5 " 4 .A r - n 1 I I K 1 V ' III 1 . ifr.Tt ;p-J mm -1 I , Wu, j. vates, bto, ,.SD .P.0?.,,,ok r . -l CHARLOTTE. N. C. TUESDAY: MARCH ?30. ; 1 :' i r SEVENTEENTH VOLUME -N U HUE It 8G4. -r c-r .M...;A-THit cs Dollars... in i1tii . ! -i - . 1 ,.' .;.' :i i". - n - I . i . : " -. " v - l-1 ; i -.- t u. jtrmi vj u . - , . .. . - - M J - - " ' , V : ...-. .,"-.. - -- ; ; ,- J?..-. !. . i '! - ' i! - 1 ! , t" .... . - . . ; I ' v , I J. ?. .-. Tt f . :!: r-rC N S 7 , tf5i . ISA. rwtfV-- ' ! i( 3 - " . nil i ; i i i it it i : ' , 1 " ' 'I " ' ' ' " ' ' ' " v ' ' ' ' 1 ! ' ' ' ' ' V ' r- .'r,"r : . .' . , .ry,,',. ..-i-,,.. : "'';.!.. .' 111 1 " " ' - ' ' ' 569. T HE "Westein Derdbcrat ' rrcttitRD bt . - WILLI AM J. YATES, Editor .'and Proprietor. " Yxrm Three Dollars per annum in advance. AJtcrtlscincnts will be inserted at reasonable rates, or ia accordance Vitli contract. Obituary notice? of over fire lines in length will be charged for, fit advertising rites. 1 ' Robert Gibbon,. M. D.? 1 rilVSICUX AND 'SURGEON, ' " I Triin Strict, Charlotte, A'. C, (Office and Resilience, one door ponth old State Bank, 5 1 frmcrlj Win. JoLnstou's residence). I ' " T Jmi 1, lbC& : . " y L . ! , ,; .... . " j. :P". Mc Combs, M. D., . Offers bis professional services to the citizens of Charlotte and tiirroundiiig country. All calls, both nsLt and day, pruuiftly" attcndcl tu, j Office iii liroivu'a UuilJing, up flairs, opposite the Charlotte II vieL . . ' ; Dr. JOHN H. Mc ADEN, . " WlioiesalG and Retail Druggist, f c!Iai:j.vttjx.. a, - .. i - liii n h:ind a lare and well selected ptock of rCHE DilL't;S.Cheni"caK Talent MedKlnc, FataiJy Medi-c":n-. .Tiu:its OH. V.irulK, I ye Stuffs, Fancy and Tpib t'Artlclcs, w ulcli he i dettriuiiitd to tell at the very !o't pi ices. ; jau i; tfrx J " J V: ; ' D II. JOHN HV-.WAIT., .j Surgeon. Dentist. ; . ; O fr ? for thix 'fnr tit t is HesMttfe. ' ' Patieuti in the City or Country waited on at their residence. Order Mnt biin t !ji-i:j:1i the Post Office .... . 1 1 t A - 1 will pronijn iv MUii'iui io. ,u ir.i cuarge u 1 V I.tUIidcd t0. fiace. Ji ! I. 1 . WE M: SHIPP, A T T C 11 X B : V A T L. A Charlotte, N. C, Ornrn t.v Drvrrr s Pane Ih n.t:r.G. ov. f, i ; t'f Now Firm and NEW GOODS The un lergned L iving formed a Partnership ca Icr tlif ?tI of for tltf I'tirpote of ctn-Limig the - . Merchant -'Tailoring;' And GeiitoTurnisliiiig Goods Business. Won! I ri-jf.- fully tiifnrm tl.oir friends nd the pub lic jroiwrralrv. i.iuh.-y are nov receiving their ftock tf Fa!l an I Wmw r ii-'. cu35iliag of all "grades of French; K&,:U-! a::i A.-.; erica u , ' Cloth-, raNisiirrr Az iVcslin, J.n jrrvt varl'v ol ko and color. Gents' Furnishing Goods: Bh'rt-t. Col:4r.Vr;:it. Hosiery, Mrriro Under-, wear. Ties f ll kiu is. UmbrellasJ j la fact eTerytLin usually found in a FIRST CLASS Mervhrfnl. T.iiluiins Est.iMi-hjueut, U of (Lih were sebv.'i'.i'witli gia care, and warranted la ire t :.t!'aeti-n. ipecil attcutioa u ill be jriveu to the . "TAlLOltlNti DHl'AUTMV'XT, An I all goods sold will be made :p in the very best style, and a St guaraiiU-nl. j TAILOUS' TUl.MMI.Mt3S, of U kinds, kept con stantlv vu IianI, and 1 J to the Trade at tvholesalc pricwC i ; jwr CUTTING ANI IIF.IMIHING ef all kinds, prornptlv attended to and uatisfactian given. Wc will occupy the Sore at present - occupied by Is Firt National li'mk, as soon as t'aeir Pa nking Hotie U completed. J. S. PIIILLIFS, I oct. ii. ks-;s. . JAs. II. onu. - t.v to!, AVo nrc now in t!io Store next to Hie Krppcss (Knee. wli-?re w have " tleutcn's Fit rifw-i trig ri. l. J a full Nck of Gen S: PHILLIPS CO." rRACTICVL " Watch and Clock lilik3r, AXt" Dr.AI.Ktt. S jKn'ELnv, 'ay; match clocks, , Hrf.vA Material, Sjvctaele, j r. AulO.'liiiiT : CHARLOTTE, N. . - QUERY ' l receiving- daily, his Fall Stock of j Jlilliiicry, Trirnmiii. fcc. U U:c!i h.taks th Ladles and thepublic generally, to call and cxaiaine. ' . - frj- MRS QUERY1-'" prepared to serve her frienJsjMih llie - ; ' . '' ' .'. . - X ATE ST STYLES . - in lIonnet, Hats, Press making. &c. 'Jct'.j'.'lb'lS. - - . " Novels., v ,y T:rnr h.tnnfl Xoti-U ill abundance at TIPJ c. f .'Life a Loi tery, or Life .and Its Aims :f .Hw a Pride was Lost, or a CLae Aoros the Pampas,"-by Frederick Goi stacker : -Mwhun. or the-Last Pays of Le ahd hi; Pa hid from the s." cf tTol. Surry Of EajV Net : "Palla Gatbraitlt." bv Mrs- 11- Harding Davis, .-.ith.r of W:tfi tor the :Yerd;ct," 'Margaret .IFowth,' etc : "Anions; lb? Arabs, a Nar rative of Ailvenrurc in Algeria," by G.. NcpLegyi; "The Old ?Ianjollys Seerer. afier the German of-E. ilorlitC by Mra. A. .Wisiur ; -Gold A- L- Wistor. Ju.