;jiiiiffft WKSTlCitN DKMOGRAT, ,CJHKLOTXl, 1ST. C. J i i 3 - si f t i i hi , si : i - 4 m li'.T -a ' ,1! ft rtr-: .i 11 1 r.i if-Hi-fi Mm "til i-rJ 4 'i 4 1 :! i , ?T 1 r 55 i ! ' f ill - -'.M f-.if 4 m J 'il IS ! Hi PHIVATB HOTELS. Mike has made several important discoveries in Lis recent raid throu-h the JSoath-wobi. He saj3 hehasjuit fuund out what a ''private hotel". is. lie has found several of them in his travels, and they are truly very peculiar institutions. He 6vs their trite and gongs" make as much clatter ns'if there was really something on the ta ble to call the public to, but when one gets there, he sees nothing hut empty plates. Presently, the waiters will he seen dispensing different articles of provender pretty generally to the milittry geruiemm with slurs and bars on their cellars; and when you ask them tu give you. J'souie o' that, what that- feller's got," the waiter -will look at you just as a faro dealer does when he "rakes down your pile," looks as if he had ' chawed" you, and innocently savs: ' "That's private, tir!" Then you look around to see what the might eait your taste,-and you see ancfther chap with eggs. You think, "weil, eggs, are comitiou enough, dear knows " "Weil, give me some eggs then." Dun's private too, sir. De gemmen fotch 'em bereau we cook 'em for him." "Give me some potatoes, then, I suppose they're Dot private," 1 fiaid, loud enough to Attract ail the eyes around the table. "Yea, tnassa, detu'S private too 'but I kin gib you souue corn bread an', au here's some salt, an' here's some corn bread " 'Give me some ot that butter, you black rascal," I 6aid, aggravated, as indeed it should make any body feel who was paying eight dollars, a day for board. "Well, roassa, 'clare, massa, dat's private too! Here's some sail!" Spying another nigger, I motioned him to me, thinking I would slip a bribe into his fingers, and p'shly j;ct tome of the private dishes, lie came reluctantly, and as I extended my hand with a promise to pay in it, he stooped and said iu a low tone: "I's a private servant, massa." This capped the climax, and I determined to fin ish my meal of corn-dodger and salt, and take the text train for a change. ! TO COTTON PLANTERS. I hare been appointed by the Secretary of the ! Treasury, Chief Agent for the purchase of Cotton for ! the Confederate Government within the State of North : Carolina, and will pay for the same in 7 per cent Bonds ! or Cah THE CONFEDEBATE TAX-BILL.. The following is a summary of the Tax-Bill which was'passed by the Confederate Congress on the 20th of April, 18G3: It imposes a tax of eight per cent, upon the value of all nifcval stores, salt, wines and spirituous ... . r or an n&vai si Sub-Agents rioting the a irtereni peris oi ; liauor8.,tobaceo manufactured or unmanufactured. m mv r-.nif win uive wruitMi i,cii'uv"iv- - i a . CONFEDERATE GOVERNMENT. Jefferson Davis of Mississippi, 'President. Alex H Stephens of Georgiav Vice President. J. P. Benjamin, of Louisiana, Secretary of State. James A. Seddon, of Virginia, Secretary of War. C. G Memminger, of South Carolina, Secretary ot tne Treasury. 'Vmi-inp in mv name, will have written certificates appointment. I By order of the Secretary of the Treasury, all tot- d after inn IMI ICUacCU JJ iiijcio vri i j . . i - , tt. lfrth day of March. 18.;3, will be paid tor in 7 per ; consumption t.r tne unexpireu poruou oi iuPJar cent Bond3orCash, and not per cent Bones as stated . &?&, and of the growth or production of any year in a former advertisement Ln to that time. noweer, ; pre.ceduiK the year IPtM; ana a tax oi on? per ureu, -p fnll.,r of Flnrila. Sprrptnrv of thft Xstv." cotton, wool, flour, sugar, molasses, syrup, nee, and , T'. H Watts, of Alabama, Chief of the Deoart- other agricultural products, held or owned on the first day of July next, and not necessary ror iamny nient of Justice or Attorney General. J. II. Reagan, of Texas, Postmaster General. The President serves six years. the ft per cent bonds will be furnished as stated. cent, upon all moneys bank notes or other cur- MEMBERS OP THE FIRST PERMANENT Patriotic citizens are now offered an opportunity to j renCyf on hand or on deposit on the 1st of July aid the (iovornn.e nt by selling to it their Cotton rather than to private capitalists. ' LEWIS S. WILLIAMS Charlotte. March 24, 1803 tf next; and on the value ot all credits on which the interest has aot been paid and not employed in a business the income derived trom which is taxed under the provisions of this act: provided, that a.lUc,ement C CIa'7. monFys flwned, held or deposited beyond the limits v ARKANSAS. The Troops Mustered in by tfjr Yan Kkks. Sixteen Free States and two Slave States have sent to the field 1,276,246 volunteers; of thee 1,068,769 were three years' men. Pennsyl vania has supplied 200,336 volunteers, of which 20,979 were'tbree months', lo,lUU