nrTfTV fTT lf . . ; oil C O 3D -ON THE WEST SIDE OF TRADE STREET $4 Per Annum CHARACTER IS AS IMPORTANT TO STATES AS IT IS TO INDIVIDUALS, AND THE GLORY Of THE ONE IS THE COMMON PROPERTY OF THE OTHER IN ADVANC is l2J. YATES, Editor and Pbopbeitob. . CHARLOTTE, N. C., TUESDAY, MARCH 20, 1866. FOURTEENTH VOLUME N U5IBE R 709 ; 5 ; I 1 -X I II I I THE (Published every Tuesday,) BY WILLIAM J. YATES, SOITOE AND PftOPRIETOB. JVIIMCSa PER ANNUM, in advance. Transient advertisements must be pafd for iff -advance. Obituary notices are charged advertis ing rates. . Advertisements not marked on the manuscript rr a specific time, will be inserted until forbid, and charged accordingly. $1 per square of 10 lines or less will be charged for each insertion, unles the advertisement is in serted 2 month? or more. MEDICAL CARD. DRSGIBBON & McCOMBS, having associated themselves in the practice of Medicine and Surgery, respectfully tender their professional services to the citizens of Charlotte and surrounding country. From a large experience in private as well aa Field and Hospital practice, they feel justified in proposing to pay special attention to the practice of .burgery in all its branches. OlEce in Granite Row, up stairs, opposite the Mansion House. ROBERT GIBBON, M. D. Dec 11, 1805 J. P. McCOMBS, M. D. ; TTT : " Hutchison & Springs CHARLOTTE, N. C, Agents of the most reliable IJY SfJ RJi 'JTCE COJtlP.'tJTMES in the United States. Be on the SAFE SIDE and insure your property against loss or damage by fire. Also, INSURE YOUR LIFE for the benefit of your wife and children. 21 IS ICS taken at moderate rates. Call on Hutchison & Springs, No. 4, Granite Row. E. NYE HUTCHISON, J. M. SPRINGS, March 5, 180G Agents. J. M. HUTCniSON. J- K. 3 SOWN. HUTCHISON & BROWN, . ATTORNEYS AT LAW, CHARLOTTE, N. C, Having again associated themselves in the practice of Law, will give faithful attention to all business entrusted to them in Mecklenburg and the adjoin ing counties. Office in the corner building formerly occupied by the late Col Wm. A. Owens, nearly opposite the Charlotte Hotel, where one or the other may always be found. December 25, 18G5. 3mpd. Charlotte Foundry & Machine Shop. PARTICULAR NOTICE. The public is respectfully informed that I am pre pared to build and repair Steam Engines and do ll kinds of Machinery work. Also, make Castings in Iron and Bra?s. l am well-fitted up, and guaran tee work to be done us well and as cheap as at any .Shop in the State. "Old castings bought or taken in exchange for work. J. M. HOWIE, Oct IC, ISG5 erapd Proprietor. J. DKaOSSET, W. h. DKROSSKT, GBAHAM DAVK3. UKKOSSET fc CO., Formerly Dellosset i? Brown.) Established 1839. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 6 North Water Street, (up stairs,) Wi93iiiiigto.n, N. C Will give personal attention to the purchase and ale of produce of every description, and to receiv ing and forwarding goods. -March 5, 1S6G. 3m Kalcigh ftnslon sr. n. Co 9i 66.) Superintendent's Office RALEIGH, N. C, Feb, 15, 1866 CHANGE OF TIME. Oo and aiter Monday, February 19, 1866, Trains vill run as follows : PASSENGER TRAIN, Leave Raleigh Arrive at Weldon, Leave Weldon, Arrive at Raleigh, 4.30 A. M. 11.00 " 1.30 P. M. 8.30 " FREIGHT AND ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, leave IUleigh on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 7 A. M., and arrive at Weldoi: 4 P. M. FREIGHT AND ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, leae Weldon ou Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur days at 5 A. M., and arrive at Raleigh 4 P. M. hy this change in the Passenger Train, connec tion"? are made with the Seaboard & Roanoke Rail road, as well as by the upper route via Richmond Wav passengers can be accommodated by the Freight ad Accommodation Trains, if they think proper to do :0. This train leaves Raleigh from ahe Raleigh & Gaston Depot, iu the Northern part of the citr. ALBERT -JC-nNSON, General Superintendent. March 5, 1SG6. ' tf ' fcii!ioiisc .