V' Lc " 1 ' "- .- -- f r .. . T : . -T" " "f''V;; ' T. "''r;" " y'r; j' CJr ,1 ' cDo per annum fIN ADVANCE CHARACTER IS AS IMPORTANT TO STATES AS IT IS TO INDIVIDUALS, AND THE GLORY OF THB ONE IS THE COMMON PROPERTY OF THE OTHER.' w::t si ok of trade street ii CHARLOTTE, N. C, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1862. ELEVENTH , VOLUME K C MB EH 543. 7 ;U ITA'T-SSj Editor and Proprietor. t n e totem vmrnAX QPublMied every Tucsd; WILLIAM J. YATES, EI.ITOIi AXi I'llOPUIETOR. ADVANCE. (- -j-7ran ie:it a.heMiv itutd raast be paid for in ' 'l ri, t- vr:,ti not marked on the manuscript r :nV time, v. ;li l.e inserted until forbid, aol ..! accordingly. Hides and Tan Bark. want to purchase Green and Dry HIDES for the . j:,,.-e of tanning; also a large quantity of TAN !;JUK. For thce articles the highest ruaiket cash :: i ; will hi; paid. JOHN TT1ELOAR. hnr!ot", rt. 2s, 1 J02 Cm-pd i3is,3T3 i ."voracs-;. U,.viV' Ai;ri-:s s.-,;h Ui:uT. N. C. MlUTIA, "I Charlotte, Oct. 1!.'!, I8;.'. C iiiT.i'ri- of l"i.!n;.:r.: c. u-!on L'i n g to the Katll Ueg't, . ". nrv r l.'i- ir r- -;" ' i vi- commands to parade at : r ii - i .! M :i -K-r ' i rjii n.l , once in Ciicli week for ; , ; i . rin:i l d: il!. .-tnii' il as the law directs, with . b - - !' o-..!-r and ball. Those failing to iiii.lv uilii this oi ler wil! he held to strict account. L. S. WILLIAMS, i, i L--t,. Col H.'.lii Hcjrt Militia. ae.y m-iNTfaci'ikik; Company. o-lolIK f. S. NAVY OlliS.) sT2;vs:, fcm tt A; 3i-i.r.i.,v, I'itOl'KIKTOKS. W arc nmr iiriiiufu'M nriug, by .'Team-power, all (.in !- of H. -.i-t.-a. K T.ih !.. Cliairs, Wa-distamK and i v. rv thing ajpci fa'iiiiig to the furniture arid Cabinet i:-i-i'r..--,. " We are aNo uk-" inr a very pretty, durable and . :p. iior Wood Canteen, lo which we invite the special :i- in : ion of officers and soldiers. t ii -d.-i - fr ,ui the trade and jmhlic generally are re--1 - i .j ! ! v s'!i-ifcti. as we are cotilident in our a."!ility to iilia-i- the most fastidio'ij. Orders promptly tilled. J. II. STEVENS, W. H. SCill'TT, ( i.ar'o!!. Nov 1, l:2 tf .1. A. .M LEAN. Prime Ssed Wheat. T'!rlv Wlme 'Virgil:: I'.lue Stem," to be foul or lunged for ci'-aa A heal, in lots In suit purchasers II. 11 WILLIAMS .v CO. tf M tn.-iou House Building;. FLAX SEED. nr. rr r liu'.'!. AY It OIL COMPANY will pay the hip-hest price v .vi-rd, in any 'piantity. Apply at E. Nve on .V H.'s Dru Store, ur 1 J, ls; J ' Ira i';9vs;io:3l at' ttiafc JSounSv E3c,et:it,I Soldiers. Executive Department. North Carolina. Adjiitanl Ocncrals Oilice, Ralti-li, Oct. IT, 1 :;:! J O. nrral Or.h r?. X.J. !'. i .: LuMSini; j-einu.iiM'i are p'Ki;siieij tor llie sn- ;-e''u!ai are ;ih;shed for the ! : :i... : i oi i" per-ons wi. Iiiuj- to draw houutr of ! i .i.-i d idiiitTs, in aci-urdar.'-c with an ordinance of tin- v'u!i i in io:: i-iiiili.d the '2 2d d'.y of February, 1S02: INFLATIONS. 1. The a ment of bounty to the representatives of d :k i - 1 .-olilit i s is ba-ed upon tlie certificate of the oiiii!.nd;eg oilicer of tile com pa ny. who w i 11 state the time ot tin- cnli-tmeiit of the soldier, the date of his 'iae in M-rvice, the amount of bounty already iaid by the Si. it.-, an I the company and regiment to which !: l.i-liiUL'.-il. '-. The claimai.t will make affidavit before a mapi tr:.:e that lie or she is the m :;t of km to the deceased, lo ;m- to tin- provision:- ut the f ci ii' iroi ii g o nl i ii a nc e '" tin- ( '.01 i n i imi, at.d that there is. no other person eu'.tl. d to v.ialve claim. The alii. lav it of the chti.nant 1 in-: he su.-t.t'iied h- that id' one disinterested witness. t:..i t: t.ltt 1 are correct within his own knowl- tuaJ ildll of til ' has no interest in the claim. The I'Nterine- the f ath will certiiy In the witness, and the clerk ot the County' . iiioh-r s-c;i.l. that he is an authorised : r.i ! t v i i v i.l i er'ity. . I: the , -;..ima he !o tii it r '.imants be tninors. pavment inii.iii, upon the production of !!;.- cvrClictte under the eal of the (Jourt, ot ap; i;..;aient an I the mi ihi iency of h is bund the t'."i t proved by him a in oilier e.i-es. A ; .hi!;;-, ,,' i;";y ihi'.laiy, led:Hti:. the boinity I..- e it i rev ion s- . t.aid. is due lo ail :.er- la. i v t.i .,: h ive loliiutccrcd for llsree years or the pel:,..,; lUU.-tlTed into i' con t iiiueud in :.:e pr.ivi.dons of the Conscription Act. v i V, i-. rtior Vance. Nl,x ' 1 ' - -:t J. O. .MARTIN, Adjt C.cn. VESUVIUS FURNACE ii.!"ri::.s the public that he is matin, ii at ii.s J uii,a-c in Liiieoln eountv, fa.