HtttlE AND FBIENDS I ABOUND US. Oh, there's a power, to make each hoar ' As sweet as Heaven designed it ; Nor heed we roam to bring it borne, Though few there be that fad it. We seek too high for things close by, And lose what nature found us; For eje hath here no charm so dear, As home, and friends around us. We oft destroy the present joy For future hopes, and praise them, While flowers as sweet, bloom at our feet, If we'd but stoop to raise them. For things afar still sweeter are, When youth's bright epelMiad bound us, But soon we'rp taught that earth hath nought Like home and friends around us. The friends that speed in time of need, When hope's last reed is. shaken, To show us still, that come what will, We are not quite mistaken. Though all were night, if but the light From friendship's altar crowned us, 'Twould prove the bliss of earth was this: Our Home and Friends around us. gC-M fgf fisfiiiilffleaiT (Published e?ery Tuesday,) BY WILLIAM J. YATES, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. O """3lFi0$9 $4 PER ANNUM, in advance. Transient advertisements must be paid for i c advance. Obituary notices are charged advertis ing rates. Advertisements not marked on the manuscript f j? a Bpecific time, will be inserted until forbid, and charged accordingly. $1 per square of 10 lines or less will be charged far oach insertion, unles the advertisenrent is in serted 2 months or more. SIKES & GRAY, Watcliijiakers aiid Jewelers, CHARLOTTE, N. C, Hare re-opened their Shop at their old stand, oppo site Kerr's Hotel, where they are prepared to do all !nd of work in their line with promptness and dis patch. Watches and Clocks repaired at short notice. A share of patronage is solicited. We warrant satis faction. Work warranted twelve months if well saed. SIKES Ic GRAY. June 26, 1865". Cm TIN WARE. The subscriber 'is manufacturing Tin Ware of all Iliads, such as Cups, Coffee-Pots', Basins, Pie-Pan&, fcc, at his Store opposite the Court House. Tin "Ware will be exchanged for countrv produce or uash. W. S. BRYAN. June 26, 1865 r j Merchant Tailoring-. The subscribers will continue to carry, on the iiT?rchant Tailoring business as heretofore, at the store formerly occupied by Thos Trotter, Jeweler. Prices will be regulated according to the times on the cash system.- Country produce will be taken in jjayment for Cutting or work done. We hope our friends will not ask for credit, as we expect to do up work in the best style for CASH or it3 equiva lent in something to eat or wear. JAS. A. CALDWELL t CO. P. S. Persons indebted to us will please call and settle by cash or note, as early as possible. - June' 26. 186&. tf J. A. C. !c Co. HEADQUARTERS, Post Charlotte, N.C. June 20, 1865. In accordance with Special Order No. 105, P. Ill, 0. S. Headq'ra 1st Div. 23d A. C, the undersigned iiereby aasuraes-command of this Post. All orders heretofore issued from these Headquarters will re main in force until otherwise ordered. JAS. TUCKER, 72-3t - Lt. Col. 25th Mass. Inf. Southern Express Company. The Southern Express Company has opened com munication with all Northern and Western States, and is now prepared, to forward FreightMoney 'and valuable Packages safely and promptly, Messen gers leave Charlotte daily, connecting at fialeigh with Adams' Express Companj, and at Richmond with Adams' and Harnden's Express Companies. ' . Letters will, be forwarded by. this Company to all joints South and North. having no mail facilities. T. EL GILLESPIE, Agent. Charlotte, June19, 1865 " "tf Wanted, 2y a young, lady competent to teach Music,. French aad the English, branches, a situation as Teacher in a private family. References given and required. Address M. M , or T. H. Brem, Charlotte, N. C. June" 19, 1865, SPECIAL NOTICE.. All persons who removed Cotton from the old rield below the Mint, are ' requested to return the same to John I. Alexander, Agent in Charlotte, who maybe found, usually, at Cruse's Store. If so re turned, all will be well;" if not, prosecution' will be entered against the'parties, whose names are known. R. G. LEWIS. ' .TMD 19, 1865, 3t Dr. J. H. Wayt, DENTIST, Has resumed practice, and will be glad to see old customers and others at his Office! next door to Chas. Overman, Esq., in the building formerly oc cupied by Wm. A. Owens, deceased. June 19y 1865i tf ST RAVED, About the 1st of March, two Mi'ch Cpwe and one Heifer. One Cow had a bell on and is marked with half crop in underside of right ear and smooth crop in left the mark of the other Cow is forgotten, but she only milks two teats on right side. The Heifer is marked with crop and hole in left ear and under bit in right. A liberal reward will be paid for their recovery. M. D. McCULLOCH Charlotte, Jane 19, 1865 3t . - STOLEN. Stolen from, the premises of the , subscriber on Wednesday night the 7th inst., a fine dark-brown MARE, 7 years old, medium size, .email star in the forehead, a little white on the hind feet, some slight saddle marks on the back, the hair has recently been blistered off the lower part of the left shoulder. This Mare is f.he property of Gen. Rufus Barringer, and will be known by many of the men belonging to his late Brigade. A liberal reward will be paid tor her recovery. E. It. HARRIS. Oak Lawn, Cabarrus co., June 19, 1865. 