1 S r "", . . . '...' : -Ljjli! OK TITF, r?rtX" I- S JT..?z!y-.. .V VTrTCJS AR' JnUTAVT TfT STATES AS TT ' TS Tn TVnTVTT;TJAt.S AVtV TTTK mnuv rm tttw n'D tq tut? nnun.. per a in mm , ygL-W Ajw e - ,. . , - - - i - - sv .--- jt v i"i 1 1 - : - r : - , .. J. TATBSlf 'ij&vg&rt OHARLOTTE, N. C., T UE S D A Y, JTJ N E 21, 1864. - ...... : ' -A . -.7 v -. - 1 l- -. ' r.. II E T 7711 T)77 H TV (QPubSishccl every Taesday,Q) WIL LI AM J. YATES, KDITOIl A.VD PIIOPUIETOR. -o- J $ 10 I N ADVANTK. 57" Transient al verMscineiits liiust he paid for in advance. tf Alvertiaem',nt3 n'.t ir,nrkf1 on the noiucript fjr a tpecific lium, will bo ih'sertod until forbid, and charged accordingly. - AN ACT IX RELATION TO THE M ILITTA AND A GUARD VOU HOME DEFENCE. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North Curolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the exemptions from service ia the Militia of the State, slmll be fur the same cau.-cs. and to the same extent and no farther, that are pre-;' ribed in the acts of Conrcs ot the Con federate Sta'cs, providing Iyl 1'1C ciu uili'ient of men for the public defence :ui-.i granting exemptious from the :-:u:a, c-:niJi:;Iy call - ue con?cri;lioj ana ex emption acts. Sec. 2. lie it further enacted, Thr.t it chaH bc-the duty of the Governor to c:.;;sc to be enrolled a.- a g-nard for ho;aa i"iV'uce all .v'ai'e male persons not alrei'.dj enrolled in the service- ri'Jhe Confederate S'iUe?, be tween tlie atres of eighteen and fifty years, resident in t hid State, including foreigners not natuhilizcd, who have been residents in the Side for lliirs y'days before such enrolment, excepting perj'ins filling the ofices of CJovftrnor, Judges of the Supreme, and Superior Courts of Law and E'iu"uy, ;he members of iho General Assembly and the officers 5f the several Departments of the Government of the .State, Ministers of the Gos;el of the several denominations of the State charged with the duties of churches, and such other persons a3 the Governor, for special reasons, may deem proper subjects of exemption. See. 3. lie it I'urther.enacted. That all persons above the age of fifty, who may "volun'ecr for service in said guard for home defence, and .:l:n!i be accepted by a Captain of a company for the same, s h:ll he deemed to. belong thereto, air; shall be held to service therein, either generally or for any special duty or expedition as the commanding o:V:cers of 1 eg":::;i ",is.i.V companies, according, to the. nature of the particular service in question may determine. Sec. 4- Be it further enacted, That llic Governor shall cause all persons' enrolled in pursuance of t he two preceding sections of this act to be formed into companies, with liberty to elect the commissioned offi cers of such companies, and thuice into battalions or regiments, brigades and divisions accordingly his dis cretion, nil A he sh ill appoint the iie'.d ollicers of such battalions, rc-imr-uts, brigades and division1', and snail Hsue commissions in due form to ail the officer aforesaid. Sec. it. lie it further ciku .-ted, That m ibers of the :-rs, raav be Society of I':'iiJ exempted from ie;;-:-'. ':!!. i miy c ill.-d I'-l : ti;is act by UK- provi -1 oil ot paying t he sum of one hundred d.ul.ics acco riling to an on in;:! nee i!f, rati lied of the ("on Vi-n t ion of ;li: State iu that be!: the 12th d ' J of M y, 1 : Provided that when r. Quaker .-hall have i ! the sum of five hundred real levied' of liis property di. liars under the act of Con- gress ciil led tne- conscript ion law .foresaid, he shall money for his c-x- not he rcu:iieii d to pay any sum of emptiou under thi- a -t. Sec. 6. That the saul guards. Jor nonic aetence may be called out for bervii e by the Governor in defence of the State against invasion and 4o suppress invasion, cither by regiments, battalion-, or companies, tn masse, or by -draft s or volunteers from the same, as he, in his discretion may direct; shall be under his command, through the oHiceis i.ppointed as herein provided: shall serve only within the limits of thi; State, and in term? of duty to be prescribed by the Governor, not exceeding three month- at one term. They, or so many of them as may be at any one time called into service, maybe organised into infantry, aiiiikry or cavalry as he may'direct, and the infantry and artillery may be mounted if he shall so d :ierm"ne, the men furnishing theifown horse-s and accoutrements ami arms, when approved by the Governor, on such terms iu he shall prescribe. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted. That the Govcrnorrauy furnih to said troop- the arms accoutrements and Hinmiiniiion of the State when called as nfore-aid into active service, and -lo'.'