WESTERN DEMOCEAT, CHAELOTTE, 3ST. O. A SHAEP-SHOOTBH SHARPLY SHOT. THE NEW MILITAB1- OR CONSCRIPTION , , - - j LAW. A gentleman informs us of the death of one of, Con flS flt firgt bl;?hf.d bv McClellau's sharp-shooters on the J tniusula un- j thcrewcrc subsequently pawd several amend ler circumstances which possess interest sufficient . oosi.-ary riiws. We present the follow- to give them to the public. Several of our men, . svnopSis Gf the law as thus modified, which we it seems, while- goin to a f-pru g Lear by, were ai. aiiHt d will be found correct, in the hone and frequently and very iny.-teiiously shot, but by belie f that it will prove useful iu contributing to a whom no one could imagine. It was at last do- general understanding of it : te.rmined to stop this inhuman game, if possible, : The conscription law places in the service of the even at the cost of killing the hireling himself, who was thus, in cold blood, butchering our men. Fo a sharp look out was kept for this sharp-shooter, and the next time he fired, the smoke of his rifle revealed the locality of his pit. That night a pit was dug by the Confederate soldiers, commanding the position of the Yankee sharp-shooter, and arrangements made to get rid of the annoying creature. For this purpose a youn Ktntuckiaii was placed in our pit, with a trusty rifle, and pro- visions enough to last him until the next night, Next morning very early, a man was despatched as usual, with two buckets, to go to the spring. He had proceeded about one or two hundred yards, when the Yankee marksman elevated him self, and placing his rifle to his shoulder, wa.-i About to pull trigger, but the Kentitckinn was too quick for him, lor h.2 pulled his trigger fir?t, :uid simultaneously therev. i;h the Yankee fell. I 'mm repairing to the spot, which the lventuckiau did lJmA,V,..t,. b ,1;,....,,.,! .-;! r,;t J ..m,,,!., .... - . ifikce in it, in ttic hist agonies or expiring nature. The pit was provided with a cushioned chair, pipes and tobacco, liquor and provisions. But the rifle which had been used was really a beautiful prize. Tt was of most superb manufac . : :.. .1 r : ture, and supplied with the l itest invention, an imr.rnvp.l toleseonie; i-ht ; itnnn its end 'I he nit had been dug at night, and its occupant had been .Tt "n;liV cn i r - .. Jl, ....... t a- , f provisioned at night, so but lor a sliaip look out ?. , i ei- i or the smoke of his gun, there is no saying how long this iankce vandal wotnd have enjoyed the luxury of killing Southern men, without eyen a chance of losing his own worthless life. We are gratified to klU)W that he at Inst met With So righteous a ato. OBSEQUIES OP GEN. M'CULLOCH. j We take from the Austin, Texa-1, (J.tzetto, of the 12th, the following notice of the obeijuits of Gen. McCulh ch: The remains of (Jen. cn McCulluch, the hero of Oak Hills, the pride and bo:ist of the army of the West, were on Thursday, with the Usual pomp and ceremony attending such occasions, laid by tne side of Jameson, Hemphill and McLeod. The body lay iu state in the Representative Hall from 4 p. in. on Wednesday until 1 p m. on Thursday last. At 11 o'clock, after prayer from 3cv Mr Phillips and JJishop Gregg, Capf. John Henry Jrorn, who acted as Aid to Gen. MlCuI 1 oh in the action iij which he lost his life, cntcr- tnined the large concourse of citizens that crowd- C1 the large Representative Hall, with an address ! . . . . . ... . . . . i.:n ,lill,r 1 n I in ln II. ,!. I t o t l. L.-.l t ...f , and eloquently porfiaying the military acconij lish . mcnts, patriotism, heroism and noble single-heartedness of our gallant Kanger-t 'eneral. Gen. Henry McCul'och being present, re marked in a voice tremulous with emotion, whose accents reached the hearts and filled the eyes of i talious and squadrons from any State, there shall nil present, that his brother had, in his will, cnu- 1 remain any of the enrolled men. the excess shall be mended his soul to his God and bequeathed his kept as a reserve, and at stated intervals, not pi l.ndv fn hi Stnte -md tl.nt he now uM Mia eveeo. i Ceedillg three months, details, to be made by lot. j , : tor of that will, gave the body to the Executive, and with it his own life. Gov. Lubbock, in his own inimilabc and haj p- way, responded to the remarks of Gen. II. MeCuIIoch. It is impossible for us now to give a synopsis of what he said. He stirred the hearts of t! e audience to tl eir pio f'oundest depths and awakened or aroused a Iccl ing of intense patriotic enthusiasm wc have never seen excelled, which filled the lo.'ty chamber with deafening shouts of the thousands assembled, Eufiicittnt, if aught on earth were so, to quicken again to life the slumbering hero, who, wrapped in the banner of his country, lay in btatc iu their midst. U The concourse that attended the body to the grave was the largest ever assembled in the State, the procession being more than a mile long. THE CHOICE OfXpROFESSION. When I consider how the professions of law, medicine and divinity r.ie crowded with multi tudes that Feck their livelihood in them, who may be rather said to be of the science thanof:he : T l .i i ... proiession, i veiy inuvn woui.er ai ine nuinor