WESTERN DEMOCRAT, CHARLOTTE, 1ST. C pK$t r it gc m oct a t . CHARLOTTE, IV. C. Tuesday. October II, 1 8.19. FIliLI BLISTERING. Rumors arc again prevalent that an expedition STATE ELECTIONS. On the 3d inst., elections were held in Georgia, Florida and Mississippi; and on the 1st ult. in j against Nicaragua has beeo or is being fitted oat in California. j the United States, and it is said a part of it has Georgia. l?rown, democrat, has been elected sailed from New Orleans and New York. Governor, and the democrats have elected all their j We find the following telegraphic dispatch candidates for Congress but one. The Legislature j published in our exchanges: The Railboad from Charlotte to Statks- is also democratic. Washington, Oct. 5. Within the present ,n K There was a lartre meeting of the citizens of ; California. Latham, democrat, has been elect-j week reliable information has been received that , ,rl.,ttc held in the Court House on Saturday ca uovernor Dy a large majority. &cott and Kur- j r "SZJ. it to hear the report of their delegates to the rick, democrats, are elected to Congress, and the convention at StatesviHe. Several speeches were Legislature is democratic. Mtmsstppt. ihe returns from Mississippi ,ade. and books being opened, a respectable amount was subscribed. Iff the friends of the scheme West of this place will engage in the work heartily as the citizens of Charlotte have done, the lluad will certainly le built. show gaiaa for the democratic candidates. The Whi g and Know-Nothing Executive Committee, in session on the 6th, have appointed the 22d of February as the time and Raleigh as Frost. There eras frost in this section yester- ' t,,e P,sce for holding the opposition State Conven da morning. tion. Bi tter. This artiele has become rather searce in our market There is a good demand for it, and wc I,..,,,, tli.it List week a small lot sold as high as coats per 1!. The priee this week ranges at abort 20 to li" eenta. The demand tor eatables of every description is steadily increasing in Charlotte, as well as prices fur the same. Our country friends will ple:e re- j B.cujher that there will he a great many people here : to feed during the week of the Fair and the bcs- f.on of the Baptist Convention; and whatever they wav have to spare in the provision line we hope tli. v will bring forward chickens, eggs, butter, ahl other necessaries. IV 1 1.., Ciiak. A Ruth. Railroad. We learn that nt the recent letting of contracts for grading ike Road through Union county, the work was taken mostly by citizens of that county in small contracts of about $2,000 each. The road will ran within about 150 yards of the centre of the village of .Monroe, and will no doubt (as the citi- kos expeet) give new impetus to the business of tin place. Tin annual meeting of the Stockholders in the road is to bt held in Charlotte on Friday next. . mm fcjr" We are indebted to Sam'l P. Smith. Esq, ol Wake Forest College, for a copy of an Address delivered before that institution at the Commencc aieut in June last, by Dr. Edward Warren. om Tut. N. C. State Fair. Notice is given that ill articles intended for exhibition at the State Fair, will he transported by the different Railroads free of charge. Visitors will go and return for (lie lare. . Atlantic andN. C. Kaii.roau. Mr Whitford, tin- President, speaks of the business of his ltoad as follows : ' The freight and passenger business of the ltoad for the past few mouths, have been gratifving to its fiicuds. The receipts have exceeded the entire expenses of operating about $5,000 per mouth, ami wc bow have every reason to believe that our business will greatly inerea.se during another year." State Dental Society. The Annual .Meet ing of this Society was held in Salisbury on the 2sth ultimo. On account of the sniallness of the leans, soiae of whom were known to have been prominently connected with previous fillibustering enterprises. This excited suspicion in the mind of the Collector of the Port, that they meditated an uidawful expedition. Late last night about 150 men left New Orleans, the presumption being that they were going below the city to await the arrival of a steamer to convey them on their errand of conquest. A clearance had been asked for the steamer Philadelphia professedly for Chiriqui, but the Collector refused it. Orders have been tele graphed for the U. S. Artillery at Baton Rouge to be held in readiness for service. It is believed that the fillibusters have so arranu- S&r The Hon. H. S. Foote of Miss., is out in a letter favoring Senator Douglas and his views on ed their plans as to avail themselves of the advan the slavery question. lie also takes occasion to I tages afforded by the re-opening of the Nicaraguan say