MM i " " .":-.- .-r-'rI. MM f : - $2 per aniram, IN ADVANCE ON THE """ "" CHARACTER IS AS IMPORTANT TO ' STATES AS IT IS TO INDIVIDUALS, AND .THE 1 GLORY OP" THE ONE IS THE COMMOX PROPERTY OF THE OTHER. " '" " ; ' . - '. . - . - ., WEST SIDE OF TRADE STREET ....... W. 3. & E. A. Ykmu, ED.TO.S xNI. PlpMEToM. CHARLOTTE, N. C, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2, : 860 NINTD V OtUtlE NCIIBEK 432.' THE,, , (Published eVery Tuesdaj,Q) BY EDWIN WILLIAM J. & . YATES, EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. . o - If paid in advance -52 00 If paid within 3 months,' ......... ..."...... 2 50 If paid after the expiration of the year,.. 3 00 4)CAny person sending us five kbw subscribers, accoiunaitied hv the advance subscription ($10) will receive a sixth copy gratia for one year." tt&f .Sub-Beriberi and others who may wish to send money to us, can do so by mail, at our risk. Transient advertisements must be paid for in advance. . fisa? Advertisements not marked on the manuscript f-r a specific time, will be inserted until forbid, and ehxrged accordingly. SAMUEL P. SMITH, . Attorney nud Connector at Law, CHARLOTTE, N C, Will attend promptly and diligently to collecting and remitting all claims intrusted to his care. special attention given to the writing of Deeds, Con veyances, Ac. SS-if During hours of business, may lie found in the Court Hons. Oflice Xo. 1, adjoining the clerk'8 office. January 10. 1800 J. A. FOX, Attorney zxt JLbZxtjv CHARLOTTE, X. C. O EXE HAL COLLECTING AGENT. Office at the Court House, I door to the left, down stairs. Wm. J. Kerr, ATTORXEV AT I; AW, CHARLOTTE, N. C, Will practice in the County and Superior Courts of Mecklenburg. Union and Cabarrus couuties. Omce in the Brawlcy building opposite Kerr's Hotel. January 24, 1800 y J. M. MILLER. M. 1)., f ! Practitioner of Mcdieiue and Surgery, May lOtli. Office opjioMtc Kerr's Hotel. ROBERT GIBBON, M. I).. PK.ICTII'IO.VL'R OF iULDICIE AND Ojfi'-r .Yo. '1 Jricins "December 14, 18.".:. vtfuvr, CllAUUOTTK, X. C. JAS. T. DAVIS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CHARLOTTE, N. C., Will practice in the Courts of Mecklenburg and the aJjoiiiiiir counties. fi-rjj"" The collection of elainis promptly attendvd to. llareh 14, 18."f y POLI.OK B. LKE. WM. H. KF.KR. LEE & KERR. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, A iil) SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY, Memphis, Tennessee. Jf-T? Olfice over the Gayoso Bank, on the Corner of Main and Madison Streets. "XsosZ Time of Holding Court ; Ciianckkv 4th Monday in May and Nov. "ikccit 3d Monday in Jan., May and September. I'ovmuv Law 1st Monday in March. July and NovV. 'immisal 2d Monday in February. June and October. Cimttexoes CmcriT Coi ut, Auk. 2.1 Monday in May and November. Jan. 3d, 180. v R, W. BECK WITH Has constantlv on hand WATCHES, JEWELRY, PLATED WARE, &C, Of the best English aud American manufacturers. Call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. Watch crystals put in for 2." cents each. November 8, 1359 v PEA MEAL w . e keen at our Meant loiirun' Milt ;n t.;s 1 ea Meal for feeding cows and stovk. Also, we have on hand at all times, Family, Kxtra. Superfine aud coarse Flour. We warrant our family flour. t'orn Meal aud Grits can alwavs be bad at the mill "J. WILKES k CO. April If. IfO.O NOTICE. The valuable oronertv. formerly tho reii.l. n.. f n p. w annsr. hsq., containing about seven acres, will be a 9 sold on Tuesday of Octobertourt if not sold privatelv Lefore that time. Persons wishing to buv oreTminJ will call up.i, W. A. (W ENS' Atlomev. A. tWENS, Attorney. Aug. 7. lsc.o 4-llt Carriage Materials. lie would call special attention to his stock of the above goods, consisting of Springs, Axles. Hubs, Bows, poaes. Shafts. Curtain frames. Knobs.' Bands, Lining Nails, Dainask,Sntinet, Cloths. Laces, Fringes. Enamel ed aud Patent Leather, Enamelled Cloth, Oil Carpet, Paints of all kinds, dry and in oil: Vurnil. Tnrnpnti.,. iii-.-tri n, iiivnio o:ti iron ISoll- 2 .1.