W EST JUJtilSI nJZM.aplR&SF, CHARLOTTE, N V C. THE MYSTERIOUS BOURNE. There is a time we know not when, A point we know rtot where, That markka the destiny of men, To glory or' despair. There iaa Hoe by us unseen, That crosses every pathj The hidden boundary between God'a patience, and his. wrath. . To pass that limit is. to die, To die asif by cteaRb, -It does not quench the beaming dyes, Or pale the glow of health. The conscience may be stilf at ease, The spirit light and gay, That which is pleasing still may please, And care be thrust away. But on that forehead God hath set Jndelibly, a mark, Unseen by man, for man as yet Is blind and in the dark. He little dreams of coming woe, His smil's to pleasure toned, He does not, cannot, will uot know, Or feel that he is doomed. He knows, he feels, that all h well j And everj'fear is calm, He lives, he. dies, he wakes in hell, Not only doomed tut damned. Where is this mysterious bourne ? By which our line is crossed, Beyond which God himself hath sworn, That be w hoboes is lost. How long may we go on in sin ? Where does hope .end, and where Do the dark hidden bimnds begin Y The confines of despair. An answer from the skies is sent, Ye that from God depart, 'While ,it is called to-day repent, And barden not your heart. - SHARON ACADEMY, MECKLENBURG COUNTY, N. C. The next session of tLis School, for .Boys and foung Men, will open the first Monday in September. Terms per Session of Five Months : English Brancbe's, .- - $10 00'" .Classics, - - - - 18 00 Board can be had in good families in the neigh borhood at 10 per month. H. K. RKID, Principal. Aug 6, 1866 1m FINE BLOODED STOCK ,e FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale, privately, 25 head ,of CATTLE, Ayrshire, Duiham and Devon eross, (among them some fine Milch Cows and Beeves, in good order.) Also, 40 head of SHEEP, good breed, and in first -ate order. . Also, a fine stock of HOGS, improved breed. Cf I will also rent, for the next year, my Plan tation (one of the Lest in fhe country, being, mostly ottom River land,) if agreeable terms can be made. Apply to me in person or by letter at Bock Hill P. O.-, South Carolina. Aug 6, 1866 St . R. A. SPRINGS. 0 f 7 "We give notice to our old friends and customers that we will re-open the "BOOT AND SHOE STORE," at the old stand, (formerly occupied by "Boone & -Co.,") on the 15th of this month, when wc shall be happy to serve them as in the good old days, with "Boots, Shoes, Leather and Shoe findings," of every .description. Call and sec us, next door to National Bank, Charlotte, N. C. . B. R. SMITH, JR., & CO. .August 6;.1866 To anfi from the North. THROUGH-FREIGHT AIR LINE VIA The N. C. Railroad and its connecting- Lines. By Throngu-Freight arrangements, throagh Re ceipts are given from Charlotte and all points on the North Carolina Railroad to New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Portsmouth, Norfolk, Pe tersburg and City Point, AT EXCEEDINGLY LOW RATES lower, with more dispatch and with less insurance, than anj; other line. See Agents and ship-your Goods by the following lines; and no other Care of Railroad Ageat, Ports mouth, Va : tfaoM Nkw York. Atlantic Coast Mail Steamship Co., Livingston. Fox k Co.. Agents, 'Office No. 8H, Liberty street Shipping Point Pier No 3G North River, New York. From Boston. Boston and Norfolk Steamship Co., A. -Sampson, Agent, and of Central Wharf, .Boston. ' From Philadelphia. Philadelphia and Norfolk Steamship Co., W. P. Clyde &-Co , Agents, No. 14 .North Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia. -From Baltimobk Baltimore Sttm Packet Co., (Old Bay Line,) L. B. Parks, Agent, foot of Union Dock and by Brandt's Line.' ESiyTbis Line gives more dispatch than any Express-Company, and at about one-fourth the cost. Aug 6, 18CG lm Equity Sale of Land. . la obedience to a. decree of the Court of Equity, mad at Spring Term, 1SGG, of Mecklenburg Court of Equity, I propose to sell to the highest bidder executing bond with security, on a credit ofoue and two years, with interest from date, " One Hun dred and Seventy Acres of LAND, situated in said county, near Sugar Creek Church, adjoining the la.nis of ti,e tiers of the late Dr Thomas Caldwell, D. Parks, R. L. Alexander and others, for partition among the biers at