DEMOCEAT, CHARLOTTE, Is. C. t$UVtt tmoaat. CoxrsDERATE Cosoees3 Id the Senate on the 16th, j LIST OP THE KILLED AND WOUNDED Mr Hill of ft from the Committee on the Judiciary, ihe 1th ath. 23rA. 33d and 3Kh. X. Carolina Jlegi- reported a bill to declare certain persons alien enemies, j ments Branch's Brigade near Manassat, Avgutt our request, the following list of the field officers j FIELD OFFICERS OF N. C. TROOPS. A friend has taken some pains to furcish, at Latest News. CHARLOTTE, N. C. Tuesday, September 23, THE NEWS. In addition to the news in another column, confirm ,r the capture of Harper's Ferry lr Jackson, and the rt-iiiilse of the enemy by Hill and Longstreet at Middle- town, we learn Irom passengers irom uirnmona on Monday morning, that another guat and bloody battla was fought on Wednesday and Thursday last, not far from where the former battles took place. It is stated that the main force of both sides was engaged. Lee , mnmanded our army and McClellun the enemy. On th- first day, Wednesday, it is reported that our army ivl! hack 0 miles to get abetter position, and onThurs- ! day drove the whole Federal army hack 'J miles. It is said to have been the most terrible buttle of the war, and the loss great on both sides. It is reported that we had three Brigadier Generals killed and four woun ,ed Oen Brunch, of this .Slate, is imported among the killed. We give this news as we received it, but cannot say that it is entirely reliable. Inasmuch as the battles iin- reported to have taken place on last Wednesday and Thursday, it seems strange that no authentic new s his been received before this. The news from Tennessee, Kentucky and Missouri coutiniies to be of the most favorable character. In f';tct, everywhere, the Confederates have the decided advantage of the enemy. Wherever our troops go they are received with joy by those whom the yankees have kept in bondage and subjection. Cossf.ckatiox Ckukmoxiks. We are requested to Plate lhat St. Peter's Episcopal Church, in this place, will be consecrated on Tuesday the 23d instant. The ceremony will begin precisely at 10J A. M. The Bishop will preach the Sermon. Six or eight clergy men from a distance are expected to be present. The "Apostolic Bite of Confirmation" will be admin istered at night of the same dav service to begin at 7j o'clock 1 M. JejjfAt a meeting of the Directors of the Wilming ton fc VVeldon Bailroad, held on the 19th inst., Stephen D. Wallace, Esq., was unanimously chosen President in place of Hon. Win. S. Ashe, deceased. . - . Askociatr Kkfukh Svson. The Synod of the Associate Reform Church of the Confederate States held its session in this county, at Sardis Church, last Meek. A large number of Ministers from this and ad joining States were present. We have been unable to learn any particulars of the proceedings, but tinder ftand that the question of a union with the Presbyte rian Church wits postponed for future action in conse quence of some of the States not being represented. - m - - - - St THKy Death. Mr Thos. X. Spratt of this county, w as found dead in the cars between this place and t'hester, on Wednesday night last. He took supper at lse?ter, and resumed his .scut in the cars apparently in good health, but in an hour or two afterwards he u as discovered to be dead. His money and papers were found all safe in his pockets. A Jury of Inquest examined the body, and rendered a verdict that death was caused by rome unknown cause. TIia Kill nrnrliUa that th President shall issue his ..... . - proclamation, requiring all person within th Con federate States who refuse to support the Government ifinn to depart within forty days oeyona me itrmunw that if any of said persons shall, during the forty days, abandon the Government of the United States and re nounce the oath of allegiance thereto, etc., he shall be relieved of the penalties against alien enemies. In the House, Mr Foote introduced a resolution pro posing to send a commissioner or commissioners to Washington, empowered to propose just and honora ble peace. Mr Holt of Ga , submitted a substitute, declaring that the people of the Confederate States have ardent v desired peace irom tue oeginnmg, u tht. ITnit(1 States Government shall mani zyrrt, i8t2. The following official statement was sent to its by Dr. Robert Gibbon, senior Surgeon of (Jen. Branch's Brigade N. C. troops : 7th REGIMENT. Killed David Joiner, Co E; Martin Cruse, A; R Rigs by, G; A Vanderburg, B; Wm Morce, F. Wounded Capt. McL. Turner, head, slight; Lieut. S Witherspoon, G, thijrh, severe; Lieut T C Lewis, I, hip, severe; James Tilly, Co. G, both arms; James A Freeman, B, neck; T H Atwell, I, shell, flesh wouud; John Owens, K, head: J Motley, B, arm and side; L Shoe, B, bruised; Corp'l J H Furr, B, thigh; P Rowe, F, leg; M W Kirkpatrick, H, finger; S Critman, E, head; D n Lawrence, G, pelvis; Sergt J L McKeithan, C, ankle: J W Bain?. K. Head: T B Hobson. G. lee: f T ( . ii k M' I'.nins r. lest a like anxiety, u snan oe. ...e u.... o. . Karat F font- I. Austin. A. toes: R Mn.lev. B. neck: i, it-ciii nn.i nptrntiaie wuii - :i - ' . t ' ' ' C A Helms. B, leg, died; James McCIartv, B, bowels, to .ti.noint commissioners to treat and negotiate with said Government. The resolutions and substitute were laid upon the table yeas 59. nays 2C. In Ihe Senate, on the 17th, the Exemption bill was further considered. The clause exempting tanners, shoe-makers, millers, etc., was agreed to: also, the clause exempting (Quakers and Dunkers, and another exempting physicians. The clause exempting Theo logical students was stricken out. In the House, on the 19th, a