-. - . M . ' I I n;i t , . . . ' t and everything f ... ,..c v o.rnagc i rimming at prices that can not fail to please, at the Hardware iVpot of A. A. X. M. T YLOR, Opposite th Mansi,,,, House. Tin and Japanned Ware, A large assortment; Block Tin, Block Zinc, Tin Tlate Babbit metal, kc. ' Stoves, the largest Stock, of all sizes, at TAYLOR'S Hardware, Stove and Tin ware Depot, opposite Mau?ion lloue Agricultural Implements of all kinds. Straw Cnttern. Corn Snellen. Plo ws. IIoos, Shovels Spades, Forks, Axes. Picks. Mattocks, Grubbing Hoes Trace Chains, Wagon Chains. Log Chains. Pruning and Hedge Shears, Pruning and budding Knives, gar den Hoes and Rakes, with bandies; Grain Cradles: grain, pras and brier Scythes, Bush Hook. Wagon boxes: Hollow ware, such as pots, ovens and lids, skillits, spi- uers, stew-pans, and kettles, Cauldrons from 20 to 120 ' gallons each: Iron and brass Prp.errin Kettles. Sheo i shears, Ac, at TAYLOR'S Hardware Depot, the Maniou House. opposite j I --LA1YD FOR SALE, : The subscriber being desirous of removing, offers bis PLANTATION for sale, situated on Clear Creek, 15 miles East of Charlotte- The tract comprises 240 acres 172 in one body, and the remaining 68 acres lying within half mile. Most of the land is of a supe rior qnality. There is a good Dwelling and all neces sary out-buildings on it, with good water in the yard. i ;B. GLENN. Sept 25, 18Cp. 2m-pd . NEGROES WAIVTED. I will pay god prices for fifteen or twenty YOUNG NEGROES. Aug. 14, I860., 2m ROBT. F. DAVIDSON. lUECTCXEItlllJRG HOTEL, Next to the Post , Office, Charlotte, Ar. C. The subscriber begs to inform the public that he is still prepared to accommodate transient and permanent boarders at the Mecklenburg Hotel. He has good Sta bles and careful Ostlers, and will see that all proper care js taken of the horses of those who patronize him. He solicits a share of patronage, and will nse every etfort to give satisfaction. JOHN DORAN. Ang. 28, 1860. , 3in - Stale of i. Carolina, Lincoln County. In Equity to Fall Term, 1860. -Christian Beal vs. C. J. Hammarskold, L. P. Henderson, and others. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the defendant, L. I'. Henderson is a non-resident of this State; it is therefore ordered that publication he made notifying him to be and appear at the Court House in Liucolnton, on the eighth Monday after the fourth Mon d a jf In A ti rusT, 1 AftO-La, anavyr ron)Dj'M"n"f'a bill, or lodgment will be taKen pro-contesso against him. Bar. r 1 1 1 witness, u. j. none, t-ierK ana .Master ot sam coun- tv, at office, Sept. 6, 1&C0. " 29-pr adv $G. W. J. HOKE, c. m. e. Large Arrivals OF SPRING & SUMMER GOODS. am' AT PI1CEPS' They have received and are receiving a largo stock of Millinery and Ladies' Dress Geods in endless variety, suitable for tKe Spring ami Summer trade. y Particular attention is ciflled to their asabrtme Lace snawis, joints ana AiaiLUflas They have a LARGER STOCK of FINE GOODS th anv thev have ever kept before """"FhrT-JiSJure those who may deal with them that they will endeavor to give satisfaction both in price and the quality of the Goods, as they are determined to sell at such low rates as will tend to the crreat advantage of purchasers. They have in store A large lot of Ready-made Clothing of various styles and qualities at reduced prices if J HARDWARE. &c. Of all kinds, kept constantly on hand and for sale on the most reasonable terms. They invite purchasers to give their extensive stock an cxamiuation before buying elsewhere. KOOPMAXN & rilELPS. April 10, 1860. J. S. PHILLIPS, MERCHANT TAILOR, HAVING located in Charlotte, respect fully solicits a share of public patronage. A complete assortment of Clotli, Cas simeres and Vestings always on hand, which will be made to order at the shortest notice. JBf" Shop three doors south of the Mansion House. Sept. 27, 1859. y SlOO REWARD! R ANA WAY from the subscriber on the 1st October, a mulatto boy uamed SOLOMON. lie is near six feet high, about thirty years old, tolerablv bright, rather slim, and weighs about 175 pounds. He has a down look when spoken to. The cud of the forefinger of his left hand has been cut off. and a sharp hard knot has grown on the end of it. I think he is lurking about Rocky River, in the lower end of Cabarrus county, where he was raised. 8?" All persons are forewarned not to harbor or assist him, under the penalty of the law. I will pay the above reward for his delivery to me, or his apprehension and confinement in any jail so I can get him. WILLIAM HAMILTON, Negro Head Depot, Union Co., . U. April 9, 18(50. tf TAXES. 