nine months' Bna 164,257- three years' men. New York has furnished 222,836 volunteers, of which 30,131 were two year', and. 15,922 three months' men. Illinois has sent out 135,440 volunteers; Massa chusetts 71,038. Kentucky has contributed 43, 908 men, and Missouri 37,947. . New Jersey comes iu for a total of 30,214, of which 17,395 were three years' men, 10,714 nine months', and 3.105 three months' men. Theabove statement has been compiled from official sources, and may be relied on a being correct, up to Jauuary 1st, 1863. To the Farmers oftlicSHi C-ouuressioiisil Dis., IV. C. OrrtCE of Post Quart ekmaster, 8th Dist., 'CHARLOTTE, N. C, Oct. 5, 1863. From questions'whicb are asked me almost daily, I deem it necessary to make the following notice : The articles taxable under the tax in kind law are : Wheat, Corn, Oats, Itye, Buckwheat, Irish ami Sweet 'Potatoes, Beans, Teas, Rice, Sugar, cured Hay and Fodder, MolaKies made of cane (not of sorghum j, Wool, Ground Peas, Cotton, Tobacco and Bacon. Farmers are allowed to reserve 50 busheU sweet po tatoes, 50 bushels Irish potatoes, 60 bushels wheat or 100 bushels corn (but not both), and 20 bushels bean and peas topether. After taking out the above named reserve, farmers will be required to deliver to my Ajie-Dts the tenth of all that remains of their this year's productions. Should anything have been consumed before delivering the tenth, farmers will estimate the amount as nearly as possible and deliver accordingly. Cora will not be received until ittis in pood market able condition, dry and of course must be shelled by the farmer. . We do not receive Pork for the very pood reason that we cannot take care of it; but we reoiire Bacon, and only six H)3. for every hundred lbs. of Pork slau ghtered. I 'e pots oxtablished as points of dIivrj, and Receiv ing Agents, are as follows : Murrnc, Union county, C!i i rli-tte, Mecklenburg county, Pir.eville, Davidson Oollegc" " Il'tiridburg, Cabarrus county, C -mr-ord. ' C'ii 'ia Grn ve, Rowan county, Sali.srfm-y, Ron -in Mills. E J Wolfa. George Cro. J W Morrow. II A Hunter. R C Cooke. James C Cannon. E A l'rof-st. WJ Mills. T A Allison. jj Cain.' tax Station, Catawba county, Henderson Shcrrill. 41 (I It evton Hit k(uy Station, Lin.'.ttnton. hi'. coin counfr, '5 ' ini's i.atiuu, Gaston county, D..i;.i!8. " . V rvvi'!--, u S;--il.y, t.leaveland county, rmi tners art- hereby ti ti e nt.t p imic! d jiors 1 . 'MtP, I'ici'-. v ;?"t 1 s-r ir e -i - fcs.inPH t ab"Vf riinin'l Asrcn' M L MeCorkle. A L Shuford. Jno E Boger. W A Abernatby. J F Pegram. J B Fulton. E C Wvbb 'ified to deliver at any one of exct-pt Hickory Station and ti'ht a? soon as convenient, ha-i bfen made or not. The rempts will be held good hv n - if. The Aden's at Hickory Station and China G-'ove will give notice brn tliev arp ready to receive 8' M. FINGER, Capt. k P. Q. M. 8th District. Octcher 5, !RrJ3 tf We have a Tannery in full operation about fix mile from Chariotte, on the C. & S. C. Railroad line. Ii i t first-clas Tannery, and we are prepared to purchase, i ij'.at m.nket prices. Hides of all descriptions", and supplr ;.; the trade at currcut prices. f A H. GRIFFITH, V: July 13, !?63 tf c. E. BELL. Vet ' liiilllONS ; t5LUi:.BLlR W It I T I IV G F L U I D, I' b Manufactured by J.- E. BitiTTON, Charlotte, N. C. . S a ' Tan snbscrih-r is man if tcturiuj at Charlotte, X. C, i ig.s ir'iele of vlil TIN'G I.Viv -ureri r to any that has' f ye; ee:i na-e.t xct tiae 3ourjra public. Tiis INKtse.fa d'i re-bl kck . olor, and will not mould liar .:iekn, net it corrode a pen. i esis vi?-, vx-c-n mad'; vuli e IVai I'ld in ware-, av.d ttiev h.i' a - tu;s ink;, both in the p oven such, that the ' 1 ? .. V . . . f ! . rv - . . . sao-icrioe ite s cono-er.x in ou-ruisf it to dealers as a '"Superior ariirle. Tiie sun will not deface its cIor, but j r?kes to it a brighter one, and by piutiajf the manu 1 1 ij;..'cript written wuh it in water, it will give it a deeper ! ' pl ie-black color. 'fi w'1' f'Ond that it will not run, and parts writ tUyn wiib it becoming we. will not be injured or defac . . 'Id iu the least. ; It is purely a chemical article, and thas procuring (his Ink will get an article tha.t time will not deface, ; t'jiit which will give it, instead, a mere permanent and' . .""1 gating quality. ... i" Manuscripts written thirteen years ago, (and which i . I -''Fwave oeen exposea to tne sun ana air sjoca that time,) t' i ' whith Ick manufactured from this receipt, ar as bright ?