1 he 'esietfn cmoeraiy (Slharloii 31Tl( The Western Democrat J. VAT:S, KlUTOR ANI I'lHtfUIKTltn. CHARLOTTE, N. C. November 24, 1868. Superior Court Tlic Fall Term of Mecklcuburg Superior Court was .commenced last week, aud will be continued this week. V. W. Rca was arraigned on Thursday on the cluirge of killing his wife last Spring. On the ap plication of the prisoner, the case was removed to ibarrus count j, and will be tried next week if there is no postponement. He has engaged seven lawyers to defeinl him, viz: Messrs. Wilson, Vance, Dwwd, j5ron, Hutch won, Barrringer and Osborne. The Solicitor, W. I Bynuin, and Hon. N. Hoyden, will conduct the prosecution. The greater portion of the week was consumed in trying little stealing cases in which freedincn mostly were concerned. In addition to the evil of running the county to heavy expense with such cases, that of requiring the attendance of a large number of busi ness men, farmers, merchants, &c, a,s witnesses and jurors, for several days at a time, is a great incon venience and loss. We saw business men here from i he upper part of the county, who had to remain .luring the whole week merely to testify in some jrivi.Jniis case of larceny, which might (if the laws t,rniiitted ') have been settled before a Magistrate in one or two hours. Cannot the Legislature remedy these difficulties and provide for the more speedy trial and punish nKJi t 1 ty ffeiices Gov- Holden's Message. We publish, in full, the Message of (Jov. Holden to the l egislature of North Carolina. We presume :i will be read by all our readers. We admire the j.e;':ful and conciliatory tone of the Message, and (t.ii.nieiid it, except where additional appropriations money arc advised. We are unalterably opposed ; ii v further expenditures at this time, because we ln the great mass of the people arc unable to en- .iure additional taxation. The erand scheme for education. &c. ought to be jtostponed for the present. The tiovei nor recommends the repeal of the Stay Ijiw. We have always opposed stay laws as injuri ous to the debtor, (the harm was done by the pas c ..re .if the first stay law in 1801.) but inasmuch as one has been iu existence in this State so long, it nii'dit be very injurious to some good men to repeal it : but we suggest that instead of repeal, the Lcgis- latrre amend the law so as to make the debt a lien t.n 'lie debtor's property. No honest man ought to object to that. City Affairs. The election for Mayor and Aldermen of Charlotte will be held on the first Monday in January. We h-pe the rtiiiifMiiytt will not be opened until about the mill die of December. The people want a little rest earlv after the Presidential election. We have no f;iorites for Mayor or Aldermen, or any other and therefore suggest that a public meeting .if the mechanics, merchants, professional men and be held, and a ticket nominated (without regard to party) of such men as will agree to reduce the salary of the Major to $500, and other ni.eiiditures in proper proportion. will pay a Ma.vor handsomely for the work he performs. We hope voters will not pledge themselves to any Particular candidate or ticket until a meeting of the citizens," generally, is held and a ticket formed of mi representing the true interests of the City. Let a meeting of the citizens be held, and let a ticket be nominated on which all can unite. Kvery business ir.!i!i is especially interested in having a good, respon 1.le, eeonomical Government for the City, and we il personal or political feeling w ill be discarded in 'the matter, and all unite for the common good. N. C. Legislature- This body met on Monday, the 10th, but no qno rum being present, adjourned over to Tuesday. ("So much of our space is occupied by the Governor's Message that we are obliged to condense the pro ceedings. , On Tuesday, the Message of Got. Hold en was read in both Houses. No business of importance was transacted. On Wednesday, the 18th, the Senate had under consideration the question of admitting Messrs Avery and Oatcs to theireats. Mr Avery had been County Solicitor before the war, and MrOates Sheriff. It was argued, on one side, that they were banned by the Howard amendment, and on the other, that they were not banned. The matter was postponed until the 10th of December. In the House, a bill was introduced to repeal the law requiring County Commissioners to Lave their several counties surveyed and maps made out for Townships. The discussion showed that members were favorable to the repeal. It is hoped the bill will pass, and thus save each county five or six hun dred dollars expense. On Thursday, Nov. 19th, in the Senate, Mr Wynne introduced a bill to separate the Eastern and West ern divisionsof the Wilmington, Charlotte and Ruth erford Railroad. The Eastern division to termin ate at Charlotte, and all former appropriations to be transferred to said division. The Western division to extend to the Tennessee line and to be known as the Chimney Kock and Broad River Railroad ; and providing for $2,000,000 appropriation for this divi sion 3 Referred to the Committee on Internal Improvements. Mr Welker introduced a bill to allow Administra tors and Executors to sell for cash. Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. Iu the House, the Speaker appointed the following Committee on Counties and lowuships: Messrs. White, of the 1st Judicial District: Jarvis, of the 2d; Smith of Wayne, of the 3d; French, of the 4th; Wil liams of Harnett, of the 5th ; Hiunant, of the Uth ; Carey, colored, of the 7th ; McCanless, of the Sth : Gricr, of the 0th; Gilbert, ot the nun; parson, oi the 11th; and Painter, of the 12th Mr trench, as the mover, to be chairman. Mr French introduced two bills one directing tue Attorney General to enquire into tnc quaiincauons of persons holding oflice ; the other providing for the . - . i . J 1 maintaining ot public roaus. uoiu were rciei jcu m the appropriate Committees. Mr Bowman bill to amend an act, emiucu an act. concerning the government oi couuues, con sidered. fThis bill repeals the provisions of section 14. that rcuuires the Commissioners of each county to cause a survey and have a map of their counties The bill was passed with this proviso: Prodded, That nothing in this act shall be so construed as to ft.rhid actual survevs and maps to be made in coun ties when the Commissioners shall determine to make such surveys and maps. -m ' - The N. C. University. A meeting of the new Board of Trustees of this Institution was held in Raleigh on the lth mst. We civc a synopsis .of the proceedings from the Standard: The Governor addressed the Board as follows : 'I deem it useless to attempt to enforce upon this Board the great importance of this the tirst regular annual meeting of the irustces ot the luivcimi. The duties of tire Boar are appreciated, I doubt not, by all, and the condition of the Lniversity is wen known to all the members of the Board. There is a mortgage upon the grounds and the buildings ot tnc University to the amount of some $00,000, and the impression of those who are well informed in regard to the value of the property is that the grounds, the buildings and the library are worth at least $150,000 in currency. The Executive Committee ot the Doaru tl.o nl.seiK-e of the Board, havecon- FOX TUE CHABLOTT DEMOCRAT. The Bank of North Carolina. CtiAKLorrx, Not ember 19tb, 18C8. I offer my absence from heme as an apology to my friend, George W. Mordecai, late President of the Bank of North Carolina, fi- my seeming want of re spect for, or due ppr: ... Aon of, the advertisement he was kind enough to v-or me with in the "Raleigh Sentinel" some wee, since. My friend, Mr Mor decai, is mistaken if he thinks that by any personal controversy with me he can shield himself from the just indignation of his Stockholders, at the manner in which he has bankrupted the Bank and thereby destroyed the value of their stock. I shall not trouble the public much with any differences between Jlr Mordecai and myself as to our individual transac tions; but I shall as a stockholder of the Bank of North Carolina call for an investigation of the man ner in which Mr Mordecai and his Board of Direc tors have squandered my stock, as well as that of other stockholders As to M r Mordecai's charge that the fact of his sending gold to New York and having it converted into United States Bonds, being reported to the stockholders in June, and being then approved by them, every stockholder at that meeting knows that this statement is not true. Mr Mordecai, at that meeting, gave the stockholders no satisfactory information about the Bank. He held in his hand a paper that was supposed to be his report, but did not read it, and when the Secretary of the meeting, supposing it to be his report, reached out his hand for the paper, MrMordecai withdrew it. I submit, that it is ungenerous towards the stockholders for Mr Mordecai to attempt to saddle them with this orient blunder of his. Why send this gold to New York when gold was worth more in North Carolina than in New lorkT Mr Mordecai could but know that every Banker in North Carolina bought gold in New York to sell for a profit at home! If necessary to send the gold to New York, it certainly was not necessary to permit the bonds to remain for months in New York, liable to attachment, and this too after Mr Mordecai had been warned by an attempt once before to attach the funds of the Bank in New York. From the manner in which the Bank has been man aged, as I will show in this communication, for the exclusive benefit of Mr llordecai and his friends, it looks like this fund was placed in New York in order that it might be attached by some of Mr Mordecai's friends, and, unluckily for them, just before the apple was fully ripe, it fell into other hands, and hence the trouble ! As to the allegation that I am the owner of the bills, &c, this can make but little difference to the stockholders whether A or B at tached the funds; the fault is in Mr Mordecai who unnecessarily exposed them. The attaching party but exercised a legal right, often exercised by the Bank of North Carolina. Our Court dockets have always been tilled with suits of the Banks against the people. TJien the Banks were plaintiffs; now, since the tables are turned, and the Banks are fed out of the same spoon that they so long fed the people with, there is a great outcry-. The Banks have often sold for debt the poor man's plough horse & milch cow, & now let the same justice be meted out to them that they so unrelentingly measured out to the people. Friend Mordecai, how cruel it is in you to try to array your stockholders against me when you know so well that, as