a mocrat. CHARLOTTE, IV; C. Tuesday, October 27, 1863. The Election. The election for members of Congress take's place in this State on Wednesday, tj,e 4th of November. We hope all who are entitled to a vote will go tothe polls on that day and exer cise their privilege. We will thank our friends in the surrounding counties to forward us returns as early as possible. Let some one in each county make it bis business to do so, or see that it fs done. Last year it was ten or twelve days before we got the rote of some of the adjoining counties. Factory Burst. -The Woollen Factory of A". R. Ilomesly, situated about 8 m'iks 1'rorn .Shelby, C'leaveland county, was destroyed by fire on Wednesday night last. The fire originated by accidentally droppiug a lamp into some loose cotton. Mr Homesly's lus is about $35,000. No insurance. Besides throwing a number of poor peo ple out of employment, the destruction of this Factory is a loss to the country at large.- as all the woollen cloth manufactured was sold to the Government. Another AitideST. We learn from the Eakigh progress that another accident occurred on Friday last at the Powder MiUs of Waterhouse & Bowes near Raleigh. Thy "icorporating house'' was blown up, inflicting a loss of about $12,000. No bodily injury was sustained. Common Schools. The Literary Board has made a Fall distribution of $125,000 for Common S hool purposes. A tabular statement in another column shows the amount to which each county in the State is entitled. -w . flf The Wilmington and Weldon Railroad Company hai declared a dividend of twenty per cent, making the third dividend declared this year, eqnal to forty per cent on the capital stock. The Wilmington Journal says that the gross receipts" of the Road iov the year endiug 30th Sept., Hfi3, wll reach upwards of $1,400,000. We do not think it is any credit to any corporation to make such enormous dividends at this time; and we re prat . hat we said recently whilst Speaking of another Company, that such large dividends are made off ofthe necessities of the Government and people. r We direct attention to the advertisement of the Postmaster General in regard to transmitting, letters West of the Mississippi River. Persons on the Eit.st side may now correspond with those on the Wcr-t sid of the liiver by following the direc tions given. Provisions. It will be seen by the proceedings that two Associations have been organized in this town for the purpose of buying provisions, &c. The object of uiio of these Associations is to furnish the needy, gratis, with the necessaries of life duruig the winter the object of the other is to buy provis ions to be sold to consumers at cost, Both objects are very proper, and we hope much good may be accomplished in that way. There is an abundance .1 - a. j !f ii t . t n ii . . . in me country, ana u inose wno noiu me necessaries of life will only sell a portion, there will be no suf fering among any of our people this-winter. It is not scarcity, or a want of confidence in Confederate money that makes provisions hurd to get, but an indisposition to sell. Instead of holding one year's supply, as usual, some people are holding two or three years supplies. That is the difficulty. - They seem unwilling to trust Providence for another crop. The Currency. A communication on the sub ject of the Confederate currency will be found in our paper to-da3T. ,It is from a gentleman who has had much experience in money matters and who is considered one of the best financiers in the State. Home-made Cheese. Miss Harriet S. Pearson, of Burke county, has sent us a very acceptable present in the sharte of a Cheese of her own make, weighing some 15 or 20 pounds'. Wo exhibited it to several gentlemen, aud they all pronounced it either English dairy or Northern made, supposing that we had been running the blockade; and it is in fact as good as any we ever saw anywhere. Miss Pearson is certainly entitled to much credit for her skill and industry in this respect, and we assure her that she has our thanks for so nice a "present at a time when delicacies of auy kind are almost out of the question. Last summer we learned that Miss Pearson made a Cheese and sent to President'Davis, who wrote her a letter in acknowledgment, saying that the only difficulty ho had in regard to it was in making those who saw and tasted it believe that so fine an article was actually made in the Confederacy. Accompanying the box containing the cheese Fent us was a lot of fine Irish potatoes from our friend II. C. Pearson, Esq, of Morganton. CP" Col. Thomas M. Garrett, of the' 5th N. C Regiment, offers a reward of 250 for the arrest of C. D. Sides, a deserter from that Regiment. Col. Garrett says : - "This man deserted On the 10th of "May last, and was last heard of as figuring on the committee to draft resolutions for a meeting held in Forsyth county on the 2Gth August." A deserter drafting resolutions for a peace meet ing! No wonder the administration of President Davis-was denounced at such meetings. Deserters, f course, are opposed to sending any more men from North Carolina. - - a - CP Col. Thomas Kuffin of the 1st N. C. Cavalry who was reported