. What a Name. The Secretary of the French Legation at Washington, says an exchange paper, ; is named Monsieur de Hell ! (jewmlnkins. Not nt i.i.kt proof A man in Florida, the ; other day, fell in love with a Miss Bullet was re i jected, and killed himself. He is not the first man ; that died from the influence of a bullet on the hear.'. And not the first gunip, cither, who killed himself for a woman. LUCKY PURCHASE. An ancient house in New Orleans recently passed into the possession of a charcoal seller, who has found a pile of Spanish doubloons under the floor in one of the rooms. The sum found is reported to be about 510.000. iMrnovKi) Cultivators. We have already published the fact that Mr W. D. Johnson, of Italeigh, had secured letters patent for improve ments in Cultivators and Seed Planters. The invention of the Cultivator says the Stan dard consists in the peculiar manner of construct ing the frame of the implement, whereby, in com bination with double shares, the same may be readily adapted tor the cultivation of various crops, ! aud at the same time an economical device obtained. The Seed Planter is capable of planting two ; different kinds of seed in alternate hills and will also urop inerewiin a lertinzmg material in sucu a manner that a stratum of earth will intervene be tween the fertilizer and the seed, so that the ger minating principle of the latter will not be injured by direct contact with the former. The invention also has for 'its object the ready adjusting of a guaire roller to vary the depth of tl e furrow ac cording to the depth the seed may require to be planted. T O F A If 1 It I : A l THIS. GOOD NEWS AT CHARLOTTE, N. C. Damage to the Open Cotton. The Monfr 1 goinery (Ala.) Mail of Saturday says: We hear of i wide spread ruin to the open cotton, caused by the storm of Thursday night. The tall cotton stalks , were in may places blown down, thus soiling all the open cotton on the side next to the ground. : Bolls that were fully open had their contents blown out and scattered upon the ground, and there pelt ed into the mud by the driving rain. --s The corn crop in Hyde county alone (says the Washington Times) is estimated to be worth ; over a million of dollars. Hyde boasts the finest corn-growing land in the country, and which can be bought only at very high figures. SOT ICE. ALL persons indented to the undersigned as ad ministrator of Joseph Patterson, deceased, are notified that their Notes are due. The money is wanted. I am called upon daily for money, ami in many cases sued. I wish to save cost, and do not wish to put others to cost, but request all to lift their Notes without delay. A hint to the wise 13 sufficient. W3t. PATTERSON, Adm r. Sept. G, 1859 T7-ot TIN -WARE and Stove Depot. A. A. W. . TAYLOR WOULD respectfully announce to the public that he continues to carry on business at the store on the West Corner of Public Square, where he keeps constantly on hand the largest assortment of WM. TRELOA lias just opened a large and extensive New Stock of BOOTS, SHOES, BROGANS, And Leather, French and American Calf-Skins, and all kinds of SHOE-MAKERS' FINDINGS. Also, a beautiful Stock of the latest and most fash ionable styles of H nts and Caps, All styles and Grades, from Oakford's Best, down to the Common Wools. Mr suncrior Stock of Ladies' and Gentlemen's fine which his heart was named, by an arrow from an extra sewed Boots, Shoes and Congress Gaiters, are archer. I not to lie surpassed by any. They were purchased from John died, nobody knows how, bat it is said of the manufacturers and the very best Loot and Shoe chagrin, which, we suppose, is another name for a j iu thffC?i,e? Suto, . . 11 Farmers, Mechanics and the public generally are dose Ot poison. j .)ar, j,.n!.u.iv ivjt(.,i t() anj examine mv Stock and nenry tne jni-u is saiu to nave itieu a natural death. Edward the First is likewise said to have died of a "natural sickness," a sickness w hich it would puzzle all the college of physicians to denominate. Kdward the Second was riost barbarously and indecently murdered by ruffians employed by his own mother and her paramour. iutiee for themselves, as I ain determined to sell E.OWT JtJTO 8TKWCTJLT' FOR C.ISti. Be sure you call at the right house just opposite the Mansion Hotel, at NO. 4, GRANITE ROW, One door below Klias A. Cohen's Clothing Store WILLIAM TRELOAR. Angus! 