O IP 37 I O 33 . on tnE WEST SIDE OF TRADE STREET ' CHARACTER IS AS IMPORTANT . TO STATES AS IT IS TO I $ YAPStilj Editor and Proprietor. CHARLOTTE, N. C, THE (QPablished crery Tucsday,(o) BY WILLIAM J. YATES, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. 0 $10 IN ADVANCE. j2? Transient advertisements must be paid for in advar.ee. Es3? Advertisements not marked on the manuscript fira ecific time, will be inserted until forbid, and charged accordingly. IN AN ACT RELATION TO THE MILITIA AND A GUARD FOR HOME DEFENCE. Sec. 1. Be it eaacted by the General -Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the exemptions from service in the Militia of the State, shall be for the same causes, and to the same extent and no farther, that are prescribed m the acts of Congress of the Con teuerate estates, providing tor ttre enrollment oi men for the public defence and granting exemptions from the same, commonly callea ihe conscription and ex emption acts. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That it shall be ihe duty of the Governor to cause to be enrolled as a guard for home defence all white male persons not already enrbiled in the service cfthe Confederate States, be tween the ages of eighteen and fifty years, resident in this State, including foreigners not naturalized, who have been residents in the State for thirty days before such enrolment, excepting persons filling the offices of Governor, Judges of the Supreme and Superior Courts of Law and Equity, the members of the General Assembly and the officers of the several Departments of the Government of the State, Ministers of the Gospel of the several denominations of the State charged with the duties of churches, and such other persons as the Governor, for special reasons, may deem proper subjects of exemption. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That all persons above the age of fifty, who may volunteer for service in said guard for home defence, and shall be accepted by a Captain of a company for the same, shall be deemed to belong thereto, nwi shall be held to service therein, either generally or for any special duty or expedition as the-commanding. officers of regiments or companies, according to the nature of the particular service in question may determine. Sec. 4- Be it further enacted; That the Governor shall cause all persons Enrolled in pursuance of the two preceding sections of this act to be formed into companies, with liberty to elect the commissioned offi cers of such companies, and thence into battalions or regiments, brigades and divisions according to his dis cretion, an i he shall appoint the field officers of such battalions, regiments, brigades and divisions, and sall issue commissions in due form to all the officers aforesaid. iJi-c. Be it farther enacted, That members of the Society of Friends, commonly called Quakers, may be exempted from the provision of this act by paying the sura of one hundred dollars according to an ordinance of ttie Convention of this State in that behalf, ratified the 12th day of May, 1SSG2. Provided that when a Quaker shall have paid or had levied of Ii is property t tie sum of live hundred dollars under the act of Con gress called the conscription law aforesaid, he shall not be required to pay any sum of money for his ex emption under this act. Sec (i. That the said guards for home defence may he called out for service by the Governor in defence of the State agaiust invasion and to -suppress invasion, either by regiments, battalions, or companies, on manse, or by drafts or volunteers from the same, as he, in his discretion may direct; shall be under his command, through the officers appointed as herein provided: shall serve only within the limits of this State, and in terms of duty to be prescribed by the Governor, not exceeding three months at one term. They, or so many of them as may be at any one time called into service, may be organized into infantry, artillery or cavalry as he may direct, and the infantry and artillery may be mounted if he shall so determine, the men furnishing their own horses and accoutrements and arms, when approved by the Governor, on such terms as he shall prescribe. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That the Governor may furnish to said troops thcr arms, accoutrements and ammunition of the State when called as aforesaid into active service, and shall prescribe rules for their return and to prevent the waste, destruction or loss of the same. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That, all laws and clauses ot laws coming witnin tne meaning and pur view of this act be, and the same are hereby repealed Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That the commissions of officers of the Militia, called into service by this act, are suspended only during the period of such service. Sec. 10. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from the date of its ratification. Ratified the 7th day of July, 1863. Amendments to the above Law. AN ACT TO AMEND AN ACT IN RELATION TO THE MILITIA AND A GUARD FOR HOME DEFENCE. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Asseniblv of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That neither the Govern or of this State, nor the officers acting under an act ratified on the 7th day of July,' 1803, entitled "An act in relation to the Militia and a Guard for Home De fence," shall call out for drill or muster the persons enrolled under said act, oftener than once a month in company drill, or oftener than twice a year in battalion drill, which battalion drills shall take the place of the company drills for the niourb in which they are ap pointed, unless when called into actual service to repel invasion or suppress insurrection, or to execute the laws of the State. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the Governor shall have the power to use the Guards of Home De fence for the purpose of arresting conscripts and de serters; Provided, they shall not be ordered upon this uiuy oeyonu tne limits ot the counties in which reside or the counties adjacent thereto. Sec 3. Be it further enacted, That in addition to the exemptions contained in the act to which this is an amendment, th ere shall be exempt County commission ers appointed under an act entitled "An "act for the re lief of wives and families of soldiers in the army," reg ular millers, blacksmiths who have established 'shops, necessary operatives in factories and foundries the Attorney General, Solicitors of the several circuits and counties, physicians of five years practice, contractors with the State or Confederate government, one editor to each newspaper and the necessary compositors, mail carriers, professors in colleges and touchers in acade mies ; Provided, that this exemption shall only apply to the drills specified in this bill and not to service when the Guard for Home Defence is called into the field. Sec 4. Be it further enacted, That for failure to at tend the battaJion or regimental drill, each field officer shall forfeit and pay oue hundred dollars; each Captain and other officers who shall fail to muster And drilk their companies at the times. appointed, shall forfeit and pay for each failure fifty' dollars, ami if a non-commissioned officer or private shall fail to attend at any drill, he shall forfeit and pay not less than five nor more than twenty-five dollars; Provided, that every absentee shall be allowed until the next muster to make his excuse. The fines shall be adjudged by regimental and compa ny conrts-martial, and judgments are to be entered up and the fines collected in the same mode and in accord- i ince with the provisions of the Militia Law pf North : they Carolina, passed at the second extra session of the General Assembly, 1861. Sec 5. Be it furthernacted, That the Surgeon Gen eral by and with the advice and consent of the Gov ernor, may appoint . surgical boards, not exceeding three, composed of two physicians each, who shall de clare by their certificates those persons who shall be exempt from service under the act to which this i3 an amendment, on account of mental or physical disabili ty, and they shall receive the pay of their rank and traveling expenses, to be determined by the Adjutant General. Sec 6. Be it further enacted,. That the Guard for home defence, should they be galled into -ervie by the. Governor,- shall receive theame- pay, rations and allowances as soldiers- in the Confederate States' ser vice, and shall be subject to the rules and articles of war of the Confederate -States. Sec 7. Be it further enacted, That when the pressure of public 'danger shall not prevent the observance of such a rule, the said Guard for home defence shall not be called into service en masst, but by drafts of a num ber of men from each convenient company, so as . to make up the aggregate force required. Sec 8. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force and take effect from and after its ratification Read three times and ratified in General Assembly, .this the 14th day of December, A. D., 1863. SlOO REWARD. Ranaway about the 1st May last, a negro girl named JANE, belonging ,io the estate of A. A. (Joffev, dee d Said negro is 15 or 16 years old, about 5 feet 6 inches high, very dark. She has very large feet, toes turned out much more than common. It is supposed that she i3 in the neighborhood of Charlotte, N. C, and is pass ing herself as free. I will pay one hundred dollars for the apprehension and delivery of said negro to me, or it lodged in any Jail so that i can get her. R. C. POTTS, Admr. Pleasant Valley, Lancaster Dist., S. C. Feb 2, 1864 3mpd For Sale to close Consignment, 3,000 yards choice patterns Alamance Checks, 13,000 pounds Smoking Tobacco, packages from one to six