0 THE WESjmiiiNi D E M 0 " C JA -Tv E HA Mi 7ffiL g .? ' 5 2 - i ! - 1 i" ?. I V. - - i" f -I. , .- x t . s , t - -1 : i : i - ... lis. I 4 1 Ml' . : ii ' -i W . t if U if: fte; HI r J ? : 5 i- - I J i t II J! ii, if THE BOYS IN BLUE TO THE BOYS IN QUAY. BY "PB IV ATE MILES o'REILLT," U. S. A. Men who hare, in n.any a battle, Made the hail jound either rattle, Keeling over men and cattle, Souls and bullets on the wins; Must this war, its woes expanding. Still be pushed, fresh lives demanding, We like gladiators standing Elbow-bloodied in the ring? Grapc-sbot rustling, lullets singing, Round shot humming, orders tinging, ADd our torn, loved ags a swinging, Forward in the fiery gales; Bugles fiercely, sharply" sounding, Sheets of fiame the sight confounding, And o'er'all, the heavy pounding Of the red artillery flails ! Brethren, thus we stand confronted, Every bayonet foiward slanted, Tired and bloody, but undauuted Shall the work again begin? Shall the cry again be slaughter, Your blood, our blood, shed like wate-r-Pitiless and useless slaughter, In a fight ye cannot win ? Curse the symbols that divide us, Folly and fraud alone divide us, Brethren, join us stand beside us Both have wrongs to wipe away; All our feuds forgotten, ended. Let our flag, with forces blended, Henceforth bear imperial sway! COCHRANE, WILSON & CO., Are now receiving a complete assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, consisting in part of DeLaines, Poplins, DeBago, Alpacca, Bombazine, Prints, Domestics, Woolens, Dress Trimmings. A large Stock of Notions, Flannels, Blankets, Ila'.s, Cups, Boots, Shoes, &c. II A R D W ARE! A complete assortment at lower rate3 tlian any offered in this market. Oct 1, 18ii(J tf Sale of Salisbury Prison Lot. JJureau of Refugees, JVeeJmea and Aban doned Jjitnds, ITcadcrs. Ass't Comm'k, State of N. C. 1 IUleigh, N. U., Sept 15, 18fi6. In compliance with orders from the Commission er of the Bureau of Refugee?, Freedmen and Aban doned Lands, dated War Department, Bureau of Re fugee?, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, Washing ton, D. C, August 17th l?6;.t and by virtue of au thority given in section 12 of the act of Congress, passed July 16, 1806, entitled "An Act to continue in force and to amend 'An Act to establish a Bureau for the lielief of Freedmen and Refugees, and for other purposes,' " 1 will sell at the Boyden House, in the city of Salisbury, N. C. at public aHction, to the higheet bidder, on THURSDAY, THE FIRST DAY OF NOVEMBER, 18CG, between the hours of 10 o'clock, A. AL, and 2 o'clock, P. M., all that cer tain tract of land known as the ' PRISON LOT," ififuatetl in the city of Salisbury, N. C, and con veyed by the Trustees of Davidson College to the ro-called Confederate States, by deed dated the 2d day of November, A. D 1861, containing about fif teen (15) or sixteen (1C) acres, more or Igss. Said tract of land was used during the late war by the so-called Confederate States Government, for the confinement of prisoners-of-war. It -.vas for merly the site of a large manufacturing establish ment. It has a Railroad front of about three hun dred (300) yards on the North Carolina Railroad, making it a very desirable location for a manufac turing site, or the establishment of a Store-house for the storage and shipment of the agricultural I'roducts of the country. Terms: Cash, in Government funj?, on the de- livery of a warranty deed therefor, in the name of the United States. TITOS. P. JOIINSTON, C;ipt k A q AI, Ba C F i A L. Brtvct .Major U S V. 5 w Oct 1, I8G6. Jfolice to (he Stockholders of the Wilmhtyton, Charlotte and Rutherford Railroad Company. The Regular Annual .Meeting, appointed to take dace at Wi'.mingtou on the 18th, has been post poned to Thursday, tjie 25th day of October, 1866, for the purpose of avoiding a conflict with the State e lections, coming off on that day. The meeting of the Board of Directors will take place on the 24th of October, 18GG. Oct 1, 18G6. - R. H. COWAN, Pres't. Ilogrs, Sheep, Cattle, Vc. I wish to engage 150 fat Hogs, weighing from 15C pounds and upwards, say 50 per month, commencing the 1st of October. I also want to buy one hun dred head of good fat Beeves, and one hundred