yN J ( t t c i ii c m p 1 c: Will hi. It office ON Til E WEST SIDE OP TRADE STREET vrxmiM 3. TATS Tu1,, Editor T II E 17771 TI7M71?) $3 mnrri7) 2 JbffiyiiJliiJs Published CTery Tucsday,Q) I" . - - J. YATK Edwin A. iriruK AND rKurainuB. - Associate Eu'.tor. Vat 52 00 2 50 the Tear o us five mi subscriber) If paid iil :"!' " '' If paid within 3 atontlw If paid :ifi r tin- expiratioa ; - jr A ny person sending . malltinl I'V IM nTW ....-... ....... ... . 1 ibjcribera aad others who my i h to rt ad UHMKJT to II ran UO so hjr BiaiL ;.t our 1 Li Transient a ivertisements must be paid for in advance. t. ,r Adrerti .-lit- not marked on the manus inserted until forbid, nd f,.r specific rimnred acci time, will be dintrlf. J. M. MILLER, H. D., Practitioner of rdieinc ami Brgery, Mav 10th. ( nficc opposite Ken iiutci. 1). B. ATTORNEY REA. AT LAW . N. ('.. C1IARLOT1 i. re prompt attention to all iness entrusted to Professional car;. Orriri orros 14, 1859 ITU Kebk's J Hotel A. C. WILLIAMSON, .1 TTORXET . I XI CO I XSEL I. OR -1 1 Has taken an office jointly with J. A. Pox, Esq LA IF, ap-stairs next door to the Court Hobs ttantlv present to attend to here he will be con all calls on professions) business made Lr hii .-elf or for Mr Fox when ne is absent. J.-.nu: rv 4, 1839. tf J. A. FOX, Aiiorncy ti'iiir Bad dowr ( the -t lire Court II :.-, Up-Stair A. c. WILLIAMSON. Ei of the office, and who will who i- a joint uniformly preset cupant it. will attend to profei December 21, sional bus 1838 in in; tf U0BEUT GIBBON, I).. V'.Z ACTITIOSEB AN O w' -'i -i' CUAK X. c Offic Dec So. 1 '! "-' cor mber It, 158. LOTTK, .IAS. T. DAV AT ATTORNEY CHARLOTTI Will practice in the Courts adjoining counties. jgv- The collection of claim March 1 !, 1859 L A V, N. C uburg and t! prom; v ly attended to. T. H. BREM & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Rriti!), French as:ri American Carpets, Hardware, Hats and Shoes, Charlotte, A t . THOMAS H. BREM, J. A. SADLER, Jr. T. LAFAYETTE ALES Nov 0, 1S5S. vNDEK. RANKIN MARTIN J Commission Pcrcbituts, WilmirgtD N. 0. ROUT C. RANKlJt. Au;r. 90, 1839. ALFRED M Alt TIN ly- BELTS! BELTS For Wheat Threshers Fans, cotton Gins, Saw Mills, description: the best Belting and Machinery ot every now 111 use ana tar superior iuictiuh " i ". .. . .. i .. .. i. : .. .,...,- cts. fit il"f ' ' rcn. ' h or eirette ") "' SKte OS a I'lltl THE SI N WILL NOT AFFEC1 1 1 , lun nr w :i l r can nut lltllire it: it reouires no on: The ra's Brill nut cut il : voar lie t ...,t "i - Fiiiir iiixTtics v. ill DO! i ii for strings or shoe sole-: you can get any . !! ;., ...... u;..ce rithoul i.iints. and with ; gl u you ood care it will lat an farmer for twenty years. Orders accompanied with the cash will receive oint on prompt attention, and tne ircigui pa.u m j i the i: road or stage line. 'CASH PRH 15 ....IS ....17 ES: ccn: 2 inch. s per foot. 4 5 6 .38 10 ' 12 ' 12 " 4 ply Y" Scanilesi Belts ma ired to order at short notice Conducting Hose of all sizes, pressures, ordered direct from the PsokiM of all description, at 5o t fur water or steam Manufacturers. Also, cuts tier pound. J. B. F. BOOXE, Charlotte, N. C. June 7. 1S59 CERTIFICATES. t A IxHhi .-optliV that I have three Cum Bel which I 'ot of Mr J i Boone, m use in my machinery in raj Tan Yard, and have been in S for the last eight or . .1 .,,,.1 ... f .r i q 1 Uwm. iried them. 1 like tliem in 1 1 1 1 1 . ; i -. hum i " - - better than the leather belts. Yours respectfully, C c. HENDERSON, June , lsr.D Lincolnton, N. C. This is to certify that we have been using the -Rubber Belting." sold by Mr J B F Boone, ard tind it ha- proved all that h.e repr tation in recomuieiidiuL ill that h.e represents u to oe. a:... uaeuu its use to the puullC. VOUXG WRISTON. Proprietors ot the Rock Island Wool Mills. July 9, 18."i0. 