T II E WESTERN .D EMO CR AT, ?. Cli ARLOT,TE N . fC . t PINE STRAW. 8Vp articles in the May number of The South ern Cultivator, on the Pine Straw question, hav ing attracted my attention, I will give a piece ,of nay p.w.p experience .in the matter leayuig .others to dispute aboyt the theory. I" 185" 1 .employed as manager on my s mall plantation experienced farmer, as well as a man of much practical sense. In our contract, it was sl.pula Jed.Uiat I was to furnish hands and transporta tion .to manure his potato patch Kith pine ttraxo. and the idea being a novel one to me, I '.watched.his proceedings with some interest The spot selected was a portion of a field of poor jrrnvelly brownish clay soil, which had been in cultivation longer than he or I had been living. The straw jzsed from the short leaf or "old-Geld" niae-T-jao rother kind growing on my place. 'OkVelJ, the potato patch was covered with this in January or Febuary, to the depth of 3 to G inches, nd the land (previously broken) "turned over." Jfo, other .manure was applied. On ray own jiatch.I put a bountiful supply of cow-pen manure H the, land, being fresher and better than his. -fThe culture was the same. His yield of potatoes .was at least 25 per cent Letter than mine. In , the fall. the whole field was sown in oats, and tfrom the time they x&me up until they were har vested, the difference between those in the .potatP .patch" and the rest of the field, was .perceptible at the distance of one to three hun dred yards the former having much the &tr.pjjcat and most healthy appearance, and the .yield was proportionately better. Next year the ; effects cpf. the Pine Straw were strikingly ob servable in tbe corn, as witnessed by several neighbors. And about that time we "peaceably .seceded," I went to the war, and don't know what ! .my pine straw potato patch did afterwards. 1 Jhat's all. E. 11. L. j JLilcsville, N. C, May, 18G7. , New Inventions. Dr. Jonos Johnson, of Northampton, county N. C, has been granted .two patents, one a fertilizer, distributer, ridger, .cotton planter, &c, and the other for an impor jtant bed spring. Of the first tho Weldon Stale .says, "it opens at tho same moment two parallel furrow3, deposits the fertilizer, therein, in any .given quantity to the acre without variation, and throws up the ridges, or cotton beds, on the fer tilizer. The land being prepared as above des cribed, by the first operation of the machine, in .the second operation the two ridges are at the .same moment planted with cotton seed And the .same covered to the requisite depth. When the machine is used for wheat all the appendages are tremQved and a corrugated apron is placed under , the machine at an angle of forty-five degrees to .the earth, the fertilizer from the hopper fall on dhe apron, which U made to spread the fertilizer broadcast most accurately on the space between .the wheels of which the machine, moves said apron, when the machine is moving, is made by .an eucentric arrangements on the axle to vibrate ,Jjyke tho seives of a fan mill, giving it a sifterlike .motion. The same machine then sows the wheat kmost accurately and harrows in the same. jttlLINERY ! BIILINERY ! I JUST RECEIVED A choice assortment of MILINERY GOODS will jbe sold at remarkably low prices, for cash, at EOJVAKJO II. SMITH'S, TEYON STREET, CHARLOTTE, N. C., Consisting of Silks, for Bonnets, assorted colors, .Fringes, crystal, pearl and amber; amber and crystal .Drops,, C)rnament3, straw and pearl; Flowers, new .assortment; Wreaths, Ribbon and Dress Trimmings 4of every. kind. BONNETS AND HATS. pry Goods of all Kinds. ALSO, Millinery and filress I?!akiiig J3y Miss J. H. FLYN, of New York, who is well re commended. Having made three trips to Europe and ,Paris she is posted up on all the latest styles of Lfidies, Misses and Childrens Dresses. All work done as jcheap as elsewhere in the very best style, at short .police. A share of public patronage is solicited. July 2p, 1867. L. H. SMITH. DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. The Partnership of Kuck k Ililker 13 this day dis solved by mutual consent. All persons indebted to tbe said Firm, will come forward and settle up. Either of the Partners i3 authorized to siprn in nidation, KUCK & HILKER. NEW FIRM. The undersigned having formed a Partnership .will carry on the GROCERY business at the old stand of Kuck k Ililker, where they will keep a full stock of FAMILY GROCERIES and will be glad to .wait en their old customers, and as many new ones as will call on us. DDLS & HILKER. IN WITHDRAWING FROM THE ABOVE FIRM J thank my frfend3 and customers for their liberal patronage bestowed on ns I also recommend my successor J. Duls to them, and trust they will con tinue tnetr custom. J. KUCK. ' 'July !?, 1667. 