THE , WESTERN , MO.-q KsAft j, ;sCffl A RMTOwfl. aQl.T HOW TH BY DID- IT. ybey wre sitting 6i3e by fiide - ; And he sighed, and then she sighed. aid he, "My darling idol!" And he idled, and then she idled. ."You are creation's belle, oh 1" And:he bellowed, and she bellowed. ' soul there's such a weight," And.he.waited, and she waited. Yoar hand I asked, so bold I'm grown J" Ao.d.Jie groaned, and then she groaned. '.You shall have your private gig 1" And be giggled, and she giggled. JSaid she, "3Iy dearest LukeJ" And he, looked, and then she looked. -'fl'Jl have thee if thou wilt I" And.e.wilted, and then she wilted. ' The Two Fools. When quite a small boy, jike most, of other youths, I had a great inclina tion, to. attend all the sknvs, circuses, negro dan ces,, concerts, etc., that came along. On one oc casion 1 was very much amused at the wit of the clown, who was convulsing the crowd by bis grotesque appearance of witty saying?. After a Awhile he said something the crowd did not con sider very 'funny,' and at which no one laughed, vwben a drunken man no longer able to hold his .tongue, cried out : "You're a fuol " True," res ponded the clown, "and so are you; the only dif ference between us is, I am a fool fur money, and .you are a fool for nothing." When I see adver tised in the papers, 'spleuded lottery scheme.-,' rtr thousand do are.' ''Teat inuuceinenw iu JLuy,' 'almost certain of a prize,' etc , I 1 ink of ' I ,lhe Clown's 'two loots, anu now many uuj l',lJ j lint one sells, and excuse mvself from buying a .ticket. "One is a fool for fool for nothing." money," the other is SPEAU'S PRESERVING SOLUTION -vSVill effectually prevent fermentation or decay, and preserve all kinds of Fruits, .Vegt-tables, Jellies, fTomatpes, Cider, Milk, Syrups, &c , &c , in a per .fectly .fresh and wholesome condition, without leugar, and without hermetically sealing or air .lighting; hence a saving of sugar and from 50 to ;V5,per cent in the cost of jar?. The solutionis 'warranted to contain nothing injurious to health. Fruits preserved by this solution, are equal to any .canned" fruits, while the use of the solution ad ,niits of keeping the-fruits, kc , in vessels of any and of usiner them at lone intervals when ..opened. .It saves sugar. It will preserve milk 'Jaw e fct from 12 to 3G hours longer than it will .naturally keep causing it to fur.iish more and .better cream, and make more butter in warm .veat,her. One bottle will preserve 128 pounds of fruit, or 48 gallons of cider, or 128 gallons ot milk. i , Price, .bottle. $1. Full directions for Sold by all merchants; uing with each ask for a circular kwith full particulars. .For sale in Charlotte bv Da. JOHN II. McADEN, Iay 27, 186Y. 2m Corner Drug Store. "dr. jxo7h7m7aden7 WHOLESALE AND H ETA It DHUQGIST, CHARLOTTE, N. C, ,flas. 03 band a lare and well se lected sto?k of ,PLRE DRUGS, Chemical-, Patent Medicines, Fami ,ly Medicines, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Dye Stufl's, Fancy and Toilet Articles, which he is determined j to sell at the. very lowest prices. May. 26, 1867. LBS. WHITE LEAD, at McAden's Corner Drug Store. Linseed Oil, at McAden's Corner 300 Gallons Drug Store. . 3 parrels Spirits Turpentine, at .Store. McAden's Drug -.JTO. ,! Co.ach and vMcAden's Drug Store, Copal Varnishes, cheap, at FINE Lubricating, Lard and Sperm Oil, at Mc Aden's Corner Drug Store Bright Illuminating Kerosene Oil, cheap, at Mc yiden's. Corner Drug Store. , Tanners' Strait's and Banks' Oil, at the lowest , market price, at McAden's Corner Drug Store. May 20, 1807. BOXES MANUFACTURED TOBACCO, -for sale at the Corner Drug Store. udo 3, 18C7. J. II. McADEN. ' AT ITIcLEOD Sc STEELE'S. We are receiving a general stock of all grades of Reasonable Good. Wc have now iu store many desirable styles of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Such as black and colored Silks, black and colored Silk Grenadine?; black, white and colored S. Warp "Shallies, Bareges, Tissues, Tamartiue, Crape Moretts, "Shawl Crape 8-4, black English Cassimeres, black, lyhite and colored Alpacca, Lustres, Poplins, Ac. A beautiful line of French Organdies, printed; linen and cotton Lawns, Table Linen, Napkins, Doylies, Damask. Merino, cation and linen Sheetings, , brown and bleached Domestic, black French Cloths .and Cassimeres, Frecch J)rab de ttf, Linen Drills and Ducks, Perchals Solid and Printed .Marseilles and Alendale Quilt;, Prints all grades ; Alamance Plaids, Rock Island Cassimeres, at Factory prices. Eradjej's Duplex Hoopshirts, Summer Balmoral .SSkirts a beautiful article. A fall line of Notions, Hosiery, Gloves, Straw , Goods, Bonnets and Bonnet Ribbons, French Flowers, .Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Crockery, Groceries, .and a general stock of Hardware. (ur entire stock was selected with much care, and vve.feel confident will compare favorably with any ,in Hie city, in style and price. We are anxious to sell, and respectfully ask an examination or our siock, hear our prices, &c, as vwe are determined not to be undersold. April 22, 1867. McLEOD k STEELE. yeeth Extracted Without Pain, BY A NEW REMEDY. DR. JNO. II. WAYT is prepared to administer flhe 'SJITilrous Oxide Gas" in extracting Teeth. This agent has been successfully used in tthousands of cases in the principal cities, without .the slightest danger. g reeuom,irorp pain or danger guaranteed. Office No. 5, Granite Row. Charlotte, June 17, 1867. 3m Jtock Island Manufacturing Co. CHARLOTTE, N. G. TO SOUTHER 91EKCIIAXTS, 5 f you desire, to supply yourselves for the Fall and Ari,ia. IpaA with thp Vprv TtQt AsrvitliAnD n .? 1,1 mill .if Huv, - . uv J WSIWV.IJJUJ U 11 U Etyle3 of ' ALi-WOOJi CASSIMERES, 'AND WITH THE MOST DURABLE Jeans and Kersey Fabrics All free from Shoddy and othe"r impurities, order "samples from the subscriber, and they will be for- jrarfled,-wita prices attached, during-the months of July aud August. From these samples you can make your selections aud return your orders, and the goods will be for Varded direct from the manufactory. . . - JOHN A. YOUNG, President. CbarLjtte. June 10, 1867 4m gZ Spirits xf hartshoro"U a' certain remedy for the bite of a mad dog-. Tb'e wound should be bathed constantly with it, and three or four doses, diluted, taken inwardly during the day. The hartshorn decomposes chemically the virus insinuated in the wound, and immediately alters and destroys its deleteriousrtess; " ; 1 - Poisonous Threads. A French journal of hygiene states that a number of seamstresses have suffered from violeut colic, in consequence of putting into their mouths the silk they use in sewing. This disease is attributed to the practice of mixing the silk with a, preparation of lead (the sulphate) so as to increase its veight. A chemical analysis of many different samples of sewing silk has been made by Mr Jones, of London, which resulted, in almost every case, iu the detection of large quantities of acetate or sugar of lead. This admixture is even more dangeious than that of the sulphate, on account of the greater degree of solubility of the sugar of the lead in the fluids of the stomach. Cleaveland Mineral Springs, (FORMERLY WILSON'S.) These celebrated SPRINGS are situated in Cleave land county, North Caroliua, near the line of the Wilmington, Charlotte k Rutherford Railroad, 55 miles West of Charlotte, and will be open by the 15th of June for the accommodation of visitors. The waters consist of White aud Red Sulphur and Chalybeate, and are pronounced by competent judges to" be unsurpassed by any of the kind upon this Continent. Ample accommodations have been provided for a large number of guests. Doctor Taylor (oce of the Proprietors) has had a large experience in the treatment of diseases inci- ueiu 0 ooumern ciuuinc, icspfviauj- ujusc v wnman anrt rhSMren and will take pleasure in ad- vising invalids in tin use of the waters, Vehicles will beat the Depot on arrival of the trains to take visitors to the Springs at moderate charges. For other particulars, address the Pro prietors at Shelby, Cleaveland county, N. C. C. E S PR ATT, M. B. TAYLOR, JNO. J. BLACKWOOD, May 27, 1867 tf Proprietors. BRICKS! BRICKS!! Important to Builders. The undersigned would respectfully announce to the citizens of Charlotte. and surrounding country, :hat he has completed his arrangements for man ufacturing and supplying to this market BRICKS of a superior quality, for building purposes. Orders will be filled at moderate prices, and a liberal dis count made to those contracting for a large quan tity. For further particulars call on Capt. Asa George, or Messrs. Hutchison. Burroughs k Co., at whose store samples will be kept. E. P. GEORGE. May 20, 18G7. tf THE LATEST, TIIE PRETTIEST, T ii E CHEAPEN T . A. SINCLAIR is daily receiving and opening his second stock of Dry Goods, bought at the very low est price during the recent heavy decline iu goods. Splendid Calicoes from 10 to 12 cents. Yard wide bleached Shirting at 124 cents. Splendid printed .Muslins, fast colors at 23 cents. All goods on baud reduced in proportion to the decline. French Organdie