resolution of thanks to Gen. Magruder was passed. Both Ileuses have adopted a resolution to adjourn on the jOth instant. ot iNorth Uarohna troops, i Ins list is correct to the present date, (Sept. 13th) it having been com piled from official records : Colonels. J A McDowell, Chas C Tew. "W L DeRossett, J6aJ-At a sale of sugars, molasses, teas, kc, in Petersburg, Va., last week, the Express states that there was a considerable decline on former prices. N. O. sugar sold at 53 cents, claiified 63; molasses $2 02 to $3 per gallon, tea $1 25 per pound. The Express says: ''The favorable news from our armies, as well as the very favorable aspect of affairs for the South, will no doubt, have the effect of reducing the prices of many articles that are now held at such extortionate rates. No greater satisfaction could be given the public, than to see the speculators bitten in their attempts to bite. There is an immense quantity of sugar in the South West. Comparatively speaking, but little has been destroyed, or sent to the North the grand depot of demand and supply. The only difficulty in the way of getting It is want of transportion. Vicksburg is ours; Baton Rouge is ours, and consequently the navigation of the Mississippi river between those points is ours. As our grand armies are on the march into the richest portion of the enemy's country, where unlimited sup plies of the most varied kind and best quality can be obtained, our transportation lines in the South will not be so encumbered by government freight as to pre vent the transportation "of private merchandize. We therefore confidently expect, under this view of affairs, a vast change for tlie better in the price of the ne:es saries of life." Death of II. W. Miller, Esq. In Raleigh, on Wednesday last, Henry W. Miller, Esq., died after a short illness. Mr Miller was one of the ablest lawyers and most gilted orators in the State. He was about 49 vears of age. S-ZXf'A Proclamation from Gov. Vance, in regard disloyal persons, will be found in another column. to Important Okkehs. We papers the following order copy from the Raleigh just issued from the Adju tant General's Department. The attention of Militia ollicers is particularly called to the muter : Rallicu, September 13, lsG2. I. Colouels and others in command of the militia of North Carolina are hereby ordered to bring all men liable to conscription in their commands, and all soldiers absent from their regiments without leave, to the Camp of Instruction at Raleigh. All power neces sary for the enforcing or this order is hereby given to thcui. II. A failure or refusal to comply with this order will subject the offender to the penalties of a court martial, and consequent reduction to ranks. III. The Executive through its own officer having thus undertaken to collect all persons liable to military duty, in-tead of allowing Confederate olliocrs to do so, it is earnestly hoped that all will come up promptly to the performance of their tutv. l'.v order of Gov. Vanck. J. G. MARTIN", Adj. Gen. Salt. Our readers will find in to-day's paper a letter of great importance from Mr Woodtiu in regard to salt. Two Gfuces. The Raleigh Standard expresses the opinion that it is wrong for one man to hold the office of Brigadier General in the Confederate army and also that of Adjutant General of North Carolina. Gen. Martin hoids these two offices, and the Standard sug gests that he ought to resign one. We agree with the Standard exactly in this matter. No man should be allowed to hold two public otliccs, and for that reason we disapproved of the election of Judges to our State Convention some time ago, and we repeat that neither a Judge nor any other person should be permitted to hold two public otVices or j-Iacm at the same time. If a Judge is not content with his position and is anxious or willing to till another, he ought to resign his Judge ship; and if Gen. Martin is not satisfied with his position as Adjutant Genera!, he too ought to have re figucd before accepting the post of Brigadier General in the Confederate army. There arc a plent Pf capa ble men without burdening one nmn with two office. - JtefiTThose wishing to purchase Salt are referred to the card of A. K. .Mall, of Wilmington, N. C. We know Mr Hall well, and assure the public that he may be relied on to do what is right. NOTICE. Uur terms arc now ..rer ,1 ,U:t'r per year. Printing materials and everything else have more than doubled in price, and it is proper, and m.thiij but air, that the price of newspapers should be advanced to meet the increased rates of material, living, kt. We don't intend to promise anything that we can't afford, aud we thtiik it better to advance one dollar on our sub ?criptiol. pru-c than to leduce the naner in size, as a ' mi the South have been compelled gy" Vigilance Committees have been formed in several of the interior towns in Georgia, to prevent the buying up and taking away the prime necessaries of life : and requiring that all foreigners, Jew or Gentile, local or transient, be required to leave said towns. The people of Vork, perhaps, will have to follow some such course, unless they wait to be starved out by the vagabond set who pay us weekly visits from Columbia and Charleston. One fellow has engaged nearly all the butter in the District, at a high price, which he will call for at stated times. Yorkcille Enquirer. There is general complaint in this community of the conduct of transient traders and speculators. Con sumers who live here find it a hard matter to get any thing to eat because the speculators and transient tra ders, who neither do the town or Confederacy