I WESTERN DEMOCRAT, CHARLOTTE 1ST. C. LOVE AND WISDOM. BY JAMKS JRE50B ORANT. Love an J Wisdom tlr-jugh it may be, they are twins of Heavenly birth, And in Heaven arc sister angels, are no sinters upon earth! Seldom falls the smile of wisdom upon love's Map oion'd thrill, Seldom conies the happy hiidal of the reason and the will. Not always sweetness, goodness, worth, the charm of mutual minds, Nur even beauty's treacherous self the chain of passion hinds; A power occult a sympathy as genial or jerverse, 8 till draws the yielding spirit to its hles.-iiig or its curse. Ju friendship's milder dream of joy perchance j not all a dream Some little ground pale reason gives for likiugand j esteem, Some little help the fabric boasts from wisdom's j shaping hand, Some little promise knowledge gives, that 'tis not built on sand. JJutlnve, a stormy vision, comes, fierce sweepingly IN blind, And reason, wisdom, knowledge, all are scatter'd to the wind ! For lortng some unloving thing, all earthly things above, A woman' reason serves alone "we Jove because we love." SWISS COUHTING. In Switzerland, when a girl has arrived at marriageable age, the young men of the village assemble by consent on a given night at the gallery oi the chalet in wliiitli-the fair one resides. This creates no manner of surprise in the mind of her parents, who not only wink at the practice, but are never better phased than when the charms of their daughter attract the greatest number of admirers. Their arrival is soon announced by sundry taps at the different windows. After the family in the house has been roused and dressed, (for the scene usually takes place at midnight, when they have all retired to rest,) the windows of the room prepared for the occasion, in which the girl is first alone, is opened. Thcii a parley commences, or rather a boisterous description each man in turn urges his suit with all the eloquence and art of which he is pougeoacj. The fair one nesitates, doubts, asks questions, but comes to no Hitting the Doctors. The Providence Jour nal seems to have some sort of a quarrel with the Med. Fac. What have they been doing to our co temporary ? We quote from one number: "John, did Mrs. Hrccn get the medicine I or dered ?" I guess so," replied John, "for I saw crape on the door the next morning." The venerable lady of a celebrated physician, one day casting her eye out of the window, observ ed her husband in the funeral procession of one of his patients, at which she exclaimed : "I do wish my husband would keep away from such proces sions j it appears too much like a tailor carrying home his own work." A very small pattern of a man lately solicited the hand of a fair, buxom girl. "Oh, no, said the lady, "I can't thiuk of it for a moment. The fact is, Tommy, you are a leetle too big to be put in a cradle, and a little too small to be put in a bed!" Extravagance Intkkfkki.no with Marri age. It is a pretty well established conviction that the extravagance of these times in dress, housekeeping matters, &e , tends to the preven tion of marriage. Shrewd young men are careful and cautious about undertaking the boarding and clothing of young women. As an instance, the Ciuciunati Kuquircr has been furnished, by the Clerk of the 1'rubate Court, with the number of marriage licenses issued in Hamilton county, during the last eight years, which show a falling off in 1?o1 from 18525, of 275, and from 1854, of When we consider that the population of the city has probably augmented 80,000 during the eight years, this decrease is very remarkable, and well calculated to alarm the advocates of wed lock. Small newsboy to horrified dandy "Won't you scratch iny 'cad, mister? iny 'ands issocold I can't." STOP A Y 1 KE.4J) THIS. GOOD XKW.S AT CHARLOTTE, N. C. leeision. am tnen invites toe party to partake ot :t repast of cakes and kireebwaaser, which is prepared for them on the balcony. Indeed, this entertainment, with the strong of the cherry, forms a prominent feature in the proceedings of the night. After having regaled themselves for some time, during which and through the window she has made use of at) the witchery of woman's art, she feigns a desire foget rid of them, and will call her parents to accomplish this object. The youths, however, are not to be put off, for according to the custom of the country, they have come here for the express panose of compelling her, on fhat night, there and then, to make up her mind, and to declare the object uf her choice. At length, alter a further parley her heart is touched; or at least she pretends it is, by the favored swain. Alter certain preliminaries between the girl aud the parents, h.r lo.er .s admitted throigh the window, where the alliance is signed and sealed, but not delivered, in the presence of both father mid mother. By consent of all parties, the