1 f 'Tk.TJ' HOME AND FBIERDST. .'- Oh ! there's a power to male each hour, As sweet as heaven designed it ; Nor need wc roam to bring it home, Though few there be that fiod it. We seek, too high for things close by, And lose what nature gave us ; .For life hath here no charms so dear, As home and friends around ua. ...We oft destroy the present joy, And future hopes, nor praise them, "While flows ns weet bloom at our feet, If we'd but frtoop to rui.-e them. For things so fair Mill greater are : When youth's bright fpell hath bound us; Butoon we're taught that earth has naught Like home arm friends around U3. Uut friends that speed in time of need, When hope's las-t reed ib f-haken,. Do s-how us Mill thai, ctne what will, We are not rjuife fur.-like a. Though all were, night, if but the light From friendhiji't a!:ar crowned u, 'Twould provii the bli.-s of eaith was this Oar home and friends Ground us. An 11 eery Oreurreinc. She falls in love with a fellow, Who epotts a foreign air; Jc marries her for her money, She niarritH him for his hair. One of the very be.-t wintchep, JJoth are will matched in life She's got a fool fur a husband He's sot a fool, for a will'. FULLINGS 6c SPRINGS Have removed their CLOTHING and MERCHANT TAILORING STORE, to No. 4 Granite Row, lately occupied by J. S. Phillips. We are olfcrir.g our stock of KEADl'.nADK CLOTH1SC .'at cost lot cash. Our form r Irit-n-Is and patrons will do well to supply themselves at once. We will keep at nil limes a good supply of Cloths, Cassimeis ami VeMir.gs, which will be made to order io the best style and manner. We will keep also n good stock of Hats, Shirts, Drawers ami other furnishing Goods. JTLL1NOS k SPRINGS. Jan 29, 18oG. GEN. LAKE'S SCHOOL (josicorri, IV. FOR BOYS, The first Session of this School will commence February l.Mh, ISO", ami continue twenty weeks. ' TERMS n3 follows, payable in advance : , Primary English - - $23 CO Higher - - - - - 30 00 Lniiu and Greek, - - - 37 50 CJaJ" No deduct ions will be mad for absence ex cept in cases of protracted sickness. Pupils enter ing alter the commencement of the session will be Charged in propoitioa to the above ratc3. Good board can be had in respectable families for about $15 per month. The pattons of tbi School may feel assured that their son, will be ;hooughly instructed and well trained. The Principal is a graduate of the Uni versity of Virginia, nnd also of the late Virginia Military Institute, and prior . to his entering the Confederate Army as Major of the N. C. '"Bethel" Regini?nl, he was successfully engaged in teaching, having filled successively ihe positions of Assistant Professor in the Virginia Military Institute, Profes sor in the State Seminary of Florida, and Professor in the N. O. Military Iuslitute at Charlotte. He will be assisted by an educated gentleman who is " also an experienced Teacher. JAMES II. LANE, A. M., Feb 12, 18CG 4tpd Principal. lVi WW. 'ctaitiicr Has removed his O.Tice to Springs' How, No. 2, (with Rock Island Manufacturing Co.,) where he may be found when not professionally engaged. February 5, 18ii - FSKSH A general assortment, always on hand, at Feb 5, SCARR'S DRUG STORE. SEED OATS, Bacon, Lard, Flour (family, Corn Mealj tec, for sale by II. B. WILLIAMS, Feb 5, 18CG. 21 door from National Bank. TONS No. 1 Pure Peruvian Guano, 100 tons Soluble Pacific Guano, ' For sale in lots to suit, bv - V. II. McKArtY k CO , "Wilmington, N. liefer to the principal merchants of Charlotte. t Feb. 5, CALL FLEOD AND SEE & STEELE. Who are now receiving and "and well selected Stock of opening a handsome r5L"5T aoojDs. Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Hardware, CBOCUUIES ami CESOCSiEEfcY, which they will sell at wholesale or retail, low for "Cash or Barter, in the Store lately occupied by J. M. SANDERS k CO, 3d door North of the Springs corner, and 5 doors South of the Charlotte Hotel, on Tryon Street. A share of public patronage is most respectfully solicited. E. A. McLKOP," Nov 13, 1SG5 tf M. D. STEELE. Dissolution. ; The .copartnership of A. WEILL & CO., com posed of A. Weill, A. K. Mayer and H. M. Ashcr, whs dissolved by mutual consent on the Gth inst , aud A R Majer is alone authorized to sign in liquidation of the firm's debts and accounts. A. WEILL, A. K. MAYER, 11. M. ASHER. . The business will be continued at the old stand in Parks' Building, Tryon street, by A. Weill and