-turin- r i : e- iio; t;i lolle'd :. l Ml.lle tatioii ,m the Wil.. Char. il- is a; ;.:;i:ri oii -Ware a.: i i pl i p.-.led tn east Ti.ra.-liiu ' .Machine J. M. SMITH. y-pd O. .1 i:!v 15. 1: n i V Fll O i I iuw.x run ZALW. : my i'urnace in Lhico! .jiticiMu county. o:i ;. !i. about 20,000 LBS of : N tyie ji,,nv motilds, bar-, .to. t to ca-t t li.'a.-hiiie irons of all kinds, c. Order.- ,-idicited terms J. W. DERR, I1'1- Spring Forgo -W.-.iv. iill-T. ,. . .' '-'! '':vo "'"f 'lui the public, that .s'j-'";,.' L;.u ,,f "v:- description, o.d lat K-p,,, ... ,iont. .u , ( v k ,1 '.to n paid i.: e ti.i ; i, -:- : k SUv.r: lli.tiee lie innv be lal po .la'r W. V. Wtitip',;; 1- Wa a'ed. ten thonsaad eld Kevs f d"T-r-t si 7.e?; V t!tiiV! ' .' i .L:. J I. Y. JJECKWITli n. is const;'. ':-Hid A '.IT'JCP rrtrct nv di r-rrrs m nr - :t atul A pie nr." i: r- c -e-.v ..ere. MATRIMONY. The man must lead a happy life . Who's free from matrimonial chains, Who is directed by a wife, Is sure to suffer for his pains. . Adam could find no solW peace, When Eve was piven for a mate, Until he saw a woman's face, Adam was in a happy state. In all the female face appear Hypocrisy, decoit and pride : True darling of a heart sincere, Ne'er known in woman to reside. What iongue is able to unfold, The falsehoods that in woman dwell; The worth in woman we behold, Is almost imperceptible. 1. o -. 4. 1. 4. 4. 1. Cursed be the foolish man I say, 2. W ho changes irom his singleness, 3. Who will not yield to woman's sway, 4. Is sure of perfect blessedness. To advocate the ladies' cause the 1st and 3d and 2d and 4th lines must be read together. Carriages and Buggies. The subscriber has on hand a few Carriages and Busies, whicli he will dispose of on reasonable terms. Among them is a fine Carriage of latest pat tern and line iinish. SAML. LANDER, Sr., Lincolnton, Oct 21, 1802 pd Carriage Builder. J. 31. Jlil.I.l-l!, Charlotte, N. C, Has resumed the Practice of -Medicine, and cm be found at his On'ice in Bravvley's Building, immediately over Drin ker and Ik-ilbruu's Store, or at his residence. Feb. 2, 1H0'2. Lost or Mislaid; A Certificate for two Shares of Stock in the C. & S. C. Railroad, No. 024, dated Nov. 8th, 1854. CYRFS A. ALEXANDER. Concord, Sept 2, 1SC2 3m The market price naid for HLles, by May 13, 1SG2 tf S. M. HOWELL. NOTICE. Persons wi'Iiinj; to settle their Accounts or Notes w ith Fisher t Burroujrli, an have an opportunity of doing so by calling at the store of A. A. N'. M. Taylor. Don't delay, a? we are anxious to get our business settled up." J. C. BURROUGHS. June 3, IS02. tf Application will be made to the Legislature at its next session for au incorporation of the Moriah Baptist 3tn-pd The subscriber is daily receiving supplies of a good article of Sound SALT, which he oilers for sale at lowest market rates. Orders accompanied with the money will receive prompt attention. A. E. HALL, Sept 23, 1802 3m-pd Wilmington'.- Wilmington, Charlotte & Uuthcrford On and after the loth of November, the Passenger Trains will run on this Road (Western Division) daily, Sunday excepted, as follows: GOING WEST: ARRIVE: LEAVE: 8 00 A. M. S 51 Charlotte, Tuekm'eegc, Brevrd, Sharon, Lincolnton, Cherry ville. GOING EAST: S -18 A. y 2i t) r.-t 10 23 n 15 M. 9 23 9 59 10 30' ARRIVE: LEAVE: 12 M. 12 55 P. M. 1 24 " 1 58 " 2 28 " Chcrrvville, P. M. Lincoluton, Sharon, " Brevard, " Tuckaseege, ; . 19 50 25 15 " Charlotte. Passengers arc required in all cases, without ex ception, to purchase tickets, wherever there are ticket agents, and also to furnish the right change, as the Company cminot procure change for every one. An omi.-si(Ai to do either subjects the party to an extra charge of 25 cents, which the, conductor is strictly re quired to collect. By order, V. A. McBEE, Acting Master of Transportation. Lincolnton, Oct. 28. 