. . ' : i ij '"".r' ' .i '.! f:';:: : :';,:-.! y ! , - j ! -LK-: ::.' !" ; r; - w.k : A . i em Vi ! fcTj . ' i ; ri i z. hi 'ill wii i v.-'ii in if m i 1 i s. i i 1 i is i i i i i it i i m i i i - n i a t i 1 i .11 t irs x m i is v 1 e a x w 1 r 1 a v- - - f - 1 m 1 1 1 1. a 1 : -1 x x a a a r 1 a 1 , iivaiii'i iraiaatiia iva ii yaraiia'Jir 1 1 i I I 11.11 V-J 11 VJJl M f U . I V- A V - 71 U 7, ' ! ; r- 3 !vV : -.VVW: r 1 '-.Vf . - V : , v m k I. J V A rBW KmroR and Propriktoh. r,r fa4nf Tiibec DoLtAKs, In adTancei GH'ARLOTTE, T DE SDH, APRfb lis, 1869.. SEVENTEENTI1 VOLUME R C II D E II THE VesteiTL Democrat nnnsuKD bt Wtr i.f VM J. YATESw 'Editor and Proprietor. annum in auT&nce. Traxs TLrcc Doriarspcr AJTertiJCments will be inserted at reasonable r&tc, or in accordance with contract. j i Obituary notices of over fite lines in length will -be charged for at a lverlUins rates. - ; - Hobort Gibbon, M. D., i PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, j . Trynn SUcrt,'L7uulotte, X. G, J Office nd Residence, one door soutli old State Bank, (formerly AVm. Johnstons residence). Jan 1. 108. 1 J . 11 1 ' "" ' " " ' r J. P. McCombs, XI. D., Offers his profcsional er.ice, to citiicm. of Charlotte and turrouuding country. All cal.s, bota night and day. promptly attended to. ' i Office in Brown' LuilJing, up stairs, opposite the Charlotte Hotel. s . Oct 20. lmtf. L f Dr. JOHN H. McADEN, 1 V7bolesalo and ! Retail Druggist, 1 cJi.u:i.oTrEt .v. Land a brge andwcll elected Mock of TURE DKUC5S. I hcmicaK latent Medicine.". I anuly Medi- f Articles, which he is deteranucd to .ell at the very lowest prices. i I - i: Jan l.tlOX I J " . A Woiid to Farmers. The first thing for a farmer to find out is, what crops grow oest on hissoiL .Then let htui not be discouraged by low prices for a year or two. i If he has a grass farm, let him make butter right along, even if some weeks it does not bring him but. twentv cents. Let him persevere and continue to send a fine article to town, and before the year is out he will get the highest market:pricc. Sowith potatoes or hogs or cheeses. Farmers differ more in skill as marketers, than in industry as producers. Hearth and Home. 1 BR. JOHN H. WAIT, Ciirrnnn TlnntlKt. j QUlvuu w . . O Ttrt jr this yir ut kit Kts'tJaice. rtiontI in the Citv or Country waited on at their Jcnce. Or.le n.him thrn:,Sh the 1 ill be promptly atteuJeU to. .o cnr.i aeount'f di.-tancc. j VALUABLE LAND FOR SALE. I offer for sale my valuable j LANDS in Cabarrus county. U . I 1 . a One tract, joining the Rowan county 4ine, is 8 miles North-east of Concord, nnd contains 335 acres 75 acres of which is good Creek and Branch Bot tom! 25 acres Pasture, and 10 acres good Meadow all cleared and ljing level together with lCu acres, heatily timbered with oak, hickory, walnut, 4c. 1 Un thi tract is a gooJ two-story Dwelling with o rooms, all necessary out-buildings, two-story double Barn, Carpenter shop, and a good L TAN TAKD wiUi 25 Vats. Also, a fine Orchard of choice Fruit j Trees. The water for the Dwelling and Barn is good and convenient. The Land is nrsi-raie ior uonun, tv.u, Wheat, Oats, Sc. i ; . Alen nntlpr tract of 125 acres 10 cultivation. i,.,v;iv limlimJ. On the premises is a Dwelling an't all peccssary out-houses. I i.i.m.ij nrn mi Dutch "Cuffalo Creek, rtikR through the land. It will SHitj any man who wants to purchase a Minibcr i t arm. 11. i formerly owned by Jacob Pless. I ' j The subscriber, living 5 miles South-east or lon corO, will take pleasure in showing the property to any1 one desiring to purchase. Call oon for I am Jetermined to sell. . J- L- ,IiTAKl!,1IV Mrli 15. 