J'l .......... , -.J OFPI O D ON THE CHARACTER IS . AS IMPORTANT TO STATES AS IT .18 TO INDIVIDUALS, AND 'THIS QLO 't TUZ 00X1103 PROPERTT - OP TEE OTHER, lO J Ci' il 111 Llim ) , - ' 1 ' . , ' "; ' ' ' : - v- ' - ..-'..:. -;. . ' . ' ,IN ADVANCE,. -.. WEST SIDE OF TRADE STREI CHARLOTTE, N; C, TUESDAY, JULY 5, 18641 W- YA'fflS, Editor and Proprietor. TWELFTH VOLUIIE NC EI B E R 623. THE 9 (Published every Tuesday,(2) WILLIAM J. .YATES, EDITOR AS'D PROPRIETOR. $ 10 IN ADVAHCE. fatT Transient advertisements mult be paid for in advance. jj-y Advertisement not marked on the raauuscript fir a specific time, will be inserted until forbid, and charged Accordingly. o AN ACT IS RELATION TO THE MILITIA AND A GUARD FOR HOME DEFENCE. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of j' the Slate of North Carolina, ana it is uereoy enacted by the authority of the same, That the exemptions from service in the Militia of the State, shall be for the same causes, aud to the same extent and no farther, that are prescribed in the-acts of Congress of the Con federate States, providing for the enrollment of men for the public defence and granting exemptions from the same, commonly calls i '.be conscriptiou and ex emption acts. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That it shall he the duty ot the Governor to ai;se to be eurolled as a guard fur Iioiul- defence all white male persons not already ei'roii-:il in the service ct the Confederate States; be--1 wctiii 'be aes of tiuteeu and fifty years, ruaideu in Mm ciiUe. including foreigners not nalu'alued, who h,i.e b"t-ri residents iu the-Siaie for thirty days-before i .:?u hi, 'excepting persons filling the offices . .' rri.ii-, Judges of the Supreme aud Superior ;.,;,! is jl'L:i'. aud Equity, the members of the General Ase i.i'ly and the ollicers of the several Departments of the Gov; rniicnt of the State, Ministers of the Gospel of t he several denominations of the State charged with the duties of churches, and such other persons as the Governor, for special reasons, may deem proper subject. of exemption. Sec. 3. He it further enacted, That all persons above the age of fifty, who may volunteer for service in said guard for home defence, aud shall be accepted by a Captaiu of a company for the same, shall be deemed to belong thereto, ami shall be held to service therein, either generally or for any special duty or expeditiou as the commanding ollicers of regiments or companies, accordiug to the nature of the particular service .in question may dettrniiue. Sec. 4- Be it further enncied, That the Governor phall oanse all persons enrolled in pursuance of the two preceding scciious of this act to be ionued into companies, with liberty to elect the commissioned offi cers of such companies, and thence into battalions or regiments, brigades and divisions according to his dis cretion, ani he shall appoint the I'm Id officers of such battalions, regimeuts, brigades and divisions, and shall issue commissions in due form to all the officers aforesaid. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That members of the Society of Friends, vomuiouly called Quakers, may be exempted from the provision of thi act by paying the sum of one hundred d dlars according to an ordinance of the Convention of thi State in that behalf, ratified the 12th day of M iv. Quaker sb'all hv. : t the sum of live !u.:. gress calli'-d 1 1 .- ; . not be reqiiir-'J- 10 j-ay etuptiou under this ivt Sec . That the va IWJ2. Provided that when a i.or had levied of his property i l!ar under the act of Con '!..t 10:1 iinv- n foresaid, he shall ativ sun: in iiey for his ex- g'i u t,v i;'.-ie defence may li.v .; ti'r in defence of !vj .:press invasion, c.i;iiaiiies. en masse, the same, as be, in his be called out for service by t;; tlie Stnte ugainst invasiwii u: either hv regiments, battalion or bydralts or volunteers from discretiou may direct; suail be under uii command, through the officers appointed as herein provided: phall serve only within the limits of thi. State,. and in terms of duty to be prescribed by the Governor, not exceeding three mouths at one term. They, or so many of them as may be at any one time called into service, maybe organized into infantry, artillery or cavalry as he may direct, and the infantry and artillery may be mounted if he phall so determine,' the men furnishing their own horses and accoutrements and arms, when approved by the Governor, on such terms a he shall prescribe. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That the Governormay furnish to said troops the arms, accoutrements aud ammunition of the State wh'en called as aforesaid into active service, and shall prescribe rules for their return and to prevent the waste, destruction or loss 'of the same. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted. That all laws and clauses of laws coming within the meaning and pur view of this act be, aud the same are hereby repealed. 'Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That the commissions of officers of the Militia, cnlled into service by this act, are suspended only during the period of such service. Sec. 10. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in forte from the date of its ratification. Ratified the 7th day of July, 1863. Amendments to the above Law. A ACT TO AMEND AN ACT IN RELATION TO THE MILITIA AND A GUARD FOR HOME DEFENCE. Sec. 1. Be it euacted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted hy the authority of the same. That neither the Govern or of this State, nor.the officers acting under an act ratified 011 the 7th day of July, 1863. entitled "An act in. relation to the Militia and a Guard for Home De fence," shall call out for drill or muster the persons enrolled under ?aid act, oftener than once a month in company drill, or oftener than twice a year in battalion drill, which battalion drills sb.ill take the place of the company lriils for the 1110:1th iu which they are ap pointed, unless when called in-i actual service to repel inva-io:i or s'i jij.-rese insurrection, or to execute the Jaws of rlio Si-uo. tSi:c. 2. l'. it !.u:!.or enacted. That the G vernor fch-O! 11 ivv :.! i..vir to nse the Guards of Home De !en f 1 1 jKise -f arresting conscripts aud de- serter.-; i'r A they shall not be ordered upm this duty y. 1 1 :ne limits of the counties in which they reside or lhr eoauties adjacent thereto. Sec .3. Be it fa ther enacted, Thin iu addition to the exemptions contained in the act to which this is an ameudment, there shall be exempt County commission ers appointed under an act entitled "An "act for the re lief of wives and families of soldiers in the array," reg ular millers, blacksmiths who have established shops, necessary operatives in. factories aud foundries, the Attorney General, Solicitors of the several circuits and counties, physicians of five years' practice, contractors with the State or Confederate government, one editor to each newspaper and the necessary compositors, mail carriers, professors in colleges and teachers iu acade mies; Provided, that this exemption hall only apply lo the drills speeiiied in this bill aud not to servico when the Guard for Homo Defence is called into the field. Sko 4. Be it further euacted, That for failur to at tend the battalion or regimental drill, each field officer Ehall forfeit and pay ouc hundred dollars; each Captain and oUier ofticers who shall fail to muster and drill their companies at the times appointed, shall forfeit and pay for each failure fifty dollars, and if a non-commissioned officer or private shall fail to attend at any drill he shall forfeit and pay not less than five nor more than twenty-five dollars; Provided, that every absentee shall he allowed until the next muster to make bis exense. The fines shall be adjudged by regimental and compai iiyc ourts-martial, and judgments are to be entered up and the fines collected in the samo node and in accord .in cevritb. the provisions of the Militia Law of North Carolina, passed at the second extra session of the j General Assembly, 1861." . j I Sec 5. Beit further enacted, That the Surgeon Gen- J eral by and with the advice and consent 01 tne Gov j ernor, may appoint surgical boards, not exceeding j three, composed of two physicians each, who shall de I clare by their certificates those persons who shall be j exempt from service under the act to which this is an i (Ruendment, on account of mental or physical disabili ty, and they shall icceive the pay of their rank and i traveling expenses, to be determined by tie Adjutant-' ' General. ; Sec 6. Be it further enacted, That tne -Uaard tor home defence, sbduld they be called into service by the Governor, shall receive the same pay, rations and allowances as soldiers in the Goutederate states' ser vice, and shall be subject , to the rules and article? of war of the Confederate States. " Sec 7. Be it further enacted, That when the pressure of public danger shall not prevent' the observance of such a rale, the said Guard tor home defence shall not be called into service masse, but by drafts of a num ber of men from each convenient company, so as to make up the aggregate force required. . Sgc 8 Be it further enacted, mat to is act. suan ue in- force and take effect from and after its rauncauon. Read three times and ratified in General Assembly, this the I4lh day of December, A. D., 18C3. ARRIVAL and DEPARTURE Of Messengers THE SOUTHERN EXPRESS COMPANY At Charlotte Office, Daily. . ARRIVES. OF From Char, k S C. Railroad 1 30 " N. C. Railroad , 6 20 A. M. and 9 P.M " and 9 25 " 11 A., T. & O. Railroad 9 00 Wil., C. & R. Railroad 3 15 it P. II. DEPART H. N C Railroad 6 20 A. M. Char. & S C. Railroad 10 00 " Wil., C. & R. Railroad 7 30 " A., T.'A O. Railroad 4 OO P. M. For ( and 2 00 P.M and 4 30 It is desired that all Parcels, Packages or Freight to be forwarded by either of the above Trains, be sent to this Office Oxf. Holr previous to its departure. T.