WESTERN DEMOCEAT, OHAELOTTE, .1 .. n . 1 K ' ! 1 ! . tit :-vi A " ' J .1 : I f 'is 4 til til .'5 i X ft POEff HO A&. r the Wester Democrat. LIFE'S CHANGES. This life is winter ia the year of time, And has its storms of driving sleet and hail; Where sorrow's bleak wild-winds, revelling, line With shattered, lifeless hopes the sunniest vale. A genial shower one glowing solar raj Serves to bring out hope's brightest buds of blissj But disappointment's winds soon sweep away Each lingering impress of the vernal Lis. A friend appears a flovcret sweet and fair Enrapturing all by be.iuty, fragrance, grace; When lo ! some hand removes the floweret rare, And leaves a cheerless vacuum in its place. If morning joys refuse to. plume their wings, Hut sport around us in their roseate light; The star of evening sits, and darkness brings The deadly upas of its cheerless night. Thus on from childhood's hopeful, sun-lit hour, An Hitting faliadowa of our years grow less, This alternating cene of hope and fear, Contrast the way.-ide with the goal of rest. O world ! how Cckle is thy staidest rock, On which to build a hope of lasting joy '( Where folly lives in gilded death, to mock And cheat us out of life's first, best employ ! Charlotte, May 1st, 1800. SAM HAYES AKD THE BULL BACE. Sonic forty years ago, the managers of a race course, near Brownville on the Monongahcla, pub- Iishcd a notice oi a race, one mne neat, on a particular day, for a purse of one hundred dollars, 'free lor any thing With foui leg, and hair no." A man in the neighborhood, named Hayes, had a bull that he was in the hulit ol riding to mill with his bag of corn, and he determined to enter him for the race, lie said nothing about it to any one; but he rode him around the track for a number of time? on several moonlight nights, un til the bull had the hang of the ground pretty well, and would keep the right course. He rode with spurs, which the bull considered particularly disagreeable, so much so, that he always bellowed loudly when they were applied to his sides. On the morning of the race, Hayes came upon the ground on lmrsiLa k, on his bull. Instead of a saddle, he had a dried oxhide, the head part of which, with the horns still on, he had placed on the bull's rump. He carried a short tin horn in his hand. He rode to the judges' stand, and of fered to enter his bull lor the race, but the owners of the horses that were entered objected. Hayes appealed to the terms of the notice, insist: d that his bull had fi ur hgs and hair on,' and that, .therefore, he had a riglit to enter him. After a good deal of ciisin' and discu.-sin' " the judges declared themselves compelled to decide t .at the bull had the right to run. Wlicn the time for starting had arrived, the horses took their plate-. The horse-racers were out of hum. r at being both ered with the bull, and at the burlesque which they supposed was intended; but thought all would be over soon as the horses started. When the signal w:is given they did start. Hayes gave a blast with his horn, and suuk his spurs into the bull's sides, who bounded off with a terrible bawl at no tiifling speed, the dried ox-hide flapping up and. down, and rattling at every jump, making a combination of noises that had never been heard on a race-course before. The hores all flew the track, every one seemed to be seized with a sudden determination to take the shortest cut to ret out of the lleJstone ct untry, and not one of them could be brought bjick in time to save their dis tance. The pu:se was given to Hayes with a great deal of hard swearing on the part of the owners of the horses. A general row ensued, but the fun of the thing put the crowd all on the side pf the bull. The horsemen contended that they j were swindled out of the purse, and that if it had not been lor Hayes horn and ox-hide, which he ought not to have ben permitted to bring on the grouad, the thing wouii not have turned out as it did. Upon this, Hayes told them that his bull could beat any ol" their horses any how; and if they'd put up a hundred dollars against the purse which he had won, he would take off the ox-hide, his tin jiorn he'd leave, and run a fair race with them. His offer was accepted, and the money staked. They again took their places at the starting post, and the signal was given. Hayts gave the bu'.l another touch with his spur, and the bull gave another tremendous bellow. The horses remem bered the terrible sound, and thought all the rest was coining as before. Away they went again, ih ppite of all the exertions of their riders, while Hayes gallopped his bull around the track again, and won the money. From that time they nick named him Sham Hayes. Pknominational Oxen in Texas Texas, says the True