t- srn .t1 " : 1 r . r Our terms are ten. gjrtlln9 Ti i i vaiii in 1 ? V M ri ( - &3h ThtDtmoerat will be diicvntinvfdto all ul - - .- . . - ' . ber at ' the expiration oJthetime fttr which tttfipafd. Thot who want to continue mvufrentw lifortti fez" piralioH of fheir ft fee.' r . - . ' -' Notice to the Conscripts and JSili-etf- Ha OlHeers of the 8tli Con '.., gressional District, In .obedience -to General Orders No 3, Bureau of Conscription, and General Orders No. 1, from Col. P.jt JJallett, Commandant of Conscripts for North Carolina, 'j n . i i : t' . mi . i , v. t. i.-vl ....... d i KjOioueis vi' annua win, on tue join ituruai.T, -v enroll all persons liable to consciiptiou under tLe-rc--cent act of Congress of the Confcuerate Slates. -The Medical Examining Board and District Enrolling Officer wilfalWw four days for the examination of each Militia I&giment, and bnt one-fourth of the companies in each regiment .will be ordered on tbe first -day of .enrollment for said regiment, and one-fourth for each sac-ceeding day, so that invalids and laborers may not be unnecessarily detained, an-,1 the Enrolling Officer r.nd Medical Board have due time to do their duty de librratelr and thoronsrhly. All persons so enrolled will report themselves to the Enrolling Officer and) Medical Board, at the following time and places, o wir . NtwTO-s, CatawbA county 89th Regiment, Col. For nev, 20th, 22d, 23d and 24th days of February. SitHBUBT, Rowan connty Y6th Iiogl., Coh Brad Fhnw, 26th, 27th, 20th days of Ftbruaryj and 1st dav' of March. 120th Regt., Col Locke, 2d, 3d, -fth and 5th of March. : . Concord, Cabrras connty -84th Regt., Col Barn- hafj, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th days ofMarch. . .JIonros, Union connty 82d Regt., Col McCain; 14th, 15tu, 16ihnu 17th days; and 1 19th Regiment, 18th, 19th, 21st and 2d days oY March. Dallas, Gaston county 87th Regt, Col Eland, 23d, 24th, 23th and 2Gth days of March. LijiColstos, Lincoln county 88th Regt, Col Ram senr, 28th, 29th. 30th and 31st days of Mrch. Shelby, Cleaveland county 91st Regt. Col McBray er, 1st, 2d, 4th and 5th days; 90th Regt. '6th., 7th, 8th .and Sth days of Ajril. , CttABLOTTB, Mecklenburg county 85th R:gt., Col Maxwell, 11th," 1 2th. 13th and 14th; 8tt!i Regt , Col Brown, . 15th, 16th, 18th, and-iflth days of April. , - This .call includes all Who shall have become 18 on or before the 20th February, 1864. AH who are under .45 on that day, whether residents of any other portion of the State, or.of any State, or claiming to be a citi zen of any foieigu State or Power. All persons dis , charged from the Army from any cause, or by any au thority, since the last enrollment. All persons to whom temporary exemptions were granted by.the Examining Board.. All persons permitted by the Enrolling Officer - to remain at home till furtner notice; and all who tbave furnished substitutes. - All nieu having detail japer8.to do Government work will how them. Colonels will return the Rolls to the Enrolling Offi cer, made out by Companies, with the. full uame plain -'ly written, without erasnre or alteration, on large size paper, only written ou one -side, with one column of names near .the left margin, the balance of the page blank for remarks. If the Colonels have any reason to suspect that there are persons holding exemptions from , the hurolling Officer or Examining Board, not entitled to them, obtained b.y or through fraud, or mistake, or that there are persons properly exempted whose disa bility h-as ceased to exist, or who have violated the conditions of their exemption by. charging more than 75 per cent., by quitting or neglecting the business or profession for which they were exempted, lor by engag ing in any other pursuit, especially speculation and extortion, they will make special separate Rolls of them; and have tbem, together -with sworn evidence, before the Enrolling. Officer. .Reasoriable notice must be given to all sucl suspected persons, so they may produce rtbuttiDg evidence, to the end that justice may be done. . " All persons having business of any kind, with the Enrolling OfhVer, together with all papers and evidence necessary for investigation and decision, will attend to it While the Officer is in the County where parties reside All papers and affidavits must bf presented in due form, properly attested, to receive attention, as i the Enrolling Officer will not have time to draw up or -correct instruments of writing. All' applications for exemption, and all enquiries tor information must be addressed to the Enrolling Officer onlv. A. F. M ALLETT, - , Capt. and Enrolling Officer. 