1 ' , ' -5 - i .... ., . 1 : . - I - - " i i . -: ' - f 1 -:- v 7 l- !!! : i . -' ' M .'7.7,. . . K' r--77.M ' 7 U - -J ' ; ; . T ' ; - , . T . ' 1 V.--!-.- .:?!. '-!' 1 A v - i ' M 1 ' if -H' T '1 j ' .rrr:.---;i f " J-' : 1 " -L Si-Hl'---' -.'!;':": x 7 u ! ! 111 : i . i. i . .. i i i . .... .',.,-. , ,. . ,;. . '. ,. .. . , .. i -. ' . . , - ,1 i, - , t . , j J V I TE? Editor' aiid. Proprietor 4 .K VOLUME K.U U D E R 857. - ',! .I-, . f . f .. .. " ' 11 ) ..; !' i . . Term of Snlsriotin Threk, Dollars, in advance. i 1 11 E : ! THE "Western Democx'at rCOUSIIBD BT WILLIAM J. VAJTES, Editor t and Iopriet or. I ! . ' 7rM T'irse Iollar3 per annum in adtance. AJvertiseQenta ?ill rates, or !n accordaAe be inserted at vUh contracfT' reasonable 0'ia.-irj notices of Tr fiTC lies ia length will t charged for; at ulrertijing ratei.' " Robert Gibbon, M. D., ' PHYSICIAX- AND SURGKOX, Trgom Slnxf, Chat lot te, A' CV, O.Uee afl'l Residence, one door south old State Dank, (f.irmpr'n Wm. Jolinton reIrltnec. . Jan 1, - . ' y ' " . . r JV P. Mc Combs, M. D., CSer Itia profeM'vonal ityryiccs tp tit ciliiens of CUarlan aa l urrojniin eonntrj' ' All calls, both uifr'at and dar. pi-fwffij' attended to. " Dftlce in lirouc" builJif, up htaire, oppesite the : iJct 20, 1.. " .' W. ALEXANDER, 1 Surgeon Dentist, ' x CHAliLOTTE, N. C. lOfae in the Brairlry IJuildinf,. ojjjtle 0e Charlotte Hotel.) rt Can be conHiltcil on Tuesd.:jn, WctluesJays, Xhursl:ij- aud Fridayg. -'i . .March liiG. ; Dr. JOHN H: McADEnT Wholesale and ,Hotail Druggist, CHAliLOTTE. A". C, Has on hand,. La ye And wc-H eU-ctd sttck of PURE DRUGS,' Chcmicalj'. Patt-ni ili-diciA.jfaniiJy IJcdi oini'. rir.n. OiU. Varnihcf, l'je S:uft,. Fancy and "TtIk-t Aftic'ts, which he is'dttcrjnincd 1q sell a.t the very Lwf-t price ' '. - -1 ' ' ". -May -). U'iiT. : ' " ' ' ' DENTISTRY. - . T r a y i ck & Bland,. n.iTinr fr:ncd a co-p irtnership, tender their profc- ?ioa il ertlc-" to the tiM:c at larce. , Their olLce will . b? open fron 8 a ui. to (" p. in., an i ciiLcr of tlicui ill vs-it patient.'' at ta:.r residences when coiled. t;:Tircover McMurra & Co's Storc,.Bryce"s l'u.l Iln.: " - i . " Auiit 10. j . .'Vw- " '! . WM ' XI SHIPP, T7 A XT-O i: Y AT L. A W , : Charlotte, N. .tx; Orri fr. ir; Pcwr.r'i Iaxk Pulping. The Corner Housq, ' In nan Gitr:i for the aoru:nii.Jntion f transient an'l , !.TUs.t:iur l.urKT5 Ihc undcrsipitu iiavc- n ;td r-d 'i c.:i.ifral.. xp.r--r..re in keepmjr a Hotel, ar. tiivreton tVid ..- I i iL-at thy can pive .-.if i?f;tcticn TernM r.i.i-lerat.i. . I'. L. Ri'iCU A: BUO. - c; .ri-.Me. Jan. is. i-;o. . . 1 Now Firm and : NEW: GOODS ; s . The un lcr.-iaf ilAring- fQrraed a .PA?!nership unJcr th iyle of . ,' ' - ' .T. S. Pilll-I.lPS & CO., fvr the purpose of conducting the . .TSercliant T.-jhorhisr And Csnts Furnishing Goods Business,. Woul 1 rcpectfilly inform their friends and the pub lic p"nt-ral!y. th..tt!iey are now receiving their stock of YA an I Winter Gnols. consisting of all grades of F reach, English and American i j - la prc.it r.-irie'y of makes and colors, j ' . ' Gents' Furnishing Goods : ! Shirt. ColIars'Cravats, Hosiery, Merino Under ! wear. Ties of all kinds, Umbrellas. lu Ltct everything usually ound in a FIRST CLASi Merchant Tailoring Establishment, all of which were selected witli greafcare, aud warranted i t give "satisfaction.- . v" ' "" e 7 special attention will-be given to the t TAILOIUNG DKPAIITMKXT, i and a'A goods "ld will be made up'ln the very best I etvle. and a fit guaranteed. - J : ; '' '-TAILORS TRIMMIMOS, of aM kinds, kept con y stanilv on hand, and sold to the Trade at wholesale prices. f- crTTINO AN'D REPAIRING cf irih kinds. " pnnupdy attended to And satisfaction given. " W will occupy; the ?tore at present occupied by ' First V.ntional Bank, as soon as their Banking House iscvrVleted. O J- PHILLIPS, ! Oct. 5, r, : jas. H. ORR.J J. iCth. W arc now in the Store next to the i Express OfSce. where we have- a full stock of Gen- llccicn's FurnWiing-Goods. J S. PHILLIPS &, CO. re 4CTICAL Watch and Clo ck UI 5 r, . 