23, 18r.fi Kdward the Third died of dotage, and Riehard the Second of starvation, the very reverse of George the Fourth. Henry the Fourth is said to have died of "fits caused by uneasiness," and uneasiness in palaces in those times wns a very common complaint. Henry the Fifth is said to have died of a "pain ful affliction, prematurely!" This is a courtly phrase for getting rid of a King;. Jcnry the Sixth died in prison, by means known then only to his jailor, and known now only to heaven. Kdward the Fifth was strangled in the tower by his nncle, Richard the Third. Richard the Third was killed in battle. Henry the Seventh wasted away as a miser i ought to do, and IIcmv the Kighth died of car buncles, fat and fury, w hile Kdward the Sixth ! died of a decline. Qiu erT Mary is .-aid to have died of " a broken heart," w hereas she died of a surfeit, from eating too much of black puddings. Old Queen Hess is said to have died of melan choly, from having sacrificed Kssex to his enemies. , - .Tame- the First died of drinking, and of the effects of a nameless vice. Charle.- the First died on the scaffold, and Char les the Second died suddenly, it is said, from a fit ' of apoplexy. illiam the Third died from consumptive habits of body, and from the stumbling of his horse. Queen Ann died from her attachment to strong water," or, in other words, from drunkenness. which the physicians politely called the dropsy STOKE lim SK FOR SALE. The subscriber offers for sale that large brick Store House, next to the Court House. In addi tion to a large .lore room, it has three rooms in the second story, suitable fur Offices of any kind. Also, a lot at Davidson College with comfortable buildings thereon. J. II. MAXWELL. August -1, 1859 tlJ-pd IMMENSE SACRIFICES!! New Goods. Wilmington Branch 'id Store btloie T. 11. Brem J" Co. lAiiwmia t mm. ESPECTITLLY inform their numerous custom ers of Charlotte and the surrounding countrv, that thev ai r selling off the balance of their stock of Summer Goods. Fancy and Manic Dry oocls, ,v --'J" t&i&u'.s-i ksIeKuS)b Oo'.JiSiil'ii (a. OvQ U inJUiiwsg for Gents, Youths" and Boys' wear. Moots, Shoes, Hats. (Japs, Trunks, and a full supply of lilliiiery Groocl, Bonnets Flats and Hats, L innet Ribbons and French Flowers, all of which will he sold at reduced ju ices. Also, i large and beautiful assortment of Luce Points, Berage aud Linen Dusters, all of the latest style. gtefY" The above named Goods must he closed out bj the tirst of October to make room for our Fall stock. We hate the best and largest assortment of Ladies' and Misses' Gaiters, Boots and Shoes, Trunks, Yalises. Carpet Bags. Satchels, and Bonnet Boxes. Attention is called to the large stock of Ready-made Clothing-, it beinr mail tin in the most substantial manner, and ever offered in North Carolina: among which will he found the celebrated Iron Witch Cooking Store, which has gained such a famous reputation in the Southern country for the last eighteen months. This Stove he warrants superior to any cooking stove now in use. It is simple in its arrangements, consumes less fuel, and does more work ii. a given time than any other Stave in use. He has nil kinds of Parlor and Box Stoves ; and keeps constantly an extensive and varied Stock of Tin, 8heet-Iront .Japan, aud Britannia, Mare, Brass Kettles, Cast Iron Bedsteads, Cant Iran Ware, Hat Hark, Cradle, dV., all of which will he sold, Wholesale and Retail, cheap er than has ever been before offered in this vicinity. He would return his thanks to his friends and cus tomers for the very liberal patronage they have bestow ed upon him, ami hopes to merit a contiuance of the same. His motto is "Quick Sales and Small Profits.'' ft-,) All kinds of .JOB WORK attended to with dis patch; ami all ORDERS will he faithfully and prompt ly executed. Charlotte, July 1, 1850. GREAT SACRIFICE AT MORROWS TURN-OUT. The subscribers respectfully inform the people of the surrounding country that they have reduced the prices of their stock, consisting of Dry Goods, BSoof. Shoes, Hals, tap .V Ready-made 4 Jot king1. Also, a great variety of other Goods, which will he sold regardless of cost. Fine Robe Dresses worth $5 00 at $2 50 Mantillas " 5 00 at 2 50 Shawls " 4 Uil at '1 00 Bonnets " 8 DO at ,i 50 Hoop Skirts " 2 .",0 at 1 25 Fast colored Prints " 1 ."i ar 10 Bleached and unbleached Domestics at New York prices. and the prices of all other Coods kept in store w ill be reduced in proportion to the above. HA.MM KKSHLAG & MENDELS. Morrow's Turn-out, Julv 5. 1859 tf HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE CO., 111 Ki t (JUL, l otai. Charter Perpetual. $1,000,000 500,000 incorporated A. 1. 1810. Authorized capital ; Capital iaid in Surplus ASSETS JANUARY 1. 1 Cash on hand and in Bank Cash in hand of Agents and in transit, Leal Estate unencumbered (cash value) Bills receivable, amply secured 2.404 Shares Bank Stock in Hartford. 