' -. rmx XVVV rrfSV IIIIMIII, 553 Per Annum UIN ADVANCE-. ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF TRADE STREET CHARACTER IS AS . IMPORTANT TO STATES ' AS IT IS TO INDIVIDUALS, AlfD: THE . GLORY .OF THS . ONE IS THE C03IMON PROPERTY OF THE OTHER' W3I J. YATESf Editor and Propreitob- CHARLOTTE, N. C., TUESDAY, JANUARY 8, 1867. FIFTEENTH V0LCI1EK U H B E R 749. - ' . : , Tn ! n ? - r : mm - I (QPablishcd c?ery Tacay,Q) BY WILLIAM J. YATES, EDITOR A0 PROPRIETOR. $3 $ 2 PER ANNUM, in advance, for biz months. o Transient advertisements must be paid for in advance. . Obiluarjr notices are charged advertis ing rates. Advertisements not marked on the manuscript far a specific time, will be inserted until forbid, and eh arged accordingly. $1 per square of 10 lines or less will be charged for each insertion, unless the advertisement is in serted 2 month? or more. S. B. VAKCE. C. DOWD. R. D. JOHNSTON. VANCE, DOWD &. JOHNSTON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ' Charlotte, N. C , Ilaving associated tnemselves together, will prac tice in the Courts of Mecklenburer, Iredell, Caiawba, Davidson, Rowan, Cabarrus and Union, and in the Federal and Supreme Courts. Claims collected anvwherc in the State. April 2, 1866 "tf CHARLOTTE FEMALE INSTITUTE, CHARLOTTE, N. C. The next session commence. on the 1 st of October, 18J, and continues until 30th June, 18G7. The session is divided into tw o Terms of Twenty weeks each ; the one commencing the 1st October, 18Gt, and the other the 15th February, 1867.' Expenne per Term of Twenty weeks : Board, including every expense, except washiujf, , $105 00 Tuitioa iu Collegiate Department ' 25 00 " " Primary " 20 00 Music, Modern Languages, Drawing and Painting taught by competent and thorough Instructors at usual prices. For circular and catalougue containing full par ticulars, address REV. ft. BUR WELL & SON, Principals, July 9, 1806. Charlotte, N. C. HIGHLY DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. Wishing to change my busine?, I will sell 250 Acres of LAND in and adjoining the Town of Char lotte, (40-acres in corporation) (a the Tract there is a good Mill-site, 22 feet fill, with a first rate'Dam recently built, and race dug, and all the large tim bers for a Mill House on the ground. The Tract can be divided. It is worth the attention of any one wishing a paying propert3', or as an investment. Any information can be had by applying to the sub scriber. W". F. PIIIFER. Sept 10, I8GG. tf JOI1N YOG EL, PRACTICAL TAILOR, Respectfully informs the citizens of Charlotte and surrounding country, that he is prepared to manu facture gentlemen's clothing in the latest style and at short notice. His best exertions will be given to render satisfaction to those who patronize him. Sho; opposite Kerr's Hotel, next door to Drown & Stitl's store. January 4, 1866. We take this method of informing our friends and the public, that we have moved to the large and commodious Store Room formerly occupied by KAIIXWEILER & BRO., where we will continue to carry on the General Mercantile Business in all its various branches, and would respect fully call atten tion to our variety and styles of Gods, unsurpassed by any other House in the State, which we offer at exceedingly low prices. CLOAKS ! CLOAKS ! ! French black and colored Cloth Sacques, Basques and Circulars, Silk Sacques and Basques. RICH DRESS GOODS. We have now in store one of the largest Stocks of fio Dress Goods ever offered in Charlotte. Our Stock consists in part of all Wool DeLaines, Era press Cloths, Poplins, Poplinettes, Alpaccas, Lus tres, together with a general assortment of nil the low priced Domestics, DeLaines,' Prints, 4c , &c. GLOVES AND HOSIERY. Best Kid Gloves in all colors. Ladies' fleeced lined Silk, Lisle, Bulir and Woolen Gloves, Merino Gloves. Superior English Hosiery for Ladies' and Misses', all of which are equal to any ever offered in this city. WHITE GOODS Of every description Table Cloths and Table Lin nen, Towels, Toweling, Knapkins, Ac, 4c. . . ' CLOTHING Of every description. Frock