WESTBRjST DEMOCEAT, OHARLOTTE,.r N.. O. MB BILL A BP TO ABE LINKHOBN. NO. 2. Mr Linkhqrx- Sir:--I suppose my letter was taken bj you as an insult, ... it warni so in- tended. T bare hearn that you tent; it ia tlie ; dead letter ofSs. - Well I douV know, of . course, f but it's "my opinion you had better not put aiy more trash in that Senietary, for you'I ceed all the UUlJU IWUIIU JTUU Ml Ub CtlMJllb l ilalilliglvO OY other purposes soon. I've been doin' my best to keepthingsquiet,andcoTisiliate j0u,batlseejou 're bent on scrowgin' our boys into a fight, so I can just tell you,-I'm agin you, and you can git as lerociua a fight as you desire. Your konduct has riz my pizen you're trod on my rattlesnake, sir, and everything-1 handle at these presents is infec tious, fio look out, and if you don't .want to swell up from handlin this letter, you had better take another drink. - , We sent on a few tV.ouF&nd of our boys to see you, and present arms, and fix up this difficulty, but I suppose you thought they were obejin your 20 days notis, and was cany in' their guns to you; and oycu come out villi more proclamations and .Marshall Itiw, and blockade and other noti enee, and now I dcn't know what our buys will do. But 1 notify you they uerer give no bonds to keep the peace Lefcre they left homo the fact is, they could'nt give eeourity; so, Mr Link horn, you can look out for m, and if you're got any thing to komrnunicate, do it with a Telcskope, or some other long-winded weapon- for fome of the Loys i.f near-sighted, and at a hundred yards couldn't tell whether you was an Andy-lu3ian mule or an Andy Johnson jackass. Be keerful, Mr Linkhorn, keep thin, walk edgeways, and shinny on your own side, or some of 'em might take a crack at you jest ibr the fun cf the thing, like Bill Ford did at Squire Mitchell's eld mule and dump kart Them boys is dangerous, turel and there'd a few more of the Mnie sort left behind, only they are the more "fizcricr frctu being hold back aud .weari.n a kirb lit so long., I've, just come up on a li.tie i'urlow fuiii Camp Biown, and when I left tl e Lojs there wera nearly all foaming at the nicuth. But I reckon you and yoitr kangaroo are" proper ly a!nrn:ed, cr ycti wculdn't deep in your boots and lire under Marshall law. 1 hey eay that's a very .cd kiinJ of lhw for Blcck Republicans or any uhcr aniridia of a dark color. Spullock used it lapt fnmniT on' the sea'coa.t among them well kncfin, thf rough-l-rcd imported Africans, and it scattered 'cm from Carolina to Texas. They never give the country a bit of trouble, and you've no idea how docile they are now to a cotton stalk. Ch.Tr.cy Lamar can give you. any further informa tion you miht desire upon this subjeot. But your blockade is a humbug, Mr Linkhorn, and ain't got no more pint to it than your sand bags. In the first and last place, you ain't got the Blocks, and you'll never git any more live oaks from our swamps to make 'em.. Howsoever I didn't think about that oTerland army of 200,000 men. If you &nd your kangaroo are'' bent on playin' that dead march, don't let 'era ensure their lives, as it would break every insurance, ofEa in yonr country, inhere ns jou'are born, the 2 mijjht accidentally git back alive, but them five ciphers never woulJ. If yon are bent on such extrava gance, it would be a great accommodation to the Charleston boys to give 'em some 10 days notis, go they might import a few more buzzards and lay in a cargo of Darby's Prophylactic; give 'em reasona ble notis, Mr Linkhorn, do. if you please. You can read this to Bill Suard and the rest of your Kangaroo. I would send em my respeets, but the truth U, rc?peeta correnpondin' to their eolor. are mighty scarce and high in this country, and I ciu't afford it. - Yours, BILL ARP. 2s. B. Tell Chnse hi and Helper's prayers are answered. The niggers riz tins morning ahont day brt:.k, all over the country in great, numbers and went to kittin erab-fcrusa. . B. A. Facts abovt MrLts. It is well known that the more spirit a hore has the more liable he is to wear himself out under bad treatment; I nienn if he has a driver that is earele., or one thn is i-n-ratient nnd petnler.t. I?or?fs, ss a freneral thinjr, h.ave more life about them than mares, .and ' mules are pimilar in this repard This is the reason why mare mules are preferred for the Southern mnrket and horse mules in the North. There is n differ ence between n man driving hla own team, and trust-in sr them-with a careless hand. For my own m. I prefer horse mules, for. besidethe adrantage in their bettor ambition, the annoyance of having a team so often in heat is avoided. Thera is no u?e in dentine that mules, mora than horses, ara naturally disposed to mischief sueh as inrripinjr