1 1. i ,...,;.- ik in India Rubber Bel tin bought i uvirm wmiti bv n.o n J it V Rmiae. has been used .u mv cotton Fac turv from ta tfl months, and has given enure satis- faction. July iri, 1850 T. R. TATE. Magic Oil magic. A TT,..V. cnnlv insl received :Uld for SUM by E. NYE HUTCHISON i CO. ITANT CHABACTEB TS AS IMP01 and Proprietor. .U i CKLEBURO BONDS. Seven icr ccisf per annum. These Bonds are undoubtedly the rafest Investment that can be made, and are really preferable to uny State Bonds. The County cannot repudiate. They bear scrtn per cent interest payable eatt-ananaUy, with Coupons tor the same. They are of the denomination pf $100, which w ill make them more current and useful for domestic purposes. The coupons will prove convcier medium for paying county taxes. The citizens of the niuntv shouhl nossess the-.n. und they are now offered to them. Prooosals left at either Bank in Charlotte or with Stephen V. Davis will receive prompt tUention. 11. w . ocion. k. R. Railroad Co. Sept 2ft, 1858. Pres't.v7.,C New and Fashionable IF xa. ? nlture WARE ROOMS, Charlotte, X. C. J. M. SANDERS & Co arc constantly re- (::. 4c., a general assort i ri;NHl i:i;. which thej price- for Cash, and every ceiling mini ncn menl of line and fashionabl will sell at extremely low m New article warranted to give of good Fnrniture, at very satisfaction. 1 hose in want low prices, will please give them a call. Also, on hand, Fifties Vasts. J- 5. Feb. 22, 185. itallic IBurial jANDERS .n: CO., Charlotte. N. C TAN BARK. i eo.ooo coitus Tai Bark wanted, for which M. !I. TAYLOR. ib, e Wl Mar. 1 be p tid. o'J Charlotte tt TAXES. The Ta hands for Lists for tin- year 1 ! are now in my E to pay Taxes will m ipectn t. Those liab and settle. please me forwar B. C. GRIEtt, Sheriff. A-.ri! 12, II Wotic 3. F. SC the firm after be I F. Scar to F. M hand of Mav 1 ARR havii of F. SC. purchased the entire interest in ARR ('-. the Business will nere bv himself personally. continuc All Notes r .v Co.. t. md Accounts due tiie late hitn ot January 1st, 185!, must be paid in ARR by July 1st. or t an Attorn v for iium-. 7. 1859. " tf ey will lie piaceu in me Late collection. 8a 4' aaiiWa BY .1 . 12. C-ijSaES. Proprietor. VER1 ACCOMMODATION afforded the i of the Charlotte HoteL mi j . At 1 1 iui Charl 1859. :.s Hotel itte to A- is kept bvville. the ie of Daily it i . J. :err KTOSSE HOUSE Oil SALE. Tiie subscriber offers tor sal" that large uricK Jtore House, next to the Court House. In addi oii to a large store room, it has three rooms in i.i story, suitable forOffices of any kind, n i. i "s.t Iiaviilson Collctre with comfortable 3 thereon. ' : 2 1 8."9 tl.I-t'd LAX WELL. S T O E3 A X 12 K A CHARLOTTE T 12 I S Iluil!) NEW i extensive Stock ot BOOTS; SHOES, BROvT i,..i r..nt1ir Frcm-fa and American Calf-Skins, an all kinds of SIWE-MAKEItS' FIXDIXfJS. Also, a beautiful Slock of the latest and most fash ii na i i'c styles o at a ii d C a p All style id tirades, from Oa rd" Best, down to the Common Wools. Mv superior Stock of Ladies' and Gentlemen s hue extra sewed Boots, Shoes and Congress Gaiters, are not to be surpnf: ed by any. They were purchased from the manufacturers and the very best Loot and Shoe makers in the United States. Farmers, Mechanics and the public generally are u! firlv invited to cal and examine my owc imaelves. as I am determined to sell ir rCTiir for cjtsn- the right house just opposite lw ir tar Be 2. I'D S S S are vou c.u the Uausion Hotel, at NO. 4, GRANITE HOW, One door below Elias Cohen's .Clothing Store WILLIAM TRELOAR. inrusl ::. 