and Sack Coats, Cassi mere Suits, Coats, Pants and Vests, and a complete line of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. Boots, Shoes and Hats, all of whi;h we offer at enormously low prices at Wholesale and Retail. - NEW AND CHOICE GOODS Of erery description received every week, and sold at prices warranted to prove satisfactory to pur chasers. We take great pleasure in showing our Goods to those who will favor us with a call. A. WEILL & CO., Kahnweiler & Bro's Old Stand, Trade St. NOTICE. We take pleasure iu announcing to the Ladies that we will attach to our House early in the Spring, a &r.t cla-8 Freuch Milliuery Establishment, of which due notice will be giveu. A. WEILL & CO. .Having retired from business, we take pleasure in recommending to our triends and customers, A. WMLL & COv as practical, attentive and expe- J rienccd busiue.s men, and ask that the fatronage so liberalljr bestowed upon ns be continued to them, j KAIIXWEILER & BUO. j Vox 26, 186J. ! To the Creditors of the Bank of Clar endon at Fayetteville, N. . I J FATETTEVILLE, N. C-, Nov. 21, 1SCG. At the Full Term, 1860, of the Court of Equity for ( Cumberland county, in the State of North Carolina, he undesigned was appointed Commissioner cf the Dank of Clarendon at Fnyctievill, pursuant to the provisions of the Statute ratified March 12th, ISCti, entitled "an act to enable the Banks of the State lo close their business." ' Public notice i hereby giren ta-thereditors of the Bank of Clarendon at Fayetteville. to prefer and establish their demands against said Bauk, by the j first dav of June, A. D,, .18tf3. ." , . JNO..W. SANDFORD, "j Dcc3, ' V At JDuiumiisiouet; The Nation's "Wards." The following tells a sad story for the guardianship of the "men and brothers" of the Peninsula, who have been taken from the horrors of slavery, and con signed to the affectionate and elevating tutelage of the Freedmen's Bureau We fear that it will soon be difficult -for others besides vile rebels, to appreciate the vast benefits of the change : Fortress Monroe, Dec. 14. An alarming condition of affairs exists on the Peninsula, where fifteen thousand negroes are huddled to gether in villages, without work, and almost destitute of the necessaries of life. The inhabi tants are in constant dread of their property be ing stolen, their houses burnt and crops destroy ed, and there is not a etore between York town and Williamsburg that has not been robbed. THE TRUTII. We are now receiving a new Stock of all kinds of Goods, and in addition to our large Stock we will be receiving goods all this week. We will have one of the most complete Stocks of Goods to be found iu Charlotte, to wit: Dress Gc odi, Delains, all WoolDelains, Calicoes, Bleached Domestics, Cotton Flannel, Wool Flannel, Silks, black and colored; Ladies' Cuffs, Collars, Hair Coils, Head Netts, Hoop Skirts, Corsetts, Kid Gloves, Merino Gloves, Thread Silk Gloves, Shawls and Cloaks, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, ROCK ISLAND GOODS, a large Stock, Hardware, Corn Shellers, Mill Saws, Wood and Hand Saws, Axes, Files, Iron, Nails, Brads, Brace and Bits, Augurs, Every thing almost from a Needle to the heaviest Hardware. Call and examine our Stock. We are Mecklen burg Boys, and will give you to understand that we will sell, and dont intend to be run out by any one. Come, save jour money, and invest it where it will do you some good. Give us a fair show. We thank our friends for what they have done for us, and ask them to continue. GROCERIES of all kinds, except Whiskey. BARHINGER, WOLFE & CO. Dec 10, 18C6. IEfW GOODS. A new lot of CLOAKS just received at BltEM, BROWN & COS. Ladies Shawls, Sontags, and Neubias just received at BRUM, BROWN & CO'S. A new stock of Miles" SHOES at BIIKM, BROWN & C0"S. Large stock Shirting, Sheeting and Osna burgs, just received at BREM, BROWN & CO'S. Pull stock of YANKEE NOTIONS, cheap. Wholesale and Retail, at BREM, BROWN & CO'S. fitST" Blankets, Blankets, just received at Dec 24, 18GG, BREM, BROWN & CO'S. Something New and