law of the late Robert Montgom ery, deceased. Sale will take place at the Public -Square in Charlotte on the second Mondar in Octo ber proximo one hundred dollars cash in advance to pay costs. A. C. WILLIAMSON, C. XI E. P. S. The sale of the Thompson Land, lately postponed, will take place on the Fftrue d;iy. Aug 6, 1866 A. C. W. STOLEN. All-per!on9 are hereby forewarned not to trade for the following Notes which were stolen from me: .One Nole on. George Hendris for $16 80, J. M. .Brown and E. II. Correll, sureties; on Note on E. M. Correll for $6.I, J. P. Kenerlv, surety. These Notes are due the Estate of David Frieze, deceased, dated December 5th, 1865. . - . - ' JOHN FRIEZE, Administratorof DaVId Frieze. Aug 13, 1866 2tpd xNOTAUY 1'UlitIC. Office in the Carson building, up stairs, under the Tfipc.i printing oflice. - hammosd & Mclaughlin Having associated themselves together, will keep constantly on hand a fine "assortment of . . GROCERIES, .It the old stand of Taylor, McLanghlia k Co., Bryce's Building, Trade Street. All orders received will be promptly attended to, and we will sell cheap for cash. II. B. HAMMOND. JOSEPH MCLACGHLIN. July 30, 1866. If State or (V. Carolina, Cabarrus Co. In Equity. Petition to Sell Land. George Barnhart and wife Martha, Thomas P. Reid, Jackson Furr and wife Julian, Ingram Reid, Francis Reid; Iaac Burlison and wife Elizabeth Jaekson Bost, Conrad Bost, Jacob Dry and wife Martha, Tboma J. Shinn and wife Mary, John L. Reid, Sarati Drake, Henry Reid, Israel Furr and wife Ursly, George Reid, Timothy Reid, Allen Reid, Isaac W. Cravton, George Cray ton, A. J. Taylor and wife Sarifh, Darling Tucker and wife Martha, Thomas Motley, John R. Motley,;Mathias Rinehart and wife Martha, Henry Sossamon and wife Keziah, J. Fag gart and wife. Laviua, W. E. Biggers and wife Eliza Knli Mnstaand wife Howena. Wilson Furr uri") ------ - - - - and wife Nancy, Henry Plott and wife Sarah, Madi son Hartzell, Fanny Aldridge, Jesse P Cox and' wife Lucy, Susannah Kizer and Fanny Kizer, AGAINST Henry C. Reid, the heirs at law of John C. Reid, (names not known,) Allen Reid. Wm'Bost, Jackson Reudleman, the heirs at liw of Arthur Reid and Martha his wife, deceased, (names not known,) Win. A. Cagle and Nancy his wife, Clayborne Reid, Ar thur Reid, Marshal M. Reid, .the heirs at law of Henry E Reid, deceased, (names . not known,) Ephraim Reid, Wm. Turner and Martha his wife, Quiiicy Harrison and wife Elizabeth, Henry R. Craj' ton, George Kizer and wife Mary, the heirs at law ofRufus Motley,. deceased, (names not known,) John It. Hartzel, the heirs at law of Joshua Hartzel, de ceased, (names not known,) the heirs at law of Nimrod Hartzel, deceased, (names not known,) Jack son llartzal, the heirs at law of J. U. Watson and wife Elizabeth, deceased, (names not known,) the heirs at law of Adam Starns and Sarah his wife, de ceased, (names not known,) Defendants. In this case it appearing that tlie defendants are not residents of this State or unknown, it is ordered that publication be made for six weeks in the vVest--em Democrat, published in Charlotte, 'notifying the said defendants to be and appear at the next Court of Equity to be held for the County of Cabarrus, at the Court House in Concord, on the Ilth Monday after the last Monday in August, 1806, and answer complainants bill, or the same will be set down for hearing ad judgment taken pro confesso as to them. Witness, R. W. Allison, Clerk and Master in Equity for said County, the 1 1th Monday after the hist Monday in February. A. D., 18tG. - R. W. ALLISON, C & M. E. 20-4i pr. adv. $25. JV- V OT T a I v . A first rate second-lrand Cotton Gin 50 saws a3 good as new, in fine order, is offered for sale. W..F. PII1FER. July 23, 1S6G. ' SAUDIS ACADEIIY. Six m'iks South-east of Charlotte, N. C. The. third Session of this School (for Youths) will commence September 3rd, 1866. Terms per Session of Jive months specie rates : Primary English - - - ST 50 Higher - - - 10 00 Classics - - - - 15 00 . No deduction except in cases of protracted sick ness. Boarding, convenient to the Acadtrny. in the families of Rev. John Hunter, Capt. John Walker, Lorenzo Hunter, Esq., and others, at $10 per month iu specie or its -equivalent in currenc'. ; fl. C. RKID, Principal. .July 16, 1866 " lm . eii. Lane's SltoS for iloys, CONCORD, The second Session of this School will commence Monday, September 3.1, 1866. The Principal will be assisted by a Graduate of the University of Virginia. For circular apply to JAMES, H. LANE, A. M., July 30, 166 2m Principal. NOT ICE TO"DEE T OR S . . Ji" All persons against whom I have claim?, (some o! them half as old as myself) and who do not intend to take the benefit of the Stay Law, (so called.) will do me a favor and themselves a credit by. calling on me at Wm. Boyd & Oo's store, and re newing their paper, and paying as much as the in terest, if no more, as I am in want of the money. JAS. II. CARSON. July 10, 1866 tf Co-Partnership Notice. MR. R. MACDONALD is this day (July 1st) admi't-ed a partner in the business of our House at Charlotte, N. C, which will be continued under thj; firm of STENHOUSE, M AC AULA Y & CO. - STENUOUSE & MACAULAY. July 16, 1866. Fish and pure Tanners' OIL, For sale at SCARR'S DRUG STORS. April. 23, 1866 H. J. Walker. I. H. McGinn. WALKER &, McGINNr Family Grocers, Trade Street (opposite Presbyterian Chureh. Keep' constantly on hand a supply of FAMILY GROCElliES, consisting of Sugar. Coffee, Molasses, Rice, Mackerel, Raisins, Candy, Pepper. Spices, Se gars, chewing-and smoking Tobacco, Bacon, Lard, Candles, Butter, Corn, Meal, Flour, &c , all of which will be sold low for cash. ' Country Produce received in exchange for trade. July 16, 1866 lm " All persons indebted to the Estate of the late Dr. 15. H. Andrews, are requested to come forward and make payment, and those havit claims against the same are requested to present them for payment within-the time prescribed bylaw, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. ISAAC N. ALEXANDER, July 16, 1865 tf Adui'r. SOMETHING ATTRACTIVE i Bargains to be had at Cochrane, Wiisosa & Co'. Bombazines, Alpaccas, and Sue Mohair at low prices; Scotch Gingham, Plain and Figured Crepe Meretts, all Wool Delains, Printed Jaconetts, French Cambrics, Organdies, &c, AT "YOUR OWN- PRICES. Embroidered and Hemstitch Handkerchiefs, -Embroidered Setts Linen Collars and Cuffs, at Remark able low prices. . i2T Remember the House, and call before pur chasing elsewhere P. S. SUk Basques at New-York cost.- Ifihey cannot be sold at that, we will give them away May 28, 1S66 5n Store a Mil Arriving-, 4000 Bushels prime white Corn. 600 Sacks Liverpool Salt. 2 Tierces Carolina and Rangoon Rice. 1 Lot fine Smoking Tobacco. 1 Lot Farringtoo's Grain Cradles. Together with fresh Corn Meal, Bacon. Lard, tlour, Cheese, aad family supplies of all kinds J. 11. SANDERS & CO. June 25, 1868. BUGGIES. and CARRIAGES Repairad re-painted or re-trimmed at my Shoo next door below the Jail, at short . notice and on reasonable terms. . Give me a trial. Provisions taken in exchange for work. I. keep on hand and for sale Family Provisions of all kind. WM. S. WE1RX May 21, 1866 Next door to the Jail NORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD EsiH-KKKk. & SupkrUtbsdent's Office, 1 Company Shops, June 7th, 1866. Change of Time. On and after June 10th, 1866, Trains will run as follovs : GOING WEST. ' Freight and Ac. Mail Train. cewmodation. Leave Goldsboro 12 30 PM . 12 00 PM Raleigh 3 ,45 " .4 50 AM Hiilsboro -5 28 " 8 27 " Greensboro 7 40 " 1 00 P M ; Salisbury 10 10 " 5 30 Arrive at Charlotte 12 35 A M 9 00 " GOING EAST. Mail Train. 11 15 P M - Freight and Ae . commodation. 4 30 A M 8 55 " -.1 10 PM 5 25 " 9 45 " ' 2 15 AM Leave Charlotte " Salisbury " Greensboro Hillsboro 1 26 A M 4- 10 6 31 Ci 8 30 Arrive at Goldsboro 11 20 Mail Train connects at Raletgh with Raleigh & Gaston Railroad trains for the North. At Golds boro with Wilmington & Weldon, and Atlantic. & N. C. Trains. Accommodation Train runs daily (Sundays ex cepted) connecting -with Wilmington St, Weldou Traifls. There is no Sunday Train going North from Wel don to Portsmouth; passenger-s arriving at Weldon on that day can go immediately through via Peters burg and Richmond. E. WILKES, June 11,-1866 tf Eng. & Sup't. Raleigli & Gaston IS. ES. Co., Geneual Superintendent's Office, ltaleigh, N. C., June 6, 18C6. CHANGE OF TI31E. On and after Thursday, June 7th, 1S66, Trains will run as follows on the Raleigh and Gaston Rail 'road : "... Mail Train, going North, leave Raleigh , 8 15 A M ' " " arrive at Weldon 1 00 P M, " South, leave Weldon 11 00 AM " " arrive at Raleigh 4 00 PM: FreightTrain going North leave Raleigh . 