ot , ot ar may prescribe. parents, who will not rather place their sons in a Vacancies shall be filled by the Pi ?sident from way of life where an honest ineiustry cannot but j 'he company, battalion, sepiadrem er region nt in thrive, than in stations where the greatest probity, j w'hich such vacancies occur, by preinndion accord -learnins atvl good sense may ini-carrv. I!ov I '"K to '"'"""ty. except in case of disability or many men are country curates that might have themselves been aldermen of London by a ri-ht improvement of a smaller sum of money than that ! usually laid out upon a learned education ? A j sober, frugal person, of slender parts and a slow' apprehension, might have thrived in trade, though j lie starves upon physic; as a man would be well enough pleased to buy silks of one whom he i would not venture to feel his u!sc or protect his legal rights. I The misfortune is, that parents take a liking to 1 a particular profession, and therefore dcMte their pons may be of it ; whereas, in so great ay affair of life, they should consider the genius and abilities oT their children more than their own inclinations. , It is the great advantage ed'a nation, that there are very few iu it so dull and heavy, who may Ilut bo placed in stations e f life which may give them an opportunity of making their fortunes. A well regulated commerce is not, like law, physic or eli vinity, to be overstocked with hands ; it flourishes 'by multitudes and gives employment to all its professors. .le it,u . Wil.t Charlotte dt Ruth. Railroad WESTERN DIVISION. On and after Monday the loih inini.t iln P..,,.,.., and Mail Train will be rua on ihi. Iload daily Suiu1:it exrcpieuj as nuiows : t:oi.tJ WKST. Lr 4VIE. 7 00 A. M. 7 45 8 15 " 8 40 " AuuivK. 7 4: A. M. 8 10 s :;7 " 'j oo " Cheilotie. Tile -kasegee, 15 1 evarel, SIni ron, Lincolnten, GOING EAST. T.SATB. AiitUTE. i: oo 11 23 11 50 12 17 A. M. Lincoln ton, Sharon, II 20 A. M. Brevard, 11 43 " Tuckasegec, 1J 15 P. II P. M. Charlotte, - I 00 By order, V. A. Me-BEE. Acting Master ot Transportation. Lincolnton. April 4, 1 SCI our "H'noncS.is- For the purpose of settling our outstanding business ' to tnis uaie, our nrm win cliangc its style on the 1st i day or. jannary, to WILLIAMS & DATES, will continue the business at the ol.i stand of the senhers. e earnestly reque st our customers to come forward and settle their indebtedness, as business not be carrieel on without money. The rpilelv Zeal w ith wliiVti I.mh hvinorr 'l,..w ----- - ; ... ...v.o ui- uutt.vn.it titt.ii oMiuui i -, eiaiue upon you ; wuivu suuuw "Ji ut incriuuiil'U, nor snouia you oy withholding their just due, cause a total sacrifice of their business. OATE.S k WILLIAMS. Pec 31, 1861 tf " Confederate States, for three years, unless the war winner en d. all white men between eighteen and thirty-five years of age, resident in the Confederate j States, and not legally exempt from service. j The law is silent as to exemptions; but an act defining the class of exempts has been passed, j which eml. races generally tnose. Iwtlierto exempt,! w.th some additions. All twelve months men. between the prescribed ages, are continued in service for two years from the expiration of their present term, should the war continue so long; and all tho-e iinel.-r eighteen and over tliii ty-hve, are to lo retained tor mm ty days after their term expires, unless their places are sooner supplied by recruits. The twelve months' men. between eighteen and thirty -five, who are retained beyond their term f enlistment, and who hate not yet received liounty and furlough, .'hall receive . Ix-th; the furloughs, however, to he granted in such numbers and at -uch times as the Secretary of War may deem . 1 I -.1 .1 , .1 ' ... . . 1 .1 most enipnmic. wi.u me piii.nc .merest; an., me men may r.eeive in lien of furlough, the cminntn- tion value in innv of the transportation granted to fiirlotirrbed men lv the net. The ti rni of service of those who originally en listed for tin war, or who hnve since re-enlisted for that period, is not affected by the law. Men now in service are not permitted to re-enlist in tdher organizations than tlnoo to which they now belong; and all re-en llstmeuts that have been fr' one-existing company to another, or into i a new c-'iiipanv, whero th re-enlistment has not j . ,. ' , , , .. . . ... , been perfected by actual transfer, is in eirect can- ! ( J!( (j I ('..paiiies, battalions and regiments of twelve ,r,ntbs men, retaim-d in service by the act, shall ; be entitled, within forty days from "the date of the j act. on a day to be fixed by the Commander of the ; I.iidgade, to re-organize, by electing all toeir ot- j fleers whom thy had a .right heretofore to elect. j Companies, battalions, squadrons, or regiments j organized, or in process of organization, by an- j thority from the Secretary of War, which may, with- ! in thirty days from the passage of the act, have the i whole number nf men necessary to complete their ! organization actually enrolled, md ineluding, how- i ever, in that number persons now in service, shall be . ; mustered into the serice id the Confederate States. and be received in that arm of the service in which