any good, buy up the necessaries of life for the sole purpose of speculating. The patience and forbearance of our people are nearly exhausted. Yellow Fkvkk is Wilmington. We regret to learn that yellow fever has made its appearance at Wil mington, in a very malignant form. It is supposed to have been brought there by the crew of the Kate, or some other vessel which has recentry run the blockade. About '.iO or 40 cases are said to have occurred, and a number of deaths. The most active exertions have been made to cleanse the town and prevent its spread ing. Numbers of persons are fleeing from the place. Jlii I tii ft Standard. The Wilmington Journal, of the ICth, gives the fol lowing correct information concerning the pi ogress of the disease: "In order to put at rest the many exaggerated aud exciting rumors which have gone forth in regard to the sanitary condition of this town, and to the exis tence of yellow fever here, His Honor, the Mayor, thinks that an exact statement of the facts of the case as he has found them to exist, is due to the public, lie requests us to state as follows: He has made diligent enquiry of all the physicians m town who have Iteen in attendance upon any sus- pected cases, and finds the whole number of such cases, j up to this time, pr noticed yellow fever, to be five. On I yesterday there was only one new case, and none to day. it li the piecautions adopted, it is confidently hoped that no further spread of the disease need be ippreheuded." The Journal of the 17th says. " No new cases of yellow fever have been reported to-day. There seems to be no indication of the disease extending itself, and there is no ground for fright or panic. All the excitement will pass away in a few days." Bs"At a meeting of the Stockholders of the Bank of Wadesboro, held the 9th inst., the following resolu tion was adopted on motion of W. L. Steele, seconded by Joseph Medley: Resolved, That in the opinion of the Stockholders, it is the duty of all citizen? and bodies corporate in the Confederate States to sustain the financial credit of the Govcrntneut to which we all look in confidence for pro tection, and as such should freely receive and payout in business transactions the Treasury notes or bills of credit issued for the purpose of sustaining the Govern ment in prosecuting the war for independence. W'tidctboro Argus. The action of the Bank of Wadesboro is exactly right, and very creditable to the institution. N. C EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION. The annual mcetins: of the State Educational Associatiou of North Carolina for the current year will be held in the town of Lincolnton. on died; R Huffman, C, fool; Corp'l M E Harris, II, foot; H C Cowan, I, thigh, severe: E T McCling, I, head; Win Fox, A, thigh; B F Eleons,I, both feet; II M Smith, K, knee; J W Gray, A, leg; S N Jamison, D, thigh, slight; J Sheridan, D, leg, slight; R Whalan, D, thigh, slight: J E Caldwell, II, ankle; T D Marlow, A, hip: G W Turner, E, hip; P Freeze, B, leg; H Blaylock, B, elbow, severe; A B Nash, side. 18th REGIMENT. Killed Lieut Stewart. Co. F, D Moore, E. Wounded Lieut T C Lewis, I, hip; R M Je?sup. K, thigh; J Whitted, G, leg; M S Door, B, elbow; J W Wheeler, E, slight; D B Watson, D, arm: J S Tedder, H, hip: S B Merrett, H, arm; J A Hanson, H. head: C Barnhill, C, leg; S Jolley, II, fingers. 28th REGIMENT. Killed Joseph Dunn, Co. C: Geo Wallace, D. Wounded Lieut J M Crowell. Co. K, foot slight; Lt. E T Thompson, A, leg slight; D King, K, cheek severe: J II Hoffman, B, leg severe; A W Hambrick, H, chest slight; S J Cornell, C, arm bad: J Deal, C, chest, died; J Mai tin, C, thigh amputated: D J Dunn, C, finger; G Harmon, C, arm slight; R Adkins, A, concussion; W S Blackwood, A, head severe; J T Blackwood, A, face severe; D P Smith, A, arm slight: W D Kelly, F. abdo men . light; M Bolick, C, arm slight; D Hoffman, C, chest slight: II Pollard, C, both arms severe; J T Mur phy, B, linger; D C Casey, I, shoulder slight; James Brown, A, shoulder slight; Calvin Parks, A, thigh slight; M Brindle, I, arm and thigh severe, W Spel rami, F, hip slight; B Perry, D, hand severe; P Freeze, D, finger; J Craton, D, thumb; Wm Wildes, D, finger; J. F Hopkins, D, back, slight; R D Arnold, B, arm slight: A G McClester, D, head slight; G Hinson, D, hip and head severe; A Shovers, I, hip, died; Thomas Peel, A, arm severe: M J Armstrong, I, thigh slight; L D Ward. 3?,d REGIMENT. Killed John Porter, Co. E. Wounded Capt W T Parker, Co. E, head slight; Capt J II Sanders, A, arm slight; J E Parker, leg se vere: J Lnngley, G, head slight; W S Hunter, B, head, slight; J II P B'ryant, B, foot slight. 37tii REGIMENT. Killed Lieut G II Beatty, Co. C; Lieut Wm Green. B; Thos Havs, B; F Cousins, C; David Nelson, B; J H Fight, H: Win Weaver, A. Wounded Lieut W M Fetter, Co. K, thigh slight; Lt Beatty, C, bowels, died: Lt Bingham, E, head slight; Lt Wilso'n, I, heel slight: Lt L A Potts, C, thigh slight; W C Wilson. E, leg, died; W F Horn, D. thigh severe; A F Yandle, I, groin severe; A P Torrcnee, C, shoulder severe; W Kelley, F, thumb; L N Reid, G, back, se vere: S Pope, G, back, slight; F E Robnet, G, leg slight; E Nitt, G, arm severe; J F Watts, G, chest slight: L Shoemaker, F, fiagcr; A S Hannah, F, arm; Lieut W F Shall, E, arm amputated; W Keziah, I, groin severe; A A Kelley, C, leg; M Shaver, C, hip; J Talley, I, Ear; J Hoffman, A, thigh: M Deal. G, hip died; J C Thompson, E, wrist, died; W G Blair, E, knee; D A Daniels, (J, abdomen; J V Farthing, E, shoulder; J Townsend. E, shoulder slight; E Keller, B, hip: R M McGinnas, H, arm amputated: Z Owens, A, arm, A