7 The TAX LISTS for the year 1859 are now in my hands for inspection. Those liable to pay-Taxes will please come foward and settle. E. C. GRIER, Sheriff. April 3, 1860. Roofing, Guttering and Job Work, Of all kinds, promptly attended to at TAYLOR'S Hardware Store, Opposite the Mansion House. Aif OTHER SOUTHERN JIOVElflEflIT CUBAN SEGA It MANUFACTORY. S'ars auil Tobacco Lea' direct from Cuba. JOHN S. WILEY has returned to Charlotte from Cuba, where he bought a large and varied assortment ofSEGARS, SXUFF, TOBACCO, Ac, for this market, and is now opening some celebrated brands of Segars, among which may be found the following : El Rico Habana, , - Mncha EI Littleto, Concha's Malos, ' ' .' Rio Hondro, Flor del Tumas, ' Lasbclas Gustou. He manufacture Seiy.irs from the best Havana To- bacco; and keeps the best Smoking aud chewing Tobac co, Lynchburg arfj Turkish Brands; Jiaceaoan, iap pee and pure Scotch Snuffs; Powhatan Pipes. SHuflT Boxes, Matches. Blackiug, Ac; Meershaun Segar Hold ers and Pipes He respectfully invites to the Mansion lionise. " Januarv 3, I860 the public to call next door NEGROES WANTED. i f want to buy Negro Boys and Girl from 12 to 18 j years old, for which the highest prices, in cash will be t paid. . . - . Mav 17, 1853 SA3IL. A. HARRIS. i Carriage Materials. i at the Sign f the . Golden' rad-Lorlc. , A large Stock of the above, consisting'of Springs, Axles, Oval Ircu. Huh. ltows. Riras. . BucreT Poles. Buggy Miafts, Spokes. Patent and Enamelled Leather, fcnaiu- elled Cloth, Oil Carpet Carriage li-mj, . i. Bolts. - Brass and Sil-J Tassels, Turned 1 iN VUIUU()V e. L.aces, bticks, Saddle and Lining Nails. &c, kc. COCHRANE 4 SAMPLE , BOTHSIDES. A man in his carriage was ridiBg alon;j,, A gaily dressed wife by bis side; In satin and laces, she looked like a queen, And be like a king in bis pride. A wood-eawyer stood on tbe street as they passed, The carriage and conple he eyed, And said, as he worked with his saw on a log, "I wish I was rich and could ride." The man in the carriage remarked to his wife "One thing I would give if ! could I would give all my wealth for. the strength and tieaJta :,4.,;W;..:C'. "7 Df the manwh saweth the wood." ' . A pretty young maid, with a bundle of work, Whose face as the morning was fair, Went tripping along with a smile of delight, .While humming a love-breathing air. , She looked on the carriage the lady she saw,' Arrayed in apparel so fine, And said in a whisper, "I wish from my heart Those satins and laces were mine."-.- - The lady looked out on the maid with her work, bo fair in her calico dress, And said, "I'd relinquish possession and wealth Iler beauty and youth to possess." Thus in this world, whatever our lot, - Our. minds and our time we employ, . In lounging and sighing for what we have not, -Ungrateful for what we enjoy. ; . We welcome the pleasure for which we have sighed, 1 he heart has a void in it still, Growing deeper and wider the longer we live, " That nothing but heaven can fill. -' VOCAL .-MUSIC. S. SCOFIELD, an experienced Teacher of Classes, offers, his services to the Churches and gations in Charlotte and surrounding country. All calls addressed in care of Mr J. N. Scofiejd, Char lotte, N. C, will be promptly attended to. Sept. 4, 1860. Beef Cattle Wanted. Jinnest t:asn jrnces para for Jleeves aim tStleen I am still engaged in Butchering, and desif e umwn chase 1eef Cattle and Sheep, for which I will pay the highest - market prices. Those having stock for i wile find it to their advantage to give me call. fture Dr. Tavlors Tan Yard. Aug. 21, 1860. 26-tf J. L. STOUT. Hardware ! ! Hardware ! ! A. A, N. M. TAYLOR TTDESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the pub- HLi lie generally, that he has added to his extensive stock of Stoves and Tin Ware, a large and complete sto-k. ot Hardware, consisting in part as follows: Carpenters' Tools. Circular, mill, crosscut, hand, ripper, panuel, prun ing, grafting, tennou, back, compass, webb, and butch er SAWS: Braces and bits, Draw Knives, Chissels, Augers, Gimlets, Hammers, Hatcjitts, and Axes; Brick, plastering, and pointing Trowels: Saw-setters, Screw plates, Stocks and dies, Planes of all kinds, Spoke- shaves, Steel-blade bevel and try Squares; Spirit Levels Pocket Levels, Spirit level Vials, Boring machines, Gougers, and in fact cverthing a mechanic wants, in great variety aud at very low prices, at TAYLOR'S Hardware Store