THE WEST, j As Satan strolled, in a qtrict wa j,. "" ' Through the United' States,-one winter's day, Be called at a village in Illinois' -; ;: ! -To congratulate one of his favorite boys , "Who had lately left an Ohio flat, . VTo ftt the ehair in which Waahington aat. Great waa the Devil' grief and surprise, ' -To find his darling with tearful eyes. Why, what's the matter, tor chosen eon Crying! just as our game was won; ' x loougni, my precious imp or oio, To find you in a radiant grin." w - w aw Quoth Abb" My much jspected sire, , 3jetnottny tears provoke yburire, Nor thankless think-me for favors past, , ud most for this the best and last ; But though the principal point is won, '1 fear the conflict's only begun, For just as I am about to don .WyoflBcialrobcaatVVashington,,..., That infernal jilt, South Carolina, (To the hottest of hells nay jou consign her,) Leads her six sisters out of the Union, -Tarn our plan to Babel's confusion, And now I fear that other eight States, . Impelled by stern secessionist Fates, Will follow, and leave- lueydanniation ! Only your Prince for, half the nation 1" Here AuE pulled out his red bandanna, . And howl'd in the mott demoniac manner. Be comforted, eon," the Devil cried, -f The Bordei States are on your side ; And, I give it as my mature opinion, You can safety count on Old Dominion ? And if seenre of Virginia's aid, Thenmy. dear. son, jour fortune's made." , Indeed I" cried Abe and Tie wiped hi nose, If matters be as jou suppose, And Virginia still to me is true, My prospects then are not so blue. But tell luc, truest, best of friends, Upon what grounds your faith depends?" 'Know then," said Satan, with Death's own grin, To Richmond 1 have lately been, And there I have held a sweet communion With the chief friends of tny glorious Union." Abe thrust his thumbs within his vest, And hugged the Devil to his breast, il My father, thou art my only frieud, . Alone on thy arm will I depend ; Vanished now are all my fears, Wiped away are all my tears; Now shall Disunion lower his crest, My Lieutenant General does the rest." From the Rom () Southerner. MR BILL A BP TO ABE LINKHORN. Mr. Linkhork. Sir: These are to inform you wc are all well, and hope these lines will find you in statu quo. We got our . proklamashun, and as you have put us on mity short notu, a few of us boys has concluded to write you and ax for a little more time. The fact is, we are most obleeged to have a few more day?, for the way things is hap inin, its utterly onpossible for us to disperse in "20 days. Old Virginny aud Tennessee, and North Carolina, are continually aggravatin us 'into tu mults and karouseinetits, and a body cant disperse until you put a stop to sich onruly conduct on their part. I tried my darode6t yesterday to disperse and retire, but it was no go, and besides your Marshal here aiut duimr a dam thin": he dont read the riot act cor remonstrate, nor nothin, and ought to be turned out. If you conclude to do so, I am authorized to recommend to yon Captain Cooper or Mr McClung, or perhaps myself would attend to the business as well as most any body. The fact is, the boys around here need watching, or they'll take aumthin. A few days ago I heard they surrounded two of our best citizens because they were named Fori and Sumter. Most of them are so hot they fairly six when you pour wa ter on em, aud that's the way they make up their military companies here, now when a man applies tojine the Volunteers, they sprinkle him, and if be sixzes they take him, aud if he dont they 3onL MLiqkhorn, sir, privately speaking, I'm afraid. I'll git in a tite place here among these bloods, and have to elope out of it, and I would like much to have you- Scotch cap and cloak, what you trav elled in to Washington. I suppose you wouldn't be likely to use the same dsiguise agin when you left, and therefore I would propose a swap. I'm 5 feet a, and could get my plow britches and coat to you in 8 or 10 days if you can wait that long. I want you to write to me immediately about things generally, and let us know whare you in tend to do your. fightin. Your proklamashun says something about taking possession of the public property at "AH IIuanl.". We can't find no ich a place on the map. I thot it must be in Charleston, or Savannah, or Harper's Ferry, but they say it aint any where down South. .One man said it was a little factory on an Island iu Lake Chauiplain, where they made rami Ixt'js. My , opinion is that sand bag business wont pay, and it is a great waste of money. Our boys here carry their sand Jn their gizzards, where