" "r " wmmmmmmmw- . , . . . , mmmcmmaxa i i i c , i i . i i i I If O 37 Tr1 X O O N T II E WK.ST SIDE OF TRADE STREET CHARACTER IS A.S IMPOBTAXT TO - STATES AS IT IS TO INDIVIDUALS, AND THE GLORY OF TUB OXS IS THE COilMOX FROPERTV OF TUEOTER.- , per aiumu lil Ali v Am:ui lJ. TASU? Editor and Proprietor. CHARLOTTE, N. C, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1S(3. TWELFTH VOLlMin ! U 31 D E It 5S5. 32 v .1, THE ... ,-N. - VW Sk -L -V I -PiiblMied every T ucsday,(o) BV W I L L I A M J V A TES, i:ii:TOR. Ei-iTou ax! rnoi 4 IN ADVANCE. j'-j- Ti .i.isicMit ad veiti seine :iU must be paid for in dvertiements n t nafi.ea on tue m.maaciipi , , tiMe, 111 be inserted until forbid, and .1 r a r a j i.( rr v. AN ACT to the Mil I T I AND A ( L. ) 1 Id!: IfibME DEI- l'.M'h. j r Hi'' ! ! ;. : .1 ;!, .--I - l;. it further -cm. ctcd, That il shall be the , i i nor t : i.sc to be einolied u-, a gn u d ::, e all uiii;e uiale persons not. already i- .-(Wire ( 1 the Confederate iii.ttes, lA - oi i ejliiecn and lil'ty years, resident in ' I i, i 1 1 1 . i i . 5 1 1 1 ;ji foretfrners not natunilt.eu.-wiio ;...,. i , .,i,.-i,ts in i lie Stale for tliiriv da vs before , ,,i olne ul, v. etinj;- peto:s .liliin lli .;...!, - of lie fr.u: rente and o Hi ceo tieriof , , f I .a W Mil l".T.n the members of the General :, W ,.nd tin- "ii'' is ' ! 'he .veetil Jnartments of ,,..'iMa.-ii! of -e :ite. .M i ii is t ets of the Gospel . . ... . . 1 ... : . 1. I :: I : 1, til I tl ! 1 1: S O I nit oiiiivohiini 1 l 1 l.e.;, and such other persons as I , i;i ,1. ..r .-jieci.il r'iaOus, may ueem jioiji:i Ml 1 V !T) ' ! ion . i;, it lorihi.-r enac' d, That e.U persons above f ; ti . v. li.) ma V Vidutitevr OH' service IU S:UU loom- ueiinee, ai.I slwill oe uctepieu hi a , , ... .11... o u -.in,, any i..r tue miih. mimu v --. j ..ii..,. , . . 1 , 1 li..-. :., .in .-I, all b.- be. i to service loeiein, Leneiiltv ..r ..r any .-pee'::-.l duty or expedition e.(,iiiiaintiii"- olib-ei-ft of reiri me nt r cii m pa .ties, , ... 1 Mt,ti;li tiie ii A lure ol tne j.ur.cui.vr sei 1 ice iu i. inev leu.imii.e : 4 He it I til ihe-r si: l!i -au-e ill! p'TSOIlS 1 iVn pi t ee.unj; tei-tmi.s enact ed, 4-!.llied That the ' Governor n nur.-uam.t: ot I he of l Ii is act lo he loi in ed inn , w itl, libc i i iurh'ii tue -ou;mis; ioue.1 oin b .-..nil .tub -, and pee into battalions ot b;-i.-;idc.s and divisions accoi t'iv, lo his dis- . i . , 1 1 ,. .-!i :e n; an t he .-iniil appoint the lie id r. e i men t .-, ii ij. ;o:c.- and oihi i rs ol sncii istens, and m o n: in i-s in ns tiae k.nn to aii the oflicei . I'-, it t-n tb.-r ler.i . 1. That ia-mhi birs of th ... t v ..i K li.-n-i.-. e .mm'.aly e-i'.b-.l -i.tbers, A, p,; 'le,j fvuiii tlie ; . : .v i - i i n "of ihi act by pay . !'.,:,,. l.r.io'.i-.-l .1. 1 i.i.-'aeem-'iiier to an -r. n a n e 1 .f lbe 'otw '-Pi ion of t be 1 ,th '1 iv of Mav. . St.it.- in that behalf. I.itilb.-d ! " I s . Provided that win n :i (., ,l.. i- li:.!l '.:ive leiil or bad leiedof iu iir.ini-rlv i J net lit I 0:1 - I Ihe ! e I e -Dill Hill ot 1lVI hundred d ..liars 1.1 0 1' il it: ca i ! 1 ie let 1 the conscription lav; iie.'. t" pa an -;i:o v. atoicsaid, h , lii..o:e- iul' hall i 1 s ix- emplioii ni See. f,. ' !' I hi' ae!. at (he snii eu.'irds for honie defence may b- ihe (iovci nor in deft nee of oe ca 1 leu out 101 .-.-1 n ,l li the Sl:.te .-ain.-t il.va- ! ei ' ;e-t' by rci :,.t el -. !,a' 1 or b drains or veiuntt cr a a. id tu s '.ion.-, "v col from I lo' s; .p. ess invasion, .i'l'.ics. 1 .f ;!.'. ". 1 tlie. as he, it li-crelion may direel; shall b thioniili the eliicers appoinied u u cr his e'.iiiiinaiid he lei I'1 -,. ,...!. v. ill. bs tlie limits ul I n Mate, at i!.;. si 1 in not t'-iiu- of d:;t lo be p: escribed by the Governor ! I'l' m oilh- a! 'one term. They, or so inn ny o'' tl.e p mat be he ti.-i v a.- im'v b at any one time called into service, or'.'iiti.cd into nilautrv, :u tilierv ov t av i ! i rv or i :1V;! I I V a S .tirect. and the iufnU Ya.nd artillery f.iay be liioiiiiled if lie shall so d'-tt Uiimt tin- men furnish in c i iie; r o , n horses and accoutrements and arms, when appiovtd bv the (iovernor. on st eh ttims as he shall prescribe. .Sec. 7. be it farther enacted. Thai the Governor may I'nn.i.-ii to .-aid troops ihe iiiin.-, accoutrements and ammunition of ihe Slate when called as aforesaid into active service, and shall prescribe rules for their return and to. prevent ihe waste, ilesli action or loss of the same. Sec 8. be it further enacted. That all law;, and clauses of laws cominr within I he meaning and pur view of tins act be, and the same arc hereby repealed. Sec : be it furl her enacted. That the comuiissioiis of oliici is ol ihe Militia, called int service by this act, ;n',..inl,.,l imlv iliirin:' Ihe m riod ot such s vice. I Sec. Kb be il further mac ted. That this-act shall be in b.rce n om the date of its i a:i!ica;nn. atl'l: ! tl t!:e , lb u;iv ct .) '. .V. s n. .. J 8 3 0 IISWAESSI. S I'b'AYb.l. a red ami white mu'ey COW, nearly dry. She wis pin (has, d f..r Mr Ho-.veil somew lure in IThioti enmity. The above reward will be paid lo any one who wiii lake her up and retu'.u ia l' to or iiiteim Aiij. ::. l-ii:t if SAME. . I LOWK1K. illOTTOX lAl?S!5e4 Ai S&25?3".S. Cot tun Cards t'or sale, but an early call will c niy se cure a-pair as u e ooli li..ve leu pair. e have ou hand an i can m t ordi sh ba'! .Jf-sLin Shee.