3w WOOL. CARDING AT LONG SnOALS PAPER MILLS, 4 Milet from Lincolnlon, Lincoln County, N. C. The subscribers respectfully inform (heir custo mers and the public generally that they have just completed tbe titling up of their machinery with the latest aud most improved Cards, and are now pre pared to execute all orders with promptness and dispatch. We are also prepared to card Cotton and Wool .mixed. Price for carding Wool 10 cents per pound ; price or. carding Cotton and Wool mixed, 15 cents per pound. Customers must furnish their own grease: one pound of grease is required for every 10 pounds of Wool. Term3 cash. Country Produce or Cotton Rags taken at market price. GRADY, BANNISTER k CO., Proprietors. I respectfully inform my old customers and friends hat I have taken charge of the above machiuery ana will warrant all my work or make no charge. July 15, 1867. tf ROBT. COBB. Reduction ! Reduction ! ! fllR Oil Gil 0 VT THE EN TIRE STO CK AT In order to give ray patrons the full benefit of the Recent Tremendous Fall in Prices in Goods of every .class, and in order to sell ray Goods as usual, Loivcivtliaii I he Lowest, ,1 have resolved to offer every article now on band at from 25 to 50 per cent below the usual selling prices. By this move every citiaen and farmer will be benefitted, as through it not only Calicoes and Shirting- will be offered at prices conformable with the times, ut every other class qf merchandise including Dress Goods, White Goods, Fancy Goods and Trimmings, Hats, Boots and Shoes, in short, 33 vory tiling .Comprised in my Stock will be placed in reach of all. Great inducements held out to Country Merchants. B. KOOPilANN. July 1, 18C7. TWENTY YEARS AGO. ITow wondrous are the changes, Jim, Since twenty years ago, , , , When gab wore woolen dresses, Jim, And boys wore pants of tow;. When shoes were made of calf skin, And socks of homespun wool, And children did a haJf-day's work Before tlvo hour of school. The girls took music lesson Jim, Upon the spinning wheel, Aud practiced late and early, Jim, On the spindle, swift and reel; The boys would ride barebacked to mill, A dozen miles or so, And hurry off before 'twas day, Some Iwenty yers ago. The people rods to meeting, Jim, In sleds instead of sleighs; And wagons rode as easy, Jim, As buggies now a-days; And oxen answered well for team, Though now they'd be too slow; For people lived not half so fast Some twenty years ago. O, well do I remember, Jim, That Wilson's patent stove, That father bought and paid for Jim, In cloth our own gals wove; Aud how the neighbors wondered When we got the thing to go! They said 'twould burst and kill us all, Some twenty years ago. AT I?lcLEOD & STEELE'S, We are receiving a general stock of all grades of Seasonable Goods. We have tow in store many desirable styles of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Such as black and colored Silks, black and colored Silk Grenadines; black, white and colored S. Warp Shallics, Bareges, Tissues, Tamartine, Crape Moretts, Shawl Crape 8-4, black English Cassimeres, black, white and colored Alpacca, Lustres, Poplins, &c. A beautiful line of French Organdies, printed; linen and cotton Lawns, Table Linen, Napkins, Doylies, Damask Merino, cstton and linen Sheetings, brown and bleached Domestic, black French Cloths and Cassimeres, French Drab de tie, Linen Drills and Ducks, Perchals Solid and Printed Marseilles and Alendale Quilts, Prints all grades ; Alamance Plaids, Rock Island Cassimeres, at Factory prices. Bradley's Duplex lloopshirts, Summer Balmoral Skirts a beautiful article. A full line of Notions, Hosiery, Glove3, Straw Goods, Bonnets and Bonnet Ribbons, French Flowers, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Crockery, Groceries, and a general stock of Hardware. Our entire stock was selected with much care, and we feel confident will compare favorably with any in the city, in style and price. We are anxious to sell, and respectfully ask an examination of our stock, hear our prices, &c, as we are determined not to be undersold. April 22, 1867. McLEOD & STEELE. A. KALES, Watch-Maker and Jeweler, One Door South of the Mansion House) CHARLOTTE, W. C. If your Watch should need Repairing, Don't get mad and go to swearing ; Just take it into Hales' Shop, He will fix it so it will not stop. He warrants his work all for a year, When it is used with proper care. He will do it as low as it can be done, And do it so well its sure to run. June 24, 18(:7 6m MECfiLEiKfJUG HOUSE, ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN, Is now open, as