cere mony is not to extend beyond a couple of hours, when, after a second jollification with kirschwasser, they all retire the happy man to bless his stars, but the rejected to coi.eule themselves with the hope that at the next tournament of love-making they may succeed better. in general, the girl's decision is taken i a good part by all, and is regarded as decisive. FRUIT TREES. We find the following in the London Farmer's Magazine, but it is not new to us. We know of the experiment having been tried in this country, with some twenty-five plum trees, over which the rope was cast, and the end of tl.e rope placed in a bucket of water. All the fruit was saved, while all in the neighborhood was lost : Mr J. Brace Neil, in a letter to a eotemporary, states that the blossoms of fruit trees, which are often so fatally cut off by early spring frosts, may be iirotected from them and their pertinacious effects, by the following method: If a thick rope be intermixed anion; the branches of a fruit tree ... i in bhiesom, the end of which is directed downward so as to terminate in a pail of water, ;-hould a slight ! frost take place daring the night, it will not in the smallest degree effect the tree, while the surface of the water in the pail which receives the rope i will be covered with a cake of ice of more or les : thieknee, though water placed in another pail by j thesideol it, at the same time, byway of experiment, j may not. trom the afightaesa of the frost, have j any ievt at ail on it. The principal in particular, as Mr Neil justly remarks, is deserving of much coBsitteratioB, as there is a possibility of its being very beneficially applied in a great, variety of obvious ways. In preserving apples, during long and severe winters, the saino authority states, that ' it is only accessary to throw a linen cloth over i them, before the approach of frost, (woolen cloths 1 would not answer) when they will be found entirely preserved, how severe so ever the winter may prove. There seems abundant re ison to believe that even potatoes might be protect d from frost after being soaked) by some sac h similar expedient. This also, like the above principle, to which it appears so very analogous, merits high consideration; and for the same important reason, its capability of conducing to the universal benefit of mankind, and the numerous animals under our protection. m fts1 Vegetable DtKT-' At a meeting of the Ame rican Vegetarian. Society, in Philadelphia, on i Wednesday, some of the brethren submitted their experience. Rev. Pr. Metcalf, pastor of the Bible Christian Church, said ho had been a practical vegetarian for 50 years, and was now 75 yeivrs old. ; In his younger days he was it printer, and pulled eight tokens a day on a Washington hand press with ease, without ever touching meat, fish or fowl. He now enjoyed as good health as other persons of his age generally do. A Mr. Kodolphe Poole, an Englishman by birth, wearing a hunting coat, drab pants, with a pair of heavy fisherman's boots, which covered half his thighs, and having a bronzed,: fiorid complexion, related his experience as a veg etarian. He had travelled over half the world, in i climates where the thermometer was up to 130 de grees, had mined in Australia up to his waist in water, during all which tiuic he had subsisted on a j vegetable diet, and believed it abundantly capable i of sustaining a man performing the hardest labor, j The decease of Ir. Alcott, the President of tho j Society, during the year, was deeply regretted, as he was one of the main pillars of the vegetarian cause in the United State;. X7V M. TRELC Has just opened a large and extensive New Stock of BOOTS, SHOES, BROGANS, And Leather, French and American Calf-Skins, and all kinds of SHOE-MAKERS' FINDINGS. Also, a beautiful Stock of the latest and most fash ionable styles of H ats and Caps, All styles and Grades, from Oakford's Best, down to the Common Wools. My superior Stock of Ladies' and Gentlemen fine extra sewed Boots, Shoes and Congress Gaiters, are not to be surpassed by any. They were purchased from the manufacturers and the very best Boot and Shoe makers in the United States. Farmers, .Mechanics and the public generally are particularly invited to call and examine my Stock and judge for themselves, as I am determined to sell low mUTD sTKiCTL.y i ni cJi&M. J&.vir' Be sure you call at the right house just opposite the .Mansion Hotel, at NO. 4, GRANITE ROW, One door below Elius k Cohen's Clothing Store WILLIAM TRELOAR. August 23, 1859 STO KE Bl O t 8 E FOR 8 A iTe. The subscriber offers for sale that large brick Store House, next to the Court House. In addi tion to a large store room, it has three rooms in the second story, suitable for Offices of any kind. Also, a lot at Davidson College with comfortable buildings thereon. J. H. MAXWELL. August 