1859 IJH.il E.SK New SACRIFICES Goods. ore belotc T. If. Bra m & Co. Uminaton at n i rot: r,; si- da i I- 1 " 1 1 I" 1 1.1. h. I 11 . .. ill men . ... v . .... ,LY custom- ...... ..f ci, ...l,. tt : nd the surrouadinc country they are seUiag oil 'the balance of their stoe of that hum Faiacv a;ai2 ap!c ry Goods, er tt for Gmts', Youths' and Boys' wear. Root: ii. to Trunks. and a fall supply of Millinery Bonnets Flats and Hats. Ron net Ribbons GrOOcl; nd Freni h Flowers. n r..-v ;..i, -;u ha aald at reduced prices Also, nil ui . .aw. - . ., Urge and beautiful assortment of Lace i omt, erag and Linen Dusters, all of the latest style. t-v The above named Goods must be closed out bv thefirst of October to make room for our Fall stack. ' We have the bed and largest assortment .of Ladies' and Misses' Gaiters, Roots and Shoe, Trunks, Valises Carpet I!1"-'. Satchels, and Bonnet Boxes. ' Attention is called to the large stock of Ready-made Clothing, ,nner. an 1 it being maua up in no. is equal to that sold by any other house IE and is a choke and fashionable stock. the Union. Sttfle. Uents riir FumiJuHQ UooOm of every This is positively dosing sale, as every article must liants and others are . , , .i ...ii.. ..!... i .-r ,r,l t call and examine before making purchases. as they will find it to their int. rest to can buy from to ."0 per cent cheap .i i ? do so. i aey r than at any i : 1 1 1 ' ' I UVIK. hand the best and cheapest I m A V! E cell oil sortnxent of G R OCEIUES, UarUware, wwwarc,. Davin K viiN wr.ii.KR Pamei. KAnxwLii.ER. Jacob Kaffltwtmn. Gha I.Tt' A at F II E S ( 11 ILL1NEBT. IIS WEI LEU i BROS, respectfully inform the " Ladies of Chariot and vicinity, that they .11 n or about the i tit ot O. toPir. a -uu.i.i-1 1." ' nvfo i.TvrvT ii...!, r tne superintendence of MISS P. PFIEL, who i acknowledged by persons of taste suit and please the moit fasthliou?. Am:- 30. i.-" the sec Also buildin TO STATES AS IT IS TO INDIVIDUALS, CHARLOTTE, N. C., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER IOO NEGROES WANTEDS The subscriber wants to buy one hundred pood Ne groes, for which the highest prices JX CASH, will bo paid. Persons having thai kind of property for sale will find it greatly to their interest to apply immediate lv to JAMBS H. DAVIS, Fineville. N. C, or to A. A. N. M. TAYLOR at Charlotte. . August 2, 18."0 3m H. B. WILLIAMS & CO. AYE just received a large supply of superior KIO COFFEE, imported direct to Wilmington, N. C. Also, n large supply of TLA. imperial ami gunpowder: ConVe-KUCARS, the best article. September -, I860. tJST RECEIVED, a superior article . of HA. wo, made and cured in Pennsylvania a new article in this market. Ji. 15. WILLIAMS ft CO. Sept. 20, i8;")0. GOOD sup-dv of Tennessee BACON, cheap for cash. H. 15. WILLIAMS k CO. ATTETIO . , FAR H ESS ! Tif Magic llow. (patented by J. P. tlarrii of Missis sippi.) possesses the advantage of combining FOT'R PLOWS IN ONE. It can be hiiil five times and sharp ened twelve times without the aid of a Blacksmith It can lie be used the a-hole season without auv additional cxiicnse. For sale at the July 19, H.'. i tf CHARLOTTE FOUNDRY - The Charlotte Prlutual Fire Insur- ance Company, c ONTINUES to take riks against loss ny nre, on Houses. Goods, Produce, kc, at usual rates. President A. C. STBBLE, Vke I'retidtnt C. OVERMAN, Attorney I0S. II. WILSON, Secy J- Ttar E. NVH nCTCIlISON. DIRECTORS: C STEELE, S. i'. WRISTON, JNO. L. BROWN, WM. JOHNSTON, M. B. TAYLOR, ' F. SCARR, CHAS. OVERMAN. Executive Committee S. T. Wriaton, F. Starr, Jno. Brown. April 20, 1859. F SCARE, ( f.tif Searr S' t '" ) Clieniisi & Druggist ;!a:tvSoUc, W. V., TffiESPEtJTFCLLY invites attcntii n to his complete tock of DRUGS, CHEMICALS and MblH selectcd with great care and without regard i v I to price; par ty and quality being especially rcgardtu. To Physicians. Ne w Chemicals and lrugs just received, Hyppphos phitcs of Soda and Potass, Tildeu's Fluid Extracts, Churchill's Syrnp of the Hypophosphites, Ammon Ferric Alum. Perchlorate f Iron (solid.) 