-t received at " Phie," by Mrs. TIDDV'3. - f ' . Semmes. ' : ' Memu.rs of Service Afloat iuriiig thenar between the SUtev, by Admiral Raphael Semmes. of the Con federate State Narv. 'jut receive.! at TIDDYS, A Constitutional View of uio Late War iuecu the siatjby Alex. H. tepuen. late v.cc-l're.idcutC.S. A . For fale by; Kb 1., 1S,J. , ITIDDY & URO. . JFirst National Bank of Charlotte,' 1 -r CUAliLU'i 7,, iA. C. : j ?;icc in McAtfrn A'tic liut'hlinj, Y. JleAden. rrcttdent. . -M. P. Perram. Catbier -f A. G. Prenizer, Teller. POAKP OF. DlHECTOItS. f R Y McAden, T II Brem,- Wm R Myers, RilOatcs,- " Wm Johnston, ' S A Cohen, John Vi"i!ke3: . " Deals in Bills of Eiehauge, Sight Draft?, Gold and Silver Cdn, and Government "and other Securitie?, . 1. 1W -j Efficacy -of Onions.' ' ' A writer says : "We are troubled often with severe coughs, the result of colds of long stand ing, which may turn to consumption or prema ture death: Hard coupha cause sleepless nights by constant .irritation of the throat; and a strong effort to throw off offensive I matter from the. Innps. The remedy proposed has often been tried, and is simply to take into the stomach, be fore retiring for the night, a piece) of raw 'onion after chewing. This esculent in an uncooked state is very healing, aud collects the water from the lungs and throat, causing immediate relief to the- patient. It is also said that a poultice of onions applied morning, noon and night, for three or four days, will cure a felon. No matter how bad the case, lancing the finger will be un necessary if the poultice is applied,' -The' remedy is said to be a ture, iiafe and speedy one. j The North Carolina , j LA N D CO MP AN Y V ! Established for iLc Transportation and Location of Northern and European Settlers," THE SELLING AND LEASING OF HEAL ESTATE, the purchase ami aalc of Agricultural Implements,' Machinery, &c. Aio, NEGOTIATES LOANS. on mortgage 4)r other hccuriues. i , OFFICERS? Geo. Little, Trcst. R. W. Best, Sec. & Treas Aynits and Dircdvrt at Itahigh: I f K8n. . W. Pest, ! j";v Col. Gcoi Little Geo.' W. Swepsoa,' '! li. Kingslandi Agents nn'f 'lir retort in JTeic York and Boston: : ' " ' A. J. PleeCker,- Son' & Feb 8, W ' ' - - ';--8m- Co. i. New Stock of Groceries:' w; XBLACK, ' Has received a large Stock of Groceries, consisting in j art of; - .: . : I ! " j l Suar, CnfTee. Molasses Rice, and Salt, . j ; Paeon. Lard, Fish, Meal and Family, Flour. ;Na!h. Iron, I;eatler, WhiKkey, &e. In fact, everything and 'anything kept in a first- I clans Groeery Slore. - Tliiiikful for past patronage, he invites his friends and the "public generally to give Lim a call before j 51 arch 8, liC,K w J.' BLACK. Raleigh National Bank f ! ( OF NOUTIi CA 110 LIN A. -! ; ! ;The Directors have redv-etl tn increase the Cnpi- tul Sioek of. ibis Paiik lo FIYE HUNDRKU THOU- .... . . .. . SA. D IKILLA Kb... Person wiping a .uiuc ior f iu - u ill t . I aviso rn:nnaiiniiHie u it h !: - - - , ' - i C. . PKWITi , President. Raleigh, March 1;; S(.9 Ll-j..iM ! M. L. WRISTON & CO., I ; : ': Auctioneers ' j ! '! j: And General Commission J Merchants j" For the Sale and Purehaseof Tobacco, Cotton, Grain, ' Flour, Produce and Merclir.ndize of all,luaiU, ' Jfitiixi'iH II"t:se Jtuildniij, t - CHARLOTTi:, X. C- M. Lj WnisTox, Late of 11. 1. M. C. II. C. Pcci.e.s, T. H. G.uTjir.n, .of Mocksyillc. of Iredell co. IlKFtSExeF.-! : T W Dewey A CoU Banker? : ill P Pegram. Cashier First National Pank : .WJ Yiites, Kditor Western Pemocrat ; Ilntchipon, Purougbs & Oo. General In.-iirance Agents, Charlotte, N. C ; Win 11 Jones & Co,- lialeigh, X. C; GeoS Palmer," of.Paluier, Hurtsook &. Co, -Kiclinwnd. Ya.i Her Dr ThoA K Pond, Editor of Pahiinore Kp. Methodist, Baltimore, Md.; Worth Si Daniel, Wilmington, X.C: Jordan Pi other. Phibideljdiia, Pa.; P S Jaffray & CO.. nn I II P'CIaftin & To , New Tork ; Geo Wj Wil li a ww & Co., Charleston, S. C: Ja Miller, hsq.!, and Osley & Wilson, Augufta .-.;Ga.: Meador Prothers, Jlebile,' -Ala.! - Atlanta G.i .WoodrHtt!& Parker, Jan 11, IWit. . . ..: NOTICE. ' The copartnership heretofore pxis(in under the name and ttyle of T AY LOU & PCNCANjwas Mis solved by liintual consent on the' 1st January, ll 809. All persona indicted to the firm of Taylor &D.un caa, by Note or Account, will pleascxonie forward ml make payuiwnt immediately to A. A. N Mi Tay lor, who is authorized to settlo. alijthe.buwncssof the tiriu. All persons having claims against "the' firm will present, thcia for payment tpjhe jsame. ! ' Ai A. A. M-'.lO- i k ,'J.i DUNCAN, Jn. s :- : . - i r-- i - i- r--: T-S? Having prirchased the 'entire interest of J. Duncan, Jr , 1 will continue the business at the ;New Ilriek Store, on Trade Street, J doors East of Springs' Corner,' where I will be pleased to j see aibmy old friends and patrons, i " r j - v ' 4M arch 1,1 8(i'.. j A. A. N. M. TAYLOR. .'I GET ! THE BEST! Tin: very ni:sT sxuff ".voir ay use is s ' j : . : :; 'I i" . i - - CELEB11A TD 1 !.... j . . I ' . I .4 Manufactured in Baltimore, Do not fuil to irvt't, for vqU ic ill Vice it i ... I- I 4 'i - i Fon Sale'. ix Chari.otte by i j - .1 ! Stonhon;c, Mac?ulay Co., i ! !."