8th Dist. R W Scott, Snrg. C S A.,") W H Howertox, M D., v Examining Board. J R Ellis, M I)., J M Salisbury, N C, Feb, 1864 ' . Quartermaster's IparltJieaat, - Haleioii, Feb. G, 1804. This Department has on band a small lot of Cotton Cards for distribution among the families of soldiers. The. Special Courts of each couuty are requested to appoint an Agent in each county to receive and dis tribute them. The price will be five dollars ($5), and nerssitou8 wives and mothers of soldiers will have the preference. More are expected daily-and will be sent but as fast as received. H. -A. DOWD, Fib. 16th. 3t . A. Q. M , N. C. A. Staite of (forth Carolina -Union County. In Equity To .Fall Term, 1864. . Jaclison H Perry and Mary M., his wife, WmJ McBride, John D McBride and David Barringer, against James Collins and his wife Rebecca, Wm MeC'Hllough and wife Susannah, and Wiiiiam Barringer. Petitition for Sale wf Laud for Partition. in this case it appears to the satisfaction of the Court that the defendants in this ease reside beyoud-lhe lim its f this State, so that process cannot be per -orally served ipon them: it is therefore ordered by the Court ' that. publication "be made for six weeks, successively, in the Western Democrat, commanding, them and each of them to be and appear at the uuxl term ot'this Cott, to be huld for the county of Union, at the Court House in Monroe, on -the 8th Monday after the 4th Mon Jay in August next, then and there to answer, plead or demur, or judgmeut pro confesso will be en tered against, them. " Witness, Thomas D. Winchester, Clerk .and Master of said Court M office in Monroe, this the 6th day of November, 1863. (adv. $9) ' T. D. WINCHESTER, C. M. S. ' BRITTON'S . ' BLUE-BLACK 11 I T I K G F t U I D, . Maaafactured by J. E. BRITTON, Charlotte, N. C. The subscriber is mauutacturing at Charlotte. N. C. 'an article of WRITING. INK superior to any that has yet been ottered to the Southern public. This INK Uof a Blue-black color, and will not mould ltliicken, nor will it corrode a steel pen. Tests haying been made with this luk, both in the suu'aud id water, and they have p oven snch. that the subscriber feels confident in ollViiiig it to dealers as' a superior article. The suu will uot deface its color, but gives to it a brighter one, and by pu.ting the m inn script Written with it in water, it will give it a deeper blue-black color. It will be found that it will not ruff, and jart- writ ten with it becoming wt will not be injured ur defac: sed in the least. It is purely a chemical article, and those pr-?nring-this Ink will get an article that time will noi -.eface. but which will give it, instead, a more permanent and lasting quality. ... MjUuscripta written thirteen years a-o, (and which have been exposed to the sun and air since that time.) with Ink manufactured from this receipt, are as brl"Jit una as. gooa to-aay as wncn tirst written. Dealers will be supplied on as liheral terms as possible.- f: . . - This k'ao be foucd'for retail at the Daily Bulle tin office, where th subscriber will be pleased to wait upon patro.ua. Enquire for Britton's Blue-Black Writ Ing Flnid. Wholesale oiders are solicited, and all of them will be promptly filled. Address J. E." BRITTON, ; Ang.2r 18GS. Charlotte, Mecklenburg Co ,N: C. Vo.iv in the Press, Sketches from Hampton's Cavalry,- embracing the Prin cipal Events 6f the Cavalry Exploits in the campaigns of 186 and i63, by D. B. Rea. . . Januery 1864 it-' v. THRSOUTflE)UN f IIEPATIC i or--1 PILLS TTivabeen ordered in biie lay. Wherever known their use continues. ..vvunoui peeing, mt?y ;.a sgHiuea I r. I lv 1 llir TRil v uue ore-luan hre iiuu- . nopiiuia urA Inn'wn. in iiave been cured bv these ' pjjpg ,':'.';. -.'. , , v h';. tlvneiit.nt family medicine i'recomeaded - bV. 1 the proprietors as good for, Diseases. of the Liver - !i - . .v . . con that. -lh (itisn ar RiHirina I ti,e Dr;nrietors as stood for, Diseases, of the Liver. His correspondents eay tbat they also care Billious Rhen ".. i. . :,. pi,;m3 iH,..i-u.o i;n;,..,J. rmui rtttism, Pneumonia, Chilli audevers, Billious Fevers, ilea 'and Worms. They are a perfectly safe raediciae.'l Peter Vaden, 'Esq., of Dinwiddie countj', Va, after t Tiles describing remarKanie cures ih his ramuy oi tiiNHrU8 'Rheuatism'and Plearisy, says: "My Doctor's bill has ... i-Lr r i a- -i r been heretofore from Si 75 to $200 per year. I have used therj (these pills) for iuj family, which consists of eighteen white arid colored, and . have not called in a Doctor, This is a great saving. " They certainly 'are the best family medicine ever discovered. - Rev. "John W. Potter, of Greene county, North Caro lina, had suffered twelve years from a diseased, liver, which the physicians had not been able. to cure. He says: "I commenced taking the .Hepatic Pills with no confidence in them. They acted .like a charm on me. From that hour I have improved. I have persevered in their use, .until 1 now,., sy God's blessing, I am well and hearty. I had a negro'man who, as I believe, was saved from deatli by a dose of these Pills. My Doctors bill was.aLhuallyrora $100 to 200, but I havebad no use for a physician since." . ' . Col. Jehu Wright, of Goldsboro, N. C, (Aiig. 14, 1862,) safs: ."I have used the Southern Hepatic PiUs in my family here, and also on my plantation in Ala bama, apd always with success. , I have a valuable servant girl who had been a longtime under treatment for consumption, without receiving any benefit. Al most in her extremity I was induced to try the Hepatic Pills.- Tl.ey were given accordii'g to directions, and she is nov well, entirely restored by tliem. A similar case occurred among my servants in'Alabama. For liver and lung diseases I have perfect confidence in Ihera."