:":---. r r r r-.-z -jf: T-X9.-:. -jr M Iril I ill III I T r 1V I W VJf i i--, vi..:- iv..,. ?. . w. . , a. v - rr v ,riTjvr iar-A s o.V THE i OF TllADE STREET WEST SIDE W. a. & B. 1. TA-ZiS, a - (Published every Tuesday,Q) HY WILLIAM J. &: EDWIN A. YATES, F.IUTOK.S AM I'KOIMilKTOKS. If paid in advance, $2 00 If paid within 'J moiitlis, - 2 50 II'paH iiflcr the -xji ration ofihe yiiir, 3 00 jBtajTAny jxts n si-mliiiv us Jive kew subscribers, oinaniol by the nivnnc-e subscription ($10) will r--ive a sixth '!. rruti fur one year. fifcijr" Sitb.-fribTS and others u ho may wish to s-nl iiiouey to us, run du jt-o by mail, at our ri.-k . .- fiiy Tr.uisiint a.lvnti i nu nts nnf-t be p:iM for in Iranre. fl-Xf- A J vcrtisrnn-iit not niarkcl on the manuscript fr a spfcilio time, will be in.-i-i tcl until forbid, and cliarr-J aci-oniiiifrly. SAMUKL r. SMITH, Atloriiry ami CAim'lr at Lntv, CIIAilLOTTE, N C, . ' ' " . Will attend I'l-i.nrplhf and ffth'y nlttf if coHertinjr nnd remitting all claims iiifru-fed to his -ar'. Special attention given tu tlie writing of Deeds, Con ryanw, ' : i ' fejjT" During hours c(" bii-iics. may be found in the Court llousv. Ollii No. 1, adjoining the clerk's oilier. Janaary m. 2 . ' . ' , J. A. Attorney at IszxJtr, CIIA II LOTTE, N. C okxi:i:al vtn.i.Kvrisc m:hxt. Ottice at tlit Court House, 1 door lothe left, dow n stairs. Win. J. Kerr, A T T O K A i: V A T I. A XV, CIIAilLOTTE, X. C, Will practice in the County and .Superior Courts of MecVlenbiirjr. I'nion and Cabarrus counties. Office in the llrawley buibiiuy opposite Kerr? Hotel. January 21, ls;o y J. M. 311IXER, M. I)., Practitioner of Medicine and Surgery, MjlUtl. Ullicc opj.o.-iUf lu'iiV Hotel. KOBEKT (ilUHON, M. D., in i ri no.ii:t vr numcMXE OJhr A'.. 1 IriruCs (Olll-r, CllAKLOTTK, X. ('. Iirceuiber 14, !..:. J AS. T. DAVIS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CHARLOTTE, N. C., Will practice in the Courts of Mecklenburg and the adjoining counties. JtiiT" The collection of claims promptly attended to. March 14, I S.V y rOLI.Ok" R. l.PK. WM. It. KKP.lt. LEE & KERR, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, AND SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY, Memphis, Tennessee. jqV- office over the C.ayoso Rank, on the Corner of Main anil Madison Streets. Timf of lhihV.ug Ciiirf': Ckikckuv 4lit Monday in May and Nov. CiRouir .'id Monday in Jan., May and September. Coy mo Law 1st Moifdny in March. July and Nov'r. Ckimisal Jd Mondsiy in February. June and October. CiTTriEN Cikci it CocitT, Auk." 2d Monday in May and November. " Jan. 3d. 18;o. v R. W. BECK WITH njs constantlv on hand WATCHES, JEWELRY, PLATED WARE, &C, Of the best English and American manufacturers. Call and examine his slock before purchasing elsewhere. Watch cryst.ils put in for 25 cents each. November 8, lij.VJ y RANKIN & MARTIN (Commission c r c b ;i n t s , Wilmington, X. C. ftOHT. C. RANKIN. AI.1KKH MARTIN. Aug. 30, 1850. ly-1'd PEA MEAL We keep at our Steam Flouring Mill in this place Pea Meal for feeding cows and stock. ANo. we have en hand at all times, Family, Extra, Superfine and coarse rionr. He warrant our taiiulv Hour. Corn Meal and lint cau always be had at the mi 1 "' '' J. WILKES & CO. ill. Jtprjt u. 1859 COTTON SAW Of the best quality, with 10 iucW snws, moveable chilled ribs and tinned !rudi, and all other necessarv improreDients delivered at anv Railroad station in the folate at $2 per saw. These dins took the premium at the S. C. State Fair in lsos and 1859. Planters wishing, to purchase Giiis of tlia ghbscirber. will do well to send th.dr orders earlv, as there ii gen erally a crowd of work late in the season. . . . J- M- ELLIOTT, MarcU 20, 1800. m Winnsborq, S. C. PROPEKTV FOR SALE I IV Lenoii, A. C. The undersigned wishing to move West, oflers for ale his Town Property, consisting of Three Lots on one of which is a large and commodious buildim? and all necessary out-bouses. The others are welf uu. proved, on one an orchard of choice fruit, on the other a good Spring. AIsot 8 acres of land near the village (part in cultivation). He offers also 350 acres of land m Watauga county, near a good turnpike, being one of the best stock farms in the county. Lenoir is a beautiful Mountain "Village, 18 miles from the W. N. C. Railroad. A tri-wcekly stage line passes from Lincolnton, N. C", via. Hickory Station and Le noir to Ahington, Ya. Davenport Female College and Finley High School, both well conducted and successful