- IfammonfLi McLaughlin,' M D L Moody, J ! 1 - Carson AiGrier, i i v i . . Duls '& Ililkcr," Frazicf, Scarlett & CW .1 - f Dk- J II McAdea, , i S Grose &.:Co j Dr-'J N Butt, ..t ..- . V Haliom A Gray, i W Piehard '& Co., January 4, l.Sotf D M Piglcr. Cm ! ' f J. Y. BRYCE & CO., rjonKvnl Commission Merchants ' ClIAnLVTTJE,X'V. j. . i rai.tieuUr attention paid to the 'selling of all kind otX:xr:: ; Alf ordew from a distanceproniptly i attended to. J. Y. :BRYCE. i. - March W. TI. PRYCE. Old Nortla State Distillery, f CHARLOTTE, .N.- C, j 'I GROOT,! KTJCK & CO., Distillers and Rectifiers cf Corn and Rye Whisltts. We warrant our Liquors PURE and UNADPLTR- i .nTiritpd from the trade ST. pAwey Salesroom on j.rjr nw, st t,- w- Co's Bank. - .1 . .. " " "i . 'Febl-V ll?G0. ; - " Lawyers not good .Legislators. In thcU. S. Senate last week, Senator Sprague attributed all the confusion and mystery of our legislative, bodies (the U. S. Senate included) to the fact that too many lawyers were f elected Lhf the people. A J correspondent of .the N. Y. Herald speaks of Mr Sprague's speech as follows : - 'The speech delivered by Senator Sprague,of linoae lsiana, can liardly tail to arouse attentiou throughout the whole country by the apt origi nality and extraordinary boldness tvhich char acterized it. Mr'.Sprague is a young ? man ario! no orator, bat he I manages at critical times. to think with more truth," force - and justice than most of our public men. The subject under de bate was the Civil Tenure act, and" Mr Sprague,. jfeeling, ho doub'Cfn. tensely opposed to the reten tion of such a statute, and sitting for days under the afliction of a never-ending discussion, carried on most exelusively by hair-spKtting tmd long- winded lawyers; determined at length to open 1- t 1 - i .. f ,1 .1.110- . nis mma aoour wnat ne inougnt or me menace and its ; composition. ' He began in his "u'sull quiet, careless . manner -of delivery, --hut had. hardly proceeded jfurther than a -sentence or two when hctartled the; whole chamber by declaring that the Senate was composed 'of too many law yers for the good of the country.-, j Too many' .lawyers!. Just think" ofit! Flat blasphemy. as" anv senator tetorer J ne pusinesa. pco pie the people'of wealth, worth and stajj&mg - J snouiu oe more iuiiy representea. conienaea tne Senator from llhode Island. "What did law i i - , - - -. , - . -'t 1 .r -I yers know 'of the real and material interests of j ti VrTTl'' TtV7uTOfJ tliia crrvOlX-ni t i'l'Tlinir hmp' I was given to making confusion worse confound ed, and- their minds ranjn a narrow, constrained and pettif i itriug channel of thought! " 'They had now taken hold of this Tenure" of Office act,and were expending all' rtheir ingenuity to" befog the question at issue, to seize additional power !un-, def the disguise of securing the euipoisQ'if the government and shielding .the people froui cciitive encrcachmeiit. A11 shaui in substaIce,", coutiuued Mr Spraguel- I "The House of Lords, nor any other legislative body, hits half the pow er possessed by the -Semite of the United States, and yet -they-' clamor for more, ; and for why f Vhy, to build up an aristocracy of power, an oligarchy -of tyrants and monopoly of leg tslation' I j lie. (31 r fcpragne) would rattier trust one man dcct gtrai rUt JVonj tUe people than a bodyf 2 ... 1 - . . r . ji va a t..a , J would sooner look for the exercise of, humanity j aud some degree of responsibility tb' one tyrant than to ft'eonapiracy' of tyrants. And so on -Mr I Sprague contiuuetl spreading his extremely novel j if not distasteful opinions all around him. McHUERAY, DAVIS I & CO.. j ' , 1 .. Deai.kiis ix. ' ; r I . ; : groceries, Hardware, Staplb 6obd3, Shoes, &cM Trade Street, CHARLOTTE, ; i. C, Have the largest Store Koom in the; Cty, and the largest itock of Goods, .which will show for itself upon examination. ' I W keep every article a 'family may need,! Come in -and we will sell you your wholes bill and save you uie irouu.e 01 running wrounu. ; - One of our firm has-just returned front-New York, and we are now receiving daily a large Stock of Staple and Fancy ! - ; - " f " r;. . 1) It Y GOODS, Coni?ting in part of Sheetings, Drillings, Tickings,? Bleaehed Shrrttngsj Irish Linens, Ginghams,' Prints, Delaines, Lawns, Mu&lins, Ac, Sc. I A large stock of Notions, Trimmings, Ac I Also, a full etock of men's and bovs- Ilats'and Caps, and Ladies' and Misses' Hats. j .A full line of men s and v - and ladies and MisscBT BOOTS AND SHOES. ' i 4 fenOCEllIKS, HAIiDWAliK, &c.f .j Gi-fe us a call before buying elsewhere, as we are determined not t5 be undsrsold. ') t " i Feb 22, 'CD. McMUltlt AY, DAVIS A CO.- r ' i : . I i State o4 North: Carolina, Catawba county. Court-of Lav Surinn I'erm. 1SGU. , Wm. Turner; Adnx'r, 'vs. Eli Cliae, rt. It appearing.to the satisfaction of the Court that L. Pi Cline, W. A. Clinc, Frank Cline, Elizabeth Clinciand Maxwell Cline, defendants in this case, reside beyond the ( limits of ths State, it is ordered that publication' be made, for six successive weeks, in the "Western Democrat," not ifymg j said defend ants bo be and appear at our next Superior Court of Law.i to be held for the county of Catawba, at the Court House in Newton on the first Monday in Au gust next, then and there to answer ' or demur to plaintiff's petition, or"jtrdgmcnt pro Confesso jivifrbe taken as to theni. s I - ' 1. -f ''-.' AYitness, M. OSherrill, Clerk of our said Superior Court, at oSce the first -Monday in March, .lSGy, ;; G2-Gw pd . f. - . M O. SIIERIULL, Clerk. State of North Carolina, Mecklenbiirg.county. - Superior Court Fal Term', 18C8. V I, -S. Si and S. II. Marks,' Executors of Sarah' BI Speaks - s ( vs. Afr S. Marks and others., - i .j ; Petition to SelPLaniPl:: .L ' '' In this case it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that" Jehn.Gv Mjirksf and II. AV.iMarks an in fant withoutGuardian, Sarah'L. Riddle, Rebt Rid dle,' Mary Riddle, arah Riddle, Henrietta Riddle and Jas. Riddle,"dcfendauts in this action, all reside beyond the limits of the State and oannof be reached ' bv th flrdinav" process of Law; f therefore it is or- "dered by the Court, that publication be made in the j "Western Democrat, a newspaper puousueu iu tue.j City of Charlotte, for six weeks,: notifying said de fendants tb.appear at the next term of the Superior Corirt to be held for the coiinty of j Mecklenburg; at the Court ! House in Charlotte, on the 8th Monday after the 4th Monday in March, A- ,D., ISCQ.-te show cause, if aoy they have, why the piuiyer ef the pet i- , tioners should not be granted, otherwise such orders and decrees will be made as to the Court may. seem just! and proper to be made in the premises, y.- J i Witness. E.- As Osborne, Clerk of our saW Coin-Tat oRicein Charlotte, the 8th Monday' after the 3d C?-Gw I pr. adv. $T0. . '4 ' Attachment; State or NoETiV'Cuoi.i-MfXKLEjfBFPa Coctctt. AV. D. Rdsseli; Jr , rlaintifI7 vs. Henry II. Glover; V -i - j , - . -Defendant. - :'i 'J ' : Henry' H. Glover, the defendant injMscasc. will hereby tike notice that a Warrant of Attachment has been issued against the property of said defendant, who fs beyond tlie limits of the State, in favor of, the plaintiff,! and returnable before pie,.?, Justice of; the Peace for the county of Mecklenburg, at. Charlotte, on the 1 ft day of April, 18G9, for the sum,of $75, due' by ttote.vith interest from 1st day orFebruary, 18G1 The BJiidideftuidant is hereby notified toap: Rt laid time and place; and defend his suit Or judgment 5viJITe refidered itgainsf him. AYitness: -J N. Hunter, a Justice of the Peace forlhe county of Mecklenhug, w V V ftiTKTPR P -Gl-4w fadv ?G1 J. N. UPMER J. P 1865. ! eversaluted the ears of Justice 'Dogberry, ioo many lawyers! s Did overmuch an idea enter the head of any Senator before? The business, pco- '": - Have IMercy on ' Wbnren. 1 1 4. We have' probablyall of us met with cirenm- suiuces 111 wnicn a worn ueeuiessiy spoa.uu agamsv the reputation of a feniaje has fbeen. magnified by: malicious minds until the cloud has been dark enough to overshadow, her 'whole existence. To who are accustomed, not necessarily ' frOm bad motives, but from thoughtlessness, to speak lightly of ladies, ,we recommend these ")iints": as Worthy of considtration; J Never use! a ldy' name in an improper place; Never make assertions about1 her that you think untrue, or allusions that she herself would blush to hear. . Whenyou meet with men who do hot scruple to make use of a lady s name in a recfc less and unprincipled manner, - shun them, for tVeyare the! vcrjvworat members of the cbnunu nity lost to every sen,se of honor, every feeling of humanity. - J . K-.' r.'r:' .-it ':4.': . ' ,j H Many a good pi d worthy woman's' character has been forever" ruined and heartbroken by a lie manufactured by some -villain, and repeated where it-should. fiot have been, and-in- the pres ence of those wliose Jrttle- .iudgment could not deter them; from! circulating the fouLand -brag- gard report. A slander is soon propagated, and the smallest thing derogatory tb a woman's char acter will fly ohthe wings of the wind," and mag nify as it" circtilates, ; till " its monstrous' weight crushes the pdof unconscious victim " Hespect the name of wdman; ; for youf mother and sisters' are womenj ana as you wouia nave mat iair name untarnishi id and tEelr hVes unemb'ttdred bV the slanderer S" ton srue, heeu i the, ill that tour own words may jbnng upon' the mother,' the sis- terf or the yaW pi some iellow. erjQatuie, 4 1 i?arm Stock in tlie United States. ' We learn from the '-report of the Department of Agriculture that horses have increased slight ly in most of tlje Westeru and Southern States, but very little lathe 31iddlo and Eastern not enough to keep! pace with the, .increase of. pOpu.- latiou'in the Atlantic seaboaid States. -Nebras ka. KahsasL Misonri. Iowa. -Minnesota Wiseon- sin ana the L'acinci coast states exmoit pre larjrest lucreasd Hie numbers are.-however. not equal to the demand, as is shown by jthe treueral thbusrh) small advance fin prices. The increase of mules is also slow, and the range of prices appears io be higher than last year. t The returns fo-f oxen and other cattle" sh show a pdsitit e- decrease ' in "' New' Jet se', Mar y fan & North Garblina Florida, Texas! Kentucky, 0Kio, Indiana and -Illinois, ; the diminution amounting to five. per cent in the latter State.. In inilch cowa reduction is! reported in Texas, Ohio! and Illukis and sotne of the Southern States, A general increase in prices of cattle is reported! to be. general, :. he Only exceptions being lihode Island, Tennes see, M issouri, M innesota Kansas and the Pacifi States. ,The loss canuot.be less than 10 per cc it. j In .some j States it is placed at 15-or inore:! Hie prices ofhee'p havq der clined slightly in certain sections and advanced in others.) f ill Connecticut! and New Jersey, where unusuaj attention has been given to mut ton breeds, prices have been fully maintained.! In districts where the Me ritio stock monopolizes H sheep-walks, the -decline is general and", in some sections heavy - , ' -'H ; f - .;- ! The report kates,; moreover that , the returns of swine markja very decided reduction in num bers of fattening-hogs, amounting to 15 percent, in a large portion of the Ohio . Valley. Tlie prices are largely increased in many States 25 or 30 perceuU, and not un frequently 50 or GO per centj - ) .1 ':',;: ... i-.;!i -h" - a ; "J : "-n , '.. . - r -. i Tournaments seem to be the ragd just now. Immediately upon the close of the war they became ilmost- universal, : aud we thought that: there-miirht be some excuse for-them! thenx as the -young .pen had . just 'returned from the wars, and naturaliy waved some . excuejinenc. But at this Ike day, they appear to us as only very, .ridiculous. .. We do not know anything more absurd than to see f grown up men" riding at a break-ncek 11300, with king poles in their f hands, trying! io poke them through an old mar tin erale' rinir. I les, we do know something more ridiculous even than that, it. is to see hundreds nf.rAnTilerleaTinfr their houvts and-business -and. coins: miles to look ! at these ben carryiupj tbei poles and tilt at the said oldj niartiuga "A little nonsense"!may do 'f now ami th le nner. may ao rnow ami ineq, . out . 1 . ft 1 A so much "nonsense" is-r-uubearable. Utikiyh Sentinel. B. M. PRESSQN & CO. Have just received a large stock of GROCERIES, consisting inlpart of Paeon rlLams, Shoulders and. Sides : Lard, fiUour, Meal, Corn, SugarC-offee, Mo- classes, race, Salt, Fish; in fact! everything kept in a tirBt-class urcery ana jrrovisipn aiyrc, -, Also, a plndid lot of double-sole ftiiv- -war: ranted..!-.- r:-i.i -,''(. Also, a fpl ndid lot of " - v': f ; v"-' J Liqtiors : ,;-'- ' MonoTjjahel4 Ke'cfar, -Corn and Rye" AThiskey s. 7'; - l barfeT pure North Carolina:ornAThIskey. AVe cell Cheap for CASH only. . j ! f ! March 22, P8y. ; - - : Irish Potato es. I Just received, a l.rge lot of Irish Seed Potatoes. March i8-:a. S.: M, PRESSOR & C0.f 6 M I T H -S ' Boot, Shoe and Leather Store, Xext doof to Dewey's' Bank,' Charlotte, JVl CI, f Ia the largest AYfiolesale and Retail Shoe Establish I ment in North Carolina. ' iir-:1-'l - f: The quality of their Stock is superior in every re spect, and ufequaled in style, finish ; and workman ship. The jpricea.are as low as can be afforded. TheyJjuy tfeir Goods exolnsively from. Manufac turers.1 6r liare them made' to" order. They pay no rent and do the business themselves, and can,! there fore, -and wli sell all styles and qualities of i Boots and Shoes t lower price than can be-found elae where'ln -this .market. Every pair, of Boots .ard Shoes 13 warranted as represented. "One , price to alLJid ,lfiir dealing," is their motto.' -r - hi -1 - j- : - - ' ; ' vvi '!' .iq '' : Leather, Shoe Findings & Belting. . j Their" sto;k of Leather and Shoe Findings is most complete, Embracing every grade of - Hemlock, and Oak Sole father,; Upper Leather, French and Amer ican Calf Skins, Kip, Lasts, &c. Ibey also xurntsn all widths Rubber and Leather Belting facturers' prices." ' ' k J ! Ask forlSMITirS SHOE STORF;, the iiBhd S&ioe Hcuse in the Stite. i at Mariu oldest es- , J SMITH'S. ttilOK &1U1U5, h -Nxt Iloor to Dewey Bank, Charlotte, C. u'sust'ai, 18G8 i - : . Letter -from Iypt t iWe are kindly permitted (saysiHelWilmihgtod Journal)! to publish jhe following y.ery interest-; ing and instructive Ieter from a North Carolinian traveling in the East, to a gentleman m this city We are sure it will be highly relished; - by cur readers: -1 . -. ! "'ll i . Cairo, Egypt, Feb. f 2d, 18G9. , - JTy Dear Colo3ielz-X have to thankl you for yqur letter of the- 2d of January, which jreachec me here; -I do not propose to write you of ant cient Egypt with its Pyramids, its Obelisks and its Spinx fpr tfiat you find in the. books, better -than I -;caii express it, j hough, seeing 'ii is tery different from reading it, nor of this the most Oriental City in the world, andI could! not des cribe it tf I wouldj for it is tho "Arabian Nights". in rcauty, tnougn not so oriinant. ne uontey and the . donkey boy, the long trains of camels :and theif loads and drivers area constant sourcp of amusement to us. The population dressed in t he Oriental s costume, pass under the . general jname ot Arabs, but to our eyes are negroes,, they ar.e from the lightest shade of mulatto the purest Ethiopean. , ', :l!:'f or to .f I have inquired with regard to the, cultivation of cotton in Egypt.!: -.The caltivation jwas coui-r "nienced about .twenty-five years ago, and has novf reached to about six hundred and fifty thousand bales; The - land and climate seem' .splendidly adapted' to At, and the jweed as I see it,jeenis re m ark ably, fine, arid they state their4' proMuctr to be from a half to a! bale to the aere. The land js all irrigated, as. it never rains here.. The' irrig2 tion is dotid by the old Jlgyptian wheel turned by ajlorse, JjulfalQ- or oaaiel, Jbut 'on-theTlargcr places now.they are cising JSngKsh eteani engines', j driven ivith English coal. The- pumpusedjs the rotary pump.- The irrigation is not only Ter moisture, but it is all the manure the land gets, for the manure in this country 4s mixed up-with ,, mud and made into rouBd fiat eakesand dried n the suu and used for-fuel. The plows are very rude; composed almost ' entirely of wdad of jthe same pattern las was used thousands of years ago, thugh;.soa;e of the larger; ltirmers lire using steam plows. The animal-used todraw the plow is a very ugly ill-shaped buftalo. But they have? two great advantages over us in the cultivation of. cotton ; one is, they . get a cent and a! half in gold for a pound of their cotton seed at the gin) the other, they plant; white - clover all over t be cotton fields in the month of August, and n w they have a crop of white- clover eight inches high and very luxuriant, t It is notonlv suflBctent to feed their own animals but all . the animals! of the country, including those of the citibsi They also sell all. the weed iu the; winter fori fuel. J ISo that they. sell from the crop besides lithe coiti on What .jjwould. seem to me to be the expenses of the crop. ! - I ';j j . - '". j 'j ;'-' j Tlieir camels are the means of transportation ; his load is about twelve hundred' pounds (he kneels down to be loaded and unloaded; one man manages si.x of them. I have fhus seen With six; camels a. man coming to the depot bringing tweiitv-four two hundred! pound bales. I ,IIe transports all the clover to imarket and all jthe cotton1 weed. .The camel requires no wagon and nothing but a foot path1 for a road and lives on the clover. - , ' . ; ' '! '' !. 'J '.- I Able bodied hands in. this country are worth about twenty 4eents a day and in laabi.ts,) jand every other respect, (very inucu sucnijiaporers as your negroes now are., .xie requires less ciomes, no shoes, and in fact, nis lotjbing amounts jto a turban aud a sliirt, ; He requires less food jand keeps- no Sunday. The cotton seed ire all sent to Hull, -in England, to- be made into oil, but I think they are making as tquch cotton astheKe-z-tent of land will admit of, a fortunate 1 thing for tne coiion piauieis 01 Auienua. 1 , 1. 1. ' It is astonUshinjr to see what the varieties of. products are under i this I system ofj irrigation.; Youi see tobacco. cotton, corn, sugar oaneJ (cab bages, caul iflowerv grapes,! figs, wheat, dates-- in fact! cverythingalniost, that a .man wants to grow, j The Yiceroy is i building very extensive roads, railroads!' and..' canals, constructed with conscript labor. His railroads are well ballasted.'his cross ties are of. iron; there Js ja bar ccnBcctingj two iron pots about sixteen inches across and four inches deep, Convex surface beingj turned down wards.! There is a cross groove on top that is at rigfit angles . to the rail to receive the bar, and that parallel with the rail, acts as the chairl j - j I shall now stop this letter until I get to jPort aid, a. place a hundred miles to the East, of fVlexandria, where I sliall pass Sunday, and on Monday take steamer for Jaffa. I shall .reach this place in a small steamer on the; Suez Canal, and I shall write you what I.thinkj about that great ircuch work. ",y ;. j j - . ;Vj:;- :.::,j. - .Port Said,; Feb. 7th. On Friday We came! by rail via Zizzig-td Ish !maella, a po'nt half way the great canal. Along this railroad is a fresh water canal jta Sudz and the Water is conducted by iron pipes.to.thia place, fifty-five miles. This fresh water canal will be. ultimately very mucn enlarged ami wm juet usea to convert the ;adjoining! desert .into rich fields The rreat canal is nearly in a straight linei from sea to sea, ana is aoout a uunrcu auu wimim lung. "Vhen finislied iti will be 333 j feet wide and 27 feet deep I think it will be. open for small boats.Jiext Winter, but .probably a year for sea-going steamers. - . - '.. '-:. '-i I There are .many paints along the line where therd are sunken; places some of theui now lakes or beds of,old lakes, and, contain the bitter water mentioned by the Israelites. .These, they us&to deposit their extra sanU . Xhe first operation is io open a small channel j by hand ; this is done principally by Arab labor. After! that they let in the water and; use their steam. dredging ma chine. Otf ! these they .have a hundred and twenty sixi the largest I ver saw; these are worked bv Eurrmean labor and are in operation evtry ciiy, including Sundays They hate 600 J steamboats and barges attendant, on inese.areuges. all these are made of iron. , The mechanicnl skill exhibited in this., n.jicliinry s very ; wtinderful. -I cannot cive any detailed account of it now, nor will you .find it in any English -publication, tor ,tne Jngl.uu xtu&oiuiuij iiatc it, auu niu uut iai to you on the subject- ; 1 .- .-- --! ,!- I I wish you would; look at the map and you will see that 11 ussja apd I Austria are opening routes to Odessa and tlie tno!uth of the DatiubeT thence by .gleamer here. ' Austria and Russia! j already bavei a railroad to Trieste !aqd steamers here! Prussia- the. Valley of the Rhine, "and England Jhavq a Bystem of railroads, that tcrminato' at Ycnico. Fran cc is crossing tlie Al ps by ra il- i roads at two poibts which terminate at Brindiai . in Italy. : ;She has a route via Marseilles, and the two great companies, Olessageric Imperialct whose headquarters are at IBordeaux, and the 'Peninsula and Oriental, whoso hcadquartr are at Southampton, come here via Gibraltar. From these- places the distance will be shortened from -nine tofiftecn . thousand. miles to Bombay, and those which a ro now the most remote, will, when this canal - is open, bo the nearest. And this is the reason of the" English disliking! the work, as they are now . tho nearest via Capo of Good Hope,-but it is nevertheless a fixed Tact that the work is to be completed on the largest scale, ad in tha race for the Eastern trade lour .Pacific railroad- is not worth! talking about. Tho time from Suez to -Bombay is now fifteen days, , and: from SueOaTjivcrpoilj fifteen dajg inoro, and Liverpool U thofartheit port, "i One ofj the great points to be gained in this canal is to; fur nishTEnglisli coal to steamers oft the Bed Sea and" Indian Ocean, and thereby multiply etearaers in those waters. s i ' ' ; H.' -Social Life in Nejjr York. -1 A recent nuhibcr of th,e New York Metrotwli tan Becofcd, says. i ; . ' : "'There never was a time in the history of ibis city when extravagance was carried io such a dizzy height as now. Not in dress alone, but ia . houses, in carruiges, in horses, in entcrtainnioiiti, jnballs,-in piirtiea, incvory way which money , can, be expended, it is poured out. like water., TliQJrcsjjltL.u.d'rrss nvitliout tasjc,- Uomcji. without haypines, jtnd socijotercourso without enjoy' ment. The