& .llacaulay COMMISSION MERCHANTS, CHARLOTTE, N. C, and CO Pearl St., NEW YORK. Prompt personal attention to the sale of cotton, cotton yarns, naval stores, Lc , and the purchase of merchandise generally. RitrKUKXCtcs John Wilkes aod T H Brem, Esq rs, Charlotte, N C; Jordan Womble, Esq, Raleigh, N C.; O G Parslev t Co, Wilmington, N C ; D Paul k Co, and KobtilureiCo, Charleston, SC.; Wilcox & Hand, Augusta, Ga.; Duulop, Moncure CO, u-cu- mond, Va ; Tanuahill, McIIwane li Co, N i tridge, Wells k Co. New York. February 20, 18(G. Par- The Southern Express Company, For the transportation of merchandise, Taluable package-?, specie, bank notes, bonds, Ac, for all part of the South and Southwest, in connection with ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY, have established tlu-ir agency at 59 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, where orders to call for goods to be forwarded South will receive prompt attention. Merchandise aui valuables delivered to Uarnden's, Kinsley's, American and United States Express Com panies, for the Southern Express Company, will re ceive prompt dispatch. For particulars, rates ot freigbt, &c. &c, apply at e office of the Southern Express Companv, 59 rnzirlivav. H. B. PLANT. th Itroad iv a-. . B. PLANT. Dec 18, 1865. President. Just Received, Shovels. Spades, Ovens aud Lids, Extra Oven Lida, 5 bbls. extra Early Wuite Jersey POTATOES Feb 2Cth. II- B. WILLIAMS. C-A.FTI03STS Of the Aclt and Resolution paused at the call ed and adjourned sessions of the Legislature of North Carolina 1865-'66. An Act to carry into effect an ordinance of the Convention of. the State of North Carolina entitled "Aij ordinance for the election of Clerks and Sheriffs." Provides that they shall hold their office until their successors are elected and qualified, and that the next election for Clerks shall take place the first Thursday in Augnst 1869, and the next election for Sheriffs, the first Thursday in August, 1868 An Act to decrease the expenses of Sheriffs' returns. Provides that the returns may be made through the members of the General Assem bly An act to empower the Provisional Clerks of the County Courts, or the Clerks of the Superi or Courts to administer oaths. This act has been published in full and sent to each county . An act to declare the Dan Kiver, a water course, sufficient iostead of a lawful fence in Caswell county. An act to continue in office the Provisional commissioners of Lincolnton, and other towns. Continues in office the provisional commission ers of Lincolnton, Salisbury, Wilmington, Kin ston, Kutberfordton, Salem, Edeoton, Asheville, Hendersonville, Uillsboro', Louisburg, Milton, and Kenansville, until their successors are elec ted and qualified. An act to attach the county of Mitchell to the 8th judicial circuit, and for other purposes. Provides for the holdidg of the SpriDg and Fall terms of the Superior Courts, in the follow ing counties to wit : Polk county, on the se cond Monday in March and September; Ruth erford, on the third Monday in March and Sep tember; and McDowell, the fourth Monday in March and September. And the Spring and Fall terms of the Courts of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, as follows: Polk, second Monday in March and September: Rutherford, third Mon day in March and September; ana McDowell fourth Monday in March and September. The Spring and Fall terms of the . Superior and County Courts of Mitchell and Buncombe, shall be held as follows: Mitchell, on the 6th Mon day after the fourth Monday in April and Sep tember; Buncombe, the seventh Monday after the fourth Monday in April and September. An act for the more complete re-organization of the State government, and for other pur poses. This act has been sent to each county."! An act tfi incorporate the Weldon Ii.rjterpnze L and Loan Company. An act to amend' an ordinance of the State Convention entitled "An ordinance to incorpo rate the Piedmont Railroad company," ratified he 8th day of February, 1862 amended so as to alter the guage of the road. An act for the relief ot such persons as may suffer from the destruction of the records and other papers of the several counties of this State, and for other purposes. An act to incorporate Salem Female Acad emy, at Salem, in the county of Forsyth. An act to authorize the Public Treasurer to collect and sell State property. Requires the Public Treasurer to collect all money and prop erty of the State, not held by some person by his authority, and to sell such property at such time and place, aud on such terms as he xuzy deem best; and when a demand is made for said property, and it is not complied with, thenthe Treasurer to bring suit and also authorizes him to employ such agents and attorneys as he may deem fit, fix their compensation, and pre scribe their duties An act to continue in office Clerks and Mas ters in Equity, until their successors are ap pointed. Provides that where there has been no clerk appointed