as killed on-the 11th inst., in a fight with the yankee cavalry, was only wounded and captured by the enemy. Col. Ferebe, of the 59th X C Regiment (cavalry), was also wounded. It is reported that Lieut. Paul Grier, of the llth Regiment. m of Mrs Marg't Grier of this county.) was killed in the late fight. Marshall Grier, a member of Graham's Battery, (son of Zerms Grier of this county,) Wa8 aUo m lrginia recently. . Drafting Southern Mentor the Yankee j Army. It appears that wherever the Yankees have ; got a foothold on Southern soil they commence j forcing Southern men into the Yankee army, and thus compel them to fight against their own section . and people. The following is an item from a North ern paper : " In the New Orleans Times, of the 8th, is an ad dress from Col. C W. Killburn, Provost-Marshal of New Orleans, calling upon the citizens to volunteer for the defence of the city, and declaring that the conscriotion act is to be positively enforced. Gen. Shepley has announced a rigorous collection of the j taxes, ana iorreiiure oi me property pi ueuutjucuw If any portion of our people are disposed to think that by submitting to the North tBey will get clear of war and high taxes, the above item may change their ideas. KF A correspondent of tlje Raleigh Progress speaks of President Davis speech at Wilson, N. C as follows : "The people of Wilson were in excellent spirits occasioned in part by a speech of President Davis, on his way South. The ladies were very attentive. Driving the waiters of the hotel off, they waited oa him in person at his meal. Having finished, he was called upon for a speech, with which he complied, addressing the ladies in a few remarks and in the housewife style. He told them, among other things, "to take care of their Confederate money, that it would be god in a few days; the washing day is over, the clothes are hung on the line to dry; all that is needed is a little more sunshine.1' CP" The Bank of Cape Fear has declared a som annual dividend of five per cent. Startling "if tri f. "ti ..n.:.:.. ..... . . the llmmgton Journal : - A friend just from Lincolndom assures us that Abra ham s tain, ly is prepared, or are preparing, to emigrate to Germany That said Abraham Wuses fo take ahint AuS ,- L,Sir'a:f ud U "nntlj believed that Abraham himself will take to his Scotch cap, and be four.,1 missing from Wbington by or about Jan uaryex? -Whether there is any toundation for this report or nx,rWe SeTtL7 r n0t Prpa,rej t0 but our informal ' If tutfed to it as apparently certain to take place." suppose that Abraham is going to Germany to get Pnr "lajrer ber" to drown hi- sorrows. . I if It is announced that the Hon. Bedford Brown is a .candidate for Congress in the 6th District in opposition to the Hon John A Gilmer. For the Western Democrat. CONFEDERATE CURRENCY. Mr. Editor: No subject isof more vital impor tance to this Confederacy than its currency, save the question of its independence. If money is the sinew of war we must maintain our circulating me dium at all hazards. I have read with much interest the respective propositions of Gov. Morehead, of this State-, and William Gregg. Esq., of South Carolina. Either of these plans if carried out would give temporary re lief, but neither appears to be sufficiently compre hensive. A friend suggests a mode which appears to me to be more general and equitable in all its bear ings, and looks to the future as well as the present condition of our currency. It is very simple and briefly stated. Let Congress authorize the Secre tary of the Treasury to issue one biliion.of 6 per centum bonds, payable at a fixed and certain pe riod say '30 years from date, with coupons payable semi-annually, and to be forever exemptrom taxa tion. Let Congress also levy a tax to yield about one hundred and twenty million of dollars, one-half to be paid in Confederate notes, the other half in specie. In lieu of the specie receive the coupons of these bonds. Repeal all the objectionable legis-. lation on the subject ot our currency ; make all notes and bonds of all issues and dates fundable in these 6 per centum bonds", and the people will soon restore the currency. What will be the effects ? Every tax-payer at once commences to fund his notes and bonds in these sixes in order to get the coupons with which to pay his taxes. Every tax payer becomes an agent to get the notes and bonds heretofore issued to fund in this Government secu rity. With this legislation, the $51)0,000. Of0 of treasury notes in circulation and most of the 200, 000,000 of bonds issued would be absorbed by the G per cent, bonds, leaving a balance of over 300, 000,000 of the bonds to provide for the future wants of the Government, Thus the circulation could in a few-weeks be-cduced to the exact wants and ne cessities of. the country and could be kept so by ju dicious management of the Treasury Department. This would Cure the remorseless spirit of specula tion and hoarding. The prices of all articles with in a few weeks wruld decline according to the law of supply and demand, to the great relief of the peo ple aud the Government. The future expenses of the Government would be greatly