- 5 f '4 ??, f ' 1 1 ! i t I r i i -1 i I! U ;ii i u H 'n Cm kit i A Georgia Negro's Experience One William Smith, a Conservative negro residing somewhere in 3Iidd!e Georgia, conclu ded, a short time ago, to travel 2orth" aud tell the people the truth with regard to bin race in the South. A part of hJn experience in Wash ington is given m a letter to the Macon Tele graph, from which vre quote: . "When I got to Washington I ros .tired out and wanted a dram. So I went- into a bar-room, as I would d in Macon, an 1 aked for one. The bai keeper looked at me, raised his eyes, and said, says he, "Xo uigpers are allowed to drink at this bar."" Bays I.-''I axes your pardon I am a stranger a traveling about, and I want: a drink mightily, and would you please tell n;c how I can get one Says he, -Thar's a erliceman at the door, and if you give hint the money he will buy one for you." lhen I went to the door and pulled off my hat and stated what I wanted. Says he, '-give me fifty cents," which I did. Then says he, -you stand here." Then he went in and soon brought out a little whiskey in a tumbler, aud I drunk it in the street. Then I stopped a while to see if there was any change coming. . and he says, says he, "what h you waiting for?" Says I, 'a little change if you plea-c." Says ho, ''change hell we don't wait on niggers for nothing up here. Then I next encountered a gentleman in a high place, holding an oflice of bath trust and honor under the United States Government, and I assure you he talked, very pl iiu. Says he. "We Northern people hnve no use f r negroes. We arc wiHiugyou -huld be free, and have freed you, but as for your i-qmlity notions, they are ail ttuS' aud nonsense. Jb you reckon you- could sit at my table? Xo. you could not cuinc inside my gate. You ncgn.es n.ust learn to keep your place. The South is the best place for you to live in. If you come North jou will starve, for we have no place for you lure." WI. M- SHIPP, ATTORXEY AT LA W , Charlotte, N. C., Orrtcu i.v Dewey's B.nk Bium.ng. Nov. 9, lSUd tf . . Poeketbook Lost. Lost, cn the 4th ist., bet een the Davis and Rca Mines, on the new town road in Union county, a Poeketbook containing l.'i in Greenbacks and a receipt for A reward o' .?" will be given lor its recovery. tk W'.-H UN EYCL TT, Nov 0, lf i8 S-.vp I Winchester P, O. 75 Hands Wanted To cut Cord Wood. Apply to V.1LKES, LUCE & CO., Iron Station, Lincoln countv, N. C. Nov. 0, 18C8 3w " . A CARD. I would respectfully inform my numerous friends in this section of the Slate, and the adjoining Dis tricts of South Carolina. Hint tho end for which my Physician recommended my engaging in some active pursuit for the restoration of my healih. broken down in too active duties of the (lo-pel Mini.-'try, having been suflicient'y restored to enable my early return to that work, I have now determined to close out my entire stock of ods by the lt of January ensuing. At that time 1 expect, Providence permit ting, to resume my ministerial labors ; and in order to enable me to do so, n.y friends can aid me by calling and purchasing mv stock, which I guarantee to sell them at GKEATLY 11EDCCED PRICES. Those who know me need not be informed that this is no advertising dodge to procure trade, but a plain statement of facts. The public who may favor m with a call, as well as the interests of the'Church of which I am a Minister, will, it i to be hoped, be benefitted by aiding me in so laudable a purpose. A. SINOLAIK. Nov 0, 1803. Springs' t'orncr, Cimrlotte. Consignment. r0ILS nol K SUITABLE FOR BALLING 5 LJr Cotton, for sale very cheap to close con signment, by STEN HOUSE, MACAULAY & CO. No? 2, 18CS. Almanacs ! Almanacs ! ! 1,000 BLUM'S ALMANACS to supply the de mand, just received at the Citv Book Store. Oct 2G, loo. x. R. JOHNSTON. Blue Stone Tor eale at the City Drug Store. KI LCI ORE & CURETON. CLOVJ5H SEED, Orchard Grass Seed, Kenuicky Blue Grass Seed, Herds Gruss Seed, just received aud for sale at the City Drug Store. Jv If. GORE & CURETON. COLORED PAINTS. Another supply of '-Trij.pe's Colored Paints," re ceived and for sale at tlie Citv IVug IS 'ore. Oct 10, 1SU8. K1LGURE CURETOX. WHAT'S THE NEWS?" This i a ipuestiou we cannot answer, but we con tell you w here you enn buy good Goods, fine Goods And cheap Goods, .such as pvuplo- need in the way of Hardware. Dry Good, Roots, Shoes, H;:ts. Umbrellas, Fancy Notions, &c, it is at UARRINGKR, WOLFE t COS. Dress Goods, &c. . Tho nicest Dress Good we have ever Lad to offer to the public. The finest stock of Rlea 1 cd Domestics which can be found in this market, ami any one wanting thcin right had better 'awinu our stock. Fancy Delaines. Poplins. Glaca Mixtures, Japanese Cloths, Armours of all t-tyks. Uvop Skirts. Balmcn.h Skiits at all ji rices. Net t Shawls; ul-:o a large atock cf all kinds of Shawls aud bankets. Flannels, Opera Fla.nr.els wL::e aud ct !