the agent of your Bank. I have made raids on other Banks in this State, and that we have been together iu these raids, hand and glove; you standing in the background and receiving without j any compunctions of conscience your part ot these i '-ill-gotten cains." xf you deny this, let Yancey ville aud Wadesbor speak ! Then, it was all right in me and all very nice; but now, the case is changed my friend Mordecai's ox is gored this time. As to Mr Mordecai's statement about compromises, this he has misrepresented. Fortunately for me all of the propositions for compromise were submitted in writing. Mr Mordecai can publish these letters if he desires, and I request him to do so the only condition 1 impose is that he publish all aud not a part, for "thereby hangs a tale" that Mr Mordecai will not untold. N. C. Synod. The Synod of the Presbyterian Church of North Carolina convened ia Wilmington on the 18th inst. The opening sermon 'was preached by Rev. A. Currie, Moderator, at the close of which the Synod was called to order. Rev. Jacob Doll, Stated Clerk, proceeded to call the roll. " But a comparatively small number of Churches were found to be represented. The Synod then proceeded with nn election for Mod erator. A vote was taken, resulting in the choice of Rev. D. D. McRride for this position. Revs. J. Rumple and L. C Bass were elected temporary Clerks. Thursday, Nov. 19. The Synod met according to adjournment, and was opened with prayer. The narratives on the state of religion from Orange, Concord and Fayetteville Presbyteries, were referred to the committee appointed to prepare an address to the Church. I he Moderator announced the regular com mittees. The report of the Trustees on Union Theo logical Seminary was read and referred to the committee on the Theological Seminary. An Overture from the Presbytery of Fayetteville, on the division of the Presbytery, was received and referred to the committee on Bills and Overtures. Statistical reports of the Orange and Concord Presbyteries were received and ordered to be spread upon the Minutes. The reports of Orange and Concord Presbyteries, on system atic Benevolence, were read, received and ordered to be printed in the Appendix to the Minutes. The report of the committee to prepare a sketch of the Rev. W. S. Pharr, was read and received. ' - It having been reported to the Synod that Rev. John D. Wilson aud Rev. W. B. Watts, of Concord Presbytery, had died since the meeting of the Last Synod, the following committee was appoiuted to present a brief memorial during the present session, viz: Rev R. II. Chapman, D. D.. D. A. Patrick, Jr., and Elder W. A. Wood. The report of the Trustees of the Synod was received and referred to the committee on Trus tees report. Rev. Ncill McKay, the Synodical agent, sub mitted his report on Education, with accompany ing resolutions. L.engthy addresses were tnen made on this subiect bv Rev. Dr Ilamner and 9 9 Rev. Dr Baird. Friday, Nov. 20. Morganton was chosen as the place of the next meeting of the Synod, aud Wednesday before the first Sabbath of October, 7 .o'clock P. M., lboa, the time. We condense the above from the proceedings iu the Wilmington Star and Journal. THE LEGISLATURE. Raleigh, Not. 21st. The Senate, yesterday, declared vacant the seat of Mr Avery, new member elect from Burke, Cald well and McDowell, because be had been County Solicitor for about 20 days before the war. In the House, bills were introduced to repeal the Usury Law, to regulate the pale of. State Bonds, and to repeal the Stay Law. The last named bill was postponed indefinitely by a vote of 81 to 21. TRIAL OF MR. DAVIS. Riennoxn, Not. 20. Chief Justice Chase will ar rive on Monday to preside at the Fall term of the United States Circuit Court. Hon. Jefferson Da is, it is understood, will appear by counsel, as at present arranged, unless the Government should make a different requirement. Important Action of Prominent Demo crats in South Carolina. After the elec tiou of Grant was known in South Carolina, a number of prominent Democrats, including Wade llaniDton. called in a body on Governor Scott, and declared their determination to accept cheer fully and abide by the decision of the people, to i stand by the State government in its acts, and i j : ii. 1 to use all tneir influence in muuciug me pcujnc They fined themselves simply to protecting and guardin unavoidable rent out the City Ordinances. 1Vwi;r.ot ibo attention of our citizens to the Or dinances just passed by the City authorities in regard to Auctioneers The matter ought to be regulated, for the sales in the Public Square and on the side walks have become a nuisance. Merchants arc compelled to rent Lou.esnd do business within doors, avl Auctioneer should not be allowed to monopo lize tbe Public Suiiare and Side-walks for the pur p'se of transacting thu'r business. We hope the t'itv authorities will designate and license two or three Auctioneers, who wiU be held responsible for taxes and commissions. That would be fair, right oini ,,,... ri.ei-lotte i a irrowiiisr Citv. and such matters must be regulate! by law, as in other cities. Bank of North Carolina. We direct attention to the Card of 11. Y. McAden, Ksq. in relation to the management, of the Bank of North Carolina since the close of the war. We fully agree with Mr McAden in the charge that