-: - . " Full directions and other certificates will be found on the wrapper of each box. Price, $2 00 a . box. For $20 a dozen boxes will be sent by mail, free to any part of. the Confederacy. Still gteater disconut to Druggists, or others buying by the gross. Not les3 than a dozen need be ordered. Retailed generally by the Druggists, and in Charlotte N. C.. by F. SCARIl. The a-i.Iress of the Proprietor is GEORGE V. DEEMS, Wilson, N. C. Aug 10, t863 - CARPtlAUE and 'WAGOiV. WOKE, And Blacksmithing. The subscriber informs the public that he will con tinue to carry on the business of llepairing Carriages. B'Vgies, Wagons, &c, at the shop formerly occupied by John Ilarty, ou College street, in the rear of the TIusion House. He isal-j prepared to do .my Blacksmith work that may be required, such as Shoeing Horses, repairing, &c. . - " CHARLES. WILSON. January 12, 1864 ' - tf A l.rge and excellent lot of. WEAVER'S SL.KYS, comprising all necessary numbers, for burter or sale. MOODY & PRITCilARD. Jan 19,.1864 3t WAATiJ), 20,000 staves, At the C. S. Distillery (formerly owned by M. k E. My ers) at Salisbury, N. C. as follows : To be of White Oak timber, .clear of sap; Staves. 34 inches loug, from 4 to 6 inches wide, and 1 inch ihii-k; Heading 24inches long, trom 8 to 10 inches wideband U inohes thick. 700 Staves and 300 Heading to a thousand. Highest market pric e will be paid. Address, JAS. T. JOHNSON, " Med. Purveyor, C. S. A., July 6, 1863 Charlotte, N. C. SALTFOR 8r1 1a We have on consignment 2,000 bushels SALT in store and to arrive, from'the celebrated "Claus.eyi .Work?," Charleston. Equal in quality to'anv import ed. Parties -wishing a supply 'will do well to call on the undersigned before purchasing elsewhere. ' STENUOUSE & MACAULAY. July 61 h, 1863 . " Book of Isistraction for the Piano Forte. On Friday the 4th instant, will be published . Part 1 Of the C. S. A. improved '-Hunten's Book of Instruction for the Piano Forte. Price $3. .' This pai, elegantly printed in Lithography, on good paper, contains the usual instructions to learners, to gether with eig-ht pages of scales and exercises, marked for fingering. Part 2d, completing the .work, will follow ih about three weeks, and comprise lessons. and studies for ad vanced pnpils., ' Terms: One-third off to the trade, and half this al lowance to schools, and. teachers, ordering ten parts. Gash or check to acco.npanv all orders. GEORGE DUNN k CO., ' Nov 24, 1863 Richmond, Va.. rOTfiCE. . I am prepared to cast machine irons of ill kinds, hollow-ware, salt pans, &c. Ore solicited Terms Cash. . I will exchange Iron for Bacon, corn, cloth, or provision.-, ot any kind. J. W. DERR,- . July 1st, 1863. y-pd. Spring Hill Forge. Executive Department nf North C-uroh'iti Adjutant General's Office (Militia,)' . ; . IIaloh, Oct. 17-, 1803. General Orders No. 191 The Militia Officers in each county. where the Guard for Home, Defence has been or may hereafter be? fully organized, will turn over to the commander of the lat ter all arms, accoutrements and ammunition in their possession belonging to the Suite, taking receipts for the same. By order of Gov. Vance: .. R. 0. G ATLIN - . Oct 27th - ' - ; Adjutant General. NEW GOODS. Just received, and will.be MADE TO ORDER, or SOLI) BY THE YARD, - Super. West of England Black Cloths: . Satin Fini.-hed Black Doeskin Cassimere?; English Grey Olol-hs, a fine article for Confederate Uniforms; ' Uso. Confederate Staff Buttons. . .J. S. PHILLIPS, March 3, 1863 tf . . - ... - ! The unders-igned having located two li. at... : ii,. uoorsso.Muo, ' " lot:e,-N. C , is prepared tct fill all orders in his line of business, such as Military ana citizens cioi u jng, vaps, iace, isui- ll f tons, &c , &c I ( ' ,,,e putlic is s&lifr&SZZ!0 order . entri A2i tODSi &c , &c. snare oi ine patronage or is respectfully solicited. -as all stefiKi3" order . entrusted to my jare will be promptly and faithfully filled. I have competent workmen-, and can compete with any other establish ment in giving a "good St," "and I warrant my work to give entire satisfaction. Mr. R. M. ROBINSONran experienced cutter, is en gaged in this- establishment, and he will be pleased to wait upon ljis friends. J. A. UALUntl-b. June 16. 1863 " y-pd , i JAS. ill. 'HENDERSON' ' - OfTer3 his Professional jrvices to the citizens of the srronrding comrannity. He has located at the late residence, of his father, D. M. Henderson, deo'd, two ; miles north of Charlotte. , . ; Feb 17, 1863 y-pd ' : wbipb was passed by the Confederate Congress on the;2PfcIlof.ApyiU863: .r? wn5vi:a9r i'r!w ibl fltjmposoaa taxof eight per 'ceut; upon the value of all uaval -gtots, ; salt,- wiues fatjd; ept'ritnous liquors, tobnce rtianafacturod or unmanufactured, eottoti, wool, flour, sugar, molasses," syrup;- ticc aird other'agrlcultural products,' held owned on the first aay of July next, and not necessary for family consumption for the unexpired portion, of J8G3, andof Jie growth "or production of nrecediiie: the vear 18G3:'. and a tv of the year any year one ner . . " - ' . cent., upon, ail moneys, bank notes or other cur rency, on , Lirnd or on deposit ontbe 1st of July next; and on thf value of all credit xm which the iuterefct has not been paid and not employed in a business the -income derived from -which is taxed under the provisions of this act: provided, tbatail moneys owned held or deposited-beyond the limits of the Confederate States shall "he valued at the current rate of exchange in Confederate Treasury notes. The tax to be assessed on the 1st day of July, and collected oh tire 1st day of October next, I or as soon thereafter'as may be possible. Section 5th ' imposes the following taxes for the 1 year ending the 31st of Deceuiber, , 18J3,; and for ; each year thereafter : '. - j Bankers shall pay $500. Auctioneers retail ! de alers, tobacconists, pedlar s,cattl brokers, apotbe- ! caries, photographers, and confectioner's; $50, and j 2 per centuin on the gross amount of sales made.