they were authorized to organize, and elect their i company, battalion and regimental officers. ! To enroll the pe rsons contemplated by the act, ! and not now in service, the President may, with the c uisent of the Governors of the States, employ State officers; if such consent cannot be obtained. Con federate i fiicers shall bo appointed by the Presi dent. Persons not now in serviec, who diall be enrolled. shall be assigned by the Secretary of War to the .vv . r ,i 4". e i t i UlUeiClll Com lUIUiex OI llll State from which such peroiis are drawn; until each company is hin d- to its maximum number. Seamen and ordinary seamen, enrolled under the act, may, on application of the Secretary of tin Navy, be transferred to the naval service, If. after filling np the companies, regiments, bat- I...II I... .i... ...... r....... tV... .,.,....., !........ ' panics as nearly full as practicable. The persons , so reservi-d remain at home until called into service, and receive no pay until actually mustered in. ! They are not. while at home in reserve, subject to the rules and articles of war. except that if they wilfully refuse to obey a call of the President they shall be held as deserters, and punished as such, i Whenever the President shall think that the exigenc ies of the service require it. he may call into ! active service the entire reserve, or so much as may j be necessary, and they shall bo organized under such rule s as the Se cre tary of War may adopt, and j i,..n .1...:.. l ....... t piim ii .n i. L uirii ti ii.t till, I i.i'lililll V I'llJV i The reserves fre!n each State, when thus called out. .-hall be organize-d separately. Every man mu-'e-re d into se-rvice. whd shall bring with bim a muske t, slied gun. rille- er carbine ac eepteel as an eiiicieiit we-apon, shall receive the value eif it as ascertained by the mustering officer utnie-r such regulatii'iis as the Secretary of War may prescribe, or if the etwner be ui.wiUing trt se ll, he shall re-ceive one elollar a month for the use eif sucn arm. Persons not liablo te duty may bo receive d as sllbsf it lit evs. under neli rcini !a I ions hs t Si eo-i-hi rv ' - J other incompe te ncy. Tiie Preside nt may, however, fill a vacancy by promoting any eifiicer eif the company, battalion, squ.-ulron. or regiment, wh may have he-en elis tinguished iu the service by valor and skill, without refere nce te se niority. Vacancie s in the lowe'st grade of commis-demcd nffice-rs ef a Company .-hall be fille-d by e-lectioii eir the Pre-sident may pmmeite to such vae-aney mm -commissioned ofliee'is eir privates, who have distingaisln d t'uemsrlve's by skill and valor iu the service. Persons NOT now in se rvice-, may, be-fore be ing eiindle d, vedunteer with existing companie s now iu service. EXEMPTIONS I iiilcr (lie Co)i.rijli'on Laic of Conyre.x. A bill entitled "An act to exempt certain pe rsons from enrolment for service iu the armies of the Confe derate States." Se-ctieiii 1. The Cemgress ef the Cemfe-de-rate States f America eb enact. That all pe rsons who shall be held te be unfit fir military se rvice under rub s to be pie-sei ibt J by the Se e-retary e.f War: all in the sere ice e.r employ e-f the- Confeelei ate Slate s; all judicial and executive ofhee-rs of Confeeh-rate (r Slate Governments; the nie-.nbe rs of both bon....f Congress, and e.f the legislatures of the se-veral Stales and the ir re spective e.fiice rs; all clerks ed' ""' "1,u','s tne Mate' and I onteilerate (5-iveru ine'uts allowe el by law; all engagi'd in carrying tin mails; all ferrymen on pest route's; all piiois and persons engage d in the marine service, and in actual service on river anil raihead routes d trans portation; all tide-graphic oiie ratives; all ministers .t re li-Moii. in the rei'iilnr i!is-h:irr-i. ..f el ill ie all e ngage el in workin-r ireui mine s, fiirnnees and foimdi ie-s; all journe-ynien printe rs actually em ploy , J in printing newspapers; all pre.-iel, nts ami I'l-oft ssois f ceille-gr-s and acade mies, and all ti iicli- rs having as many as twenty scholars; supe rinte ii d.-nts e.f the public hospitals, lunatic as.lutn. ami the re gular nurses and attendants tiiere-in, and the-leache-is employe d iu the institutions for She de-af and dumb and blind; in e ach apothecary store now established ene apothecary in ge..ej standiii"-. wh is a practical druggist; supei iiit. iidents ami opera tives iu weiol and other factories, who may be ex empted by the Secretary e.f War, shall be.'and are hi-reby, exempteel fri m military se-rvice in the armies of the Confederate State's. Kc pairing-, Etcll-hnsiiii Vr. nosite Jan ''S 18C0 Wanted, ten thousand old Keys, of different sizes; old Gun-locks, ic V. W. WOODEL, j Jan 28, 1862 ' opposite the post-office. ' me suoscriocr nears leave to nnorrn tn nn i u- th.-, lassaehusetts l- rene n. iw .i..f,v- ub ' lie" i prepared to Uepair Locks of every description, The f,,ll,lwinR arP natives of N-u th Carolina su,)- (' nrks and Jewelrv: he wnl a ii) ik-an Ji-wc rv iV.r o . . .. .... .. .... n","ns , -,, I- ii i i - ,. ,z: Ijeoniuas 1'olK, Iir.-ixton Urairir, 1 heor.l.ilna v.rt- l.ttv tirifp- ivill lll:li. Kers nl J11 klri.lc- m li.