the Bank has been badly managed by the President and Direc tors, to the great loss of the individual stockholders, more especially those not interested iu the old Bank of the State. The ' Land we Love" for December has been received. We have not had tune to look over it, more than to admire the elegant manner in which it is printed. The workmanship cannot be excelled iu this or any other country. Uagaxine are an ehanies. the property. e have mcurreu some avt.MidP Hill 1 have also taken steps to property of the University; first to continue to make i !,..; ,.u;m in i-vervthiiis there, and secondly JIJl.iv . - - ------ 0 ... r. -1 to aid m dclraymg expenses. i Board to decide iu this emergency what siiau u asked of the Legislature. I believe the general wish and the best interests of all the people of the State comport with the idea of commencing anew, as soon as possible and on a larger oasis, me ujh-iu.. the Lnivcrsity. We think the Governor is mistaken in saying Mint it isthe general wish of the people that the operations of the University should be commenced anew, on a larger basis. The jH-cyle are unwilling that the pub lic monev shrtllbe appropriated to keep up a College at Chapel Hill, while many tax-payers are barely able to undergo the expense of learning their chil dren to read and write. Let all schools and Colleges stand on their own merits. No particular institu tion is entitled to State aid or to bo fostered at the expense aud disadvantage of private enterprises. We are gratified to see that Judge Pearson opposed a motion asking further State aid. But notwith standing opposition, resolutions were adopted ap ..;. tino- l Aimimittcc to memorialize the General Vssemblv for a sum of money sufficient to cover the expense of resuming the exercises 01 me uuneiouj at tue earuesi prav.in.-jn inuuivih. throughout the State to do the same Having disposed of Mr Mordecai's charges, I, as I eXj,ressed conviction that the future prosperity a stockholder, demand that Mr Mordecai ana ins -p . i utntft denended UDOU a unanimous and t? a ,..11 - :..,.,.!. L.l..l'linl.Ur: In 1HTPS- . -l ! hnmrv snnnort ot the covernuicnt. ana reliance r imou the ballot-box alone iu the future as ' wniwlv ftir the evils of unwise legislation. Iu ! reulv. the Governor expressed the great pleas lire their visit had "riven him, and his belief that i this .-ictiriii on their Dart would do more to re Condition of the State Treasury. linnl ill nil article referring to X U2 IViilV , the exhausted condition or tue state ireasury, bj,. in fn rumor states that, in the sale recently rFwi.l bv the Public Treasurer ot tue iov,uw North Carolina Railroad bond, with coupons at 8 Directors call a meetinir of the stockholders to inves tigatc the mUmanaiement of the Bank. Let it be known why Mr Mordecai was so patriotic as to in vest so much of the stockholder's money in tcortftlts paper and so cartful not to invest his own means in the same way. If my friend will pardon the illus tration, it reminds one of the noisy, patriotic politi cian who enlisted all of his alle bodied relation for the front and failed to volunteer himself. Let it be kuown why it was that near four hundred thousand dollars of gold on hand at the close of the war, was not. sold when gold was worth fifty per cent premium, and invested in United States bonds, then worth par, now worth ten per cent premium, thus saving hun dreds of thousands of dollars to the stockholders A "National Bank"' could have been started with a capital of six hundred thousand dollars, with branches located in the tate where the Bank heretofore had branches, which would have supplied our people with curreucv. and bv this time the debts of the Bank could have been paid off and the stock been worth something handsome "i ct, instead of either of these courses, the gold, or a part ot it, was placed in the hands of a few of Mr Mordecai's friends, who have been using it without interest. Let it be known where this money has been that has been bringing the stockholders no interest. Let the twenty or thirty thousand dollars of expenses, since the sur render, be looked into. Let it be seen whohas grown fat whilst the stockholders have starved. It is said that these Directors "honorulle men" as they them selves say they are served before the war without compensation. Then, the stockholders received divi dends; since the war these Directors vote themselves pay and vote the stockholders no dividends. Let all be known about that splendid financial operation by which Mr Mordecai and his Directors, large stock holders iu the Bauk of the State of North Carolina, paid themselves, from the assets of the Bank of North Carolina par value, for a deposit of over sixty thou sand dollars, due the Bank of the State of North Carolina before the war; at the same time Mr Mor decai refusing to pay other depositors more than twenty-five cents in the dollar. At the same time these "Directors compromised a suit against the Bank of the State for over forty thousand dollars, paying eighty cents in the dollar for the bills. If you could do no better with this deposit, Mr Mordecai, why did Latest JYetvs. City Ordinances. I. B it Ordained. That all appointment of Auc tioneers for the City of Charlotte, mad either by th former Board of Aldermen or by the late "Commii Bioners of the Town of