under the Provisional gov ernment, the one in office b'efore the surrender may hold over until his successor is appointed and qualified, even though he may have taken the oath to support the Constitution of the Confederate States An act to authorize Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions for Cabarrus county. Au thorizes a special term of eaid court to be held ou the third Monday iu February, 1866, to qualify and take the bonds of the officers of the county. An act to legalize the election of Mayor and commissioners in the town of Morgantoo. An act to extend fho time for registering deeds and other conveyances. Extends the time thiee years from the passage of the act. An act to incorporate the town of Company Shops in the county of Alamance. An act to amend chapter 101, section 9, of the Revised Code entitled "Iloads, Ferries and Bridges." Makes it the duty of the overseer of public roads, to summoti all white males and free males of color, three days previous to the day of working, when to meet, and what tools to carry, and for failure to attend imposes a fine of ?2 per day for each day . An act to incorporate the Albemarle Steam Navigation Company. An act to incorporate the Minister's .Relief Society for the Eastern Baptist Association. An act concerning the North Carolioa Insti tution for the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind. Appropriates such sum as is necessary not ex ceeding 520,000 for the year 1866. and the same for 1S67, and also appropriates 1,500 for repairing the buildings and enclosures, and pur chasing such furniture as is absolutely necessa- An act to incorporate Catawba Valley Lodge, No, 217, of Free and Accepted Masons. An act in relation to constables and other of ficers TReQuires all officers collecting debts ! upon judgments and executions issued by a Justice of the Peace to credit said judgment or i execution aud sign the same for the auioaut re ! ccived at the time of payment, and any officer failiii" to comply with the provisions of this act shall be deemed gumy oi a inisucmeaoor.j An act to repeal an act entitled "An act to establish the office of Auditor of Public Ac count pai-scd at the sessioo of the General As- i sembty held 1862-63, and Tatined 2Uth day ofj December, 1862, and for otner purposes." Abolishes the office of Auditor, and requires the Comptroller to discharge its duties. An act to amend an act passed at the session 'of 1850-51. and amended at the sessions of 1854-55 and 1858-59. entitled an act to incor porate the Tuckasegee and Keowa Turnpike Company. Authorizes the State 8gent for the collection of Cherokee bonds, to subscriDe to the main trunk road from Webster in Jackson county to the South Carolina line, instead of its branches, until it is completed, out of any Donas or money id his hands, or that may come into his hands, and that it shall not be lawful for him to apply said bonds to any other purpose until said road n completed, and that the Prjsi dent of said road may draw on said agent from time to time.J An act to amend an act entitled "An act to incorporate the Macon county Turnpike Com pany," passed at the session of 1856 and 1857. Provides that as soon as $500 shall have been subscribed and paid by solvent individuals, it shall be the duty of the agent of the State for the collection of Cherokee bonds to subscribe of the stock of the company on the part of the State 500 for lands situated in Macon, Chero kee and Clay counties, and the State to be re presented by said agent or by some person ap pointed by him, in the election of directors in proportion to the number of shares owned by the State in said company, and the State not to be called on to pay her stock faster than the stockholders. An act to charter the High Shoals Railroad Company. An act to authorize the Wardens of the poor in case any indignent person becomes charge able to a county, possessed of any estate which is insufficient for the support of such indigent person, to institute proceedings to subject the same to the indemnity of the county whose duty it is made by law to provide for the maintain anee of the poor thereof. An act to incorporate the trustees of the Gen eral Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States. An act further suspending the operation of statute of limitation. Provides that in all cases that when the loss of time is made a bar of the claims, the time between May 20th, 1861, and January 1st, 1837, shall not be oounted. An act to