-t oil ..... T--.' il'opilllUS kind of light Repairing done't short notice. Snel-ial "l0S'1V,;n J 'Vr h,JV n J f Uich"d : attention paid to Hell-hanging. He mar be found op- j 1 VX Iv olhcotier, Gabriel J Raines, the Dost-otlice. V. JkUUDKL. ' A LIST OF GENERALS IN THE CON FEDERATE ARMY. GENERALS IX THE REGULAR ARMY. Robert E Lee. of Va. Commanding General. . Samuel Cooper, Va., Adjutant General. Albert S Johnston, Texas, commanding in Ky, Joseph E Johnston, Va, commanding Northern Va. P G T Ueauregard, La, commanding army of Co lumbus. Ky. MAJOU-GENEKALS IX THE PROVISIONAL ARMY. David E Twifrgs, Georgia, resigned. r ;1;ii!,a inT T roininandinir at Memphis. r.,stoii liragg. Ln. commanding at Pensacoia yaiJ j),,. Miss, Army of Potomac. (;nsfimis"W Smith, Ky, Army of Potomac, -p j Hmes, X C, army of Potomac. Wiiliom J Hardee. Georgia. Missouri Heiij.iinin ll'iger. S C, commanding at JNorfoIk. Jaines LongMreet, Ala. army of Potomac. John 1J Magrwder, Va, commanding at Yorktown. Thomas J Jackson, Va, commanding north-western Virginia. Manfieh! Lovell. Va, commanding coast of La. Edmund Kirby Smith. Florida, army of-Pote.tnac. (Jeorge 15 Crittenden, Ky, Commanding East Tenn. ' RRICAIirR-'.ENERALS IN TIIK I'ROVISIOXAL ARMY. j Milled L Hoiihani, S C, army of Potomac. j Jnhn I Floyd. Va, commanding army Kanawha. I Henry A Wise, Va, Koanoke Island. j Hen McCulloch, Texas, Missouri. j Henry li Jackson, Ga, resigned. Uoliert S (iarnvtt, Va, killed in action. j William H T Waiker, Ga. resigned. i Barnaul E le, S C. killed in action. Alexander R Lawton, Ga, coinmanding coast of Ga Gideon J Pillow, Tenn. j Samuel 11 Anderson. Tenn, Kentucky, i Daniel S Donc'son, Tenn, coast of S Carolina. David II Jones. S C. army of Potomac. Jones M Withers, Ala, commanding coast of Ala John C Pemberfo,,, Va. coast of S C. llichai d S Ewell, a. army ot Potomac. .in u i -i i i r- v i John H mder, Maryland, J.iehmond. Ju,mJ A Kary Va u-.my of VttUmuxCm Thos H Flournoy, Ark, died iu Arkansas, Samuel Jones, Va, army of Potomac, Arnold Klzey. Maryland, army of Potomac. Daniel II Hill. A C, army ot Potomac. Henry II Sibley, La. 1 exas frontier, Win H C Whiting. Ga. army of Potomac. Win W Luring, N C. Western Virginia, Hiehard II Anderson. S C. Pensacoia. Albert Pike, Ark. Indian Commissioner, Thos T Fauntleroy, 'a. resigned, Hobert Toombs, (in, army of Potomac, Daniel Kuggh s, Va, Louisiana. Charles Clark. Mis. army of Potomac Koswell S Ripley, S C, coast of S C. Isaac U Trimble, Md. army of Potomac. John 1J (! ray son, Ky, died in Florida Paul 0 Hebert, La, Coast of Texas. Richard C Gatlin, N C. coinmanding coast of X C. Felix K Zollicoff'er, Tenn, killed iu Kentucky. 15enj F Cheatham, Tenn, Kentucky. Joseph R Anderson, Va. coast of X C. Simon J IJuekner, Ky.. Kentucky. Leroy Pope Walker, Ala, Alabama. Albert G Rlanchard, La. Norfolk. G:;briel J Rains, N C, Yorktown. J E I Stuart. Yu. army ef Potomac. Lafayette McLuws, Ga., Yorktown. Thos" F Drayton. S C, coast of S C. Thos C Hiudman. Ark. Kentucky. Adley II Gladden, La, Pensacoia. John Porter MeCown, Tenn, Ke ntucky. Lloyd Tilghinan. Ky, Kentucky. Nathan G Evans, S C, coast of V C. Cadmus M Wilcox. Tenn. army of Potomac. Philip St George Coe-ke, Va, elieel in Va. R E Rhodes, Ala, army of Potomac. Richard Taylor, La. army of Potomac. Louis T Wigfa.ll, Te xas, army of Pedomac. James II T rapier. S ( ', coast of Florida. Sanfl G Fre-neh, Miss, army d' Pedeunac. Wi'i II Carroll. Tenn., East Tennessee. Hugh W Me-rce-r, Ga, Humphrey Marshall. Ky, Ke-ntucky, John L Lrecdtmriiige, Ivy, Kentucky Richard Griffith, Miss, army of Potoi Alexande r P Stewart, Ky. Kemtucky. Win Montgomery Gardner. Ga. on furlough. Richard 15 Garnett, Va. army of Pedomac. William Mahone, Va, Norfolk. L O-Ri ian Branch. N C, ceast of N C. Maxey Gregg, S C. coast of S C. R E Colston, Virginia. Edward Johnston. Virginia. He-nry 1 1 th. Virginia. Johnston II Duncan. Louisiana. S A M Wo.hI, Alabama. Ge'orge Ramlolph, Virginia. Howe ll Ce.bh. e.f (Je-eirgia. Joseph 1 Hogg. ef Texas. J J IVttigrew. Neirth Carolina. A P Hill, Vi-giuia. Reibt Ransom, North Carolina. THE WKST rOIXT OEXEHAT.S. The following Confederate Generals are graduates ..f West Point: SaiuueI Coope'r, John II Winder. Isaac R Trimble, Daniel S Done lsem. Renj linger, Albert S Johnston. Jno R Grayson. Leonidas Polk, Gabrie l J Rains, Thos F Dravton, Hugh W Mercer, Joseph E Johnston. U-.h't K Le-e, Theophilu II Holme-s, Albert G Ill.Michard. John 1 Magrude-r, Ge o li Ciitte-nele-n. P St Ge-orge- Ceicke, Humphrey Marshall, Richard C (iatlin, Daniel Ruggles. Jos M Withers. Jose-ph R Anderson, Lloyd Tilghman, Braxton Bragg. Win II T Walker, Jno C Pembe-r-ton, Arnold Elz.