3t KIMP P. UATTLJS. I. M. HICK. B. P. WILLIAMSON North 'Carolina LAND AGENCY. BATTLE, HECK 4 CO., Raleigh, N. C., will buy, sell and lease, adjust titles of, pay taxes on, and take general care of all kinds of Real Estate, gold, copper, lead, iron and other mines, water, powers, &c. Will likewise undertake collection of debts in North Carolina and elsewhere, by suit or otherwise. Communications confidential. Commissions and charges moderate. ' ) Raleigh, June 19, 1865 4t ' Treasury Department of N. C. iiALEiGH, June 14th 1865. The undersigned having been appointed Public Treasurer of North Carolina by W. W. Holden, Pro visional Governor, with the duty assigned, among other things, of collecting and securing'all the prop erty of the. State, at home or abroad, hereby notifies all persons having any such property in their pos session, to report the same to me without delay, to the end that I may get the same into my possession, for the use of the State; and all persons knowing of any such property in the possession of others, are requested to give me information thereof. W. H. Oliver is authorized to receive any State property in Alamance County, and H. A. Dowd is authorized to receive any such property in the State, West of Alamance County. JONATHAN WORTH, Public Treasurer and property. Agent of N. C. Raleigh. June 19, 1865. 3t DR. PR1TCSIARD Respectfully announces to his friends and the pub lic that he has reopened his Office arid Store oppo site the Court House, to carry on a general Produce and Family Supply Business, . All manner of Produce bought. AH tamily sup plies furnished, June 12, 1865. 4t NOTICE. I respectfully tender my professional services in the practice of Medicine 'and Surgery, to the citi zens of Charlotte and the surrounding country. Office "over, the Charlotte Bank. ROBERT GIBBON, M. D. May 20, 1865. , tf , J. T. BUTLER, Watchmaker & Jeweler, CHARLOTTE, N. C.; Respectfully informs the citizens of Charlotte and surrounding country that he has opened a shop in the Store occupied by C. M; Query, next to Spring' corner, where he will give prompt attention to re pairing Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, &c. Watch-glasses and materials in general at whole sale and retail. May 22, 1865. ' tf . JOHN VOGEL, PRACTICAL TAILOR, Respectfully informs the citizens of Charlotte and surrounding country, that he is prepared to manu facture gentlemen's clothing in the latest style and at Bhort notice. His best exertions wjll be given to render satisfaction to those who patronize him. Shop opposite Kerr's Hotel, next door to Brown k Stitt's store. "" . January 1, 1865. A CARP. DRS. W. W. it R. K.. GREGORY beg leave to announce to the citizens of Charlotte and the sur rounding country that they have resumed their Prac tice, and may be found at their Office or residence at all hourg, when not professionally engaged. . They hope by determination jo devote all their, time and energies assiduously to their profession, to njoy deservedly the confidence of the .people and "' ttract as large a portion of their patronage as has een awarded to them heretofore. N. B They will receive a few Students, to whom especial attention will be given and every effort made to prepare them for College. . . May 22, 1865. ' 6t ROBT. F. DAVIDSON. - JA8. W. BURROWS. COTTON, COTTON. The undersigned wish to buy One Thousand bales of Cotton, forjwhicb the highest market price will be paid in Gold or Greenbacks. . Apply, in our absence, to. Win. .E. Stitt, at the Johnston building, foar doors above Kerr's Hotel. DAVIDSON & BURROWS . Charlotte, Jane 13, 1865 3m North Carolina. Direction for organizing State Government. )K W. Mold en appointed Governor. PROCLAMATION BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE . . UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Whereas, the fourth section of the fourth article of the constitution of the United States declares toot the United States shall guarantee to every State in the Union .a republican form of government, and shall protect 'each of , them against invasion and domestic violence, and - Whereas, the President of the United States is by the constitution made Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy, as well as chief executive officer of the United States, and is bound by solemn oath faithfully to execute the office of President of the United States, and take care that the laws be faith fully executed ; and ' Whereas, the rebellion, which has been waged by a portion of the people of the United States against the properly constituted authorities of the govern ment thereof in the most violent and revolting form, but whose organized and armed forces have now been almost entirely overcome, has in its revolu tionary progress deprived the people of the State of North Carolina of all civil government ; and, Whereas, it becomes necessary and proper to carry out and enforce the obligations of the United States to the people of North Carolina in securing them in the enjoyment of a republican form of government, Now, therefore, in obedience to the high and solemn duties imposed upon me by the constitution of the United States, and for the purpose of enabling the loyal people of , said 'State to organize a State government, whereby justice may be established, domestic tranquility insured, and loyal citizens pro tected in all their rights of life, liberty and property, I, Andrew Joiinson, President of the United Stated, do hereby appoint William W. Iloldeq provisional Governor of tne State of North Carolina, whose duty it shall be, at the earliest practical period, to pre scribe such rules and regulations as may be neces sary and proper for convening a convention, com posed of delegates to be chosen by that portion of the people of said State who are loyal to the United States, and no others, for the purpose of altering or amending the constitution thereof, and with author ity to exercise within the. limits of said State all the powers necessary and proper to enable such loyal people of the State of North Carolina to restore said State to its constitutional relations to the federal government, and to present such a republican form of State.governraent as will entitle the State to the guarantee, of the United Slate3 therefor, and its peo ple to protection by the United States against in vasion, insurrection and domestic violence: Provided that in any election that may be hereafter held for choosing delegates to any. State convention, as aforesaid, no person shall be qualified as an elector, or shall be eligible as a member or such contention, unless be shall have previously taken and subscribed to the oath or amnesty as set forth' in the President's proclamation of May 29, 1865, and is a voter quali fied as prescribed by the constitution and laws of the State of North Carolina in force immediately be fore the 20th day of May, A. D. 1661, the date of the so-called ordinance of secession ; and the said con vention, when convened, or the Legislature that may be thereafter assembled, will prescribe the qualifica tions of electors and the eligibility of persons to hold office under the constitution and laws of the State a power the people of the several States composing the federal Union have rightfully exer cised from the origin of the government to the pre sent time. And I do hereby direct: First That the milrtdry comnJander of the depart ment, and all officers and persons in the military and naval service, aid and assist the said Provisional Governor in carrying into effect this proclamation J and they are enjoined to abstain from in any way hindering, impeding or discouraging the loyal peo- I pie from the organization of a State government as herein authorized. Second That the Secretary of State proceejl to put in force all laws of the United States, the admin istration whereof belongs to the State Department, applicable to the geographical limits aforesaid.- Third That the Secretary of the Treasury pro ceed to nominate for appointment assessors of taxes and collectors of customs and internal revenue, and such other officers of the Treasury Department as are authorized by law, and put in execution the rev enue laws of the United States within the geograph ical limits aforesaid. In making the appointments the preference shall be given to qualified loyal persons residing within the districts where their respective duties are to be performed; but if suitable residents of the district! shall not be found, then persons residing in other States or districts shall be appointed. Fourth That the Postmaster General proceed to establish post routes and pnt into execution the postal laws of the . United States within the 6aid State, giving to loyal residents the preference of appointment; but if suitable residents are not found, then appoint agents from other States. Fifth That the Diefrict Judge for the judicial dis trict in which North Carolina is included proceed to hold courts within said State,-in. accordauce with the provisions of the act of Congress " The Attorney General will instruct the proper offi cers to libel and bring to judgment, confiscation and sale, property subject to confiscation, and enforce the administration of justice within said State in all matters within the cognizance and jurisdiction of the federal courts. . . .. Sixth That the Secretary of the .Navy take pos session of all public property belonging to the Naw Department within said geographical limits, and put in operation all acts of Congress in relation to naval affairs having application to said State. - Seventh That the Secretary of the Interior put in force the laws relating to the Interior DeDartment applicable to the geographical limits aforesaid. Iq testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand anf caused the seal of the United States to be affix ed; Done at the city of Washington, this ,19th day of May, in the year ofoor Lord 18&5, and of the in dependence of the United States the eigbty-nintb. . - ANDREW JOHNSON. By the President : William II. Sewbd, Secretary of State. CORN AND WHEAT. 1 want to purchase Corn and Wheat at the Steam Flourug Uiir in this place, for which the market price will be paid. JOHN WILKES. Charlotte, M,ay 15, 186,5. The Amnesty Proclamation. Te Term of Pardon Who are to he restored to cuv teiuhip and, vho are to be ditfranckuedTkott tL . a a .mm . l are excluded Jrom ih Amnttty may make epttiel i- . j - .i. bl. 