fence, tearing down pntcs. prftinor out of the stable, jumj in on younc animals, etc. The only preventive is to accustom them, from the first, to utronp encloeurfs and pood fixtures. That mules are more apt to kick than horses, I can hardlv en dorse, yet perhaps it - is not worfh while to deny. Ti palliate the case, I must say that they are not t fmnumly handled and petted when younp horses are: hence the "habit is nnf corrected. A mule dislikes and fears a stransrer.' He readily shows obedience to one master, and -soon becomes at tached to him. This disposition, thouyh apparnrt to some horses, is not sa common as w'th mules. Th re is another particular in which he differs from a horse. In a ,drir?,!v, dsmp day, however lively in general, he will be sluspish and dull, while a horse will be on the lookout for an excuse to run aay. , . Anticipating Evils. Enjoy , the present whatever it may be. ar.d be rot - solieitons for the r .. . r ' c . l . . p j fntn e. for ,f you take yonr foot from the rrc.ent standing, ar.d thrnft it forward to-morrow's event. yon are in a reckless cpndition. It i like refua inp to qnench yonr pr sent thirst by fcarinp yott should want drink the next day. If it be well to-day. it is madness to make the present miserable by fearing it mar he ill to-mortuw; when . your belly is full cf to-dayV diuner, to fenr that - you should wnnt tha next day's supper, for it mr.y be that you shall not, and then to what . pnrne wns this day's affliction? Bnt if to-morrow yon shall want, your sorrow will come time enough, thoncrh you do not hasten it; let your trouble tarry till its day comes But if it chance to be ill to-day, do not increase it by the circs of to-morrow. Enjoy the blegsinrs of this dny if God send them, and the evils of it bear patiently and sweet ly; for this day only is ours we are dead to yesterday, and we are not born to-morrow. He, therefore, that enjoys the present, if it. be pood, enjoys a9 much as is possible; and if only that dav's trouble leans upon it, it is sinpular and finite. "Sufficient to the day," said Christ, "is the evil thereof;" sufficient bnt not intolerable. But if we lock abroad and brine into cne day's thoughts the evils of many, certain and uncertain, what will be ana wnai wm never d, put ioaa win . oe as into; erable as it is unreasonable. Jeremy J atfor. j The Nense Mannfaetnrlng Company eAVE on hand a general assortment of News and Book paper also, Post office, Newspaper ni Cartridja Wrappers, prima qnallty, and a large qaan tfty of common wrapping paper. Address, , . n. W. HURTEP. Treasurer, J'ina If, 1S6I 4w v Raleigh. i Not Deep Enouh roa Praylrs. We heard a night or' i wo fiace a tolerable good , story of a ; couple of fafumen. The event occurred during ! the big blow on the Mississippi, at which time so many rafts were swamped ando many steamboats lost their sky-riggings. A raft was just emerging from Lake Pepin as the squall came on.' In an instant the raft was pitching and writhing:, as if 'UUUCIIIJ Urupu--- J uuio, nuns U ytaya broke over with tremendous -uproar, and expect ing instant destruction. Happening to open his eyes an in an instant, he observed his companion not engaged in prayer, but pushing a pole into the water beside cf the raft. :"What' that yef doin', Mike," said he "Get down on your knees now, for there isn't a minute between us and purgatory!" "Be aisy Pat," said the other as he eoolly con tinued to punch with his -pole; "be aisy now! What's the use of praying when a fellow can tetch bottom with a ple!" Mike is a pretty good specimen ofa large class of.Christians who prefer to omit prayer as long as they can "tetch bottom." Slander. If you find a man who is circulating malicious reports about his neighbor, it may be fetdown as an inviolable rule that any such person is uisnonest. -ot omy aisnonew, aut, iroin nis infamous disposition, dangerous to all with - whom he may be acquainted. He circulates lalae im pressions, and sets people upon an erroneous course ofjudguient and conduct in respect to others, which may frequently be ruinous to their pros perity. It dots a general injury to society more than to the party slandered, as it destroys confi dence. The man who is guilty of circulating malicious reports must necessarily be deceitful and therefore dishonest; he must be abandoned to every principle of uioral feeling. In ancient times, when a man was convicted of being aslan derer. he was stoned to death ns being a danger and a curse to the whole community. In modern times tlere is even a better remedy than'this it is Vt ceasej ail associations with such character. Treat them like lepers, abandon them to their own kind which ia a social death, one by which they serve as an example to others. 