2.200 " " New York, 110 " " ' Boston, 100 :hares Bank of the Stat.- of Missouri, State and city Bonds. (! per cents, Bail Road Stocks. United States' Treasury Notes, ::on,0ii0 85;. $43,455 22 54.S2T 09 15,000 00 7.-U74 ;:. 230,413 do 107, 750 00 74,020 mi 10,000 o'' 74.245 00 16,250 00 14,035 00 II. Huntington, Albert Day, lames Goodwin, Two. C. Ai.i.yx. Secretary, C. C. Lyman. Assistant Sec g. DIRECTORS. Charles Bosw ell, $8o::,7o'y bt; Henry Ki'tiey, Calvin Dav, Job Alljn, John P. Brace, Charles J. Buss. H. Hi'ntixctos. President. Wm. N. Bowers, Aetuaru. George the First died of drunkenness, which i-i equal to that sold by nnyr other house in the Colon his physicians politely called aa ai opleetic tit. ( eorge the Second died of a rupture of the heart, which the periodicals of that day termed a imitation of God. It is the only instance in which God ever touched his heart. GeoHEC the Third died as he had lived a niad- and is a choice and fashionable stock Gents rurtiisJtintj (ri"jds uf every Styh This is positively a eloaiag sale, as every article must he sold by the 1st October. Merchants and others are ! pantutlM to iMtll .iiiil ... l ll. liotiirn 1 1 1 i L i n r , 1 1 i'i 1 o . I . . V v .-. ...... v ....... ....... .. .......... . . as they will hud it to their interest to do so. Thev can hny from 25 to 50 per cent cheaper than at any man. inrougliout lite, be was at Mast a consistent other House. monarch. j e always keep on band the best ami cheapest as- sortiucnt ot (KOChBlhs. Hardware, Cedar n are, &c. David Kahx wkij.kk George the Fourth died of gluttony and 3runk- enness. AY illiam the Fourth died amidst the sympathies of his subjects. FlCKT.IXO Mkat. Prof. H:ifiiiestue strongly denoaneos the use of altpetre in brine, intended tor the preservation ol flesh to keep tor food. Charlotte. Aucr. 30. Daniel Kaii.nwkh.ku Jacob Kahkweilkb. FRENCH MILLINERY. KAIIXWEILER & BROS, respectfully inform the Ladies of Charlotte and vicinity, that thev will open on or about the 1st of October, a MILLINERY That Afrl,., lllM t, K.. .I. '""lir U ern.teu.ieve ol .Ml hi, 1'. 1 ! 7"rr "J "77" JJ ro I'KIKL. who U acknowledged by persons of taste to i iiietit. be .-ays. m intne aeai, or a.,uafortis, a deadly ! suit And pfcM uie ino.-,t fastidious. poison animal flesh previous to the addition of j Aug. 30, ls.v.i.. if tne tonne? only possessing a nutritious virtue. This is destroyed by the chemical action of salt and saltp. tiv; and, as the ProJesaar remarks, the meat becomes as different a substance from what it should be, as leather U from raw hide before it is subjected to the process of tanning. He ascribes CHARLOTTE FOUNDRY AND The undersigned bees leave to call the attention of the to the pernicious effects of this chemical change, i l",,,'',' hi the fa. t that he is now ready to till all orders all the diseases which are common to mariners ! "1:,k'"ig Steam Enffimti, Hydraulic Col- atid others, who suhsi principally upon salted Ion I'ressiS and all kind of Machinery. meat sneh aa seurvv. sore 011ms. de.ao.l t.-tb ! ,'All,h . Browns patent sc.l-feeding ..1 - a. 1 1 - V . 1 1 i . .'. i mammoth Lathe Machine will lie made to order- It is nicer... Ac and advises a total abandonment ot j wamntti tocul 50,ooo htths per dav. and is regarded the aseol saltpetre in making pakletor beef, pork, j as the greatest invention of the day. Every saw mill C The let suhsritute lor that article being, he should have one attached, for it saves all "the refuse says, a small qaantity ot ii::ir, which renders the The right to said machine can be purchased meat sweeter, more wholesome, and equally as durable. This old and reliable company, established for near ly fifty years, continues to Insure against loss or dam age by Fire 011 dwellings, furniture, warehouses, stores, merchandise, mills, manufactories, and most other kinds of property, on its usual satisfactory terms. Particular attention given to rnswring Farm Property, consisting of Dwellings. Barns aud ( ut-huildings con nected, and Furniture. Live Stock, Hay, (bain, Farming Utensils, 4;c.. contained in the same, turn term of three to live years at loir rates of premium. Applications for Insurance may be made to the un dersigned, the ftiih amtkorizret Agent for Charlotte and vicinity. Losses equitably adjusted at this Agency, and paid immediately, upon satisfactory proofs, in funds current in tlie cities of New York or Boston, as the assured may prefer. Thomas W. Wewcy, June 23, 1850. y Agent at Charlotte. JONAS KUDISILL, Architect and