L CI ' ' 'tf -- . .Ik jir .? - j t r f- -i e - I v a VT o ni y aw y Ml I V JP1 II 1 1 O 3F" IF-1 O 23 ON THE iut 1 t s ..'..i o per; animm CHARACTER ig' WEST SIDE OF TRADE STREE AS IMPORTANT TO STATES AS IT IS TO INDIVIDUALS, JLXD " TIIE .GLORY OF THE ONE IS THE COMMON PROPERTY 5 OF "' THE OTHER. SET IN ADVANCE.- W ITAHliL Editor and Proprietor. CFTARLOTTE, JSt:, C, TUESDAY, MAY 7, 1861. N INT.D V 0LU9IE-NUBIBER 4C3. 1 v Ill r ' ;VI 1 II I II 1 , - I 1 THE BY WILLIAM J. YATES, KDITOtt AND PnOPRlETOIl. If paid in advance, If paid within 3 months, if ,.f.r thi 1-vniiH.t ion of the v-ar, , ...2 00 ... 2 50 ... 3 00 ii- Kny eron sending' na -nvc'XEW subscribers, ccompiuii"od by the Hdvance subscription ($10) will receive a pixth copy pratis for one year. Subscribers ;md others who may wish to send -money to us, can do by mail, at our risk. pZjp- Transient advertisemeuta must le paid for in advance. jgty Advertisements not marked on the manuscript for a specific time, will be inserted until forbid, and charged accordingly. SAMUKL P. SMITH, Attorney :md Counselor nl Lavr, CHARLOTTE, N C, Will attend promptly and dtliyfntlif to collecting and remitlinjj all claims intrusted to his care. .Special attention given to the writing of Deeds, Con veyances. &c. jgwjf- During hour? of business, may be found in the Court House, "office No. 1, adjoining the clerk's office. January I. lol CHARLOTTE, N. C. (3KXERAL (JOLLECTISG AG EXT. Office over the Drug Store, Irwin's corner. January i, 1861. tf YVm. J. Kerr, ATTOKXEY AT LAW, CHARLOTTE, N. C, Will practice in the County and Superior Courts of Mecklenburg. Union and Cabarrus counties. Okkice in the Brawley building oj)posite Kerr's Hotel. January 24, 1801 y ROBERT GIBBON, M. D., PRACTITIONER OF JIEIUCIE AXI Office Ao. 2 Jrtctit' cornery CuARLOTTK, N. C. January, lSrtl. 11. W. BKCK Wrril Has constantly on hand WATCHES, JEWELRY, PLATED . WARE, &C, Of the best English and American manufacturers. Call and examine his stockbefore purchasing elsewhere Watch crystals put in for 23 cents each. January, 1661 J John T. Butler, PRACTICAL Walch and Clock Maker, Jew eller, &c., Opposite Kerr's Hotel, Charlotte, -AT. C. (Late with R. W. Beckwith.) Fine Wsicli', Clocks & JWlry, of every description, Repaired and WarranUd for 12 months. Oct 16, I8J0. tf J. G, WILKINSON & CO., DEALERS IN WatoHes, Silver & plated Ware AND FANCY GOODS, No. 5, Granite Range, Opposite the Mansion House, CHARLOTTE, X. C. Attention given to Repairing Watches and Jewelry. September IS, IPOu. y New Supply of WATCH BS, JEWELRY, Solid Silver and Plated Ware. The subscriber has lately purchased a very extensive (apply of the above articles. His purchases being made directly from the manufacturer, he is therefore enabled to sell at a very small advance on cost, and persons may rest assured that all his articles are war ranted to be what he represents them to be." " B?- Watches aud flocks carefully repaired and will receive my per.-onil attention. . 1 R. W. BKCKWITII. Xv. 27, lSUtt tf ChnrSotle & $ C. Kail road. 0:i an. after the First dv of October, THROUGH EXPRESS I'RMHIIIT TRAINS will run Daily between Charlotte a:id Charleston, without irausshipmeut, thus eu;iliiing freijflir to te:u h Chn rlotte in 5 day or les tiom New York, and in one day fiotu Charleston, aud Kit vcrt't. k V. i . - ' ? " :'. I Also, Til ROUGH TICKETS will be sold from Char lotte t. Chiirk'stou at $tf &o,-. ant) to Xew York, via Charleston .Steamers, at and rice versa. The mer chants and public are invited to try this cheap and expeditious route for freights and passengers. ' A. H MARTIN, G3t 2V la., tf - Gen l Ft. and Ticket Agent " SITUATION WAATED - Conductor on some Railroad Train, or as Agent at some Depot, or s Mnil Agent. Testimonials of morl character, Southern priuciples axd cluse .itteution to business, can le given. Address L. A. HELMS, Winchester, Union co., N.C. Jan. S, 1801. 3m-pd The Celebrated Female Pills. These li Us do mot cure alt but tliey re tcetr- rnm.'