1 his rule is observed among all intelligent people, and should be invariably carried out in all communiiioB. Su(heru Field and Fireside. - W A T E I B n TIL D3 ATEIjYT" ONE HUNDRED HANDS, to make Clothing for the Soldiers. Ladies in the country can be supplied with work by sending for it. Liberal prices paid. Call soon at the Clothing Store of FULLIN3S k SPRINGS. - May 28, 18G1 . tf Wil., Charlotte 6c Ruth. Railroad WESTERN" DIVISION On and after Monday the 15th instant.lhe Passenger and Mail Train will be run on this Road daily (Sunday excepted) as follows : " GOING WEST. - Leati. AbkIts. T 00 A. M. Charlotte, 7 45 " Tuckasegee, 7 43 A.M. 8 15 " Urerard, 8 10 " 3 40 " ' Sharon, 8 37 " Lincolaton, 0 00 " GOING EAST. Leatb. Aaaivs. 11 00 A. M. Lincolnton, 11 23 Sharon, 11 20 A. M. 11 50 Brevard, - 1 1 45 12 17 P. M. Tuckasfgee, 12 15 P. M. Cliarott, 1 00 By order, V. A. McBEE. Acting Master of Transportation. Lincolulon, April 4, 1861 GHARLOTTIi DKUG STORE. E. NYE HUTCHISON Ac CO. Foreign and Domestie l-rugs, Medicines, Chemicals. Perfumery, r Fancy Articles, Oils. Paints. Var nishe?, Window Glass, Putty, Dye Stuffs, Turpentine, Burning Fluid, gTtjg; Alcohol, Pure Llqnors, Canton Teaa, tteldfiiid Garden Seeds, sc. faGf Hiving closed our Books, we intend hereafter to sell for cash. Maj"7, 18CI. ' : ' DR. JOSEPH GRA11AJ1 Offer his Profcaional Services to the citizens of Charlotte and the un onndiug country. Oihce adj'Mninx ibe resideace of Mr Wm. Johnston. February 12, 11. . yr. NOTICE. The TAX LIST, f;r the "year IPSO, is now in"niy bndf, r;ady for inspect inn. All persons are requested to inform me'Of any Ux.iblus which may not be listed. All TAX PAYERS arc requested to prepare themselves to meet their TAXKh promptly. W. W. GRJER," Sheriff.. April lfilPSI. tf . Slaie of Xortli Carolina. IlaiD-Qi arikbs, Adjutant Gbsl's Orrics ) Grntral Order Xo. 4 lialeigh, April 24, 13C1. Ail cornmauicatioup for the Governor in reference to Military matters such as application for coram! ions, tender of services of companieg. kc , requisitions for arms, ammunition, &c, and for inforniatiou appertain ing to the military organizations called into Ffivice be directed to the Adjutant Genual in thi. eitv Byorder of Gov.Fllij,- J. F.'IiOKE, Adj't Gen'l Adjctakt General's Omca, 1 General Order Xo. 3. Raleigh, April 25.- J Hereafter all Provisions passing through th: city, intended for Any Depot out of the botind cf the State, will bt stopped here for the supply of the troops con- rpmr.nca ai iuis pniin. i nc rnaritci price wui Df ai- lowed far !he Pr0Fri,icus so ton,fd. Vor.ardinr and receiving Agents at tae Usuroad Depot will pay strict attention to the esecnticm of this ordtr. By order cf iLe Govrrnor, J. F.'IIOKE, Adj: Ga. " ' " ArtJCTASIT GSNERAI.'8 OffICB, Gen -r a I Orntr So. 3 Raleifrh. April 20. 1S1.- The Vo! Jt.tcer rorce of the Stalp not already ordered into active service, are commanded to hold them-ch-e"! in readiness to march at an hour's not.ee. The ofiicera are required to M-nt to the Adjutant GtneralVoSice a roll of the members of tha companies. I, aw directed by the Govcraor to call for the c nrolIuscM of thirty thousand volunteers. Organize send in the rolls. Ccmrr.issions and arms Tvii! be furnished. Be i:i readi ness to march at a day's notice; drill by day and by night; let the citizcus equip their men ; some of your brothers are new in the field. The State has reason to be prond of the proroptness with which they rallied to the tall of your Governor. The decree for our subjugation has gone foitli; the time of our tri:il has come; the blow will soon fall: we must meet it with, the whole energies of the State: we must show to the world that North Cerolica will main tain her rights at all hazards. By order of the Commander-in-Chief. J. F. IIOKE, Adj't General. NOTICE. THE Publie is hereby notified cot to trade with my wife ELIZABETH P., as I will not be retpousi- ble for any of her contracts. ' VT. TV. REA. May 28, lgtfl 3t-pi TOWN THE Tax Lists for the year . 1861 are now in my hands for collection. Tax-payers will please tike notice, aad hold themselves in readiness to pav., 31. W. ROBISON, May 7, 1861 lm . Tax Collector. CONVENTION DELEGATES. Anton Dr. A. Myere aod J..A..Leak. Alamance Judge Ruffin, Gile AleUau. Alexander-h O Stewart. 1 . Athe-r-f D Forbes. " .Bidden 1 U McDowell. ' - Bxv.nvick Thomas D Meares. BertieS B Spfuill. James Bond.