- and .liters of , tv, !i ic I'big bits ladies' c;ll!'-ski:i Boolecs. bol of thick ib-og in i, l.iiijf si.e J. 1'Crr. Mint t ro. t, re. x. r .brae , i8t.;; tf Chai iot'i 5? bbACiv' AbPA'i"A. !t;.A"c. FL.WMil.. l't'b rtU'l'OX --bb-ici. and white. j. s. rnibbirs. ' i HKi) SI11U f EN G. ! :- "-'- if i . i il iv, i ii 1 Tue ! Lis i.i a- ;u ci a no w.ih t!n-.n in the Mercantile I o 1 1 1 . i i - -1 o : i K'vVlsi V. S A X 1 K Mb f ihe Wli.blAM ";. OATHS ,v CO. XOlTlM-b Ab j.4!-e,.s i,., Wllli.liUi C O.lU-i . will pie i. we wish to close our obi lo.- i'ae b.u- lirm ot svf.ie ,i;i, as s o.vn-'s. 1 ' .V ,1 , -iv.'.-ss. Wl!.!.; vm Dec 9, I sd 2 ?f 1)11. .1. M. Mli.l.Ki: Charlotte, N. C, ITas riiium-'d the i'.ictiee ot Medicine fgund at his Office in tl-.e U raw ley iniildi Kerr's hotel, or at his . s. b i .. Feb. 23. 1S2. and can be r oj.p. siTc i0 TO ftK!!STHS. All persons indebted to "lbe Kstafp of I'airicbJI Lowrie, deceased, art- re-juosu to C;.ll l nA,. DiodtHtc pivineat to Dj-: 30, IS 12 SAML. P. SMI fif. Attorney Co: L'rctuti 'u. . . . , . i i.. ..r Cauakui Corvrv 4tli K irnnnt, olonel U;rn- tAr dntr Thov h-ivo not. rmlv neolected to . 1 ettigrew s Lnaae Htths JJivision. j mm to ins work nit h tii iimvn-nl,!,. I,,,,..! i .; t'aroiinaud i i, heieby enacted ; ' . sist the State and Confederate authorities, but fouic c ? 1l0tI,'1!ld'f th .a,,d are iu ; tne siioulder, the rally continued t, roll, and the"; ' ' i ,. . V rl i . , , , - ' f I it v of theame, That the exemptions! Lxiox C)i;xTV--2.1 Regm.ent Co . McCam. Mon-j ' - j Scale s Crigade Pender's Division. hue W2S speedily reformed: " law-bon.-d M.rrel, 4; aunt and pilWri 'm..f T!,. t !!:! I't 1-1 )V tlie Ijl'lUil Artt'lUIJiV Ul ; , , , i . , , . i ,. . , . 'J J J " ' , . , . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ , .. . . , . . . . i,'i,. .eiei.et. aud .'rantii.jr exemj.tions from ! m.-nt. Col. iockej luesuay anu weanesuay -ami ep- ( nien no are subject to eouscriptioii to go clear and ." 7, f d"'uu" 1J,VU,UU , T, . i -NortherD liginia. Un the 4th of October, ho o.mmonlv eal :.c cuuseriptiou and ex- i timber. . , j , , . , , . , i - 1 he 24th, ooth and 49th ate in llansoia s Lri- .; took leave ol' it. The historian fcav: "' rhiUrru Th, chihir of tl, i J IS ! To Conscripts and 31 a I i I i iiiiia office of In obedience to General Order. ,'o.' 14. and Oeneial Or- ! L der No. 1, Issued by Col. Peter "MalL-u. Commandant ol i Conscrinl.s ibr North Carolina, Oolomds if Militia will on j ; th- -ith of Auimstr!';:,. enroll all lR-rson liable to ct.ii- j scrintioii under the recent Proclamation ol" the President J : ot tne Corited.-rate Mates, ami all persons euio.i. u, will ; i!i'o;n u, wui I r, port themselves to the enroling olm; r ami .uvuical . jjoar-j, at uw ionowmg times ami places, 10 o. ClKYVKLAM) C'Ol'XTV 91st Ht-jriUK 111, CwlOllel 1.q. .n, Tuesday the y."th, and Wednesday the W,th ol Aii JUth Ketfiment. Coloael Elliette; Thursday 27th, and Friday the--th of An-ust. - T Lincoln County 38th Regiment, Colonel Rainseur,-; - Monday :51st August and Tuesday lfct fcepteinber. Gas ton Col. sty w7th P fritnent. Col. Hand, T huis- :' day ;5d, and Friday the -lt!i ofSeptendier. I JlKOKI.EXliritU ('OL'N'IY -rih Regiment, Col. Max I H r.,i.ln- th,. Tiii.il!- tli( Mtb nt' S-iiti-iiiber. itli Reo-niin, b'o tvici urown, eunesaay inn nna , i l iMirsuay liTWi ei)i..ijioei . Friday 2o;h and Sat unlay 'ith September. This call includes ail who mall liave b. come on or 1 l r . .1 . . .. i 1 .11 ...1 1 .. t- ' O 'loll' in- j.nn oi .vi.a-' i f , anu an nu an- uuuei i-t j on'that d.iv. uh -.h -r r ;-sid nts ufanv other portion of the j Suite, itrt auv Jitate, or ciaaiunj: to.be a etizen ny ! foreign State or Power al! v. !io rec the owner or owii' is of (!'') Iw"ii!y ne-ro'-s is so imu h j ol the Lxeinnfion Act oi October. I as relates to over s'-ers lias iie.-n rjfiii'i iy tie- act ot -iiy. 1 r,) ro wiiicn the attention of all desiring th e.vmp-.ion of overseers is called. All person.; discharged .'V.011 the Arm' from t.i.y eause. or bv anv authoi-if- siri-e tin- hist enrollment. All n r ri'-af '! v tie- ac ZYOTECE y.l.lA Ul. .M I .'ill II. "Mil. Ill, i UlUIIUl A. Vli: J j.ersons to whom tempoi ; nry .:;ei.pli..us were granted by K,k-' ,r' ""-- . '" the Exiimi.iin Hoard, and al! persons ip rmitted -by the En- ! sor.,e UaVlU should be t it cted to the next.Coufcder-roliino- Itticer to. remain at hem till further notice; persons j . . . . . exempted or detailed on any wmk for the State of North j ate Congress who entertained sentiments inimical Carolina, or any ib-jcirtinent tie-rent, win oe repuret to ailend and exhilti! th--evidence of exemption or d.