A. R. Mayer, under the firm and style of A. WEILL CO., and solicit a continuance cf the patronage heretofore extended. A. WEILL, Feb 12, ISGG ' A U. MAYER. NEW BOOK STORE, (Beticcen'tJie tuo Drug Sturts,) . CHARLOTTE, IT. C. Webster's Spelling Books, on'v S- a doXen ! Timbrels of Zion ; Presbyterian Psalmodist; ; Baptist Psalmody, (Hymn Book ) Presbvtertan Hvmu Books: Bibles, aud a great variety of Books and Stationery, fori rale on reasonable terms. Also, a l.irge quantitv oi l SALEM ALMANACS for 1 Jan 15. ISGti tf ! c. U. ROBINSON. DR. U. H. ROB1XSOX. C. H. ROBINSON & CO., ! Commission & ForHardine; Merchauts, V WILSllXGTOXj W. C. j Prompt attention givec to orders and consign- t ments. Jan 2:, 1SGG tf C. B. D1B2LC. B. G. WORTH. CO. M. DEWnV. . - Commission Merchants. 113 MAIDEN LANE, .VJ2W Prompt personal attention given to sale of Cotton, Naval Stores, and country Produce gencrnlh-. 'January 23, 186. tiipd THE STAMP ACT. x One of the Tax Laws of the United States. i Acknowledgement of deeds i Affidavit . . . i in suit or legal proceedings Agreement or Appraisement for each sheet or piece of paper ou which ' the Fame is. written I Assignments or Transfers of morf- gage, lease or policy of insurance, the J same duty as on the original instru j. ment. ! Of patent light ; Bank Checks. Drafts or Orders, exempt 5 cents exempt 5 cents 5 cents fre.at .-ight or on demand Biu.h or KxfHAxr.E. Ini.anp draft or on!-r, payable otherwise than at sight or. on demand, and any promiso rviote whatever, payable on demand 2 cents ! or at a time designatem. except oan note.- issued checks made ; - which shall 1 payment fr fur circulation, and. nj intended to he.'and forthwith presented for a :-um not exceeding IUK For every additional hundred dollars, or frnetional part thereof HiM.s ok Laiin('. of vessels for ports of the United States or Uritish North America Or receipt for goods.on any foreign 5 cents exempt 10 cents "0 cents $ 1 ,00 50 cents .j Cents $1,00 ports UtLi, or fvU.E th reof wlu'ii not eeeed fiv of any vesst-l, or part the consideration' does - hundred dollars Exeenling .? ."()!) and not exceeding $1.00(1 Exceeding $ 1. 000, for each $300, or fractional part thereof Of personal property other than ship or vessel. Joxi personal, for payment of inoney Sen Mortgage Oflicii For indemnifying any person for the payment of any sum -of money, where the money ultimately recoverable thereupon is $1,000 or iess Whero the 11101103' recoverable exceeds ")0 cents 81.000. f,r every additional 1.000, or fractional nrt thereof m 50 cents DiiNDS eonntj-. city and town bonds, railroad and other corporation bonds nnd script are subject to sliiinp duty. See Mortgage. Of any description other than such a are required in legal proceedings, and such as are not otherwise charged in this schedule , - 25 cents Ckrtii icatks of deposit in bank, sum not exceeding one hundred dollars 2 cents Of deposit in bank; sum exceeding $100, 5 cents Of stock in an incorporated company 5 cents .General 5 cents Of a (lualicaiion of a Justice of tho Peace -. -Commissioner of Deeds or Notary Public Of search of records That corjain papers aro on file That certain papers cannot bt found Of redemption of land sold for taxes Of birth, marriage and death Of qualifications of school teachers Of pronts in an incorporated compa ny, for a sum not less thau $10 and not" exceeding $50 Exceeding $50 and not exceeding 5 cents 5 cents 5 cents. 5 cents 5 cents 5 cents 5 cents 10 cents $1,000 Exceeding $1 .000, for eveiy addition al $1,000, or fractional part thereof 25 cents 25 cents Of damage or otherwise, aud all other certificates or documents issued by any port warden, marine surveyor, or other person acting as such Ckhtifiko Transcript of judg ments, satisfaction of judgments and of all papers recorded or on file (N. li. As a general rule, every cer tificate which has, or. may have, a le gal value in any court of law or equity, will require n stamp duty of 5 cents) Check Draft or Orihor for the pay ment of any sum of mouey, exceeding $10. drawn upon an ' person other cents 5 cents than a bank, banker or trust compa ny, at sight or ou demand 2 cents 10 cenjs Contract hee Agreement Brokers Conveyance deed, instrument or wri ting whereby lands, tenements, or other realty sold shall be conveyed, the actual value which docs not ex ceed $51)0 50 cents Exceeding $500, and not exceeding $1,000 $1.00 For every additional $500, or frac tional part thereof, in excess of$ 1,000, 50 cents Entky of any goods, wares or mer chandise at any custom house not ex ceeding $100 in value 25 cents Exceeding $100 and not exceeding $5!0 in value 50 cents Exceeding $5!J0 in value -. , $1.00 For the withdrawal of any goods or lnerchuddise, from bunded warehouse 50 cents GUAGEK'S IIltukx if for quantity not exceeding 500 gallons, gross Exceeding 500 gallons Tower of Attorney to sell or trans- 10 ceuts 25 cents ler stock, or collect dividends thereon. 