Builder. (DESIGNS FURNISH ED AND mTTLTTXC,S COM PLETED ON THE MOST RKASON ABLE TERMS, AND IN KVKUV STYLE OF ARCHITECTURE,) Oi College street, corner Eighth street. Charlotte, N. C. WOl'LD most respectfully announce to the Citizens of Charlotte ami surrounding country, that he still con tinues the above business in Charlotte, w here he is prepared to furnish IHKMLS, BLINKS AND 8AKH, to the public on the most reasonable terms, and on the shortest notice. Having a great many small claims for work done, scattered all over the country, he is determined to change his method of doing business and hereafter will require C ASH for all work done in his Machine Shop, before removal. Jan. 25, I S5S. tf Rats in Illinois. ParLs of Illinois are so ter ribly infested with rats, that the Logan county a"-- ot the subscriber tor either of the following named counties : Meckleabunr. tiaston, Caharru.- Lincoln I'nion and Anson ILL KIXDS OF ( ASTSCS in Iron and Brass or oilier metals MADE AT SHORT S. M. HOWELL, Saddle and Harness ricoltaral aoeietj has olmred three preniiiMBS of j DTICE AND REDUCED PRICKS. Particular attea ?:'), ?ot and S2U for the three largest exhibitions ' """ K'Ten to the "'k'"' d repairing of Thrashing j of rat scalps at their Fair. A great many persons ! 'V'w nl"? MUl Work; a,ld ! .. r-. .a . r, . I ArncoUurni Works of all kinds. im aAMlAIMfl Km a I ll. I 1 "V ,T " .' P"" ' J,i" luesuow promises P.Iacksmithinff, Jobbing Work. Wagon Work, and to be large and interesting. Mr Gordon of Kick- ! Dorse Shoe ing, done with dispatch. npoo Creek, has already secured 1,118 scalps, and j frW iUstbe PUDF0U WhpR intends rnnninw th amnhw m Tiuia U-r! ! " w m lul;, W AlU Vltil Hum F - c ! I'KLIVtKKD, as cash has to be paid for every thin necessary to carrv at Hrownsville; Central Rank of Tenn., Nashville; Farmer & Mechanics' Hank, Memphis; Mechanics1 Bank, Memphis : Memphis Savings Institution r Exchange Rank, Murfreesboro'; Miners and Man. Rank, Kno.xville; Rank of Fast Tenn., Knoxville; Rank of Claiborne, Tazewell. Athens J'ust. JOHN HENRY WATT, M. D., Siireoii Dentist, (Graduate in Medicine and Dentistry,') Office on Tryon Street, opposite Bank of the State, Surgical operations, such as Cleft Palate, Dare Lip, Tumors of mouth and jaws, performed, aud fractures and dislocations treated. Teeth filled and extracted, and Artificial Teeth inserted after the most approved methods. September 1.1, 1850. y NEW DRUG STORE, iuwin's corxkk, Chariot lc Uf . C. E. CO., NYE HUTCHISON & Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Foreign V lloinestic Drugrs, ARB now receiving Fresh and Genuine Drugs from the New York market, which have been purchased upon such terms as to be sold low for cash. We would respect fully call the attention of the public to our stock of PURE WHITE LEAD, Black Lead, Fed Lead, Litherage, Snow White Zinc, Burnt Umber, H:iw limber, Spanish Drow n, Bed Sanders, Drop Dlack, Alcohol, Pure Liqnors, Foreign Perfumery Putty in cans, Snaps. Fresh Congress Water, Eng. Finishing Varnish, Picture Varnish, Damai Varnish, Dlack aud brown Tapans 1 L I N S E E 1) OIL, 111 Tanners' Oil, ' Pnrp Snerm Oil M Lard Oil, Chrome Green, Train Oil, Chrome Yellow, Machinery Oil. Paris Green, Lubricating Oil Sea-Elephant Oil, Lamp Oil, Keroseue Oil, Castor Oil, Sweet Oil, Olive Oil, Paint Brashes, Steel Grainers, Segam. Fresh Citrate Magnesia, Furniture Varnish, Copal Varnish, Grecian Varnish, Win. low Glass (French) WATER. Venetian Red, Turpentine, Burning Fluid, London Porter, Canton Teas, Graining Brushes, Tobacco. ICE SODA June 14, 1859. Southern Plows, Com Shelters, &c. ji. r. jttjtwaEM is co., NO. r.4 VESEY STREET, NEW-YORK CITY. A. F. M. k Vo. would respectfully inform Southern .Merchants and Dealers in Agricultural Implements, that they are still manufacturing all kinds of both Steel aud Iron Southern Plows, Plow Castings, Corn Shellers. Grain Cradles, Day and Stalk Cutters, Fan .Mills, Store Trucks, Garden and Canal Barrows. Gin Gear Segment Castings, &e., fcc, expressly for the Southern Trade. Also, on hand, all kinds of Agricul tural and Horticultural Implements, Machinery, Seeds, Fertilizers, &c, &c, w hich they will sell at Lower Prices than any other house in the United States. They have a descriptive Wholesale Price Catalogue, which they will furnish on application by mail or otherwise. All Goods warranted to be as represented. A. F. MAY HER .v. CO., No. 54 Yesey St., X. Y. Successors to John Mayher & Co. (Who established tlie business in 1820.) Send for a Price List. Sept. ;, 18.")!) 