Witness, is a great State. It has not only a large, growing mixed population eve ry variety of clhua'te and soil, game and stock but its very oxen have become denominational, if not sectarian in name, character and spirit. In proof of this we give the following incident: A minister traveling along the road, met a stran ger driving his wagon, which was pulled by four oxen. As the miuister approached, he heard the driver say, get up, Presbyterian!" Gee, Campbel litel" ''Haw, Baptist!" "What are you doing, 3Iethodisti"' The miuister struck with the singu larity of such names beinggiven to oxcu, remarked: Stranger, you have strange names for your oxen, ami 1 wish to know why they have such names given them?' - The driver replied "I call that lead ox iu front Presbyterian, because he is true blue and never fails he believes in ulliug through every diffi cult place, persevering to the very end, aud then lis knows more than all the rest. The one by his side I call Campbellite; he does very well when you let him go his own way, until lie sees water, and then all the world cannot keep him out of it, and there he stands as if his. journey was ended. This off ox behind, is a real Baptist, for he is all the time after water, and will uot eat with the others but is constantly looking first at oue side and then at the other, and at every thing that comes near him. The other, which I call Methodist, makes a great noise and a great to do, and you would think he was pulling all creation, but he don't pull a pound. The minister, having his curiosity gratified with the explanation, rode on, wondering what he should pext hear in Texas. This is no dream, but a real fact, as we have heard it; nor are we influenced by dyspeptic feeliugs in telling our readers the eccle siastical relation of Tejtas oxen. - The Ohioin of Pianos The Piano-forte, that favorite parlor instrument, now considered au al most indispensable article in every family that can purchase it, was invented by J. C. Schronder, of Dressderj, in 1717. The square piano was made first by Fredica, an organ, builder of Saxony, about 1753. German in 17G(. tThe manufactory of this instrument was commeuced in this country since the Piano-fortes were made in London, bv . M. ampio, at the opening of the present century. I Tue Rich Countby Gal and jhe Wicked City "" Ciiap. The following which appears in a Buffalo paper, completely "combs down" and lays out "Villikins and his Dinah." We commend it to all "lovyers" of the sentimental. It is painfully, harrowingly pathetic: East Hambiku, Sep. 2, 1859. Mistur edditur the following gad verse was rit for anuthcr newspaper But as the owner of the paper is a cuztin of the unfortunate female mentioned bclo He don't wan't to insnrt. If you print it you will hear from me again the verse is literally True: Its all of a Rich country Gal that I know she plays the According and the Melojum also With cheeks red as roses and Teeth white as snow ?he looks like an angel as Milliken she goes ri tu ral li lu ral li la. Thar was a Young feller from the city lie cum L.e tried to entice her to leve her svrete hum. he gave her a locket he gave her a ring And Black nigger Malloyds tried for to Sing ri tu ral li lu ral li la. Ou one Sunday Evening her father says he I want you to leave off this youth's compand or them counter jumpers I pray you beware you will find tlu-iu desateful vow & declare ri tu ral li lu ral li la. Then the Damsel she cried & t lie damsel she wept She took to R;-cding Novels when she ought to've slept She left her Meiojuui aud According also k it little while she crazy did go ri tu ral li lu ral li la. MOBRIL. Now alive pretty Maidens that a lesson would lurn beware of these cV.ndys and their Company spurn if you would not gel ravin crazy also When they come lo tiumbiig just tell them to go ri tu ral li In ral li la. In Clay County, Indiana, a few days ago, a wo man obtained a divorce from her husband, and married another man fifteen minutes afterwards. Grrand Opening of Spring and Summer Goods! On Tuesday, April 3d, ELIAS & COHEN will opea at the Store formerly occupied by T. H BKEM & CO., one of the finest and largest Slacks of Goods ever offered to the public in this vicinity. Among our Ladies' Dress Goods will be found Crape Ma rets, Plain and Fig'd Bareges, Best French Organdies, Osmanlies, Helovise Grenadines, Black nnd colored Silks, La mart i nes, Grenadine Poplins, Silk warp Challies, French Jaconets, American Brilliauts, and Lawn. nierican Prints, in every Flounced Silk Robes, " Barege " " French Organdie " ' " Jaconet " Robes dc Eugenia and Lesbia, " " Iniperatrice, Jaconet, Organdie and Ba rege Robes in every va riety, English, French, and Solid French Ginghams English, French, and