and Tin-ware Depot, opposite the Man sion House, Charlotte, N. C. Mav 2f, 1860. tf - Blacksmith's Tools. : Such as Bellows, Anvils, Vices, hand and slide Ham mers, Buttresses, Farriers' Knives, Screw-plate, Stocks and dies, Blacksmith's Pincers and Tongs, Raspers and Files of every kind, t ut horseshoe and clinch Nails, Borax; Iron of all sizes, both of northern and country manufacture; cast, plow, blister and spring Steel; &c, for sale very cheap at TA1 LOR fc, opposite the Mansion House: AT TAYLOR'S you can find tbe largest assortment of Cutlery, Guns and Pistols, of all the celebrated makes. GLASS, of all sizes and qualities both French and American. Also, Putty by the keg or pound. . WOODEN WARE, Brooms, Ac, of all kinds. Rope ! Rope! ! 5,000 pounds of Manilla, Juto and Cotton Rope, from J inch to 3 inches, at TAYLOR'S Hardware Store, Opposite tne .Mansion House. Ludlow's Celebrated Self-Sealing Cans, of all the different sizes, at TAYLOK S Hardware Store, opposite Mansion House. " State of N. Carolina, Gaston Co., O. B. In Equity To Fall Term, 1860. Joseph Thornberg vs. Ephraiui Pasour, et al. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the defendant, Ephraim Pasour, resides beyond the limits of this State, it is therefore ordered that publication be made in the Western Democrat, a newspaper published in Charlotte, notifying tbe said Ephraim Pasour to appear at the next Court of Equity to be held for the countr of Gaston, at the Conrt House in Dallas, on the ftb Monday after the 4th Monday in August,- to plead, answer or demur to plaintiff' Bill; otherwise it will be taken pro confesso and heard expartc. Witness, F. M. Abernathy, Clerk of our said court at office, the 9th Monday after the 4tii Monday in Febru ary, A. D. 1800, and of American Independence tbe 84th year. v ' ' , ' pr. adv 6 30-6t F. .M. ABERNATHY, C. M. E. Stat of IV, Caroliua, Gaston Co. O. B.Iu Equity To Fall Term, 18G0. Jo.-eph Thornberg vs. Ephraim Pasour, et si. If appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the defendant, Caleb Pasoiir. resides beyond the limits of this State, it is therefore ordered; that publication be made in the Western Democrat, a newspaper published in the town of Charlotte, noiifyingthe said Ephraim Pa- I sour to appear at tho next Court of Lquity to be held ! for the county of Gaston, at the Court House in Dallas, j on the 9th Monday after the 4th Monday in August, to i plead, answer or demur to plaintiff's Bill; otherwise it j will be taken pro confess aud heard xparte. j Witness. F M Abernathy, Clerk of our said court at i oflice, the 'Jth Monday after the" 4th Monday in Feb'y, A j I 18G0, and of American Independence the 84th year. pr. lv 30-l r. ju. aur.H..iini,i. m. WILKINSON 6c CO., deAmcrst in S7V St Ola. OS, 3 Silver Scplated Ware AND. FANCY, UUUDS, No. -5, Granite Range, Opposite the Mansion House, CHARLOTTE, N: Attention given to Repairing Watches and Jewelry. . " September 18, 1360. .. j MR W 1 Sinjrijfa Coaffre ie ! y J. Gy SQUATTEB SOVEREIGNTYISM AND . KNOW-NOTHINGISM FORMALLY COALESCING. ; We hare intelligence from Texas that the Bell and Douglas men in that State have formally agreed to unite upon an electoral ticket. This insures a majority then for Breckinridge of from 15 to 20,000. We rejoice at the occur rence. It will enable all true Democrats in the slaveholdins States to distinctly discover the snares which: squatter sovereign tyism has prepared for turning them over to know-nothingism. The trick; is' in. the most perfect accordance withv that '.which enticed into the dark Jantorn lodges so many unsuspecting democrats in 1854, and will result as unfortunately to its unscrupu lous contrivers ! ' ' . What Southern Democrat," except ambitious, would-be political leaders, so fallen as to suffer himself to be transferred through squatter sover eign tyisin to a party . which, whatever name it. as sumed from time to time in order to achieve vic tory, is still the old Federal partywithout its virtues, however which was so severely scotched by the Jeffersonians in 1800. Every Southern vote given to Douglas will be in effect given to Bell. 