-y, Henry Sibley. Jubal A Early, Wm J Haidee. Jamfs II Trapier. Alex R Lawton, John P MeCown, Richard S I: well, Paul 0 Hebe rt, Richard B Garnett, Robert S Garnett, Sam'l Jones, Earl Van l)..rn, Gustavus W Smith, Mansfield Lovell. Jiimes Longst ree-t, Danied II Hill, Richard II Anderson, Lafayette MeLaws, Alexander P Ste wart, Boswe ll S Ripley, Sam'l G French. Simon B Baekne-r, E Kirby Smith, Barnard E Bee, Wm li C Whiting. Thomiis J Jackson. Cadmus M Wil cox, David R Jones. Wm M Gardne r, Nathan G Evans, J E B Stuart. c;r.xi:r..i.s who wkke not ckaiutates at west POINT. The following Generals were appoiuted to the old i'nite-el States Army, without passing through the West Point Academy: David E Twiggs, Wm W Loring. The followiiig Generals firs-t saw service in the Mexican war: M L Bonham, Henry R Jackson. Giile-eui J Pillow, Samue-1 R Andeisi.n. Chas Clark. Theis C Hineiinan, John C Bre-ckinridge, Benj F Che-atham. Riehard GriHith, Albert Pike, Adh-y II (Jladile-ii. Maxey Gre-gg. The following Ge ne rals .artie;'pate-d in the- Texan wars and the wars with Mexico: Ben MeCulloeh L-.uis T Wigfall. Tin following Generals saw no military ser. ice previms to the prese-nt war. John B Fle.y-el. ir-in-y A Wise. Robert Tootub, Richard TaMor, Thos B Fhuirnoy. L Pope Walker. F K Zollie.f",.,-, y,u Mahone, L )-B Branch. William H Carrol. R E Rhodes. Some. Ihnvi-vcr. received military educa catiems at State insl it uti.nis. Virginia has 10 Generals in the ConfeiUrnfn Annies; S.oith Candina H; Louisiana 8; Georgia 7; . Te nni;sse 1 S; Norih Carolina S; Kentucky 7; Mary i land 4; Alabama 4; Mississippi 4; Texas 3; Arkan- sas U; Florida 1; Missouri neme. The following Generals were born at the North, though pri'viems to the pre-sent war they. were citi zens of the Southe rn States: General Cooper, born in New York; Riph-y. in Ohiee, Pe mberlon, iu Penn sylvania; Pike, in Massachusetts; Blancluird, in TInr. ti J r-l ji HOOP 1 OleS, staves ana Cord Wood Wanted at the Charlotte Steam Mill. Oct 15. JOUX WILKES NOTICE. The destitute families of Volunteers for the war from Mecklenburg county, on bringing me a certificate from the Towil Marshal that they are such, will be furnished with clothing at my expense so far asl am able. Call on Dr E. Nye Uutchison in my absence. April 22, 18G2 4t J. A. FOX. 1! f&iirh AhThfh BUSHELS COTTOX SEED I 1 Q919,QP&PU wanted at the St. Catherine's .Mill, for the AYR OIL COMPANY. A fair price will be given. April 22, 18G2 4t COTTON SEED WANTED. The undersigned will pay the highest cash price for Cotton Seed, at their Oil Works, five miles south-east of Charlotte, at Isaac N. Alexander's "mills. STEPHENS & W1IISNAXT. Dec 3, 1SC1 J tf Goiil'l Gold !! Gold !!! 5Q Osmces wanted at J. T. BUT MCSl'. Jewelry Store, Opposite Kerr's Hotel. The highest CASH PRICE paid for Gold and Silver. January 21, 18G2. tf WM. & 11. TIDDY, Charlotte and Lincolnton, N. C, MANUFACTURERS OF M0KU3IEKTS, IIEADSTOKES, &c, &c. E?rOrders at either Yard respectfully solicited, and will meet with prompt attention. Feb 1, 18G2 tf THE SOUTH CARCLIMAN, Published Daily and Tri-weekly. COLUMBIA BANNER, A Weekly Family Paper. COLUMBIA S. C. This is the Largest Family Paper in the South, and is otlere-il to the domestic circle for News and Political Intelligence. The Tales :md Stories which are offered toilw. riKi.li.rs of tin. I!:iiinr nre ih e efforts nf Son ! hern Get iu, which it is a pleasure to foster. Original Sketches, Literary and Scientific Essays, and Mivcel laneoas Selections, regularly make their appearance in its columns. Subscription Daily, $G; Tri-Weckly, $4; Weekly, $2 per annum, in advance. Papers stopped when sub scription expires. Feb. 1, 1G2 R. W. G HIRES, Proprietor. SALE. P.f.l's. N. 0'. Molasses. loo llhds. N. O. Sugar. loo bales Bagging. 40 casks Rice (new crop.) Just receivfd and for sale by Jau 28, 1SG2 tf ELIAS & COHEN. WHEAT ! The subscriber is prepared to purchase the new crop of Wheat at the highest market price. Farmers will find it to their advantage to call at the CHAR LOTTE STEAM MILLS before selling. JAii'y 1, SG2 tf JNO. WILKES. IP SI. E. El. ANDREWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C, Would inform the public generally, and the citizens of Mecklenburg particularly, that he has resumed the Practice of DENTISTRY and may be found at his old stand. He is prepared to set Artificial Teeth on Gold, Silver, Vulcanite, or on the Cheoplastic process, as patients may desire, and fill Teeth with Gold, Tin, Amalgam or Os Artificial. He is also prepared to perform any operation belong ing to Dentistry, and neeel'iiot say that he will be pleas ed to wait upon any of his old friends or new friends you may take that for granted. February 5, 1SG1 By (he Governor of North Carolina. A PROCLAMATION. NORTH C.UiOLINIANS ! your country needs your aid for its protection and defence against an invading foe. The President of the Confederate Spates has made a requisition upon our St:t to complete her quota of troops in the Held. Our own borders are invaded by the enemy in force, no w- tin etenting an advance to.de prive us of liberty, property, and all that we hold dear as a self-governing andfree people. We must resist him at all hazards and by every means in our power. He wages war for our subjugation a war forced upon us in wrong and prosecuted without right a.id in a spirit of vengeful wickedness without a parallel in the his tory of warfare simong civilized nations. As you value your rights of self-government; all the blessings of freeilom; the hallowed endearments of home and fireside, of family and kindred, I call upon 3 011 to rallj to their defence, and to sustain the noble aud sacred cause in whicli we are engageti. North