- D. GILLESPIE, Agent. Charlotte, Sept. 7, 1803. tf . 14XPKESS NOTICE. . OfHCE Sou thehn Express Company,) Charlotte, Stpt. 24, 1803. .In order to avoid misunderotandiug and to make our charges conform to the liability assumed, this Company hereby gives notice that from and after Octo ber 1st, 1803, shippers will be required to place their valuation upon each package before it will be received. Such valuatiou will be inserted in the Company's receipt, and establish the liability of the Company for the amount." The act of God and-the public enemy only excepted. T. D. GILLESPIE, Sept 28, 1863 Agent. JOHN VOGEL, Practical Tai lor, respectfully informs the citi zens of Charlotte and surround ing country, that he is Drepared to manufacture gentlemen's clo thing in the latest styid and at short notice. His best enertions will be given to render satisfac tion to those who patronize him. Shop opposite Kerr'sHotel, next door to Brown & Stitt's store. Jan. 1, 1803. tf COPPERAS. TAYLOR & ASBTRY are now prepared to furnirh by the ton or otherwise, a fine article of Copperas, superior to any English offered in market. Druggists and Apothecaries supplied with a chemically pure article. Address TAYLOR & ASBURY, May 5, 18G3 . Charlotte, N. C. Wilmington, Charlotte & Rutherford On and after Monday the 25th of May, 1863, the Pas senger Train . will run on this Road (Western Divi sion) daily, Sundays excepted, as follows : GOING .WEST: ARRIVE: LEAVE: 7 30 A. M. Charlotte, Tuckaseege, Brevard, Sharon, Lincolnton, Cherryville. GOING EAST: 8 8 9 10 10 15 55 25 00 43 A. M. 8 9 9 10 20 00 30 05 .1 . ARRIVE: LEAVE: 11.30 A. M. Cherryville, 15 50 20 53 45. P. M. Lincolnton, 12 25 P. M. Sharon, 12 55 ' Brevard, 1 25 " Tuckaseege, 2 '00 " Charlotte. 11 Fare, six cents per mile. Soldiers going lo and re turning from the army, half fare. Passengers are re quired to make the proper change, as the Ticket Agent cannot furnish change for every .one. A Freight Train leaves Cherryville for Charlotte at 7 o'clock, A M, on Mondays, and returns same day. For Passenger Traius transporting Freights, 50 per cent to the tariff rates of freight will be added. V. A. McBEE, Master of Transportation. Lincolnton, May 25, 1863. BY J. 15. KERR, Proprietor. J-3L TO VERY ACCOMMODATION afforded lli -itne patrons of Mje Charlotte Hotel. At this Hot, is kept the line ofDaily Stnges from Charlotte t Asheville. Oct. 1, 1861. J. '3.-KERR. NOTICE. I am prepared to cast machine irons of all kinds, hollow-ware, salt pans, Ac. Orders solicited .Terms Cash. I will exchange Iron for Bacon, corn, cloth, or pro visions of auy kind. J. W. DERR, July 1st, 18C3. v-pd. Spring Hill Forge GAURET DAYIS, This fine horse can he found at my stable in place, dnriner the present season, on Mondays, Ti days aud Wednesdays, and at the stables of W. T. it'nt. in TVovidence, 011 Thursdays, Fridays and Satur days. Ter'n?, s-isiv dollars insurance. ' R. RABB. March 1, 1 804 pd NOTICE. I The firm of WILLIAMS, OATES & CO., is this day (Jan. 1st, 1864) dissolved by mutual consent. All) persons interested will call and cluse-their accounts with either 0 the iindersfgncd. L. S. WILLIAMS, j L. W. BANDERS. I January 13, 1864 . I BLANK DEEDS, Warrants, for nle at this OfTjCP. Eioetments, gee. . Announcement. The friends of Col. WILLIAM M GRIER announce him as a candidate to represent Mecklenburg county in the Senate at the ensuing August election. March 28, 18b4 te-pd f For the Legislature, Believing that the county of Mecklenburg has been well represented in the person of JOHN L. BROWN, who has proven to be a prompt, active and faithful J public servant, many of bis constituents desire his re election, and hereby announce him a candidate for the Hou.e of Commons at the election in August next Mr Brown is a good business nr. an, and the services of such men are needed now in our legislative balls. March 15, 1864,., pd . . VOTERS. For the Legislature The friends of E". C. GRIER. announce nim a candi date for re-election to the House of Commons from