2, 1S5'J tlJ-pd pjltfln it mi III IT1 tIUASI: SACRIFICES ! ! New Goods. Wilmington Branch 2d Store below T. 11. Brem y Co. KAMW13&1IE & mm. UESPECTFULLY inform their numerous custom ers of Charlotte and the Surrounding country, that they are selling off the balance of their stock of Summer Goods. Fancy and Sla;lc Dry Goods, for dents", Youths" and Bora wear. Boots, Shoes, Hats. Caps, Trunks, and a full supply of Aililliiieiy Groocls, Bonnets Flats and Hats. Bonnet Ribbons and French Flowers, all of which will be sold at reduced prices. Also, a large and beautiful assortment of Lace Points, Be rage and Linen Dusters, nil of the latest style. JBfejj The above named Goods must be closed out by the first of October to make room for our Fall stock. We have the best and largest assortment of Ladies' and Misses' Gaiters, Boot and Shots, Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags. Satchels and Bonnet Boxes. Attention is called to the large .-lock of Ready-made Clothing, it being made up in the most substantial manner, and is equal to that sold by any other house in the Union, and is a choice and fashionable stock. Gent Fitrnishint Goods vf every Style. This is positively a cloying sale, as every article must be sold by the 1st October. Merchants and others are requested to call and examine before making purchases. as they will hud it to their interest to do so. They rim buy from 25 to 50 per cent cheaper than at any other House. We always keep on hand the best and cheapest as sortment of GROCERIES, Hardware. Cedar Ware, kc David Kahsvkii,kic Daxiki. Kahxweii.eu, Charlotte. Aug. :!0. Jacob Kahxweilkk. Kathei Caught, Rather. Two Scotch gen tlcmeu went to Ireland to make a tour, and to see the natives. One of them, ooe drizzly day, bet the other the price of their dinner and a bottle of wine that the first Pat they found would be too much for them. A diminutive fellow, with an old frieze coat and a piece of a hat, was trying to plough with a pony under the shelter of a row of trees. "Pat," suid our friend. "Yes, your honor," he replied. "If the devil were to come, just now, which one of us would he take?" "Sure, he'd take me, yer honor." "But why, Pat!'" "Caze he'd be csure of yer honor at any time !" NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the undersigned as ad ministrator of Joseph Patterson, deceased, are notified that their Notes are due. The money is wanted. I am called upon daily for money, and in many cases sued. 1 wish to save cost, and do not wish to put others to cost, but request all to lift their Notes without delay. A hint to the wise is sufficient. . WM. i'ATTKRSON, Adm'r. Sept. C, 1850 7 7-Ut TIN -WARE and Stove Depot. A. A. W. n. TA1XOR WOULD respectfully announce to the public that he continues to carry on business at the store on the West Corner of Public Square, where ho keeps constantly on hand the largest assortment of ever offered in North Carolina; among which will be found the celebrated Iron Mitch Cooking Stoic, which has gained such a famous reputation in the Southern country for the last eighteen months. This Stove he warrants superior to any cooking stove now in use. It is simple in its arrangements, consumes less fuel, and does more work in a given time than any otUffc Stave in use. He has all kinds of Parlor and Box Stoves ; and keeps constantly an extensive and varied Stock of Tin, Sheet-Iron, Japan, and Britannia Ware, Bras Kettles, Cast Iron Bedsteads, Cast Iron Ware, Hat Racks, Cradles, dr., all of which will be sold. Wholesale and Retail, cheap er than has ever been before offered in this vicinity. He would return his thanks to his friends and cus tomers for the very liberal patronage they have bestow ed upon him, and hopes to merit a eontiuance of the same. His motto is "Quick Sales and Small Profits."' All kinds of JOB WORK attended to with dis patch: and all ORDERS will be faithfully and prompt ly executed. Charlotte, July 1, 1850. GliKAT SACRIFICE a t Moniz o ir s n rn- o u t. The subscribers respectfully inform the people of the surrounding country that they have reduced the prices of their stock, consisting of Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Iflats, Caps fc ISendy-made Clothing. Also, a great variety of other Goods, which will be sold regardless of cost. Pine Robe Dresses worth $5 00 nt $2 50 .Mantillas " 5 00 at 2 50 Shawls " 4 00 at 2 00 Bonnets " 8 00 at 3 50 Hoop Skirts " 2 50 at 1 25 Fast colored Prints " 15 ar 10 Bleached and unbleached Domestics at New York prices, and the prices of all other Goods kept in store will be reduced in proportion to the above. II AM MERSHLAG & MEXDELS. Morrow's Turn-out. Julv 5. 