that he is sick of conventions and caucusses, and that his vote will not be influenced by the action of the Charleston Convention. We are not surprised at Mr Foote 's being sick of caucusses ; be joined the know-nothing caucus, and tried to elevate himself by that means, but finding that he was mistaken, he very naturally feels sick of cau- cusses. As for conventions, he knows that no i respectable body of men in convention can ever again place confidence enough in him to nominate li i nt for an office. It is nothing strange for an ex-know-nolhing to oppose conventions. Dividends and profits in stocks Mortgages, Deeds in Trust, &c. RAILROAD CONVENTION. According to previous arrangements, delegates from Iredell and Mecklenburg counties assembled in Convention at StatesviHe on the 4th inst., for the purpose of aiding the building of a Railroad Studs and Jacks from Charlotte to StatesviHe, known as the Atlan- ! Marriage Licenses tic, Tenu. and Ohio Railroad. We find the pro ceedings in full in the StatesviHe Express. The Convention was temporarily organized by calling Andrew Springs, Esq, of this county, to the chair. Afterwards, A. K. Simonton, Esq, was elected President, and E. B. Drake and E. II. Britton, Esq'rs, Secretaries. The following gentlemen were appointed a com mittee to prepare business for the action of the convention: Jno. A. Young, Ceo. F. Davidson, It. I. McDowell, Anderson Mitchell, Moses White, and S. W. Davis. This committee made the fol lowing report: Whereas, The Leg-Mature of North Carolina at its session of 1854 T5f. granted the Atlantic, Tennessee A Ohio Railroad charter, authorising the construction of a Railroad from Charlotte, N. C., to the Ohio lliver, with the proviso, that said road should be commenced with Transit route, but the Administration has deter mined by all means in its power, including land and naval forces, to compel respect to the Neutrali ty Law. UNION COUNTY TAXES- For the information of our readers in Union county, we give the following statement showing the amount of taxes paid by that county the past year : Number of acre. Land 318,097 Valuation of Land 1)84,214 Value of Town property 45,880 State Taxes collected from Land $1,982 99 Town property 95 56 Polls 1,486 40 On Interest 680 49; Salaries & fees 69; 699 49 16 00 64 00 135 00 57 95 5 00 94 20 4 50 50 241 57 396 58 90 00 4 20 8 00 Pistols and knives Gold and silver Watches Piano Fortes Plate and Jewelry Pleasure Vehicles Merchants' Capital Retailers of spiritous liquors Patent Medicines Deeds for real estate Amount of Taxes collected for county purposes for same time 5,381 89 11,842 78 Total 17,224 67 The number of taxable white polls returned was 960, black polls 1062. Number of gold watches 42; silver do. 149. Number of Carriages 321 . Number of Marriage Licenses issued during the . . . . ai in nve years trom the ratincauon ot me Act. ana where- yeai, wi. as, the people of Iredell and tleckleuburg having maui- fesud a desire to commence said ork and to complete I Railroad Extension. We learn by a letter as speedily as possible, that portion of the load which Q the RichIuond Enquirer, that the friends of will i i ( i 1 1 ci t tin. ti.wn, rt Shtti.vi n -inn t . n 'i rl i t t (. Resolved, That the natural ridge dividing the waters number attending, no business of importance was f the adkm and ( atawba, presenting as it does an HIDIVSt gliUMMl I I ill tv IfJI V HI IflV Illilt' til uiHiMin; 1 V I . ,1 ..1 Therefore, j the JJanville connection road, or at least tnose in- Be it unanimously resolved by this convention. That , terestecl jn building the road from the coal fields so much of .-aid Atlantic, Tennessee and Ohio Railroad, i .... . as is necessary to connect the towns of StatesviHe and j n Rockingham county to the Virginia line, which Charlotte, shall be built : thereby opening at once, to : was chartered bv the last Legislature, held a meet- depending upon it for outlet," a direct communication. ! Dg at YVentWorth, N. C, on the 29th of Sept. by the shortest practicable routes, to the Atlantic mar kets at W i Imington and at Charleston NOTES OP TBAVEL Bishop G. F. Pierce, who traveled to California on the overland mail route, has been writing some very readable letters to the N. O. Christian Advo cate, describing his journey and the country. Speaking of the emigrants he saw on the road, he says : 'The emigration from Texas to California is very heavy. The Atlantic States yield thousands to Texas; and Texas, in her turn, sends them to the Pacific; and, to my astonishment, I find scores here about to go back to Texas. An American hu manity is a restless one; most commonly, one move unsettles a man for life." "At Barilla Springs we found a large train of emigrauts. Two