reduce, its vigor and strength in prosecuting the war much increased, with a certainty that its pecuniary faith could never be assailed or doubted, while its debt was thus dis tributed equally among its tax-payers and support ers. This system of legislation is suggested with such modifications as Congress may adopt. If the tax in kind is maintained, less thair one hundred millions to be levied otherwise-might bo sufficient, und the proportion to be paid in specie or coupons could be raised according to the necessities of the Government, based upon accurate information fur nished by the Secretary of the Treasury. These suggestions carried out would seem to cover the great evils of an iuflated currency, with ifs evil consequences upon the people and Govern ment; bring all'articles of , merchandize to a proper standard ; terminate wild speculation ; restore the legitimate merchant; give confidence in all obliga tions of the Government, and secure the indepen dence of our country by enabling us to maintain our" brave armies and their dependencies at home. CATAWBA. For the Western Democrat. ' Monroe, N. C, Oct, 15, 1863. At a recent session of the Brown Creek Baptist Association, held with the Mount Olive Church, Anson county, N. C, the following resolutions were introduced by D. A., Covington, and unanimously adopted : . .- 1st. Resolved by this Association, That we deep ly regret the present unhappy state of affairs, as they exist in our beloved country ; that while-we are anxious for peace"and sincerely desire to see this dreadful war speedily end, yet we conceive it to be our duty to continue to resist with all our might the atteinpt,of our wicked and ruthless foe to subjugate us. 2d. ResQlved, That we feel grateful to our braye soldiers, who are so nobly defending pur rights, out property and our homes from yankee aggression, and deem it our duty to sustain and encourage them to the extent of our ability. 3d. Resolved. That however sincere and patriotic those may conceive themselves to be who are in favor of -peace meetings. Union meetings, &o., yet we are of opinion that all such proceedings teud to encourage our enemy, to prolong the war and to fasten the chains of despotism upon us. 4th. Reuolved, That, in the opinion of this meet ing, the surest road and speediest way(to an honor able peace, aud to end this cruel war, is for our peo ple to stand shoulder to shoulder, side by side, and defend ourselves and country to the last extremity; that our appeals to the enemy for peace should be made from the mouth of the cannon, and our reso lution with the sword and bullet. 5th. Resolved, That w acknowledge ourselves in the hands of the Creator of worlds, the King of kings and the God of battles; that His will we will humbly submit to. and, in this stupendous war, the North against the South, if it should be the will of God that we should be subjugated and become bondsmen under Xw vandals of the North, then we will submit, and say His will und not ours bo done. V. T. C HEARS, Clerk. For the Western Democrat. White Hill, Union county, Oct. 20. Mr Editor: Please publish the following list of ! donations made by the citizens iu Ashcraft's Beat, Payable in wheat and corn for the relief of the indi gent families of soldiers in service and those that have died : ' V T Chears " B D Rushine Eli Kirkley Dr Thos Lowrii J F Lee Kich'd Harrell ' Wm J Horn H Grady DONATION ASSOCIATION. A meeting of the subscribers te "the Donation Association, of-the town of. Charlotte was held ou the 20th inst., and organized by electing Wm. E." Myers, Esq., Chairman, aqd Richard N. Tiddy Sec retary. r- The committee appointed to solicit contributions for the support of the needy in Charlotte reported $17,260 as subscribed. The report was received. It is understood that this amount was subscribed for the purpose of buying provisions. to be given to the needy. The committee appointed to prepare a constitu tion for the government of this Association (consist ing of Rev. G. . Everhart, J. L. Brown, Wm. Tiddy and M. I. Wriston) reported by submitting a constitution which met with general approval, and after slight amendments it was adopted. The thanks of the meeting were tendered the committee and they were discharged. S. A. Harris, L. S. Williams, Wm. Tiddy, M. L. Wriston, - John L. Brown and S. A. Cohen were elected Directors of the Association. W. J. Yates, S. M. Blair and J. S. Phillips were elected as a committee to audit accounts. ' M. B. Taylor and E. N. Hutchison were appoint ed a committee to solicit subscriptions. On motion the meeting adjourned. RICH. N. TIDDY, Sec. IATJE8T NEWS. At a meeting of the Directors of the "Donation Association of the town of Charlotte," held on the 20th inst., the following persons were duly elected officers of the Association : Samuel A. Harris, President. L. S. Williams, Vice President. W. A. Williams, Secretary and Treasurer. D. H. Byerly, Commissary. The visiting committees to learn the names and wants of the poor of Charlotte are as follows : Ward No. 1 F. Scarr, John WilkesV 2 W. E. White, A. N. Gray. 3 H. M. Phelps. R. M.Jamison. 