heretofore, for the reception and ac commodation of Permanent and Transient Boarders. The Tabic is supplied with the best the mar ket affords. Clean Rooms and Beds. Meals at all Hours. Tile Bur i3 supplied with the best of Foreign and Domestic Liquors. Philadelphia Ale on diaught. Free Lunch daily, from 1 1 to 1 o'clock, Mr JAMES D. CRAIG is connected with the House, and will be happy to serve his friends. A share of public patronage is solicited. EDWARD W. GROOT, Proprietor. June 24, I8G7 Cm E. STENHOUSE, New York. ALLAN MACADLAY, Charlotte, N. C. STEMIOUSE & MACAULAY, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 1-2 Stosie fettcct, New York. Prompt personal attention given to the sale of Cotton, Cotton Yarns, Naval Stores, &c, and the purchase of Merchandise generally. Consignments solicited. June 10, 1867. : Nolicc to Farmers. Farmers wishing to purchase Agricultural Imple ments of any kind, Threshing Machines, Fans, Reapers, Mowers, Horse Rakes, Corn Mills, Corn Shellers, Straw Cutters and I'iows of any kind, can get them from us at the Baltimore retail price, with freight and drayage added. We are Agents of the large Agricultural Imple ment Manufacturing Establishment of E. WHIT MAN k SONS, Baltimore. HUTCHISON, BURROUGHS & CO. E. NVE IICTCniSON. J. C. BURROUGHS. R. A. STRINGS. Charlotte, June 17, 1867. WHITE and YELLOW CORN, For Sale by HUTCHISON, BURROUGHS & CO. ROCKPORT LIME. 100 Barrels, for sale by HUTCHISON, BURROUGHS & CO. CATAWBA LIMB, For Sale bv HUTCHISON, BURROUGHS & CO. May 13, 1867. HUTCHISON, BURROUGHS c CO., GENERAL AGENTS OF THE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY. Cash Capital $3fO0O,0OO. Annual income ,O0O,OGO. The Policy Holder shares in the profits of the Company. The CASH di?idend for 18G6 is Thirty (30) per cent. Now is the time to secure a Policy and thereby make a sure and certain provision for your family. Call for Circulars and Policies. ACCIDENTAL POLICIES, in the Travel ler's Insurance Company of Hartford, issued. FIRE Insurance Companies of known and indis putable responsibility represented by us. K. NYE HCTCHISOX. J. C. BCKROCGHS. B. A. SPRINGS. March 25 18G7 DR. JN0. II. MclDEN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL XT C3r Gr I CHARLOTTE, tf. n Has on hand a larire and veil splti-',i .,,.?, PURE DRUGS, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Fami ly Medicines, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Dye StufTs, Fancy and Toilet Articles, which he is determined to sell at the very lowest prices. , May 20, ISG7. More Reforms. The Chicago Tribune (Re publican) wants Congress to tarn its attention to tbe Mormons and produce a few reforms in Brig iam Young's kingdom. It is feared that Brigham may injure morality in the Northern States by having a plurality of wives, and thus setting the bad example .of excessive happiness. The Tri bune says : "Polygamy is a recognized system of fornica tion which the Biblo and Christianity condemns, and if those Senators at Washington, instead of wasting their time in denouncing the despots of Europe and eulogizing the Mexican people, would only look to their own country, they would find a despotism more damnable than any across the water, Cannot a law be passed making polyg amy high treason, and authorizing the arrest of the criminal, in any part of tbe United States ? no matter where the crime is committed, so it is done within the territory of the Union. Pass puch a law, and let it be proclaimed far and uear, and I venture to predict that no one will dare to commit polygamy ere the centenary of our Na tional Independence will have passed away." "Charlotte Marble Yard ! I have this day sold the Stock of the Charlotte Marble Yard to JAMES TIDDY, wfao will in the future conduct the business, and is cordially recom mended to my customers of the last ten year3. RICHARD N. TIDDY. Charlotte, N. C, July 1st, 1867. JAMES TIDDY, DEALER IN MARBLE AND Manufacturer of Monuments, Slab3, Headstones, &c, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Orders will receive prompt attention. All persons indebted to the Charlotte Marble Yard will please come forward and make immediate pay ment, as further indulgence cannot be given. July 22, 18G7. CATAWBA English and Classical High School, NEWTON, N. C. The next Session of this Institution will com mence the 1st of July next. The School is in a flourishing condition. Ample provision is made to accommodate a large number of boys and young men, both in rooms, boarding and instruction. No pains are spared in fitting pupils thoroughly for the best Colleges of the country, and in giving them a thorough and practical business education. Pupils have