18i2 DAILY STATE JOURNAL. On and after the 1st day of November, the State Journal 'will be published Daily, Tri-weekly and ! Weekly. The Daiiy State Journal will contain all the news ccivcd up to the latest hour before mailing, and ' will consist of two editions daily. The Morning Edi ' tiou will contain the news by the evening mails, and : ail telegraphic news up to 10 o'clock the previous : night, and will be supplied to city subset ibers and sent . by the morning mails Jorth and East ; the Evening ' Edition will be printed at 3 o'clock p. in., anil will contain the additional news by telegraph up to 2 ! o'clock p. in., and will be sent to subscribers by the i ti.iius nest and by the Fayetteville mail. Thus sr.b ' seribers, no matter in what direction they may live, w.ll have the nevs up to the departure of the mails. ' Arrai.gcments have been made to procure telegraphic n. li t.m all parts of the Confederacy, expressly for the : :'te Journal. General news bv mail will be promptly published. The Markets will be fully re- j ported Reliable Correspondents will be secured in ; i th;- Army aud elsewhere. The Legislative Proceed- I irgs will lie reported daily by competent Reporters.; I The State Journal will be essentially a newspaper. , j Tekm.: For the Daily 12 months, $; months,: S.'J 5o: 3 months, -$2; 1 mouth, SI. For the Tri-Wcek-"ly 1U mouths, $4: C months. $2 50: 3 months, $1 50. AKVEUTISINC. KATES: square, do do do 1 day, S'J 50 1 square, 5 days, $1 oil 2 days, 0 75 1 do 1 week, 1 75 3 dai s, 1 Oo j 1 ' do 3 weeks, 3 00 4 davs, 1 25 i do 1 month, 5 00 Association. Sept 0, 18C2 Ten lines make a square. Advertisements for the Daily will be inserted in the Tri-Wek ',..' ,;-' cf.'irr,-. This is r.n inducement v bie'n :(...,,.: tV! to ir trc.ct the attention i f advertisers. T1 :u ri tes apply or.Iy '.: the ilaiiy paper. Ad vert ; -. t u ; - w ;n he 'inserted ia the Weekly paper at tne :i.-u;'.l rejufir rat.'?, viz: (tnc dollar p.er square for t; e tirst h.-ert'.on, rnd "twtntv-fi ve cents for each sub iv.pient ii aertioa. Address, JOHN SPF.LMAN, Editor and Prot-rietor. -- 21. !r.62 K:ij .-'), X. C. REGULATIONS For carrying into operation tlte late Conscript Law. The War Department at Richmond has pub lished the following regulations for putting into operation the Conscript Laws: Commandants of Conscripts and Camps of In struction. 1. An Officer, styled the Commandant of Con scripts, will be appointed for each State, who will be charged with the supervision of the enrollment and disposition of conscripts. Ilewill establish one or more camps, in which conscripts will" be assembled and instructed, and may recommend for appointment a Surgeon, a Quartermaster, a Commiss-ary, and the requisite number of 'Drill masters for each camp. If more than one camp be established, he may also recommend a Com mandant for each camp not under his own imme diate command. 2. A hospital will be established and huts for winter quarters constructed at each camp, and all Ml I ii conscripts assembled at tlie camps win De. promptly vaccinated, if it has not already been done. 3. The Commandant of Conscripts will require from each camp a report on the first Monday in every month, showing the expenses of the pre ceding month; the number of conscripts in the camp; the number received and sent away during the preceding month; the regiments, battalions or companies to which they were sent; the number transferred to the navy; the number of sick; the nature of -their diseases, and the number of deaths. lie will make a consolidated monthly re port to the Adjutant aud Inspector-General of the army. 4. The Commandants of Conscripts east of the Mississippi river will receive orders only from the War Department, and will not be interfered with by Generals commanding departments or armies in the field. West of the Mississippi, they will report to and receive instructions from the Com manding General of the Trans-Mississippi depart ment, who will require them to couform as nearly as possible to this order, and to the regulations prescribed for commandants east of the Missis sippi, lie will make a consolidated monthly re port to the Adjutant and Inspector General of the arm. 5. The commandants of all regiments, bat talions, squadrons or unattached companies which were in service on the lGth of April,' 1SG2, desir ing to receive conscripts, may transmit through the Adjutant and Inspector General of the army, statements of the strength of their commands, to the Commandant of Conscripts in their respective States, who unless otherwise ordered, will, as far as practicable, distribute the conscripts of the State among its regiments, battalions and com panies thereof, in proportion to their respective deficiencies. He will consult the wishes of the conscripts in assigning them to companies or regiments, so far as may be consistent with their proper distribu tion, and will not separate men from the same county, district or parish, if it can be avoided. The same rule will be observed by the Com mandants of corps in assigning conscripts to com panies. G. Conscripts for cavalry will only be taken from those who furnish their own horses. .No conscripts can be assigned to companies mustered into service since the lGth of April, 18G2. 