it keeps better, and is always handy. I'm afraid your government ' is givin you and your kangaroo a heap of on neces sary trouble, and my humble advice is if things dont work better soon, you'd better grease it or trade the darned old thing off. I'd take rails or anything for it- if I eould see you I'd show you slight of hand trick that would change the whole concern into buttons quick. If you dout - trade or do something else with it soon, it will spile or die on your hands. certain.. . r. Give my respect? to Bill Sunrd and the other members of the kanggnroo. What's Hannibal do- iuf" I dout bear from him now-a-daya. Yours with care, Bill Arp. I. 8. -If you .can possibly extend that order to 30 days, do so. We have sent you the discount in advance on a check at Harpers ferry, (who keeps that darned old -ferry nft'w? itsgivio us a . heap of trouble,) but if yoa positively wout extend, we'll send you a ehcek drawn by Jeff Davis, Beauregard endorser: payable on sight anywhere. ,. ' . ,Yvut$. . .. B. A. '-'.NEW GOODS. !, X 00PM ANN PHELPS have' received ft handsome Assortment of SPRING GOODS, consisting in part of DRESS-GOODS,. BONNETS, &c- To which toej- invite particular attention, r7K . April 23u1861. y ' ' ; : JVOTICE. The nde'rsf god hereby glre "notice that we forbid U persoas fru trespassing on onr lands and waters bjr buntiag wtli 4o'fs aadnns and fhlng with sefnes or tackle ofanrort; and -that att 'persons soirispassin will be dealt wita atftardLng t law .. v':"s..t . , ., . b a HAitms," v r., -r-K -i. - . , :WM B SLOAK, 'M. . . . . - -PETEBCOI, i . , : . , ; joas X BRUMBY, - - C A BARRIN'GER, D A BARRIXGER, , 1 April 30, 3t-j4 H' M STJXSOX. : - THE DEVIL'S WALK IN . , w , . mm .. b V.. . anama lu -Si 11 T " .' Blockade op Southern Ports. The following from the Louden Telegraph, , will be read with peculiar interest at this . .time ...V-i With regard to the blockade question, we have j jo state that it cannot be solved bj - any ; Govern- njent in America, bnt most, be left to the maritime j powers f Europe which, acting upon the law of elf-preservation, mvsf, of course, forbid .all at tempts to exclude their commerce from. the South; t i it i : : r . l - me ruin OI wnicu, tuuuu ii way grainy wic pas sions, would not serve the North. Such a - policy of coercion, therefore, would be both short-sighted and effectual. The new tariff, for which Mr Lin coln is not responsible, though he will not be un willing, to accept its consequenses, is an unwise measure on the part of those who framed it. President Lincoln has the interest of the Union to protect, and Lord Palmerston is bound to defend those of Great Britain, hnlthe former cannot he allowed 'to blockade our flat out of the Southern Iorfgt or the latter be stimulated to any particular advocacy of Northern ambition. - Iu the words of the Richmond Whig, the best and bravest of the United States army officers now surviving, of those who acquired so mnch glory and distinction during the Mexican war, are leaving' the United States service,'-and entering that of the Confederate States. So of the navy. We shall soon have the best officered army and navy in tbe world with the best and bravest soldiers in the world. Most of tbe brightest names in the army and navy have sent in theirresignatiohs. The Supreme Court is following the example. The reported resignations of Judges Taney, Campbell, and Wayne- reduce that tribunal to a cypher. Seward may now elevate his creatures, but the association of gentlemen will be wanting to invest them with respectability - - New Family Grocery Store ! ! I. A. PASCIIALlf & lO., Wholesale and Retail dealers in Family Groceries, choice old Wines, (highly improved by age.) Also, Havana Segars, Tobacco, Wooden and Wil low Ware, &c. Having established ourselves in Chariot tee, and in consideration of the hardness of the times, we desire and intend to sell to the entire sntisfaction of purcha sers. All orders accompanied with the cah will be promptly attended to. Store on Tryou Street, one door above Palmer's Va riet Store. March 26, 18G1. $500 REWARD! Whereas, the recent fires in onr midst are evidently the w ork of an incendiary, I hereby, as authorized by the Board of Commissioners of the Town of Charlotte, offer a reward of FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS for proof to the conviction of tbe person or persons setting fire to the property destroyed on the night of ilie 30th, and morning of the 31st of this month. VV. A. OWEN'S, Mayor. T. W. DEWEY, Town Clerk. April 2, 1861. tf. Wil., Charlotte 6l Ruth. Railroad WESTERN DIVISION. ; On and after Monday the 15th instant, the Passenger and Mail Train will be ruu on thid Road daily (Sunday exceptcd) as follow : - ;OLVG WEST. Lkave. Abkivk. 