access to valuable Libraries, and enjoy the advantages of a well regulated Literary Society. Tuition per Session of 20 Weeks from $9 to $22.50 in currency. Board in families from $8 to $12 per month; in clubs at about half these prices. For Circulars and particulars, address J. C Clapp, Newton, N. C. J. C. CLAPP, A. U. June 3, 1867. S. M. FINGER, A. B. SELLING AT COST. Next Door to the Court Uouse, Charlotte, Ar. C. With a view of changing our business we now offer to sell our entire Stock of Goods at Cost. There is ft general assortment consisting of Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Hardware and Cutlery, Crockery and Glassware, Looking Glasses, Wood and Willow Ware, &c, &c. Now i3 the time to buy good bargains. Remem ber the place, next door to the Court House. May 13, 1867. JAMES II ARTY & CO. THE LATEST, THE PRETTIEST, THE CHEAPEST. A. SINCLAIR is daily receiving and opening his second stock of Dry Goods, bought at the very low est price during the recent heavy decline in goods. Splendid Calicoes from 10 to 12 cents. Yard wide bleached Shirting at 12 cents. Splendid printed Muslins, fast colors at 25 cents. All goods on hand reduced in proportion to the decline. French Organdie Muslin, former price 80 ct3., now selling for 60 cts. Challie de Laines reduced from 40 to 30 cts. Elegant Poplins' reduced from 45 to 35 cts. Lenos, Bereges, Challies, Crcphernanies, &c, re duced or being sold at extraordinary low prices. As Goods are constantly declining, and as mj' purchases have been of the very latest, I can afford to SELL LOWER than those who profess to sell at Cost. An examination of my Stock will satisfy both Wholesale and Retail Dealers that it is to their in terest to buy at Springs' Corner, from June 10, 1867. A. SINCLAIR. BUXBAUSI & L A N ft , Are now receiving their SPRING STOCK, Which will be sold at a small advance on New York Prices. Their slock consists of everything belong ing to Ladies' and Gentlemen's wear. Our Stock of DRY GOODS consists in part of "l 1 T-v 1 n - . ... aiicoes, ueiaines, foulards, Uhallies, PopUn3, Bleached and Unbleached Domestics, Irish Linens, Table Linen, full stock of Jaconet Edging, Cambrics and lnserting3, together with a large lot of Hosiery, &c, &c. LADIES' TRISeiTIItfGSS, Buttons, Fringes, Tassels and Bugle Trimmings. Ladies' and Gentlemen's HATS, of the most im proved styles. Clothing, for Men and Boy3, of the latest Paris styles. None kept but of the best qualities, and we can guarantee satisfaction to all that are willing to give us a trial. Boots and Shoes for Both Sexes. In this line we cannot be undersold. We keep only those made of the best materia, and for neat ness of fit cannot be surpassed. We invite the citi zens of Charlotte and surrounding country to give us a call; we are positive you will not go away dis satisfied. Our establishment is easily to be found it is the Corner Store under Mansion House. March 1867. BUXBAUM & LANG. THE 3VEW BOOK STORE nas just received a large supply of Standard, Mis cellaneous and School Books, of which the follow ing forms a part : SCHOOL BOOKS. Davie3' Primary, Old and New, University Legendre Arithmetic: Davies' New Elementary Algebra; Bullion's Cassar and English Grammar; Emerson's Arithmetic, Island 2d part: McGuffev's Reader, lit and 2d. . MISCELLANEOUS. Surry of Eagle's Nest ; Four Years in the Saddle: The McDonald's, or The Ashes of Southern Homes; Every Man his own Lawyer, (New Edition) ; Fred erick the Great and bis Family; Frederick the ureat ana nis uourt. : rredenek the Great and his Friends; Merchants of Berlin; Freemason's Monitors. HISTORICAL. A Child's History of Rome ; a Chilfl's History of Greece: Historv of Henrr the Fourth nf k... of Richard the First, of Richard the Second, of yueen lUizaoetn ot England ; Library of Famous Generals Jackson, Taylor, Lafayette, Napoleon and Marion; Library of Eminent Statesmen Benjamin Franklin, Henry Cla3, Daniel Webster and William Penn ; Last Ninety Days of the War (by Spencer) Last Year ef the War (by Jubal Early); The Story of the Great March : Rebel Rhymes ; Life of George Washington : Noble Deeds of Women. POETICAL. Campbell's, Crabbe's, Goldsmith's, Pope's, Mont gomery's, Mary Howitt's and Eliza Cook's Poetical Works. HUGH MILLER'S WORKS. Cruise of the Betsey; Tales and Sketches.; Miscel laneous Essays; Schools and Schoolmaster's ; Head ship of Christ. NOVELS. A large and well selected snnp'.v. Miaa A Novels; tbe Arabian Nights; the Works of Edur jv. roe aiso, uodey a L.adies' Book for June May 27, 1SC7. , TIDDY & BRO. Rock Island Manufacturing Co charlotte. N. C. TO SOUTIIERItf ? MERCHANTS, If you desire to supply yourselves for the