variety and stvle. White Goods. Mull, Swiss, Book, Nansook, and Jaconet Muslins. Bishop, Victoria, and Linen Lawns. Linen and Cotton Diapers. Linen Table Cloths and Damasks; Doylas; Marseilles Quilts, See. Shawls and Mantillas. Chantilly Lace Mantles, Lace Points and Shawls. Lace Stella Shawls, Embroidered Lace Points, Uiirnois. Stiltanna, aud Piccolommini do. Silk and Lace Mantles and Mantillas of every descrip tion. Linen, Barege nd Cotton Dusters. Sleeves, Collars and Setts, in VaLeticiennes Lace; Book, Jaconet, Mourning, Linen aud Pique. Also, a beautiful Stock of Embroidered Handkerchiefs, Infants' Waists and Robes, Flouricings, Edgings, Inserting:?, and Dress Trimmings. Bonnets. In our Trimmed Bonnets our taste is acknowledged;, we have a beautiful supply. Also, in French Flowers," Rusches and Ribbons. Imported Parasols. Fans and Head Dresses, with an unusual !arg;e supply of For eign and Domestic DRV GOODS, Clothing, Hardware, Boots, Shoes and lis-rs. and a General Assortment of Merchandize, which we intern! ottering to our friends and customers at prices which defy competition. .tajf" No charge for showing Goods. Remember Ladies, Tuesday April Sd. ELIAS k CO HEX, At T. II. Brem & Co's old stand. We have a good stock of GROCER IKS at the store-house formerly occupied by II. B. Williams. March 27, 18C0. tf J. S. PHILLIPS. MERCHANT TAILOR, II.W I.G located in Charlotte, respect fully solicits a share of public patronage. A complete assortment of Cloths. Cas sinicres and Vestings always on hand, which will be made to order at the shortest notice. Shop three doors south of the Mansion House. Sept. 27, 18S9. y Si 00 REWARD : ANAWAV from the subscriber on the 1st October, a mulatto bov named SOLOMON. He is near six feet high, about thirty years old, tolerably bright, rather sI'ljji. and weighs about 175 pounds. He has a down look when spoken to. The end of the forefinger of his left hand has been cut off. and a sharp hard knot has grown ou the end of it. I think he is lurking about Itocky River, in the lower end of Cabarrus county, where he vas raised. Jfoa?" All persou's are forewarned not to harbor or assist him, under the penalty of the law. I will pay the above reward for his delivery to me, or his apprehension and confinement in anv iail so WILLIAM HAMILTON. Negro Head Depot, Union Co., N. C. tf I can get him. April 9, 1800. THIS TV A R IN TEXAS !! THE Subscriber wishing to remove to Texas, offers for sale his valuable Tract of Land, lying 12 miles South of Charlotte and ?hree miles from Morrow's Tnrn Out, in York District. The Tract contains 340 Acres, half in forest. On the premises is a splendid Meadow, commodious out-buildings in abundance, and an elegant Dwelling House The tract is Well-Watered; and the land, for all onr staples, as productive . as any in the DistrUU For fuither particulars, address F. C. HARRIS, Pineville, 2i. C. April 3, lfG0. 5t-pd LAGER REER. The subscriber has a Brewery near Charlotte, and is prepared to furnish Beer of first rate quality to Fami lies and Croceries, at short notice. Orders may be left at Mr Vogefs tailoring shop. . ,i; MARTIN MENZLER. April 3, 1800. tf iOTICE. My Horse, Young Brimmer, can be found the present season, ou Mondays and Tuesdays at E. P. Blankin shipp'6, near Wright's Ferry; Wednesdays, at R. W. McDowell's, near the YorKville road; Thursdays, at J. B. Stewart's, six miles from Charlotte on the Provi dence road: and on Fridays and Saturdays, at W. P. Robinson's, near Morrow's Turnout. Persons can call and judge for themselves of the qualities of this Horse. A E. GORDON. March 27, 18S0. fit-pd NOTICE. The celebrated Jack, Fulton, will always bs fonud at the stahje of the subscriber, 9 miles from Charlotte, on the Yorkville road. March C, 560., 3ni J; M. POTTS. . Promising 13oy. Tomray, iny son, what are yougoing to do with that club?" - , ,. . - t . "Send it to the editor, of course.' ' ' 1 " 'But what are you going to send it to the editor for?" "Cause he saj'S if any body will send him a club, he will send him a copy of his paper The mother came near consciousness enoujrh to ask "But, Tommy, dear, what do you suppose he wants with a club?" "Well, I don't know," replied the hopeful urchin, "unless it is to knockdown subscribers as don't pay for their paper." ' fainting, but retained F. SCARE, (Late Searr $ Co.) Chemist & Druggist Charlotte, IV. C, "RESPECTFULLY invites attention to his complete 11 stock of DRUGS, CHEMICALS and MEDI CINES, selected with great care and without regard to price; purity and quality being especially regarded To Physicians. New Chemicals and Drugs just received. Hypophos- phites of Soda and Potass, 1 ilden s Huid Extracts, Churchill's Syrup of the Hypophosphitcs, Amnion Ferric Alum, Ferchlorate of Iron (solid,) &c. Country Merchants Will find at this establisment a full assortment of articles in the Drug line at Charleston Prices. Babbit's Pure Potash, in tins. Concentrated Lye, Soap Potash, in barrels. Vinegar, .Nutmegs, Allspice, Cloves, Mace, Ginger, Pepper, o Cinnamon, Sec. OI L S. Linseed Oil, Train Oil. Sperm " Tanners'". Laid " Sweet " o A full supply of Paints. White Lead, Red Lead, Paris (ireen, Chrome fJreen, Chrome Yellow, 3 Prussian Blue, Raw aud Burnt Umber, m J n i C; o a erra ue cienna, ic, Elegant Preparations lor the Hair. Burnett's Cocosune. Savage's Ursina, Bazin's Ox Marrow. Ac, At SCAUR'S Drug Establishment. Mav 31. 