THE PEOPLE IN THE HOUSE- Some love the glow of outward show, . ' Some love mere wealth and try to win it; The home for me may lowly be, If I Jmt like the people in it. "What's the gold that glitters cold, - When linked to hard or haughty feeling? Whate'er we're told, the noble gold ' Is truth of heart and manly dealing. Then let them seek, whose minds are weak, Mere fashion's smile, and try to win it; The house for me may lowly be, If I but like the people in it. A lowly roof may give us proof That lowly flowers are often fairest, And trees whose bark is hard and dark May yield us fruit and bloom the rarest. There's worth as sure 'neath garments poor, As e'er adorned a loftier station; And minds as just as these, we trust, Whose claim is but of wealth's creation. Then let them seek, whose winds are weak, Mere fashion's smile, and try to win it; The house to me may lowly be, If I but like the people in it. HOW TO PBOSPER IK BUSINESS. In the first place, make up your mind to ac complish whatever you undertake; decide upon some particular employment, and persevere in it. All difficulties arc overcome by diligence and assiduity. Be not afraid to work with your hands, and diligently, Too. "A cat in gloves catches no mice (Je who remains in the mill, grinds; not he who goes and comes. Attend to your business; never trust to any one else. 'A pot that belongs to too many is ill stirred and worse boiled." Be frugal ''That which will not make a pot, will make a pot lid." ''Save the pence, and the pounds will take care of themselves." Be abstemious. "Who dainties love, shall beggars prove." ltifte early. ''Thesleepy fox catches no poultry." "l'low deep, while sluggard's sleep, and you will have com to sell and to keep." Treat every one with respect and civflity. "Everything is gained, and nothing lost, by court esy." "(iood manners insure success." Never anticipate wealth from any other source than labor, especially never place dependence upon becoming tho possessor of an inheritance, "lie who waits for dead men's shoes, may have to go a long time barefoot." "He who runs altera shadow, hath a wearisome race." Above all things, never despair. Cod is where he was." He helps those who truly trust in him." Physicians in China. In China there is a free-trade in i-hysie a lineiple which has not yet leu t nil liu- aj.-::;'. i - reforms in that art. A ln.-t li it .- lju-iaciiu; is quite a curiosity. It is al .:tt f ii size t" a h ilf pound of moist sugar, :?id i: .ui-ts nf twenty separate packages, four or five kin-Is of hark, a little orange peel, some wal ii'i!s. .-:: eri!i. i. and half a dozen other sorts, M; .ilk.' a -:.!! c-ike oi' blacking. These are all . it ;. ;:. r. :t!t i good ha'f-piiit of the decoc- 1 ; :i r e ! k : hot as a doe. The low- t ' : . v:.;-: i. a'-nu two pence, and the coolies oj M u.,11 Lave al.-o to be paid. The feo advance.- by two pence ;it a time, so that 4d., (id., 8d ., 10d.t kv are the rates according to ce'ebrity. Very seldom, however, is a single visit charged more than six pence. When you consult a physi cian his mode of proceeding in this: He lays your hands on a soft cushion, feels your pi Ise at the wrist, asks your age and the symptom of your indisposition, looks at you attentively in the face, sapiently strokes his moustache, and then writes bis prescription pel haps " one hundred and fifty pills twice a day." m m Tiik Way tiik lvt;usn imixts up Childiien. The English bring up their children very differ ently from the manner we bring up ours. They have an abundance of lresh, out-door air every day whenever it is possible. The nursery maids are expected to take all tho children out airin" every day, even to the infant. This custom is be coming more prcvaleut in this country, and should be pursued wherever it is practicable. Infants should be early accustomed to the open air. We confine them too much, and heat them too much for a vigorous growth. One of the finest features of the London parks is said to be the crowds of nursery maids with their groups of healthy chil dren. It is so with the promenades of our large cities to a large extent, but it is less common in our country towns than what it should be In con sequence of their training, English girls acquire a habit of walking that accompanies them through life, and gives them a healthier middle age through life than our women enjoy. They are not fatigued with a walk of four or five miles, and are not ashamed to wear, when walking, thick-soled shoes, fitted for the dampness they encounter. Half of the consumptive feebleness of our girls result from the thin shoes they wear, and the cold feet they necessarily have. English children, especially girls, are kept in the nursery and excluded from fashionable society and all the frivolities of dress at the age when our girls are in the very heat of flirtation and are thinking of nothing but fashion able life. Exchange Paper. Mammon cs. Hymen. The Greenfield (Mass.) Gazette has the following : A curious circumstance occurred on Wednesday. A young man in this village procured a clergyman to marry him, and, after the guests had all assembled and the knot was aboutto be tied, the would-be bridge-groom was called out of the house, and soon, informing the clergyman and guests that he would be back in a moment, mysteriously disappeared; and, after waiting an "hour, the clergyman left for the Sunday- school celebration, leaving the intended bride and her friends in doubt as to the mysterious disappearance of the bridegroom. It subsequently appeared that a person to whom the bridegroom had loaned twenty six dollars was about departing in the cars for New Vk, and that a friend had informed him of the fact just as the clergyman was about tying the knot; and, thinking that his inteuded wile was saler than his money, left for the depot to collect his borrowed money before the train should depart. He got there jut as the train was starting, got on board the cars to find his debtor friend, and was carried olfto Northampton. He, however, collected his money, went to the telegraph Office to inform Ins intended hri-l where he was, but could not find the operator, and started for Greenfield afoot on the track. At Whateiy the train overteok him. He got into the cars, and reached Greenfield at ha'.f-rast three o'clock, to the great relief of his intended bride and her friends. He immediately took the hdy to the cWgyman's residence and had the ceremony completed." The spire of a very fashionable church is the only thing connecUd with it that pom toward heaven. Never purchase love or friendship by gifts; when thus obtained, they are lost as soon as you stop payment A Dollar or Two. -WitbTcautious step as we tread our way through this intricate world as other folks do, -may" we still on our journey be able, to view the benevolent face of a dollar or two. Would you read ? yourself, out of the bachelor crewjland the hand of a pretty young female stie you must always be ready : the. handsome to do, although it VARIETIES. A young woman being asked by a politician which party she was most in favor of, replied that she prefered a wedding party. - One great difference between Japan and the United States is that if you insult a man 'there, he rips his own bowels out; while it you insult one j may cost you a dollar or two here, he rips out yours. - " "- . , Different sounds travel with different velocity a call to dinner will run over a ten acre lot in a moment and a half, while a summons to return to work takes from five to eight minutes. . The man who " left his traces on the sand," sold the balance of the harness. The Western orator who recently 'declared that he had socked with Socrates, napped with Nap oleon, and ripped with Euripides, finally porked with llufus t'hoate, busted with Bustimentej aud rotted at Rotterdam. ' V' . How Ion" did Adam remain in Paradise before he sinned i asked an amiable wife of her husband. Till he got a wife ! was the calm reply. JJidu t he deserve killing? ; A downcast poet has written an immense poem ou "Nature," which commences: 1 ; ' . "Wiggle, wiggle, pollywog, ' Pretty soon you'll be a frog." A farmer out West, inportuned to take shares in some stock, company, said plow-shares aud De von slock were the ouly ones that the farmers should meddle with. A humorous comment wns made by a waiter at a hotel where Eeniaglc dined after having lec tured on artificial memory. A few minutes after the Prof. left the table the waiter entered, with unlil'ted hands and eyes, exclaiming, " Well 1 declare, the memory man has forgotten his um brella COCHRANE & SAMPLE DEALERS IN Hardware, Guns, Cutlery, 5tc, &c, at the Sign of the. GOLDEN PAD-LOCK, WOULD respectfully invite the pnMic to call and examine their Stoek before purchasing elsewhere. B3k Orders solicited and prornp attended to. Call ami see us. COCHRANE SAMPLE. July 3, 18C0. Tools, Tools, Tools, at the Sign of the Golden Pad-Lock, A good supply of Tools, consisting of circular, mill, cross-cut, teuon, hand, ripper, back and compass Saws: bench and moulding Planes ; lathing, shing ling, andbroatl Hatchets: Hammers; bevel and steel Squares; Drawing Knives; Braces and Bits; Angers; Gimlets; Cliisstls; brick and plastering Trowels; Screw Plates: Saw-Sets; Spoke-Shaves; Files: Raps: Poekct-liule-: (iiiagc-Kods; spirit and pocket Levels; Boring Machines, kc. COCHRANE k SAMPLE. Blacksmith's Tools, at the Sign of the Gulden Pad-Lock, A good supply, consisting of Anvils; Bellows; .Solid Bus Vices;, hand and fledge Hammers; Stocks aud Dies; Tongs. Buttresses, Rasps, Files, and n good supply of llorve Nails, Horse and Mule Shoes, at low prices. COCHRANE k SAMPLE. Agricultural Implements, at the Sign of the Gulden Pad-Lock, A large supply of the above, consisting of Thompson's celebrated Ploughs; also, Corn-Shellers; Straw-Cutters: Shovels; Spades: Ilay and manure Forks:' best