Mecklenburg county. ' April 11, 1864 te-pd Announcement. Mokbob, N. C, March 12th, 1864.. We lake the liberty of announcing Col. SAMUEL H. WALKUP, of the 48th N. C. Regiment, as a candi date for the Senate, to represent the district composed of the counties of Union and Anson. SEVERAL CITIZENS March 15 te-pd of Union County. For the Legislature. Please announce H. M HOUSTON, Esq., a candidate for the Commons, from Union county, at the election in August next, and oblige HIS FRIENCS. June 27, 1864 ' tepd . For the Legislature. We are authorized to announce WM. C. SMITH as a candidate for re-election' to the Senate of North Caro- lina for the counties of Union and Anson. June 27, 18C4. te - i! 1 , Announcement. We, as soldiers, respectfully announce Capt. J. E. MOORE as a candidate for Sheriff of Union couuty at our next regular election in August, and as such will be voted for by . Mast Soldiers. Feb. 16, 18C4 . "tf Announcement. We, as soldiers, respectfully announce THOMAS R. MAGILL as a candidate for the House of Common for Union county, at our next regular election in Aug. next, and as such will be voted for by Many Soldiers is the Abmy. December 22, 1863 tepd For the Legislature. The friends of Col JAMES M. STEVVART desire him to be a candidate to represent Union county iu the House of Commons of the General Assembly of North Carolina, and therefore announce him a candidate for that office. MANY CITIZENS. May 30, 1864 te-pd To the Voters of Union County. Fellow Citizens: 'I am a candidate for your suf frages at the next ensuing election for Sheriff in the County of Union. My connection with the army, how ever, has for some months removed me from that fami liar intercourse with you that would generally be de sirable. But, trusting that I may have a due allow ance for this seeming inconveuieace, with a view to repealed expressions of a desire that I should become a candidal I have consented to dso though under vastly different circumstances from those hich sur rounded us four years ago. Many of you have realized the hardships of war and the dangers of battle ; but without recalling the past, let us look hopefully to the future, and permit me, in grateful acknowledgements of the favors I received at your hands then, with many others previous to that time, to ask your cordial sup poit now. If elected, I will use what industry and ability I possess to fulfill the obligations of the office iu such a manner as, 1 hope, may ever be satisfactory to you. On the contrary, if 1 am not elected, I shall consider that you have done me no -wrong and that I have no right to criticise because your suffrages are against me. But I am fully sensible of the distinction conferred, by being elected to the position for which 1 am a candidate, and shall be us proud to receive your votes as I shall ever be earnest and faithful- to prove myself worthy of the responsible trust imposed by the same. Aq'd, in conclflsion, allow me to hope you will remember your friend, and on the day 'of .election a--ticket for the same. W.H.COLLINS, Co. A, 4lh N. C. Cavalry, March 2S, 18G4 pd Gordon's Brigade. For the Legislature. We, several citizens of Union county, announce C. AUSTIN, Esq., our present worthy Sheriff, a candi date for the House of Commons at the election in Aug. next. . . Monroe, June 6, 1864 te Announcement.. We announce JOSHUA LEE as a'candidate to re. present Union county in the House ofCommons of tbe General Assembly of North Carolina. SOLDIERS of CO. I, June 20, 1864 te-pd 53d N. C. Regiment. . Announcement. Being absent in the battle field, I adopt this method of declaring myself a candidate for Sheriff of the coun ty of Lincoln. Having served as Deputy for eight years; I feel myself fully competent to fill the important position, aud I hereby respectfully solicit the aid of my frieuds at home to insuri my election. JOHN M. MICHAL, Jnne 6, 1864 Co. K, 49th N. C. Troops- A Card. Tiscolstos, N. C Jnne 3, 1864. Mr Yates: Having been asked by persons jn several companies from this County and numerous citizene, to announce myselt a candidate for re-election to the next Legislature in the Commons, I have consented to do so. Whilst there has been muchaid about filling the offices with men beyoud the military age, it is due to myself and to the people for me to s;i'tc that I am within the military age, but it is well known to all who know me personally, that I have been an invalid for the last six tears aud entirely unfit for military people upo June ti, 1364 te The People' Ticltrt. FOE THE SEX ATI, COL. WILLIAM U GRIER. , FOB TBX COMMONS, R. D. WHITLEY, J. SOLOMON REIP. May 16, 1864 tepd Per Sheriff. We are