.l prescribe rules for their return and to prevent the wa Uc, dest met ion or . loss of the same. tsee. 8. Be it further enacted, That, all laws and clauses of laws coming within 'the m view of this act, be. and the -anu- are aniug and pur icreby repealed. Sec. .). Be it further enacted. That the commissions of officers of the Militia, called into sei vice by this act, are suspended only during the period of such service. Sec. 10. Be it further enacted. That this net shall be in force' from the date of its ratification. Ratified the 7lh .lay of July, ibo;. Amendments to the above Law. AN AOT TO AMEND AN ACT IN RELATION TO THE MILITIA AM) A GUARD FOR HOME DEFENCE. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and. it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That neither the Govern or of this State, nor the officers acting under an act ratified on tie 7th day of July. 'l8'J3, entitled "An act in relation to the Militia and a Guard for Home De fence,"' shall call out for drili-or muster the persons enrolled under said act, oft oner than once a month in company drill, or oflener than twice a year in battalion drill, which battalion drill sh.ll take the place of the company drills for the month in w'iicii!hey are ap poiaicd,unless when called into aett1!il service to repel invasion of suppress insurrection, or to execute the laws of the State. Skc 2. Be it further enacted. That tli G u-ernor shall hav the power to use the Guard.-, fence for the. puroe ef arresting con e serters; Vr. they ha!l r-ot be ord' f IB ipts me Ie- and de poti this duty beyond tne r.nuts f t!;0 conn .1... v.. . s in win they reside or uiv vUNimva .eei.t tf.vreto. Sec 3. Be it further enacted, That iu addition to the exemptions contained iu the act to which this is an .amendment, there shall be exempt, rounty commission ers appo'uHd under an act entitled -'An 'act for the re lief of wivw and tsunuies or somiers in ttie army," rpg- ' ular millers, blacksmiths who have established shop?, j necessary ojeratives in factories and foundries, the' ! Attorney General, Solicitors of the several circuits and ' counties, physicians of five years" practice, contractors i with the State or Confederate go enaneut, one editor ! to each newspaper and the necess-.ty compositors, mail , carriers, professors in colleges ..u:.l t teiurs in acade mies; Prov'uh-d, that this exemption .-hall only apply to the drills specified in this bill -- not. to service when the Guard for Home Defence is eailc info the field. Sec 4. Be it further enacted, That for fuhiro to at- j tend the battalion or regimental drill, each field officer ' shall forfeit and pay one hundred dolhir-s; each Captain ; and -other officers who pha'l fail to m;irer and drill ; their companies at the times appointed, shall forfeit and j pay for each failure fifty dollars, and if a uon-commis-sioned olli.er or private shall fail to attend at any drill, . he shall forfeit and pay not less than live nor nune th.ui twenty-five dollars; l'l'nuhd, that every absentee .-hall : be allowed uutil the next muster to make his excuse. .' The fines shall be adjudged by regimental and compa- ! ny courts-martial and judgme nts arc to be entered up i and the fines collected in the same mode and in accord- ! fccce with the provisions the Militia Law of North Car the seconi General Ass Sec 5. IV'it fltberA jiM- the burgeon Gen- rral bv axd with the advice V vvl of the Gov odWrTsw exceeding ernor, ma appoint surgical three, composed of two physicians each, who shall de clare by their certificates those persons who shall be exempt from service under the act to -which this is an amendment, on account 'of mental or physical disabili ty, and they shall icceive the pay of their rank and traveling expenses, to he-determined by the Adjutant General. Sec C. Be it further enacted, That the Guard for home defence, should they be called into service by the Governor, shall receive the same pay, rations and allowances as soldiers In the Confederate States' ser vice, and s'"' ill be subject to the rales and articles of war of the Confederate States. Seg 7. Be it further enacted, That when the pressure, of public danger shall not prevent the observance of such a rule, the said Guard for home defence shall not be called into service en manse, but by drafts of a num ber of men from each convenient company, so as to make up the aggregate force required. Sec 8. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in fo.rcc and take effect from and after its ratification. Read three times and ratified in General Assembly, this the 14th day of December, A. D., 18C3. ARRIVAL, and DEPARTURE Of rI esse supers' OF THE SOUTIIEKN EXPRESS COMPANY At Charlotte Office, Daily, . ARRIVES. From Char. & S C. Railroad- 7 30 " N. G. Railroad . 