institutions, are situated in the place. Any one wish ing to bny will get a bargain br applving'early to the subscriber at Lenoir, Caldwell co., N" a " Jane lcuh, l60. JiU ,V- (.;AiTnEIl. CHARACTER. IS . AS IMPORTANT - A.opn ( C H ARLOTTE, N. C., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7 ii " ' ' ' Immense Attraction! AT THE Great Clothing Emporium Or FXTiLIIYCS, SPRIAGS & CO. They are now opening at their large and capacious Store Room, the HANDSOMEST and CHEAPEST Stock of Ready-made Clothing, ever offered in the State. Their gtok comprises all the different kinds of Fancy Cut Linen tind Marseilles Business Suits, Jvuglish and French Drap d'Kte and Alpacca Frocks and. Sacks; a large variety of Cassimere Pants Fancy and Black; also. Fancy and Black Silk, Cassimere and Marseilles Ycsts in en lies- variet-. Gents' Furnishing Goods, Trunks, Valises, Hats and Caps, Ac, Ac. All of the above goods are of the latest styles and patterns. MANUFACTURING DEPARTMENT. FULL1NC1S, SPRINGS & CO.- have also added to their Keady-made Clothing Stock, a MurcliuutTailoring De partment, to which they call the especial attention of their many friends and customers. They intend making this department second to none in the State, either in style and qiudity oftJoods, or in the manufacture of Garments. .- ' ' At all times will be found a good stock of Black aud colored Cloths, English, JErench mid American Cassi nieres, and a variety of Vestings. Also, an assortment of Rock Island Casslnieres. They feel confident of their ability to undersell any other house in the State, from the advantages they have in getting their goods. Their goods are bought by the quantitj", by one of the Firm who resides in the Northern markets, which gives him the opportunity of taking advantage of the prices of goods, thereby saving at least Twenty-five per cent to the consumer. -firj?" Dimes saved are Dollars niade!"Sa So try us. - E. FELLINGS, JNO. M. SPRINGS, JNO. P. HEATH. April 10, 1PC0. tf Large Arrivals OF SPUING & SUMMER GOODS, AT KOOP.7IAIYAT & PHELPS' They have received and are receiving a large stock of Millinery and Ladies' Dress Goods iu endless variety, suitable for the Spring and Summer trade. . Particular attention is called to their assortment of Lace Shawls, Points aud Mantillas. They have a LARGER, STOCK of FINE GOODS than thev liave ever kept before. 1 llCV flS5 lir . -HUIJ te.ll nliu tft.xtt. blital tti-v , will endeavor to give satisfaction both in price ami the quality of the Goods, as they are determined to sell at such low rates as will tend to the great advantage of purchasers. They have in store A large lot of Ready-made Clolhing of various styles and qualities at reduced prices. & 53 E IS 0 1 ' HARDWARE. &c, Of all kinds, kept constantly on hand nud for s;de on the most reasonable terms. They invite purchasers to give their extensive stock an examination before buving elsewhere. " KOOPMANN k PHELPS. April 10, ISiiO. J. S. PHILLIPS, MERCHANT TAILOR, HAVING located iu Charlotte, respect fully solicits a share of public patronage. A complete assortment of Cloths, Cas simeres and Vestings always on hand, which will be made to order ut the shortest notice. Shop three "dtors south of the Mansion House. Sept. 27, 1859. y SlOO REWARD ! ANA WAV from the subscriber on the 1st October, . mulatto hnv named SOLOMON. He is Hear SIX feet high, about thirty years old, tolerably bright, rather rlT... ..-..wrlia iilmiit 17". nmimh FTfi llHS ll down Pilill. IlllVl n 4.111 ........v t. j...... ....... look when spoken to. The end of the forefinger of his left hand has been cut off, and a sharp hard knot lias grown on the end of it. I think he is lurking about Rockv River, iu the lower end of, Cabarrus county, where he was raised. Jr All persons arc forewarned not to harbor or assist him, under the penalty of the law. I will pay the above reward for his delivery to me, or his apprehension and confinement in any jail so I can get him. WILLIAM HAMILTON, Negro Head Depot, Union Co., N. C. April 0, 18C0. tf l-l TAXES. The TAN LISTS for the year 185P are now in my hands for inspection. Those liable to pay Taxes will please come toward and settle. E. C. GRIER, Sheriff. April 3, 1800. ' ' Roofing, Guttering and Job Work, Of all kinds, promptly attended to at TAYLORS Hardware Store, ' " Opposite the Mansion House. MANSION HOUSE The undersigned having-taken the above well-known and favorite Hotel, begs leave to inform the patrons of