Muslin, former price 80 cts., now selling tor 60 cts. Challie de Laines reduced from 40 to 30 cts. Elegant Poplins reduced from 45 to 33 cts. Lenos, Bcreges, Challie?, Crephernanies, kc, re duced or being sold at extraordinary low prices. As Goods are constantly declining, and a3 viy purchases have been of the very latest, I can afford to SELL LOWER than those who profess to sell at Cost. An examination of my Stock will satisfy both Wholesale and Retail Dealers that it is to their in terest to buy at Springs' Corner, from June 10, 18G7. A. SINCLAIR. II, BI. PKSTCEXARD, PRODUCE AND PROVISION DEALER. The highest cash prices paid for all kiads of Produce Always on hand at the lowest prices all kind of 0-R.OCE3KIEI and Family Supplies. I have recently resumed business in my own proper name and shall be thankful to friends and the public for patronage. OLD STAND OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. H. M. PRITC11ARD. Charlotte, N. C, April 15, 1867 3m W HITE aiel YELLOW COR, For Sale by HUTCHISON, BURROUGHS & CO. ROCKPORT LIME, 100 Barrels, for sale br HUTCHISON, BURROUGHS & CO. CATAWBA LIME, For Sale by HUTCHISON, BURROUGHS May 13, 1867. 0. IMPORTANT- NOTICE. $30,000 Summer Goods at Cost I ! The undersigned contemplate remodeling and en larging their Store, commencing by the middle of June next, and which will necessitate a suspension of business for a time, and therefore offer their En tire Stock, consisting of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Hardware, Groceries, Leather, &c, at cost Prices 1 Now is your time to get something for your money Calicoes, from 10 to 20 cents Muslins, - - . 20 to 35 " Shirtings, bleached and unb'd - 10 to 30 " Shoes, Ladies and Gents, ... $1.23 to 2 50 Linen Coats, - - - . 1 40 to 1 80 And everything else in proportion I Wholesale Dealers desiring to replenish their Stock, have a good opportunity offered them now. Our Store is the first Dry Goods Store on the right hand side of the street leading from the Public Square to the Court House, uext to the Corner I)ru- Store. W1TTKOWSKY & RINT'ELS. May 20, 1867. HUTCHISON, BURROUGHS 8c CO. GENERAL AGENTS OF THE 37 IB LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY. A Cash Cnnilal 83,OOO.OftO. Annual Income ,000,000. The Policy Holder shares in the profits of the Company. . The CASH dividend for 18C6 i3 Thirty (30) per cent. Now is the time to secure a Polic'v and thereby make a sure and certain proTision for your family. Call for Circulars and Policies. ACCIDENTAL POLICIES, in the Travel ler's Insurance Company of Hartford, issued. FIRE Insurance Companies of known and , indis putable responsibility represented by us. S. NTS HUTCHISON'. J. O. BCKR0CGH3. R. x. SPBIXGB Mareb'23 1SG7. " . . 1. - i ii 4 ft A VW FOREIGN EXCHANGE." We are now prepared to draw directly' on Eng land, Ireland and Scotland ; on all the principal cities in France, Germany, Italy, Spain,' Portugal, Russia acd Poland, and on the prominent places in Oriect and South America. . . NORTHERN EXCHANGE. Exchange on the North furnished at par. - DEPOSITS. . Specie and Currency received on deposit, and six and eight per cent interest allowed. Gold and Silver Coin, Bullion and Southern Bank Notes bought and sold at a very small margin. Refer to Urem, Brown & Co , Dr. E. Nye Hutchi son, Ex-Gov. Z. B. Vance, Charlotte, and Jesse II. Lindsay, Esq., Greensboro, N. C. BRENIZER, KELLOGG & PETERS, Trade Street, Springs' Building, May 27, 1867." Charlotte, N. C. CATAWBA ' " -" English and Classical High School, NEWTON, N. C. The next Session of this Institution will com mence the 1st of July next. The School is in a flourishing condition. Ample provision is made to i accommodate a large number of boy9 and young men, ootn in rooms, ooaraing ana instruction. .No pains are spared in fitting pupils thoroughly for the best Colleges of the country, and in giving them a thorough and practical business education. Pupils have access to valuable Libraries, and enjoy the advantages of a well regulated Literary Society. Tuition per Session of 20 Weeks from $9 to $22.60 in currency. Board in families from $8 to $12 per monlbj In clubs at about half these prices. For Circulars and particulars, address J. C Clapp, Newton, N. C. J. C. CLAPP, A. B. June 3, 18G7. S. M. FINGER, A. B. AT COST. Next Door to the Court House, Charlotte, ir. C. With a view of changing our business we now offer to sell our entire Slock of Goods at Cost. There is a general assortment consisting of Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Hardware