UIwl aU' IJ aS O 37" 37 I O 33 ? . OS THIS WEST SIDE OF TRADE STREET CHARACTER IS AS IMPORTANT TO STATES AS IT IS TO INDIVIDUALS, AND THE GLORY OP THE ONE IS THE COMMON" PROPERTY OP THE OTHER $4 Per Annum IN ADVANCE - W. 3. YATES. Editor and Propreitob. CHARLOTTE, N. C, TUESDAY-, MARCH 27, 186b. FOURTEENTH VOLUME N U M B E II 710. 8 wbstsbii iiiaoGa&T Published every. Tuesday,(o) BY WILLIAM J. YATES, ID1T0B 1ID PBOPBIETOR. "ITlfiKSj, $ 4 PER ANNUM, in adrance. t& Transient advertisements must be paid for I n Advance. Obituary notices are charged advertis ing rates. Advertisements not marked on the manuscript t)t a specific time, will be inserted until forbid, and charged accordingly. $1 per sqnare of 10 lines or less will be charged for each insertion,, unles the advertisement is in serted 2 months or more. MEDICAL CARD. DRS. GIBBON & McCOMBS, having associated themselves in the practice of Medicine and Surgery, respectfully tender their professional services to the citizens of Charlotte and surrounding country. From a large experience in private as well as Field and Hospital practice, they feel justified in proposing to pay special attention to the practice of burgery in all its branches. Office in Granite Row, up stairs, opposite the Mnnsion House, ROBERT GIBBON, M. D. Dec 11, 18G5 J. P. McCOMBS, M. D. Ilcitcliison fc Springs, CHARLOTTE, N. C, Agents of the most reliable UTSURJfCB COJtHm,4JriES in the United States. Be on the SAFE SIDE and insure your property -- against I033 or damage by fire. Also, INSURE YOUR LIFE for the benefit of your wife and children. RISKS taken at moderate rates. Call on Hutchison k Springs. No4, Granite Row. E. NYE HUTCHISON, J. M. SPRINGS, March 5, 18G6 Agents. j. u. HCTCHISOX. J. E. BROWN. HUTCHISON & BROWN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, CHARLOTTE, X. C, Having again associated themselves in the practice of Law, will give faithful attention to all business entrusted to them in Mecklenburg and the adjoin ing counties. Office in the corner building formerly occupied by the late Col 7m. A. Owens, nearly opposite the Charlotte Hotel, where one or the other may always be found. December 25, 1865. 3mpd. Charlotte Foundry & Machine Shop PARTICULAR NOTICE. The public is respectfully informed that I am pre pared to build and repair Steam Engines and do all kinds of Machinery work. Also, make Castings in Iron and Brass. I am well-fitted up, and guaran tee work to be done as well and as cheap as at any Shop in the State. Old castings bought or taken in exchange for work. J. M. HOWIE, Oct 16, 1865 6mpd Proprietor. J. DEROSSET, W. L. DEROSSET, GRAHAM DAVES. DEROSSET & CO., (Formerly DeRosset d? Broicn.) Established 1839. GENERAL COMMISSION 'MERCHANTS, No. 6 North Water Street, (up 6tairs,) Wilmington, N. . Will give personal attention to the purchase and fale of produce of every description, and to receiv ing and forwarding goods. March 5, 1866. 3m Kaleish &. Gaston K. R. Co., Superintendents Office, RALEIGH, N. C, Feb, 15, 1866 CHARGE OF TIME. On and after Monday, February 19, 1866, TrainB will run as follows : PASSENGER TRAIN, Leave Raleigh - - - - 4.30 A. M. Arrive at Weldon," - - ' 11.00 " Leave Weldon, - - - 1.30 P. M. Arrive at Raleigh, - - 8.30 " - FREIGHT AND ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, leave Raleigh on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 7 A. M., and arrive at Weldon 4 P. M. FREIGHT AND ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, leave Weldon on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur days at 5 A. M.t and arrive at Raleigh 4 P. M. By this change in the Passenger Train, connec tions are made with the Seaboard & Roanoke Rail road, as well as by the upper route via Richmond Wav passengers can be accommodated by the Freight and Accommodation Trains, if they think proper to do so. This train leaves Raleigh from the Raleigh & Gaston Depot, in the Northern part of the city. ALBERT JOHNSON, General Superintendent. March 5, 1866. tf Stcnlioiise & .TIacaulay COMMISSION MERCHANTS, CHARLOTTE, N. C, and 66 Pearl St., NEW YORK. Prompt personal attention to the pale of cotton, cotton yarns, naval stores, &c , And the purchase of merchandise generally. References John Wilkes and T II Brem, Esq'rs, Charlotte, N C ; Jordan Womble, Esq, Raleigh, N C.; O G Parsley & Co, Wilmingion, N C; D Paul & Co, and RobtMure&Co, Charleston, SC.; Wilcox & Hand, Augusta, Ga.; Dunlop, Moncure & Co, IVch mond, Va ; Tannahill, Mcllwane & Co, N V ; Par tridge, Wells & Co, New York. February 26, 1866. The Southern Express Company, For the transportation of merchandise, valuable packages, 6pecie, bank notes, bonds, kc, for all parts of the South tind Southwest, in connection with ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY; b;ve.cs.ubn.8bed their "gency at 59 BROADWAY, NEW ORK, where orders to call for goods to be forwarded South will receive prompt attention. Merchandise and valuables delivered to Harnden'd, Kinsley's, American and United States Express Com panies, for the Southern Express Company, will re ceive prompt dispatch. For particulars, rates of freight, kc. kc, apply at the office of the Southern Express Company, 59 Broadway. H. B. PLANT, Dec 18, 1865. - President. Just Received, Shovels, Spades, Ovens and Lids, Extra Oven Lids, 5 bbls. extra Early White Jersey POTATOES. , Feb 26th. H. B- WILLIAMS. THE EQtTITAISIiE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF THE UNITED STATES. Accumulated Fund $2,000,000 A nnual In come 81,000,000. PURELY MUTUAL. ANNUAL CASH DIVIDENDS. At the request of their numerous Policy-holders, this Society have determined to declare their divi dends annually in cash. The first dividend will be declared Feb 1, 18C7. The last dividend declared on the quinquennial plan reduced the premiums in some cases more than 50 per cent, or doubled the Policy during the next dividend period. It is be lieved for the future that no company in this coun try will be able to present greater advantages in its dividends to persons assuring than this Society, as total expenditure to cash premium received was. by the last New York Insurance Report, less than that of any of the older American Life Insurance companies. , The officers of this society desire to present o the public for their consideration five modes of di viding surplus premiums or profits, some of which were never before granted to Policy-holders by any Life Company, and present advantnges obvious to all: 1st. The dividends may be applied to the pur chase of additional assurance for a term of years. 2d. Dividends may be applied to reduce the pre mium coming due next. At the last dividend, upon a similar plan, premiums were reduced one-half up on some policies. 3d. The dividend may be applied to provide for the payment of premiums at the latter end of life, so that the assured may bo guaranteed against fur ther payments on attaining a certain age, each suc cessive dividend gradually reducing the time during which the premiums must continue to be paid, so that at last, with the -same success as heretofore, a paid up policy will be secured by quite a moderate Dumber of premiums. To illustrate A man assur ing at 25 years old would, on the basis of our last dividend, be secured by this application of dividend against any payment after 45 and probably at an earlier age and thereafter receive an annual divi. dend in cash. 4th. Dividends may be applied to the purchase of a certain addition to the poiicy, payable with it. 5tn. Dividends may be applied to the reduction of all future premiums during the continuance of the policy. Hereafter dividends on the first annual premium may be used as cash in the payment of the second annual premium, and so en thereafter, the dividend on each premium may be applied to the payment of the next succeeding premium. Policy-holders in most other companies must wait four or five years before any advantage can be derived from dividends.. Call at No. 4, Granite Row, and get books and papers for further information. HUTCHISON & SPRINGS, Agents, For N. Carolina, S. Carolina and Georgia, Feb 26, 1866. Charlotte, N. C. CLOVER SEED. A large supply of Fresh Clover Seed, received and for sale by Feb 26, 1866. BARRINGER, WOLFE & CO. IRON AND CASTINGS. 30,000 lbs. wrought and rolled Iron, Castings, &c, for sale for cash or barter for corn, oats, peas, cotton yarn, and cloth of different kinds. r My Blast Furnace is now in operation and I am prepared to fill orders for Machinery, Cooking Ware, &c. Terms cash. I want to employ some good hollow-ware Mould ers and soirie good Miners I wish to make con tracts for the cutting' of 5,000 cords wood; also for coaling. Apply soon at mv Furnace six miles East of Lincolnton, N. C. J. W. DERR. February 12, 1866 6mpd HUGHES & DILL, Commission & Shipping Merchants, NEWBERN, N. C. Consignments of Cotton, Naval Stores and Tobac co will receive our prompt attention. We have a weekly line of Steamers from Newberc. and Morehead City," which sail from Newbern every Friday and from Morehead City every Saturday at 4 P. M. T. J. HUGHES, NEWBERN. O. W. DILL. MOREHEAD CITT. August 1, 1865 tf Southern Express Company. The Southern Express Company has opened com munication with all Northern and Western States, and is now prepared to forward Freight, Money and valuable Packages safely and promptly. Messen gers leave Charlotte daily, connecting at Raleigh with Adams' Express Company, and at Richmond with Adams' and Harnden's Express Companies. Letters will be forwarded by this Company to all points South and North having no mail facilities. T. D. GILLESPIE, Agent. Charlotte, June 191865 tf BLOSSOM BROTHERS, (Successors to Benj. Blossom & Son,) COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Cotton, Naval Stores, Grain, Tobacco, Yarns, Sheetings, "&c , No. 159 Front Street, Cms. W James B. Isaiah B Blossom, ") Blossom,- New If 0 11' Blossom, J peg-Liberal advances made on consignments on receipt of Bill of' Lading. Referen ces : The Bank of N. C, and other Banks atWilmington, Newbern, Washington, Tarboro. Fay ettevillc, Raleigh, Salisbury, Charlotte and Wadcs boro, N. C. A. M McPhecters, Raleigh, N. C , -will forward to us, through that place, (free of forwarding com missitn,) paying railroad freight, to any shipping port. Joseph R. Blofsom & Co., Wilmington; George II Brown k Co, Washington ; ST Jones & Co, New bern, N. C; Henry Ghiselin, Norfolk,' Va.; will for ward Produce to us, free of forwarding commission, except on naval stores and grain, by steamer or sailing vessel, as shippers may direct; and, when desired, will pay taxe, &c, at the shipping ports. Consignments to us are covered by fire and Ma rine Insurance as soon as freighted'! from all plsccs on all Railroads and Rivers in North and South Carolina, Georgia and Florida, and from all South ern Shipping Ports, through to New York, whether advice of shipment is received or not. July 17, 1865. Ijpd. Dissolution. The copartnership of A. WEILL & CO., com posed of A. Weill, A. R. Mayer and H. M. Asher, was dissolved by mutual consent on the 6th inst , and A R Mayer is alone authorized to sign in liquidation of the firm's debts and accounts. A. WEILL, A. R. MAYER, H. M. ASHER. - The business will be continued at the old stand in Parks' Building, Tryon street, by A. Weill and A. R. Mayer, under the firm and style of A. WEILL & CO., and solicit a continuance of the patronage heretofore extended. A. WEILL, Feb 12, 1866 A- R. MAYER. The Revenue Law, Passed by the General Assembly of North Carolina at the Session 1866. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That for the Bupport of the State Government, and to meet appropriations made by law, a tax shall be levied on the subjects embraced in the following schedules, to be listed and paid, as shall be di rected by law : Schedule A. 1. Real property, with the improvements thereon, including entries of land, ten cents on every one hundred dollars of its value. J - 2. Every taxable poll, one dollar: Provided, That persons maimed or permanently disabled shall be exempt, and also such poor and infirm persons as the county court may declare and re cord fit subjects of exemption. Every person who, on the first day of April, shall have any person Eubject to poll tax, as-a member of his family, or in his employment, or living on his land or in his house, by consent of the owner of said lands, shall list such person and pay the tax, and may retain the same out of any moneys due him. 3. Every toll gate on a turnpike road, and every toll bridge, five per ceDt on the gross re ceipts, and every gate across a highway, licens ed by law, twenty dollars. 4. Every ferry, the gross receipts of which amount to one hundred dollars and upwards, one per cent; amounting to five hundred dollars and upwards, five per cent; and one thousand dollars and upwards, ten per cent. (1) Every studhorse and jackass owned in the State, let to mares for a price, six dollars, to be listed in the county of the owner, unless the highest price demanded for the season for one mare shall exceed that sum, in which case the amount thus demanded shall be paid as tax. 5. Every dollar of dividend on profit, not previously listed, declared, received or due, on' or before the first day of April in each year, up on money or capital invested in shares in the Bank of Washington, the Merchants' Bank of Newbern, the Bank of VYadesboro', the Bank of Fayetteville, the Commercial Bank of Wil mington, the Farmers' Bank of North Carolina, the Bank of Charlotte, and the Bank of Yan ceyvilie, nine cent?; and in shares in all other banks or corporation and trading companies, or in steam vessels of twenty tons burden and up wards, four cents; and any person listing any dividends or profit of the banks herein specially named, shall be required to list the same sepa rately, from any other dividend or profit, for which he is liable to a tax, and also to specify the name of the bank from which said dividend is due, or has been received. 6. One-tenth of one per cent on money, if exceeding one hundred dollars, due from sol vent debtors, including States and governments, except bonds of the United States, or on band, or on deposit with individuals or corporations in this State or elsewhere; the term "money" to include notes of the United States or of any State or corporation according te their value: Provided, That bonds of this State issued after the 23d February, 1861, and the balance, after deducting from the money due and on hand, debts owjng by the tax payer as principal, and as surety where the principal is insolvent, shall only be liable. Persons holding such subjects of taxation as guardian, clerk of any court, exe cutor or administrator, trustee or agent of. what ever kind, shall list and be liable to pay said tax. 7. Every State and County officer, every President and Cashier or Treasurer, or other officer of any bank, railroad or other incorpora ted company and all other salaried persons, ex cept ministers of the Gospel, whose annual sala ries and fee? amount to or are worth five hun dred dollars or upwards, one per cent, on such total salary and fees. 8. On the net income and profits derived by each person, joint stock company and corpora tion, from every occupation, employment or business in which they may have been engaged, and from every investment of labor, skill, prop erty or money, and the net income and profit from every source whatever (except the salaries and fees named in the preceding section) during the year preceding the first of April in each and every year, to be listed under the head of income, as follows: If said income amounts to five hundred dol lars, and is less than one thousand dollars, one per cent.; if amounting to one thousand and below two thousand dollars, one and one half per cent.; if amounting to two thousand and below three thousand dollars, two per cent : if amounting to three thousand dollars and below four thousand dollars, two and a half per cent ; if amounting to four thousand dinars and below five thousand dollars, three per ceat; if amount ing to five thousand dollars and upwards, three and one half per cent. The tax imposed in this section shall be in addition to other taxes, in this- act, imposed, except where laid on gross receipts and divi dends and profits elsewhere taxed under this act and shall include interest on securities of the United States, of this State, or other State or government. Provided, That in estimating the income tor the year preceding the 1st day of April, 1866, those subjects on which taxes have actually been paid under the Revenue Or dinance of the Convention shall not be included. In estimating the net income, the only deduc tion by way of expenses shall be, First, Taxes other than the income tax due this State. SecSnd, Rent for use of buildiogs or other property, or interest on actual incumbrance. Third, Usual or ordinary repairs, but not for new buildings or permanent improvements Fourth, Cost or vakie of the labor (except that of the tar naver himself) except raw ma terial, food, and all other necessary expenses incidental to the business from which the in come is derived. 9. Every carriage or other vehicle for the conveyance of persons, in use, worth at least fifty dollars, one per cent, on its value. 10. All gold and silver plate, gold and silver plated ware and jewelry worn by males, inclu ding' watch, watch chains, seals and keys, when collectively of greater value than twenty-five dollars, one per cent on their entire value. 11. Every harp and piano in use, one dollar. Every dirk, bowie knife, pistol, sword cane, dirk cane, and rifle cane (except arms used for mus tering and police duty) used or worn about the person of any one, at any time during the year, one dollar. Provided, That this tax shall not apply to arms used or worn previous to the rati fication of this act; and any person who shall wear said weapons, and fail to list the same and pay the tax, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. 12. Every resident of the State that brings into the State, or. buys from a non-resident, whether by sample or otherwise," spirituous liq uors, wines or cordials, ale, porter, lager beer or other malt liquors for the purpose of 6ale, fif teen per cent, on the amount of his purchase; every person who buys to sell again spirituous liquors, wines or cordials or malt liquors from the maker, in this State, his agent, factor or commission merchant, ten per cent, on the amount ot his purchases. 13. Upon all real and personal estate whether legal or equitable, situated within this State, i which shall descend or be devised or bequeathed to any collateral relation or person, other than a lineal descendant or ancestor of the husband or wife of the deceased, or husband, or wife of such ancestor or descendant, or to which such collateral relation may become entitled to under the law for the distribution of intestate estates, and which real and personal estate may not be required in payment of debts and other liabili ties, the following per centum tax, upon the value thereof shall be paid: (1.) If such collateral relation be a brother or sister of the father or mother of the deceased, or issue of such brother or sister, a tax of two per cent. (2.) If Buch collateral relation be a more remote relation, or the devisee or legatee be a stranger, a tax of three per cent. The real estate liable to taxation shall be listed by the devisee or heir in a separate col umn designating its proper percent tax. The personal estate or real estate reduced to assets shall be liable to tax, in the bands of the executor or administrator, and shall be paid by him before his administration account is audited or the estate settled, to the Sheriff of the county. If the real estate, descended or devised, shall not be the entire inheritance, the heir or devisee shall pay a pro rata part of tie tax, correspond ing with the relative value of the estate or in terest. If the legacy or distributive share to be received shall not be the entire property, such legatee or distributee shall, in like manner, pay a pro rata part of the tax, according to the value of his interest. Whenever the personal property in the hands of such administrator or executor, (the same not being needed to be converted into money in the course of the administration,) shall be of uncer tain value, he shall apply to th,e county court to appoint three impartial men of probity to as sess the value thereof; and such assessment be ing returned to court, and being confirmed, shall be conclusive of the value. To facilitate the collection of the tax on col laterals, every executor or administrator shall return in his inventory, whether the estate of the deceased goes to the lineal-or collateral re lations, or to a stranger, and if to collaterals, the degree of relationship of such collaterals to the deceased, under a penalty of $100 to be recov ered in the name and for the use of the State; and it shall be the duty of the clerk of the court of pleas and quarter sessions to furnish the sheriff with the names of the executors and administrators who make such returns after each and every term of his court. Schedule B. The Sheriff shall collect the taxes as set forth in this schedule nnuaily, unless otherwise di rected, and grant to each party paying the tax a license to carry on his business until the first day of July next ensuing, except in cases where the tax is on non-resident horse and mule dro vers, in which case no license shall be required: 1. Every company of circus riders or exhibi tors of collections of animals, $75 for each coun ty in which they shall perform or exhibit for re ward. Every separate, exhibition (commonly known as side shows) accompanying such per formers or exhibitors which cannot bo seen without the payment of a separate chargevfifteen dollars for each county in which it is exhibited for a reward. 2. Every company of itinerant, stage or the atrical performers, or peisons performing feats of strength or agility, or exhibiting natural or artificial objects, (except amateur performers,) twenty dollars for each county in which they exhibit for reward, and two hundred dollars when such company perform for a longer time than two months in any county. 3. Every company of itinerant singers, or performers on musical instruments, or dancer3 or itinerant companies,' who otherwise exhibit for the public amusement, ten dollars in each county in which they exhibit for a reward. 4. Every insurance company, incorporated by this State, except companies for mutual assur ance, who take no policy out of the State, $100. 5. Every hotel, restaurant", or eating house, one-half of one per cent, on the gross receipts, if exceeding three hundred dollars; and every gas company and every telegraph company, one per cent on gross receipts 6 Every agency of an insurance company incor porated out of the State, five per cent on gross receipts, and $10 for every , county in which such company may have an agency. 7. Everv agency of a bank incorporated out of the State $500. 8. Every money, or exchange, bond or note broker, crivate banker, or agent of a foreign t broker or banker, shall pay the sum of one hun ' dred dollars fur each county io which he has an Omce or place OI DUsmess; ana every person, act ing for such broker, whether with or without compensation, shall be. held and deemed a bro ker to all intents and purposes, in the place or j county in which-be snail so act, ana snail De 1 1 Vil a. fn tli a atAa t a v ' J1AUIC IU1 IU( MkJJ V M A 9 Every person who is tot a resident of this State, and who shall come in this State io the capacity of, or as agent for a broker, and with the intention of exercising any 'of the fuoetions of a money or exchange broker, shall pay the sum of $100 in each and every county in which he shall act as a broker, which tax shall be col lected by the sheriff of the county, and be ac counted for asT-ther taxes. ' 10. Every person who shall propose to act as broker, aicording to the foregoing section, shall pay the tax to the sheriff of the county in the county in which such broker's business is to be transacted, and take a license for the same, which' shall authorize him to act as broker for one year; and any person who shall act without such license shall forfeit the sum of fifteen hun dred dollars, to be recovered by the sheriff of the county where such tax may be due, .ono third of which t-hall go to the sheriff, and the remainder shall be accounted for as other taxes, and such persons so offending shall be guilty or a misdemeanor. 11. Every money, or exchange, bond or note broker and other persons mentioned ic sections 8, .9 and 10, shall pay, in addition to the tax therein named, 5 per cent on the profits of their Dusiness. 12. Every express company, four percent on gross receipts.- 13. Every public billiard tabic, $150; every private billiard table, $25, and every bagatelle table, $20. 14 Every public bowling ally, whether call ed nine pin or ten pin alley, or by any other name, $50; every private bowling alley, $10. 15. Any person whose occupation or business is to keep horses or vehicles for hire or to let, shall pay a tax of $25. 16. Every licensed retailer of spirituous li quors, wines or cordials, or retailers of malt It- quors, ou tor .one year, such retailer shall- list the In addition to this. amount-of liquors, wines and cordials as required in schedule A, of this act, and pay the tax there imposed. 17. Every itinerant dentist, portrait or min iature painter, daguerrcan artist, and other per sons taking likenesses of the human face, $10 for each county in which he carries on his busi ness: Provided, That such person as shall fur nish satisfactory evidence to the sheriff of the county in which ho proposes to practice, that he is. a resident of the State, and has listed the receipts of his profession for the previous year, shall be exempt from the tax imposed in this paragraph. 18. Every person who purchases iq or out of the State for sale or gift, or brings into the State for sale or gift, playing cards, fifty cents for each separate deck or pack so bought or brought into the State during the year. Every person fail ing to list and pay the tax mentioned in this section, shall, in addition, forfeit and pay $500, to be recovered by- the sheriff, by distress or otherwise, $250 of which is to be paid to the State as taxes. 19. Every person that, for himself or as agent for another, at his regular place of business, sells riding vehicles manufactured out of this State, two per cent on his sales.' 20. Every auctioneer, on all goods, wares or merchandize, whether the growth or manufac ture of this country or imported from foreign countries, placed in his hands by a merchant, resident in this State, whether owner or not, or by a commission merchant, one per cent. on the gross amount of sales; and if by itinerant traders, or such as are not residents of the State five per cent on the gross amount of sales, subject to all the regulations and exemptions set forth in the tenth chapter of Ae Revised Code, entitled "Auctions and Auctioneers." 2. Every merchant, merchant tailor, jewel ler, grocer, druggist, apothecary, produce deal er, commission merchant, factor, produce bro ker, and every other trader, who, as principal or agent for another, carries on the business of buying or selling goods, wares or merchandize, of whatever name or description, and who is not taxed on his purchases in some other paragraph in this schedule, one-half of one per cent on the total amount of bis purchases, whether made in or out of the State, for cash or on credit, articles, the growth or manufacture of this State, if bought in the State, and other articles, the growth or manufacture of adjoining States, if brought into this .State for sale by the grower or manufacturer, shall pay a tax of one-tenth of one per cent. 22. Every non-resident merchant, drummer or agent, who shall come into this State and sell any goods, wares or merchandize; by sample or otherwise, whether delivered or to be delivered, shall pay a tax of one-half of one per cent, on the gross amount of such sale, made in any one year, and shall, before making such sale, obtaio a written license from the sheriff of the county in which he proposes to do business, which the sheriff is authorized to issue whenever such .person shall give bond with security, in the sum of five hundred dollars lor the payment or the tax hereby imposed, at the time, and under the same rules and regulations as are prescribed for the payment of merchant's tax; and any person violating the provisions of this paragraph, shall be liable to a penalty of five hundred dollars, to be collected, by the sheriff, four hundred dollars of which shall be accounted for, and paid as other State taxes, and he shall be further liable to indictment as for a misdemeanor. 23. Every dealer in ready made clothing, (for males,) ono and one-half per cent, on total a mAii n f rif rn K a ana j 24. Every person who, for himself or as agent -! for another, sells patent medicines or nostrums, ten per cent, on amount of bis sales. 25. Every non-res:dent horse or mule drover, or person who receives horses or mules to sell for a non-resident, one per cent, on the amount of each sale, doe as soon as the sale is effected; and upon his neglect or failure to pay such tax, in every county in which he sells, he shall for feit and pay the sum of one hundred dollars, which shall be collected by the sheriff by dis tress or otherwise, one-half to his own use and one-half to the use of the State. Every borte or mule drover shall be considered a non-resident, unless the sheriff has satisfactory evidence that he is a resident of the' State: and the sheriff shall have power and authority to exam ine, on oath, at anv time, ever? horse or mule oroTer, or person who receives Jwrees or males W W 0 9 m J to sell for another, as to whether be has made any sale or exchange, and as to whether he is a non-resident or agent of a non-resident; and on" his failure to answer, he shall be subiect to tho ' 4 same penalty as for failure or oegleet to pay sucn tax. 26. Every studhorse or jackass let to mares for a price, belonging to a non-resident of the. State, ten dollars, unless the highest price de manded for the season for one marc shall exceed buai a u ui iu wuivu vaav uo VUiUUUl luU9 Uv manded shall be paid for the license. The pay ment to one sheriff, and the license under hi; hand, shall, protect the subject in' this paragraph ' taxed, in any county of this State. Every such studhorse or jackass shall be considered as be-' longing to a non-resident, unless the. sheriff is furnished with satisfactory evidence that the' owner is a resident of the State. 27. Every person that peddles goods, wares or merchandize, either by land or water, not the growth or manufacture of thi State, or any drugs, nostrums or medicines, whether such person travel on foot, or with a conveyance or otherwise, shall first have proved to the county court that be is a citizen of the United States, and is of good moral character, and shall have obtained from tie court (who may, in its dis cretion, make or refuse,) an order to the sheriff, to grant him pedlar's license, to expire on the first of July next ensuing. And the Sheriff, oa production of a copy of such order, certified by the clerk of such court, shall grant suoh license for his county on the receipt of forty dollars tax; Provided (1.) That not more than one person shall peddle under one license. (2.) That aoy person who temporarily carries on a business as merchant ic any public place, and then removes his goods, shall be deemed a ped dler. (3.) That nothing in this act contained shall prevent any person from freely selling live stock, vegetables, fruit, oysters fish, books, charts, maps, printed musio, or the articles of his own growth or manufacture. (4.) That nothing herein contained shall release peddlers from paying the tax imposed in this act, on persons who deal in the same species of mer chandise, which tax shall be collected or secured in the same manner as in the case of other mer chants and traders. 28. Every itinerant who deals in or puts, up lightning rods, $10 for each county in which bo carries on bis business. 29. Every itinerant who sells spirituous li quors, wines or cordials, not the product of bis own farm, ic' quantities from one quart to ono barrel, shall pay $50 for every county, and be under the same rules and restrictions as pedlars, except that an order from the court shall not bo required for a license. . ' 60. On every gallon of whiskey, brandy or other spirituous liquors, made for bis own use or for sale by the person using any distillery, 2B cents; and a like sum on every gallon distill- ' ed for other persons, to be paid by the person distilling the same: Provided, that any person who shall distill, without having previously ob tained a license therefor from the county court, shall pay $10 for every day or part of a day in- which he may so still; and it shaJI be the duty of the sheriff to, destrain the still and fixtures for the payment of such tax: Provided turtnerp that the foregoing proviso concerning license shall not be in force until thirty days from the ratification of this act : And provided further, : that the foregoing proviso concerning license shall only apply to persons distilling spirituous liquors from grain : Provided further, that in any county in which there is no court in session at the time when this act shall go in fcrce, the license may be obtained from any seven justices ; of the peace for said county. Said tax shall take effect from the first day ot January, 1800, and the sheriff shall collect the same quarterly on the 1st day of April, July, Oct. & January. 31. Every company of gypsies or strolling company of persons who make a support by pre tending to tell fortunes, horse-trading, tinkering or begging, $100 in each county in which they . offer to practice any of their crafts, recoverable out of any property belonging to aoy one of the company. But nothing - herein contained shall be so construed as to exempt from indictment or penalties imposed by law. v 32. Every license granted under the provis ions of this act shall be for 12 months from the . issuing of the same. Schedule C The subjects embraced in this schedule shall be taxed the amount specified, and the taxes Col lected and accounted for as follows: - 1. Every corporation that might become in corporated by letters patent under the provisions . of chapter 26, Revised Code, entitled 'Corpora tions, but shall fail to do eo, and apply to tne General Assembly and obtain a special act of in corporation, or shall obtain an act to amend their charter, whether it had been secured by letters patent under said law or by special act, $100 for each act to incorporate or to amend, which, tax shall be paid to the Treasurer of the State. , ' . 2. No corporation shall organize under encb special act of incorporation obtained as set forth in tne preceamg section, or aenve any veucui. under such act to amend tbeir charter, until it first shall have obtained a certified copy of such act from the Secretary of State, and the Secretary shall in no case furnish such copy until, the com pany applying shall have delivered to-bim tbe' Treasurer's receipt for the tax asewd in the pre ceding section, which receipt the Secretary shall file in bis office. ' ' W. 3. The president and cashier of each of ' the Banks in this State, on or before the first day of October in each year, shall pay into the publio treasury the following tax, to-wit:- Iftbe profits divided among the stockholders of the banks under their charge during the year amounted to cot less than 6 nor more than seven percent, one-half of one per cent on the stock owned by individuals or corporations; if over 7 and not more than 8 per cent, three-fourths of one percent on the stock thus owned ; if , xoore than 8 per cent, one per cent on the stock thus owned. In case the said officers of any bank shall neglect or fail to pay Che tax as herein re quired, said bank shall pay double the amount of such tax. and the same shall be sued for and re covered by tho Attorney .General .in the rfame ri.