1859 FRO.tI A-S23EYIL.LE mm To! C2jL,H7Xo"t"te- This Route passes, going and coming, in full mid-day view of the Hickory Nut Gap and its grand seeecrv. Leave Abbeville at S A. M., dineat Whitesides, arrive in Ruthertonhou for supper, and Charlotte next day at a P. M. Leave Charlotte 8 A. M.; Arrive at Asheville next day 0 P M. The undersigned has refitted his line and is now run ning GOOD COACHES, with careful Drivers and good teams. The grandest scenery of Western North Carolina is on his Route and he is determined that the tourist who patronises him t-hall enjoy ii beauties and be comforta ble and safe. Every care will be taken to gie his pa trons a pleasant journey that he may receive their pa tronage again. Passengers for Wilson Springs will be carried there free of Extra charge. His line will connect with the Charlotte and Ruther ford Rail Road as it may be completed. Stage otlice in Charlotte at Kerr's Hotel. " in Asheville at Blair's Eagle Hotel. J. F. SULLIVAN, Contractor. March 21, 1HG0. 4m Look to your Interest. At Large sales are made from day -to day at a great sacri fice to the manufacturer. A good double-soled nailed Brogan sold for $1 25 The very best Brogans at 1 50 Single-soled Brogans at 1 00 A Great Saving In children's, Nys and misses Shoes, is effected by the introduction of Copper Poinls for the protection of the toe, and the manufacturer warrants that one pair will last as long as three pair of the old style. To be had only at J. B V. Boone's. LADIES will finfi it to their interest to call at Boone's and examine his stock as it is far superior to any other offered in the State. GENTS will find it to their comfort to call at Boone's and fit themselves with a Boot or Shoe on reasonable terms. Boone has good Shoes. Boone has a fine and splendid assortment of Boots. Boone has cheap Brogans. Boone has the very best article of Brogans. Boone has children's Shoes with metallic lips. Boone has boys and3-ouths' Shoes with metallic tips. Boone has boys and youths' Boots with metallic tips. Boone ha gents' fine double-soled water proof Boots, very cheap. Boone has Ladies' fine high-heeled Congress Gaiters, and a great many varieties too numerous to mention. Call and examine for yourselves. J. B. F. BOONE, Sept. 21, 1S59. Opposite the Bank of Charlotte FURNITURE HALL, Cliarlotte, 3NT. O. The subscribers, having just returned from a visit to the several popular Furniture manufacturers at the North, from whom they have made large purchases of most fashionable, convenient aud durable Furniture beg leave to advertise their friends and the public that they are now opening for inspection and sale, some of the best, most fashionable and durable ever offered in this market, consisting in part as fol lows : ' Mahogany Sofas. Tete-aTetes and Lounges, Mahogany Chairs, Rockers, and Ottomans, Tables, Bedsteads, Wardrobes, and Bureaus, Sideboards and centre Tables with marble tops, Mantle and Parlor Mirrors, Cane, Winsor aud Straw Chairs, - Cottage Sets, very handsome, French and plain Bedsteads, with bed-room furni ture to match. Cradles, Cribs and Work Tables. Wash-stands. Tables and What-Nots, Hat and Umbrella Racks, Together with a large variety of other Furniture ne cessary for house-keeping. Ahoy Fish's Metallic IMurial Cases if Coffins, Of all qualities and of the most approved style, are al ways kept on hand, aud especial care given to inter ments. The subscribers w ill be pleased to exhibit their new stock of Furniture. Ac, to the public and their patrons especially, feeling confident that they can furn'sh them on more favorable terms than can be secured elsewhere J. M. SANDERS St CO. Charlotte, March 27, 18C0" 3m 3STe w E rug- Stoi?e ; ... IRWIN'S CORNER, CHARLOTTE, N. C. K. I'ye Hutchison & Co, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Foreign and Domestic . Drttfftt, Medicines aud Chemicals, - ARE NOW RECEIVING fresh and genuine Drugs from the- New York Market, which have been purchased upon such terms as to be sold low for Cash. We would respectfully call the attention of the public to our large and complete stock of Drug8, Medicines, Chemi cals, Perfumery, Oils, Paints, Varnishes, Pntty, Win dow Glass, Kerosine Oil, Burning Fluid, Turpentine, Alcohol, Lamps, Pure Liquors, Congress Water, Can ton Teas, Tobacco. Segars, &c, Sic. , . A large stock of fresh FIELD and GARDEN SEEDS just received. Jan. 17, I860. . y I860. 