25 cents To vote at an election of incorporated company To receive or collect rents To sell, or convey, or rent, or lease real estate 10 cents $1.00 50 ceuts For any other purpose PkOjJATE or Wile or letters of ad ministration, where tho value of both real and personal estate does not ex ceed $2,000 For every additional $2,000, or frac tional part thereof, in excess f $1.00 $2,000 Donds of executor, administrators, guardians and trustees, are each sub ject to a stamp duty of Protest upon bill note, check or draft Promissory Note See ilis of Ex change, inland. IJeiiewal of, subject to same dutv ns an original n.te. KiXKiiT for the payment of any sum of money, or debt due, exceeding $J0, or -for the delivery of any prop" -rty Trust Deed made to secure a debt to be stamped as a mortgage Convey ing estate to' uses, to be stamped as a conveyanoo. Warehouse IIeceipt fur any goods, wares or merchandise not otherwise provided for. deposited or stored iu any public or private warehouse, not 50 cents $1.00' cents 2 cents exceeding .00 in value? Exceeding $500. and uot exceeding $1,000 Exceeding $1,000, for every addition al $1,000, or fractional part thereof, -' in excess of $1,000 FoV any goods. &c, not otherwise provided for, stored or deposited in any public or private warehouse or yard Writs & Legal Document.? xcrH 10 cents 20 cents 10 cents 2.3 cents or other legal process, by which any suit is commenced in any court of re cord, either of law or equity . 50 ceut Writ or other original process issued .vy a court not of record, where 'the amount claimed is $100 or over 5'j cent Upon every confession of judgment or cognovit, for $100. or over, except in "ases where- the tax for a writ has 50 cents 50 cents 25 cents 50 cents 10 cents 50 cents 50 . ' Ivsri'Avet!. T.ifk when -the amount 1 25 cents ! -. . .tc-i (u in insurea etoes not excet-u Exceeding $1,000, and not exceedin; $5,000 50 cents " $1.00 Exceeding $5,000 Leasi: of lands or tenements, where the rents does not exceed $300 per 50 cents 50 ce&ts r.n n 11 m Exceeding $300. for each additional $t20!i, or fractional part thereof, in ex cess o$.-)00 Perpetual, subject to stamp duty as a ConveyuiiOf ." Clause of guaranty of payment of rent, incorporated or indorsed, five cents additional Measures' Return' if for quantity not exceeding 1.000 bushels 10 cents "25 cents Exceeding 1,000 bushels Muirr;.tsE trust deed, bill of sale, or ' personal bond for the payment of mo ney exceeding $100, and not exceed ing $.100 Exceeding $5C0; for every additional $500 or fractional part thereof, in ex cess .f $:"). Pawners' ('hecks Passage Ticket from the United States to any foreign port, costing not more than $.! CNisfiMg more than $35, and not ex ceeding $50 Ir every additional $50, or fraction al part thereof. 'in excess of $50 50 cents i 50 Cents 5 cpnts 50 cents $1.00 $1.00 S. TAX" XOTBCE. Chaki.otik, Jaiftary: 20, 180G. . Under the Internal Revenue Laws of the United States, all dealers in Merchandize, Lawyers, Physi cians, Millers, Distillers, Manufacturer., Butcher?, Dentists, Pedlars, in fact, neatly all 'Trades or occu pations require a License. Parties engaged in any busijiess or occupation must call upon me and make their application for such license. All persons having in their possession and use any Carriages, Buggies, or any soring vehicle Gold or Gilt Watches, Pianos, Silver Plate, over forty ounces, are required to make a return of the same to me at an early day. Parties distil'ing or desiring to distill are lequired to secure aJicetise and give a Boud. Non-compliance itli. the above will render the parties liable to heavy fines and penalties. I raay.be fouml in Charlotte at my office, during the month of January. I expect t o visit the Coun ties of Guston and Lincoln during the next month. F. W. AHRENS, As"t Assessor U. S. lut. Rev. For Mecklenburg, Lincoln