&red, com mon nr. J estra f.r.i-. Gingliams. (tinghams, Alamance Plaids, Iiny. nuJ other kiud vf Plaids, all of which wc o2T-r vh Fine Cloaks. Don't buy a Cloak uu'.il ;.ou sec o'irs, as wc thftsk you will sae money. Wc ltare nhuo-t n Noaht Ark iu the way of variety. We only itt-k a fair show nd a look with an unprejudiced rye, and then if wc Un"t oll it is our fault Call and sec . BARRINGIIR. WOLFE k CO.. Opposite tho Charlotte Hotel. Look to Your Intorest. Come and pay us up. Don't be forgetful of the fcind indulgence we have given ycu, and if you don't intend to pay please coiue and spend your money with us who have favored you. You cau find u op posite Maj. J. B. Kerr's old Hotel. Doii" forget the place. A man that cau pay and won't psy ns'aStcr our kind treatment deserves to settle with some one else. BAUUIXGER, WOLFE i CO. October 12, 1F63. The City Bank of Charlotte Solicit the Accounts of busiuoss men and others, oad promises satisfaction. ! July 6, 1868. W. A. WILLIAM?, Cashier. Gold, Silver and Bullion Bought and sold at a small murgiju and advances made on Bullion when desired, at. the City Bunk of Charlotte, Y. A. WILLIAMS. July 6, 16C8. ; Cashier. Mutilated Currency. Bagged and defaced Greenbacks, 'Rational Bank. Currency and Shinplastcre bought at a email discount, at the City Bank of Charlotte. Jul 6, 183. Wt a. WILLLAMS, Cashier. What the Minutes Say. "We are but minutes, little things, Each ODe furnished with sixty w.ogs, With which we fly on our unseen track, Aud not a minute ever comes back. . . "We are but mUjutes; each one bears A little burden of joys and cares; '' 1 " Take patiently the minutes of pain,' ; The worst Of minutes cannot remain. "We are but minutes ; when we bring -A few of the drops from pleasure's spring, Taste their sweetness while yet we may, It takes but a minute to fly away. ',, .. , "We are but minutes; use ms well, For how we are used we must one day tell. Who uses' minutes has hours to use; Who loses uiinntes whole year's must lose." House and Lots for r Sale. I A lloua urnl Light Lot Are offered lor sale, sit--junted near the C.-.& S. C Railroad Depot. Tlic ! House is a two-story framed 'building, "in good re j pair. There is a good Well of Water and out-Louses on' t lie premises. ...... For information apply to -Edward Madden, or to this Office. - Nov 0, 1PG8 Imp J GROCEKIES. JE i 1 1 c r. '&'. Bine k Have received a large Stock of Groceries, consisting ia part of .' ' I Cotton Ties, Bagging and Rope, ! Sugar, Coliee, Molasses and Salt, , . Iron, Nails,-Leather, &c. - ' j Tn short, everything and anything kept in a first- ! el:i4 Grficerv Storf " Thankful for past patronage, we invite our friend and the public generally to give us a call befory purchasing elsewhere. . Oct. f, 1808. MILLER & BLACK. NOTICE. , Parties due us by NOTE or BOOK ACCOUNT would do well-to settle the fame before the first of January next. Aeeonnfs remaining unsettled then will be handed to an officer for collection'. STEX HOUSE, MACAULAY & CO. Charlotte, N. C, Oct 2G, 1SGS. Wholesale Buyers From all sections are invited to examine our immense Stock, as we are closing out business. II. & B. EMAMUEL, Nov 2, 1808. , Next door to Mansion House. Remember the CITY BOOK STORE, Where is constantly being received BOOKS, STATIONERY, BLANK BOOKS, Memorandums, Diaries for 1869, Wall Paper, Tissue Paper, in fact everything hat you may find in a first class Hook Store. Remember I am Agent for the Wilcox aud Gibbs' Sewing Machine, the most complete aud best on ex hibition. Se Circular. ; Farmers! I am Agent for the Maryland Farmer Magazine, printed in Baltimore. Hand in your subscription onlySd. Last but not least, remember my terms arc Cash. S R. JOHNSTON, Next door to McAdcu's new building. Oct 19, 1863. 