0 JAJIES D. PALMER, Dealer in West India Fruits, Havana Segars, Snuff, Tobacco, Willow-Ware, Toys, All kinds of Fancy Goods, And manufacturer of Candies and Con fectioneries. One door above the Bank of Cliarlotte. April 10, 1860. Ehcom !!! North Carolina Enlrrpi Isr. W00DEN-WAUE MAiMJ FACTO II Y, Near Fayetteville, N. C. " ' The subscribers resneetfullv iuform the public that they are now manufacturing, at their establishment near Fayetteville, Juniper Buckets of every description, half-bushel aud peck Measures, and Hoe -Handles. They are also manufacturing SMllf (3 BEDS at lower prices than a similar article can be naa else where. The attention of the public is earnestly solicited to this establishment. None but the best of material is used in manufacturing. All articles are warranted to be as represented. The Spring Mattrasses are especial ly worthy of the attention of Housekeepers. Orders directed to Fayetteville will meet w ith prompt attention. MAKEPEACE & McRAE. April 3, 18C0 Gm-pd JOHN VOGEL, Practical Tai lor, respectfully informs the citi zens of Charlotte and surround ing country, that he is prepared to manufacture gentlemen's clo thing in the latest style and at short, uotiee. His best exertions will be given to render satisfac tion to those who patronize him. Shop -opposite Kerr's Hotel, next door to Brown & Stitt's store. Oct. 4, 1859. tf BELTS ! BELTS ! For Wheat Threshers, Fans, cotton Gins. Saw Mills, and machinery of every description; the best Belting now in use and far superior to leather in many respects. icill not stntch, or retr on one side fx leatlitr. THE SUN WILL NOT AFFECT IT. Rain or water cannot injure it; it requires no oil; The rats will not cut it; your negroes will not steal it for strings or shoe soles; you can get any length yon wish all in one piece without joints, and with good care it will last any farmer for twenty years." . . Orders accompanied with the cash' will receive prompt attention, and the freight paid to any point on the Railroad or stage line. CASH PRICES: 1 2i cents per foot. 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 12 12 inch... n u ( 4 ply,.. ...13 ..17 ...22 ..27 ..32 ..38 ..60 ..72 ...J2 t u t: (I it I. .1 it it It Seamless Belts manufactured to order at short notice. Conducting Hose of all sizes, for water or steam pressures, ordered direct from the Manufacturers. Also, Packing of all description, at 55 Cents per pound. J. B. F. BOONE, June 7, 1859 Charlotte, N. C. The Eureka Family Shuttle Sewing Machines. J. B. F. BOONE, Affent at Cliarlotte. For Family use, - the Eureka Machine possesses the following desirable qualities : 1. It is strongly built, runs lightly, 'and its movements are simple and easily understood. - 2. It works with two threads, using a shuttle, aud makes the Lock-Stitch, which is approved for all kinds of work, and for many varieties is the only admissable stitch. 3. While it will sew the tightest possible seam, in heavy fabrics, it is susceptible of the most delicate adjustment for use upon fight and fragile material; hence it is peculiarly fitted to perform the al most endless variety of. work which conies w ithin the range of family sewing. 4. In addition to the admitted advantages peculiar to Shuttle Machines, it is so con structed that it can be run at a very high rate of speed without damage. 5. It uses. any kind of thread, mak-! ing a uniform stitch, and presenting the same general appearance on both sides of the material sewed. Opinions of the J'ren. The ease with which it Is worked, the little trouble iu keeping it in running order no disturbance of a bolt or screw necessary explains the secret of its universal popularity. .V. 1". Day Book. The simplicity of these machines make them exceed ingly desirable for family use. Ladies Visitor. - It ranks high in the market, and is preferred over all others for its durability and simplicity. JT. J tv. January 3, 18G0. . J - REMOVAL. The Confectionery and Family Grocery Store o! MOODY & NISBET has been removed to the stand op-, posite the Presbyterian Church, where they are receiv ing direct from New York large additions to their stock of ....',.