II o TTtfV! ! OF F X O ffilO per a n i lu t a ( IN A D V A NO 12 -. ON THE WEST SIDE OF TRADE STREET CHARACTER IS ' AS; IMPORTANT TO STATES AS IT IS TO INDIVIDUALS, AND THE GLOR.Y OF THK ONE IS TII& C01IM0N PROPERTY OP TH.E" OTHER. CHARLOTTE, N. C, TUESDAY, JULY 12, 18(54. 157. 5. YA!?S3, Editor and Proprietor. TWELFTH V0LUME--.-NU M D E It 629. " it w rn e VSSTSBX UBBR (QPablished every Tue5day,Q) BY WILLIAM J. YATES, EDITOR AND I'ltOPBIETOR. . : o ti fir i-3 "ij rrfri'"! p'rvTi v $10 IN ADVANCE. ' Tjif Tran.:ient advertisements must be paid for in j advance. , 37 Advferlieniiuts not marked on the manuscript fir a rp"cHic time, will be inserted until forbid, apd I Carolina, passed' at Hie second extra session of the General Assembly, lf-Gl. i Sec 5. Be it further enacted, That, the Surgeon Gert 1 eral hy and with the advice ami consent of the Gov ernor, may appoint snrjrical boards, not exceeding three, composed of two physicians each, who shall de clare by their certificate tbo-e jiersons who shall be "xcmpt from service under the actio which this is an amendment, on account of mental or physical disabili ty, and they shall receive the pay of their rant and traveling expenses,-to be determined by the Adjutant General. Sec fi. Pe it further enacted. That the Guard for home defence, should they be called into service by the Governor," shall receive the same pay, rations and allowances as soldiers in the Confederate ntnies ser To the Cilizeei oi".Tc-kIeiilMirsr. Chaclotte, 27th June, ISO. Fellow-Citizens: The earnest solicitations' of my friends from various portions of the county, have in5 duced me to change the purpose expressed in my Card of the 24th ultimo, and to-announce my name for re election to the Senate. I hope to"meet you at the Tax-gaMiet ings advertised in theennty, and to express my views to voir on the various subject?,, interestii g the public mind. June 27, 1864 te JOHN A. YOUNG. TDK SECRET, Oath-bound SOCIETY, i to join this association, witlout duly con-1 you think it will do From the Raleigh Conservative. I E,Jeria?r the consequences of their acts, tad with I tsge to soaiebody. THE CONSPIRACY EXPOSED. j no suspicious as to its real object. ' A secret oath-bound Society, of a treasonable , -,?u wu ww.uw "J. " pi"t I kind a mo- character, exists in North Carolina. There can be ! " 'OU e8.,r;ht-!'fore ,h bj I n ,i.,i,f r ent -tu x i " abandoning your evil associates, and standing: up i IIy accumulating and is now overwhelming.! Tnn n.mM nf enmo nf ito tr.Ur.r UAr'S , i 01 Pr0V,DS ntfge PCCUftty SgaiOSt 111 of " It may be of aomeadvati O.CUURCHI1ILL. known. Their nlaces-of assembla-e have been as- ""jrf uiay rvC 10 mvoKe uc depredationi 01 I t'ertaincd. Their channels i h;ie been diseovcrtd. - Announcement, - The friends of Gji,. WILLI AM M GKIER announce him as- a candidate to represent Mecklenburg county ; pronitlU'ale its flagitious doctrinfts in our midst. vice, and shall be subject to the rules ana articles 01 j in uie oenaie ai me ensuing .niguM oauuu wnr'of the (Confederate States. . I March 2, 18o4 . te-pd charged accordingly. . AN ACT IN' RELATION TO THE MILITIA AND FOR HOME DEFENCE. j Sec. 1. Re it enacted by the General Assembly of j the riiate of'N'.jrlh Carolina, and it is hereby enacted !ry tiie authority of the same, That the exemptions j from .pi-vit e in heMiIHSft of the State, sliall be tor the ' same causes, and to the same extent nnd no tarther, that are prescribed in the acts of Congress of the Con teder.ite States, providing for Ihe-.curollmcnt of men for the public defence nnd trrnnting exemptions from the same, commonly called the conscription and ex emption acts. Sec.-2. Re it further e;n;cled, . That it shall be the duty of tli" Governor to v.r.se to be enrolled as a guard for "home dirfence all white male persons not already enrolled in the service t 1 the Goni'vdei ate States, be tween the acs of ciliteeu and fifty years, resilient in this State, in'-lii'ling fon-i.'rners not naturalized, who have been residents in the State for thirty daj3 before such enrolment, excepting persons lining the oiiiees of Governor, Judges of the Supreme and Superior Courts of Law and Equity,, t he members ofthc General Assembly and the oilicers of the several Departments of the Government of the State, MiuLtcrs of the Gospel ol'the .a.-.vor.il .hmonimati.