Carolina has always proved true, constant and brave in the hour of trial and of danger. Never let it be said in the future that she has failed to maintain this high renown. If we are threatened now more than heretofore, and upon our own soil, let our exertions be equal to every demand on our. patriotism, honor, and glory. No temporary reverses dampened the arder of your ancestors, even though the enemy marched in columns through the Slate. The fires of liberty still burned brightly in their breasts. They were moved in new energy, and resisted by gal lant deeds, with abiding hope and unflinching courage and perseverance, bravely contending with enemies at home as well the foreign foe, until, after a struggle of seven long years, our Iudepenelence was achieved and acknowledged. . Let us imitate their glorious example. The enemy is rcdoublii.ghis efforts, ami straining ever nerve to overrun our country and subjugate n to his domination his avarice and ambition. Already it is proposed in their Congress to establish a territorial government in a portion of our State. N0.1v is the time to prove our zeal and animate by our example. I call upon the brave and patriotic mii of our Stfete to volunteer, frenn the mountains to t.he sea. You are wantud to fill up our quota iu the Confederate Army, and for the special defence of lhe,.tstate. I rely, with entire confidence, for a prompt s'ml cheerful response to this call upon jour patriotism and valor. Tender yourselves in companies and ivi squads under officers of your own selection. You be at once accepted and organized into regiments under the laws that are or may be made, and which it is my duty to execute. The Adjutant General of the State will issue the necessary orders for this purpose. Fellow-Citizen!-. Yeur first allegiance is due to North-Carolina. -Rally to her banners. Let every man elo his duty, and nir country will be safe. Given uniL-f'my band ami the seal of 4the State, at Raleigh. thi22d of February, one thousand eight hundred and sixtv-two. HENRY T. CLARK. The Charlotte Mutual Fire Insur- ance Company, jlOXTINUES to' take risks against less by fire, on Houses, Goods, Produce, &c, at usual rates. President A. C. STEELE, Vice President C. OVERMAN", Attorney JOS. H. WILSON, Secij .j- Tmt'r E. NYE HUTCHISON. DIRECTORS: A. C JNO. M. B. STEELE, L. KR0WN, TAYLOR, S. T. WRISTOX, WM. JOHNSTON, F. SCARR, OVERMAN. -S. T. Wriston, F. Scarr, Jno. CHAS Ezecu'ire Committee L. Brown. April 10, 1861. &3T Blank Deeds, Attachments, and Court Blanks, for sale at this Office. In consequence of the great advance in paper, weare compelled to advance the priezs of Blanks to $2 a quire. CHARLOTTE DRUG STORE. E. NYE HUTCHISON &. CO. RETAIL DEALERS IN Foreign and Domestic Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Perfumery, Fancy Articles, Oils, Paints, Var- fijgft nishes, Window uiass, rutty, uye Stuns, i urpenune,-jsurning riuic, I Alcohol, .Pure Liqaors, Canton TeaSj Field and Garden Seeds, &c. g Having closed our Books, we intend hereafter to sell for cash. May 7, 18G1. WOOD-WORK and BLACKS3JITIIING. The subscriber i3 prepared to do all kinds of Wood work and lilacksmithing, such as making and repair ing Wagons aud Buggies, llorsc-sboeing, Ac. His Shop is at his residence, nearly opposite Mr W F Phifer's dwelling, and he also has a Blacksmith Shop on the back-street in the rear of the Mecklenburg House. He solicits a share of public patronage, and fels confident he can give satisfaction both in workmanship and charges. Give him a trial. J. II. PR0PEST. January 7, 18C2 WANTED, 4tffctfl4h BALES OF COTTON, for which the S4J highest market price will be paid in cash. Those having Cotton to sell w ill nlease give us a call before disposing of it. ELIAS & COHEN. Charlotte, Jan. 14, 18C2 tf Sequestration Act. Having been appointed Receiver for the counties ot Cleaveland, Lincoln, Gaston, Catawba, Iredell and Mecklenburg, I hereby notify every Attorney, Ageut, former Partner, Trustee, or other person, holding or controlling in said district, any lands, tenements or hereditaments, goods and chattels, rights or credits or any interest therein, for any Alien Enemy of the Confederate States, speedily to inform me of the same, and to render me an account thereof, and as far as practicable to put the same in my hands. Any person wilfully failing to do so, is made guilty by the law of a high misdemeanor. D. SCHEXCK, Receiver. My address is Lincolnton, N. C. P. S. Particular attention is directed to the 3d and 14th sectiems of the late Act amendatory to the first Act of Sequestration." March 4, 1-8(32 Ira KOT3CE. UR CREDIT CUSTOMERS, BY DISREGARDING OUR APPEALS. have forced us to adopt the CASH SYSTEM. Our terms hereafter will be strictly Cash on delivery. ' FISHER & BURROUGHS." Aug C, 1801 tf PEA MEAL We keep at our Steam Flouring Mill in this place Pea Meal for feeding cows and stoek. Also, we have on hand at all times, Family, Extra, Superfine and coarse Flour. We warrant our family flour. Corn Meal and Grits can always be had at the mill. J. WILKES & CO. Jan'y 1, 1802 YX J. B. KEKK, Proprietor. I VERY ACCOMMODATION afforded the patrons of he Charlotte Hotel. At this Jii'f j is kept the