-! CONFECTIONERIES, FAMILY GROCERIES, &c. ; Among their stock may' be found everything usually kept in a store of this kind. A good assortment of Cake Trimmings, "Willow Ware, &c, always on hand. . They have in their employ an excellent BAKER, and are prepared to furnish Families and Partys with Cakes of all kinds at short notice. Nov. 1C, 1858. MOODY & NISBET. We have also opened a branch of onr store at Lin colnton, where Mr Moody will superintend the business and hopes to -secure a share of pablic patronage iu that Section. : : . ; . ' . " y, '. , ' f Jlj f .'J?39, ..; V, MOODY & ISBET. BY J. B. KERR Proprietor. M VERY ACCOMMODATION afforded the Mid patrons of the Charlotte Hotel. ; At this hotel is kept the line of Daily Stages from Charlotte to Asheville. ; Oct. 1, 1859. ., ; . ; . J. B. KERR. Charlotte Foundry AND MACHINE SHOP. Having purchased from J, A. Fox the above establish ment, the undersigned begs leave to call the attention of the public to the fact that be is now ready to fill every order for making Steam Engines, Cotton and To bacco Presses, and every description of Machienery. All kinds of Castings in Iron, Brass and other metals made at short notice aud reduced prices. Particular attention given to the making and repairing of Thresh ing Machines, Horse Powers, Cotton Gins, Mill works, and Agricultural Works of all kinds. Blacksmithing, Job, Wagon Work, and Horse Shoeing done with des patch. Old Iron, Brass and Copper Castings bought at the Foundry or taken in exchange for job work. All kinds of Wood Turning also done. - . - JOHN M. HOWIE. January 3, 1860. . 6m. 'KOOPJIANiVS Anti -iDysenterio AND ANTI-DYSPEPTIC BITTERS, PREPARED BY B. KOOPMANX, Charlotte, N. C. These unrivalled Bitters possess peculiar curative properties in all Affections of the Bowels. They will be found effectual in the cure of Dysentery, Diarrhae, Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach, and all those painful and troublesome diseases arising from a derangement of the digestive organs and irregular action ot the func tions of the stomach and intestines. They will also be found a Safe Remedy for Chills and Fevers. These Bitters are prepared from Roots brought from Germany, and for over a century have been found effectual iu that country for the permanent cure of the diseases enumerated above. They contain no delete rious " dr-ig, but are compounded entirely from roots, and are perfectly safe at all times. A simple trial is all that is asked, as a cure w ill naturally follow, and lhat is the best certificate of their superiority over every other remedy for those particular diseases. They are manufactured hj B. Koopmann, Charlotte, N. C, and arc for sale by KOOPMANN & PHELPS. Also for sale at F. Scan's and E. Nye Hutchison St Co's Drug Stores. Nov. 2i, 1859. TAN 13ARK. 100,000 CORDS Tan liark wanted, for which a liberal price will be paid. M. B. TAYLOR. Charlotte, March 22, 1859 tf RANKIN & MARTIN Commission Jt t rx b u it t s'f Wilmington, J. c. ROBT. C. RAXK1N. Aug. 30, 1859. l.V-pd ALFRED MARTIN. The Charlotte Mutual Fire Insur ance Company, CONTINUES to take risks against loss by fire, on Houses, Goods, Produce, 4c, at usual rates. PreMdent--A. C. STEELE, Vice J'reaidtnt C. OVERMAN, Attorney JOS. II. WILSON,. - 'Sec'y J- Teiu'r E. NYE HUTCHISON. DIRECTORS: A. C. STEELE, S. T. WRISTON, JNO. L. BROWN, WM. JOHNSTON, M.B.TAYLOR, F. SCARR, CHAS. OVERMAN. Executive Committee S. T. Wriston, F. Scarr, Jno. L. Brown. April 10, I860. iew Rooks. History of Frederick the Giibat, by Thos. Carlile. Mizpah: Prayer and Friendship, by L.' C. Loomis. Cochtship and Matrimony, with other Sketches, by Robert Morris. The Minister of Liket by M. L Charlesworth. ' The Sociahle; or 101 Home Amusements. The Life and Times of the Giieat Hltou Miller, of Scotland, by T. N. Brown. Axnals of the Amekican Pulpit,- by Dr. Sprague. Lippixcott's Pnoxocxcixo Gazetteer, or Geographi cal Dictionary of the World, Dora Dean or M.yc.oib Miller, Mrs M. J. Holmes. . Seoruiso of the White Horse, or the long Vacation Ramble of a London Clerk. The Kx.. Pepper, Paper by Jacques Maurice. ' Dust and Fome, or -Three Oceans and Two Conti nents, by T. Robinson Warren. I also have n. few copies of Hawks' History of X. C, Vols. I and II. ' ' , Caxtwell's Justice aud X. C. Form Book. Feb. 15,'1859. - P. J. LOWRIE. 3 JT&jbl kr i. ' T ' LIVER IMViSORATGO,' NEV1SII UEUn.IT.TKS. IThrompoanitcftfiitlri'iy t. mn Oons, til hiu become an tittiitiol feti. iinrtHj to with (fMilultfiico in! is recommpiuiU. It Iihs cured thonKiiils wlto had trirH Bp all Ue unsolicited rtiti;ic.u?s in mv 1 he dwe luuxt lead.tti-M In livHlual untitle it. n:i'l us act petuiy on Uie Howels. 11 lUe dictates of ynr lua ofilie LIVKU IV ' will euro Liver Cosil tacks, Dyeigln, Summer V o m -ry, OropHy, Sour Costl veiif ss, C'iiol roMorlint, Cltolern lence, Janinllrt', en, a ad may oe used sue ry Family Meli HBAOAC1I VS, s twenty minutes, if spoonfuls are tk attack. A 1 1 -who use It r. In Us favor. MIX WAT Kit I .h.i'- r it. ;'tltl l! liow r - jal the diKSDUi i'ur wli.cb II Sillim t!;; I; st tno TMr ,t.; rrUI. an the uimieruiM jl'i'hSffcSM I. sllOW. jxi Ihtr it'iu;rniuiftnt rf (Us !:d in audi quauUi-x a to 5 j VIUOM .Vl'Ult,aud it 53 l;o nlutf, lillotis At- . 