extend the time allowed to widows to enter their dissent to the lost will and testa ment of their husbands. Provides that where an estate has not been finally settled, the widow of all testators whose wills have been admitted to probate since January .1, 1862, and before the 1st day of May 1865, whose real estate has not been sold, may have six months from the ratification of this act to enter their dissent to the same, aud allows her (if she dissents from the will) the same right of dower, as if her hus bafTd died intestata, ! An act concerning indictments in the courts oi oyer ana terminer. rroviues tuat delen dauts in all bills of indictment found but not disposed of at the several courts of oyer and terminer shall be held for trial at the next reg ular term of the Superior Court of the county iu the same manner as though the said bills had been fouud at a regular term of the Superior Court. An act to amend the county line of Mitchell couuty and to annex a part of Yancy county to the county ot Mitchell, amended so as to run from the mouth of Big Rock creek' down Loe river to the mouth of Brumits creok and up the extreme height of the ridge that divides the waters of Pigeon Ttoost creek and Brumits creek to the top of the big ridge to the former line of the county of Mitchell, and then runtiing with said line to where it joins the Tennessee line and then running with the old line to the mouth of Big Rock creek, so as to leavo all west of said first named line to the county of Yancy. An act to regulate salaries and fees. Allows the Governor 4,000 and a furnished house. Councillors of State the same pay as members of the General Assembly, for every day of at tendance. Judges of the Supreme and Superi or Court 2,5U0; Public Treasurer, 2,000; Chief Clerk to Treasurer, 1,500; Secretary of State, 1,250, and fees; Private Secretary to Governor, 1,000, aud fees; Attorney General, 100 for bis attendance on each regular term of the Supreme Court, and 20 for each term of Superior Court, of any county he shall attend, aud the fees allowed by law; each Solicitor of the State, 20 for every term of the Superior Court he shall attend, and fees; Reporter of the Supreme Court, 600, and fees; Public Libra rian, 600; Messenger to Governor, 365; Clerk of the Supreme Court, 500, and forty cents for recording as heretofore, besides the regular fees; Clerks of the Superior and County Courts, and Clerks and Masters in Equity, jurors, and witnesses, fifty per cent in addition to the fees now allowed by law. An Act to punish seditious language, insur rections and rebellions in the State. Any person guilty of seditious language, spoken, writ ten or printed or endeavoring to incite insurrec tion, conspiracy, sedition or rebellion against the Government et the State, shall stand in the pillory one hour, receive one or more public whippings, not less than thirty-nine lashes each and be imprisoned twelve mouths, aud punishes with death any person found guilty of rebellion or insurrection, or inciting others to join him or them An act to re-enact 4th Section 102 Chapter Revised Code. The section reads as follows : Every Judge shall produce a certificate from the Clerk ot each couuty, ot his having held the Court of lne coupty accordiog to law, aod for every such certificate omitted to be produced, there shall be a deduction from his salary of one hundred dollars : Provided, however, that UO certtacaie oi aueuuauct; suaii ge giru; the Clerks of the Superior Courts of Northamp ton, Hyde, Davie, Currituck, Person and Cleve land, until four o'clock ou Thurtday evening of each week, when the Court shall be held, and ihA Rprtiticate shall be void if it do not certify that the presiding Judge was present and held the court until that time, and until tne Dusincss was disposed . of, unless some unavoidable cir cumstance shall prevent the courts of saidcoun- ' tics from being held at' the prescribed time, and then the same shall also be certified in the cer tificate " Anact to restore jury trials to the Courts of Pleas and Quarter Sessions in this State in crim inioal cases. Gives the county Court the ju risdiction to enquire into; try, hear and deter mine petit larcenies, assaults and batteries, all tresspasses and breaches of the peace, and all other crimes and misdemeanors,' the judgement upon conviction wnereor snail not extend to life, limb or member, excepting those only, whereof the original jurisdiction is given exclusively to one or two justiees of the