Fall and Winter trade, with the very best descriptions anil styles of ' ' -ALL-WOOL CASSI9IERES, AND WITH THE MOST DURABLE. Jeans and Kersey Fabrics, All free from Shoddy and other impurities, order samples from the subscriber, and they will be for warded, with prices attached, during the months of July and Angust. From these samples you can make your selections, and return your orders, and the goods will be for warded direct from the manufactory. JOHN A. YOUNG, President. Charlotte, June 10, 1867 4m A. W. ALEXANDER, SURGEON DENTIST, (OFFICE IN THE BBAWLEY BUILDING,) CHARLOTTE, III . C. gy Can be consulted on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. March 25, 1SG7. J.m J.m AFLOAT ALL ALOSE. Having purchased the interest of J. M. Sanders in the Grocery and Provision Business, I would respectfully ask the custom of my friends and the public generally. And if fair dealing be worth any thing in the party with whom you do business, all I ask is a showing. My stock con sists of snch goods as are usually found in the pro vision line. S. F. HOUSTON, April 22. 1867. Next door to Charlotte Hotel. Groceries and Confectioneries NISBET &MAXWELL HAVE JUST RECEIVED, AND HAVE IN STORE, 50 Sacks Liverpool Salt, 4 Sacks Old Java Coffee, 2 Boxes Choice Green Tea, 4 Barrels Choice Molasses, 1 Barrel Cider Vinegar, ' 10 Barrels Coffee Sugar, Rio Coffee, Crushed and Pulverised Ssgar, Rice, English Dairy and New York State Chee3C, 10 Gross Carolina Belle and 3 Bbls. Lorillard Snuff. Also, a large and assorted Stock of Pickles, Jellies, Prunes, Dates, Ginger Preserves and fresh Fruits, Flavoring Extracts, Olive Oil, Lemon Syrup, Ground Cinnamon and Pepper, Tomato Catsup, Pepper Sauce, Mustard, Sardines, Lobsters and Oysters, a superior lot of Raisins and French Candy, 1,000 pounds assorted Candy in boxes, 5 barrels as sorted Nuts, Citron, Cocoanuts and Fig3, 250 pounds fresh Currants, Table Salt, Duryeas' superior Starch, Parlor and Telegraph Matches, superior lot of Toilet Soap and Perfumery, Casteel and Turpentine Soap; Anderson's Solace, Leak's and other choice brands of Chewing Tobacco, Durham's and Virginia Smok ing Tobacco, choice Havana and American Segars, Violins, Banjos, and a large assortment of Toys, Notions, &c. In fact everything usually found, in a first class Confectionery and Family Grocery. Persons wish ing to purchase any of the above articles will find it to their advantage to give us a call and examine our Goods before buying elsewhere. We propose to sell cheap for cash or barter. All orders attended to with promptness. April 15, 18G7. NISBET & MAXWELL. AND MACHINE SHOP, .A. Cliarlotte, 1ST- O. n. MARTIN & CO., Having removed their Works from Stowesville, Gas ton county, to Charlotte, respectfully inform their old patrons and the public generally that they have opened a Foundry & Machine Shop at the old Navy Yard lot, in the city of Charlotte, where they are prepared to make all sorts of CASTINGS For Steam Engines, Wills, Factories, Water Wheels, Cane Mills, Farming Implements, &c. &c. ItEP1IIHJI"G. Particular attention will be paid to repairing of all kinds. All work shall be done in the very nicest style, and the best material used. M. MARTIN, JOHN WILKES, June 25, 1866 Charlotte, N. C. J, Y. UllYCE & CO., General Commission Merchants, CHARLOTTE, N. C. .Particular attention paid to the selling of all kinds of Produce, Cotton and Tobacco. Highest cash price paid for Cotton. JEJg?" All orders from a distance promptly attend ed to. J. Y. BRYCE. March f- 1866 W. H. BRYCE. We take this method of informing our friends and the public, that we have moved to the large and commodious Store Room formerly occupied by KAHNWEILER & BRO., where we will continue to carry on the General Mercantile Business in all its various branches, and would respectfully call atten tion to our variety and styles of Gods, unsurpassed by any other House in the State, which we offer at exceedingly low prices. CLOAKS ! CLOAKS ! ! French black and colored Cloth Sacques, Basques and Circulars, Silk Sacques and Basques. RICH DRESS GOODS. We have now in store one of the largest Stocks of fine Dre?s Goods ever offered in Charlotte. Our Stock consists in part of all Wool DeLaine3, Em press Cloths, Poplin3, Poplinettes, Alpaccas, Lus tres, together with a general assortment of all the low priced Domestics, DeLaines, Prints, &c , &c. GLOVES AND HOSIERY. Best Kid Gloves in all colors. Ladies' fleeced lined Silk, Lisle, Bulir and Woolen Gloves, Merino Gloves. Superior Euglish Hosiery for Ladies' and Misses', all of which are equal to any ever offered in this city. WHITE GOODS Of every description Table Cloth3 and Table Lin