-n of the State clnrgcd .with The duties of eh 'i rchc!, and such other persons as the tlovernor, for special reasons, may deem proper subject of exemption. See. 1. Re it further enac ted, That all persons above the ae of fifty, who may volunteer for service in said (Tiiard for home defence', and shall be accepted by a Captain of a company for the same, shall be deemed to belong thereto, an i shall bo held to service therein, either generally or for any special duty or expedition as the commanding officers cf regiments or companies according to the nature of the particular service in question may determine. Sec. 4- Re it frirther cnaetc 1, Th.at the Governor jdiail cause all person enrolled in pursuance of the t'.vu preceding sections of thisact to be formed into companies, with lioerty to elect the commissioned ofli c.9rs of such comoanies. and thence into battalions or regiments, brigadeVmd divisions according, to his dis cretion, an t he ill. ill appoint, the Meld oilicers pf such bu'talions, regiments, brigades and divisions, ,and shiill issue comiiiisiiQiis in duo ioiuj to all the oiiivers at'oresaid. Sec. 5. Re it. further enacle.l, That Members of the Society of Friends, commonly c exempted from the provision. of sum of one hunured d- Sec 7. Be' it further enacted, That when the pressure I of public danger shall not prevent the ( bservanee of . Qnar(I for )ome rtef( !lCe shall not ' ! be called into service on masse, but by drafts, of a num GUARD j ber of men from each convenient company, so as to j make up the aggregate force required. Sec 8. Be it lurther enacted, 1 tiat tins aci suaii ue in force and take effect from and after its ratification. Read three times and ratified 'in General Assembly, this the 14th day of December, A. D., W?,. rronmle its flagitious doctrines in our midst. I ?! ' rcPchancf. ihe. ,a e.rf the conquered should and rf.he po,itivnc,s of our krftwledso re?pcct- ! "f. 'i Y-tu i- 7v ' ing the organization through which it seeks to de- j jj f J?1 l the yunk.ee th nd as an evidence alike i;.':"!-" mc nanu if, rerchanee. the Jate.if th nnnniien-d should be oura, you will find thai' in. confiding to the ARRIVAL and DEPARTURE Of Iflcssciiffcrs OF. TIIE SOUTHERN EXPRESS COMPANY At Charlotte Office, Paily. ii 9 f 3 ARRIVES. From Char. A- S C. Railroad 7 30 A. M. and 9 P.M " N. 0. ilailroad' 6 20 " at A., T. k O. Railroad 9 00 " V.'il., C. & R. Railroad" 3 15 P. M. DEPARTS.' N. C. Railroad ' C 20 A Char. & S 0. Railroad 10 00 " Wil., C. & R. Railroad 7 30 " & O. Railroad 1 00 P. M r or it M. and 1 am! 2 00 P t 30 , M it it A., T. It is desired that all Parcels, Packages cr Freight to be forwarded by 'either of the above Trains, he sent to this Office Oxe Hour previous to its departure. T. D. GILLESPIE, Agent. Charlotte, Sept. 7, 18C3. tf ailed QuaUeis, m-ay be this rs according of the. Con vcutioi the 1 2th d iv of Quaker shall have "the sum id' five bun ct by paying the to ordinance of !hi- State in that behalf, ratified Miv'r l':;2. Provided that when a ii.! or had levied of his property dlars under the act or Con gress called the conscription law aforesaid, he shall not bo reijnired to jmy any sum of money for his ex emption under this act. See. C. That the sai'd guards for home defence may be called' out for service by the Governor in defence of the State against invasion and to suppress invasion, either by regiments, -battalions, or companies,-7i wiii-.vc, or by draft's or volunteers from the same, as he, in his discretion" may direct; shall be under his command, through the oilicers appointed as herein provided: shall serve only within the limits of thi.-, State, and in terms of duty to be-prcscribed by the Governor, not exceeding three m .nth? at one term. They, or so many of them ns tnav be at a 113- one time called into service, maybe organized into infantry, artillerj-or.cavaln as he "nriv direct, and the infantry and artillery' may be mounted if he shall so determine, the men furnishing thir own horses and accoutrements and arms, when Approved by the Governor, on such terms as he shalj prescribe. Sec. 7. Re it further enacted. That the Governormay furnish to said troops the arms, accoutrements and ammunition of the State when called as aforesaid into active service, and shall prescribe rules for their return and to prevent the wa.te, destruction or loss of the same. - Sec. 8. Re it further enacted," That, all laws and clauses of laws coming within the meaning and pur view -of this act be, and the same are hereby repealed. See. 9. Re it further enacted. That the commissions of officers of the Militia, called into service by this act, are suspended only during the -period of such service. See. 10. Rc it further enacted, That his act shnU be in force from the date of its ratifica t'.on. Ratified the 7th day of July, 18G3. Amendments to the above Law. AN ACT TO AMEND AN ACT IN RELATION TO THE .MILITI A AND A (J CARD FUR HOME DEFENCE. Stc. 1. Re it enacted by the-General Assembly of .the State of North Carolina, aud it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That neither the Govern or of this. StMe. nor