5?" To Teachers I would say, to avoid confusion and delay, you can be furnished at shortest notice any and all Books by leaving your orders at the Cjty Rook Store Oct 2i, iStJS. S. RUFL'S JOHNSTON. Dress Goods. Splendid assortment of Dress Goods at a great sacrifice. Calicoes from 7 cents. H. k B. EMANUEL, Nov 2, lfM)8. Next door to Mansion House REMOVAL ! REMOVAL ! ! Important Notice. JI . M : P II E LPS Has the honor to inform his friends and the public that on account of an enlargement in his business; be has found it necessary to remove from his old stand, opposite the Court House, and that he can now be found at the handsome and commodious STOREROOM OX TRADE STREET, Nest to STEN HOUSE, MACAULAY & CO.,whcr he will be pleased to receive his old friends, ensuring them the same atteution and treatment they have always received . -if Ins old quarters. His stock - of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS now in store will compare favorably with any in this or any Southern City, aud will be sold at - Considerably Reduced Figures In order to make room for his Fall stock. A full assortment of Dry Goods and Domestics, Dress Goods and White Goods, Clothing, Cassimeres and Jeans. fc A" well assorted stock of MILLINERY in all its branches. - Groceries, Hats, Boots and Shoes, Notions, Hardware, &c , &c. 1XH- Remember the place. . II. M. THELPS, next to Stenhouse, Maeaulay & Co, At tho stand formerly occupied by "the Farmers & Mechanics" Association. Wall Papering. - Jut received 1,000 pieces of Wall Papering. Also. 100 pieces Bordering Paper, 200 pair Window Cur tains, 100 Fire Screens, ic , for sale at New York rric"- II. M. PHELPS. August 10, 1808. , 1869 ALMANACS 1869. 10,000 Bluni's Farmers and Planters Almanacs for 18 y. just received at the New Book Store. For sale by the single copy, dozen. Iiinnircd or thousand. Country merchants will do well to give us a call bo fore supplying thomscbes for next sensou. Oct 1'J, I8ti8. TIDDY & BRO. B. KOOPMANN. A NEW AND SPLENDID"-STOCK OF Fall and Winter Goods, Now ia Store, constiug of STAPLE and FANCY Dry Goods, Cloths. Cassimeres. llock 'Islanu Goods, Bcady-niade Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Notious, ic. A full assort meut of Ladies Cloaks and . Shawls, .Of the latest style and Fashion. A splendid Stock f - Dress Goods, Merinos, Empress Cloths, Mohair Poplins, Dclains, Ac , Ac. A Handsome Stock" of Millinery Goods.. A full line of White Goods, Laces and Embroideries. My Woolen Department U complete" consisting of BLANKETS, FLANNELS, &c. I have taken great, pains in the selection of these Goods, and I am confident I can present as full aud as complete an assortment as any house in tl.e citv. With regard to prices they will be sold as CJicap, if not Cheaper, than any otherhousc. x All I ask is an examination of my Stock before purchasing, as I feel sure I can please the most fastidious, both as to taste and price. , , Wholesale Buyers will find it to their interest to give me a call, as my stock is large and I will sell at short profits. .Not. 2? 1SCS. B. KOOPMANN. Strange Rumok. The ' "story has been bruited about the streets that General Grant had aunouueed to one of .his friends in rthia city;his purpose, to give Gen. Lee a portfolio. If it were known that, Lee would become., a nieniber: of Grant's Cabinet it would also, be known that Grant's worcb were not idle when he said "Let us have peace.", .Lee'a accession to the, Cabinet would be the perfection of moral, physical aud political reconstruction acts.-ySV. Louis Times. GROCERIES, &c. W . II . II . Gil E G.O R Y , (At J. Y. Bryct -.Co't Old Stand, Charlotte, X. C.,) Is now receiving a large, and general assortment of Groceries and other Goods, which he offers to the public at low rates for cash or in exchange for Pro duce;" ' : - ' ' ' . Iron Cotton Ties and Rope, Bagging. Iron and Nails, Sugar, Coffte, Slolaf-ses and Salt, Leather, Hardware and Crockery, Liquors of all sorts best qualities, Champaigne Wines extra brands, i Spicnl Oysters, Sardines &e. He keeps everything usually found in a Grocery and Provision Store; and as his stock was selected by himself in person, he cau recommend it to be of the first quality. ".. . Oct 19, 18G8. W. II. II., GREGORY, "Buckwheat Flour. A supply of a first-rate article just received by W. H. II. GREGORY, Oct. 10, 1S08. at Ji YiBryco & CVs old stand. New Store land . : NEW GOODS. J. ROE SSL ER & CO., (AL Kuhmceiler ' old s(anl, 2d door from JJretn, JJrouyi . - cj- Vo"t Store,) ; . Have just received a large and general assortment of ' Dry Goods, Groceries, &c, Which they oiler to Lhe public at fair and reasonable prices. " The Stock of fryGoods, for - Fall and Winter Wear, Will be found to be oue of the best ever: brought to this market. The ladies are particularly