authorized to announce R. It'.' WHITE as . I service. ' I will further state, that I have been before j formed bv Dr. SlLL. tbe well known druggist of! ! an examininjr board aad discharcred. But. whilst I 1 i.zw t,,.m tnn ia nni of the best artt- i 2.000. Aln 200 wsffons: 50 ambulancrs; 17 1 states that, 00 account ot i have not been able to go to the army.i jave endcavcx- j , m .i:n. - i,;-!, he annlied to a wound. I niece of artillerv with cushions: 500 mules; 100 declinioe to receive their tnis xd to discharge my duty faithfully as a -citizen and j . K h.A thm former in i.!Lw. .100.000 n.unds amall arm smmuciticn; I of AmU.i tLo Yankee ,es. j representative, ana win De content witn me oecision .ai... v....vr. - , , , ..,:. K non .t.nl 1 ...il fnr tLrm iC3- r . r. 1 I :l V....;na1 PVa.n nno hna nn.i 111 11011 rnnnili cilinun ariillltinit ion O.UUU BtanU UlCkt raUOOS JOl iUiCO USYS. candidate' for re-election to the office of Sheriff Mecklenburg county. May 9, 19U pd Wtsfxn : S.rra 0 r r o-t. - CHARLOTTE, N. C. SUPBEME COURT. Opinions have been delivered in the following ins a certiorari:. ... - isjr.iMTTLE, J. in- State y MaNeelj,, from Burke, venire de novo. In Page v Atkins, from Orange, affirming the judgment. In Adama v Jones, from Orange, affirming tbe judgment. By Manly, J. , In Betre ? Murcbison, from Moore, aflirmiDg the judgment. In Bingham v Richardson, from Orange,-affirming tbe judgmcot. In State v Duefcvorth, froth Burke, noerror. Pkr Cuhtam. In State v. Jones, from Ala mance, declaring that there is no error. r State Directors. At a meeting of the Board of Internal-Improvements held on Saturday the 25th J one, the following appointments were made: Directors in the Atlantic and N. C. Railroad Cempany Lewis C Dismond, C R Thomas, A T Jerkins, M F Arendell, Council Wooten, James M Parrott, J H Peebles and Council Best. WW liam II Oliver, State Proxy. John Everett, John J) Flanner, R S Tucker, C W D Hutchms, John Berry, 0 P Mendenhall, D A Davis and Wm C Means, Directors in the North Carolina -Railroad Company. Ralph Gorrell, State t ; it Yv Jjassiter, j is ljituejonn ana ueorge Ldt tle, Directors in the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Company. Dr E S. Crude p,. State Proxy. - Geo W Swepson, W W Avery, A M Powell, Wm Murphy, N W Woodfin, F. E Shober, Geo F Davidson and S B Erwin, State Directors in the Western North Carolina Railroad Company. .'An derson -Mitchell, State Proxy, and Jos II Wilson, Alternate. - Joseph II Cannon, Charles Wood and John II Leery, Directors in the Albemarle and Chesapeake Canal Company. John N McDowell, State Proxy. - Bread and Meat. We have seen a letter from an officer who has recently traveled, on offi cial business pertaining to the quartermaster's department, almost over the entire State of Ala bama, and also a large rortion of Mississippi. He reports that tbe crop of wheat now. being harves ted is excellent, not injured by rust, and that the yield will be very great. The growing crop of corn promises an abundant yield. . ' From the same writerwe have 'a low estimate" of the bacon tithe in seven States East of the Mis sissippi, the aggregate being 21,000,000 pounds. Ibis quantity together with that which is impor ted and the beef supply, will unquestionably prove sufficient to feed the army until the next hog. crop is cured. If the tithe of bacon amounts to twenty-one millions of pounds, what is the aggre gate quantity in tbe Confederate Slates? Rich mond Yhiy. J6 A gentleman recently from Richmond fells a very interesting little incident which evinces something -of the state of the public regard for General Lec, and his thoughtful kindness to our iek and wounded soldiers. Daring General Lee '6 recent attack of illness he went down to Richmond to recruit his health. While in the cars he ex pressed the desire for a bottle of port wine. Af ter his arrival, his wisli was talked of on the street?, and in less than threl hours three hundred bottles of port were sent to him. Of the number he re served one for his own use, and sent the remain der to the hsspitals for wounded solders. mmm m Yankee News. The Chicago Times and St. Louis Republican. of the 23d, announce that the Chicago Convention is postponed until the 29th of August. Gold in New York on the 22d was 255, and closed at 206. The Alabama had burned the Yankee ship Rockingham, from Cullao. Gen. Lee'a Daughter A correspondent of the Biblical Recorder writing of the Winder Hos pital near Richmond, says it covers over 69 acres of ground, has 30 surgeons, 3 chaplains, 6 divis ions, and capacity to accommodate 3000 patients. Five of the divisions are appropriated exclusively tn