1800 . Impd wncoiu,.v, We , Shall . Be Like Hun. j We shall be like Him t Ohf beautiful thought! Well may our souls unto rapture be wrough ; ' After the sorrow, the woe.ana tne tears, We shall be like Him', when Jesus appears. Affoi. th conflict, in neace to'eit down, . After the cross, to be wreathed with the crown, After the dust and the soil of the way,. With Him, and like Him, forever to stay. Never iagain shall the throbbing head ache Never again shall the beating nean Drea, Never the task drop from wearying hands, Nor the feet ever fall in the brightest of lands. 1 . 1 - i vt.J0i,n air, with the trail of Us shame, Shadow love's sunlight,' or chill its clear fiime; - . Saviour, oft grieved in the house ot my ineua, We will not ound Thee, when Earth's frail life ends. Deathi 'tis this thought does away with Thy sting, Makes us triumphant' to meet inee anu u6, "Glory to God I" (When the Jordan is passed, We shall go'horae, and be like Him at last.!; ning the above, acres arc 5o which Master alasS Thee we;ve often denied Wherl the world scorned, we have si side ; unk from Thy -Yet, blessed Jesus Thou knowest Thy love, rharze on u 1 . i ATT II X Y A X C A.XY i . Charlotte, N. o., ; r.rr.rr is Dr.wr.v s Vsvl . Bt itmxa. Nov.O. 1J tf B XT? :Fann Products otNortli. oliJii- t 10! xtJAv nlni raised 26.1 20.00CI nucaii auu uummmwi..-:."" ; . - . rta and her nav croi crop, was iu,iiA,uuv . , j . ; 179,000 tons. J " i . 'Jf T The number of acrea sne cuiuvateu- iu of the entire crop of that year was S3, Her crop 01 1 porn . wiio iwynuij?i,v...v-rj wheat. 87.205,650 ; 1 rye, 65480 ; oatsi2ri Jta Factories 'and Water spondence WVhe' Baleigh Standard, f ; juJcv Tftriirtn of votur paper t. - jik Up v,a iraiTM8 of Ahe otate. i I will give you a slior t letter on the factories and water-po'wrs of Gaston cournty. '-ij- -T ' J, : 1-m vnl Hnl 'T?'s W: Tuniam.nder which Mr StowVbuilt upan enviable reputation, iniU for several vears: and ttnfcil 490:' oats;rrK continuing tne-uaie rV " o Iv nay, $ij:,ioo,y- -" Ydluc, i xl.l . :;.wj -.ja ufitAnrAaville. out then .post- i In Gates horses frnaftha d sease known as trie Diina sia- biu ; k fA thA mill US IK availed to!a 'considerable extent in 1847. The aterpart was added to the n I r-- I-"". r ;) 1 I rI I II I a-. ni -C rVT All T.T1 fPH 1 Lilt OnW and Craven. In Sampson, i GurrJtUck in x w, miu - rr LktTd other counties the eepy stag-ers carrieu ilKSbeT 14 miles due rl. j j La I Trmlft to the extent south fork ot ; the Vatawoa rn er, x w v mauy up-o i 4;J, ..i.iL v,UWfk Thfl Vwatertall is over iu of 8 or IP percent; nineteen 'TX bl .wkW doneH! The Attacked died i In parts. Of Unatdam - councy jeec,- auipic.w 11 P :JKrfli auaetea aa. xn:pir , J hrnerV-nowl consists' of nine 3G inch card, three-lourtnsor ine noga . - .