55 ifirmile 1I .irrlioea, 4 lst-i, Wywiitr .iieli,UaMlial ia i hnkra, C'boJt- !i ln:iim,' l'Mutu- V.tt. ItviIlcnr."lC'K 1 1 ih-msiixts can testify, In livo or, three Tt- at cuiumcuccmeni riving their teittlmooy THE MOUTH WITH TilK LWKiOHAlOH, AM) SWULOW BOTH TOGETHER. Price One Oof ar per Uottte. .. ., . , .... FAMII-V - CATHARTIC PILLS, " CiSlrVfMKI FK-.U Pore Vegetable Eitrarin, ttl fnt nplu til, A-iS CASKS, Air Tight, " In any rllmate. The K mli V C- tTe but artire- Cathartic used iu big pnvtiee more Thi? coiistantiV ir:ifi:!if have tens' used taP I f. t, all express iu regard to their J Uiern wnnin inerearnoi an. 1 he FrofeaBKm well know ' on different pnrtfong. of the Toe FAMILY C.- - ha, with due reference Wi been compounde I from a - table KxtrM-tn, wMch act alimentary canxL and are s where a Catbnrtie i raiigrmrnlK of th-it-, Hal. 18 In the Costveiie,. Pal m the whole hotly, frequently, if neirlectei. " ver, IjO of Appe sallott of Cold over neni. Headache, or all I n flam matury -'. Children or AdnHa. iirtlieroi tne jsiomi hi H ft o M M t linrl le PII.I. iaa ren- bu-h the proprietor haa juti twenty yearn. ?!t-iiwnd friim Ihoiie who aud the .-itfrlioB which uc. iudUL-ed uie to place th.-.t different Cathartics act bowel. 'J'HAKT'C P H I this well eMaUIMted fart, varietv fit the pure Vei;e like on every nart of the i;o:'c! aod Kale lu all c i.ecded. anch a De" Sim-tij Hak -! Loin a, nt.fi Soretei over from ainlden cold, which end Ui lonjr ceurae ol pe tite, a CrrrploK '"-ti-h"!y, Kej!e- -lht t henl. f 1. oim-' i Worun 1 lti'-n"tl,,," fat mi-l niaiiv i f ' "' wnn-n MANSION IJOUSK."' Tue undersigned having taken the above w ell-kno and favorite Hotel, bega leave to inform the patroniWr the house and the traveliug public that he is renairin and refurnishing it and has made several changes Wnjc? will add to comfort - as a home and public resort, k effort shall be spared on the part of himself or assii! tants to reader sojourners pleasant and comfortable . H. B. WILLIAMS Charlotte, Jaauary 10, 18G0. . tf .: MRSr WINSL0W,i An experienced 'Nurse and Female Physician, preienti - to the attention of mothers, her ' SOOTSIIIVG SIRUP, For Children Teethins:, which greatly facilitates the process of teething, br softening the gums', reducing all inflamation will a'lUj all pain and spasmodic action, and is Sure lo Herniate flic Itowtln. Depend upon it, mother, it will give rest to yourselvn and relief and health to your in'ants. ' We have put up and sold this article for over tea vears, aud can say, in confidence and tbi'th, ol it ver been able to SIRS. WINS LOW'S SttO I IllXfi simp. medicine rit. IN A SIKULK m. FECT A CURE, used. Never -instance ofdii O11 the contrarr and speak ia what we have ne say of any other ER HAS IT FAILED, 8TANCE, TO tF- when timely did we know an satisfaction by any one who used it all are delighted with its operations, terms of commendation of its magical effects and medi cal virtue. We speak in this matter " n hat we i know," after ten years' cxperieuce, and pledge our repn. ration for the fulfillment of w hat we here declare. a almost every instance w here I he infant is suffering from pain and exhaustion, relief will be found in fifteen or twenty minutes after the syrup ia administered. This valuable preparation is the prescription of on of the most EXPEUIKXCED and SKILLFUL NURSES in New England, and has been used with never-failing; success in thousands of cases. It not only relieves the child from pain, but invigos. ates the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, and gives toueand energy to the whole system. It will al most instantly relieve Griping ix the Bowels, and wind colic, ana overcomes con FOR CHILD It EX Tcet hiiitf. if not speedily death. We be nnd SUREST T 11 E WOULD. vulsions, which, remedied, end in lieve it the best REMEDY IX in all cases of Dysentery and Diarrhoea in Children, whether it arises from teething, or from any other cause. We would say to every mother w ho has a child suffer ing from any of the foregoing complaints Do not lit yoitr prejudices, northe prejudices of others, stand between you and your snflering child, and the relief that will be sure yes. absolutely sure to follow the use of this medicine, if timely used, Full directioni for using will accompanv each bottle. None genuine unless the fac-simile o"f CURTIS k PERKINS, .New York, is on the outside wrapper,. Sold by Druggists throughout the world. Principal