caststeel Axes; Picks. Mattocks, (irubbirg Hoes, Weeding Hoes, Trace Chains, Log Chains, Wagon Chains, (Jarden Hoes, Rakes, Hedge Shears, Pruning Shears, Pruning and Budding Knives, &c, kc COCHRANE l SAMPLE. Carriage Materials. at the Sign of the Golden Pad-Lock. A large Stock oi the above, consisting of Springs, Axles, Oval Iron, Hubs, Bows, Rims, Buggy Poles, Buggy Shafts, Spokes, Patent and Enamelled Leather, Enam elled Cloth, Oil Carpet, Carriage Bolts, Brass and Sil ver Bands, Silver Moulding, Laces, Tassels, Turned Sticks, Saddle aud Lining Nails, &c, &c. COCHRANE & SAMPLE. At the h'ign of the Golden Pad-Lock will be found at. all times a large and well selected Stock of Gnns, Pistols, Powder-horns, Powder-flasks, Pow der, Shot, Lead: French and American window-JIass; Putty: a large stock of English and American Iron; Cast Steel, Herman steel. Blister steel, Plough steel, Spring steel; Nails of all kinds, hemp aud manilla Rope; Anchor Brand Bolting Cloths; Mill Screws; Mill Picks; Spike Hammers, Stone Hammers, Double and Single Blocks: also, a large Stock of Cornices, Curtain Bands, Curtain Pius, Picture-Cord and Tassels, kc COCHRANE Si SAMPLE. NOTICE. On the 20th of August, (week of Gaston county Court,) I will sell in the town of Dallas, a tract of land of 70 Acres, all under a pretty good fence, with one partition fence, and a portion of the land is under culti vation. In the centre of the tract, on a high level, can be found one of the most regular veius of Gold in this portion of the country, never failing when worked to yield from $2 50 to S3 to the bushel. 10 to the bushel has been made out of the ore after Laving been washed by a sweep-pounder. The vein has been left at about 70 feet deep, lined with quartz. The Land lies in one mile of Stowcsville, in Gaston county. Terms will be made easy, and a small portion of Cash required at the time of sale. The sale will be positive." July 3, 1800. 19-U LEROY STOWE. Valuable L.ukI Tor Sale. B virtue of a Decree from the Court of Equity, for the County of Lincoln, I will offer for sale on the 2oth of Sept., I860, one tract or body of land containing 3,000 acres, on Leepcr's Creek. Said tract has upon it a good dwelling-house and all other necessary buildings. The creek passes for a mile through the farm embrac ing upwards of 100 acres of fine bottom and meadow land. On the premises are also a Grist-mill, Saw-mill and Forge for making Iron. The Wilmington, Char lotte & Rutherford Railroad passes through the tract. The above tract will be divided, if desired, to suit purchasers. At the same time and place I will sell that valuable Cotton farm, known as the '-Sides Place," containing 377 cres, lying on Leeper's and Killian's Creeks, having upon it a good Giu-house. and Cotton Press. At the same time will be sold all of .tlie house-hold furniture and other propertv. JAMES F. JOHNSTON, July 3, 1S0. 12t Commissioner. A lawyer in Iowa has become so" hollow from depending upon the law alone for bread, that be proposes to sell himself for a stove pipe. 'An Irishman fights before he reasons; a Scotch man reasons before he fights; a Yankee is not par ticular will do either to suit hh customers. The man who tried to get up a concert with the baud of a hat, is the same genius, who was recently seen playing on the horn of a. cow. v,.? ' Nothing is more odious than a face that "smiles abroad, but flashes fury amid' the caresses of a tender wife and . children. ' r .' .' ' " Slate of IV. Carollua, Ztl'Cklenttirs Co. Court of Equity Sjring Term, 10G. John Vogel, plaintiff, vs. Augusta Vogel, defendant. Petition for Divorce. In this case it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the defendant, Augusta Vogel, is not a resi dent of this State; it U therefore ordered by the.Court that notice be riven to her of the filing of the plaintiff's petition, by publication for six weeks in the Western Democrat, a newspaper published ia the town of Char lotte, commanding the said Augusta personally to be and appear at the next court of Equity to be held for tin county of Mecklenburg, at the Court Honse in Char lotte, on the 11th Monday after, the 4th Monday in August, A. D. 1860, and then and" there to plead,-"answer or demur to the plaintiff's petition, or judgment pro coufesso will be entered against her, and a decree made accordingly: L' " Witness, A. C. Williamson, Clerk and Master of said court, at office in Charlotte, the 11th Monday after the 4th Monday in February, A. D. 1960, "and" in the 84th year of American Independence. 1 - 20-8t A. C WILLIAMSON. C. M. E.