the officers acting under an act ratified on the 7th day of July, 1863, entitled "An act in relation to the Militia and a Guard for Home De- feuce,'' shall call out for drill or muster the persons j enrolled under said a -t, oftener than once month in ! company lUiil. or oftener than twice a year in battalion drill, which battalion drills ?Ti all take the nlaee of the company drills for the month in which they are ap pointed, unless when called into actual service to repel invasio.i or saip.o;s ias'.irrc.'tio?!, or to execute the Jaws, of 'he S':t;- Skc. 2. R? it farther enacted. That the G ivcrnor hall have the power to use the Guards of Hume 1q i'encc fbr the purpos.? ,. f arret-. ing conscripts and de ortcrs;' or!. they .t,:4tj ,M be or Wed upon this duty beyond the limits of the eoumies in which ihev reside or the counties adjacent thereto. Sec 3. Re it further enacted, That in addition to the exemptions contained in the net to which this is an amcndmejit, there shall be exempt County commission ers appointed under an act entitled -An act. for the. re lief of wives and families of rf Jiers in the army," t-o- olar millers, blacksmiths -who have established shops, necessary operatives in factories and fouiulrie,s, the Attorney General, Solicitors of the several circuits and counties, physicians of five years" practice, contractors with the State or Confederate govei nment, one editor to each newspaper and the necessary compositors, mail carriers, professors in colleges acd Seachers in acade mies; l rovta.'tt,un tlr.; exemption shall only apply to t'ie drUIS spccine i m inis lull Me G-iard for Home -Defence is called into the field. Src 4. lie it further enacted. That f.jr Jailuro to nt- A UXPRESS rVOTI.CE. Office Soi'tiiern Express Company,! Charlotte, Sept. 24, 1SC3. j In crjer to avoid misunderstanding and to make onr charges conform to the liability assumed, this Company hereby give's notice that from and after Octo ber 1st, 1SG.3, shippers will be required to plac e their valuation upon each paekage before it will be received Such valuation will be inserted in tin Company's receipt, and establish the liability of the Company for the amount. The act of God nr.d the pub'ie enemy only excepted. T. D. GILLESPIE, Sent 28, 18C3 . -Airegtv. ' i Vk'i ?:: , tysa ,m si 'JOHN -VOGEL, Practical Tai lor,respectfuily informs the citi zen? of Charlotte and surround ing country, that he is prepared to manufacture gentlemen's clo thing in the latest E-Ia and at lort notice. Iiis best exertions will be iven to render satisfac tion to those who pntronizc him. Shop opposite Kerr'stlotel, next door to Rrown v1!; Stitt's store. " Jan. 1. 18G3. ' tf CftPPEBSAS. TAYLOR & ASR'ERY are now prepared to furnish hj-the. ton or otherwise, a fint' article of Copperas, superior to any Enpriish offered in market. Druggists and Apothecaries stipjdied with a chemically pure article. -Address TAYLOR &. ASRURY, May r, 1SG3 Charlotte, N. C. Wilmingtoii, Charlotte & Itatbcrford u and after Monday the 25th of May, 1863, the Pas senger Train will run on this Road (Western Divi sion) dailj-, Sundays excepted, as follows : ,' GOING WEST: ARRIVE: 8 15 A. M. s r.5 " 9 25 " 10 00 . " ' 10 45 " ARRIVE: ' 12 12 i 1 15 50 20 53 45. P. M. t Charlotte, Tuckaseege, Brevard, Sharon, Lioeolnton, Chet ry'ville. (iOING EAST: Cherry ville, LincoJnton, Sharon, R re vard, Tuckaseege, "Charlotte" LEAVE: 7 30 a: M. 8 20 9 00 ' " 9 3C " 10 05 " LEAVE: 1 1 12 12 1 2 30 25 55 25 00 A. P. M. M. ti it Fare, six cents per mile. Soldiers going io and re-tnrn-ing from the army, halffare Passengers are re quired to make the proper change, as the Ticket Agent cannot furnish change for every one. A Freight Train leaves Cherry ville. for Charlotte at 7 o'clock, A M, ok Mondays, and returns same da3'. For Passenger Trains transporting Freights, 50 per cent to the tarilf rates of freight will be added.- V. A. McREE, Master of Transportation. Lincolnton, May 25, 1803. 777 TTt T1 F7Tlcl XT I. KDKR, Proprietor. VERY ACCOMMODATION afforded the patrons of he Charlotte Hotel. At thist mot j i3 kept .the line ofDaily Stages from Charlptie u Asheville. CVt. 1, 1?GI. J. B. KERR. BY J. t,.-..