6 00 A M " " arrive at Weldon 5 00 P M South leaveWeldon 4 00 A M " arrive at Riileigh 3 15 P M ALBERT JOHNSON, tf "Gen'l Sup't. June II, 1866 Wil., Charlotte 8c Ruth. Railroad. On and after the 30tlT of J uly, gcr Train will run daily (Sundays Western Division of this Road, as GOING EAST. Leave Cheyryville, Leave Lincolnt'on, Arrive at Charlotte, GOING WEST. Leave Charlotte Leave Liucoluton Arrive at Ceerryville - Freight for transportation, if Depots on the day previous, will warded on the following day. B. July 30..18C6 Engineer 1866, the Passen excepted) on the follows : 6 00 A. M. 7 10 " 10- 0) " 2 00 P. M. 5 00. " 6 00 " delivered at the be promptly for- S. GUION, & Superintendent - Charlotte S. C. Railroad: .'C11ANGK OF SCIIEDULE. ' Scpebistkndent's Offick, C. & S. C. Railroad, ! Columbia, S. 0., June 1, 1806. On and after Sunday, the 3rd instant, a Passen ger Train will run over this Road as follows : Leave Columbia at - - 4 35 P M. . Arrive at Charlotte - ' - 1115 PM. Leave Charlotte at - - 12 15 A M. Atlive at Columbia - - 6 55 A M. JAMES ANDERSON, July 10, 1860. Superintendent. X AND Millinery and Straw Goods, AT WiiOLL'SALK Ar- RETAIL. We would respectfully. inform the trade that we have opened A branch of cur Charleston Housi AT CIlAllLOT'J K, N. C , In the Carson Building, opposite the National Ex press Office, where can be found a large stock of SILK, FUR, WOOL and STRAW GOODS. ALSO, mUAAilY CiOD8, consisting of La-dies', Men s and ChUdreu'a BON NETS and II A Tfci of the latest sty tes ; Also, FLOWERS and RIBBONS, All of which we offer at wholesale or retail at as as such Goods can be purchased in New Yoik or Charleston. ' rv a We have a Lady of -experience to super Lk intend t.l-e JTS'ii.I.Kt'EHW IE '.iIlT..7H:YT, who- will trim the Goods to order at tliu shortest notice. " WILLIAMS & COVERT, . Carson.Building, Charlotte, N. C. May 21, 1866 "tf 5. W. 121C4'KWaTE3, ' CHARLOTTE, N. C , Begs leave f inform his old patrons of Mecklenburg and adjoining country, that he has -resumed the above burviess in his Uld Stand, where hewill .be happy to attend to all ordera for goods in his line. 'All Wat c-!i Wor6- promptly attended to at most moderate charges' and warrat.ted for twelve months if not abused. He will keep constantly on hand Wat'claeis, - Setts, Rings, Silver-Ware, of the latest styles and purest quality. TABLE CUTLEltY, Clocks aud Fancy Articles. He will make to order-RINGS and other Jewelry of virgin gold. All he asks is -a call. June 4, 1866 6m - ' Spring ocrf. A full assortment of Spring Goods, as cheap as can be bad ia the market t COCHRANE, WILSON .it CO'S. April 16, 1866. SATE COST! A number of claim in favor of COCHRANE & SAMPLE have been placod in our hands for collec tion. Persons indebted would do well to call and settle before fhe cla'.uis are pHt in suit. yD & JOHNSTON, March 26, 1863 f Attorneys at Lsw. MANDKACTPIn OF SADDLES & HARNESS A'car the Post Oj-iva,"- CHARLOTTE, N. C. Hides bought and sold. March 5, 1866 , 6mpd .Augs. G. Meyer &. Co., MANUFACTUBERS Of ' White .L?ad, Saltpetre, Tarnishes, Lampblack Puttv, Paints, &c, ' A7o. 100 Lombard Street, BALTIMORE. July 17, 186e Cmpd -.fllcLEOD & STEELE - Are receiving their Spring and- Summer stock of Foreign and Domestic , Dry Goods, Hardirare, Groceries, Crockery,' Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, tc. "As cheap as the cheapest." We respectfully ask oar friends and customers to call and examine our Goods and prices before buy ing. We feel confident that oirr Goods and prices will compare, favorably with any othejL similar house in the city. May 14, 1866 ' " . CHARLOTTE . Steam -.Refined Caudy jlanufactory, Wlioltsule stud Retail. The subscriber is now manufacturing all sorts of CANDIES, CAKES, BREAD, &c. ' Plain and Ornamantal.Cakes, for WeddingS and Parties, always Qn hand or made to order. J6 Merchants and dealers in Candies will find it to their interest to purchase from me, as I will give satisfaction both in price and qu-ality. . Orders from a distance attended to - at 6bort notice. ' J. O. C. LEISER, 1 One dcor south of the Mansion House, Tryou street, Charlotte, N. C. March 