Peace, to the Supe rior or bupreme Courts I ; An act to. amend the 4th section of Chapter 35 Revised Code, relating to fugitives from jus- rn' j.j .1? .i r tice. , loo amenuea as to auinonze tne gover nor to offer the reward for felons who have fled from justice, whether within or without the ju risdiction or the btate.J An act to outlaw felons who flee from justice. Gives two justices of the Peace, or a Judge of toy bupreme or bupenor Court, on written affi davit, filed and retained, that a felony has been committed and the person flees from justice, or evades the usual process of law, the power to issue proclamation against such person, requi ring bim to surrender himself, and to empower the Sheriff to take such force as he shall see fit, to apprehend such fugitive; and if he do not sur render himself, any citizen or officer after warn ing him to surrender, may slay him without ac cusation or impeachment of any crime. An act to provide for the collection of the taxes of 1865 in counties where no Sheriff or other officer was qualified under the revenue or dinance of the Convention. Requires the pre sent Sheriff to- colleot said tax and pay it over to the Public Treasurer. An act to punish vagrancy. Makes it the duty of any justice of the Peace upon proof of any person who may be able to labor,' and has no apparent means of subsistence, and neglects to apply himself to some honest occupation for the support of himself and family if be has one; or be found spending bis time in dissipation or gaming or sauntering about without employ ment, or endeavoring to get support by any un due or unlawful means, to issue a warrant for the arrest of the offender to be brought before some justice of the Peace, and if found to be a vagrant to recognize him with good security, for his appearance to the next term of the Court, next succeeding, and upon failureo give bond to be imprisoned until Court; Provided he may at the Court give bond and security for good behaviour and industrious deportment for one year and be discharged, but if he fail to give bond and pay cost, be shall be prosecuted, and upon conviction, the Court may fine or imprison him or both, or sentence him to the work house for such time as the Court may thiok fit. An act to punish persons for pursuing and injuring horses and other live stock, with intent to steal thetn. Makes the offender guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable as if convicted of a larceny, who shall pursue, kill or wound any horse, mule, ass, jennet, cattle, hog, sheep, or goat, the property of another, with the intent to convert to bis own use; and all persons who may aid or abet in any such unlawful acts, shall be punished in like manner as the principal ac tor. An act more effectually to secure the main tenance' of bastard children, and the payment of fines and costs on conviction in criminal cases. Makes it competent for the court (where the pretative- father is unable to pay costs and charges) to sentence7 him to the House of Cor rection not exceeding twelve months : Provided however, That such pretative father, at his dis cretion, instead of beiog imprisoned or sent to the House of Correction, may bind himself as an apprentice to any person he may select, for such time and for such sum as the Court may direct the binding to be done in open court, and the price obtained. shall be paid to the coun ty Trustee. This act to go into effect the first day of April 1866 ' An act to secure to agricultural laborers their pay in kind. When laborers in agriculture shall contract for wages to be paid in part of the crops cultivated by them, such part shall not be subject to sale under executions against their employers, or the owners of the land culti vated. An act to prevent wilful trespasses on lands, and stealing any kind of property therefrom. When done feloniously by the party shall be deemed guilty of larceny and punished as' for that offence. An act to preveotQnticiog servants from ful filling their contracts, or harboring them. I Gives the employer the right to sue such per- son or persons so enticing ana narooung, ana on recovery shall have judgment for the actual double value of the damages assessed An act to establish work houses or houses of correction in the t several counties of the State. A majority of the Justices of the Peace in the several counties of the State concurring therein may when they deem it necessary, establish within their respective counties, one or more fit and convenient bouses of correction, with work shops and other suitable buildings for the safe keeping, correction, governing and employing of offenders legally committed thereto - An act to incorporate the Rock Island Manu facturing company in Mecklenburg county. j An act to authorize the Pulic Treasurer to receive and invest the land scrip donated to this i State for the establishment of an agricultural college. Authorizes the Treasurer to demand and receive the lands and land scrip donated by Congress, and to sell said scrip (by and with I the advice of the Governor) from time to time . 