ladies came down to the stage to have a talk The oldest said she was moving sim ply to follow her daughter; ihe daughter said she was following her husband. I inquired into their history a little. They had moved from Tennessee to Mississippi; then to Texas, now to California. I said, "1 suppose you will go next to the Sandwich Islands'"' The young one replied with some spirit, "If ever I get to California, Jtou may bet your bot tom dollar that I'll never move again." Of the face of the country and its curiosities, the Bishop says : "The ralleva are poor generally, and naked. In them are to be found those curiosities of the West "Dog-towns." The prairie dog is a marvel in natural history. These little animals live in com munities. They burrow in the ground, and a pile of dirt marks the mouth of every habitation. Some of them are mere villages, others may be classed as towns, and Others as cities. Nothing but popula tion, however, marks the difference. The dog is about as large as a "fice" nine days old. Bold and brave as he affects to be, he never barks till he gets home and feels secure of his re treat below. The sound of an intruding footstep brings every dog to the top of his hole, and nV chorus of barks is wonderful. A litter of a thou sand hungiy pups would resemble it very much. I presume they live on rass; at any rate, where they are numerous, no grass is left; the earth is as naked as a highway. The most remarkable fact about them remains to be stated. The rattle-snake and a species of owl dwell with the dogs. These all live together in peace and friendship. Of this there is no doubt I saw the owls go in and come out; the snakes were lying by; neither seemed afraid of the other. Those who dug into the holes assured me that ev ery house contained some of each." Wages in California. A San Francisco I writer, of late date, says the following is about the j rates of wages now paid : Carpenters, from $4 to j 7 per day; bricklayers and masons, from $4 to 86; j blacksmiths, wheelwrights, machinists, painters, tinsmiths, from $3 to 84.50; common laborers, $3; ! farm hands from 830 to 840 per month and found; ' servants, from 825 to 840 per month, and found; cooks, from 830 to 860. Flour 8240 a Barrel. At the last accounts ' flour was selling on the island of Hay ti at two ; hundred and forty dollars per barrel! That looks i like a high price but the money was Ilaytien i currency, which is like our old continental money. ; About 820 of it is worth one silver dollar. CHARLOTTE MARKET. October 11, 1859. Corrected weekly by Oatet d Williutnt. Bacon Hams, pet lb, 13 . 14 Side, 111 (& 12J Hog round, HI 11 Labi, 13 14 Kloith Kxtra in bbli 4 T5 S 0 OOi do. in bags 2 25 (o, 2 3 Superfine " 2 12J 0 2 2b Fine " 1 75 2 00 Wheat, white, M 1 . MoLASfcCS Comic I In, 12 14 Laguira, L5 (a) V4 Jamaica, 16 00 Java 16 (j) 2 Scoakb Kea Orteaua, 10 A 11 Porto Itico, 10 (. 1-' O. coffee sugar 12 (u) 00 crushed, 14 (S) 15 granulated, 12 w) 14 Dried Blackberries. A correspondent (says ! the Fayetteville Observer,) writing about the business of High Point, mentioned in the Observer ; a few days ago that S-1,000 worth of dried black- ' berries were sent from that plaee to one man at the I North, from July 1 to tept. 17, 1859. Motile of j ; our cotemporarics, copying the letter, have been j in wonderment as to the purpose for which the dried blackberries were wanted. They are used, j we have learned, for coloring stuff which is sold for Port Wine. red. 85 (a) 90 Corn, old 80 85 live, 95 00 Peng, 65 70 Beans, white, 0 00 00 oo oa 50 ( OO 35 M 40 50 (a, 00 40 50 80 00 98 y o 3 io i & 9 a 0 , Queen Victoria has presented Mr Harris, : our Consul at Japan, with a Jmagnificent old j snuff-box, valued at 82.000. The box is about j six inches in length, four in width, and two in depth, and is of wrought gold handsomely washed, i On the top is the Queen's cypher surrounded by a wreath of diamonds. wm-mmm A Swindling Concern in Mobile Broken Up. The Mobile Trihune has an account of the exposure of a swindling concern in that city, generally known as Dr. A. C. Dcnson & Co., manufacturers and proprietors of the "Celebrated Electric Oil," which is being hawked about the country by so many mountebanks, as a cure for many of the ills to which flesh is heir. The firm has advettiscd under the various titles of Dr. A. C. Denson & Co., Dr. Denson, Hearn it. Co., Ainado Arguilleso: Co., and Madame Marietta deltudolpho. tints, If SAL CoTTO Ciood Middl'g Middling Ordinarj Hides Dry, (ireen, Domestic Goons 4-4 sheeting, Ii'tv OsnaVgi 12 Q, 12 Coi'I'kkas Cloth. 15 (w lrj Linsey. 