North Cnmliniaiia. He adds: "One verv nleas- ing feature of this, and in fact all the hospitals of Richmond, Petersburg, Lynchburg, and Charlotts ville, is the large elemeBt of, females one finds among the attendants. Some of the very first wo-. men oftho country are matrons and nurses id these hospitals, and we four.d in Richmond, for instance, some of the most refined and beautiful yoaog la dies of the city daily in the hospitals ; not going there once or twice a week, but every day, and at-.j taching themselves to particular wards and divia- : ions, that they might work to better advantage, j A short titce since General Lec'a daughter was I writing a letter for a wouuded sohlier in the Win- I der. "Tell my mother," said the brave boj, that just as I fell lsaw that grand old man,Gen.'Lcc." 1 A bystander asked, ''Do you know who that is writing lor you: . inats vjren. jjee s uaugmei. i We may imagine that soldier's eyes opened slight- , j Iu. Mrs Gen. Bragg is often to be Eecn minister-: tog to our sutrenng heroes. Cotton for Wounds. The Carolinian is in- . 1 . ticed that raw cotton, when piungea in water u ' scarcely more than dampened externally; when i biraed or .scorched and submitted to the same pro- ( uuMwujiiu.vu.u r cess it instantly wet througn. tnts owing u .' the destruction ot the oily principle wnicn 11 coa- I tains, which oil prevents the healthy useot cotton j on wounds. ' ! Scriptures Received The Bible Society of tbe Confederate States has received recently a : Dumoer or cues 01 xiuien uu jnumcun ' abroad, and unUl tbe supply is exhausted it can of!fiirannV orders. Address T M Tbew, Treas., nnmhor nf jitP of Bibles and Testaments from Aujusta, Ga. Southern Christian Adroraf?, A1 a Ana By Pearson, C J. In S.aV ,. Black, fron. '"" xtL j. . . . 1 t t - j 'tenji.ma lor an expedition, to ohermao a armv. Ashe dtrec mg a new trial. In Bowers v. btrud- in e of 400 of auppUea lid for wick, from Oiange, dtrCcttug the clerk to state an ' thimV i r T' "p . account eh.rgingth. defendants ,hb the value of iif .T Wf ? th .. -1 ioco t .. TtTu vi. :i- j: "aMfportatioo, with a. large aatoulance train and iici;iuhi iu tvuv. Ait 11 iiiiuu . uaiun. uirect- 1 JTORBEST'S LATE VICTORY; A cbf respondent of the MobiJe Advertiser, wrftiof from Tupelo, Miss under date of Jon 15, gives te annexed account of Forres ft lata fight; Ou the 1st of June, Gen. Forrest moved East ward, lie bad been annriserl fnr snma K. twenty.fuur'piecea of artillery, with the tfoops that accompanied them to Sherman. His force, conaist iug.onlj.oj two brigades, immediately returned to pounc pon tne enemy. Ilucker s brigade re. turned from Oxford, and Johnson's command came downfrooi North Alabama. Thus this fore, though not half as largo as that of the enemy,- as at once, and unexpectedly to the enemy.' coneen trated on the. Mobile and Ohio Road, and just in time to iiead him at B rice's Cross Rvads, six miles from Baldwin. Skirmishing began about 8 o'clock in t.ho morning by Col. Ilucker; Col Johnson soon came up and assisted to hold the enemy in check; Col Lyon, with his Kentucky brigade, camo in before 12 o'clock, and Col. Bell's gallant brigade with the exception of the 3d Tennessee, command ed by Col. Barteau, who was sent to the enemj'i rear reached the field at .l o'clock. The enemy seemed frustrated by this sudden resistance on. his front, yet pushed vigorously forward and endeavor ed to overrun our forces. The fighting for the next three hours was severe, and charge a Iter charge was made, column after column was hurled with'head long impetuosity by the enemy against tts, aod'by us against the enemy. At 4 o'clock, the 2d Teo nessee bad reached the rear, of the enemy, and made a furious attack. The enemy at fint sent back a. : regiment of infantry, then 300 cavalry, and becoming still more alarnxed at the obstinacy of the attack in front and the appearance of a force iu his rear, sent back all his cavalry and commenced a retreat. II is forces iri front were driven in dismay, and the whole body of his troope demoralized. Wagons, artillery f cavalry, infantry, negroes and wounded went buck iu one confused mass, block ing up the roads and running through woods and nobis. Over two hundred wagons anj fourteen pieces of artillery were abandoned in less than one hour after the retreat began. , Our forces pursued until dark and then Camped for the night. The greatest injury inflicted upon us during this engagement was by an ambuscade. .Wilson's and Russell's regiment, of Bell's brigade, suffered severely. It is unfortunate that more cau tion was not exercised to prevent such unnecessary damage. The number of killed and