-; Wholesale dealers in liquors $1W0, and 5 er ; centum on gross amount of sales;. Retail dealers in ! liquors, $100, and ID per centum on gross amount of sales. Wholesale dealers in groceries, godds, i wars, inerctianuiae, eic. 5-4iU, anu 5 per ceniutn. Pawn brokers, money and exchange brokers $200. . Distillers. $200 and 20 per centuin. "Brewers,. $100, and 2 per centum. " Hotels, inns,- taverns and eating-houses first class, $500; second class, $300; third class, $2Q0; fourth classv $100; fifth class, $30.- Every house where food or refreshments are sold, and every boardiiig-house where there shall be six boarders or more, shall be deemed, to be un eating-house under this act. ; - '. ' . . ' Commercial brokers or commission merchants $200 and 2 per centum. ' Theatres, $500 and 5 per centum on all receipts'. Each circus, $100, and $10 for each exhibition. .Jugglers and other persons exhibiting shows, ,$50". Bowling alleys and billiard rooms, $40 for each alley or table registered, . Eivery stable keepers, lawyers, physicians, -s urgeons and dentists, .50 Butchers and bakers, $50 and one, per centum. All persons engaged, or intending to engage, in any business named in the. 5th section; shallr,withm sixty days after the passage of-the act, or at the time of beginning business, and on the 1st of Janu ary in each year thereafter, register with theidis trict collector a true, account of the name and resi dence of each person, firm, or "corporation engaged interested in the business, with a statement of the time for which, and the place and manner ih which' the same 4s to be conducted. &C At the time of the registry there shall be paid the specific tax fpr.the year ending on the next 31st of Decem ber, and sucli.o.ther tax as may be due upon sales or receipts in such business. Apy person failing to make-such . registry ind pny such tax shall, iu addition to all other, taxes upon his lwisines3 iniposecf by the net, pay double the amount of the specific tax on such business, and a like sunj for every thirty days of such failure. Requires a separate registry and 'tax for eHch business mentioned iu the 5th section, and for each place of conducting the same; but no tax for npre storage of 'goods -at a place other than the registered pl.Tue of business. A new registry required Hpoii every-chaiige in the place of conducting a regis tered business, upon the death ot any person con ducting the same, or upon the transfer of the busi ness to HiiVther, but no additional tax. Every person registered and taxed is required to make returns of the gross amount, of sales from ttie passage of the, act to the 30th of June, and every three months thereafter. A tax upon nj salaries, except of persons in the military or naval service, of 1 per cent Tvhen not exceeding $1.500, "and two per cent upon an excess over that amount. Provided, that no taxes shall be imposed, on the salary of any person receiving.' a sajary not exceeding $1,000 per annum, or at a like rate for another period of time, longer or' shorter. Tne tux on. aniiiuil incomes, betw-een $500 and $1,500, shall be live per cent;' Between $l,500'aud $3,0U0. five, per cent on the. first $1,500 and ten per cent on the excessi between $3,000 and $5,000, ten per cent; between $5,000 and 10.000, 12 per cent; ovei $10,000 fifteen per eent.; subject to the following deductions: on incomes derived -from rents of real estate, manufacturing and mining establishments, ore, a sum sufficient for necessary annual repairs; on incomes from tiny mining or manufacturing business the rent (if rented) cost of labor actually hire d, and raw material; on incomes from uavigt. i'ing enterprises, the hire of the vessels or allowance, for wear and tear of thf same, not ex ceeding ten per cent.; on "income derived from the sale of .merchandize o any other property; the prime cost, cost of transportation, salaries of clerks and rent Of building; on incomes from any other occupation, the salaries of clerks, rent, cost of lator, material, &o.; and in case of niui ual insurance com panies the amount of loss paid by them tiring the. year. Incomes derived from other sources are sub ject to no deduction whatever. " ' '; All joint stock companies and corporations shall pay one-tenth of the dividend and . reserved fund annually.. If the aunual earnings shall give a profit of more than ten and less than twenty per cent on capital stock," one-eighth to be paid; if more than-twenty per cent, one-sixth. The tux to be collected on the 1st of January next and of each year thereafter. A tax of ten per cent, on all profits in 1 802 by Lthe purchase and sale of tlur, corn, bacon, pork, outs,' bay, rice, salt, iron or the manufactures of iron, sugar, molasses made of cane, butter, woolen clths, shoes, boots, .blankets and cotton, cloths. This Is not totipply to regular retail business. Eac'n farmer after reserving for his own use fifty bushels sweet and fifty bushels Irish potatoes, one hundred bdshels corn, or fifty bushels; wheat, pro-d'K-ed this year, shall pay and deliver to the C'u federate Government one-tenth of the grain, pota toes, forage, sugar,, molasses, . cotton, wool and tobacco-produced. After reserving twenty bushels peas or beans he shall deliver one tenth tiiereof. Every-farmer, planter, or grazier, ojie-tenth of the hogs slaughtered by him. in cured bacon, at the rate of 60 pounds of bacon to 10JJ pound of pork; one per cht upon the value of all neat cattle, horses, mules not . sed in cultivation. 