3q (a) 35 Cotton 1 arx 20 25 25 28 12. l 15 u New Orleans Sugar lfotisf , West India, Porto Itico BlTTKK, IllCitfiWAJC, Chkkkk, Ki;s, Bekf On the hoof, By retail. ' Salt, per sacV, 1 00 1 TS 12 S 12 Potatoes, 5 (y 6$; ! Irish, hush. bwect, Candles Adaniii ntine, Sperm, Tallow candles Mackekei.- 4 9 (n 10 :i0(,i 110 40 ) 00 25 30 40 (.i 00 20 a Xi transacted; and a resolution was passed convening the Society, in Salisbury, on the last Wednesday in March, 100, to complete unfinished business. On motion of Dr Andrews the Society proceed ed to an election of officers tor ensuing year, which resulted as follows: Dr. J. W. How left. President; W. 8. Tate, Vice ! enterprise to force this important work to speedy com- j montl as well as the Bichmond and Danville rail ! pletion. i ..1. ...1 Tl...t I li. nitnpil i.hcla.lao 1st tlw. onclrtir- j rea.urer. between the towns of StatesviHe and Charlotte, renders the work of easy and cheap construction, and brings it entirely within our control. Resolved, That we regard the privilege of carrying the products of our labor to the best markets, as one of the rights guaranteed to us, at a free and intelligent people, and that in order that we may profit by this ad vantage, we hereby pledge our substance and our united A committee of the Board of Trade of Richmond was present. Speeches were made by the Hon. Thomas Settle and Gov Morehead. The former gentleman stated that 250,000 had been subscrib ed and 5 per cent paid in, besides a guarantee from citizens of Stokes to grade the road through their county. Jos. R. Anderson, Esq, chairman of the Richmond delegation, also addressed the meeting, pledging the co-operation of the people of Rich- I'resident; R. P. Bessent, Secretary; West Harris, tion of this Road are so inconsiderable that it can be Kxaaiinius Committee Drs. Andrews. Uessent built with as little cost as any Road of the same length 11 he expected to transport, justifies the calculation on the i . t . ii .i j r.. : i . t . i w i pari oi us BiOCKnoraers upon a lair remuueruuon u ilull t,i .. hi ,1 -if n -i r-i t uf. t Si.r-n.ri.- I trc K n f nc " road Company in carrying out the enterprise. A meeting is to be held at Wcntworth on the Representatives to American Dental Convcn- II. Willi as II11C COS I H9 I V nUBU I MIC ,-aillC It'HLMH ci. fx- C iL V ,1 ...... . ii. .v. ... ... , ! 5th of November for the purpose of oriraniziH the the Southern country, which, together with tfie large ' " r I n c ount of freights and travel lhat it may reasonably j Company. This road will connect with the N. C. Railroad Scott, K. H. Andrews and V. S. Tate. The next Annual Meeting will be held in Mor ganton on the 2d Wednesday in August, 1800. dividends upon their investment. at High Point by means of the Germanton and Resolved. That in order to hasten the completion of, Salem Road, for building which a company has this work, the entire Road from StatesviHe to Charlotte already been on'iinized. . I, . 11 1. m km f L.r ...mil..,..) mm L- I liu Irw-ifwui cli'kll I - -ii. ill i't- j'iii i 1 1' ii i v . ' 1 1 i i .i i .4- i.i-i. i nmw. bum mmmmm be made, after the sum of JJOO.OOO shall have been sub- -cribed, and that as the heavier portion of said work Ad valorem Taxation. The Greensboro A Big Day's Picking. The following, we think, will equal, if not surpass, the largest day's cotton picking ever accomplished in this county. On Mr S. V. Simon's plantation, one day last week, eighteen hands commencing at sunrise and stopping at sunset picked 3,050 pounds, four of the fastest 1,170 pounds. Five female hands had to leave the field three times during the day to nurse their children, losing each two hours, and at noon all the hands losing oue hour. Wadesboro Argus. Sentenced. On Thursday evening, Hogue, convicted of the murder of Parish, in this City some time since, was sentenced by his Honor Judge Shepherd to be hanged on Friday the 28th day of this month. We learn that petitions are being gotten up, to be presented to the Governor, praying for a pardon. Raleigh Standard. New Orleans, Oct. 3. A case of yellow fever occurred here to-day the first during the season. Accounts represent the Cotton crop of Louisiana as first rate; the Sugar crop inferior and small. The question has been asked: Why it is consid ered impolite for gentlemen to go into the presence of ladies in their shirt sleeves, while it is consid ered every way correct for ladies to appear before gentlemen without any sleeves at all ? A young lady married a farmer, and wishing to provide linsey for domestic use, asked her husbaud to send down South and buy a cotton ram, so that they could raise their own cotton-wool. In this county, on the 20th ult.. by Win. G. Burnett, Esq, Mr Hezekiah Garner of Cabarrus county, to Miss Elizabeth, daughter of Jesse Archer, Esq. In Gaston county, on the 4th inst., by A. W. Daven