6 tsUvn emoctat. W. J. YATES, Editor and Proprietor. CHARLOTTE, IV. C. July 3, 1865. MAGISTRATES- be following is & list of the Magistrates ap- oted by Gov. Holden for Mecklenburg county: M elver, Q Harnett, F Helper, . tlrrW! R Gillespie, tiri-l : ii i ni Liti v- Thos G lay James Martin, Kb DeArmond, H'tch'd Jordan, 'A'm Trelar, t'has A Frazier, ' W Ahrens, Dan Barnhardt, tobt R Llea, Jefferson Berryhill, Robert Sloan, Washington Mills, JSollleid, Elani Sample, W W Grier, Win McGinnis, Sr, 3lartin Alexander, I)r Maxwell, . El am Robinson, Mark Wilson, lhomas Kerr, Thos V Dewey, B W Alexander. We understand that the above-named persons u4 notified to appear in Charlotte on Tuesday. ViJalj. to be sworn in by Dr. Wm. Sloan. fie following is a form of the Commission is isA to Magistrates : STATE UJ:' MUHTU UAKULIJs A. Jo , Greeting: Ther'attemptmad by. some of the New Yrk journals to create, th impression' that there is no disposition at the South to give ready faith ful support to the Federal authority, and that the submission of the people hre ionly yielded with a view to future mischief, and hence that they must be humiliated to the last dpgree. distrusted and coiitcolled like unyielding enemies, is work ing much mischief to the cause of pacification and doing wrong to the. South generally. , We rely upon the better judgment and kindlier feeling of the people generally, as a corrective. of these in considerate and mischievous reflections. Rich mond Whig. " Unfortunately, there are a few sycophants here in the South who consider it necessary to establish their own loyalty-by abusing Southern men and demanding their punishment, degradation and ruin, and who thus deceive the North about the wishes and sentiments of the . great mass of the Southern people who are anxious '-to promote true peace and good feeling. Such miserable creatures (their real character and motives not being understood at the North) encourage "some New Yorkjournals'" and others in theexercise of malice towards us. It is, indeed, a foul bird that pollutes its own nest. . Tho great mas3 of Southern people heartily supported the Confederacy whilst it had an exist ence, and now, it being dead., they, will do their duty as law-abiding citizens of the United States; but they feel wounded and hurt every time a Southern , man's property is confiscated .or his person imprisoned for political offences. This is natural. And wecan assure the Northern people that the true.Uuion men of the South we mean those who, from principle, preferred the Union to auku m.urjij n.Oip.riUSl :N I ' V 111 IB II) r Constitution of North CarohWis being amended, we hope the old method of appointing Magistrates for the different counties by the Legislature will be .abolished or restricted. , It ought, to be abo ished as'a nuisance to the good people of the State. Let it be a part of the sworn duty'of the Judges of ( our Superior Courts to appoint a cer tain number of Magistrates for each county say one or two for each Precinct or Captain's-Beat. Ws, in order to promote the speedy restoration of Civil Authority in the State of North Carolina and fnsure the perpetuation of a Republican form of oovernmeut, and reposing special trust and conn Oebce ia your prudence, integrity and teal for the tre?ervatt ju ct peace and cood order, do hereby ap point jou Justices ot the Peace lor tbecounty or as long as a Provisional Government shall .ontinue in this State, and no longer: and do invest tou with all the rights? privileges, powers and au thorities, useful and necessary to the just and proper discharge of your duties, under the laws in being prior to the 20th of May, 1861, and in pursuance of v .uch other instructions as may from time to time be issued by ue. In witness whereof, His Excellency, William W. Ilolden, Provisional Governor for the State of North Carolina, by appointment of Andrew Johnson, Presi dent of the U. 5. of America, hath signed with his band these presents. Done at the city of Raleigh, n the day of , 1865, aud in the 89lh year of -cur independence. , W. W. HOLDEN. By the Governor : ft. G. Badger, Private Secretary, pro tem, : . Town Commissioners.) Gov. Holden has made the following appointments for the Town of Charlotte : - H. M. Pritchard, Mayor. Ward No. 1 W A Williams, W.F Windle. . j No. 2 J E Stenhouse, A Weil. fSo. a$-J C Burroughs, H M Phelps. o. 4 D C Barnhardt, C IJilker. Improper Appointments. We do not be. lieve that Gov. Ilolden would knowingly appoint notoriously immoral and dishonest men to office. If such persons have secured appointments, we think the