invited to call and examine goods and prices. . Ready-Made Clothing, Of every description, for men and. boys, is being of fered at remarkably low rates. CAPT. J. ROESSLEE," respectfully requests his old friends to give him a call i.'iis Fall and Winter, and ho assures them that he will continue to exert himself to please i them in the future as he hopes he has done iu the past. Sept 21, lSf.S. J. ROESSLER k CO. Peruvian Guano, In Store and for sale by , HUTCHISON, BURROUGHS S CO. PACIFIC, GUANO, HUTCHISON,. BURROUGHS & CO. Call on OBKIl'S GUANO. For sale by . HUTCHISON, BURROUGHS & CO. BATJGIl'S SUPERPHOSPHATE, For sale by HUTCHISON, BURROUGHS & CO. ZELL'S SUPEltl'IIOSPHATE, For sale by HUTCHISON, BURROUGHS & CO. LIME, PLASTER AND CEMENT, For eale by HUTCHISON, BURROUGHS & CO. Jp6s? Farmers can nave money by calling on HUTCHISON, BURROUGHS & CO., to buy Cot ton Ties. Hutchison, Burroughs & Co., Utneral L'Je and Fire Insurance Aycnts, Office on Trade Street, Charlotte, N. C. Sept. 7, 1808. BOOTS AND SHOES. S. B. Meacham, (The first Shoe Jlou.tt below the Firt Xalional Bank,) Has just received one of the largest stocks of Boots and Shoes, Leather, SHOE-FINDINGS, BELTING, &c, Ever brought to this market, and which will be sold as low as it t any house in the South. His goods are' warranted as represented. Trices will be made to suit purchasers. Call at Meaeham's Shoe Store, just below the new Bank BuildLng ami examine goods and prices. Sept. 7, 18C.8'. '- J 1 1 T - ' DR. JAS. N. BUTT, Druggist and Chemist, WHOLESALE and RETAIL DEALER iu Drugs and. Medicines of every description and kind, Corner .Trade and College Streets, CHARLOTTE, N . C . Pure No. 1 KEROSENE it is safe and non-explosive. ' If a lighted torch be plunged in it, it will ex tinguish it as quick as water. It is from six to eight times as cheap as candles, and from four to six times as brilliant. - Buy a Lamp, which I can sell for oO cents, and if it does not gie perfect satisfaction you may return it. I have just received a splendid lot of new Lamps. Call and see them. Chills and Fever. I am treating numbers of persons successfully for Chills and Fever. If you are suffering this w'av I think I can assure you of a successful treatment, having practiced for over twelve years in a fever and ague district. Preserve this Notice. You can get at Dr. Jas. N Butt's Drug Store the following sizes of WINDOW GLASS: Glass ixlO. 10x12,10x14, 10x15, 10x13, 10x18, ll'x-U 10x2:1. 10x24. 12x14, 12x15. 12x16, 12x18, 14x20, 12x22,12x21. 14x18, 14x22, 14x24, 1RX18, 16x20. 16x24, 18x20, 18x22, 18x24, 20x21, 20x30, Ac, &c. jiiientiom You can get Mcdieincs. and Prescriptions at all hours of the dav and night,.aud on Sundav. at JAS, N BUTT'S A A. A 1 . Charlotte, N. C. Oct 12, 1SGS. Drug Store. Via Goldsboro, N. C. NOTICE TO SHIPPERS. The vb-.it e for freight via Goldsboro, to and from the North, has the same tariff, and same connections, with the Petersburg & Weldon Railroad, as the Raleigh -A - Ga.'tan route has. Time as quick and freight as low-as any route in North or South Caro lina. J. A. SADLER, Not 2, lSCS. . , Soliciting Agent. Pictures ! Pictures ! ! The undersigned Photographic Artist, of Baltimore, Md , calls the attention of his friends, and the public in general, to his newlv opened PHOTOGRAPH and AMBROTYPE GALLERY, where-he is now pre pared to take A No. 1 Pictures of esch .snd of every style and finish. S-tkfiietion guaranteed in every Picture. Copies taken from the smallest into the largest portrait Also pictures neatly fitted in Rings, Breastpins aud Lockets. All 4 ask Is, "give me a trial" N. B. Particr desiring to learn the trade and art of taking Pictures can do so by applying to HENRY BAUMG'ARTEN, Charlotte, N. C. Thof ograph Oallcry over James Ilarty's Store, , feb?!, 1SSS. " Next door to Court -Lonso". JT f. Koopmann's Bitters ill vhereafter b stl at $1 per bottle.' ; . , , ... . Oct. 19, 18C8.- ' ' . ;. - THE LATEST NOVELTY, ;; Now arriving daily, and on iuspection at. the Cor ner Store, GRAY'S BLOCS, (nearly opposite -the Court llouse,) ,a large and carefully selected ; Stock of cboice ". .. , ,.. . ; . Family. Groceries, , Which we-propose" t& sell low- down for-the- Casb either at wholesale or retail.