and Gaston Counties. January 22 1SG6. NEW STORE AND NEW FIRM. TAiLou, Mclaughlin' co., Having formed a Copartnership, respectfully inform the public that tjiey have opened a Store in Bryce'.s building, a few doors below the Mansion House coiner, where they keep on hand a good assortment of - which they -will sell at low figures for Cash, or ex-, change for Country Produce of all kinds. TAYLOR & DUNG AN, j. Mclaughlin, C. II. ELMS. Jan 22, 18GG 3rn 2J;u:L ol 3aiiiJKii'g, C. Uamuuro, S. C, January 30, 18GG A Convention of the Stockholders ot this Bank is called to meet at their Banking House i(i this place, on Wednesday, 2Sih February. AtteuJance eit her in person or by proxy is earn estly requested, as matters of-great importance will Le presented for their consideration. J. V. STOKES, Feb. 5.-18CG. 4t President.' O. G. PARtLKY, . ' O. G. PARSLEY, JOHN JLDGE, I1EXHY SAVAGE. JR. O. G PARSLEY & CO., Importers & Coiuuiissioii itferchanfs, tVIltMlNGTOX, i. c, Solicit Consignments for Sale or Shipment of Cotton, Cotton Yarns, Domestics, Naval Stores, and other country yroduce. Kcp always iu Store for sale at lowest market prices : Gunny Bagging, Bale Pope, - Gunny Bags, Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, .Mess-Poi k, Bueon, Hides and Shoul ders, Flour, Butter, Cheese, Ciackers. Mackerel, Pickled Herring, Smoked Herring. Cod Fish, Paints, Linseed Oil, Kerosene aud Lubricating Oil, iu bar rels and 5 gallon cases, Tanner's Oil, Whiskey, Jamaica Rum, Gin in barrels and cases, Sack Salt, Rockland Lime, Ii ih Potatoes, Window Glas, Nails, Shot, ami n general stock of heavy goods. &Sole Agents for Ooe's Super-Phosphate, of Lime. -teS"" Agents for Dupont's Powder Mills. Jan 8. ly.JG tim The Southcrni ZEIS zsz ip xoj 23 Company Offer unsurpassed facilities for the shipment (from AUXiUSTA and points SOUTH) of Cotton, Cotton Goods, and heavy freights, for Savannah. New York, and iill points Xl-RTli and WEST, Through Receipts given on which Insurance can be effected at lowest rates. Internal Revenue Tax will be paid or Bonds given by this Company, in accordance with regulations of the' United States Treasury Department. For particulars and rates, inquire of Southern Express Company. This Comp:ny is now prepared to forward GOLD AND SILVER COIN, CURRENCY PARCELS, AND FREIGHTS, ' To Petersburg, Va, Danville, Va. Greensboro. N C, Raleigh, N C, Goldsboro, N C. Lynch burg,'Va, Bristol, Tenn. SalUbury, N C, Weldon, N C, Wilmington, N C, AND TO WAY STATIONS ON THE Virginia and Tennessee Railroad, Sonth-SHe Rail road, Petersburg Raijroad. North CaroIin.Railroad. Raleigh and Gaston RaMroad, Wilmington and Wel don Rajhoad, and Western N. C. R lilroad. LETTERS. MONEY PACKAGES, AND SMALL PARCELS, To Columbia. S C, August. i, Ga, Macon. Ga -Mobile, A!a, Seima, Ala, New Oi leans, La, Charleston, S C, Savannah, Ga, Columbus, Ga, Montgomery. Alii, Jatkson, Miss, .A.va iO WAY STATIONS ON THE I Charlotte k is.C. Railroad, South Carolina Rail- i ,' road, Georgia liaiboad, Macon and Western RailT i j road. Atlanta and West Point Railroad, Southwest- i 1 em Railroad, Southern Railroad, and Alabama and ' ' Mississippi Railroad ... Espress Companies, and marked to the care of the I Southern Express Company, will be prcmpth for- ; warded to destination - . ' j freights "shipped by steaaishlp lo our care will be forwarded by Express without charge for com- j mission or urayage If orders are left at our OiHce, goods will be cel led for and forwarded bv first Express. SOUTHERN EXPRESS CO. ' Charlotte, Aug. l.f,"TSG.." been paid . - Writ or other process appeals from justices' courts, or other courts of in ferior, jurisdiction, to a court of re cord , Warrants of distress,, when the amount or rent clainied does not ex ceed $1U0 - 'When the amount exceeds $100 Insurance Marine, Inland and Fire. Where the con.