the house and the traveling public that he is repairing and refurnishing it aud has made several changes which will add to comfort as a home and public resort. No etlort shall be spared on the part of himself or assis tants to render sojourners pleasant and comfortable. J H. B. WILLIAMS. Charlotte. January 10, 1860. tf WOTIll It soUTHERi1 mOTKNENT CUBAN SEGA U MANUFACTORY. Syars nul Tobacco Leaf tfirect from Ctilu. JOnX S WILEY lias returned to Charlotte from Cuba, where he hou"-ht larsre and varied assortment of SEG ARS. SNI FF, TOBACCO, &c, for this market, and is now opening some celebrated brands of Segars, among which may be found the following : -El Rico Habana, " Mncha El Littleto, Concha's Malos, ' Rio Hondro, . Flor del Tumas, " Lasbelas Gustou. ' ; He mannfiictures Segars from the best Havana To bacco; and keeps the best Smoking and chewing Tobac co. Lvnchburg aud TurkiiU Br.uids ; Maccabau, rfRap pceandpnre Fcotcft Snirfft; POwhatalt fipes? winff Boxes, Matches, Blacking, &c; Meershattn-Segar Hold ers nd Pipes. . ' ' : !- f " " He respectfully invites the public to call next door to the Mansion House. ' " : January n, lso TO STATES AS IT IS TO INDIVIDUALS, ' -PUBLIC SCHOOLS A song, . a song for public schools, Our people's proudest glory, . And while we sing, the nation's stars ' Grow brighter at the story. And higher floats those restless" folds, And higher still we follow;. And scorn a name whose only sound, Like ringing gold, is hollow., - Then free as air bhall knowledge be, ; . : . An open window's portal, - V- To every thirsty, earnest soul, ? - . . Wbo longs to be immortal. - " ? Here rich and poor stand side by side ; To quaff her purest chalice, ; And never dream that deathless names Belong to cot or palace- i - The light of truth shall guide us on, " When glory lies before us, And "liighi makes Might'cihblazoned on The banner waving o'er us.' ' . A song, a loud exultant song . Shall ring from sea to prairie, And tell the world that mind,' not gold, ' Shall make bur stations vary.' '"i sue EdKOKS WAITED, i I will pay good prices for? fifteen or -twenty YOUNG NEGRtiES.- . . ,. - . , , .i Aug. 1-1, 180. t 2m ROBT. F. DAVIDSON, : "'-'NOTICE. v.": The valuable projierty, formerly the residence of R. P. Waring, Esq., containing about seven acres, wilf be sold on Tuesday of October Court if not sold privately before that time. Persons wishing to buy or examine, will call upon . . W. A. UWKNS, Attorney, Aug. V, 1SG0. . . " 42-1 It :.. .,.,v. Valuable Town Proieilj'w For Sale. The Trustees will oiler for Sale, at the Public Square in Charlotte, on the 13th of November next, (being Tuesday of Superior Court,) if not sold privately be fore, the CIRCUIT PARSONAGE, located in a pleas aut portion of said town. There is a Kitchen, Stable, Ac, on the premises. ' Persons desiring to purchase valuable Town Property would do well to examrnc this before the day of sale. -:, :. ;kj Terms easy and made known on the day of sal';., ; The property will be shown by Mr J. J. Bevrj liill to anT one desiring to visit it. Aug. 21, 1800. 20-tf THE TRUSTEES. Hardware ! ! Hardware ! ! A. A. M. TAVI.0R ' ESPECTFULLV. informs his friends and the pub- lie generally, that he has added to his extensive stock of Hardware, consisting iu part as follows: - Carpenters' Tools. Circular, mill, crosscut, hand, ripper, panncl, prun ing, grafting, tennon, back, compass, webb, and butch er'SAWS; Braces and bits, Draw Knives, t'hissels. Augers, (Jinilets, Hammers, Hatchets, and Axes: Brick, plastering, and pointing Trowels: Saw-setters,. Screw plates, Stocks and dies, Planes of all kinds, Spoke shaves, Steel-blade bevel and try Squares: Spirit Levels Pocket Levels, Spirit level Vials, Boring machines, Gongers, and in fact everthing a mechanic wants, in great varietj-and at very low prices, at -TAYLOR'S Hardware Store and Tin-ware Depot, opposite the Man sion House. Charlotte, N. C. .. , Mav 20, I860. tf Blacksmith's Tools. Such as Bellows, Anvils, Vices, hand and slide Ham mers, Buttresses, Farriers' Knives. Screw-plates, Stocks and dies, Blacksmith's Pincers and Tongs, Rasrers and Files of every kind, Cut horseshoe and clinch Nails, Borax; Iron of all sizes, both of northern and country manufacture; cast, plow, blister and spring Steel; &c. for sale verv cheap at " TAYLOR'S, opposite the Mansion House: AT TAYLOR'S you can find the largest assortment of Cutlery, Guns and Pistols, of all the celebrated makes. GLASS, of all sizes