3m-pd Hiand for Sale. The subscriber otters for sale all his Lands lying in the county of I'nion, on the waters of Goose and Crook ed Creeks, viz: One tract lying on the waters of Crook ed creek, adjoining Dr. E. C. Alexander, John Foard. Robt. -Mann and others; one other tract adjoining said tract, and John A. Lemmond, Henry Sheill and others. Also, one tract on the waters of Goose creek, adjoining Dr. E. C. Alexander, Eli Stewart, the Marion Gold Mine and others; together with another tract adjoining A. F. Stevens and others, lying on both sides of the Lawyers' Road leading from Charlotte to Wadesboro. Any or all of the above-named lands will be sold privately to any person desirous of purchasing between this ami the ! t October next. . TERMS made known on application to the subscri ber near Eli Stewart's in I'nion county, or by address ing me at Coburu's Store, Union countv, N. C. CYRUS Q. LEMMOND. April 2(5. Om-pd GAS WORKS. The subscribers respectfully inform the public that they are prepared to erect Gas Works for lighting cities, towns, villages, colleges and large hotels. They have erected works in Charlotte and Raleigh. N. ('.. which have given entire satisfaction to the citizens of those places. As to qualifications, ability and promptness in fulfilling contracts entered into by them, they refer to the following gentlemen : James II. Carson, President of Charlotte Gas Work com pany, Charlotte. X. C. Wm. Johnston, President of Charlotte & S C Railroad company, Charlotte. X. C. Dr Thos I) Hogg. President of Raleigh Gas Association, Raleigh, X C. Col (! H Young, Wavcrlv. Mississippi. A G Story. President of 'Gas Works. Little Falls, X Y. F T Story. Supt. Gas Works, Watertow n. X Y. W S Schoener & Co, 221 Pearl street. Xew York. For further information, address the undersigned at Raleigh, X. C. W AT KR HOI'S K & BOTVES. September 14, 1858. y G-reat Southern Remedy. J acoto's Cordial. Fott all, Bowel Diseases, cholkka, dyskntehv, diakk- lllKA. CHOLERA HOKBl'S, llll.loll.s COLIC, CHOLERA IX KANTl M. -Vl.SO, AI).M11:AI1LV A!A1'TKL TO MAXY DIS EASES of Females, most especially painful menstrua tion. THE virtues of Jacob's Cordial are too well known to require encomiums. 1st It cures the worst cases of Dtarhaea, 2d It cures the worst forms of Dysentery, 3d It cures California or Mexican Diarrioea, 4th It relieves the severest colic, 5tl. It cures cholera morbus, 6th It cures cholera infantum, 7th It cures painful menstruation. 81U It relieves pain in back and loins, it:. It counteracts nervousness and despondency, 10th It restores irregularitie s, 1 1th It dispels gloomy and hysterical feelings. 12th It's an admirable tonic. 500 head oj Beef Cattle, 500 head of Sheep. The subscriber will pay the highest cash prices for Beeves and Sheep. Those having Beef Cattle or Sheep for sale would do well to inform me in person or by letter as early as possible. J. L. STOUT, Town Butcher. Charlotte, June 7, 1859. Iew Books. History of Frederick the Gkeat, by Thos. Cariile. MizPAii: Prayer and Friendship, by L. C. L oiiiis. CoiiiTSiiiP axl Matkixioxy, with other Sketches, by Robert Morris. The Minister of Life, by M. L. Charlesworth. The Sociable; or 101 Home Amusements. The Life axii Times of the Great Hugh Miller, of Scotland, by T. X. Prow n. AxxALS of the American- Pilpit, by Dr. Sprague. Lippincott's Pp.oxorNeiso Gazetteer, or Geographi cal Dictionary of the World, Don.v Dean" 01: Mauoik Miller, Mrs M. J. Holmes. Seoi Rixii of the White House, or the long Yacation Ramble of a London Clerk. The Kx. Pepper, Paper, by Jacque3 Maurice. Dust and Fome, or Three Oceans and Two Conti nents, by T. Robinson Warren. I also have a few copies of Hawks' History of N. C, Yols. I and II. Cantwei.l s Justice and X. C. Form Book. Feb. 15, 1859. P. J. LOW'RIE. J. D . PALMER, VSSalffl One Door aba re, the Bank of Charlotte, Respectfully informs the pub lic that he has just received a splendid assortment of Con fectloucrics, West India Fruits, SEGAES -.Tg5sS of various brands, chewing & t sSte smoking tobacco, bnuff, sc. meats, Yankee Xotions, &c. A FINE LOT OF WILLOW WARE. He is constantly receiving fresh supplies of the above Goods and many other articles not enumerated. CANDY MAINUFiCTORY. The subscriber is now manufacturing an excellent article of Candy, free from poisonous coloring, unlike the Xew York steam refined candy. Call and see and trv it. J. D. PALMER. ".November 9, 1858 tf on the establishment. . VII !,., ...1 ! !.i I) 7 n t mt , . -114 oiurisioi mi k niuioe siieciuuu ik wnilliL' Broken Banks , reMi-.wp.-Agncultural Bank i so that the work and specifications mav agree. l III... II - 11. 