Attractive. PRICES GREATLY REDUCED. IVlcLEOD & STEELE Have just received another addition to their stock of WINTER GOODS, comprising many of the latest and most desirable styles of Empress Cloths, Reps, Poplins, French Merinos, Mohair Lustres, Alpaccas, DeLaines, Bombazines, Wool Plaids, Black Silks, Ladies' black and colored Clotli3, - fjiulies' and -Misses' Clonks, Breakfast ( Shawls, Doods, jNubias,. Embroideries, Real Cliney Lace Collars and Fetts, Plain and Em broidered Linen Setts, 1st and 2d Mourning Setts, Dress and Cloak Trimmings, Cloak Setts, Ladies' and Gents' Hemstitc'h Handkerchiefs, Kid Gloves, Hosiery, Gents Furni.-hing Goods, Black French Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings, Table Linen, Dam ask Merino Table Covers, Opera Flannels, white and colored Flannels, bleached and brown Sheetings, Blankets, Rock Island Cassimeres, Hoop Skirts, (Empress Trail.) Balmoral Skirts, ic. Call soon and Buy. McLEOD k STEELE. D.c 10, 1866. . , E. FULLIXGS, Merchant Tailor, Charlotte, N. C, Will sell his Stock of Gentlemen's Clothing at Cost, till the 1st of January. Those wishingbargainsare invited to call and supply themselves. Dec 10, I86(. ' Millinery mid Ladies Fancy Goods. MRS. E FULLING3 is offering her Stock of Bon nets, Huts, Ribbons, Feathers, kc, at greatly reduced prices.' Ladies are invited to call and examine these Goods and hear prices. Deo 10, 1866. - " ' ? - LEONARD H. SMITH, (or many years at the Corner Drug Store,) Having purchased of Williams & Covert their entire Stock of Goods in this city, consisting of Hats, Caps, Straw Millinery, and other Goods too numerous to mention, would solicit a share of public patronage from his friends ai.d the public generally. " ' Mrs L. A. NORUYCE, a Lady of experience and taste, has been engaged to attend to the Millinery Department, and will trim all kinds of HATS and BONNETS in the must approved and latest styles at the shortest notice. I expect soon to carry on the MANTUA-MAKING BUSINESS'in its various branches on a large scale. Three doors above -National, Bank, Carson building, ' r : - - Dec 10, I8C6 NOTICE. All the creditors of J. B. French, deceased, by presenting their claims, against, the said, estate, to the undersigned, can have them arranged for settle ment. ROBT. D. JOHNSTON, Dec 3, 1866 tf Attorney. State of i. Carolina, Cleveland Co. Court of Pleas Quarter SeshntXov. Term, I860. Joseph. Lusk vs. Robert Hunt. Attachment Levied on Land. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that Robert Hunt, the defendant in this case, is now a non resident of this StaU-,it is therefore ordt-red by the Court that publication bo made in ths Western Democrat, for six successive weeks, notifying-ihe-said Robert Hunt to be and appear at the next ti nu of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held for the county of Ch-aTelaud, at the Court House in Shelby, on the sixth Monday after the fourth Mondity in December, 166, then and there to .shew" fcaue if any- h can, w hyr the land levied on shall not be condemned and, ordered to be unld to satisfy plaintiffs debts and costs. Witness, S. Williams, Cleik of our said Court at office, the (Jth Monday after the 4:h Jllondav in September, lWi..,.. . .. . S. WILLIAMS, Cleik. . '46f tK" aj3r- $'!. ' ' , r- , SOUTH CAROLINA CONFERENCE. The S. C. Conference of the Methodist E. Church assembled at MarioD,S. C, on the 19th December, and adjourned on the 24th Bishop YVightman presiding. A good deal of important business was trans acted. The vote on changing the name to "Episcopal Methodist Church" stood ayes 100, noes 10. On the admission of Lay Representation into the General and Annual Conferences, ayes 1U, noes o. 31 organ ton," N. C , was selected as the place for the next annnal session. APPOINTMENTS. Charleston District F A Mood, P E. Charleston Trinity E J Meynardie . " ' Cumberland to be supplied " Bethel J T Wightman " Spring Street to be supplied Mt Pleasant to be supplied Cooper River E J Pennington Summerville Colin Murchison VVaherboro' John W McRoy St Bartholomew