L Black, E, thigh bad; L D Ward, A neck bad; J Ham, A, leg slight; G Bryant, A, shoulder, mortal; II Ben- net, I, hand, bad; E Walters, D, head slight; E Baker, D, arm and side; T N Watts, D, hip slight; C J Coffee, E, aim slight; J E Coffee, E, face slight; J H Wike, G, arm slight; A Stegall, 1), arm slight; D R Alexander, C, arm, severe; J W Barnett, C, arm slight; II H Farth ing, E, shoulder bad; J M Baker, A, both thighs bad; T Marlin, A, hip slight; F M Triplet, A, arm slight: R R Lets, C, hip slight; H White, G, knee slight; N M Ren dles, II, leg slight; G Ricks, E, foot flight; A Hartley, B, thigh slight; W Henderson, c, hip, died; A Barker, A, groin slight; W L McCoy, I, hip severe; J T Webb, D, shoulder severe; Win Hill, D, arm severe. Report of Casualities near Fairfax C. House, September 1st. 7tii REGIMENT. Wounded Capt U B McRae, Co. C, neck severe; Lt T G Williamson, F, thigh severe; W II Haywood, E, arm severe; C Little, B, thigh bad; J Blackburn, F; D Bovley, F, thumb; W Dangley, E, shoulder; Stowe, H, ankle; S Degerheart, A, kuec; J J White. II, arm and shoulder; A Wilson, I, head; M W Rice, A, shoulder; E T Krinimons, II, back; S Russel, II, shoulder; It B Hall, F, thumb; G L Coster, D, shoulder; D Z Phillips, F, thigh slight; J T Johnston, C, arm slight. IStii REGIMENT. Wounded B F Kineldi, co. K, arm bad; T Pregcon, K, arm; J A Corbet, F. arm; D Jones, F, arm; Lt J G Bntler, c, back; N C Singletary, B, shouldei; S B Graves, B, head, mortal, Wm Moor, E, thigh: D J Moor, E, head. 28th REGIMENT. Killed Wm Tettit, co. F. Wounded A E Head, co. F, shoulder; J A Little, C, hand; J Louder, K, neck; P A Appcman, F, back; Wm Coplin, F, elbow; J G Truclove, F, finger; J II Point dexter, F, neck: G Miles, F, shoulder: D Pleon, D, fin ger; II C Sides, D, leg bad: W Donethan, F, knee: M J Rollins, H, shoulder and hip; J M Gillis, H, hip: R A Genell, leg. 33r REGIMENT. Wounded A D Hatch, co. F, neck; T A Cowan, A, thigh and ankle: Murichan, A, side; E Gerry, E. nose: R Powell, E, knee; J Filpot, 15, thigh; M James, E, leg. 3Tth REGIMENT. Killed Lcroy Sample, co. C. i Wounded Capt Watson Lenoir, co. A, leg amputa- I ted; Lt W Goodman, A, neck bad; Lt L A Potts, C, hip and hand; Lt A J Critcher, B, side and arm: W L Norwood. B, leg; G W Triplet, B, arm: T Norwood, A, j foot; J F Forister, F, finger; P Welch, F. knee; G Been, II, thigh, amputated, died; J M Cortney, II, lungs: II : it itir.. .i ' iscnuncKS, -; uiign; r aicwart, A, ear. LlECT.-CLS. CAPTURE OF HABPEB'S FEBBY ' JACKSON STILL TBIUMPHANT! From Ihe Richmond Enquirer of Saturday. We have full confirmation to-day of tho rapture of In this county, on the 18th inst., bj David Bender son, Esq, Mr Henry Lynch to Miss Laura klcQian. Majors. 21 2-2 f. 2A 55 26 27 2S 29 30 31 4 1 Bryan Grimes. 5 D. K McRae, G Isaac E Avery. 7 Ed G Haywood, fe Henry M Shaw, 9 L S Baker, 10 J A J Bradford, 11 C Leventhorpe, 1 Beni O Wade. 13 Alfred M Scales, 14 R T Bennett, 15 Ileurv A Dowd, 10 J S McEhoy, 17 Win F Martin, lSjRobertHCowau, Ji5oi. Williams, 20 Alfred Iverson, Robert F Hoke, James Conner, Danl H Christie, Wm J Clarke, H M Rutledge, II K Burgwynn, John R Cooke, James II Laue, Robert IJ Vance, Fran M Parker, John V Jordan. o'2;Ed J- Brabble, 33, 'Clark II Averv, 34jRich 11 Riddick, 35 M W Ransom, 3J Artillery 37 Wm M Barber, 3tf William J Hoke, 39 David Coleman. 40 Artillery 41 Cavalry 42. George C Gibbs, 43Thomas S Kenan, 44, T C Singeltary. 45'Junius Daniel, 4bEdward D Hall, 47,Sion II Rogers, 48 Robert C Hill. lib.Ste D Ramseur. Mars D Craton, J L Cautwell, J K Marshall, Wm A Owens, John V.'hnbish, 55 John K Conally, .o rani r I aison, Arch C Godwin, John B Palmer, Jas D Radcliffe, Ham A Browu, Wm I Bynum, Edward Savage, David M Carter, Peter J Sinclair, Robert F Webb, Junius L Hill, William J Price, Jas B Gordon, Wm J Martin, Thos I, Jones, Thomas Rurlin. Wm MacEae, AVm A Stowe, John C Lamb, Thos J Purdie, W G Robinson, Wm II Toon, Sanders Fulton, Robert H Gray, R D Johnston, John L Harris, S C Bryson, J S Kendall, R YV Singeltary, bamuel D Lowe Jas M I.owry, James T Keif, Daniel G Fowle, W T Williams, 50 M ! 52 53 54 0 58 59 GO James S Hines, Wm R Cox, S. D. Thurston, James H Wood, William J Hill, Sam Mel) Tate, Robert S Young, Geo Williamson. Jno H WhitaW, W B 1 honipson, Egbert A Ross, David P Rowe, Jno T Hambrick, W H Yarboro', Thos II Sharpe, Foiuev George, J W SVoodiiii, C C CoK C C Blacknall, T D Love, J t rancis, Johu A Gilmer, W J Montgomerv, Thos V Gardner; Wm W Sillers, Jesse J Yeates, D G Coward, Robert V Cowan, At Davidson Colleee. on the 16th inst.. Hra Sajao arpers Ferry on Monday the 15lh, by the wonderful year. . ' i a ir e t n ma r . i . . - . . In Cabarrus contttT, recelljr f Dr. Janet McEachea, the captured army, are a most valuabU i.rize siurcs, ii -ppenrs, were out small: but such jacKson. me cannon with vhih ti. worlt o.r mounieu. aou idc nei.1 riiii... - a .i - u j 7 j , umm mr Miimi 11 i uire u ivi years. ..i. - J. The i At Lvnchburo- Vi rn F;ti- K MS inat K.lmnm! ' pi - -I . .a f 1 w u I T V i ... I - T . J . f - m. .inBuuj, rummer irom union COUBit. Hireu were, they are ours Six hundred negroes stolen or j rears, son of Mr Wm Newsom ' ' seduced from their homes, are also restored lo their , - " masters again. j OBITUARY. The country will rejoice, and well may it rejoice, ( It has pleased an Allwise Providence to remoT over thi3 most SILT nul em....l " n.I.lcl I... iko r i . . L Ihe very interesting lelter of Gen. F. II. Smith ! esteemed brother in Christ Jesus, Lieut. C. B. Boyc. gives us the particulars of the movement which have i ,l ws o'n iu Fairfield District, S. C., wher hi re resulted so brilliantly to our arm. We are kindly j mains are now deposited. permitted by Gov. Letcher to publish extracts from ! H entered the service or hi country in the ear! letters received by him yeiterday from (Jen. Smith : l'arl f '" During the time of his enlistment Wischestku. Sept. lu. After the advHn, r.f ..,.r i Lia u ihl J Ii wa discharged frvoV th ; army to Frederi.k, and the issuing of the admirable SDe,XKv- r, A"r "J enlisted in Co. Hf Uth j proclamation to the people of Maryland by Lee a I , . 