. t0 fure 1,'ucoreah, orWIiites 'that dreadful scourge to female health, happiness and usefulness.: They are it patented find are no humbug, but are nreprelrtV a North Cart)lina".hysician of high standing and of lung evperieuce in the treatment of female diseases. All that is necessary to convince you of their efficacy is a fir. trial. For particulars, sec wrappers. Prica $1 IH-r box. For sale at the DRUG STORES. Jan. 15, 18GI yr Superior, Smiit Machines, it ih.'Sijn of the t'.nhhn Pud-Lurk. (. XIIRANK A SAMPLE. North Carolina MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. This Company, the oldest and most reliable in the State, insures white persons for a term of years or during continuance of life, on moderate terms. Slaves iusnred. for one or five years, for two-thirds of their market value. For iusurance apply to TIIOS. W. DEWEY, Agt., Jan 8, 18G1 ly at Branch Bank N. C. Dissolution. The firm of FULL1XGS, SPRINGS & CO. was dis solved by limitation on the 1st January, 1KG1. , ; The business will be continued under the name and style of FULLINGS & SPRINGS, and they hope, by integrity and strict attention to business, to merit the same patronage heretofore liberally bestowed by their numerous friends aud customers. The present financial crisis and the uncertainty of business, for the future compel us to shorten our time of credit from twelve to six months to prompt paying customers none others need ak it. All persons indebted to the old firm of Fullings, Springs k Co., must come forward and make immediate settlement, as it is absolutely necessary that the busi ness be speedily closed up. "A word to the wise is suffi cient." Jan 15, 1861. Hardware!! Hardware!! A. A. N. M. TAYLOR MESPECTFULLY informs his friends aud the pub lic generally, that he has added to his extensive stock of Stoves and Tin Ware, a large and complete sto-k of Hardware, consisting in part as follow; Carpenters' Tools. ' Circular, mill, crosscut, hand, ripper, pannel, prun ing, grafting, tennon, hack, compass, webb, and butch er SAWS; Braces and bits, Draw Knives, Chissels, Angers, Gimlets. Hammers, Hatchets, and Axes; Brick, plastering, and pointing Trowels: Saw-setters. Screw plates, Stocks and dies, Planes of all kiuds, Spoke shaves, Steel-blade bevel and try Squares: Spirit Levels Pocket Levels, Spirit level Vials, Boring machines, Gougers, and in fact everthing a mechanic wants, in great variety and at very low prices, at TAYLOR'S Hardware Store and Tin-ware Depot, opposite the Man sion House, Charlotte, N. C. May 29, 18G0. tf Blacksmith's Tools. Such as Bellows, Anvils, Vices, hand and slide Ham mers, Buttresses, Farriers' Knives, Screw-plates, Stocks and dies, Blacksmith's Pincers and Tongs, Raspers and Files of every kind, Cut liorseshoe and clinch Nails, Borax: Iron of all sizes, both of northern and country manufacture: cast, plow, blister and spring Steel; &c, for sale very cheap at TAYLOR'S, opposite the Mansion nouse: Ludlow's Celebrated Self-Sealing Cans, of all the different sizes, at TAYLOIVS Hardware Store, opposite Mansion House. Agricultural Implements of all kinds. Straw (.'utters, Corn Shellers, Plows, Hoes, Shovels, Spades, Forks, Axes, Picks. Mattocks", Grubbing Hoes, Trace Chains, wagon Chains, Log L hains, Pruning and Hedge Shears, Pruning and budding Knives, gar den Hoes and Rakes, with handles; Grain Cradles; grain, grass and brier Scythes, Bush Hooks, Wagon boxes; Hollow ware, such as pots, ovens and lids, ski Hits, spi ders, stew-pans and kettles, Cauldrons from 20 to 120 gallons each; Iron and brass Preserving Kettles, Sheep Shears, &c, at TAYLOR'S Hardware Depot, opposite the Mansion House. Tin and Japanned Ware, A large assortment; Block Tin, Block Zinc, Tin Plate, Babbit metal, &c. - - Stoves, the largest Stock, of all sizes, at TAYLOR'S Hardware," Stove and Tin ware Depot, opposite Mansion House NOTICE. Taken up and committed to the Jail of Mecklenburg county, on the 8th day of September, 1860, a Negro boy about 18 or 20 years of age, (black,) about 5 feet 6 or" A inches high. He says bis name is JIM, and that he belongs to John Worthy of Gaston county: that his master moved to Texas early lat Spring, at which time he ran away from him. Jim appears very dull: can scarcely communicate anything about his master or home with any intelligence. He has a scar on his riirht fore finger, made by a cutting knife. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay ex penses, and take said boy away, otherwise he will be disposed of according to law. Oct. 9, 1860. tf W. W. GRIER, Sheriff. Y G LADIES' CLOAKS and BONNETS, DRESS GOODS and EMBROIDERIES. Carpets c? DFLxxg:- A VERY LARGE ASSORTMENT OF PLANTATION GOODS. The above will be found to compare iu styles aud prices with any in the town. , FISUEIT& DtJRROUG JIS Nov X 1800 tf rETm it. nvvis. W. H. HAHOEE. DAVIS & HARDEE, PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, REFER TO Hon. D W Court. Gen. R W Haywood, lUleijrh, X. C. Feb II, I8C1 m-pd. mitns. ISIISDM. All kinds of EUROPEAN BIRDS: STYLE CAGES.- Tho.e wishing a 5g fine Songster, vill find it at " ' .1 n PALMER'S Variety Store. i One door above the Bank of Charlotte.' Xov 2, 1800 NEW RESTAURANT. Having connected with my Es-, tablishment an . Eating and Refreshment I t nm nrenared to serve ray friends and the t.nblic in the culinary Jine. p&ftfCS&'j ;n the best stvle. Enicureahs V -wnI plse fiive me a call, apd; i.t idtffT'm?i ' l. 1 1 Vo mv constant sfudv to Li i 1 " J - - . ' fileAsS them. J ' J. D." PAIAIER, One door above Hie Bank of Cliarlotte, . JBestrm r Brmorrat. CHARLOTTE, N. C. PLANT CORN AND WEAR HOMESPUN. 1 Let oar people plant com. Let them plant as j much again as they can consume. Do this, and they, will also have more meat than we shall need for all our enemies. Let them stop wearing silks, and satins, and broadcloths. Let them stop buy ing Northern goodsf iny and- al! kinds. Let them wear jeans and homespuns as their ancestors did before them, when they threw off British rule. Let our wives, "and daughters, and sisters, and sweethearts appear in the roost economical dresses they can purchase; and their husbands, brothers, sons and beaux .will love them none the less for this exhibition of a true patriotism. In times like these, we must make sacrifices; and we -should do so willingly. It is one of the surest means of striking down our enemy ; and when-they are daily seizing provisions, paid for with our money, we ujust let them know that '..we can and will be entirely independent of them. i , Georgia. Gov. Brown has issued a proclama tion, prohibiting the payment of all debts to North ern creditors till the end of hostilities, and direct- j ing the payment of the Woney into the, State Treasury, to be refunded with interest, at the end of tho war, to depositors. " . - tS?" "We learn from a private letter that Capt. Slough, of the Cabarrus Guards, has been promot ed from captain to Col. Com. of Fort Johnston, and thatC. F. Harris has taken his place. Dr. McKee, of Raleigh, has been appointed Surgeon, and Drs. J. A. Gibson, and J. I Gibson, of Ca barrus, assistant Surgeons. Concord 'Flag.: ! FARMER'S, LOOK OUT ! Money, Time and Timber Saved. I have the right to sell VAX DEM ARK'S PORTABLE FENCE, made without posts, in the counties of Ala mance, Randolph, Rockingham, Davidson, Rowan, Ca barrus and Mecklenburg.. CuEArxKSS, durability, and' convenience are its chief advantages. We recommend the fence to saw-mill owners, farmers' and all who have fences to make. We will sell Farm or County Rights. A circular, stating cost, plan of building, ike, gent free to aur address uu application to - "... . JXO. J. WHITE, Mebanesvillc, Alamance co., X. C. March 2Gth. 3m DIRECT IMPORTATION. T Olftk4fh EXGLISH HOES, just received and EXGLISH for sale bv Feb'y 19, 18G1 COCHRANE A" SAMPLE. ZDrnag- Stoi?e, IRWIN'S CORXER, CHARLOTTE, X. C. E. Nye Hutchison & Co, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, ARE NOW RECEIVING fresh and genuine Drugs from the Xew York Market, which have been purchased upon such terms as to be sold low for Cash. We would respectfully call the attention of the public to our large aud complete stock of Drugs, Medicines, Chemi cals, Perfumery, Oils, Paints, Varnishes, Pntty, Win dow Glass," Kerosine Oil, Burning Fluid, Turpentine, Alcohol, Lamps, Pure Liquors, Congress Water, Can ton Teas, Tobacco. Segars, Ac, Ac. fifsS- A large stock of fresh FIELD and GARDEN SEEDS just received. Jan. 1, 1861. y The Xotes aud Accounts due E. NYE HUTCHISON A CO., after the 1st' day of February next, may be found in the hands of HUTCHISOX A BROWN, At tornies at Law, for collection. E. NYE HUTCHISON A CO. January 15, 1861. tf. . K. IlARDIIVe, 1j in coin ton; I. C, Begs leave to inform the citizens of Lincoln and sur rounding counties, that he has