4 E. N Hutchison, M D Johnston. FROM VIRGINIA. Parties frovi the vicinity of Gen Lee's army repre sent that matters are entirely quiet, not even a skir mish occurring to dfstnrb the repose of the army since its return from the pursuit of Meade. ' .r Captures bt Ocr Armt. The following official dis patch was received at the War Department on Friday : Heids'bs.Armt of Northern ViHarsu, October 23, 1663 Gen S Cooper, A and I G : Gen Imboden, on the 18th,' attacked the garrison at Charlestown, Shenandoah Valley, captured four hun dred and thirty-fonr prisoners, with their arms, trans portation and stores. To these add prisoners already forwarded-,' makes two thousand four hundred and sixjj-two. (Signed,) R E LEE, Gen. 'MsAnK'S' Losses. From a source in which we place the utmost confidence we learn that Meade sent to. Norfolk for all tbe anibulauces iLtttcuuld be gotlon to gether. Thence we infer that his loss.es were very large larger than we had in the BlijrhtesC degree sus pected. The campaign, we suppose, is over. The Yankees are just where they were two years ago. Meade is not farther advanced than McDowell was. Richmond Dispatch. - Tbe number of .Yankee prisoners held in Richmond ig a fraction under 12,000. it it t SUBSCRIPTION LIST. We, the subscribers, whose names are hereunto attached, do promise to give the sums annexed to our names for the purpose of providing provisions for the support of the needy of our town during the coming winter, and, when necessary, to furnish clothing Young, Wriston & Or r" $2000 Williams, Oates &Co. 2000 S A Harris Wm Tiddy John L Brown Win Treloar Jas H Carson William J Yates Wm Johnston Jno Wilkes Blair & Burrows J M Springs T H Brem R F Davidson P Newman Elias & Cohen Koopmann & Phelps. Stenhouse & Macauley J B F Boone W S Bryan W W Quinn II M Pritchard Rich'd W Tiddy Allen Cruse Wm R Myers S P Smith A A N M Taylor Geo C Hanson J W Oshorue W A Cook A H Martin J A.Caldwell 500 500 500 500 100 150 "500 500 1000 200 100 100 5 1000 500 250 25 50 25 25 100 100 " 200 100 100 100 250 20 50 50 MB Taylor $1000 J S Phillips 500 E Nye Hutchison 500 J Duls 100 F Scarr 50 A Minister 10 Rev G M Everhart 100 HE. Morse 25 E II Britton 50 Kahuweiler & Bro. 500 Drucker &Heilbrun 1000 Jas T Johnson ' 25 Mrs Dr J T Johnson 100 T J Moore 25 Jonas Rudasili 200 J D Palmer 25 J J Blackwood 250 S M Howell 500 J H Stevens & Co. 50 J Jj Morehead 100 A WT Burton 225 W M Matthews 100 R W Beckwjth 100 John F Butt 100 Wm F Phifer 100 Kuck & Helkei 25 E A Thompson 25 Jas J Blackwood " 5 JM Hutchison -20 W A Williams 100 FROM THE SOUTH CAROLINA COAST. Ten Yankee prisoners including -an acting ensign, captured in a barge by our cavalry, arrived at Charles ton on Friday last. They belong to the United States schooner Ward, blockading off Georgetown, and were taken after setting fire to and destroying a small schooner loaded with cotton in Dearing Creek. There has been considerable decrease in the euemy's squadron off Charleston harbor and an increase off Hilton Head. ' There has been very little firing, for past few days, about Charleston. NORTHERN NEWS. Late Northern papers bave been received, but the news is unimportant. The. enlistment of negro troops PKvill shortly commence in Maryland, Kentucky, Missou ri and Tennessee. 'Lincoln has issued a proclamation calling for 300,000 volunteers. Rosencranz has been removed from the command of the Yankee army in Tennessee, and Gen. Grant put in his place. ' ' $17,310 Mrs James Harty, 15 yds. domestic and 6 pair socks. BELIEF ASSOCIATION. .,. Charlotte, N, C., Oct. 21. At a meeting of the signers to organize a Relief Association in Charlotte, assembled this evening, on motion, Wm. Treloar was requested to act as Chairman and E. H. Britton as Secretary. The meeting being organized, on motion., the fol lowing resolution was unanimously adopted: Be it Resolved, That, regarding it proper and absolutely necessary to $orm an association for af fording such assistance as may be deemed advisa ble, we associate ourselves together under the style and title of " The Laboring Man s Relief Associa tion." to use such funds as m&y be placed under our control for the purpose of purchasing provisions, to be sold in such quantities as may be necessary to supply the. immediate wants of the laboring popu lation. On motion, the Association proceeded to the elec tion of permanent officers, which resulted as fol lows : . Dr F Scarr, President; J S Phillips, Vice Presi dent ; Wm Treloar. Treasurer; E H Britton, Sec retary. . Directors Wm PhTfer, S M Howell,fi Koop man, Dr H M Pritchard, Wm E White, J A Fox, J Heilburn, Wm Gray. Ott motion, it was . Resolved, That the Board of Directors are here by authorized to appoint a commissary, arrange with him for salary and security, and make all other arrangements that may be necessary to commence operations forthwith, that they supervise all the ac counts and business of the Commissary and require him to make a monthly exhibit to the Association. Resolved, That at the call of the President, and in his absence the Vice President, the Association may be assembled at any time to transact busings. Resolved, That the officers of "The. Laboring Man's Relief Association" be elected annually