pounds. Present currency (one hundred dollar bills) preferred in payment. Also, farmers' Iron and Virginia Salt, to be exchanged for Corn. Terms liberal. STEN HOUSE & MACAULAY. March 8, 1864 DR. J. M. MILLER, Charlotte, N. C, Can be found at his Office next door to Hutchison's Drug Store, opposite the Democrat Office. Jan. 12, 1864. IYOTICI3. The, firm of WILLIAMS, OATES & CO., is this day (Jan. 1st, 1864) dissolved by mutual consent. All persons interested will call and close their accounts with either of the undersigned. tnuarv 12, 1864 L. S. WILLIAMS, L. W. SANDERS. We store SALT FOK SALI3. have on consignment 2,000 bushels SALT in and to arrive, from the celebrated "Clansmen Works," Charleston. Equal in quality to any import ed. Parties wishing a supply will do well to call on the undersigned before purchasing elsewhere. STENIIOU?E & MACAULAY. July 6th, 1863 CARRIAGE and WAGON WORK, And Blacksmithing. The subscriber. informs the public that he will con tinue to carry on the business of Repairing Carriages. Buggies, Wagons, &c.( at the shop formerly occupied by John Hariy, on College street, in the rear of the Mansion House; He is also prepared to do any Blacksmith work that may be required, such as Shoeing Horses, repairing, &c. CHARLES WILSON. January 12, 1864 tf CONCORD FEU ALE COLl, This Institution, located at Statesville, N. open.' The Faculty is composed of teachers a living energy ioc their work. They expect because ther intend to merit i. Large addition been recently made to the Apparatus and Libnl The Drice of board is $85 per month. &a lady will furnish her own lights and towels w 5 of sheets and pillow-ca3es. Letters of inquiry will be promptly answereil dressed to J. M. M. CALDWELL I March 21. 1864 3t-pd Presil To the Friends of the Soldiers ihr out the Confederacy. Quartermaster General's Departs Railroad Bureau. Richmond. Feb. 20, 181 The friends and relatives of -seddiers in the Northern Virginia are hereby notified that an a ment has this day been effected with the boutru press Company, to carry all packages of food ani ing apparel to Richmond, Va. To secure the advantages thus obtained throe Express Company; the following instructions nl observed : , Packages must not contain nice than one hi pounds ; be well secured, and plainly marked, ar at the expense of the shipper to either of the Relief Associations, which are located as follows ' In North Carolina, at Raleigh; in South Carol! Columbia; in Georgia, at Augusta ; in Alabad llAUilLlf JLUXZl V J tU CJ Y VHlVi " uivu these Associations have an office. The Acrents of these Associations will then! charge of them, and ship daily, by Southern Ej Company, to the proper Agents of the respective at Richmond, who will see them distributed ti DroDer individual owners. To meet the wishes of the soldiers, and to give n. certain and SDeedv communication with bomei Southern Express Company has agreed to give frefpht preference over everything else : and, in ordel that no obstacle may occur to the success of so laudl ble an enterprise, the several Kailroad Companies ai hereby requested to render the Express Company facilities as will enable it to make this arrangement complete success. As the Southern Express Company assumes all suonsibility of the transportation of these packaj the Relief Associations are requested to withdraw til Asrents who have heretofore acted as travelling nj sengers. If the relief Associations will establish agj cies in the rear of other armies, they may enjoy same privileges hereby secured to the Army of North! Virginia. . w. fcltfia, Approved. Lieut. Col. and Quartermasl A. R. Lawton, Quartermaster General. Office-Socthern Express Company Augusta, Ga., Feb 20, 18G4. The Southern Express Company hereby notify friends'and relatives of Soldiers in the Army of No ern Virginia and elsewhere, that they are prepare' carry out arrangements as annouueed in the ah card, .and that they will do all in their power-to f its requirements. - JAMES SIFUTER, Gen S,')pt .. & Acting-resWo. Kxpi March IP," 1864 5t Statu of iV. Carolina Cabarrus Coun Superior Court of Law, Fall Term,- 8.63. William A. Smith vs. William Furr. Original Attachment Levied on one Horse and oi two-horse Wagon. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that' William Furr, the defendant in thi cae, has abscond ed and so conceals himself that the ordinary process of law cannot be served on him, it is therefore ordered by the court that publication be made for six weeks successively in the estern Democrat, notifying tne said Wm Furr to be and appear at the Court House in Concord, on the 11th Monday after the 4th Monday in February, 1864, when and where he can plead, replevy or demur, or judgment pro confesso will be taken against him Witness, J O Wallace, Clerk of our Superior Court, at office in Concord, the 11th Monday after the 4th Monday in August, 1863. ' pradvglo 10-6t J. O. WALLACE, Glk. COTTON CARDS AI SHOES. Cotton Cards for sale, but an early call will only se cure a pair as we only have ten-pair.' AVe have on hand and can make to order calf-skin Shoes and GaitCrs of very fine English leather. Lots ladies' ctJf-skin Bootees. L'ot of thick Ifogans, large sizes. U J. F. BUTT, Mint Street, June 23; 1863 tf Charlotte, N. C. ARRIVAL and DEPARTURE fit' .lie senders OF THE SOltniEltN EXPRESS COMPANY At Charlotte Office, Daily. ARRIVES. Railroad 1 30 6 20 From Char. & S C. " N. C. Railroad " A., T. & O. Railroad 9 " Wil., C. R. Railroad 3 DEPARTS. N. C. Railroad 6 20 Char. & S C. Railroad 10 00 Wil., C. & R. Railroad 7 30 A., T. & O. Railroad 4 00 M. and 9 P.M and 9 25 " Oft " 15 P. M. For i A.'M. u P. M. and and 00 P.M It is desired that all Parcels, Packages or Freight to be forwarded by either of the above Trains, be sent to this Office One Hour previous to its departure. T. D. GILLESPIE,' Agent. Charlotte, Sept. 7, 1863.- tf . , ' EXPBSESS NOTICE. Office Southern Express Company, Charlotte, Se.pt. 24, 1863. In order to avoid misunderstanding and to make our charges conform to the liability assumed, this Companj' hereby gives notice that from and after Octo State of Carolina Cabarrus County. Superior Court of -Law, Fall Term. 1 863. William R. Corbet vs. William Furr. Original Attachment Levied on one Horse and one two-horse Wagon. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that William Furr, the defendant in this case, has abscond ed and so conceals himself that the ordinary process of law cannot be served on hira, it. is therefore ordered by the court iKat publication be made for six weeks successively irrhe Western Democrat, notifying the said Wm Furr to be and appear at the Court House in Concord, on the 11th Monday after the 4th Monday in February, 1864, when and where he can plead, replevy or demur, or judgment pro confesso will be taken against him. ,? Witness, J O Wallace, Clerk of our Superior Court, at office in Concord, the 11th Monday after the 4th Monday in August, 1863. J. O WALLACE, Clk. pradv$15 10-6t State of IV. Carolina Mecklenburg Co. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Jan Term, 1864. H D Stowe, adm'r of Harbert Stowe, dee'd, vs. 'Wm. H Nicholson and wife M. II., and others. Petition for Settlement of the Estate of Harbert Stowe, deceased. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that W n Nicholson and wife M. H., defendants in thia-c7i rcsiuc ui'jinm tue jimii 01 imsoiaie:. it is oraereu oy the Court that publication be made in the Western Democrat, a newspaper published in the town of Char lotte, notifying said defendant to be and appear at the next term of this Court, to be held lor said county at the Court House in Charlotte, on the 2d Monday in April next, and plead, answer or demur to this peti tion, or judgment pro confesso will be taken and the same heard exparte as to him. Witness, Wm. Maxwell, Clerk of our said Court fit office, in Charlotte, the 2d Monday in January, 1864. Feb 23 WM. MAXWELL, Clerk. State of W. Carolina Catawba County. In Equity to Spring Term, 1864. . Injunction. Electius Connor vs. Wm. Long and Columbus Connor. In this case it appearing from the oath of Electius Connor that Columbus ConYior is not an inhabitant of this State, publication is therefore made (in accordance witn an actor trie Legislature) m the Western Demo- ber 1st, 186J, shippers will be required, to place their f Pblisbefi t Charlotte, for sis weeks, for the said vjuiumuua uuuuui iu no IliU UPXl term OI lllc valuation anon each package before it will be received Such yalua'tion will be inserted in the Company's receipt, and establish the liability of the Company for the amount. The act of God and the public enemy only excepted. T. D. GILLESPIE,. Sept 28, 1863 . Agent. JOHN VUG EL, Practical Tai lar,respectfu!y informs the citi zens cf Charlotte and surround ing country, that he i prepared to manufacture gentlemen's clo thing in the latest t.tyie and at short notice. His best exertions will be given to render satisfac tion to those who patronize him Shop opposite Kerr'sIIotel, next : uoorio Brown s Stitt's store Jan, 1, J863. tf Superior Conrt of Law and Equity to be held at the court house in Newton, on the 4th Monday after the 4th Monday in March uext, then and there to plead, answer or demur, or judgment pro confesso will be taken as to him. Witness, O. Campbell. Clerk and Magler at office, the 4th. Monday after the 4th Monday in October, 1863. pradv$15. O. CAMPBELL, C, M-E. GAKUET DAVIS. C This fine Horse can be found at my stable in -this place, during the present season, on Mondays, Tues days and Wednesdays, aud at, the stables of W. T. Stilt, in Providence, on Thursdays, Fridays and Satur days. Terns, sixty dollars insurance. It. 11ABE. March 1, 1864 pd BLANK DEEDS, Warrants, for sale at this Office Ejectments, &C, lo 4