extravagance of tho women is, iu- -. deeuV Faddening.,to .contemplate.: , Exorbitant prices are asked and cheerfully given for dress, -while . diamonds and. jewelry coet a fortuuo. " Somq of our fashionable belles have their dresses , imported rcdy-made from Paris, copied exactly in its minutest details .1 ruin. tho court custom of . the. Empress uge tie aud tlie ladies of her cuurU Female Suffrage in the Territories., . . Professor Ji K. H Wilcox was on Satnrdavi before a sub committee of the House-committee -on Territories -on behalf of the Universal Fran chise Association, to urge the passage of Mr Julian's bill for the enfranchisement of the ' ! women of the Tcrritorie?. A number of invited guests, mainly ladic, also attended. ; The prin- cipal points in the a-ddrcss wero : ""f ; The unequal distribution of the sexes 111 this country, with its attendant evils of low wagci and lives of ill-fame. These, it was claimed, would be much le.-cticd by enfranchising women in the Tcrritorio?, and thus affording theiO a '. greater securitv in person and property than cx-- ists eisewnere, wnicn wouiu inuuee mc cmigra-, tion of women from the overcrowded East. ' yJ'hs condition of Utah was "the next point.! All measures yet tried Iriving failed to destroy poly gauiy, it was ciaimed that "polygamy only exist cvl where women were degraded; that tho way to elevate them was tr glvo them' political jiower, and that thus polygamy "would bo destroyed. This suggestion seemed to fllcct with decided! favor, and it was stated that n bill to enfranchise'1 the women of Utah would probably be introduced this month, and very likely pass. - In a convcr-" sational discussiou which followed, Mr Ashley stated that he had never, during his public life,' ; put the word "niale into a bill or constitutional ; amendment. Chinese Shaving; A fellow who has been shaved inThina My : ' that the barber first strapped tho razoron hit leg, and then did the shaving without any lathfr. The customer remoiiStrat'ed, but was told trnt lather was entirely useless,- aud had a'tndency to make 'the hair stiff and tough, and was there fore never used by persons who had any knowl edge of the face and its appendage. ! After the beard had been taken off and it was done in a very short time the barber took a long1, uarp, needle-shaped ppoon, and' begah to explore hii " nncfnmor'a mm . 1 1 .brniflit un fmm nnmcrorif little crevices bits of, Wax and dirt that had been accumulating since his , childhood. The ailir suddenly twisted his subject's neck to one side in such a manner that it cracked ns if Ee vrr tcbras had been dislocated. "Hold on !" hotttcd the party, "alariiicd for'the Safety bf his neck.'' -All right' replied ' . the. tonsor, "uie n6 hurt you ;'? and he.liontiniicd tb jerk, arid twist the neck uutil it was liuiber as an old woman's d7.h rag.' He then fell to beating the jack!, brca-t, arms and sides, with Iris fists, and pummelled -the . muscles un fir they fairly glowed with (he beating they had Received. He then dashed a bucket of cold water over, his man,' dried the fkin with towels, and declared" 'that .hi.- -'.work" wia "doner , Price two cents.. .' I"' A young Woman .Hi Cliiongo has 'invented a- new braucli of female usefuliicff. "ho adver--tises that she will gi- lessoirs in ctiquttte anil the way of con viewing with Indies to nny young. frentletiian who docs.-not deel case in the Uoeictv of the opposite scxiv !XuitKu to lover. extra. fche makes rpecialiiy ot propaw in various forms. - ' '...-' . Nearly two thirds cf the persons that are now-a-days pieseiited to d'ius- IX are Amerrcanj. Russians who visit Rome caretiilly avoid coming into contact with the .Pope, or any, of his dirni- " tuxUk. Next to the Americans, Frenchmen arc the mcst numerous" "of th.oso whj wish to get acquainted with Pius IX. , - 1 1 ' 1 . , ' "Why decs tho operation of- haugiirg kill a man?" inrjuircd Archbishop Whatcley.. "Rc cause," replied a physiplog6t, uinspiratipn ; is checked, circulation stopped and blolnl suffu.-i and congests tho braiu'-- "BoshJ';- exclaimed his Grace, -ifc is because the rope .Unot long enough to let his feet touch the ground." .:' ''How does the Empress Eugenic dress? in-; quired an inquisitive female of a bachelor friend, just returned notn l'ans. 'liSvO a womau, w.w the brusque reply. .' Of course," contfrnicd tU) inquirer; 4 but I wished to know whether she wears costly .dresses." " I ' understand jon, Uiadam," was tlie ungaliunt jesponse; ."sho dresses like a womanwearing the most co-tly garments fchc can procure. 1 . Sam Houston is to ba kept in his grave in, r Texas by having a S5,000 njQiiuuicnt put on top lot him. 1