0 1 " ., mf ,Hken wi,h tjpbold ver t Cmp iniM-ciiipiit funk n!,n- tvl.k - . . ... . !. i Lailll), near WlImintMon. V. C. l. returned homx anil - " t ...... vii .ruu us. geemitiiny lit me . , . , ., . " . , . . direction of Pennsylvania, but really for an important d,".d An8,,l 9th, ,n ib 25,h r movement into Virginia. After sending a portion of' "D ""'er h" was kinJ. benevolent and mild. 1H his troop to occupy and hold the Maryland Heights ! mta l:,I'eo,t',b 'oved and obejed him. Ho wu skillful Gen. Jackson wai directed bv Geu I ee to rerm tlJ ttuU PromlJt ' " performance of all his duties. The .....v. v. ..i.. uMiuvie uiuuic iu uia memory wouitl state, for the comfort of his bereaved wife and frif ndi that he was active and faithful in the discharge of bit religious n ties, aud often could on voice be heard as companies, Eli II Miller, John G Jones, detached C N Hickeison, R F Annfield, ! L D A ndrewn, II II Davidson, F A Reynolds. detached companies, detached iconinanies. John E Brown, ,D A Underwood, w m. j jewis, T L Hargrove, J II Morehead, Wm A Jenkins, Walt J Boggan. C M Sled man, Andrew J Boyd, Rush J Mitchell, G H Faribault, !John A Grave., o xj r:. ii I o w amtiii, Lee M McAfee. J A Washington V in A Allen, John A Fleming. George Wortham, Hector McKethan, Marcus A Parks, J Q Richardson, .1 1, Jas .1 Iredell. J C S McDowell, ' K M Murchison. Ab S C alloway, G G Luke, H C Joues, Jr., Plofiit, Wm S Devane, J A McDowell, H T Schem k, James A Craige, ener, Henry Harding, Wm II Deaver, The following regiments and battalions have made no returns to the Adjutant Genera.', and have, therefore, not been numbered : Colonel 1). D. Ferebee's, Colonel L. M. Allen's, and Colonel R. G. A. Love's regiments; Colonel G. IN. Folk's cavalry, Major Moore's light artillery, Major Young's artillery, Major Wharton's sharpshooters, Major P. G. Evans' partizan rangers, and Colonel Wharton Greene's battalions. I here are also quite a number of heavy artillery companies, etc.. enough in all to mnkeour active force up to sixty-five regiments. Raleigh Jour nal, Kith inst. m . A Man Killed on the X. C. Hoad. We learn from a passenger who reached this city on Friday inorniug's train Irom Charlotte, that when about CO miles from this city, just about sunrise, the train passed over the body of a man lying across the track. On stopping the train and ex amining the bodj', it was found that the man must have been killed some hours before, as it was per fectly cold. The body was shockingly mangled, the head and one of the arms being entirly sever ed from the body. It is supposed the man was druuk, and while lying ou the track was ran over by the freight train. Ilaleiyh Rejtster. . - Outrageous Cruelty. Gen. Tilghman de livered a speech at Jackson, Miss., reciting the particulars of his treatment while a prisoner in the hands of the yankees. He said that Gen. Uuckner and himself were thrown into a dungeon thirty feet under ground, and for four months and a half were excluded from the light of day, and not permitted to exchange a word with any living soul. The day of reckoning for such barbarity is at hand. The General thought that we would have peace in less than six months, the North being sick of the war. 3 lTn REG I. M i:CT. Pr J F Miller, Surgeon of the 3 1th N C Kegiment, publishes a list of the killed and wounded in his reg't, i from which we copy the following : ! Col R II Riddick, wounded on 1st Sept, in side and ino-t ot the papula i ;o no. Let Lst has increased during the past week, at three dollars, as rau -h as during any other week at two doll's. We have fend tut one man who thought we ought not to .,... i- ..... . . . e " ""J liim if he would w.nn tl .mi V .... """"i ouuer, St., at M j,.--, lamij nave our paper at the old sell us Tuesday, the 14th of October, commencing at 7 ' Tris!' sVcrc; ,Lie,ut o1 E,i,n Mi''er wounded on same o clock, 1 M. Business of importance will come before the Association and this consideration, and the fact that the honor and interest of the Confederate States demand unusual exertions on the rart of those who are made instruments iu promoting the : Shull, Jesse Kaker, G W Ii progress of Christian civilization, ouht to secure Missing: John Jonas. a good attendance on the part of the faithful teachers of North Carolina. The location is a pleasant one, accessible by steam, the season delightful, while the usual rail road facilities will be afforded to the delegates Friends of Education iu North Carolina, le day in the neck, dangerously. Both since died. Company B, from Gaston county, Killed: privates Jos B Bedford, G J Sweazy. Wounded : Ja3 Wilson, corp'l G W Lookady. Missing: Sergt W W Bridges. Company E, from Lincoln county, Killed : Lieut H D Katon. Wounded: corp'l Geo Cauhle, privates PH obisou, George r ulbriglit. A PROCLAMATION By Z. B. Vaxce, Governor of North Carolina. Whereas, Information has reached me that certain persons, unmindful of the calls of patriotism, and for getful of the duties of good citizens, are using their in fluence to prevent obedience to the law of Congress knowu as the