and qualities both French and American. Also, Putty by tl.e keg or pound. WOODEN WARE, Brooms, &c, of all kinds. , Rope! Rope!! 5,0(10 pounds of .Manilla, Juto and Cotton Rope, from inch to 3 inches, at TAYLOR'S Hardware Store, r Opposite the Mansion House. , Carriage Materials. . - He would call special attention to his stock of the above goods, consisting of Springs, Axles, Hubs, Bows, Spokes, Shafts. Curtain frames, Knobs, Bands, Liuing Nails. Damask, Satinet, Cloths, Laces, Fringes, Enamel ed and Patent Leather. Enamelled Cloth, Oil Carpet, Paints of all kinds, dry and in oil; Varnish, Turpentine, Linseed Oil, Tyre and oval Iron, Bolts, and everything in the war of Carriage Trimmings, at prices that can not fail to" please, at the Hardware Depot of ,1 K A. A. N. M. TAYLOR, ' . . . . - . , Opposite tho Mansion House. Tin and Japanned Ware, A large assortment; Block Tiu, Block Zinc, Tin Plate, Babbit metal, &c. ; . . - ..... ' ; ' Stoves, the largest Stoek, of all sizes, at . jTAYLOIV Hard ware, Stove and , .Tin ware Depot, ojiposite Ma us ion House Agricultural Implements of all kinds. Straw Cutters, Corn Shellers, Hows, Hoes, Shovels, Spades, Forks, Axes, Picks. Mattock, Grubbing Hoes, Trace Chains, Wagon" "Chains,"" Log Chains, Pruning and Hedge Shears, Pruning and budding Knives, gar den Hoes and Rakes, withhandles: Grain Cradles: grain, grass and brier Scythes, ; Bush Hooks, Wagon boxes; Hollow ware, 6uch as pots, ovens and lids, skillits, spi ders, stew-pans aud kettles, Cauldrons from 20 to 120 gallon each; Iron and brass Preserving Kettles, Sheep Shears, &c, at TAYLOR S Hardware Depot, opposite the Mansion House. ... Ludlow's Celebrated Self-Sealing Cans, of all the different sizes, at TAYLOR'S Hardware Store, opposite Mansion House , ..' "tule of N. Carolina, tiiicoln Co., Court of Please and Q-iarlrr Seions,' Juhj Sctfion. 1SG0. i ' ' Daniel Shuflbrd' rm.' Osborne Wells. " Judicial Attachment Levied on Lots Nos. 2T'iind 28, , ..S. E. Square of Lincolnton. , It appearing to the ' satisfaction of the Court, that the Defendant is not a residenf of this State;'it is there fore ordered that publication be made" for' six weeks in the We?tern Democrat notifying the' said defendant to be and appear at the next Court of Pleas ' and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the County of Lincoln, at the Court House in Lincolnton, on the- 8th Monday after the 4th Mouday io August west; then and there to show cause if anv he has why the laud levied on shall not L& condemned to satisfy PlaintilFs debt and costs- - : Witness,-W.R Clark, Clerk of said Court, at office in Lincolnion, the 2nd Monday in July, A D. 1300, aud in the 85th vear of the Independence, of said State. 23-Ct " W. II. CLARK, C. C. ANT) THE GLORY OF THE ' ONE IS THE f i $8 1 b 1 1 r n $jin orrnt. . . . .CHARLOTTE, N. C. ... ," A correspondent at one. of; the Virginia Springs writes-as follows - ; - i v ' ''There is not, as I am informed, as nmcV dis play and costly apparel this season as usual. The most of the ladies do not seem to be dressing Tor show, nor spending most of their time ln'showing the wardrobe. ' Some few are here whp though probably seeking healthy are not' much concerned about it after allr If they arc 'certainly dancing hnlf thr" nirrbf. n7- clfi-ftnlnrr - bnl f bo' rlor V i T . "'-y "rt"--. j wards, is a very poor way to keep what health we have, 'much less of gaining more." The fact is, according to my way of thinking, (I suppose many of your readers'think' otherwise,") this bowing 'and scraping, flirting and twisting skipping 'and hopl ping, forwarding and backing foT hours amidst the dust of a ball-room, is not the most1 rational, inno- cent, and hospitable-exercise for young or old,-1 hope, at least, the tune will soon come when the polka and walu wU beeuerally. ignored. From theRiclimond Examiner SURGICAL i OPERATION- About ibout ' a' year sincVa young man named "KraTn t, living in "Wilmington, NfO., was assailed at bert "niirht" by1 rufBans and ' severely cut on ther head with a knife, besides nearly hiving his ami "separ ated from his body in two places. ' The wound'hi the head ' proved the most disastrous as it left a puncture and a depressed fracture, aiid paralysis, epilepsy, and idiocy supervened. Thus was -a strong, powerful and intelligent man rendered one of the "most pitiable in the list of casualities :a 'Sem i-pa ralyzed epileptic ' idiot. f ' After being sub jected to the experience of nine -surgeons of .Wil mington, two of whom . most judiciously t ad vised trepaunjny, and the rcmaini ng seven. opppsed' the operation, the father of the young man brought him on to Richmond to consult Prof. Gibson, who performed the operation of trepanning on 3Ibnday assisted by Dr. Cullen, and one or two other assist- ?Pts; : ". -. . :..v -.