-ideratign paid tor the insurance, in cash, premium notes, or both, does not exceed -$10 Exceeding. $10, and -not exceeding . If A T I O if -A I EXP -R E 88 : AND- - . -! TRANSPORTATION COJUPAKY. This Companv ehrrrterei bv the State of Virginia, j and organized with'" JOSEPH' EL JOHNSTON, as its : President, uas opened an agency in Carson Building, One Door above the National 13an7:, and is now prepared to do a General Express Busi ness, in ..the transportation of , Freight, Currency, Gold, Dd Valuables, of every description between Charlotte and the fol lowing named cities and towns : New York, Hoston, Washington; Alexandria, .Staunton, Greensboro', Danville, CLarlotle, Weldon, Newbern, Philadelphia, Baltimore, -Georgetown, ' Lynchburg, Richmond, Petersburg, . Raleigb, Wilmington, Goldsboro', . Norfolk, Knoxville, Tenn. Iiristol, Tenn, Fredericksburg, and all accessible points iu the States of New York, Pcnr.sy-lvania, Maryland, Virginia and North Caro lina, and Way Stations on the following named Railroads : . - Baltimore and Ohio, . Orange and Alexander, Virginia and Tennessee, Virginia Central, Petersburg and Weldon Richmond and Danville, Petersburg and Lynchburg, Raleigh and Gaston,, North Carolina Central, Wilmington and Weldon, Atlantic and North Carolina. QT As the line of Railroads is opened, they will extend their business to all points in the South, in addition to tfiose named. : The Company has also such favorable contracts with steamer lines from all Northern ports to those of the South, as will enable it to deliver goods at all inland points at rates below the usual charges. Xhe tarrift" of charges will be based upon a fair busirress py eeni age above the cost of -transportation, without being onerous or oppressive; nor will it be made less than the cost of transportation, with the view to break down or drive off-any' rival, to advance to oppressive and unnecessary high rates. Upon'this basis the Conipanr solicits public patron age. W. G. LEWIS, Agent. Charlotte, Dec 18, 18G5 tf Tailoring. JOHN VUG EL, PRACTICAL TAILOR, Respectfully informs the citiztss of Charlotte atjd surrounding country, that he is prepared to manu facture gentlemen's clothing in the latest style and at short notice. His best exertions will be given to render ' satisfaction-to those who patronize liim. Shop opposite Xerr's.Hotel, next door to Brown & Stitt's store. January 1, 1SG6. E A. THOMPSON, ATTORNEY" AT LAW, i CHARLOTTE, IV. C. Office in the Court House, right hand door up stairs. Charlotte, N. C, Aug. 21, 1865. CO-PA HTX K U SHIP ROT ICE. The undersigned have to-day. formed-u Co-partnership under the name and style of " JAS. L. HATHAWAY & BTLEY, (formerly HATHAWAY & CO., Wilmington, N. C.,) for the transaction of a Shipping and Getieral Com mission Business, iu this city, at 171 Pearl Street.. We solicit consignments of Cotton, Naval Stores, Sheetings, Yarns, Tobacco, and other Southern Products, to the sale of which our prompt personal attention will be given. Ve will make liberal ad vances upon receipt of Invoice and Bill of Lading. All Merchandise and Produce shipped to us is in sured from point of shipment, with or without ad vice. Invoices should always ' accompany each shipment. - Both of us having had over twenty years' expe rience in business in the South, and our J. L. Hath-, away three years in New York, we feel confident we can secure full prions for our friends who will favor us with their consignments. JAS. L. HATHAWAY, W.M. R, UTLEY, Nov 27, 1SG5 3m New York. PI0XEEK LINE -OF STEAMERS, For' Baltimore, PhiladtJphia , New York and Boston, via Albemarle and Chesapeake Canal. The commoaious Steamers PIONEER AND COMMODORE ADAMS, Will leave New .Berne for -Norfolk-on TUESDAY' of each week at 8 o'clock, A. M , connecting with the different lines of steamers for the aliovc-named points. On and after the first day of December next they will leave on Tuesday and Friday of each week, - making semi-weekly, trips'. Shippers of Goods will receive every facility and accommoda tion for the transportation of the same, as arrange ments have been made wiih the'difforent companies to forward goods to this line at low rates and with 'Oiit delrfy. Each of those steamers are - capable of carrying two hundred and fifty tons of Freight through the canal without difficulty, as they were i built expressly for the trade. They arc fitted up with STATE ROOMS and BERTHS . capabie of ac commodating thirty-five passengers. Every atten- j lion will be paid to the comfort of passengers, who j will not be subject to the inconvenience of transfer to other vessels, but will be taken through direct j without change. The tables of the steamers are liberally supplied with the best tne market affords. Families travel- i ingwiil find it to their interest to take this line, ns j they will thereby escape the danger and discomfort j of a sea route, and the fatigue of railroad travel. j On the loth of December next, if the business of the line warrants it, the steamer WILLIAMS will be put on the route, and tri-weekly trips will be made. For freight or passage apply to WH1TF0RD, DILL k CO., XeV Berne, N. C. ' DAVID WILLIAMS,' Proprietor. 