($4 per CHARACTER IS AS IMPORTANT TO STATES AS , IT IS TQ INDIVIDUALS AND TIIS GLOIiY OP ; TUB ONE IS ' THE COMJIOX PROPERTY OP THE "OTHER.- WEST SIDE OF TRADE STRE BKT.y ,- ( IN ADVANCED- ' i CHARLOTTE, N. C., TUESDAY, JULY. 14, 1863. W. J. YAf IS, EdITOBAND PROPniETOR ELEVENTH VOLUJUE N U M B ER 578.. O ICE riN THE - I THE 9 Published every Tuesday,o) IS I WILLIAM J. YATES, EDITOR AND PKOPKIETOK. 4 IN .ADVANCE. H3-5Traasicnt advertisements must hepaWTorin Advertisements nM marked on the manuscript fit -a specific time,-will be insirted until forbid, and r barged accordingly. FIELD OFFICERS OF N. C. TROOPS. Colonels: Lielt.-Col's. Majors. J A McDowell. J I lam A Drown, James S Hines, D W Hurt W M Parsley E A Osborne William J Hill, Sam McD Tate, J f W u Cr.W W S btalling.s, t'V h D' Koss, tt, S. D- Thurston, 4' Bryan Griiu-'S, James II Wood r.lT M (iarr.-tt 'John WLra ! Isaac E Av.-ry. "ICobeit )uu, 7 1 Ed G Haywood, jV Lee Davidson Hiir:i:iy M Shaw, J W Hiutoii, J McLeod Turner IleuryMcRae, ' ' J no H Whitaker, Guion and Sparrow Egbert A Ross, Jno T Ilanibrick, 1, S Halc. r, J A J 1 had ford, C Leventhorpe, S D Ponlo, 10 11 13 Win J Martin, J Hllyman Alfn-d M Scales, K T Dennett, 11 W A Johnston W1I Yarboro', Wm A .St owe, John C Lamb, J."! Wm MacRae, !GW Hammond h;J S MeEh'oy, l7jVm F Martin, Iri John I) Darry ly Jas B Gordon 20 Thos. F. Toon. 21 W W Kirk land S2 James Conner, Danl II Christie 24,' Win J Chirke, 25 II M Kiit!ed-e, ','rJ II K Durtrwynn, II D JiCO Tlios H Sharpe. CM Andrews, W J Stanly W S Rankin Laban Odell C C Dlacknall, W G Iiobi'.ison, Nelson Slouch C C Co!e R 1) Johnston, John L Harris, T D Love, ,S C JJryson, W S Grady John R Lane. J T Jones '7 John A Giliner.jr G F Whittield JC Webb Saml N Stowe W D Creasnian Wm W Sillers, J AD McKay 2'lSajnuel D Lowe, W II A Spear 2!l :?o, Fran M Parker, :j !J!m V Jordan, :t-i'lv! J Drabble, :; (Jhnk M Avery, :4 V L J Low rail ee :!.r)iM W Ransom, James T Kell, C W Knight W T Williams, Robt V Cowiin, (i D Coward, T W Mayluw J L McDowell I John O Jones, :C Artillery :t? Win M Darber, :.- William J Hoke, :!) David Coleman, 40 Artillery 41 JohnA baker J-jGcw. (J Gibbs, 4:;Thoina.s S Keuan, JllXHSLng.-lfuy. 4."'J H Moreh -ad, 4t;:JMward D Hall, 47 1 G H Faribault, 4S! Robert C H'dl. , 4!)!Lee M McAfee. T.OJJ A Washington, HI H XIcKethan, ;Vi J K Marshall, r,:!Wm A Owens, detached W G Morris John Ashfiird, F A Reynolds, detached John E Drown, companies, Owen N Drown M M McLaughlin companies, C W Kradshaw Walr,J Doggan, C.Mib'duian, J "R Winston . A C McAllister AD Crudim W-m. G Lewis, T L Hargrove, Andrew J Iloyxl, v 1j maunders John A Graves, S II Walkup, Albert A Hill John A"F"leininr,P B Chambers Geo. Wortham, I C Van Hook J as RM-eDonald C B Hobsou Marcus A Parks, J l Richardson, J T Alorehead, Jas J Iredell, rliK M Murehison Anderson Ellis, ,'Jas A Rogers 55'Johii K Conally, 'Alfred II Delo M T Smith ' Paul F Faison, G G Luke, H F Sehenck, James A Craige, J C Keener, J as M Mayo, W M Hardy Henry Harding. D G McDowell ri7ArcU C Godwin, 58, John B Paltner, W;D D Fercbee II C Jones, Jr., Wm W Proffit, E Cantwell Wm II Deaver, ;. Jos A McDowell, 4il i;:t c.r. Jas. I). Radcliffe, iWni S Devane, Robt. G.A.Love. G W Clartou Peter G Evans S D' Evans. L M Allen, James A Keith, J II McNeill George N l-)lk, Tlv above Regiments aro in the fallowing Brigades: Clingman's - Sth, t'lst, filst and (list. Cooke's IT.lh, 2Jth. ltHh and 48th. Date's 2:Hh. Daniel's :5.d, Md, 4."itli. .r)(lth and 5:?d. Davis ""! h. Hoke's C.th, 2!st, 5-ltl: and ."7th. Hampton's 9th, (cavalry) lvi rson's rth, l-'tb. 20th and-2:id. L:m?'s 7th, lth, 2th, :?:id and oth. W II V Lee's !Lth, (cavalry) Pryor's 1st and '5d. Pender's l:'.th. Kith, 22d, :54tli and Z-ith, IYftigrcw-s 11th, 2("thf 42d, 41th, 47th and"V2d. Ransom's 2 ith, 2r;th. :5,"th, li'th and ofith. Rainseufs 2d, 4tli, 14th and :50th. Robertson's list, o'Jth, and C3d. The loth, 17th, :Wth, 40th, rth, GOth, Cd. Glth and .')th Regiments are not Brigaded. The iih, I'.hh, list, 5'Jth, ti:Jd and G4tli are cavalry Re giments. The 10th, :50th and 40th are ArtiileTy Regiments. In addition to the Regiments, there are the following Battalions : Lient-Uol. Chas E Shobei's infantry (for merly What ton J Green's i; Maj J II Nithercutt's Ran gers; Maj R W Wharton's Sharpshooters; Maj John W Moore's Artillery; Mid, WL Young's Artillery; "iMaj Alex McKae's Artillery; Col Peter Malh tt's camp Guard. Col. Wm II 1 hoinas has a Legion of II inlanders ane Indi ans numbering over 1 ,")00 men. BOTTOM CARDS SSOKS. - Gotton Cards for sale, but an early call will only se i nre a pair as we only have ten pair. We have on hand and can make to order calf-skin Shoes and Gaiters of very fine Kngliib leather. Lots ladies' calf-skia Hootecs. Lot of thick Drogan, large size?. J. F. BUTT, Mint Street. June 2.