un til its existence shall become no longer absolutely necessary, when by 'the vote of the Association, a majority favoring it, it shall dissolve ifcfielfnnd- the original subscriptions be returned to the several parties, or their heirs, executors, administrators or assiguees. On motion, it was Resolved, That our special thanks are hereby tendered to Mr T R Tate for the very liberal-propositions he has made this Association, and the in valuable aid he has tendered to further its objects, for which hp deserves the thanks of this community. On motion, the meeting adjourned. WM. TRELOAR, Ch'm'n. E H Britton, Sec'y. . The following is purpose stated : " G C Hanson J A Fox g M Howell A A N M Taylor Elias & Cohen Koopmann & Phelps M Waterhouse the list of contributors for the $100 500 500 1000 1000 1000 25 Stenhouse & Macauley 500 W M Matthews 200 Moodv & Pritchard 1000 F Scarr ?0 Wm Johnston 500 J D Palmer 100 C M Query " 50 W E White 200 J Rigler 25 WTm F Phifer 200 Drucker &. Heilbrun 1000 Kahnweiler & Bros 1000 H E Morse J00 h S Fraukeuthall &. Co 1IXK) S Gross 50 M B Taylor 250 J Rudasili 100 $24 D Rushing $24 24 v G W Witnberly 16 16 J J Lcckhart J6 24 Robt Leonard 8 8 Wm H fcarrell 4 4 - -AJAshcraft 4 8 Jas T Ashcraft 4 20 . ' " $204 Wm Treloar $1000 Wm F Davidson 25 J S Phillips 500 E Nye Hutchison 500 E II Britton 100 Maj J II Caldwell 100 J E Britton 25 W Rt id 1H) J Y Brvce 200 FROM THIS WEST. Mobims, Oct. 24. Maj. AS. Rose arrived, yesterday from Texas, on his way to Richmond. He heard noth ing on the other side of' our lines of the . great defeat of Gen. Banks. . Houston papers, of tbe 30th ultimo, state that Sa bine Pass is being rapidly put in condition to trouble the enemy, and that tbe gun-boat Clifton, captured-in the recent grand victory, has been put in .first-rate fighting trim. Her armament has been tested and isof the best quality. News from Brownsville to the 16th ult., states that the French had then not taken possession of Matamo ras.. President Davis had just arrived from Mississippi, and will review the troops this evening. Arkansas. The N. O. Picayune says, quoting a St. Louis telegram, of the 9th, the Confederates in Arkan sas have concentrated and are 'threatening Fort Scott, on the borders of the Indian Territory, and the ill for tune attending Gen. Blum's attempts to keep them at bay, cannot fail to inspire uneasiness as to the ulti mate result. FINANCIAL. Richmond, .October 24. Ex-Governor Morehead, of North Carolina, at the invitiition of a number of gen tlemen, delivered an address in the hall of the House of Delegates, last night, on the condition of the curren cy. His views meet with considerable favor, and a proposition is now pending in the Legislature, embody ing the main features of his scheme: Money. We learn that the Depositary at this' plac has received about $1,800,000 in Confeder ate no,tes in exchange for Bonds. This sum with drawn from circulation has relieved the redundancy in this section to some extent. It is a fact appa rent to all business men that money is scarcer now than it has been for some time, but while this is so, it is also equally apparent that prices have not re ceded any. But the action of Congress, when it meets, may produce a favorable change. tW The Yankees by 'this tims aff3eginniug to learn that they have not yet got the free and un molested navigation of the Mississippi River. A letter to the New York Times, speaking of the ope rations of the Confederate guerillas, says : 'Their depredations have made them an intoler able nuisance; for they not only seriously interrupt the navigation of the Mississippi which is by no means "free" as long as these scoundrels exist but also prevent a great quantity of cotton and other produce from reaching the New Orleans market. Many attempts have been made to break up these organizations, but, by what cause I know not, have . hitherto proved entirely unsuccessful. Scarcely a steamer arrives in New' Orleans that does not have some fresh outrage to report, and if not fired into herself has seen or heard of some steamer that has. . m mi TnE recent Raid in Western North Carolina. A raid by some two "or three hun dred renegade Tenncs-seeans and Nprth Carolinians was made from -the direction of Greenville into Madison county, last week. They came in this direction as tar as the Warm Springs. One mile below the Springs they shot old Mr Garrett, as he was standing in his yard. He died in 35 min utes. He was about 70 years of age, a good citi zyi and' a clever man. It was a cold blooded 1 murder, and one at which humanity weeps and manhood blushes. . The raiders carried on all the stock in the country, as far as they penetrated, aud said they would be back again shortly. Many threats have been made against this place, aad reports of the advance of the enemy in heavy force have been rife for some day3. Considerable alarm among a portion of our people has been the consequence. If it would do any good, we would say to all, keep cool rthe enemy, when he attempts to reach Ashcville, will find "Jordan a hard road to travel" preparations have been made to give him a reception he will not soon forget. Gen. Vance