Y 'tH '' -. . ... :r:o:;A msjmv nar.- - V.-?-" i '-.1 i jurflt OFFICE ON THE WEST SIDE OF TRADE STREET V CHARACTER IS AS IMPORTANT TO STATES AS IT IS TO EiDIVIDUALSjitAKl - THB .TOjpf . ffB .pNB 13 i THE 'COMKOX PROPERTT Or? THB OTnKR.' .per annum' r : ADy ANCK .ft v CHARLOTTE, N. C, T CJESDAY,. ::MAT r ;5, ,' 1863. ELEFENTD - YOlUHE H CUBE n!. BC7. Editor and. Proprietor TTJ XXLZjm r -Wr - "V- - - " J TJ fVL THE TAX LAW OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES. Suction 1. That there shall be levied and. col lected upon the value of all naval stores, salt, wines, and spiritucua liquors, tobacco manufac tured 'or uniuanufactured, cotton, wool, flour, sugar, molasses, syrup, rice, and other agricultural pro- .1 . A. .3.... P T-,1- A. ducts held or owned on tne nrsi uay u uiy next, and not necessary for family consumption for the j and sixtv-three, aud of the growth or production nnpY r l red portion oi me year eiuiccu.uuuureu ; . 1 .1 1 A t of any year preceding the year eighteen hundred and sixty-three, a tax of 8 per centum; and on all money?, bank notes or other currency on hand, or on depus-it on the 1st day of Jly next, and on the value of all credits on which the interest has not been paid, held orowned by any person, co-partnership or corporation on the first of July next, aud Dot employed in a business the income derived irom which is taxed under the provisions of tbis act, there shall be levied and collected a tax of one per cent.: Provided, That all moneys owned, held or deposited beyond the limits of the Con federate States, shall be valued at the current rate f exchange in Confederate Treasury notes, and j . . .ill 1 !.....! - the paid tax shall be assessed on the Drst day ot July next, or as soon thereafter as may be prac ticable, and be colk-cted on the first day of October next, or us soon thereafter as may be practicable. Sm 2. Evcrv cerson engaged or intending to eiiLrae in anv business named in the ui'ih section of this act, shall, within sixty days after the pas sage of this act, or at the time of beginning busi ness, and n the 1st day of January in each year thereafter, register with the district collector, in uch form as the commissioner of taxes shall pre scribe, true account of the name and residence of each person, firm, or corporation engaged or intere.-ted in the business, with a statement of the time for which, and the place and manner in which the same is to be coirducted, and of all other facts going to ascertain the amount of tax upon such business for the past or the future, according to the provisions of this act. At the time of such r"giiry, there shall be paid to the collector the peciiic tax for the year, ending on the next 31st of December, and such other tax as may be due upon bales or receipts in such business, at the time of such registry, as herein provided; and the collector fhall give to the person making such registry a eopy thereof, with a receipt for the amount of tax then paid. S !:'. o. Any person failing to make the registry and to pay the tax required by the preceding sec tion, shall, in audition to all other taxes upon his business imposed by this act, pay double the amount of the specific tax on such business, aud a like sum for every thirty days of such failure. Si:c. 4. Except where herein otherwise pro aided, there shall be a Feparate registry and tax for each business mentioned in the fifth section of this act, and for each place of conducting the same, but no tax shall be required for the mere storage of goods at a place other than the regis tered place of business. Upon every change in tlie place of conducting a registered business, .there shall be a new registry, but no additional .tax hall be required. Upon the death of any per.-on conducting a business registered and taxed .as herein required, or upon the transfer of the business to another, the business shall not be sub jected to any additional tax, but there shall be a new registry in the name of the person authorized by law to continue the business. Slc 5. That upon each trade, business or occu pation hereinafter named, the following taxes shall be levied and paid for the year, ending on the thirty-first of December, eighteeu hundred and Kixty-ihree, and for each and every year thereafter, viz: I. Kankers shall pay five hundred dollars. Every person shall be deemed a banker within the meaning ot this act who keeps a place ot business where credits are opened in favor of any person, firm, or corporation, by the depositor collection of money or currency, and by whom the same or any part thereof .hall be paid out or remitted upon the draft, cheek or order of such creditor; but not to ineluJc any bank legally authorized to issue notes as circulation, nor agents for the sale of merchandize for account of producers or niauufac tuiers. II. Auctioneers shall pay filly dollars and two jmd a half per ceutum on the gross amount of sales made: Proridrd. ho , iii'uuo, i iiji vjii ait ai . 