-1, 1SC3 tf Charlotte. N. C. JUST RKCEEVSiS), 1'L.VCK ALPACCA, HI. IK FLANNELS, KI'UOL (XiTTOX black and while. KUiACllED SUHM'ING. J. S. PHILLIPS tf copartxiorsliip. rl0? WUI' ihl the Mercantile S S IE LKWS W. SANDERS. i uc .ijit oi me .im h?reitter be WILLIAMS, OATES & CO. wish to close our old business. "J 'cllU "P. "s P" U!' J"'L,AMS OATES. M. J. 31. MILLER Charlotte, N. p., ' Ha? resumed the Practice of Medicine, and 'can be found at his Office in the Brawlcy building opposite to Kerr's hotel," or at his residence. Feb. 25, 1862. -oTici7 to iEBTonir All persons indebted to tffe Estate of Patrick J Lowriej deceased, are requested to call and make kn- , .v i 1I.T.UIJ. I . O.III11I. Attorney for Executrix. North Carolina C WHITE SULPHUR-SPRINGS This delightful Summer Resort is now open for the. reception of visitors, and the public and the cau have the benefit of these valuable waters Prices of Boabij $5 per day, - . $28 per week, . $75 for four week3. . -Wc have a plentiful supply of Provisions, and a good stock of Ice secured. There i3 a daily line of Hack and .Mail from the Western N. C. Railroad', to , the KnrinL'3.' IL L. ROBARDS, June 1, 18G3 2mpd Proprietor. - NOTICE.' , 'C - ' All persons indebted to FULLIN'GS & SPRINGS, by note or account, are hereby notified to call upon Wm. W. Grier ex-sheriff, and make immediate settle ment. - ' J. M. SPRINGS. ment February 3. 1863 tf NOTICE TO SHIPPERS. Office Chablottk & S. C. Railroad, Columbia, May 30, 18G3. Liqaor will not be transported by this Company or the A., Tenn. & O. Railroad company, unless securely boxed and strapped. . TKOS. R. SHARP. June 1, 18G3 Ct Gen'l. Sup't. v : : Stale of N. Carolina Mecklcnlmrg Co. Court of l'leas and Quarter Sessions April Term, 18C3. Joab P. Smith, Adm'r with tlic WiU'annexed of Dan Alexander, dee'd, vs. The Heirs at Law of Dan. Alex ander, doceased. Petition to sell Land to pay debts. . It appearing to' the satisfaction of the Court that Marcus S. Alexander and Wm F Alexander, two of the heirs at law of the said deceased, arc not inhabitants ofthisState it is therefore ordered by the court that publication be made for six weeks in the Western De mocrat, a newspaper " published in the town of Char lotte, for said defendants to appear at the next term of this court, to be held for the county of Mecklenburg, at the court house in Charlotte, on the 2d Monday in July next, and show cause, why the lands described in the petition should not b.e sold accordiug to the prayer of the petitioner. . ; Witness, Wm. Maxwell, clerk of our said court, at office in Charlotte, the 2d Monday in April, 1863. C9-Gt. adv $G WM. MAXWELL, clerk. Slale of KT. Carolina Mecklenburg Co. Court of Pleas j- Quarter Sessions April term, 18G3. Isaac N. Alexander, Adm'r of John T. iieid, dee'd, vs James P. Henderson, wife, and others. Petition fof settlement of the Estate of John T Reid. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that N At McGombs and wite Jane, one ot t lie uetendants in this case, reside beyond tlio limits ot tuis fatate; it is therefore ordered by the Court that publication be made for gix weeks in the Western Democrat, a news- piipei-'published in the town -of-Charlotte, notifying said defendant to be- arrd appear at the wext term of this court to be held tor the county of Mecklenburg, at the court house in L-harlotte, on the 2d Monday in July next, then and there to idcad, answer er demur to the petition, oi judgment pro confesso will be taken and the same heard exparte as to thc.m. Witness, Win." MaxweU, clerk of our said court at office in Charlotte, the 2d Monday in April, 1863. " GO-Gt adv 6 WM. MAXWELL, clerk. TO COTTON PLANTERS. I have been appointed by the Secretary of the Treasury, Chief Agent for the purchase of Cotton for the Confederate Governm-nt within the State of North Carolina, and will pay for the same in 7 per cent Bonds or Cash. Still-Agents visiting the cTiffcrent parts of the State, buying in my name, will have written certificates of appointment. By order of-the Secretary of the Treasury, all Cot ton purchased by myself or my ngents, 011 aud-after the ISth day of March, 18G3, will be paid for in 7 per cent Bonds or Cash, and not 8 per cent Bones as stated in a former advertisement. Up to that time, however, the 8 per cent bond? will be furnished as stated. Patriotic citizens are now offered an opportunity to aid the Government by selling to it their Cotton rather than to private capitalists. LEWIS S. WILLIAMS. Charlotte, March 24, '18G3 tf , Richmond, May 9th, ISG3. " The following Confederate' officers and men have been duly exchanged, and irc hereby so declared . 