- A. Yl ALEXANDER, Dentist. All styles of DENTAL WORK executed in a satisfac tory manuer. Persons desiring it can have work done at their residences by informing me in pers6n"or by addressing me at Tuckaseege Post Office N. V. By means of a recent . invention, Artificial1 Teeth are inserted on a Vulcanized India-Rubbep base.r. This method, besides possessing many natural advantages over all ' others, is also cheaper. Specimens of this work will be shown to those wishing it. r June 5, 1800. tf POCKET-BOOK LOST, v On the 6th or 7th inst.. I lost my POCKET-BOOK between Charlotte and the Kudasill Gold Mines, or be tween the Mine and my honse 5 miles from town on the Western Plank Road. There was a $3 bill on a Tennessee Hank" in the Book, besides a note on Dr. M. B. Taylor, for $124 34, and a note on It. J. Reid for about 23; Also, several receipts and a certificate for C. & S. C. Railroad stock. All persous are forewarned against trading for the notes. Any information con cerning the Book or papers may be communicated to mc or left at this office. June 19, 1860. 3m J. C. FRAZIER. J. A. SADLER, Ji, (Late of the firm of T. H. Brem & Co., Charlotte, N. C.) SHERMA?'MOTirERS,.:- - IMPORTERS AN1 JOBBEIiS OF . - Hardware, Cutlery, Guns and Heavy Goods, 19 Park PJare and lfi Murray Street, NEW YORK. May 22, 1860. 6m-pd - ATLANTIC HOUSE, .Beaufort, J. C. , . PAGE & PEXDER, Proprietors. This large and commodious establishment is now open for the reception of visjtors. The House is locat ed iu the most eligible and pleasant situation for a Summer Resort in Eastern North Carolina, beiug im mediately in front of the Inlet from the Atlantic Ocean, with not the least obstacle to obscure the view either of '-Old Ocean,"' Core Souud, Bogue Sound, or the town of Beaufort. - As fine FISHING GROUND as the Harbor affords is immediately in front of the colorades which surround the southern and western portion of the building, af fording to the Boarders the opportunity of angling without exposure to the sun. while seated under the colorades or from their chamber windows if they pre fer, as the House is situated immediately over the water. The beautiful and varied views presented to the visi tors from this location, are alone worth a trial of this establishment. The object of the Proprietors has been to render this the most attractive resort North orSonth nature and climate having been most bountiful to this favored spot, leaving but little to art to improve. The proprietors have added to the establishment BATHING HOUSES sufficiently large to swim in, and so situated that baths can be taken at any hour, for the accommodation of ladies and gentlemen who wish to indulge in this pleasant and healthy pastime. To in valids, bathing in salt water is undoubtedly conducive to health. Should persons prefer it, they can bathe in the ocean, serf or souud, immediately contiguous to the House. We have a STEAMBOAT that will always be in readiness to convey passengers from Morehead City, the terminus of the A. k X. C. Railroad, to the Atlantic House, making also daily excursions about the harbor. A good Band of Music has been secured for the Sea son. PAGE & PENDER, Proprietors. T. A. Granger, Superintendent. May 14, 1860 3im HOME MANUFACTURES. To tny friends and tho puldic generally, I beg leave: to say that I have undertaken the Manufacturing Business, which will be carried on in Charlotte, N. C. at what will be styled Pritchard's , Wholesale ami lletail SADDLE and HARNESS 71tjri7FiCTOItl", where will be kept con stantly on inspection and sale, SADDLES, HARNESS, &c. kc, of our own manufacture, together with Collars (warranted not to gall,) aud a select and general assort ment of every article appertaining to the trade, all ot which will be sold at the lowest figures for cash or approved names. The Manufacturing Department will be committed to the most proficient workmen, under the supervision of Mr ROBERT SHAW.' Distant orders particularly solicited work and quality of goods guar antied. $3?" Repairing of all kinds executed with neatness and dispatch. N. B. The highest market prices paid for hides. Irwin's Corner Building. H. M. PRITCIIARD. May 1, 1860. 6m. Charlotte and Lincolnton mm WM. & R; TIDDY, Dealers in Foreign and American Marble, and manufacturers of Marble Mantels, Head Stones, Slabs and Furniture Marble ofeverv (style and quality. ' They have also a great number of resigns for, . - , . -, , .; m si u m a st 3 which they will execute to order at reduced prices. ; . , : - ; From their long experience in the. Marble business thev flatter themselves that having all the facilities that cau be desired in the Trade they can mako it an object for all who need anything in their line to give them a call. Shop at Charlotte, N. E. corner of the Depot Square. Lincolnton, at the Public Sqnare. Orders at either Yard respectfully solicited, and will meet with prompt attention. , . Jfca They are sole Agents in this section of North Carolina for the sale of the celebrated "Enamelled Slate," which, for cheapness, elegance of finish and durability combined, is unsurpassed by any other material in use for Chimney Pieces, Table Tops4 Bureau Tops, Chess Tables, Hearths', kc. - The public are invited to call and examine specimens. May I, 1860. . - - ' . ' ORRELL &GRADr. Manufacturers and "Wholesale Dealers in , . Hats, Caps, Straw and Millinery - . - Goods, ; .... . . Umbrellas, Parasols, Flowers, Ribbons, ic. . -Vo. 18 Courtlandt Street,, up JSlir$, . D. D. OttRKLL. . formerly of Fayette ville,X.C. TJ. F. Grady, " -. late of Wilmington. X.'C. Mar'14. 