-7- A.imIa r 1 il snindles 24 looms, i iThe decrease in valae, of roallestate wastry 1 iS, ceneral in 41 cunt.es. As gCTOroi roiej Miiaii "'".. "7,., iTh nroDrieto alloW ,; :. staied at 50 oer cent, and the canses themsekes 1,200 pounds ot . yarn per ivc TZZ ?-5 t a! war. cbanbe In tWlato standard work and, rarely come under U. m Scf .oney andtne ,nsett,ed sta ?, pera -jj. of public affairs. . ; I , ,11 -L lLZ hvK. II. & Wi L Hand I j She has 0,017 281 acres ot pravea lauu, u -t; thatf occur here . V . 1 1 9n fisn in unimproved lands in ,1 riis emDraces' an us lL., r"'VtL:rrr- -:r. .iin farms are in reference to this null likely to inwrw jy .n wrv o . riiir U I I I I 1 r ur rl l.t . IIUL U3. - I The number of her farms is stated rBAPTlCAX. 'I ,Ang Watch and Clock M l'ior, A1 lK.tl.R I" I JEWELRY. FIX! WATCHES, CLOCKS, - - f f" : Q TJ E R'Y ; j Tj ro-viu- dailv. hi Fall Stock of 2il!iiicrv, Ti iaiiiiin. Vc. Arc., naicu (ic - . ta call an 1 ei!nine. ! rrnntr ; nrnrtirpil to SCTVC her tOT KLK3 ViUtoUX aor.vt friends with the I mi-r -r-ioi ! i LATEST STYLES j in r.onael;, !Ut5, Dres making. &C. W,K I I s RTVTTTH'S I Boot, Shoo and Leather Store, .rt .T.r.r in Dfwtv't Bank, Ltatlotte, J. o., the largest Wholesale and : Rc,tail;Shoe Establish- mi i:. c ti...;i- StAfk is sunerior in every re- .poet, unJ uneqnaled in style, fmist ami workman- Tue prices aru as tnJrn or have them made to order. They pay no rent and do the busiuess tiicnisciTes, m , v and will sell all ptyies aim .a"i "7'' nd SLoes at lower prices than can ue iounu wUere in this market. 1 -very ,r o Shoes is warranted as represcnieu. .v.w alL" and -fair dealing," is tneir mouu. Leather. Shoe Findings & Belting. Their stock of Leather ana isuoe ir uuu. complete, embracing every gradelof E1,,0C.Knapnra O ik Sole Lcatuer. upper uvatuw, - - - . cin Calf Skin,, Kip, Lasts, &e. They also f urn. A alt wiiths of Uubber and Leather Belting at pianu- JP tfiMl '1 ,: : for SMITH S SHOE STOKE, the oldest es tablished Shoe House in the State. I : Next Poor to Dewey's liank, Charlotte, N. C. August 31, ier8.- J Pardon and: help us with grace from above. SYheniThouiappearest oh ! rapturous thought ! Va11 nv oiir souls into transport be wrought ; I L ! .v l!K.I We shall bei like Thee ! wlien mis me p, Wound Thee, deny Thee, offend Thee no more. J j i I Half-Day Christianity- will l, Uor hi inverted bv half-day 111 LilU i ll IV l i Imw much vital power is there in those' Christians, the limit of whose T . i il : Halt n activ tyisto s.tjcomposea.y in tue i v r 1 !v-a.-.-U.1,, doMib- ,tS.n us that a,arnHn,ber6f 30' sfculoV broken tHoiUotattendaoondservie, spieep with Waxe oh to be 75,203, and the average, number ot in each is dlb. How to Dissolve Bones. acres become are tow brought .1 . La. ; nnr loro-n cities that todows the different "star" preachers. It is feared that too many professing Christians do not look at this kubject in the right light.. They do not consider the public worship of God a religious duty1 as well as a privilege.