'JHcJtviond Enquirer. - "Sei How they Run." During our late can vass Mr Pool and his press demagojrued it most terribly upon the non-slaveowners of thc South, and upon their patriotism. Now, however, this same Know-Nothing press impugn the patriotism of JohnC. Breckinridge, and question his fidelity to his section, because, as they allege, he owns no negroes!; "See how they run!" Salisbury Ban ner. ' IMPORTANT FROM EUROPE. The steamship Adriatic from Southampton on the 12th, arrived at New York last week. Garibaldi with his staff entered the city of Na ples on the 8th instant, amid . demonstrations of intense joy. A provisional government had been formed ' , and the city is tranquil. The fleet and arsenal consigned to the command of Admiral Pejamd. Victor Kmanuel has been proclaimed Kfng of Italy. " ussui ueairca a pcricci reconciliation wiui .ius Anpfjaidyclared in a state of siege. vPrarfce, as theP6pe's protector, will withdraw her protection from Sardinia if the latter sanctions accessions of Papal territory. Garibaldi found eighty millions lire at the Bank of Naples. " The Sardinian flag is flying from all the forts at Naples. Panic prevails at Koine. . Liverpool, Sept. 12. Cotton has advanced J to Jd. Weather favora ble. Flour quiet but steady. Wheat steady, and there is less pressure to sell. Corn dull. Tennessee Certain for Breckinridge. A gentleman of this city, says the Montgomery Ad vertiser, wrote to a reliable and well informed citi zen of Tennessee, for such facts as would be reliable to bet on in relation to the vote of that State, and Las received in. return the following statement, which we take from a private. letter, dated Colum bia, Tennessee, September 10, 1860: . "As to this State, Hon. W . ii. v hitthorne has just returned this evening from . a canvass of the entire Eastern Division of the State; my father re turned yesterday from a similar canvass, in compa ny with Gov. Harris, of the Western . Division of the State, and I .have, been to every county but five in this, the Middle Division. We have com pared notes, and the. unanimous and -confident opinion is that Breckinridge and Lane are bound to carry this State by 8,000. Here we take all the bets we can get on this . State but we have not been able to invest much. Six of the Doug- as District Electors have declined to serve, and by the election my opinion is there will be but two tickets in the State. The, circulation of Bell's record, of which J send you a copy, is telling ter ribly upon the Bell cause in this division of the State. , . ..... An Important Commerical Question. A question which will affect to a serious' extent, the nterests ot commerce, recently was brought bejore the United States Circuit Court in the city of New York. An act of Congress provides that all home manu factured articles which are returned again ' in their original state, shall be free from duty. Under this act millions of barrels and hogsheads have been exported to return again, filled with sugar or molasses.' The Government, in the suit in qnestiou claim to recover duties upon a large quantity of barrels sent to Cuba and returned with sugar. 1 he Government claim that these barrels are not return ed in the original state, becanse part and parcel of the package of the molasses or sugar, or whatever the contents may be. The question being one of great interest, both to tbe Government and com mercial community, the Federal Judges here have certified td a division of opinion, which thus brings the matter to the Supreme CouJt of the United States for adjndication. It is estimated that the result will affect "the revenue to the extent of between three and four million of dollars annu ally. - - - ' : ' - J"The Legislature of North Carolina will com mence its bienmalSession in the city of Kaleigh on Wednesday the 19th of November. .. ; . . - Stick a Pin in Here. At Mocksville, yester terday (Monday), week, Messrs Brown of (Char lotte, and Walser of Davidson, had a political dis cussion. We have not heard the particulars. On that occasion,. Peter Hairston, Esq. of Davie, took occasion to allude to a report sent up from Salis bury on the eve of the last election, to injure the election of Cbas. Fisher, Esq , and to the effect that he, Hairston. had sent a check of $100 to I Salisbury for the purpose of effecting 31 r. Fisher's i election, and had given a credit for $1000 more. I This Mr Hairtton denounced as- wholly false and j the origioaton- and circulators as slanderers and liars.