Charlotte," be nd the same are hereby revoked and annulled. II. Be it further Ordained. That any person acting, or attempting to act, as Auctioneer in aaid City, after the publication or this Ordinance, witnoui an ap pointment by the Board of Aldermen and giving bond and eeeurity, as required by law, shall be liable to a penalty of One Hundred Dollars for each and every offence, to be recovered, enforced and applied, a prescribed in the Charter. Ordered, That the Clerk of the Board publish the above Ordinances in two successive ueuea of the 'Western Democrat." E B. FULLIN0S, Clerk. Nov 23, 18C8 2w NEW YORK MARKET, Nov. 20. Cotton , firmer and more active. Sales of -6,000 bales of low middling at 23 Uplands 24 ,24. North Carolina Bonds 63j; new GO. old 1.34. In this county, on the lEth inst., by the Rev. J. L. Swain, Mr John W. Sloan to Miss Belle Abernathy; daughter cf Mr Sidney Abernathy. In Iredell county, on the 10th mst., by ltev. il. V. Sherrill, Mr llufus A. Stone to MissSallie M. Robb. In Concord, on the loth inst., XIr M II Lindsay of Virginia, to Miss Alice 0. Wallace. - In York District, on the 12th inst., Capt. Robert F. McLure, in the 49th year of his age. In Anson county, on the 31st ult., Rev. Lemuel B. Bennett, aged 42 years. SECOND STOCK of Fall and Winter Goods- We have received our Second Stock of FALL and WINTER GOODS, embracing the most extensive and varied assortment. We have certainly the largest stock of Goods ever brought to this market. Having bought after the regular Fall trade was over, during the dull season, with one of the greatest money panics in the Northern Cities since 18"7, we can and will sell, at either Vt bolesale or Ketail, lower man can be bought in this market. As an evidence of what we say, all we ask is an examination of our Goods and Prices Give us a call before buying. BREM, BROWN & CO. We are offering extraordinary bargains in Dress Goods, Domestic Goods, Woolen Goods, Embroidery, Linen Goods, Shawls, Cloaks, Furs, Hats, bjioes. Readv-made Clothinir, Stationery, Carpets, Oil Clolhs, &c. At Wholesale and Retail. Call and examine our Stock of New Goods before buying. It gives us pleasure to show Goods. BREM, BROWN & CO. Nov 23, 18G8 2w FOR SALE. On Tuesday, 24th inst., at noon, will be sold at Public Auction, one Clock, a Stove and Piping, sev eral Iron Safes, three Trucks, and other property Nov 23, 18C8. S. A. HARRIS, Auct'r. PUBLIC SALE. In accordance with an order issued at Ftfil Term nf the Sunerior Court of Mecklenbure county, I will sell on Monday the 14th of December, 18G8, for par tition. the Real Estate of Miss Margaret A. Lowrie dee'd. consisting of a Dwelling House and Lot in Charlotte, opposite the residence of Gen. Young, and Eight unimproved Lots m the rear of Gen. loung residence. Terms made known on day of sale. T. H. BREM, Commissioner. Nov 23, 1808 4w THE CELEBRATED CHEAP STORE, IX COTTOX-TOWX, CHARLOTTE, (Arr Door to Slenhouse, Macauloy fc C?.,) Kept by the Celebrated Orderly Sergeant, H. M. PHELPS, Company B. 1st N. C. Regiment, Who has in Store a full and complete stock of For eign and Domestic ury Lrooas, ?hich will be sold as low as by any other man in Charlotte. Come and try mc before you buy any where else. "By chewing the bag you can tell the taste of the pudding." That is to aay, by coming to my Store firat whero every tning aep. ma itb Class Dry Goods Store can be had you will find everything, with prices to suit your purpo ' . . Save Your Hags. "Save the pennies and the dollars will take care of themselves." A penny a day is fifty cents a year. JiAGS Cotton and Woollen Rag Jtought. Beeswax. Dried Fruit. Old Copper and Brass, Goose Feathers, Chicken Feathers, Turkey Feathers, Drv ITvden. and Rustv Five or Ten Dollar Uold Pieces, at full price. II. M. PIIELrS. Wall Papering. Just received 1 .000 pieces of Wall Papering. Ale, 100 pieces Bordering Paper, 200 pair Window Cur tains, 100 Fire Screens, ko , for sale at New York prices. U. M. PHELPS. November lo. DIARIES 1869 DIARIES, All siies and prices, received this day at Tiddys New Book Store. very cneap, oy Nov 23, 1808 TIPPY & BRO. FRESH DRUGS, Good Drugs and Pure Drugs, by Dr. JAMES N. BUTT. If you want good No. 1 Kerosene, the very best, call at JAS. N. BUTT'S Drug Store. If you want pure Fish and Tanners' Oil, call at JAS. N. BUTT'S Drug Store. If you want the rery beat Lard, Machinery and Spindle Oil, and all other kinds of Oil, call at JA8. N. BUTT S Drug Store. If you want pure Drugs and Medicines you will find it to your interest to call at Dr. JAS. N. BUTT'S Drug Store, Nov 23, 18G8. - next door to Miller & Black. FOR RENT, At Public Auction, on the 1st day of December, the 3-story Store House, No. 4 Granite Row, now occu n;wl w Firnt National Rank and others. Possession ! store unanimity anions: the people, and place the vcn-lst Jauuarv. 