-taih Tl.-, .--.II l,.,.v ,,,t iiielinl.- ni-rsotis eveiio.i.-d bv tin- Kx- .,,;:.,,, ',-, r,i ;l(-eount ot nlivsica! disability, (unless . . 1 ... - sp. ciaov ol'ueieu, n-.-r persons exempu-u iy in.- ii,nroiiinr . . , 1 . , -11 , , ( lilie. r. at or since the ia.-t enrollment, (except o . rseers us ulmv.. mentioned.) nor . p ixois detailed tor a limited time tiirouh the dm ,cript Cliiie-, ;it Raieili, pi ovi.hd the . 1 ;...,! .1. .1. . 1- 4 .eia.:s ate .11 iu.. mice an-i -n- i ou uir --aii 01 .nmi, ... 1 .1 ..T .. . ,e, .,',- .....I . 1h1r1.nl t' t -1 1 i r rri I til.. ,i,..iee. bll.-ilies.s lor which they were tletalleo. I '.- ' Colonels wili reiiiiii the Roils to the Enryiliii' O.iic.-r. made out bv Companies, with Hie lull l.tllie. : si. plainly written, with.iiti era-i nao. r, onlv written on one si or air atioii, oli I; wiiii one column ol name n.-..r lit 1. ft ina.--iii. tie- balanc of t h J.'.''e blauh lor remavks. If tie Colon. -Is lijiv ;,?i v r.'as.m to su-peet ih.it tll'T.-aie ii 'isoii-; linldill'' xeili ; iu J f.o-.n the Enrollin:. OiKe.-r, or tu" Ex.uu niii-- l ...no. not eutiti. u to iliein. ob- i TaiiP fl tlinmli Ii'miio or iiiiskik.-, hi uiiu in.i. an- xn-i?ro;:s , ... . . i . i . . I'-' v ei j v "X nii tea tiv i-i '.re-in nioii' tiian . p. r cent., ov re-nip nun Mentm Ibev V. ir u -!. ct.nii- iiie business or proa ssion tor vrliu-n - ex-.-mi.ted. or bv enjja-inir in. any other. pursuit, ese.eci i',iv si.'ciihttioii and extoitioii. tley make I ........... t .. V. .( ! ... l.in i , . I ti,.-,:. f li...' 4. -it!: 4Voril i.'," , . . .4 i, l. ie: 1. iii,' I,' '! 111 r 7 1 eel . l -'ii:! . e i,u ire mu-t i. e-r. . u.to ail such suspected persons. . they may j plodtlt I e I e o t i ! i i 1 1 LI t'l 1 1' 11 I.e. LO 4.e. 4 II Li., it. j I OLA , ...u; Il Ootl". All persons lnivinar business of any".!-.iii;l with the Kn-roilinn- ( lii'ic. r, must be present, together with ail papers and evidence hecessay for invest;e;atiou and decision, -.hiie ih,- ofiieer is in the count v where parties resid ,i:iie the officer is in the county w here pa., ties reside, in n, if necessary to defer, : time and lace will be ap- mint. d. Ail papers and ahlda its must b- uu s iu j hi' lo. in and tuiipi t! v at tesf'Li, to ncei. aiteiitnm, as . he . 4 . ,-. 4 . . 1 . ..IT. Emoliim-r Officer will not hav,- time to draw up o: correct inst.i-mentsot writing, aii appneanous ioi e.vm.p.ie.i Wt.uJd act iu wncert witr, tj)0 (;0vernors of other ! this war. father, for my sake, don t have any r:,.o.ol,r! vl MlmbVatim.s tlonn I States in withdrawii,., the federal trnon from tbo ' thing to do with tUt rCConstmesioil pari', for it .i"'" ' ',!,..! ..r .,';,,. ,.i, o,. eev on . . ,i..:t .,! in-ti.-e. I . .mhv and m-e.'s.-itv, ma.-l.b.t presented to the EmoHhig Ouieer, ibi tilled by the sworn testimony of at least three . ismfel'esfei fllltl riSOectanie liersol IS 1 lei soils Wliose It- liabiiiiv the Enroilinir Onieer can endorse. All persons 1 .1 , liable tinder this call, can volunteer before the zVth ol August, and will be furnkhed with transportation on n porTinij: to C'd. Mallett, at ('ami Holmes. Colonels ot Mii'ni-.rwiil return to tin- Enrobing Officer a complete' roll of til conscripts who thus Volunteer, giving regiment and company to which they have gone. To avail themselves of this right, panics musi be actually in service with their regiments ou the "it'th day ol August; furloughs, or per mission to remain at borne till after that time, by w homso ever granted, will be disregarded, and the parties sent to camp as conscripts, without dcluv. Conscriots sent to j camp will have choice of ivginn-nts as far 'as practicable wild the exigencies of th'- service wii'-alh.w. All soldiers I w ho have been transferred to Salisbury Hospital, and pT j mined to return home, will piompiiy report to Dr. Hall, I at a'iisburv. or he ;irr. sted ami te :e- d as deserters. -:-Tli.. t'limtlliin. Ofiieer ::-l:s lb-, -sbl of .,11 ,.At . .f the m'uitia. iind of all good citizens in t xeciiiin tin- law, tiii'l in raising men to lirive the ! ul in "aih is !i.,m c.ur soil JliSSi: 11. Mt LEAX. Ca.!. and En. Ofiio r .-th Con. District. . J wan Tiji y.w, Ass't Sur , C. S. A.. ) W. 11. How r.i' i'ON , M. J)., Ex. I'. vird. .1. If. Ellis, M. J., ) A-g 17, i-o:l EDGLWOKTE) FKMALK SOllARY, The fall session of this iu.-titutioii v. iil conimcnce on ! the ! ill of A ugu.it next. j TIC'IMS kou Tin: Session of 20 Weeks : board, iu- j cbi'.Iiiiwitshimr. light. I'm I. &c , S'--;; English Tuition, i; M asic en the Piano, Harp or Guitar, S3" Vo Aboic, sl2 5V-; l. l it, i::g. i-:;e: Drawing. SI- : Ancient and .Mcdern ba: Grecian l'ainling. Sh guages. i idi S12 ."0. For I'm th it parlictihws apidv to EI t i I A U L ' ,5 i'EbLING. I'l iiicij.al. J u IU' :)). s.j;; j.