7 00 A. M. Charlotte, 7 45 " Tuckasegec, t 43 A. M. 8 15 " Urevard, 8 10 " 8 40 " Sharon, 8 37 " Lincotnton, 9 00 " GOING EAST. Lkavr. Arritb. Il 00 A. M. Lincolnton, 11 21 " Sharon, 11 20 A. M. 11 50 Brevard, 11 45 " 12 17 P.M. Tuckasegce, 12 15 P.M. Charlotte, 1 00 By order, V. A. McBEE. Acting Master of Transportation. Lincolnton. April 4, 1661 From and after this day (11 of January, 1861,) we will be pleased to sell our old friends aud customers, and the rest of mankind, for cah, and cash only, any article in our line of business that we may have on hand. Any person sending or coming for Goods after this date, without money, will please excuse us if, In stead of tilling their order, wc furnudi theia with a copy of this advertisement, at w are determined not to tell tf tingle article on credit. s ; Bg. And those indebted to ns are requested to call and pay, as we want the monev. - OATES & WILLIAMS. January 1, 1861 tf ' ' - .HART1., TANAIIIIIi & CO., (Successors to N. M. Martin, Bro.i Co.,) Grocers and Commission Merchants, PETERSBURG, VA. WALTER K. T1ARTI & CO, (Successors to N. M. Martin, Son A Co.,) . Commission Merchants, RICHMOND, VA, j ... - R. A. MiaTix, formerly of Granville county, X C. Uoit. Tanauill. formerly of Edgecombe ceunty, X C. Walter K. Martin of Richmond, V. . . . . Jf. M. Martix do. R. H.-Ci'sxisr.BAx, Jr. . do. - ' REFER TO C. F. Fisher, Esq, Pres't X C Railroad; Dr W J Hawkins, Pres't Raleigh k Gaston Railroad; R R Bridges, Pres't Branch Bankrat Tarboro, N C; Iloa V N Edwards, county; James M Bullock, Esq. Granville- county; C F Fisher, c;shier Exchange Bank, Pterburgt V.; K P-Bule, Esq, Raleigh Consignments of cotton, tobacco, wheat and corn re spectfully solicited, and which will have faithful per. tonal attention. A good sapply of Groceries always on hand and for sale on reasonable terms. Orders for goods promptly filled. Both concerns will adhere strictly to selling produce on commission. Neither concern will buy on commission, speculation or other wise the articles named above, as to fir business in pro duce i conhucu exclusively to selling. : We respectfully call the attention of operatives and planters to Petersburg as one of the bet cotton markets in the Sutith. The demand is pood both from manu facturers here and for direct shipment from City Point to Europe. x . , , - Efforts are now heing mode t'o sUTp cotton direct from Charlotte to thi point, for $3 per bale. "; ' January 23. 1KGI. -.- '3m-fd TlECKLENBUJiG HOUSE. : This hotel, situated near the centre of the tows of Charlotte, and convenient to 'the business portion of the town, haa been leased by the subscriber. iwJ refitted and put in good order and condition, and. i am oow ready to accommodate all who may call upon me. All that I ak of the public is to try tue. aud if hey are not S leased, t will then know that the fahlt lies with me. j table will be provided with tlie best that the country caa afford having seenred the test of coks a4 servanU, I. am satisfied that I can please the iaU tf the most fastidious.? . . ; ... . . . .; . j Being provided with good -aad comfortable stable; and careful and attentive ostlers 'I am prepared to pro- Tit fnr man's Ust frtnt til Rnnt 1 ' Feb 19, 1861" 3 in """VATHIAS IIARKEY. AT TAYLOR'S yoa can find tbe largest assortment of Cutlery. Guaa and Pistol. ofaU .. tb celebrated makes. ( K , , , . . - s T - - . ; GLASS, of all sixes and qualities both PrencB and American. Also, Potty by the keg or pound. ' - . tTOODBX n ARE Jlrootnf.'tr.of all kinds?' ,:- WESTERN DEMOCEAT, va. NoBTiiEttM Union. The debts of .the,jBeYf ral. -t of the Southern Confederacy: earn .up io itha-c aggregate searly, 18,000,000- a.niaeb s mailer amount in proportioa to population than th' aggregate debts -of the States Of the Northern ConfedeMcy;Vnichii"each the enormous 'flgure of 7 $l74,000f000-which added to city, corporation and railroad debts, make atotaK of $500,000,000,7 -To this ';'ferful sum mast be added the debt of the Union, which will amount to $100,000,000 when the' whole of the $25,000,000 loan' sball fiaye been taken. " The total debt is thus, in round uumbers, $60O,Q00,0Q0. the interest of which, at six per cent, is $36,000,000 per annum. .; Thus are we rapidly following in the wake of the bankrupt governments of Europe. DR. E. H. AIVDREWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C, Would inform the public generally, and the citizens of Mecklenburg particularly, that lie has resumed the Practice of DENTISTRY and may be found at bis old stand. He is prepared to set Artificial Teeth on Gold, Silver, Vulcanite, or on the Cbeoplastic. process, as patients may desire, and fill Teeth with Gold, ; Tin, Amalgain or Os Artificial, He is abo prepared to perform any operation belong ing to Dentistry, and need not say that be will be pleas ed to wait upon any of his old friends or new friends yon may take that for granted. . ' . February .5, 1861 , . 