head of Sheep, and 6 or 8 good AliJch Co?s with young Calves. Those having any of the above will please call on me at once. J will pay a fair price. W. A. COOK, Town Batcher. Sept 24, 18GC. tf I,AM f'ou sale:. I will sell on Wednesday the 24th of October, that very aluable PLANTATION on which the late Wm. A. Riley lived, lying on the waters of Coddle Creek, adjoining the land3 of ENeil, T D Graham, jind others. The Land is well adapted to the growth of corn, wheat and cotton. Teima made known on day of sale. J. F. A. Al ELLON, Ext. Sept 24, 18G6 4ipd "SPHINGS' CORNER." I now offer to the public a COMPLETE FALL STOCK of 8T,AIiE AND FANCY DRY GOCES, Hardware, Boots, Shoes. Hat3 and Groceries. As I wish to reduce my Stock very low by the end of the present season, I will sell" at unusually email profits to WHOLESALE and RETAIL CUS TOMERS, for Cash. Sept 24, I860. A. SINCLAIR. House, and Iot for Sale. As agent for .Mrs. H. C. Rogers, I oH'er for sale the House and. Lot on which 1 reside. The House is sufficiently roomy for a large family, having nine rooms with lire-place in each. I will take pleasnre in showing the Property to any one wishing to pur chase. If noteold between now and the Superior Co-srt jn October it will on Tuesday of that week.be offered at Auction to the highest bidder. Sept 24, 1856. ' A. GRAHAM, BAKEIIY. I have opened a BAKERY at my old Stand, op posite the Presbyterian Church, where will be kept constantly on hand fresh JUIEAD, CAKES, Jfcc f amilies supplied it s;!l hours, and oji reasonable terms ' ' " I also, keep a full snpplr of PAMTLY fiROPPnTre and supplies, consisting of Bacon, Flour, Lard, Su- ' par, Coffee, Teas, Cheese, Fish, Sardines, Tobacco, j Clgftrs, and all fine Groceries. been long in business here, and am determined to I keep tip my reputation for selling good articles at ' fair price? il. D. L. MOODY. Sept 24 J8G6. tf WOOD YARD. I Lave established a WOOD YARD in the city, where I shall keep Wood at one price the year roaxnL Green and seasoned Hickory. Oak and Pine, j delivered at a moments notice, bv the load or cord' i If I am liberally sustained this will be a permanent j institution, and I shall be enabled to furnish Wood j at a greatly reduced price. j J. M. DAVIDSON, f Sept 21, 1S6 . f Rattleskake Bits. TLe Grant county (Uli jiois) Herald relates , that ,a man .named. Lyon was bitten three times on J.he . foot by a : rattle snake while binding grain, and fell to the ground. He was carried to the house, drank half a p'nt of alcohol and camphor, tlten a quart of whiskey, and then a quart of pure alcohol, feeling no symptoms of intoxication. The neyt toroHig lie felt some numbness and pain m hs. limb and drank another pint of alcohol, then swallowed a quarter of a pound of fine-cut chewing . tobacco boiled in sweet milk. These doses, which it would be supposed would kill anybody, had no injurious effects, and the fourth day after the bites be felt well enough, only a little soreness from the knee down. That man was, indeed, badly snakebitten. The Agent of the Bible Society for this State has recently sent totlie Parent Society, to be deposited in the library of rare.. copies of the sacred Scriptures, an Irish Bible translated into the Irish character by the distinguished Bishop Bedell, and printed in 1G81, making the volume one hundred and eighty five years old. It was presented by Rev. Simeon Colton, D. D., of Ashborough, Randolph County. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. Next Door to Cha rlotte Hotel. Having sold my entire interest in the Saddle and Harness business to Ie3srs. Hunter & Orsbone, and established myself in the GROUERY AND PROVISOX bnsines3. to which I respectfully invite the atten tion of the citizens of Charlotte and surroundifl country. Farmers and others bringing produce to " . . . n 1 this market will please give me a can Derore sell ing. S. F. HOUSTON. Charlotte, Sept 17, 1866. 