1 1-...... V I . . .. -n ..If .. I . . n . rt. a . auction of stock or securities for monev. the tax money, r-hall be otic-fourth of one per centum on the gross amount ot sales. Ever? person shall be ot deemed an auctioneer, within the meaning ,,f this net, -those occupation it is to oifer property for j-ale to the highest or best bidder at public outcry. The tax upon the auctioneers shall be deemed a tax upon the personal privilege, to be paid by aeh individual engaged in the business, without regard to the place at which the same is conduct ed. Xo tax .hall be required upon auction sales made for dealers in a business registered and taxed, and at their places of business, or upon ffheial sales at auction, made by judicial or execu tive officers, or by personal representatives, guardians or committees. III. W holcsale dealers in liquors of any and fvery description, including distilled spirits, lamented liquors and win.s of all kinds, shall pay two hundred doll.r .! fi. ' .ut K.u amount ot sales made, iiv UIC IC( UFUIUUI UU IIIC 1 Every person, other man t tie distiller or brewer, who shall sell or offer j for sale, any such H Iflilnrc .. ci inure than tlimn n. ' dealer in liquors within the meaning of this act. j All persons, who shall sell r such liquors, or wines, in quantities 1 or sale, anv i :. ' fc-.w.. at vine ume to tlie same pet regarded as retail d pa tare i 1 . - be : l . Iietail dealers in liquor, incl eluding distilled : spirits, lermented liquors and wines nt .iV kfri firii in rnnii vn .. i -v i i t ft Aire i-iiii ii i in v una m i i 1 1 & shall .ij uc, r. a I J 1 m J per centum on the gross amount of all sales made . Itetail dealers shall pay fifty dollars and 2i per centum on the gross amouut of sales niadV. Everv Person whose hnim.s nr unn.i;.. : ( , , ,,u,:ulvu UOIiarS nrl tar. caII ... ,-frv... i r , m..reh. 7 ?CcneVr an-J g00df ' wares r .,dl,?; r0ther-11" ofore,n.or domestic I trt 1(1 II ff I nti in nee -- ik.. i - - - wA.uuauuu l l is , ,iUut. it .uau a wnoie original l':e or package at one time, to tbe same perjion, ! I (not including wines, spirituous or malt liquors,) I shall be regarded as a retail dealer under this act: Prodded, however, That any mechanic, who snalp sell onlv the products of the labor of himself and t ha nwn familv shall be exenrnt from this tax. - rI Wholesale dealers shall pay 8200 and 2J per centum on the gross amount of all sales made, per cuuiuiu uii iuc giuoo aiuvuu. vi ... Every person, whose business or business or occu- Dation it is to sell or offer to sell groceries, or any goods, wares, or merchandize, ot foreign or domes- tic productioo, by one or more original package or piece jt one time to the same purchaser, not in- J eluding wines, spirituous or malt liquors, snau De : deemed as a wholesale dealer u lid er.1 this act ) but, 111 'I having been registered as a wholesale dealer, such person may also sell, as aforesaid, s a retailer. VII. Pawnbrokers shall pay 200. E pay &:uu. ivery person whose business or occupation it is to take or receive, by way of pledge, favor or exchange, any goods, wares or merchandise, or any kind of personal property whatever, for the re-payment or security of money lent therean, shall be deemed a pawnbroker under this act. VIII. Distilleries shall pay 200 and also 20 per cent on the gross amount of all sales made. Every person or co-partnership, who distills or manufactures spirituous liquors for sale, shall be ... X . 1 . . deemed a distiller under this act: Provided, how ever, That distillers of fruit, for ninety days or less, shall pay 00 and also 50 cents per gallon on the first ten gallons, and two dollars per gallon on all spirits distilled beyond that quantity. IX. Brewers shall pay 100 and 2 per ceutum on the gross amount of sales made. " Every per son, who manufactures fermented liquors of any name or description for sale from malt, wholly or in part, shall be deemed a brewer under this act. X. Hotels, inns, taverns and eating-houses shall be classified and rated according to theyearly rental, or if not rented, according to the estimated value of the yearly rental of the house or propert' oc cupied or intended to be occupied as a hotel, inn, tavern or eating house, as follows, to-wit: in cases where the actual or estimated rent shall amount to 10,000 or more, they shall constitute the first class, and pay an annual sum of 500; in cases where said rent shall be 5,000 and less than 10,000, they shall constitute the second class, and pay an annual sum of 300; and in cases where said rent shall be 2,500 and less than 5,000, they shall constitute the third class, and pay an annual sum of 200; in cases where said rents shall be 1,000 and less than 2,500, they shall constitute the fourth class, and pay aa annual sum of 100; and in cases where said rent shall be less than 1000, they shall constitute the fifth class, and pay an annual sum of 30. Every place where food and lodgings, or lodgings only, are provided for and furnished travelers, sojourners or boarders, in view of payment therefor, the in come or receipts irom which amount to 500 from that source, shall be regarded as a hotel, inn or tavern under this act." XI. That every place where food or refresh ments of any kind are provided for casual visitors and sold for consumption therein, and every board ing house in which there shall be six boarders or more, shall be deemed an eating house under this act." CII. Brokers shall pay 200. Any person whose business it is to purchase and sell stocks, coined money, bank notes or