-n iaBik& Mid I am prepared to cast machine irons of all kinds, hollow-ware, salt pans, kc. Orders solicited Terms Cash. ' I will exchange Iron for Bacon, corn, cloth, or pro visions of any kind. J. W. I) ERR, July 1st. 1863. ' v-pd. Spring ITill Forgo. For the Legislature. Believing that the county of Mecklenburg has been well represented in the person of JOHN L. BROWN, who bus proven to be a prompt, active and faithful public servant, many of his constituents desire his re election, and hereby announce him a candidate for the House of Commons at the election in August next Mr Brown is a good businessman, and the services-of such men are needed now in our legislative halls. ' March 15, 18G4. pd , VOTERS. For the Legislature. The friends of E.'C. GRIER announce him aenndi date for re-electicn to the House of Commons from Mecklenburg county. April il, 1804 te-pd Announcement. ; Monroe, N. C, March 12th, 18G4. We take the liberty of announcing Qol. SAMUEL II. WALKUP. of the 48th N. C. Regiment, as a candi date for fhe Sena.e, to represent ihe district compos of the counties of Union and Anson. SEVERAL CITIZENS March 15 'te-pd "of Union County i etroy the Confederacy, we would call the attention I of the public to the following facts, which have I bien disclosed by the initiated. - 1. The organization is known as the il. O. A. i Society the letters standing for the words 'lle ! roes of America.' 2, Its inotto is 'Truth, Honor, Fidelity and i Justice. . - 8. The Oath is as follows: I, A. B., of my own freo will and accord, and in the presence of Almighty God, do hereby, atid race, you havovbut ed . For the Legislature. Wp. spvpral citizens of Union county, announce .C. AUSTIXy Esq., our present worthy Sheriff, date for the House of Commons next. Monroe, June 6, 1864 - te relied upon a broken reed or a -rope of sand.' i k i i . . i junaer is tneir one Jrrrt pa.on, and neither oaths nor promises would serve as the slightest impediment to its hellish gratification. Among such thieves as they have shown themselves, there only remains honor enough 'to hnte the traitor' while they luxuriate in the fruits of. the treason.' The meanest of God's creatures would surely have an indefeasible right to despise the wretches who had sold their country, ad to betray theiu in re turn for tfceir heartless perfidy. You need expeot nothing irom the x.mkces, even if successful, bat . Statc or Noam Cauolina, CLslhatn County, Juno SO. 16G4. ) This is to certify that $i!ai Beck with -arrkrcd 1 before me, one of the aclirfg Jcjticca of the I'citce, in and lor said County, and teaUSes that he vu a member of secret orgaoiaation iu .oid eouutj the object of which, he thought V' for no good to the country, and kethcrefbr vlvtca (idlMinctly understood thai he is do longer a uieuiLcr .oraidi OTganjiation; that ho was lei into it ly Lad toon; but having left it io disgutit, lie Loj ca iboae in power Till padon him, nd ho pledge himself na a good and loyal cit'rtco, never to do led astray bgain. SILAS JH5CKWITII. H. COUNCIL, J. P.. hereon most solemnly swear, or affirm, that I will . couteiupt and scorn: while the curse? of your own a candi- at the election iu: Aug. For the Legislature." The friends of Col JAMES M. STEWART desire him to be a' candidate to represent Union eminty in the House "of Commons of the General Assembly of North Carolina, and therefore announce him a candidate for that olhce. MANY CITIZENS. . May 30, 18G4 te-jd it ihe election IIIS FRIENDS. For the Legislature. Plpnap announce ii. M HOUSTuN. Esq.. a candidate for the Commons, from Union county, in August next, and oblige - June 2 7, 1SU4 teid . : " rrr- . Announcement. We announce JOSHUA LEE as a candidate to re present Union county in the Huuse of Commons of the General Assembly of Nui lh Carolina. SOLDIERS of CO. I, June 20, 1804 te-pd f3d N. C. Regiment. AiauoiijicvfaicBit. We, as soldiers, respectfully" announce THOMAS R. MAGILLas a candidate for the House of Commons for Union county, at our next regular election in Aug. next , and as such will -lie voted for by Many Soi-.oiehs is ths Army. tepf; December 22, 1803 For the Legislature. We are authorized to announce WM. 0. SMITH as a candidate for rc-eh ction to the Senate of North Caro lina, tor the counties of Union and Anson. ' . June 27v lt" 4. te Announcement. We, as soldiers, respectfully announce Capt. E. MOtfRE as a candidate for Sheriff of Union county at our next regular election'ir. August, and as such will be voted for by f I ANY Soi.IIi:i!S. A Card. Lixcoi.-nto.v, N. C- JtineS, 1804. Mit Yatks: nling' been asked by persons in several companies fromVis County and numerous citizens, to announce myself a candidate for re-clectmn to ihe next Legislature in the Commons, I have const ntcd to do so. Whilst there has been much said about filling the ofticcs with men beyond the military age, it is due to myself and to the people lor me U ttate lhai 1 atn within the military age, bur it is well Known to ail who know me personally, -that I have been an invalid for the last six years and entirely unfit for military service. I will further stale, that I have been before nil examining board and discharged. Cut, whilst I have not been able to go to the army, I have endeaor ed to discharge .my-dufy faithf-uity !,s a citizen ami representative, and will be'eoutent with the decision of ihe peojde n;.on my merits. A. 