- - Beaufort W.J Ellison. E J Marrow. Buncombe 2i VV Woodfin. .Burke J G McDowelL Cabarrus G Pliifer. Caldwell E VV Jones. Camden D D Ferebee. Catmell Hon B Erown, John A Gravas. Catawba Re P G Henkle- Carteret G R Thomas. Chatham L J Merritt. John Manning, Jas II Ileaden. "Cherokee A T Davidson. ; . Chowan R H Dillard. CUavtlavd Dr VV J T ililler, Dr J W Tracy. ColuniLui Richard Woolen. Craven Geo Green, J li Whitford. Cumberland- Hon Warrn Winslow, David McNeill. Currituck II M Shaw... Davidson R C Douthit, B A Kittrell. Duplin W J Houston. J T Rhodes. Davie Robert Sprouse. Edgecombe and H ilton Hon Geo Howard, W S Battle. Fortyth Thoa J Wilson, Ruf'us L Patterson. Franklin V P Williams. Granville T-X. Hargrove, A W Venable.S S Royster. Gaston Dr S X Johnston. Greene VV A Darden, jr. Guilford Hon J A Gilmer, Ralph Gorrell, R P Disk. Gate A J Walton. IIiiHfaz R H Smith, L W Batchelor. . II-rtford Hon Kenneth Rayner. IlydcE h Mann. Harnett A S McNeill. njfwood Wm Hicks. Henderson W M Shipp. irrddl Anderson Mitchell. T A Allison. "Johnston C B Sanders, W A Smith. fackson W H Thomaa. Jones Wm Foy. Leroir John C WashinptOB. Lincoln VVfrt. Lander. Macon C 1) Smith Madison J A McDowell. Mar-iyiA-a Pigcrs. 3Tc Powell 3 H Greenlee." Mcktenltirg- Ilpn J W Osborne, Wm Johnston. Mr-ore Dr II Turner. . Mon'gamerit S II Christian. r " . Sash A. H Arring'on. . Nets Hanover J L -Holmes, W S Ashe.. . Sorthainpon l) A Bunes. J M Muody.- Onslow Dr G VV Ward. . Orange Hen W A Graham, Capt Johu Berry. Pafquofaak Dr R K Speed. Perquvnims Jteph S 'annonv , - Person Jcha VV Cutiuinjfham. Pit!? ;J 3 tt:erth w;ii;e,. B Grimss. Ilandoljih- Wm'J Lt,ng. Alfred G FosUr. Richmond Walter F Louk. PobfsonJ P Fuller, J t Sutherland. Rockinghav Edw;trd T Brodna.x. Hon David' S Reid. Rowan Hon Burton Craiye. H V Jir.es. sr. Rutherford and Polk J il Carson. M .Durhaia. Simpson Dr Thos Bunting. Robt A Moteiey. SfonlyZ Heme: Soke's J hn Mill. Surry T-V Hamliri Tyrrell EJi Sn'ruill Union Iliigh M Hau5tfn. Wikel n Gt-o K Badger. VV W FTolden. K P Battle. Wirren Hon VV X Edward. FA Thornton.. Wayne Geo V Strorg,' E A Thompson. Wishinjton W S Pcttigrew. W-!auja J VV Counsel. Wik s Peter ElIeK Jas Calloway.. i'adkin'R F Amifield. Yancey M P Pt-nland. New Family Grocery Store I. A. PA SCI3ALL & O., Wholesale and Retail dealers in Family Groceries, choice old Wines, (highly improved by a;e.) Also, Havana Segars, Tobacco, Wooden and Wil low Ware, &c. Having cstabli.-hed ourselves in Pharlottee. and in consideration of the hardness of the times, we desire and intend to sell to the entire satisfaction cf purcha sers. All orders accompanied with the cash will be promptly attended to. Siore on Tryou Sti eet', one door above Palmer's Va-riet- Store. March 26, 1861. 7 S3 IS;VAK, RUNAWAY, from the Subscriber, living near White riaiiiH, C.tiesteitield Diatnct, S.C., about lOihi "t August last my uero It i low. Ben. He is il y a e ot ae, ot a yellowish complexion, afiiKt Muck, has m beaid, weit:li abnut 1430 poll; da, abtnit 6 lee: 1 incli high. He vvalks vvnh a tiitn iep aidcirtieg hi nst 11 rt ci. It is l.kclv thai Ben will en dfavur to make his way to a free State. Any person who wi.l svrcai 'he said neirro and hdi;e him in any ale jail so ih.it 1 can et hsin or deliver him to me at inv icsideiice shall receive the atovf rrwaid 1 will also give $100 rewaid tor pfont suihcient to convict any white person or peisons of haibotuig the said boy or trying : effect hi escape. WM. M. BL.VKENEY. Fehnary 19. 1861. ' if. i'OTIfK. The undersigned hereby f.ive notice that we forbid all persons from trespassing on our lands and waters by hunting with dogs and nrts and fishing with seines or ta. kl? of a n- sort; anr that all persons so trespassing wili be dealt with according to law. ' 12 R HARRIS. WM B SLOAN, PETER COX. JOHN A BRUMBY, - G A BARUINGER, PA BAKRINGEll, DA B A 11 RINGER, April 10, 18S1 3t-pd VV .NI STIXSON. The flbratcd Fem.lt PilK. Thcee Pills do not cure all diseases, but they are war ranted to cure Lucoreah, or Whites that dreadful -to urge to teraaie health, happiness and usefulness. They are do Meuted aud arc no humbug, bnt are -prepared bv & North Carolina physician of high "standing and of long experience in the treatment of female digea.-ea. All that is necessary to convince you of the'r effioacv is a fair trial. For particulars,, see wrappers. Trice $1 per box. For sale at the DKUG STOilLS. Jan 15, 18tl yr Rope I Rope ! I 5.000 pounds of Manilla. Jut.- nd Cotton n.ipe. from tiij to 3 inches, at TAYLOR'S Hardware Store, Oppu.-.if the Mansion House. WILLI AM TIIM)V. lU , SALISBURY, N.C.. WM. & . TIDDY, CharlGtte and Lincolnton, N..C, MANUFACTURFRS OF KOXrSIEXTS, HEAD.s'i 0AES, ic &e. Cs3jr0rder at ei'hev Yard re.-pc cf.'u'Uy suiicitcd, and will meet with pmmp: attention. - Feb 2; 1 fee I tf Quinn's liheum?.tic Remedy Has efl'ected cures of Iiheuu.aii.