1860 ' -'- ' 1 L JTE1K ITOJIK, (Late Scarry Co.) " OHemisti&; Druggist fjnarioue; rw, ' t., ty RESPECTFULLT lnyites attention "to "hi3 complete stock of-DRTJGS, CHEMICALS and' MEDI CINES, selected with, vgreat.eare and without regard to price; purity and quality being especially regarded. To Physicians. ' : ; : Xew Chemicals and. Drugs justrecaiyed,',Hypophos phites of Soda and. Potass, Tilden's Fluid Extracts, Chntcliill's Syrup of the Hypophbsphites,-Amnion Ferric AIuui, Perehlorate Of Iron solid,) Ac " v Country Merchants : v Will find at thi3 establisment a full assortment articles in the Drug. line at Charlestomriees' , . e - - - ' -by' J.V1B. KERR;' Trm . ti-. . r . .r- w t-.-.--i y ..... . of Babbit's Viire Potash, in tins. 5 ' " ' - " Concentrated Lye, ' T '-' " "-s.' ' ' . Soap Pctasu, in barrels.- - vinegar, -. ; v. c 4 Nutmegs,.-. , 'r. '": . I ' -- - Allspice, .. ; Cloves, ' ' -' '' Mace," ? . ' "-''' r-'if- Ginger,: ' . : . i f, Pepper, - .. . , o Cinnamon, kc. Linseed Sperm Lard Oil; Train Oil. Tanners' " Sweet .. A full supply of Paints. White Lead, ' ' ' Red Lead, Paris Green, ' r Chrome Green, ' ' ' ' Chrome Yellow, ' '" ' " f - ' ; -Prussian 'Blue," ' 3 ' - - Raw and Burnt' Umber, p 3 O ' - Terra de Sienna, &c; Elegant Preparations lor the Hair. Burnett'? Cocoaine. - ." . . Savase's Ursina, ; - - : - . . ' Ba.iu's Ox Harrow, kc, -, - At SCARR'S Drug Establishment. May 31, 1859 . . . " . ' ill pay the highest cash prices for The subscriber w Beef cattle: Those having SHEEP for sale would do well to give me a call, as I am desirous of purchasing that kind of stock. . v , . - t . - - J. L. STOUT, Town Butcher. Charlotte, June 2(5, 1800. . tf - INew Drug Store, , IitWIN'S CORNER, CHARLOTTE, X. C. E. INye Hutchison & Cov v W holesale and Retail Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Drugs, Jledicines and Chemicals, ARE NOW RECEIVING fres;ii and genuine Drugs from the New York- Market, which have been purchased upon such terms as to be sold low for Cash. We would respectfully call the attention of the public to our large and complete stock of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals,- Perfumery, Oils, Paints, Varnishes, Putty, Win dow Glass,' Kerosinc Oil, Burning Fluid, Turpentine, Alcohol, Lamps, Pure Liquors, Congress Water, Can ton Teas. Tobacco. Segars, kc, kc . - Jgggf- A large stock of fresh FIELD and GARDEN SEEDS just received. Jan. 17, 18C0. 3' PIANOS Tuned and ISepaired. PROF. PAPB, of the Charlotte Female Iustitute' off ers his services to the citizens of Charlotte and sur rounding country to tune aud repair Pianos. He will also furnish Pianos of fine tone and finish, at Manufacturer's prices and warranted, to those who may wish to purchase. A specimen cau be seen at his residence. May 1, 1800. tf PUf,IvIAi?I & CO., Auctioneers for Sale of Negroes, Odd Fellows' Hall, Franklin Street, ' lilCIIMCOyD, VA. ALUEIIT C. PI LLIAM, KOBT. P. PCLLIAM, UAS'L K.WKIS1UEK. Daily sales public and private. AVe pledge our strictest attention to the business entrusted to us, and will answer all communications promptly. Porter al ways at each Depot. ... . ." May 22, 18U0 - y otio I860. 0 02 JAMES D. PAL.1TIER, Dealer in ' West India Eruits, Havana Segars, Suutf, Tobacco, Willow-Ware, Toys, f - All kinds of Fancy Goods, And manufacturer of Candies and Con fectioneries, .r . - ;: One door above the Bank of Charlotte. April 10, 18C0. - " ' ' " " :- Eiicotirsigt North Carolina Eiiferpi is. WOODEN-WARE MANUFACTORY, - Near Fay etteville, N. C. The subscribers respectfully inform the public that they are now manufacturing, at their establisl ment near Fayetteville, Juuiper Buckets of every description, half-bushel aud peck Measures, and Hoe llaudles. They are also manufacturing Sl'JlIJt G BEDS at lower prices than a similar article can be had else where. ' The attention of the public is earnestly solicited to this establishment. None but the best of material is used in manufacturing. All articles are warranted to be as represented. The Spring Mattrasses are especial ly worthy of the attention of Housekeepers - Orders directed to Fayetteville will meet with prompt attention. MAKEPEACE & McRAE. April :i, 18C0 6m-pd' ' - JOHN VOGEL, Practical Tai lor, respectfully informs the citi zens of Charlotte and surround ing country, that he is. prepared to manufacture gentlemen's clo thing in the latest style and at short notice. His best exertious will be given to render satisfac tion to those who patronize him. Shop- opposite Kerr's Hotel, next door to Brown &titt'a store. Oct. 4, 1859. tf Xew. ISooks. -.