Governor was not aware of their char acter, and we would suggest that those who know the facts inform the Governor. That is a better plan than making publication in-the newspapers. At present we must decline publishing any com munications on the subject. , . Fruit. Fruit will be rrnre abuudant this year than for many years previous, and we think of a superior quality, judging from specimens which our friends have presented us. We urge that some plan be adopted by our Town authorities (either civil or military) to pro tect those who bring fruit here fo sale from de predations by boys and others who are disposed t "grab." The deaplitMe hoys who are permit ted to roam the streets from day to day in idle ness and learning bad habits, ought to be taken care of by somebody. If they could be induced OUR COUNTRY ! Indepeadenci Pay will be appropriately celfebrfrUd in Charlotte tomorrow. The troops, will mass and the citizens assemble at the Oak Grove oa Church Street, in the rfcar of theMint, at 10$ o'clock, A. M. The following programme has been arranged for the occasion :' 7 , . 1. Music by the Brass Band." - 2. Prayer. ; . 3. "Star Spangled Banner." by the Choir. 4. Reading of the Declaration of Independence by General Thomas. 6. Patriotic Songs by the Choir. 6. Oration bv Col; PacEard, lZ8th Ind. Tola. . 7. ''My country, 'tis of thee," by the Choir. 8. "Yankee Doodle" and "Dixie," by the Band. 9 National Salute of thirty-six. guns. All eood citizens are respectfully invited to attend. ... R C. RISE, ' Lt. Colonel -120th Ind. YoU, . , . . - J AS. TUCKER, Lt. Colonel 25th Mass. Vols. E W. PENIS Y, . . ' Major 130tb .Indiana Vols, . A. M. WOOD, Captain Elgin (111.) Battery. July 3, 1866. Committee of Arrangement. to learn trades or engage in any respectable busi- the Confederacy participate in this feeling mord L ness it would prove a blessing to them and to Review. The 1st Division of the 23d Army 'Corps was reviewed in this place, on Tuesday evening last, by Brig.Gen. Thomas. Some three or four thousand men turned -out." Gen. Thomas now commands the Division, and is popular with both citizens and soldiers. Considering the large number of troops quar tered in this neighborhood, rumarkable good order has been preserved, which speaks well for all the officers in charge of this Pot . To the Charitable. A friend calls our at tention to the fact that numbers of Confederate soldiers, who have recently been released, are Jaily arriving at Charlotte, many of them sick, and are entirely dependent upon the kind offices jf the Federal officers and soldiers for sustenance. We invite attention to the matter, and solicit con-1 tributions of fruits and vegetables which are so grateful to the invalid at this season of the year. If a relief oommitte were organized and would attend at the Depot on the arrival of the evening train, and distribute vegetables and fruit, it would prevent suffering. We would also suggest to those who have vegetables and fruit to spare, to nendsomething of thekind to the Hospitals for tho benelit of both the Ifederal and Confederate ick soldiers. Let something be done to relieve the suffering and wants of " all who are siok or wounded. We tender our thanks to Hon. J. W. For ney. Secretary of the U. S. Senate, for valuable public documents, among them complete copies f the Tax Laws. . m m ; . Advertising. Northern merchants who want to advertise in this paper must send their adver tisements directly to as. and not through Adver tising Agencies. We have had some experience with Advertising Agents, and don't care to have anything more to do with them unless their orders are ccompanied with the cash. Tho annual meeting of the Stockholders of the N. C. Railroad Company u to be held in Salis bury' on the 13th of July. or less they are not now of the proscrrptive classM but are generally found advocating kind feeling and peace. It is only the latter day saints, the eleveuth-hour Union men, who urge proscription and exult at the imprisonment of Southern men they are always .ready to go with the strong side. Wo are sincerely desirous of letting by-gones be "by-gohes we are tired of turmoil and dis putes, and want to do all in our power to promote peace but it may become necessary, in behalf of truth and in defence of conscientious, honest and fell-disposed men everywhere, to expose from the record the past course' of some of those in the South who are now professing to be the salt of the earth and constantly abusing Southern men and calling for their degredation. The following is the form of the pardon grant ed by the President