port, Esq, Sir Joseph F. Farrorto Miss Sue Fife, daugh ter of A bra m Fite. In Greensboro, on the 2Sth ult, Mr James W. Doak to Miss Martha M. Scott. In Lancaster District, on the 2d inst, Mr 11. C. Xeely to Miss Sarah Addison. In Yorkville, on the 29th ult, Mr John G. Ferguson to Miss Rhoda L., daughter of J. E. Grist. On the 25th ult, Mr John J. MeCosh of Vork District, to Miss S. O. Long of Rutherford county, N. C. In Petersburg, Va., on the 5th inst., Mr Thomas W. Laws of Hillsboro, TS. C, to Miss Lucv E. Stiles. On Thursday, the 15th ult., Mr W. P. Harris of Alex ander, to Miss M. A. White of Iredell. :n i. - : iw- c f jn r A 11 . LI 1 . t C I- : rpi . ; will lie 111 Hie cmilliy Ul licucil. NO pwrinM ui mc iuiiub J-aillOl pUUllSUUS ail CAUaCt J.IOIU it KNd niuicn, J ne) appear to DC . liiMM.ribed u said collnty 5hall be expended in grading I - . . , - . . Hard o Gamblers pretty hard on the sporting gentry in South (a- ; the Road outside of its limit rohna. The Columbia Carolinian, in reportim; the ! n "f80!, 1 apno.nten to open ' r e Rooks of Subscription at tha ditlerent points designated proceedings of the Court of Common Pleas in that j be instructed to assemble in Charlotte on Tuesday the city, gives the following: ''I he State vs George Patton gambling of this State. The letter, speaking of the meeting of the opposition Convention this winter, says: 1st day of November proximo, and report the amount ! "W hat 1 wish to say is, that the menus Ol re- of stock that shall have been subscribed to said Road. form in its broadest sense, in this State, as we un- X lie - te. v .... l, , . . 1 t .-. . I C t II I A . . ."I I I 1 ' 1 ., 1 1 . f in thfendant was found inuhv -,t the l-.st term m, l1 The convention was then addressed by JR. 1. -ff" J7Jl . 7 I ii iid.iut was loand guilty at last t rn on . , ,? I the proposed Convention take a bold, determined, indietmento for the above offence, and plead guilty McDowell, J. V . Osborne, A ,u Johnston, Rev. Jj 8Uod in behalf of that reform. m a roorth at this term. Not appearing on sen- ; W. W. Pharr, and Jno. A. Young, and the report Vromhwnt amn the pril,ciples of reform, I wish ei.ee day the following sealed sentences were left unailimosy adopted. to see the taxation of slaves ad valorem according liis JSfiJT1!? .t'XL i The following resolution, offered by R. M. Alii- to the value, and this involves a change of the ' Ull . Ill III I III . t. V. LX .'V, L I I v II " Dasis oi r ilct'cndant to he iunrioMuwl ,il,o m,A n.n? son, was adopted: a tine of $500. In the second cae to pay a fine Resolved, That in the opinion of this convention no nfSMH) and he imprisoned six monthsthe ini- ! R-'ilroad of the same extent ear, be constructed which . . c , , I when completed, will more fully develop an extended 1 risoumeiit to eonnnenee at the expiration of the regioll ot 'ycstera Xorth Carolina, or so much promote sentence in the first case. In the third ease, to ' the success and prosperity of the X. C. Western Exten- pj a une oi s.W and be imprisoned U months, to ; sion, the ilmington, Charlotte and Kuthertord, ana commence at the expiration of iinnrisonment in the lh C harlotte and South Carolina Railroads, without ... i- - . i r : i. a ..r Aiiln. im tla piereumg ease. In the fourth ease, to which the ueienuant j.lead guilty. Judge O'Neal! sentenced presentation justice, and etpuality demand that this policy should be adopted; and while we live under our present State Constitution, we live under organic laws di rectly at war with the true theory of Republican Government." It will be remembered that M. A. Bledsoe, Esq, the democratic Senator from Wake in the last Le gislature, advocated the ad valorem mode of taxa- effecting the legitimate business of other roads iu the Slate. VIl 1IIV1IUI1 VI JL. X. IV nil.' . . . ., . V ... 1. .4 .if,.. i . . f Ihinlr tlA h.iluro nPP.irikr Resolved, That this meeting adjourn, when adjourn- 1 " c J ed, to meet at Mount Mourne on Thursday the 2(uh of j involves a change of the basis of representation or October, and at Davidson College on Saturday the 22d I h manner 0f distributing the common school of October, being the week preceding the countv court 7 of Mecklenburg count v; and that the commissioners be ; fuud. We find in the Standard of last week a iet present to solicit subscriptions. ter fr0m Mr Bledsoe on this subject, answering Commissioners. The following gentlemen j some questions propounded to him, which we will "mi to p;,y a fjIIL. ot- vAi j kc ininrisoned one inonth." DAVIDSON Coixeob. The exercises at David son College were resumed on the 22d Sept. There were upwards of one hundred students in attend ance the first week. The chair of Professor of j -Mathematics, made vacant by the resignation of have been appointed Commissioners to open books 1 publish next week in order that our readers may -Maj. Hill, is still vacant Lapt. Kingsbury, who to receive subscriptions to the capital stock of this more fully understand the topics likely to be dif had been elected to fill the position, declining to company: cussed in the next canvass. serve, lne Hoard ot lrustees will meet on the Statksville. John Davidson, A K Simonton. L Q j Hth inst. to elect a Professor. : Sharp.