3ni ' " DR. JOSEPH GRAHAM Offers bis Professional Services to tbe citizens of Charlotte and. the surrounding country. . Office adjoining the residence of Mr Wm. Johnston. February 12, 1861. yr. ; $30 REWARD. RUNAWAY, from the Subscriber, living near White Plains, I'nesteineld District, S.C, about lOtb of August last my negro fellow, Ben. He ia 24 years ol age, of a yellowish complexion, almost ' black, has no beard, weighs about 160 pounds, about 6 feet 1 inch high. ' He walks with a firm step and carries himself erect. It is likely that Ben will en deavor to make hia way to a free State. Any person who will arrest the said negro and lodge him in any safe jail so that I can get him or deliver him to me at my residence shall receive the above reward. , I will also give $100 reward lor Croot sufficient to convict any white person or persons ol arboring the said boy or trying to effect his escape. WM. M. BLAKENEY. Febnary 19, 1861. tf. ' Music Lessons. The undersigned begs leave to inform his friends and patrons as well a the public generally that he is pre pared to give , Private Lessons on the Piano, either at his residence or at the residence of pupils. . gg, Particular and prompt attention will be paid to orders for tuning and repairing instruments, at shortest notice and on very moderate terms. . SHEET MUSIC aud MUSIC BOOKS will be procured at store prices, . , - - Haviug beeu engaged in the Piano business for more than teu years, I offer my assistance most particularly to all those who may desire to purchase Pianos or to exchange old Pianos for new ones. Best references given. Orders left at the post office or at Messrs. Davidson's Furniture Hall will receive prompt attention. CHAS. O. PAPE, Prof, of Music, Jan 8, 1861 tf ' Charlotte .X C. KOHEItT G. RASKIN. . ' RANKIN ALKHKD .M.VHTIX. i lIAltTI, COMMISSION MERCHANTS Consignments of Produce will meet with prompt personal attention. March 19, 1801 ' y "TEEMsTcASHf We respectfully inform our friends and customers tbat owing to the stringency of monetary ailairs, we will be compelled to scli for Cash, and for Cash only, during the year 1861. Having a large stock on hand, we will reduce the prices to suit the times. - BJ, Those indebted to us will oblige us by making immediate settlement. ELI AS k COIJEN. January 8, 1861. , . COCHRANE & SAMPLE DEALERS IX Hardware, Guns, Cutlery &c.( &c, at the S''yn of the GOLDEN PAD-LOCK, WOULD respectfully,- invite the public to call and examine their, Stock before purchasing elsewhere. 83u Orders solicited -and promptly attended to. Call and see ns. , r i COCHRANE & SAMPLE. July 3, I860. Carriage Materials. at the Sign of the Golden Pad-Lock. A large Stock of tbe above, consisting of Springs, Axles, Oval Iron, Hubs, Bows, Rime, Bnggy Poles, Buggy Shafts. Spokes, Patent and Enamelled Lenther; Enam elled Cloth, Oil Carpet, Carriage Bolts, Brass aiid Sil ver Bands, Silver Moulding, Laces,' Tassels; Turned Sticks, Saddle and Lining Nails, Ac , &c. ' COCHRA.NK - SAMPLE. Tools, r Tools, Tools, . - at tht Sign of the Golden I'ad-Loek, A good supply of Tools, consisting of circular, mill, croas-cut, tenon, hand, ripper, back and compass Saws; bench and moulding Planes; lathing, shing ling, and broad Hatchets; Hammers; bevel and steel Squares; Drawing Knives; Braces and Bits; Angers; (unlets; Chissel?; brick and plastering Trowels; Screw-' Plates; Saw-Seta Spoke-Shaves; Files; Rasps; Pocket Rules; Gvage-Redsf spirit and pocket Levels; Boriug Machines, &c. ; COCHRANE & SAMPLE. At the Sign of the Golden Pad-Lock will be found at all limes a large and 'well selected . Stock of Guns, Pistols, Powder-horns, Powder-flasks, Pow der, Shot, Lead;. Frencb and American window-Glass; Putty: a large stock of English and American Iron: Cast Steel, German steel." Btuter steel, Plough steel, Spring steel; Nails of all kind's, bempaud manilla Rope: Anchor Brand Bolting Cloths; Mill Screws; Mill Picks Spike Uamtuers, Stone , Hammers, Double and Single Blocks: also, s large Stock of Cornices, Curtaiu Bauds, Curtaiu Pins,' Picture-Cord and Tassels, kc. " 1 ' COCHRANE k SAMPLE. " ; BlaekfimUh'f'J; Tools, . , at Ike Sigutftke . Golden Tad-Lock, t . n A good supply, consisting of Anvils; Bellows; Solid 4 Bo Vices; hand and sledge Hammers; Stocks a ad Dies;. Tongs, Buttresses, Rasps, Files, and a good supply of J Horse Nails ' Horse and Mule Shoes, at low nr'u-. ,J1 lit L- . ; (.1 COCHRANE 4c SAM I'LE. Hope! Rope!! 5,000 pounds of MaaiHa.' Jato and Cotton Rope.' from" inol. to iinches, .AtTAYLOR'S Hardware Store, Opposite the Mansion House :s WILWA'MnDDy, t-i SALISBURY, N. C r..1 WJI. It; -TIDDY, i ? .'