is wide awake, active and vigilant. He is at the right point, and has several men with him, and several more scattered around 4,permiscus," some of them on horseback and some afoot, and all eager to extend a true Carolina welcome to the invaders of their homes. A&heville Nexct. NOTICE. The Stockholders of the N. C. Insurance Company will please, take notice that the second , installment of 15 per centum will be due on tbe 12ih f November next. J. M. SPRINGS, Sec'y. Oct." 27. '63 3t Administrator's Sale. The undersigned, as Administrator on tbe estate of G. F. "Caldwell, deceased, will gell'atthe late residence of the said deceased, on Thursday the 1 2th ef Novcm-. ber, the following property, viz : Two Males, two Horses, Cattle and Hogs, Wheat, Corn, Oat Hay aud Fodder, one road Wagon, Buggy, Harness and Farm ing Tools ; also, 12,000 lbs Seed Cotton. All persons indebted to said estate are notified to come forward and pay, and all having claims will pre sent them according to law. Oct 27, '63 3t-pd D. S. JALDWELL, Adm'r. IiOST, At Zion Camp Ground, near Davidson College, on S tin day the ISth instant,' a GOLD JiECKLACK and LOCKET attached. A reward of $5 will be paiJ fur its delivery to Mrs Sarah II Withers at Davidson Col lege, or at this office. " Oct 27, 'C3 pd ' NOTICE. The Wardens of Ihe Poof of Mecklenburg coontr will meet at the Poor Hguse on the 14ih of Novembor, at 10 o'clock, for the purpose of electing ji Steward and Physician for flie year 1864. Those wishing the places must bring recommendations of their moral character and steady habit's with their bid?. Ac. We also give notice that the Steward cannot receive paapefs without permission from one or two of the members of the Board. E 0 WALLIS, CVm. Oct 27, '63 3t-pd . $25 REWARD. My boy MONROE ranaway on the 22d October inst. He is very dark, about 5 feet 10 inches hifrh and abont 26 years old 1 will pay the above reward for bim. . I suppose he is in this neighborhood. JAMES S JOHNSTON, Oct 27, '63 lm Daudson College, X C NOTICE. All persons having claims against ihe estate of J B French, deceased, will present them for payment with out delay to the undersigned. Oct 27, '63 5t J A FOX, Executor. RUNAWAY From the plantation of Mrs. R. A. Hunter, in Sharon neighborhood, a negro maj named WASH,, about 35 years old, medium size, and copper color. It is sup posed that he has been persuaded off by some mean while person, and may be trying to tnuke hi way to the Yankees. A rewaid of.$50 ill be paid for bis apprehension and delivery to me, or his confinement in anyjail. J. W. HUNTER. Oct.27, 1863. tf Administrator's Sale. On Tuesday the 17th day of November next, will be exposed to public sale, at the late residence of J. O. Cochran, dee'd, all the property of said deceased, viz: Wheat, Corn, Oats, Fodder, 1 Mule, Cattle, Ilogs, Sheep, Wagon, Boggy, Household and Kitchen Furni ture, and other articles not necessary to mention. Terms made knows on day of sale. All persons having claims must present them accord ing to law. Those owing the- estate must pay. tt. L. DbAUMON, Adm'r. October 27th. . 3t WANTED, A Tract of LAND, 500 or more acres ; .good dwelling, &c. Addiejs WILLIS D HARRISON, Oct 27, '.63 tf Leusburg, Caswell Co , N C. . . . 1 Printing: Materials Tor Sale. t desire tosell the Priuling Materials connected with the late "North Carolina Wing" newspaper, published in this town. The materials consist of a Hand Press with Inking Apparatus, Long Primer and Brevier Type, together with a fair assortment of Fancy and Job Type. Further information will be furnished by addressing the undersigned at Charlotte, N. C Oct 27, :63 RACHAEL R. HOLTON. Post Office Department,) Richmond, October 20th, 1803. ) By virture of authority vested in me by an act of Congress '"to authorize the establisbment.of express mails," approved May !, 1863, I have this day entered into an agreement by wbicb two mails a week will be carried each way between Meridian, jn the State of Mis sissippi, and Sbreeport, in the State of Louisiana. Now, to meet the expense of the carrying of said ex press mail, it is ordered that ou all letters ana pack ages to be carried on said route, except tbe official cor respondence aud blanks and postage stamps of the Post Omce Department, the postage to be prepaid in all cases, shall-be at the rate of forty cen-ts on each single letter of half an ounce or has, and forty cents for every additional half ounce or fraction of a half ounce. Letters and packages to be sent by this route may be mailed and the postage paid, at any post office iq the Confederate States, and those sent from the East to tbe West of the Mississippi should be plainly marked via either Meridian or Brandoi Mississippi, aud those sent from the West to the East of the Mississippihould be plainly marked via either Shreveport or Alexandria, Louisiana, as they will be forwarded from either of said offices, and from none other without further notice. JOHN II. REAGAN, Oct. 27, 18C3. 