- i ud .is good to-day as when-first written. -" 1 4 I ' y 'j Dealers will be supplied on sb liberal terms as possi- '4iHlfie- ' - ' ' . t t 4 ! Thi? Ink can be found for retail at the Daily Bulle- i 'n oCice, where the sub-criber will be pleased to wait ; j U ton patrons, finquirs far Button's Blue-Black Writ isr Flu'd. Wholesale oKers are solicited, and all of them will pro-nptly filled. Address J. E. BRITTON, 132- l, 1Su3. . Charlotte, Meoklenburg Oot N. C. Mi of the Confederate States shall be valued at the current rate of exchiinere in Confederate Treasury I July, and collected on the lt day of October next, i or as soon thereafter as may oe possioie- Section 5th imposes the following taxes far the PRODUCE AND PROVISIONS. mi. - : A ... a A InlA o PjPi rt nrliin on th e fir.t Aav of A.if.i&t for the Duroose of earning on the notes. The tax to be assessed on the 1st day of Grocery and Commlwion Business -t the old stand of M. D. L MOODY, opposite the personal attention to Hhare the patronage of the public ! year ending the JUt or December, 1803, and for fStrict personal attention given to the sale, of, each year thereafter: Produce and Manufactured articles of all kinds when Hankers shall pay eoOO. Auctioneers, retau consipned to us and money advanced when desired. de alers, tobacconists, pedlars.cattle brokers, apothe Orders from a distance for Goods when accompanied by cash or Charlotte references will be promptly filled. The HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid for every arti- CONFEDERATE CONGRESS. SENATE. ALABAMA. Wm Lj lancy, cle of general consumption or use. M. D. Aug 24, 1863 3m H. M. L. MOODY. PRITOHARD. 3,700 BOXES OF. TIIE SOUTHEJIK HEPATIC PILLS Have been ordered in one day. Wherever known their use continues. Without puffing, they have gained ground'by their real value. fi"More than five hun dred persons are known to have been cured by.these l'ills.-Safl ' ' This excellent family medicine i3 recommended by the proprietors as good for Diseases of'the Liver. His correpondenfs fay that, they also cure Billions. Rheu matism, Pneumonia. Chils and Fevers, Billions Fevers, Piles and Worms. They are a perfectly safe medicine. Peter Vaden, Esq., of Dinwiddie county, Va , after describing remarkable cures in his family of Bilious Rheumatism and Pleurisy, says: '-My Doctor's biil has K.n liAri.tof.irp from S 1 75 to S20 per year. 1 have caries, photoprapheru, and confectioners, $50, and 2h per .eeli'totn on the gross amount of sales made. Wholesale dealers in liquors $200, and 5 per centum on gross amount of sales. Ketail dealers in liguors, $100, and 10 per centum on.gross amount of sales. Wholesale dealers in groceries, goods, wares, merchandize, etc.. $200, and-2 per centum. 1'awn brokers, money and exchange brokers $200. Distillers. $200 and 20 per centum. Brewers, $1011. and 2d per centum. Hotels, inns," taverns and eating-houses first class, $500; second class, $:i00; third class,200: fourth class, $100; fifth class, $30. Every house where food or -refreshments are sold, &nd every bonrding-house where there shall be six boarders or more, shall be deemed to be an eating-ho'ise under this aet. Commercial brokers or commission merchants $200 and 2 per centum. Theatres, $500 and 5 per centum on all receipts Robert W Johnson, Charles B Mitchell. FLORIDA. A E Maxwell, J M Baker. GEOUOIA. Benjamin II -Hill, II. V. Johnson. LOUISIANA. Q Edward Sparrow, T J. Semmes. MISSISSIPPI. Albert Gr Brown, James Phelan VIRGINIA. 11 M T Hunter, A T Caperton.. .NORTH CAROLINA,- George Davis, Wm T Dortch. SOUTH CAROLINA. Robert W Barnwell, James L Orr. TENNESSEE. Langdon C llay'nes, Gustavus A Henry. TEXAS. Louis. T Wigfall, W S Oldham. KENTUCKY. II C Burnett, William E Simms. MISSOURI. John B Clark, RSY Peyton. Total number, 26. Carriage & Wagon Shop. The subscriber, successor to Mr Charles Overman in the Carriage and Wagon making business, respectfully informs the public that he will promptly execute all work entrusted to him, and he solicits a share of pub lic patronage. REPAIRING of all kinds will be particularly atten ded to and done at short notice on reasonable terms. Send your work to Overman's. old stand and give me tMaI" A. II . CRESWELL. Charlotte, Jan'y 13, 1863. - . . - y Short Almanac for 18637 &3 ft. 4 o , a ft. v. ft. 4 K VilmiDgton, Charlotte & Rutherford On and after Monday tbe 25th of. May, 1863, the. Pas senger Train will run on this Road (Western Divi sion) daily, Sundays excepted, as follows : GOING-WEST: ARRIVE: 8 15 A. M. 8 55 9 25 10 00 10 45 a ti n it ARRIVE: . 12 15 P.M. 12 50 " 1 20 1 53 2 45 Charlotte, Tuckaseege, Brevard, Sharon, Lincolnton, Cherryville. GOING EAST: Cherryville, Lincolnton, Sharon, Brevard, Tuckaseege, Charlotte. LEAVE: 7 30 A. M. 8 20 .9 00 9 30 10 05 .i ti ii . ii LEAVE: 11 30 A. M. 12 25 P. M. 12 55 1 25 2 00 ii ii . HOUSE. Thomas S. Bocock, Speaker. ALABAMA. 