3m. 3NT 03X7" IlPXmiVX:. n. B. WILLIAMS, S. B. M EACH AM . We have associated ourselves in the MERCAN TILE BUSINESS, under the style of Williams & Jlcachain. We intend keeping a large and general assort ment of all kinds of GOODS. We will be pleased to see our friends aud ac quaintances at any time in the CARSON BUILD ING, two doors from 1st National Dank WILLIAMS & MEACnAM. Sept. 17, 1866. tf Williams 6c Meacham, Will buy Cotton and Produce of all kinds on com mission. All Goods consigned to them for sale will be promptly attended to. WILLIAMS & MEACHAM. Sept. 17, 1866. tf WITTKOWSKV & RIiTELS, (Between the tico Drug Stores,) Are receiving a large and varied assortment of 1PtLl. zxiolcX Winter GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, RE AD i -MADE CLOTHING, &c , Which they are desirous of selling off at WHOLESALE AND RETAIL At a small advance on NEW YORK COST. tS Country Merchants and others are respect fully requested to call and examine this Stockof Goods before making their purchases. WITTKOWSKY & RINTELS, Opposite the Democrat Office, between the two Drugstores, Charlotte. Oct 1, 1866 tf J. N. IIUNTER L. W. ORSBONE. 1VEW FIRH. Having bought the entire Stock formerly belong iag to Houston, Hunter & Co., and refitted the same, we are now ready to fill orders and execute all kinds of work in the SADDLE and HARNESS LrNE, to which we invite all at the old star.d. HUNTER & ORSBONE. - N. B. Those having claims against the firm of Houston, Hunter & Co., will present them to the firm of Hunter & Orsbone for liquidation. S. F. HOUSTON, J. N. HUNTER, L. W. ORSBONE. Charlotte, N. C, Sept 17, 1866. lm C. B. DIBBLE. B. S. WORTH. CEO. M. DEWEY, Dili CLE, WORTH & CO., Coimtiss io si 73 c r c h a 11 1 s, 188' Pearl Street, NEW YORK. Prompt personal attention to Sales of Cotton, Naval Stores and General Produce, with quick returns. bept 17, 1866. 3ipd. Piano for Sale. A good 6 octave Piano for sale by Sept 17, 1806. J. M. SANDERS. State orT. Carolina, Mecklenburg Co In Equity Tv Full Term, 1866. Mary Springs against John B. Withers. Original Bill. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Master of said Court, on the affidavit of the complainant, Mary Springs, that the defendant, Jo!'nB Withers, is a resident of another State, so that procees cannot be personally served on hitn, this notice i3 advertised in "The Western Democrat," a gazette printed and published in the city of Charlotte, in said county of Mecklenburg, for six weeks, iu conformity to the statute in such cases made and provided, command ing the said defendant, John -B Withers, personally to be and appear at the next term of the said Court, to be held lor the said count-, at the Court House in the City of Charlotte, on the 9th Monday after the 4th Monday in August, A. D, 1866j then and there to plead, answer or demur to the allegations of complainant's bill of complaint; and in case the said defendant makes default in his appearance, the Court will order the said bill to be taken as con fessed, and proceed to make thereupon such decree gs shajl be deemed jus;. Witness, my official signature, at office, in said city, the 9th Monday after the 41 h Monday in Feb ruary, in the year of our Lord, 1866, aud in the 90th j-ear of American Independence. A. C. WILLIAMSON, 0. M. E pr. nav. c-'J Fall and AYinter Importation, I860. Ribbons, Millinery &. Straw Good3. AIUISTROXgTATOB Si CO., importers and Jobbers of. .Ribbons, Bonnets, Silks and Satins. Velvets, Ruches Feathers, Straw Bonnet? Ladjes Hat, trimmed and untriaimedc Shaker Hoods,' No. 237 and Lrfts of 239, Baltimore Street, BALTIMORE, ITIO., Offer a Stock unsurpassed in the United States ia variety and cheapness. Or4ers solicited and prompt attention civen Tebjis CASn. ' 6 Sept 17, 1866 2mpd Fish and pure Tanners' Oil,, For sale at ' SCARE'S DRUG STOR3 April 2,3, ' ; fiRAAD '.OPENING . OP. THE IaABGEST ASSORTMENT OF We are receiving daily a beaaiifal Slack of FALL GOODS, consisting of ; '. - - ' Calicoes, DeLanes, Poplins, Alpaccas, . - Meruioes, Hoop and Balmoral Skirts, , 'Jaconets and Cambrics, Hosiery, L4DlES'"lI lT ASD CLOAKSl,, Ready-Made Clothing, . ' Boots and Sbo.es, Trunks, Notions and GROCERIES, T, and a great many other articles, too numerous to mention. " B.UXBAUM & LANG, -Corner Store, under Mansion House,. Sept 24, 1866. HUTCHISON, BURROUGHS & CO., 11 SURANCE, : taction & Commission Merchants, OPPOSITE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Beg leave to inform the Public that they have es