12, 1866 y . ' THE .. EQUITABLE LB EE ASSVUANCE SOCIETY , OF THE UNITE!) STATES. . Accumulated Fund $2,000,000- Annual' In come 1,000,000. PURELY MUTUAL ANNUAL CASH DIVIDENDS. At the request of their numerous Policy-holders, this Society have determined to declare their divi dends annually in cash. The first dividend will be declared Feb 1, 1867. The last dividend, declared on the quinquennial plan reduced the premiums in some cases moretliau 50per cent, or doubled the Policy during the next dividend period. It is be lieved for the future that no company in this coun try will be able to present greater advantages in its dividends to persons' assuring than this Society, as total expenditure to cash premium received was, by the last New York Insurance Report, less than that of any of the older America'n Life Insurance companies. ' The officers, of this society desire to present to the public for their consideration five modes of di viding surplus premiums or profits, some of .which were never befure granted to Policy-holders by any Life Company, and present advantages obvious to all: 1st. The dividends may btf applied to the pur chase of additional assurance for a term of years. 2d. Dividends may be applied to reduce the pre mium coming due next. At Hie last dividend, upon a similar plan,'preiuiums were reduced one-half up on some policies. 3d. The dividend may be applied to provide for the paymenfof premiums at the latter end of life, so that the assured may be guaranteed against fur ther payments on attaining a certain age, each suc cessive dividend gradually reducing the time during which the premiums must continue to be paid, so tfcpilat last, with the same success as heretofore, a paid up policy will be .secured by quite a moderate number of premiums. To illustrate A man assur ing at 25 years old would, on the bnsis of our last dividend, be secured by this application of dividend againsl any payment after 45 and probably at an earlier age aud thereafter receive an annual divi dend in cash. 4th. Dividends may be applied to the purcluise of a certain addition to the 'policy, payable with it. 5th. Dividends may be applied to the reduction of all future premiums during the continuance of the policy. Hereafter dividends on the firft annual premium may be used as cash in the payment of thesecond annual premium, and so on thereafter, the dividend on each premium may be applied to the payment of the next surct'edirlg premium. Policy-holders in most other companies mu.-t wait four or five years before any advantage can be derived from dividends. Call at No. 4, Granite Row, and get books and papers for further information. ' .HUTCHISON & SPRINGS, Agents, For N Carolina, S. Carolina and Georgia,' Feb 26, 186. Charlotte, N. C. James River Insurance Company, IlOft'ARDSVILLE, VA. "chartered capital, '$1,500,000. C. W. POWNING, Afent, Charlotte, JVr. C. This old, tried, aud solvent company deals liber ally, pays promp'ly, and aks patronage. See below, to whicli many others similar could be added: 'RicnjioxD, Ya., Feb. 15, 1866. "In he month of Deoeniber, 1865,. we had Cotton burned which was iusnred in the James River Com-panj-.-and its part of loss, amounting to one thous and seven hundred and thirty-three dollars and thirty three cents, was paid promptly as soon as proof, &c, was forwarded, and over two montfcs before it was due under the policy. Such prompt- - - v - - -. 0. r-l- uess ruiM'iis patronage. April 2, 1866 . ' y A. Y. Stokes & Co." ENCOURAGING. TO FARMERS. If you want to save money go to BARRINGER, WOLFE & CO's to buv your Goods of every kind. M. L J5AURINGER, S. O. WOLFE, . April 9th MARSHAL E. ALEXANDER. Stali; of JYoiiSi Carolina Uniofii Co, Court of Picas and Quarter Sessions July Term, 1866. James S Marsh, Adui'r of Thomas Hasty, dee'd, vs. - . Nancy "Hasty and ot hers. " Petition for settlement. . It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Nancy- Hast3', J Hasty, Eme'line Hasty, Lvicy Hasty, William Hasty, James. Hasty, Griifin Hasty, Marshall Hasty and Jesse Hasty, reside beyond the limits of this State; it is ordered by the Court that publication be made for. six Weeks successively, no tifying said absent defendants and the other' next of kin of said Thomas Hasty. decTd, to be and appear at