Conscript Law, and that others are at tempting to organize an open resistance to its execu tion; and whereas, such conduct being not only in di rect violation of law, but also detrimental, in the high est degree, to the cause of our becomes my sacred duty to prevent and repress the same by all the means in my power : Now, therefore, I, Zedi lox B. Vaxck, Governor of North-Carolina, do issue this my proclamation, warn ir.'' all such persons to desist from such unpatriotic and criminal conduct ; earnestly hoping that all who are disinclined to defend their homes themselves, either by reason of age, infirmity or cowardice, will cea3e to dissuade those who are willing; and notifying all per sons contemplating an armed resistance to the law, if there really be ain- such misguided and evil-disposed persons in our midst, that they will commit the crime ot treason according to the Constitution, and must not expect to e.:capc its penalties. Whilst thousands upon thousands of our best and bravest have cheerfully obeyed the law, and by their patriotic valor have driv en the enemy back to the Potomac, it would be an in tolerable outrage upon them to permit others to evade the law, or worse still, to resist it by open violence. Let no one, therefore, be deceived, the law will be enforced , and I appeal lo all loyal and patriolic citi zens to sustain those who arc charged with its execu tion. Given under my hand, and attested by the Great Seal of the State. Done at the city of Raleigh, the 18th dav of September, 1862. By the Governor: ZF.BULON B. VANCE. R. II. Battle, Jr., Privale Secretary. Sept 23, 182. tf WANTED, To purchase a good MILCH COW. Island Office to M. Sept 23, 18G2 Applv at Rock l. wiiisrox. Company F from Cleaveland count-, Killed : 1st Sergt 11 W Crowder. Wounded: corpl A J Borders, privates J N Loudon. J J Carter, E Crotts, J W Hcn drick, M P Petty, A Warren. Company G, from Mecklenburg county (McGee's) Kilfpd ; .losse Phillins. Wound-d : Serrr't W C Mc- Carolina, let us i Cord, nrivates Thos Kincr. F E Johnson. oes, he should cer- j not permit the insolent assumption of the enemies Companies II and I. from Cleaveland, Wounded : price. Hp wmiM : nt rmr liberties r-niip iii tn lc r nmnmnl t:,. r ,. , t c..inn 'o.rt lllm Kami T. Pnivlnr. crrAA . , , i, , , , . ..vk , - - - - - ui.-?iaii Jul & muLutut . uirui uru uitiuiuu, v t-iv.i. " v " - Kitl. IJ (ilal. Snil fit i'hi.... . . . : r. . n A I . . . . . . . . s-, O 7 H .11.! I . I . .. .1.. . . . T . I . . - "vu "oi ui mm oi me uttu, vi have the Democrat at the ol.l nf;,. w . m . prue. He seemed to again in council ' o ask and receive higher ' other hi out allotted and noble task of develop! prices, but unfair for others to do o. ! the moral nnwer r.f nnr llnvd nnn(. The. sending us ur.curicut money will Bot re- j C. . WlLKY, Sup. Com. Schools; J. D. CAMP ecive the paper in return; and Ihey must call or BELL, Recording Secy; S. LANDER, Correspond send for their money, as we will not pay postage to I bg Scc'yBcuthe Com. return it by mail. Wc will t.rke Confederate notes N.C ! Treasury aud Bank notes, and South Carolina notes. I The -ew York Herald states that the Confcd NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Proposals will be received unul the 1st of October for building a MARKET HOUSE in the Town of Char lotte. Plan and specifications may be seen at the Branch Bank of North Carolina. R. F. DAVIDSON, Mayor. September 23, 1862 NOTICE.' Certificates of Stock in the N.C. Railroad, issued to Adaline W White, No. 64, Rich'd J White, No. 650, P P White, No. 651, D V White, No. 652, Anna M wiiin. Vn nn.l v C. C White. No 652. have been f,t course w w..ii.i i.. . - i r t r 1 . ... . 1 i... v m nr;.-o v tr t?o.-..i vv 3 nnn ! r.,.,i v,.. ii,A u,.rr,inrr nf ihe house of Mrs A u - . v.u.v. uvi. iti uim oi mc ul'lt;w vi uui ijiunous cause. JjCi us meet -opi ..iuhuu, j-n.n-s . in-.u, r, i j .v . ---- - in January, lbto. Appucanvu mn of thirty davs for duplicate ceruncaics uv J L. B- KKIMMINGER. and mutually enennrae each ! J R Moore, D G Morron, Lawson Phillips, Thos alker, . u bite i anu "'uaii encourage eacn , Wm Barefie)d M w Flinn Wni Sutton, D the end d and noble task of developing . ,,.,. Sk'1,lm rnv Ssm;.h - 1 u..u, . ""-'"1 - . The above casualties occurred on the 27th, 29th and 30th of Aug., and 1st of Sept. We don't want any one to send us thinplasters issued ! cratc w?r steamer Florida, Liout. Murrah, had suc iy counties or individual, ig fwch isswrs are uu- ' ceeJJ iu destroying several United States vessels M.i.ri.'cd. t noar Nassau. ArroisTiiEXTS by tue Goversob. Gov. Vance has appointed Dr. Edward Warren, of Chowan, Surgeon General of the State, iu place of Dr. Chas. E. Johnson, resigned. He has nlso appointed as bis Aids, David A. Barne?, Esq., of Northampton, and George Little, Esq., of Ral eijrh, each with the rank of Colonel. Hal. S'indard. Sept 23, 1862 lm pr adv $3. The subscriber is dailv receiving supplies ot a gooa article of Sound SALT, .which be offers for sale at lowest market rates. Orders accompanied with the money will receive prompt attention. A.. E. HALL, . Sept 23, 1862 3m pd WimixoTo.i. lllti'tfllMf fit U'illilimDttApl I .i ) . . ... - "T""! ' possession oi .tiartius- btirg. and Ihen pass rapidly behind Harper's Ferry, that x capture might be effected of the garrison mid stores known to be there. The movement was admira bly conducted. Martinsburg fell, with a capture of one hundred and fifty prisoners and tniiie stores, iSic most being takeu to the Ferry. The investment of Harper's Ferry was effected . on Saturday. Sundny Morning there was some firing, and