1 Thomas J Foster, 2 Wm U Smith, 3 John P Ralls, 4 JLM eurry, 5 Francis S Lvon, 6 W Chilton, 7 David Clopton, 8 James L Pugh, 9 E S Dargan. ....A tur. iUA for n.t farnilv. which consists of ! alley or table registered. Livery stable keepers. eighteen white and colored, and have not called in a I lawyers, phy sicians, surgeons and dentists, $50 ARKANSAS. I Felix J Balson, 3 Augustus H .Garland, Each circus, $100, and $ 10 for each exhibition. J Z- lranaison D lioyster, 4 Thos li Hanly. Jugglers and other persons exhibiting shows, Bowling alleys and billiard rooms, $40 tor each Doctor. This is a great saving, iney certainly are tbe best family medicine ever discovered. Rev. Johli W. Potter, of Greene county, North Carp lina, had si.ifered twelve years from a diseased liver, which the physicians had not been aide to cure. He says: '-I commenced taking the Hepatic Pills with no confidence in them. They acted like a charm on me. From that hour I have improved. I have persevered. in their use, until now, by God's blessinp, I am well and heartv. I had a nepro man who, a? I believe, was saved from death by a do?e of thesyj Pills. M3' Doctor's j bill was ai.nuaily Yoru. $100 to 200, but I have bad no t use foe a physician since." Col. Jinn Wripht, of Goldsboro, N. C. (Aug. 14, j 162,) sa fs: "I have used the Southern Hepatic Pills j in my family here, and also on my plantation in Ala- i bama, and always with success. I have -41 valuable servnnt girl who had been a hmptime under treatment ! for consumption, without receivinp any benefit. Al most in her extremity I was induced 10 try the Hepatic Pills. Tl.ey.were given accordinp to directions, and the is nov well, entirely restored by them. A similar case occurred among my servants in Alabama. For liver and lung diseases I have perfect confidence in them.'' Full directions and other certificates will be found on the wrapper of each box Price, $1 50 a bnx. For $15 a dozen boxes will be sent by mail, ftee to any part of the Confederacy. Still pteater discount to Drugpists, or others buying by the gross. Not less than a dozen need be ordered. Retailed penerallv by the Druggists, and in Charlotte X. 0. by V. SCARR. The address of the Proprietor is GEORGE W. DEEMS. Wil-on, N. C. Aug. 10, 1803 W ATKD,,205000 Staves, At the C. S- Distillery (formerly owned by M. & E. My ers) at Salisbury, N. C, as follows : - To be of White Oak timber, clear of sap; Staves 34 inches long, from 4 to 6 inches wideband 1 inch thick; Heading 24 inchesIonp, 'from 8 to 10 inches wide, and lj inches thick. 700 Staves and 300 Heading to a thousand. Highest market, price will be paid. Address, JAS. T. JOHNSON, Med. Purveyor, C. S. A., July 6, 1863 Charlotte, N. C. SALT FOi SALE. " We have on consignment 2,000 bushels SALT in store and to arrive, from the celebrated "Claus.-en Works," Charleston. Equal in quality to any import ed. Parties wir-hing a supply will do well to call on the undersigned before purchasing elsewhere. STKNHOUSE & MA CAUL AY. July 6th, 1863 Kt:iEOBOTll FURNACE, LINCOLN COUNTY, N. C, THREE MILES EAST OF IRON P. 0. The proprietors annofince to the public that this Furnace is in full blast, and will make castings of all kinds to order. Also, Tig Iron is made and offered for sale. -SHIPP & REIXHARDT. July 6, 18fi3 3m-pd NOTICE. I ara prepared to cast machine-irons of all kinds, hllow-ware, salt pans, Ac. Orders solicited Terms Cash. I will exchange Iron for Bacon, corn, cloth, or provision- of any kind. J. W. DERR, July 1st, 1863. y-pd. Spring Hill Forge. Executive Department of Xorth Carolina,' Adjutant General's Office (Militia,) y Kalkigh, Oct, 17, 1803. j General Orders No. 19 The Militia Officers irf each county where the Guard for Home Defence has been or may hereafter be fully organized, will turn over to the commander of the lat ter all arms, accoutrements and ammunition in their possession belonging to tbe Slate, taking receipts for the game. By order of Gov. "Vance: '. 'it. C. OATLIN, Oct 27th Adjutant General. Butchers and bakers, $50 and one per centum. All persons engaged, or intending to engage, in any business named in the 5th section, shall, within sixty days after the passage of the act, or at the time of beginning business, and on the 1st of Janu ary in each year thereafter, register with the dis trictcollector a true account of the name and resi dence of each person, firm or corporation engaged or interested in the business, with a statement of the time for which, and the place and manner in which tho same is to be conducted,' &c. At the time of the registry there shall be paid the specific tax for the year ending on the next 31st of Decem ber, and such other tax as may be due upon -sales or receipts in such business. Any person failing to make such registry and pay such tax shall, in addition to all other taxes upui his business imposed by the act, pay double the amount of the specific tax on such business,, and a like sum for every thirty days of such failure. Kequires a separate registry and tax for each business mentioned in the 5th section, and for each place reconducting the same; but no tax for mere storage of goods at a place other than the registered place of business. A