and Cutlery, Crockery and Glassware, Looking Glasses, Wood and Willow Ware, &c, &c. Now is the time to buy good bargains. Remem- - " " "" j e,-- ber the placenext door to the Court Hons May 13, 1867. JAMES II ARTY House. & CO. .K LIAS & DOE3EIV Invite the attention of Wholesale and Retail buyers to their extensive and magnificent stock of Spring and Summer Goods, Consisting in part of Foreign and Domestic ZD ir y C3r oocis, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Hardware, . Cuttlery, NOTIONS, G- roooriojs, And a general assort ment of Merchandize suitable for the Trade, all of which has been carefully se lected, and will be sold, "not less'than cost," but truly at VERY SMALL PROFITS. An examination of our Goods and Prices will satisfj'our old customers and the general public that they can SA VE MOSEY by calling to see ELIAS & COHEN. EDWARD FILLINGS Is now offering his fine Stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING Below New York cost. I am compelled to sacrifice my Goods to raise funds. Persons desirous of ob taining good Clothing at remarkably low figures, will fiud it to their advantage to call before pur chasing and be convinced. I am prepared to make up to order my superior stock of Cloths and Cassimeres in the latest style, and at greatly reduced prices; and to offer my line assortment of Hats and Furnishing Goods At and below cost. N. B. All persons indebted, either by note or ac count, to "Fuiiings k Co.," "Fulling, Springs & Cc," or "Fuiiings & Springs," will please come for ward and settle. tif Don't mistake the place, No. 4, Granite Row, one door below the Southern Express Office, and directly opposite the Mansion House. January 21,1 867. Medical Notice. Dr. H. C. WALKUP has commenced the practice of Medicine in Sharon neighborhood, Mecklenburg county. He can be found, when not professionally engaged, at the residence of Mr Hugh Kirkpatrick. April 22, 18G7 3m GOODB, BIXBAU1 1 A N G Are now receiving their fiPRTNH R T1 n f K Which will be sold at a small advance.on New York Prices. Their stock consists of everything belong ing to Ladies' and Gentlemen's wear. Our Stock of DRY GOODS censists in part of Calicoes, Delaines, Foulards, Challies, Poplins, Bleached and Unbleached Domestics, Irish Linens, Table Linen, full stock of Jaconet Edging, Cambrics and Inserting?, together with a large lot of Hosiery, kc, kc. t. AH IKS' TRIMHIGS, Buttons, Fringes, Tassels and Bugle Trimmings. Ladies' and Gentlemen's HATS, of the most im proved styles. Clothing, for Men and Boys, of the latest Paris styles. None kept but of the best q-ialities, and we car. guarantee satisfaction to all that are willing to give us a trial. Boots and Shoes for Both Sexes. In this line -we cannot be undersold. We keep only those made of the best material, and for neat ness, of fit cannot be surpassed. We invite the citi zens of Charlotte aad surrounding country to givc us a call; we are positive you will not go away dis satisfied. Our establishment is easily to be found it is. the Cor ner Store under Mansion House. March 2j, 18G7. BUXBATJM & LANG. TEIE NEW ISOOK STOSSE lias just received a large supply of Standard, Mis cellaneous and School Books, of which the follow ing forms a part : SCHOOL BOOKS. Davies' Primary, Old and New, University Legendie Arithmetic: Divies' New Elementary Algebra; Bullion's Caisar and English Grammar; Emerson's Arithmetic, 1st and 2d part ; McGufley's Reader, lit and 2d. MISCELLANEOUS. Surry of Eagle- Nest ; Four Years in the Saddle; The McDonald's, or The Ashes of Southern Homes; Every -Man his own Lawyer, (New Edition); Fred erick the Great and his Family ; Frederick the Great and his Court ; Frederick the Great and his Friends; Merchants of Berlin; FretmasonVMouitors. HISTORICAL. A Child's History of Rome : a Child's nistorv of Greece; Hi tory of Henry the Fourth, of Pyrrhus, I or itteuaru me rirsi, or u.cnara tne ttecond, of Queen Elizabeth of England ; Libinry of Famous Generals Jackson, Taylor, Lafayette, Napoleon and Marion ; Library of Eminent Statesmen Benjamin Franklin, Henry Cla3, Daniel Webster and William rena ; L.asi isiueiy uays or me nar (oy pt-ncer) Last Year of the Var (by Jubal Early)'; The Storr I vi iuc uicai amnu l.euei IvUVmeS : Lille Ot lipcicro Washington : Noble Deeds of Women. POETICAL. Campbell's, Crabbe's, Goldsmith's, Pope's, Mont gomery's, Mary llowitt'a and Ehza Cook's Poetical Works. HUGH MILLER'S WORKS. Cruise of the Betsey"; Tales and Sketclres; Miscel laneous Essays; Schools and Schoolmasters ; Head ship of Christ. NOVELS. A large and well selected supply. Miss Ansten's Novels; the Arabian Nights ; the Works of Edgar A. Roe. Also, Godey's Ladies.' Book for June. May 27, 1867. ' TIDDY & BRO. AFLOAT ALLALOXB. Having purchased the interest of J. II. Sanders in the Grocery and Provision Business, I would -respectfully -ask the - custom of my friends and the: public generally. And if fair dealing be worth any. thing in the party with whom you do business, all I ask is a showing. " My stock con sists of such goods as are usually found in the pro vision line. S.F.HOUSTON, April 22. 