Thos J Clyde, J J Snow, snpy Bamberg Charles Wilson Ravenei to be supplied Allendale A J Stokes Hardeeville J R Coburn Black Swamp Augustine W Walker ; State Normal School II M Mood . Orangeburg District A M Chriettberg,P E Orangeburg W G Connor Eastern Orange W W Jones Branchville Thomas Raysor Upper Orange J L Sifley; one to be supplied St Matthews William Ilutto St George's J E Penny Providence J S Connor Blackville M L Banks, R B Tarrant, supy Barnwell Abram Nettles Aiken John P Morris Graniteville Mission John R Pickett Lexington Circuit W Carson Lexington Mission to be supplied Marion District R J. Boyd, P E Marion S II Browne, T Mitchell, supy Marion Circuit LM Little, T W Mannerlyn,sup Buck Swamp J B Piatt Liberty Chapel J B Campbell Darlington A J Stafford Darlington Circuit Simpson Jones Brownsville M A McKibben Georgetown John A Porter Black River J C Stoll Kingstree W W Mood l'aubanee and Black River Mission A Ervin Lynchburg D J McMillan Conwayboro' J II C McKinney Conwayboro' Circuit George II Wells Waccamaw Circuit and Mission C Betts; ne to be supplied Columbia District C II Pritehard, P E Columbia Washington Street and Marion St, D J Simmons, W Martin Columbia circuit D W Seale Richland Fork Manning Brown Sandy River G W M Creighton Rocky Mount J L Shuford Chester S Leard Fairfield A J Cauthenj one to he supplied Camden C Thomason Sumter J Stacy Sumter Circuit J W Murray; one to be sup'd. Bishopville P F Kistler, A MoCorqaodale, sup Manning W A Hemmingway Santee S J Hill Spartanburg District R P Franks, P E Spartanburg W A Gamewell Spartanburg circuit J B Massebeau Rich Hill V A Sharpo Pacolet J E Wat3on Unionville O A Darby Fair Forest to be supplied Cane Creek J W Kelly Belmont J S Ervia Goshen Hill Joseph Parker Rutherford D May Cherry Mountain to be supplied Marion (N C) E G Gage McDowell J D Carpenter Columbus J A Wood Wofford College A M Shipp, President " W Smith, Professor " AH Lester, Professor Siielby District J W North, P E Shelby R B Alston -Shelby circuit A P Avant -South Mountain Mission to be supplied Liocolnton S Lander Lincolnton circuit John Finger Dallas C E Land Yorkville W T Capers, L A Johnson, sap York circuit and Mission M A Connolly Rock Hill J M Cline Pineville N K Melton Charlotte W C Power Calvary Mission John F Butt Charlotte circuit J J Prather, R L Duffey, J XV Abernathy, sup "" ' Newton B G Jones ' - ' ' South Fork John Watts Lenoir G W Ivey Yadkin Mission to be supplied Happy Home J C Hartsell Morganton P G Bowman, J S Nelson, sap Morganton colored charge J .8 Nelron Davenport F College J R Griffith, President " " S A Weber, Professor Mecklenburg Female College at Charlotte, N C A G Stacy, President Mt Bethel Academy J C Crisp Wadesboro' District F M Kennedy, P E Wadesboro' E W Thompson, W L Pe goes Cheraw Robert Harper' Pee Dee colored circuit JW- Coward Ansonville John A Mood Monroe J R Liftlo , Monroe circuit L Scarborough Pleasant Grove L Wood . - , Lancaster J W Crider . Hanging Rock to be supplied BennettsvilU T R Wlsbt It R Pegacs, JL M Hamer, sopy . , -. -h-f Albemarle J W, Puett; jone to be supplied . LVoncord 31 C ;, X Bit Pleasant E A Lemmood Chesterfield O Eaddy Carolina Female College T A Boone, chaplain and agent H A 0 Walker, Charles Walker and J W Wightman, transferred to the Kentucky Con ference. J C Randall, transferred to Texas Conference J P DePass, transferred to Florida Conference Cosesburt District W II Fleming, P E Cokesbury J T Kilgo, S B Jones, sup Abbeville W P Mouzon, R M Harrison Ninety-Six T G Herbert, A L Smith, sup Ninety-Six colored circuit J A Attaway Saluda River Mission W H JLawton . , Mapleton-T S Daniel ' EdgeSeld -P L Herman Butler W A Clarke Newberry W S Black Newberry et J H Zimmerman, J B Traywick Laurens A N Wells, R R Dagnall Reedy Rirer F Auld Greenville District A B Stevens, P E Greenville J W Humbert , Greenville circait-p-R C.Oliver Reidville W Bowman Pickensville- J J Workman Keowee Mission to be supplied WalhalU J M Carlisle, sup Walhal'a ct to be supplied, F M Morgan, trap Senaca and Toogalo H J