it was renewed vesterdav morning. and the result the unconditional surrender ot the garrison ten thousand men, with all the arms, fifty pieces of artillery, ammunition, one hundred wagons, quartermaster and commissary stores, and many cars, some of which were loaded, and' 600 negroes. So much is official. It is reported that the cavalry, lOyO in number, escaped to Shepherdstown. Jackson will now re-cross the Potomac at Harper's Ferry, circumvent the enemy if he hag had the temerity lo follow our advanced corps, and we shall capture or disperse the whole concern. God grant that this con jecture may be verified. Gen. Garnett is certainly killed. His body arrived here this morning. Fkaxcis H. unu. LATER. Information which reached this city last evening from an officer who was engaged in the fight at Harper's Ferry states that we captured at lhat place 11,000 privates, omcers, z.uuu negroes, 1 5,000 stand of i small nuns, and 16 pieces of cannon. Our loss in the ! engagement was three killed and forty wounded. The officers u nd men captured were all paroled and sent home. we assembled ourselret together upon the green gran to praise God. Uia noble example will be felt and fol lowed long after his form shall have mouldered in the grave and returi.ed to its mother 4ml. We have great reason to believe that lm gtflil has (rone to that btcMe world where there is no sounding of the drum nor roariug of cannon, but peace and quietoest. lie could exclaim in the language of one of old, "To uie to live is Christ, but lo die i gain." pd J. C. It., Soldi br. . ajtui re- BATTLE AT MIDDLETOWN, M'D. rite Federals muler Gen. MeCUIlan pulsed. From the Richmond Enquirer of Saturday we copy the follewing account of the battle at or near Middle town, in Maryland, on Sunday aud Monday, Sep! 1 4th and 15th: Of the many rumors current, the following appears to be the most authentic: That a desperate battle was fought on Sunday the 14th, at Middletown, Md., be tween the Confederate forces under Gen D II Hill, and the Yankees, 80,000 strong, commanded by McClellan. Gen Hill is reported to have made three separate at tacks, and was each time repulsed by the superior num bers of the enemy. Early the next "morning (Monday) he was reinforced by Gen Longstreet, and again at tacked the enemy, and succeeded in driving hiin three miles from his original position. The fight is snid lo have been a long and bloody one, and was attended with heavy loss on both sides. Middletown is on the great Turnpike leading from Frederick city to Cumberland, 8 miles from the former place in a northern direction. :About ten miles fur ther west on the same road is Ifoonsboro, where it was first erroneously said the fight had taken place. Gen Hill's division sustoij, -uu cii Inn try, the attack of McClellan's main force, until the ! arrival of Longstreet, when the enemy was driven back with great slaughter. P. S. A gentleman who reached Richmond on Fri day evening says it is understood that Gen Hill's los on Sunday was chiefly in prisoners, of whom Cobb's brigade furnished the principal u;;uiher. Gen Garland of Va, was certainly killed. Gen Garnett was not in jured. Gen Jackson had marched from Harper's Ferry to get in rear of the enemy, who was understood to be retreating before Lee. A., T. & 0. Railroad. At n meeting of the Directors of the Atlantic, Tenn. & O. R. R. Company, on the : 3th instant, the following resolutions were adopted : . . Resolved, That all subscriptions of Stock heretofore made to the A Teun. & O. R. R. Company on which three or more installments' have been pHid, and on which one or more Installments are still due and un. paid, are hereby declared forfeited to the use and ben efit of the Company, including all payments mnde on the same, according to the provisions of the charter, provided all arrearages on said Slock are not paid by the I5lh of October neit. Resolved. That suit be instituted against all other solvent aud delinquent stockholders failing to uiske payment by the first of October next. Resolved. That Ihe reduced rates for passengers re turning the same day are hereby abolished. M. L. WR1STON, TresF. Sept 16, 1S62 4t WANTED TO HIRE, FIVE HANDS to work on the Slatesrille Railroad, d TEN for the C. k S. C. Railroad, for three months or longer. WM. JOHNSTON, Sept 1C, IfiC. 4t President. lleariq' District of N. Carolina, V Halkiuii, September 0, 18G2. ) General Orders, No. 2. I. All persons liable to Military Duty under the Con scription law are hereby required to come to the Cnmp of Instruction, nar this city, at once. Thone doing uu will be allowed to select the Infantry Regiment they w ish to join, and unless full, they will be assigned ac cordingly. II. The Regiments of Infantry and Artillery ou duly in this State are authorized to enlist Conscripts to in crease each Company of Infantry and Heavy Artillery to one hundred men, hut not exceeding it; and Light Batteries lo one hundred and fifty men. Hv command of Brigadier General J. G. Martiw: A. GOnnoV. A. A.TJ Oh. Sepl 16 4t . I - Richmond, Sept 20. Gen Jackson's official report of the capture of Harper's Ferry, dated the 16th, says : "Yesterday God crowned our arms with another bril liant success, in the surrender at Harper's Ferry of Brig Gen White and eleven thousand troops, nn equal number of small arms, 73 pieces of artillery, and about 200 wagons, in addition to other stores. There is a large amount of camp and garrison cquippage. Our loss very small." The cannon and stores captured at Harper's Ferry have been removed. There has been no fighting since Monday. Our army is in fine spirits. McClellan, with his