other securities, for themselves or others, or who deals in exchanges relating to money, shall be deemed a broker uuder this act. XIII. Commercial brokers or commission mer chants shall pay 200 and 2 per ceutum upon all sales made. Any person or firm, except one regis tered as a wholesale dealer or banker, whose busi ness it is, as the agent of others, to purchase or sell goods, or seek orders therefor in original or unbroken packages, or produce consigned by others than the producers, to manage business matters lor the owners of vessels, or for tke ship pers or consignors of goods, or whose business it is to purchase, rent, hire or sell real estate or ne groes, shall be deemed a commercial broker or commission merchant under this act. XIV. Tobacconists shall pay 50 and 2J per cent, on gross amount of sales. Any person, whose busiuess it is to sell at retail, cigars, snuff or tobacco in any form, shall be deemed a tobacconist under this act. But registered wholesale and re tail dealers shall not be taxed as tobacconists. XV. Theatres shall pay 500 and 5 per cent on all receipts, which tax shall be paid by the owner of the building. Every edifice used tor the pur pose of dramatic representations, plays or per formances, and not including halls reuted or used occasionally for concerts or theatrical representa tions, shall be regarded as a theatre under this act. lacli circus shall pay &1U0, and a tax ot 10 for each exhibition, which tax shall be paid by the manager thereof. Every building, tent or space, or area, where feats ot horsemanship or acrobatic sports are exhibited, shall be regarded as a circus under this act. Jugglers and other per sons exhibiting shows shall pay 50. Every per son who performs by slight of hand shall be re garded as a juggler under this act: Provided, That no registry made in one State shall be held to authorize exhibitions in another State; and but oue registry shall be required uuder this act to authorize exhibitions in ony one State. XVT. Bowling alleys and billiard rooms shall pay 40 for each alley or billiard table registered, which tax shall be paid bv the owner thereof. Every place or buildiug where bowls are thrown or billiards played, onen to the nublic. with or ! without price, shall be regarded as a bowling alley ! r rilln rf rAi , wa A I J a L ? .. .' ... XVII. Livery stable keeDers shall pay 50. ! Any person whose occupation or business is to ; keep horses for hire or to let shall be .regarded as a Itvcry stable keeper under this act. ' X VIII. Cattle brokers shall oav the sum of 50 i and 2J per centum on the gross amount ot sales i n i ! n o i no Tnris.ii trn..co . w. i r rn i ti . aud sell and deal in cattle, horses, hogs or sheep, ; wmviw. a.u i rww iv mvuu UUOiUCaO J. I atJ ftsw shall be considered a cattle broker. XIX. Butchers aud Bakers shall pay the sum ' oi sou, and 1 per cent on the gross amount ot ; sales made. Any person whose business it is to ( t M"uer and sell, or oiler lor Kale in open market or ; i, , -i uwu uj csiub, duot. wr tucep, euu i be deemed a butr under this act; and any per- I son whose busiuess it is to bake and sell, or oiler C .. . otherwise, the flesh of cattle, hogs, or heep, shall 1 ior saie, Dreaa, shall be deemed a baker under this ct. XX. Pedlers shall pay $50 and 2 per cent. Of cross sales gaged in peddhn newspapers publu Bibles, or religions ; at retail, goods, wares, or other commodities,; travelling with his goods 'from -place to place in Q ----- r----, r f the street, or thro' different parts of the country, shall be deemed a pedler nndeV ihis act: Provided That any pedler who sells, or offers to sell; dry goods, foreisrn or domestic,' by one or more origin nal pieces er packages at : one time and t -the same persos or persons as aforesaid, shall" paylOO and 2 per cent on the gross sales; and an person, who peddles jewelry shall pay 50 and 2i per cent on the gross sales. The tax upon pedlers shall be deemed a tax upon the personal privilege, to be paid by each individual engaged in the busi ness, without regard to place at which the same is conducted. XXI. Apothecaries shall pay fifty dollars, and 2 per centum on the gross amount of sales made. Every person who keeps a shop building where medicines are compounded or prepared according to prescriptions of physicians, and sold, shall be regarded as an apothecary under this act. XXII. Photographers shall pay the sum of fifty dollars, and 2 per centum on the gross amount of sales made. Any person or persons who make for sale photographs, ambrotypes, daguerreotypes, or pictures on glass, metal, paper, or other material , b.y the action of light, shall be regarded a photo grapher under this act. XXIII. Lawyers actually, engaged in practice shall pay fifty dollars. Every person whose busi ness it is, for fee cr reward, to prosecute or defend causes in any court of record or other judicial tri bunal of the Confederate States, or of any State, or give advice in relation to causes or matters pen ding therein, shall be deemed to be a lawyer with in the meaning of this act. XXIV. Physicians, surgeons and dentists actu ally engaged in practice shall pay fifty dollars. Every person whose business it is, for fee or re ward, to prescribe remedies, or perform surgical