'and asses, to be paid by the owners of the same, beeves soldo be taxed jis income: v ' ' Trustees, g'lp.rdiars, &c. are "responsible for ! taxes due front estates, ic; under t'u ir control. j All hospitals, iijsntip,' l lnnis. churches', schol.s' diiif. and cliuritaldc asy-. and. collogos are exc:npt exc:np from ttixation. Tliis n?t to be in force for two years frm the ex pirution cf the pn-ent year, UM!essM,oer repealed; .i - i .... ji . , 1 , ' hut the tax. on navnl stores, llur, wool, cotton. tobacco and other agricultural products: of the I gnnvth of any year preceding J863. irrlposed irihe . firt. jjcction, shall be levied ahd collected only for tire present year.- . Cilice N. C ffron .DiKfrfrt, 7 Chaflo'tte, Jult, 1803. SCRAP IRON" WANTED. I wish, to purchase soft, Scrap Irui) for this DefkiH tment. Persons having large or small quantities on hand, will please apply at once to this idlfte. The Iron to be delivered at some pGint Qn the Railroads. t '.,' WM. COOK, Jnlv. tf ' Genl. Agt. N. C. Iron DisK NOTICE, AH persona indebted to-FULL1NGS & -SPRINGS, by note or account, are hereby notified to call npon' Wm. W. Grier, ex-shcriff, and makeimmediate settle ment.: . , - , J. M. SP'UNGS. ' February 3, 1863 tf , m . . .-r;. 4 5 oncriit Oliice ,i llALEiaH,i G., January 23, 1864. 504. j : - The annexed tfder? 3a pn bliehed for th4nfonnatiOu: ofiail concerned si Its ; requireraenta will-be rigidly en forced ih every"particular. - :- "t $ ' ,v t By prder t, ;.' Cot. MALLETT, . u s , Commanding Conscripts for K.rjQ. i . E. J,.Haudix,, Adjutant. . ? - ; j Adj't and Inspector. Gexerai.3 OFftct, V . v . , . . . ; Richmond, Jan. 9r 18G4. ! General Orders No. 3. ; . - c ' I. The following Acts of Congress and Regulations are published- for the information ot all persona con S cerned therein: - " ACTS. ... . An Act to j.revenl the Enlistment, or Enrollment of i &ub.--titates in t'he'Alilitary.8ervice.-of the Confeder ' ate iSmtc-s. " , : . " The Oongre? of the Confederate State of America. : dp e.nact; That po person liuble t military service !liali hcrtat'ter. be permitted or allowed to furnish a . snbstiiu te for suc h service, nor shall any substitute be received, eulted or enrolled in the.-milUary service of the Confederate States.' Approved Decemher'28th, i8G3 . , ' : - An Act to put an end to the ExemjWion from Military Servi,"6f those who have heretofore furnished Sub stitutes. ' ' ' - . . ' "Whereas, in the pi-esent circumstances of the conn try, it requires the aid.of all who are able fo bear arms: " The ;ougress of the Confederate States of Ameri ca do enact, That no- person Shall be exempted from military 'service, by reason of his having furnished a substitute; but this act shall not be so construed as to alfect persons who, "though not liable to render mili tary service, have, nevertheless, furnished substitutes " Approved January 5th, lbt4.J .. II. 1 Per.-ons rendered liable to "military service by operation of the preceding acts,,are placed on the same footing with all others hitherto liable by Acts of Con gress, ' ' III. .Persons herein rendered liable to military ser vice are reqiiired to report -as volunteers or conscripts, without delay, to the enrolling. officers ; andall who delny beyond the. 1st day of February, 1864,-will be considered as having renounced the privilege of volun teering, and held for assignment according to law." IV. Enrolling officers will "proceed, as rapidly as practicable, in the enrollment of persons herein made liable to military service. Previous to enrollment as conscripts, nil such persons will be allowed to volun teer in Companies in service on the 16th April 1S2; Provided, the company chosen does not at the time of volunteering reach the maximnra number allowed; and upon such company beiug selected, the volunteer will receive from the enrolling officer a certificate to the etfect that he has so volunteered; and no volunteer will be received into a-ny company except on such cer tificate. Persons who fail to make their selection, at 'the time of enrollment, will be asigued according to existing regulations. "" , V. Persona who report to the enrolling-officers will be enrolled and may be allowed a furlough often day before reporting to 'the camo of instruction. VI. All persons whether ' volunteers or conscripts under this order, will pass through the camp of .in struction of the Sttte to which they belong, and be forwarded thence to the companies which are selected, or to which they may be assigned. VII. The Bureau of Conscription is charged'with "adopting proper regulations for the enforcement of this order. VIII. AH exemptions heretofore granted are snbject to a revision, .under instruction from the Bureau of Conscription: and if found to be improper or unauthor ized by law, will be revoked. By order, S. COOPER, Feb 2 3t Adj't and Inspector General. CONSCRIPT .OFFICE, ' IiALEiuu, January 27th, 18GI. j The, following circular from Bureau Of Conscription is published for the information of all .concerned By order .x COL. M ALLETT, ' . Comd't Conscripts for N. C. E. J. Hardin, Adj't. i .