7 ASI IiCALER IS ... JEWLLLV, nxn WATCHES, CLOCKS, Wtttrh Material, Spectacle, d c. . j Ang1?, 1S07. V CHARLOTTE, X. a -" Q U E R Y: ' 7 Is receiving, 'daily, his Fall Stock of WhicUJic akj the Ladies aud the public generally. I lhll ti.l ntLiTiiina ' v - iiT MBS. I QUERY- is prepared to serve her friend with the-i ; '" : ' , IaATEST. STYLES Ste j . tJn.UomitUllAU, Dress making, Ac. v oct o, 1SG3. r". I ) 1 . - - a WHOEESLEiXNB RETAIL. - WillltbfT My 7 R in t e IV "HavehnT iu Ure.ne A ti largoat Stocks of Goods :" CTr br-uuL-h! io market.. :u ! Tb:v kewp a, full as?ornnent of 2I kinds wTGoods, An 1 wl iu al reuiarkaWv low rates. " '' (. -ir.Cuiitry Merchant., and. whc4al buyers pniiy.M wdi a, retail P"";r4" 'Ge,,' educxauuac th. magnificent stock . j iUllimery ana '.JjreS--HiaS:illS. vl A &rp.irte'Jcpartincnt is devoted U Millmcry imd of Jre-ir.ak;ng, htre the I-idics can, Lav work done ;.: rw.i,Tr nd ia t'i latent My Ics. ' H RINTFI5 7ltl;. KITTk'OWSKY National Banks i ix the SorTixThe following items contained in, the abstract pr pared of the condition of the national banks of the frouttieru Mates arc of interest? : North Carolina, six banks' aCTCorate $2,495, 759; loans and di?counts;JS940.00a: T bonds I de posited with treasurer of the United" States, pnn riAft. J r ; i. ... t. ' eiri. nri. t? - banks $130,000 ; specie $34,000; capital $883, 000; pn.fit;., $95.COO;" bank hotes ' bntstaridin, $315,000; deposits, $1,200,000; 'due to banks, $537,000.-' ' , ' ' . r ; - : j Mutilated Currency; s ; Defaced and torn ahinplastcrs, yshort, halves and quarters included." National Bank Currency and (Jrccnbacka, : bouglit at a very moderate deduction, atthe ?. CITY .BANK OF ClfAULOTTE. Specie-' 1 ! f Clold'and Silver bought and sold onaimall margin and money loangd on the sume when desired. Also tho higbeft market rates paid -for old Bank Jttoney, at' the i . CITY BANK OF CHARLOTTE. Jan 18. 18C9'. The City Book Store,, j "s(, fas Leen licviovcd to PLowrieg ; ' Old jStand, j ! One door below its former location. , - ! Everybotly is invited , to'call and ; examine pur Stock, .wLicb consists in'pnrtof a large assortment of School, i Religions , and, Miscellaneous . r Books, Blank; and,, Pass" Books. 11 I'aper, IllAiik '. and 1'rinting l'aper, and all articles usually j kept.. iiv a first-clas3 Book Store. .;.'. , j. Oar arrangements with ' Foblitihers are su'cu that ire receive all the NEW ' WORKS of popular authors as ?oon a published. - : i; ,. I f - ;-?'; i! ' - Our prices are as" low as iny other Booksellers in 1 the Mate. . . f- j t ... . ... .. ' Jan -LjlSfiO. j.v WADE GUNNELS. T FRESH ARRIVALS. jW. lU: ill, i'-Gtlt E GORY , - At J it Bryce $ Ca Old hiand, Charlotte, AT C.'i) In now reccitiBc: another supply of GROCERIES, suitable to the reason lu addition to a general Stock of EATABLES, he tine asortnieiit of ! ! "'" ; j '"" ' Drinkables. 'Kfi- Such aa, Superior Rum, Brandy, i Whiskey Wines, &.C., all of the beet .brand, ami at uioderaie prices.' ' If you want something good to- eat or drink,' give mo. a call. : ; ! , ' i I . . Dtct14, 18CS. , . W.! H. 'II. (iREGORr. ; ; !,-. . .-.j . i Important to (the Public. ; W.i RICHARDS, & CO;, ! -no est; or au nations::) ; (Chaflolte, A". C, we door from Democrat Ojfiee,)'" Offer .their whole and extensive Btock of Dry Good?,- Clothing, Ifats. Boots. .Shoes, Notions, Fancy arid rannly Groceries', Ctm feet u hen e:?, Hardware, Sta tiouerV, Ac, Ac, at Cost.! ' ' . ..HOUSE tii' ALLEGATIONS, t4.vha1eiuUeanr retail purchaser?. 'offr.Hlheiv:w ho! fjn-k at Cost. One call' will puffi. hole and Veil selected r'utnee. ; i JIOCSE OF ALL NATIONS ffej- their '.whole ! stck to retail buyers at wlu)lceale prices. . , To fuilicti the best assorted Family 'and Fancy Groceries, Sugars, Wines, Ac., &c. , f IlOli: OF AhL NATIONS, Chariot to. N. .,. one door from Democrat OlEce 1. . , , ' - M. L. WRISTON & CO., Auctioneers J i And General Commission Merchants, For the Salcaud Piirhasvof Tobacco, Cotton Grain, Flour, 'Prbducis' and Merchandize of all kinds, MtfHi"H II"tlsc, J3itil(h'jy 'CHARLOTTE, N. C.7 ' M. L. Wristo.v, H. C. Ecci.ES, ! T. IT. Gaithek, Lite of R. I. M. C. of Iredell Co. of Mocksville. Reftoences: T W Dewey & Co., Bankers; M P Pc'gram. Cashier First -National Bank ;. W J Yates, Editor Western Democrat ; ; Hutchison, Burroughs & Ci. General Insurance Agents, Charlotte,' N. CV Win II Jones & Co, Raleigh, N. C; Geo S Palmer, of Palmer, Hartsook & Co, Richmond. a.; Rev Dr Thos'E Bond. Editor of Baltimore Ep. Methodist, Baltimore, Md.; Worth & Daniel. Wilmington, N. C: Jordan & Brother. Philadelphia,' Pa.; E S Jaffray,& Co.. and II B Claflin & Co , New Yorkt Geo W Wil liams & Co., Charleston, S, C: Jas Miller, Esq.. and Oslcy & Wilson, Augusta , Ga.;" Meador Brothers, Atlanta. Ga.: WoodrutT & Parker, Mobile Ala. Jan ll,'lrm ' i'l ' - : -I r r . ; . : j . r j f A. HALES, .. Watchmaker. and jeweler j Xext Doer, to the Democrat Office, CniitLOTTE, N. C. If your AVatch 'needs Repairing, 7 , ! : Don't get piad -and go to swearing; 7 -.' i J - Just take'it into HALES' shop, j . t . He will fix it so it will jiot stop, . j ; . ; t He warrants his work all for a year, When it nsed with proper -care. He will do it as low as jit can be dope, . And do it so well it's sure to run. . , January 1. 