18C9. credit of the State where it deserved to be, than any political expression eould possibly effect. Let North Carolinians accept the situation in the same spirit. . Inmiigration. A move in the right direction has at length been made, and we think we may set it down as a fixed fact that we are to have a tide of immi gration setting in upon the shores of North Carolina. It is known to our readers that Mr Atkinson, of Wayne, has been trying the labor of some Swiss emigrants, and being highly pleased with them, lie sent over to England Mr Trueb, who had been with him two years, to bring over others of his countrymen aud women to settle permanently in Eastern North Carolina. The arrival of these we chronicled several weeks a"0. The emigrants are pleased, Mr Atkinson ispleased, and all those who have seen the work of these Swiss are pleased ; and a determination has been entered into to add greatly to the nutn linra nf t hsp. l.iborcrs next vear. To this end a lV V w-- W Nov:23, 18C8 R. D. JOHNSTON, Attorney. 2w Plantation to Rent. A Valuable FARM, in eood condition, four miles South of Charlotte, on the Providence' Road, with superior Meadows and Bottom Lands, is for Rent. For particulars inquire on the premises. Nov 23, 18G8 W. L. SPRINGS. Valuable City Lots for Sale. On Monday, the 7th of December, as Executor of Wra. r . strange, uec a, i win sen seTcrai ph uated in the South-western part of the City of Char lotte. Terms made known on day of sale W. F. DAVIDSON, Executor. Nov 23, 18C8 3w ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. In obedience to a decree of the Superior Court of Law, Fail Term, 18G8, for Mecklenburg county, 1 riii ta t h highest bidder, on the premises, on SECOND FALL STOCK At J. M. Ivy & Co'8, BEATTIE'S FOIM), N. C. The undersigned beg leave to inform their friends and the public, that they have just received their second Fall Stock, embracing Dry Goods in great variety; Hats of all kinds; Clothing, Uoots ana Shoes, Hardware, Groceries, Crockery, Notions, Drugs, &o- Some Goods are at a lower figure than has been touched since the war, and among these is the tm portaut and indispensable article of COFFEE, And to this arjicle we invite the special attention or Wholesale and Retail buyers, as our Stock is large and prices lower, we think, than will be found else where. We do not wish any one to visit us under deceptive representations, and will make dob, but as our Goods have been bougui so tow, anu our proms are so small, we think our prices can hardly be matched. So make an economical effort and give us aicall. As our business embraces every class or merchandise, jire present unusual advantages to wholesale Buyers. We can supply Thyswians wtu tnosi tn me siapie articles of Drugs. With Krateful acknowledgements lot pasi rairon- age, we are very rcspcctluiiy, J. M. 1VT, H. W. Cosxra. Beattie's Ford, Nov 23, 18C8 2w J. M. IVY & CO. rer eent, guaranteed not only oy me who, r' f.' inorteaseon the Railroad, he realiied only Ui,tK are regarded as worth at least W cents in the dollar you not pay the eighty cents for these bills and turn :.. tt.. mnrkPt. and ouirht to have coiumandeu mai Sale of Mining Property. R virtue of a Uortaraire executed by the Rudisill finl.l MLnliii' Gunroanv to Thomas Wilson, of the City Tndnv the 8th dav of December next, the valuable ,cf Baltimore, and of a Power of Attorney tome maue . x- r i x-t ' i v t i;Mi ,.7fl url 3v Hnid Wilson. I will sell at the court House ur . . .. . " I i r An.iniiir nhniii W.) icren. more. or Charlotte, on tne- les subject'to the widow's dower. Also, one tract 7tll day f December nexff - . ' n. ..!, r pi.,. T'-or.ol. anri ft inl I At 12 nVinck- the following Tracts of Land: I acres iu r..c -"r.. " " ' .....:, V miivivi rmn l.u intorpot it one tract or 1UU acros L the. KUUI01.L.L. tuv wumhu 4 ns ,.- Convention ot-.piaurers anu of nion, on Munday's Branch, joining the City boundary, the laud, of J. H. Wilson . . . I .,i;n nini. Ml. uniUnl A. li- UOW1IU. A. II. lieUIUC IU UIUCHi wuiwm ...jv,,.... . uprcu llll I. tITVK TBATT mAxnta- The men who print this ht.nor and credit to isoutheru me- sum. It may be said tliat lie ieu oongcu iu what he was offered, but we appreiienu uis nCiw :., .i;.i omimrl such a saennce, and, by .1 .... t.-i i .v tliOtll from the market, which he had . .T ,i financial shrewdness, it is be wit li the them over to the Bank or the State in paymeni 01 wus deposit? This would have saved the stockholders of . - - . . . i V.,. i t the Bank of JNortu Carolina iweiuy csm, v would have been a loss to the stockholders of the Bank of the State of North Carolina, to wit : Messrs d Directors, twenty per cent. Other Rt:v. A. Sinclair. We are pleased to learn that the ltev. A. Sinclair, of Charlotte, expects soon tore- turn U the active duties of the ministry. Mr t., ny Hdvice-of his physician some four or five years ago, 1 a .1 ak rf 1 w- A ! till gave up priacinng ami enicrcu mu un.-iv; .utisiitellcctunl pursuits. By this intermission of ,kW, his health has been so far restored that he can g:iin venture to preach, and gives noticeof an in tention to wind up his mercantile affairs by the 1st .of January next with this iu view. X.C.l'reaLyterian. We copy the above for the purpose of saying that ,sve have known Mr Sinclair, intimately, since he irst came to Charlotte iu 18-"w, aud we know him to he a christian gentleman, an upright Minister of the Gospel, who has kept his garmeuts unspotted. We use but few words in referring to men or measures, and therefore merely say that Rev. A. Sinclair is $od man indeed ami in truth, and we hope he may find a profitable field in which to exercise his supe rior talents in preaching the Gospel. JpaJf' Durham's majority iu the Seventh District is now stated to be 18 votes. tiered would have secured 80 cents in the dollar, parties