'COSTNER. . June 6, 1804 " te Announcement. Being absent in fhe battle field, I adopt this method of declaring myself a candidate for Sbei ifi'of the coun ty of Lincoln. y a ving ? crvnd as Deputy for t ighi years, I feel mvselfhilly competent to fill the important position, and I hereby respectfully solicit the aid of my: friends at home to iestre my election. JOHN" M. MICHAL, June. 6, 1804 Co. K, 40th N. C. Troops never reveal tnc secrets ot tue tl. J. A. to any person, except it be to a true and lawful brother ileru. I furthermore promise and swear, that I will' not confer the degree of. the Hero upon any persiukjn the world, except I am "authorized by a brother who has power to do so. I furthermore promise and. swear, that I will not give the secret words of the Heroes in auy other manner than that which I.shall hereafter receive it. I furthermore promise and swear,- that I wilj not write, cut, paint, print, or stain on anything moveable or im-tiiovt-able, whereby the secrets words of the II O A. may he made known. I furthermore promise and swear, that I will not ."peak evil of a brother Hero before his face or behind his back; but will give him timely notice oi all approaching danger, binding myself under a no less penalty thin thut of .having my head shot through 'so help me God and keep me steadfast- in the due perform ance of the same. This Oath is preceded by an injunction to read the 2d Chapter of Joshua; and by the questions, 'Are you willing i keep a secret? Arc you will ing to be qualified to it? If affimnativc answers arc given, the candidate is told to 'repeat his name and begin 4. The sign are thesci Ordinary S'ju: Two fingers on the mouth. Answer One finger pas e4 by. the eye. Si;u f distress: Eight fi-t closed on the breast and left hand across the mouth. people will clinc to your children's children ltcmeinber, too, that the eyes act as A are: ''These are expect better.' we 'Because we look for 5. Thc'words of the ll. O "loomy times.' 'Ye?, but 'Why do you expect better! the i-ord of our.'deliveruncc.' Also, the -words ' Three' 'Days,' 'Duty,' -and ' iVashiuftou,' will be comprehended by the in formed.. 6 Theseriptural allusions refer tc the story of liahab the Harlot, who hung n -scarlet cord from her house -io secure the protection which had been promised Ly the spies of Joshua, for the assist ance flo-ded them while in Jerfchd. The idea is to hang out the same or some similar sign to the Yankees, so th it theyjnay recognize their friends and afford them protection and relief. From this, exposition of the Secrets of the asso ciation, it must be plain, even to the most confi dent of its members, that their machinations are understood; while, at the same time, it must serve to convince the unwary of the existence of a most dangerous conspiracy against the Confederacy We expect to be able to obtain in a short time an accurate list of all the membeis of the II. O. A., together with its officers, places of meeting, mode raltachcd to it, that has evci been, invented, 80 an to ! through all time. I of every true man are upon vou. and tht yoti may, aetrrtion is incLitubtc. To those who have acted a? the agents of the enemy in disseminating this infamous plot among our people to the high priests of this most dis graceful schism wc would simply sny, that in stead of securing salvation in a 'scarlet cord' they may. yet find perdition-iu u 'h.cmpeu' one. - - V The Secret, Oath hound, and Treasonable fon spiracy fully Confirmed. Since the above was written, we have received the following communication from die Itev. O. Churchill, cf Chatham county, which willfully explain, itsself. The order of the 'lit roes,' it has been ascertain ed, was imported from Ya'okecdom, and it was ex pressly devised and concocted for the purpose of sowing the seeds of disloyalty and treason in the C.'Sifedeiafc States, unde r the specious pretext ol affording ptotection and giving amnesty to those who .should become initiated ai d lake the oaths, in the event the Yaukee army should get possession of the particular section of country in which they might reside. In this way, no. doubt a .number ol timid and unsuspecting persons, with a view of saving their property, and possibly " their lives, in the contingency suggested, have joined the ordci of 'Heroes.' litit we feel confident, that every honest man who has been entrapped in this most damnable invention of the enemy, now that the object of the organization has been exposed, will at once declare 'nyn-fclloviship' with it aud expose the whole concern? We append to the communication of Rev. O Churcbhill, who is an upright