.7 j Charlotte ' and tiricolnton, N. C.; A ' t"Ordr? at either Yard respectfallv solicited, and III . . L - . . . ' wm nieei wun prompt aticniion. -, Feb 2. LSol tf. n o fi A U P CHeniist & Charlotte, C.r- ESPECTFCLLY invites attentiott to.bis iompleU . mm mm ka fcj a. a. m. m. j mm m . - i Jtfc tocTc of DRCGS," CHEMICAL9-' CINES. selected , witb great care ana wimom n-gu to price; purity and a.ualitybeigr especially regarded To Physicians. Kew Chemicals and Drugs just received. Hypophos- pbites of Soda aad Potass -Tildea's Fluid Extracts, Churcbill's Syrup pf the, Hypophospliites, Anamon, Ferric Al am, Percblorate of Iron (solid,) 4c. ! - v " Country Merchants - yr. - Will 'find at this establisment' a full 'assortment of articles in tbe Drug line at Charleston Prices.'1- ' - ffl ' ' Babbit's Pore Potash, In tins. ; Coocentmtcd, Lye, ;!- i -a , . Soap. Potash, in, barrels., Vinegar, llv ; Nutmegs,' ' ' r , . Allspice,; , ; ,,. Cloves, tl . tri . (, , , ' -r--' Mace, " '' ' , .Ginger, . - i-- - o Cinnamon, Ac. O X Linseed Oil, - . . .Train OiL Sperm "" , Tanners' i4 Lard " 11 Sweet ' ' A full supply of Paints. " "White Lead, Red Lead ' Paris (irecn, " " " ; - : ! Chrome Green, . v Chrome Yellow, . ' w .Prussian Blue, Raw and Burnt Umber, 'q c.Sq ; Terra de Sienna &c., . 1 Elegant Preparations lor the Hair. Burnett's Cocoaine. u ?'- 2s; ,-.- Savage's Ursina, .- Bazin's Ox Harrow," &c. ' , At SCARR'S Drug Kstablishment. Jan'y 1, 18G1 ;. ,r.,;.. .; . , ,.; . ; ! Quinn's Rheumatic Remedy, Has effected cures of Rheumatism that were considered hopeless, certificates to prove which can be exhibited. Tbe suffering are invited to give the medicine a trial. Orders addressed to the undersigned at Charlotte wil receive prompt attention. W. W; QUINN. April 10, 18.00., Price $1 50 per bottle. The World coming to an end. ISAAC LOEWENSTBIN wishes tQ call the attention of the people trading in Charlotte to the fact that he is prepared to sell " " ' Dry Goods, clothing, Boots, Shoes, hats, caps, &c, ; ; ; cheaper than any house iu the State,. Iu consctiuence of having bought a large stock at reduced prices, we are determined to sell -" CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST. ; ' ISAAC LOEWEXSTEIX. October 10,1800 - - tf ' :' PILLLVTI Ac CO., s Auctioneers Tor Sale of Negroes, Odd Fellows' Hall, Franklin Street,- . ... . RICHMOND, VA. - ALBERT C. Pt'LLIAM, BOBT. P. PULLIAM, DAS'L K. WEISIGER. Daily s:iles public and private. -. We pledge. our strictest attention to the business entrusted to us, and will answer nil communications promptly. Porter al ways at each Depot. May 22, 1860 y 0 JA7BES D. PALMER, Dealer ia West.Jndia Fruits, Havana Segars, Snuff, Tobacco, Willow-Wyre, -Toys, All kind or Fancy Goods, And manufacturer of Candies and Con fectioneries. .. , . ; One door above the Bauk of Charlotte. April 10, 186. ' ; ' . The Great Clothing Emporium Ftillings, Spriiigrs & Vo.i . DEALERS IS ALL KISPS 'oK Ready-made Clothings, . . - Furnishing Goods. Hats, Caps, Trunks Valises, &c, &c. FIJLLINGS, SPRINGS & CO. Would call the especial attention of their friends and patrons to their - New Slotk of Clothing, now opening. They think they can offer greater in ducements to buyers than they have ever done, their good being bonght at reduced r.tes and at such prices as tbey feel confident no houoo in the State can com pete with. . They are offering very nice - ... a Cassimere Suits & at from $12 to $25. All manner ot a .' 1 CASSIMERK PAXTS, Cassimere, SilkP.Mtala?e and Velvet -VESTS, OVER COATS , , .ft H grades and styles. , The above Goods cannot be surpassed in gtyle and make, having been manufactured under the constant supervision of one of the firm. " ' " FULLINGS, SPRINGS & CO. Sept. 23, 18G0. ----- : UE!lCHliT TAILORING. : FL LLINGS, SPRINGS . CO. hare also added to their Ready-made Clothing Stock, a Merchant Tailoring De partment, to which they call the especial . attention, of their many friends and customers. ' They intend making this department Second to none in the State, either in style and quality ol Ooods, or in the mauufucture of Oarmeul. -. s. y At all times will be found a good stock of Black and colored ClotlwV Eglsl,; French and American CassI nieres, and a variety of Vesting?. Also, an assortment of Rock Island Cassimere?. , r They feel confident of their ability o undersell any other 'house In the -State, TVcm the" advantages they bave ia getting their good. ' '! .'