permanently located in the town of Lincolnton, where he will carry ou the Watch and Jewelry Business In all its various branches. Strict attention will be paid to the repairing of Watches and Jewelry. AN fine Watches warranted to give satisfaction, if well used, or no charges made. List of pricts for Work. Mainspriug and cleaning watch, $2.50; jewels, cap and foot, each, 75c; cap foot-hold jewel, each, $1,50; hair-springs, $1.25; chains, $1.50; mending chains, 50c.; tooth and wheel 50c; pivots, $1; cylinders $4; Staves, $2.75; virges, $2.50; screws, 25c:.. case springs 75c: clicks and rachels, 75c; glasses,- 50c. All other work will average the same prices. Persons leaving work can know the prices before it is doue. Persons in the country having clocks or other work for Repair, will address me by letter if they cannot come themselves. I will attend to work promptly. All kinds of Gun-smith work doue at short notice and on reasonable terms. . Give me a call, and 1 will guarantee satisfaction. G. R. HARDING. Lincolnton, Feb. 26, 1861 tf IVOTICE Is hereby given that the place of "Master Machinist" for the Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford Railroad Company, will be filled by the Board of Directors at their regular meeting to be held in Charlotte on the on the 21st day of May next. The salary will not ex ceed $1200 per annum. Applications, stating amount of salary required, may be addressed to the President at Lincolnton. or to the undersigned at Wilmington. ROBT. II. COWAX, April 16, 1861. lm ' . ., Secretary. . TO THE PUBLIC, With this notice terminate the term according to agreenieut of the general fujeriuteDdance of Mr Root. Shaw, over Biy business in .the Saddlery aud Harness line. AU indebted are .reueted to make settlements ictth ate alnnr, a po other, until further advised, will be allowed in law. , , . . II. M--P1UT CHARD. Feb 2t, IiClt -..,.. . . . ; tf. ; TO STOCK KAISERS. The subscriber, with a view tq Improve the stock of . - r E-.;nn VnViVoMit i 'lf-lirnteA Mnrcran Horse BLACK' HAWK, and informs those desiring su- , pertor blooded stock, that this Horse can be found at j his stable, 14 "miles west of Charlotte, on ' Mondays, Tuesdays and Wcdnesdays;and, afjhe ' statk of.ilaj. IJenj. MprrONV on ThursdaysrFrithiys'aiid Satuidays. ' FVr imrtfcalars, scc'Iarge blTTs."1 " , Mann 1!, 1P0I. ; A." P..' DAVIDSON. . FROM WASHINGTON. , 'i Ihe Alexandria (azette has the followinsr from 1 ' - r.AVashineton': lportance, . i!very ducement was accordingly offered by the. Govern ment to' persuade Cof Lee to" .lend" them the weight of his talents and' military skill. But in vain. .Neither official rank, nor promises of pecu niary emolument could move him. Gen. Scott went to Lincolu with tears in his eyes, and implored him not to issue his Proclama tion. Nearly every member of the Cabinet op posed it,' also. The President declares that t he wrote it himself.. We are told by' old Washingtonians, i that, at this time the press of Washington is as completely muzzled as that , of Paris ; is. by Lonis Napoleon. They dare not publish .anything reflecting upon the Lincoln Government, which is .fast assuming" the shape of a military despotism. .Outrages are committed by the soldiery, which never are seen in print.' 'Private property is taken for the use of Government, citizens threatened by rabid. Bepubli-' cans with the direst vengeance and others ordered to leave the city no , free man dares now to ex press an opinion. ' . The city is in ..the greatest excitement and con sternation, the residents expecting but not know ing when they 'may. be attacked and -driven from their homes. ' . , ' - ... Disaffection to a considerable extent, it is be lieved, exists among the citizen soldiery, and if a demonstration was made against them, a majority, it is confidently asserted, would throw down their arms, and take position with the South. ' Numerous families,, many of., whom originally came from the North, are availiujr themselves of tue open facilities of the Long Bridge, to go over into V trginia. A Southern man named Cunningham,. was ar rested and placed in the watch-house, charged with being a secessionist. . He was tried aud ordered to leave. the city.. A journeyman printor, .named Mr Hock has also been