1. All officers and rrien who have been delivered at City Point at any tvne previous to May 6th, 1863. 2. All officers -captured at any place -before tire 1st of April, JSG3, who have been released on parole. 3. All men captured in Narth Carolina or Virginia before the 1st of .March, 1863, who have been released on jjarole. 4. The officers and men captured and paroled hy Gen. S P. Carter, in his expedition to East Tennessee in December last. m 5. The officers and men captured and pacoleA by Lieut. Col. Stewart at Van Buren, Arkansas, January 25th, 1863; by Col. Dickey, in December, 18C2, in his march to the Mobile and Ohio railroad, and by Capt. Cameron, at Corinth, Miss., in December, 1862. G. The officers and men paroled at Oxford, Miss., on the 23d of December, 1S62, at Des Arc, Ark., 0.1 the 17th of January, 1863, and at Baton Rouge, La., on the 23d of February, 1863. 7. All persons who have been captured oritbe sea or Jiie witters Ieauing to the same, or upon the sea coast of the Confederate or United 'States, at any time previous to December 10th. 18G2. . 8. All civilians who have been arrested at" any time before the 6th of May, 18G3, and released .on parole, are discharged from any and every obligation con tained in said parole. If any such person has taken any oath of allegiance to the United States or given any bond, or if las release was at-complished with any other condition, he is discharged from the same. 9. If any persons embraced in any of the foregoing sections, or iu any section of any previous Exchange Notice, wherein they arc declared exchanged, are in any Federal prison, they are" to be immediately re leased and delivered to the Confederate authorities. May 17, 1-S63 Ct ROBERT OULD. SSSGSIT Pft CJtiIVrFUiWi:Y6. The attention of the public is directed. to the follow ing regulations, issued by the Secretary of the Treasu ry in relation to funding of Confederate States Treasu ry Notes: - TREASURY- DEPARTMENT, IUciimoxd, May 25, I863-. The following regulations are established for the guidance of the officers of the Treasury, in relation to the two year Treasury notes and. right per cent certifi cates, issued under the act of Congress cf May 16, '61: 1. The holders of any of the two year Treasury notes, issued under the pre visions of the said act, may, at any time, on or before the 31st of Jul, 1863, ex change the same for eight per cent, bonds', payable in ten years, to be issued under the authority of said act. 2. The Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer and Deposito ries will issue certificates to such holders, in the usual form, to be taken up by delivery of the bonds as soon .utJ suau oe prepared. - . C. G. Memmixgkb, Sec'y l rea'y. A. C. WIUJAMSOX, c. s. d.; Charlotte. N. C. June 5, IkGH CIIAl!I,OTTK,' N. C. , - NOTICE. .- 'Our terms arc four doll&ravr rear in advance. JCS? Individual or local ghinplasters will not be re- eeived. . When sent to us they will be held subject the sender's'call, and not ret anted by letter. - Thi Democrat will be discontwwd to all subscri bers at 'the -expiration of the time for yrhich it i paii.. Those tcho tcaril to-contin.ve must renew before or at the tfri - ;Vpiration of their time. Joking. A " Confederate soldier, writing to a newspaper, relates a conversation ho had. with a Yankee picket, somewhat in this style: Yankee How many Regiments has the Old North . State got in the field ? ' ' ' Confederate-r-One hundred and sixty-tive.- "r Yankee Why, that's all the -fighting men 70a have, ain't it ? Confederate No, not one-half; but when all the original secessionists turn out, you Yankees may " kaikulate" on catching h 1. The Yankee picket scratched his head and then "changed his base." ".The desire here is that the Northern people may taste the bitter dose so fully administered to the people of the South, that they too may the better appreciate the blessings of peace, which wohave been so barbarously deprived. There is but one sentiment; in this section, and that is peace, but it must be upon such terms as involves no surrender of honor, an everlasting separation from the North. Sulisbtiry Watchman. Yes, "everlasting separation from the North' that's the only way we can ever have permanent peace. It seems impossible that any southern man who is not crazy, should desire a reunion with a people who have acted like savages and have done everything they could to incite insurrection among our negroes. : 3i? il auuius us giuunuati'Mi iu copy uie IOI- Ti 3- i-.r. t-- f 1 lowing from the Milton Chronicle : - - - Col. Brown against Reconstruction We are authorized by the Hon. 'Bedford Brown to state that any impression sought to be made, either from party prejudice or from misapprehension of his remarks, that he had advocated a reconstruct tion of the old Union, is entirely" destitute of foiicdation. Believing as he did that the destruc tion of the Federal Union would bring incalcula ble calamities on" the country,-he opposed iPwfth wh a t'ever ability' he could tirl Lincolri'fesWteifo coercion. That being in conflict with his Stafe Bight doctrines, he voted for secession in the Con vention; for the largest means of men and money, both in the Convention and Legislature, to resist it, besides having voted with his colleagues for" resolutions before the Legislature explicitly de claring against reconstruction. More than this, he has, in answer tS numerous enquiries as to the question of reconstruction, uniformly declared that he believed "it impracticable and undesirable, after the violent civir and internal war which had raged between the two sections. Thus it will be seen that this gentleman is no reconstruetionist, and we hope people will now stop doinc him the imustice to represent him a recon struetionist. It is a slander county, the State, the South.- on the man, the -Milton .Chronicle. Retaliation. Richmond, July 7. A draw ing took place yesterday at the Libby prison for two Fedpial captains, to be executed in retaliation for the shooting of two Confederate officers in Kentucky by Burnside. Two names were drawn, Henry N. Sawyer of the first New Jersey cavalry, and John Flynn of the 51st Indiana. No day was fixed for the execution. . ArroT of a Yankee Woman ior Circula tin a . Counterfeit money. Une Mrs Clata Starr, wife T)f a 'YankeevOfficer, captured at Win chester, and brought to this city with others, was arrested at the Petersburg Depot on Saturday evening, while on her way to City. Point via Petersburg, homeward bound. It was discovered that this woman had been makingsandry purchases in the City with Counterfeit Confederate Notes, and even went so far as to attempt to palm some" of them pfi'at the Depot. Upon an "examination, a large number of the notes were found secreted upon her person. -They were of Yankee manu facture, of course, 01 the kind intended "to cheat any Bank," on account of the excellence of the imitation: Mrs Starr was put in Castle 1 hunder. 11 ichmvnd Unoilirer .' " "Heavy. Firinq" at the Capitol Yestcr- day, wnen tne speaker bummer leu ana tue Commons adjourned, we had just cleared tbt door and had stopped to talk to some one, when we heard "heavy firing" below. . The firing was rapid, while it. lasted, and the excitement intense,- for a few momcjits, but when t' smoke had cleared away the cry 9 "nobody ' rfc on either side" ran along the lines, the seriousness visible but a moment before wore off and the wfrole thing was viewed only as a light comedy. The facts,, as near as we could obtain them, arc these : Jt seems that there was- some bad blood between R. Y. McAden ef Alamance, and J. H. ; Foy, of Onslow, both members of the House of Commons. 'McAr.cn attacked Foy at the foot" of the stairs a the Wesf end of thc.CapUoI, as the latter was leaving the House, to j drew a pistol and fired twice, retreating as he firu, so it is said by those who seen it; while McAden attempted to use his, but the piece snapped and be' fired no shot. The thing was soon ort r, and when we came down stairs a few moments afterwards both parties had disappeared." About the controversy wc know nothing; but we are glad to be able to state Ihg fact that "nobody was hurt on either side. halayh I'royres?, tth. From. Bermuda Mr -Valium! tff-hanr.Thv Confederate steamer Lady Davis, arrived at St. GeorgeYou the22d, from Wilmington, N. O. She is reported to belong to the Confederate Govern. ment. and brought lnecortant despatcnes irom 55 there to the British-Consul.. Mr Yallaudigbam was a passenger. The-Royal "Gazette" says he is on his way tq Canada, events. - . " there to await commj TO THE SHEBIPFS AD TAX COLLEC TOES OF NORTH CAROLINA. " . - ;"'' Treasury Department, V ; J ...: Raleigh;- N. C, Julr 3,; 1803.' - The following fs a codv of the .act iust Easscd by the Oeceral Assemblyy Intending, to expedite uU iuueuHjju ui me oiaic aim county jLvevesuc. in 1 .1 . . - s e-. . uruer tnat ibe issues 01 uonicaerate currency, aatea prior to lit a April, 1SU3, may be funded. ' I congratulate ' you "on the "adoption . of a plan, which will relieve you: and the tax-payers, and .proteet the estate and county Treasurers from loss 'growing but of the legislation : 6f ' UonCTessi atwj 1 sustain as far asUhe legislation of IWf Statetahtdo it, the currency " of the Confederate - government To make this plan successful, your energetic co- operation is required - in oruer inat me taxes may reaeh the handsof the Treasurer and other fisca agents, on or before the 28th inst. The State ex-. pects that you and the tax-payers will heartily co operate in carrying out the plan. Where you may not be able to get here by the time indicated with the money, you are af liberty to carry the Confederate notes vou may have re ceived, dated prior to the Cth April, 1863, to any depository ot the Confederate government, and fund thescnotes in seven pejecnt.- bonds of the Confederate government and these bonds, or the certificates of the depository, will be. received at the Treasury as payments made on or before the 28th July lftst., though they may be delivered here at any" time before the first day of October next. " - ; . . . ' . ' . It will be duo to all of you who shall . pay into the Treasury on or before ihe 28th July next the taxes due from your counties, that publication of the fact be made, and 1 shall cause it to be done. J. F. E. Ilardie, o Asheville, is appointed an agent of the treasury, in compliance with the regu lations of the ad section oPthe act. The appoint ment of agents at other points, under said section, is left discretionary with trie, and I appoint no other, believing the object can be better acconi plished by your funding the money and bringing hero the bond and the certificate of the depository; because, under existing laws, the i reasurcr is au thorized to receive the taxes only upon the settle mentand certificate of.the Comptroller. As I have not the power myself to receive the taxes excepting on the certificate of the Comptrol ler, I deem it best to appoint an agent at Asheville only; which I do because the act, as to the'aptoint- ment of an agent there, is imperative. Very respectfully, JONATHAN WORTH, ' ' X'uUic Treasurer. The law alluded to by Mr Worth was publish ed in the Democrat last week." ":'- " ". " " N. C. LEGISLATURE. v, Monday, July C. Senate. Mr Ramsey introduced a bill to re peal an act entitled "an act to protect the people from small pox. The bill passed its third reading. A bill to change the guage of the Piedmont Railroad to that of the Danville road, was taken up. "Mr Adams moved to suspend the rules and put the bill on its several readings. Not agreed to. Mr Graham, presented a bill in relation to militia. Provides the enrollment of all persons between the ages of 18 and 55, "villi certain ex emptions. Mr Graham said he would like to hear the. opinions of Senators.. Messrs. Outlaw and Copeland were opposed to, the exemption of mili tia officers. Considered the majority of them an incubus on the military organization. A bill to Tepeal the stay. law, except as to soldiers in the army, was taken up. Messrs. War ren and Graham favored it. Mr Wiggins moved to postpone its further consideration to the 1st . day of December next. . Agreed to. The House bill to facilitate the payment. of bounty of deceased "soldiers to their representa tives was laid on the table. . A bill to punish' aiders and abettors of deserters passed its several readings. House. Mr. Kerner presented a memorial from citizens of Forsythe county, protesting against a compliance with the President's requisition for seven thousand troops. Referred to thd Commit tee on Military Affairs. A resolution in favor of A. C. Latham, Sheriff of Craven, and G. M. Green, Sheriff of Cleaveland, authorizing a collection of taxes in arrcar, passed under a suspension of the rule. - . . A message from the Senate transmitted a reso lution requiring the Adjutant General to prepare and print a tabular statement cf the number of volunteers and conscripts furnished by the several I counties of the State.., The resolution was adopted.1 On motion of Mr. Shober, the rules were suspended arfd the engrossed bill to'aniend' the charter of the Piedmont R. R. Co., was put on its third reading. The bill passed, ayes 48, noes 42. "The result of all which is that we hate the Sooth as wc hate no other people on earth." The above were the concluding remarks of Judge Edmonds, after reviewing at length the differences between the North and the South, in a Lecture delivered before three thousand (as alleged) of the most intelligent citizens of New York, in the spring of 1861, just before the commencement of hostilities. Now, it will not do to say that this was only the opinion of one man, for bis tbrcc thousand intelligent auditors gave their approval, and as the . lectare was published in their news papers, none dissenting from the sentiment, the inference is inevitable that his conclusions were correct, and if so, ' the South had only the alter native left them either to withdraw from he North and maintain a separate independence, or to submit to continued aggressions tfpon their lights from a merciless and Tindietire people, who acknowledge that they hated the-South as they hated no other j people on earth; aad that, too, before they could set up any preteiitton Uiat-'tnr wmtu naa cone then or their Government any injury. 1 uvi mg ton Journal. - , - Save Your fc'rs.-r-The Augusta Constitu tionalist gives timely , warning of the necessity of saving Garden Seeds. - Every one who has a garden, and raises a stock of Peas, Corn, Beans, Cocumberii . - ... i . ii . i - . . . or other vegetables, snouia uise especial pains in saving the seed, not only tor ; the ir own use, but , wine for sale. LEE'S ORDER FOR THE .-. . . invasion:: On entering Maryland and -Pennsylvania) Gen. Lec-issucd the following order : ' ' Headquarters, ArmNorthern Va, Juno" 21. While in the enemy's country, the following regulations for securing snpplies will be strictly observed, and any violation of them-promptly and rigorously punished: - , ; - " ' Ne. 1. No private property shall be injured or destroyed by any person bclongintr to or connected with; the ar,my, or tdken, except by the ofBeera t" VTtu xieMgnaievi, - - . t i .; ' i?o. 2. The chiefs of the CommissaryJQaartcr mastcr, Ordnance and Medical departments of the army wHl make requisition upon the local anthori ties or inhabitants for the necessary supplies for their respective departments, designating the places and times ofdelivery. All persons comply ing with such requisitions shall be paid the mar ket price for -the articles furnished, if they so desire, and the officer making sueh payment shall take duplicate receipts for the same, specifying the name of the person paid, and the quantity, kind, and price of the property, ona of which re ceipts shall beat onco iorwarded to the Chief of the Department to which such officer is attached no. u. bhoulu the authorities or inhabitants neglect or refuse to comply with such requisitions. 'the supplies required "will bo taken from the near est inhabitants so refusing, by the order and under tne direction of the respective Chiefs of the De partments named. . ' . No: 4. When any command is detached from the main body, the chiefs of the several depart ments of such command will procure supplies or the same, and such other stores as they may be ordered to provide in the manner and subject to the provisions herein prescribed; reporting their action to the heads of the respective departments, to which they will forward duplicates of all Tea chers given or received. - . No. 5. All persons who shall decline to receive payment for -property furnished on requisitions and all from whom it shall be necessary to take stores or supplies, shall be furnished by the officer receiving or taking tho same, with a receipt spcci fyingtho kind and quantity of the property re ceived or taken, as the caso maybe, the name of the person from whom it was received or taken, the command for the uso of which it is intended. .and the market price. A" duplicate of said receipt shall be at once forwarded to the Chief of the De partment to which the officer by whom it is exe cuted is attached. No. 6. If any person shall remove or, coneeal property necessary for the use of the army or at- tempt 10 uo so, rne omcers nerem-ueroro nicniioneu will ciftise such property, and "all other property belonging to such person that may be required by the army, to be seized, and the officer seizing the same will forthwith report to the Chief of his De partment the kind, quantity and market price of the property so seized, and the name ot the owner. By command, of Gen. R E Lee. R. II. Ouilton, Adj't Gcnl. WAR ITEMS. -Parties arriving froirt Baltimore bring interest- m mm - - lritr accounts ot the blockadme of the streets of that city, the disaffection of the people, and the iron rule which is over them. A call opon the people for volunteers for the defence of the-city resulted in the amassment of about a thousand, who proved to be of such reluctant and. doubtful material, in a "loyal" sense, that they were dismis- J sedj and foreign troops depended upon to shield the American Eagle in the Monumental City. The Baltimore Sun of the 1st says that Stuart captured twelve hundred mules and four hundred prisoners in Montgomery county on Monday; and at Westminister he captured the Delaware Cavalry. LOTJISVII.LE, Ky., July 1. TlTis morning's passenger train, hence for I1 rank fort, was thrown off the track, by the removal of a rail, by 40 guer rillas, supposed to be under Hines. The engine was badly damaged. Nobody was hurt." .The rer bels burned the baggage car and contents, and one passenger can The party of guerrilas passed through Shelby county last night, stealing a num ber of horses on the route. Atlanta, July 4. If is considered certain that Morgan has played havoc with Rosecranz'a rear. An important movement is taking place in Gen. Bragg's army, but it is not prudent to men- ton particulars.' Zy""Bra8bear City, which was lately captured rom the Yankees by Confederate troops, is about eighty miles, nearly west, from New Orleans, and is at present the terminus Of the New Orleans ahd'Opelousas railroad. ' - - , - Gettysburg, Pa.- Gettysburg. by which name he battle or battles of last woek will probably bo :nown, is the county seat of Adams County, on the turnpike road from "Philadelphia to Pittsburg, one hundred and fourteen miles west of the former, hirty-six miles southwest of Harnsburg and wenty-eix miles cast of Chambcrsburg. It stands on elevated ground in the midst of a fertile firming rr'i 1 ni 1 1 o . country. xue XiUtuoraa xncoiogicai oemmary f this place, founded in 1826, has a library of seven-thousand volumes. The town 'is also the seat of Pennsylvania College, a flourishing institu tion. The buildings occupied by these institutions, are large and beautiful. Tho town contains ot:dn Bank, one Academy, seven Churches, four News paper Offices, and fifteen Carriage manufactories. Population about six thousand. Failure of Indiana to"jay interest on her debt. The State of Indiana has made default in the pay ment.of interest-on its debt, due on the 1st of J uly, 1863. This is the first instance of. default sinee its compromise with its creditors, .sixteen years ago. Bsiai j spceclt if the soldiers " Motto for a neutral , paper "All talk and no cider." ' ' 'i - --:-".'' Attempt to auotsinaU Governor Tales, of Ifo. nois. Governor Yates, of Illinois, was. abet at j through his office window at Springfield, on 1st in? ! GENERAL - - . . "n9 hav-og arnrcd at the entrance to the lad v IAM youwa. Brigham loung,.in a hto 4 ,ni . t . - . . . . UnitcJ Stales 1J fpr a batUlioo of i.d,-l.s .,V,:,;,w .' lu.UmjJu. fo,theh.?ouU?M,t I fa 11 Ui, fc'?$i&tyiF I DEVASTATIONS IN AU-. - . KANSAS., ; ; J It appears that in Arkansas tho Federals are practising the same policy of burning provision and agricultural implements that they have prac ticed in other sections of our had. The lesoni of destruction follows in ' their train everywhere.' Evidently they hate adopted this system of war fare against women and children in order, as they say, "to starvo , oat tho South if possiine.' The Littlo Rock True Democrat gives the" annexed ac count of their doings In that State: ; ' '4 It has been Jtnown for weeks tWtf tho Federals iftWUkAjtias were destroying: all farming, imple ments, seising all provisions, and preventing tho planting of crops, with the avowed determination to starve the . people into submission. We sup- Sosed it might '.be possiblo that this was tho via ictire craelty of some cowardly commander, who vented his spite on women and . children. Bat it is now certain that orders to that effect have issued from Lincoln's War Department. In , Phillips, Chicot,' and other counties, whero the Federals hare a foothold, they have and are homing all the fcnccvplows and farming utensils they find. They dcstroy.the property of widows as well as of male citizens. They are sending