!?', ; Their goods ae , bo tight by the qnanlity, by one of the Firm who resides in the Northern markets, which gives him the opportunity of taking advantage of the. prices ' of goods, thereby" saving" 'at least Twen'ty-Sve per cent to the consumer "- ' r JjDitnes saved are Dollars made !KST So try us. Orders from a distance solicited-. Cnttln 'done .ort short notice. -i: u j- i.:t '?u:t.rii f .Sept 25, 1800,- , . . FULLlXGS; "SPRINGS & CO Agricultural Implements, ! - mtthe Signifte Gtden-Pad.loetl--' A large supply of the abQveVnsisttng of thotnpson celebrated PJoagbs: alio Cera-Shellersi Straw-Cutter.- J Shovels; Spaces; flay auad. manure Forks; best eAststeel Axes; Fick,lattocfc, firubbtrg. ilqes, WeedtAJE Hoes, Trace Chains, , Log Chaiop n Chains, Gardea Hoes. Eake, Hedge Shears,. Pruiag Shears,, Pranine- 1 and Budding Knives, ke kc,: . ;i1 , ' , 0 I860 COCHBAt k 3AMPLE.( jfcr Books.; 'ft JDoxrkTtxlt V9UC. v r T m. t rfK Th Minister. orUFKtVJ "t rxl Sflmiiu! -6t. 1 01 Home Amusemeuw. or tux xioui "--j. iTiut of tb Gawtf fftr i, of f Scotls)n4Jtbjr ,1 . , .Fi'!"'Ci.'V arnl - Ahsals of rus amebicah "i 1- :lr.2..Y "i M4PprNCOT 'PaOitotscixa Gatt, t OedgrapbL cal Diaionary of thaVona,n t svime 'V nXi ' Mw:nr Millir. Mrs M. J. Holmes. f r Rrkntw 6r th W&i HoRSSorihel6ng VacaUoil Rabble of London Clerk. , - r .1 s,- r The Kk. Pepper, Papers by Jacq?esaarice. - r.r . Tt,rpe Oceana and .Two -Oonti rients by T. Bobinson . Warren. , . . a s ,ti - . t . ftw eooies of Hawks, History ot,.N. Vols. I and IL . , . - v . -' -'- V'1"1 Castweli s Justice and C. Form Boole. . Van. 1,; 1861. , , , . . P. J LQWBIE JOHN VOGKL4, Practic&VTat lor, respectfully iuforms the citi zens of Charlotte and surround ing country, that he a prepared to manufacture gentlemcu s cior thing in the latest; style, nd at short notice. UU best exertions will be eiren to render aatisfac- tion to those who patroaieJim Shop opposite Kerrra Hotel, next loor to Brown Stitt'a store. Jan. 1, 1801. .-- - 7::;.:-:iEA-::.MEfc1w. "We keep at pur gteaai Flooring Mill in this- plac Pea Meal for feedirig cows and btoek. " Al3d,' we have Un hand at all .times. Farailr. Extra. Superfine and coarse Flour. We warrant, our familr flour, , . ...... 1 Corn Meal and Grits can jtilways be had at the milli -, . , : , j :J. WILKES 'CU. Jan'y; 1, 186 , , ; . . ". WHEAT! T Tlie subscriber Is 'prepared to purchase "the new erop of Wheat a.t tbe- highest . market price..- Farmers will find it to their advantage to call at the CHAR LOTTE STEAM aIILi.H Derore selling. . . Jan'y 1, 18Gt tfi - : JXO. WILKES. BY J. B. KERR, Proprietor. , JZ "C VERY ACCOMMODATION afforded the Jlffl J M-J patrons of the Charlotte HoteL, . l,,ii-. t. - 7 At this Hotel is kept the line of Daily Stages from Charlotte to Ashcville. :: Oct. 1, 1859. -a : J. B. KERB. LOWRIE'S ' ' t sv rs U . $9 U .Lfi' :, I receive all the New . Pub lications as fast as they come for ward from the Press; and keep constantly on hand a large lot of Scbool, Academy and,. College TEXT-BOOKS, and many tiseful reference and recreative works. . -s -' I also keep a very large stock of Srationery plain and fancy; Having made an arrangement with the Sou thwortb Paper Manufacturing Company, I am en abled to sell paper at the same prices by the whole sale for which it crtn' be bought in the Northern cities, freight added. P. J LOWRIE. Jan. 1, 1861. . ', . ,. ; ....... : : .. - .: - Carriage Materials. 1 -He would call special attention to bis stock of the above goods, consisting of Springs, Axles, Hubs, Bows,, Shafts. Curtain frames, Kilobs, Bands, Lining Nails, Damask, Satinet, Cloths. Laces, Fringes, Knainel ed and Patent Leather, Knanielled Cloth, OjLCarpet, Paints of all kinds, dr3- and in oil; Varnish, Turpentine, Linseed Oil, Tyre and oval Iron, Bolts," and everything in the way of Carriage Trimmings, at- prices that cau net fail to please, at ihe Flardware Depot of A. A. N. M. TAYLOR, ' Opposite the Mansion House. Roofing, Guttering and Job, Work, , Of all kinds, promptly attended to at TAYLOR'S Hardware 3tor, ' - Opposite the Mansion House TAN BARK. 100,000 COIIDS Tan Bark wanted, for which a liberal price will be paid. M: fe." TAYLOR.' Charlotte, March 22, 1859 ; ; tf The Charlotte Mutual Fire Insur ance Company, 1 CQNTINUES to take risks against loss by fire, on Houses, Goods, Produce, Ac, at usual rates. ' : President A. C. STEELE, "'" ' ' n' Viee President V. OVERMAN, r Attorney JOS. II. WILSON, . , See'y Teat'r E. NYE HUTCHISON, DIRECTORS- ; A.C.STEELE; S. T, WRISTON, ' . JXO. L.