'November 27, 1865. tf North Carofiaia Railroad. TIME. CHANGE OF On and after Sunday,- Januan- 1 will run a folluv.'s : GOING WEST. Mail Train. th, 18(36, Trains Freight Train. 4 15 AM Leave Guldsboro " Raleigh HiihWoro " Greensboro h'alibnrv Arrive at Chariot to 5 . 9 1 I . 7 9 10 00 43 10 00 50 P M 9 12 4 9 1 00 25 4J 15 00 P M - A M A M Freight Train, GOING EAST. Ma il Train. Leave Charlotte ' Salisbury " Greensboro " Hillsboro " Raleigh Arrive at G;;Idsboro 3 6 10 I ' 4 7 CO 03 00 30 45 P M it il A M 4 8 12 5 8 with 30 40 50 00 45 40 A M 41 - P M AM Mail Train connects at Raleigh Raleigh & Gasti Railroad trains, for the North. At Golds- boro with A. & N. C. and the Wilmington & Weldon Railroads. At Gree!iboro with the Piedmont Rail road ; iud will run daily. - - -.Freight Train hits a Passenger Gar "attached for the accommodation of passengers, nnd runs daily, Sunday excepted. - B.WILKES, January 15, 1S6J Eng. and-Sup't. . For Sale, A. superior toned CHURCH BELL, with iron frame anlyoKe. - Inquire at thi? OClce. ' November 27, 1S65 F I&SV: 33. Ij, Moody's I i Opposite the Presbyterian Church, I Is now open fof business, and he will be pleased to Uav.e his old customer?; wih asjeaany new ones as choose, to call on him before" purchasing else- f where, ns he thinks be can make it their Interest to do so. He has on hand . ttacon, Lard, Coffee, Tea, Shoes, Boots, Tobacco, 5nufF, Matches, " Domestic, Butter. Cbeesej . S.od&, Soapj - Sugar,' .. Pepper, Iron, Spun-Yarn, Kerseys, Candles, and a great manv other things usaally kepi in & .. 1 . FAJIILIT GROCERY. The above articles wilTbe sold for Cash or Coun try Produce. Call and see for vourselves. M. D. L. MOODY. Sept 11, 1865. tf JAS. L. HATHAWAY & UTLEY, Shipping . and - Commission . ?ai;K!SAivr$s 171 Pearl Street, NEW YORK. Consignments of Cotton and all other Southern Products solicited. ; . JAS. I.. HATHAWAY. ' W.M R. UTLEY. Nov 27, 1865 Cm LEWIS S. WILLIAMS. Wil. G. X0BLB. KODT. M. 0ATE3 WILLIAMS, NOBLE & 0ATES, ,. General Commission Merchants, No. lib Pearl Street, ' NEW YORK. Special attention given to ihe sale ofCotton, To bacco, Naval Stores, Yaro and Domestics. - IIefekences.- Davis, Rhodes & Co., New York, A Y Stokes & Co, Richmond, Ya. John Lyon, Petersburg, Va. Wr T Sutherland, Danville, Va. John T Davis, Lynchburg, Va. John Wilkes, Prest. 1st Na: Bank, Charlotte,NC C Dewey, Cashier State Bank, Raleigh, N. C.. Hug:es & Dill, Newbern, N. C. G V Williams & Co, Charleston, S. C." R M Johnston, Prest. Ex Bank, Columbia, S.C. , Phiuizy & Clayton, Augusta, Ga. John Ross &Son, Macon, Ga. F M Gilmer, Montgomery, Ala. Hfi-tuihon, Young & Rush, Mobile, Ala. . . Charles Baskerviile, Columbus, Miss. G W Williams fc Co, Fayetteville, N. C. " September 11, 1S65 y New Goods. Tire subscribers have opened a Store the 2d door from the Court ilouse, at the stand formerly occu pied by S. Frankenthall, where they intend keeping for wholesale and retail a large stock of Drv Goods, Ready-made Clothing, Shoes, Hats, c, A fine assortment of Ladies' D-rcss Goods wIl ar rive in a few days. - A share 'of patronage is respectfully solicited, as they feel conlidenUof being able to give satisfaction in price and quality. ' BUXBAUM k ROESSLE-R. Atfgust 21, 1865 ' . . ,. . ? K. M. Murciiison, J. T. M unit at, New Yot k. . E. McrrA, D. R. McHomsox, Wilmington MURCIIISON & MURRAY, o isi miM s o ii .11 ere a si t ts , 188 Front Street, NEW YORK. .. All Consignments to us are insured from point of shipment whether advice of shipment is received or not, . . ." . Liberal advances nin-'e on consignments when desired. - Murray & Miirchison, Wilmington, N. C , will pay Taxes, Railroad freight, &c, on consignments to us, and forward through that place free of commissions. , December 25, 1SG5 . 3mpd THE BEST, MOST EXPEDITIOUS AND Most Coth fortaTole ROUTE From Gliarlottc to the iorihci u Cfti'sk VIA NORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD; RAftEIGII & GASTON RAILROAD, PETERSBURG & WELDON RAILROAD, AND Til EI It :. VARIOUS CONNECTIONS Passengers, "by this line will leave CHARLOTTE at 3 o'clock p. m., arrive at Raleigh at .4 30 a. m. Leave RALEIGH at 5 o'clock a. m., arrive at Gas ton 12 a. in. Leave GASTON aj. 1 p. m., arrive at Petersburg 6.30 p. in", and leave that nihl for Rich mond and the' North, or stay in Peter.