-iu that were considered hopeless, certificates to prove which c;in be exhibited. The t-ufTering are invi'cd to give the medicine a trial. Orders addiessed to the under igned at Charlotte wil receive prompt attention.. - W. W. QFfNN. April 10, 1860. Price Si SO per bottle. AT TAYLOR'S yon can find the largest assortment of-Cutlery .Guns and Pistols, of all i he celebrated makes. - - . . GLASS, of all sizes and qualities both French ard American. Also, Putty bv the keg or pound. WOODEN WARE , Brooms, kc, of all kinds. TAN BARK. 1 00,000 CORDS Tan Bart wanted, for which a liberal price will be paid.' M. B. T AYLOR. Charlotte, March 22, 1F9 tf F. SCARKk - - (Late Scarr $ Co.) " . BT ESPEGTFLLLV iuviUs-a tteuiion to-.his cjomplete ELm stock of UliHiS, . uiiimiao ana- meux CI ES, selected with great care and without j-pgard to price; purity and quality being especially regarded. To Physicians. New Chemicals and Drugs jutrt received.' Hypophos phites of Soda and .Potaw, Tilden's Fluid Extracts, Churchill's .Syrup of. the. Hypophosphites, Amnion Ferric' Alum,-Perchlorate of Iron (.-olid,; fcc. Country Merchants -: - Will find at this e.tablisuient - a full assortment of articles in the Drug line at Charleston Prices. Babbit's Pure Potash, in tins. , Concentnited Lye, , " ' Soap Potash, in barrels. Vinegar, Nutmegs, ....... , Allspice,- Cloves, ' - - Mace, Ginger, Pepper o Cinnamon, Ac. o x jlm m . Linseed Sperm Lard , Oil.' - - Train Oil. " Tanners' " 11 Sweet " A full supply of Paints. White Lead, Red Lead, Paris Green, Chrome Green, Chrome Vcllpw. , - -Prussian Bine, . . Haw and Burnt Umber, r x erra. ue oieiina, etc., hi kiegant Preparations lor.theTIair. Burnett's Cocoainer ' - " Savage's Ursina, Bazin's Ox Marrow. Ac, At SCARR'3 Drug Estatlishmeht. -Jan'y 1, 1861 - BOBEItT O. RAVKIN. ' ALRKO MARTIN. RVK5 & niETt.V. . rojniiSSKiN' MlviiCHAXTS. T7V"il3iiVsrifccxa, 1ST. O.' 5g5rCon.-ignmeri's of Produce will rut et svith'prvnjpt personal attention. ' March 19, 1861 y , MKCKIJ N1U KG liOt'S!-: This hotel, siinated near th" centre of the towiof Charlotte, and convenient to the business portit n of the town, has been leased by the sub'-riber, and refitted and pin in good order ami condition, -and 1 am now ready to accommodate all who may- call upon me. All that 1 ask of the public is to try me. and if they are tint pleased. I will theTi know -that the f'anltiies with ;ne. My table will be provided with the-bef-t that the country can afford haviiig . jificured the Jbc-st of- cooks and servants. I am satisfied that I can. please the tate of the most fastidious. ' . Being provided with good "and comfortable stables and careful and attentive ostlers, I am prepared to pro vide for man's best friend, the Horse. Feb 19. 1881 3m MATHIAS HARKEY. PU 1.1,1 .ill A: CO., AsscliosieiT! Tor Sale, of Negroes, Odd Fellows' HalL Franklin Street, RICILMONI), VA. ALBERT C. PCLL1AK, ROBT. P. PULL1AM, DAN i. K.WEISIGKR. Daily sales public and private. We pledge our stricte.-t attention So the business entrusted to us, and will answer all communications promptly. - Porter al ways at each Depot. May 22, 1860 y - " - " Carriage Materials. He would call special attention to his stock of the above goods, consisting of Springs. Axles, nubs, Bows, Spokes, Shafts. Curtain frames. Knobs. Bands', Lining Nail.?. Damask. Satinet, Cloths. Laces, Fringes. 'Enamel ed and Patent Leather. Enamelled "TR'th, Oil Carpet, Paints of all kinds, dry nnd in oil; Varnish. Turpentine. Linseed Oil Tyre and oval Iron. Bofts. and-everything in the way of Carriage Trimmings, at prices that can nt fail to please, at the Hardware Depor of " A. A. N. M. TAYLOR, Opposite th- Mansion House.. Roofing-, Guttering and Job Work, Of all kinds, promptly attended to at T A Y LO R'S II a rd w8 re S tore, Opposite the Mansion House The Great Clothing Emporium Ful I in:;, springs & Co., DEALLKS IN ALL KIiVDS OF Ready-made Clothing, - ' Furnishing Goods. Hats, Caps, Trunks, Valists; &c, &c. FIJLLINGS, SPRINGS & CO. Would call the especial attention of their friends and patrons to their " " - "fie St ck ;f Cloibing) - now opening. They think. . tiiey tau otter greater in-dueeuienU- to- buyers than they have ever done, their goods being bought at reduced rates and at such prices as they feel confident bo house in the fcitate can com pete with. . - , -They are offering very nice Casfmcre Suits . . '.. at from $12 to 2o. All manner ot CASSIMERE PANTS, - Cassimcre, Kilk. Matalasse and Velvet VESTS, OVER COATS of all grades and styles. The above Goods cannot be surpassed in style and make, having been manufactured under the constant supervision of one of the firm. FULLINGS,' SPRINGS 4 CO. Sept. 25, 1860. , m:khukt tailoiuag. FULLINGS, SFRINOrt k CO. btve also added to their Ready-made Cluihii g Stock, a Merchant Tailoring De partment, to which they call the especial attentitu of their