the next term ofthis Court to be held for the County of Union at the Court" House in Monroe on th'e 1st Monday iu October next, hen and there to answer, plead or demur to this petition, or judgr ment pro confesso will be taken and heard exparte as to tnem. Witness, J E Irby, Clerk of our said Court, at office, the J st Monday in July, A i 1866. pradv$IG- J. E. IRBY, Clerk. The co-partnership heretofore existing in this city under the firm- of Taylor, McLaughlin & Co., was dissolved on the 14th inst , by agreement Of A. A.N. M.Taylor, J. McLaughlin, C. fl. Elms anuV J. Duucau. All debts due said firm mnst be paid forthwith to either C. II. Elms or J. McLaughlin at the old stand. If.not settled in a few days the debts will be placed in the hands of an officer. TAYLOR &. DUNCAN, J. Mclaughlin, C. II. ELMS. Charlotte, July 16th', 1866. ' J6fiThe undersigned will continue the GROCERY BUSINESS at the old stand .as heretrfore, and re spectfully solicits a continuance of its former pa rronnge. JOSEPH McLAUGULIN. Charlotte, July I6th,-1866 if Fsf Received, A . large stock of Well selected SHOES. Call and sec them before buying. BARRINGER, WOLFE St CO March 26, 1866.- . E . A . THOMPS ON , ATTORNEY AT LAW, CIIAltLOTTE, If C. Office in the Court Hon set right hand door upstairs. I Ckarlotte, X. C, Aug. 21, 1865. - J ' CLOSING OCT AT COST. . Itfb Misrepresentations; In order to make change in oar business by Eall, we are delefmined to close out our entire Stock of - Ury Goods, Clbthfngr, Hats, Boots, Shoes, Gents' Famishing Goods, Ac, Stc, and offer them at and below COST. A call is solicited, and you' will be convinced of the fact that nothing is misrepresented. Tbe line of Goods as above enumerated are of the first class and complete. Great inducements areeing held out to Whole sale Buyers. , A. WEILL & CO., No. 24 Tryon Street, Parks' Building. June 25, 1866. ' . Good JVews to All. " Goods of every kind, cheap and pretty, for Ladies and .Gentlemi. Everything to be.fodndin tke line of Dry Goods, Hats, Shoes. Groceries and Hard ware. Call and see for yourselves. BARRINGER,. WOLFE & CO. April 9, 1$66 WHO WANTS A PIANO? Several Patrons of the Concord Female College have requested vsy aid in securing Go6dPianos For their use. This has induced me Jo make- ar rangements with some of the best manufacturers which euable me to furnish instruments of the first class at reduced prices. I can save .each purchaser from S40 to $100. Price lists of the manfacturers will be sent to those who desire them, to aid them in making selections. When selections shall have been made the money tan be sent to me at my expense, by the Southern Express, and a Piano will be shipped to the Depot the purchaser may designate. Each Piano sold will be fully warranted. Address me at Statesville, N. C. - J. M. M. CALDWELL. ' May 7, I860 ' y AND MACHINE II0P, kfc Cliarlotto, O. ., M. I?IARTIIV & CO., IJaving removed their Works from Stowesville, Gas ton county, to Charlotte, respectfully inform their old patrons and. the public generally that they have opened a Foundry & Machine Shop at the old Navy Yard lot, in the city of Charlotte, where tbey are prepared to make all sorts of CASTING S ' For Steam Engines, Mills, Factories, Water Wheels, Cane Mills, Farming Implements, &c. &c. RIHIJilStWJVG." Particular attention will be paid to repairing of all kinds. ' - All work shall be done iu the. very nicest style, and the best material used. M. MARTIN, JOHN WILKES, June 25, 18G6 Charlotte, N. C. TAYLOR. & DUNCAN, CHARLOTTE, N. C, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS. IN DRY GOODS, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Hardware, Crockery, &c., Respectfully inform the public that they keep con stantly on hand a general assortment of Goods in the above lines, which they will set! at wholesale or retail on favorable terms for cash. They invite a'teution to their large stock of Dry Goods,, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Hardware and Crockery, and request those wishing to purchase to give them a call. ' . Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware. In this department every article can be found that may be.dkfired. All sorts of Tin and Sheet-Iron Job Work done at short rjotice. Cooking Stoves, Of all sizes and patterns, furniture complete, in general assortment. Fairbanks' Scales. We are Agents for the sale of the celebrated Fair banks' Scales, all sizes. TAYLOR & DUNCAN. May '.4. 