18G9 y j ' ( J ! GET THE pBESTI HEST SXUFF XOW IX use is ess-- "ikr. - . r ; c3 t r . CEfjEBR TED Manufactured . in Baltimore,- Md- J not fad to try it? far-yon tcill Wee it. For Sale iv Cii nLOTTTE nhou?e, Macaulay & Co., f M D L Moody, JJauimond & McLaughlin, f Carson &.One Pt i . - i Fraxier Scar.lc.tt Ca.. .' JJuls 4. Hiitcr Dr J II McAden, !' 7i Pr.J JicU, -, ! 7'. !' . ". i , I 1 ..... I ii. ' " " " .. J , 4 JJaltom & Gray, : . j.f - i . ;-t D. M Rigler. - , i 1 ' ?.' ' ; '- ' j'"' S Grose t Cc-. January 4, JSJ i h . T . V VHE HO . ' ... jrjenerai - Commissioo' Merchants VWIxa. ffifri:,-AV 47.;: ' -l Particular attention paid to; the selling of aH kinds -Produce, Cotton And Tobeoo:off j ; - BS: Highest cash price paid for tetton.- All orders from a diafange promptly attended ' 7,7 , ". , . Yt. BllYCE; . I " 1 HoTse'Flesfl, ; &c.'l-"? j 'w. I Mr Bergh, President of the. Society for1 tte prevention ; of . cruelly , to animals, has been to Philadelphia to attend ineeting of the j Society in that city. He says it has " been f determined beyond a doubt, that "horse meat is as good, for h ii man 'food as an v kind" that is now , eaten?,'. This may be true, but it will be sopife little tunc : . i ei -f ... I.. r'u- - j ' - nuiiiuc, uuiore.it win ue eawen, auu j cuu sidcred as a Iuxry, or eyen'a "necessary of life, on our tables. lie made some startling disclosures- about what kind ofj food gome horses are fed on in NewJforkV ' IJere isonof them : ; j J . "The horse could, notlbe worse treated; than -j he is. There are wretches base enough to mix up ' piaster of Paris and put it , with , bis iood,?' making it consist of. about 40 j per cent , of the plaster of Paris. After a day of toil, when this irenerous creat ure returns to his. stable for .nour ishment; which he has earned, he isswindled out of his blenders wojres, and in lieu of what his nature demands,, stone isr giveiihim.4 Thear somenno say, can such perfidity live in a human heart? Tesmy . friendjw have f found suclH cases in New i York. Here is ' one stone' (the speaker here exhibited a dumber of large'stones) which wasjaken cut of the stomach of the horse which had fecj upon: such - food,' and there aTC numerous others." i ; - I ' t ! ' " ; lI ! flf .it has coiiie to:thL4,;it is time that Societies I were fctartpd toj put a stori to it, and it!is gratify j ing to know that JVlr Beri;h and his associates do riot fear of repaid the threats of, the inhuman drivers or owners of tliesq horses, but are doing n c VI all in their power to put a stop to such crn IN, : p. SCARR, ! ' i'l : ;: Druggist and. Chemist, TRADE STREET, CHARLOTTE, N. C, ReFpctfully inforni. ljis frind "and Cie public thai he 'has just rcceiVeif a large' supply of his celebrattt r A 't f Garden Seeds,!" r '1'"-'-' lH T At WkoleJala and Retail; conrpf isin'2 every weh Known variety suiiaoie isr uus eiimaie. i Also, ; Ue-N red ; . j; - -.! 1 .;-."' ; h .ftf -Hi Clover Seed; ft TUIOTliV, 1 1 :i BLUJE QRASS, ORCHARD, HERDS, &c. ' It Also, a choice collection of . Jan 25,,18G9. , ' LOWER. SEEDS. Ti" -XPARTt Stoves j Tin-Ware, &c. D. Hl BYERLY: & CO. (In 'tht'- Jiashticfy gtore.undw 'Mansion jfousej) Keep for . sale a full assortment of. Stoves of every description, Holldw-Ware, Tin-Ware,; Japan-Warp, j r Spenrs Anti-Dust Coaking Stove is.a superior arti- cle, and has given general satisfaction. ' We have soul a large number withinhhe pst vTcar. ' ; jj We also Jceep other patterns of-Cooking SioTcs,:! of the most approved style and quality 4: ;-j '.' i Tin, Copper ah( Sheet-Iron work xecutod at short noticell Repairing promptly attended .to. f 11 i j - 7l. H. BTERLY, 7 Un.fo, tsca j a. r nnniuiKRTV j i Dissolution. The firm of W. W. GRIEK & CO is this day dis solved by mutual cousent James J. Sims retiring.' The business will hereafter he conducted by )V.. W.i Grier:and .C. W Alexander, under the style of GRIER & ALEXANDER. ., ' : ;, , .'U "A;'A.u ..1 Those icdebted to the old;fixiu jwill please -oalH ai 3 once anu j:iy up, as the business must be closed. One of the firm may always Jbe found at the counting room of Grier and Alexander, :atid the receipt of any of the partners will be,gcd. . . 