7. The commandants of Conscripts are spe cially enjoined to pay unceasing attention to the health, comfort and instruction of the conscripts under their command, and to bear in mind that the efficiency of the army and the safety of the country depend in a great measure upou their faithful discharge of these duties. Enrollment of Conscripts. All white male residents of the Confederate States between the ages of IS and 40 not ex empted by act of Congress, or not already in the service, will be enrolled. Persons liable to en rollment may be enrolled wherever they may be found, as provided by the Act No. 42, herewith published. Undomicilcd foreigners. 1. Foreigners not domiciled in the Confederate States are not liable to enrollment. Domicil in' the Confederate States consists in residence with intention permanently to remain in those Stages, and to abandon domicil elsewhere. Long resi dence of itself does not constitute domicil. A person may acquire domicil in less than one year, and he may not acquire it in twenty years' resi dence. If there is a determination to return to the native country and to retain the domicil there, no length of residence can confer domicil. The principal evidences of intention to remain are the declarations of the party, the exercise of the rights of citizenship, marriage and the ac quisition of real estate; but the intention may be gathered from other facts. 2. The enrollment will be made by the enroll ing officers of the State, if the Governor thereof will permit them to act under the orders of the Commandants of Conscripts, and application will be made by the said commandants for such per mission. If it be declined, the Commandant will report the fact to the Adjutant and Inspector General, and ask for the employment of Confed erate officers for the purpose of making enroll ments. If the Governor consent, but the enroll ing officers of the State be found unable or un willing to discharge their duty efficiently, the like application will be tua.de to the Adjutant and Inspector General; and in such event, a com missioned officer or private fur each county, city, town, district or parish, will be assigned to such duty. In making such assignment, officers and men disabled by wounds from active duty in the field, and acquainted in the localities in which they are required to serve', w.ll, as far as practicable, be selected. The commissioned officer in each di trict will superintend the enrollments and col lection of conscripts therein. Non-commissioned officers and privates, while so employed, will he aiiowca pay as extra uu;y uieu. i-- t...... I he enrolling officers of the States, if employed, will be paid ( the compensation allowed by the State laws for lZ-yL. ' t " nM.- n .'.i:-n i,r rm;a tho field will order such commissioned officers, non-com- mi-ioned officers and privates , as they tlnak qualified to be enrolling officers or drill offi- , he will not, by any arrangement, shift or contri cers, and who are unfit for active service in the ; vance, evade the law, or receive a greater price or field, to report to the Commandant of Conscripts ; reward than it allows, , in their respective Pt.iros. who will order such of i 2. Where application is made ta Tpmnt snner- t, .-.j. i i mem iu uuiy as may oe required, ana report me remainder by letter to the Commandi anding General as not needed for such service. managers ot wool carding machines, shoemakers, 3, Enrollments for particular regiments, squad- ! tanners, blacksmiths, wagon-makers, millers, mUl rons, battalions and companies in service on the engineers. or millwrights not working for themr 16th of April, 1SG2, may be made by officers, de- selves, but in the employment of some company tailed for the tmrrjose by the Commanding Gen- era! of a department or an armv in the field: but sfch officers must report to the Commandant of V(jpript8 in their respective States, receive in- . 