man and a uiinisier of the gospel, of the Baptist pe.rsirasjon, in the county of Chatham, the certificates of Silas Btck wiih and Benton llollan. O II Holland, J II Long, and 11 M Sugg. The1; certificates are duly sworn to, and as the certifiers are understood to be men of truth and veiaoity we presume no one will dare to impeach thir testimony. ' e--will -have more to fray about this Secret oath bound conspira cy hereafter: Chatham Co., N. C. Mr Editor Sir: I .wish to state a few facts for the benefit of the public, generally.' There is a secret concern in this, and other counties, of our beloved Old State Its name is 'IIerocs of Aineri-j ca.' Its objects, -rr main objects, aro protection I from the enemy. It has cue of the hardest oaths State or North Ca&m.xna,V Chatham County, Juu 29, 18o4. J This is to certify that Benton Holland, G ll Holland, J B Long, and It M Sugg, appeared be fore me, one of the Justices ofthc lencc in and for6aid county, testifying that they belong to a secret organization in aaid county, but believing it Io be wrong, have declared noti-lcllowshjp with it, and they wish the-tmblio generally to uuderttand that they were milled as to its object, and as good and loyal citicens of their country, they wish it further understood that they will not belong to any such organization, and they pledge their sacred honor aa honest mcu never to eugago in anything that has a t'endenoy to injure their cemnlrv; tnd tbey pray that the authorities will pardon them Itr their misstep; and they pomhie tht they will never hereafter be caught in such a'n rpcnitatiou again- . - -II. COUNCIL, J- P. . For We are authorized to candidate for re election Mecklenburg1 county. May 0, If 64 Sheriff. announce R . ''ii. WHITE ns a to the office of .Sheriff of pd ZVOTJCtt.- The firm of WILtlAMrf, DATES & CD., is thi; (jan. ist, day All u-til) dissolved by mutual c-nseiit . iiacjAiiJ ii'lnffl.Mr,.! -.ru 1 t it. .!.. . :uvi not to service w ;cn """-u-u ia can aim ciose me:r accounts t'ni'f !!ie tmttation or regimental dr.;', each field officer shall t'lrf'eit and pay one hundred dollars; eachfcantain nr.d tv'.hor officers who shall fail to muster and' drill their com n.u: ios'at the times aoDoiated. sh: tl f,-.7-fo; .-.,,.1 1 - ----- 11 - - -----W..V1V KI1U dollars, and n a non-comm'is- .vith cither of the undersigned. Jannarv 12, 1814 L. L. S. w WILLTAMS, SANDERS. BLANK DEEDS, Warrants jay tor each tail a re fiftv dollars, and if a non-commie- : tor sale at this Utnce. :.lne1l ot'.icer or i-rivate shall fail to attend at anv tlTill i Ejectments1, &, f he shall forfeit and pay not less than five nor more than I nveiity-uve dollars; IVovituJ, that every absentee shall i he allowed until the next muster to make hieeuse. j The fine shall be adjudged by regimental and eompa- I nye ourts-inarti'al, and judgments are to be entered np 'itul the lines collected in the same mode and in accord- I aa eewitu tnc pio.;sun. of the Militia Law of North The Peoples' Ticket. ! JOB THE SFXATE, j COL. WILLIAM M. GUIER. j FOR THE COMMON'S, I Tt. D. WHITLEY, i May 16, 1 SG 1 tepd To th6 Voters of Union County, Fellow Citizk-: I am a candidate for your suf frages at- the next ensuing election for .Sheriff in the County of Union. My connection with the army, hw- J ever, nas lor some monins rem-iveu me troni tuai lann liar intercourse with you that would genera Uy he de- ' sirable. Dut, trusting that I may have a due -allow ance tor I repeated expressions of n desiie that 1 should become I a candidal!.. I have coiented to do so though under ! vastly uifferent circumstances from those which ur ! rounded .ns fourvears ago. Many of you have realized the hards1 iivp of war and tha dangers of battle ; : without recalling the pst, let us look hopefully, to the future, and permit me, in gra'eful aikuowledgeineriis of the favors I received at your bi'tids then, with many "others previous -to. that timT to ask your cordial sup I port now. If elctp', I will use What iniustry and ! ability I possess to fulfill the obligations of the office 1 in such a ma;-.r.er.as." I hope, may ever be satisfactory ; to you. On the contrary, if 1 em not elected, I shall consider fhat you have done me no wrong and that I have no riht to criticise because your suffrage, are against me. Dut l am fully sensible of the distinction conferred, by b-"ng elected to the position for which I am a cand:'" 1 and shall be as proud to receive yonr voles as I nail ever be earnest and faitiful to prove of communications, &c: and though we rmy b in duced to spare many who have been unfittingly inveigled iuto the organization, its ringleaders hud better beicare. The objects of this association are preeminently treasonable. An unsuspecting