-. Hum A Allison. Otbo Gtlieapie. Argus expresses itself as ' much amused.'' From the Waddill, Pinckney Chanibera. Printers' Rolaer. We have a Roller made with t!ic M r. Moi'Kxt. Cka F Davidson. K Ii Tenipleton, Jas i Chinese Sujrar cane Svrup which has been in use for Shepherd, Di G W Stinsou. J F Mellon. six months, working our paper besides being used for a large quantity of job work. It has but one slight; iVe are gratitied to see that the Wade:-boro v ,Rn s Mn.i.s O O K,.'.d. Joseuh Chambers. David i S1X monttls' course of that paper and the virulent language iuuulgcd in bjr it for some time past, we really supposed that the editor was uj thing else than amused. Rut as the Aigus says it has no desire to pursue the discussion, e don't care we have sustained every charge we "rosght against it, and the Argus can't disprove them; " has failed to prove them false," as it says it has "e. sr0 far as wc are concerned, the Argus is mis- Wii.KF.snoKo'. James B Gordon, Augustus Finley. L B I'armichael. Maj M S Stokes. Tayi.orsville. A C Mcintosh, Jos M Bogle, Thos Boyd. F A Campbell. Lr.xom. G. n S F Patterson, Col James Harper, Ed mund Jones, W A Lenoir, R B Bogle. MoneaimiK. W F McKesson, T K Caldwell, Gen C M Avery. B F Gaitaer, J C McDowell. 6Ai.isr.i RV. Kii.iaid Caldwell, Jas E Kerr, M Bov den, John D Brown, H t' Simou.on. ChaRI.ottk. Thos H Brein, Jas H Carson, Dr L G . ..... ... ''ivl'll in snnii.wiiior thill the flKeilssmn was t:ikinrr ii t . . t' At rt..- t -r u....l.: i i " - b joiie?., ji vi i ii i . uaini-y il tuiciiiwo, '"personal" turn; wc gave it no such turn, and never : Davidson Collkok. S M Withers, W G Potts. An hTe and never will Kive a discusion a personal turn l1"'w !PrinPs- X) L Tom nce. ,.i . . , , , , . Al.t'.XANDRlANA. R B Monteith, Dr J McK Ileuder- "f a it can possibly be avoided. V e are always ready sf, ,.., K Alexander. 11 VV Stiuson. J C Cannon. wi uciend ourselves and sustain ani' statements we break in it, and that was caused by an accident. It has been a good roller, indeed. agf-The Presbyterian Synod of Xorth Carolina meets in Wilmington on Wednesday the 2d of November. North Carolina Conference The next j session will be held in Beaufort, commencing on December 13, mnder the Presidency of Bishop Early. ! ' ke, and if discussions take a personal turn it shall I D,.p 0 Elliott, H Berrien. But Ik f.i, Mocksville. -Lemuel Bingham, E D Austin, E Gai-1 ur rault- ther, X Carter, Thos J Brown. i Thanksgiving. The Governor and Council of New Hampshire have appointed Thursday, Newton. Jonas Bost, D B Gaitber, Dr O Campbell, November 24, as thanksgiving day in that State. Thia is the first State that has designated a day tor thanksgiving this year. LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the Post Office at Charlotte on 1st of Oct. Mary R Alexander, John M Alexander, Mary S Alex ander, D M Alexander, James L Alexander, John Alex ander, miss D J Alexander, Mary J Alexander, C J Alexander, J M Alexander, John G Alexander. Man Alexander, M C Ahernathy, Rev J W Abernathy, Os bond Abernathy, Rev J M Anderson, Isaac A Allison, William Adam?, Jas L Adams. Geo W Hradley, Monroe Rates. Jas Barringer, John Parker, Win Raid, Call am Rrown, Rich'd Rennizgler, Cherry Bradley, Judith E Black, Wm S Brown, J II Rrown, R W Rlair, Mary 0 Rum, Jas M Raty, Cynthia Brown, W P Bynum, G Bargman, J W Roals, R Boydcn, Lewis Bukel, Mr Boger, Rachael P Rerryhill. Cynthia Carr, J E Clelnan. Mary E Chaffer, Moses F Craig, J A Cathey, C M Chesheir, James Cobb, nirs C Corhraa, Eliza Chapman, C II Caldwell, Bollie Cooper, G A Cook, R W Christian, P Cansler, Mag S Caldwell, V W Clark, Frcd'k Craft, Thos Cooper, Martha A Craig, Liddie S Core, mrs H Caldwell, Moses F Craig, Rann Caldwell, Jackson Cassel, Hattie Cooper, Jno LCooper. Ephraim Duncan, Wm Drucker, J Dnane, B Davis: Mollie L Donaldson, James Dawson, II B Dowler &. Co, Ceorge Drew. Mary E Ervin. - W Ernell, R W Ervin, mrs X L Ford, L B Flanigin, David Fisher, Maggie A Flow, Tho J Freeman. Prof Lewis R Gibbs, mr Galloway, Henry Gould, J II Guon, David Graham, P Gates, Annisted Garr, Eli Goreon, mrs Gali way. Alex Grola w, Saml Gibbs, Mar garet T Gaston, J Garters, Robert Grier, Andrew Gall, Sarah A Hunter. Jos R Hudson. Emma Houston, S