1867. Next door to Charlotte Hotel. Groceries and Confectioneries NISBET &M AXWELL HAVE JUST RECEIVED, AND HAVE IN STORE, 50 Sarks Liverpool Salt, . 4 Sacks Old Java Coffee, 2 Boxes Choice Green Tea, . 4 Barrels Choice Molasses, - 1 Barrel Cider Vinegar, 10 Barrels Coffee Sugar, Rio Coffee, Crushed and Pulverised Sagar, Rice, English Dairy and New York State Cheese, 10 Gross Carolina Belle and 3 Bbls. Lorillard SnufF. Also, a large and assorted Stock of Pickles, Jellies, Prunes, Dates, Ginger Preserves and fresb Fruits, Flavoring Extracts, Olive Oil, Lemon Syrup, Ground Cinnamon and Pepper, Tomato Catsup, Pepper Sauce, Mustard, Sardines, Lobsters and Oysters, a superior lot of- , - Raisins and French Candy, 1,000 poimds assorted Candy in boxes, 5 barrels as sorted Nuts, Citron, Cocoanuts and Figs, 250 pounds fresh Currants, Table Salt, Duryeas' superior Starch, Parlor and Telegraph Matches, superior lot of Toilet Soap and Perfumery, Casteel and Turpentine Soap; Anderson's Solace, Leak's and other choice brands of Chewing Tobacco, Durham's and Virginia Smok ing Tobacco, choice Havana and American Segars, Violins, Banjos, and a large assortment of Toys, Notions, &c. . In fact everything usually found in a first class Confectionery and Family Grocery. Persons wish ing to purchase any of the above articles will find it to their advantage to give us a call and examine our Goods before buying elsewhere. We propose to sell cheap for cash or barter. All orders attended to with promptness. April 15, 1867. NISBET & MAXWELL. I .T3 PO!S T. ANT. The long established reputation and popularity of the genuine ... "Durham Smoking Tobacco," having induced the manufacture and sale of a spuri ous and inferior article by irresponsible parties, the public is hereby notified that the only genuine arti cle of DURHAM SMOKING TOBACCO is manufac tured solely by the u undersigned, the original manu facturer, and exclusive proprietor thereof. Messrs. Stcnhpnsc," JtJacaulay & Co., CHARLOTTE, N. C, . are sole agents for Western North Carolina, and will be kept supplied with a full, stock, which will be sold at Factory cash prices. J. R. GREEN, May 6, 1867. Durham's, N. C. WANTED, BUSHELS CHOICE WHITE WHEAT, for whivh we will pay the highest market price. , May 6, 1867. . J, Y." BRYCE & CO. D. O. WORTH. ' N. G. DAX1EL. WORTH & DAIVTKL, Shipping: Si Commission Jflerchanls, WILMINGTON, N. C. Dealers iu Bagging, Rope, Ties, Lime, Plaster, Cement, Hair, Genuine Peruvian Guano, direct from Government Agents. Salt, Hay and all kinds of Coal. Agents lor Baugh'3 Raw Bone Super Phosphate of Lime. Agents for the Philadelphia Southern Mail Steam ship line. - . Agents for Goodspeed's weekly Steamship line from New York". Agents for Jonas Smith & Co's line of New York sail packets. Feb 18, 1807 6m A general assortment,, always on hand, at Feb 5, 1867 - . SCARR'S DRUG STORE BAKERY. I have opened a BAKERY at my old Stand, op posite the Presbyterian Church, where will be kept constantly on hand fresh BREAD, CAKES, kc. Families supplied at all hours, and on reasonable terms. I also, keep a full sapplv of FAMILY GROCERIES and supplies, consisting of Bacon, Flour, Lard, Su gar, Coffee, Teas, Cheese, Fish, Sardines, Tobacco, Cigars, and all fine Groceries. A share of the public patronage solicited. I have been long in business here, aud am determined to keep tip my reputation for selling good articles at fair prices. M. D. L. MOODY. Sept 24, 1866. tf We take this method of informing our friends and the public, that we have moved to the large and commodious Store Room formerly occupied by KAHNWEILER & BRO., where we will continue to carry on the General Mercantile Business in all its various branches, and would respectfully call atten tion to our variety and styles of Gcds, unsurpassed by any other House in the State, which we effer at exceedingly low prices. CLOAKS ! CLOAKS ! ! French black and colored Cloth Sacrjues, Basques and Circulars, Silk Sacques and Basques." RICH