- ... Nov, before the operation commences,, lijuaginc the condition of the patient the idiotic expression of the eye- the palsied, .nerveless Laud; the shrunk- r ' . 1 'i i i n "l"' ' en icatures; tlie pale and hollow cneeK evincing to the beholder only an intensity of sufferings The operation begins. The bone is laid bare, by a, cru cial incision, and after a ,'ver) little loss of blood, from hemorrhage, the trefine is anxiously applied; down it goes uutil it touches the dura mater, and blessed result ! on the withdrawal of the iri struinetst, reason has again resumed her seat of .-"--j-i -the' idiotic stare LV fl't" iUa vak;...t hand resume -2. v --cw racial expression its varying but conscious sway ! , . Dr Gibson having a keen appreciation for the feelings of tlie young man's father, brought him into the room, and on his approach a flood of tears poured down the cheeks of the son on recognizing his father, Which he did by an eager grasp with the before palsied hand, and. an earnest , glaupe of the now intelligent eye. The' old maii could not speak lor joy- tears of thankfulness relieved him; but words could not express his gTa'itude. .The brain was relieved the moment the depressed por tion of the inner table was removed. Prof. Gib son is long and justly celebrated as one of the. most delicate and skillful operat ive "surgeons in the Uni ted States. r 1 . it- ' LnoJc out for Covvtnjeit Bilk: 20 bank bills, purporting to be on - "The Merchants' and Planters' Rank" of Georgia' are said to'bein circu lation." They bear the signatures; of the - Presi dent and Cashier "of the Merchants and Planters Raiik" of Savannah.-' There is no such institution in the State of Georgia as "The ; Merchants' and Planters' Rank of Georgia." The "signatures "are said to be badly executed, and the plate entirely different from that used by the -"Merchants and Planters' Rank." Asheville Spectator. ' - ' - TiiK University-or: tiik South. The grand enterprize of the Episcopal Church iu the South begins already to assume-. a tangible' form.v- It is only a few years back that the project was started, and now over.?G00,UUO have been subscribed and paid in, ten thousand acres together have been purchased at Sawanee Mountain, Tennessee, and ten -Dioceses are represented in the corporation One wing of the building is to be constructed as a gallery of art,- the' lower story of which is to be used as an Academy of Design. - "Designs are in vited from architects in- all "parts of the United States." ' '; -:' ' ' ' i--"-' Stale of IV. Carolina, aieckleubiirg co. Court of J'ea and (tarter Sessions Jul; Termf lGo. Mary T. Hftrnet vs. " James M Uarnet," Robert S Bar :':. aet and William A. BarueU - .-;-.-. . .... . Petition for Dower.- rr. ? , v : lit appearing to the salisfaction of the- court that the defendants in this case do not reside in this State, it is therefore ordered by the court that publication be made in the "Western Democrat, a newspaper published in the town of Charlotte,, notifying said defendant to be and personally appear befor the Justices of our Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions at the next court to be held for said county, at the Court House in Charlotte.,, on the 4th Monday of October nes., then and there to answer the petition of Mary T Iiarnet for dower in'tbe lands of her deceased husband, It F P.arnet, and to stand to and abide by the proceedings had in said court 1n relation thereto"' -. .!-- - -v ' '- i" " r"iv . Wituess, Y K.Heid, ;iclerk of fwid ooiirj at'ufficq in Charlotte, the 4th. Monday .of JulylSCO, and in.the iSZih vear of American Independence. ' " " '" 27-6t A ' i- W. K. REID; Clerk. State of ;nrolia,.Mcckl:iir-; Co, Court of. Plata and Quarter Sestiun July TerwSC0. V Ufltfcca Trout , vs W. Kj Rejd. . ;1t. . ..:t Rule'ui.on Defendant to pay to PlaiutLT moneys in. lm -1 - ' Thds. : ':- t'rr:'- 'V It appearinc to the satisfnctioQf of the Court that Jas: Trout, husband of the plaituiflia this case, is not' an inhabitant of thi3 State, but resides , beyond the .limits of the same, it is therefore ordered by the Court that publication be made in conformity to lnw,in the West ern Iemocratr a newspaper publislied in ithe town of Charlotte, unifying said Jmnes.lrou.t u be ana person- .11, ,,.Pr . : o . our " " ' 23 Mondar of October next, then and there to show if an-he can, whr the fdresail ruics-jaitnot pe uiae absol ut e. - .v.t. is r. . Wituess. W K Keid, Clerk of said court at office in Charlotte; the- 4th Monday of Jly, 18J,andImnhe 85th rear of American Lidependenee. Z: - .A ' , ,1.. 