-.l taySs:s:v. .We hae a Tannery iu lail operation about si. i.,.U from Chai bit te. on tue C. vv S. C. Kailroad line. 1 1 is a ; tlisl-class at ill.. : lit t ami we ire .lepaieu to purchase, desci intions, -iud suppiy . A. II. G HI FFiTii, r. E. bbbb. Ihe traae :ii curreiit pncs Juh i:b is.::. if P. LAN K DF.KDS. Wurrai.ts, for sal.- at ttii- 'Ufi-... Eject mi i:ts, vVe. Print ':: ; t. tl to erdvr. .;llANTEItS. - i , Secret;;: y of the '; ii cli. se f l et!. O tor v. i' ! -.j i Sic Sta'e o! Xor':: - mi 7 : r cent iVmis "-.,:' , .;;-! of i he Sta ; c, e wiiitea e s iilicatcs ot TU COTTjL'N I lo.Xe ' Treasa . ( the Coni. -de Car. bu s. i '.v r 1 ,e .';''i!i;;i:f!!t. by order of the Seen t.;ry ;.!' ihe Tic usury, all Cot-. t".i i i-i;.. .if.- i-v ifi' 1' ei- i.iy iie-c'.'s, i'ii :it;d atier tl... :,i, ... v.;,!,. :se,; i. ay for .it. 7 per b. .i,-i.i , , . :;,, r e- eut' lbm s a" f ta'ed ; 71 '-...-v a-lM-.-ji, o.-.,-.t. Ib. 10 ih U limp, however, ' ' " '-! ' ie l: w il: !;e i'l ' ' u ! 1 "'1 ' s Stated. l a ' : aid ii.o than t. e. :,,., ;.,,.v j.jVered ajl cpt-ort tiniiy to Ge 1 1 ;;;; e:u ;,v f. ih-ne- lo it ihe-ii Cotton rather p'TV .tc . ai'it.aii;ts. LEWIS S. WILLIAMS. Charlotte, M.ich 2 1, i SiJ3 tf i .r? rt-k . A l I i ; KL IJI XVI BUT U -i-.TMUtUU. CHARLOTTE, N. C tt-. .-; zrrr. NOTICE. . Our terms are fice d-M-xrt er year in advance. tsaT" Individual or local sbinnlastcrs will not be re - tc.ivt.j. When sent to us thev will be Ik hi subject to lbe sender's call, and not ret tT The Dnnocr ot ters at the expiration Thoc ivlo vajnt to continue lion of their time. Militia Officers. Militia officers have been exempted frcru conscription for the purpose of aid- ing the authorities at home in . arresting deserters ----- t in sduiu m ill1 us tuete omeeis u, -ivm-j iu u..; 1 , .iri r.t " All such mut be broke ot their commissions and; ' . , Scnt the COUerint CIIUPS ' IP. 1 1 "Pe IKOSe wno liave the evidence sunrcient to convict these. iso-rU- i 'ent ami unworthy militia ofiicers will send it to (Jen Fowle at Ralci-h. If true men do not inter- ! est themselves in tob matter the cause will suffer. Lct the roal frieu'd: of the South :peak ut ni ir.nf i t i i Tf 'I'D L' 'I' I k' Qian.tcrt to the cause-ot the Soutii, or who hud secured his .. . .' . - . election oy punuwuo,-; o toe ioi ieo a.iu naiuis ia his section, how would he be. treated by the true men who will compose that Congress? Why he j would "be degraded and insulted and spit upon its he ought to be, and no respectable southern man would i.ssoci ito with him. The Confederate Con gress will b.e ft mi posed of loyal southern men, and if any miserable demagogue should happen to ob tain a seat in that body who has favored subinis- j-sion or reconstruction, or encourned opposition to j the ( jovcriiiiiciit among the people, he would find tlie l.hiee too disagreeable tor hi.s liersou. Wu . ' i . -i, "01. ..pv-4 ...u. n..jr 40 4. ,4. .ojv. ... disgrace themselves bv electing such a man, but if tin y were to do so, he and the oiikl certainly occupy an" unenviable po.- tio'.i uT.J uk 4-. t tl . . i 4 I temi-t and scorn of ail patriots. Opposition i'o the War in Maine. In the Maine. .Democratic State Convention there was ! some pretty bold talk in opposition to the war. ! 1 " 11 . ' I The Ilch. Mr Bradbury, who was nominated for j GuVcni v;a, UKnounced opposed to the war. -; - . 1 !!! .1 1' I 1 . 1 I I it was boklly stated that li he were elected he .. . . . . , , . . , . . . . -icl!i a,ld k'ave thc Lineolii autbouties uiiabic.: to continue the war. We don t know how much chance there is for the election of Bradbury, but unless the opponents of Lincoln are kept away .. t, v .i 4j. . i i- ii l from the polls in the Northern btates this hall by 1 J the bayonet, as they were iu -Ktutucky, the result wiil be favorable to the South. The vankee papers announce a great Union vie-j tory asdic result of the late elections in Kentucky, . . .. i . n ,i i l ,i . but they do:i t tell then readers how the victory was obtained. The true southern men were pre vented from voting by orders from Gen." BunisiJc. icilltiJUcontinucdio all insert- i 3.0tb ire in llaujseur's JJiiado Rome's Division, j tired leading evcy. the hiightest unvviiit.g of this j c"'"rdes of the t.