thousands of women and children within our lines, destroylWall 'the provisions mcy unu, anu preventing Hie PCOpiO from planting. ',. ,... k .. Out of many cases reported to us is one of a widowed lady, at whoso house a number of officers and men called and demanded their dinners. After having eaten they told her that they bad orders to scizo all her provisions, destroy all the farming implements and fences, and prevent her from having a crop raised. They left her a week's supply of provisions only. In Phillips county they killed every milch cow, shot down evory hog and cut -down fruit trees. In Chicot county they have mado a clean sweep t This is not civilized warfare. )t is a war upon women and'childrcn. It is a wholesale "robbery and national murder. Yet, so timid has been our policy that we have let these villains navigato our waters because they protested against tho barbarity of firing into boats. WeJiave paroled jay hawkers, whose hands were covered with tho blood of murdered patriots. We have forborne until for bearance ceased to be a virtue uotil it has ceased to bo manly. That an enemy so violating all the rules of warfare, and waging a barbarous, fiendish war, should be treated according to tho rules of civilized war is absurd. Surely, these men should be hung 'as soon, as caught.. They have hrown away thejr stars and stripes and hoisted tho blick flag. They arc warring upon women and children, anJ whencausrht. their cantors would boas uatifia- f ble in killing them as they would. bo in killing; a wild beast. - FOREIGN NEWS. Lord Palmcrston, during a speech at Guildhall, London, stated that- France and England wcro in accord on all questions "of pcaco or war in the East or in tho West." Earl Rasscll stated in tho IIouso of Lords that the blockade maintained by the American fleet waa sufficiently efficient to etitlu it to be observed. Ho believed, also, that there was every desire jon the part of the American Government to prevent injustice from being done to neutrals. The London Times anticipates that tho Emperor of France, "delivered from the Mexican war,A will make his "powerful voice" heard in America in favor of peace. ... The official report of the fall of Paebla caused much joy to Napoleon. He forwarded a letter of thanks to Gen. Forey, in which he disclaims tho idea of a permanent rule by conquest. . Mr: Slidell, the Confederate Commissioner, Las had a very long conference .witU the Emperor of France. The Emperor sent for him ancl-had a private tele a Icte with' him at breakfast.' They did not part until tho Council of Ministers assembled. This interview lias given strength to t'ao rumor 'that renewed offers 'of mediation In American affairs, by Napoleoa, are likely to to tho. result of the fall of Puebla. The London Times, in an editorial on tho lata peace meeting in New York, says it sees in ft somo reason for thinking that the civil wer rosy bo touching its close; but, at the samo time, admits that it is a very doubtful question. It thinks that Mr Lincoln would not object to peace if ho knew how to reach it, and that the'mccting may pave the way. fcsT The British Steamer for which the United States Minister Adams lately granted a permit, much to the disgust of British Merchants, to go to i t - , . juuiamyrua, a ,iu9 enrncci war material lor. too Mexicans, is said to have beau captured at sea by the French, and sent as a prize to France. ., The Chattanooga Rebel remarks upon tho cxtea j sivo and universal shngofj.be times has wrought; upon the popular mind and tongue, and gives the following illustrations '? . Urchin "Ma, did Gen. Mitcbcll, the astrono mer, go to heaven when ho died T" " " Mother 14 ics, my son, why do you ask?" R t;tm "Bully for Gcu. Mitchell !" Ercunt omnj. A striking instance of the tnisapprcheecion t f the English language' bjr foreigners, isexhiUte ' in the following: A certain Frenchman took tunc! phrase "other fbh to fry hating" been made a. of in his presence, and being informed that meant''sozue other important business to at ten 1 'to, he trcasureu it up in his memory for a futur occasion. Some umo after, he was escorting j young hdy friend one evening tome frotachurcf and bavins arnrcd Don't marry too smart a glrL for she will ot run vou: noroue too simple, for children will La' their talents rrora.tunr, mother; nor too rich, f se aet th l PETjERAL pains, when an odd or unusual saying was uttes; in his hearing, to perfect his knowledge of ti1 language by requesting an explanation. Tlf I