27-ct W.'K. KEID, CIcik. COMMON PROPERTTOP THE ' OTHER. 11, 18(50. ..;' S sixth y o l c in e-n u mbe r '4t9.- ' ' ' - V -. ...... THE ABOLITION PLOT f N TEXAS AND I : OTHER STATES. " ' , New, Orleans dates have been received, contain-in"- Texas, news New events had Wen occurring in various parts "i?ralgned bcibre Juuc 'rcan(p he District of that StAteddingi, considerably tj (ho excito-1 Cfart of nor Tuclumne county; for the murder mcnt already existing there. one of their countrymen at liig Oak FlaCsoine . .Among other .things. it. is stated that aman monstj,loe-! The Sonora I embcratthu9 describes named IWce had bon. hVtmI the nliaro. rPalstr'kinK Scene-u Court during the trial: : being,, concerned. in thet burning of? the town jof j lleuderson, and. that the proof is , almost positive against him. ,n The poople.are driving, from tho upper counties of the State cyery: individual, the least suspected I ' t '... 1 oi Abolitionism. The, town of Mount Vernon has been destroyed j oy lncenuiaries, one ot wuoui was caught and hung. , ; A, plan t6 burn Sulphur Springs had been dis poveret). u A slave negro preacher acknowledged that he and others had set apart a certain time to burn all the . dwellings in. the place, and commit Vhot- "Vi;Li,0: tL ...: tt; ;;i.i t 4Jot t;c "whftes tliey were to take all the j1(J cuuid lav, their hands on. and flv to the iudiai) .nation , . ' " An 'attempt was made to burn Indianola but it was discovered 111 tiuie to prevent a serious loss. ; ;7.T)e7Qroekett','Argii'srsays that considerable ex - citement exists in that and the adioinin? countv of Anderson. ; Seyeral barns, aud one dwelling had been burned.. These acte of the incendiaries were directly traced to ncoroes A . w.hite', tuiati iuiplicated with the negroes had been hung hear lone.' " - ' ; A. plot 1 to bum and destroy had been discovered among trig negroes in Tyler Prairie . ; , "Various, persons.-had been ordered to leave the state. ; ;, :.-; " y '...: .. ' tgilancq Committees were continually forming. ter. ;! .'. Alabama , :. : - -.fT . Servile Insurrection. A most diabolical plot has been discovered with our negro popula tion, contemplating the destruction of Talladega, the massacre of' the citizens, and the ravaging of the .surrounding country!-. The' plan is cxten- tsive, deep laid and has - been on hands: some months. . Suspicion W98 first aroused to the fact as -much as three :or for weeks'since, but nothing was known .of its extent or exact character, until about a fortnight- since, -when the plot was disclosed to the?Messrs ? Lane, by one of their negroes. - This led to the examination of other negroes, who, upon being ' separately examined, testified to the same result, i The. concurrent .testimony of many other slaves, sub.sexjuent.to .this, gives us the moral con viction thatfiour-'citizens have been sleeping with all the barbarous calamities of a servile insurrec tion hangiug over us. v- ' - '- - " i some of the negroes implicated :in the proposed in surrection, and was struck with the adaptation of the plan to excite both the cupidity and fears of the negro. "The lure of lucre,'lust and unbridled liberty was held out as an inducement to engage in the hellish plot, while those who betrayed the plan, or refused tojoin.it, were threatened with certain dath... s , ....; The plan of attack was, to as.-einble, at Talla dega, separate into small parties, repair to all the houses iu town, fire them simultaneously and then to' stand by the doors and : murder the whites as theyn-u s out. - The time agreed upon for the ns sault waa .some Saturday, night about the middle of September. .. . . . The concurreut testimony of the negroes exam ined, goes to show, beyond a possibility of doubt, that the whole plot Jias been, concocted and set ou foot by white men- - It, shows, too,, that Abolition emissaries has been . in our midst. incituir our slaves to rebellion,, and conspiring against the lives pf our citizens. . , . , Two,rwhitc men, citizens of our county, (Lcm Paine and Steadham) ..have, bceu arrested and lodged in prison., There is every moral conviction ' that they are instigators in the, insurrection. ., len negroes have been taken and, put in jail, as leaders in the propofsed rebellion. As there is every rea son to believe that similar plots are in existence in other districts jn the South, it becomes , the. duty of every. community, with a slave population, to see that no torchesJare preparing for the., destruction of their homes, and that no knives are forging for the butchory of, their. mothers, wives, daughters and sisters. -. . .