- : ; i ible is. . that a large number 01 Christian 'people have got iuto the habit of stay Gossip for the Ladles. i lon? neirlected. iave JJUU vumj " j O O , ' - I an ODiecfc 01 ancunuu - i 1 1 - - i . It- a. n 11a 1 1 r , A u forward or forced backward, according to taste. mi ri.:-vr f.mo a in is vcrv paie. ao- cording to ;the,latest Parisian accounw. v,urv i.u, ; tnifA r-one out ot tasnion, ana mo w prcssioS of theTelegant inouth is that ( f weari- ness ana coru. i . . . The horrible FrenckTashion of dtsBgirmg the face with small black patches of court-rilaster, u daUy increasing in popular. . i A compromise naa uecu , , the long and short dresses. The Utter are to be -n h ladies with small feet, while others are to be allowed to "spori trains. N I . ! . Parisian laaiea wai vciy uv. r- " this season. The heels of the satin bota being very highland the soles extremely thin, this becomes easy enough, and can be acquired with, out much practice. ; i , i . - The cure for the Grecian bend has 5ccn dia cbvered by a manari Monroe co., N. Y., who bad adauehterfflicUjdbyth.tewibltfmladY. t He dipped her in cold water and laid her in the sua till she straightened into place, j : j . It is gratifying, now that so many feet are ruined "by the heel that has been in rogue for the past year or two, to see a return trsmethiogt as the heels to the newest shoes arc. They are only about half as high, are straight and broad, and are placed at the vcrj back of the otf,.in. stead of being almost the ceutre of he foot, as they have been, to the disfigurtmer t of the, foot and the injury of the whole psr ' i hashes have had a respite,and for a ft w weeks ihov vpm not worn. They nave been restored to favor, however, and an present a sash is as indispensable to a dress as h oks and eyes are. The slender wear them buwibrf jip, the dumpies wear them broad and flat JUfilc sashes for cambrics ,.nd light goods arejTerj fashionable; tney can vuiy w -j -i ; derest figures,-hGwevef. ; 1 The latent importation of shoes offers is square toes and lower and broader heek, with lehcigbt it. .Mt Unwa nf Hd. stitched with white tti?nf7.-.! EftA JUUnd hftavilvi timbered. a ttUMC' V.7 m ttL:XA'. '. jt ic la Uuv iiv.icDiui.pwMV'')' !"- j . I 1 ;n. (inrt ine snocs aru uuwuvu n P1 b ;;ib ft Wood Lawn Factory, eu, u " "t.Ji.i . .b'iti,. half a bushel of lime: to a barrel- of ashes. rut r .viT, intrsrer & Co. a well construct- tne.iop . nv UP cbpa tn ! rover them thorounly, . ukk,f i f hnmlrnd swindles and and so continue alternately until5the; vessel thirty iooms. doiii g good work both as to quan full. Add enough water to saturate the whole - qualW i Their ;water power is about in reierence iu u? f -j t , r With the hope that you can take time to read it, I! will write something of;qur river, certainly not interior m essepiiai vamc i j v rv A i-vnnl hnv6 a description of Stowes- ville, I will tao the'next place above, ''Stowe Falls," on the maps "Spring Shoak." ! This place is 5 miles above StowesvUle, 17 miles from Charlotte, and fourimiWs from the Wilmington ni Ir- Kl,thoirnr(15 Kflt niflQ. It 11U tLiaii their1 own -people will not attend a secona service, mco mun pieces s ? . - if Uhariotte xtataenuiug , " T 7 -.VA SSK bV their peculiar gift,areena- By laying them on a flat stone or a Peof mm, ofoVer 25 feci and grounds; to canal ,pnd build bntn ame audiences, but these are they can readily be broken - into " Pa Upon, not surged in beauty v facility for build- SrSloKher congregation's or from After being broken, place a layer of einlhe I secuit ffom fl00k by .any property in either aran iruui uiuci vuun u. t j---tAA inAhPA'deon: cover them . 