6 20 A. M. and 9 P.1I " and 9 25 " P. M. . u A., T. & O. Railroad 9 00 'Wil.. C. k R- Railroad 3 15 :. DEPARTS. N C. Railroad 6 20 A.M. Char. & S C. Railroad 10 00 " For and 2 and 4 P.M it " Wil., C. & R. Railroad 7 30 " A., T. & O. Railroad 4 00 P. M. It is desired that all Parcels, Packages or Freight to be forwacded by either of the above Trains, be sent to this Office One Hour previous to its departure. T. D: GILLESPIE, Agent. Charlotte, Sept. 7, I8G3. . tf J3XPRESS -rVOTICE. Office SouTnsnN Expbess Company, Charlotte, Sept. 2-i, 1S03. Iu order to avoid misunderstanding audto make our charges conform to the liability assumed, this .Company hereby gives notice that from and after Octo ber ist, 18G 5, shippers will be required to place their valuation upon each package before it will be received. Such valuation will be . inserted . in the Company's Tcccipt, and establish the liability of the Company for tht amount. ' The act of God and the public enemy only excepted. T. D. GILLESPIE, Sept 28, 18G3 - . Agent. H-$TB m & JQIIN VOGEL, Practical Tai lor, respectfully informs the citi zens of Charlotte and surround ing country, tdi at he is 'jrepnred -to manufacture gentlemen:s clo thing in the latest style and at short notice. II is best exertions will be given to render satisfac tion to those who patronize him. Shop opposite Kerr'sIIotcl, next door to Brown & Stilt's store. 5 Jan. 1, 18G3. tf COPPERAS. TAYLOR & ASBl-RY are now. prepared to furnish by the ton or otherwise, a fine article of Copperas", superior to any English offered in market. Druggists and Apothecaries supplied with a chemically pure articte. .May 5 Address TAYLOR & ASBUUV, . Charlotte, N. C. 18G: YiIiuintQ!i, Charlotte & Rutherford nAILB.OAI3. On and after Monday the 25th of May, I8G3, the Pas senger Train will run on this Road (Western Divi sion) daily, Sundays excepted, as follows : GOING WEST: ARRIVE: LEAVE: 7 39 A. M. 8 20 ' Charlotte, Tuckaseege, Brevard, Sharon, Lineolnt-on, ' Cherry ville. GOING EAST: 8 8 9 10 10 15 r,5 25 00 43 A. M. (i ( k n 9 -9 10 00 30 05 u u ARRIVE: LEAVE: 11 30 A. M. Cherry ville, 12 12 I 1 15 50 20 53 45 P.M. Lincolnton, 12 25 P. M. .i it Sharon, - 12 55 " Brevard, 1 25 Tuckaseege, 2 '00 u n Charlotte, per mile. Soldiers going to and re- Fare, six cent: lurnni" irom the army, nan tare, i'asse tigers are re- quircd to make the proper change, as the Ticket Agent cannot frfftiisb change ("or every one. A Freight Train leaves Cherryville for Charlotte at 7 o'clock, A M, or. Mondaj-s, and returns same day. For Passenger Trains transporting Freight?,-50 per cent to the tariff rates of freight will be added. V. A. McBEE, Master of Transportation. Lincolnton, May 25, 1803. ' -" . llSAlMf fl f I St7 BY ,7. 13. 1I32252, Proprietor. VERY ACCOMMODATION afforded the natrons of fhe Charlotte Hotel. -.SUrn At this rice s is kept the line of Daily Stages from Charlotte u Asheville. Oct. I, 18G1. J. B. KERR. rsoT sc.-:. I am prepared to cast ""machine irons of all kinds, hollow-ware, salt pans, &c. Orders solicited Terms Cash. I will exchange Iron for Bacon, corn, cloth,- or pro visions of anv kind." ' x J. W. DERR, July 1st. 1S63. y-PL " Spring Hill Forge. ARRET SATIS. . This fine Horse can be foui.d at my stable iu this place, during the present season, on Mondays, Tucs- i!.-iv? i"1' W ednr-sdays, and at the stables of W. T. in Providerim Tlinrj,t,irj T"ri.1:ivs ami Kntur- Si-it t da vs sixtj- dollars insurance. - It. RABE. pd March 1, 18i4 rsOTir.f. The firm of V, rSl.lAMS, o.VTES k CO, is this day (Jan. 1st, If 64) dissolved 1V mutual consent. All persons interested will call and close their accounts with either of the undersigned. L- S. WILLIAMS, L. W. SANDERS. " Janaarv 12, 1S64 BLANK DEEDS, Warrants, Ejectments, etc, for sole at thta Orlice. u Announcement. The friends of Col. WILLIAM M GRIEit annowice ?nmtreYen JlLch 28, 1864 te -nd g , For the Legislature. Believing that the county of Mecklenburg has been well represented in the person of JOHN L. BuOWK, who has proven to be-a prompt, active and laitunu public servant, many of his constituents desire his re nld'tlnn O n A riai-AVtfT n at rt n V. t m n rt r. ,1 wl . i i'l V i fl A House of Commons at the election in August next Jlr Brown is a good businessman, and the services of suth men arejieeded now in our lesrislative halls.. iXV ilaixh 15. J864, pd " " VOTERS. For the Legislature. The friends of E. C. GRIER announce him a candi date for re-election to the House of Commons from Mecklenburg county. April 11, 1864 tc-pd Announcement. Monroe, N. C, March 12th, 18C4: We take the liberty of announcing Col. SAMUEL H. WALKUP, of the 4Stli N. C. Regiment, as a candi date for the Senate, to represent the district-composed of the counties of Union and Anson. . , ' SEVERAL CITIZENS March 15 te-pd of Union