"WESTERN" DEMOCEAT, CHAELOTTE, 3ST. C SAW-LOGS. lived a man who had In the village of W- i - j rTu. - . j i ... n ,1 K th. name of Jud L. He kept a store and i i i-f.- .u- v. e saw mill and the bargain on was always sure iu uave iue ucau ui u; u:u . ;nA U13 siue.uy nuitii mcana nc umucu an ample competency, and some did not hesitate to call him the "bijrgest rascal in the world." He was very conceited withal and used to delight in bragging about his business capacity when any one was near to listen. One rainy day, as quite a number was seated around the stove in the store, lie began as usual to tell of his great bargains, and finally wound up, "Nobody ever cheated me, nor they can't neither." 'Judge," said an old man of the company, "I've cheated you more'n you ever did me" "How so t said the Judge "If you'll promise you won't go to law about it nor do nothing," I'll tell, or else I won't; you are too much of a law character for me." "Let's hear, let's hear!" cried half a dozen at once. "We'll bear you out in it go on." "I'll promise," said the Judge, " and treat in the bargain, if you'll show when you ever cheated me." "Well, do you remember that wagon you robbed me out of?" "I never robbed you out of any wagon," ex claimed the Judge, "I only got my own." "Well, I made up my mind to have it back, "But you i;ever did," cried the Judge. "Yes I did, and interest too !" "How !" thundered the now enraged Judge. "Well, you see, Judge, I sold you one day a very nice pine log, and bargained with you for a lot more. ell, that log 1 stoic on your pile, down by the mill, the night before, and next day I sold it to you. That night I drew it back home, and sold it to you next day, and so I kept on till you bought your own log or me twenty-seven times ; "That's a lie I" cried the mad Judge, running to his book and examining his log account, "you never sold me tweuty-seveu logs of the same meas urement." I "I know that; but by drawing it back and forth the end wore oil, and, as it wore, 1 kept cutting the end off until it was only ten feet long ju.t fourteen feet shorter than it was the first time you bought it, and when it got so short I drew it home and worked it up into shingles, and the next week you bought the shingles, and then I concluded I had got my wagon back, and in my pocket book. The exclamations ot the Judge were drowned in the shouts of the bystanders, and the log-drawer Boon found the crowd enjoying the promised treat. The Key. D. B ,of Philadelphia, is noted for brief, sententious sayings in the pulpit, and out of it. As he was coming down Chesnut street one day, a gentleman asked him: 'Sir can you tell me how to find out the Sheriffs ofBce?" "Yes, sir ," was the reply " every time you earn five dollars, spend them." Matrimony in England. Amillionarie in Kent, (Kng-,) and a large land-owner, had a daughter upon whom he was prepared to bank his fortune. The young lady was wooed and won by the curate of the parish in which she resided. The reverend gentleman wished to make her his wife, her father resolutely relu.ed, and eventually she was induced to marry a rich Dutch merchant. Up on her marriage her father settled lUU.UUU on her. The lady was married about four years, and a few weeks ago eloped with her former admirer, the parson. The Chains of St. Peteu. A letter from Home says: "I have recently witnessed the celebration of a religious festival which the Romans always observe with peculiar fervor I allude to the least of St. Peter in Vinculis, during which the chains that fettered St. Peter in his dungeon j at Jerusalem and Home are exposed for a week to the veneration of the laithlul. It is well known that, by divine permission, and in order to remove the doubts which had arisen in certain minds, the two chains used to bind St. Peter at Jerusalem and Koine clung together when brought into contact, and became so closely joined that it is now impossible to tell where one ends and the other begins. These chains are preserved in the Church of St. Peter in Vinculis, built A. D. 442, by the Empress Kudoxia, wife of Valentine III, Emperor of the West. This Princess presented to Pope Leo the chain with which St. Peter was bound by Herod's command in the prison of Jerusalem, having herself received it as a gift from Juvenal, the patriarch of that city. The church was rebuilt in the Sixteenth Century, and modified in the Seventeenth. It contains the magnificent statue of Moses, by Michael Angelo, and many admirable paintings by (jucrcino, Domcniehino, Guido and tiiulio Uomano. During the week the church was crowded with people, all the more anxious to kiss the chains sanctified by the Bufferings of the Prince of Apostle?, as these yenerable relics