army, uas in our front near Sharpsburg, and auother battle was expected. FROM MISSOURI. A letter received by a member of Congress from Missouri, dated the 5th inst., gives the most encourag ing account of affairs in that State. The State militia to the number of 50,000, are said to have declared for the Confederates, with the Lieutenant-Governor of the State at their head. The Confederates arc in posses sion of Springfied, and the Federal Governor has re tired to St. Louis. FROM THE WEST Mobile, September 20. A special despatch to the Advertiser and Register, dated Knoxville September 19, states that the enemy evacuated Cumberland Gap on Wedusday night, blowing up their magazines, des troying all their property, and blasting rocks to block up the roads. They retreated by Harland road to Kentucky, our forces pursuing them at Cumberland Ford and Baptist Gap. Andy Johnston's family who w ere at Greenville, East Tennessee, within our lines, have beeu permitted by order of the Secretary of War, to return to the enemy. Chattanooga, September 10. The enemy have again evacuated Nashville this time going down ihe Cumberland River. The occupation of Clarksville and Donelson was for the purpose of securing this route of retreat. For fatci News tee editorial column. STRAYED Oil STOLEN. On the night of the 30th August last, I lost a clay bank Mare, with white inane and tail, star in the face, and a wen on Ihe left fore-leg. She is thought to bo about 12 years old. I lost her at Monroe, Union coun ty. She either strayed off or was stolen from the lot of Dr. S. B. McLaughlin. Any person returning her to me or giving me any information as to her where ab'juls, will be paid for their trouble. saml. l. Mclaughlin, Sept. 16. 1862 4t-pd. Providence, N. t. FlonrlDU for Sale. The subscriber, having entered into a contract for building the Railroad from Lan.vil5e to Greensboro, is .desirous of devoting his whole time to that work, and offers his STEAM MILL for sale. The properly jg sit uated in the town of Charlotte, on the North Cflrolina Sail Road, has six run of Mill Stones, and the Flour has a high reputation throughout the Southern Confcd cracy. ' It has also n Barrel Factory, with improved Machine ry, and Cooper shops attached, which will be sold with the Mill or separately. . JOHN WJLKKS. Sept.' 16, 1862. tf rg(riirpMimrB .The Presbytery of Concord w ill hold Us next semi-annual meet ing in Lincolnton, N. C, ou Thursday, October 2d, at 7 o'clock, P. M. R. II. LAFfERTV, Stated Cllc. Application will be -made to the Legislature at its next session for au incorporation of the Moriah, Baptist Association. Sept 0, 18G2 3m-pd NOTICE STRAY JIIXE. Taken tip at my plantation, two miles south of Char lotte, a small black mare Mule. The owuer is request ed to call for it and pay charges. If. B. WILLIAMS. Sept 23, 18i2 4t ADMINISTRATOR'S SA I.E. The undersigned, having licen appointed Adminis trator with the will annexed of the estate ot John 15. Walker, dee'd, will expose to sale at the late residence of said deceased, on Tuesday the 14th day of October next, upon a credit of six mouths, the following prop erty, viz: One line mare and buggy, one 2-hor.e wagon, a lot of hogs, a lot of household and kitchen furniture, farming tools, blacksmith tools,, com and oats, and other articles not herein mentioned. All persons indebted to sakl estate, will please settle ; up will please present them in the time prescribed by law, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recorery. WM. H. WALKER, Adm r. Sept 23, !862 4t-pd Taken up by the subscriber, living two miles east of Charlotte, on or about the Lih of August, a Bay Male, supposed to be about ten yearn old, with a split in th left Ear, and Swinncyed. The owner can have it by paving expenses aud proving property. MARUT ALEXANDER." September 0, 1862. 3t-pd DAVIDSON COLLEGE.- The exercises of thh Institution will be rcjuunxl at the regular time, viz: the 25lb September. In addition to the usual studies, a Preparatory School will be opened under the persona! superinten dence of members of the Faculty. For particulars address, J. L. KiriKPATKICK, September 2d, 1862 St Prcsidcpt. Lost or Mislaid. A Certificate for two Share of Stock in the C. k S. 5. Railroad, No. 02 1, dated Nov. 8th, 1854. - CYRUS A. ALEXANDER. Concord. Sept 2, 1862 3m A. Card. Dr. J. FRANCIS KING, of Washington, K. C, would announce to tbe citizens of Charlotte, N. C, nd surrounding country that he has located in this place for the practice o: his proression, oaring been row- 1 1 X t it. . 2 a s-v ftf I M faaBTillcr f A 1sea f 1k M fkM and all persons having cUims against tbe estate , , ... (. T' . IIe ' sa-jiM'iKvw.v- - gpectfuliy solicits a portion of public patronage, aud can be found at his reeidence, ktfown as "Crystal Palace," situated on the corner in rear of the Epitoit-al Church. Charlotte, Aug 2C, J862 4m-pd NOTICE. Wil., Char. fc Rnf Ii. R. R. Co. ) ! Office of the President & Directors. ! Th ntrl innnil 1 refiner nf this COHPanV will be f held at Lincolnton on Wednesday, the 22d day of Oct. : Those acuaiuted with the dolus of the Couaty Trains for the accommodation of the Stockholders will Court Clerks Office, think that it is unnecessary for leave Charlotte and CbcrryviHe on the morning of tbe Office lo be open every day, aod by the dricnd thftt aar. eonsent of the Court I now give notice that I will be in From and after tbe ZUt instant me iranaier books toe umceior ousmeuaun j-v.., will be elosed. Sept 23, 18C2 JAS. I. McCALlUM, Secy, lm n-dars of each week only, until further notice ii firen. WM. MAXWELL, Clerk C. C. August 12, 12 ,f.