driven from the 'city. ', - . - At least two hundred clerks, of Southern pro clivities, have resigned their positions in the differ out departments at Washington, during the past week, rather than take the test oath., ; Many ltepublicans declare that Lincoln is uuder the control of two or three bad men i.e., the Blairs, Jim Lane, Cassius M Clay & Co. Edward Bates, Attorney General, is barricaded in his office in the Treasury building windows planked up gas lighted all day. Cameron is said to have made a blood-thirst7 speech to the Pennsylvanians in the Capitol. A man named Boyd has been shot in Washing ton, in the locality known as the "Island," by two assassins, on account of expressing Southern senti ments. He was called from his bed at midnight and shot! A NEW, DIFFICULTY. The difficulty growing out of the present condi tion of things in this country are auomolous and multiplied. Several remarkable ones are stated by the Richmond Whig. First, the Lincoln adminis tration contends that it cannot recognize secession or disunion, that no State or States, can secede, but that all the thirty-four are still in the Uuion ; yet the President issues a Proclamation of blockade of some of them in pursuance ot the law of nations' A government blockading its.own ports under the law of nations ! The Constitution provides, that "No preference shall be given by any regulation of commerce or revenue to the ports of oue State over another." Therefore it is perfectly clear, that the Government cannot leave open ports u one State and close tbem in another," ... ; . . If all the States are in the Union,; Lincoln lias no right to treat any of them as out of it. Again : The Whig says, "By treaties with England and France, it is expressly stipulated that the vessels of those countries shall have the right of entry to all the ports of this country.--This paper blockade comes directly across this stipulated right. Think yon that England and France are the powers to submit tamely to the 'de nial of such a right which would operate to the exclusion of their people from the most profitable commerce with this continent ? We take it, that the very first English . or French vessel - that may be molested in it progress to a Southern port will rouse the offended nations to vigorous mea sures of resistance." " j Once More : The President lays great stress t upon his sworn duly to hold and possess, protect and defend, the property of the United States. ! And he. performs that sworn duty by burning the 1 public property at Gosport, Harper's Ferry, &c. NOETHWESTERN VIRGINIA. The open treason of Carlile and Brown, now candidates for Congress in Northwestern Virginia, j 7 i and for re-uuion with the JNorth,' deserves cx- i emplary punifthment. Carlile, apart from his duties as a citizen,. was bound as a member of the Convention to submit to its decision, as he would have inristed, in the event of a contrary decl-iou, that the Secessionists should submit. At auy raie, as a citizen of Virginia, be has rendered hita self clearly liable to the pains aud , pen a hies of treason, as do all who support him. It does not follow that because a Stale has a light to secede from the Federal Union, therefore a county or a citizen has n right to seeede from a State. The Fcrloml I"uiim is but the creature of the States. and the power w hich created can also destroy. But a State is composed, of an aggregate com- ' muuity, with a defined and . undivided territory, na v.vf. ; ... :rz , r J : ' , whilst thej are territorially iu it.. Wq feel sure rwf in limn eannni. lie iKJiiiinau v irll I ui il that the Deonle oi xxortu western . v irstnu.iu 'eneral, areloyal'to the State, and will not follow i "he lead of those traitors and . tones, .CarlUe. and j Brgwn. Jitchwioua JJtspatch. i i t Anion" the1 Kehluckians now "in Ibntgbtncrv,1.! wno uavc oucreu ineir services io inc vouieueraie t States, ore a nephew of JoTin C. ' Bret-kiur;dge and""' .Mr Tudd a brother of Mrs Abraham'Liucolu. j A t I Ik a rtrLniMinninmnnf r C it, a nMeant ffi"!i1il.0 - t tGen. Scott advised the Administration at Wash-! - ' h f Sooner George M. Smith left. New York ( clw of, the Camp ol Instruc ton and Reide rihgton to invite Col. Lee of Arlington, to assist ' the 3d of April with a regular