-' History of Fuedejuck ths Gbeat, by Thos. Carlile. Mizpah: Prayer and Friendship, by L. C. Loomis. CorKTRHip and Matrijioxy, with, other Sketches, by The Minister op Life, by M. L. Charlesworth. The Sociable; or 101 Home Amusements." : ' y'T' The Life an d Times of the Great Hcgh Miller, of Scotland, by T. N. Brown. ;- Axxals ok the American Pulpit, by Dr. Spragne. Lippixcott's Proxocxcixk Gazetteer, or Geographi cal Dictionary of the Worldir . . Dora Deas, or Mac oik .Miller, Mrs M.J.. Holmes. Scolrixu of the White Hokjse, or the Ion.g Vacatioji Ramble of a Lpndon Clerk. '. The Kx. Pepper, Papers by Jacques Maurice Dvst axd FomeJ or Three Oceans and Two Conti nents, by T. Robinson Warren. u I also hare a few. , copies of Hawks' Histort of X. O..' Vols. I and II. , . . -s , r . .' , , ; rhetor. QJfaffoi I patrons of the Charlotte Hotel. At this Hotel is kept the line of Daily Stages from Charlotte taAsheyille. Oct. 1,159. : J.B.KERR.., JLi JOHN HENRY WAYT, ; - Surgeon Dentist, - . (G.RADTJATE LV MEDICINE AND DENTISTRY.;- Offic ip Brawlev's Building,, opposite keru s hotel, SURGICAL OPERATIONS,' as Cleft Palate, -Mart Lip, - Tumor of mouth and jatct, performed. Fbactcres asd Dislocations of the Jaws treated. Teeth filled with Gold, Silver, Tin or Amalgam. "' ARTIFICIAL TEETH inserted in the best manner. - A very superior Tooth Powder and Toqth Wash" on hand. ; - . . ',v Prices moderate and all work done satisfactory 0 the patient. r' ' . ' Afitock of Dentists' materials always on. band, and Silver Plate of any fineness gotten out. ' T7 1 . o a T o? 4 - ' rfuruary -to, iou n - Gold 9 to J5l.tolX -Dysenterio " ; AND ANTI-DYSPEPTIC , B X 1 T 313 JEL 3S , . - ' PREPARED BY B. KOOPMANN,- ' Charlotte, N. C. ' These unrivalled Bitters possess peculiar carative properties in all Affections of the Bowels. They will be found effectual in the cure of Dysentery, Diarrhae, Dyspepsia, Sour Stomacli, and all those painful and troublesome diseases arising from a derangement of the digestive organs 'and irregular action of the func tions of the stomach and intestines. They will also be found a -' ' 1 , - Safe Remedy for Chills and Fevers. These Bitters are prepared from Roots brought from Germany, anJ for over a century have been found effectual in that country for the permanent cure of the diseases enumerated above. They contain no delete rious drug, but are compounded entirely from roots, and are perfectly safe at all times: , - - . A simple trial , is all that is asked, ns a cure will naturally follow, and that is the best certificate of their superiority over every other remedy for those particular diseases. They are manufactured by B. Koopmann, Charlotte, N. C, and are for sale by ' KOOPMANN & PnELPS. Also, for sale at F. Scarr's and E. Nye Hutchison & Co's Drug Stores. " Nor. 29, 1859. ' ' v '.. LOWRlis ' . ' V; I receive all tlie New Pub lications as fast as they come for ward from the Press; and keep ""constantly on hand a large lot of School, Academy aud College TEXT-BOOKS, and many useful reference and recreative works. - -'. I also keep a very large stock of Stationery, plain and fancy. Having made an arrangement with the Southworth Paper Manufacturing Company, I am en abled to sell paper at the same prices by the whole sale for which it can be bought in the Northern cities, freight added. P. J LOWRIE. - Feb. 15, 18G0. ' Private Surgical Hospital. We, the undersigned, having opened a private Surgi cal Infirmary in the town of Charlotte, arc now pre pared to furnish comfortable quarters to those Patients from a distance who may require our professional ser vices in the treatment of Surgical diseases. The above Institution is located on Main street, in a quiet part of the town. The buildings are new and well ventilated, with good out-buildings for the accommoda tion of negroes. All diseases of a contagious character will be strict ly excluded. Communications through the Post Office, addressed to Caldwell k Gibbon, will receive prompt attention. ' V. C. CALDWELL, M. D. ROBERT GIBBON, M.D. April 17, 18G0. J. W. CALDWELL, M. D. , TAN BARK. 100,000 CORDS Tan Bark wanted, for which a liberal price w ill be paid. M. B. TAi'LOR. Charlotte, March 22, 1859 tf . - Insur- The Charlotte Mutual Fire ance Company, ONTINUES to take risks against loss by fire, on Houses, Goods, Produce, &c, at usual rates. President A. C. STEELE, - - Vice President C. OVERMAN, . -' ' Attorney JOS. II. WILSON, Secy Tcas'rE. NYE HUTCHISON.. DIRECTORS: A. C. STEELE, . ' S. T. WRISTON, ' JNO. L. BROWN, WM. JOHNSTON; M. B. TAYLOR, F. SCARR, . . ; , CHAS. OVERMAN. Executive Committee S. T. Wriston, F. Scarr, Jno. Brown. April 10, 18C0. . . ' vO Caxtwell's JrsricE and N. C Form Book. hwn! it. ud U now ro al, the UiKiues lor vUtcb i( uiihin the hist two years oi iciiPl.. n the umiieruus u 1 1 tMiiiM;imint of the ed lu Eiicli qtiiuiutio u to .1'iilgnieiit ijitWe vrm n tie ' V ICi O It ATOR , ud it tlnlnl, tilllons At- CHrttnicOInri'liora, ll lntc, Uytetitt Stumach.Ilabllnal 1. , Oiolcra, CUolc