wounded in this fight,, on our side was over three hundred The loss, of enemy in killed and wounded waancar aihousand. The enemy's force was four brigades,-two of ca valry, commanded by Gricrsoo, and two of infantry, all under Brig. Gen. Sturgis; ahd the commands being full, numbered not less than 9,000. Trto negro regiments served as a train guard. But few negroes were captured. Xbey made good theii escape. . Tbe pursuit was renewed early in the morning, Gen. Forrest following before daylight with hie escort and 7th Tennessee, fighting the enemy until the other commands came up. At. Ripley, a des perate fight ensued, in which Bell's brigade and Lion's greatly distinguished themselves, charging into the. town and driving the Yankees from every stronghold they bad taken, killing, wounding and capturing five hundred or more. The enemy took the Salem road, and were pressed every inch of the way. A terrible ambuscade was given them by Col. Barteau, near Saleui. Having gaiucd a post-, tion on thvir flank, iu advance of the column, he dismounted and marched his command within sixty yards of the road. As the column cr.mc on, the road was crowded with inlaotry and cavalry. One sheet of fire from his line, and huudred-i lay hart du combat. Charging immediately, upon the road, still further execution was effected until compelled to give way. The 95th Ohio regiment, which was in the rear of the column, aud hard pressed by Col, Lyon, surrendered. The vatious troops of Gen.' Buford's cirmtnatid in this, the Becond day of the .pursuit, captured a thousand prisoners. Having followed the enemy nearly to LaG range, and put his column to flight in fragments, the troops coi penced their return on the moroing of the 12tb, and scouted the woods to tbe Jefi of the Salem road buck to Ripley. The result bas been that seven or eiht huudred mure straggling Yan kees were caught. Grie'rson and Sturgis deserted f their commauds beyond Ripley, and fled to La Grangor The outrages committed by the enemy in the expedition exceeded all former example. Houses .ere robbed of every article necessary to the sup port of families. Ladies insulted and outraged; children robbed of their clothing and left naked, crying and hungry old men choked and gagged, and in some instances beaten nearly to death; .women kicked out of doors for murmuring at these wrongs, and knocked down by buck negroes in tbe presence of their husbands. These are some of the injuries that the poor people of North Missis sippi have had to endure, and it is things like these that nerved the arms of Forrest's soldiers to fight like demons and to perfoini deed. unentailed in history. The Southern of daring man who would not, fight now, is unfit fur freedom," a and ought not to enjoy it. The Mississippi Pt aii ie givs tho follow- ing facts derived from Forrest's chief juartcr- master: . '.Yankees killed 1,000; wounded 1,500; captured 1 11 Ann I- .:t I ...J. Kf kas-nla ; smaii arms; zuv.vw pouuus piiu. vic-u, v j sugar; 30 sacks of coffee; JttUO.WU worth ot medt- j cines; 10 barrels of wbiskey, and ahovela, spades, : I v... axes, carpenters , " .. Jira. oteDnea a. iuulj ivc iuiv.. w m ii iaa aja iat t ,a nv nr. a rw the Ladies' NaUonal League at Washington, whose purpoee is to coLsuHjeDd foreign fabrics during the war. ti. t.Tiah rnTpn ap. nicked from the rin iimiu6ib r , when dry and roasted to a dark cwmamon brown, is said to produce a decoction resembling pure Jjt fcfTc in color and flaver. FBOU JOHNSTON'S A II MY. ' Svr Fiqktitij. Marietta, June 27. About 10 o'clock ttis morning, the enemy, constating in part of Scho fieJd'a, BlairV, Palmer's . and Login's corps, attempted to gain possession of tbs fonifiettions on oar Uft centre, held by-Cheatham and Clcburns." They marched defiantly up (a seven lines of battle. Oar troops reserved their firs until tbey approach. e4 within a few yard of tho brat-work,. whea they.opened'with grape, caenister and " muUry, aad created great haveo to their ranks. The fire was so rapid and destructive that tho enemy could not Tally, and was drivao back with tha. loes of ho. twaeu tWO and 1,000 ' xneo. JVe captured about 100 prisoners. Our loss, owing to onr men being protected bj breastworks, is very small Marietta, June 23. The severe punishment inflicted upon the enemy yesteiday by Hardee aad Loring, rendered them very quiet to-day. One of oar officers, in authority, called to the Yankee com. minder that, as id net of huaaanlty we would cease firing aud give them tiuio to carry off their wounded, as they were in danger of batog burned alive, from the woods beiug set on fire, wbieh was done after the action. Tn front of 'Cleburne's