clearance, bound j vous of troops, hereby communicates instructioo. to Him with his counseWpronouncing.lani the first to Wilmington, N. C, with an assorted cargo of j the companies to be concentrated Jt. this, point. VilMary man of the age, and declaring that his' Dierchacdise. ,Ten gun carriages were on board, It will be impossible to furnish transition. ,for IWoperation, at that Timewith the Government, Ubippetl by Cooper. & Pood, of New: York. Tha trunks boxes &c.f to any great .extent. ( Uenco would h nf th hmhpat nTnnrtnncP. Ev,rv in- schooner put into Hampton-.Roads in distrew, - on each soldicr.should provide hioisolf with; a barer. T .TT Seizure of a Vessel bound to Wilmington, Ns C., ly the U. 8. Ship Cumberland i Hampton ICoails. kthe 25th, boing short of provisions. The steam in the tug .Young .America;, of - -thw -oiiy,- Wing lioads in search of a schooner bound to this port, which she had been, sent to tow up observing the signal of distress, bore towards her, and was fired into by a boat of the Cumberland, then on their way to the schooner, which was soon follow ed by a shotted gum from the Cumberland, which struck the tusr near the starboard bow. without do ing any serious damage - (No thanks to the Flag Officer, Peodererast.") ' - The steam tag was then ordered alon$ide the frigate, and is now held as a prize, with her crew. , ,- ; The schooner George M. Smith was also seized and is now detained at Old Point, as a prize of war by Flag Officer Pendergrast, of the U. S. Navy, j. with her crew and cargo: - ; The ground of this extraordinary seizure of the schooner and steam-tug, as officially avowed, is that gun-carriages shipped from New Fork: to North Carolina on the 2nd of April were article contra band of war, which subjects the vessel in which they 'were found-to seizure and confiscation by Lincoln's Government, ns also any vessels proceed-, ing to relieve her distress in the water of Vir ginia. . - - i ' , ' , So, it seems from this proceeding that - in the judgment of Flag Offieer iPendergrast, that , as early as the 2nd of; April a state - of war existed between the late Government of the United States and the State of North Carolina. This will' be news even to the monster at. tho head of the Gov ernment, for oo the 15th of April he called on the 'Old North State' for her quota of men and - arms to defend- hiini , . ; - , i . We hope this intelligence will spread like -wild fire through the Old North State, and rome her people, from the mountains to the low hinds, to-do battle for her liberties and under tho banner of the Confederate States. Norfolk Day-Book. Tho goods on this vessel were consigned ' to E Murray k C6,,VJ. M.' Holmes H Co, A. E Hall, G, Myers,' Gwyer, Peacock & Co, Fort, Ay cock & Co, J. JL Robinson & Son, Railroad Agent, at Wilmington, 2i. a : ........ . . - - . MAIL BOBBER ABBESTED. We learn - that a man named Charles II. Sleu man was yesterday .arrested and lodged in jail here, upon unquestionable evidence of having robbed the mail. lie has-been driving the sulky mails for about a year past, first to Raleigh via Summer ville, then to Fair BUiff and recently to Gilopolis. When arrested by the Postmaster and Deputy Sh'ff Uardie, he had in his - boot a letter to the Editors of this paper from which he had abstrac ted a year's subscription, and a letter to E. M urray & Co., covering a druft for upwards of 8500. He confessed to numerous robberies to an amount of which he professes to have no idea. After exami nation before G. Detniug, Esq., he was committed to jail, lie is a native of Connecticut. - The frequent losses by - mail of late make this an important arrest, and the public is under obli gations to our efficient Postmaster, Jas. G. Cook, for the effectual'- measures he has taken to catch the rogue, and to Messrs Uardie and Deniing for their hearty co-operation. FuyctteiHlc Observer April 29A. . if - . .. r : ; TENNESSEE AND KENTUCKY. There appears to be a movement (we cannot tell what force it will" exert) in both these States to stand aloof from both the parties to the war and insist upon peace! w Air address in Tennessee, signed by .Messrs.