1 ., rli . r . I ... Uiir'All contracts connected with the concern must be made with (he undersigned alone. J. M. HOWIE. Practical Engineer, will give Ii is con stant attention to tlie business. All letters on business ! will 5e directed to - Charlotte Foundry.'' J. A. FOX. Proprietor. Charlotte. X. C, July 10, 185 tf Manufacturer, CHARLOTTE, N. C, OXE DOOR SOFTH of the MAXSIOX II0FSE. 8?L. Repairing jironiptly and neatly done. Jan. 1. 1850. v CASH PAID FOR HIDES OXK BOOR Jan'v I . aOVTO OK THE VASTUS HofSS. tf i A few short Extrnetsfrom Letters, Testimonial. r. 'I have used Jacob's Cordial in my family, and have found it a most efficient, and in my judgment, a valu able remedy. lion. HTRAM WARNER, Judge of Supreme Court, Ga. 'It gives me pleasure in being able to recommend Jacob's Cordial: my own persona) experience, aud tlit experience of my neighbors ami friends around me. is a sufficient guarantee for me to believe it to be all that it purports to be, viz: a sovereign reined v. Wm. II. Cxdekwood, Formerly Judge of Superior Court. Cherokee Circuit." 'I take great pleasure in recommending this invalua ble medicine to all afflicted with bowel diseases, for which I believe it to be a sovereign remedy decided!; superior to anything ever tried by rue, A. A. G A t'l.OIN'G . Deputy G. M. of the Grand Lodge of Ga." 'T have used Jacob's Cordial in my family, and this, with all I hear about it as a remedy by those who have tried it. induces me to believe that it stands at the head of every prepcrution of the kind, mid I would recom mend its use in the disca.-es for which it is compounded. Milks C. Dokiwxs. Cashier of the State Bank of Georgia, Griffin." ''Tf there is any credibility fn human testimony Ja cob's Cordial must stand preeminent above all "other preparations for the cure of Bowel Diseases. From the mass of testimony in its favor coming in from all quar ters, it must be far in advance, as a curative agent ot most it not all other 'patent' preparations. . A. Fleming, taahier Marine and Fire Insnrance Rank. Griffin." "This efficient remedy is travelling into celebritv a fast as Bonaparte pushed his columns into Russia "and gaining commendation wherever used." Gem via Jeffcr sotnan, May ith. 185.-!. BFSold by J. ASHFIST. Charleston. S C Im porter and Whdoale Druggist, ( who will supply the trade.) and by Drugjasjs; everywhere. Xov. 185$. iwpd LIFE INSURANCE. HE undersigned as Agent will receive applications for Insurance in the North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company. This Company is the oldest in the State, and has been in successful operation for several years. Its rates are moderate, and all losses promptly adjusted. Persons wishing to insure their own lives or the lives of their Slaves, in this Coinpanj-, w ill call at the Office of the Agent, at the Bank of the State. Jf;-i SLAVES insured for TWO-THIRDS of their VALUE. THOS. W. DEWEY, Agent. Jan'y 11. 1850. ly Atlantic Mutual Fire and Marine INSURANCE COMPANY. CAROLINA CITY, X. C. Incorporated by an Act of the Legislature of North Carolina. This Company being duly organized, is now prepared to receive applications for insurance upon Buildings, Merchandise, Furniture, Mills, Manufactories, Ships and their Cargoes, and most kinds of property, at remunerative rates of premium. It is aimed in the organization of this Company, to make a safe medium for Indemnity and Protection to the assured in case of loss. An honorable and upright course of dealing, and a faithful fulfillment of its con tracts, will at all times characterize the business of the Company. Applications for insurance may be made at the office of the company, or to its authorized Agents. DIRECTORS: John A Parrott. Levi T Oglcsby. W B Grant, David S Jones. Geo W Dill, Co Thos J Blakelv, Luke Blackmail, Wm S Long, David W Bell. A B Chap in, Sam! Letters. Joel 1! Davis, 1) A Hargett, E Mallett. OFFICERS: John A Parrott, Levi T Oglcsby, W S Long, E -V Thompson, A B Cliapin, EXECUTIVE COM MITTKE. David W Bell. March 22, 1850. Cm President, Vice President, Treasurer, Attorney, Secretary. AY B Grant, W S Long, LIVER INVIGORATOR, NEVER DEUII-ITATES. IT Is rnmponiiilril entirely fi oni O' ions, and has become un established fad, aScudard Me-liriue. known mul approved by all InnU Mrted to Willi eoiilidence in ib recommended. It has Cured thousands who had aiven up alt hope-sj uusoliciitM certificates in my ! '1 lie dose must be adapted I individual piking it. and us act gently 0:1 the Bowels. I Let the dictateR of four .have used it. and is bow r- ali Ilie diseases for which it j within the !ol rvlieil I 1. st two yenrn lite muiierous -s sot, show, the temperament of the. ed iu such quaullliCS as It) ju lament guide you n the j VIGOlt.VTOR, and it plaint", milous vt- t 'lirotilc Ulnrt hot-M, Co 111 - Pt-tS I)'sent Sour lm:rh, Ilnl.Km W I . 