have been paid, by Mr Mordecai, par for We do not mention this as a complaint against the cma against the Bank. 1 deem it unnecessary to New Advertisements. Administrators Sale W W Grier, Adm'r. Second Fall Stock Brem, Brown & Co. City Ordinances. l'ublic Sale T II Brem, Commissioner. Mining Property for Sale J M Hutchison, Attorney. O S $1 M P help's cheap store. Goods at Beattie's Ford J M Ivy & Co. Medical Accounts Dr T W Redwine. Fresh Drugs, &: Dr J N Butt. Diaries for 18tJi Tiddy & Bro. T W Dewey's Banking House. City Lots for Sale W F Davidson, Ex'r. Sale in Lineolnton W M Reinhardt. Court Orders S P Sherrill, Clerk. Kxecutor's Sale J L Parks, Ex'r. Plantation for Rent W L Springs. Store for Kent R D Johnston, Attorney. For Sale at Public Auction S A Harris, Auctioneer Groceries Carsoa & Grier. Public Treasurer, because he no Uouoneu mai at was doing the best he could, but, in view of these fact and our other financial difficulties, with what face can the Legislature go on with reckless expen diture! It is seriously proposed to appropriate $100,000 to the recuscitation of the University. Where is the money to come from, and the $000,000 to put afloat prosperously our Public School system, and the S-W.OOU or $300,000 for the Penitentiary, and the $400,000 to pay the annual expenses of the r.rranifut. and the $1,240,000 to pay the in terest on the State debt for IHGOand the $1,000,000 .... ATUsUKJO more to pay the Federal tax ! Let Leg islators ponder, before they take another step , iK.cnir'it of repudiation is crowing 1 State A little more of this reckless expenditure will set the people, black and white, on flame for repu- iv;n thov rush on under such circumstances? We hope they will consider awhile, with North C aro lina bonds now stagpering under the load and hard to dispose of at 04 (. 04 4. We copv the above, not for the purpose of eensur ine Mr Jenkins, the Public treasurer, ior a.. O .. 1 . it.. 1 a action mentioned, (for we think h- bas aone me ue 1, Mni.i under the circumstances, and really de serves praise for his straight-forward course and cf- f.,rt to protect the interest of the State,) but we merelv desire to direct the attention of the people of stte to the fact that, while the State Treasury l. scarcely enough money to pay current expenses, the Legislature has voted awsy large sums in the wav of appropriations, and that new schemes are i.-r.I t!.t hndv for further appropriation. Will our Legislators continue to exasperate. ud har den tajt-payers And torce mem 10 iavor rrjKiw- We hojae net. Scigioe. Mr LabauLitUe, a resident of this coun- m;o.l suicide on Mondav mornine, the ICth int bv shooting himself in the head with a pistol it -s,;i,i ti while Ivintr in bed. early in the morning. He was about 60 years old. mAntmn n a m OS Let it be known why it was thai Messrs jjortiecai . . i.i.i.i : 4K Ttaik rf tlio Ktnto anu uireciors, siucnuuiutis iu ... of North Carolina, sold to themselves as inrectors 01 the Bank of North Carolina, real estate in me nj of Raleigh, at a price more than its cash value pro nn.ro ilnt the l'.nnk of North Carolina had no use i.j - - r ti. for the money being iaeu irom uc Dct Bank of North Carolina aud paiu 10 me ianit 01 i State of North Carolina. Let it be known why it was that Mr .Mordecai, after paying himself and friends par for their claims against the Bank, with out consulting his stockholders, by voluntary peti tion placed the Bank into bankruptcy. ir Aijru. had four months to consider, yet in all that time did not consult his stockholders. Whether bankruptcy was proper or not, is not the question siockuoiuc. have rights, yet, in this most imporiani aci 01 i Bank, Mr Mordecfii nas entirety ignore "y -of his stockholders. 1 venture the assertion that this extraordinary assumption of power by Mr Mor decai and his Directors, to jeopardixe the interests of hundreds in North Carolina, without even notify ing or consulting them, cannot De approvcu 01 v his stockholders . , , . I charge that the Uanx was piaceo in nnrw to tax the stockholdera witn enormotu iecs .1 .tinn.i.m nmoiintinir TO III in V wrwi'; thousand dollar, and to throw these fees into the , -1- - r .1 o . ; x lm lmre arotrn fat on tbe miWS fll iue muc -j I notify the stockholders and the creditors that these same parties will try to control the appoint ment of assignee; watch out for letters and circulars -r . friend MordecaL in conclusion. ,rt cau that vou eratify me by calling .- .AiiWKniiln I will nromise to a meeting 01 ik Diuv" - meet you there, and if I have done you injustice you wiH have a-iair opijnuj -'. , With very high respect, your frien dMcADEJf aTcea vo seuu wj ciwnwiuuu . .... ber, to arrive at Morehead City, direct from Europe, abont the 20th of February next. Mr Atkiuson will leave Goldsboro about the 1st of December iu company with Mr Trueb, and to enable others to avail themselves of this oppor tunity, the Convention adjourned, to meet again Saturday, the 28th inst. A t tb iiiptin?r en"-a!rcnients were made for VwM,f K;-r hiinrii nd emigrants, and it is confi- Nov 23, 18C8, d UVUV A muuw- CJ ' dently expected that on the 28th this number will be doubled. It is necessary to provide the means sufficient to defray the expense of the emigrant from his home in Switzerland here. To do this $15 in gold, or its equivalent in