are only exposed at this festival, and cannot lie seen at another time without an express permission from the Pope. The Holy Father, attended by several prelates attached to the household, came to the church to join in the prayers of the faithful, and venerate these precious chains, which bound the first pastor of the Church whose scat he at present fills." A movement has been started in England to en courage young women to learn the trade of watch making, with a view to qualify them to clean t re pair watches a branch of business which there is constant employment in the large towns and cities. It is said that the Massachusetts American Watch Company at Waltham, gives constant employment to a large number of women. Jefferson's Ten Rules. Never put off till to morrow what you can do to-day. Never trouble another for what you can do your self. Never spend your money before you have it. Never buy what you do not want because it is cheap. Pride cost us more than hunger, thirst and cold. We seldom repent of having eaten too little. Nothing is troublesome that we do willingly. How much pains and evils have cost which have never happen ed. Take every thing always by the smooth han dle. When angry count ten before you speak ; if J very angry a hundred. LIFE INSURANCE. The undersigned, as Aeent, will receive application for Insurance in the North Carolina Mutual Life Insur ance Company. This Company is the oldest in the State, and has been in successful operation for several years. Its rates are moderate, and all losses promptly adjusted. Persons wishing to insure their own lives or the lives of their Slaves, in this company, will call at the Office of the Agent at the Branch Hank of North Carolina. Slaves insured for two-thirds of their valne. Jan. 10, 1800 lm T. W. DEWEY", Apt. MANSION HOUSE. The undersigned having taken the above well-known and favorite Hotel, begs leave to inform the patrons of the house and the traveling public that he is repairing and refurnishing it and has made several changes which will add to comfort as a home and public resort. No effort shall be spared on the part of himself or assis tants to render sojourners pleasant and comfortable. II. B. WILLIAMS. Charlotte, January 10, 18C0. tf THE JUDGE'S Teach the Women to Save. There's the se cret A caving ivitman atthe head of a family is i tne verv best kivhijm Danit yet esuiuusueu oue . l l . ..1.U1M..J that receives depose duly and hourly, with no 1 enstlir m.mhinerv to nianase it. The idea ot saving . j , . , , t i v.-u ' is a feasant one. and if "the women' would imbibe ; i ' . .. lb ah once, lilt V wouivt vum ron, .w and thus many when they were not aware of it would be laying tne iounuation ior a competent security in a stormy time, and shelter in a rainy day. The woman who sees to her own house has a lare field to save in, and the best way to make her comprehend it is for her to keep an account Probably not one wife in ten has an idea how much are the expenditures of herself and family. Where from one to two thousand dollars are expended annually there is a chance to save something, if the attempt is only made. Let the house-wife take the idea act up on it strive over it and she will save many dol lars perhaps hundreds where before she thought if imnnssihlft This is a duty not a prompting: of . avarice a moral obligation that rests upon " the vompn " ns well as men: but it is a duty, we are sorry to say, that is cultivated very little, even amr.n o- throe who preach the most, and regard themselves as examples in most matters. "Teach the room on to save" is a cood cnoutrh maxim to be inserted in the next edition of "Poor Ilichard's Almanac IMPORTANT REUS AT THE CLOTHING EMPORIUM! The undersigned havino; a large stock of WINTER CLOTHING on hand, and beinjr desirous to run it off to make room for the Spring and Summer trade, offer their entire stock of sattinet, cassimere, beaver, pilot and cloth Over I'eltoes and Sacks; sattinet, cassimere and cloth business Sacks and Sacktees ; Pants of all grades; black and fancy velvet, black silk and cassimere Vests; Shirts, Drawers and Furnishing Goods; Trunks, Hats, Caps, kc, at Greatly Reduced 1'rice. Buyers and consumers will greatly advance their interests by ex amining and purchasing from our extensive stock. Wc would respectfully announce to our custom ers that their Accounts are ready lor settlement, ana we feel assured that cur friends will come forward and relieve our necessities and save a great deal of trouble We return our sincere thanks for the very liberal patronage bestowed on us for the past year, and hope to merit a continuance of the same for the coming year FULLIXGS, SPRINGS k CO. January 10, I8G0. NOTICE. Having sold