County. '. . . . Announcement. We, as soldiers, respectfully announce Gapt. J. E. MOORE as a candidate for Sheriff of Union county at our next regular election ic August, and assuchvill be voted for by Many Soldiers. Feb. 16, 18t4 ' tf - ; AllElOIlEBCt-lllCBfit. We, as soldiers, respectfully announce TIIQMAS U. MAGILL as a candidate- for the Hous;e of Commons for Union countj', at our next regular election in Aug. next, and as such will be voted for by - Many Soldiers in tiib Ausiy. December 22, 1803 tepd For the Legislature. The friends of Col JAMES M. STEWART desire him to be a candidate to represent Union county iu the House of Commons of the General Assembly of North Carolina, and therefore announce him a candidate" for that office. MANY CITIZENS. May 30, 18G4 , " te-pd To the Voters of Union County. Fellow Citizens: I am a candidate for 3-our suf frages at the next ensuing election for Sheriff iu the County of Union. My connection with the army, how ever, has for some months, removed me from that fami liar intercourse with you that would generally be de sirable. But, trusting that I may -have a due allow ance for this seeming" inconvenience, with a yicw to repeated expressions of a desire that I should become a candidate, I have consented to do so though under vastly different circumstances, from those which sur rounded us four years ago. Many of you have realized the hardships of war and the dangers of battle; but without recalling the past, let us look hopefully to the future, and permit me, in grateful acknowledgements ofJhe favors I received at your hands then, with many others previous to that time, to ask your cordial sup port now. If elected, I will use what industry and ability I possess to fulfill the obligations of the office in such a manner as, I hope, may ever be, satisfactory to you. On the contrary, if 1 am not elected, I shall consider that you have done me no wrong and that I have no right to Criticise because your suffrages are against me. But I am fully sensible of the distinction conferred, by being elected to the position for which I am a candidate, and shall be a proud to receive your votes as I shall ever be earnest and faithful to prove "myself worthy of the responsible trust imposed by the same. .And, in conclusion, allow me to hope you will remember your friend, and on the day of election a ticket for the same. W. II. COLLINS, Co. A, 4th N. C. Cavalry, March 28, 1S64 pd ". Gordon's Brigade. Announcement. Yadkixville, April 18, 1864. I am authorixed to announce Col. W. II. A. SPEER, of the 28th N. Q. Troops, a candidate at the election in August next, to represent the people of the counties of Yadkin. Surry, Allegfiany, Ashe and Watauga in the Senate of the next Legislature of North Carolina. Respectfully, ' R..F. Aumfield. April 25th. . 5t The Peoples' Ticket. FOB THE SEKATE, - COL. WILLIAM M. GRIER. FOIt THE C05IMOXS, R. D. WHITLEY, J. SOLOMON REID. v May 16, 18G4 tepd For S Sic riff We are authorized to announce R". Iu". WHITE as a candidat-e for re-election to the office of Sheriff of Mecklenburg county. May 0, If 64 pd .rOTIC'5. Office of Western Plank Road Comi-any, ") Lincolnton, N. C, April 11, 1&G4. j To the Stockholders' of the Western Plank Road Company: The Confederate Tax on the individinj shares in this company will be paid by the President. . C. C. HENDERSON, Prcst. April 18, 1864 4t- West. P. R. Company -RES 31 BOTH F5JlTA.i'2 LINCOLN COUNTY, N. C, THREE MILES EAST OF LRON P. O. The proprietors announce to the public that this Furnace is in full blast, and will make castings of all kinds to order. Also, Pig Iron is made and offered for sale. " SIIIPP k RE.'NH ARDT. March 1, 18G4 3m-pd. Surgeon General's f3cc, RALEIGH, X. C, April 27, 1SG4. j I propose to'establish in the citv of Raleigh a manu factory for ARTIFICIAL LIMBS." The object of this enterprise is to supply these use- 5 ful articles to all soldiers from this State, who have been, or may be, so maimed in the service as to require j them. ! Privates and non-commissioned officers will be fur ! nished gratuitously. 'Comniissiuned officers will be charged the actual cost. ( Disabled soldiers are "requested to correspond with i the undersigned, Riving name, regiment, rank, locality ! of amputation, and theprecise measurement of the re- maining member. I wish totmrdoy a number of competent mccnanaa for the abbte named purpose. All such are inviteu to communicate immediately with th!s office. . Surtreon General of North Carolina. May 2, 1SC4 lm ' - - - BOAIIS jH1. ' A few 8 per cent. Con f.mte Roods are evflered for sale. Old -fives or new issue will be received in pay mcnt. - JOHN L. BROWN. Mny 2, 1864. 