-tp. h.rid 'thai ... a-e. of the time for which H if U T' 'TJie. Ct.h, 2 1st, 54-th, 57th nd" Wharton's "Cat- inyer"M man,, whoin thoy" aInot Wjoiehitped. j P.red it and i ti.. r itn.n il.u !.' ti,. ' mustrcruvr lure of nU9 ex? talton'-filjarp Shooters lire in - Jiokejg-Crigade ' e make several extracts fioui the work: - . uuiioinp niil tt,U.t.t w-r i -r-,i- !.. That's the way the yankets treat the freemen of .etv York for selling fm: aimir.t of IJ. S. '''reasu the South. Who in North Carolina is willine to : ry notes, which he declared were so well executed go back under yankee ruie. Let him show him-1 tliat thc ould f?r, 0"Znaj but bairns that , , , , . , , . : be can net be convicted, because they were soid as Mil. iliiu tiiuu itv iJiui uu ii.iii? uiii:u iu vmjKeo ' 4 J i i . r . il i . i i v ... . Itiipi anei noi aiiuweu 10 leioaiu iicie uuu losiiCUt divisions and disturbances. JGy A letter in the Hal igh Spirit of the Age from Western North Carolina, says-: The collision which occui red recently between the Miluia ot lancey county and some Liiiuu men, was caused by one Jones, a toiy iiotn Bast Ten- nessee, who, in trying to take some prisoners from the hands of the Militia, shot one lliggms, a ton- VoZ ; " S t t WJk IlIjCU irollJ U0. allCC. Vll SUCH men MlOUia oc taken up wherever found and shot The Indians ccoured under command of Capt. Lowe have since the w h.de county and 'cleaned it out. They killed lo lories and took 'J.G prisoners.'' We hope-Gev. Vance will secure the sf'.oody ex ceuiion of Jores and all other torics. But it would be much better for" our 1 roups not to take uch villains prisoners they ought to be shot an as soon as discovered. A southern man who takes side? with the enemy, or opposes the Confederate government, is meaner than a ankec and deserves death. Swi.dikk'-s Op,riiANti 'L Nii.--A meeting of the Bo-ird of 'Trustees of tLi Fund donated lor the itiueati. ii .' S. Iditr' (rphai.s. - was held in this ti;-, cm the Lf h ua , and was well attended, fjfi ic' i i urn!, -r of important measures were adop t, ii which will am ear in th. i,ri"efccdiniLS. order- ii" i ' , id be tiib isfted A I roViiuiial L jai'd cers at'd Pirt et rs Wert i! P.tsib it -mem ltiiau.s. I n A::ei.t, and a or more truui ea of Doners. Dr 1 lS.bUO, and been visited. liiticigh Age . i i,ti. uer appointed, among wiuca ' ' j , ,- . , . , f , j(j f.,; j,im ViindfoHM." 1 e loli'.Hvu.g: George W. 3Iordecai, ii r Z J . ' war amid his own homes and lliu impressing upon 1 he re;rrt .f General .Le t f't deplorable nt; several ice lftfidenis, the names not From Mississiiti. A fial ep.idemic con- of t(C Nurth the otr.ciuiu natuio ot the ' event (thc wounding nf Jskoo) wm lnJ u red; S. 11. Young, Secretary; John G ?Cstive fever is said to be rrcvtiht-g at Vicfcs- ; ' '.x Hn earlv i.-aee. ' r..)i'M,jnt. Th n .ul of the K'rcat couim mdir wrl I. 1 II II I r, ... I 1 MM- T : . - . T i I. I Vwili., v , - ... . . 1.1 .1 asunr; nev. r . i-tem?, burg, i r.is uncase 'V 1,i,m,e , .4 ltitu of tk Grrat L..l'r.lU wore tu .rv-d lo m .Lphf. ana De m 1ml Baudot Directors coding ol one than yellow fever ichurg one of the feweot- i .f'".' ot- rav e.tl. oritHnaliv le.n.ed M cmcal erunion CouM notcMrl h.f ch countr represented in tue 116 est cf places on the continent lor congestive lever, i c" . - .....i ,i7,. 't ,.f .t.it,..w. nn-ui-b Jckion will not be cannot di! I . Deems has. procured upwards of as the Yankees will find to their cost for mo'uthi : i - . fl-wl Lkj exelaimod, in l'TxJtn v-e hi not one third of the counties have to come. Even frost, we think, will hardly suffice i " " " I I Tf rK7"V.; 7 V.V nn S,r - . ' ' . . Als iimh...m...im..i - - mmm i..m.mi..- -i mm . iimmmmmmmiim mhmm it in. mmm I iimiiiii.m imi in iiiiimi n . .. , , - n h u ijibii 4 JNUKTU UAHUJjIINA TROOPS f Xcrth c arol inn Rcitnoii Is are a' present in the j lollowinln?ade.s and J)iviionsv- IVisons in writ- j ing lo'their rricuds in the armv would do v.oll to I 8,re Mi5 regiment, brigade and division to which j tney belong: r " aim oru iie,nuei.fs are m cu-wan s liri- gadc Johnson's Division. The 7th, 18th, 28th, Cord and 37th arc .in ; Lane's Brigade Pender's Division. ine cin,.oist, oi?t, oist are m Llingtuan s mi- irigade ; R The nPt cavalrv) is in Hampton's 1 . garieKansom s Division. The S0nd 40rd 4"th -Vlrd ind nd V C, Kit. i nc o-nu, loru, -i.jt.ii o,iia ana na iat - ' ton are in .L'amel s Jmgadc UoUe s division. .1" T 1 1 ne nt'iuieni i.u eava.ry; ls.in v . ii. ! F.. Lee's Jri"-ade Stuart's iJivision. n . " I hi. ''ill. n n it th nrp in i I c X . I r i I ill rr-o I r I r reiicii s jivision. The Ooth is in Davis lUrigade -ileth's Divis- ion. t j The GOth is in Slovall's IJrigade o JjreCKlIl- ridge s Division. . . The Gdth is in Frazer's Iriirade- -Uuckner's Jivision. The G5th is in 1'egraui's lrieaoe IJucknei's Division. ' . . The 49th, 50th and G3rd are iu Kobei tson's IJrigade Stuart's Division. The 10th, JUth, 40th (artillery) and GGth (in fantry, are not brigaded. -The DriguJe and Division commanders of the 5Sih and G2n"J are not known. IlnUiyh 1'royrcas. From ihe Ralei'ti Ace Extract of a letter from a soldier a member of the 14th N. C. lio'iment, to his father iii Jialeih. The writer is an humble man, knows nothing of tropes and figureb, nor bus he any "stars" or 'bars" upon his collar; but ho is a good soldier, a true patriot, and has common ,sense to know the evil tendency of tlie things ho so earnestly remon strates against. The letter is written to his father, and we extract the fJknvhig portion: "Father, then; is a great stir up here about re- urned bv letter. The 2nd, 4th, oth, llith, 14lh 20th. 23rd. and Jackson very often, and the peoplt can never be UI' '",wH Inia te. !. 