nen, Towel3, Toweling. Knapkin3, &c, &c. CLOTHING Of every description. Frock and Sack Coats, Cassi- mere Suits, Coats, Pants and Vests, and a complete line of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. Boots, Shoes and Hats, all of which we offer at enormously low prices at Wholesale and Retail. NEW AND CHOICE GOODS - Of every description received every week, and sold at prices warranted to prove satisfactory to pur chasers. We take great pleasure in showing our Goods to those who will favor us with a call. A. WEILL k CO., Kahnweiler k Bro's Old Stand, Trade St. NOTICE. We take pleasure in announcing to the Ladies that we will attach to our House early in the Spring, a firstclftis French Millinery Establishment, of which due notice will be given. A. WEILL k CO. Nov 26, 1866. JOHN VOGEL, PRACTICAL TAILOR, Respectfully informs the citizens of Charlotte and surrounding country, hat he is prepared to manu facture gentlemen'e clothing in the latest style and at short notice. Ilia best exertions will be given to render satisfaction to those who patronize him. Shop opposite Kerr's Hotel, next door to Brown k Stitl's store. January 1 18G6. : Wilmington & Weldon. Railroad. . - Owes Chief Exgixkkb & Gks. Scp't,! Wilmington, N. C., July 6, 1867. t.J ',:;$;'!;:VttECOIAB ' SCIIEDITIE. ; V , ; On Wd after July 5th, the following Schedule willie run by the Passenger trains over this Bail-road-; . ' SI i-f '.-'r.: - ':' . DAY TRAINS, - : Will leave Wilmington every morning (except Sun days) at 6 o'clock, A. M., and Weldon every morn ing (except Sundays) at 10:45 A. M.; arriving at Wilmington at 8 o'clock, P. M., and at Weldon at 3 o'clock, P. M. NIGHT EXPRESS TRAINS, Will' leave Wilmington at 9:30 P. M.; daily, and Weldon at 6:25 P. M., daily; arriving at Wilming ton at 2:20 A, M., and at Weldon at 6 A. M. Thirty three hours to New York. ..'- Trains pass Goldsboro', at 1:57 A M, and 10:35 A M, going North, and at 3:05 P M, and 10:11 P M, going South. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. Leave GoldsborO at 1:30 P M, on Mondays, Wed nesdays and Fridays, arriving at Weldon 9 P M. Leave Weldon at 5 AM, on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, arrivingat Goldsboro at 12:30 P M, connecting both ways with North Carolina Railroad passenger trains, and with Seaboard and Petersburg Railroad freight trains, by which quick despatch is given to through freight and way passengers both ways. This train will be increased to a daily, as soon a3 the business requires it. Way passengers from or to points between Goldsboro and Weldon, to or from Stations on the North Carolina Railroad, will find this a great convenience. Passengers going East or West from Goldsboro, should take the Day Trains from places South of Goldsboro. Both trains connect at Wilmington with trains on Wilmington & Manchester Railroad, and at Weldon with trains via Richmond and Ports mouth, Va. The Day Trains connect with Old Bay Line. The Night Trains with Anamessix Line. S. L. FREMONT, July 29 1m Chief Engineer and Supt. HO! FOR THE WEST! VIA THE Great National Double Track Route Baltimore 6c Ohio and North Caro lina Railroads and Connections. Arrangements have been made by which passen gers can purchase through tickets at Charlotte, N. C, for St. Louis, Mo., Louisville, Ky., Cincinnati, Ohio, Milwaukie, Wi3., Chicago, Illinois, Cairo, Illinois, Pittsburg, Pa., Indianapolis, Ind., and all Western Cities. Persons wishing to emigrate West, can, by getting up a party of 10 or more full passengers, purchase Tickets at greatly reduced rates by making early application to C. SCOTT, Esq., Agent North Caro lina Railroad at Charlotte. Every passenger is al lowed 100 pounds of baggage free. All over 12 years pay tull fare; between 4 and 12 years pay half fare; all under 4 are free. Three Daily Express Trains are run through from Baltimore and Wash ington to all points West all making close connec tions with Southern Railroads and Steamers. From $5 to $10 will be saved by purchasing through Tickets, besides then the Companies assum ing all transfers of Passengers and Baggage without extra expense to the Passenger. Splendid Palace Sleeping Cars are run through on all night trains, and with only one cha.ige of Cars between Baltimore and Cincinnati or Indianapolis, and but two between Baltimore and St. Louis or Chicago, combine to render this the most pleasant and desirable route for Families and Ladies travel ing alone. For Through Tickets, and all other information, apply to C. SCOTT, Esq , Agent N. C. Railroad, Charlotte, N. C., or address LOUIS ZI.MMER, Gen'l Southern Agt., Baltimore & Ohio R. R , Greensboro, N. C. J. L. WILSON, Master of