Morgan Anderson George F Round : Anderson circuit W A Hodges Pendleton D D Byars Orphans' Home Mission T H Edwards : : : , CAPTIONS of the Acts and Resolutions passed at the First Session of the General Assembly 1866-67. An Act to authorize the Dismal Swamp Canal Company to issue eight per cent bonds. An Act to extend the time for the collection of taxe3 in certain counties. (Gives the Sheriffs and Tax Collectors of the counties of Alexander, Wilkes, Beaufoit, Polk, Rutherford, McDowell, Mitchell, Burke, Watauga, Caldwell, Catawba, Lincoln, Cleaveland and Gaston, time until the first day of March, 1867, to make settlement with the Public Treasurer.) An Act to protect the people of Chatham county. (Allows the Sheriff , of said county time until the 1st of March, 1867, to settle taxes with Public Treasurer.) An Act to amend Sec. 1st of chapter 29th of the laws of North Carolina passed , by the Gen eral Assembly of 1865 '66, relative to Roads, Ferries and Bridges. (Limits the age to forty- five instead of fifty years.) An Act to change the time of holding the Courts of Pleas and Quarter Sessions of Alexan der county. (Changes the time from the third Monday of March, June, September and Decem ber, to the first Monday in each of the above named months.) An Act to change the time of holding the Courts of Pleas and Quarter Sessions oi Yadkin county. (Changes the time from the first Mon day in January, April, July and October, to the second Monday iu the above named months.) An Act granting a general amnesty and par don to all officers and soldiers of the State of North Carolina, of the late Confederate States armies, or the United States, for offences com mitted against the criminal laws oi the State of North Carolina previous to Jan. 1, 1866. An Act in favor of K P Harris. (Author izes the Clerk of the County Court of Cabarrus to make title to said Harris for old Jail ) An Act to amend au act for the relief of such persons as may suffer from the destruction of the records and other papers, of the several counties of the State and for other purposes. (Amends so as to read "all petitions to declare the contents of a deed or will or any matter of record shall be filed within five years next after the ratification of this act." An Act to incorporate the Yanceyviile and Milton Railroad Company. An Act for the relief of disabled soldiers. (Provides that when it is definitely ascertained that the artificial limbs cannot be made to be of service then the applicant shall be entitled to receive the amount paid" by the State for the limbs. An Act to enhance the value of the bonds to be issued for the completion of the Western N. C. R R. and for othei purposes. (Authorizes the Public Treasurer when it shall become bis duty to issue bonds of the State to the amount of 50,000, under acts of 1854-55, and 18C0 '61, to mortgage an equal amount of State stock in the N. C. R. R. as collateral security, and authorizes the President and Directors of the W. N. C. R. R. Co. to issue bonds bearing 8 per eent interest, and to execute a mortgage to the purchaser of said bonds. An Act to empower the County Court of Meeklenburg to hold extra terms. (Authorizes the Justices to order extra terms of the County Court when in their judgment 'the public in terest require it. An Act to change the na e of the Carolina Joint Stock Insurance and Trust Company. (Changes the name to "The American Joint StocV and Trust Company." An Act to repeal all acts heretofore passed in relation to the incorporation of. the town of Morganton, and to provide a substitute therefor. An Act to allow fees to Justices of the Peace in Mecklenburg county and to increase those of Constables in said county. An Act to enable the Western Railroad Com pany to complete its road from the Coalfields, in Chatham county to some point on the N. C. R. R. (Authorizes the Public Treasurer to subscribe to said Company $600,000 and to give up the mortgage on said road and authorizes the President and Directors to issue the mort gaged .bonds of eaid Company not to exceed 5900,000, rnnning