man id approached, aud questioned as to his desire to J'.avc his proper ty protected-in tho event, of raids. If the bate takes, lie is made to believe thttt subjugaticr. is in evitable; the story of the IJarlot is related to him as indicating a mode of escape from the evils of such a late; the Oath" is then administered, and the objects of the society fuiiy . matle known to him ' The Hero finds to-his surprise, perhaps, that; in thus attempting by ungenerous aud unpatriotic efforts to secure favorable Terms for himself and bhs'household in thus seeking to prosper upon tlw miseries of his friends and the downfall "of bin country he has become the member of an asso- prayed eiation devised li the Yankees themselves, as a I thing. y N - rf-T covert and cowardly means of etfecting the sudju- j gation and slavery ofthc Southern people. He. is placed in as direct antagonism to the authorities j and laws of the Confederacy, as if he had taken j the Oath to Lincoln, or had enlisted in the north- j em army. He becomes really a spy, a conspira- j tor, and a traitor, in the fullest meaning of' these j words subject to the peuaity. of death attht-' hands of t lie hang-man, and with no redemption j before him save that afforded hv tho utter aim 01 prevent its subjects Irom telling the secrets. Il also has secret words and signs, so every member may be recognized; nqd the manner and wny that u person is brought icto this concern, are calcula ted to deceive, ,'i hey are takeu before the person who i3 to admini.-dc-r the Oath to them; then the Oath man ak the candidate if he can kt'ep a se cret, il-o tells hiiu ho" thinks he can. Then he tells him there is nothing in this ngsdnst you cith er polnrcally or religousl', nottnng nut what is right and proper. Having this a.ciurancc,' tlfcy proceed. I, a poor deluded soul, went into this' unholy thing and for a phort lime thought it was all right, and, during that time, was the cause of fouror five otliers becoming deluded with myself. But, tTauk God, my eyes were opened to see what I bad done for myself and others. I at once de clared non fellowship with the' concern, and I to Ood to foigivo nie for doing; so vile a- A BAY OP PEACH The happiest augury of peace, (says tho Mobilo Register,) which the telegraph wires havo flashed to us for two years, is tho action of the Democrat, ic Conventions -of KentackyOhio and Illinois They have sent delegates to the National Convcn. tion, with instructions to vote fur a peace platform framed upon ihe principles of Ijnng'n speech. , At last, then, the banner of truth is being lifted over the heads of a people w!m havo been stugge rbg in passion, blood and darkncM for ihreo year. ' Oh! thut precious banner! If the Chicago Convention, but have the illumination and tho courage Io lift it up and plant it as their rallying point in their coming struggle with their eneuiicar our coriiiey the enemies of freedom and humanity. Mr Long, of Olio, was the bravo and sagacious c:n who, like another John the Haptiet, catuo te rfore to herald the banner efpeico.. Pointing it out to the great Democrats JJabcl ot the iHonii, confused of tongues and blinded of papsions by the cunning of its adversary, h proclaimed in h siyno vincct. lie told his auditory that that great speech was well pondered in a month of pre paration. Was it not the well considered voice of his party ct the time, and Mr Long tho honored and chosen instrument of preaching n new and life-giving political gospel to a great party reft and f cattcrod by the storm of war? It boro theM marks at the time, and wc pray God, n htt we'soe now is but tho first budding of the sweet ripe fruit that gospel is destiucd to bear. Some few wcckn ago, we outlined a platform fur tho .Northern Democrats and expressed tho belief that they would grasp permanent power by adopting it. W are equallyof opinion, that on any platform bar ing a single war plank in it, their chances are hope less. If, now, tim Chicago Convention take Mr Longs speech as tho guido for the principles it shall put io issue beforo the North, w have no more doubt of its triumph than wo Lava that Le and Johnston can whip Grant and Shcrmaa oti any day in which they will giro them battle in thcT open Geld. " - r TIIE TITHE TAX IN NOHTII OAEO- XINA ' : - Major. McUak, the general Tithe Tax Collee tor in North Carolina has. kin Hy furnished us with the following statement of TitWcs collected in sail Stute up to the 1st of June, 1804, of the crop of 1803. . - And I believe tjod forgave nie for it. Then I told some of my friends my thoughts upon j the subject. 