-I5UOWN, WM. JOHNSTON," - IL B. TAYLOR,,. F. SCARRt, r - . ? CHAS. OVEIJMANi " Executive Committee S. T. Wiiston, F. Scarr, JTno.v L. "Brown. ' .- April IP, J8G0. ' ' ; ; ; LIVER INVIG0RAT0R, KBVER DBB1I.IT ATKS. ITI rompounilril ettllrrljr from Gm,an4 hM3 become an esmblwlu-d fact, aSundM Metliriue, kuowo " ana approved x? an (tutu have nsed it. sad inw Tr wrtM io wkh oonodauee tnt ill the disessei for ttsic M U recommended. -; It baa are4 thoiiaaOfU Vh had eiven up all bnpes rithta the last t veers . M relief, as tbe aumaroua , BosoucKMceruucateein oiy Tbe doae must be adapted individual taking it, aui ua- ie I lie teniperament of tbe 4 in suck suauliues . - act c eutly oo tlie Bowela. Ial tbe dictatea of your judement cnUs jom ' the tue of ul.ive:ii IV V1GUUATUR, and H . wuteura Liver Com tacks, Dyspepsia, plalHts, Blitsms At ClirealcOlaarrtseeau . lamatcr G pllota, ys.jnte , - T D repay. Sear SteMach.HaUlsal . Ir, Claolere. Cssole I Tm tnns. Viet -. female Wrasiiiesa . 1 - raIllorIns,Chetsre . lence, Jaundice, ,ao4 may be osed sue . 1 ry FaaUlv Alesll asfulljr u an Urdlne- ' rlMe. It sweats MICK,, ihnasands eaa testify.) 1st two or" three Tea "i' UEjlDACHE, (as " twenty ntnvtea, I f , spooufals sure ' attack. ' en at eontaMaeeraeat of , ' A (l who use It re jStrlas; tbdr teatUmooy itaiavor. . MIX WAT BU IS TUB MOUTH WITH THE INVIGORATOR, AND IWAUUW BOTU TOGETHER. . . ? ;,ir Pi Ice One Dollar per Bottle. CATHARTIC PILLS. ' jroMPOLWDE VBOM . . , ' ' Port Vtffble Bxtrsets, ana pat sm in" ULASS CASKS, Air Ttshtt, uti wUl laef In smt rllmate, m dim. Kmc tauurMi aa """-a lor prOpneiOC ASa .wcii in mm pracuce vnri w mwemj years. eeetand b ve kmc usd tbe PI I . attexpresstexeeardtetheiri Onn within tbe reaeb of all. .4 - Tbe Profraaion -well know Oo different pnrtlona of tbe Tne FAMILY CA " has. wttb dae rcforenf to been compounded frem a ''if -u table EnracU, whieb set alimentary eaoal, and are .-. as -where a Cathartie is - rangtmfntt of tht nesa, fal hs In tlte Coetvetteaa,: Pain aJ and tbe aauafarti aik a-Uaiadaeadmctopta., vt THARTIC tb ereH eatanlfi 4fXJ fc "''JQ0 ejarpan of hmj 1 Rood and ar In all eaa needed, muekt as , Aev S'' SleeplT J Bark suaef I mi m m Soreetee'rVrVr S-aiC Crow suddea cold. wbW-b 5lt- i? ooarae at Ke. "res wm A DBE nilMiJ iaita. , -. tar. Iioes of AuBc satlon ofCold over f?t H-aeli, or 1? I?-. Wor Beets?' MX". Chllil rem or Adults, fnrt fleroTue Blood O sod maryr dle.aawbia ' to saesUon ia this sdvertbsv . aeaa hw, mo numerous, Usse I to-A-j Vitirr?. TIIHER nrw. -rr.a tii ' The tlrrr Islrt)rrstr nf 'Vaanft titimH-rtt tlaortte PI lis ere riWtod by finuiaa SwueltoSI A eoU trbotoaale by tbe Trade la all tbe rgeto5neTT t. .it-.. n. T. W. SAWTOHD, ;f. 'TOC ; 33 BrouawaT-fer ?C-Ml'k CtV and! kVe7 UrtmlL CO XD' MATEIIIOST, Wliu .vmn a ' j i ' "jl ill """ Mi ' 1 ffO rr V7 ... IB) 'S t -rt .tela a M : N3B W rGOOTle . The largest tocc, f TALL AND Wl4iT The oublic. and efpeciallv the r UUVI1V. pv jfy m J mr 1,H M Inn 1 tpectfu tyltrriteo-To c nana exumiae onr 8 kno-wlney4cannoiujaii t-oe- pleased rbotK. areqwT?pening,daily,,aa w 'Kctiv ',. - ) rst Hoases irt the "Northern citi'eg. tl JidjGobd itt'part: c7 : ; ? folk' tbe firs apleoUd Slerinos; - Delaf nes, Poplins, tin f. Fret)VJSoghsh-& American Prints, t' f Qaajitiet and prico to suit all ustes and pttr Splendid CLOCKS and SIiju? I which particular attefttfo'irts invited.- Bonn . ey'-aud i JFlats, 'Embroideriea Trimmii,E. t V Gloves, Jcc,;., Out; Staple, aud Domestic Den, fulUndcomplete, and for it wc defy competi WE Tili lOT BE UIDERS()I '' We hatre a Splendid assortment of CA&pm Family and Kegro Blankets. Our . 