- .' 'Bureau. 'ok, -Conscription," ' . - Richmond, -January 2jth: 180'4 Circular No. 4. - To 'Commandants of Conscripts: The attention of Commandants, is especially directed to General Orders Xu. 7, A. & I. G. O. current series, herein tt forth for their information.' ' Adjt. and Ixspectoii Geneual's Office, " - Richmond, Jauua,ry 25L 1S4. j I. Paragraph-IV General prders No. 3 current series is hereby rtvuked. II. Enrolling Officers will proceed as rapidly as practicable in'the enrolment of all persons made liable to military service. Preyiou's to eurofhient as con scripts, all such persons will be allowed to volunteer, provided- . 1st. The Company selected" was in service on the 1G h of April, 1862: 2d. The Company sele-cted is at the time of volun teering, below the minimum prescribed by regulations. 3d. Xo person made liable to service undei this or der ' w i 1 1 be permitted to join, or will be assj-gued to any compai which has more than sixty four privates on the roll, until all "the companies in service from the State of which. the volunteer of conscript is a resident, shall have the minimum number jiescribed by regula tions. 4th Upon the Company being selec ted, the volunteer will receive from the Enrolling Officer a certificate to" the effect that he has -so volniiieeYe'd : and no volun teer will be received in any company except on such certificate. ' , III. Persons who 'fail tar make selection, according to the prov isfons of this order, and at i tie time of en listment, will be assigned according to existing regu lations. IV All officers in command of companies authorized under this order "to . receive conscripts or volunteers will forthwith send to the Commandant of Conscripts of the State, accurate certified roll? of their Companies; and witnout sn.cn ron, snowing that tney do not ex ceed sixty four privates, there will hot be assigned any conscript or volunteer. " By Comrrland of the Secretary of War. (Signed) S. COOPER, . Adj't and Insp General. I. Eavh- and vigorous aeMon will be enjoined on ihe Enrolling Officers, each one of whom should be fur nished with a copy of the order without delay. To in sure the publicijy of the or-der, there should be several insertions in the newspapers of general circulation. II. Persons presenting' ppiicatipn3 for speVial ex emption, with any $how of uttrit, will not be molested until action is taken by this Bureau. These cases will be investigated in accordance wilh Circular No. 3, Current Series, with the least delav practicable. By order of COL. JNO S. PRESTON, Supt. (Signed) ' C. B. DUFFIELD, A. A. G. Feb 2, 18i4 Ira " ' AIRING-. SIKES & GRAY having commenced the Watch aud Clock-. Making business in Charlotte in the Parks j Building, nearly opposite Kerr's Hi;tel, will be found i ready to repair W.aiches. Clocks and Jewelry tf short ! notice and. orf reasonable terms. Also, Engraving neatly and handsomely executed. "All work warrinited I for twelve.. -nouths. . . SIKES .k GliAY. Feb 17, 18t3 ; yr . . '"WiVTSTEl), One hundred pounds - Cantharfs Vittala or POTATO i FLY. Ii leseiiiblc-s the Spanish Fly. but is smaller is j usually found on sweet potato ri.,es about the end of July or beginning of Angus-. is Collected in the morn ing and evening by shaking the insects from the plants into hoi water. They are then carefully dried in the sun. A liberal price per pound will be pnkl for them - " JAS. T. JOHNSON, , ' Medic.;-.! Purveyor. May 26, 186S - tf ; Charlotte", N. C. New Slioe' Strop. - W. W. .QUIA Iff &. CO. Respectfully inform Ihe public that they are manufac turing BOOTS nd SHOES of all kinds, in the.bT.ild ing under the Western Democrat Printing'offic-e. Their work is put np in the best style by experienced work men, and will be gold at less than 75 per cent profit. Orders will receive prompt attention. T,erms, cash. - Also, Shoe Pegs and Lasts for sale. ''.. " W. W. QUINN k CO. Charlotte, Dec 2, 186-2. t : ' v SUBSISTENCE DEPARTMENT, V. - - ' ' Charlotte, N. C. Nov. J8,J53,- ?;' ThreV pbnnda of dry Virginia Salt will be giTen for r r. n ,1 txvn nnnniti Afth Rime aUtlltV Ot one Salt for one of fork, at thu OfBce: OX DACVUi-AifU .r- -" , - - - , . , -. 1 .1. . ikiC -. ... E. M. LOWB, MaL k C. S. Farmers and Planters Almanac, for 1863," are for sale at the Book Stdre amd the Drug Stores. Dec 8, 18C3. ' ' X ilrainston, Charlotte & Knthcrford On and kftcr Monday. lUe 25th of . May, J863, the Pus senger Train will ' run on this Road (Western Divi sion) daily, Sundays excepted, as follows : - . - . ; GOING WEST: ARRIVE:. , . .LEAVE: 7 30 A. II. 8 20 . .. Charlotte, . . Tuckaseece, , 8. 15 8 55 9 .25 10 00 l't 45 A. M, u u - ft l Bitvard, : . . . 9 00 , Sharon, ' 9 30 . Lincolnfon, 10 05 Cherry ville. ii it GOING EAST: Cberryrille, ARRIVE LEAVE: 11 30 A M. 12 12 I 1 2 15 50 20 53 45 P . M. . u ii tl ; Lincolplon, jt 12 Sharon, . . 12 . Brevard, 1 Tuckaseege, 2 Chaflotte. 25 .55 25 00 P. M. it i it F-ure, six cents per mile. Soldiers going lo and re turning ffora the army, "half fare Passengers are re quired to make the. proper change, as. the Ticket Agent eannotfornis.h change br every one. . . A Freight train leaves " Cherry ville for Charlotte at 7 o'clock, A-M, on Monday, and retnrns same day. For Passenger Trains transporting Freights, -50 per cent to the tariff rates of freight will be added. ' V. A. McBEE, " Master of Transportation. Lincolnton, May 25,1863. .IVOTICH TO DEBTOR. All- persons indebted to the Estate of. Patrick J. Lowrie, deceased, are reciuested to call and make im mediate payment to SAML; P. S.MITU, Dec 30, 18'J2. Atternev for Executrix. QuAKTEUMAaTKB GeNEBAL'S OFFICE, Richinoud, Nov: 1, li63i I. In order 'oive more immediate effect and ope ration to the act of February 1 5, I82, intended to pro vide for "disabled soldier" (by conferring ou themap-. pointments which they may be competent to fill), it is hereby announced that any. "disabled soldier' who may desire a position in the Quafiei mastei V depart ment should, in order to obtain the same. ieport to the Chief Quartermaster of the State of which he is a resi dent, or in which. je may be in hospital or on duty at the time of his application, his . " ". . ' Nanle, J Company, Age, "Regiment, " Brigade, and Natnre of diabilitr. Profession,' or trade, Place of abode or station, He will state in his application the nature of the po sition desired, such as cJrrk,."wtgo or forage toaster, &c., &c. -. : JL. Applicants for clerkships will be 'required to possess a fair knowledge of arithmetic, to write good English, and ine. legible hand.. For subordinate posi tions, less will be required. 1 III. All applications .jnu'st be supported by vouchers of unimpeachable character, and the sufficiency of wit nesses thereunto, if in civil life, must be certified by some justice of the peace." or other county or. munici pal officer. Where testim'onialsare frcm the com manding officers of the applicant, no such certificate will be necessary. IV. It shall be the duty of the Chief Quartermaster of each State to keep a roster. of such applicants. aBd to place their papers on file for reference; and he will report at .the . expiration of each quarter the number thereof, and the number of appointments, to the Quar termaster General. V. Local Quartermasters will (in case they have made no authorised arrangement for clerks ur other em ployees) be expected to supply tlx mselves. as far Hi practicable, from the class of "dUabied soldiers'' thus enrolled, who may be found competent lo discharge the duties of the'departnient. . VI. .Applic-jtions should be accompanied in each case by a copy of -the certificate which" shows the sol dier to be disabled, and should be addressed lb tlie Chief Quartermaster of the State in which he may da sire obtain a position, thus: .' t'To the Chief Quartermaster of North Carolina, Raleigh." VII. Posts of Chief Quartermasters are as follows : Virginia, . -North Carolina, -South Carolina, Georgia, - - , 'Alabama, . - -Misb'sippj, - . -Florida, " - - . Louisiana. - Texas, ' - " Arkausas and Missouri, Tennessee and Keutucky, Richmond, Ualeigh, Charleston, Augusta, Montgomery, Enterprise, Lakie City, Alexandria, San Antonio, Little flock, Knoxville. . " VIII. When a place lias been found for any appl'cant tins Chief Quartertrtter in whose district the post may be, will proceed at once to obtain, through the regular channels, the detail and alignment to duty of the "disabled-soldier" thns provided for. IX. The earnest co-operaiion of all otficers of the Quartermaster's Department in carrying into effect this system, when it can be applied without manifest injury to the p-ublic 'service, is confidently expected. A. It. L.UVTOX, Quartermaster (icneral. Jan 12 TAYLOR & ASIil'RY are now prepared to furnish by the ton or Otherwise, a fine article of Copperas, snperior'to any English offered in market.' Druggists and Apothecaries supplied with a chemically pure article. Address TAYLOR & ASIJUUV, May 5, 1G3 Charlotte, N. C. KLAXK DEEDS, Warrants, for sale? at thin Ofiip. Ejectmenta, &c ' BLACK A L PA CCA, BLUE FLANNELS, SPOOL COT TON black and white. - BLEACHED SHIRTING. J. S. PHILLIPS. June 23, 1803 tf . BY J. 15. Proprietor. !K" "5? VEIiY ACCOMMODATION aHWdedthe & Ii a uu, patrjons of 'he Charlotte Hotel. At this ijo" i is kent the Tine of Da it v St.iges from Charlotie u AsheVille. Oct. 1, 1861. J. B. KERR. The History of North Carolina. j Published iu 1831 by Ihe undersigned, in its preface . j conceded that it contained ' omissions unavoidable nnH many imperfections. A second edition ws then prom ised, which would remeiy these defects. This is nW called fur. He wiil be grateful to any one who will point out any errors in the dates, names or facts in the various counties .f the Slate; and any biographical .ketch of those who have done "service in the field or Istat...- Letters may be sent to me, caYe ot Uon-D. L. Swain. -. JOHN II. WHEELER.- 5 JOHN VOGEL, Practical Tai lor respectfully informs he citi zen of Charlotte and surround ing eountryr that he is vrcp'ared to manufactuj-e geutJcmen'a clo thing in the latest styla and at short notice. His best exertions will be gire to render satisfac tion to thoe who patronize him. Shop opposite Kerr's ITotel, next door to Brown & Stitt'a store. V SI Jan. 1, 1863, tf k. V'-vj 1 4; Va Short Almanac for 1864. - . 5 ? ? .3 5" j. ,.- "'.-' "S ' -S j- I- JANUAltY ' . ' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 - 10 11 12 13 14 15 IB - 17 18 10 .20 21 22 23 24 - 25 20 27 28 29 SO 31 FEjmUARy' -. 