1 . i Liii .tidi ;nH,00Tfrnm( With rViweirlpd nhout inches deep; cover them. . Tf ii0inf;fi,i ;n the extreme, i With v-. -j j- ; r - , ; yil rxiLitx ljtx. aw !---- ; acres ol superipr lanu, ueuvnj umuviw vessel proviueu auoub u mvuw . America with good hard wood, unleached ashes, to which it ig m should be added fresh lime in the proportion pt Qne mU half a bushel of lime: to a barrel of ashes. 1 ut h ; -r--v . ,i x wVx Ikro -l-y. uul 1 .T 5 i 1 jr. ii v ii ATirn i ii iii;i k iiiu av t . . .1 1 1 i; . Christian Wle have got iuto the habit ot stay- thorougny tnpug 1 onS J takihff 11 teetn ttie :wnee. p U 1inm hnlfadav on Sunday, ana it seems run. w iu . rr, -.i. J;.J.w' stream; doiow. nuZir Prtakinff to change ! it. Hut care to dampen it every two wceKs juntv hrrJnrht over have a dome i?ruuv;u en wo v,v 1-0.: 1 rotv of buttons aua suuuiaicu n . c!fa th ordinarv lastcnmK 01 m F'y, O & vv ft-vr buttons being very small.- I like 'acreat. undertaking ,to cnange 1,. , mara . v j ; onld run. ri r,; nno-Kt to fepl that in corns to cnurcn, water to siari, me iyc. ; Ai "" v 1 t mood. They ought not togo .o near , 5 crumble. Much ofit can be broken up C. Fearful Fignt with a Dop;. llr Patrick Flinn. a butcher !of this city, a few days since had a desperate conflict with a .1 : n.i.ir.Vi hp ime near Iosinjr his nirniru ill 11' I n&x&v. u v . B Ujuuuij vm "-- ;- i 1 lorflro rratl Uli Vliuuci cut iau . - ;-. - , . . I asv ""O! " .nl . ft mood. lUeV OUKUt u" f," " 7 . . 1 . nfU U Ka hrfitPn nn . ' S. c ' - rt ,rJ ,ica1 I ! rn. ...nmnfonnpil WPrfi OS 10110WB I A nrnher. but to worship God, and to worship ready to crumoie ,, u,u H this ,15-smaU; power or. "ve, .- ' 4i . "Tw n hundred and mf t , p . w 1 v r - Tii rnw imr iiii inij : iju w . wnirin np m tii pii'iki 11 ii iiiiii a uvt mi 1 1 y t- r- . v 1 - 1 1 1 11 1 --w. t .1 7 7.-7.. .1 e.i- o HPrvip.e has a maraeu 1 witn ine. buovev.vjr . . . " . .r r- , 1. 1 . jji bv a company rK ulMllh ",vr . 7, . 1 . . . 0 nim 7Jwiy. wv- k A 1 1 rr.uQ. Knoc that no not wont ri . i , t rrui mt nrr m .firest s T? on Ihe iudividual It is one of the most Workidg It over. Those bones that do not wor tzl crush ng.V eflct on the divul. 0 w W can tke up cane picked out and reset again, and by klQ WUn fiSent that thV time thy'go through the: process a ior .. 1 1 , j n it nno tpit eonnaent uwk its piace. j auu ;tx ; , . ' 1 1 L: r.;,irh rrond to his own soul by ne couiu wiu o uuw. , - at iTIUDY'S. ' "llw a oet Novels. -....! VmpN in. abundance ! ' ' -. t -...1 lt Anns Life S lottcrv, or j.nv..... . ---- . : L ...I hi. rala.1:....- from '1'' ,nrS ' Hr 1) Ti,, Adthor of MVaiiinXfor the erdict. rat:Ye of 1 venture-in Algeria,' by I., apaepyl, Morlitl." by Mr.. A. Wi.tors -OuU U. J. A- L. Witor. Jut recved at Somm.cs. 11 ' McmoiMof Service Afloat Waring the War between lh."atei by Admir-l Kaphacl ScmmM o theCon fedcrst. Slates Nary. Just rcccivcUt TimS. ; A Constitutional View f . .... .. ii,oSiitr. bv Alex. 11. Of theUate war u j i , t i For sale by Citv Bank of Charlotte. tL.1, sm. SvriniS Buildinj, CIIARLOT1A, A Col. Vi. A. WIM-iamo, lmuh. j C.