1 - j j j . Thankful to our frioads for theiri patronage in the past, we hopo they will not noglcotfthis notice. I . ' . ; 'WW. GRIER. ' 1 f 7 jas? jJ sims, 7 Jan 18, 38G9. . -C. W. ALEXANDER. GRIER & ALEXANDER, ! ' Wholesale and retail Grace irflvinfrL,r,l,npH Afn.Sin,.';tnirpRt inaW Rth'ivf W. W. Grier & Cothev would call theatteritioti oT their friends and thc Public generally to; their Stock of Choitfe J xctixxxijr .a f. not to be surpassed in the market eiter in .quality. or variety, I ' n r '". '.' fi " "" ' i The hiebesticash nr'ices Taid 'fofV'alV kjn'ds.'.oX hicbcst casa prices1! pa countryj produce ,A; speciality, nuidd -of gooi t'amify floiir. j ' ; "j i ! I' n AH Gods purchased at this, house.; will be.delivr. ed any where lij the City fre of charge., !,. ?,..,;,, t Thankfuyw Mkr many fiiehds' for he Verjf'lberal patronage bestowisd upoti ms('! aercFoforet' ;wb 'ask a continuance of the same, t -Opr motto 'is2-- as-it ' ever has been straight forward, true to the line. 1 I ' I r W, W.. GRIER Jam 18. 18R0. ,''! ;7Cl W, ALEXANDER j Surgeon Dentist: j ' OJ2f0 for this, year at, Residence. ; . Patients in the City 6r Country waited on jat their residences.! 1 Orders sent him through the; Post Office, account tf distance: r 7 " 'Ci,U 1 "ij; 7 ' -:f Jan 11, 1MD ; y t i Certificates of 'Deposit. : ' Certificates of Deposjt issued from one jjo t months bearings kiterest ffom"date, "as aea to twelve agree- teient,,, , JVeposits, in any araonHi recei-rru p;... li.plr (it airht- at the. , : t -- ' '- f !""'"' I t J.'.,i CITY BANK OF CHARLOTTE 'i1- '1 TPbreignvbrafts; i-r...f i U iikaniitifv Rrrrnblid. at the Jan 18, 18C9, ..-.i-k-r ' O- TtTtT 'i. ! 1 T Cotton factors 7. and: J CKEIl AI COM 3iISI0, 3IEB0II AKTS, I fo. yio Smiths )utr j LAURt&ci: 'i RiNcisj. j r : .palfi-pore.i, - tdonsign'ni'enlta of Cotjon respectful solicit oy iTtd liberal advnnbes made ! thereon. "" j . ' v. i.j. f Orders . witf Yocdve'; prfcmpt attenlivp ; ,: Ootbbfr 51Sfi8.- t-zi ;&-' 7 iH' lu';" J-rH Drafts fer any amowu drv directly oa ttie prin-j -ri? i"'.i,.' n-in munlries: i Denmark. Sweden 'Ndrwav, itaiy.pai", - v m"5, f"--t i r i . f furnish a copV of thee jOrdersthe Cty papers, with th4 request that they jubliab.tli?.eame, A H ' r i: ' '"It. M. OATfcSj airman, -, ; Few; people comprehend tbl fmportaBCfci of re taining thisj jnstjtutipni.iri jNprtb .CarolinativOr ! still stronjrsr effort would be made ioias:erthe matter pret nted ia a ptilj trojnger mana to the ppweps jhat pe.- i; The jmQiwtjofrgplAj'alidaally, produced in this Stata;ia.ciitchireater.ftban'th people Igenexally jaro a.wa?e of; r Many aitW mines are bein opened, "and iOni&'tbaJt have? beetf 4isr; vuuuuuea are pemp pus .in.iDperaiion rin amount of the 'gold y ield thir jyearfwiU HKe over one million ofilollanL and by keebinpjth inint atf Charlotte much t ineoioTeniencetaiidi'itipense will Te isa ved-tlifc miners., THis "womldibe tho only mint ia the Southern States and Ibr that reason alone should not beiscontionei&T i?Its removal would also greatly injure tbeT. mterest'of the,8bite;by endiug toi pre'entl capitalists from investing in mineral $rojectJ i Northr'"Clarolina uas icWjj uiiU'Oa piAfc omcon 7 and weihink the; Govern men within iiriliaiits.; ntt'of. the, ! United sL'l 'j rAfA4 States could nfford. to let pst have on?. institution wtucft,eosts:o tm w ttus,ana; WDich i . otrso much benefit; tp;us:j ,Wel hopeUhatdhe Govern-; ment pavid .will be gerieroua and-not depriveTis of our! one jongifowfyjRvleigfa Standards t What al Strangera thinks ! bf Charlotte. 7 1 'A -correspondent of ? tho Cincjnatti J Commer cial -writes as fgll6wsV'0?the ' lI6rbets' No.it 7)f NorthCarolinai: i V-r-- 7; , -'(r: :-. : 'Charlptte 'is the handsoinest city in the State. Hileijrh! mttsfrivieldi in elccahce! 