'I.ir - Jiarlv's Division. . . 1 .-) Ar,.,t,.n t K r. rrn.auui r vi we tn i.e.l c-wi ., w i ; j ne inn, -utn, -4tn, 4uianU onu arc in - oacKsou remained bv the iiiii.iioi si. I,. I.. I !,..., CJIj" j construction in North Carolina. There is a Con i vention held to-day at Orange 0. II., to ask the citizen of North Carolina to please not to hear to any thing like reconstruction. Let e'very true- hearted Southern man remember toe bravo boys 1. . . . . , veougiu anu u eu on tne -oa uie-neu s una won laurels lo t "ur cv ohed. o u. un uuusu , . t . V liiuiiio iui wui i;v'u .uu ii.iL; iiiuii n 11. I..OKA I T.i .Ml I' o'omII n il "SI 11 f ri V 1 l 1 r n' 1 I 1 TTi"t ldrcn and the rising generation proud of their brave Parents, whenever they j glance their eyes over the pages ot t lie history oi i is liable to lead us and our country to everlastin destruction; and it is calculated' to disgrace the brave deeds of your son, an J others that have fa!- 1 len and dkd on many bloody battle-fields.. 1'uth- ! or, don t be disheartcucu at home Never. As loti" as your son jan be content with all the pri- ; P . ,.f i , . wi .i i . yations of camp life, dease. let yourself be the last h0 to say . any thing in the way of grumbling, j JjCt' tlne wl.o arc doing tho fighting" bo thc ones to do the grumbling, if any; and those out of the I service should be the lat to ever think of doing i any thins that will disgrace us.' ; NORTHERN ITEMS. A fellow named Webster lias been arrested in retr SHlilrS. J " , , . , ., A. , n .. So, the example set by thc 1 4iiikce Government 1 J h, counterfeiting Cut.feufiate CMrrency, lias not been lost on the sliarp wits ol.its subjects .Sjvs the N.Y. Herald: It is an.r.ouneTd that il , , 4 I . 1 . I I X- t 1 '.I . I . - ovciiior vt Ulno, the e Iv I'll 'II. will 1 i.'.CC j Limeif at the head of two hundred thousand men, i piarc, t0 Canada, an-L escort the new Ksecutivc to j Coulubus. U:,w the. two hundred thousand men i arc tQ le ruisc.a docs not appear ou the programme. I The Philadebhia "Imiuirer," boasts that Col. ' Wilder, of Itosencranz army, "since February last, ' , . , , , .. has hung live and shot hlteeii rebels, lnciuuu.g a second lieutenant, caught with our uniform ui, iu -accordance with the orders ol Ueneiai iioseerarjz. There r.re 3, '202 prisoner.' reported in Camp Chase, Ohio. . J Megatiofca from KciuucKy ain u- ,,-,,,k,,1 i.f 1-elic v-.iib eb.tb. in- and co'mfbrts for their relatives, daily im.r - tune to see the i.ri,oners, though but few succeed V mar.i o'c took place on the. 12th in.ide tl.u pri.s- oti-. i .i n ... .rfr.. K.iTnc.-v l" J.Ul-41 l'4-.l 4 , . . . All assauu vias maeie oua mg... cnarcn ,u Memphis, on the 1-Jth, while the negroes wen c at wo.ship, completely hteaking ovtry window in the i - ,i i buiIdMi, and ar.v.ng ne .nm.tes .mum 'rei. Theme.. Here arrested ahiffcubsequei.tly released. The Southern Bank of Kentucky, iu Cmo.ton, was robbed, Thursday morning, oy sisr.en 1..1..1 iu nnifoiin who reprtst uti-d llniiixivts at Jfeloneir, t.r Call s Bebel Cavalry. After removing all the eioney lrem the bank, amounting to gBJ.HJU. and V ., . . 1. . . . . . r ....... W-. J- rt .4. f . . ' l .1 J mm. . !..... U-m.tn.. ... I . It .1... L'..ll Lllll . . T m .Cm Vlll.fl a . , . i im inir in- I i I'l l .7 i . i , v .J . ' t. 1. 1 . un on. 1.4 j I 1 1 I t iijc .vw . . . . . . - - - - - - - r . w iii7i i. .vn una ul a . c-iUwKJVBia iu - - m to stop it. --. -'. at,uujji.LUTlOHB OP STONEWALL j JACKSON. T'uc "Life cfGon. Tims. J. Jackson," lv Mj r ; John I'.. ten Cxke, abotn.Js ii anecdoivs of the great hem, which show glimpses of the inner man j which no dissertation oi hi rharaetr Could Cuii- jr HU,,I1B- ' 'ijMery, . mystery i Inn ectl 01 success, was an exprcbsiou used bv lien, ! portion of his line gave Lack before the over- j whefiiiin numbers as.ilin- it, he took hi? stand !. . i close to the enemy, amid a onn of bullets, ca : to a drummer boy, and, placing hi hand firn.lv i upon the boy's fehuulder,. haid in iiis brief, curt jjicu ntt nun. l lie raliy I rones, "Scat f,t rvh,l T f . ' w.is btaten. I . l H k. 1.11 I lllllll II. M III II U ; "On that day Jackson took have of hid old i hc- ' ii-'ighhcrhood, (Caifiite coui.ty.) r . i i m Vv , !u;m i . i ,i i i i j j.,rj;;t TJngade. 1 ho ofiicers and uien wt rei 111 retieuib r the kind voice and' ; tmic of 1 O ! drawn ud as thouuh in line of battle, nod th.-lr commander appeared in front, as he hud so olten I appeared before ivhen about Ughc the oide-r ft-r . ? .1 But now no enllr.i- a cnargo upon u,e encnv siusm, no cheers awaited him. . All km vv for What purpose he came, and the sorrow which ii!,.,J i evei7 heart betrayed its' If in tbc diop silei-co 1 whieh orfifoil hie n t..ur. mb V .. ...... I ..1 ..... I the line, not a hand laised in greeting, not a mur mur even going to show t'ht thev recognized their beloved captain. The bronzed faces were full of the deepest-dejection, and the stern fighters of the old brigade were like children about f he separa ted from their father. Jackson approached, ami mastering m emotion by an effort, Haiti in the short, abrupt lytic1", with which all were so familiar: "1 am not here to make a speech, but simply to say farewell. 