5tpd f - . THE CAVALBY OPEKATIOITS. j tack him at onq-nj our left resting on tho Cpurt - N. C. Cavalht BRtGADTjj, June 4, 18G4. (House and right beyond the Central Railroad. enemy erdssed Pamunkey our troopers ! "tre W in advance. The 1st, 2df I been constantly jr the saddle, playing well?? ,6tl! werc dwmonnted and dou- ' their part in the stirring scenes of the past ten i .fuicked,.nlth 89 much speed as old veteran -days. This brigade, composed of the 1st, 2d, 3d and 5th North Carolina regiments, after the un timely fall of its brave and noble commander, Gen. j Gordon, was commanded Kv Clonel An- drews, of the 2d North Carolina, till the command j was Jne.d by the od, which subscquentlj reached I us irom iNoitu Carolina. Col. Jjaker, oiJ,hat regl ment, tiemg the ru'iking 1tiftcr, took temporary command until Gen. 1 M 13 Young, of Georgia, was assigned to us. ' The brigade was placed iu Gen: V II F. Lee's division, whose past gallant' conduct has won for him our most implicit confi dence. The Fiyht on the-River Road.' . On Thursday morning, May 26, our brigade oc cupying the right of our moving- lines, near Han over Court House, the enemy was found to be crossing tbe Pamunkey at Hanover Town, on his sidelong, movements toward llichmond. Out. .brigade, under Col. Baker, was moved out down the river road to feel and ascertain the force ad vancing. - The 3d North Carolina was thrown for ward and skirmished hotly with their advance, re tiring" fdowly upon the other part of the comman'd, lying a few miles back, while a portion of the Ma ryland line and 'a squadron of the 5th North Car olina, moved out upon our fight' flank; and it was ascertained that a heavy, body of the enemy's cav alry was moving on our flank. Tbe whole com mand was then slowly retired for some distance, when the advance of the enemy had the audacity mistaking our withdrawal for a rout --to charge. our rear buc were handsomely :net by a detach ment from thelst and 3d regiments, under Major Cowles, killing and capturing a part of tfieir num ber, aud sending the remainder, if! confusion, through the woods and fields. The'commaud was withdrawn beyond the line of the flanking party, when wc were reinfrrced by Wickman's brigade, and returned, awaiting the approach of the enemy on that road; but it was ascertained that he had hastily turned his course, and had retired from our left." The command was then moved around so as to hang in the enemy's front as" tie advanced. Theoffair at Kennon's Wharf. In the meantime, Gen. Fitz Lee, with a detach ment of picked-men from our brigade aud the other brigades of his division, moved upon a body of the enemy strongly posted at Kennon's Wharf, on the James, in Charles City county, and attemp ted, by a coup de maiit, to carry the position; but, finding it too strongly fortified and defended, he retired without accomj.Iit.hing his purpose. - Our brigade lost severely in the daring attempt. The F'ujht at Buckeye. Gen. Hampton came tlown from Gen. Lee's front, aud assumed command of the cavalry corps, which lent our troopers a feeling of renewed confi dence, which had been to some extent, paralyzed by the fall of our gallajjt, lionhearted Stuart, at whose name now every trooper's bosom 'heaves a sigh," but we console ourselves whose "like we ic ill .see" in the person of the brave successor who, we hope, win consent to De our teaaer. ine en tire cavalry has the most unbounded confidence, in bis abilities, and, besides,, esteem for his per sonal qualities. , . ' . On the 28th, Gen. Hampton, with W II F Lee's division of Butler's brigade, made a recon noissance down in the vicinity of Old "Church. Butler's brigade met the enemy's advance a strong body of cavalry on Crump's run, near Old Church, and drove them steadily before him. In the meantiuie, Gen W II F Lee, with our brigade-, swung round by means of by-ways, on the enemy'? right flr.nk, and opened a heavy artillery fire upon them, at the same time, throwing out his dismoun ted skirmishers, who engaged the enemy hotly, driving them back some distance. The fight rag ed for several hours -along the entire line tho enemy's infantry who had come up to tho support of their cavalry, taking part -our men firmly holding their ground vvich their carbines. The incessant cracks ot our tat bines, intermingled with the peals of the enemy's musketry at close range, and the constant heavy booming of artillery, might, well dignify the aifuir with the term ot a battle In one instance, the 0th Georgia LattaliTn, com paratively now troop.