6f nublicl build- j ings, 5n;splendid!di:ivcs, unbeautifuVavenucsln mansions. to tbQoeenTItv.'of'tVeslerri'' ' riesi nnd mnnvare ithektories' toto" ofihecDravrv r anapatriptism ot t.ne men wno. iougnxf orguson. and i3orri wit H is in Hhetr,ee7roXiCnarTj q. , f Xhe house wh ere 'the Ujjtfsh G pti e'r$ v1i'aAf h'i ' h pa d quartcrs is', s.till priirited out. 'now'QCCjajTed a s ' a i jewel ry es tab 1 ish m i'e ri VJ fle ptibt tnid -incrs of this city ar' not of tTV6VrstVr6i.l;:The United tates Mint is thVonly pjie bfprohiine The church 'educes are' fdspecjfable.' Qrverpf them' (the Presbyterian Tio'use "iof worship) tem of architecture, jhebusifaess of i Gnarlptte is good. 7 There' are'nift-twbj wareliouses ffor the sale !of various' a r t icj6s Two mil ion dollars worth of eottbn has been bfoiigh inhere j tu.'f he last season:7 A number of proniinent men reside' in this )lace. ! Vance, the rebej Governor. and Hill, the rebel , G eeiral1 -are-'.)SeniZ(Mw.,".;- TTier0 are three Democratic papers published Jh Char lotte. : fThe LandjWe Love;,? jdited vb.D. ill Hill, a notorious General in the Confedirate ser vice, is also printed in this city 7 !!': !7 In my next-letter. 1 will reier to the spicnaia gold mines and other matters 6f interest ri this place, i 77 li; 7 j : r 7f 7 mines and otner matters or interest; near We notice with pleasure the fact tha so Jiiarnyj' bills! are being' Jntroduced in the Stjafe Legislatlure to incorporate comp nie.s for nil kittds' of manufacturing purposes, aud For the' shipment of timber, &c. It looks well for the State when: so manV moneted men think there is moneyt in- ?nvfstmpnts horp and are rendif I ""d Wlllinj? to yi-. kfltmey, expecting:, to make more by it." We nave said, and repeat ity there isl no reason What ever why North Carolina should not andcanhdt be one of the most wealthy and prosperous States in the; Union, and there is reason tp believe it will be, now matters are becpmifig more settled, and itjisi a pleasure to live 'herej 'people are com ing from all quarters to fopulate the State,- To Cotton and Corn 'Planters. s The demand for GUanos and1 Phosphates of Lime ia such that we fear many of ourjfriends who may defer securing their Supplies at any early day, will find that when they may be ready to use them, there --j ..i. ! J v.!T..J i ti . At-A.. L is not a ipound to bc uacl. t'lt requires, ron an aver age, six weeks to bring a1 cargo fniEn New' York or Baltimore, it will be 1 welt, therepre, for all who intend to btain their Fertilizers through our Agency, eitlrer rerutjan Muano, ooiubiel tiacihc Uuduo, or t Phosphates, to call and ,M us kpow ;by thejmiddle of Echruary atqainfity they. exW tc to use. . 4 i . i, 'ii.,. 7 I:. :..Ai COST COST n COST ' . ttf-r : , f 13 i t kiL'' t? 1 . ' -I wHl selP ctifiro1 Fafl and Winter, stock AT COSTwUk J'ht v fj - ' .'f i? .": Merinoi,. AlpaccagDeLaines; and all Winter Dres Goods, Broad i Cloths, jrot Cfsnrres, Sa(intjll,i; Ac.',' Flannels of all dqsrjQns, dakj an Shawl iXv ..vuoti Blaiike'tf CLQTJI FURS ! FURS FURS ! L. . ' ! ' ' :V '. ' .ir cost. J fvOOPMAXX. I i li . ... 1 I I : -7f4 7 7vr-;7 fgf Everything appertaining foiy WinterlStbck, 'iwiU scllLVT COST for Cash and Casonly.U -,. ,1 11 M I 41 I r-" i ! . -. fc Jan25,U869.;: ! s ; J B.'jKOOPAN. ,,, Lincoluton -1 I t; The next ! I ft 18o9. and: !e ,?;-lTrt Into vaeation'ia Stammcr iof fdur nveekw:1 the ran term commencing 12th July.! Pupils w3D b4 Wceite at' any time diiring.t,ic term, and charged fromjheyme. , of entrandebuto deUnctiotf mhdc fdr t&sexiic', ex cept t fhb optioa of tlroPrincifJal;f W .Wf BoarL Washing, Fuel an'dXiglitsj" with p XZ Rular.Tuitiom-J f lU.nrV r-'J- -jj ' $I00 00 . Music on Piano. .Guitar or Meodeon,J r- .'2& t;o i to 'on French and Iitin, eacii, . Pencil and Craypn Drawing,, - ?; Oriental and Grecian paiuling,'1 Oil Fainting, "i l1 Fnilrnidfrv AO Silk Or iVltet. ' AA j 1.-,! i;4n.M. 15.00 2 ii'I M' 125' '00 Reguiar Tuitioi for dy scholar frjm. .to $S(X 'wui luL.'i.MnFn oTnptpH tr furnish 1 hair sheets.' X 11 V 1UHl uiio - - . ; . I : 4 ' 1 -pair pillow ca es, 1 . epUBfcrpane, owesjand a' kins. . . : j "J.J t ,,.Jvt' ;4 4', Hid l-''wyi ' Pnttnrther'itrfo'rmation apply to i j.j ; TJ W. DREV-iRD, Principal.' "it . to 1 -ortor . , Qmnl -, : -wi , -"EeWQtiJiM-P Store. .in .KltOORlv tf" C v R KTO XT Dr'ugj Store .has been. Spring Iid rn&,for4ncrli : ou pji ICiaclaiR j romr.vpil from Uranil-ivvw iu k.ci i.u. uti ui i .Country - Merchants are req - 1T. ' il;t;-i,-;rt t ffSSr. and night, by an experierfctd.prsaa;. j i, l i- jiniiLi. ; ! .KWiuiui u.u..s-tt.