-: We intend 1o keep' good Goods, and sell them as cheap as any other House in the city. " 1 : ' We have Bagging,' Beards' Patent Buckle Tie, a good assortment of Hardware Mind Wooden Ware: in fact everything usually kept in the Grocery' line. Try us before purchasing. - - - . - - ' Oct. -5, 18G8. ' W. W. GRIER' CO. ' Receiving daily at S. Grose & Go's; A select stock of Groceries recently purchased Ttkich we offer very low. Call aud examine our Goods be- fore you purchase S, GUOSE-&. CO:, Trade Street, nearly opposite the Post Office Hams and Syrup. A choice lot of Sugar Cured Hams, and Maryland Golden Syrup and New Orleans (new crop) Syrup,' at S. GROSE & CO S.' Wanted, 500 Bushels of OXIO-NS, at Sept. 7, 18tJ8. . S. GROSE &, CO S. Hardware, Crockery, Hats, - I Clothing. Wall Paper, and an immense Stock of other Goods, all selling at a" great sacrifice; . ' ' U. k B. EMANXEL,' ; Nov2,"18fi8. Next door to Mansion Hortse. SMITH'S Boot, Shoe and Leather Store, Xexl door to ,Dcctifa Dank, Charlotte, X. C, ' Is the largest Wholesale and Retail Shoe Etablish ' ..'.. meat in. North Carolina. The quality of their Stock is superior in every re spcct,'and unefualcd in s'tyle, finish and workman ship. The prices .are a.v low as can be afforded They buy their Goods exclusively from ' Manufac turers or have them made to' order. They pay no rent and do the business themselves, and can, there fore, and will sell all styles and qualities of Boots and Shoes at lower prices than can be1 found else where in this market. Every pair, of Boots and Shoes is warranted as represented. ''One price to all," and '-fair dealing,"'is their motto. - '- Leather, Shoe Findings & Belting. Their sfock of Leather and Shoo Findings is most complete, embracing every grade cj' Hcmloc.k and Oak Solo Leather, Upjer Leatiier, French and Amer ican Calf Skins, Kip, Lasts, &c. They also furnjsb all widths of Rubb jr aad." Leather BtUing at Manu facturers' prices. Ahk for SMITH'S SnOE STORE, the oldest es tablished Shoe House in the State. Their Wholesale Department. They are now receiving their Fall and Winter Stock, the largest and most complete ever-brought lo this market, and propose to sell to merchants at NEW YORK WHOLESALE TRICES. Their expenses being much less, and as they buy exclusively from manufacturers, there is no reason why they cannot sell at as low prices as Hie New York Jobber. All they ask is a fair trial. Remem ber and ask for ' SMITH'S SHOE STORE, Next Door to Dewey's Bank, Charlotte, N. C. August Ml, 1868. NEW BOOKS! GOOD BOOKS!! and Cheap Books!!! Jut received at Tiddy"s'Ncw Book Store," Bibles of nil sizes, from the largest to the smallest. All prices, to suit everybody. Prayer Books, A handsome assortment, some really elegant, which cannot fail to please the most fastidious, both in style and price. Hymn Books Methodist, Presbyterian, Baptist and Lutheran, all the different sizes pub lished,, can be found at our store. Albums, We have the handsomest, and most complete assort ment ever offered in this market. - w hich we offer at remarkably low prices. They are Lippincott's make, and have the patent hinge, w hich, with ordinary use will last always, and a little longer. ' Catholic Books. Mission Book, Flowers of Piety, Christian Guide (;j styles). Key of Heaven, Path to Paiadisc, &c. Our Miscellaneous .stork is large, every one can find something to read, for a small sum... Wc cLarge nothing for showing our goods call and examine whether you want to buy. or not. Our stock of School Books is now complete.; Wholesale buyers and Teachers buying for Schools will certainly find it to their advantage tacs.ll and see us before buying elsewhere. Stationery. Something nice-just-received in the Stationery Line Stamped initial paper with envelopes to match, put up in neat one quire Boxes. A full line of fancy and plftin Paper and Envelopes. 1 - We-have a fnll stock of Job Office Material, such as Bristol Board, Printer's Blanks and (.Miina Cards,' all sizes and qualities. Taper, Flatcap, Foolscap, Letter and Note, Plain. Book, News and Wrapping PapeYat Manufacturers prices. All we-ask is" an inspection of stock and prices, as wc will not be undersold. -TIDDY & BRO. Rags! Rags!! The highest price paid in Money for clean Cotton and Linen Rags at the NcwBook Store.! June 1 "). ISf.S.' -' TIHDY k BRO. K. II. COWAN. & 'CO., . " General Commission and Shipping Merchants, - A Jf D " . . Wholesale Grocers. Agents fur M. Davis & Son's (Liberty, Va.,) celebra ted Virginia Chewing Tobacco. Agents for Lister Bro's Superphosphate of Lime. Agents fur Vulcan Iron Works, Richmond, Ya, W I Li II I N GT OS, X . C . , A'j. Xorllt Water Street. B. II. COWAN. JXO. W. CAMEE05, Juno 2f, J 80S ly