DRESS GOODS. We have now in store one of the largest Stocks of fine Dress Goods ever offered in Charlotte. Our Stock consists in part of all Wool DeLaines, Em" press Cloths, Poplin3, Poplinettes, Alpaccas, Lus tres, together with a general assortment of all the low priced Domestics, DeLaines, Prints, kc , kc. GLOVES AND HOSIERY. Best Kid Gloves in all colors. Ladies' fleeced lined Silk, Lisle, Bulir and Woolen Gloves, Merino Gloves. Superior English Hosiery for Ladies' and Misses', all of which are equal to any ever offered in this city. WHITE GOODS Of every description Table Cloths and Table Lin nen, Towels, Toweling. Knapkins, kc, kc. CLOTHING Of every description. Frock and Sack Coats, Cassi mere Suits, Coats, Pants and Vests, and a complete line of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. Boots, Shoes and Hats, all uf which we offer at enormously low prices at Wholesale and Retail. NEW AND CHOICE GOODS Of every description received every week, and sold at prices warranted to prove satisfactory to pur chasers. We take great pleasure in showing our Goods to those who will favor u? with a call Kahnweiler k Dro's Old Stand, Trade St. NOTICE. We take pleasure in announcing to the Ladies that we will attach to our House early in the Spring, a first class French Millinery Establishment, of which due notice will be given. A. WEILL & CO. Nov 26, 1866. ... . Tailorin JOHN VOGKL. ..PRACTICAL TAILOR, Respectfully informs the citizens of Charlotte and surrounding country that he is prepared to manu facture gentlemen's clothin in the latest style and at short notice. His best exertions will 'be given to render satisfaction' to those who patronize biro. Shop opposite Kerr's Hotel, nest door to" Drown fc Stitt's store. r . - ': ' - " v January 1 186. :; IV. C. Railroad Schedule. Mail iBAisuomg uasw Leave Charlotte. . 12,19 AM. ' Salisbury, , ", . . 2 20- ' 1 x Greensboro, " "' ' 4.56' . RaleiVh;. 9 28 tt . , Arrir t GoldsborO.. ' . - 12,10 P M. , TMail Train Going West.l Leave Goldsboro, 107 : - " Raleigh, 4.05 " Greensboro, 8.03 u K-ilisbnrr. 10.26 P M. tr Arrive at Charlotte, " 12.19'AM. " "Accommodation TRAiH-y-Gqing East, r- Leave Charlotte, . J , 6.50 A SI. "; Salisbury, . s . ; 9.22 1 " Greensboro, , 2 30 P M. ' Raleigh, 11.20' " Arrive at Goldsboro, 3.08 AM. Accommodation Train Going AVest.J Leave Goldsboro, 1 30 A M. " Raleigh, - " ; Greensboro, ' Salisbury, Arrive at Charlotts, 6.00 " 2.40 r Ml 7.10 10.44 " Thi3 Schedule went into effect the 5th of May. Wilmington'; & Weldon Railroad. Office Chief Exo. & Scpt., Wilmington, April 26. CHARGE OF SCIJi:DLLE. On and after Sunday, May 5th, the passenger trains will run over this Road as follows : GOING NORTH. ' Leave Wilmington, 6:40 A M and 4:00 P M. Arrive at Wilmington, 7:30 P M and 7:15 A M. GOING SOUTH Leave Weldon,' Arrive at Weldon, 10:30 A M and 8:15 P M. 3:00 P M aud 3:00 A M. Trains will pass Goldsboro', going North, at 10:55 A M and 10:50 P M ; going South, at 1:25 A M and 3:00 P M. 1 The night train each way is an accommodation train, and will run daily, and connects all the way to New York via Richmond. The day train will not run on Sundays. It connects by all the routes North, by Richmond, Old Bay Line and Annemessic Line. Trains connect closely with trains to Raleigh and Newbern. .' i S. L. FREMONT, . June 10. Chief Engineer and Supt. Wil&i'ion, Char. & Ruth. Kailroad. WESTERN DIVISION. Oa and after Saturday the 8th of June, the pas senger train on this Road will run as follows : ; going west; On Mondays, Toesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays Leave Charlolte at - . - - " Lincolnton, -Arrive at Cherry ville, - . - GOING EAST, On Mondays and Saturdays, Leave Cherryville at . - " Liucolnton. Arrive at Charlotte, - . - On Wednesdays and Fridays, Leave Cherryville at - - Lincolnton, Arrive at Charlotte, - , - 7:30 a. m. 10:15 " . 11:00 " 12.00 1:00 3:45 m. p. m. 7:45 a. m. 8.45 11:30 " B. S. GUION, Engineer & Superintendent - By order of June 10, 18G7. A EX A YD E R SURGEON DENTIST, (OFFICE in the erawley building,) C II A R Li O T T E , N . C . J6 consulted on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. March' 25, 1 807. EDWARD '"J. ElALiE & SOlf, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ROOKS AID STATIONERY, Have removed to No. 16, Murray street, a few doors from Broadway, where they are prepared to supply their Southern fiiends and the public Booksellers, Merchants, Teachers, Professional Gentlemen, and others with all articles in their line, at the most reasonable cash prices. Address ' E. J, HALE & SON, May 6, 18G7. 