1 i - t " 1 V Attl.inAfl 1 n i ior me nignesi price wuicu u ! such market as he may deem best, and invest ! the proceeds in stocks of the United States or j of other States or some other safe stocks yield ' ing not less than five per cent j An act to legalize the acts of the County 1 Courts of Gaston and Lincoln counties. . This ; act legalizes the Court, of Pleas .and Quarter j Sessions, held by the Provisional magistrates of ; Gaston county iu August, 1865, and the court i held for the county of Lincoln, in January, 18 I 66, and directs the Sheriffs of said counties to collect the taxes levied by the magistrates at said courts - An act to revise and amend an act to' in cor porate Sulphur Springs Camp Grounds in the county of Cleveland. . An act to amend an -act entitled ' An act for Ihe relief of landlords." So amended as to ex tend to all cases in which any grants or leases have been made of lands heretofore claimed as abandoned lands under any orders of the Treas ury department of the United States, or of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and abandoned Lands, or of any officer of either of th.em'; and upon the restoration of said lands, . the said grants or leases have . been or may be assigned or transfeered by either of the said Departments or any officer thereof, but the. assignees and transferees shall be entitled to all the benefits of the provisions of the original act. . ; An act to incorporate Stokes Lodge, No. 32 of Free and Accepted Masoos in the town of Concord, county of Cabarrus, . An 'act to amend the act of incorporation of the town of Newton in Catawba county. . . An act to incorporate the Rudisil Gold Min ing company, in the county of Mecklenburg, North Carolina. An act to legalize the Courts of Pleas and Quarter Sessions held by the Provisional Jus tices in the county of Mecklenburg. This act alludes to the courts held for said county in Ju ly and October, 1865, and January, 1866. An act to authorize the Wilmington, Char lotte and Rutherford Railroad Company to ex. tend said road from the town of Rutherford by the most practicable route westward to some point of-intersection with the western extension of the North Carolina Railroad at or near the town of Asheville in Buncombe county. An act to amend chapter 40, Revised Code, entitled draining aod dammioglow lands. This act add3 to section 12, "and also judgement for a like sum to be expended in subsequent repirs, as the Court on motion may direct," and also adds the following two sections to said chapter : "16. Natural streams may be cleaned out, en larged, widened or deepened under the same rules and regulations as herein provided for ca nalling. "17. The clerk of the county Court of Edge combe shall, keep a separate record of all the proceedings under and by virtue of this chap ter." An act concerning - salaries and fees. Pro vides that when no salary or fee of State officers have been regulated by the General Assembly, the same shall be regulated by chapter 102, Re vised Code.l : An act to amend chapter 75 of the Revised Code entitled Notaries. Gives Notaries Public' the power to take' and to -certify acknowledge ments or proof of powers of attorney, mortgages, deeds and other instruments of writing, (except the examination ot femes covert) to take depo sitions and administer oath?, in matters, inci dent to their office. - An act concerning negroes and free persons of color or mixed blood. An act to legalize the transfer of Registered bonds of this State to bearer. ' An act to change the jurisdiction of the courts and the rules of pleading therein. An act regulating fees in the Supreme Court. Allows the Clerk fifty per cent, in addition to the salary and fees allowed in Sec. 25, chapter 102, revised code, and allows the Marshal 3 per day, for every day in attendance. .. An act to authorize the Public Treasurer to make special deposits. Repeals