- Neil 1 S. "Brown, Russell Hous ton, E. II Ewing, C. Johnson, John Bell, R. J. Meigs, S. D. Morgan, John S. Brien, "Andrew Ewing,' John II. Callender and-Balie Peyton, de cidedly approves of the refusal of the Governor to furnish " troops to 'Lincoln,' disapproves of both secession and cooreionand recommends that Ten nessee join ; neither - party, "for in so doing she would at once terminate her mission, of peace maker." 'iBut should & purpose be developed by the Government ol over-running and subjugating our brethren of the seceded States, we say unequi vocally that it will be the duty of the State to resist at all hazards, at any cost, and by arms, any such purpose or attempt" ; . They further recommend conference with her sister slave-holding States yet iu the Union, for the purpose of devising plaus of peace. They .close as follows : "Fellow citizens of Tennessee, we entreat you to bring yourselves up to the magnitude of the crisis. Look ,. in. the face : impending calamities. Civil war what isit ? ; The bloodiest and darkest pares of history answer thia ziuestion. - To avert tt who would not ive his time, his talents, his untir ing energy hid all 1 , There- may be yet time to . . accomplish everything. J.et us not despair. - The Aorur cve. mates may pre veut this civil war, and why shall they nol do it V The Kentucky address is in the main to the same end. v' '' - s '" ' " ,st Arbt.sts.for T.REASOtV." The New Yorlc Express of Tuesday says; ,vSi(f. , ,r6. 1s. li4 ' On anidavits hiid bctorc United State Com-- uiissioner loitin, warrants its. were issued : to-day and Daniel Fish, aliatt j agnin.t Dr. Robert Sabo Fhmp x,iuiieyr tor treason. I he chargo against Sabo is that of enlisting troops, and Fish for furnishing fire-arms and munitions of war : to. the Southern Confcderacy. ,The prisoners were brot before the, Commissioner. And ; comniitted for aminatioo.', . ;1, brought - . . ...i - ' r SSsT It is said that Commodore McCauley and i all hia nffipre were drunk w linn thev PXRirutfA tho order, to bun ,tuj Vessels, and. the Xardr at rortsujouth. , ,0 'ha. gomuire so, much. fuligund that be had lo- be jeaul. to hLf vessel u a httt'V. ,j,wp, r ""-."" 'i Ys;-' ' A man who wa& arsd, ip: Washington . and j crticu. ,yciip.ji"wit ws uiu iws mu mm.! drutik fgr- several ,-ditys. h may account for the, crazy conduct of the Illinois baboon. i WAR AGAINST NORTH CAROLINA, f -I- - NOTICE TO VOLUNTEERS. j OftIer, v ' - ' " Camp or Instruction, No. 1. j , Ralkiou,. C , Aptil 241861. Tie undersigned being placed by tho Governor sack Gx4 inches for carrvinsr .eooked crovmoaA.a knapsack (even of . rough. :0struetioB)f4o-crrXA one pair of blankets, au overcoat, flannel hir$ and pair of shoes. Every mess o 20 men ahpld be provided with a camp chest to carry, cooking uten sils, knives, forks and plates. T. t i On arriving at the depot at Raleigh,, each Com pany will march to the' Fair Ground, and tho Capta.-n will report, himself promptly, jto -the uu- i dersigned for duty. By order, ' , IX H.. JULL, , .,,. , . ', . Colonel iComit&ilding. , ' . A LOOSING '" ! ? j , JUuder, this head, the Richmond Whig pays: v . v The Northern capitalist profess io be-irery zealous in , promoting th war against' tho South. They are pouring out their i money to rime 'troops it may iu some cases be under ooBstraint--in all it amounts to u tax upon the rich. for tho support . of unemployed laborors.i The merchant, prince, Stewart, --who lm made most of his money by bis Southern trade, is reported to have offered a mil lion 'Mr Wn. B. Astor is put down for four mil lions contribution -and ten millions loan. " These may ' ba cxagcrations ; but . can the gentlemen repeat. Revenue by duties nrfl at an cud Lin coln confesses he has no. resources. :The-Govern-ment, for the future, will have to be supported by the Contributions of. ioditidusls Those. already mader large as theyniay be, will no! beworq than a drop in .tho ocean.,, i , i. -;rtt;H , For years past, the Federal 'expenditure; b as .exceeded seventy millions. This in time of peace. In a state of war, and with an army of 1 00,000 to defend Washington, the outlay will be doubled or trebled, or quadrupled. . Who. wil jbot tliat bill ? liow.far will. Mr.Astor's mito tell ?., . , i. i ' , " These gcnileiuen; will be cicely caught when, nfier ha,ving pent.all; their ,nw(iey, jhe abjura tion of the South is as remote