16 Murray street, New York. MiLINERY ! MILIKERY ! ! JUST RECCIfED The following , choice assortment of MILTNERY GOODS, which will be sold at remarkably low prices, for cash, at . fj EI . MITfl', TRYON STREET, CHARLOTTE, N. C, Consisting df Silks, for Bonnets, assorted colors, Fringes, crystal, pearl and amber: amber and crystal urops, Drnamcnts, straw and pearl; Flowers, new asso tment; reaths, Ribbon aud Dress Trimmings of every kind. ' BONNETS AND HATS: Infants Florets, Infants Restoi a, ladies and misses white Glossa Florets, split straw Stelia, white Mar seilles Verino, white Glassa Patties, white Glassa Almas, Canton Almas, -Pedal Almas, Florence Almas, black and white Glassa Seasides, Coberg Poroonade, Pedal Shade Hats, Coberg Sunbeams, fancy chipped Perepsco, fancy hair and edged Glassa Verginuas, Glassa Morning Glory, black and white Morning Glory, Neapolitan Beaded. Neapolitan Trimmed Beaded, broad Cobergs, edged C. L. Pedal. Also, Bonner Frames, assorted. Also, UJ?r 0-OOa3, or all kinds, and IVSiiiiiCB-y and Dress iVInkiiigr. I expect, in a few days, to have a first clas3 Mantua Maker, from New York. Call and examine. ' L. II. SMITH, April 22, 18G7. Tryon Street. R. SHAW. V. E.-SHAW. COPARTNERSHIP. I have taken into Copartnership my son W. E. Shaw, and will enlarge and extend my business. We will keep constantly on hand, Harness, Collars, Saddles, Bridles, Martingales, . And everything kepi in a complete Saddle and Har ness Establishment.- We shall continue to Manufac ture our own Goods, out of the very best Material, and warrent the quality. All orders promptly filled. Repairing done at the shortest notice and satis faction guaranteed.. r2?Three doors South of Mansion House, Char lotte, N. C. Jan 21, 18G7. Cm lTew c3.:r37 AND 31 A CHINE SHOP, Cliarlotte, IDO". O. IT 3. MARTIN fc CO., Having removed their Works from Stowesville, Gas ton county, to Charlotte, respectfully inform their old patrons and the public generally that they have opened a Foundry &, Machine Shop at the old Navy Yard lot, in the city of Charlotte, where they are prepared to make all sorts of CASTINGS For Steam Engines, Mills, Factories, Water Wheels, Cane Mills,' Farming Implements, kc. Ac. ItErilliljyfi." Particular attention will be paid to repairiugof all kinds. All work shall be done in the very nicest style, and the best material used. 11. MARTIN. JOHN WILKES, June 25, 1866 , Charlotte, N. C. J. Y.BKVCE&CO., General Commission Merchants,. charlotte; n; o. Particular attention paid to the selling of all kinds of Produce. Cotton and Tobacco. " ' . . Highest cash price paid for Cotton. , .. . . ' gf All orders froth a distance promptlv.atte.nd ed to. - - 5 ' J. T. BRYCE. March R. l6 W. U. BRYCE. ' DEXtDEI XiXi "Home, Sweet Home ! : V There's no place like Home !" : I am inform my old friends of Charlnn and the surrounding country, that I have aeai turned and resumed my, old business amone tf.' and am fully prepared to offer them the CHEAPEST STOCK OF GOODS To be found at any' other estaolisbment in the Having recently lived in the Northern States . 7 with my old experience in the PURCHarp i?2 GOODS, 1 am not prepared to say I will sdl 'Ui cost," or at a reduction on the original cost m . and below New York pricei," but that I will sell ' CHEAP, IF NOT CHEAPER Than any other House, and at a SMALL PRoVtT As my stock was purchased for Cash, consent lr' I can afford to dispose of articles at a sligh till 1 I have now in Store, and am constantly reci!?C"' a choice assortment of - Jetring, Ladies' Trimmings of the Latest Stvles Liuen Table Damask, Linen Diaper, and ah l; ! Flannels, Calicoes, ' of brown and bleached Sheetings, black and caUr Alpaccas, Ladies' and Gentleman's vrea FURNISHING GOODS, &c, c Call and secure Bargains. n m prjEi March II, 1867. Opposite the Court HoumV IRX GOODS, CLOTIuiwT' BOOTS, SBXOCS, &c, &c. ' - BL TT Tvr Respectfully informs the public that he has a Jaree stock of Dry Goods, Clothing. Boots and Show in great variety, which he will sell on reasonable terras. RAGS WANTED. I want lo purchase 20C.000 pounds of clean cotton and linen Rags. Highest caslj price paid. April 8, 1867 3m Opposlteol'lloase. Pickles, Preserves, Jellies, Mustard, Horse Radisb Powdered Ginger and Cinnamon, Ginger Preserve.' Macaroni, Hermetically sealed Meats and Friiitg' Salmon, Lobsters, Oysters, Clams, Sardines, Pine Apples, Peaches, Strawberries, Salad Oil, Cat$un Soda Powders, Vinegar, Killikinick Smoking To bacco, Havana Segars, Tobacco and Snuff, CbesU nuts, Green and Dried Apples, Raisins, Fishiinr iiuuas ouu iacnio, tiuiiu aim uuiwir olrlunj, WINES AND BRANDIES. Champaine, Pemartin Sherry, old Newton Ma', deira, old- Port, Catawba, Rhine. Jas. Hennes.;ee Cognac Brandy, vintage of 1858, Marc Renault double refined rectified Whiskeys, old Bourbon. Rvr Wheat, pure Corn and ; Monongahela W turkeys' Holland Gin and Schiedam Schnapps, Bitters, St! Croix and Jamaica Rum, Cordials and Lemon Hnd other Syrups, London Porter, A. Owiness k Sons' xxx Brown Stout, Dublin, Muir k Son's sparkling Edinburgh Ale, Glass Bottles, Flasks aud Dcuiijubns of all sizes to the Tradel Old Corn and Rye - Whiskey b) the barrel, to the trade at small profit. Visitors and residents in Charlotte purchasing any of the above for medical putposes, can get pure article by calling on Feb 18, 1807. J. D. TALMER. Z. B. VANCE." C. DOWD. VANCE fit DOWD, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Charlotte, N. C , Having associated themselves together, will prac tice in the Court of Mecklenburir, Iredell, Catawba, Davidson, Rowan, Cabarrus and Union, aud in the Federal and Supreme Courts. Claims collected anywhere in the State. April 2, 1866 'tf High Shoals IRON MANUFACTURING CO., Gaston County, N. C. KEEP YOUR MOSEY AT HOME. The Company have been at a considerable ft. pense in fitting up their ROLLING MILL and KAIL FACTORY. They are now prepared to exectite all order?, in the best style, they may be favored with in their line of business. Having secured the services of the best workmen in the Iron business, that can be procured in tin South, they feel confident they can give full sati faction. The following articles are enumerate d,viz: Rolled Iron, in flat Bar, round and squnre--all sizes. Tire, Hoops and Scollops all sizes. - All kind of Iron used for Farming purposes. ilachincry and Hollow, ware of all description. Also, Tacks, Nails and Brads of all sizes. The Iron is manufactured exclusively with char coal and wood, and out of Magnetic Ores. The Iron and Nails are equal to any in the United States or JCurope, either for welding or toughness. They are also prepared to make and "fit up" any kind of Casting at short notice. All orders will be promptly executed by B. B. BABINGTON, Sup't. High Shoals, Dec 3, 1866. W. GOODMAN, of Mississippi, A. P. MERRILL, Jr., of New York, General Commission Merchants, 3G New Street, NKW YOltK. We have made an arrangement by which Mr D W COURTS, late Public Treasurer of North Carolina, becomes interested in all the business sent us from that State, lie is not associated now with the firm of Bennett, Van Pelt & Co, New York. We hope his friends will patronize us. Dec 25, 1BG5 tf SobiI hern Express Company. The Southern Express Company has opned com munication with all Northern and Western States, and is now prepared to forward Freight, iloney and valuable Package9 safely and promptly. Messen gers leave Charlotte daily, connecting at Raleigh with Adams' Express Company, and -at Richmond with Adams' and llarndn' Express Companies. Letters will be forwarded by this Company to all points South and North having no mail facilities. . T. D. GILLESPIE, Agent. Charlotte, June 19, IEC5 tf The Southern Express Company, For the tran?portatirtn of merchandise, raluubl packages, specie, bank noteg, bonds, Ac, fr all pads of theSonth and Southwest, in connection with ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY, have established their agency at 59 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, where orders to call for goods to b forwarded South will receive prompt attention. Merchandise and valuables delivered to Harnden'f,' Kinsley's, American and United States Express Com panies, for the Southern Express Company, will re ceive prompt dispatch. For p"iculsrs, rates of freight, kc. &e, apply at the office of the Southern Express Company, !9 Broadway. II. B. PLANT, Dec 18, 1855. President, MEDICAL CARD. . DRS. GIBBON & McCOMBS, having associated themselves in the practice of Medicine and Surgery, respectfully tender their professional services to tlis citizens of Charlotte and surrounding country. From a large experience in private as well as Field and Hospital practice, they feel Justified in proposing to pay special at tnlton to the practice of Surgery In all its branches ' OlSce In Granite Row, op stairs, opposite tbs Mansion House. 4 ROBERT GIBBON, if. D. . Dec 1, 18G5 J. P. .McCOMBS, M. D. At the Old Kstn lli!iecl DRUG STOKE Of F. SCARR, may be found very thing in Dreg line, of gennine qHality. - February 26, 1866. tht