-bw, get a good night's rest and take the cars for City Point, connecting with the James Rivet -Steamers or Northern points. Passengers for .Western or Southern points will leave Petersburg at 5.30 o'clock a. m., arrive at Gaston 11 a.m. Leave Gaston at 11 a. ni., arrive at Raleigh at 7 p ni. Leave Raleigh at 7.40 p. m. and G a. in. Passengers arc respectfully requested to get Tick ets before entering the cars. E. WILKES, Eng. and Supt. N. C. It . A. JOHNSON, Supt. Raleigh & Gaston R R. il. DUNLOP, . Supt. Petersburg & Weldm R, August 28, 1 865 tf R. R. THE FIRST JVATI0K1L BAiK Of Charlotte, -IV. V. Ortjnu!zed"Au;just, 1S65. Boasd of 1il:egtors. John Wilkes, President, T.-W. Dewey, Cashier, Thos H Rrem, John McDonald, I! S Gu ion, Ji Nye Hutchison, Juo M Sjirin?, This - Back having been duly organized, is now prepared to transact a General Banking and Ex change Business ThisBanJi will buy the Notes of most of the South ern Ranks; will give prompt attention to collections on this or other accessible poin' S; to the adjustment of old claims; and receive any other business that can be attended to by this Association." U S. Revenue Stamps fr sale i Gold and Silver coin and Bank Rills bought and sold. - Office of jiik CoMPTKOLLEft o? thk Tbeasitp.y . WASHINGTON, Aug. 30, 18G3. j Whereas by satisfactory evidence presented to the ; undersigned, il has been made to appear that the i FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF CHAKLOTTE. in the town o'Uiarloite, in the Count v of Mecklen- ; ourg, and !ate of North Carolina, has been duly orgameu unier nn.i according to the rcqui itnized uimer and according to the requirements of the. Act.of Congress entitled "An Act to provide a Nalional Curr' :u y. secured bv a nledae of United J 'States Bond.; r.nd to provide for'tfie cintuhit ion and redemption thereof,"' : approved June 3d. 1861, and j has complied with all the provisions of said Act re j quired to be complied v.fth before commencing the ; business of Banking under said Act: ' , voy. tijkuefohe, I. Freeman Clarke, Comptroller, of the Treasury, do hereby certify that "The First National Bsiili of Charlotte," in the town of Chari lotte, in the county of Mecklenburg and State of North Carolina, is authorized to commence Ihe business of Banking under the Act aforesaid. " . - - - - - if f .- '. In testimony whereof, witness my hand L. S. V and seal of Odlce, this thirtieth'day of Aa - cast -1803. - -' FREEMAN CLARKE, Compirfclier. .Fept il, ISC.v - Cm EXPRESS CO.lIPAlf 1ESV 1 Th SOUTHERN EXPRESS rntiPivv rnbwd their office iu PdCIIMOXn nnH ,k ; wood iitei, Main street, between Eighth Vd Niotii ! ifllJM.!!"" J?x!re" Company are now ,.r " "taucea i,ate. j coin, Valuables and .... . Frrht io .nu wvcciyioievPOiniS . in th SnnlH All goods shipped from the North hv th a,i. ; or Haruden Express Companies will be tranaferre.l !to the SOUTHERN. EXPRESS COMPANY to com J pbpte. transportation. j r3 Goods shipped from the North by steamship J and.marked to the care of Southern Express Com ; pnny Willie promptly forwarded to destination free j ot cnarge ror commissions and drayage. a ! R V'" tne mnv.ue n Kaisroau company, ,ma we now receive freight for Arrangement nave Oeen made with all W ay Stations on that road at he same rotes as j were formerly charged by the Danville Railroad Ex- press. - Good3 called for. WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE and promptly forwarded. SOUTHERN. EXPRESS .COMPANY. ' lilCmiOXD AXD DAN VILLI! RAILROAD: j Notice. To give facilities to the public on t ! line of this road for the transportation of fuiall j packages by Express, an an anpeinent has been made : with the SOUTHERN EXPRESS COMPANY bv which tneir wagons in Richmond nnd Danville will call for and receive all Express Freight intended for this Road, on notice being given. at their office, nnd their wagons will deliver nil Express Freight nrrir. wagons win uenver an express rrcigtit arrir !y this Road FREE OF ANY KXTRA CHARGE RECEIPT OR DELIVERY, and the rate of mg ny FOR Express Freight will be the same as charged by this Company. THOMAS DOpAMEAfl; Dec 18, 18C5 tf . Superintendent. - Charlotte, Dec. 18, 18(55. All freight forwarded with promptness and dis patch, il being t arried on Passenper and Mail trains and not on slow freight trains. Ruh8 as low a by any company. T. D. GILLESPIE, Agt.