-, impetuously charged a hea vy body of infantry strongly posted on a hill. They clambered up the hill in the. face of a most deadly fire, thinning half their' ranks, and dashed almost upon the points of 'the enemy's bayonets, but were compelled, by the force' of sheer numbers, to retire their thinned and bleeding ranks. This darins 11 .1 "11 ri ! act cost them the loss of all their field and many I of the line officers, and many good and gallant I men. The South Carolinians fought with no less ; courage and gallantry, moving Ui;qu;.:li:;g!y 1 through the louden sorm that poured in their face? ' from the heavy lines of the enemy. Tic North Carolinians drove their fl-inK m. and held th.m in 1 cheek, also engaging their infantry supports that moved up to that part ot the line, and retiicd in 1 good order as tlie other rarfs of the fine moved rdT, , the enemy showing no di.- rositir.n to follow." This ' wns accounted for by an expression Gen. Meade ' (whose corps we had engaged) let full, to a lady in the vicinity. On being u.-ked how tiie fight went, he replied: -'Oh, madam these rebels have fought well, and it might be callod a drawn battle." Th? brigades of ickl;am ihhI L max also c'smc up: we arc unable to say to what extent they par- - . ticipateu. Affair at Peak's Station. n,-. fHW!, 1 r.nr n;-' m.ulf; fl tie rn'tlisf rat tbn -nr.nn'lVk7s Station with both cavalry and infan- try, but were promptly met by Gen. Hampton who took a position at that place in their :ront anu awaited their . approach. The enemy not liking the appearance in their front (-ve had thrown up some' hasty fortifications) retired precipitately,, fol lowed by a detachment thrown out-to hurry them, wnicij captured sey-yal jiri?oners. j W1 r n FAnr.t rr Court H.itse ' -pne enemy had moved a strong force of cavalry ' and infantry to make some dernor,str.ition on our fantrv to make some tlernor,str.ition 'left, in the vicinity of Hanover (. ourt Hou'", . .. . j ; MA ,l,nn,--ntlr inrnpil fint tn he the base for . " u 'iy3 ran.l r-iifl around our Kit. uenerai uauiiJiuu, 1 on the evening of the 31st, moved around and ap- i jieareu iu uic wvwj a iVmw v ! , Ai-f scene was grand. 1 he htftrtys of tbe last daV Ot MlV Seemed nrpnnrinft o vitlitnmn for the first summer uibnth, and was faet declinitHT, na nnr f.r-o ,ii)n.l ...1 i;i - r"! I os. our boys, jaded and worn, rushed over a hill and saw the long black lines of tbe enemy sweep ing over a wide plain, rushing to gain the position that lay before them. At ho same time4he white clouds of puioko from our emnon gave assnranc that we had - help from behind, our boys dashed impetuously forward hardly waiting to fire. The key to the position was the railroad station." Ma jor McNeil, of the 6th .regiment, rushed upon it, amid a shower of balls that greeted him and his party from behind the-buildings, and took the place with some prisoners, and held it, using it to the best advantage against the exposed columns of the enemy. ' - While the first and second regiments did gallant service on the left, the third, on the right, kept at bay, under a heavy fire, the enemy in their attempt to carry their front. After contending unsuccess fully for the desired position in front, a large body of his infantry moved around and threatened out riht flank, and, at the same time, another moved agaimst the left. The" centre was then drawn back and held ita position until-dark, when the enemy showed no farther disposition to advance. The whole command was then withdrawn, leaving te 1st N;oUh Carolina in line, mounted, who rcmaiuod in their saddles till night, and was relieved early next morning by tho 2d North Carolina. . The Ashhfiid Fiyht. Th e enemy manifested signs of advancing. His long lines of cavalry could be easily 6ecn moving out. Our pickets slowly fell back upon the Ash land road, alter the command that had moved on the same road and roads parallel with the maiti road. Otir cavalry was all withdrawn to that point where the Ashland road crosses the telegraph road, near. Ashland.' While we halted here, about noon Gen Young with our brigade bringing up the rear the enemy . commenced pressing us. Gen Young dismounted the brigade aud placed it on the right df the Ashland road, and put himself at their head, and was just leading them in the charge, when he fell, scv rely wounded. Capt Gaines, of his staff, dashed at their head, seconded by the gallant' .Major Cowles and-Mujor McNeil of the 1st and 5th, who rushed on through the woods and carrictl the point, driving tho enc Biy, while Major Moore, of the 3d, swept with his right on up the road. Louiax moved on the left. Gen Hot st r in the meantime obliqued" around un observed, got upon the enemy's rear' ting rushed upon hitri, capturing a Iargc-iorse and pack mule traic, driving them heltcr skelter back upon the Court House, and by sundown -the field at all points was cleared, thus crowuing'our efforts with a brilliant cavalry victory, and, as was subsequent ly developed, nipped in the bud another destruc tive raid that was planned upon a grand scale on our, communications. The