to John M. Howie my Foundry and Ma chine Shop, I would most respectfully recommend him to the public for their partronage. Having superin tended niy business for the past year, 1 have no hesita tion in recommending him. For all work done to the end of the past year, payment must be made to me. Jan 3 J. A. FOX. Charlotte Foundry AND MACHINE SHOP. Having purchased from J. A. Fox the above establish ment, the undersigned brgs leave to call the attention of the public to the fact that he is now ready to fill every order for making Steam Engines, Cotton and To bacco Presses, and every description of Machienery. All kinds of Castings in Iron, Brass and other metals made at short notice and reduced prices. Particular attention given to the making and repairing of Thresh ing Machines, Horse Powers, Cotton Gins, Mill works, and Agricultural Works of all kinds. Blacksmithing, Job, Wagon Work, and Horse Shoeing done with des patch. Old Iron, Brass and Copper Castings bought at th Foundry or taken in exchange for job work. All kinds of Wood Turning also done. JOHN M. HOWIE. January 3, 1SG0. 6m. IHCEMISEI? 1st, 1859. From this date, will offer their entire stock of DRY GOODS, Hats, Shoes, Carpets. Fancy Goods, kc, kc, At Greatly Reduced Prices, as they are determined to REDUCE THEIR STOCK much lower thau usual before the opening of the Spring trade. Till S IS XO HUMBUG! Call and ex amine Prices. To the Ladies We will offer Fancy Dress Silks at New York Cost. We will offer Fancy Silk Robes at New York cost. We will offer Fancy De Lain Robes at New York cost. We offer Fancy and solid col'd De Lains at N. Y. cost. We offer Poplins and Poplinetts at New York cost. We offer Raw Silks and all wool Plaids at N. Y. cost We will offer Hosiery Gloves, Ilandkerch'fs Embroidery, Linen, Jaconet, Swiss. Nainsook and Tarlton Muslins at New York prices. Our stock of the above Goods is complete, and in fact, we have no hoi-itancy in saying, that for style, price, quality and elegance, Our Entire StocJc cannot be excelled. THE GENTLEMEN will find our Stock of Cloths, Cassimeres ami Yestings full and at prices that cannot fail to please. Jffeiy We are determined to Reduce our Stock. Call and see u. -T. II. BREM k CO. Look to your Interest. At BOON33'i boot km mm EHPosHuaa Large sales are made from day to day at a great sacri fice to the manufacturer. A good double-soled nailed Brogan sold for $1 25 The very best Brogans at 1 50 Single-soled Brogans at 1 00 A Great Saving In children's, boys and misses Shoes, is effected by the introduction of Copper Points for the protection of the toe, and the manufacturer warrants that one pair will last as long as three pair of the old style. To be had only at J. B F. Boone's. LADIES will find it to their interest to call at Boone's and examine his stock as it is far superior to any other offered in the State. GENTS will find it to their comfort to call at Boone's and fit themselves with a Boot or Shoe on reasonable terms. Boone has good Shoes. Boone has a fine and splendid assortment of Boots. Boone has cheap Brogans. Boone has the very best article of Brogans. Boone has children's Shoes with metallic tips. Boone has boys and youths' Shoes with metallic tips. Boone has boys and youths' Boots with metallic tips. Boone has gents' fine double-soled water proof Boots, very cheap. Boone has Ladies' fine high-heeled Congress Gaiters, and a great many varieties too numerous to mention. Call and examine for yourselves. J. B. F. BOONE, Sept. 27, 1859. Opposite the Bank of Charlotte. CIAS WORKS. The subscribers respectfully inform the public that they are prepared to erect Gas Works for lighting cities, iuu, images, coin-jit-s aim large noieis. l ney nave erected works in Charlotte and Raleigh, N. C, which have giveu entire satisfaction to the citizens of those places. As to qualifications, ability aud promptness in fulfilling contracts .entered into by them, they refer to the following gentlemen : James H. Carson, President of Charlotte Gas "Work com pany, Charlotte, N. C. Wm. Johnston, President of Charlotte k S C Railroad companv, Charlotte. N. C. Dr Thos D lgg, President of Raleigh Gas Association, Raleigh, N C. Col G II Young, "Waverly, Mississippi. A G Story, President or Gas Works, Little Falls, N Y. F T Story, Supt. Gas Works, Watertown, N Y. W S Schoener k Co, 221 Pearl street, New York. For further information, address the undersigned at Raleigh, N. C. WATERnOCSE & BOWES. Drops of Comfort. A wag enumerates the following among the "Drops of comfort generally administered by friends." "Reading a newspaper on a railroad, containing an account of ' Five-and-twenty lives lost!' on the same road, and near the same place, only the day before!' " "Losing all your fortune in an unlucky specula tion, and all your friends wondering how you could have been such a fool!' " " Breaking down before the ladies in the middle of a song, and malicious rival calling out , Encore! encore, The Business of Mr JAS. P. HENDERSON having been closed by the removal of the Stock of Goods, I would inform all those indebted to him, or to the firm of HENDERSON & AHRENS, that I expect to remain in Charlotte during January to make settlements, and hope our friends will save themselves trouble, kc, by calling upon me at the old stand as soon as possible, as the busiaess must be closed, and we must have money. F. W. AHRENS. Jan. 3, 1860. 