4 ; sfnrctions from him, and assemble their conscripts at such point as he may designate. Conscripts enrolled without reporting to such commandant will be deemed to be enrolled for general s'ervice, ond shall at any time be transferred on their own application, or on the application of commandants of corps needing conscripts, to such corps. Exemptions. The Exemption Act will be construed pros pectively, and does not authorize the discharge of any one enrolled -or in service prior to the 11th day of October, 18G2. Bod Hi and 3fen tal In firm ily. 1. Questions of bodily or mental incapacity will be decided by Surgeons employed for the purpose, by virtue of the act of. Congress approved the 11th of October, 1SG2. Three Surgeons in each Congressional District will be recommended by the Commandants of Conscripts to the Adjutant and Inspector General for employment, under the foregoing act, and the said Commandants will establish in each county, city, parish or district, a place of rendezvous for the examination of conscripts enrolled therein. 2. The three Surgeons employed in each Con gressional District will constitute a Hoard of Ex amination for the Distsict; and one or more of them may act at any place of rendezvous therein. They shall fix days for the examination of oon scripts in each county, city, parish or district, and give at least ten das' notice thereof, by publica tion in one or more newspapers circulating in the Congressional District, and by notice posted at the principal places of public resort. 3. The enrolling officer for the county, city, parish or district, shall attend at such examina tions, and em oil and seud to the camp of instruc tion such persons as are examined and found by the Surgeon to be capable of bearing arms. The standard of bodily capacity shall be that establish ed by General Order No. 58, modified by the omission of the 3d paragraph, which authorized the enrollment of persons not equal to all military duty. No person will be enrolled as a conscript who is not capable of bearing arms. 4. Persons deemed incarjable of bearing arms shall be reported by the examining Surgeon to the Board of Examination, who shall determine the questions of exemption, and grant certificates thereof. The certificates shall specify whether the incapacity is temporary or permanent; and if permanent, the party shall be exempt from future examination, unless specially ordered by the board. So soon as the Examining .Board shall be organ ized in any Congressional District, and shall enter upon the discharge of their duties, no other mode of examination for persons in that district will be pursued; and the decision of the Examining Board will be deemed final. 5. The fact that persons have been discharged from service for physical disability or other cause, does not of itself exempt from enrollment as a conscript. 6. If any enrolled person is unable to attend at the rendezvous on account of sickness, he will send to the Examining Surgeon a certificate speci fying the cause of absence, and its probable dura tion, from some respectable physician residing in the county, city, parish or district in which the rendezvous is situated. The Examining Surgeon shall send the certificate to the Commandant of the nearest Camp of Instruction; and if the person mentioned therein shall not report himself for exT animation at the said camp within a reasonable period, or send to the Commandant of the Camp a renewal of the certificate, showing his continued disability, he shall be deemed absent without leaj, r ' '7. A compensation of 84 per dietn, while actu ally employed-ill be allowed to each of tte Ex amining Surgeons, and will be paid on ther certi fied account by the Quartermaster of the nearest Camp of Instruction. Friends, Dtivkards, Kazarencs and Mcnnonitcs. All persons of the above denominations, in reg ular membership therein on the 11th day of Oc tober, 1862, shall be exempt from enrollment, on furnishing a substitute, or on 'presenting to the enrolling officer a receipt from a bonded Quarter master for the tax of five hundred dollars imposed by Act of Congress, and an affidavit by the Dish op, Presiding Elder, or other officer whose duty it is to preserve the records of membership in the denomination to which the paity belongs, setting forth distinctly the fact that the party on the 1 1th day of October, 1SG2, was in regular membership with such denomination. The affidavit must be taken and sworn to by a Justice of the Peace, or other .officer appointed by the law of his State to administer oaths: and his authority to aumiiii-ier oaths must be certined by the Llerk ot a cuari 01 rr.r.r,l r,,lr tlm .s.vil of tho court. ' ,,' , . f. fl TOhnni tl-p said I . S a"m , "i f ; ; l ! ,,,J,.1 yofi.tvn and rf-CPlDt IOT It. U!ld : waio luiiiuw, in., .vv.... 1 . ua ;n. tho Trpasurv of the Confederate ..i ... ...1.,,.,i,h, rL.lnr. The enrollinrr 1 he enrolling officer will receive the receipt and forward it to the commandant of Conscripts, by whom it will be forwarded to the Quartermaster General, who will ch?rge the Assistant Quartermaster with the amount received by him. Provisions against Extortion. 1. When application for exemption i. nvnk- by any' shoemaker, tanner, blacksmith, wagon-maker, miller, miil-engineer or millwright, not in the cm ployment of any emiq.atiy or establishment, but working for himself, the party sicking exemption ..hill vMfn in wriMnrr ni.d. r oath, that heisskillcd VlllllOUb UlIH.li3"' J' - . ., .... , - and actually cmployco. in . habitually engaged in work ng for the publ.c, that the products of his labor, while cseuipt from nnh-. : tarv service, shall not be sold, exchanged i tered lor a price exceeding the jcast ot production ; and seventy-five per cent, profit thereon; and that .i ' , ' .. ' i lnicnueuts uuu uperauves in wool and cotton lac- j tones, and paper imIJS,;and superintendents and or establishment, the president or some'director. the company be incorporated, if not, the jjproprie tor of the business, , or it there be a Grin, some partner therein, shall make oath in, writing that J 1 ZU . : 0 Ttha paid superintendent, operatives, mqager'.or mechanics, as the case may be, are skilled and ao tually employed in their said vocations; that they arc absolutely necessary for the successful prose cution of the business of the concern; that the pro ducts thereof shall not be sold, or exchanged, or j bartered, during the said exemption, for a price exceeding the cost oi production and seventy-five per cent, profit thereon; that no shift, contrivance or arrangement shall be made to evade the law, or to secure a larger return of profit than it allows; and that exemption is not sought for a larger num ber of persons than is absolutely necessary for the successful prosecution of the business of the concern. 3. The foregoing affidavits shall be made be fore some Justice of the Peace or other person au thorized by law to administer oaths, aud if such Justice or other person be not personally known to the enrclliiig; officer to be what he purports to be, his official character and his right to adminis ter oaths must be certified by the Clerk of eome court of record, under the seal of his court. The affidavit shall be returned to the Comman dant of Conscripts, and exemptions shall be grant ed by the enrolling officer. If, however, he su pect false swearing or mistake, he shall then re fuse the exemption, and refer the case, after first enrolling the names of the parties in question, to the Commandant of Conscripts, who shall dispose of it. If at any time the enrolling officer has cause to suspect false swearing or mistake in the foregoing affidavits, he shall report the fact to the Commandant of Conscripts, and if the said com mandant be satisfied after due investigation that a larger number of persons is . designedly employed than is necessary, or that a larger profit thaw the law allows is received -either directly or indirectly, he shall order the enrollment of the parties cx empte'd upou the said affidavits. Details. Citizen employees aud mechanics who arc em ployed in establishments of the government, or by contractors with the government, in the manufac ture of arms, ordnance, ordnance stores, and otner munitions of war, saddles, harness and army sup plies, will be enrolled and returned to their work: Provided, The Chief of the Ordnance Bureau, or some ordnance officer authorized by ' him for the purpose, shall'certify that' the uumber of opera tives required by the officer in charge of such es tablishment, or by such contractor for government work, is reasonable and not excessive. Such cer tificate will be presented to the enrolling officer, who will thereupon make the detail of the men specified for a period not exceeding sixty days, and return the certificate to the Commandant of Conscripts; at the expiration of such detail, the officer in charge of the government shop, or the contractor in whose employment said conscripts are, shall cause said certificate to be renewed, er return the conscripts to the nearest camp of in struction. If the certificete be not renewed, or the conscripts be not returned, no other detail shall be granted to such establishment or con tractor. In all cases of details for contractors, the party requesting the detail shall make affidavit that the persons so detailed will not be employed on any other than government work, which affida vit shall be. returned to the Commandant of Con scripts; and if it be found that at any time such detailed conscripts are employed by said contract ors upon work for private individuals, the detail shall be canceled by the Commandant of Con scripts. Paragraph 1, General Orders No. 50, current series, is hereby revoked. To uhom Applications for Exemption must he Addressed. Applications for castoiptitJc must, in 'all cases, be made to the Enrolling officer, from whose de cision an appeal may be taken to the Commandant of Conscripts. The Department will not coesider the application until it has been referred by the latter officer. Sulstilutes. 1. When a person claims exemption on the ground that he has put a substitute in service, he must exhibit to the enrolling officer a discharge from some company, signd by the commanding officer ol the regiment or command to which the said company belongs or then belonged, (see Gen eral Order No. 26,) or an exemption signed by the Commandant of Conscripts. And if tho paid discharge or exemption doc not show that it was .rrruited in consideration of a substitute having ! been furnished, such fact nnM be certified iu wriuug I bv the commanding olhccr of the regiment oj co.nmind ' to which ill o company belongs, or by the Commandant ! cf Con.-cripts, as the case, may be. lint in fill cases arising witinn tinny nays iroui the datl. 0F tliis order, the enrolling oiiicer may the cxemt.t i oil , upon satisfactory proof that the grant parly tin niched a substitute, w ho was actually received in. to the service of the Confederate States tor three years , l"t . . ...... . ,. , , -,- nl-itH. vvur, ana I be stiristiiuTC is not liao e to military 0 . u ' J.. u v nf J ' .......a ... mi,int. .nnrir..! " II Ilium vi " - - - - 2. No person under IS years ot age, or not domiciled i ni apprehension 01 uangcr. ueuiv,uun,.ui ui in the Confederate States, or uot of good moral char- j twenty-fivc English and twenty-five Frercli sol acter, or who is liable under the existing order to en- , . pr(,cef?,Jed to Yokuhama to protect their rollmcnt as a conscript, shall be received as a substi- i.g Jfions. The buildings for their tU And In all cases in which a substitute becomes sub- ! permanent residence at Ycddo was nearly complet- 1 . ... . . : i ject to military service, the exemption 01 me pruu.ipai i by reason of the substitution shall expire. j 1 "Any person subject to enrollment who desires to ; furnish a substilute.'mny at any time before the en- . rollmcnt, or before he is" assigned to a company and . sent from the camp of instruction, present a substitute ! ;it such camp.. And if the substitute be capable of 1 bearin" arm-, and be of good mora! character, and not wiihiuthe prohibited classes, he shall he received, and .1 . - .1 v r.r frrim iiiiliLarv service. lue principal su" "n"!- ' Volunteering. in . in mrur.rintion mav. before en j rollmcnt, volunteer in companies ia service oa the ICth ! -r 1 tc.-i nut. after enrollment, the cannot vol- of Apri . unteer, m. lev-. not can they at ;vr.y time volunteer in compan- iea received into service since the 16th of April, 1662. . MisctllaneuK. . , I.: All impressments of uuo by regimental, battalion or company commanders, under any pretence whaler- ! .r ari Drohibited. it hein r .t.. ,-,f,l, n...,.,.. J w- ; r , ' "f . :". " . j ;7r,B"5i ,j this act. ' 1 2. AH the liiws and resolutions applicable to desert ers slmll be applied to such conscripts as fail to report to tho place of rendezvous for uuroiluieiit, or who ahall desert after enrollment. - 3' All the agencies employed for the apprehension and confinement of deserters, and their transportation to the commands of their respectivo commands shall be applicable to persona liable to duty as conscripts wlm shall fail to repair to the place of rendezvous after the. puUicAtiou of the call. By order . S. COOPER, a ' Adjutant and Inspector General. mm n - DONATIONS FOB THE SOLDIF.RS. ' Many persons in the State aro ready to contrib ute what they can spare in clothing, shoes, blank ets, &c, for (he benefit of the soldiers of North Carolina, provided they can be made certain that tho articles sent will reach their destination. Wo have taken soiye pains to ascertain how this can be done, and the following is tho result of our inquiries. Thebo arrangements may be relied upon: 1. Gov. Vance has ordered the Captain of every militia district in the State to call upon each family in their several districts, to purchase or collect what they may be willing to give to the North-Carolina soldiers, blankets, jeans, linseys, leather, shoes, socks, carpets and clothes ready made, to be delivered by the Colonel of the regi ment to the Quartermaster in llalcigh, to be for warded by him to the proper regiment or com pany. 2. Besides this, the people of one or mora Captain's Districts, if their donations arc suffi ciently large to justify it, may select a gentleman whom they may prefer to carry on their donations to the regiment or company, and the State will furnish the transportation aud pay the necessary expenses of the agcut. 