185'J tf S. M. HOWELL, Saddle and Harness CHARLOTTE, N. C, ONE DOOR' SOUTH of the MANSION HOUSE. Repairing promptly and neatly done. Jan. 1, 1855. ' y CASH PAID FOR HIDES, BY JS. TVt. F R E K C I! MILL! X E R Y WT AHNWEILEB k BROS, respectfully inform the A, Ladies of Charlotte and vicinity, that they will open on or about the 1st of October, a MILLINEKY DEPARTMENT, under the superintendence of MISS P. 1'i'llil., who is acknowledged by persons oT taste to suit and please the most fastidious. Aug. .-.0, ih5! tf CHARLOTTE FOUNDRY AND Macliine Factory. The undersigned begs leave to call the attention of the public to the fact that he is now ready to till all orders tor making Steam Engines, Hydraulic Col ion Presses and all kiud of Machinery. LATHE MACHINE Browns patent self-feeding mammoth Lathe Machine will be made to order- It is warranted to cut 50,000 laths per day, and is regarded as the greatest invention of the day. Every saw mill should hare one attached, for it saves all the refuse lumber The rijjht to said machine can be purchased of the subscriber for either of the following named counties : Mecklenburg, Gaston, Lincoln, Cabarrus, Union and Anson. ALL KIADS OF CASTINGS in Iron and Brass or other metals MADE AT SHORT NOTICE AND REDUCED PRICKS. Particular atten tion given to the making and repairing of Thrashing Machines, Horse Powers, Cotton Gins, Mill Work, and Agricultural Works of all kinds. Bla ksinithing. Jobbing Work. Wagon Work, and Horse Shoeing, done with dispatch. All Work mist be PAID FOR when DELIVERED, as cash has to be paid for every thing necessary to carry on the establishment. fi!" All orders for work must be specified in writing so that the work and spceitications may agree. 4feAU contracts connected with the concern must be made with tie undersigned alone. J. M. HOWIE, Practical Engineer, will give his con stant attention to the business. All letters on business will be directed to "Charlotte Foundry." .1. A. FOX. Proprietor. Charlotte, N. C, July 12. 1839 tf 1 ONE IOOH BOLT11 OF THE MANSION' IIOI'SE. Jan'y 1, 185'J. tf HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE 0., HARTFORD, Com,. Incorporated A. D. 1810. Charter Perpetual. Authorized capital $1,000,000 Capital paid in 500,000 Surplus 300,000 ASSETS JANUARY 1, 1850. Cash on hand and in Bank $13,455 22 Cash in hand of Agents and in transit. 54,827 09 Real Estate unencumbered (cash value) 15,000 00 Bills receivable, amply secured 73,174 55 2.44 Shares Bank Stock in Hartford. 230,413 00 2,200 " " " New York, 107,750 00 710 " 4i Boston, 74,620 Oo 1 0(1 shares Bank of the State of Missouri, 10,000 0'' State and city Bonds, 0 per cents, 74,245 00 Rail Road Stocks, 16,250 00 United States' Treasury Notes, 14,035 00 $803,700 80 DIRECTORS. II. Huntington, Charles Bo.-well, Job Allyn, Albert Day. Henry Keney, John P. Brace, James Goudwin, Calvin Day, Charles J. Russ. Tuio. C. Alltx, Secretary, II. Hl ntinutox, PreMdeni. C. C. Lyman. Assistant See'jf. Wat. N. Bowebi, Actuary. This old and reliable company, established for near ly fifty years, continues to Insure against loss or dam age by Fire on dwellings, furniture, warehouses, stores, merchandise, mills, manufactories, and most otlier Kinds of property, on its usual satisfactory terms. Particular attention given to insuring Farm Property, consisting of Dwellings. Bams and Out-buildinga con nected, ami Furniture, Live Stock. Hay, drain. Farming Utensils, kc. contained in the same, for a term of three to five years at lotr rates of premium. Applications for Insurance may be made to the un dersigned, the July authorized Agent for Charlotte and vicinity. Losses equitably adjusted at this Agency, and paid immediately, upon satisfactory proofs, in funds current in the cities of Neic York or Jioston, as the assured may prefer. Thomas IV. Hewej, June 28. 1859. y v Agent at Charlotte. JOHN HENRY WAIT, M. D., Surgeon Dentist, Graduate in Medicine and Dentistry, Office on Tryon Street, opposite Bank of the State, Surgical operations, such as Cleft Palate, Hare Lip, Tumors of mouth and jaws, performed, and fractures and dislocations treated. Teeth filled and extracted, and Artificial Teeth inserted alter the most approrcd methods. September 13, 1859. y NEW DRUG STORE, irwin's corner, Charlotte, C. E. NYE HUTCHISO;? & 0., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Foreign & Domestic Drugs, MI.MOIIIIS k OHBMOASiS, ARE now receiving Fresh and Genuine Drugs from the New York market, which have been purchased upon such terms as to be sold low for cash. We would respect fully call the attention of the public to our stock of PURE WHITE LEAD, IJlaek Lead, lied Lead, Litherage, Snow White Zinc, Burnt Umber, Haw Umber, Spanish Brown, Red Sanders, Drop Black, Alcohol, Pure Liquors. Foreign Perfumery Putty in cans, Snaps. Fresh Congress Water, Eng. Finishing Varniah, Picture Varnish, Damar Varnish, Black and mown Japans LINSEED OIL, 1 Tanners' Oil, Pure Sperm Oil Lard Oil, Chrome Green, Train