np verT-rodbey shall still have their hungrys subtofrraoeaua-lpn hand with nothiog to feed them with."; ,Z ! SELtCs ACBiyiCE . by' aTcbjinese ; , , ,. . , WHJUW, st .,,:, A Hong-Kong paper contains thu following ac count by an c-yo-witness, of a voluntary nacrifi.ee "of life by a disconsolate widow: A few days since 1 met a Chinese procession passing' through the foreign settlement, escorting a young female in scarlet gold, in a richly decorat ed chair, the object of which I found was to ihvlte the public to come and sec her hang herself--a step she had resolved to take in consoqnence ; of the death of her husband, by which the hud been loft a childless widow. Both being orphans, this event had severed her dearest arthly ties, and she hoped by this sacrifice to secure to lcrselt -eternal happiness, and meet with her husband in the next world. I repaired on the day ' appointed,.'' io, the indicated pot. ; We had ' feC4r6efyarnved'.vhn the same procession was sceri 'adyahciog'froiu .tbe joss-house of the" widow V ' natjye yHlage, towards a scaffold and gallows erected iu an'adjaecnt field and surrounded bv'hundfeds of hatires- o Votli sexes. 'Thc'fismale 'portion; ftllired in i . their' gay. est holiday costume, were very numerous.' ." " The procession having reached ''.the1 '.fooi of "tlie scaffold the lady was .assisted to. 'ase'ehd'.Tiy'jner male attendant, atK?,1 afttt having welcomed , tlje crowd, partook with' 'some female relations of, a re past Dicnarcd foT' her" at a 'table 'on the scaffold. which she appeared to ' appreciafc extremely "A cl Fid in arms 'was' then placed upon (he table, .. t.-.i. ' ... v- .1 - 'i '-.r i.;.t '- ". wn:cn sne carcsscu aim auorncu sl;c hiid worn herself; she tlicn' took an wit n, a necklace i .' orhameht- cd basket con,t?tnng rice, herbs7, 'aridJflowrefi, and, whilst scattering them amongst the crowd, .deliv ered a short address, thanking them for. their," at tendance,1 and upholding' the motives which had urged her io the Step she was about to take. .This doue, a salute of three bombards announced the urrivalf the thne.for the performance of the'last act of her existence, when a delay was occasioned by the discovery of the -absence of a reluctant brother, pending whoee arrival It me describe the means of extermination. The gallows wras'forwed by anirrighr tiinbcr On each wde' of the r scaffold. saprforiin i"etuf bamboo front' the etfntri' of which was suspended a loop of 'Yed' cord, with ' a Kinall wooden 'ting' embracing both parUr ft, which was covered by a red silk naitkerchlef, the whle lining being surmounted by aft awning. ', V J he miSHingbrouier having been induced to art- pear, tle widow now proceeded to mount on a chair placed under' tne noQe, aM to ascertain its fitness for her receptwnj deliberately placed" her5 headed it, then withdrawing her head, she waved 'final 1 adieu to the admiring spectators . and cotumitted herself to iu embraces for Che last time, throwing the red hankcrchicf over her head.. : Her support er were now about to be withdrawn, 'wheu , she was reminded by several voices from the crowd that nheji I omitted to draw down the riog that was to tighten the cord around her neck. Smiling an acknowledgement of the reminder, sh adjust ed the ring, and motioning away her support,- vflS left hanging inr mid air a suicide, I 'With? extra ordinary cif-possession, she now placed her hands togoUr before her, and continued to perform the unual . chili-china until the! oonvtilsioo' of straogulalion separated them, - and she .was .' dead The body was left hanging about an hour, and then taken down by her nalo Attendants, one of whom took possession xf the halter, 'and . wa about, to sever it for the purpose of appropriatiog m' por tioa, when a strngglo ensued. This is the third: instance, of soio'nie of tb'ui sort within: as many weeks.: The authorities', are quite unable, to pre vent it,n:iJ o monument js invariably erected to the' metnory of tUe'devotcd widowv U-f f . - The. Virginia. Convention has pastted aresolotioa inviting President Davis and the Confederate Congress to come to Richmond. Six hundred dollars of the Southern oau ,.ws ta'keu at 3Iobile by the colored people. January 1','lPCl.

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