JAS. II. HILL. Catawba English and Classical . HIGH SCHOOL, xi-j wrox, x. v. The next Session will commence the 1st Monday in JULY next. No pains- arc spared in fitting pupils thoroughly for the best Colleges in the country, and in giving them a thorongh business education" Special attention given to Mathematical TnAixixc. Tuition per Session of 20 "Weeks from 0 to $22.50 in currency. ' - Board in families from $8 to $12 per mrntli ; in clubs at about half these prices. . ' For Circulars aud particulars, address J. C. Clapp, Newton, N.'C J. C. CLAPP,;A. B. Juno S, 18;8. - S., M., FINGER. "A. B? j Concord Mills. ' Having opened a House in Chai Wit e, .near the Post Office, lor the sal ; of our own -manufactured goods, we invite the attention of merchants and others to.our YARNS, i SHEETINGS. SHIRTINGS. OSNAB.EBGS. CARPET , CHAIN, STOCKING f YARNS, kc.. &.c. . . , .. - Cotton taken in txehangw Sot Goods. -We seU low for Cash. -. . . J. JIcDONALD k SONS. August 12. 1808. ' ' GtrntorA. N. C - Deposits. Deposits of Coin anl Currency received in any amount and interest allowed per agreement, and if preferred certificates of deposit issued bearing in terest at rates stipulated, at the Citv Bank of Char lotte. W. A. WILLIAMS, Cashier. i July ,, 1SC3. s "RediiRfrfonl 7j X. XL. XISBET. " "'-" " P." C. 51 AX WELL. - NISBET & MAXWELL,' ' Candy Manufacturers and Bakers. 1 Also. Wboltsalfr and' Retoil Healers in Groceries, Confectioneries, Pipes, Tobacco, Snuff, Cigars, Tore, Musical Instruments, Notions, &c.' ; - ': iParkz'B.inUliigf-K0..2l; Tryo Street. July 27, 1808. -., .-. .-- , NJi W . STOCK. OF GIIOCKKIES. - :i Hammond & McIauglLlin, ; v. At Gates L ru'r) , . , . Have received a full stock of new .Groceries, consist-, ing Iu, part of . . .... .'. . .. : . .,-,.;.'. A large lot of Bagging, , . , " .' , : . . Iron Cotton Tics and.lt ope, ',.'' " " ' Sugar, Coffee and Tea, ' " : ' ' Ji it Molasses, ;Iron and Nails,'-' ' -u 'r . - Salt, Leather of all sorts. , i.,.. t.-. , ' . Anything and j everything iu tbe Grocery line may be found at their Store. ' ' " ' - ! ' ; HAMMOND & MctArcnLlN. . fwt 11 1P - -; - . '--WANTED, -i - - By'the undersigned, all th new work that may-be needed in the Saddle and Harness line. Also, all the Repairing that may be jieocssary about yvur premises. Work warranted and perfect satisfaction guaranteed, , . Next door to J. Y. Bryce &" Co.'s, Trade Charlotte, N. C. ' Sept.,7, 18U8. '; L. '.W. OSBORNE WONDERFUL DISCOVERY! Dr. Bjrrn's Magic Pain Cure. This is a new and wonderful Medicine. It is used for the various forms of Headache,' which, in ordin ary" ' cases, it cures" in a few minuses time; also," Neuralgia, Nervousness, Cold in the Head, and Weakness of the Nerves, is speedily' brouglit under its influence. Ordinary or m;ld canes of Catarrh in the Head, can also be checked by 'it use, niid pre vented from going further, which is of great impor tance, and even cases of long standing can be cured by persevering in the use of the medicine. It is per fectly harndess.'and is warranted to give satisfaction. People'ofteu express' wonder and astonishment to find themselves so- suddenly relieved from all pain,; yet the remedy contains no Opium, no Chloroform, no Ether, nor any thing of a narcotic nature." It is prepared from roots, barks, leaves, gums'and flowers, and is absolutely harmless, even for an tnlaaf. :Th;s remedy is a nervine, and is used as a liquid, and th:s is one reason why if cures so quickly. " There are no diseases more common than those, for'which it i re commended. Millions of suffering mortals Would be willing to pay almost any price to secure a few hours relief and rest, if they knew of a remedy that ivould give immediate' case. - Then 'by' all "means be' cured permanently by using the Magic Pain Cure. ' Price 00 cents. . r, E. L. SIIEERELL, P. Mi at Sbcrrcll!s Ford, Ca tawba county, N. C, is agent for the counties of Ca tawba. Lincoln, Iredell, Gaston, Rowan and'Mcck lenbtirg.'N. 0. 4 . - - ... - For sale, by Druggists in Charlotte and by Hrug g'.sts generally. . . -. " ScpL21, lbG8. Snjpd ... .. , ,. . Stoves, Tin-'Ware, &c. D. H. BYERLY, (Th the Basement Store under M'tuxion House,') Keeps for sale a full assortment of Stoves of every description,' .Hollow'arc, Tm-AYarc, Japan-Ware, &c, &c. " Spears' Anti-Dust Cooking Stove is a superior arti cle, and has given general satisfaction. 