3t Postmaster Geuerul. THE -AYR OIL COMPANY ' (ST. CATHERINE'S MILLS,) . ' Will excharfge Salt for Flax Seed, Wheat, Com or Bacon, delivered at the Mills, two miles, below Charr lotte. E NYE HUTCHISON, Secretary. Oct 27, '63 lm " - DrsE K &WW Gregory 100 Wm flrav 125 J M Howie C Rodfckor H H Williams J P Smith T R Tate A W. Alexander S W Whitakej J F Bntt J Eigenbnrn J Duls J S Wiley S Ve learn that the Home Guard in this and other counties in this portion of the State have 50 i been called oat bv the' authorities. We are not 2 j however aware that they are ordered to do duty 200 out of their respective counties. We suppose 2000 that it is the intention to have them employed in 100 arresting deserters and conscripts who are absent . without leave from their .commands, for from the .so ' circumstances under which they are orilered into 100 ' service, we cao conceive .of po other dtity that 50 ! they will be called upon to perform. Winston -w- I Sentinel. $l,2& j m -mm- . . O tS5- We are dad to learn that intelligence has The Washington correspondent of the Pbiladel- j beeQ receive(j in this city that the ateamer Advance phia Ledger learns from high authority that the j t gafejy to gea aga;n. May favorable wioda petition ot ihe Trench residents of New Orleans to ; w-?e her a uicj- vojage and safe return, Ral tbe Emperor, praying that a suitable fleet may Ls . ff . h p css sent for their protection in the event of any sad- . . den trouble has been promptly and favorably re-1 Adjutant Morehead of the bixty-third Begv sponded to, and that some half-doien vessels-of- i meat Partisan Hangers was senously wounded on war will soon be within easy call of the French s Saturday the 174h, in a skirnmb near Brandy Sta Consul in that city. j fion, Virginia. HEADQUARTERS, 63d Battalion, ) Guard for Home Defence, Charlotte, Oct 23. J The members of the 63d Battalion, Guard for Home Defence, are commanded to meet in Charlotte at 10 o'clock A M., on Friday the 6lh daj of Noreniber, armed and equipped as the law directs, for drill and inspection. By order of T. II. Brem, Lt. Col. commandlnp, J. H. WILSON, Jr., Adjutant. Octobc 27th. 2t ina, ) ,) 03. ) Executive Department of North Carolina, Aujutaut General s Omce (Militia Raleigh, Oct. 17, 1803 General Orders No. 19 The Militia Officers in each county where the Guard for Home Defence has been or may hereafter be lally organized, will tarn over to the commanderof the lat ter all arms, accoutrements and mmmuoitioln in their possession belonging to the State, taking receipts for the .same. By order of Gov. Vance:. ' R. C. GATLIN, Oct 27th Adjutant General. Revival. By a prirlTe letter we learn that the Church at Sutcarille, under thr pastoral charge of Rev. W. W. Fharr, is experiencing a revival of extraordinary power. Assisted by Prof. E. F. Rockwell, of Davidson College, daily meet ings of great interest have been held daring a fort night pt, and sixty persons have been hopefully converted, while many .more wore anxiously ip qniring the way of life. A". C. Prtslyteriax: . A revival is also progressing in -the Baptist acd Metbodist Churches ia this town ' In Providence, Mecklenburg county, on th 20th inst., by Rev.'R, Z. Juhustoo, Maj. Ellas A. McKe to Miss Martha J. Reid. Id Dnplin county, on the Htb int., by the Rev. Dr. Closs, Rev. Edwin A. Yates, of the N. O. Coolrreoce, to Miss Iura daaghter of Isae Ramsey, Esq, of LVaufort, X. C. In P.ilUs, Gaston couaty, N. C , at early dawn, on the 6th int.. Miss Frrrie M. Stowe, daughter oftha late Larkin Stowe, Esq., In the 25th year of ber ace. Gentle and pure in spirit, modest in manner, kind in disposition, she was beloved by all wh knew her. She was an exemplary member of the Presbyterian chnrcli for seveu years previous to btr death. -0leeJ t ihe dead who die in tbe Lord." OBITUARY.. James Milton Rer, (ton f.Orffn L and l.rif !?--v) . of Company K. 30th Regiment N V'! , b Per 2Clb, Ittfl.and was killed m tbe bafle ! r ,r it. ,. ville, May 3d, 1HC3. .While io a 4,.'n.; . .i . the enemy batteries.- he wa tht ih'otigii th ti" i, a minnie ball entering the H-ft eye Thu a nr!e m of the South has fallen, a viclim on tbe itlr of ftce doru. He volunteered at the iim call, parsed '1irMga seven hard-fought battles, and In the eiprht'i he Ml. He was a faithful and good soldier; hit ready and will. inar obedience and unflinching courage bal fHii.-. fr him the highest enteem and affection of hi officer, at well at the confidence and love of hit Mlow-olUif r Rut, alas! he was tbe hope and dependence of au af flictcu father and feeble mother; hit place can never be filled, but they have hope in bis death, and can henriilr tar, "the 'Lord giveth and the Lord uketb away, bletsed be thr name of" tire Xord." Maj tbe Lord bless tbe bereaved family, aad may He soon grant us an honorable peace, and lioally save u in Heaven. A FRIEND. 8 ALT ! salt:: SUBSISTENCE DEPARTMENT, Chaslotte, N. C., Oct. 22, 1G3. SuflicientSalt having been obtained, I will in future give THREE pouods of SALT for OSE of BACON. E. M. LOWK, Ort. 27, 163 tf ' Maj. C. 8. Another Candidate in the Field. We Bre authorized, by the friends of Dr. J. G. Han say of Rowan, to announce that gentleman as a candi date to represent this the Sib Congressional District la the next Congren of the Confederate States. Sau. bury Watchmanr October 1'9, 1863. te It UNA WAY From the nbseriber'a plantation on Rdoky River, Ca barrus county, oo the 7th Inst., a, negro man named MIL AS. He ia about 5 feet 10 Inches high, very black, and about 41 years old. He has a wife at Mr Wm.F. Phifer'a in Charlotte, and maybe, lurking ia the neighborhood of town; be also has a brother in Providence settlement. I will pay $10 Reward for his apprehension Any Information 'ran v be addressed me at Concord, S. C. 8. P. CALDWELL. Oct.t20, 1863. 