N Hall, Harper & Dunborrow, T R Hoyle, J Harper & son, John II Henderson. W L Henderson, Max Haarburger, Etobt C Harris, John M Hughes, Solomon Hays, C Hick-, John D Hunter, mrs P 11 Houston, G II Howell, T W Hunter, J P Helderbrared, James V Harris, Joel Hug gins 2, Pinkney Hudson, Isaac Harris, mrs Mary Hip, George Hrultou, E A Holton, W Hunsucker, J W Hill, J J Henderson, Joseph Hieman, James Hansion, Alt Hornesby, miss Mary C Haynes. Adam Hoffman, miss Martha E Houston, W G Hodges, miss Emily A Hord. Joseph E Ide, Wm Ingram. F P Julian, nirs Jane A Jimison. II A Jones, Morris Johnston, mcssrs Johnston k Lewis, W Jackson, G Kelly. Rev L W Kelly, Wra A Kerr, Rachael and Joseph servants of miss E Kennedy, Thos M Kerns. James M Lancaster, Austin Laurance, Thos Lewill, J Loweustein, W F Lee, L Lineberger k Co, miss Jane C Little, miss J W k J P Marshall, L Mitchell ?,, Joseph McLure, J C Mclnnis, Jas G McCop, P P Mclnnis, John McKinly. mrs Bettie II Morrissett, miss Margaret E Mc Coy, miss Martha Morris, J H Martcrs Esq, James O Munroe. Robt J McDowell, R Morrison Esq, L Moray, J R Moss, J H McElwell, Jas C McCachern, miss Mollie A McGee, Jas C Martin, messrs J McRoric k Co 2, John McKinzie, J M Moslce. mrs Lucinda McGinn, George Mosteller. Frank Nash, S P Nelson. Sophia Orr. John H Patterson, George Parks, M V Para, miss Ecly Pace. Dan! J Pike, James M Patterson 3, Andrew Plaster, H H Peoples 2, Robert Tucket. S A Penman, D M Phelps, S J Perry, E L Prather, G L Peyton, miss Margaret, Plummer, Richard Pinglage. J E Quinn. Peter Roark, J W Ross 2, E H Rodgers, Jas J Reid, Thos P Rodsrers, Jas S Redd, S L Robertson, John Rea. R S Reid, A B Robertson, M C Read. II P Rees, J J Reedy, Frank Robinson, mrs Eliza Rcoks, miss Mar garet Roberson, J X Rhyno, Wm Ruddock. Mrs J A Stewart, miss Alice Stewart, W Stewart 2, Jeremiah Smith 3, C J Smith, E P Smith. Wm S Stan lv. J B Sherwood 3. Augustus Scroburg 2, Jos Sears, Robert Simpson, N A Sherrill, R Steedman. J W Sim mons, E W Stubbs, George W Scott, J G Smith, Cor nelius Smith, miss Caroline Smith, John W Smith, James Stephens, mrs II J Smith, A K Savil, Adeline Smith, K M Springs. Jennings Thomaston k Co, P Thurston, Wm D Tay lor, James C Todd, Robt Trotter, W Valentine 3, Thos J Vanghan, E D Valentine. C H Whithurst 2, mrs Letitia II Walker. H H Welch. S F Wheeler. Pinkney Wllks 2. Rev John Watts. W J Willis. J J Walton, Jackson William. S W Wallace, Mary A Williams, Elizabeth Jane Wilson, W X Wil liams. Wra M Walker, Peter Works 2, James Watt, II M Williams, S J Waltern, Joseph Woodrich. Persons calling for the above letters will please say they are advertised. t. M. PwOSS, P. M. In this county, on the 7th ult, Mrs Nancy E. Walker, wife of Mr John Walker, and daughter of Wm. H. and Caroline Walker, aged ID years. In Wadesboro', on the 2'jth ult., Miss Jennie E. Marshall, aged 21 years and five months. In Davie county, on the 21st ult, Mr Wm. March, aged Go years. M:illiJ3Lry- MRS. SARAH ADAMS, of Greensboro, respectfully informs the Ladies of Charlotte and surrounding coun try that she is now opening a very large and fashion able assortment of Bonnets, Ribbons. Vc. All oiders thankfully received and promptly attend ed to. Greensboro", October 7, 1 850. :it-pd 500 Head oi' Pork Hogs. The subscriber will pay the highest cash prices for Hogs. Those having Pork Hogs for sale would do well to give me a call, as I am desirous of purchasing that kind of stock. J. L. STOUT, Town Butcher. October 11, 1859. NEW FALL AND WINER Koopmann &. Phelps HAVE received and are receiving a large stock of Suitable for the Fall and Winter Trade, to which they invite the attention of their customers and the public generally. They assure those who may deal with them that they will endeavor to give satisfaction both in price and the quality of the Goods, as they are determined to sell at such low rates as will tend to the great advantage of purchasers. They have in store A large lot of Ready .made Clothing of various styles and qualities at reduced prices. GROCERIES, Hardware, &c, Of all kinds, kept constantly on hand and for sale on the most reasonable terms. They invite purchasers to give their extensive stock an examination before having elsewhere. KOOPMANN k PHELPS. October 4, 1859 Grass Seeds, NEW CROP AND VERV CHOICE, from LANDRETII. Red Clover Kentuckv Blue Grass Orchard" " Herds " Timothy " Hungarian " White Clover For sale at 9 50 bushel. 5 25 " 2 30 2 00 5 50 4 50 it 14 l Oct. 4. SCARU'S Drug Store. Blue Stone ! Blue Stone ! A supplv of fine Blue Stone just received, at SCARR'S Charlotte Drug Store. Certain Cure Tor Corn. Morg.in'3 White Felt Corn Plaster affording im mediate relief. at SCARR'S Drug Store. NEGROES WANTED. I want to buy Negro Boys and Girls from 12 to 18 years old, for which the highest prices in cash will be paid. M.