- These : denunciations, were made in the Court House aud to the crowd assembled to hear the speaking. . v - - . .- Y' . . , : J This - infamous falsehood, was but .one of a num ber circulated to the prejudice of Mr Fisher in the late campaign. But the day of reckoning will surely come, - and. then . the deceived people will visit their wrath upon the slanderers. Salisbury Banner. . - - , . trj? A YOUNG GIRL'S PRIDE LOSES HER .-"'A HUSBAND.. Senator Foster, of Connecticut, is about to get married. Life Illustrated says: , --,'V 'If reports are correct, this is not the firsti time Mr Foster has been wounded by tbe little god.- When we lived in Connecticut, we recollect hear ing a sfory that run in this wise: During his pe riod of law study in the southeastern portion of the State, he became acquainted with a young lady of ' prepossessing appearance anl more than ordinary accomplishments,; a daughter of parents of the highest respectability, and rowing in the most fashionable circles of the vicinity.":. With her he entered one of his pleas and commenced his first suit. That he was successful, is evident from the fact that, shortly after his admission to th bar, and having obtained an honorable position and business connection, arrangements for consam mating the ' marriage were made, and all went on harmoniously until a short time before the appoin TV . tea aay. uunnr nis visit one evening, ne ' re marked that he believed all necessary arrangement; for the wedding - were made, and the route for tneir bridal tour aecicteu. tie added: "Un our return we shall be obliged to devote a short time to our friends here, after which, if you please, we will pay a visit to my old father and mother, and spend a few days with them." Now La Fayette was always a good boy, and was taught' to honor Im father and mother; which early became to him a pleasure as well as a duty. - He had received from them words of love an encouragement, which bad. done for him without money (for they were poor) what money could never have done, and through all his privations and struggles to obtain an education and position - in life, he had been stimulated and supported by the thought of the pleasure his success would give them, and he looked forward . to the day when, with his chosen one, be should meet them beneath their humble roof, and receive again their bles sings, to be one of the happiest ho should ever ex perience. She then said: "Mr Foster you know I have been educated with different ideas from yours, and have always associated with people whose manners and style of living are different from those of your parents, and although I shall make no objection to your proposed visit 1 wish you to understand that I shall not expect to repeat it soon or often, and that 1 shall not desire to as sociate with people of their class." Nothing could have surprised him more than to hear these words from her lips. For a few minutes he walked the room, seemingly half bewildered. Then taking his hat in hand, he turned, and, with words more emphatic than refined, said: "Madam, I am glad have found you out in time. You may go to the d I !" The last we heard of the lady, she was still living, an ancient maiden, having seen this son of pa re nt 8 she considered beneath her notice, filling with honor the highest public offices to which his fellow-citizens could promote him. We saw, this morning, a snow while raccoon skin, the fur of which is as beautiful and soft as the finest wool. The coon was killed with two others of the 'same color, on the borders of the Roanoke river, and this skin was presented' to a gentleman of our town as a curiosity. Wil. Her ald, of the '1'ld inst. - Probably this is one of the coons the Whigs had in 1840 to ride their log cabins, having out-lived that party. The Wages Paid. Gen. Combs, (Bell man) the newly elected clerk of the Court of Appeals of Kentucky, was sworn in oh the 12th Sent. -On the same day he appointed R. " R. Boiling, the Douglas candidate, his deputy. The Bellites claim to be tbe only national party in the field. By way of proving t he claim, they polled 1209 votes the other day in Maine, against sixty thousand Black Republicans and forty thou sand Democrats That looks "national" . don't it: Frost. Frost was seen in this vicinity on Sat urday morning. This is tbe third of the season, viz: on the 13th, 14th and 22d of Sept. We hear of no