5t F. SCARR, (Late Scarr $ Co.) Chemist & Druggist Charlotte, IV. C, RESPECTFULLY invites attention to his complete stock of DRUGS, CHEMICALS and MEDI CINES, selected with great care and without regard to price; purity and quality being especially regarded. To Physicians. New Chemicals and Drugs just received. Hypophos phites of Soda and Potass, Tilden's Fluid Extracts, Churchill's Syrup of the Hypophosphites, Amnion Ferric Alum, Perchlorate of Irou (solid,) &c. Country Merchants Will find at this establisment a full assortment of articles iu the Drug line at Charleston Prices. Babbit's Pure Potash, in tins. Concentrated Lye, Soap Potash, in barrels. Vinegar, Nutmegs, Allspice, Cloves, Mace, Ginger, Pepper, o Cinnamon, kc. Linseed Sperm Lard Oil, Train Oil. Tanners' " Sweet " A full supply of Paints. White Lead, lied Lead, Paris Green,.. Chrome Green, Chrome Yellow, Prussian Blue, Raw and Burnt Umber, p, g . q Terra de Sienna, &c, Elegant Preparations lor the Hair. Burnett's Cocoaine. Savage's Ursina, Bazin's Ox Marrow, kc, At SCARR'S Drug Establishment. May 31, 185T 500 Ilenil of Pork llo. The subscriber will pav the highest cash prices for Hosts. Those having Pork Hogs for sale wonld do well to give me a call, as I am desirous of purchasing that kiud of stock. J. L. STOUT, Town Butcher. October 11, 1859. TAN BARK. 1 00,000 CORDS Tan Bark wanted, for which liberal price will be paid. M. B. TAYLOR. Charlatte, March 22, 1859 tf 30,000 Cross-Tics Wanted. Thirty Thousand Cross-Ties are wanted between Charlotte and the Catawba River, for the Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford Road, to be delivered before the 1st day of April, 18J0. This is a profitable business, and presents a chance to land owner3 of converting their waste timber into readv monev. Persons desirous of contracting will call upon F. Gardner, Pr. Asst. Engineer, or upon S. P Caldwell, Resident Engineer, at Charlotte. ALSO, WANTED TO HIRE, For the ensuing vear, 100 HANDS, to work on said Railroad. Persons wishing to hire are assured that their hands will be properly cared for, well clothed and fed and humanely treated. Liberal prices will be paid. Enquire of the undersigned at Liucolnton, or of W. Davis, Esq., at Charlotte, II. W. GUION, Prest. W., C. k R. R. R. Co. Not. 29, 1859. tf BELTS ! BELTS ! For Wheat Threshers, Fans, cotton Gins. Saw Mills, and machinery of every description; the best Belting now in use and tar superior to leather in many respects. will not stretch, or draw on one side as leather. THE SUN WILL NOT AFFECT IT. Rain or water cannot injure it: it requires no oil; The rats will not cut it; your negroes will not steal it for strings or shoe soles; you can get any length you wish all in one piece without joints, and with good care it will last any farmer for twenty years. Orders accompanied with the cash will receive prumpt attention, and the freight paid to any point on the Railroad or stage line. CASH PRICES: 2 2J 3 4 5 6 7 10 12 12 inch 12 cents per foot. .15 ...17 ...22 ...27 ... 32 ...38 ...CO it it (i u n ti ii t. it ii 4 ply 92 " BaJ Seamless Belts manufactured to order at short notice. Conducting Hose of all sizes, for water or steam pressures, ordered direct from the Manufacturers. Also, Packing of all description, at 55 Cents per pound. J. B. F. BOONE, June 7, 1859 Charlotte, N. C. LOWRIE'S E0! ST Hi a I receive all the New Pub lications as fast as they come for ward from the Press; and keep constantly on hand a large lot of School, Academy and College TEXT-BOOKS, and manv useful reference and recreative works. I also keep a very large stock of Stationery, plain and fancy. Having made an arrangement with the Southworth Paper Manufacturing Company, I am en abled to sell paper at the same prices h- the whole sale for which it can be bought iu the Northern cities, freight added. P. J LOWRIE. Feb. 15, 1859. MISS SARAH A. NISBET informs the Ladies of Charlotte that she is prepared to do any kind of work in the Dress-making line, and respectfully solicits pat ronage. She can be found at her father's residence near Mr M D Johnston's dwelling. November 22, 1859 3m So NEW GOODS, BEST QUALITY CHEAP RATES. Announce to their customers and the public generally that they have opened one of the largest stocks of goods in Charlotte, consisting of Dry Goods and Groceries, HARDWARE, &c. &.C. FARMERS will find it to their advantage to trade with us as we are determined to put our Goods at such a low figure as will induce purchasers to do so. THE LADIES will find our large and varied assort ment of Of the best quality and of the latest styles, and at very moderate prices. To satisfy them of this fact we invite all to call and make an examination. Our - supply of BoirsnsrETS, SILKS, MERINOS, CALICOS, &c, Is large and of the most fashionable patterns. EVERYBODY who are in want of Goods of superior quality and at the LOWEST PRICES Should give us a call as we are prepared and disposed to Ho pvprvthinff we nromise. Those desiring to purchase at WHOLESALE or RETAIL will hnd our Goods as encap as any tnis Bid of Charleston. ELIAS k COHEN. October 17, 1859. tf SALEM ALMANACS, FOR SALE AT THE CHARLOTTE BOOK STORE. Nov. 22. P. J. LOWRIE. TAXES. The Tax Li&is for the year 1858 are now in my hands for inspection. Those liable to pay Taxes will please come forward and settle. E. C. GRIER. Sheriff. April 12, 1859. II. VV. BECK WITH Has constantly on hand WATCHES, JEWELRY, PLATED.WARE, &C, Of the be3t English and American manufacturers. Call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. Watch crystals put iu for 25 cents each. November 8, 1859 y HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE CO., HARTFORD, Conn. Incorporated A. D. 1810. Authorized capital Capital paid in Surplus ASSETS JANUARY Charter Perpetual. 1,000,000 500,000 300,000 1, 1859. $43,455 22 Cash on hand and in Bank Cash in hand of Agents and in transit, Real Estate unencumbered (cash value) 54,827 09 15,000 00 73,174 55 230,413 00 197,750 00 74,620 00 Bills receivable, amply secured 2,404 Shares Bank Stock in Hartford, 2,200 44 " 44 New York, 7 10 44 44 44 Boston, 100 shares Bank of the State of Missouri, State and city Bonds, 6 per cents, Rail Road Stocks, United States' Treasury Notes, 10,000 00 74,245 00 16,250 00 14.035 00 $S03,769 8G DIRECTORS. Charles Roswell, Henry Keney, Calvin Dav, H. Huntington, Albert Day, Job Allyn, John P. Brace, Charles J. Russ. James Goodwin, Timo. C. Ar.LY.v, Secretary, 11. IIi'XTiXGTON, President. C. C. Lyman, Axtixtont Secy. Wm. N. Bowers, Actuary. This old and reliable company, established for near ly fifty years, continues to Insure against loss or dam age by Fire on dwellings, furniture, warehouses, stores, merchandise, mills, manufactories, and most other kinds of property, on its usual satisfactory terms. Particular attention given to insuring Farm Property, consisting of Dwellings, Barns and Out-buildings con nected, and Furniture, Live Stock, Hay, Grain, Farming Utensils, kc. contained in the same, for a term of three to five years at low rates of premium. Applications for Insurance may be made to the un dersigned, the duly authorized Agent for Charlotte and vicinity. Losses equitably adjusted at this Agency, and paid immediately, upon satisfactory proofs, in funds current in the ciliet of New York or Button, as the assured may prefer. Thomas W. Dewey, June 28, 1859. y Agent at Charlotte. Tailoring. JOHN VOGEL, Practical Tai lor, respectfully informs the citi zens of Charlotte and surround ing country, that he is prepared to manufacture gentlemen's clo thing in the latest style and at short notice. His best exertions will be given to render satisfac tion to those who patronize him. Shop opposite Kerr's Hotel, next door to Brown k Stitt's store. Oct. 4, 1859. tf The Eureka Family Shuttle Sewing Machines. J. B. F. BOONE, Agent at Charlotte. For Family use, the Eureka Machine possesses the following desirable qualities: 1. His strongly built, run3 lightly, and its movements are simple and easily understood. 2. It works with two threads, using ia shuttle, and makes the Lock-Stitch, which is approved for all kinds of work, and for many varieties is the only admissable stitch. 3. While it will sew the tightest possible seam in heavy fabrics, it is susceptible of the most delicate adjustment for use upon light and fragile material; hence it is peculiarly fitted to perform the al most endless variety of work'which comes withiivthc range of family sewing. 4. In addition to the admitted advantages peculiar to Shuttle Machines, it is so con structed that it can be run at a very high rate of speed without damage. 5. It uses any kind of thread, mak ing a uniform stitch, and presenting the same general appearance on both sides of the material sewed. Opiniont of the J're,vt. The ease with which it is worked, the little t rouble in keeping it in running order no disturbance of a bolt or screw necessary explains the secret of its universal popularity. Ar. Y. Day Book. The simplicity of these machines make them exceed ingly desirable for family use. Ladies' Visitor. It ranks high in the market, and is preferred over all others for its durability and simplicity. y. Y. Kmc. January 3, 18C0. j BY J. IS. KERR, Proprietor. n-! VERY ACCOMMODATION afforded the fniffj Mid patrons of the Charlotte Hotel. At this Hotel is kept the line of Daily Stages from Charlotte to Asheville. Oct. 1, 1859. . J. B. KERR. To Farmers and Country Merchants J. Y. BRVCE & CO., ARE now offering to the public the largest and best as sortment of GROCERIES ever brought to this market, consisting of COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES, SALT, &c. The best kind of Bagging, Rope and Twine. Also, 15,000 pounds good country-cured Bacon, 10,000 4 44 Tennessee sides, 2,000 44 44 Tennessee Lard, All of which will be sold low for cash or country Pro duce. Call and examine our stock, as we don't charge for looking. Charlotte, August 23, 1859. JOHN HENRY WAIT, M. D., Surgeon Dentist, Graduate in Medicine and Dentistry, Office in Brawly's building, opposite Kerr's Hotel, Surgical operations, such as Cleft Palate, nare Lip, Tumors of mouth and jaws, performed, and fractures and dislocations treated. Teeth filled and extracted, and Artificial Teeth inserted after the most approved methods. September 13, 1859. y J. S. PHILLIPS, MERCHANT TAIL OR , IIAvING located in Charlotte, respect fully solicits a share of public patronage. A complete assortment of Cloths. Cas simeres and Vestings always on hand, which will be made to order at the shortest notice. I&tf- Shop three doors south of the Mansion House. Sept. 27, 1859. y Certain -Cure for Corns. Morgan's "White Felt Corn Plaster affording im mediate relief. at SCARR'S Drug Store. New Books. History of Frederick the Great, by Thos. Carlile. Mizpaii: Praj-er and Friendship, by L. C. Loomis. Courtship and Matrimony, with other Sketches, by Robert Morris. The Minister of Life, by M. L. Charlesworth. The Sociable; or 101 Home Amusements. The Life and Times of the Great Hugh Miller, of Scotland, by T. i. Brown. Annals of the American Pclpit, by Dr. Spragne. Lippincott's Pronouncing Gazetteer, or Geographi cal Dictionary of the World, Dora Dean or Maggie Miller, Mrs M. J. Holmes. Scouring of the White Horse, or the long Vacation Ramble of a London Clerk. The Kn. Pepper, Papers by Jacques Maurice. Dcst and Fome, or Three Oceans and Two Conti nents, by T. Robinson Warren. I also have a few copies of Hawks' History of N. C, Vols. I and II. Cantwell's Justice and N. C. Form Book. Feb. 15, 1859. P. J. LOWRIE. FOUNDED 1852. CHARTERED 1854. Located corner of Baltimore and Charles streets, JIA I. T M IJIt K, The largest, most elegantly furnished, and popular Commercial College in the United States. Students in attendance from nearjy every State in the I nion. Every voung man should write immediatelv for one of those large and beautiful Ornamental Circulars, re presenting the exterior and interior view of the Balti more Commercial College, Penmanship, 4c, which will be sent by return mail, free of charge, with Cata logue containing list of students, terms of tuition, opin ions of the Press on our new system of Book-keeping, &c Faculty. E. K. LOSIER, Principal Lecturer on the Science of Accounts, Business, Customs, etc. J. M. PHILLIPS, Professor of Book-Keepinr and com mercial calculations. H. II. DA VIES. Associate Professor of Book-Keeping N. C. JOHNSON, Professor of Penmanship. S. T. WILLIAMS, Esq. Mercantile Law. REV. E. Y. REESE, D. D., commercial Ethics. Trustees. Hon John P Kennedy, Hon Joshua Vansant, Hon Thomas Swann, "Wm H Keighler, Esq. Jacob Trust, Esq. William Knabe, Esq. The time nsuallv required to complete the full course, from eight to twelve weeks. Large circulars and catalogues stating terms, kc, sent by mail free of charge. Address K. K. LOSIER, Baltimore, Md. May 10, 1859 J-pd LIVER INWIGGRATGR. NEVE 11 DEBILITATES. IT Is rnmponiKlril entirely fiom Cnma, has become an established fact, a, SUiiitlHfd Medicine, ltu find uowa and approved by all that aorted to with confidence in is recommended. li;tr usivj it. mill is now nr. all the tliieasc for wbicb it It has cttred thousand. within Ihe l-t two jKxrn i'i relief, as the uiuueroiu (Kwsession show, to the leniperamunt of 'he Who had given up all hopes unsolicited certificates in my The dose must be adapted individual taking it, and us act gently on the liovvels. Let the dictates of your use of the LIVER IV willeure Liver Com tacks, Dyspepsia, Summer C o iri -ry, Oropsy, Sour Cotl venrss. Choi rs Alorhns, Cholera lence, Jaundice, CS, and ma; be used sue ry Family Metli- ed iu such quauliliei at to .iudpmcnt cnM yon in Hie VIGOR ATO R , and i ;lalitt, Ulllon At- Chronic Diarrhoea, il .lulu, Dyscnle- Stomach, Ilahllunl Cholera, Chole- Iitfaittum, Klalu male Wtiknf -ssfully an Onllna- lur. II will cur KICK HK AO ACHE, (as thousand can testify.) lit two or thrre Tea- twenty minutes, II' spoonful are tuk attack. A 1 1 who use It arts in its favor. en at comnraucemeut ot giving tneir leattimooy MIX WATKIl IS THE MOCTII WITH THE IXVIGOHATOR, ASD SWALLOW BOTH TOGETHER. Price One Dollar per Bottle. SAK?OED'S FAMILY CATHARTIC PILLS, C.ilPOUMKI Pure Vegetable Extracts, muA r P ' ULASS CASKS, Air Tight, and will keep In any climate. The Family Ci- tTiartle PILL la a gn which the propne'or bas than twenty years, demand from thos who and the satisfaction which use. has induced me to place that different Cathartics act tm els. THAHTIC Pit. I. this well established fact, variety of Ihe purest Veire aiike on srery part of lbs crond aud safe in all c as new! ed. sneb as We st o m a e Ji, Sleep! Back ai.cl Loins, anil Soreness over from sadden cold, which end in a lone emirse of Ka li te, ai Creeping en tbelidy, Kestless vreleht in he head, !! uses. Worms in Kin nmaf Urn, s area and manv diseases to which to mectkin in this advertise- tle but active Cabai-tir used in him practice mure The eouMamlv hirr ising have long used the P I LL all express in rwsard t their them within the reach of all. The Profesai'in well knm on different portions of the loe KAJ1II.V CA has. with due reference to been eotnpoundel from a table Extracts, which act alimentary canal, and are s where a Cathartic is rangtmrnti of tb trs-, Paltis lit the rmtvrnra, Pain the whole Ixxly, frequently. If nejlectel. ver, Lm of Appf atlon of Col'l over nes, Ileadarhr, . or 11 1 1 fl a m m n tury Children or Arfnlfs, 02 14 HI to o H M M o Pnrlfier orthe Itloort flesh is heir, too numerous . . w i . pHICE XII HEE Binn. The Liver Ivl.i"tr rnrt Family Ca thartic Pills are retailed by PnieetaU generally, aud sold wholesale by the Trade In all the large towns. 6. T. W. 8ASFORD, M. Manufacturer and Proprietor, 335 Broadway. New York. SCARR k CO. and E. NYE HUTCHISON k CO. April 26, 1889. Charlotte, K. C. CHARLOTTE MAXISZjS: "5T jQl. H. 3D THE SUBSCRIBERS having formed them selves into a company, respectfully tend er their services to tire people of Charlotte and the country generally in their line of business. They are prepared to furnish Monuments Gravestones, Mantel Pieces, Fibnitirb Marble, Table Slabs, Marble Steps, to anr pattern, cut according to the most approved taste and styles, and upon the most accommodating terms ever offered in the Southern country. They will keep con stantly on hand the best description of Egyptian, Italian and American Marble. ' All orders for any article addressed to the subscribers will meet with prompt attention, and will be packed and forwarded with the utmost care and dispatch. The Yard is situated on the north-west corner of the Railroad Depot Yard. WM. TIDDY & SONS. January, 18G0. ly TIN -WARE and. Stove Depot. A. A. IV. TAYLOR WOULD respectfully announce to the public that be continues to carry on business at the stort on the West Corner of Public Square, where he keeps constantly on hand the largest assortment of ever offered in orth Carolina; among which 'will b found the celebrated Iron Witch Cookina Store. which has gained such a famous reputation in the Southern country for the last eighteen months. This Stove he warrants superior to any cooking stove novr in use. it is simple in its arrangements, consumes ibs fuel, and does more work in a given time than any other Stave in use. He has all kinds of Parlor and Box Stoves : and keeps constantly au extensive and varied Stock of Itn, Sheet-Iron, Japan, and Jiritannia Wart, Brass Kettles, Cast Iron Bedsteads, Cast Iron Ware, Hat Racks, Cradles, d-c, all of which will be sold, Wholesale and Retail, cheap er than has t?ver been before offered in this vicinity. He would returu his thanks to his friends and cut- tomers for the very liberal patronage they have bestow ed upon him, and hones to merit a contiuance of tut same. His motto is "Quick Sales and Small Profits." All kinds of JOB WORK attended to with dis patch; and all ORDERS will be faithfully and prompt ly executed. Charlotte, July 1, 1859. PEA MEAL We keep at our Steam Flouring Mill in this place Pea Meal for feeding cows and stork. Also, we havo on hand at all times, Family, Extra, Superfints and coarse Flour. We warrant our family flour. Corn Meal and Grits