'J n J ' Jfueauon IQ ine Jt rwunii vr a uruvn. PROCLAMATION BY THE PRESIDENT OF Till UNITED STATES. Whereas, the President of the Uuited Staiti, , the 8ih day of December, A. D. 1862, nod oatht 26th day of March, A. D. ltftJ4, did. with the obi to suppress the existing rebellion, to indsce all per- sons to return to tneir loyalty, ana to reitort tht authority of the United States, issue proc.'amatiooi offering amnesty and pardon to certain persona h. had, directly or by implication, participated in tU said rebellion; and whereas many persons who so engaged in said rebellion, have since the ifsua&r, of said proclamation faued or neglected to u, the benefits offered thereby: and whereas tnxov jr. sons who have been justly deprived of all cUiuu amnesty and pardon thereunder by reason of tbeu participation, directly or by Implication, In taidrt- bellion and continued hostility to the government of the United States since the date of said procUnu. tion, now desire to apply for and obtain atuneitjttd pardon; To the end, therefore, that the authoritj of th, government of the United States may be reitorrd, and that peace, order and freedom nay bteiub. lished, I, Andrew Johnson, President of the Coiui States, do proclaim and declare that I hereby mm to all persons who hare directly or indirect! jr. 'icipated in the existing rebellion, except as bcrno after excepted, amnesty and pardon, with rtttora. tion of all rights of property, except as to slaitt.ul except in casea where legal proceedings, undtrrtu laws of the. United States providing for the cob&i cation of property of persons engaged in rebellion have been instituted, but on the condition, ttw theless, that every such person shall' take andn scribe the following oath or affirmation, and thaer forward keep and maintain said oath InrioUtr, ui which oath sball'be registered for permanent p:. servation, andhall bo of the tenor and eflect fol lowing, to-wit: - I, , do solemnly ewrar or affirm, Id pre sence of Almighty God,- that I will henceforth faith fully support and defend the Constitntlon of tht United States and the Union or the States thereno der, and that I will, in like manner, abide by and faithfully support all laws and proclamations which have been made during the existing rebellion wit! reference to the 'emancipation of slaves. So htf me God. . ; The fotlowiag classes of persons are excepted fron the benefits of this proclamation: First All who are or shall have been pretendtl civil or diplomatic officers or otherwise, domestic or foreign agents of the pretended Confederate goa ment. Second All who left judicial stations undrrtht United States to aid the rebellion. ' Third All who shall have been military or naval officers of said pretended Confederate government above the ratjk of Colonel in the army or Lieutenant in the' navy. ' Fourth All who left seats in the Congress of tbt United States to aid the rebellion. Fifth All who resigned or tendered resignation! of their commissions in the army tr navy of '.he U.S. to evade duty in resisting the rebellion. Sixth All who have engaged in any way in treat iag otherwise than lawfully as prisoners of war per sons found in tbeU. S. service, as offictrs, soldien, seamen, or in other capacities. . 7(; . Seventh All persons who have bcen or are ab sentees from the U. S. for the purpose of aiding tbt rebellion. Eighth All military and 'naval officers In the rebel service who were educated by the government in the Military AcaSemy at West Point, or the U. S. Nava.l Academy. Ninth All persons, who held the pretended oCm of Governors of States in insurrection againt tbt United Slates. Tenth All persons who' left their home withia the jurisdiction and protection of the United Slain, and passed beyond the federal military lines into the so-called Confederate States for the purpoae of aiding the rebellion. Eleventh All persons who have been engaged a the destruction of the commerce of the United Statf upon the high seas, and all persons who have made u uiv wt uuiiru owici jroul ViBUBUit, vr ucru engaged in destroying he commerce of the United States upon the Jakes and rivers that separate tLa British provinces from the Unitad States Twelfth All persons who, at the time when the; seek to Obtain the benefits hereof by taking the oath herein prescribed, are in military, naval or civil confinement or custody, or under bonds of the civil, military or naval authorities ot agents of the United States, as prisoners of war or persons detained fur offences of any kind cither before ofafier cony ictiot Thirteenth All persons who have voluntarily participated in said rebellion, and.tbe estimated value of whose taxable property is over twent.' thousand dollars. Fourteenth All persons who have taken tbeoat of amnesty as prescribed ip the Presi.ieut's procla mation of December eight, A. I), one thousand ribt hundred and sixty-three, or aa oath of alltgia&cttf the government of the United States sibce the a: of said proclamation, and'who have not thencefor ward kept and maintained the same inviolate : Provided that special application may be. made t' the President for pardon by any person belonging the excepted classes, and such clemency will be lib erally extended as may be consistent, with the ftcw of the case and the peace and dignity ot th'e United States. The Secretary of State will establish -rules ao regulations for administering and recordiag the ! amnesty oath so as to insute its benefit to tie tu ple, and guard the government against fraud. in testimony wnereor,. 1 have hereunto hand and cauaed ih ) nf ih TTrit.4 Rkih to be a"Sxed. Done at the city of Washington, tie day of May, in the year of Our Lord 1865, and the independence of the United States the 89th. ANDREW JOHNSON Uy the Preside ntWm n Seward, Sec'y of sW. TOll HAfcE. "" Fifteen Barrels LINSEED OIL for sale whoJen r retail. e. NYE HUTCHISON Juce 12, 1865