- cession win comment; vauyaf jj;. Close 27th November folldwin.!, 4 Ue ses- twrt terms' oF zO weekaeach, with uesudtd can and ex-i, k,iin .: TTT-tn j in t'l t younsjnenriobeV ' tlieso IwordaJi iWben the t l -f-J-: ; Hebrfiwa o capng'Egypt .ttndef th guidance ot ij$Xxib?lii& pursued ?b"t!fe''tHt jpf j. iiai ziuii auuu rinicr eiae rata a Darren wMe" oeisj frnd befor.tbetBy, &i tbiyt'ireli thortght atr rnsWniounJaJI jkarrier ;-and theyj1 trotireni plated. upQ0tbfeir fety they 4ml f ?for Jthey saw tia WaviofJcscanincr the iwratti iof PhiarAoh. JntjpnibeJep waters of Ihe Red Seal 'Jcrw; rttl( nai;.UfBax ofrcjioiain inMeH Buttbcy & I f?rFar4trfd.t a -'pathiray 'bpeDsifby tb jebmh najnd.f iheinJod to tho ' waters of th Red'ScaV anq 3n4saiey ?.ncy ;pas3firomr me reacn ox jmeur feecntorai'it. 1! iri -! MPfT'-'' Jn nVd roanijyonn thespre$iure of perse veranctf yon: wilburmoantwhaitati first iret anbears unconhuerahle. but bv dilurence fmu likjthfe ,riHidbHiseshipX'f'wiH 'roye equal to thpE ; waveji 'jpf n lifficuItieiithaCiiribatOTinst !4 ibrfbyj .sirdgsliitfgdnjth'auspiCTOtts mo t ment ;wiU arrivp when-WiicariHacb yduTself in , jjysiiAUM i uans win puv h ijiusu'inuKC inavxive. jbiing j men wllo-i ihasfe- wily arid waitef 1 for, foritwpA ta j siBe7on Hem Tn7t cwiJ 'ttte: b;ave:brought? botli;?if teylha hot"8t'to,'bl61its jceifcieqts without stHving to obtain iflby toental or physical. omjloymentJ j?-- A iri: . ' 7 ' jjlulTQ.fprwiIrd,' snrmptji nt tho difficulties ftbat ma v sririnr nnJatnlr f! votirself ( witli encrirVf and pen-severance a;d you; will, niastcr 'dbstaelfes that .t'jjw iourmodntable t lljufc'ifipverfihet ; ilailk-nQt'Of;wlfcit privatl4n you3 wythaV'e 1?Qiiih- ucrep ; io ue surcessiuij acx. 'jiimeiifisx is niever caitolandvmalv! hateisdm'b'd fa&tef aeM fall 'p.M0miWaifon'anAppun time to act. 7: l :'.:. , . ,,.!!. ... 1 1 "ii.-iiii , ; , .Anecdota:Of. Thoa- F. MarshalL 1 ' ' nce princ6'6f good fciiQws. was Jidefendijng.a man charred with ninrdertini'JefishVnine conntv. Mhrfl riHsrmWr hsir ' sfrnnrrl nnrl . Trim I s "" -r"" , .'T ?7. """CI ., , 5 ci rrln1 poseYfbr the old Judu;e wis inflexible,! in h:i$ de- iwniiniiiioTi ruiu, out ail irnpropeir iesujuony -oee'd?!brf-th'6vTiTt tof the pefence. .' Al Jas iToni workpd hiuiselffinto a higli state of jiexciteiAent, and jrcoiaTlced that uJesui 'Christ was convict ed upon jH8tTsufaVu!ings of thecouttUlat: tried liinii ? A" j-;;:; r.? j ..r, . 7!'Clerk," saidfthe 'JixSpt 'Tenter ' fitfe dollars ngnirist MrlarsTia ' 7,711 '!' U ten ' - "Well, this i the. first time I . ever heard ;,of anybcfdy.beihg pn'edibr ahusfn Pdnitius Pilate was the tiuick .'rfcVpOnse o'f Tom ' -. ..jS . 7 Here the juigebeca'ni orddred the cleric to enter aaother 'nef of twenty dollars, 7'V7; J ';7: M : ' ; "A'-r " . -" Tbni arose wth that peculiar,- niirfji-provolking expression thatino one ca i iuiitate, and address-. cd the court with 1 as much Wayity 1 1 as ... clr nm- stanees -wduid rirmit:! as follows : i i .- 7 . 7 .7'Ifyour llpnpr pleases,as a pood Cjttizen, Jfeel bound ta obey tjie order , pf this court .and! in tend to do so ia this j instance; i but as I .'don't happen to have fthirty dollars about me, I shall be codipelled to! borrow it j from somei friend, as I no ono I present whce -confidence friendship I havp. so lon enjoyed as'your IIon-: or s I make no jhesitation i m asking- the small. favor of a loti Iprji few dajs,, to square np j tle ambunlt ofthe ffiea i that you have caused the clerk co .enrer, againscmie. ,..t.Jthy.ty h M y-x This was a stuniner,., , The Judce looked at Tbnincf then t thejclerlc,! nn$ finally said :j 7 "Uiqric, reiitpir;.,M arshalt hnes;;,the , fctato is bettlr' able toilose thirtri ! dollars thaniX !km." I There ale preach era!' of our acquaintance who on announcing their texts from, the. author-? ieu vursiun pi. iie ocripmres,- proccea to iniprm the auc ience hof? the texts'by, a new' translation may be impfoVcll.'