new registry required upon every change in the place of conducting a regis tered business, upon the death of any person con ducting the same, or upon the" transfer of the busi ness to another, but no additional tax. Every person registered and taxed is required to make returns of the gross amount of sales from the passage of the aet to the 30th of June, and every three months thereafter. A tax upon all salaries, except of persons in the military or naval service, of 1 per cent, when not exceeding 81.500, and two per cent upon an excess over that amount. Provided, that no taxes shall be imposed on the salary of any person receiving a salary not exceeding $1,000 per annum, or at a like rate for another period of time, longer or shorter. The tax on annual -incomes between $500 arid $1,500. shall be five per cent; between $1,500 and $3,0U0. five per cent on the first $1,500 and ten per cent on the excess; between $3,000 and $5,000, ten per cent; between $5,000 and 10,000, 12 per cent; over $10,000 fifteen per cent.; subject to the following deductions: on incomes derived from rents of real estate, manufacturing and mining establishments, Arc, a sum sufficient for necessary annual repairs; on Incomes from any mining or manufacturing business the rent (if rented) cost of labor actually hired, and ra.v material; on incomes from' navigating enterprises, the hire of the vessels or allowance for wear and tear of the same, not ex ceeding ten per cent.; on income derived from the sale of merchandize or any other property, the prime cost, cost of transportation-salaries of clerks and rent of building; on incomes from any other occupation, the salaries of clerks, rent, cost of labor, material, &c; and in case of mutual insurance com panies the amount of loss paid by them during the year. Incomes derived from other sources are sub- ! ject to no deduction whatever. All joint stock companies and corporations shall pay one-tenth of tho dividend and reserved fund annually. If the annuaL,earnings shall give a profit of more than ten and less than twenty per cent on capital stock, one-eighth to be paid; if more than twenty per cent, one-sixth. The tax' to be collected on the 1st of Jauuary next and of each, year thereafter. A tax of ten per cent, on all profits in 1862bv the purchase and sale of flour, corn, bacon," pork, FLORIDA. 1 James B Hawkins, 2 GEORGIA. Hilton. 1 Julian Hartridge, 2 C J Munn'erlyn. 3 Hines Holt, 4 A"H Kenan, . 5 David W Lewis, 1 Alfred Boyd, 2 John W Crockett, 3 HE Read. 4 George W Ewing, 5 J S Chrisman, GT L Burnett, 6 William W CIarkr 7 Itobt P Tripp, 8 L J Gartrell. 9 Hardy. Strickland, 10 A B Wright. KENTUCKY. 7 H W Bruce, 8 S S Scott, 9 E M Bruce, 10 J W Moore. 11 R J Breckinridge, Jr., 12 John M Elliott. LOUISIANA, 1 Charles J Villiere, 4 Lucien J Dupre, 2 Charles M Conrad, 5 John F Lewis, 3 Diincau F Kenner, 6 John Perkins, Jr. 1 John.J McRae, 2 S W Clapp, 3 Reuben Davis, 4 Israel Welch. 1 John Hyer, 2 Casper W Bell, 3 George W Vest, 4 A II Conrew, MISSISSIPPI. - 5 II C Chambers, (TOR Singleton, 7 E Barksdale. MISSOURI. 5 W W Cook, 6 Thos W Freeman, 7 Thos A Harris. NORTH CAROLINA. 1 W N H Smith, 6 Thomas S Ashe, 2 Robert Ii Bvidgers, 7 James R McLean, 3 Owen R Kenan, 8 William Lander, 4 T D McDowell, 9 B S Gaither, 5 Archibald Arlington, 10 AT Davidson. SOUTH CAROLINA. 1 W W Boyce,- 4 John McQueen, 2 W Porcher Miles, 5 James Farrar, 3 W D Simpson 6 L M Ager. TENNESSEE. - ' 7 G W Jones. Fare, six cents per mile.' " Soldiers going lo and re turning from the army, half fare. Passengers are re quired to make the proper change, as the Ticket Agent cannot furnish change for every one. A Freight Train leaves Cherryville for Charlotte at 7 o'clock, A M, on Mondays, and returns same day. For Passenger Trains transporting Freights, 50 per cent to the tariff rates of freight will be added. V. A. McBEE, Master of Transportation." Lincolnton, May 25, 18G3. . 1VOTICK TO DEBTORS. All persons indebted to the Estate of Patrick J. Lowrie, deceased, are requested to call and make im mediate payment to SAML. P. SMITH, Dec 30, 1862 . Attorney for Executrix. Prospectus of the DAILY STATE JOURNAL. On and after the 1st day of November, the State Journal will be published Daily, Tri-weekly and Weekly. The Daily State Journal will contain all the news received tip to the latestjiour before mailing, and will consist of two editions daily. The Morning Edi tion will contain the news by the evening, mails, and all telegraphic news np to 10 o'clock the previous night, and will be supplied to city subscribers and sent by the morning mails orth and East; the Evening Edition will be printed at 3 o'clock p. m., and will contain the additional news by, telegraph up to 2 o'clock p. m., and will be sent to subscribers by the trains west and by the Fayetteville mail. Th gcribers, no matter in, what direct! hey may