operations for the cure of any bodily disease or ailing, shall be deemed a physician, surgeon or dentist within the meaning of this act, as the case may be; and the provisions of paragraph number 21 shall not extend to physicians who keep on hand medicines solely for the purpose of making up their own prescriptions for their own patients The tax upon lawyers, physicians, surgeons and dentists shall be deemed a tax upon the personal privilege, to be paid by each individual in the business, and without regard to the place at which the same is conducted. Provided, That the pro visions of this act shall not apply to physicians and surgeons exclusively engaged in the Confederate service. XXV. Confectioners shall pay fifcy dollars and 2 J per centum on the gross amount of sales. Every person who sells at retail confectionery, sweetmeats, comfits, or other confects, in any building, shall be regarded as a confectioner un der this act. Sec. 6. And every person registered and taxed upon the gross amount of sales as aforesaid shall be required, on the first day of J uly, 1863, to make a list or return to the assessor of the district of the gross amount of such sales as aforesaid, to wit: From the passage of this act to the 13th day of June, lobo, inclusive, and at the end of every three months, or within ten days thereafter, after the said first day of July, 18G3, make a list or re turn to the assessor of the district, of the gross amount of such sales made as aforesaid, with the amount of tax which has accrued, or should ac crue thereon, which list shall have annexed there to a declaration, under oath or affirmation, in form or manner as may be prescribed by the commis sioner of taxes, that the same is true and correct, and shall at the same time as aforesaid, pay to the collector the amount of tax thereupon as aforesaid, and in default thereof shall pay a penalty in double the amount of the tax. Sec. 7. That upon the salaries of all salried per sons serviog in any capacity whatever, except up on the salaries of persons in the military or naval service, there shall be levied and collected a tax of one per centum on the gross amount of such sala ry, when not exceeding 1500, and two per cent, upon an excess over that amount, to be Iieved and collectecTat the end of each year, in the manner prescribed for other taxes enumerated in this act: Provided, that no taxes shall be imposed by vir tue of this act on the salary of any person receiv ing a saliry net exceeding 1000 per annum, or at a like rate for another period of time, longer or shorter. ' Sec. 8. That the Secretary of tho Treasury shall cause to be assessed and ascertained, on the first of January next, or as soon thereafter as practicable, the income and profits derived by each person, joint stock company aud corporation from every occupation, employment oi business, whether reg istered or not, in which they may have been en gaged, and from every investment of labor skill, property or money, and the income and profits de rived from any source whatever except salaries, during the calendar year preceding the said first day of January next, and the said income and profits shall be ascertained, assessed aud taxed in the manner hereinafter prescribed. I. If the income be derived from the rents of houses, Lands, tenements, manufacturing or min ing establishments, fixtures and machinery, mills, snrins nf salt r.r oil. or veins, nfenal. iron or other minerals, there shall be deducted from the gross amount of the annual rent a sum sufficient tor tne necessarv annual renairs. not exeeedinsr ten per centum on said rent, except that the rent derived from houses shall be subject to a deduction not exceeding five ner oentum for annual repairs- II. If the income be derived from any manufac- turing or mining business, there shall be deducted j .,-... r -. - - h nnra rr iiih vcai. AlUilJ IUC LIUOJ vaiuc Ul IIIC UlUUUUba v w j first the rent of the establishment and fixtures, if ectually rented, and nat own prosecuting the business; second. labor actually hired and paid lor; . cost of the raw. material purchased tured. i i.4.1. ai me income ue ucii-tu ""' "- 1 i J enterprises, there shall be deducted from the gross : earnings, including the value of freights on goods !. O ' c . w . i i III. If the income be derived from navigating shipped by the person running the vessel, the hire cf the boat or vessel, if not owned by the person J X the WSsiin ;pr jf bwnea by, him a reasonable m Uat or ahin-bnUdinW: herV ah'all di&f.l 4 r -.t - ' ;-"'- f M from the cross reeint nf his ncetinAtian. in- , , lr t 1 i T r eluding, the value, of he. ship when- fiuiahea, if built for himself, rte.os$ft the, labor, actbally i oi hu ocen nation, in. tne materials if. purchased by him. h YIC tbe incowrbe derived by tbVtax .jpejreV from, the sale" of merchandise, or any other' proper ty, real br personal, there shall be deducted from the gross am ounV of sales, the prime cost of the property sold, including the cost of transportation, salaries of clerks actually paid, and the rent of buildings employed in the business, if hired and not owned by himself. . VI. If the income be derived by the tax payer or from any other occupation, profession, employment or business, there shall be