SO years or longer, in sunw not less than $100 each, bearing 8 per., cent in terest . - - An Act providing for the support of the In sane Asylum. (Appropriates the sum of $40,000 for the support of tho same for 1866-67 and ,67-68,"ind the farther sum of $5,000 for the repair of the boildiag, Teocea, grounds &e. X:; '' k Au jict to enable the Wil., Chat, and Rath. R. R. Co. to complete its road, pay its debt to the State and extend its road to the Tennessee line. (Authorizes them to issue bonds and bor row money, at not more than 8 per cent, mnd to mortgage the property of said road. An Act concerning appeals in criminal cases. (Any person convicted of capital felony and sentenced to death, and who is unable to give security for an appeal to the Supreme Court, the same shall be granted without security. An Act to amend sec. 2d of an act to incor porate the town of Marshall. An Act to amend the 3d section of the 97th chapter of the Revised Code entitled "Religious Societies." (Adds after the word "to" at the end of the 8th line the words "take by devise." and repeals the proviso in said section, all of which only applies to St. James church id the city of Wilmington. Resolution in regard to the message of the Governor and the report of the Public Treas urer. (Requests the Governor to have printed, in advance of the meeting of the General As sembly, a sufficient number of his message to supply each member with ten copies, and two hundred for the Executive Department, and the Public Treasurer a like number of his report. Resolution to amend a resolution passed at the present session of the General Assembly. So amends the above resolution as to include the report of the Comptroller and any other re port that may be neeessary to have printed. Resolution in favor of the. Sheriff of Gaston county (Allows said Sheriff until February 1st, 1867, to make report of taxes to Publio Treasurer. Resolution providing for the printing of cer tain ordinances. (Requires the Secretary of State to have all the ordinances of 1865-66, now in force, printed with the laws of 1866 '67. Resolution in relation to the tax on Cotton. (Instructs the Attorney General of N. C to in quire into the legality of the tax of 3 cents per lb. on cotton imposed by an act of the Congress of the United States. Resolution authorizing the Governor to ac cept the aid proferred by the U. S. government Requests the Governor to communicate with the chairman of each County Court in the State and ascertain the extent of destitution in each county, and report to the Chief of the Freed meu's Bureau, in this State, and for each county to make provision to pay expenses of transpor tation of supplies as received for the poor and destitute. Resolution rejecting the proposed amendment as the fourteenth article of the Constitution of the United States. Resolution to postpone the valuation of lands in this State. (Repeals so much of the Reve nue law of 1866 as required a re-valuation of the lands in 1867. Resolution in regard to Confederate soldiers detained in Northern prisons. (Requests the Governor to inquire if any Confederate soldiers from N. C. are now detained in any Northern hospital or prison, unable from wounds, sickness or other cause from returning home, and that he take the necessary steps to enable them to return home. Resolution providing for the payment of Sheriffs holding elections. (Allows the Sheriffs same pay on the vote of the new Constitution as is now allowed for the election of Governor, and the Publio Treasurer to pay the same. Resolution in favor of the people of Lincoln county. Allows the sheriff of said county until February 15th, 1867, to settle with the Public Treasurer. Resolution authorizing the Governor to ex tend the provisions of the act granting amnesty and pardon. Resolution for the benefit of the sheriffs of Randolph, Yadkin and Bertie counties. Allows time until 1st March, 1867, to settle taxes with Public Treasurer. Resolution in favor of the sheriffs of Cumber land, Northampton, Wayne, Onslow, Moore and Caswell