of the United States to those whose petitions are favorably received : " Whereas, r by taking part in the late rebellion against the government of the U. States, has made himself liable in heavy pains and penal ties, and whereas, the circumstances of his case render him a proper object of Executive clemen cy. Now,, therefore, be it known that I, Andrew Johnson. President, do hereby graht ' to the said , a full pardon and amnesty for all offences by him'cominitted. arising from participation, di rect or implied, in the said rebellion, conditioned as follows: This pardon to. begin and take effect from the day on which the said. shall take tho oath prescribed in the proclamation rf the President dated May 29, 1865, and to be void and Of no effect if the said shall hereafter at any time acquire any property whatever in slaves, or make uso of slave laborl" mankind generally. tW We are willing that all who heretofore paid for the.Democrat (whether .in Confederate money or anything else) shall have the paper un til their subscription term expires; in fact, we have put ourself to a great, deal of trouble and expense, since the embarrassments consequent upon the sudden stoppage of the war commenced, to supply the paper to subscribers , For a few weeks it was impossible to print our regular sheet, and we printed small Extras in place of it aud sent them out. If all did not get them it was not our fault we did the best we could, and when it is remembered that all bat a few papers in the State suspended entirely, we think we have done well. Many have received the paper for the year just ending "for the sura of ten dollars, Confeder e'rate currency. If any one i dissatisfied, all we have to say to such is, that we do not want their names on our books again we want noth ing to do with "skin-flints.' GrAS Ligiit. President Brown announces that the company will be prepared this week to com mence furnishing gas light. Well done for Presi dent Brown he will no doubt get .the thanks of the whole community for his timely attention to this important matter. Salisbury Banner. We hope the President of the Charlotte Gas Company will stir himself and get the gas-works in operation, and give us "more light." Appointment op Southern Postmasters. The Postmaster General has made the follow ing appointment of Postmasters for N. Carolina : . Wilmington. Wm A Poisson; Greensboro, J D White; Goldsboro, John Robinson ; ' Elizabeth City, Mrs Martha Jane Slilroy ; Hillsboro, Chas J Frazier; Salem, A T Zevely ; Wilson, W G Sharpe; Yancey ville, AlexMcAlpin: Newbern, G W Mason. : m m i 13T We have heard a great deal of complaint made about the wheat crop in this section; but we saw a farmer from Gaston the'other day who spoke differently about his own prospects he said he thought he would make twenty --five bush els of wheat to the acre. He plants largely anU works hard. UST of MAGISTRATES FOR ROWAN "COUNTY W P Graham. 17 II Howerton. Thos J Meronej, Adison M Sullivan,' Saml H Wiley, W F Watson. J W Jones, J M Coffin, A J Young. H F Sprague, J W Johnson, R Holmes, A J Mock, J A Hawkins, J K Graham, W Atwell, Paul A Sifford, Geo M Barn hardt, M j Homes, J M Shaver. Henry Barringer, T W Haynes, Tho3 Barber, 'D L Bringle, and Dr J G Ramsey. " .The following is a list of tho Town Officers ap pointed for Salisbury : Mayor, J H Ennis, Esq. Commissioners,' W Murphy. M Richardson, ,S R Houser, J L Mc dubbins. F E Shober, A L Young. Thos h Brown, Martin Kichwme and J M Comn. The statement heretofore published that Lewis E. Parsons had been appointed Provisional Governor of South Carolina, is not correct. Mr Parsons is the Governor pf Alabama. No ap pointment has yet been made for South Carolina. 3T The President's health was somewhat improved presterd ay, though he was tod indispos ed to receive visitors or to attend to much busi ness. Consequently the Cabinet meeting which was to have been held to discuss Soutji Carolina affairs was postponed. New York Herald 28 f A. Virginia Legislature. The Legislature of Virginia has passed a bill levying a tax of 20 cents on the $100 for the support of the State government. . The rate of interest has, been put at 6 per cent, but contracts in writing for 7 3-10 per cent shall be held as legal. The bill to incorporate the Virginia Emigra tion and Land Company has been defeated, and a resolution passed directing the Governor to en quire into and report at the next session the ac tion of Missouri, rTennessee and North-Carolina, I in relation to unimproved State and abandoned land. . cr noses v v Newspapers. The following are