tablished themselves in business, and respectfully solicit liberal share of patronage. Wre are Agents of the most reliable Insurance Companies ' in the United States. Be on the safe side and INSURE YOUR TROrERTY against loss or dam age by fire. Also, INSURE YOUR LIFE for the beneSt of your Wife and Children. RISKS TAKEN AT MODERATE RATES. E. NYE HUTCHISON,") . - J. C. BURROUGHS, J-Agents R. A. SPRINGS, J ' Opposite 1st National Bank. AUTHORIZED BEFEBEXCE3. Brem, Brown & Co., Taylor & Duncan, Wm. Johnston, President C. & S, C. R. R. ;-T. W. Dewey, Cashier 1st National Bank. - . Sept 10, 1866. To the Farmers Of Mecklenburg and adjoining Counties. Look to your interest. We have on consignment : 75 Bbls. Flour of Bone Dust. 75 ' Solnable Pacific Guano." 5 Tons Peruvian Gnano. Will be sold at reasonable rates. Call soon and leave your orders. IIUTCniSON, BURROUGHS & CO. Opposite 1st National Bank, Charlotte, N C. . Sept 10, 1866. - H. D. Ii. iTZOOD Y & CO., Having bought out RIGLER & ROBINSON, now occupy their old Stand, NO. 5, GRANITE ROW. where they will be pleased to have their friends call and see them, especially when they want any thiug in the CONFECTIONERY line. Our Stock con sists of ' Candies, Raisins, Fruits, Preserved Fruits, Nuts, Spice, Cloves, Citron, Curr rants, Extracts, Lemon Syrup, Sardines, Lobsters, Matches, Blacking, Smoking- and Chewing Tobacco, Cigars, and many other articles too numerous to mention. R. M. ROBINSON. M. D. L. MOODY. Sept 10, 1866. 3m R. M. OATES. D. W. OATES. 11. iTI. OATES & CO., (Successors to Oates, Williams & Co.,) GENERAL GROCERY, Produce and Commission Merchants, Charlotte, N. C. Aug 20, 1866. 3m WILSON'S SPICINRS. Sulplmr Springs, Cleavelancl Co., If. C, Lately owned and kept by Mr. Thomas Wil son, deceased. This well known watering place, having been leased by the subscribers for a term of years, is now open for the reception of visitors. This Spring is situated 2 miles east of the Town of Shelby, N. C, and 10 miles west of the present terminus of the Charlotte k Rutherford Railroad. A daily train passes over this Roadr (except Sun days.) from the upper terminus of which convey ances are ready to take passengers to the Spring. As this water has been long and favorably known, (at least to the Southern public,) it is deemed un necessary to say more in thi3 announcement than that our Agent, Mr. PINKNEY SHITLE, will spare bo pains nor expense to please any who may favor him with a call. . CHARLES E. SPRATT, JNO. J. BLACKWOOD, M. B. TAYLOR. Charlotte, N. C, Aug. 27, 1866. Statu of I. Carolina Catawba Co. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, July Term, 1866. Drury Hamilton, Administrator of Wheeler Edwards, dee'd, vs. Robt P Edwards and others. Petition to Sell Land. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Alexander Edwards resides beyond the limits of this State, it is therefore ordered by the Court that pub lication be made, for six successive weeks, in the Western Democrat, notifying said defendant to be and appear at the Court House in Newton, on the '4th Monday in October next, and answer to the Petition, or the same will be taken pro confesso and the Land ordered to be sold. Witness, M L Cline, Clerk of said Court at office in Newton, the 4tb Monday in July. 166. iI. L. CLINE, C. C. C. 34-6t pr. adv. 10. Statu of IV. Carolina, Catuuba to. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions July Term, 1866. Franklin Huffman and wife Mary Ann, vs. Elias Langcryer and others.' Petition for Dower in the Lands of Paul Langcryer, deceased. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Jacob Langcryer. Luciada Hrtfner, Ephraim Brown and wife Susanah, Absolnm Sipe and wife Mary, are non-residents of this State, it is therefore ordered by the Court that, publication be made for six suc cessive weeks, in the Western Democrat, notifying fau aeienuants 10 oe ana appear at the Court Houe in Newton, on the 4th Monday in October next, then and there lo plead-, answer or demur to this petition or judgment pro confesso will betaken and judgment heard exparte as to them. Witness, ii L Cline, Clerk of our said Court at office in Newton, the 4th Mondav in July, 1866 M. L, "CLIXE, C. C. C. 34-6t pr. adv. S10 State of (V. Carolina, Catawba Co. Court of lteasand Quarter Session July Term, 1866. Jos H Rowe, Administrator of Alex Rowe, deceased vs. L W Rowe and others. Petition to Sell Land. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Gilbert 1 Rowe and Jesse Rowe reside beyond the limits of this State, it is therefore ordered by.the Court that publication be made, for six successive weeks, in the Western Democrat, notifying said defendants to be and appear at the Court House ivt Newton, on the 4th Monday in October next, and answer to the . petition, or- the same-will be taken pro confesso and the land ordered to be 3old. Witness, M L Cline, Clerk of said Court at office in "Newton, the ,4th Monday in July, 1866. . Al. ii. CLINE, C. C. . 34-St. pr. adv. $10 ' . Augs, G, Meyer .Co., r " MAjrCFACTrRERS OF White Lead, Saltpetre, Varnishes," Lampblack, r Putt v, Paints, &c.t - " - No 100 Lombard Street, BALTIMORE .Julj IT, 1806 : $uipd " , - 1 NORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. - Chaneof Time: ;'; On and after Sunday, $epinjber 23d, jj$66, Trfcias will run as iollovs '- ' V ' ' " ' 'GOINGS EAST.';'" -V '.. ,.';' Mail Train. Aocovunodation. JLeave Charlotte 9 40 P M " Salisbury 12 01 , " Greensboro. 2 50 A M " Raleigh . ' 8 00 . Arrive at Goldsbbro 10 45 ''. 4 30 AM 9' 40 " :; i o " - 5 OO'PM IMAM' GOING'WEST. Mail Train. Accommodation. 130AM 6 20 44 20 P M 6 50 44 .10 50,:44 Leave old&oro ' " Raleigh . " Greeusboroi " Salisbury. Arrive at Charlotte I 50 P1I 5 00 ' 9 55 12 5.2 A M 3 '.1-0 44 Mail Train runs daily. Veconuaodation Train 3 vim r rt Qnnilatr foil PAnnonta arifli C. lr Q C R R for the South, and with R & D B R and R & G R R for the Ncwth.. . Also with . the W k W and the A & N C R R3. E. WILKES, Eng. & Sup't. Oct 1, 1866. - Wil., Charlotte Sl Ruth. Railroad- On and after Monday, the 17th Sept., 1866,; the Passenger Train will run daily; (Sundays excepted) on the Western Division of tbii Road, as follows : GOING WEST. Aenivs. 7 50 A. M 8 35 ' STATIONS. . Charlotte, Tuckasegee, Brevard's, Sharon, Lincolnton, Cherryville. GOING EAST. Cherryville, Lincolnton, Sharon, Brevards, Tuckasegee, Charlotte, . - - 1EAVE. 7 00 A. M. .7 55 "i 8 40 44 9 30' 44 10 15 " 9 25 10 00 11 10 'u 1 2 2 3 4 00 P. M. 10 44 1 50 P M. 2 40 44 3 30 44 4 10 5 10 44 By order of Sept 17, 1866 45 35 15 it ( B. S. GUION, Eug'r & Sup't. Ges'l Supt's Office, Charlotte & SfC. R. R., Columbia, S. C, Aug. 25, 1866. Reduction or Elates. On and after September 1st, the Local Freight and Passenger Tariifi over thi3 Road will be reduced as follows, viz : . FROM CHARLOTTE TO COLUMBIA First Class Freight, . 75 cents per 100 lbs. Second 44 44 60 44 - 44 44 44 Third 44 44 40 44 44 44 44 Passenger Fare, $7.00 through. Corresponding rates to intermediate Stations. Through Tickets to Charleston and Augusta will be on sale within a few davs at reduced rates. JAMES ANDERSON, Sup't. Sept 3, 1866. Raleigh & Gaston R. R. Co General Superintendent's Office Raleigh, N. C, June G, 18G6 m.) CHANGE OF TIME. On and after Thursday, June 7th, 1866, Trains will run as follows on the Raleigh and Gaston Rail road : Mail Train, going North, leave Raleigh 8 15AM 44 arrive at Weldon I OO r M South, leave Weldon 1100AM 44 arrive at Raleigh 4 00 P M (t II II tl II I. FreightTrain going North leave Raleigh 6 00 A M " '4 44 arrive at WTeldon 5 00 P M " 44 44 South leave Weldon 4 00 A M 44 44 44 44 arrive at Raleigh 3 15PM ALBERT JOHNSON, June 11, 1866 tf Geu'l Sup't. AND Millinery ad Straw Goods, AT WHOLESALE Ac RETAIL. ' We would respectfully inform the trade that we have opened 1 branch of our Charleston House AT CHARLOTTE, N. C , ' In the Carson Building, opposite the National Ex press Office, where can be found a large stock of SILK, FUR, WOOL and STRAW GOODS. ALSO, MILL INERT CiOODS, consisting of Ladies', Men's and Children's BON NETS and HATS of the latest styles ; Also, FLOWERS and RIBBONS, All of which we offer at wholesale or retail at as BLOW PlilCES-a as such Goods can be purchased in New Yoik or Charleston. . ry a We have a Lady of experience to snper Lk intend the JtMILLfYEtlY M)E- MlMlTJflEJrT9 who will trim the Goods to order at the shortest notice. WILLIAMS & COVERT, Carson Building,- Charlotte, N. C. May 21, 1866 tf BOUGHT AND SOLD BY S.M.HOWELL, Near the Post Office, CHARLOTTE, K. C. September 3, 1866 . , MANUFACTURER OF SADDLES & HARNESS Near the Post Office, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Hides bought and sold. March 5, 1866 " y-pd. PcEssion: Pensions!! The undersigned is prepared to get all old Pen sioners restored to the Pension Rolls and collect their back pay. All peusioners in the Revolution, the war of 1812, and the Mexican war. apply at once to C. W. DOWNING, Times Office, Charlotte, N. Q. August 20. 