4c. Country Merchants Will find at this es?tablishie1 a full assortment oi articles in the Drug line at Chaibstou Prices. bands. Ginger, Pepper, - ( !innaiaon, kc. m - X Xs 2i - Train Oil. Tsuners' " Sweet " T.in-eed Sperm Lard (Iil A Whit 11 supDly of Paints. Lead, Red Lead, Paris ( freen, Chrome rrcen, Chrome Yellow, Prnssian l?lue, Bait and Burnt Umber, C .5 Terra de Vienna, kc, Elegant Preparations ior the Hair. Burnett's Cocoa s TJrsina, Razin's Ox Marrow, kc. SCAUR'S Drug Establishment. At Ma I8t REMOVAL form our friends that we nave remoc "x - . - w ml s M .1 ...1 , r I it f'rrf lilll Trade street, and are now receiving a large stock ot r. t.ini w e mic : si s h s , which will be i 1 i,. rill! (' VSII at retail or WHOM desale. iw " v L. FE ASTER, . McLEOD. 3m Charlotte, N. C. Aug. 30. 1859 YY'i l Ii A T ! The subscriber is prepared to percaapt ch- ,Mi f.t tin- hif.hest market price. the new Farmei f croo l'l ' i"" n . ,, . i : i n ih.- r HdriiRtiire tn call at tnt- L'HAR- Wlli 111 -l I - " LuTTE Julv 3 STEAM MILLS belore selling. JXO. A. fLKES 183 tf The Great L'mbafttnioix of HOLLO WAY'S PILLS Ilemlth AND to all Mankind. OINTMENT. ti... -..! ir.ro of this continent ve Ids BKickryto a coats " these ant iseptic Pills, and the dig. s- A ,-r. Minml to their proper torn-; no matter in IIVC UlEnUD Mi' i , vita hid.-niis share tu bvdra of disease exhibits itseit, , - i L. this searching and unening H IP.eCV Uispeises 11 iioin lie fiSraS "SAir RurcM. Bad Lrc.s, Old Sori AMI L'LCEl ('. inaliv Vi ars sie.iHiini; in.'i i-m ,. Cik. ,1 to viold to anv itlici remedy or ncrtinaciou tn atmeiit, haw succuniutu u . i . .1 a a tew applications oi ims powerful nujrnent. . 1 d.. .... Pi,i!!nrRs This anti-himvt medicine ex- nels the hioden seedaol the con.plaint,and n ndereall the nuids and seen tions pure ard fliti i.t, cleansing and resus itatinz the vital functions o the body. General Delity and Wtaua" ha ever car.se, lowm ss of spirits, and oilier snjns ot a diseHS. d liver and other disorganization pi the -yMein, y.m h un der the eradicating influence of this all powerful antiseptic and d tergent remedy. gold at the mandfactories of Trotessor HoUowav, 80 -i T . -v- ... V..-.1.- mid bv all dealers in nu diciae thrtinc rri,..,it the 1 States aim tiie c:a i lized world, in boxes at 'jri nr ta cents, and SI ertfll. Directions for the affixed to each box. i ..t ...itt..ntc inp it For sale CO. ApVi; i-. I85. Blue Stone ! Clue Stone! LABGE Sic. 1- iint receive!, lor r.i.u - - - j bv. H. N YE HUTCHISON k CO. Sent i ti q Rabbit's Tare Potash, in tins. pBS Concentrated Ly e, -c"" Soap Potash, in I Vinegar, fM 5 N-ittmcgs, Pil2 Allspice, M ;: i Mace, AND THE GLORY OF THE ONE 18 THE COMMON PROPERTY OF THE Tall Cotton Picking The following remark able picking of cotton was performed on the farm of Henry Mordeoai. Esq , in Edgecombe county, on the 10th ult: Alex. Brasswell, 13 years old, picked Ncvo boy, Jamps, 10 years old, John, owned by Hall, Toney, owtied by W. S. Battle, land, aged 14 years, Ellen, 15 years old, Harriet, 12 years, 778 lbs 761 u 1,090 1,048 775 718 739 JlfrstERTES oe the Bask Part,OR8. The 1 ACW 1 OIK J l'l Oil lie MIV?, Hie Uiscnuin treia i vuu or the citv banks .11 a.. i recently resigned his situation His resignation was accepted, his accounts investi gated and pronounced all right, & a complimentary vote passed hy the board tor his attention to nis duties, etc. He then stated to the Board that he had a communication to make, as a caution to in duce them to watch his successor. He stated that, notwithstanding his accounts were all correct at the time of resignation, he had, in fact been using the Bills Keccivjible of the Batik for years as collateral iir Ipntti; and employing the funds in the purobase of paper at usurious rates. By this course he had accumulated sufficient property to meat his moder ate desires, and havincr no further nse for the facil ities he had enjoyed, he had resigned. Poisonous Quinine. I he ood ( lexas) Her ald says that a little daughter and a negro woman of Mr Warren, who resides near Quitman, took each a small dose of quinine, a few days since, and were almost instantly seized with spasms, and died in the course of an hour. The daughter of a neigh bor, who took some ol' the same, was also expected to die. The bottle was branded Powers fc Weight man, and on examination the contents were found to be one-fifth strychnine. Ten grains to a dog produced death in two hours. J. S. PHILLIPS. MERCHANT TAILOR, HAVING located in Charlotte, respect fully solicits a share of public patronage. A complete assortment of Cloths, Cas si meres and Vestinps always on hand, which will be made to order at the shortest notice. Shop three doors south of the Mansion House. Sept. 27, 1859. J Laixd for .4 Hurt (.'hanre. is note offered to luy one of the llandsowit Farms in Western Nortli Carolina. PglllK subscriber being desirous to remove from the conntryj oilers for sale the PLANTATION on which she now resides, lying 4 miles from Charlotte on the "Western Plank Road. The land is now in a high state of cultivation. In the yard i? a Well of fine, cool Water. The Plantation has been much improved in t lie last few years. The Dwelling House and out-buildings are all new. There is also a young Orchard ofsevcra! hundred fine choice FRUIT TREES on the plantation, tearing this the second year. This Plan tation h very healthy, and is beautifully situated, con taining 50 Acres, one half of which is cleared. jgps" Terms made to suit the purchaser. For par ticulars enquire 01 me suoscrioer on me premises. M US. tf A. M. STEVENSON. Mav 10, tS59. FISHER & BURROUGHS ARE NOW RECEIVIXCr THEIR STOCK OF FAIjIj c&5 WINTER GOODS, And to meet the LARGE THEIR TRADE, have kid Stock, than usual ! ! INCREASE OF in a much larger ID" It will be complete in all articles of DRESS GOODS, rTv D mim3 HOV8E FURHIttiWCf CSOODS, 11 UffS and Oil Cloths, NEGRO CLOTHS, HATS, TO SlieliT Hardware, Anvils, Bellows, Vices, IRON & STEEL, Straw Cutters, Corn Shcllcrs, --An examination of the above Stock is rc- Fpmiuni Fey. 27. OTHER. EIGHTH 1, 1859. ARDENT (?) SPIRITS. .Is. the Sniritualist. has been lec turin" in New York on "Death. U UVAkV AJUtMw 'j J J He said there I in b I is onlv one wav in wnicn me icai ui uw swe nt from the earth and the great problem of swept irom tne wnudi . g r mans luiure cibkuw t- mac "oo Tnnr.h.nhiispd sv.stem of suiritualisin. cpintu alism had otablished the fact that when man dies he passes to another state of existence; and, also, that there is a great diversity in the experience of different spirits in the passage. Mr. Edmonds sta ted several cases to illustrate his position, among which were the following : A spirit once came to speater who had awakened in a place of utter dcsolution and solitude, and had remained there for months. Having been taught that the condi tion in which the soul finds itself after death is eternal, he labored under the painful belief that he n TT - 1 I . I-. n ,"il miittt ataxr there lorcvei. lie nau ucuu i bw must stay u1' , , iL.. fih nnn who left his wite ana ennaren aim went CaTfornTa i?n search of gO?a, and while there died. toS2 TTrAren deacon "e P' "l " J . "J, I e came to him and commenced upbraiding nun iui not observing the first day of the week in stricter manner; and he ascertained that this spirit had been in the other world some time, and" Was-oaly5 conscious of existence on Sunday. During the- re maining six days of the week he remained in a state of ii n consciousness. A young lady died of heart disease in a ball room iu London, and was unconscious for three weeks." She came to him and began to talk to him as though she were in the green room, tor which she started when at tacked. In the course of his lecture, he also gave several other instances illustrative of this theory, and drew the conclusion that those whose lives are passed in the pursuit of good and noble objects those who love truth and labor to disseminate knowledge and the spirit of chaiity, experience but a brief period of unconsciousness; while those sor did and groveling men. whose aims are selfish and whose hearts are closed to charity, are often un conscious for months. Wants to Come Back. In the police court of Cincinnati, recently, a negro named John Stew art was arraigned on a charge of stealing clothing. He said he was guilty, out of funds, friends, and food, and had taken this course to procure the ne cessaries of life. He stated in court that a short time since he was a slave in Raleigh, N. C, and was pursuaded to purchase his freedom through false allurements held out to him, to remove to Ohio. He did so, paying 900 to his master, and here is what he thinks of Ohio: "Since I came here I have been kicked about and abused by all classes of men. Can't get work from no one, and to borrow money to get bread with, that is out of the question. 1 did a great deal better there than I ever did here." lie was sentenced to thechain--anf at hard labor for one month, and pavthe cost of prosecution. Few Questions. Democrats ! cut this out and ask your Know -Nothing and '-.Republican neighbors the following simple questions: Who are in favor of giving negroes the right of suffrage, which they refuse to foreign born citizens? The Know Nothings and "Republicans." Who passed the law to Massachusetts preventing foreign born citizens from voting, when duly naturalized according to the Constitution of the United States.? The Know Nothings and "Republicans." "Who recommended the same law to be passed in New Jersey? The Know Nothings and '-Republicans." Who recommended the same law to be passed in New York? The Know Nothings and "Republicans." Who sanctioned anil approved that odious measure in Pennsylvania, by giving silent consent in their late State Convention? The Know Nothings and "Republicans." Who introduced a bill in the Legislature of Ohio to strike out the word "white" from the Constitution in order to give negroes the light of suffrage? The Know Nothings and "Republicans." Who are in favor of foreigners not voting until they are twenty-one years in this country? The Know Nothings and "Republicans." Who carried banners in 185(5, upon which only sixteen States appeared, where there should have been thirty-one? The Know Nothings and "Republicans." Who were in favor of letting the Union slide? The Know Nothings and "Republicans." Direct Importation of Sugar. It will be noticed by reference to advertisement of Messrs. Ilarriss & Howell, that these gentlemen have now on the way, from Havana, a cargo of Muscovado Su-ar, of good quality, selected especially for this market, which they will dispose of on accommodating terms. We feel sure our up-country friends can be supplied with this staple article of consumption on i as good terms and as cheap from Wilmington, ; when this vessel arrives, as from any other town I or city in the North or South. ! This Sugar will be here iu little over a week, or at least is expected here then, weather permitting. Wilmington Herald. ANCIENT DEMOCRATS. Parson Rrownlow, of the Whig, in some rather profane remarks relative to the politics of the early , Christians, says '-Judas was a uemocranc preacner, and the Sub-I reasurer of the Church, lie took rtfl nut of the same dish with the Saviour hunted ; him up in the niyht to kiss bim. He was an affectionate, as well as a night-walking Democrat." : P iU . t ino j-j ; The Parson forgot to mention that Judas chd no ' do this unti he left the letnocrat.c party, and A llOr.nAC.linn " 1 1 a hulnvnn his S:l vinnr junieu .. ynw.. 1 but his latter-day imitators have oniy their country e ham nnir tanr Minntrv to betray. That the "Opposition" treated him with the most distinguished consideration, is evident ' from the fact, that they presented him with a rope, and seut him to "Opposition" head-quarters in ! Tophet. He is not the only Democrat that has i gone to the devil by joirttig the "Opposition," and we feel rejoiced at having Larson crowniow s i authoity to prove that the unmitigated reprobate on record belong to the "Opposition" party. Well, ' "birds of a feather will flock together." Warren- I o;i Xews. per annum IN ADVANCE.-- VOLUME NUMBER S85. A STARTLING SURPRISE- A curious circumstance has come to our knowl- a edge, says one ot our V estern exchanges reoenny, whioli. tlmuirh creatine much talk among certain 1 - j , - ,r.:ui parties, has been hushed up ; as much Hpwbla, , to Drocced farther, r . we suppress names. A gentleman ana mu wim sometime since settled in Bockford; shortly after their arrival they made, among others, the acquain tance of a young and beautiful widow, who had the reputation of being a great flirt. The gentleman, up to this time, hail been a moat devoted husband, and though there seemed to be a mutual attiaction between himself and the gay widow whenever they met, the wife confident ot his affection, suspected nothing. Matters progressed, how rapidly she did not know, until the beginning of this week, when husband, wife and widow were invited to tea at the . i . j . house of a friend. It was an agreeable social par- . , . -. n, i ho r-mnnnnv were annarcntlv eniovintr v . 1 , " - - themselves high y, when the wile, who W been I chatting with friends on the piazza, entered the i norl.r aH Mutd hpfiolf in the shadow of a Win- ; --- --- - , dow, the heavy damask curtains oi wiucurp.i k fmm n tt,'.ii.tfte which stood in a reoeM. Tl rrrir oocnnvinsr the tete-a-tete were her huaban and the fascinating"w1tolr; Tint! Vthit Wtf BeT MK tonishment when their low tones became fully au dible to her strained ears to find that they were arranging the preliminaries of an elopement, to take place that very night! Matters were to bear ranged so that "the wife would be sent home early in the evening, while the husband, in the most natural mariner in the world, would offer to drivo home the beautiful widow. 1 nstead of going home, however, they were to go immediately to the oars, and leave on the eleven o'clock train. The discovery was so unexpected and the shock so great that the poor wife almost fainted. She was determined, however, not to betray her knowl edge of the guilty scheme until the proper time came, and recovering herself, glided from the fatal seat, and tried to etitcranto conversation as usual. Of course she was not greatly surprised when her husband soon after affectionately advised her to go home with Mr. and .Mrs. , who were going their way, as he himself had to go to his office shortly, 'and might be detained till late. She made no objection, but putting on her bonnet and bid ding adieu to her entertainers started for home, to the great relief of the guilty couple, who had feared some trouble in getting rid of her. Immediately on arriving at home, the wife proceeded to pack a carpet bag with a pile of shirts, and other necessa ries, and started on foot for the house