1 .2 S. 4 5 c 7-8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1G 17 18 10 2o 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 20 MARCH .'- - " . 1 2 3 4 5 C .7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 -1G 17 18 19 . 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27-28 20 '30 31 APRIL 1 2 - . 3 4 6 G7 89 : . ".W 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 20 21 23 23 . 24 25 2G 27 28 .20 20 MAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -8 9 10 11 12 13 H 15 10 17 . 18 10 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 20 ' 30 31 JUNK ----- " 1 2 S 4 5 G 7 & 9 10 11 ' 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 '19 20- 21 22 23 2J 25 ' 26 27 28 . 20 30 JULY - 12 3 4 5 6.7 8 9 10 11 12 13 i4 15 1G . 17 18 10 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 20 3U 31 AUGUST - - - 1 2 3 4 5 C . 7 ' 8 0 10 11 12 13 14 15' 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2C 27 28 20 30' 31 SEPTEMBER 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ' 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 . 21 22 2.1 24 25 2G 27 28 29-80 OCTORER 3 1 2 3 4 5 0 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 .' NOVEMBER . 12-345! 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1G 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 . - 27. 28- 20 -30 DECEMBER - - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 )3 14 15 Ifi 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 WHEAT ! The subscriber is prepared to purchase the new crop of Wheat at the highest market price. Farmers will find it to their adv'at.fage to call at the CHAR LOTTE STEAM MILLS before Jling. Jan'y 1, 18C3 tf JNO. WILKES. " - Quinn's Rheumatic Remedy Has effected cures of Rheumatism that were consldere 1 hopeless, cer'.Micatex to prove which can be exhibited - The suffering are invited to give the medicine a trial. Orders addressed to the undersigned at Charlotte wil receive prompt attention. .' W. W. QUINN. April 10, 18G0. Price $1 60 per boUle. PEA MEAL We keep at oar Steam Flouring Mill in this place Pea Meal for feeding cows and atovk. AUo, we hava on hand at- all times, Family, Extra, Superfine avid coarse Flour. We warrant our family flour. Corn Meal and Grits can alwnr's 1 e had at Ihe mill. , J. WILKES A CO. ' Jah'y 1, 1862 ' Payment of State ndtitify clue Deceased Soldier. , Executive Department, North Carolina, Adjutant Generals Office, Ualeigh, Oct. 17, 1862 General Orders, No. l The following regulations are publuhcd forthe in formation of those persons wbbing to draw bounty of deceased soldiers, in accordance with nn ordinance of the Contention ratified the 22d day of February, 1862: REGULATIONS. . 1. The payment cf bounty to tbe representative tf deceased soldiers is based upon the certificate of the commanding officer of the company, who will r-tte the time of the enlistment of the soldier, the date of liii decease in service, the amount of bounty abandy paid by the State, and the company and regiment to wliich he belonged. . " 2. The claimant will make affidavit before a mr-jrij-trnte that he or she is the next of kin to the drees ted, according to the provisions of the foregoing ordinance of the Convention, atdMhat there ia no other perroa entitled to make claim. Tbe afl davit of the claimant must be sustained by that of one diintere f ted witnrti, that the facts stated are correct within his own knowl-i edge, and that he has no interest in the claim. The magistrate administering tbe oath will, certify to tba credibility of the .witness, and .the rlerk"ot the County Court will certify, under teal, that he ia an autborited and acting magistrate. 3. If tbe claimant or claimants be. minors, payment will "be made to the guardian, upon the production of the pfoper certificate under the sea of the Court, of his appointment and the sufficiency of his bond tbe claim to be proved by him aa in other cases. 4." A bounty of fifty dollars, deducing the bounty that tn have been previously paid, is due to all ftr sons who may have volunteered for three yu rt or the war, and to all persona mustered into or continurnd fn service under the provisions of 'the Coonription Act: By o-dcr of Governor Vance, s ij pi; iti 6 it" s b : v ix a silk."" The subscriber has just received an invoice of tha veiy best ITALIAN SEWING SILK, which he offerl to the public at 12$ cents per skein. . March 3, 18C3 tf . J. S. PJlIM.irS.- C. K. Taylor' VIRGINIA" PRINTING INK ESTABLISHMENT. Corner of Adama and Leigh atrectf, RICHMOND, Va. C. Ii. TAYLOR, Printing Ink Manufactu rer, takes pleasure in annonncine- to the foutLera Press thit bis Ink Factory is now in fncc-Fiful ot ration in the manufacture of every description of Print ing Ink, which be is prepared "to furnish on reafoa able terms. .New s, Book and Job Inks af every descrip tion always on band. Orders promptly attended- to. Addrcsa C. R. TAYLOR, Jnly-2d. . ' Richmond, Va. Cantwcll'g Fraciicr. .During my' absence in the Military service of t'1 State, in Virginia, subscribers and others desiring fop lea of the above work, can obtain tbctn of 3'r- Cant .well, Raleigh. All persons Indebted to me, by note or ofberie- r reqnesred to pay her. I w ill hold ber rec eipt -e-d Price of single ropies of the aboTe $5.00 A deduc tion will bemade to those who bnr to sell ap-"'"- EDWARD CAXTWELL. Campnear Norfolk, Jly 30, 1861. 1

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