3. All articles donated should be carefully put up in packages, bags, boxes or barrels, and they should be legibly directed to the soldier or com pany for whom they are intended, naming the company and regiment, and if possible tho Brigade. 4. Persons who wish to cnd articles to any soldier or company, but who do not find it con venient to deliver it to the Captain of their Dis trict or to a special Agent, by directing it carefully as above, may deliver it to the nearest Railroad Agent, directed to the care of Capt. J. F. Garrett, Quartermaster at Kaleigh, N. C. and it will be promptly forwarded. 5. All articles intended for sick or wounded soldiers or for Hospitals, must be carefully direct ed, and sent to the care of Surgeon General War ren, llaleigh, N. 0. Raleigh Standard. iVe learn that Alex. It. Laurence, Esq., of this county, died, on Saturday last, from the ef fects of Laudanum taken in mistake. He had been in the habit of using Paregoric for some complaint, and on Friday night got up in the dark and mis taking tho vials which contained tho two fluids, drank the dcauMy drug. Deceased was possessed of large' wealth. Statcsville Express. Bowers of the 44th Begimeut N. C. Troops, who was shot in Petersburg, Va., a few days since for desertion was a substitute, and not from this State. He bad substituted for no less than three or four men, and then deserted. Ho hud made two attempts at desertion from the 44th. N. C. Internal Impkovkment Boaud. This body- met in llaleigh on the 8th inst. The following gentlemen were appointed State Directors of the Wil. & Weldon Railroad: W. W. Breckle, of Halifax, in place of Mr Whitaker; George W. Collier, of Wayne, in place of W. K. Lane; Wui. A. Wright, of Wilmington, re-appointed. The following gentlemen were appointed State Proxies of the Koads named : T. D. M cares, Wil. & Man. Road; O. 0. Parsley, Wil. & Weldon Road. Killed. Mr Thomas W. Gray, of Person county, was shot and killed in Richmond a few days ago by a drunken sentinel. ' We understand he was civily walking the street when the drun ken sentinel hailed him and upon Mr Gray0piaking a playiul reply, he deliberately shot him,Fthe ball passing through his head. Milton Chronicle. , -. , FBOM CHINA AND JAPAN. The latest intelligence from China is to August 18, (Shanghai) and August 27, (Hong Kong.) At the former the Tacpings were again threaten ing fresh disturbances. The disciplined Chines under General Ward were doing good service, hav ing taken four cities from the insurgents. Atone of thefc the Imperial troops were defeated and driven back, when Ward's men ; 'came to the res cue and chased back the enemy within tho walls. During the night they evacuated the place. At Leohu over one hundred vessels were captured. Tsingpoo was taken by Bterm after a loss of ono hundred and seventy-four of Wtrd's men. After gaining po.' session the Imperial "regular" camo up and garrisoned the place. Tho Celestials re semble jackals which follow the path of that American lion. From Pekin thene is no political news of any account. Cholera is still raging dreadfully among the inhabitants. A,!r; from Kanajrawa. Japan, are to the Oth , ,, 1 - 1. .. u , r..;M I of August. At cddoand okuhama affairs wera I nnot. The foreign community seem to be under . n , . , r 111 1 . eo. One of the great Daimios, having fallen into disgrace at court, had endeH his days by tho hari kari process. i A Patriot. An old mania Lowndes county, sending us the; obituaries of his two boys lost iu the war, writes the following noble sentiment: 'I uave them freely to my country; Dat I aid expect to rue them again. I have two more lor the war, and when the old men are cilh?d upon I am ready to shoulder my musket and follow my boys who have fought e.o nobly." i V '1 ii St ii i ti ,1 i 1 1 "! 'f . ! ii j. t ft i