2l-pd Adminitrntor'n Snlt ' On Thursday, the 5th day of November, will be e i posed to public sale, at the late residence of William Wallace, deceased, all the property of said deceased, viz : Wheat, Corn, Fodder, 3 Mulea, Cattle, Hogs, Sheep,. Wagon, Huggy, Household and .Kitchen Furni ture, and other articles not necessary to mention. Terms made known on day of sale. . JANE A. W ILL ACE, . ,' . THOS. M. KERNS, A',m Oct 20, 163. .lpd TAX NOTICK. I will attend with the Anr of (i mton county to collect the Confederate Taxrs due ihe I l -f Uctoberj also the Assessors will attend and at the tax in kind at the following times and places, io wit; Stowe's-Factory, November 2d aud 3d. ClemmeHa Edward's Motes Cloniger's Baker's Cherryvllle Dallas Deck's Ferguson's Rice's old field Smith's J. . 6tb and 7th " 9th and 10th . llth and 12th 13lb and 14th " icth and 17th " 20lb and Jilt " 23d and 24th ' 25th and 2Clb 27th and 28th. II. WHITE, Tax Collector. October 20, 1663 R. RANKIN, Assessor. Exchange Notice, io. 7. Richmosd, Va, Oct. 16, I8G3. Tbe following Confederal: officers aud men are bere by declared duly excb&uged: 1. All officers and ai'e captured and parolled at any time previous tothe 1st of September, 1863. This sec tionis not intended to include aLy officers or men cap tured at Vicklburg, July 4th, 1863, except socb as were declared exchanged by Exchange notice No. ht SeDt. 12th. 1863. or are snec'ifieallv named ia this no- lice. But it does embrace all deliveries m-de ut City Point or other place -before Sept. lit, 1863, and with the limitation above named, all captures at Port Hud son or any other place where the parties were released on parole. 2. Tte Staff of Generals Pembertoo, Stevenson, Bowen, Moore, Baston, l. Lee, Cummings, Harris, and Baldwin, and'of Colonels Reynolds, Cockerell and Dockerv; the officers and men belonging to the Engi neer Corps and Sappers and Miners, and tbe' 4in and 46th Mississippi regiments, all captnred at .Yicksburg, July 4th, 18C3. 3. Tb general officers captured at Vicksbnrg, July 4th. 1863. were declared exchaoged July I3th, 1863. RO. O0LD, October 2T. 6t Agent of Exchange. AiluiiniflfrAtor'ii Male. I will sell, on Friday the 13th of November, at the late residence of Herbert Stowe, deceased. 1 1 mile southwest from Charlotte, three head of Hones, thire head ot Cattle, a good road Wagon, alt the llou-eliold and Kitchen Furniture, about 400 bubel .( ',r.i. n lot of Cotton, Fodder, Farming T "I un mm ) . li t things unnees tary to mention ' Also, will te rented for 1 2 tuoit'li , i f I! ,ii ,t? au'l Land. Term made kuown on d v ot Those havihg claim agtinf the e-lit- rf j to present the in within the time prtiiibnl by 14-, ir this notice will be pleaded io bar of ih-ir ri: ivery. II D. STOWE, A-'m r. Oct 20, 16G3 3t Daily Bulletin ill copy 6 times, aod Catawba Journal 2 tiuies. . Having qualified" at Administrator of Moi Alexan der, dee'd, we will expos to public vendue . at the dwelling house of the lr.'d, in Mecklenburjr rnutt, on Tuesdaj the 27tb of October, 4 bead of Horses, one ic good saddle Horse; 1 Mule,, Cows, Hogs, and stock . ofall kinds. Also, FOUR LIKELY NEGROES, Rei, W years old and good field hand; Lee, 13 years old, well growa; Kate. 55 years old. good cook; Ched, 3 years old. Allyersons having claims against the estate mult present them. Those owing the same mut pay. W. M. HOUSTON, MARO'T ALEXANDER, Oct. 12, 1863. . 3t Adm.ri. STRAVED, From the' subscriber pasture, about 12 days ago, twV Beef Cattle one a white aperkled Boll, the other a red Ueifer. The above cattle were bought in the neighborhood of Davidson College. Any information as to their whereabouts will be thankfully received and the person liberally rewarded for their trouBie. Oct 3, 4863 J. P. ROSS. Executive Department off. Carolina Adjctaut GxiitAb'e Orrtca, Raleigh, Oct 9, T863. General Order, No. . I. Tbe first section of the Act of tbe Ofeneaal Assem bly, passed JoJy 7th, 1 863, wae intended to apply tothe militia as then organised, and not to tbe organitatioa for Home Defence. II. Tbe Commlisions of tbe Militia Officers' are sus pended ooly while members of the Home Guard organ isation and doing doty in h. When notoo duty, they may be required by the Commanders of their Regiments to assist them in theexecotloa of orders from this office. III. The oficers aod meo of the Guard for Home Defence will be aatject to tbe Rulea and Articles of War and the Geaerat Regulations oflbe Confederate 8ttea Army, wften' called out by orders from this office, either for drill, or for apecial or gen eral service. V' By order of Governor Vance Oct 2Q,1I. R. C GATLIW, Afjutaat Oaaetal.

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