Oil, Chrome Yellow, Machinery Oil. Paris Green, Lubricating Oil Sea-Elephant Oil, Lamp Oil, Venetian Red, Kerosene Oil, Turpentine, Castor Oil, limning Fluid, Sweet Oil, London Porter, Olive Oil, Canton Teas, Paint Brushes, Graining Brushes, Steel Graiueis, Tobacco. Segars. Fresh Citrate Magnesia, Furniture Varnish, Copal Varnish, Grecian Varnish, Window Glass (French) ICE SODA WATER. June 14, 18r9. Southern Plows, Corn Shelters, &c. .11.1 Y"MMEit &i CO., NO. 54 VESEY STREET, NEW-YORK CITY. A. F. M. & Co. would respectfully inform Southern Merchants and Dealers in Agricultural Implements, that they are still manufacturing all kinds of both Steel and Iron Southern Plows, Plow Castings, Corn Shelters, Grain Cradles, Hay and Stalk Cutters, Fan Mills, Store Trucks, (iarden and Canal Barrows, Gin dear Segment Castings, kc, kc, expressly tor the Southern Trade. Also, on hand, all kinds of Agricul tural and Horticultural Implements, Machinery, Seeds, Fertilizers, kc, kc, which they will sell at Lower Prices than any other house in the United States. They have a descriptive Wholesale Price Catalogue, which they will furnish on application by mail or otherwise. All Goods warranted to be as represented. A. F. MAYIIER & CO.. No. 54 Vesey St , N. Y. Successors to John Mayher & Co. (Who established the business in 1820.) Send for a Price List. Sept. 0, 1859 3m-pd The subscriber otters for sale all his Lands lying in the county of Union, on the waters of Goose and Crook ed Creeks, viz: One tract lying on the waters of Crook ed creek, adjoining Dr. E. C. Alexander, John Foard. Robt. Mann and others; one other tract adjoining said tract, and John A. Lcmmond, Henry Sheill and others. Also, one tract on the waters of Goose creek, adjoining Dr. E. C. Alexander, Eli Stewart, the Marion Cold Mine and others; together with another tract adjoining A. F. Stevens and others, lying on both sides of the Lawyers' Road leading from Charlotte to Wadesboro. An- or all of the above-named lands will be sold privately to air,' person desirous of purchasing between this and the 1st October next. TERMS made known on application to the subscri ber near Eli Stewart's in Union county, or by address ing me at Coburu's Store, Union county, N. C. CYRUS t. LEMMOND. April 20. Om-pd GAS WORKS. The subscribers respectfully inform the public that they are prepared to erect Gas Works for lighting cities, towns, villages, colleges and large hotels. They have erected works in Charlotte and Raleigh, N. C, which have given entire satisfaction to the citizens of those places. As to qualifications, ability and promptness in fulfilling contracts entered into by them, they refer to the following gentlemen : James H. Carson. President of Charlotte Gas Work com pany, Charlotte. N. C. Wm. Johnston, President of Charlotte & S C Railroad company, Charlotte. N. C. Dr Thos D Hogg. President of Raleigh Gas Association, Raleigh, X C. Col G II Young, Waverly. Mississippi. A G Story, President of Gas Works. Little Falls. X Y. F T Story, Supt. (Lis Works, Watertown, N Y. W S Scli'ocner & Co, 221 Pearl street, New York. For further information, address the undersigned at Raleigh. N. C. WATERIIOUSE & LOWES. September 14, 1858. y Great Southern Remedy. Jaco"b's Oor3.stl. For all. Dowel Diseases, cholera, dysentery, uiaur h(ea, cholera morbus. i11lious colic, cholkra ix KAXTfM. Also, aumikauly adapted to many dis eases of Females, most especially painful menstrua tion. THE virtues of Jacob's Cordial are too well known to require encomiums. 1st It eure the worst cases of Diarboea, 2d It curesthe worst forms of Dysentery, 3d It cures California or Mexican Diarrhu-a, 4th It relieves the severest colic, 5th It cures cholera morbus, Cth It cures cholera infantum, "itli It cures painful menstruation. fit li It relieves pain in back and loins, 0th It counteracts nervousness and despondency, 10th It restores irregularities, 11th It dispels gloomy and hysterical feelings. 12'.h it's an admirable tonic. .JONAS HUDIS1LL, Architect and Builder. (DESIGNS FURNISHED AND BUILDINGS COMPLETED ON THE MOST REASON ABLE TERMS, AND IN EVERY STYLE OF ARCHITECTURE,) On College ' street, corner of Eighth street. Charlotte, N. C. WOULD rao-t respectfully announce to the Citizen; of Charlotte and surrounding country, that he still con tinues the above business in Charlotte, where !;e is prepared to furnish DOORS, BLINDS AND SASH, to the public on the most reasonable terms, and on the shortest notice. Having a great many small claims for work done, scattered all over the country, he is determined to change his method of doing business and hereafter will require CASH for all work done in his Macliine Shop, before removal, Jan. 25, 1853. tf A few short Extracts from Letters, Testimonials, ,c. 4T ha,-c used Jacob's Cordial in my family, and have found it a most efficient, and in my judgment, a valu able remedy. Hon. HIRAM WARNER, Judge of Supreme Court, Ga. "It gives me pleasure in being able to recommend Jacob's Cordial; my own personal experience, and tht experience of my neighbr rs and friends around rne, is a sufficient guarantee for me to believe it to be all that it purports to be, viz: a sovereign remedy. Wm. H. Underwood, Formerly Judge of Superior Court, Cherokee Circuit." "I take great pleasure in recommending this invalua ble medicine to all afflicted with bowel diseases, for which I believe it to be a sovereign remedy decidedly superior to anything ever tried by ine. A. A. C Al ldixc. Dejmty G. M. of the Grand Lodge of Ga." 'T h&Y used Jacob's Coidial in my family, and this, with nil I hear about it as a remedy by those who have tried it, induces me to believe that it stands at the head of every preperation of the kind, and I would recom mend its use in the diseases for which it is compounded. Milks G. Dobbixs, Cashier of the State Batik of Georgia, Griffin." " If there is any credibility in human testimony, Ja cob's Cordial must stand preeminent above all other preparations for the cure of Bowel Diseases. From the mass of testimony in its favor coming in from all quar ters, it must be far in advance, as a curative iH'eut ot most if not all otlier 'patent' preparations. A. Flemixc. Cashier Marine and Fire Insurance Bank, Griffin.'' '; This efficient remedy is travelling into celebrity as fast as Bonaparte pushed his columns into Russia, "and gainiag commendation wherever used."' Georgia Jeffer sonian. Mag 19A, 1853. Bt Sold by J. ASHUIST, Charleston. S. C. Im porter and Wholesale Druggist, (who will Supply the trade.) and by Drucrirists everywhere. Nov. 10, 58. " lv-pd To Farmers and Country Merchants. JT. Y. BIticE & CO., ARE now offering to the public the largest and best as sortment of GROCERIES ever brought to this market, consisting of COFFEE. SUGAR, MOLASSES, SALT, &c. The best kind of Bagging, Rope and Twine. Also, 15,000 pounds good country-cured Bacon, 10 000 ' " Tennessee side, 2000 " " Tennessee Lard, 11 of whie'h will be sold low for cash or country Pro duce. Call aud examine our stock, as we don't charge for looking. Charlotte, Augnst 23, 1859. HATS! HATS!! Come to the Clothing Emporium, and buy you a nice fashionable Hat or Cap. We are receiving a large stock of the above goods at exceedingly low prices. FULLINGS, SPRINGS k CO. August 30, 1859 tf Yew Books. History of Frkoerick the Great, by Thos. Carlile. Mtzpau: Prayer and Friendship, by L. C. Loomis. Cot-KTSiiiP and Matrimony, with other Sketches, by Robert Morris. The Minister of Life, by M. L. Charlesworth. The Sociable; or 101 Home Amusements. The Like anu Times of the Great Hloh Miller, of Scotland, by T. N. Brown. Annals of the American Pulpit, by Dr. Sprague. Lippincott's Proxoi'ncinu Gazetteer, or Geographi cal Dictionary of the World, Do it a Dean or Magoie Miller, Mrs M. J. Holmes. Scocring of the White House, or the long Vacation Ramble of a London Clerk. The Kn. Pepper, Papers by Jacques Maurice. Dust and Fome, or Three Oceans and Two Conti nents, by T. Robinson Warren. I also have a few copies of Hawks' History of N. C, Vols. I and II. Cantwell's Justice and N. C. Form Book. Feb. 15, 1859. P. J. LOWRIE. CHARLOTTE j . Door One D . PALMER, ahore the Bank of Charlotte, Respectfully informs the pub lic that he has just received a splendid assortment of Con fectioneries, West Iudia Fruits, SEGARS of various brands, chewing & cjfe smoking Tobacco, Snuff, kc. a variety of Musical Instru ments, Yankee Notions, kc A FINE LOT OF WILLOW WARE. He is constantly receiv ing fresh supplies of the above Goods and many other articles not enumerated. CANDY MANUFACTORY. The subscriber is now manufacturing an excellent article of Candy, free from poisonous coloring, unlike the New York steam refined candy. Call and see and trv it. J. D. PALMER. November 9, 1858 tf LIFE LNSURANCE. THE undersigned as Agent will receive applications for Insurance in the North C'arolhitx Mutual Life In x ii ro 11 ce Co 111 pa in. This Company is the oldest in the State, and has been in successful operation for several years. Its rates are moderate, and all losses promptly adjusted. Persons wishing to insure their own lives or the lives of their Slaves, in this Company, will call at the Office of the Agent, at the Bank of the State. t&iT SLAVES insured for TWO-THIRDS of their VALUE. THOS. W. DEWEY, Agent. Jan'y 11, 1859. ly Atlantic Mutual Fire and Marine INSURANCE COMPANY. CAROLINA CITY, N. C. Incorporated by an Act of the Legislature of North Carolina. This Company being duly organized, is now prepared to receive applications for insurance upon HnUdlngs, Merchandise. Furniture, Mills, Manufactories, iShips aud their Cargoes, and most kinds of property, at remunerative rates of premium. It is aimed in the organization of this Company, to make a safe medium for Indemnity and Protection to the assured in case of loss. An honorable and upright course of dealing, aud a faithful fulfillment of its con tracts, will at ali times characterize the business of the Company. Applications for insurance may be made at the office of the company, or to its authorized Agents. DIRECTORS: John A Parrott, Levi T Oglesby, W B Grant, David S Jones, Geo W Dill, Col Thos J Blakely, Luke Blackmail, Wm S Long, David W Bell, A B Chap in, Saml Leffers, Joel II Davis, D A Hargett, E Mallett. OFFICERS: John A Parrott, Levi T Oglesby, W S Long, E A Thompson, A B Chapin, EXECUTIYE COMMITTEE. David W Bell. March 22. 1859. Cm President, Vice President, Treasurer, Attorney, Secretary. -W B Grant, W S Long, LIVER INVIGORATOR, NEVER DEIilLITATES. IT I rompotiMttcrt entirely from Ciuntu, nl has become an Hstablisiieil fact, Standard Me liclue. kuovru and approved by all tliati sort I to with roulideuue in; Li recommended. It his cored thousands Who had given up ull hopet unsolicited certi:ic.:ites in my j 1 he dose must be adapted' individual ukiug it, ami us act peutly 011 the Bowels. It the dictates of yourl use of the LIVEK I V- trill cure 1.1 vi 1 Coul tavka, Dyiciala, Summer to m -ry, Oropsy, Sour Cost I veueas, CHut ra Mo r litis, Cliolern lenee, J nun dice, cs, aa J may be used sue ry Family 91ccll- HIS A O ACH E, uf twenty minutes, If spoonful are tuk- attaek. Ail who use It arc in its favor. MIX WAT 10 14 IN have used it, and is now re. all the diseases for which il within the Inst two years oi lelifi. iih the numerous pueseaavien show, to the tempersment of tho cd in such quantities as to judgment guide you n the VIGOR ATOR, and it plaints, Bl.lousAt Chronic Diarrhoea, ll.ilnt, Dj'sente Stomnch, HaliiiiiRl ( holers, C'ltcle liifantnm, Klntn fc'ttnnlc Wenkneas cessfully as an Ortllna t Ine. It willcure SICK thousands can testify.) Iti Itta or three Tca- ien at commencement of giving their testtimony THE MOUTH WITH THE 1AVIUOKATOR, Atll) SHALLOW BOTH TOGETHER. Pi Ice One Hollar per Bottle. SANFORD'S FAMHY CATHARTIC PILLS, Pure Vegetable Eilrsf antl put up In (;l,AS CASES, Ail- Tight, aud Mill keep In any climate. The Family Cn- Oe but active ("alhartic used in his practice mor1 Tb? constantly inrre isine have Ion a used the PII.X. ail express in regard to their them within the reach of all The Profesaion well knowj on ditlerent portions of the ine KAHil.Y CA has. wiih due reference to been compounded from a table Extracts, which set alimentary canal, and are es where a Cathirtic is rankementa of tht lies'. Pains lu the Costivruesa, Pain the whole hotly, frequently, if ne-Iected. ver. I.os of Appr sstlon aft'old over nesi, Headache, or all Inflammatory Children or AlnltM,i Purifier of the Bloort. flesh Is heir, too numerous EnenC Uoe. 1 In 3. PRICE THREE DITIBS. The Ijlvcr Invlg nrtr and Kamlly Ca thartic Pills are retailed by Iriij:giu geueraUy, and Sold wholesale by the Trade in all the large towns. 8. T. W. SAN FOR 13, JW. D., Manafaetttrer and Proprietor, 335 Broadway, New York, F. SCABS k CO.. and E. NYE HUTCHISON CO i Charlotte. S. C, April -jg, 18S9 lharf In PI I.I. tsagen- which the proprietor has than twenty years, demand from those who and the satisfaction which use, has induced me to place lhat different Csthartica act I'ha aas. THARTC PI I. 1, this well established fact, variety of the purest Vege-alik- ui every part of the f!"l "nd aft- in all cas needfd. such as Or -Stomach , Sleeui Back and I.ol n a, and Soreness over from sudden cold, which end In a lotu; course or Pe tite, a Creeping; Ma. ttiebdy, Kcstless y eighi In t he head, Dla nae. Wsraii in HhrnmalUin,! erat and many diseases to which to mention In this advertise- THE SUBSCRIBERS having formed tb selves into a company, respectfully er tUeir services to tlie people of Chariot, the country generally in their lino 0f bus1"1 They are prepared to furnish Mon,!"1' (iKAYESTOJiES, Mas tic l Pieces, FtRstni1' Marble, Table Slabs, Mabble 8tm '.ntlt . ' . "I "J h. pattern, cut accoruinp; to me most approved tasu; stvles, and upon the mo6t accommodating term, offered in the Southern country. They will kee "fr stantlv on hand the best description of Egypt itta it-';-0" and American Marble. ' All orders for any article addressed to the subteriL. will meet with prompt attention, fcnd will and forwarded with the utmost care and dispatch The Yard is situated on the north-west comer uf it. Railroad Depot Yarti. WJI. TIDDY 4 SOX'S, January, 18."9. ly TAN BARK. 100,000 CORDS Tan Hark wanted, for wli a liberal price will be paid. M. H. TAYLOR Charlotte, March 22, 1859 tf Land for JSjaie. -t Hare Chance is now offered to Iny one 0f Handsomest Farms in Western NwA CWfttfc, THE subscriber being desirous