can always be had at the mill. J. WILKES k CO. April 19, 1859 JETNA FIRE lASlKAME COMPARY. CASH ASSETTS, 1,7.10,000. K. NYE HUTCHISON, Agent. Charlotte, April 17, 1859 yr REMOVAL. The Confectionery and Family Grocery Si or of MOODY k NISBET has been removed to the stand op posite the Presbyterian Church, where they are receiv ing direct from New York large additions to their stock of CONFECTIONERIES, FAMILY GROCERIES, Sec. Among their stock may be found everything usually kept in a store of this kind. A good assortment of Cake Trimmings, Willow Yar, La., always on hand. They have in their employ an excellent BAKER, and are prepared to furnish Families and J'artys with Cakes of all Iwinds at short notice. Soy. 16, 1858. MOODY k NISBET. We have also opened a branch of our store at Lin- colnton, where Mr Moody will superintend the linsiness, and hopes to secure a share of public patronage in that section. July 4, 1850. MOODY k NISBET. In presenting you with DR. EATON'S INFANTILE CORDIAL, we desire to stnte its superiority over eery nostrum that nurse or quack has heretofore ofleisd you. First It is the preparation of a regular physician, who is well qualified trom much experience in infantile complaints to prescribe for them. Secondly It is eu tirely free from paregoric or opiate of any kind, and consequently relieves by removing the sufferings of your child, instead of deadening its sensibilities. Thiruly It is put up with great care, as a comparison of it with any other article for infantile complaints will show: the very roots from which it is distilled being dug from the forests nnder the direction of Dr. Eaton, many of them by his own hands. Fourthly It is perfectly harm less and cannot injure the most delicate infant, and is a certain cure and relief in all the following cases, which is its chief merit over everr other prpnration, viz: FOR ALL COMPLAINTS ATTENDING TEETHING ; such as DYSENTERY, COLIC, &c. ; also, for softening the gums and relieving pain. For regulating the bow els it is unequalled. For Cold in the Head it is a ?ur relief. For CROUP, the most fatal and trying of discu ses, it can be relied on with perfect confidence; and being a powerful anti-spasmodic in all cases of coiivhI sions or fits, we earnestly recommend you to lose no time in procuring it. Lastly It costs so much more than other preparations of the kind, that we cannot af ford such long advertisements as can those whose whole expense is their advertising; for the snnio reason, it commends itself as the most relinhle to all mothers. In all cases, the directions wrapped around each bottle, must be strictly followed. Price 25 cents per bottle. anioq aad i$ao;jj savrnojp aas 'suo;;ddj;p ijnj joj gsa.")rns jnjjopuoAt ipiM l Suisn 9JT3 FpDOq.lS JB JO PUBpiiA!!,! UIJS aqi oi ij -nuaq pou JO03 pus 'A'poq qi oj qiudJs 8a;5J JJ sn Bi A"q paiyauaq Ap?Fip3miu; dan BjjnpTi pu U3jpttp pl -rpniua pun fciuiFpIiuoa 9?j!i aoqio pu snjnjojoy m'naqi iieg 'suopdiug jo sosvs v ui injjsya s; 4,(IOOJ aOOrIf! 81X 'sDloq 3Jip ao o.i joJ.snaqiujo.ij Ijiisoj ui- aana uitruaa v 'pajnssn iaj i'vui 'uiwa u saipamaj jaqio 2uiA.ii jaya 'jajojjn3 oqi 's aesaujrea.vv puw siuirpluioQ aivuiaji jo a,l uj 'ajnoq auo ajuo Suijjtji Jayw paauauadxa f Au.vu si igauaq y 'J3!laJ injaij3 puw luatoyja isoiu aqi pug ajaq uwa juopvd aqi 'visddde.C(i jo sasna ajtuaiaAui jsoui aqi or -uoip" nj -q'lieaq pun id.Ji oja; ij Suuq put 'aiBJoXiAiii oi ojuh eq IJIav tijuoq oai) jo .'ko J3.aiBq. jaunuiu .fun ui pasvaeip jo pidjoi si Jiatf jnoA" jj -tdojp v tiii.wSuiouatuujoa Aq 'ifpamaj" au';nrjun ub siqi u; puu . noA 'pixvjt ruvBjtQ inoXiopiid'(jJViuid$iia lqjn)tip pv uojtq sidti jno.f jo fitfiWCF -X moji Sauajjnt aj no.f ji ,,'aOO J flOO'JH" 'n J 3l"q SuumojiI ui auni ou dsoi 'vt '; vi vivd jo 'stjddvfo tto'j JVJf yj fo votiDjidjP.i li3-pr3l 'pjoj 'yfinnfi '.fauapuaj OAiidmnsuoD u jo siuiiqduio.i Xuu OATiq noi ji 'l! 1 paino XjiBniaajJ OJa.w saAiidmnsuoo puvsnorp oa! jsao uononpojini sit jaijB sqiuom xia uiqii qil"3'! J-"v -jad oi pajojsaj sav uosuoji irj qaiqja jo an oqi uiojj uQOOA flOOUI" i uojianpojd aqi uaaq eq uni aqx "uiais-fi put qijuaq aqi uodii pooq aqi Joaiv aq io laana puti 'iioiiaannoa amiparaiui aiora "i -.r. mqd jo loarqus aqi ZuiAildv puu GOO m iix usii, XTVXV J B3P' 3n.l paAiaoiioa 'iJOaaJ v sv aail -Dtud J3.C jfinaMi jo utnais.Cqd ivinSu jpsmin Aq osin puu'uoissajojd iBaipoul aqi jo luauioia isora aqi iq A-jaAoaaJ jo'adoq jib puo.faq pajapisuoa aq oi sv uoji -duinsuoD Aq paanpoj jvj os uaq S.n 'uosuoja 'JQ n . . . nT-or-rr nrPflVT. nniftrists, 36 Maiden Line, New York, and by all rcspectabl. Drug gists throughout the country. November 22, 185. J . No

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