where her husband still remained. She hid herself in the shadow of the trees, and waited, but not long. Soon her husband and the widow exchanged good night with their hostess, the latter remarking, in a lively tone, that she would "certainly tell hia wife." They seated themselves comfortably in th vehicle, when the wife without bonnet or shawl, suddenly walked to the side of the carriage and said quietly, at the same time holding up the car pet bag: "D., don't go without your shirts, the mercy knows when you will get any more." The blank astonishment of the two may be im agined. The simple words, however, produced the most complete reaction in the feelings of the faith less husband. He looked iu the pale face of his wife, and met her clear gaze, and saw that she knew all. He said : "M., we must lake Mrs. home, and then I will tell you how it happened." They did take Mrs. home, and left her thero. The husband and wife seem affectionate and devo ted as ever ; but the widow is dissatisfied with so ciety at the West, and thinks of going East this fall. POST OFFICE CONTRIBUTIONS. The plan to raise funds for the completion of tho Washington National Monument, through the me dium of the Post Offices throughout the United States, bids fair to prove successful. Several hun dred postmasters have already notified Lieut. Ives, the engineer in charge, that they have placed box es within their offices for the reception of contribu tions, and it is believed that a very large propor tion of the whole will co-operate in the project. From some offices returns for the first month have already been received. The town of Lynn, Massachusetts, stands at the head of the list, hav ing contributed 840. Wheeling, Virginia, sent 818; Washington 817; Baltimore and Portsmouth, Virginia, 815 each; New York, New Haven, Char leston, Petersburg, Virginia, Montgomery, Alaba ma, Windsor, North Carolina, and Fott Smith, Arkansas, each about 810; Newport, Rhode Isl and, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, Augusta, Lagrange and Macon, Georgia, Fredericksburg, Virginia, Hernando, Mississippi, and Tulip, Arkansas, from 85 to 88 each. Returns from about one hundred other towns ranjo from 85 to 5 cents. If each i community where there is a post office would, cvo ry month, contribute even the Utter sum, a fund i would accrue to the Mouument of over 815,000 ! per j'ear. All of the letters containing remittances arc put 1 on record, and, at stated intervals, the amount re ceived, and the names of places by which they were contributed are to be published, in the principal j papers of each State. j Horrible. We are informed ofamtpposed caae : of murder and burning, which took place near Ocr ! mantown, Hyde county, on last Saturday night week. The house of a Mr. Asa Dixon, an aged man, was ! discovered to be on fire, and on thearrival of person ! it was found, with its contents, and tho body of Mr Dixon, to be nearly consumed. A sufficient portion of the body, we suppose, was found to identify it The impresion is that the old man waa killed, and afterwards the house fireff to conceal the murder, ' by some wretch who supposed Mr. Dixon had J Suspicion rested on a young man,arelation J tronglr, that we learn he wasappre- I I B . . . hended bvthe Deputv .heriffand committed toiail i . ' ..." We give the particulars us we received them. Washington JJifjialch. An Impudent House Thief. Thomas A Reese, of Rutherford county, stole a mule from a man by the name of Allen and made his escape into Tennessee, but was followed, brought back and placed in the jail at Ruthcrfordton, and ho j wrote on the wall the following: "One day after j date, I promise to break this jail, and steal Allen a 1 other mnle," and the sequel shows he did. Juue 2,