division alone, the Ysn kees lost over 1,000, while iu front of Cheatham it was much greater. Our loss was ftiall 160 will cover it A sergeant in Jackson's brigade seized a shell while the fuse was burning and threw it from tho pit in which it fell. lie was promoted 00 tho field by Gen. Jackson to a lieutenancy, but be modestly declined it. Sergeant W. J. Waltho, company I, 29tli Tennosnco. regiment, Vaughn's brigade, leaped over the breastworks and seised the standard presented by Gen. Buford-to the 27th Illinois regiment, wrested it from its bearer and brought if triumphantly to camp, for which daring act Gen. Hardee presented it to the gallant ser geant. It was inscribed Belmont, Union City and Stone River. The enemy made a desperate attempt to tako Kcuesaw mountain. He attacked our works-in columns of picked troops, the heroes of Missionary ridge, but Loriog'a corps drove them back with a loss estimated at 2,500. THE "ORPHAN PUND" IN .THE WEST. Mr. Editor In the last foirtecn days I havo delivered twelve speeches and sermons in. nine of the Western counties. The sulacripiions bare been ss follows: Cabarrus, Lincoln, Cleaveland, Rutherford, 8 1.0Q0 13,576 15,120 -"7,669 Buncombe, McDowWI, Ba, . Caldwell, 23,90 5,1 K0 8,850 13.050 3,450 Henderson, -"4,883 Catawba, Making in all, if my hasty count be correot, ?97, 418. In addition there are donations of gold and of a tract of land, value not yet ascertained, bringing the total to about 8100,000. Iu some of the coun ties other donations bavo been made since I left. Tbe labor and travel have been severe, bat greatly cheered by uniform kindness and hospitalities. I have brought from tho hills sweet myrh fVr mem ory. I published appointments before I knew that Gor. .Vsnce was to visit tbe went. We came to gether. It is but common justice to my tbit-JIii Exeelleooy in courtesy and endorsement of my mission did much to make my tour profitable and pleasant. Indeed all right-minded men of all par ties are ready to aid a work so oatholio, so patriotic, so just, and so noble. . The subscribers in tbe several counties will flud the subscription papers io tbe bands of the follow ing gentlemen: . Lincoln county, Col. Mich a?, . Cleaveland county, Dr.' Miller, Rutherford do Dr. Craton, Henderson do Rev. Mr. Burnett, Buncombe do Messrs. Taylor k Wood, McDowell do Rev Mr. Edwards, -Burke do Wm. F.' McKcsion, Esi., Caldwell do J. R. Wibon, Etq., . . Catawba, do 31. M. McCorkle, E?q , It is earnestly requested that tho subscription! be closed by bond or cash as soon as practicable, ss nothing is really accountod until eo received. Very respectfully, June 27th. CHARLES K. DEEMS. From Johnson's Island. A correspondent of the Canton (Miss.) Citizen reports an interview with Lieut Jesso Mills, lately from the Yanked bastile on Johnson's lilac d. Lieut. Mills states that on tbe 1st February last, thero wero 2,437 commissioned officers ou the ishbd, tbe noo-ootn-missioned officers aud private Laving been all sent away jo November previous. Ot tbe number, thero was one major-general Trimble; four brigadier-generals Bealc, Jeff. Thompson, Archer and Frazier; 50 oolooels, 41 lieutenant-colonels, G2 major, 575 csptaios, 1,975 lieutenants, 29 adju tants. They were distributed among tbe different Southern States, as follows: North Carolina, 332; Tenncsscc( 29S; Arkan sas, 278; Alabama, 270; Virginia, 25C; Misiw ippi, 240: Louisiana, 178; Georgia, 104; Kentuc- I dy, 111; Missouri, 85; Florida,. 52; Sotltb Carol j na, 49; Texas, ,47; Maryland, 19; uilsccllaacou 1 20. Of this number, between five and uix buu- tdred had been transported to Point Lookout, Md.f j frr an exchange up to tho 2d of May last. Tho j Yankees conducted the exchange alphabetically, 1 except io cases of woboded officers, aud bad near j ly reached the letter V when Lieut. Mills left. Ut tbe uonteoerate omeers ration fast day, (8th authorities withheld their This Ua contempt- 1. 1.. niiifa ir lriinrv ritla t im kkarJa&. wu 1 -v-r.-ft ...... : utica or the xantees as sxni&iteq aunng wm war. ..mY" r'TTi nh Al. I Cant, cemtnti fa still la command or tne A la- ' bataa, and cruisicg ia the CbiuA Sci. Latnat of Evans, of South Carolina, is io command ofth. ' and cruiaictr ia tbe Cbiua Seas. LUntenaot ? t Georgia, at Ja3t tceountt; to ioracat j - Gux Spoilt. '-The Ysnkecs made a monater e-un at Trenton, tb aoewr-iuK aaaa & B7 . . aW . . ai a. .n .wmnt nnblkbed ia the Americao, or. Joae w u ..v . r , . . C, was aob;eoud to a trial, and explojed at tbe second fire. IV threw a ball of 7 81 bj. we ighl by the explosion, e-tinated at $l;00ft. -I : 1 H -i "i i

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