so much of Section 11, chap.. 112, revised code, as' to make it obligatory for the Publio Treasury to .make deposits of the publio monies monthly in the Banks of the State, and authorizes bim to make special deposits with the cashier of the Bank of Nortb Carohna.J . Au act to provide for Ahe payment of the State debt contracted before the war. Author izes the Public Treasurer to ell bonds to the amount not exceeding 3,500,000, which bonds sbalh bear date January 1st 1866, and run tbir- ty-lbur years with coupons Bearing six per cent, interest, payable semi-annually. An act to regulate the terms of the Supreme Court, and for other purposes. Authorizes two terms to be held in the city of Raleigh on the second Monday of January aod June. An act to secure a better government for the Insane Asylum. Repeals section 7, 8 and 9 of chapter 2nd of the laws of 1858 59, and pro vides that the government nerealter shall be vested in five supervisors to. be appointed bien nially by the Governor and the Governor shall be ex-officio chairman of the board, and the said board to be appointed within ten days after the passage of this act and hold their office until January 1st, 1867 An act to extend the time for collecting tax es under the Revenue Ordinance of the Conven tion. Extends the time until 1st May, 4866, aod allows the Sheriff in collecting the addition al tax 6 per cent, for 1,000, and if not exceed ing 2,000, 5 per cent and 2,000 and upwards 4 per cent. An act to extend the terms of office of certain county officers Extends the term of ihe offi cers elected by the court until their successors are appointed. - An act to abolish the offices of Superinten dent of Common .Schools, Treasurer of the Lit erary Fund, and for other purposes. An act for establishing a College for the edu cation of teachers and ministers of the gospel for the colored race. (Provides for the incorpo ration of the Trustees of the Freedmen' college for the education of those persons of the colored race, who may aspire to be teachers or minis ters.) An act for the better protection of the mill ing and the manufacturing interests of the State. (Provides against the wanton destruction of dams, mill races, &0- ' . An act to improve the law of evidence. -An act to authorize the sale of the Roanoke Valley Railroad An act '- regulating the debts created daring the war. (When the obligation does not et forth the value of the property for which such debts were created, is stated, it snail be ad miss able for either party to show oo trial by affida vit, or otherwise, what was the consideration of the contract, and the jury, io mtking op their verdict, shall take the same .Into consideration and determine the.value of said oon tract. id pi, sent currency, and render their verdict accord- An act to legalize the official tots of Sheriffs. (Legalizes the acts of all d Jacto Sheriffs who were in office prior to March 1st, 1866, nd their deputies. . U - , h i 'U An act for the collection of Revenue .; (Per sons to be appointed to take lists of taxables at first court after Jan. 1st Should court fail to appoint, three justices may appoint oo or before . April 1st. .Lists to be taken ou second Moaday in April, to be returned to clerks before the 4th Monday in May. Delinquents may make re- ' turns to court uotil 1st Monday io October.- Clerk to furnish comptroller abstracts oo or be- fore 1st Monday in July. Clerks shall deliver duplicates td Sheriffs on or before July Is t- A No new valuation until 1867 An act to, establish the rate of interest aod repeal chapter 114 Revised Code, allows persona loaning money to charge 8 per cent, interest for contract; 6 percent is, however, still the ordina ry legal rate of interest, , ..' ' . An act to reduce the bonds of Sheriffs and othtr officers rednces to same bonds as aro required bv Revised Code. - An act to amend sec. 64 chap. 60 of tho Revised. Code . .. - Revenue act lays a tax of id cents upon.' the $100 valuation of land in 1860; $1 on polls. . Th ' other features Ho not differ very much from the bill iu force before. the war, except that a general in come tax ia adopted. " 1 An act to re-enact chap. 70 Revised Code, entitled militia, and to amend the same. . . ' An act to enable the Banks of the Sute to clos their business. ... An act to establish a scale of depreciation of Confederate currency. - Resolution in behalf of disabled Boldiers. Authorizes the Governor to contract with some one to furnish artificial limbs to the