1866 J. IT. BRYCfi & COM General Commission Merchants, CIIARLOTTK, N. U. Particular attention paid to the selling of all kinds of Produce, Cotton and Tobacco, jgi" Highest cash price paid for Cotton. All orders from a distance promptlv attend ed to. " J. Y. BRYCE. W. U. BRYCE.. March 5, I860. A general assertment, always on hand, at Feb 5, 1866 SCARR'S DRUG STORE. The Southern . jE2:ss:i3x-ejsi3 Company Offer unsurpassed facilities for the ? lupment (from AUGUSTA and points StUTH) of Cotton, Cotton Goods, and heavy freights, for Savaunab, New York, and all points NORTH and WEST, Through Receipts given on which Insurance can. . be effected-at lowest rates. Internal Revenue Tax will be paid or Bonds given by this Company, in accordance wii h regulations of the United States Treasury Department. For paiticirlai-3 aud rales, inquire of Southern Express Company. . - This Company is now prepared to forward GOLD AND SILVER COIN, CURRENCY PARCELS, AN FREIGHTS, ' To Petersburg, Va, Lynchburg, Ya, Danville, Va. Bristol, Tenn. Greensboro, N C, Salisbury, -N C, Raleigh,. N C, . Weldon, N C, . Goldsboro, N O, Wilmington, N C, - ASD TO WAY STATIONS dX THE Virginia and Tennessee Railroad, South-Side Rail road, Petersburg Railroad; North Carolina Railroad, Raleigh'and Gaston Ra-lroad, Wilmington and Wel don Railroad, and Western N. C. Railroad". LETTERS, MONEY PACKAGES, AND SMALL PARCELS, To Columbia; S C, Charleston, S C, Augusta, Ga, Savannah, Ga, Macon, Ga, " Columbus, Ga, Mobile, Ala, Montgomery, Ala, Selma, Ala, . Jackson, Miss, New Orleans, La, AND TO WAY STATION'S OS Til : Charlotte & S.C. Railroad; South Carolina Rail road, Georgia Railroad, Macon and yestern Rail road, Atlanta and West Point Railroad, Southwest ern. Railroad, Southern Railroad, aud Alabama and Mississippi Railroad ' . AH Ooods shipped by the Adams and narnden Express Companies, and marked to the care of the Southern Express Company, will be promptly for warded to destination. Freights shipped by steamship to oir care will be forwarded by Express without charge' for com mission or. drayage. . ' : If ordera are left at our . Office, goods will be cal led for and forwarded bv first Express. SOUTHERN EXPRESS CO. Charlotte, Ang. 14,-1865. Greensboro' llaloal. Insurance Co, Capital $500,000. Onejof the safest and most reliable Companies In .the country, insurances effected on as reasonable terras as any company. U. W. DOWNING, Feb 12, 1866 , Agent,. Charlotte, N C : COTTON C3INS. The. undersigned, baTing completed Their arrangt ments for the manufacture of COTTON GINS, tli beet that were .ever made in this country,- Are now prepared to receive orders from Planters and others wishing to purcbaee. - The long established and well known reputation of Elliott's Cotton Gins will, we hope, be a sufficient guaranty that the article will "ive entire satisfac tion. J. M. ELLIOTT & CO., Mav 21, 1866 3m Winnsboro, 8. C. . , . r-, EXPRESS COMPANIES. The SOUTHERN EXPRESS COMPANY bare moved their office in RICHMOND under the Spots wood Hotel, Main street, between .Eighth and Ninth streets. The Southern Express Company are now prepared to forward, at .Reduced "Rates, - Currency, .Coin, Valuables and Freight, ' To all accessible points in the houth. All goods shipped from the North by the Adams or Harnden "Express Companies will be transferred to the SOUTHERN EXPRESS COMPANY to com plete transportation. Goods shipped from the North by steamship and marked to the care of Southern Express Com pany will be promptly forwarded to destination free of charge for commisfcions and drayage. Arrangements have been made with the Danville Railroad Company, and we now receive freight for all Way Stations on that road at the same rates as were formerly charged by the Danville Railroad E "press. ooda called for WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE and promptly forwarded. SOUTHERN EXPRESS COMPANY. MCmiOKD AND DANVILLE RAILROAD. Notice. To give facilities to the public, on the line of this road .for the transportation of small packages by Express, an arrangement has been made with the SOUTHERN EXPRESS COMPANY by