liiOiiitnm, V n t n -t' male Wtkn--esl'ulIy iu an Ortll na il nr. It will cure I CI tlKnaudi can testify.) til luo or Ur-e Tca- eu at comiuaacentent ot Igl vlng their tesuimaey THE MOITH WITH XSD SHALLOW LIVER INVIGCRATOn, NEVER DK 111 MTATE S . TT Is eomponmltil rntlrely f; om Gnm, and A bas become an esiauuMucu uci, aM;ini:UM.ueiiui and approved by all tliat sorted to with coutiduuce in . It has cured thousands S who had given up nil hoeV unsolicited oertilicate in mjr gj The dose must IteadniiiB.!, S!?1 Individual ukiiii; it, and us act gently ou the Kowela. . Iet the dicuites of your tue of the LIVER I willcure Llvrr Com tacks, Uysiiepaln, Summer C o m -ry, Oropy, Saij Costlvenes8, Cliol ra Mor t as, C ho I e r lence, Jaundice, es, and may be used sue ry Family Mll- HKAOACHE, (-! twenty mliiuUs, if pooufals are tuft-' atUck. Ail whotue It arc in its favor. 1 MIX WATER IN THE INVIGOKATOR, BOTI1 TOGETIIElt. . - Price One Dollar per Bottled ' ; SANFORD'S U PAJIILV .- .V CATHARTIC PILLS, Iar! Vrt;ctable Eatract, aurt pat up In VH.A.SS CASK-, Air TlgUt, and will keep In any climate. The Family Cn- tie but active Cathartic used hi bia practice more The constantly lucfmine hare long usedtbe PII.T ' all express Id reard to their them withiu the reach of all. The ProffeswoD well know on different portions of the Tr FAMILY CA haa, with due reference to been eompoonde-i from a table Extracts, which act alimentary caDL and are es where a- Cathartic is rangrmrult of thi rs, Pains In the t'ostTetira, Pain the wlol txxly, frequently, if nezlected. ver. lioaa of Appc a at Ion of Cold over , ne, Headache, or all Inflammatory . Children or Adnl l, Purl tier of the liloori flesh is heir, too numerous meat. jjoe. l to s. - ' ' PRICE THREE "f1"5', t TIe tlver InTlJoratr nl Family C ' thai-tie PI1U are ivuile.1 b Prni'.'ta cenerally, and old wboteaala by tn Trad M H ib htre towns. . . 8. T. W, SAW FO M It, n. r ; Minrrfirer and Proprietor, -335 Broadway. Sew York.,. VI M o H I M thnrtle PICI, Isagen-wh-b tlm proprietor baa than twenty years, demand from those ' who and the mtntfaciion which use, has iudyced uie to place that different Cathartics aet ' bntrel. THAItTIC PI. li this well eotalilitlied fart, variety nf the porrxt Veen- . alike nn every part of the pood and anfr in all cas tieeded. such as llc Storaarh, silerpi' Bark at d Iiolna, and Sorrnraa orrr (roaa sudden eoid. which end in a Inns; reurar of Ke tile, a Ci-eeplnfj en tliebndy, Brallraa wrlhl in lie Itrad, Dlontra, Wuria In Hhrninathiin, a rai and rneny (ftscne to wiiM-h ' to uienuou iu this adveitue. WHAT! f luba'criker As prepared to,'turchnft i,- . crop, v 'j ".e""" jirne, farm The will' find it to their advantage to call at tbe CHa'p' LoTTE STEAMILLSibeforp eHing.i1 S.; ; ' WILKES -Jnlygl8 r,H, ,. Quinn'a i Rheumatic, Remedy Has cfljected fares pflllheumaUsirl that were considered hopeless, 'certificate11 'prove' which can be txnlbhrj The suffering are ioviteS tflr give the medicine a trial Orders addressed to the undersigned at .:' 'J receive prompt attention." '' A ' W, W. Ql'ixx vprii iu, icuv.a t j-i - "linn, The Worth Carolina WHITE SULPHUR' SPRINGS Will te openedjfor Visitors by the first of June. They are situated, in a most, healthj mountaiuoun countr near the beautiful Catawba River, within less than an! hour's ride of the"pfesent terminus of the Western N.C Railroad, with which daily lines of Omnibuses Stage Coaches connect tbe Springs..,; . ' PLEASURE... VEHICLES andr superior SADDLE TK1RSRS will be at the call of arucsts. . Dowling . Alley 'and Billiard Saloon, Ar, Neatly fitted up. v A FINE BAKD:OF MUSICIANS . engaged for the season, and' Quadrille and Cotillion Parties each ereu. iug FREE 'OF EXTRA CHARGE. Tbe buildings -are new and spacious the PIcasnre Grounds extensive ; nd,in fine everything wished for as at the best watering;' places, will be found here to refresh the inner man . and to cheer the spirits. The extended Reputation and the aWrd,. cinal Properties of the Waters (almost inacces sible before the completion of the Western N. C. Rail, road) .now', hail he sick and afflicted with a cordial welcome. ..The experience of the Proprietor juftifici the seeker of health or pleasure in anticipating a '-good time coming.1 ..-; The Proprietor, has been at very great expense in fitting up aWatering Place commensurate with the wants of the Cafolinas, and confidently relies on their generosity for encouragemeut. II. L. ROBARDS. April 24, I860.' - tf v r. -' MRS.' WINSLOW, An' experienced Nurse and Female Physician, prescnti , y,- to the attention of mothers, her , . SOOTHING SYRUP, For Children Teclhingr, which "greatly facilitates the process of teething, by softening the gums, reducing all innamation will allay all pain and spasmodic action, and is Sure to Regulate Ibe Bowel. Depend upon it, mothers',' it will give rest to yourselves, and relief and health to your infants. We have put up and sold this article for over ten years, and can say, in confidence and tei th, ot it, what we have ne say of any, other EH HAS IT Fa LED; STANCE, TO EK- w h c n 1 1 in e 1 y did we know an- IF, SCARR & CO. "and E. NYE " 'ITIKS. SOOT1I1IVO SYRUP. ver been able to medicine kkt- IN A SINGLI IX FECT A CUKE, used. Xevcr instance oftlU- satisfaction b, any ne who used it.. On the contrary, all arc delighted, with its Operations, and Fjituk iu terms of commenda tion of its mngicul effec ts and medi cal virtnes.