1 first met you at Harper's i'eiiy in the commencement of this war, ami 1 cannot take leave of you without giving expression to' my al inirStitm of your conduct fr.ui: that dav'to thi---whether on the march, the hivouie. the t.miid field, or ou the blood plains of .Manassas, why'lc you e-ained the well dcscived icpu ution ol iiaviuir decided the fa to of I he faith. Throughout th" li.'i.tifl 't.k n.i.i.ili.,' r.l r . a n-l.i..l. ...... I .... . 4llf'I'. .44U1 4'l 4. ...4.1.1 4.411 10lll.ll 4. IOI'. ii. . i .1 1 " 1 , mnrehed, by your iesii et f r the rieht.s and th. 1 - i't 1 . l.l'otiei tv ol L'llizeus. voil liavi; showrn I H v.m u'i, t ) r J ' J -. - . soitliers, im( only to defend, but able sn.d willm.: loth to defei.il and protect. Yen h ive nlreadv gained a briUhnf. and deservedly liigh reputation throughout the rmy of tlie w hole Confederacy; 1 r ....... : . 1. .. r..' 1 .. . . 1 .1 iiou j. 11 Lint, iu iiiu 1 111 11 1 e, oy our ucen ou lue Held, and by the assMance of the same kind Providence who has heretofore favoTcd our caine. J you will gain more victories and add additional I liiwf 1 ,1 In I lp r& tiilftttiiti i-nn nnuf oii!.i V ..1 1.,.. . i I -i- . I - . w v , . i , . ill history of this our second war ef independence I I ,.I 111 1. .. !. . 1 shall ljok with great anxiety to your future ! movements, atid 1 trust whenever 1 shall hear of the '' J!rftnr on the field of hii tie it will be of still -nobler deeds and higher reputation won !" ilaviog-uttered these words, Jackson paused for I aii instant, and his eye passed siowly along tin ! I ?, s though he wi-dod thus to bid farewell ii individually io every old familiar face, so ofiei, L'Ui in the heat ol battle, anu so clear to f n.i The thoughts which crowded upon hiui .seemed more than he could 'bear he could not leare them with such formal worths only and that iron lip which had never trcmbhd in the hour of deadliest peril now riiiivered. Mastered by an uncoutrolla- ii- . i .1 i . .: . ..,,,iu..u-, ti.i; rvn.i . .. . . , , ' rnrew me reins on ine o m, i.orse witn ' c lupl.asis wh,c-h sent a fhnll througlh every heart, anu ?xiciiuu;i ins arm, auucu in I'liue oi me 1 ! i ' . . - - - utepese ito.iii", . .. "In the army of the Shenandoah you were fhe ;. , . , . ,, . ., 4,i I nst lui'iHlc! In the army ol the 1 u'oniac you ,t- . r . t i i- were the trst Jirnmfi. In the second corps of ,i a,, .v..., n..-. . t t v ..'.!. I oil. iii iii . yuudicitit; i iot tiua, inn uit' un: ' z.-- . i i : .i it .: e i i ti:t JJiioafJc in the allcctlons of your (-iioraI; arid 1 hone by your future deed.s and Leatiog vmi ' ... , , , , , . . ., . will be handed down vr otcrity as the nt i;.;lllde in thls our ycCinJ v,.,r oJ ij.d. pcnJei.ee. i Farewell 1" As the last words echoed in their ears, ami . JaJ;son turned to leave them, lu! l ing petit up i b i bno l.tirst both Ton e i n.l ni'.iil ami ib nfi.n. j ig cheers rolled along the line of the old brigade; i j and no sooner bad they died away than, they were j I renewed, and again renewed. The calm face of' 'i the great leader flushed as he listened to that j i -u.ul.t he did not speak. Waving hi hand in ', t J'" away and the o, , .rrnio rieorived of if beloved nhiet retlirio.1 ' " f,0'' d,,i U"J "'P- i .i i . r..it ... : 'i'"""" "J fr" '"""'r' nr '" i Limy s rnu.ttry. jacK.iou wrote to a jrw-ii'J, i who was thc recipient of his most private feeling: - . r . ,.i: il. r.t '. . p --i am coruiaiiy wi.-i nU in zavor oi carrying ! war u':ili d ,!l V m " ; Jt would appeal thut, fam the Oegum.ug of l.i military carter, he had looked loiward U an n.va- i noii ot t is ciicm s icriiiofvas inf) on v certain i w v - j means oi bunging mo war 10 an enu; anti, il his r i . i ... . - i . . - atrt lU .ltriIjicii!r J campaign lOV.ald Bohe il( ; - ullcliiivtJ 4,luilL,J, it the : that tvtMi lllUilf. uul, l,,e K'rfc.,t ulte ifl ; Uwt cf Wni hc U.,;cu.,, .,Jt ultrn ouhl , l? acf)i,.f, by a fr,rw.jr.i movtmetit and a tr.n.fer 1 ol husti'lMcs lo the legion bevond the rte-ma;, t laiiing uacii ami Kluing pastsaioti 01 ine , Vaiie. tolc u.erruji and idundcred bv ihctocmt. 7j uilronce seems indeed, to have been il.c prime u niim of hz i:rt..t man's miiif n'v pliil- coloration. It hoi lit; .i,m'v hu?. tin re.xilr f cipure to latii uii'i mim' itiiJ jC"icl.in; m' liii'. : 'c'i uuuitfk ible. ws h.w t. "-"raI had olten Mrctched wenry f..nn uj.,i th,! ba, "-tund, a'"1 " I" the oh) cm'; ii-i it ; '"O"'"''' hrtve l-r.-ultt uwaj with it n-j li"! of ; .?. - ,,,,",,J? ' r t ,,-,r ii.'jaiue wear nucu a ,"''; il ' us ' ! rr:,,,"'-; Ut thv k i!iscdred as the c-'tii -Jf uorv rit.h flee, tllid lit jd Vk. i,t ,i ,i j;..,' e l by an ol 1 cap. nuire faded than nil; tl,t oi ! ... luinu j ll ijiU'.e ytlliTHif, .i, rnni 11 Iiliel I. te .t i so lur oi r lle wcMici i?' irlieiid that be u.in c pelh d t ni-n his- c Lin in the eii in or-Lr t I under the ritu. ' Ill I re wa nl li. rv f e I." fau-in,.' aod ready to d.nt J..nvnd nt ih. !.t ' r the preat fcoi.ihr tis cur s.-eii and ;u ctionatu ways. A new militai v can had been tent him iut ! 'fere the battle ef Fredericksburg wl i- h was re- ' j f-ph ndent v ith jiold and Dra'td and all n at!;r cf i rii '"rtioi.s. Gcii. .akou diJ i.ot k-Ln ire thij ' j nno hiibstitute lor that old, 6iu; scorched lit ad- covering which had so long served luru; ami, wlien, one day, a little girl woa fctandiu at hi.i knee, lot king up from her chisiciiog curls at the kindly (itiictal, wIkno hand uas ejiesfcinu her j hair, he found u hettei u.e for the f:old blaid around the rap. lie called lor a pair of bcNuo, rilled it oft, and 'joining the cndi, pliccd it like a coronet up. n Iter head, with miles, and evident admiration of the prclty picture thus pifshht.u. Atioiher little gill, ia one of the liimpiiablo liou.es of lint region, told the present mitt r that when she expressed to a uonlleinan her wish to kiss ( if 11. Ji.ckson, and the pcutk'uuii r. pcaitd her ortN, tli c General blushed very much mul luim.i a way vrilh a slight laugh us if he wj con fused. Them ate trifle., let us agree, jood rentier; hut is. it no a pleasant spectacle to ne l rot prcat soldier n:n:.l thr.-e kindly, fimple s liei to hh.c'i I ri 1: ft? r r and indomitable leader, vnT'oso noul hnc , f ,.' 4 I never siiititik lu the hour ol deadliest m ri . h- . . . . '. , '. ' oni'i iiiouiciu 111 mo hoc 1 e i v 01 luiiy iinir . . ' J J jriiiu ohil'li'eiij' At lie G i Inttle of Mri.isai, while JaelrwonV wouinl ;i4 bring dic.-oJ, MH.it) one Said, "Here' Conn. lbe riccideiii." He liirew ' aside lh suropo'fs, rose suddenly to his feet, and whirling his old cap iitound hi head, cried, with the fire id battle in hi iy "Hurrah for the l'ieident ! (Jive urn ten thnot.ind men and 111 be in Vnh- i " iniit'in to-ni'hi It w.im the Same inuu nlo ; b n.hed when a chihi eipicd Willi to ki'i .un. trrolhrfton nf th S'')ei"T, ? 'i!t birihglM ride to liuine'. lutt"' )6- mo-hoN.) In- h;ol lo iintsiii. d hit cercne nirf cheTful hriuiii, ii ml talked much in fef rei.ee t the b title f Salurd iy ll' I poke of the unfbmf b-nri. uf Ceo. Lotles, and rciid tliHi bin eommi-i n im M ajor-t ii'mml nuohr lo'd iie fmrii ih.if dny, nnd "f the grant! ch irge id the old Sioni'wull Ihiui'le in the l.i'ilc ol Sun 'lav, which be ha I hejrd of. IL a-ked :t 1 1 1 r hi) hii officer ami said: '! he men tha live thnmt'fi thiti wnr will 1 proud tosfiy. "I wai one of the fc'toiitWiill llrigndc!' t.i their children." " With thr.t grand modesty which er?r ehifac- leTIZ'd llllll bubastll.ld. lloWeVI-r. t. jTld tllil dee!iriti m even Ir-.m lh I a()(1 Uiir,(Iv (l..t.Ured H,.,i ,f ii. ice of rg.i'iui, omV of -Stirm j w y ! did not belong iijV.ii ii , tUo oame oiven lo his old hriga.hs ami their pnVrty al.nir. ; , t . ., ... . , ' ., 1 hf fit-t $rtrt f nil Ut ttcnlh On I hurt- . . , . . da v evening all pnin bud rfned ; but a mortal - ' ... , pro.trafi.n i-uie on, from which li im vrr rrcor. - . ... . , , . , ., ' cretf Hp nil ennvf ryl feeb v. and foioj : , ! , ;,., V'Ti ir : "ot P i coii-itier in' 5c wm'jii j a ott'iMiog; inj wire tne for some g...d and wi ourpiae. 1 Would. rt with flieiu it I muM " From i Lia time i.e coilirnid to xioli, o J on Sua , day morning it m obviooi thai In cui1 i only livu i few hour-, longer. Um mind wstitrill clcr, howcrcr, ! al tl be aLi.l M.iior IVndh ton bit Adinlnnl. General, "who w preaching at hea biurtcr on j? that duy?!' Mm Jackmm wai with htm uuriug his last 'moments, nnd con rented with him full h and freely. She informed him that- ht was about U to di and his reply was: j, - Vtl,v if.i0h ryl; it all rijhtr . ' ... ........... ; llf tlirn pfnt mfMiwi! to nil bi frri'U, Ih9 Gonrrili and othw, and tinrmurcd in 2 b'-r roiot hi wish to bo buried in ,4 LcziDCtoa. in the VaN . Iev (p A b.-miu ; HisTilrid then begun to 'winder, and that de- It-. . i . i . f iiuum wi.icn Peiz-i upon inf moi figoronj r.Mins, ' ll ,!ie mjriou., moment when the Ian nnd fall h , I row me giaM, wn i nu mm i ic grnr. , , "" tne cmnmry oi r.i coipa, me aur- i, : V "" "- . n ...a. .rli.Ah r k-irl M una wpa llil! ... .. ... . . . m . a . J ... - , .... -- ,t ' FT'" 1V I ' j Alter this he spd.ly uk, aad at ut pa.t tLreo in tho crenlOg he t fifueo tx.iftf tranquilly e. I"rc'J- .ft , Jckon a,, el L't Unfit two men had now met (at Cold Harbor) for the first time in the wr; iilj peen t-aoi .i.t-r -4. suj ,.n-r iprun op once b-w.n thi two eminent addier that pre found rp'fcf, einGd'-ncn and regard which thenco- forth km w no .diminutnn, 00 ahadaw of luroiog 1 i i I II II I. if

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