captured pack mules were laden with "flour doings" for t-he officers, and the men had seven days' rations with them, and were laying in supplies as they came by, levying contribution upon the citizens on their route. An amusing incident in this connection may as well be recorded :' In their rear, amid the stampede caused by llosser's sudden descent upon them, a thick trail of beans Was discovered and tracked for a short distance to wher an old shaggy looking mule was lying on tho roid f-ide,struggling be tween a pair of shafts of an upset cart,'with a profusion of beans scattered 'around from uudcr the cart body. One of our troopers, curious to know what" other contents might be under the body of the upturned cart, looked, when, lei and behold! a blue-clad booby, who ''did be the-driver," like a terrapin under the application of fire coals, unen sconcing hU head, bawled out, "Don't kill me; for God'fi sake, don't kill me." The Captain told me fo take the gintkmarl's cart and peas. "I'm your prisoner, I'm your prisoner." . This, with other unmistakable items, was to constituted part of the suf plies for these doughty rascals ou their proposed raid. "But, fortunately, they found themselves nicely headed by the clot-e watching and hard fighting of our wary and gallant' chieftain. Our loi-s in this engagement was j retty heavy, while the enemy was s&vciely cha.-tiscd, leaving his dead and many wounded in our hands, and one hundred prisoners, besides a fine lot of horses and mules. The Fiyht at Ilauc'g Shop. After this affair, cfbsely watching for any fur ther development tin this part of the line, and finding the enemy not at all disposed to try tho metal again with us, Gen Hampton, moved down on A I' IlilVs left on Frid iy' morning, the 3d inst. He rassed tlirou'rh. the cpcinf'ti abandoned work.?. Ci'emy which were of the most clal crate kind, aud one must say that to iiave displaced the enemy from t,uch woiks, on fi. vol able positions, mn.-t have j called into play the General-hip of a Jackson. j We should, indeed, be prafeful to heaven that hit lable. Otir command moved through the left of j i lit works, crossing over the Totopotamy creek, j bearing around, and tdrutk the enemy's ri-ht flailk ! on tho -Mechanicsville road. Gen W. H. V. Lee l- . l. I I- .1.1 modi- ly dismounted the 2d r.nd .")'" rr-jimeuUi , ; of the North Car.Mna cavalry hrig'sde, and placed ' them under Maj Itoberfs of the 2 J, who h d us in ; , at 0;1C th ?-char?e Jriving-the enemy steadily cud rapidly before us, our artillery .opening furi- - 1 . i. :!.. f.. .1. . ,i: -.J ! : .tii t : i i . . t. . ,t i i , i - ',, ... . f ! M Anthony, baml Mauney. Missing: II 11 All swamp by A P ll.il under the gallant Gen J B. rc(J j p j T j AJ1f j , i Gordon, from which the enemy apprehended no , . ,.' T--,, , Q . , r ! i i i i .i i I i Jitctijnftilaiion. Killed c, wounded to, .um- approach, unlocked -the whole rf..s:t:on and so the , ,flU Ur c ' i 1 i - . i .,, ,- , , , ' i - , .t 4o total 08. W. A. SrmvE, .works were t.tken with t-light Li-s, which otherwise 0 , ,. ..... v . iii ? ' .i i i . i Col. enmd i 10 h-N C licet. would have been attended with fIju"htcr incalcu- b b ou1j upon their lines. On the demounted men J tou,cs ;er, u3ra" - iaJ w,'cn tb Ttiia prised. Though the enemy were constantly re-. , wa9 on Jcck;.J,e w the negro dragging out of the iuA.reed, vet on they were driven before u. into ccjMq a stek man Tbo was struggling violently thcir works. Our bovs quailed not, a lca len storm . lo c-tnc?' himself from the uegro's grp and re in et them in the face, but on they dashed with . junstiatin- very bitterly agninst the cruelty of deafening yells, rushed over and carried the first j bng buried alive. lice. The enemy retreated to the second line. A ' ")- are jo-J going to do wi:b tbat man yon lar e bodv of infantrv was -seen donLh'-nuickii,. b'a,'c raccal?" asked the Capta.o. around on the left flank. Mai Bobert-s quick eve . obscrvccl thi9i an at the name time Gen Lee Pent ' a n,,irs- in rrtiro. irhifh ir5 .lnr-A dnl-, rr,v f : v.- i.e..-. ... i i 7 I -U aj iiooeris reeei e woucj,, a, u was DOrnc Olt in,. (ij w tr.r,v r.rWr. , l.:u enn rtvr. j yarj3 from the works each man to a tree and . bcuina iogf, in a uoay or thick woods, on a hill-1 IN AD VANO TWELFTH VOLUME K UMBER 62C. I "do over-looking swamp about fiftj yard Iq our front, and filently awaited the enemji tramh, which wa, preceded with no occa-iooal rollcy, to ( discover our whereabouts Their tread is heard j sploshing through ' the swamps ; a glittering, tin- , sclletted officer .priPgs from the thicket and turn j i in h mon tr h n rn inrnril mdh l,wk!n1 ml ia j just waving them on. Three carb?n ciacks fVota I T . 