1866 t" C -W. DoiYningy NOTARY PUBLIC Office in the Carson building, up stairs, under the "irues printing ofiice. . H. W. BECK WIT II, . 9 MM B Mm. MS. - ff if M JLd JL.A-. MS., CHARLOTTE, N. C, Begs lAve to inform his old patrons of Mecklenburg and adjoining country that he has resumed the1 above business in his Old Stand, where be will be ; happv to attend Jo all orders for goods in bis line, t All Walph Work i jproniptly attended to at most moderate charges and ! mm m " V f W W Y W m mr mm mr m w wrm m w mm warranteu ior twelve months il not abased. " He wilt keep constantly on haad Setts, Rings, Silver-Ware, , of the latest syles and purest quality.' TABLE CUTLERY, Clocks and Fancy Articles. He will make to order RINGS and other Jewelry of vtrgin goldl All he asks 13 a calj: . " ". Juue I, 1866 6u ' : Mi CLOSING; OUT AT COST. , - lb Iflisreprcsenlationsr - ' Jn order to make a change in .oar business by fall, Are determined to close out our entire Stock of - - r ' . f : tDry Good, Clothing, Hnfs, Boots, Sioes, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Ac, &c, and offer them at and below .COST. . , ; ' A call is solicited, and you will be convinced of the fact that nothing is misrepresented The line of Goods as above enumerated are of the first class and complete. ' ! Great inducements are being held oat to Whole sale Bo vers. A: WEILL Jc O0 " No.lTrjon Street, Parks' Building. Jnne 2S, 1866. ' WHO W ANTS A PIANO! Sereral "Patrons of "the Concord Female College have requested my aid in securing ; Good Pianos For their use. This has induced roe to tnaku ar rangements with some of the best -manufacturers which enable me to furnish instruments of the first class at reduced prices. I can save -each purchater from $40 to $100. Price lists of the- manfacturers will be sent to those who desire them, to Aid them in making selections. .' 1 - , When selections shall hare been wade the money can be sent to me at my expense, by the Southern Express, and a Piano will be shipped to the Depot the purchaser may designate. Each Piano sold will be fully warranted. ' Address me at Stateaville, N. C. J. M. M. CALDWELL. May T, 1866 y AND MACHINE SHOP, ITI. MARTIN & CO., Having removed their Works from StowesviUe,.Qas ton county, to'Charlotte, respectfully inform their old patrons and the public generally that they have opened a Foundry & Machine Shop at the old Navy Yard lot, in the city of Charlotte, where they are prepared to make all sorts of For Steam Engines, Mills, Factories, Water Wheels, Cane Mills, Farming Implements, &c. &c. JRJ2PJH UPC'-Particular attention will be paid to repairing of all kinds. All work shall be done in the very nicest style, and the best material used. M. MARTIN, JOHN WILKES, June 25, 1866 " Charlotte, N. C. ESTABLISHED IN 1840. HENRY V. NIEHEYKR, PORTSMOUTH, VA, Commission Merchant and Dealer In Provisions, Lumber, Lime, Cement, Land and Calcined Plaster, Coal and Salt. My Wharf -adjoining the Seaboard and Roanoke Rail Road Depot gives Shippers of Cotton, Tobacco, Naval Stores, Grain aud Staves superior facilities lor SALE, STORAGE OR SHIPMENT. Farmers, Merchant and Manufacturers will End it to their interest to give me a call. Portsmouth, Va., Sept 17, 1866 lm TAILOR & DUNCAN, CHARLOTTE, N. C , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Hardware, Crockery, &c, Respectfully inform the public that they keep con eta hi ly on hand a general assortment of Goods in the above lines, which they will sell at wholesale or retail on favorable terms for cash. They invite attention to their large stock of Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Hardware and Crockery, and request those wishing to purchase to give them a call. Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware. In this department every article can be found that may be desired. All sorts of Tin and Sheet-Iron Job Work done at short notice. s Cooking Stoves, Of all sizes and patterns, furniture complete, in general assortment. Fairbanks' Scales. . We are Agents for the sale of the celebrated Fair banks' Scales, all sizes. . TAYLOR & DUNCAN. May! 4,' 1866 J. Y. BRYCE & CO., General Commission Merchants, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Particular attention paid to the selling of all kinds of Produce, Cotton and Tobacco. t& Highest cash price paid for Cotton. All orders from a distance promptly attend- ed to. J. Y. BRYCE. W. 11. BRYCE. March 5, 1866. Fassia Dives, -. A general assortment, always on hand, at Feb 5, 1866 SCARR'S DRUG STORE. The Southern any Offer unsurpassed facilities for the shipment (from AUGUSTA and points SOUTH) of Cotton, Cotton Goods, and heavy freights, for Savannah, New York, and all points NORTH and WEST, Through Receipts given on which Insurance can be effected at lowest rates. Internal Revenue Tax will be paid or Bonds given by this Company, in accordance with regulations of the United stales Treasury Department. . For particulars and rates, inquire of Southern Express Company. - " This Companv is now prepared to forward GOLD AND SILVER COIN, CURRENCY PARCELS, AND" FREIGHTS, To Petersburg, Va, . Danville, Va. Greensboro, N C, Raleigh, NC, Goldsboro, N C, Lynchburg, Va, Bristol, Tenn, Salisbury, N C, Weldon, N C, Wilmington, XC, AXD TO WAV STATIONS OX TUB -Virginia and Tennessee Railroad, South-Side Rail road, Petersburg Railroad, North Carolina Railroad, Raleigh and Gaston Railroad, Wilmington and Wel don Railroad, and Western N. C Railroad. , LETTERS, MONEY PACKAGES, AND SMALL PARCELS, To Columbia. S C, Augusta, Ga, - Macon, .(ia,' Mobile; Al,' Sehua.-' Ala, Charleston, S C, Sarannab, Ga, Columbus, Ga, Montgomery, Ala, Jackson, Miss, New Oi leans, La, - " AND. TO WAT" STATIOXS OX TUB CUarUtte & b. C. Railroad, . South Carolina Rail road. Georgia Railroad, Macon' and Western Rail road, Atlauta ani West Point Railroad, Southwest ern Railroad, Southern. Railroad, and Alabama and. Mississippi Railroad , " All Goods Shipped by the Adams aBd Haraden Express Companies, and marked tv the care of the Southern Express Company, will be promptly for warded lo destination. .... . Freights shipped by steamship to our care will be forwarded by Eiprass without charge' for com mission of draysge. " " ' . . If orders are left at onr Offiee, goods will be cal led for -end forwarded by first Express. - . ,.,' SOUTHERN .EXPRESS-CO.' -.Cfcarlotle, Aug. 4, 1865. " ' CHARLOTTE . ? n' Steaoi Refined t Candj UairaratUrj, YYIaol4.uJ 4tiul ULeJuil. Tfce subscriber is now manofactarins; all sarti at j CANDIES, CAKES, BREAD, Ac. Ac. . Plain ami Ornamental Calces; tor Wedilogs And Parties, always on habd or -made to order. fgf- Mercharrts aad dealers, ia Caadies will fin it to their interest to purchase from me, as I win give satisfaction both in prioe'and quality., -. Orders ' from V 4iaUace attended to at short notice. :T . ' " ,; ' "' ' ' : : . J. O. C. LEISER, One door s?uth of the Mansion Dome, Try on street, Charlotte, N.C. March 12, 166 y . EXPRESS CCHPAIVIES. . The SOUTHERN EXPRESS - COMPANY hvt moved their office in RICHMOND Under the Spots wood Hotel, . Main.-street, between Eighth and Ninth streets. "The Southern' Express Company are now prepared to forward, at Reduced Rates, Currency, . 'Coin, ' Valuables and - c - . Freight, To all accessible points in. tho South. ' All goods shipped from the North by the Adams or Harnden Express Companies will he transferred to the SOUTHERN EXPRESS COMPANY to com plete transportation. jT" Goods shipped from the JTortb bj steamship and marked to the care of Southern Express Com pany will be promptly forwarded to destination free of charge for commissions and drayage. Arrangements have been made with the Danville Railroad Company, and we now receive freight for all Way Stations on that road at the same rates' as were formerly cbatged by the Danville Railroad Ex press. . .. .1 Goods called for WITHOUT EXTRA CHARCJB and promptly forwarded. v .