line of Daily Stages from Charlof.e e Asheville. Oct. 1, 18GI. J. T. KERR. The Cdc r ted Fennlc Pills. These Pills do not cure all diseases, biit they are war ranted to cure Lueoreuli, or Whites that dreadful scourge to female health, happiness and usefulness. They are not etented and are no humbug, but are prepareel by a North Carolina physician of high standing and of long experience in the treatment of female diseases. All that is necessary to convince you of their efficacy is a fair trial. For particulars, see wrappers. Price $1 per box. For sale at the DRUG STORES. Jan. 15, 18G1 yr WILKINSON & CO., DEALERS IN Watolies, MtV ie f Yf .Silver A: plated Ware AND FANCY GOODS, No. 5, Granite Range, Opposite the Mansion House, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Attention given to Repairing Watches and Jewelry. September 18, 1801. y New. Supply of WATCHES, JEWELRY, Solid Silrer and Plated Ware. The subscriber has lately purchased a very extensive supply of the ..above articles. His purchases being made directly from the manufacturer, he is therefore enabled to sell at a very small advance on cost, and persons may rest assured that all his articles are war ranted to be what he represents them to be. B5tS'Watches and Clocks carefully repaired aud will receive my person. el attention. R. W. BECK WITH. Nwv. 27, 18GI tf JOHN VOGEL, Practical Tai lor, respectfully informs the citi zens of Charlotte and surround ing country, that he is prepared to manufacture gentlemen's clo thing iu the latest style and at short notice. His best exertions will be given to render satisfac tion to those who patronize him. Shop opposite Kerr's Hotel, next door to Rrown k Stitt's store. Jan. 1.18J2. tf Headquarters N. C. Militia, ) ADJUTANT GENU HAL'S OFFICE, General Order No. 3 Raleigh, Dec 7, l&ul. The following persens will be exe:mpt from Company drills, except once in three months: All workmen iu any Factory engaged in working for the State, or mak ing arms, lead or powder, or in ship building for the State or Confederate States, the necessary employees of Telegraph or Express linesor Daily Press, Ferry men and keepers of Canal Locks, State officers and other persons whose employment in the service of the State is inconsistent with their attendance on Militia drill, auel persons excused under the Militia Law. This order will not be understiiod as excusing any person from Militia duty when called upon to repel an invasion, or suppress h insurrection, or ftom Regimen tal or Brigade drills and musters. By order of the Commander-in-chief. J. G. MARTIN, Dec. 17. Ailjutant General TAN BARK. 100,000 CORDS Tan Bark wanted, for which a libera price will be paid. M. B. TAYLOR. Charlotte, March 22, 18C1 tf ROBERT C. RASKIN. ALFRED MAHTIS. RANKIN & MARTIN, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ggJfConsignraents of Produce will meet with prompt personal atteation. March 19, 18G1 y riaalM Jl JMJiL J. G, JSjI NEW GOODS." The largest stock of FALL AND WINTER Coon in the town, is now oa hand at the popular and fa't, ionable house of Koopmann & Phelps. The public, and especially the Ladies, are very spectful'y invited to call and examine our stock, for know they cannot fail to be pleased, both ns to'qualit' and price. We are now opening daily, as we receive tliem from tLe first Ilonfes in the Northern cities, the follcwin splendid Goods in part: Merinos; Delaines, Poplins, Silks LADIES TRAVELING GOODS. ' French, English &, American Print.?, a large stock Qualities and prices to suit all tastes and purses. Splendid CL)1IiS and SirtH'M.& 0 which particular attentiou is invited, frc-iinti, J0(, ey's and Flats, Embroideries, Trimmings, Hosifrr Gloves, efce. Our Staple aud Domestic Departments full aud complete, and for.it we defy competition. WE will 1VOT BE UftDElCSGM), We have a splendid assortment .of CARPETS ninj Family and Negro Blankets. Our JlEA I) Y- MADE CL 0 Til IXC this season surpasses, In finish and superiority, oof heretofore splendid stock in lhat line: nnd the he, thing is, we will sell at shorter profits than ever. BOOTS' and SHOES.-Our stock in this department is very complete, and sele cted for Ladies Gentlemen, Children and Servants with great enrr, and at lov prices. A large and cheap stock of choice hardware, &c, We call the attention of onroldand highly valued cu. tomers, and buyers generally, to the fact that, antici pating their tastes and wants, we have neither spared toil or expense ia order to suit and please the-ui, nd we sincerely assure them that with these views nnd inten tions, we will sell on terms entirely to accommodate all who call on us. KOOPMANN & I'll LLPS. Jan. 1, 18G2. tf Quinn's Rheumatic Remedy Has effected cures of Rheumatism that were considered hopeless, certificates to prove which inn be exliibiifrij The suffering are invited to give the medicine a trial. Orders addressed to the undersigned nt Charlntte il receive prompt attention. ,W. W. QUINS. April 10, 1800. Price SI 50 per bottle. PROCLAMATION Ry the liiorci'Eior of A. Carolina. KxECtTtvE Department, 1 Raleigh, March 'JSth, 1802. In pursuance of the pow er vested in me by the Con rtitution, and by and with the advice of the council of State, I, Henry T. Clark, Governor of North Caiulina, do hereby prohibit the exportation be-ye.nd the limits of the Siate, of all cotton and woolen goods, ine-bidin; yarns, Jeans, Lin.