1 1 our most advanced skirmishers, tends htm with convulsive leap back;, he falls and groans his last. The column seems, anxious to reach hi bod, but our unerring Carbines eceure all that abow thatu selypfl ?round him. Ty retire about huadrcd yards oo tho opposite side of the Lill, end tho fight rages for an hour, when, they retire to their breast, works.' ; We are then withdrawn, bating roost handsomely accomplished out tnisxioo, which WW to ascertain the location and strength of the enemy, aud which, ia the early days of the cavalry, was usually done-without fighting, but our favorito Gehertl prefers "pitching" into the enemy when ever and wherever a favorable opportunity maj present itself. Our loss in this engagement was remarkably flight, considering -the fierceness ofthe fight. We suffered .most in officers. The enemy's loss,. where our observation extended, wis pretty sevcro. General Ila-npton encountered the enemy near Hawe's Shop, and a part of W U F -Leo's divis ion drove thctn from their entrenchments, which was dono aloha by the two regiments aboyo men tioned. and for their special congratulation Gen W F 11 Lee issued a congratulatory order for their gallant couduct on tho occasion. Tho other par tiou of this gallant command was held in readinefs as supports, but bo well and completely, was tho work done by tho 2d and 5th regiments, that at no time was it necessary to call them .into action. . 1). 1). It. KILLED uAND WOUNDED In K. (7. IicgimenU in the la.'e Dattlct in Virginia. Thirty-second Regiment. -List of casualties in Cos. K and F, from Catawba and Alexander counties,' from tbe 5th of May to tho 3d of June. Co. H Killed: ScrgfH B Styles, privates M M Moscr, Toah Wiucbarger, A W P Lipaid, J 1) Mathewson." Wounded: Lt 1) A Little thigh se-'. vcre and prisoner, John Tinner 'abdomen, sinco died, John Hoover arm severe, Henry Lynn, Al bert Little, J F ItuJUill, D V Jurret, T J While, all flight, J P Hunfruckcr thumb amputated, A Null arm fractured fevtre, II F Cerncfius side -vcrc, Alex Harman leg amputated aud since died, David Barman right leg amputated. It J Wingato h'ind severe, K Bulick arm and sidu severe, (i A Mc'Jiunia, J F Lynn, Sol Whiteucr, Barman, J P Canslcr, all slight. Co. F Killed: Nelson HowardWm Moss, Jag. Stompen Wounded: Capt P F Smith slight and prisoner, Lt J A Smith arm slight,. W- A Long head and since died, J C Sigman arm severe, Jno Deal head & since died, Nelson Alexander slight. SlXTEKNTK ItEOIMENT. Casualties from May 4th to June 1st. Field and Staff Killed : Ensign John A Car penter. Wounded: none. Co. B Killed, none. Missing: Scrgt J II Cal lahan, privates A J Waldropo, Jno Ixmdermilk, J Clontz, II O Stout; W A Thomas. . Co. C Killed: Sergt A A Buchanan. Woun ded: Sergt 11 L llinsley prisoner, privates W A Fox, A L Futuro, . Itobt Boono, A Barnett, C L McPctcrs, J) Ilager, V Tipton, 15 Bandolph. Missing: Capt N M Wilson, corpls li Y Dayly, E M Iluneycutt, privates S S Itobison, O WcOarry. J M Wilson. , Co D Killed: L D Bailey. Wounded: Sergt W D Goodc severely, privates J O Com p ton, Wit Compton. Missing: J B McDaoiel, J T Andrews,' Eli GrossA B Compton. Co. E Killed: none. Wounded: II Canon, J. Pucket, Calvin Taylor, Eli Franklin.- Missing: J II Ilines, J L Fox, N Chapman, John Dickson, Jas Denton. Co. F Killed: J B Diver, James McElrath. Wounded: CVpt S L Black well slight, W It Itsn dal slight, W II Harper. Mining: W S SuUod. A W Maingill. ' Co. G Killed, none. Wounded: W 0 Blan fon, A A Parton, J S Higgins, W J Harden, Tho lluntsif.grr. Missing: A S Williams, J M Hamp ton, W il Bradly, J P Hani. Co. II Killed: W G Wcstall. Wounded: Lt L II Allman flight, Luao Early. Co. IKilled: Sergt J L Whitaker. ' Wound cd: J W Jones, J II licid, E II Girin, Wm Hick nell. Mining: Capt J W Lane, II A LAio, W A Posey,' W II Spurn, G J Cbndry, L Jones. Co.. K Killed, none. Wounded;-E L Taber, C P Green, A LSiffrd slight, Griffin John sen. Missirg: Lt O J Nckon, Thos Alwinc, O P El-ward.-, V'B Green, Geo Gretn, J P Morrow, Jones Copcland, J M Giles, David Foster, Jum Bibby, J P-son, G II Tcnganst, J V Morrow, Win Melton. Co. M Killed: W C Wurtruau. Wounded: J II Neal, Oliver Sn.iih, C Eaker. J T Skidmore. A Bad Ciia'hacteo. We always were awaro oj'fhc iuiporfauce of preserving 'a yood reputation for truth nnd honesty, but wo have met with noth ing lately so well calculated to itnprcsj the d:ad- vintages of baa character upon the mind, as tho follow ing anccuote : i . . A mortal fever prevailed on board a ship at sea, and .a ri"gro mm. was appointed to throw the it t i . . . . .... "Going to throw him yvctboard," massa, cau he dead I" Dead! you scoundrel," said the Captain, "don 1 h mn-i inrl in-il-i? tee ho moves and spc-afc Vtfl, massa, I know ha py b no dead, but h ' Zl'Z'l Z ' a-a""6 ,,J t nobody never know when to bebeve i