-.ylT, 1839 SAML. A. HARRIS. Xo. 5 to 10, 1 00 (3; 0 00; Xo. 1 2. i Mil f 1 12 a $12i Baocino )1 in Kits, $3 SO Gunnv, 17 (nt 18 ' 'Spiiutm Balk Roi-, 10 122 Rye Whiskey, 75 a 0 00 li-os K. C " team Common, 4 (fh tt Apple Brandy, T-3 a ft Rolled, 5 a 5J Peach w 1 00 a I 60 Xote. Grain u sold by w eight Corn 56 lbs. per bushel. Wheat GO lbs., Rye 60 lbs., Oats 33 lbs., and Peas CO His. REMARKS. Cottox 199 bale9 were sold last week at prices ranging from 9g to 10. At the commencement of the week a few lots brought, a little more than 10, but tli unfavorable foreign news caused a decline. Corn Old corn is in demand at 80 to 85. A small lot of new corn sold at 58 cents. . Wheat and Flour has not been offered freely ektcr artiele will readily command quotations. Bacox is in demand at quotations the market is aat very well supplied. We make alterations in the prices of several nrticles this week, for which see table above. ac- CIIARLESTON, Oct. The Cotton market is tire, aud prices range from 9 to llj. VORKVILLE, Oct. 5. Forty bales of new cotton were sold nt 10 00, but the unfavorable foreign news caused a decline, the market closing dull at 9 to 10 15. Flour fa 35 to $2 50 per sack; Wheat 85 to $1; Com 85 to 87; Lard 12 cents; chickens 10 to I2jj eggs 10. XEW VORK, Oct. 6. Cotton is very dull. Flour is buoyant; Southern unchanged. White wheal $1 42 to 1 50. Mixed and yellow corn 95c to $1. Ready-made Clothing I XJ M. Fulling, Spring & Co. ARE now receiving their Stock of READY-MADB CLOTHING, TOuTOOTG GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, TRUNKS, VALISES, Carpet IJajs and Umbrcllas- Cloih Coats. All grades of Cloth (.'oats, All grades of ('loth Coats, All grades of Cloth Coats, All grades of Cloth Coats, Cassiinere Suits. AH grades of plain and fancy enssimerc Suits, AH grades of plain and fancy cassimerc Suits, All grades of plain and fancy cassiinere Suits, AH grades of plain And fancy cassimerc Suits, Casgimere Pant. All grades of black and fancy eassimcre Pants, All grades of black uud fancy cassimere Punts, All grades of black and fancy cassimere Pants, All grades of black and fancy cassimerc Pants, Vest. Rlack and fancy Velvet and Matalasse Silk Vests Rlack and fancy Velvet and Matalasse Silk Vests Black and fancy Velvet and Matalasse Silk Vests Black and fancy Velvet and Matalasse Silk Vests 4 loves, Hosiery, Ac. Cravats, collars, Gloves, Hosiery, &c. Cravats, collars, Gloves, Hosiery, Ac. Cravats, collars, Gloves, Hosiery, Ac. Cravats, collars. Gloves, Hosiery, Ac. Hat and Caps. Largest and cheapest stock of Hats and Caps, Largest and cheapcct stock of Hats and Daps, Largest and cheapest stock of Hats and Caps, Largest aud cheapest stock ot Hats and Caps, Traveling. Trunks, Valises, carpet bags and rmbrellns, Trunks, Valises, carpet bags and Umbrellas, Trunks, Valises, carpet bags and Umbrellas, Trunks, Valises, carpet bags and Umbrellas. Our friends and customers know well the advantages wc possess in getting up the NEATEST, CHEAPEST AND PRETTIEST Stock of Clothing, Ac., in Western Carolina. JSWe warrant the quality and making o.f all Goods that go from our Store. Call before buying elsewhere and examine our stock. FELLINGS, SPRINGS A CO. October C, 1859. T. J. CORPENING. Dentist, Graduate of the Baltimore, Dental College, Would respectfully announce that he is now perma nently located in Charlotte, and will be pleased to re ceive the calls of those who mar require hie profes sional services. Person; from a distance, who cannot make it convenient to visit Charlotte, can have their work done at ihcir residence, without any extra charge, by addressing him at this place. Miuisters, who are Pastors, charged half price. Ladies waited on at their residence if desired. OFFICE in Springs' building, No. 5, formerly occu pied by R. P. Waring. September 27, 1859 3m-pd J. S. PHILLIPS. MERCHANT TAILOR, HAVING located in Charlotte, respect fully solicits a share of puhlic patronage. A complete assortment of Cloths, Cus simeres and Ve.-. tings always on hand, which will be made to order at the shortest notice. ttiT Shop three doors south of tho Mansion House. Kept. 27, 1859. j JOHN VOGEL, Practical Tai lor, respectfully informs the citi zens of Charlotte and surround ing country, that be is prepared to manufacture gentlemen's clo thing in the latest style and at short notice. His best exertions will be given to render satisfac tion to those who patronize him. Shop opposite Kerr's Hotel, next door to Brown A Stitt's store. Oct. 4, 1859. tf GOOD supply of Tenneseee BACON, cheap for cash. H. B. WILLIAMS A CO.

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