greenbacks, will be required. The amount thus Daid will be deducted from the wages of the 7 Art tate in the City j emigrant. The laborers receive: irormcn, in sin nor trwuitn: ana ior lh. wuurcu u W fcv. 7 - and others Also, at the same time and place, all thcperishable Also, the in? the above mentioned, and containing o acres, Weinnvfnv to Hid Estate, consistini of one more or Jeas : togetlr witto tJM Junes, aiming Horse and three Mules, eleven head of Cattle, eight Rights and Privileges, Ores, .Engine, Fixtures, lm- or ten head of Hogs, Household and Kifcken urni- provemenis, xquipuimn ture, Farming Implements, and many other articles too tedious to mention. Terms made known on day of sale. W. W. GRIER. Adm'r, with the Will annexed of A. J. Dunn, dee'd. 3w By Thqs.. Vail, Ag t. nczv We tender thanks to the Secretary of State H. J. Menninger, Esq, for a copy of the Laws passed at the special session of the Legislature, IbbS. Fresh Arrivals. No. 1 Bay and Shore Mackerel, English Dairy and Nutmeg Cheese, 50 sacks Family Flour, Buckwheat Flour, Canvass' Hams, and Refined Lard in Buckets Fresh Soda and Milk Crackers, -Rice, Tea, Candy, Citron, Currants. Raisins. Macaroni. &c. large stock of the best Sugar, Coffee, Term made Inown on dav of sale. J. M. UUTUH1SUJS, Attorney in fact for Thomas Wilsen. Nov 23, 18G8. BANKING "HOUSE of Thos. W. Dewey & Co. CHARLOTTE, Nov. 23, 18C8. Thurmlav. the 20th day of November, having been . .nirt bv the President and the Governor as a day of thanksgiving and prayer, the Banking House -"L. . . , w-. nr 1 1 1 l t-7 f. ! will Vt An iK&t. AI THUS. 11 Vltimi k vv. v v.w day. 1 1tn iris from 4 to 80. Xeiebern Journal of Com- m niagSes and Svrun. at , , . ----- ' nor ft. rc-ma merre. CHARLOTTE MARKET, Corrected bt STKXHorsa, Nov. 23, 1868. Macailav i Co. Cotton The market opened quiet and continued inactive on the basis of 21 to 21 J cents for middling, until Friday, when it advanced one fourth of a cent. Closing firm on Saturday at 21 ) cents. Sales for ttoe week 32l bales. . Flour The market is well supplied; we quoic at S to 50.10 per sack irom wagons. - New Corn 75 cents per bushel ; old Corn, none of fering. Wheat !?1.7o to 52 per Dusnei. ea w 70 cents per busnei- vais w 10 . Country Bacon in demand at 10 to l'Jj cents ior hog round from wagons ; Baltimore uacon siues irom stores 20 to 21 cents ; Lard 21 cents. : Fresh Butter 3-3 cents; Chickens 20 to 25 cents; Eggs 20 cents. Irish Potatoes 50 to CO cents ; Sweet Potatoes 75 cents to $1 per bosheL Liverpool Salt $2 75. Bagging 25 to 27 cents. N. C. Corn Whiskey and Apple Brandy scarce at 2.25 per gallon by the barreL Molasses 75 cents to $1 per gallon by retail. All Notes and Bills falling due on that dat moat be attended to the day previous. Nov 23, 18C8. r. 11. PKWEi, asnier. State of North Carolina, Lincoln county. Superior Court of Law Fall Term, Ai D. 18CH. C. and W. II. Moti vs. Majfield Mota. Attachment. Mayfie'i I Mots will take notice that a levy has been made in this ease on nis interest in m neauow w 1 t Ar I b(1 ntr Lineolnton. ioiuinr Y. A. and pay up, a part at least, if M D d the and th4t ub1ms he appears and r. W. REDWI5K, M. D piery, lodgment will be given by default against pd Wolfsville, N. C. Limat''tiJe next Term of thu Court. Medical Accounts. Da T. W. REDWINE of Union county, requests those persons indebted to him to call and settle, as 1. mnii.ir in tt exnenses. He has riven a liberal indulgence to his patrons, and he hopes they will now come forward not all. T Nov 23, 1808 Rw FOR SALE, in the Tom of Lineolnton. on Front Street, two r.... K.t nrrniirt House, a House and Lot, with all necessary out-buildings, good Well of Water, back Lots with Stables all in good repairHouse with basement Ain- Nnrth-west of Lineolnton, f0 acres of Land, AtlA.ll.1f 11114 ler rood state of cultivation, the other Nov 23, 1H66 11 .SHERRILL, Clerk. Jw pr.adv.flOJ State of North Carolina, Lincoln county. Superior Court of LavFall Term, A. D. 18C8. J. C. Cobb vs.' May field Vols. Attachment t .u u.ii .lefend&nt in -this ease, will take juavuciu v . , - . . VAmj ... v , , s . woo.1 Land, 3j acre, of Meadow, and a valuable bed notice that at the Spring JJJXitk. of Lime. - , motion wui r Also, a Brick Yard lying half a mile from incom- levy reiuracu m siieriitLl. Clerk. the Railroad. The above Property can be had on moderate terms Kw-w;ntft W. M. REINHARDT, -rry--o-- 1 : i r n NOV Z.5. lSOO SV wuwuwwu, Kov 23, 1808 6r pr. adv. $10 EXECUT.QB'S An Execntor of W- B. Parks' according to quality. Fodder Farming Utensils, 1 set Smiths' Tools, 1 Dry Hides in demand at 15 to 16 cenU ; Green Hides 6 to 7 cents. Dried Apples and Peaches from 5 to 10 cents ready sale. SALE. last Will, I will sell 6 head of Horses : ILty, four lone horse Wagon and many other State of Uorth .Carolina, Lincoln county. Superior Court of Lav Fall Term, A. J. 1868. J. C. Jenkins vs. My field Mots. Attachment. r.i,i WcAx. defendaut i this case, will take .TIT 7t tfcVflfiriasrTem. I860, of this Court, U"tc w r o - - horse Wagon, 1 one horse agon ny" thelevy returned in the case. , articles. The sale wiU tate place une wmmw 1 - S. ". SHittunvcra. Nov 1,1. 1868 t4 Executor. ta isaua on a motion viu i e levy returned In the case. 9 V. t pr. adv. i,lO Nov 23, 18C8 Cw

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