which their wagons in Richmond and Danville will call for and receive all Express Freight intended for this Road, on notice being given at their office, and their wagons will deliver all Express Freight arriv ing by this Road FREE OF ANY EXTRA CHARGE FOR RECEIPT OR. DELIVERY, and the rats of Express Freight will be the same as charged by this Company. THOMAS DODAMEAD, Dec 18, 1865 tf Superintendent. Charlotte, Dec. 18, 1865. All freight forwarded with promptness- and dis patch,, it being carried on Passenger aud Mail trains aril) nAt An ' tit - av1t f-wciivtA T! 4 a as Is n tm 1. any company T. D. GILLESPIE, Agt. IROiV AND CASTINGS. .30,000 lbs., wrought and rolled Iron, Castings, &c, for sale for cash or barter for corn, oats, peas, coti6n yarn, and cloth of different kinds. My Blast Furnace is now in operation and I am prepared to fill orders for Machinery, Cooking Ware, &c. Terms cash. . I want to employ some good hollow-ware Mould-ers-and some good Miners. I wish to make con tracts for. the cutting of 5,000 cords wood; also for coaling. Apply soon at mv Furnace six miles East of Lincolnton, N. O. . J. W. DERR. February 12, 18C6". 6mpd To Bakers and Confectioners. AUIffOftlA. A large quantity of Ammonia can be bought low by tUe Jar at SCARR'S DRUG STORE. February 5, 18C6 W: GOODMAN, of Mississippi, A. P. MERRILL, Jr., of New York, General Commission Merchants, 36 New Street, NEW VOHK. We have made an arrangement by which Mr D W COURTS, late Public Treasurer of North Carolina, becomes interested in all the business sent us from that State. He is not associated now with the firm of Bennett, Vim Pelt & Co, New York. We hope U lo U1CIIU9 " III JJUUUUKiC US Dec 25. 1863 tf At Hie Old Established . STORE Of F. SCARR, may' be found everything in the Drug line, of genuine quality. February 26, 1866. C. H. nOBIKSCN. Dtt. H. H. ROBIXSOJT. C. Br. ROBINSON & CO., Commission & Forwarding Merchants,' Wl'LMKGTOtf,. W. C. Prompt attention given to orders end consign ments. Jan 29, 1866 tf IF. M. JUNES of Va., SHORB ifROTHERS, Successors to Snoua, Hanne? St Co., . Importer and Dealers in China, Glass and Earthenware, No. C2 Vesey. Street, April 0, I860 6m lYew York. For Sale, A superior toned CHURCH BELL, with Iron frame and yoke. . Inquire at this Office. November 27, 18C5 f. . IliIi Shoal IRON MANUFACTURING CO., Gaston County, N. C. This Company having gone into operation, solicit the patronage of dealers and the public. Tbey are new prepared to execute all orders in tLe best Myle, from the superior Iron on their property. The fol lowing articles aie enumerated, viz. : Rolled Iron-Ground all sixes. Square " - Wagon and axles Flat bar " for plates ".and widths Tire " Band . " 4 Hoop " Nails of all sizes. -Tacks " - & Brads " " Casting's heavy and light. Hollow-ware of every kind anddescription. Stoves, Plough-shares. Mould-boards. Great ing of eery size light andeavy. Hoi se-tlioe lion aud nails. The Company will shortly be prepared to produce Railroad Iron, aud to re-roIL the material with ex pedition. All orders promptly executed. Application to me made in person, or by letter at the works or at Charlotte. Address FRED. D. STUART, High Shoals, Feb. 12, 1866. tf . ' Sup't. Sotillierii Express Company. The Southern Express Company has opned com munication with all Northern and Western States, and is now prepared to forward Freight, Money and valuable Packages safely and promptly. Messen gers loave Cba'rlotte daily, connecting at Raleigh with Adams' Express Company, and at Richmond with Adams' and Harndeu's Express Companies. Letters will be forwarded by this Company to all points South and North, having bo mail facilities. T. D. GILLESPIK, Agent. Chailotte, June 19, 1865 tf New Goods. The subscribers hare opened a Storx the 2d door from the Court Ijouse at th stand formerly occu pied by S. Frankenfhall, where they Intend keeping for wholesale and retail a large stock of Dry Goods, Ready-made Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Ax. A fine assortment of Ladies' Dress" Goods will ar rire in a few days. A share of pationage -is respectfully solicited.! they feel confident of being able to give satisfaction, in price and quality. . ' - BUXBAC1I ROESSLER. August 21, 1C5

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