live, will have the news up to the depar' . o ihe mails. Arrangements have been made to tirocui-e telegraphic news from all parts of the Confederacy, expressly far the State Journal. General news by mail will be promptly published-. The Markets will be fully re ported. Reliable Correspondents will be secured in the Army and elsewhere. The Legislative Proceed ings will be reported daily by competent Reporters The State Journal will be essentially a newspaper. Tekms: For the Daily 6 months, $10; 3 months $6; 1 month, $2. For the Tri-Weeky 6 months, $5; 3 months, $3. For the weekly, 6 months $3. Advertisements for the Daily will be inserted in the Tri-Week'y free of . charge. This is an . inducement which cannot fail to attract the attention of advertisers. The above rates apply only to the daily paper. Ad vertisements will be inserted in the Weekly paper at the usual regular rates, viz: One dollar per square for the first insertion, and twenty-five cents for each sub sequent insertion. Address, JOHN SPELMAN, Editor and Proprietor, Oct. 21, 18G2 . Raleigh, N. C JANUARY FEBRUARY - MARCH APRIL - . MAY JUNE - JULY - AUGUST 4 11 18 25 . 1 8 15 - 1 8 15 .? mil 29 5 12 19 2C 3 4 10 Vl7 24 irv31 7 14 21 28 5 12 19 20 2 9 10 23 30 SE PTE 31 RE II - OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER - ..it 6 13 20 27 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 29 0 13 20 27 5 12 19 2G 2 9 10 23 0 9 10 23 30 .0 13 20 27 4 li 18 25 L 8 15 mm 29 C 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 5 12 19 2G mi 9 1G 23 30 7 14 21 ax G 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 5 12 10; s 1 8 15 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 o. 29 0 13 20 2G: 27 29 5 IS 111 20 5 12 Vj 2G o 9 10 23 SO 7 14 21 28 V 9 hi 2;i 0 IH 20 0" -1 6 13 20 o- 3 10 17 24 1 8 15 2' 20 3 1') 17 21 Si 7 11 21 2$ 7 11 21 21 4 11 U 25 2 0 16 23 SO 2 3 4 5n 9 10 11 12 n 10 17 18 111 ;i 23 24 25 20 "7 30 I234 7 8 9 10 11 14 15 10 IT Is 21 22 23 24 "5 28 29' 30 111 4 5 G 7 I 11 12 13 iri5 18 19 20 L'l 2 25 2G 27 23 :! 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 15 1G 17 18 H 22 23 21 25 29 30 J n n G 7 s 5 i'd 13 14 15 If, 17 20. 21 22 23 21 27 28 29 30 31 3 4 5 0 7 10 11 12 13 14 17 IS 19 'JO .I 21 25 20 'li I'M 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 15 1G 17 18 lit 22 23 24 25 2U 29 30 31 WHEAT ! The subscriber is prepared to puitlinM- tin tuw crop of Wheat at the highest market pro c. Furiurrf will find it toUluir advantage to tall ul tin- t il AII LUTTE STEAM .MILLS before filing. Jan'y 1, 18C3 tf JNO. WILKKS. 1 J T Heiskell, 2 W G Swann, 3 W H Tebbs,. 4 E L Gardenshire 5 H S Foote, G M P Gentry. 1 John A Wilcox, 2 Peter W Gray, 3 Claiborne C Herbert, 8 Thomas Lnees, 9 J D C Adkins, 10 Bullock, 11 David M Currin. TEXAS. 4 Win B Wright, 5 Malcolm Graham. 6 B F Sexton. VIRGINIA. 9 William Smith, 10 Alex R Boteler, 11 John B Baldwin, .12 Walter R Staples, 13 Walter Preston, 14 Albert G Jenkins, 15 Robert Johnson, 16 Charles W Russell. 1 M R H Garnett, 2 John R Chambliss, 3 James Lyons, 4 Roger A Prj'or, 5 Thomas S Bocock, 6 John Goode, Jr, 7 James P Holcombe, 8 Dan'l C Dejarnette, Total number 107. Tho term of the present Congress expires the the 22d of February, 1864. Elections for new mem bers will be held in this State on 4th Nov., 18G3. WATCH AA'D CLOCK SIKES & GRAY having commenced the Watch and Clock Making business in Charlotte, in the Parks Building, nearly opposite Kerr's Hotel, will be found ready to repair Watches. Clocks and Jewelry at short oats, hay. rice, salt, iron or the manufactures; of 1 notice a"d on reasonable terms. Also, Engraving NKW. GOODS. Just received, and will be MADE TO ORDER or SOLD BY THE YARD. Super. West of Buglarul Black Cloths: " Sntin Finished Black Doeskin CasSinieres; English -Grey Cloths, a fine article tor Confederate Uniforms; Also, Confederate Staff Buttons. , . . J- S. PHILLIPS. March 3, 18f3 tf iron, sugar, molasses made of cane, butter, woolen i cloths, shoes, boots, blankets and cotton cloths. ' 1 his it not to apply to regular retail business. Each farmer after reserving for his own use fifty bushels sweet and fifty bushels Irish potatoes, one hundred bushels corn, or fifty bushels wheaf, pro duced this year, shall pay and deliver to the Con federate Government one-tenth of the grain, pota toes, forage, sugar, molasses, cotton, wool and tobaeeo produced. After reserving twenty bushels peas or beans he shall deliver one-tenth thereof. Every farmer, planter, or grazier, one-tenth of the hogs slaughtered by him, in cured bacon, at the rate of b() pound of bacon to 100 pounds of pork; one per cent upon the value of ull neat cattle horses, mules not u.ed in cultivation. nnH nuCa , , . , ' 'O. UU j be paid by the owners of the same, beeves sold to I be taxed as income. j Trustees, guardians, Ac" are responsible for ; taxes, due from estates, Arc, under their control. All hospitals, insane, deaf, and charitable asy lu ins, churches, schools and colleges are exempt from taxation. neatlv and handsomely executed. for twelve months. Feb 17, 18G3 yr All work warranted SIKES & GRAY. WANTED, One hundred ponnds Cantharis Villata tir POTATO FLY. It resembles the Spanish Fly, but is smaller is usually found on sweet potato vines "about the end of July or beginning of August is collected in the morn ing and evening by shaking the insects from the plants into hot water. They are then carefully dried in the sun. A liberal price per pound will be paid for them JAS, T. JOHNSON, Medical Purvevor, May 20, 1863 If Charlotte, N. C. Ii JAS. iff. HENDERSON Offers his Professional Services ro tbe citizens of the surrounding community. He has located at the late residence of his father, D. M. Henderson, dee'd, two miles north of Charlotte. Feb 17, "1363 y-pd COPPERAS T TAYLOR. ,k ASBURY are now prepared to furnish Quinn's Rheumatic Remedy Has effected cures of KIuuuiatiMii that wetrMii!rf l hopeless, certificates tu prove which run l.e olol-iu i The suffering are invited U give the inedii iiu- u tr.l. Orders addressed to the undti tigucd ut t Ion U tir il receive prompt attention. W. W. QI INN. April 10, 18C0. rricc $ 1 50 per hurtle. pjvt -jIKAL -; We keep at our Steam Flouring Mill In thi. j jaff Pea Meal for feeding cow andstotk. Al.-o, w e hm on hand at all times, Family, Extra, Supriiu. m.i coarse Flour. We warrant our family Iur. Corn Meal and Grits can ahrnys be had at the mill. J. WILKLS Jt CO. Jan'y I, 18G2 P.-iyiiicfif "of .State lFoiiuIy due Dccc.ikciI SoMirr. Executive Department, N irth Carolina, Adjutant Generals Office, Rulcigh, Oct. 17, If ucnerai uruers, iso. u.j The following regulations are published for the in formation of those persons wishing to draw bounty of deceased soldiers, in accordance with an ordinance ef the Conventiou ratified the 22d day of February, IK1!: REGULATIONS. 1. The payment of bounty to the repenenfslivr f deceased soldiers is based upon the certificate -f tie commanding officer of the company, w ho will Mntc O time of the enliMmrnt of the soldier, the dine .f lo j decease in service, the amount of bountv ulreuilv raid by tho State, and the company and regiment fy hi n he belonged. 2. The claimant will make nflidavit before fl mnpi trate that he orhe is the next of kin to the liirvnn, according to the provisions of the forejroinjr ordirmn " of the Conveniiou, nr.d that there i no other pr?en entitled to mnke claim. The affidavit of the r!iiart nvist be sustained by that of one disinterested w itr.s, -At this Moor , is kept the line of Dailv . -j .1 L . 1. , . . n,- , ,. -m ... ...... euire, anu mai ne nag no interest in trie cimm. 1 ' O 4U1I. illVl Oct. 1, 1861. WG0D-1Y0KK and BLACKSMITHING. , The subscriber. i3 prepared to do all kinds of Wood work and Blacksmithing, such as making and repair- IT 1 w II . . - . mg agons ana liuggies, uorsc-snoeing, &c. His Shop is at his" residence, nearly, opposite Mr W F Phifer's dwelling," and he also has a Blacksmith- Shop on the back-street in the rear of the Mecklenburg House. He solicits a share of public patronage, and feels confident he can give satisfaction both in workmanship and charges. Give him a trial. J. II. PROPEST. January 1, 18G3 COTTON SEED WANTED. The undersigned will pay the highest cash price for Cotton Seed, at their Oil Works, five miles' south-east of Charlotte, at Isaac N. Alexander's mills. STEPHEN'S & WHISNANT. Dec 3, 1861 . tf EL AN yl' ON DUNCAN, Columbia, . C, (Formerly of Kentucky) is- prepared to fill orders to any extent in Engraving and Printing BANK NOTES, Bills of Exchange, &c. Engravings' upou Steel or Stone. Large supplies of Bank Note and other paper will be kept. August 5, 1862 : BY .J. B.'KEHK, Proprietor. rfgEgL VERY ACCOMMODATION afforded the Hip. Htm patrons of he Charlotte Hotel. J. B. KERR. The Celebrated Female Pills. magistrate administering the oath will certify to tlie credibility of the witness, and Hie cli rk of the County Court will cenify, under seal,- that he is an authcriv J and acting magistrate. 3. If the claimant or claimants be minor, pajmrnt will be made t. the guardian, upon the prodm tion f the tironer rertifirnt tindfr tho (cnt nf 1 lie Court, of These Pills do not cure all diseases, but they are war ranted to cure Lucorcah, or Mliiies that dreadful scourge not -Htented and are no humbug, but are prepared by ! b'S "ppointment and the sufficiency of bis bond-f a North Carolina physician of high standing and ot c,arnlto tbc proved by him as in other ease, long experience in the treatment of female diseases. I . 