- We ppeak in this matter Wiiat 'l Do know," after ten years' experience, tuid pledge our repu tation for the fulfillment' of what we here declare. In almost erery instance wherethe infaut is snnering from pain aud exhaustion, relief will .be found in tiftvvu or twenty minutes after the syrup is administered. This valuable'prepnration is the prescription of one of the most EXPEUIE.NCED and SKILLr L L M'lKS in New England, and has been used with nevcr-l'uiliug success in thousands of cases. It not only relieves the child from pnin, but invigor ates the stomach and bowels, corrects aeidily, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. It will al most instantly relieve Gklpino in the Bowels, and wind colic, and overcomes con vulsions, which, remedied, end in lieve it the best REMEDY IN FOR CIIILDItCt Teething. if not speedily denth. We Jie and KdHKM THE WtHtl.H, in all cases of Dysentery and Diarrhcra in Children, whether it arises from teething, or from any other taue. We would say to every mother who has a child suflir- intc from y of the foregoing complaints Do not i.kt yol k prejudices, MOT the .prejudices of others, slam! between you and your suffering child, and the relief that will be sure yes. absolutely sure to follow the nse of this medicine, if timely used. Full directions for using will accompany each bottle. None peiuiiiiH unless the fac-simile of CURTIS & PERKINS, New York, is on the outside wrapper. 7 . . ..a Sold by Druggists throughout tne woria. Principal Office, 13 Cedar street, N. Y. Price only 25 cents per Bottle. "08 - For sale' by E. NYE HUTCHISON & CO., and by F. SCARR. -March 20, 1860. y f " " ' " ' Thousands are daily speaking iu tbe praise ef DR. EATON'S INFANTILE CORDIAL; and why? because it never fails to afford instantaneous relief when given in time: It acts ns if by magic, anl one trial alone will convince you that what we say " true. It contains - NO PAREGORIC OR OPIATE of any kind, and therefore relieves by removing the sufferings ' your child, instead of by deadeuing its seusibilit'" For this reason it commends itself as the only reliable preparation now known for Children Te'tlilnS Diarrhoea,, Dysentery, Griping ju the Bowels, Acidity of the Stomach, Wind, Cold in the Head, and Croup, also, for softening the gums, reducing inflaniation, re gulating the Bowels, and relieving pain, it has do equal being an anti-spasmodic, it is used with uiilnil"8 success in all cases of Coil vnlftioil or lli;r Fits. As you value the life and health of your chil dren, and wish to save them from those sad and blight ing consequences whit-h are certain to result from t'" use of nareotics of which all other remedies for in.n tile complaints are composedf take none but Dr. Ca" ton's Infantile ordla I,, this you can re.y upon. It is perfectly Harmless, aud cannot injure tbe most delicate infant. Price 25 cents. Full direetioni accompany each i e. Prepared only by CHURCH k DITONT, , . .t'i- o. 409 Broadway. N.'.orlt. For sale by F. Scarr, and E. Nye Hutchison & ( o. Healthy human blood being ANALYZED- al.,-TJ presents us with the same essential elements, and C'Te of course'the true standard.' Analyze the - Blood o' person suffering from Consumption; . Liver comIlD Dyspepsia, Scrofula, Ac, and we find in every 'ns,c( certain deficiencies in the red globules of Blood. ply these deficiencies and vou are made well. 1 Rlood Food is founded'npon tLis Theory btne it astonishing success. There are ' ' FIVE PREPARATIONS adapted to the deficiencies of the Blood in dlfft'r',ntf.,n eases. For Coughs, Colds? Bronchiti?, or any t( 'i"' whatever of the Throat or Iutta, indu ciPh Consumption, use No. 1, which is also the o-for v pression of Spirits, Loss of Appetite, aud for a II C iron Complaints aVisiog from over-use, VI?!'1'1"' nerVons prostration. No. 2, for plaint! Xo 3, for ttg!i: prepared for bX c rcu tion, so that what yoa ried immediately into the circj lrregulariti, gain .you reta.u lggee ,j,ec1al direction, for and Bladder complaints, take o. J. In al Uasei directions must be. 8tnct1follo5e,d;.rI nce f ninnd Food $1 Per bottle' Sold by Sold bTcSuRCH -k' DUPONT, Drnggists No. 4 Broll York, and by .11 respecUbl. Prof oiata taronehout the country. . l?rtSe in this place. by F. SfAM, and E. Mf IK CH180S & CO. , November 22, 18D9. '7 HUTCHISON & CO " -'April 19, I860. 3m Feb. 15, 1859, P. J. LOWRIE. Charlotte, X. C.

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