deducted from the gross amount of fees, compensation, profit's, earnings, or commissions the salaries of clerks actually paid, and the rent of the office or other building used in the business, if hired and not owned by himself, the cost 6f labor actually paid aud not owned by himself. and tlie cost ot material other than machinery pur chased for the use of his business, or to be converted into some other form in the course of his business; aud in cas3 of mutual insurance companies, the amojnt of losses paid by them during the year. The income derived from all other sources shall be subject to n deduction whatever. . Nor .hall foreigners be subject to tax from any other income than that derived from property owned, or occupations or employments pursued by them within the Confede rate States, and in estimating income there shall be included the value of the estimated annual rental of all dwellings, houses, buildings or building lots in cities, towns, or villages," occupied by ths owners, or owned and not occupied or hired, and the value of the estimated annual hire of all slaves not engaged on plantations or farms, and not employed in some business or occupations the profit of which are taxed as income under this act. When the income shall be thus ascertained, all of those which do not exceed $500 per annum shall be exempt from taxation. On all incomes received during the yeur over $500 and not exceeding $1500, a tax of 5 per cent shall be paid; on all incomes over $1500. and less than $3,000, 5 per cent shall be paid on the first $1500, and 10 percent on the excess; on all incomes of or over $3,000, and less than $5,000, a tux of 10 per cent, shall be paid; on all incomes of or over $5,000, and less than $10,000, a tax of 2h per cent shall be paid; and on all incomes of or over $10,000, a tax of 15 per cent shall be paid. All joint stock compauifs and corporations shall reserve one-tenth of the annual earnings, set apart for dividend and reserved fund, to be paid to the collee-1 or of the Confederate tax, and the dividend then paid to the stockholder shall not be estimated as a part of his income for the purpose of this act. All persons shall give in an estimate of their income and profits derived from any other source whatever, aud in doing so shall first stato the gross amount of their receipts as individuals or members of a firm or partnership, and, also, state particularly each item for which a deduction is to be made and the amount to be deducted for it : Provided, That the incomes and profits upon which the above tax is to be imposed shall not be deemed to include the products of land which are taxed in kind, as hereinafter described. Provided further. That in case the annual earnings of said joint stock companies and corporations set apart as aforesaid, shall give a profit of more than 10 and less than 20 per centum upon their capital stork paid in, one-eighth of said sum so set apart shall be paid as a tax to the collec tor aforesaid, and in case said sum so set apart shall give a profit of more than 20 per cent on their capital stock paid in, one-sixth thereof shall be reserved aud paid as aforesaid. The tax levied in this section shall be collected on the first day of January ensuing. Sec. 9. That if the assessor shall be dissatisfied with the statement or estimate of income and profits derived from any source whatever, other than products iu kind, which the tax payer is required to render, or with any deduction claimed by saidtax payer, he shall select one disinterested citizen of the vicinage as a referee and the tax payer shall select another, and the two thus selected shall call in a third, who shall investigate and determine tho facts in reference to said estimate and deductions, and fix the Htnount of income and profits on which the tax payer shall be assessed, and a certificate signed by a majority of the referees, shall be con clusive as to the amount of income and profits on which the tax payer shall be assessed : Provided, That if any person shall fail or refuse to render the statement or estimate aforesaid, or shall fail or refuse to select a referee as aforesaid, the assessor shall select three referees, who shall fix the amount of income and profits on which the tax payer shall be assessed from the best evidence they can obtain, and a certificate signed by a majority of said referees shall be conclusive on the taxpayer: And Provided- further, Tbat in any case submitted to referees, if they or a majority'of them shall find and certify that the statement. or .estimate of income and profits rendered by the tax payer does not con tain more than four fifths of the true and real amount of his taxable income and profits, then the tax payer, in addition to the income tax on the true amount of his income and profits ascertained, aud assessed by the referees, shall pay 10 per centum on the amount of said iucome tax, and the assessor shall be entitled to one-fifth of said additional 10 per centum over aud above all other fees and - allowances : And provided further. That the assessor may administer oaths to referees, the tax payer, and any witness before the referees, in regard to said "estimate, and any deduction chimed, or any fact in reference thereto, in such form as" the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe. Sec. 10. On all profits made by any person, partnership or corporation during the year 1862, by the purchase within the Confederate States and sale, during the said year, of any flour, corn, bacon, pork, oats, hay, rice, salt, iron or the manufactures f iron, sugar, molasses made I ca tie, butter, woolen cloths, shoes, boots, blankets and cotton cloths, a tax of 10 per cent shall be levied and collec ted, to be "paid n ths first day of July next : ! Provided. That the tax imposed by this section ! shall not apply to purchases and sales made in tho j due course of the regular retail business, and shall ' uot contjnue beyond the present year. beyond the present year. - t Sec- II. Each farmer and planter in tne tjonted- . atter reserving ior uis own use au i . m. i . rf nrodnetaof th nresent i-ear. one- tenth of the wheat, corn, oats, rye, buckwheat, or rice, sweet and Irish ' potatoes, and of the cared hay and fodder;' also, one-tenth of the sugar' molasses ""made of cane. cotton, wool -and tobacco; the cotton ginned ii cauv, f mA ' packed in some secure manner, ond tobacco shipped ttj packed in boxes, to be delivered by him on or before the firit daof March la the akt?ear.( Each iou-w, aner reserving !U&ube! of peai1! J?f ? ?.r thaa 20unil !th BUBUiieuTvriouMKjootederateuoToni. uopeBui oi . tne peaa, beans mud ?ttn Prod??f 4 ghhj hmyduring f we.piww wr : ai woq as toe aforesaid crop i ! t . '7T wv I r r.i.. - ' . . . . . "" U1"y ur mres, me iax AS9essort incase t ef aiMgreement2 between him ani 'the tax-payer, I shall proceed to1 estimate th same in the following manner) The assessor and the tar Paver shall each selects, disinterested freeholder from 'the vlotaaff I T r 1 . . m . ... m wnu ujr uom in isira in case ot cunsreoce ot opinion, to settle, the matter in. dispute; or, if the tax-payer neglects or refuses to select one such freeholder, the said assessor shall select two, who shall proceed to assess the crops as herein provided. They. shall ascertain the amount of the crops either by hctual measurement, or by com puting the contents of the rooms or hoaxes in which they are held, when a correct computation is prac ticable by snch a method, and the appraisers shall then estimate, under oath, the quantity and quality of said crops; including what may have been sold or consumed by tN producer prior, to said estimate whether gathered Tr not, and the value of the portion thereof to which the government is entitled, aud shall give a written statement of this estimate to the said collector, and a copy of the same to the pro ducer. The said producer shall be required to deliver the wheat, corn, oats, rye, barley, back wheat, rice, peas, beans, cared hay and fodder, sugar, molasses of cane, wool aud tobacco, thus to be paid as a tithe in kind, in such form and ordinary marketable condition as may be usual in the section in which they are to be delivered. Mid the cotton in such manner as hereinbefore provided, within two months from the time they have been estimated as aforesaid, at some depot not more than eight miles from the place of production, and if not delivered by that time, In such order, he shall be liable to pay fifty per cent, more than the estimated value of the ftortion aforesaid, to be collected by the tax col ector as hereinafter prescribed: Provided, The Government shall be bound to furnish to th? pro ducer sacks for the delivery of such articles of grain as required to be put iu sacks for transportation, and shall allow to the producer of molasses the cost of the barrels containing the same. The said estimate shall be conclusive evidence of the amount in money, of tax due by the producer to the Govern ment, and the collector la hereby authorized to pro ceed to collect the same by issuing a warrant of distress from hi? office, under his signature, in the nature of a writ of fieri facias, and by virtue of the same to seize and sell any personal property on the premises of the tax-nayer or eUewhere, bf longing to him, or so much thereof as may be necessary for the purpose of paying the tax, and the additional fifty per cent aforesaid and costs; aud said sale shall be made in the manner and form and after the notice required by tbe laws of the several States for judicial sales of personal property, and the said warrant? of -distress -mar be exectrtedty the tax collector or any deputy by him appointed for that purpose, and the deputy executing the warrant shall be entitled to the same fees as are allowed in- the respective States to sheriffs executing writs of fieri facias, said fees to be paid as costs by the tax payer: Provided, That in all cases where the asses sor and tho tax payer agree on the assessment of the crops, and the value of the portion thereof to which tne Uovernment is entitled, no other assess ment shall be necessary; but. the estimate agreed on shall be reduced to writing and signed by tbe assessor and tax payer, and have tbe same foroe and effect as the assessment and estimate of disinterest ed free-holders hereinbefore mentioned; and two copies of such assessment and estimate thus agreed on and signed as aforesaid shall be made, and one delivered to the producer and the other to the col lector: And provided further. That the assessor is hereby authorized to administer oaths to the tax payers and to witnesses in regard to any item of the estimate herein required to be made: And provided further. When agricultural produce in kind is paid for taxes, if payment be made by a tenant who is bound to pay his rent in kind, the tenth part of said rent in kind shall be paid in kind" by tbe tenant to the Government as aud for the tax of the lessor on said rent, and the receipt of the Government officer shall release the lessor from all obligation to include ! said rent in kind in his statement of iucome, and discharge the tenant from so much of his rent to the lessor. Sec. 12. That every farmer, planter, or grazier shall exhibit to tbe assessor, on or about the 1st ef March, 18C4, an account of all tbe hogs he may have slaughtered since tho passage of this act and before that time; after the delivary of this estimato to the post quartermaster hereinafter mentioned by the assessor, the said farmer,' planter or grazier shall deliver an equivalent of one-tenth of the same in cured bacon, at tbe rate of sixty pounds of bacon to the one hundred weight of pork. That on the first of November next, and each year thereafter, an estimate shall be made, as hereinbefore provided, of the value of all neat cattle, horses, mules (not used in cultivation.) and asses owned by each person in the Confederate States, and upon such value the said owners shall be taxed one per centum to be paid on or before the 1st day ef January next ensuing.- If the grazier, cr farmer, or planter shall have sold beeves since the passage of this act, and prior to the 1st day of November, the gross proceeds of such sales shall be estimated and taxed as income, after deducting therefrom the money actually paid for tbe purchase of such beeves, if they have been actually purchased, and the value of the corn consumed br them. -The estimate of these items shall be made in case of disagreement between tbe assessor aud tax-payer as herein prescribed in other cases of income tax; and on oach succeeding 1st day of November, the beeves sold during the preceding twelvemonths shall be estimated and taxed in tbe same manner. ... Sec. 13. Tbat the Secretary of War shall divide the service of the quartermasters department into two branches one, bereio denominated post quar termasters, for the collection of the articles paid for taxes in kind, and the other for distribution to tho proper points for supplying the army, and for delivering cotton end tobacco to the agents of tbe Secretary of tbe Treasury. The tax assessor shall transfer the estimate of articles doe from each per son, by way of a tax in kind, to the duly authorized post quartermaster, taking from the said quarter master a receipt which shall be : filed as a voucher with tbe chief collector in settling his aceoont, and a cony of this receipt shall be furnished by the chief collector to the auditor settlinxr the post quar termaster account as a charge against him. -The post quartermaster receiving the estimate, shall col- ieci irom tne tax-payer tne articles wnicn i pri- C . J !. 1 I ? e 1 l . k M 1 AttX -.- m uu woicn ne is oounu u - , tiona from una voidable loss, the residue has been delivered to the distributing ageats a evidenced by their receipt.- -The said port quartermaster shall, j mm, . I. I e.iviB2 from him thearUeles delivered in payment I also, state 1 UJ ICUVUBM Vt WK 1IHHKIUMWCI WW 1 of taxes in kind at his depot, and make a monthly report of the same to sneb omcex-as the Secretary ; of Warinftjr-deeigMte t ' PrptUed, That jo cat tho post Qoartermaeter nh&ll be enable U collect I" tx ia kind specified la the estimate delivered to him aa aforesaid, he shall deliver to tie dUtrlcl , tax collector said estimate aa a basis for th distress ' 4 .nk...l I.. I 1 I . . therefor, and forward the same to tbe chief tax col lector as a credit In. tbe statement of the accounts of said post quartermaster! Provided, That any partial payment of said tax fh kind shall be indors ed on said estimate Btfort delivering .the same to ' -the district' tax CoBsofor-' a foresaid,- and ' tbe receipt given to him thersfor by the district tax col lector shall specify slid partial payment. When the articles thus collected through the payment of taxes In kind have been received at the depot as aforesaid, they shall be distributed to tbe agents of the Secretary of the . Treasury if they consist of cottop, wool or tobacco, or If tber bo suitable for L forage or subsistence to such places and la such manner as the Secretary of War may prescribe. Should the Secretary of War find that some of the -agricultural nroduoe thus paid In and suitable for forage and subsistence has been or will It deposited in places where it cannot be used either directly or. indirectly for these purposes, he shull cause the same to be sold. In such manner , as he may pre scribe, and the proceeds of such sale shall be paid into the Treasury of the Confederate States. 