4' A bon,3,,0, fifty ilollars, deduct. ng tr' n'J vii a 1, inaj- iniTf uri'u umiuupir J'Hi'j, i "'iir n i i fin n k ma.w n a vAiiiniiiaviii 1 i m r rt r m- n r 111 per box. For sale at the DRUG STORES. Jan. 15, 18GI MERCHANT TAILORING This act to he in force for two vonro fmm f un piration of the nresent vear. nnlpnnnnr ronnin. i hv th inn or otherwise, a fine nniclo nf funiro! but the tax on naval stores, flour, wool, cotton, ' superior to any English offered in market. Druggists - r vtivi "niri a. 1 ii Ml uuirll prQQUCTff of tho ; putii rt 1 o cu-iuu m i . uciu ivjiii j p uic growth of any year preceding 1863. imoosed in tUa ! article. Address . TAYLOR & ASBURY, C , is prenared to fill :1ti nr hi st section, shall be levied and eollpet.l f., ! Ma.v 5, 18U3 Charlotte, -N. C. ; i;m e 1 : . . ; tu a. "V , - 11 ui - i uusiness, such as Military 1 l"r p---m venr. and Citizens' Cloihing, Caps, L-.ice, But- : ' The undersigned having located two ' uoors ?omti ot the Mansion House. Char- ioMe, iv tons. fec , itc A liUeral share of ltt' patmn,T nf i the public is respectfully .oiicitod. as sill j order entrusted to mv t-nre will h ' promptly and faithfully filled. I have competent workmen, and can compete with- any other establish- ' rnent in giving a "good 64," and I warrant my work to ! give entire satisfaction. j Mr. R. M. ROBINSON, an experienced cutfVr, is en- ! gaged in this establishment, and he will be pleased to ! r . , - " 1 ! wan upon jiis irieuos. - ' ' J. A. CALDWELL. June 16, 1863 J-pd BLANK DEEDS, Warrants, Ejectments, dec, for sals af this Office. if 111 re ii. iron District.) Charlotte, July 6, 1803. 1 I "GARRETT DAVIS." This celebrated thorough-bred Horse, can still be found nt my stable in Charlotte. For particulars ap- SPR AP mnv wiVTPn t s.u . . piy 10 ine unaersigueu. k. KAlilJ. Sr.n ftn r; ih" :n 7" lo P"fnf wfl, June 30, 1863 3m-pd flCrnn iron Iir thic tpn.irtmanl TAvnA 1 ; .1 - 1 or small qtotiMes on-hand will nlease annlv f- ! IU I II 15 UUIl t. on -' JOHN VOGEL, Practical Tai lor, respectfully informs the citi zens of Charlotte and surroutfd ing country, that be is prepared to manufacture gentlemen's clo thing in the latest stye and at short notice. His best exertions will be given to render satisfac tion to those who patronize him. Shop opposite Kerr's Hofel, next door to Brown & Stitt'i store. Jan. 1, 1&63. m tf r . sons who mar have volunteered for three vm ! fraP d nrl t rk all nartAn tnn Lf itA1 UIa ti f l H 11 1 f' U H 1 service under the nrorisions of the Cohm ii.tieti Att. By order of Governor Vance, n&t pITr! or e ivi a- s i I-it . Tbe subscriber his jnt received an invoice of the veiy best ITALIAN SEWING SILK, whuh Lti.uri to the public at 12J centi per iein. March 3, 18C3 tr this office.- The Iren to be' delivered at some point i the Rulroads. WM. COOK, - Jul-v6- tf -Gcnl. Agt. X. C. Iron Dist. All NOTICE.. All persons indebted to FULL1NGS 4 SPRINGS by- note or account are hereby notified to call poj Wm. W. Grier, ex-'sheritT, and make immediate settle Tebruary 3, 1863 tf J- M, SPRINGS. -USTew Shoe Sh.op. . W. W. QtJIAT & CO, Respectfully-inform the public that they arc manufac turing BOOTS and SHOES of all kinds, in the build- j Genius, which it is a pleasore to foster. Original THE SOUTn CAROLINIAN, Published Daily and Tri-weekly. COLUMBIA BANNER, A Weekly Family Paper. COLUMBIA S. C. This is the Largest Family Paper in the South, and is offered to tbe domestic circle for News and Political Intelligence. The Tales and Stories which are offered to the readers of the Banner are the efforts of Southern ing under the Western Democrat Printing office. Their work is put up in the best style by experienced work men, and will be sold at less than 75 per cent prcSt. Orders will receive prompt attention.. Terms, cash. Also, Shoe Pegs and Lasts for sale. . W. W. QUINN k CO. t3Tlof te, Dec 2, 1862. . Sketches. Literary and Scientific Essays, and MWel la neons Selections, regularly make their appearance in its columns. For 6 months: Daily, $ 10; Tri-Weekly, $8; Weekly, $6 per annum, in advance. Papers stopped when sub scription expires. .' Feb. 1, 1862 R. W. GIBBES, Proprietor. J. S. PHILLIP. C. R. Tnylorr . VIRGINIA PRINTING INK ESTABLISHMENT. Corner of Adams and Leigh streets, UlCHMoM', v- C. R. TAYLOR, Printing TiA VaTuf.r'u rer, takes phrnsure in announcing to tliSeuiL" Prrs that hin Ink Factory is now in urcfff'd Hf ration fn the manufacture or every deccripf' n f rrh ing Ink, which he Is prepared to furnish en w'fi' able terms. Kws, Book and Job Inks or every docnf tion always on hand. Orders promptly attended to'. Address C. R. TAYIf l;. f thlt CantwclPs Pracllcc. rv . C f . 1 ititi. ...itrf C' State, in Virginia, subscribers and others qx. ies of the above work, can obtain them of'' well, Raleigh. . e x All persons indebted to me, by note or,. , ' (,a requested to pay her. I will hold her re'i' ' Lt. Price of single copies of the above f5.0 tion will be made to those who bny to sell rj L EDWARD CATr'" Camp near Norfolk, July 30, 186J.