-.- SOUTHERN EXPRESS COMPANY. RICHMOND -AND DANVILLE RAILROAD. Noticb. To give facilities to the public on the line of this road ' for the transportation of small packages by Express, an arrangement has been made with the SOUTHERN EXPRESS COMPANY by which their wagons in Richmond and Danville will call for and receive all Express freight Intended for this Road, on notice being given "at their ofiice, and their wagons will deliver alt Express Freight arriv ing by this Road FREE OF ANY EXTRA CHARGE FOR RECEIPT OR DELIVERY, and the rates of Express Freight will be the same as charged by this Company. TflOMAS DO DA MEAD, -Dec 18, 1865 tf Soperinteadect Chari.ottk, Dec. 18, I860. All freight forwarded with promptness and dis patch, it being carried on Passenger and Mail trains and, not on slow freight, trains. Rates as low as by any company. T. D. -GILLESPIE, Agt.- IROIV AND CASTINGS. 30,600 lbs. wrought and rolled Iron, Castings, &c, for sale for cash or barter for corn, oats, peas, cotton yarn, and cloth of different kinds. My Blast Furnace is now in operation and I am prepared to fill orders for Machinery, Cooking Ware, Ac. Terms cash., I want to employ some good hollow-ware Mould ers and some good Miners, f wiyh to make con tracts for the cutting of 5,000 cords wood; also for coaling. Apply soon at my Furnace six miles East of Lincolnton, N. C. J. W. DERR. February 12, 18C6 ypd ' ' r To Bakers and Confectioners. AMUOAIA. A large quantity of Ammonia can be bonght low by the Jar at SCARR'S DRUG STORE. February 5, 1806 W. GOODMAN, of Mississippi, A. P. MERRILL, Jr., of New York, General Commission Merchant8v 36 New Street, NEW YORK. We have made an arrangement by which Mr D W COURTS, late Public Treasurer of North Carolina, becomes interested in all the business sent us from that State. He is not associated now with the firm of Bennett, Van Pelt & Co, New York. We hope his friends will patronize us. " ' Dec 25, 1865 tf ATtlie Old" Establislied , DltUfi STORE . Of F. SCARR, may be found everything in the Dreg line, of genuine quality. February 26, 1866. C. H. ROBINSON. DB. II. n. BOBISSOJt. C. H. ROBINSON & CO., Commission & Forwarding Merchant?, WILMINGTON, If. C. Prompt attention given to orders and consign ments. Jan 29, 1866 tf J. M. HINES of Va., - WITH SHORB BROTHERS, Successors to Suokb, Ranviy & Co., Importers and Dealers in China, Glass and, Earthenware, No. G2 Vesey Street, April 9, I860 6m - IVew York. For Sale, A superior toned CHURCH BELL, with iron frame and yoke. Inquire at this Office. November 27, 1865 f . High Shoalft IRON MANUFACTURING CO., Gaston County, N. C, This Company having gone into operation, solicit the patronage of dealers and the public. They are new prepared to execute all orders in the best style, from the superior Iron on their property. The fol' lowing articles are enumerated, vis. : Rolled Iron round all sizes. . Sonare i. Wagon and axles M 4t ii il ii Flat bar " for plates Tire Rand " Unnn and widths' Nails of all sizes. " Tacks " " Brads Castings heavy and light. ' Hollow-ware of every kind and description. Stoves, Plough-shares. Mould-boards. Gearing of every size light and heavy. Horse-shoe Iron and nails. The Company will shortly be prepared to produce Railroad Iron, and to re-roll the material with ex pedition. All orders promptly executed. Application to me made in person, or by letter at the works or at Charlotte. Address FRgD. D. STUART, High Shoal, Feb. 12, 1866. tf Sup't. Southern Express Company The Southern Express Company has opened com munication with all Northern and Western Si""'' and is now prepared la forward Freight, Mod'" valuable Packages safely and promptly. "Si gers leave Charlotte daily, connecting st with Adams' Express Company, anil at Richw with Adams' and Harndeu's Express Companies- Letters will be forwarded by ihia CompsnJ to sw points Sooth and North having no mail frcilitlei. T. D. GILLESPIE, Ag- Chailotte, Jnne 19, t865 ' tf ' FIRE! Greensboro' Mutual Insurance Co Capital 500,000. . One of the safest nd most reliable Compso'ei l .1 .. T ' -a- J o. rraonvie J. W, DOWNING. Agent, CharJoJe.? terms as any company. 5M)2, 1C6