. We do not say that they do this to show the'iV familiar acquaintance withlthe origina ; Hebrewand rekvthongb'ttpraiices ; justify jmch a sipic1bril7 sBut we;do. say i.ijhat the cus om, whafever be. the 'rubtjvei lay. '(more honored rn the nreach than in the obserTanie:"; LfofiTKerP:'is'disoIuU'' neeesstty'. tor t);., andi ,ita.; tetidntf is51 tokke tlie'i; confided ! efjjtleir''. uuaiurs iu. iiiu acuuracvj oi.nieaui,ncrizea,.yerr sion. ' tjDservesu'rot. Ptoses ctuarts.rrw-nen.l 'besfa'n1 rnv iinsfl-v I 1asei''i6!'fi''nd- roanvtl texts w h erp 1 t houglita I cquld improtet tliie. r reading, . lajteV,5;'! 'fdnn'd'esycasfon to!7arterf"and ; flpr.at the endfef thirty! years study 'X can, only admire tne e3fceience ot our common yersiftnanq eldptn ve ineiioiiowiiig excellent aayice tp nig aaugn tors thenivotri6Wwillh'ot.' ' it'emea)1)er Gtod'sicye js. in every voiiinaiij. jjewarts ui,iy ) it y.iou . uiuufc-. jiaritjr wift''yuH'inen;jijod .wlthbut affe"ctati6iis! f h 6nly sae 'jaib7 J f'pourt. ;nd enexura cOnets&tioh. with tb(s. whpjam trnlv fierid lis a fed coii rsable' not int ojyaJ uable coinpan'y fwithotTi erideayciring to. improve by It he U nbecciimng wh'4t one part; of a com rany is. cn pfagey: mprofiLnbSe coayiiijsrtioAthailr '5tuafc j,jan 'other ydrj'hoiyi' 5e t nfl)ngrgjiuS,' japd:. Ulk- ins compnraiiye fionsensa to eacn otisci WAsriixW CTiiESe..Ohio:; iysAtKe ''foion'f ipl? worth one" thousand dollarsJtb evry howe' keeper: - Tati one pound of sal bdk and llilf a 'Toound f ' nnslackcd Hm? and put tlhem1 in a'gallon of wat:er,; boil twenty minutes, ietTitrsibd'tnrcobl, then ; drain off and rutin a imaH. jdg crf jarfeoak' ypur djrty cloihes I overnish ijc, or until t oey are wei. inrpugn, i Mien. l J: ...1. J. 3 I ---- ,r 1 - 5 ... .i l. i , r-'4 i. - - . -k- houf; brjIyfian - waf h ;tfiem ; ,t Qr.bly, with ; nianlwh was;crossejl in'ldvd atteinpt VectltlyfelkiDg a oU 'of "jcast : Ife 1 imrdcdiatelr s rose! f abovo (This ed Suicide pod' lie I ; imnlcdiately rPe abovp t. i I - . : 1 nur ti r tt fiiTii rvn rit-i rrtn ta inn r irn ni r nr.r.i inr wafd.-'B-e tlffd.l not servile. ' JJew'are"" of Ifillvw : ,i.tron.w?.i: Power of Love. ,: : i ;t , How bright and beautiful is love la Its tour of purity and innocence howi niyattriotuly it ethcreipizes every feeling, and concentrate! every wild add bewildering impulse of the heart ! Lova, hoty aild mysterious, loro.' Ii is the . garland . spring or lifc-pthe arcaxn. ot tLe neart tnt poetrxQf naturo, .IU .aoogi are heard ia th rude h it of tho poor as well 1 ka the gorgeoui nalae of tho rich. - Its: dameai ' embellish . tba psolitudpxf the forest and the .thronged haunts' - of boay life, and its light imparts a brilliancy to eye'ryiioaTt, no' matjr whai may b its-condition. UJLovii pure, holy and devoted love--can never chaneeL Friends may forsake'usl'thtf Hches of J ls world Jnirty ;ar awayjbut Ubfr teart that jivM win ciiu thccjcjaxT'j.tM wtaa roara tha storm, find, auiid the .wreck ot tho-umpcat,H wiU serve as ?i bcaeo'a io light us on to love add hip . fliaeas? ' r. i u V in i ..' " ' . t ; Lov ia the 'myotic ana unseen pell that : soothes the wild and Yupfl tendencies of human nature, thatUnsoraabout'lhe Jfnctitj' of 'the ; fireside and .united Lii'. cloticr Unlon'the afTeetidni .oJTsocidtyand thJjsdulsthat lore! truly will IJrt L forcvcri!ii;N6t lik AhdIwaVesxfi'th&iOceatr, -tior iraced.ra'tho sanda theunutpo iurprciscJAipoa a.lovinff heart.j NcvAO ji but ii wllt fftmitn nja broken land unmatked; itwlll barn on'uhd'cficci in its Justre amid tho-quick ruih' or1 the windi , and iht! weary of thelfeupcat clouds f ahd when dur,;fat!o eeni8 darkish J8rearyhcn ylll! 1ovo scek ehelter in cherown.f hallowed templa' tdd , offer ,us as a sacrifice to iier ivosri and her- affoo- tiang.; . . . . i . i . n I t.:l vtn 5J;ifc- rrr?;: Tha. Rnllw .tfiwino t;j:-, .i, ; Tho Grecian l3end ha$ j6fid 6iof Vbgpien tirely j wo hope ntte to3bi04revTved. "''Also':the ; -. ! w ; I .- I ' 7 w i enormous crihohnfcfe ''lrave'raplshcdand a. much more ; becoming Btyld'has1 takenjUhoirplac.e . dress .'far neatdr, more '?nat,ural,;arid conrenieni.' Tlicre ifijils' no'teUiuj-fhe supermr "cffJct'pro- : duced a -gtffHT waj k: ,wKcn'"thiyffa!f ,i'cacr' it properlt caparisoned in a1 dress 'bfthff trejeo't tuddiT.,i f7'i: ;7 '',, , j.o specify mer many ways itpcia on ino person s; almo4t sutcHfuons! In' th'e Pfifst blace tha - young lady walks fir inljlontlrdt l9'")rcsumtng . sherfaaa goodj'nhderstandtng: j "'This .givee, a great, aa vantage ver-nny otner; arcss inat hat' pre'vaihjd for tbo lttfetr fewyc'ar. during whictt ; the chahiirng creature1 ha been drapin ilowlj along, a