- W. GOODMAN, of MississippiT A. P. MERRILL, JrVof New York, General Commission Merchants, , - 36 New Stueet, NEW YOllK. We have made Tin arrangement by which Mr D VT COURTS, late Public-Treasurer of North Carolina, becomes interested in all the business sent ut from that State. He is not associated now wirh the firm of Benifetr, Van Pelt & CO, New York. We hope his friends will patronize us. . Dec, 23. 1G5 . . tf . T. Y. IIKYCIV Commission Merchant, . CHARLOTTE, N,. C. Will pay the highest market CASITprfcfor Cotton. ; &c, in gold or currency. July 17, 18G5. tf JUpoxc Cottoei and .ISa$. We will pay the highest market price for loose Cotton-and linen and cotton Rags. KOOPMANN & PHELPS. August 1, 18C.r if Wat cliEMnlicr A: Jciv.cIesC .CilARUHTE, . C., j Respectfully informs the citizens of Chailotle and i surrounding country that he has opened a shop in the store-occupied by C. M. Query, next to Spring' eorner,' where he will give prompt attention to re pairing atchrs, Clocks,. Jewelry, kc. ' , : Vatvh-glaffC-5 !Hid materials in geuernl at whole sale and retail. .May 22, 18G5. ' - If -i?Icrchat' T:ii!oi isi. The 'subscribers will continue to carry on tije Merchant Tailoj ing business as heretofore, at th. store formerly occupied by Thos Trotter, Jewtler. Prices will be regulated according to the times ou the cash ?ystem. Country produce will be taken in payment for Cutting or work done. We hope .our friends will not ask fur credit, ns we expect to do j up work in the best style for CASH or its equlvi. lent iu something to cat or wear. JAS. A. CALDWELL & CO. P- S Persons indebted lo us will please call and settle by cash or note, as eaily as possible. June -G,- 18G3. tf . J. A. C. k Co. KOItTU CAROLINA HOTEL J Gen, Ij. S. EMKEK, Proprietor, I Corner of Craven & New Streets, New Furniture, Clean Reds, and the beit attention paid to Guests. Oct 9, 18G5 " " - ' - ' '; ' HUGHES DILL," Commission & Shipping Merchants, NEWRERN, N. C. Consignments of Cotton, Naval Stores nnd Tobac co will receive our prompt attention. We have a weekly line of Steamers from Newberr. and Morehead City, which sail from Newbern every Friday and ft cm Morehead City every Saturday at 4 P. . T. J. HrGIIES, XEWBERN. .August 1, l&tiO W. HILL. M 0 f! K 11 f A I CITV. If Sotitlacrsa Eixuress Company. !fhc Southern Express Company has opened com munication with all Northern and Western State, and i? now prepared to forward Freight, Money and valuable Packages safely and promptly. Messen gers leave Charlotte daily, connecting at Raleigh with Adams' Express Company, and at Richmond with Adams' and Harnden's Express Companies. Letters will be forwarded by ihij Company to all points South and North having no mail facilities. T. D. GILLESPIE, Agent. Chailotte, June 19, 18C5 tf B LOSS O 11 B il O T ia K R S , (Successors to Uenj. Blossom & Son,) COM MISSION M E RCHANTS, Cotton, Naval. Stoiiks, Chain, Tobacco, Yarns, Sheetings,. &c , No. 159 Front Street. Chas. MIS i a rt W. B. B. 15LOSSOM, B.'.OS OK, I IVcw VorI XSjLiberiil advanrcs ninde-cn consignments on receipt of Bill of Lading. Refebencks : 1 lie Bank of N. C, und other DanLi at Wilmington, Ne-.vbern, Washington, Tat boro. Fay- etteville. Raleigh, Salisbury, Chailotte and Wadt?- boro, N. C. , A. M McPhecfers. Rakish, N. C , will forward to us, thonh that place, (free of foi warding com. I mi.sic n.) jiijir.g railroad freight, -to any shipping ! Vn- '. . ' Joseph li. IJ!of?oni x t n , ilmingto'n; (eorge II Brown & Co. Washington ; S T Jones k Co, Newbern,- N. C; Henry Ghiscliii, Noifolk, V,; Mill for ward Produc e to us, free of forwarding commission, excej't on naval Hr.re and grain, by (earner or i sailing vessel, as shippers tnHy direct: and, when i desired, will pay taxes, Scv, iit the sbiijdn" "p J ping ports. Consignments to us arc covered by fire and Ma- rine-Iiisurance as s0ofn H3 freighted, frdru all pltcea on all Railr ;ad And Rivera in Now IF and South Carolina, Georgia and Florida, and Qom all South ern Shipping Ports, through to Ne York, -whether advice of shipment is, received ocnot. July 17, 18o5. :. ' "lypd. D. I. R E WITH Where he would be pleoped to sse all his obi customers and friends in ihe Tailoring line. All -work war- " ranted to fit and made in the best style. Cutting particularly attended to. I If v Jan 2-?: