mm. W-ESTKjRN.-; DEMOeBAT; XJHAELOTTE, . Q -:; -4 1 i I I i J 1 l 2 I I ; I n It v- 'o -.1 .if ". . : H f .' .1 -H l b : '.' r h '-li .;' ' r . r; 'f o , ' ' J 8 ; - r 1 . ;t Jl ' r , il , H '-"! - ' . i ' il J THERE IS WO DEATH. There is no death ! . Tiic-ttnrs go down To rise upon eome fairer shore; .And blight in Heaven's jeweled crown ' They shiQc forever more. There is no death ! The dust we tread Shall change beneath the suroiurr showers To golden rain or mellow fruit, Or rainbow tinted fiovcrs. The granite rocks disorganiz ; To feed ths hungry moss they bear; The forest'leaves drink daily life. From oat the viewless dr. There is no death ! The leaves may fall, 1 The Cowers may fall aod fade away They only vit, through wintry hours, The coming of. the May. There is no death ! An angel form Walks o'er the earth with silent tread ; Jle bears our Left loved things away, And then vre call them "dead." lie leaves our hearts nil desolate . He pluck? our iWrrci.', sweetest flowers; Transplanted info bliss, they novr Adorn iinworiul lorcts. 3orn into that undying life, They leave us but to come again; With joy we welcome them the ptirae, " Excpt in sin and paiu. .And ever near ys, though unpeen,- The dear iiuuivrt;;! spirit tread; For all th bouudlcss univcise Is liib there is' to death! State f ... Carolitsn ?ia?!u counts'; In E'r'.Uy 'j'-i' J T-r::i, It' SC. Wm P Pynum i nd Tho I Grit-r vs. Jodiufl I'.ob crt'? r.irl. others. Petition for of L-:i: l 1 -r r.rrtition. It appearing tc Hi i. li. ':( : ion of :be court I lint Alex ilcCcc, .Malin-ia. V.'-y.i Patsy .Rrson, Harriet ' llcliee, P C McRf-e, V i. ifcPee, and L Mciice, minor -heirs of W P McDe?, d-e'd, i'mi Susan Mcl'ee'e of Luther McH -e, Ya : 'dry .'.i. i':v, Jr, Anne Meliee, Alex ilcBee, and L i;!:; r .'-.i cLJec, ".'minor heirs cf Lu ther JfiRce. awl J mit.-j Raiine ::ud wife, Robt it RAtteree cud wife, and Ww Mc-Gul, nou-resi-dcuts ot' thi State; it is i hei f.i e ei dci e 1 y t't:-2 court lhat publicu'iion be made for six wc-eks in the ."Western Drniocrat, a newspiipti- piJdis!;ed i:i the t-'ity of Charlo'.tc, uoiiiVi:- raid defendants of the filing of said petition, and tL't t!u'-y be and appear Rt the next term of the court c-f fvjuify to La held for (jaston county, e.t the in Ihiiirss, on the 7th Monday r.fter '.he -lih Monday .in September next, then end there to plead, s-.r.svov ,:r demur to .aaid plaiatifcV biH, or j:i-Jgriic;:t j to ccr.r-: 30 v. i!! be taken nud heard exfarte us t th' fi. V'ifjC33, John li"Wt.;te, CIvi r d ' M-i-fer in Equity for Gaston county, at ei'iee in LVlhis. the 7th Mond:tv after the 4th Mondav :a .Y ;n h A D li 'Ju. 25-Ct pr adv if-IS J 15 '.VIIITi; t." !: M E. State cf 7i. C:iro!iiin liii&o-.i cosmty. In IJyui'y Tim, l.' .d. Jaue P Jt:.ixvc:i v.:. II li Maswoi!. Pctiiicis for ' Divorce A meusa it tlioro. It appearing to the satisfV.cti.n of the court lhat II II Maxwell, the defnuiaiM in this case, is not a resident of this St .'.-, or so i.toouls himself that regular process carjnot -i i-rrved lijioa hitn; it is therefot e ordei ed 'oy the. e.nrt il;.t j ".Ldication be .made foj" sis weeks i'.i the Western V:, luti iying the defendant of t he iiliug o'" ss. id petition, and that lie be and appear at t!;- next : -rut of (he court of Eq'iity . : he l.eUi for I'll- co'inty i i Gaston, ait the court-house in I:;i!as". on tbe Till Momt-iy after tue ith Moud.iy in Septct:iber nest, tht n ;i:.d there to j;lec.d, answer or li.-nuir to said tit iifi's oiii. or .judgment pro cod !..- o v. i i f.; t .:?;! r.ud L-.-ur J . vxparte. Wirno?.-, John I Vh;te, cleiiv. ur.d Piaster iif H jiii- tr tor G;-f-..ti i'oi:t:tv, at oifieo i;t I.::;. the 7 1 li J - . , Monday after th- 4th Monday it. J :h A i s t; i. j ii v, hue; c & m e: Ktulc of f. Caroilnu Ca-f us county. 1.1 illit' Sj,.';rir 'j'fi nt, i'iC ). John 11 Craip;e, Adn'.'r, ;.;m1 o;i:ei vs.-John I. Fer guson and others. Petit ion. for itistructious tostl'rRf-al Estale. It appearing to tisc- satisfaction of the court that. John P Ferguson, Thomas I Ferguson, und James F Montgomery, Wm B .Montgomery and Johii M Mont gomery, j;iir;oi- I.eirJ of Mary Montgomery, dee d, and Mary McArihur, Wm R McArthur and Jos. K .McAr thnr, minor heirs pf Nancy .McArthur, .ilec'd, are re lidents of ihe State ot Arkansas, nun Jas P Fergu jron is n resi'k ;it of the State of Texas, f.nd Mary L Allison, .1 miii or heir "f S ttr-h Allison, dec-'d. is a residotit of i b . taie t! v.aio.ina : it :s t'lei' fore ordeicd by the court that piildia;iuii be made for six weeks in the Western Democrat, liotif;, ing th defendanis of the filing of this jieiition. rih1 tliat tth?j be and nppear at the ne.xt term ot the court of Equity to be held 'for the county f Gaston, at the couii-house in Dallas, on the. 7th Monday afier the 4th Monday in September next, then iuid tiiere to plead, &n?-wer or ili-raur to plaintiif's bill, or judg- 'meiit pro confesso will b' taken and heard'exparte. itness, John B White., clerk and Master in Equi ty for Gaston county, at office in Dallas the 7tli.Mon day nfier the 4sh Mon.lav in Marcli A I) lfc'jij. 25-Ct pradv J B WHITE, C & M E -8tafc l IX. :;i rli:i Oittktoii -t:ji)3. In Fruity S;JiiJ Tfil, .ISiii. Alexander Dickey vs Susannah Dickey and others. Petition for sale of Land for partition It appearir.g to the satisfaction cf th- coat t that -Susannah Dickey. Elizabeth I Dickey, and George Robeson and w ife Maiy Ann, are i crid.'nts of the State of Aikitnsas. it -is therefore ordered- ly thf court thai publication be made for six weeks iii.thc Westirn lei:merat. no'.iuiV: ill e defen;! a u; ui t-iie filing ot ibis petition, and that they be and appear at the next term of the court of Equity to be held tor the county cf G4ton, at- the court-house in Dallas, .on the 7lh Monday after lite -1th Monday in Septem ber next, then and thtre to plead, auer or demur to the plaintiff's bill, or jMdgtnvnt pro confesso will :be taken and !:ird esparto. Witness, Jolrti B White, cictkand Master in Eini- X for Gaston county, day after the -th Mon , !'ice in Dalla the T.Li Mon .iv in. Ma n !i A I) 1J. ' J B WHITE, C & M E 25-Gt prr v $'5 Stale f S. 4'aiol!ii;, ( K avi liiiid Co Corl vfi'l--as aii't 0: ni-r S ;s rMiy Tm i, 1SJG itelecca Elliott vs. The Heirs at L'-.v cf James P.' Elliott, dee'd. Petition tcr D-jwer. It appearing to the-satisfactivti cf ihe Co::rt th it JamfS Gondloek ar d u ife a, n.rd Har bor and wife Lucinda, two o! the defendants iO this cause, are non-residents of this Mate, ills therefore ordered by the court that publication be made for Six weeks successively in the We. rem Democrat, jiotllying tlie said defendants of the tiling of this petition, and directing them to :.p;iv-;r and answer the petition at the next term cf this court to be held for the county cf Clearjdand. at the court-house in Shelby on the Cii Monday after the -1th Monday in June, I860, or the same will be taken pro conlcsso and beard exparte as to them. Witness, S. WillTams, Clerk -of our said court at oulce the 6th 3Ionday after the 4th Mondjv in March, 86i. . S. WILLIAMS, Clerk. 24-6t price adv $10 Augs. G. Meyer Co., M A S CfXC T T K E US OF White Lead, Saltpetre Varnishes, Latnpblaclt, Putty, Paints, kc.,'. .AV ICO Lombard Strcef, BALTIMORE. July 17, I860 " mpd 1,1 TI6:, LIME! 100 Barrels Tbomastcwn LIME, in good opder, for sale.- Apply to Agent nt N. C. Railroad Depot. Jon 4, ieS tf - SOMETHING ATTRACTIVE J Bargains to be had at Cochrane, Wilson &. Co's. Bombazines, Alpaccas, and fine Mohair at low prices ; Scotch Gingham. Plain Mni Figured Crepe Meretts, ail Wool Detain?, printed Jp.conetts, French Cambrics, Organdies, &c, AT YOUR OWN PRICES. Embroidered and Hemstitch Handkerchiefs, Em broidered Setts Linen Collars and Cuffs, at. Remark able low prices. yy Remember the House, and call before pur ebasfng elsewhere , - p s. Silk Basques at New-"i ork cost. If they cannot be eoid at that, we will give ihem away. . May 28, 1866 ' ALFRED JIARTIrY, (Surviving partner of late firm of Rankin & Maftin,) General Commission Merchant, . - WILMIxNti'JON, N U. Personal and prompt attention given to the pur chase and sale ot ail descriptions of Produce, and to the receiving tnd forwarding of.Goods. Charges fur the same as reasonable as thot'e of any other regular business house in t lie city. lie has ample Warehouse and Wharf room, and an ciperieuce of thirty years, in the business, and therefore feels cotilidi nt of being nLJe to give t nliie j.tiL-Tiicliou to ail who rimy favor bira'v.iih their . patronage. Rkfeukxcf.3 T W Dewey, John A Yr:ng. M L Wiiston. John Will-res and Win J Yatts, Chailotte. June 25, 1GG Uni ' SELLa. OUT AT COST ! Store ibr ISetsf. liKST STAND IX THE CITY. wiH close out our whole wrll Assorted Stock at cos'.a w e desiie ro e:ig:tpe in business else wdiere. Dry Goods, Clothing, Beets, Shoes, and Fancy Goods. Muslins worth 40 cents, a-t 23 cetits. La w n s Organdies Black Lawn Set. tch Giunham; 4-4 Black Prints Summer I'eL.UieS Lace Pj'.ints 10 10a iO 50 4 j r.'j S15 nt 33 at To li at 3 .at fr." li f.t -lo at 35 ' .!U 35 .".r f-. 1 0 a piece, at 3 5 ets " nt SO 44 " Linen Pocket Hdk'fr-4 1-0 cents Jlein'd --it itched do. 44 87 44 The articles are too numero:: to" mention. Wo invite a t ail and get the li--t of prices. Wholesale hovers w ill make it. to hvtr'interpst to examine cur stuck, as this is a chance to bey cheap er than in New Yr rk at present prions. Thtjtore is fjr rent, and possession can up gi.veu rs fiioti ;rs the- Goo Is are disposed of. We prefei to rent it to cue that Ltcvs the Stod;. " KAHNWEILL'R & CUO. Julv 2, 1 S-3 " 4t n. ,T3nTI..T & C., i Taving rtmfjved their Work- from StovvesviEe. Gas j ton cot-nty, to Charlotte, respectfully inform their j oid patrons and t!ie : blie generally ili.U tliey have j opened a . ' nt the old Navj Yard lot, in the city of Chariottc, '. where they are prepared to make all sorts of I CASTINGS For Steam E:;ui:.cs, Milts. Factories, Water Wheels, i Cane Miiis Farming lmpli'incnts, &c tc. j XSP.Tf .J5- Panii ul.ii- Ailontiou 'will b; p i ; I t i i pa -rutg ot all kind. t All work shail b'-'d i:e in the vcrv nicest stvle, f ;n.j ':e be5t fi)-' ' ' i; -o 4 . -. i " . M. MARTIN. JOHN Wit. RES. Jane 25, I too 4iai ior ; v. N' U. 3 a Jtofc 5i"t3 Arrivlstgr, 4'!f.'T Bushels pritne white Ccrn". G00 Sacks Liveipotd Salt. 2 Tierc?s Ca!olL:ia and Rangoon Rica. 1 Lot fine Smoking Toi'aeco. 1 Lot Farritigtoii's Grain Cradles. Together with fVe-h Corn .Meal, Bacon, Lard, Flour, Cheese, aad f.aniiv supplies of all kinds. J. M. SANDERS k CO. June 25, 1 $c.o. E.AftH nm SAL Si, ' Thv subscriber oiler? fcr sulo a trtict of Land 1 v ini on the hea. l-'vat'Ts of" Rocky River, two miles and a half nori h-ea.-a of Davidson Gollege, ccntain i:iu ei;ht hundred Acres, well adapted to thecul tfiie ! . ";toti, cora. wheat, lolceeo. &;. On the plantation is a neat painted Dwelling and aft other nece.?ary, cud the place is wti'l watered. ( - f v.iil take plea?nre in showing the Latid to anv person wishing to p'.ircha.-.e Call .oon and ohi-iiu a bargain of the lut Ijatid in Son-th lie ieii - - . GEO. W. STINSON." May 11. ir--:.; tf A Fresh arrival of Slimmer Calicoes ai A. SINCLAIR'S. 5fi:l ESeeeivecS, A large stock of well selected SHOES. Call and see them before bin ing. . ' "HARBINGER, WOLFE k CO. .March 2-. 1SCG ; aE2BCAL" CA 11 E5. - j DR. II. K. D.-:ARM()ND and DR. j. 15. TERRES having become -woeia ted in the Practice of Meiii j cine, v oiler their professional sit .ices in the various to tho citizens of 'Sharon. ; Mecklenburg coitr.iv. an 1 the pnldu- generally. They j hope their detei uiiiu'.rooi to f..-voie-iil their lime j and cuergh. as-idioiiply to profession will se j cat e de.-ervediy ' she cot.ii'lence of the people, ami ! attract as large a portion of. fheir patrornge ? has : been aw arded itniivbluall v to one f llii ni fur ihi pal ten years. 11 Iv. DkA RMOND, .d D. J. B. TERRES, M. D. Dr DeArmond return many thanks to his kind patrons of Mecklenbtn eootitv. an.i he "s that thev ! wi!I eontinue to the if i m i tin .'patronage' berctoi'ore j so libei ally a warded to him. j May 7. ImJo 3..i K!,oivali-:5 A good second-hand CARRIAGE and BUGGY in j good repair. Apply -aiChas. Wilson's Cauiag'e (.Shop. BUGGIES and CARRIAGES"" Repairad re-pah, ted or re-trimmed at mv Shop next door below the Jil. t i ... .; . ." .. i , - -i - ..-... i ii, Miii- oa ris0!abl terr. liive me a trial. Provisions taken in e:okar.:r" for woik. 1 keep on hand audio;-sal? Fyiily Provisions of a 1 1 V i r: d s . Y M . S ' W II A R N May 21, 1 SGG Next door to the Jail. (ioo.'I i'etv to AI!.- Goods oft-very kind, eh ap neii prcttv, for Lr.dies and G-tuiemeu. Everything i, be found in the ' linn ..!' tlf !!..,. ' - ... , ....v v.o. - ....i-, .y.-5.wriici'itcs ana liard- j ware. Call an. 1 see for our?-' ves I BARRINGKR. WOLFE & CO April 0, 18CY. Fish and pure Tanners' OIL, For ile at - SCARR'S DRUG STORS April 23, 1 as j ci - " -NOTARY rUJiLIcf OfSce in the Carson building, up Flairs, under (he Times, printing oflice. - NORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD ESGISEEB & SCPEKIKTESDESl'S OfKICK, Compakv Shops, June 7th, lbt6. . .Change of Time. On and after June 10th, 1866, Traiasr will rua as foilova : GOING WEST. Mail Train. Freight and Ac. commodation. 1 2 00 P M " 4 50 A 11 8 27 44 1 00 P M 5 30 44 . 9 00 44 Leave. Gold sboro ' Kaltrigh llilfsboro 44 Greensboro 12 30 P M 3 45 5 28 " 7 40 4 : i a in ( Salisbury .Arrive at Charlotte 12 35 AM J V V -GOING EAST. Freight an 3 Ac commodation. 4 30 All 8 55 44 1 10 P M 5 25 . 9 45 44 : 2 15. AM Mitil Train. 11 15 P M 1 20 A M. 4 10 " 6 31 14 8 30 44 Leave Charlotte 4' . Salisbury " Greensboro ' Hillsboro a Tialeiurh Arrive at Goidsboro 1 1 20 44 Mart Train connects at Raleigh vith Raleigb & Gaston Railroad train? for the North. At Goids boro tvith Wilmington & Weldoii, and Atlantic & N. C Trains.. Accommodation Train runs daily (Sundays ex cepted) connecting with Wilmington & Weldou Trains. There is no Sunday Train going Norfh from Wel tlon to Portsmouth: passengers arriving at Weldon on that day can go immediately through via Peters burg and Uichmoud. E. WILKES, June 11, I Sdd tf Eng. & Sup't. ; Ii & Cilastoii It. ES. Co.,) .IAL SCPKK1M 1:MiENT's OFVWK, V llaleigh, , C, June G, 1SG6. j LJk.neual .CnAnGEOF TI31E.. On and if;er Thursday, June 7th, 18GG, Trains will ruu as follows on the Raleigh and Gaston Kail road : Mail Train, going North, leave Raleigh 8 15AM 4 4- 41 arrive at Weldon 1 0o P M " '4 " South, leave Weldon II 00 A M '4 - 4- 44 arrive at lialeigb 4 00 P M FieightTrain going North leave Raleigh 0 00 A'Xl 44 " 44 " "arrive at Weldon 5 00 P M 44 44 44 Sotith leave Weldou 4 00 A M 4 - " '4 " arrive a Raleigh 3 15 PM ALBERT JOHNSON. June II, 1866. tf " Gen 1 Sup't. Wil., Charlotte & Ruth. Railroad. (Ju and after the. 1 8th of June, ger Train will tun daily (Sundays Western Division of thij Road, as GOING WEST. T6d, the Prfssen excepteii) ou the follows : Leave. -G 30 A. 31. 7 25 14 8 05 44 8 50 44 9 '10 41 Arrive. Stations. 0 Chiiflotte, Tmdiaseee, V, rev a id, Sharon, Liticblnton, Cheriy ville. GOING EAST. . . Stations. Cher ry ville, Lincoln ion, Sharun, Brevard, Tuekasegee, Charlotte. 20 00 45 20 35 A. M. 8 8 9 10 Arrive. Leave. 12 00 M. t 10 P.d. 1 45 41 - 2 30 41 3 05 44 12 50 P. M. 1 40 44 2 25 44 3 00 4' 4 00 44 Freight for transportation, -if Depots on the -day previous. will warded on the follow ing day. B. June 19, l?t.6 Engineer delivered nt the be promptly for- S. GUION, &' Sunerintendent Charlotte A. f$. C. 'Railroad. -CifANUH OF SCHKDULH. Si ri: uist es pen ts Office, C. & S. C. Railroad, 1 Columbia. S C, June 1, IS'id. On and after Sunday, the 3id instant, :i Pitsscn :er Ttain will run ove r this Road as follows ; - Leave Columbia at Arrive at l.'hailottv Lea vr Cli uiot t e at An ive at CoTutubiA 4 P M. -- 1 1 i r. P M. - - 3 2 1 A M. - - o, r.r. A M-. JAMES ANDERSON, Superintendent. July 10. lbdC. " AND' Millinery and Straw Goods3 AT wuol; tlEil'fi-.Aflfl.. Yv'e would rcspretf'uRy inlorm the trade that we have opened A branch cf cur Charloton House AT CH ARLOTTE, N. 0 , In the Carson Building, .opposite the National Ex presd Oflfce, where can l o foutid a large stock of SILK, FUR, WOOL and STRAW GOODS. . ALSO,. SLLSKSSliT 40158, consis:iiig of Lai': ,.-', 'Jt n's am) Childn-u'i ' BON NETS and JIA'lS of the latest styles; Also, FLOWERS and RIBBONS, All of w hich we o'l'er at wholesale or hktail nt as jfc3?-.LOV RRICES ea as sueli flood? iurchased in New Yoik or Chailcstou. rv r Wo have a Lady of experience fo super Lk intend ihe Jiii.LBKttY ifSJ itTJTi l-2, "T, who will trim the Goods to order ai tlu fh u tesl not ice. WILLIAMS k COVERT, ' ' Carson Building; Charlotte, N. C. May 21, 1 SCO tf 5. V. !3 2::S& WITIS7'" CHARLOTTE, N C, v- Rpgs leave" to infonnhis old pat rotts' of Meckler.bsvrjt' ;tid aiijoiiiing country, that lie has rtsu med the .-ibove biisincs- io his old Stand, where he will be happy to attend to all orders f.-r "roods in his line. All YTatrBi AYrk promptly attended ton! most" moderate charges and warrauted.lor Lwxlv'e moi:t h? if not abused. He will keep constantly o-i hand Setts, Kings, sTivcr-Ware, of the 1 1 1 e-t s vies nnd purest reality. TABLE CUTLERY, Clocks 'and Fancy Articles. lie will make to order RINGS and other Jewebv of virgin gold: All he asks is a call. June 4, lt-0'1 Cm Jt full assortment i-f Spring Goods, as cheap as can be had ia the market at Jieni of Spring Goods e market at COCHRANE, WILSON & CO'S. April IG, J?CG SATL COST ! A number of claims in favor of COCIIT; .fc SAMPLE have been placed i:i our bamts for collec tion, i'ersons muentfO wouiu ao well to call atid settle before the claims are put f nit. DO WD k JOHNSTON, March 2C, lSGo tf - Attorney s at Lsw. MiSlFiCTntEB OK - " SADDLES & HARNESS A'eur the Ivst Ojjice, CIIAHLOTTE, AV'C. CiT" Hides bought and eold. M.trch 5. 1S66 Crapd 0 iTIciiEOO, & STEELE : Are reeeiring their Spring and " Summer etock of Foreign and Domestic . . ', . Dry Goods, Hardware, Groceries, ' Crockery, Boot, Shoes, llats, Caps, tic. ,4As cheap as the cheapest." - - We respectfully ask our friends and customers to call and examine our Goods a nd,p rice's before buy ing. We feel confident that our Goods Tlnd prices will compare favorably with any other similaf bwuse in the eity. , May 14, 18C6 . " , . Harlottb . Steam Ilefiued Caudy Manufactory, Wliolesale. aiict Itetxiil. The subscriber is now manufacturing all sorts of CANDIES, CAKES, BREAD, &c. &c Plain and Ornamental Cakes, for Weddings and Parties, always on hand or made to order. -JEST Merchants and dealers in Candies will find it to their interest to purchase from me, as I will give satisfactiou both in price and quality. Ordera. from a distance attended to at 6bort notice. . J. G. C. LEISER, One door sonth of ihe.Mansion House, Tiyou etreet, Charlotte, ST. C. March 12, 16GS y - THE EUUITAESfea ' EBFJB - ASSSJSlSCE , SOCIETY - . OF 'THE UNITED STATES. Jxcumuldldd. Fuud 'J,UOU,000 Annual In- ' . vie si,ooo,;jyo ; PURELY N.MUTITAI ANNUAL CASH . DIVIDENDS. c At the request of their numerous Policy-holders, this Society have determined to declare their divi dends annually in cash. The first dividend will be declared Feb 1,1667. -Thelgst dividend dechiredi on the quiiKiuennial plan reduced the premiums in some cases more than 50 per cent, or doubiedihe Policy during the nest dividend period. It is be lieved for the future lhat no company in this e'oun try will be able to 'present greater advantages in its dividends to persons assuring than this Society, as totai expenditure to cash premium received was, by the last New York Itisuiance Report, less than that of any of the older American Life Insurance, companies. The otliccrs of this society, desire to present To the public for their consideration - five modes ot di viding'surplus preuiiur.a or profits, Eumvuf which were never before granted to 'Policy-holders by any Life Coitfptwiy. and present advantages obvious to all: 1st. The dividends may be applied to the pur chase of addi fional assurance for a term of years. 2d. Dividends may be applied to reduce the pre miiwrii coming due next. At the la?t dividend', upoli a similar plan, premiums were reduced fine-half up on so in u policies. 3d. The dividend may be applied to provide for the payment of premiums at the latter end of life, so lhat the "assured may be guaranteed againM fur ther payments on ajtaitiing a certaia age, each suc cessive dividend gradually reducitirr the time during which the premiums must' continue to bv-paid. so lhat at last, with I lie sarnie Mic.ees.5- as heretofore, a paid policy will be secured by quite a moderate number of premiums, To illustrate A man assur ing at 25 years old would, oi the basis of our last dividend, be'secu red by this application' of dividend against any payment after 45 and probabfy at an earlier age and thereafter receive nu annual divi dend. in cash. . 4lh. Dividends may he applied t o the purchase of a certain addition to the poiicy, payable with it. 5th. Dividends-may be applied to the reduction of all future premiums during the coutinuauce of the policy Uereaiter dtv:ii;-n.i on 4! n t fircf firrMi'il itfminin may be used as cas!i in the payment of the second annua oret nun) and on thereafter, the dividend on each ptonii;iin may be appli the next sucevedjng premium. d to the payment of Policy-holders in 1 most other -onipauiesiuu.-t wuil four (jffive vears i before anv advahlat-'.- can be derived from dividend?. " ' ' ' Call s:t No. 4, Grn.ite Rwkr.t;d get books and papers for furthsr-info; niation.. HUTCHISON SPRINGS, Agents, For N Carolina, S. Carolina nnePGeorgia, Feb 26. ISCd. Chatlotie, N. C.. James Iiivtr Insurance Company, HUWARDSVILLE, VA. CI2 AUXiCKr.I) CAl'lT-A L, 81 ,500.000. 0. Y. POW.MXG, A.cnt, Chailotte, X. v. This old, tri-ed, and solvent company deals liber al.,. i,i,.- tillv. oavs tironiti'Iv, and ;u-ks iiatronaae jii i i .mil yvivn j to wiiicli manv others s;m lar i"!uid be adoed: Ricnr-toNi), Ya., Feb. 15, 13CG. I "In the month nt December. IHu, v. e hfld Cotton j bin ned wb.ich was insured in. the JaKies River Com : p:ny. .nd its part of loss, nmouiitiiig to one thous ! and seven hiitidied and thiity-thne dollars and jabirfv three cent., was oaid prompflv as soon as i I'toof', &c. w a s forwarde- 1- o er two inontks ociore l! (itie uto; a tronage. i the pe A. iicy Such prampt Y. Stouks k' Co."' ucss merit April 2. ESt'OUIlAfilMi TQ.rAKMEKS. If you w ant to stive money go to BARR1NGER, WOLFE k '0s to bay- your Goods of every kind. , -M. L BA RR1NGER, S. C. WOLFE, April Cth MARSHAL E. ALEXANDER. Stale "of 1'. Hiirolitaa, Uiiiois rotnal y. In Eiuiiji Tu Fail Term, IS MO. Hannah Long iiiid others vs.- Thomas J Polk and others. Petition for sale' of Land for partition. In this case it appearing fo the satisfaction cf the Court that Wfdlev Polk. .Thomas- Polk, Esther Polk, Mary Polk, Elizabeth J Polk, Wm Polk, Shelby Polk. Martha Cockburn, Mary Cockburn, Shertiy Coi-kbtitn, Wm C Crittenden and Martha his wife, defendants, reside beyond the fwniis of this State so that proc.'- s cannokbe personally served njion them: it is therefore ordered by I he Court that publication be made for tix w-ek-1 s'accessively in the Western Democrat, i-onnioifiding them' and ech of I hem to Ife and anpear'at thf next term of this Court lo be held for the comity of Union, at ihe court house in Mon roe, on the 8th Monday af'ef the 4u Monday in August nest, then a.jd iheiejo answer, pbyd ir demur, or judgmen; co-.ilVsso will be entered agVnist them - - . Witness. Thomas D Winchester, Clerk and Mas ter of .-aid rti rt. at .cHice in Monroe, this the I2lh day of June, 1 :. T. D, 22-Ct jr adv S!o WINCHESTER, C. M E. St;i!o of IV. ': i-oliisn, SJuiosi coimiy. In Eqm'-t.'To Fall Term, lftijS. Willbip Hays vs. Thos Evtj,inks and wife & others. Petition to make title to Land.- I.t appearing in this case to the satir-faction of the Court that Alexander Aaiant, Rebecca C A a rant, David Aarunt, Mat y M .Aaraut. Martha E Aarant, peter Aurant. mhaI Elizabeth Aahirit. .defendants, re siire beyond the limits of this State ?'j thai process cannot be person. -illy served 0:1 ih-m, it is there.f'vre ordered by the Court ihat pii blicai ion be made for six " weeks successive iy in tLc Western Deiuocjal, coinnianding tlicia u:;d each of ihem to be un'd ap pear at the next term of this t'ourt to be held for the county of Union, at the court house io.Monroe, on-the t?th M' '.day after the 4th Monday in August, ,liif. then and there to answer, plead, ur demur, or jiidjiiaent pro confesso will be entered ag.linst them. Witness, Thomas D Winchester, Clerk and Mas ter of said court at olllce In. Monroe, the 12th day of June. lS'JS. - ' TjiD. WINCHESTER, 2-2-61 pr. adrro . C. M. E. E. A. THOMPSON, ATTORNEY AT I.AV7, CHAULOTTE, . C . OtSce in the Court House, right han door up stair3. Charlotte. X. C, Aug. 25, 1R55. CLOSING OUT AT ; COST. 'To Misrepresentations. . In order to make a change in our business by FalL. we are-determined to close . ou.t our entire Slock of. - Dry Oootl Clolhiiig, Hats, Boots', Shoes, Gents' Furnishing Goods, &c, ic, and r offer them at and below COST. As-call is solicited, and you will be convinced of the fact that nothing is misrepresented.: The line of Goods as abou enumerated .are of the first c!as3 and complete. " " . . Great inducements are being held out to Whole sale Buyers. ... A. WEILL & CO., No. 24 Tryon Street, Pa'rks Building. June 25, 1866. ' " Just Received, Ladies' and Misses' Hats, Straw and Ncopolitan Bonnets, Bonnet Ribbon, kc , very cheap,-at -. My 28, 186ti. McLEOD & STEELE'S. WIKKWAftTS A PIANO? Several Patrons of the Concord Female College have requested my aid in securing - ' , - Cnooel Pianos For their use. This has induced me to make ar rangements with some of the JLest rnanufactnrers which Tuable me to furnish instruments of the first class af reduced prices. I can save, each purchaser from 40 to SI 00. Price lists ot the manfacturer3 will be sent to those who desire them, to aid them in making selections. . . - When selections shall have been made the money can be sent to me at. my expense, by the Southern Express, apd a Piano will be shipped - to tbe'Depot I the purchaser may designate. Each Piano sold will be fully warranted. Address roe at Statfsville, N..O. J. M. M. CALDWELL. . May 7, 18CG ' v - . TAYLOR & IIUA'CAN, ' CHARLOTTE, N. C, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL- DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, Boots and 'Shoes, Hats and Caps, Hardware, Crockery, &c, . Respectfully inform the public 'that they keep con stantly on band a general assortment of (Joods In the above lines, wlii'cif'they will eel! at wholesale pr reiail on favorable terms for cash - They invite attention to their large stock of Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Hardware and Crockery, and request those wishing to purchase to give tbein a call. Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware. In this department every article caa be found that may be desired. Jg3j All sorts of Tin and Sbeet-Iton Job Work done at short .notice. ' ' Cooking Stoves, Of all sizes and patterns, furniture complete, in general assortment. '. Fairbanks' Scales- - We are Agents for the sale of the celebrated Fair banks' Scales, all sizes. " , . . . TAYLOR & DUNCAN. May 14, 18G6 - Y. I BKYCI? & CO., . General Commission Merchants, C 11 All LOT IE, N U. Particular attention paid to the selling of all" kinds of Produce Cotton and Tobacco. " Highest cash priceaid for Cotton. Ei'tif" All orders 4roin a distance promptly attend ed to J Y. BRYCE. W. H. BRYCE. March ", iSOd W. H. Peters. Wash'n. Reed. SORl'OLK, Va., May 1, JbCU , May 1, ThA undersigticd have, taketi Commerce street, NouroLii, Ya , an Oflice, No 2G and will hereafter devote themselves to the , GENERAL COMMISSION," SHIPPING Sc FORWARDING- BUSINESS. We retain our spacious Warehouse and Wharf on Water street. Portsmouth, for the Storage of Mer chandise and of all kinds. We have con nection with the Seaboard Road "to Ihe end of our Wharf, whereby we are enabled to receive, and' de liver Produce free of charge for draynge. Consignments of Cotton, Staves, Naval-Stores and other products respectful illy solicited PETERS k HEED. l-y Wc refer fo John -Wilkes and trftml A Harris of Charlotte, N C; O' G Parsley & Co, Wilmingtoh, N C; Fraser, Trenholm k Co,. Liverpool ; IulIoek & Robertson, Liverpool ; Wilkinson, Wood k Co, Halifax, X S ; Dow ley, Coiner & Co, New York ; Darrell k Nash, New York ; Jos Wescott & Sou, Put Hand, Maine ; Edw in E Hertz, k Co, Savannah ; LM Merrill, New Orleans p Isaac E Hertz & Co, Charleston; E P Clayton, Augusta, Ga; Ferdinand P liniv.y, Aiiyusta, Ga. May 1 , 1 Sod Jut i AA US MX iUf UUM't A 'general assorluient, ulwuvs on. hand, at Feb LbU'J SCAHR'S DRUG STORE. TEce .outiiceBi 3E3-spiese Company Olfer unsurpassed facilities for tb.e'sh ijnneot (from AUGUSTA and ioints SOUTH) of Cotton, Cotton Goods, nnd heavy fi eights, fo- Savannah, New York, mid all points NORTH and WEST, - Through Receipts given ou which Ins urance can be effected ut low cit .nues. - Internal Revenue Tax will be paid or Bonds given by this Company, in accordance with regulations of the United States -Treasury Department. For particulars and rates, inquire of Southern Express Company.. This Comnanv is now prepared fo forwaid GOLD AND SILVER COIN, CURRENCY PARCELS, AND FREIGHTS, To Peter.-burg, Ya, Danville, Va. Greensboro, N C, Raleigh, N C, Goidsboro, N C, Lynch1urg, Va, Bristol, fenn. Sal'ubury, N G, Weldon. N C, Wilmington, X C, AND TO WAY STATIONS OS THE . Virginia nnd Tennessee Railroad, South-Side Rail load. Petersburg Railroad, North Carolina Railroad, Ralei;h and Gasion Ra;lioad, Wilmington and Wel don Railroad, aud-Wcsicrn N. C. Railroad. LETTERS,'- MONEY. PACKAGES, AND SMALL PARCELS, Columbia. S C, Augusta, Ga, MaeonvGa, Mobile, Ala, Selma, Ala, Charleston, S C; Savannah, Ga, Cohimbiis, Ga, Montgomery, Ala, Jackson, Miss, New (Orleans, La, AND TO WAV STATIONS OS THE Charlotte k S. C. Railroad, South CaroIJna Rail- i road, Georgia Railroad. Macon and Wcst'-rn Rail I road,- Atlanta and West Point Railroad. Si.uthwest ' ern Rjilrond. Southern Railroad, and Alabama and i Mississippi Railroad . AH Goods shipped by the Adams and Harnden i Express Companies, and marked to the care of the Southern Express Company, will be piomptl.) for. warded .to destination Fieights shipped by steamship to our care will be forw arded by Express w it bout charge for com mission or draynge. If ord'-rs are' left at out OHif", goods will be cal led for and forwarded bv first Express. . SOUTHERN EXPRESS CO. Charlotte, Ang. 14, !B65. - . Greensboro' Mutual Insurance Co Copitvl $50Q.000. One of the safest and most reliable Companies in tire connt!V Insurances effected on as reasonable terms as any company. C. V. DOWNING, Afent, Cltf.flof. N C Feb 12. SCC. COTTON The undersigned, baying oomph-ted their arrange ments for the manufacture of COTTON WINS, the best that were ever inade-iu this country, are no prepared to receive .orders &oai Planters an'd others wishing to purchase. . The long eitablish-ed and well known reputation of Elliott's Cotton Gin wilt, we hope, be ft sufficient guaranty that the article will give entire satisfac tion." . . v . J. M. ELLIOTT & CO , May 21, 1.866 3a Winnsboro, S. C. EXPRESS CO.TIPANIEsT The SOUTHERN "EXPRESS COMPANY haye moved tlieir office in RICHMOND under the Spots wood Hotel, Main street; between Eighth and Ninth streets. The Southern Express Conipany'are now prepared to forward, at Reduced Kates, Curreucy, Coin, Vjilu.tbliis and . . Freight, To all accessible points in the South. All goods shipped from the North by the Adanij or Ilarnden Express Companies will be -transferred to the SOUTHERN EXPRESS COMPANY to com plete transportation. JEk2) Goods shipped from the North by steninsblji and niaj ked-to the tare of .Southern Express -Com pany- will tie promptly forwarded to dec tinrvtion free of charge for conimissions ami druyage.' Arrangements have beeirmade wltb the Danville Rnilroad Company, and we now receive freight for all Way Statiens oa that road at ihe same ratc9 . were formerly chaiged by the Danville Railtoad Ejp- I,rP,e. Goods called for WITHOUT 'EXTRA 'CHARGE and promptly forwarded southern Eatress company. RICHMOND AND DANVILLE RAILROAD. Notice. To give facilities to the public on the line of this road for the transportation of email packages by .Express, an armngi mcnt l;as been made with the SOUTHERN liX PRESS COMPANY by which their wngoii8 in Richmond nnd Danville will call for apd receive all Express. Frtipht intended for tbis Road, on notice being given at llieir oflice, and their wagons will dejiver nil Express Freight arriv ing by this Road FREE OF ANY EXTRA t'H ARGH Ft Hi RECEIPT OR DELIVERY, and the rales of Express Freight will be the same as charged by this Company. - ' THOMAS DODAMEAD, Dee 18, 18C5 tf , Supciiuieadcnt. .t Charlotte,-. Dec. 18, 13fi.r). AH freight forwarded with pTomjitness and dis patch, it being carried on Passenptr and Mail trains and not on slow freight trains Rate ns loft- as by any company. T. D. GILLESPIE Agt. IKCLy A AO CASTIA. 30.000 l,bs. wrought and rolled Iron, Castings, Ac, for sale for cash or barter for coin, oat, peas, cotion yarn, aud cloth of different kinds. My Blast Furnace is now in operation, and I am prepared to fill orders for Machinery, Cooking Ware, &e. ..Terms cash. f ' . '. I want to employ some good Tiollow-wore Mould ers and some good Miners. I wih to make con- tracts for the cutting of! 5.000 cords wood; also for coaling. Apply soon at my Furnace six miles East of Lincolnton. N. 0. . " J. W. DERH. February 12, 186a Gmpd To ESakers ami Con feci ioners. AJIJSOftBA. ' A large quantity of Ammonia can be bought low by the Jar at SCARE'S DRUG STORE. February 5, 186G ' W. GOODMAN, of Mississippi, A. P MERRILL, Jr., of New York, General ttimmissioii. Mercliaiils, .30 tew Strkkt, NEW VOilK. We have made an arrangement by which Mr.BvW COURTS, late Public Tieastirer d North Carolina, becomes interested in all the business ellt us that Stale. He is not associated now with the firm of Bennett, Van Pelt & Co, New York. We hope his frjends will patronize us. Dec 105 . tf At the Old Ea!)!rshcI Of F. SCARR, may be foam" everything in the Drug line, of genuine quality. February 20, 1 8C6. . C II. IIOBINSOX. Pit. H. H. BORINS0M.' C. H". ROBINSON & CO., f f.t S,. .. . K.--Ai 1 I..- vuijwisjumi iv i ui itilluli: iMtriCUUIil WILMISGlOX, 7i. 7. Prompt attention given to orders and consign ments. " Jan 29, 18C6 tf Jf M. JILVES of: Va., .silORB BROTHERS, Successors to Sfioiin, Rat.nkv ii Co., Inijxirfcrs and Dtiif 'rs in Chin?, Glass and Earthenware, . No. 02 .ViisLY Stkkkt, April 9, 18tf0 6ol . Reiv York. For Sale, A -superior toned CHURCH BELL, with iron framo and vokr. Inquire at this Oflice. tf November 27, 1865 Blij;!! slioal-i IRON MANUFACTURING CO., Gaston County, N. C. This Company 'laving gone int operation, solicit the patronage of dealers and the. public. They re nw prepared to execute all orders In the best etyle, from the superior Iron on fheir property. The fol lowing "articles are enumerated, viz. : Rolled Iron round aU zes. Square. 44 . w ugon Elaf bar tire 4- and axles i' 44 for jiliites 44 and widths Band Hoop it Nails of all sizes. Tacka 44 . 44 Brads 4r 44 - Castings henry' nnd light. I!ollow-warp of everj kind hutI decription. Sioves,- l'lougli-sharci. Mu)d-lionrds. Geaiing of tvery sizelight nnd heavy. Horse-shoe Iron and nails. , . , The Coftipany w ill yborily tie prepared to produce Raihoau Iron, and lo re-roll ihe rnHicrial with ex peuition. All orders promptly executed. Application to me' made in person, or by letter at the worki or at Charlotte. Address - FRED D. STfART, High Shoals, Feb. 12, 18(56. If Sup't. . SoulIeii Kxiire- Company' The Southerii Express Company Iih optueO coin municatiou with all Northern iftid Wei4c rn JSiate, aud is now prepared to forward Freight, Money and valuable Packages enfely and promptly. Messen gers leave Charlotte daily, connecting at Raleigh with Adams' "Express .Company, : ud at Richmond with Adams' and Harnden's Express Compai ies. Letters will be forwarded by ibu Comptrny to all points South and North having no mail facilities. T. !. GILLESPIE, Agent. Chailotte, June 19, 1 805 tf New Good s. 'The subscribers lime opened a srore the 2d door froci the Court House, ft the stand formerly occu pied by S. Frankenthall, where tbey intend keeping ' , , . , r . . 1 I ...t r,t il..., li. lor wuoiefiue nu remu a larc j www--, Rea!y-roade Clojhii.g, feho, Unts, 4C A line assortment of Ivdie' Dre-fS Goods will ar rive in a few days: . A sbre of pattonage is respectfully f o!icited..s they feci confident of being able tp give eatisfactiop ioprice andqu-Iity. Z ROLLER.