8hould. however the Secretary of War notify the Secretary of tlie Treasury that it would be impracticable for him to collect or use tbe articles taxed in kindt or any 6f them, to he reoeived In certain districts or localities, theu tlie Secretary of tbe' Treasury shall proceed to collect in said districts or localities the money value of said articles specified in said esti mate and not required in kind and said money value shall be due on the first day of January ia each and every year, and be collected as soon there after as practicable. . Sec. 14. That the estimates of incomes and pro fits, other than those payable In kind, and tbe state ments or bills for the amount of the specific lax on occupations, employments, .business and profess ions, and of taxes on grosr soles shall be delivered by the assessor to the collector of tbe district, who shall give him a receipt for the same, and the said assessor shall file his reoelpt with the cblof tax col lector of the State, and the collector of the dlatriot. holding said estimates, statements or bills, ishnll proceed to collect the sami from the tax payer. The money thus collected shall be paid to the chief tax collector of the State, accompanied bv ths esti mates, statements or bills aforesaid, delivered by , assessor to the district collector as aforesaid. Sec. 15. That every person who as truxtee. guar dian, tutor,' curator or committee, executor or ad ministrator, or as sgent, attorney in fact, or factor, of any peron or persons, whether residing In the ' Confederate States or not, and every receiver In chancery, clerk, register or other officer of any court, sliall bo answerable forthodolug of all each acts, matters and things as shall be required ta be do.ie in order to the assessment of the mouey. prop- , erty, product and income under their cont rol and the payment of taxes thereon, and shall be indem nified Against all and every person for all payments on account of the taxes herein specified, and shall be responsible for all taxes due from tu ostates income money, or property . iu their possession or under their control. Sec. 16. The income and moneys of hosnltals. asylums, churches, schools and colleens shall be exempt from taxation under the provisions of this act. ' ' Sec. 17. Tbat the Secretary of the Tieasarr be. and be Is hereby authorized to make all reles and regulations necessary to the operation of this act. and not inconsistent herewith. - . Sec. 18. This act shall be In force for two years after the expiration of the present year, and ti e taxes herein imposed for the present year shall bo levied and collected each year thereafter In tb manner and form herein prescribed, and for the said time of two years, unless this act shall bo sooner repealed: Provided, the tax on naval stores, flour, wool, cotton, tobacco, and other agricultural pro ducts of the growth of any year precedlog tho year 18C3, imposed In the first section of this act," shall be levied and collected only for the present year. ' COKPEDEBATE BIBLE SOCIETY, ' The first Annual Meeting of the Bible Society of the Confederate 8ttes of America, convened for business at the Presbyterian Church in Augusts, (Jeorgia, Week before last. The introductory sermon was preached on Wedoesdsy evening by the Rev. George YYoodbridgc,: of Richmond, Va, from the 6th verse of tbe 13th Psalm. It was sn interesting and instructive discourse. The Presi dent of the Society, lion. Joseph II. Lumpkin, being' prevented Jby Providential causes from atten ding, and neither of tbe Vicc-Preldenli beio present, the Her. T. V. Moore, D. D.. was called 1 to the Chair. Members of the SUtes of South -Carolina, Virginia, Alabama, Blississippi and Georgia, bad their names enrolled. 't' The report of the Board of Managers showed as the operations of the year, the pureba and publication of 80,843 volumes of the Testament, and Testament and Psalms. Of this n a ruber 70, 000 have been pnblahed tinder the auspices of the Society. The rest were purchased. Nine cases of the latter have been received front Brit- tiS in Vartion nretti via Vanaii Vhnl number distributed by the Board (.5,878 volumes, t leaving a balance of 20,905 on hand. Receipts of I the Society np to 1st April 051.000; disburse ! . men ta 510,000, leaving 41,000 to the hands of ' l W I '' - I ' tne iressurcr. iion. i. u. Xiumpkiq was re-eiect-ed President of tbe Society, and all the Vice-Presidents were retained. Next annual meeting to be held in Ausrosta on the Srd 3Iondsv ia April. 1804, at 7 p,m. , ... .. ; h ,i - J- II ea vt Robbebt. 143,700 ' in go) J, Celong-t: ing to" the Merchants' Bank of Rsvaanah, waif, stolen from tbe express cars on the Georgia Ccri-' tral Railroad while en route' fdr Msconi $5,000 in gold is offered for the recovery jpf the money., J COMPLIMEWT TO PRESIDENT pAVIS ThV following rctolatioo bss passed the Senate cf Georgia, unanimously : ' ' " k , Resolved by the Senate and .House of Repre-i sentativea of tho State of 'Georgia. . Tbat th ability and success with which the Chief Magistrate rii, v.rfM. -f s . -,"-- r.M.A.11. j- . ,,M j,,,' ji.j m i:, uw v.'. nign ana responsible omoe, nave cp-uuisuuou inr admiration and secured . the coofldepee of hi untr v menand Georela hereby pledget hewelf u furnish all the means It her disposal to enable hm j,ring a gucccsafol termination the cruel toe uptoj irar being now waged upon her cititana. V? " ' i m r rMt. t ssid ta has eerUtl - jj, ggainst ho cholera. " f , - ft

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