many friend3 and customers. ' They intend making'this dc-partment second to hone in tha Mate, either in styl and quality of Goods, of in the manufacture of Garments, - , . At all times will be found a good stork of Black aad colored 'Cloths. English. Freuebr auct American Cnsi ineres. and a variety ot Vesting-' Also, an assortment of Rock Island CusMmeres. " They feel confident of their iibi'.iiy to undersell nnv other house in. the StKte. fr m the-akivan'ages thev have iu getting their goods. Their goods are bonght by the quantity, by one of the Finn win reside? ia the Northern market?, which gives hiin the opportunity of taking advantage' of the prices of goods, thereby saving at least Twenty-five per cent to the Vonsunser.. ig-Dime? saved are Dollars made 18 So try us. Orders from a distance solicited. Carting done on short notice. - . - - Sept 25, 18G0. ' FULLINGS. SPRINGS k CO." Agricultural Implements, at the Sijn of the Gulden Pad-Lock, A large supply of the above, consisting of Thompson's celebrated Plongh: alo. Com-SheHersy Straw-Cut terS: 1 fcbovclp: .vpartee; fflv and mnnr Fork; best castSfeel Axw? Picks. Mattr ck-u-lrubbirjr Hoes. Weeding Hoes, Trace Chain. Log Chain. Wagon Chains. Garden i Hoes. Rakts. Hedpe Shears. Prnning Shears. Pruning and Budding Knives, 4c., kc. COCHRANE ft ,SAMPX-R.' - wT , Ti h.y Ieve to iulorui kis liieudtf and The uudergued beg . eve & piitrons as well asius 0.7 pared to give . . . . Private lessons cn the Piano, ... - ... j,-' 'Ar ",.1 the residence -of pupils. eitner ai ijis rcsiucuic v .,, . - ,...., a ,.,mnt attention w ll be v;'a BKMLrmillUlHI HUM """T- . ....... .,.,k,.lJl rri-r tor tunintr ana rci'tiii'-f. , . .. . 1 .,fr in.irumrint. anuuiim' at style prices.. ' Having bveil t Hf ;vj ;n the i:i;tno business f.-r mere than ten year,. 1 olf-r my aM-ie ...o,. to all ihoe who may de.ire tu pu.cha.fc.Pwno or to exchange old Pianos for mw ones. "'-Best references-given; ' Orders, left at the post office or at Messrs. Davidson s Furniture Hall will receive prompt attention. - CHAS. G. PAPE, Prof, of Music Jan 8, 1861 '- ' tf . -Charlotte ,N C. JOHN VOtiKL, Practical Tai lor, respectfully informs the citi . of Cbarlo'tte and snrround- iug country, that he is prepared j C ..... ' . 1 . . n. r. n ' C I to manuirtciuie gnuucmcu o thing in the latest style' and at short notices His best exertions - will be given to rnder satisfac- j tion to tnose wno patronize nun . . . -i -i - uu... AnnAiio k prr'g tiiiiei. HAL. "u:'C "I'l""-"1- "v ' door to Brown & Stitt's store. Jan. 1, 1861. tf PEA "MEAL We keep at our Steasi Flouring Mill in this place Pea Meal for feeding cows and stdek. Also, we have n hand at all times,- Family, Extra, Superfine and coarse Flour. - We warrant our family flour. Corn Meal and Grits can always be had at the mill. - J. WILKES k CO. ' Jan'y 1, 1861 ' AVI IK AT! . The - subscriber is prepared to purchase the new crog of Wheat at the highest market price.- Farmer? will find it to their advantage to call at the CHAR L' TTE STEAM MILLS before selling. " . Jan'v 1, 1861 tf JNO. WILKES. BY j: K. 5ii;3K, irosrjefor. - J&0i, -w-VEKV AGOOMMODATiN-afl,ordeu'the ! fljYrtSfc hJi patrons cf the Charlotte Hotel. 13a &M I IT"?!5 -At this Hotel is kept i he Hue of -Daily viiagt:?. iiom CLa.i iot to to AjvliBVilie. Oct. I, Lvbi. . J. li. XEHR. 11 X it T 2.. 'V 4 i A IF 1 1 I, & f ' 1., ( S.m : r? to N. M.- Martin. iiio. A- . .) Grocers H.i ?,?mn?i slo .We -cli" tts t'L i '-'... .SUCHG, VA WMLTHi K. 11 1M'I & tv. - (.SuvVc-s-m-s to X. M. Mar: in.; Son & C .) IVKfa-sslo'a M; : ( !i..Lts, hi' UMu:'f). va - ' R A. KOBT. Martis !urine;!v oi'Cnuni'le .fiiintv. X. ('. -Tasji-CiuLL. ft.ryjei I vnf Edgecouibe coau.'y. I" C. Walteu K. M a KTi.s of IvKuiiKJud, Va. N. M. Mahtin do. R. H. Cunningham, Jr. . do. REFER TO C. F. Fisher. E q, Prcs't X C Railr. hu , Dr W J Hawkins, Pres't Paleigh k Gastoii" Railroad ; RR Bridges. Pres't Branch Bankat Tai boro. N G; Hon W N Edwards, Warren county; James M Builetek. K.-q. Granville coiinH ; F Fi.-her, cashier Exchange Bank, Petersburg. Va.; K P Battle, Esq, Raleigh. Consignments of cotton, tobacco, wheat and corn re-J spectfully soliciled. a-nd which will have faithful per sonal attention. A good supply of Groceries always on hand and for sale on reasonable terms. Orders fo" goods promptly filled. Both concerns will adhere strictly to selling produce on commission. Neither Concern will .buy ou commission, speculation or other wise the articles named above, as their business iu pro duce is confined exclusively to selling. We respectfully call the attention of operatives and planters to Petersburg as on? of the best cotton markets j in the houth- The demand i. rood both from .manu facturers lu re and for oirect shipment from City Point to Europe. -, Efforts are now being mode to sltip cottoa direc from Charlotte to this p. 