-X. G. liUTT, Teller. J- Isuc Certificates of Deposits bearing interest, as 1 i ilcnosilsoi anv amount, per uTecineui, .mu v.v. . -r --j- - - Miiycci . o ,, n r.ol.l and Silver. linvsi anl teiis on a s-ni-" e"" , , Wakei advance, on Bullion when deSired, and pays Ihe highest rates for old Dank Money. Keeps constantly on hand a large supply of Rere-, nle Stainps of every denomination', and allows 2 per Vm" Slated Currency of every kind bought at a very Moderate deduction, including thd short Halves and Quarters- ' i " j TOrtMTi. at! theTtrin- I Draws Dr.ills airccuv i v c pil ciliw in the following countries, atNew 0rk cip-ii Ti.wi rr,.nro. Holland. Spuin, the Orient, aud the Argentina Republic. Notice ! I i tt i ,:T,nn'tlitf THIRD YEAR ef our L L:.r...;i, fniM for attendinj; to1 customers . , , iiiMtltiitmn in the a, good as ll.o oi a..v V '- "i' " ;,on rauntrv. and still retaining ior oui ; - and ?tentien loTJurines J we' re,pectfnlly solicit a continuance of the public patronage so kindly given . it.. tti A ri'ir) I us uurmg uu v - T T . M rashicr. March 22, 18fi9. ' j City Rank of Charlotte h -i.u' -f nt'ttirf Rjihbathi Jf r. .i c,;fi.0. frtr the eood of to mate a persuuu m""""' - - ! Others. J? or other Christians and irreligious per I n t - Kxr bin p.Tamnle. sons wm ue iuuucucv r . . Ti-j-i n b;c ab;r.t.tn heart, and encourage your pastor! by being in. your pew twice every I?.. J.i... ' i J.-iVm Presbyterian I I i i i 1 wiir.be thoroii-hly .decomposed and ready I nfliaii omnfl ! USeon uraiu vi uwiw vrf" . it ; ! ' IthJ a larrre fall in the !b?a ?t milps i5 the Ilon- ox.iJ' LoWUomA fnll of .18 ieet. well mane OllUttia, a nuuu"v j -- . , situated, four mile's from the Wilmington, Char lotte & llutherford Railroad, surrounded by a l-Ud;hirodMand:!- Five miles above thisis a.bTnall.povrer of five feet fall, and used unviui: s iAi v i .. i uun bcaitv, '0 o " . j mir f .!.! U,'l,:il JnlnrPRt. IS a bnl liAP.n kfiTlt tO CUard tBlO SlaUCD- Xlitii ;i:uiu luaMugi.iuvv.- . sixty uuuuuu, ... 1 0 . ne bo i tt bndps mine. Two or t, It was known that he wis savage, S Zve Tte i an S Jro.od poer of about, a"t .erofore ho was usually, kept . chiioed and miles above y t .i,,J1T;u si,,i9. A. .l.U time. h6mcver. the dog x rppr, : nziu iwui uhkucviu .w o .. . im-.- . , this part of i the t fPo bnV First National Bank of Charlotte, LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST. The- Latest Stock of Goods -in the Market In conformity' to out CARD of last month, wherein we Eta?ed the fJct of ."our Mr R1NTELS having left fSern market,," we now take pasure in in- t - f 1ini1l H IHl l.HlVl" V. forinine lour numerous .- - - . . Ust-evcr brougnt 10 tu r:'-; . ch we respectfully mvue me LUr!L.1:.v :a .Ad examine our Stock and yon All :i-lips- will at oace perceive wue INTELS Courier pubjish one pound ot, resolution, ywu - 7-- 1 r , rf j. ' o laVcrp Knri?T of Timej tour- ; S i :n ziicVirmnri a nuart 01 teen .dracnnis oi ine uiui .w r., - x . ri. - r- jJ.Jf i SAt -them Aooye power. r J. .1 Stowesvil lar wh : tai ve this is anoiner: pauti "u wneu me m . .. 1 i i! : : unn h t a ia ma I .1 ..v. n . 