-. . , ,; , ; A Vigilauce Committee has been formed in our couniy, which has been for some days past actively engaged k in J'errctting out, , the offenders. v As .'eternal vigilance. is s the price of liberty,',' , so is activjt viyilqucciu thin age .of Abolition raids, the price.of life V. y i; " ;.v.. ..i. . ; ; s lli;o.-T-Lem J!aine, who was lodged in jail last week, under the charge of inciting slaves to insur rection, was forcibly Waken-from his prison, last night, and hung from a large China tree near Dr. McKen.ie's tan-yaroL, ..The- jail, it appears, 'was entered by strategy; a large .body of armed men in disguise, called Mr P.ucket, the jailor, up,. ,under the pretext of having a felon. The moment .the door was opened, the crowd rushed in, scized4Mr Pucket, and demanded the keys to Paiue's cell, on pain of ; death.. He was forced to yield. Paine was, carried off, and this morqiug; was found hang ing as above stated. ;,;Tbc Coroner's jury brought iii verdict in accordance, with; the above lactsv, ; r No blame is attached to the jailor, Mr Pucket. -TuUadeya . WaUJitoifef, 29 ult. 4 , ,.. -1, Abolition, ' Pjlot in 4 Selma. The following startling news (says, the Montgomery 3IaiI comes tor us from a perfectly reliable source: r.un-. . St lm A, Ala., August SO. There j is great etr citement s here i white j I write A yellowmad naaied Milton, belonging,1 I believe, to Dr. 7 Gee, and who stays at tbeGee House, in this, city, was taken up about half an hour since as an accomplice in the .- insurrectionary conspiracy in this scetioo. Milton- has heretofore borne an irreproachable character in this ity; ;tifi' ir.s-.si .iThe May or has issued a call for a meeting of the citizens of Seluiv to take hnmediata action on the subiect--. Consider able excitement prevails anjoD . lkUf ,u, 4L,iihff tl. Cl.m Af " . .klic.! ,chCme. to indU, iur- ; upoa their guard; t h.-ir-t -.- .'!- . 51.1. ,jln. the j'hrscircles. no one s peats oi perspir ing any-more; what was , once called "'weatingJ, and recently "perspiring", is now .the . suffering. & diminution of the tissues by evaporation." .-''... f - 2 perianritim IN ADVANCE . t-mp - CnllTESE IIT CALIFORNIA. Mode of Administering a Judicial . Oath ;On the 11th of July a batoh of Celestials were When-the witnesses were -placed upon the stand. considerable difficulty was experienced with" regard - J to theif taking the required oath. r"The interpreter an intelligent Chinaman,' who took the obligation in the usual form informed ibe" Court that in' order to administer ari'Minpres'sive oath" to the witnesses,' it would be necessary fo conform to' the custom, of the Chinese; which 'was by cutting chicken's heads off and56ing "'through : 'certain other ceremonies', such as" burning; phper candles, ,etc. -j'J'his announcemefit,' if nmst be confessed, rather ntnggcrcd the Court. Tiidge 'Creanor had never before been called on to do anything of flie kind, although he had sJen tetr years'' activcscrvice on the bench in California,' and it 'was, ffomewhat of a poser with him how to go?ab6ut it." "Fiually, after being satisfied that by no other means could they be made, to understand 1 the solemhity and 1 iniPort 0?a" oath, the requisite" nriuiherof shanghais were ordered, and prettvsoon thnvma'do thetnsK-o heard in Court.- ::. -v- - - .v Then followed ' a ?cene which attracted the attention of all, and which we Bbal! tiot soon foj-gct. The chickens were taken out ori the balcony -"of tho court room, and there the half dozen' witnesses repai red. after each received a piece of marked yellow paper, about the size of a man's "hand." On the railing of the balcony, four colored candles' each six inches in length were lighted,' on the right and loft of which were bundles of thiri sticks, (we believe they are called "Josh-sticks) also on fire. Pi-city soon, after all the preliminaries had been satisfactorily arranged, one of the Chinamen stepped forward, and, after mumbling 'oyer some words, the exact meaning of which 'we failed to comprehend, knelt upon one leg, seized bold of a chicken with one hand and a hatchet" with the other, and in a twinkling dealt ' the former a'blow across the neck, which" put ' an end at: oncd' to its earthly career.