trect-s weeper,' gathering' all the filth of ' the. sidewalks in her track) or 'nrirobed by hoops ott. steevsho has never been, able to step three' feet without knocking'Ugainst omcthintf or; noincbody. Wo are 'heartily rejoiced tf) it : these bid fash idn JbAve'gohe thejway of si) oon ' sense wuuiu iiiat an ihc .cuncr luiuca vl IU past cbjild ' be ts! easily dispose'd of as . strett sweepersjind 'crinolines. '- jt-' '': '; ' , : Butlook wow at'oueof these iocly diughtert of rEvtbout eirfitooji--nono df x out aixtoeot fur us1 j- feok at her, we pay, nn n'tcely and tightly aecoutrid in tho new mode slio f trips along the, street! Isn't sh a goddess ?r Well, toour evee4, at least tho statue that :'ctfcifahW' the' world not hair . so glorious. 7 8ee how frVetnd upin cumbered she is as she pnts' tjowri each4hfgViii4 j step as if she means somethingetery lnie in,; Steps.' And then how unshackleaxs that! whirl she givjs her body as she lifts. each foot ! Oh, ,t that is 4 bully swing! -it makes us fceLjouo agtiin tcj behold it with old eyes ' Jit can,)jT no life in "his soul must h$ a twenty-fourcant' dolt, thit is not transported in rapturi wheft het gazes ot ia lovely r rm as it describes1 this curve-' of man curvatures, niorc complex than carr be. jcomprcl ended in any mathematical formula, fnl 7 .which5 . leVertlieress goes right straight to ttf j r Bout !. Ch:.irickeet!p.;;-; " ; ,' w'jf - r Talk' 'abotit' yourtnincine. Grecian .kend, witk its kanghroo paws and' its ildcecaiteril Talkf " about yonr majestic stru't with fire ja'rds of sjlk: , trailing in tho mud! but irivd tis .the present , .' style sot trim and so trlir. fTiat r4vs freodom of i ictiqn td: tire lorclicfet of 'God's, creatures, ail Enables them to s-tep' as nature inUndctl, to rut . down- tne-foot-'.withya vim,1 to 'exhihit U the poetry ojf motron.' and,Ubove all, that-Icatet ,. every- njusclc free to enrapturo tho ri'ter with . I r Wisd DM'Iscn fAzsisjifMhi greet i -Jokii W ?slcy oncd 'gave expression to the , fol.-, 7 lowing ei;nti ment "r:- '''When Twas'yduiig I was sure of every thing;. Jn a few yeim,, having beep riiistakeT a' thousand tlnies.'I was not halas sure of mct things' prceotI4:, . am naruiy sure-oi anyining pUXj.Hna tjoa pal revealed to mxr.''A "And I bus" ago and ,expert.v . en?e brir gs!tp ns! wisdom. ""The fool thinka ffct7. he known everything; 'tlflj wise man ; i-i . d,peply sensible i hatJhjs knwledgc'1s(' as nothing to tnsth t which Tis vet' id learn?4' Tho vounc uian. frcfli , rro'hTs.pcokF,; wif H!!ir knowledge, of men, after 'ft successful colleho on'rs'eria i full ef self., t . samciency anaconceir, is wiser.tuau me wjfr, 1 - I .--. I Experience and'tioje "fovjncljhh of hjt frrer, ,; 'he finds' tha't : -ln$ ' k'tiowfedgo'i'si less "and. ?r '7,' yian u-i. ursi Buppofcco act wocn .agcis fastis upoii JiJtjD,' withf'thi i'cojlecttoa pf v,tasf ctreef of folly ;:ahdTtjionnds. of m'etakps ho is.ully ;1;'' 0repaTedj to r ad6rVt ihe ''entitucny pf iAVciley, t And thuB jTroiii'liuloana experience, do we gaia..j knowlcdt: 'Hegird thein u6t Jightly, pVjontk... 'JtST' TVc snpp:o thoro is no reasonable doubt that the Cbristinas festival is ouly a.Vott-'f anclf , : vcrs'arycjlthe Saviour's uatjvuy; and, that. j$ waf prifmirily a heathen obcfvaiico put under noini. A. nally Christian auspices.. rA correppondeut,or. scarce -'oil English tract,; entitled Uo .A'indio.- scarce lion of t io ppleuinity pftha N nttTity, o.V i'Wt5 ' the following passage : 'If it dit h jppoar tbaV -the time oft he fasti val doth , coni ply - withitkr' timo of iho Hcithen's; SaiunaVa this Icarcs tA . chartre iif ininietr urJon"it,ibx..ejuie thing .are- ' i best cured by cotrarjes4fap4 it was both wisdom .. ;7 'XI A :Atfc m llirt nnf lent Christians fwhooo wcrki U was Vd convert the ileathen from auch as well ras 6tKcHuperstilionT)' taindijaro such time 1 irom tne aery ice ot .mejum. v 'oiJjn'juniJjz from the servfce'of the devil!" to'tho more toi fcmn aticj especial scmco. pf .Go4,f,roaj.ipclaicJj' y-: . b'e n .'opetj; question. . ,Up we xtr, Jhera k really ri- a tneaf deal of goo dooft at Lhnstma. iak ta them to toe mi?rc eoienin.anu,.cjiviJMu.ciiK-'v God' TliVwill'do for' ;'a vndicatlon-of Chriic ', mas. ih'iiuirh '.Low-far -it has ,,boeja -vindicatl. : he glad jfd that. I - r 1 'I n".'VlrC. Bettren th tw Druj Ptbrea' I . : i ' i - r ' 1 . 1 ,