Office, 13 Cedar street, N. Y. Price only 25 cants per Bottle, "gia For sale by E. NYE HUTCHISON k CO., and by F. SCARR. March 20i 18G0. j Thousands are daily speaking in the prai.e of DR. EATON'S INFANTILE COBDIALj . and' why? because it never fails to afford itistantnneuni relief when given in time. It acts as if by magic, nod oue trial alone will convince you that what wc say ii true. It contains NO PAREGORIC OR OPIATE of any kind, and thereiore relieves by removing the sufferingi of your child, instead of by deadening its sensibilitief. For t li is reason it commends itself as the only reliable preparation now known for f?liirfreii TcM'fllJiiS, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, driping in the Bowels. Acidity of the Stomach. Wind, Cold in the Head, and (Troup, also, for softening the gums, reducing inrlamation, re gulating the Bowels, and relieving pain, it has no equal being an anti-spasmodic, it is used with unfniliHg, success in all cases of Coil Vtllftioil or "HifT Fits. As you value the life and health of your chil dren, and wish to save them from those sad and blight ing consequences w hich are certain to result from the use of narcotics of which all other remedies for infan tile complaints are composed, take none but Dr. Ea ton's Infant rllal, this you can rely upon. It 13 perfectly harmless, and cannot injure the most delicate infant. Price 25 cents. Full directioni accompaiiT each bottle. Prepared only by CHURCH k Dl'PONT, No. 4CW Broadway. N. York. Fr r sale by F. Scurr, and K. Nye Hutchison Si Co. Healthy human blood being ANALYZED' presents us with the same essential elctiieuts, and git of course the true standard. Analyze the Blood of a person suffering from Consumption, Liver complaint, Dyspepsia, Scrofula, Ac, and we find in every instant certain deficiencies in the red globules of Blood. Sp ply these deficiencies and you ure made well. Th Rlod Fond, is founded upon thi Theory hem its astonishing success. There arc ' FIVE PREPARATIONS adapted to the deficiencies of the Blood in different dis eases. For Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, or any afl'ectioB whatever of the Throat III' LuiegH, inducii( Consumption, use No. 1, which is also the No. for Im pression of Spirits, Loss of Appetite, and for all Chronic Coinplaiuts arising from over-use, general debility and nervous prostration. No. 2,. for. Llvr Olll plnillti. No. 3, for D)K4 pistil. Being already prepared for absorption it is titken by drops and car ried immediately into the circulation, so that what you gain you retain. The No. 4 is for Female Irrepularitiri, Hysteria. Weaknesses, 4c. See special direction for this. For Salt Uheum, Eruptions, Scrofulous, KidutJ, and Bladder complaints, take No. 5. In all cases th dircctious must be strictly followed. Trice of th Blood Food $1 per bottle. Sold by ' Sold by CHURCH k DL'PONT, Druggiat, N. 40 Broadway, New York, and by all respectable Drug gists throughout the country. , : For sale in this place by F. Scakb and E. Ntk Hbt chison k Co. ; . . November 22, 185. ' J TIN-WARE and Stove Depot. A. A. IV. Jl. TAI LOR WOULD respectfully announce to the public that he continues to carr3" ou business at the ator on the West Corner of Public Square, w here he keep! constantly on hand the largest assortment of flwb ia hlr. fc nmncroua O to nienfi-.n hi U aUterltae menU IJose. Ilo3. - nl.,u old wboleaale bji-Uia 1 racla in all a m W ti ; l,'lll! I). (. !.. - ' '. : ! ""M,ii',f..-t -'rererM proprietor. . 335 Broudwoj P. SCAUR k CO.,t and E. NYE. HUTCHISON k CO. ever offered in North Carolina; among which will b found tue celebrated - Iron Hitch Otoking Store, which has gained snch a famous reputation in the Southern country for the last eighteen months. 'Thi Stove he warrants superior to any cooking stove now in use. It is simple in its arrangements, consumes Jesf fuel, and docs more - work in a given time than any other Stave in use.- ; He baa all kind of -Parlor and Box' Stoves; and keeps constantly an extensive and varied Stock of Tin, Sheet-Iron y Jajtan, end Jin'lannia Ware, Brass Kettles, Cast Iron Bedsteads, Cast Iron Ware, Iat Hacks, Cradles, rfr., all of which will be sold, Wholesale and Retail, cheap er than has ever been before offered in this vicinitj. 'He would return his thanks to his friends and u tomers for the rery liberal patronage they have bestow ed upon him, and hopes to merit a contiuance of tb same.. ' " His motto is "Quick Sales and Small Profits." EST AU kinds of JOB WORK attended to with df patch; and all ORDERS -will be faithfully and promr-tr ly executed. . f . ' . Charlotte, July lj 185S; J, - 3 ,1' pharlottc N. C. April 19, 18C0. -1 3i

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