'int. for c'3 per bale. January 22. !f-til. nd ' The Charlotte Mutual Fire Insur ance Company, CONTINUES to "take risks against loss by fire, on nouses, Goods, Produce; Ac,, at usual rateB. President A. C. STEELE, Vice lresident C. OVERMAN, Attorney JOS. H. WILSON, Scc'y $ rcas'rE. NYE HUTCHISON. D IRECTORS: A. C. STEELE, S. T. WHLSTON, - JNO. L. BROWN, WM.- JOHNSTON. " M. B. TAYLOR, F. SCARR, . TCHAS. OVERMAN. Executive Committee S. T. JVriston, F. Scarr, Jno. L. Brown. , " " . April 10, JP60. - - M'.VKtt OtCi-lLlTATKS . IT In com pou i !! e- lire, y f om C w m, an hx i.couia!i -Utulutitt (act, miiM 1 iinn. It no a RUU . use' it. i:ui m uw r.-. tlis lor Inch . torxt i in wiu conadouce in ! reoimHjen.lL It h.ia oareii thauds-i.t iihin tlie hut fr ror 1 ' Ua bod tieu up 1i ho cj c.uV, ui ibis utueioci unsollciwacrtHirrttea m my I ta ae atiuVbe nJ ipl. iiiwMiniiatinw Sm i Uk- u-Uipnriknient of lad i v id us i Ukum it, us tot reuUy on the i.oc d lu tucb qiiiiiiUUM h to ! 1 rft-ftrt r.ilj J f n'1 ft li m Uio dilutes o!" your! -DM of U)l,lVtCR IV- wUcim Llr Con Urkl, Oj'ejl, Summer Com -rjr, Orpy, Sum Cost! vt-ii s, -Cliul nMui ban, Cuolrn lcuce, "J a i l ic -, JJJ . ... i ..... - I'.RintA, 4l.loa At i itronlc L)ixrt hot. M'pl i-t., l)-S'Mitr-Cf l iuan,HnliMial Jjj'jl , t Uolcra, C Ualc p5 : . fM tnm, Kltu W male V ki-e-IrtsTuUjM ao Orcltita fj; i,r. InriUciinSICK a, aad may be om4 aar ' vy Fa n 1 y 21. d 1 -II K A UACIIE, (- twenty minute. If spootifal are liiK ftUack. in- usauoa cut tMiiry i in tun or flirt Tea id M oomiBBeuiout or : 1 1 n g tlwir laauimouy iBlUCivor. . J I MIX VV AT K K l THE SIOtTII WITH TllK IV!(;OilA f tR, A Mi fcUALLOW BOTH TOG E l IIK It li Ice Out Dol ar er IJoltl. " ' K'A.MIM CATHARTIC PELLS, rtirt vrjciuD.f tiLA H CKS, Eitim n, n i- i ibt, a. ci i nt nv Im .d wiu keep In a i- y c l. tr. Th Fanl y C - - Us but tirtie 'atiiarti' nl In hi prsctice m;-e barrlone uiied tb Jl TAt all exprna m recritf the- Ibeni i;hi:i tbe trh of a!' 1 be Pm;nai m iil kimv. OO tiii'rcr t r.irtio :ai Uic ne KAHItiT OA aa with dii referen.-e tn boeo oomponn lfl , trota a tah! Kitrnrta, wliicb ci alinwmtary canal, an 1 ji.-i-. a .- a Catinrtic i rae-mit "of tat CAolf-rc Pal, mii - t--''T.T.ta (.- J wbirb tbe propria or boa . f thsu'r vcKtr run, W riam.inl tjinm' tUiae wt J untl the R.-ttlxra.tjro u hirh r . b;iairKi uravl u Uf piaae r ft. ttnt e-3"r.reiit OotbartlCB act 111A '-TC P T ? I, ih n well Mii faf. vtirtety rr Itr purest V-o-tlike on avr; y pn i oi that UOtftf t ad nr.1v in all m. nrednd. anrh aa lnmorli, i,ea. i- 1,-f.Ck a ff iMtl.H, irnai au'iden cow. wblci rnA hi a l"r!r aoorae or Ka Ur,i. Crtcpli fi Ci tflf!r, Krottaaa-' frwtumt!r. If oeL-tecte-1 1 r, I of A pp. -I , HfRdath.-. or! fla an I n a a m ri a t ry i aVz i - . . J! iKi' rotthn Btoorl, ami tra-v tte' io Ji7h " , P. oo numemnej J to ucrlK-D iu fhia adwcrtiaa.' meat. )or. lms. ' ' w .PRIC THHKE I)fi;. ttlllS. 'J,v'.'r nV r cif! Voir!! Ca- oU tkbolaaala by tbe 1 rada in all the Hrge to as. 8-T,W,8A!IPOIlO,W.D., F"rfFt!l11 i nd fi NYE HUTCHISON S: CO I w mm ff S !i NEW tiO(D5 The largest stock of PALL AND WlMpit ' in the I6wt' ia now. on baud at the Doi uul ' .li- 1 F . r 'ulara;j , Koopuiann &. Pin lDs p public, dtud especially the Lwdies , fully invited to call aud exmiue Ur fcu trt . itl. to - The -.f. . .1 , e., ;i k . . 1,.. ,.,,, v ,i.., - - - .-uuur uur kl. .... "MO, and price.' 1'! , : VVe-are now opening dnjlyr as we rrc(-ivl the fir-t-Houses in the N-nharn cities tle- f ' splendid tio'ods in part: - 't,v ' LA1IES 'IltAVLLIG 0(j(,iK ' French, English & American Prints, alar,, Qualities and prices to suit all tastes and j,ttr!! Splendid CtA)tK.S and Mf.fip, which particular attention is invited Bum.- ' ' ev's aH4 Flats, Embroideries, TriDimii,D, n H ! Gloves. &c. Our Staple aud Domestic Iei'.aMB 1 full and complete, and for it we defy competition j WEwill lVOT BE VDEltKQ sVYe hare a.splendid assortment of CAXl'lf ' Family and Negro-Blankets. Our REA D Y-JIA DE CL 0 TBIKq his reason surpasses, in finish snd fuperinrit . . j ' i J : j : .1 . ,. ........ - " n"U ttlf V i r.T-otr.Tf -rf siiieiiiiifi .ken 11 in iiini una . thwig is. we win fen a' snorter profits than ttT ROOTS niMl IIOI'i - ()ur Mofk department is very complete, and selected for ul Gentlemen. Children and Servants with preat cr at. lot- nrices. . "A larce and cheau stacl- rt ..- 1 v. vuuif HAEDWARE, &c, We call the attention of ouroldand bighlv Tg,, tomers. ancfTjuyers generally, to the fact'tlut ar pating their tastes, nd wants,- we have neither fJ"' toil p.r expense is order tonitand please tlifm. sincerely nssiire them that with these views anil m ' tion we -will sell on terms entirely to scrnntT,.!" all who call on us! . KOOPMANN 4 PHELPS ' Jan. 1. 