officers and soldiers-of North Carolina. Resolution providing for extra copies Of the ' report of the Publio Treasurer. Provides that 200 copies be printed to exchange with th Treasurers of the several States and Territories , Resolution touching the amendment to tho Constitution of the United States, passed at this session of the Legislature known as the 13th -section. Adopts it in the sense, that it docs not enlarge the powers of Congress to legislate on the subject of Freedmen within the State.; Resolution to appoint commissianers oo the condition of the Albemarle and Chesapeake ca-'. nal company. Authorizes the Governor to ap point two commissioners to make examination and report to the next General Assembly, f State Convention. '- . ' Resolution concerning the publio square. Appropriates the sum of 100, for cleaning up and improving the oapital square. 'Resolution defining the duty of the Governor with regard to the distribution of an act passed by this General Assembly entitled "An act' for the more complete reorganization of the State, government, and for other purposes," ratified February 1st, 1866. Provides that so much ot the 4th section of saia act as relates to the dis tribution thereof shall be deemed to bo executed when a copy is sent to the Clerk of tho oofnty and Superior Courts aod to the Sheriffs of th Beveral counties. --- . . :..' t Resolution for the relief of the University of North Carolina. Appropriates the sum of 7,000 for the use of said Institution. Resolutions authorizing certain proceedings against the Cape Fear Navigation .Company.1 Requires the Attorney General to make eoqui ry into the complaints of the boat owners aod merchants of Wilmington, and ascertain by what authority the tolls are imposed by said company, and to institute suit either ia the Stir preme Court or io the Superior Court of New Hanover county at his option. . Resolutions accepting a donation of land by; the Congress of the United States under the acc approved, Jaly 2nd, 1862. Tho act of Con gress referred to appropriates an amount of pub " lie land to each' State, to provide colleges for the benefit of agriculture and the mechanic arts; under said act North Carolina is entitled (ac cording to the census of 1860) to 270,000 acres; provided she by her Legislature signifies Iter acceptance of the same oo or before the 14th April, 1866. - - " 1 Resolution amendatory of the resolution sup plying artificial limbs to maimed soldiers, ratifU ed 23d January 186,6. Resolution to print the aots of the Secret Session of 1862-63, and of 1864-65 "In structs the Secretary of State to print the acts. and resolutions of the years above mentioned with the laws now beiog printed. ' V Resolution of thanks to the President of tho United States. For the manly, patriotic and statesmanlike position which he has taken in vetoing the unconstitutional Act of Congress, .extending the powers of the Freedmen' Bu ' reau ' " " Resolution in favor of the Cherokee , Indlanf in this State. ' ' ' ' . Resolution in reference to "Sketobes of Low er North Carolina. Appropriates $153 for bindin 2000 copies of "Kuffios Sketches of Low er North Carolina," places 100 copies at the dis . posal of the Goveroor, 10 to the State Library, 10 to each of the college libraries at Chapel Hill, Wake Forrest, Davidson and Trioity'col leges and the remainder to be distributed equal ly among the members of the Legislature. Resolution io favor of certain disabled sol diers. Authorizes the Justices of eaeh county (a ' majority being present), to levj .taxes for the. sop port of disabled soldiers ia their respective counties, - and also requires, the chairman of each County Court to forward to the Ooveroor on ox before the . . let of November next a statement of the oames aod number of disabled soldiers, citizens of tbeir re spective counties, of those who hare lent legs, arma ' or otherwise disabled in separate lists, also a list of. destitute faiJilies or depeadent cf those who have died, and such other facta as may be of Import- ' a nee. . . . Resolution authorizing the signature of the Pub lie Treasurer to be engraved on State coupons. , , Resolution authorizing the Governor to pay to . soldiers who bought artificial limbs 6a their ova account, the amount it would have cost the State had she bought the limb. ' ' Resolution of thanks to Rev. C. H. Wiley. . Resolution directing the publication of certalg -acts of the Legislature. ...... - Resolution to repair the Stat Hoast. ' 1