damage to crops. Fayettevi He Obserter. Anecdote ok Stephen Girard. Old Girard had a favorite clerk, and he always said "be in tended to do well by Ben Lippiucott." So when Ben got to be twenty-one, he expected to bear the Governor say something of his future prospects, and perhaps lend a helping hand in starting, him in the world. -But the old fox' carefully avoided the subject. Ben mustered courage.. ,"I suppose X am free, sir, said be, "and I thought I bad bet ter say something to you as to my course; what do you tbiuk' i had better do?" "Yes, yes, I know you arc, said tbe old millionaire, .'and my advice is that you go and learn tbe cooper's trade." This application of ice nearly froze Ben out, but recov ering his equilibrium, he said if Mr Girard was in earnest, be would do so. "I am in earnest; and Ben sought the beat cooper in Spring Garden, be came an apprentice, and in due time could make as good a barrel as the best. He announced to old Stephen that be had graduated, and was ready to set up business. .The old man seemed gratified and immediately ordered three of the best barrels he could torn out. Ben did his prettiest, and wheeled them up to' the Old man's counting-room! Old Girard pronounced them firstrate, and deman ded the price. "One dollar," said Ben, "is now as low as I can live by." "Cheap enough make out your bilL" Tbe bill was made out, and old Steve settled it with a check for 20,000, which be accompanied with this little moral to the story: - "There, take that, and invest it in the best possible manner, and if you are unfortunate and lose it, you have a good trade to fall back upon, which will afford you a good living." We should like to see all the old solid fellows trying that experiment. It might spoil a barrel or two, but it wouldn't spoil the boys. Gallant. Gov. Moore, of Alabama, has given a new direction to gallantry, and manifested' his preference for the female sex in a novel way. It is reported that finding the penitentiary at Wet umpka too full, be has discharged the female con victs to make room for the males! THE END OP THE FUSION. "The -National Democracy of the State of New York" have put out a proclamation detailing their efforts to obtain a fusion with the Douglasites, and the failure of their efforts. Tbe fusfon, it seems, was urged by the President of the United States and the' members of his Cabinet. They say in their proclamation: ' Acting in' pursuance to the urgent personal ad vice of the President of . the United States, tb members of bis Cabinet, and the Breckinridge and Lane National Executive Committee, and impelled by what appeared to be the desire of a large num ber of our constituents, we proposed-if it could be effected honorably, to combine with the Douglas party and its allies upon a single ticket for Presi dential electors and State officers. - By an almost unanimous vote of our committee. we went as far as self-respect,' honor and. souud policy would warrant in an endeavor to attain this object; our overtures have been insultingly re fused, and the negotiations abruptly brought to an end. Fot the last time the opportunity has been given to the Douglas organization to consolidate in this State the votes of the opponents of tbe Re publican iarty. They have rejected the oppor tunity as tftey rejected it at the Charleston Con vention an4 at Baltimore, thereby forcing upon us the painlul conviction that they desire tbe defeat of te Democracy and the election of Lincoln to tbe Presidency; for all believe that tbe Republicans will carry this State, there being two Democratic tickets in the field. How far this projoct of fusion was in mainten ance of tbe rights of the South, and the Consti tution which guarantees them, is seen in the latter part of this address, where they say: : We charge the Douglas managers in tb is State with having ptrposely produced the present diffi culties in the ptrty, and with persistently refusing to allow these difficulties to be adjusted. All Na tional Democrats should withdraw from tho rule of tbe Albany Regency, and support the principles and candidates of their own party. "There can be no evasive middle ground." Squatter Sove reignty is but another form of freesoil Republican ism, and necessarily continues the excitement, strife, and bloodshed caused by fanatical emigrant aid societies, - with their