counties. Allows time until March 1st, 1867, to settle taxes with Public Treasurer. Resolution in regard to tax and for other purposes. Resolution for the benefit of the Institution for the Deaf, Dumb and the Blind. Appro priates $5,000. Resolution in reference to the N. C. Railroad Company. (Appoints a committee, two on the part of each House, to examine the books, in quire into the alledged abuses and general man agement and condition of said Road, with power to send for persons and papers and to report to the adjourned session of this General Assembly. Resolution declaring the loyalty of the citi zens of North Carolina. In addition to those mentioned above, some 25 Acts and Resolutions of a local nature were passed, such as incorporating miniog companies, lodges, &c Death or a Vexerabie Rabbi. The death of a remarkable rabbi of the Jewish Church of Germany is announced. M. Frank was a native of Wilna, born in the year 1758, so that " he had attained his 108th year. At that advanced period oflifehewas without any of the infirmities of old age; his hearing was perfect, he read without spectacles, and look long walks up to the last week of his life. ii 2TThe most awful event of this century is I the great famine in India. In Orissa, it is report- j A1 that twrt millions fivn l.nmlrnl t limitanrl nv. f ' i - - j pie have perished within the last five months of j starvation, iseiure this terrible calamity even our awful war seems insignificant. . - JtiTWe were shown yesterday, by Mr H. L. Smith, of Sunflower county, Mias a specimen of the gold ore, taken from amine of his in Mont gomery county, N. C. We learn that the mine has been successfully worked, and from the speci mens before us, we are certain; the 01d North State" is fully up to her past refutation as a gold bearing .country. VuksLurg Herald. v " . ' . A .Western paper say they have preachers out there of. the stero-wheel apeciea, who are "ex ceedingly light in the head, Lot keep up a jrodi gioua racket in the reat"- '-"- LAWS PASSED BY THE LEQISIiA TURE. Bill to enable the Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford Railroad Company to complete its Road, pay its Debt to the State, and ex tend its Road to the Tennessee Line. Section 1. Be it enacted by. the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the ' same, That for the purpose of supplying funds to enable the Wilmington, Charlotte and Ruth erford Railroad Company to complete ita road, and to discharge its debt to the State,' the said Company shall have authority to borrow money, by the issue of bonds or other evidences of debt, authenticated in such manner as the President and Directors of said Company may deem best in sums not less than five hundred dollars at a rate of interest not exceeding eight per cent, principle and interest payable at such time and place as said President and Directors may elect, the bonds so issued not to exceed four millions dollars. See. 2. Be it farther enacted, That to secure the payment of these bonds, and other evidences of debt issued, as aforesaid, and the interest thereon, as the same may accrue, tho said Wil mington, Charlotte and Rutherford Railroad Company may execute and deliver mortgage deeds, signed by the President and Secretary of said Company, conveying its franchise and property, including its road bed, superstructure, choses in action, and real and personal estate of whatever kind, and the deed of -mortgage, so executed and delivered, and registered in the County of New Hanover, shall have priority over any lien or other claim held by this State, on the subject matter so conveyed, it being tho intent and meaning of this act, that the mort gage under authority of this act shall have the rights and powers of a first mortgage and the State shall be in the position and shall bate the rights of a second mortgage only; Provided, That when the bonds of the Company to the amount of $4,000,000 shall have been nego tiated, the Company shall bo required to' pay the debt due the Slate, in bonds of the State at par, equal in value to the bonds issued to the Company. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That in con sideration of the powers granted by this act, the said Wilmington, Charlotc and Rutherford Rail road Company, on the acceptance of the samo . by a majority of its stockholders, .and on tho execution of any first mortgage deed as above mentioned, shall be deemed and held to sur render aDd relinquish all privileges of further excha nge of bonds with the State, conferred Jby the charter, of said Company, oi any amendment thereto. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the said Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford Railroad Company shall have power to extend its road, by suoh routes as t&ty be deemed beet, to such point on the Tennessee Line as the President and Directors may determine, and to that end shall have all the powers of condemnation of land, for right of way and other purposes, as are conferred by the charter of said Company. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from its ratification. Ratified Dec. 20, 1806. A BILL to enable the Western Railroad Com pany to complete its Road from the Coalfields, in Chatham county, to some point on the North Carolina Railroad. ( Whereas, The Legislature of North Carolina, at its session 1858 and '59, loaned to the Wes tern Railroad Company the sum of four hun dred thousand dollars, for whieh sum the Pub lic Treasurer exchanged the Bonds of the, Stats for the Bonds of said Company, taking as secu rity therefor a mortgage upon said road and all its rolling stock, and property of every kind an 4 description whatsoever; and; whereas, the Leg islature, again, at its session 1860 and '01, Idaned to said Company a further and additional sum of two hundred thousand dollars, making the indebtedness of said Company to the State six hundred thousand dollars; and whereas, the interest of the present Stockholders, as well as the State, would be promoted by the extension of said road from its present terminus on Deep River, to some poiot on the North Carolina Rail road; now, therefore, to enable eaid Company to raise the amount necessary to accomplish so desirable an object, by a re-mortgage , of said. Road to some one or more capitalists, and an increase of its means by additional subscription to ita capital stock : Section 1 Be it enacted by the General As sembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by tho authority of the same, That the Public Treasurer be, and he is here by authorized and directed to subscribe to the. capital stock of the Western Railroad Company the sum of 6ix hundred thousand dollars, being the amount the said Western Railroad Company is indebted to the State of North Carolina, and the Public Treasurer is hereby instructed to pay said Company for the stock so subscribed,, the bonds of said company now held by the State, and that upon receiving a certificate or certificates of stock as aforesaid, thatthe Public Treasurer cancel and surrender to said company the bonds held as aforesaid, together with the mortgage on said Railroad and its properly, thereby releasing said -Western - Railroad from any and all liability to the State io consequence of said mortgage and indebtedness. ' ' Sec. 2 Be it further enacted, That 'so soon as said subscription shall be made by the Pub lie Treasurer and the certificate or certificates f stock of said Company duly executed by the f roper ofEcers of said Company, shall have been delivered, then the mortgage on said Road, ! rolling ttock, eqaipment and property of every ' kind and description, whatsoever, now held by the State, shall be released, and so becoming . null and void, tball forever be void and of no effect. ' Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That to enable such Company to raise the money necessary to construct and extend said Road to some point on the North Carolina Railroad, to connect with said Road at such point as may be selected by . the Western Railroad Company, or by the Presi dent and directors of the same, that said Prcsi-