1- t .. . . . . 1 . ii , C liolern, tial ( bol. - ju j ! 11 Twiil um, Fla! 11 M ! i-'i mnle Wi nlciitm- icessfully as an OrcXIna Pj. I111-. It will cure SK'lv fcj !h usauds can testify.) In I? i fwo or llin e Toa- etl at conttneiicemeut of s I giving their Icsttimnn; THE MOTJTH WITH ANU SHALLOW use of the LIVER I V will cure Liver Coin taelcs, 13yiK'isln, S u in in c r ry, Orojisj' Cost! venetis, Cliol- riiMoi Ims, Cliolern ' lence, Jn undlrr, es, and may be used sue ry Family Mrili-j II E A O AC II E, (as! twenty lllllltltt'K, If sjiooufulj are tuk ittack. Ail who use It arc, in Us favor. ' MIX WATEK I THE IWIGOUAIOn, BOTH TOGETHER. Pi Ice One Dol'ar per Bottle. FAMILY CATHARTIC PSLLS, Pure Vegetable Extract, nntl nt up In UI4AK8 CASES, Air Tight, and will keep In any climate. The Family C- tle lull active rathartic used in his practice more The constantly liiereasiug have 10:12 used the PII.Ii" all express in reyar 1 to their them within tlie reach of all. 'i he Prtiff stit tti well know on dUTerenl portions of the lue FAMILY CA has. with due reference to been coinpoundet from a table Kxtracts, which act alimentary canst and are es where a Cathartic is rangements of tin netC Pains In tlie ('itivii.r, Pain the whole hotly, frequently, if neglected, ver, Los T Appi--saliou of Cold over lies, Hentlnehi-, or all 1 11 fla m in a tury Children or Adnlto, Pnrllier of lie Blood flesh is heir, loo numerous ment. Howe. I to 3. PK.ICE TH II EE DIMES. The T.lvrr InvK"ralr ami Family Ca thartic Pills are retailed by nrufists generally, aud sold wholesale by the 1 rade in all the large towns. S. T. W. SASFOHH, M. I)., Manuf icetrer and Proprietor, 335 Droadwt)', New York. I linrf le PILI ten gen whirh the proprietor has tlian twenty years, demand from thosr. who and the sasftactkn which use. has induced tne to place last differed Catharlics act hnwe.'s. THAKTfC Pill, this well established fact, variety of the purest Veer aiike on every pan of the good amt safe in all ens lieeded. such as IJc- Sloinncli, Sleet Boek aid Loins, and Soreness over firni sutklen ei.M. which end in a long centre of l'c tile, a Creepliis; -en-tlicldy, Kestless- elfrlit iii t he head, Illst-asew, Worms iu Khcn matlsin, a grat and many '. eases to which hi nanttion in this adverlUe- F. SCAHIl & CO., Gliarlotte. X. C. and E. -WE HUTCHISON & CO. April 2i, 1889. TURNIP SEED. A large supply of superior Turnip Seed Red Top, Flat Dutch. Rata Itaga. Large Globe. Large Norfolk, Yellow Aberdeen. Just received from the North, and for sale at Julv 20, 1859 E. NVF HUTCHISON k CD'S. IOO NEGROES WANTED. The subscriber wants to buy one hundred good Ne groes, for which the highest prices IX CASH w ill he paid. Persons having that kind of property for sale vvii find it greatly to their interest to apply iimnedkite- ly to I August :. 18 JAMES II. DAVIS, I'inevilk-. N C or to A. A. X. M. TAYLOR at CWWL; iifU CHARLOTTE , fWlIIE SUBSCRIBERS having fon Vl M. selves into a company, respectful ertueir services to the people of ( 'hurl ' the country generally in their lino of hu ":1 They are prepared to furnish llojp-Jjf' (JiiAvK.sToxKS, Mantel Pikces, Fcir ' Maukle, Tablk Slabs, Makhi.h Stkm !"Ti;' mttern, cut according to the most approved 1. ,' stvles, and ujon the mMt accommodating Lm '! otfered in the Southern country. They will kt,.'" ' ' stantly on hand the best description of Kgjrptuia ..?" and American -Marble. ' ' '"a All orders for any article addressed to the -j, , will meet with prompt attention, ami will beJuS and forwarded with the utinosl care ami dispttck The Yard is situated on the north-west eornerjr. Bailrotid Depot Yard. WU WM. T1DDY k So.Na ' January, 1839. ly TAN BARK. 100,000 CORDS Tan Dark wan ted, fa a liberal price will he paid. M. I!. T.VYLo; Charlotte, March 22, 18.-i9 tf X-.Y2.a.e3. for JSfie. 1 Rare Chance is how offered to buy one 0t .1 Handsomest farms in Western North CSemjfiL fBHE subscriber being desirous to reninvc froni ( JL country, offers for sale the PLANTATIOM . wliicli she now resides, Jying -1 miles from ('hail,,.. 011 the Western Fl.tnk Koail. The bind is How im state of cultivation. -In the yard is a Well of tin,-, ,, Water. The Plantation has been much improvtdi. the last few years. The Dwelling House ami ont-ju ings are nil new. There is also a young Urdu,, of several hundred tine choice Fill" IT TREES on th, plantation, bearing this the second year. ThiirW tation is vory healthy, and is beautittillv Mtuatcd. 1 . tabling 50 Acres, one halt of which is cleared. firS Terms made to suit the purchaser. Fori ticulars enquire of the subscriber 011 t he premises .MUS. A. -M. STEVENSON May 10, 18a9. tf REMOVAL. The Confectionery and Family Grocery Sttirp c? MOODY k XISHET has been removed to the itautM liosite the Presbyterian Church, where they arc n,(;u ing direct from New Y'ork large additions to their stock of CONFECTIONERIES , FAMILY GROCERIES, &c. Among their stock may be found everything usualli kept in a store of this kind. A good assortment af Cake Trimmings, Willow Ware, fcc, always on hand. They have in their employ an excellent BAKER, nd are prepared to furnish Families and Partys uitli Cbi of all kinds at short notice. Nov. Hi, 1858. MOODY k N1SBET. We have also opened a branch of our store n t Li colnton, where Mr Moody will superintend the hntriMs, and hopes to secure a share of public patronage ta tWl section. July 4, 18.")9. MOODY k MSIIET. New and Fashionable WAEE ROOMS, Charlotte, . . J. M. SANDERS & Co., are constantly re ceiving from New York, Boston, kc. a general sgnort ment of fine and fashionable FURNITURE, which ttV will sell at extremely low prices for Cash, and every article warranted to give satisfaction. Those in (tilt of good Furniture, at very low prices, will pleaM pn them a call. Also, on hand, 'fs'.i .llftatttc tlnritil Canes. J. M- SANDEKS fc CO., Feb. 22, 1850. Charlotte, 9 A. LOWRIE'S I receive till tho New 'u!- lications as fast us thev come nr ward from the Prcssj and ittf constantly on hand a targe lot ( School, Academy and Coltef TENT-BOOKS, and many ueitl reference ami recreative works. I also keeji a very large stock of Stationery, plan and fancy. Having itonde an nrrtingement with tl' Southworth Paper Ma nnfaet uri.ig Company. I 11111 H aided to sell paper at the .-tune prices by the irttlt sale for which it can be bought in ihe oi thcni 1 freight added. P. J LOT Bit Feb. 15, )SoO. TO PLA!TI)RS. COTTON GINS, of the best quality, with 10 lack saws, delivered at any Railroad Landing st'tH State, or on the N. C. liailroad, at $2 per saw. particulars address J. M. ELLIOTT, April 2; lHr.y- Cm Winnsl.oro', S. C .Hi-:'iiM-:.Kt it Bpnmis. Seven per eent per aimuiii. These Bonds are undoubtedly the safest invi that can be made, and are really preferable State Bonds. The County cannot repudiate. They hc:-r $ftty cent interest payable xrW-nmitiiilly. with Cofifottw the same. They are of the denomination of SIC". will make them more current and useful fur ibmesu jiurposes. The coupons will prove 11 viiivr' ! medium for paying county taxes. The t iti.ens rfj" county should possess them, and they are nowoWl them. Prop:in!s feft at either Uank in Gtitarfotte with Stephen W. Davis will receive prompt atteaa B v. ;noN, Sept 28, l?r8. Pres't. W.. C. k. RE BmUtoim Exclusively Wholesale Drug, Paint and Oil Warehouse. SJANTOS, WALKE & CO., wholesale & in DUl'OS; Lamp, Machinery and Paint """ Varnishes, Paints, &c. &c. No. 36, Iron front. West si'le. Market SquQTf, tfORFOLK, m Goods shipped from New York, I'hfcdajphj Baltimore, to Charleston, when required. November 9j 1858. .T Kot XDKI) J852. fllABTEBEO !- Located corner of Baltimore and Churls strtttS) BALTIMORE, Md. The largest, most elegantly furnished, ami rf Commercial College iu the United Si L Students in attendance from nearly every 111 l' uiou. m . . I 1 1 r mil n a ion . ,-,.. 1 . ... ,.i i-.l I : ir I ' ,.rl....l 1 1 . ... . :-... ,'l.ir-. 1' ... ivn nnu oeauiirui I'rnanieiitai lu - 1 . r. ...... i I... - .1. . if. . tlip If vovn. in" n,c t'Aienoi aim interior view 01 diatrlv forD Hnlti- aici i.,. w . 1 '..hi u 1 1 I ' ' more Com me n 1 ' v M. ...... Will lie sen! Iiv return .. I f...... .. loguc containing list of students, terms 7f ttiiti""-"' ioiu of the Press on our new system of Book-keepi B. K. LOS1ER. PrincipalLecturer on aieS1 Accounts. Business, Cus-tores. etc. , J. M. PIHCLffPS, Professor of Book-Keeping f0" liiereial calculations. . , Hi H. DAVIES. Associate Professor of ISo.k-KT,n'' C. Johnson. Professor of Pvnntwnhtp. . T. WILLIAMS. Km. Mercantile Law. M . E. Y. REESE, D. D.. commercial Ethics. Tn l.'8TKKS. Hon John P Kennedv. Hon Jdsfcan Van Hon TimiiiM. y,,..,,,,." u'n. 11 k'if hhr. Jacob Trust, Esq. ' WHmKnbe, T' The time usually required to cotoplete course, from eight to twelve weeks. jr Large cirenhirs and catalogues stating tern-" sent br mail free of charge. Address vj E. K. LOSIER. Baltimore X Hay 10, 1850 y.pd iint.

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