the only newspapers now published ia North Carolina: The Standard. Record, Progress and N. C. Christian Advocate, at Raleigh ; Western.Demo crat at Charlotte; Union Banner at Salisbury; Peoples Press at Salem; Times at Newbernj Flag at Plymouth; Herald at Wilmington; Patriot at Greensboro; and probably the News at Asheville.. These are all that remain of some 35 or 40 pa pers published at the commencement of and dur ing the war. . ' Of the papers published at the commencement of the war the following only are now in operation: Standard and Progress at Raleigh; Democrat at Charlotte; Patriot at Greensboro; and Press at Salem. ' ' - v Good News The most gratifyin lately received, is the oiScial announcement from Washington City, that no man will be ex cluded from voting because be has been a sol dier in the Confederate array. It is desirable that as many persons as possi ble should have the privilege of voting when the government is to be reorganized. We want all to feel that they have an equal and substan tial interest in constructing a good government. It would have been most unfortunate if the soldiers had been excluded; we believe the ma jority of them have ever been true men, strong ly opposed to the late war. . They are a brave andlnanly body of men, and such men readily forget- and forgive injuries done to themselves and others. They have be haved nobly and magnanimously tney have bad enough of war. , , We are sure, they will make useful and peace able citizens, and will be opposed to the next war, RaUlgh Standard. In this county, on the 13tb instant, by R. L. De Armond, Esq, Mr J M C Hunter to Mrs M. E. Mc Connell. v In Rowan county, on the 19th ult, by the Rev. D. I. Drehier, Mr "John Smith to Miss MA Baker. Also, on the 22d, Mr Wm L Lambeth to Miss Mary A S Furr. In this town, on Saturday morning last, rMis Liz?;e Britton, daughter of Mr B. H. Britton, aped 18 years. She was a consistent member of t&e Methodist E. Charch. MASONIC JVTICE. A called communication of Phalanx Lodge, No. 31, will be held this evening at 8 o'clock: Membr are herebv notified to attend, and visiting brethren are invited. S. L. RIDDLE, W. M. July 3, 1865. - Pocket-Book Lost. I lost my Pocket-book on Saturday last, either iu Charlotte or on the Providence road between McAl pin's Creek and Charlotte. it contained ,$31 in notes on various Banks, about $300 in Confederal-1 Dotes, and the following papers j. One judgment on Ja3 McLeod for $67, dated' Dec 1?,' I860, in favor of Wiley Noles ; one judgment on T A Sharpe, for $43, same date ; one Note on W J Alexander, dated Nov. 1859, for $85 50, with a credit of $7 ; one Ntite on Jaa H Query, dated April 1, 1860, for $25; one Note on J B; Black for$10, date no recollected; one Note on Wiley Noles for $3 30 ; and some Receipts. I herehy forewarn all persons from trading for the above papers. If the finder will leave the book and papers with W M Matthews in Charlotte, or ?: the Democrat Office, he shall be liberally re warded . July 3, 1865. 3t A. G. REID. Taken . Up, - About the 1st of May, a MULE, Which the o,wctr can have by proving property and paving expenses. July 3, 1865. 3t. . . T. H. BREM. STOLEN From the! subscriber on Thursday night, the 22d of. June, a large black MARE, about 12 years old, a&d entirely blind. She may have been ridden some distance and turned loose. - Any information which will lead to her recovery will be liberally rewarded.- , E. R. HARRIS, . . July 3. ' 26 Oak Lawn, Cabarrus co. LAND AND CLA'm AGENCY. WM. F. DAVIDSON & CO. are prepared to it tend to the collection of all kinds of Claims again?; ' the. Government and individuals, and are commis sioned to buy all kinds of Real Estate. Persons having claims against the Government, or Lands to dispose of (particularly mineral lands); will please call on this Agency. . Mr Davidson can- be found at Charlotte.. The other partners reside in New York and W&siAngton City. ' July, 3, 1865. . . tf SWEPSON, MENDEKQALL & CO., GENERAL Commission ' Merchants, For the sal of Tobacco, Raw Cotton, Cotton Tf&rn, Cloths, and Naval Stores, 121 Front Street; NEJV. YORK. Robt. R. Swipson, New YorH City. Saml. G. MuHphy, New York City. Ctrcs P. MsNDESHAtL, Pres t Farmers' Back i: Greensboro, N. C. ' Dasl. Worth; Company Shops, N. C. ' Gfo; W. Swipson, Haw Rive P. O., N. C. July 3, 1865. 6m ' " - Tnomas ,W.;Beiwey, . CHARLOTTE, N, JD., , Will pay the highest market price for Gold &d for Notes of the Banks of North Carolina, Sooth Ctaa lina and Georgia. j ;. . - , . O'Sce at Branch Bank of North Carolina. Vane 26, 1865 . . - 3tpd ... . e 9