1 h'ave sold a large number within the past year. " Tin, Copper and Sheet-Iron w ork executed at short notice, ltepairing promptly attended to'. I return my thanks for the liberal share of jiatrounge heretofore received. I). H. BYERLY, March 10, 18C8. Under Mansion House.' THE CITY Kilgore DRUG STORE & Cureton, No 2, Granite Row, next to the Express Office and opposite the Mansion House. ' A large assortment of Fresh Drugs, Chemicals, Paiuts, Oils, Dyo Stuffs, I'erfuniery, &c.,,will be found at this new establishment, aud will be sold at as low prices as any other house. B. F. KILGORE, M. D. June 15, 1863. T. K. CURETON, M. D. TAILORING. John Vogel, Practical Tailor, Respectfully informs the citizens of. Charlotte and surrounding country, that he is. pre pared to manu facture gentlemen's clothing in the latent style and at short notice. His best exertions will be given to render satisfaction to those who patronize him. Shop opposite old Charlotte Hotel, next door to B rein's Hardware Store. ... . January 1, 1808. ' SADDLES AND HARNESS. KOBERT SHAW & SON, Third Door from tlie.,3Lin'on Ilonr.e) RESPECTFULLY inform the nublic that thev have 1-6.5 n 1,t rcR stock tf KA11)1.KS ,KLmf " -11 A Jtio jn nana, 'ir., wliicli they otter to the 5i4'iP'-i puui:c ai low prices. i'X'Wi.i .tn'rtl'.iiiii It. lt ....... of J ..0 ... -j Saddles, Harness, liriiilt-K' JJartiiHfUv,- Collars, Saddle Trees. Harness Mountingif all des criptions &c, will be furnished or made to wder. a .i..: ..... . i. ; ...:n v.-t o , j 111 G ivj:uiiil iitct JlillJ I.:, v lll.iin it ft ill U'J to the advantage of all to buy from us. AVe warrant our work. - . Jgaf REPAIRING neatly executed at short notice and on reason-ible terms. - R. SHAW, " Aug 10, 18;8 y W.E.SHAW, J. E. STENHOUSE, I ALLAN MACAULAY, New YoitK. j Chablottk, N. C. Stenhouse & Maeaulay,. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, W.I I'cart'Slrert, XEW YORK. Trompt personal utrention given to (he sale of Cotton, Cotton Yarn Naval Sforc, Xe., and the' purchase of Merchandise gt-ncrally. " , " Consignments solicited. ' ' . . June 10. 1S7. ' " - Purifies the Blood. v Pr Sal? by llrng'sfsli Fverywlicrc. iugust 24,1808 , ly-npj ' '.' ' A HALES, ' Watchmaker and Jeweler, Xezt Ddor to tht 3liHsh,n Jloute.- Charlottt, N'. C. -: - If yourAVatcli nedaJU'pairing, , , , Don't get mad and go to swearinj Just take it into HALES' shop, ;' He wilffix it so It will not stop." T . - ' He warrants his vork all for a year, c -. When it, is uei with proper car, , - -' . He will do it as low as it can Lc d.onf u And do it so well it's sure to run. " ."" . JanOary l, 18C8. " y . .. JUST RECEIVED, r - ' - A spleud'.d lot of ragging, Roping and Tiff, "t ' : ' B. M. PRESSON S. . Also, a splendid lot of Country Bacon. ' . s . 1L- M. PRESS0N. - Alo, a lot of Cheese, at B. M. PRESSON S. Farmers can come and get their Bagging and Roping to be paid for in Cotton. Hcpt 21, 186. " B. M.'rRESSON". .. .. i.- !T HARROW I JTIES. '' l O itl) POUNDS OF THE ABOVE JL H-X jV-HJ' approved pattern, niaae 0, the best quality of English Iron, for sale by , aTEN HOUSE MACAULAY & CO .Gunny .Bagging. , 72 Bales India and ""Cornet) Gunny Cloth, for fa by- ---- STEN HOUSE. MACAULAY & CO. Coffee, Sugar," &c. 60 Sacks Rio Coffee, 10 Chests rcen Teas, f0 Barrels Sugar various grades, j.- 15 Hogsheads f Molasses, For sale by STENHOUSE, MACAULAY CO. ; ; a; Full Supply Of Bacon, Lardv Cliecse, Flour, Rice, Starch. CnR. dies. Soaps, Chewrng and- Smoking Tobacco, Nailj and Iron, &e., &c. -for eale by -" X .. w STENHOUSE,. MACAULAY & CO September fJUJbOS, , , . : - . J. Y. BRYCE & CO., General Commission . Merchants. CJIAULO'JTE, X. C. Particular attention paid to the selling of all kiudj of Produce, Cotton and Tobacco. Highest cash price paid for Cotton. Q AH order i from adistunce promptly attended to. . , - . , J, Y. BRYCE. March 5,' 18C8. W. H. BRYCE. WILLIAM RYCE & COT," Cotton Factors, . 2Q Chamber tnul 5 ' A'cc Streets, NEW YORK, Devote special attention to the sale f Cotton in New fork.. All consignments to their mid res arc covered by insurance from points of shipment, w ith or with out advice. - -.-. Shipments solicited through thoir corresponlmts in Charlotte, Messrs. 