1 am a man that wishes to ervc my t (Jod and do my duty to my country. I think I ' am u loval man, and always have been, and I do! that has a di? loyal ten- ' not want to be in anylhin dency. ' Airtiin, I thought oiny brave "bnv, who was fighting for our independence aud of all that I had j done. ' It was said lOJ that all lh.i who" belund to Sweet Potatoes, Irish", " Corn, Wheat, '. Oat?, Sheaf Oats, llye, Hnekwheat, Ilice, Sheaf Rice, liy, Fodder, Cotton, Wool, Tobacco, Tea-, . Hcans, Ground Peas, 1Jicon, . Salt Pork, 38,410 bafhelfc. 2,713 " 013,400 " 107,452 88,eS2 079,700 pounds. 0,3 H bushels. 724 pounds. 80,1 f3 62,443 4,406,018 11,476,523 229,885 35,093 2,469 7,073 baihcls. 30 " 3,201 2,804,12 pounds. 82,143 the land which gave It i m birth ' this concern wre ept-ced to vot fr Mr ilolden. j Prom the 10th District no returns Laro- ban oer to assist a hrnthfr ITrm. and to "irive hi tn if nermitted to live to yet to the polls, in August no returns.. Portions of the' 3d make no returns tills' seemin ineonvenienceidi vevv to i timely notice of all approaching dan-er.' This ob- m st, to vote f.u- hitn again 1 would, 'as a friend, j Kigbt Counties of the 1st and two in 2d districts 1 llUilUOfI lieCeSSllJ'CS llie liaroiTlllS; Ul uisiitcu : 11 a 1 1 iuiki- iih iluic vvwii uiiu iij i n.i.t iii'iuu ---- - .... , giving of aid and comfort to Yankee ppies con- '. Kd, to come ri!it out with this thing oi o.ice . j where returns hjve not Ictn uadc, the Counties r vevin" im proper informtition to the enemv and i Kspeeially d j 1 in?irt upon all tjood men to come s aic, or have been, in the hands of the enpiny. IV f , ; the tf rformanee of any act, however unpatriotic or out: and I would sjv t all of I hum that have not ; bacco is not collected by the Tithe Agent, though ual 1 . . . .' J . , . . . ' i- ' . t i i . .L! : t.i r.: 1 .!.. O AC.fi I I i ., treasonable, which may be aemanaea oy suca as j an jet oeen orougni into inn ifiiscrauio buju, nut i u appears m pvvuui i w un-i iuiu give the sign of distress. : to accept of any )rposition, that may bonmde or j over to the Government. Wifminjton Journal. Let no rtar. delude himself, with the reflection, offeied; for 1 tell you it is a thing that ought not ! . . .' sucn ' to estsf. Our autiKiities sav it is treason, ana I : I ;ag Atott or itie ill A. Jir. 1. a- that 'sT-lf-tiresrvation is a law of lialurc an iiiicrpietation would justify the craven iu his , fear it is. So all of joy, who arc now keeping its who lelt PeUrfcborg op the Ztb, ealleJ tn ai Our moet i f iect cowardice the traitor in his willeit secrets; come righout. The oith is not binding, ofSce on Saturday. . He says that onr troops were dream, of treason the villian in all that can ber because it is ouJsiTio of everything that is reason-' in th finest kind of spirits at the time ho ieft, and fiditir Tl.n lawa r.f tlorl nnd man able nnd ri' ht. I d.i not bHieve that- an individ-' rcrfectlr conlident of wtlppinff Oraots army regard all such correspondence, plot tings, or at- ual is cither morally or Jrgally bound to keep it: , whenever they offer bsttle. l&at they temnffi at makin? terms. with the common enemy , for the Oath is wr.ng in itself Io as I have '.supplied with provisions, and in CXCellci are wcu tempts at making terms. with the common enemy , lor the Uath is wr.-ng m irseir iw as i nave .s-jpplicd Witn provwiou, " ', as crimes, deserving a felon's death and a traitor's; done go to your God and a?k forgiveness, then He Lroughl with Lim parfof the stall cf tbo battlo rfniro onhitrv on n 'furnish an , ro tn thfi'Governor of vur State and lav the rnst- i flaf nf' the 34ib, all splintered and scarred, sent mvsi if worth- of the lesoonsiWc trust imposed bv the i pem fmm th ronspniipjier of rq ifeliber.ite and i ter onen before him. aud ask forgiveness, and vou home bv ine uoionei uwe prcserrea aa a reno oi me. And, 'in conclusion, allow me -to hope you will' j wicke;j a conspiracy against liberty and country ! will be pardoned at olcc, for we have a Governor 1 the ccns through which that glorious regiment remember your friend, and on. the day of election a j damning "gu the climax of a j who tries to do right. ' j has passed.-9ais6iry Watchman.' ticket for the same. Vir? (nation's strugde for Existence: I have fiaid enough for this time. I may come , - ' 'U ,H.r March 28, 1864 H ' Gordon rigTde. Many good but unsuspecting men hare been in; again. So, Mr Editor, jou ean TnhVh this if , The roads to wealth are economy and en.y. - '' " s In jrronf .f thi 'it is onlv neersarv to refer to 1 knew tLat I could not do that, fjr I have ever j made. No returns from the 0th except from 3 Couu i that portion of 'the oath' which binds coeh mem- ; beeu a warm &upporter of Z ll. Vor.ce, and expect, j ties. In tho Cth, Stokes and Itockiugbaiu made . I - i

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