to remove from country, offers for r.ale the PLANTATION J! which she now resides, lying 4 miles from ChanW on the Western Plauk Road. The land is now in a kj.L state of cultivation. In the yard is a Well ofiaajS Water. The Plantation has been much improreji the lasf few years. The Dwelling House and out-lm. ings are all new. There is also a jptouag QmmM of several hundred fine choice FRUIT TREES on tue plantation, bearing this the second year. Tata fits. tation is very healthy, and is beautifully situated, m. taining 50 Acres, one half of which is clenred. Jgfcs Terms made to suit the purchaser. Forr. ticulars enquire of the subscriber on the premises MRS. A. M. STEVEN SOS May 10, 1859. tf REMOVAL. The Confectionery and Family Grocery Store o( MOODY k NISBET has been removed to the stand oi posite the Presbyterian Church, where they are ttt& ing direct from New York large additions to theii stock of CONFECTIONERIES, FAMILY GROCERIES, &c. Among their stock may be found everything ratal kept in a store of this kind. A good assortment ot Cake Trinimiiigs, Willow Ware, kc, ahvavs on band. They have in their employ an excellent BAKER, ui are prepared to furnish Families and Partys with fiitti of all kinds at short notice. Nov. 16, 1858. MOODY k NISMT. We have also opened a branch of our store at Lin. colnton, where Mr Moody will superintend the baiiaw and hopes to secure a share of public patronage in tint section. July 4, 1859. MOODY k MSBKT. New and Fashionable Furniture W AJRE EOO M 8, Cli.iriolte. V . j. si. Sanders & c., arc ceiving from New York, Boston, &c, a genet! ftttoif ment of fine and fashionable FURNITURE, which tin-; will sell at extremely low prices for Cash, and rrrn article warranted to give satisfaction. Those in nm of good Furniture, at very low prices, will please fin them a call. Also, ou hand, fish's .He in I lie Burial Cases. J. M. SANDERS Co., Feb. 22, 1859. Charlotte. X. C. -41fffaFsTA LOWRIE'S I receive all tlie New I'ab lications as fast as they ennu i r ward from the Prc-: and kw constantly on hand a larff 11 School, Academy and TEXT-BOOKS, and many mm reference and recreative wrks. I also keep a very large stock of Stationery, pl" and fancy. Having made an arrangement with A' houtli worth Paper .Manutactui ing t ompitnv. I am abled to sell paper at tlie same price.- UytheeWr sale for which it can be bought in the Northern rit.' freight added. P. J LOWBlI Feb. 15, 1859. TO PLANTERS. COTTON (ilNS, of the best quality, with lflW saws, delivered at any Railroad Landtag State, or on the N. C. Railroad, at $2 per UW. I particulars address J. M. ELLIOTT, April 20, 1859- Cm Winnsboro', 1 1 seven per cent per annuin These Bonds are undoubtedly the safest inTeat" that can be made, and are really preferable State Bonds. The County cannot repudiate. They bear ump cent interest payable '-annunlly, with CapJ the same. They are of the denomination of$Wtjj will make them more current and useful for dunx"' purposes. The coupons will prove a cootS medium for paying county taxes. The citizens on ' county should possess them, and they are nnwoffcrrd them. Proposals left at cither Bank in Charlotte with Stephen W. Davis will receive prompt atten"01 H. W. Gl'IUN, Sept 28, 1858. Pres't. W., C. k. R. Baft Exclusively Wholesale Drug, Paint and Oil W'arehoi CSANTOS, WALKE & CO., wholesale Jej inDRl OS; Lamp. Machinery and Paint L" Varnishes. Paints, kc kc No. 88, Iron front, West side, Mrt Sfftg NORFOLK, W fi-Goods shipped from Xew York, Phila Baltimore, to Charleston, when required. KOIXOEI) 1852. CBAafPaw-' Located corner of Baltimore and Charlts stretih BALTIMORE, Md. Jjr The largest, most elegantly furnished. nd 1 Commercial College in the United Si' Students in atteudance from nearly every State 1 ' Union. ,.0 Every young man should write immediately of those large and beautiful Ornamental Cirru r presenting the exterior and interior view ol llieirj)lC, mure Commercial College. Penmanship, c", will be sent by return ma.il, free of charge. Wl logue containing list of students, terms of tuitin' ? ions of the Press on our new svsteni of Hook-keep1"' Faculty. . .cto' E. K. LOSIER, Principal Lecturer on the fcc'CD Accounts, Business, Customs, etc. ,fCr J. M. PHILLIPS, Profeasor of Book-Keeping a"" mercial calculations. . :.. H. H. DAVIKS. Associate Professor of Book-keep1 N. C. JOHNSON. Professor of Penmanship. S. T. WILLIAMS. E.q. Mercantile Lhw. REV. E. Y. REESE, D. D., commercial Bakia TnusTfcES. nt, Hon John P Kennedy, Hon Joshua ""' Hon Thomas Swann, Wni H Keignler. Jacob Trust, Esq. William Knabe. f . The time usually required to complete course, from eight to twelve weeks. s tc- Large circulars and catalogue? stating 'e sent bv mail free of charge. Address yd E. K. LOSIER. Baltimore Mar 10, 1S5D y-pd

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