contributions of Sharp's rifles, if it does not result in the final breaking up ' of this Confederacy of Sovereign States. It is only another form of the conflict forced upon us by the doctrines of Seward and Lincoln. Men must take ground either for or against the equality of Sovereign States, and for or against the protec tion of life and property in the common territories by the General Government of the. country. States are sovereign, and rbgulate their affairs in their own way, subject only to the Constitution of the United States. Territories arc not sovereign, but belong in common to all tbe sovereign States. Mr Douglas knows that by combining with all par- tic; opposed to Lincoln at the North, tbe Black Repub- icans can be defeated, and yet he opposes a fusion or compromise with the Breckinridge party. Mr Douglas opposed a compromise with the Breckinifdge men in North Carolina, Virginia, and other State he is de termined to rnle or ruin, and hopes to deprive Breckin ridge of some southern States by dividing th demo cratic parly. . j POVERTY NOT SO GREAT A CURSE. If there is anything in the world that a young man should be more thankful for than another, it is the poverty which necessitate bis starting in ife under very great disadvantages. . Poverty is one of the best tests of human quality in existence. ... . i - . '. i . i tnumpn over u is uae graduating wun nouor rom West' Point. It demonstrates stuff , and stamina. It is a certificate ot worthy labor credit ably performed. A yonng man who cannot stand the-test is not worth anything. He can never rise above the drudge or a pauper. A young man who cannot feel his will harden as the yoke of poverty presses upon him, and his pluck rise with every difficulty poverty throws in his way, may as well retire into some corner and htde himself. - 'overt y saves a thousand times more men than it ruins; for it only . ruins those who are not particu larly worth saving, whjle it saves multitudes of those whom wealth wtmld have ruined, it any young man who reads this is so unfortunate as to be rich, I give him my puy. 1 pity you, my rich young , friend, because you are in danger. You- ack. one stimulous to effort and - excellence, which w a your poor companion possesses. . - xou will be very apt, if you have a soft spot in your head, to think yourself above him, and that sort of thing makes you mean, and injures you. With full pockets and full stomach, and fine linen, and broadcloth on your back, your heart and soul plethoric, in the race of life, you will find yourself surpassed by all the poorer boys around you before you know it. No, my boy, if you ate poor thank God and take courage; for he intends to give you a chance to make something of yourself. If you had plenty money, ten chances to one it would spoil you for useful purposes. Da you lack education? Have you been cut 'short in the text book? Remember that -education, like some other things, does not consist in the multitude of things a man possesses. What can you do: . ahat is the question that set tles the businesa for you. Do you k now your busi ness? Do you know men and how to deal with tbctn?- Has your mind, by any, means whatever, received that discipline which gives to it its action, power and facility? If so, then you are educated. Important for "Jolly "Fellows." There is a tradition that brandy was at one time manu factured from tbe vine: but tbe cranes of France having of late years followed the example of the potato, and taken to moulding and rottir.g, many of the French brandy makers haveadoped bitumin ous coal as a substitute. 1 . .-They distill a potent spirit from this sub stance, which is thus made available (or tha pro duction of two kinds of fireone for the comfort of man, and the other for the destruction of his health, his senses, and bis soul. Large quantities of alcohol distilled from coal, and., "doctored with certain chemicals to give it tbe "Cognac flavor," are now expotred from France to England. . Coal brandy is the latest adaption of the good 'gift of Providence to the purpose of poisonmongers that has come to our knowledge. Coal tar has long been used for tbe flavoring of wbiekey, but a li quor with a coal basis is a specimen of chemistry which might well make the "best fellow" shudder. 4 it s:

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