1861. tf . GRrtCKRY STOKE. The. pubferiber informs the public tlmt t hip ST01 near the Jail, he keeis on hand a good supply of' GROCERIES' AND PRCVlSlONg. Such as Sugar. Coffee, Molasses. Meal. Ii ia(.0D,('Lirl I ens. B'.tUer.iEge'F. Potatoes, kc. Th:se patronizing him will be a.rcr-nin;iHltd ouanl-ity. quality and price. Give him s rn i.' t . M . OZMEN'T 'Oct. .0. !:fl'. tf. 0 0 1GQO. J t H p. V Cl. t. ndi't Fivits, limn mi 6';,'" V biceo. Will j Ware, Tuvs, lo, Vv o-.u;T. ' Mi Ui-:ls of Faiscy Hi oN, And manufacturer )f I 'audit's and f'on fection ritjs. One dr above the Bank of Chariwttc. A;ril 10. IfiGO. CAMU. LL'S Ti;i('TICI. AI LAW. Jn-t inbiished. a trei.ti.-e upon the I'ltAt Th E AT LAW in Ntrsh (mclim. Ij Kub.iid laMwiu LL.B.. aiiiLor of the N. C. Justice, etc. CONTENTS : Of le;ihtire power in general; legislative pewfr in Noi i'n Carolina; legislative powers ol jn-titt-.- i t the p act-; coiiity boundaries dei-d, elc: ti.nniy K-V(iii,f R.'i.i cti-trgt s; conit, iiou-e.-, ,tisons, etc ; county itu!ff: jury trials; l.iirs. and public aftles; gi in ml n .MU.Im: uispecrions, public landings, tc; poor I . t . .- - mh hospitals; registers and clerks; rivers and cic ks: g.nt . fin ics a nd bi idjrcs; weipht.- and mcaMirr.-; i(Jii..r.J luim'ic.-; ri'iitili-i: Neuse river; public n-iul.- mkI cur: ii;.s; public, bindings and inspecti ns; mill- nnd n.il-ler-; ordinaries and constable.-; patrol.-; wunicif (i bt poor; priron bounds; road.-, ffi rie.- and bridges; polt fai et-!iip' ions ; executive power in jreneial; tifiuiiu p iw cr in orth ( arolina; execiim power I tl. m i!' j chiel justice and clerk'; attorueysat law; Btioim p'n ! et hl; repore -nd mr.-hal. 'ch rks-nd .-t.lii itor; i-M.ni-fl tor pauper-; guard'ftnsp count attorney; n tu tiunuM: county court clerks; coroner:-; boundary con.uii?--iuir'.' commit lees of finance; county trustee; county tren-urfi; special court ; commissioner of fairs; inspector.5; .-u-perintendents of schools; conimissioncm of navipMin o; w prden.- of the poor; -registers, commissioners ot river and creeks; sheriffs; constables; rangers; standard knp ers; retailers; administrator?; chairmHQ of epM-l court; commissioners of deeds and conveyance; c. missitiners of low Innd? ; entry takers and surveyou; superintendents of elections; guardians and re eiveri: inspectors; commissioner' of int.orpal improvt nitutf; paitition; patrol committees; processTonerp ; tx 'irteri and boards of valuation: overseers of road. and rivers! commissioners of wrecks; tobacco pickers and coopers. The APPENDIX contains forms of Deeds and Con veyam es, as follows: Agreements, assignments, ard, bills of sale, bills of exchange and lading, bond.-, mi-" .cellaneous bonds, contrarts, deeds, niatriage set le ments, mortgages, cojiarthei ship articles, netce, re leases. &e , ic. This book contains 556 pages, is gotten np in soff riorsUleand bound in law calf. Price, single copy, $5.0tl." ' EDWARD CANTWELL. I.ALtIGH, N-C. AIE. KLEABUUG Ik0 WOKhS, CharloUc, IV. . ALEXANDER Ac McDOUGALL. The. undersigned beg leave to inform the citiien'0' Charlotte and vicinity and the public generally. they have opened the above Establishment at the ioto Trade Street, adjoining the track of the North ( arolf Rail Road and opposite John Wilket' S;em iliilf. B' are prepared to furni-h all kinds of Macliinery at short notice and on rea-onable tetms Steam Engines from 8 to 80 Hore Power. Their SHOP contains tools selected wi h freat :t and is provided with all the improvements rfqi'h' to do their work-in a fim rate manner. Ca-itinga. in Iron or Lias.', rujidc to, order llOU-sK-SHnKING and '-LLACKSM 11 work of" kinds. I.KPAHUNO in their line attended to. Agents 'for Dr. E. O. Elliott, for Winter's r"' M:ilay Saw Mill, which has the advantnge. h let'g ltt many others, of doing at lea.-t twice Hs"niu h (,fil and doing it better, than Any other Mi!! in use 'J c1 be. run by S'eam. Water or'llor-e Power. The VuiJ may be -icen at the (Shop at ar.v finc. IIERY ALEXANPFR - MALCOLM McDoUCAlX N. B. Old Iron. Brass, Copper, kc, bought or ltl in trade. January 1, 18M. ' tf. W IG0N WORK and ELACKS3!lTI-' I have opened ahop on College street, in ,l,erfVjf Mr Raby's stable, Where I am prepaied to do all k'n -f Wood. Work and Blacksmitbing such as rklE Carts and Wagons and 'repairing the some, RnpPJ r pairing, horse-shoeing. Ac. My "work i-ball be ' execiiteoT; on tbe most accommodating terms. ndeerJ effort made to gi aatisfactioa. Give me a trial. Ho 1,1141 Sm-p J. H. PHOTTA

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