73 ,J r? JFiVIJVL lit A n Jf? - nr ),.. j3 this season varpa8ses, ' in finish and tupeHo i heretofore- apleridid stock in that' line; mja thing is, we will sell at shorter profits thaa er BOOTS J M lid 'SHOES. Our stotl ? tlepurttneat Is very complete, and telected for ! S Gentlemen, Children and Servants with tre.t' - ' - j 1 irivca. ,a. t,- " virep alOCC fittKftiJ : A .... n .A v"'t.W, ,,HAK1JVVAKE( &c. i - We. call the attention of onrold and higlljTiW toinera, and buyers generally, to the fact that a pating tbeir tastes and waats we have aeitk toil or expense In order to suit and please tbt y sincerely assure them that with these viewi tibns.'we will sell'on terms entirely to accnn,; all who eall on OS. - KOOPMANN & Pirn ? Jan.: !, 4 1861. v v ' : tf 4 G ROCERY STOKE The subscriber Informs the public that at bis ST near the Jail, he keeps on band a cood suddIv f GROCERIES AND PROVISION Sach as Sugar, .Coffee, MoIasses, ' Meal, Bscod ft. .ens, liuiier, ds, rvuiiucs, c. Those patronizing hiin will be accommod&tfd quantity; quality and price. Give him a call. ,A . ' . - , ,' . a S. OZHEM Oct. 30, I860. ' " tf. FALL 0PJ.KIAGe New Store! New Goods ; ; ' ISAAC LOBWENSTEIN, . , .. Nearly opposite the Court Uuu Whert ' he has s an extensive stock of DRY (iOK Clollifua Boets . and Shots, i ; Mats and: Caps; ! And a large Variety d Domestic Gw And' Groceries Persons will do well to "rive us a call before pmi ing elsewhere. ; . " " - ' - - ISAAC LOEWEXSTEIJ October 16, 1860 tf ' " , A WKW LAW BOOK, CAA T WELL'S PRACTICE AT Lil Jurt published, atreatise upon the PRACIU1. LAW in joiih Laioiina, hy adwakd Came' LL.D., author of I lie -N. C-Just ice, etc. ,t ' - AJ - CONTENTS: Of legislative power ih general: legislative potr North Carolina;., legislative powers of justices oft peace; connty boundaries deeds, etc.: .county nm and charges; court-hoHe-f prisons, etc.; county uv jury trials; - fairs aud public sales; general m. inspections, publio landiugs, .etc,; poor hotum hospitals: registers and clerks: rivers and creels: p ferries and bridges; weights and measures; idiom lunatics; retailers: Neose river; public roads Dd ways; public bindings and inflection; mills and r lcrs; ordinaries and constables; patrols; warden: poor; prison bounds; roads, ferries and bridges; ( xen)ption3 ; executive power in general; fi power in North Carolina; executive power uftbeco.' chiet justice and clerkj attorpejs nt law; attortifTf eral; reporter and marshal, cJei ks and solicitor; ten for paupers; guardians; county attorney; nttio connty court cletksf coroner?; boundnn comroiww committees of finance;, county trustee; connttrMT special court T commissioiu is of fairs; m'pefton ' perinteridents of schoolir, ctuumissioners of uvif wardens of Ihopoor; regijifersi, commissioners of n and creeks; eheritraf.consiables; rangers; standard If era; retailers; administrators; chairman of tf' court;- commissioners of deeds and cbnvevsnce; missioners of low lands: entry takers and lump superintendents-of elections; gnardians slid nspectors;- commissioners of Intornal improvfii" partition patrol committees; procefsioner ; ttrT and boards of valuation: overseers of roads commissioners of wreckstlobacco pirkers and roof The APPENDIX contains forms of Deeds iuf veyances, as follows : Agreements, assignments," bills of sale, bills of exchange and. lading, bond.' f cellaneous. bonds, contracts, deeds, marriage ments, mortgages, copartnership arUcles, nuw lease, ie., Ac. ' This book contains 556 pages, is gotten up rior stjle and bonnd in law calf. Price. $5.00. EDWARD CANTWELV . i!init,a. ME(KLEDIKG WON ChsirloUc, 1. C. ALEXANDER c McDOUGAt The nadcrsiened beg- lente to inform th'", Charlotte, and . vicinitv and the public gentr)' they hare: opened the above Establifhuif nt t ID' . Trade Streot, adjoining the track of the ori,t Hail Road and oppoite, John Wilket Sichbu JW are prepared to furnish all kinds of , at short notice and on reasonable terms Steam Engines from 8 to go Hot -; ' Power. nitbgrMtJ Their BTIOP- eonlain? tooN selected and is nrovided whir all the ' ImnrovemcnU to do their work in a tirst rate manner. -Castings, in Iron or Brass, made to order. , iinrtsK. eiincivs ii LJtnl3w', HORSE-SHOEINft and HLACK8M1T'3' kinds llEpAiniNlI in their line fltteii'h'l ta, f - Arentsifor Dr. E: O! Kluott. for Winters Mulay Saw M iH, whUh has the advantage. many others, of rfinw !! twice a Br s and doing it better, tlianDnr other liH in IfTp be ton by St eav Water or Uorsc Pewer- in trade. WlfiOiV AY0U and BLACKS IUiarvoftm&aiiM ori College street, 10 ' Mr Rixby't ablf where I tn prepared to o j ot WoodWerlc Btaekamt thing "e" Burf' uuMPtiaYDns sua repairing i t,tl j pairing, I horse-shoeing, ke. -My work n'4D executed, on the most ncebmmadatiog tcrtn',r.lj( effart made u He wtisfacnon t've.wV,T,npP WOBfl may be seep at tbe Shop at any time. ' , Z " - HENRY ALEXADt, lrl.. til MALCOLM McDOlG N. B. Old Iron, Brass. Conner, Ac, bouebt" - sarin Jr us -ts ' -" v.-1J v'f r?-& it-t sit fit;- t VMI V m, Ve Jim , 1601 3in-pd' . ;

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