-eys and Blankets except threniiih the orders of the proper oflicers of ihe ConfeeJerate or Stnle Governments. The Ailjutant General will cause the proper orders to be issued to enforce this proclamation in the most prompt and etlicient manner. All Agents to purchase on behalf of the State are required to have w ritten authority. HKNRY T. CLARK. April 1, 1802 3t llxtculivc ittparimtnl of J". Carolina ADJUTANT GhNKUAL'S OFFICE, Raleigh, March 22, 1802. J General Order No. 5. All new Companies of North Carolina Volunteer must It tende-red directly to the State, otherwise the bounty authorized by the ordinance of the Convention to raise North-Careina's quota of treops, will net be paid to them, as the law does not allow it. The Com panics so tendered will be organized into Reginirnts by ihe State, the commissioned oflicers of which ele-it their field officers. The bounty will be paid each Com pany as soon ns possible after their arrival in Camp. II. No organization of IJegiments or Battalions will Vie recogni.eel unless the same is done by authority of the State and in compliance with its laws. III. . Those Troops being raised for iinmedinte field service should have no more baggage than each man can carry in his knapsack. It is.dersirablc that eiuih man bring a blanket (if he can furnish it.) Any addi tional articles must necessarily be lost if brought. IV. All commiinicatioiis on Military matter must be sent to this Office. In no other way will they receive immediate attention. 15y order of Governor Clark, J. G. MARTIN, 10- It. Adjutant Gent-nil. A NEW LAW BOOK. C A KT WELL'S PRACTICE AT LAW. Just published, a treatise upon the PRACTICE AT LAW in Norih Carolina, I.y Edwai.u CASTklt LL.B., author of Ihe N. C. Justice, etc. CONTENTS : Of legislative power in general; legislative power in North Carolina; legislative powers of justices of ihe peace; county boundaries df-d, etc.: county revenue and charges; court-house's, prisons, etc.; county trustee; jury trials; fairs and public sales; jrene-ral atfeniblj; inspections, public landings, etc.; j.oor hourcs nnd hospitals; registeis and clerks; rivers tend cieeKs: gates, ferries and bridges; weights and measure; id;;ts nnd lunatics; retailers: Nense river; public innris acd curt ways; public landings aud inspections; mills and mil lers: ordinaries and constables; i ntrolK warden of the poor; prison bounds; roads, feiries and brieves; poll tax exemptions; executive power in general; executive power in North Carolina; t xeciflive power of the ronrty; chief justice and clerk: attoe neys at law; attorney cimi eral; reporter nnd marshal, clerks nnd solicitor; couni-e-1 for paupers; guardians; county attorney; auctioneers; county court clerks; coroners; boundary commissioner; committees of finance; county trustee; county trraMirrr; special court ; commissioners of fairs; inspectors; -perintendents of schools; commissioners of navigation; warelens of the poor; registers, commissioners of river and creeks: shci id's; constables; rangers; stanelard keep ers; retailers: administrators; chairman nf jieeiiil court; commissioners of deeds and conveyance; com missioners of low lsinds; entiy takers nnd surveyor; superinteneU-nts of elections; guardian nnd re-cciver; inspectors; commissioners of internal impi cv eme-hls1; partition; patrol committees ; proccssioners ; tax listria and boards of valuation: overseer of roads and rivers, commissioners of wreck; tobacco piekers and eoepurs. The APPENDIX contains forms of Deeds aud Con. ve-yanees, as follows : Agree 111 cuts, af t-ipnnientf. nwarii, bills of sale, bills of exchange and lading, bond, mil. cellaneons bonds, contracts, deeds, marriage ft Ie mcnts, mortgages, coj artiierfhip articles, ncte-. re. leases, Ac. Ac. This book cemtnins 55C pages, is gotten up in supe rior style and bound in law calf. Prie e. sir.fcle c J, $5.00. EDWARD CANT WELL, Lai. licit, N.C. m t . - - C. R T:iy5r' VIRGINIA PRINTING IKK ESTABLISHMENT, Corner of Adams and Leigh streets, RICHMOND, C. R. TAYLOR, Printing Ink Manufactu rer, takes pleasure in anne-uncing to the Southern Press that his Ink Factory is now in fucreiful oe ration in the manufacture or every dc-ci iption of Print ing Ink, which he is prepareel te furnish on rcu& able terms. News, Look and Job Inks of every dei-crij-tion always on hand. Orders promptly attended to. Adelress C. R. TAYLOR. July 2d. 'Richmond, V. CantwelPs Practice. During my absence in the Military service of klt State, in Virginia, subscribers and others desiring cop ies of the above work, can obtain thetn of Mrs. Cant- well, Raleigh. AH persons indebted to me, by note or otherwiv.'"9 requested to pay her. I will hold ht-r receipt jjood. Price of single copies of the above ?5.00 A deduc tion will be made to those who buy to sell again. EDWARD CANTWELL. Camp near Norfolk, July 30, 18C1. WANTED. Wanted frr the Confederate Amir, 10,000 f-oir o0 SCkS'. YOUNG, WRISTON A OHR. July 30, 18C1 -tf

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