'J. Y. BRYCE & CO., who will make liberal advances on Fame.. Juue 8lSi;8 J. D. PALMER Family Grocer & Wine Merchant, Arid dealer !h a!5 kinds of imported ines and Sp.iitx. Old Bye-, Monngahela, Bourbon and Cabinet I oulle Distilled .Whiskey ; Douicstic-Corn aud Rye' Litki y; Peach and Apple Braudy. . . v. JLST RECEIVED THIS DAY: 1 Barrels Sacrament Wine, 6 " Superior Kentucky Cider, . I .,. . Cld Nash county Brandy, S Casks. India Ale, ...... . ; 2 Barrels Loudon Porter, 13 Crates of Bcttlos. Fla'fli'.s. Demijohns and Jngs, - - Wood Keg from 2 v 10 gallons. I also inviJu the-particular attention of DrupgiMs to, my stock of Port, Sherry and Madtria Wine, Brandy. and Whiskey, bottled especially for Jledi cin'al purposes. All orders, Wholesale or lirtaij, scdicite'd and punctually attended to. Constantly on hai'nl all" Kinds of Domestic Spirits n consigjimeut. . A specialty made to old N. C. Corn Whiskey. Januarv '27, U'l.H. First liational Bank of , Charlotte, ,, . , CUAJIL0TTE C. Office in Granite IZutc, ith-iloor from the comer. OiruKBs. R. Y. McAden, President. "' M. P. PegramJ Cashier ' " S. L. Riddle, Teller. BoABl) OF. DiBiXTons. T HBrem, . Win R Myer., Win Johnston, S A Cohen, John Wilkes; R Y McAden, R M Oiics, Deals in Bills of Exchange, Sight Drafts, Cold and Silver Coin, and Government and other Securities. .March 18US , Southern Express Company. The Southern Express Compiny has ccmplelv com munication with i.ll Northern and Western State", aud is prepared to forward Freight, Money and val uable Packages safely and promptly. Messengers leave Charlotte da.ly, conn, ct ing ut Raleigh with Adams' Express Company, and at Richmond with Adams" and llaiuden s Exprei-s Companies. Letters will be forwarded by this Company to all points South and North Lavii.g i:o mail facilities. W. P. HILL, Agmt. Charlotte, Jan. T, 18C8. ' The Southern Express Company, For the, transportation - ol . merchandise, valuable packages, specicl bank notes, bouds, i,c., lor all j-a its of the S6uth and Southwest, in connection with - ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY, have established thtir agfnry at-fJ LROAIAVAV, NEW YORK, - where orders to call for pood le be forwarded South will receive prompt attention,. Merchandise and valuables delivered to linimbn's Kinsley's, American nndJ United States EJpls Ccin panies for the. Southern Express Company, will re ceive prompt, ditpatch,. - " For particulars, rates of freight, &c. Ac.'npj 'y at the olhee of the Southern Express Comjatj, r0 Broadway, or at ati other oflice of the Cob jnry. January 1, lfCH. H. B. PLANT, Prts't. 40 Years beforo tho Public. o -y. w m 'A n o en Pi CO 3 -5 'S. Tho Southern Hepatic Fills, That old. ' loiitf f.mnrn md tcell tried remedy fur hV JiUlitnts xLurasatr-cauiwi by a 11 S K A SKJ).L1 VKJl. fir Read the . following CEHT1FIOATES from penoi of the biltRL respectability "rfi JjJ 't:tt COMl'L A INT. Rr.v. Dit. C. F. Dei:ms. (Augr.st Itld, 1P02.) savft "I hate derived great l(neht from these Pills, and have known many families a'n d individuals who have fonnd th"ni very b'-nefbdiil, and I have also knowij physicians in excell"nf stmiding to reconimend them to their patit-nfs ' For all diseases arising from dis orders of the liver, I believe they aro the best medi cine offered to tjie public." Rev. .Tons W. Poitkb, Fjiow II HI, N C, (January ")th, 1H:;1) snys: 'For twelve years I was a great snffi rcr; - My liver was ditsi-d. I lost my tlerh and strength, aud my skin seemed changed iu its color. by the bile with which my system r; charged.' 1 became subject to frequent and violent attacks of billion cholre, cvtry attack 'leaving me weaker than Its predecessor. The pliysician bed beea ble to patch me iip m little. Hit ny health was in a deplorable state. 1 had taken patent medicines until 1 was tired of tbm. Without energy cr com fort,' lrn-barely fble to go atioat a little. At length 1 yielded to the earnest persflnsion of a friend arid commenced taking the MKPATIC PILLS, with no confidence iu tbcifl..:?"TbfValed like atharm on me. .. 1 '3f : From that hour I have improved. . I have persevered in their use, until wow, by? Ood's blessing, I sra well and hearty. I had n negro man, who, as 1 believe, was saved from death by. a dose of these Pills. My Doctor's bill was annnally ft-os $100 to 200, but I have had no use for a physician jucc. I can confi dently recommend iheui af superior family medicine- , SfJT These Pills are nTade by G. W. DEEMS. No; 28 South Calhoun Street, Jiujixonr, Md. They can be sent to any point in the; United States by Mad or Express. . ... , , Pbice For one Box, 25 cents. . F. SCAUR, Druggist, Special Agent at Charlotte, N. C. Aug. 21, 1SC8 ly rapd rPresiiDrugii A general assortment, always on hand, at Augusts, 18C8. 5CARR'S DRUG STORK.

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