- Then rising,' immediately' after the consummation of the bloody' act, he bo-frcd reverently three- times - before the lighted altar, which probably reprcsontod his 'Josh, lighted his yellow paper, cast it on the floor, and 'retired. Another came forward and went through the Same operation, each sacrificing a chicken, until. tho whole number were thus sworn to tell "the truth, the whole truth, and' nothing but tho truth," so help them Josh. ' After this ceremony was over, clt-cctyi Vr-tva idoptiVaaiV and loud jargon than is genera! iu the Court." All this Joshing was very funny and very novel to the "outside barbarians," who seemed to relish" it greatly, although John was in no wise disconcerted at their eager curiosity and derisive smiles. Jt was one of the scenes which are not witnessed everyday, even in California, and we doubt whether in any other State of the American Union, such a proceeding has ever transpired. ' Truly may it be said, that our people "enjoy many nights to which their - brethren of the Atlantic States' arc entire strangers. - ' ' ' K .- f " c Crops. -The wheat crop in - this part of the state was very light, iu many cases almost, a total failure. The drought in July: and August was very hard on cum, and greatly damaged all upland crops. The bottoms look fine and will yield well. The sweet potato crop is promising well; and there will be plenty of good hay made. Halia. Watch. The Law of Evidence. -There is now before the House of Lords in England, a bill : introduced by Lord Rrougham, to amend the law of evidence, some notice of which may interest) the profession here. It is proposed by this . measure, to enable all defendants iu criminal cases, as is done in civil, to give evidence for themselves, on oath, in cases of misdemeanor, in which the prosecutor . himself is examined, the condition being that they must also submit to crods-exatnination,1 and 'to prosecu tion for perjury, if they make any false statement, there is every prospect that this bill will be passed this session. ' .-.- ..; ';-. . tu- ' An Un.mitkiatfi) Urutk. A , wan na:ned Patrick Conn ell was arrested iri New York, recent ly, for beating his mother, a crime ho had already served one year in the penitentiary for, , The Ex pyess says":, ; " . '. , .',... :. ''. j.When arraigned before the Captain's desk, Cou ncil broke away from the officer and dealt his. moth er a powerful blow in the face with his fist, .knock ing her, to the floor, where she remained in a state of insensibility for nearly a, quarter of an hour, -While theJ poor woman thus lay before the. grace less scamp, he assailed her in the . most foul, and disgusting manner, calling her all the vile .and dis gusting names imaginable... Subsequently, when before Justice. Kellcy, Connell threatened jhat if his moth w st nt him up for this assault, he would murde r her if he got out again, -. And, addre&suig his mother, the wretch said, "get. .you a coffin made and buy a rope . for me, for X will certainlj kill you, if I .hang for, it.",,. As soon jw the coin plaint was perfected the desperate young rascal was committed to the Tpocube for triaL; . .t,)V. . r , 1 i- " ; . - -. . , .- - -..- -. .; if 4 The following will be valuable U persons desir ing to master nautical , teruui with the -view,-of making sea-fariug a profession:. ;.: , i.i'i , A-noise was heard ori decki the- dog-watch spruog from his caboose, seized' the : gig-whip, and laying oyer the dead eyes of the buoy, - ma le him fclun up the -bow-sprit, catch: hold of the -sky scraper, which he used so freely ton the- keelson that he rubbed off the shoe of the anchor, which was caught by tlie cat harpings, : who comineriecd to spanker with the boom till she sharst through th stays, cutting the top sail ties, grabbing the moukey's. tail, which knocked a Jew's eye out of tlin Turk's head, eaui'hl the shin around the waist wi.buc'h.u.d. UJ tto op.. with the otker, KCUUCSVi mv, . -j - astonished needle. '" . - ': - '" ' r "'jw&D of a philosophical teiuerauieiit rc;mble4 r. eue umber, for althou-ih he may be completely J cut up, he still remains cool. 3 - ..,, y ; I I I Ii 4'