Transportation, B. & O. R. R., Baltimore. L. M. Cole, General Ticket Agt., B. & 0. P.. R., Baltimore. Ju,y 29 1867. GUILFORD LAND AGENCY OF NORTH CAROLINA. PRINCIPAL OFFICE, GREENSBORO, N. C. Persons having Agricultural and Mineral Lands, Water Powers, &c, for sale, are respectfully invited to place them in our hands for that purpose, a3 our facilities for bringing purchasers from Northern States and placing property prominently before the public, through our advertisements, and also through our agencies and correspondents in the North and West, are unsurpassed. We are now waiting for Lands to be placed in cur hands for sale for the purpose of making sales to Northern parties. Persons at a distance wishing to place property in our hands should give us an accurate description of the same. If Agricultural Lands, they should specify the soil, number of acres of cleared and timbered lands, the kind of timber, what is raised on the land, what kind of improvements are on the premises, how far from Railroad and County-seat; whether it is well watered, kc' If Mineral Lands, they should state w hat kind of Minerals, the indica tions, &c, always sending a good fair specimen of the ore. It would also be advisable tosend a sketch of the land to us and an abstract of title. JOHN B. GRETTER, General Agent, Guilford Land Agency, Greensboro, N. C Or apply to Gen. R. D. JOHNSTON, Attorney at Law, Charlotte, N. C. July 8, 1867. MlTSKffGUUI VALLEY PORTABLE ENGINE WORKS, ZAWESVIJLL.E, OHIO. rcr J -I i. J DUVALL'S IMPROVED PORTABLE STEAM EN GINES AND CIRCULAR SAW MILLS. DUVALL'S PREMIUM CORX MILLS AND IM PROVED FLOURIXG M ILLS. These Engines and Mills have received the first premium over all competitors. They afford the best, cheapest, and most economical power in use and excel in power any Engines made in the Union. These Engines are fired and thoroughly tested before leaving the works, and are warranted in all respects perfect and ready for immediate use. They are warranted to cut more lumber with less hands and at less expense than any other in the Union. For descriptions, price lists and other information address, JOHN B. GRETTFR. Guilford Laud Agency, Greensboro, N C, July 8, 18G7. Sole Agents for N. C. WANTED, ?&dh BUSHELS CHOICE WHITE &HP,FPy WHEAT, for whuh we will pay the highest market price. May 6, 1867. J. Y. BRYCE k CO. RiKEKT. I have opened a BAKERY at my old Stand, op posite the Presbyterian Church, where will be kept constantly on hand fresh BREAD, CAKES, kc. Families supplied at all hours, and on reasonable terms. J also, keep a full sapply of FAMILY GROCERIES and supplies, consisting of Bacon, Flour, Lard, Sa gar. Coffee. Teas, Cheese, Fish, Sardines, Tobacco, Cigars, and all fine Groceries. A share of the public patronage solicited. I have been long in business here, and am determined to keep np my. reputation for selling ?ood articles at fair prices. M. D. L. MOODY. Sept 24, If ' ' ' v 1 i J- - I : m. op: " A'Homc Sweet Home!: There V no place like Home !" I am happy to inform mj old friends of Charlotte and the surrounding country, that I have again re turned and resumed my old business among them" and am fully prepared to offer them the CHEAPEST STOCK OF GOODS To be found at any other estaDlishment in the city Having recently lived in the Northern States, n4 with my old experience in the PURCHASE OV GOODS, 1 am not prepared to say I will sell 'below cost," or at a reduction on the original cost, or "at and below New York prices," but that I will sell as CHEAP, IF NOT CHEAPER, Than any other House, and at a SMALL PROFIT As my stock was purchased for Cash, consequently I can afford to dispose of articles at a slight advance I have now in Store, and am constantly receiving a choice assortment of Ladies' Trimmings of the Latest Styles, Liueu Table Damask, Linen Diaper, and all kinds of Flannels, Calicoes, brown and bleached Sheetings, black and colored Alpaccas, Ladies' and Gentleman's FURNISHING GOODS, &c &c. H. M. PHELPS, March 11, 18G7. Opposite the Court Honss. COOKING STOVES, OP THE NEATEST AND MOST SUPEKIOR PATTER. 33 "ST Springs' Building, Charlotte, N. C;, Has for sale "Spear's Jtnti-Dust Cooking STOJES'S which, Tor every variety of cooing and great economy in fuel, cannot be surpassed by any Stove heretofore used. Everybody who has used one of these Stoves testify that, for convenience in cooking, durability and cleanliness, they are far preferable to all other patterns. Call and see tbem. D. H. BYERLY has also on hand a pood as sortment of Tin, Japan and Sheet-Iron Ware such articles a3 are necessary for house-keeping. TIN-WARE made to order at short notice on reasonable terras. JCST REPAIRING promptly executed. D. II. BYERLY, Springs' Building, Charlotte, N. C. March 25, 18G7. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! S . 15 . ill E A C II A IVI , Is now receiving and opening bis Spring stock of DRY GOODS, comprising every article wanted by the people, bought for Cash, and since the great decline in good.-). I keep constantly on hand all kinds ofoods, via: Dry Goods, a general assortment. Yankee Notions, " Hats and Caps, " Boots and bhoe3, " Wooden Ware, " (i ii it .i Leather of all kinds, Hardware, Cutlery, Guns, kc. Groceries of all Kinds, Consisting of Bacon, Lard, Hams, Sugar, Coffee, Fish, Flour, Meal, Pickles, &c , kc. I will sell any of the above very low. All I wih is a call from any one before purchasing. My motto is, quick sales and short profits April 29, 1867. S. B. MEAC1IAM. FAXCY GROCERIES. Pickles, Preserves, Jellies, Mustard, Horse Radish, Powdered Ginger and Cinnamon, Ginger Preserves, Macaroni, Hermetically scaled Meats and Fruits, Salmon, Lobsters, Oysters, Clams, Sardines, Pine Apples, Peaches, Strawberries, Salad Oil, Catsups, Soda Powders, Vinegar, Killikinick Smokir.g To bacco, Havana Segars, Tobacco and Snuff, Chest nuts, Green ani Dried Apples, IUUins, Fiching Hooks and Tackle, Violin and Guitar Strings. WINES AND BRANDIES. Champaine, Peniartin Sherry, old Newton Ma deira, old Port, Catawba, Rhine, Jas. Hennem-e Cognac Brandy, vintage of 1858, Marc Renault double refined rectified Whiskeys, old Bouibon, Rye, Wheat, pure Corn and Monongahela Whiskeys, Holland Gin and Schiedam Schnapps, Bitters, St. Croix and Jamaica Rum, Cordials and Lemon and other Syrups, London Porter, A. Guiness k Sons' xxx Brown Stout, Dublin, Mnir k Son's sparkling Edinburgh Ale, Glass Bottles, Flasks and Demijohns of all sizes to the Trade. Old Corn and Rye Whiskey by the barrel, to the trade at small profit. Visitors and residents in Charlotte purclaing any of the above for medical purposes, con get a pure article by calling on Feb 18, 1867. J. D. PALMER. Z. B. VASCE. C. DOWD. VANCE Ac DO WD, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Charlotte, N- C , Having associated themselves together, will prac tice in the Courts of Mecklenburir, Iredell, Catawba, Davidson, Rowan, Cabarrus and Union, and in tbe Federal and Supreme Courts. Claims collected anywhere in the State. April 2, 18G6 tf W. GOODMANTof Mississippi, A. P. MERRILL, Jr., of New York, General Commission Merchants, 3G New Street, NEW YOUK. We have made an arrangement by which Mr D W COURTS, late Public Treasurer of North Carolina, becomes interested in all the business sent us from that State. He is not associated now with tbe firm of Bennett, Van Pelt & Co, New York. We bops his friends will patronize ns. Dec 25, 1865 ' tf Southern Express Company. The Southern Express Company has opned com munication with all Northern and Western States, and is now prepared to forward Freight, Money and valuable Packages 6afely and promptly. Messen gers leave Charlotte daily, connecting at Raleigh with Adams' Express Company, and at Richmond with Adams' and Harnden's Express Companies. Letters will be forwarded by ibis Company to all points South and North having no mail facilities. T. D. GILLESPIE, Ageni, Charlotte, June 19, 1865 tf The Southern Express Company For the transportation of merchandise, Taloablt packages, specie, bank notes, bonds, kc, for all parti of the South and Southwest, In connection with ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY, have established their agency at 59 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, where orders to call for goods to b forwarded South will receive prompt attention. Merchandise and valuables delivered to Harnden's, Kinsley's, American and United States Express Com panies, for the Southern Express Company, will re ceive prompt dispatch. For particulars, rates of freight, Ac. kc, apply at the office of the Southern Express Company, 59 Broadway. II. B. PLANT. Dec 18, 1865. President. MEDICAL CARD. DRS. GIBBON k McCOMBS, having associated themselves in tbe practice of Medicine and Surgery, respectfully tender their professional services to tb citizens of Charlotte and surrounding country. From a large experience in private as well as Field and Hospital practice, they feel justified In proposing to pay special at'tntion to the practice of Surjrcry in all its branches . Office in Granite Row, up stairs, opposite tue Mansion House. ., n ROBERT GinBON. d.V. Dec 11 , 1865 J. P. McCOMBS, V. At the Old Eslallic1 DIM STOKE Of F. SCARR may be found everything in tpe Dreg line, of (renuine quality. February 20, 18GG.

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