1 . j aa . . . a f im ri ij :i 1 11 1 v 1: i 1 1 1 m. uiau t 11 1 ir 11 i w a wuCur.r-kU'p,: 1 h Mt him and coax .i :ief i rrul Toll ifll'nont Rtk. feetJflur- h;m- hut the animal meant mischief. U Coaxing lauiK ciuic J-t"'T!. ?rj ; ... nA nrr rounded, by grounds strictly Handsome, very . did:n0 good,. una neMouw.rvw--um" ' "l i v . I,,, 1 a... it , ; T rtTit-nT 1 .1. Jt f- VKtiti nnM rlaRin? his bite OS . auove una in j-'f"" i aiiacK. upmi iui i ----ra i i ' t. riLonitir! Tint i: it:K Annx,rtM to raizg him bv tne-Uiroa. ,,f! fiiir fot. at- l,rovAr . nrcvented the doff lrOUl e, f i; Vy r I l r- - . t . R Y. MeAden, Tre.ident. M. r rcgram, Ca.hicr A. G. Rrcnizer, Teller. R V McAden, RvM Oate?, Roaui or DmECTOBf. THRrem, ' Wm R.Myers, Wn JolmMon, S A Coaen, . JohaVilkea. . " ileal J ia Billof Exchange. Sigh. J? Silver Coin, and GoTernmentand other is ecurities. 1. 1803 m -ivr Ti A V IS. Practical Watehmakcp.and Goldsmitn, lias located himself m tne ciy p ; . T T II- IV J Win. h. will ! a" Hr of I!erair.nS -'f J"j notice ana (rcaonaoie u-riu?. - ,:.ral.tinff . !.:.. MfA. nnJ patiffaction 7 .? ti L:-.. rlVrences if . re quired a. to hi. practicability and honcHy as a man workman, iou fuau ni f11' -; . , , ... tr r...i t TJ.I.It & Rro a old a I rial. lie uiajr " . -y . on Trade street, next door to ur. ocai. Store. i ruary 1, 18G0 Cm a an 1 him a rt and Dru Feb TvTillinfirV- I-.' i L ' i lai-o-PKt and most complete Stock by the favorite and popU- lii Milliner; Ms BETSY WILLIAM Sj cu ir . nr J-Motion. i Set i them i .j.rslhtnn to tholace. and is uniformly ncaitny. the cooling waiur ui iUu"ar;rv7" . v . o;j"r:1L il ' ASTON. , -: t rt-irA awp.p.ten it witu uwouui i Diowtsvinc, n- vy. , on a jieuno uiv vi ly.'-i. - . ' i of forjxeOuIIuess, skim it witn tue uuu .;;r r;- ancnoiy pu,r e J r:. 'T:, :lre. mainland you.will instantly j find easeJjaiJd be- restoiuu jtu j f : r -r, . things are tobe found ot the apottiee. i house ot; unaerstauuiu, uui nton he ; water wiii w uuvu. .yu. tir i.M, p w., , --- ... . ; . . v iv, n 1 1 r 1 1 a tporor l i . A.AnH i e off n n fUHUiit L-uiiuiiiviivvu thisipoint tuq river auuiua aoing mw,"" r , " , V vi i:r This' stream is a rapid runner , trom tween thcm, .Mr linn ngniing iur u the dog to tear:him to nieces, inuy a : fim.il! Rljinfrhter house, bo that ylr THE RElllGIOtJS f Altjl OF THE CABINET. Tt r,f tliA Dnhufiue Times in response X 11 -1 tUHV v Ti 1 i , t ho flnpru it ;i Kill u vv 1 1 u. wiouv. J1UUW - c". ): - in Prudent street, in the Parish ot ' ! A. HALES, Wat climakcr and Jpweler, ; Xext Doer to the Democrat OJUt, CHARLOTTE, r. If your Watch needs Repairing, Dan'l get mal and go to swearing; ! Just take it into 11AI.KS ehop, ir n-;il fir Jt-si it will not stnn. lie .. r lie warrants his work all for a year, ! Wkexk U. i used with proper care. He will do it as low as it can be done. And do it so well it sure to run. "January 1, 1SC9 y ; Old North- State Distillery, i j A CHARLOTTE, N. C. ! 1 GROOT.- KUCK & CO., n:..j... -- r.t;t7,r Corn and Bv H kisJcie. We warrant our Liquors PUUE and UNADULTER- j Orders iolicited from the trade. i Salesroom on Tryon Street, opposite T.-W. Dewey " & Co s Bank. . ' 1 " . Fth2i, iwo; I .- ' -tr CHESAPEAKE GUANO, iated Soluble Phosphate, W.rran.cJ conin J?7! ir..l.. full rop, '7.;-"ilkll iure use, it uppntu ci-uiu.oB Lc r imrhlcts on hand for dittribution.; f fie I -lu i ' , uci;n,nn . g frnm several re- r-v- Vi c can uiriiiMi 1 ftf this count v who uaye Uc 1 it on grain and cotton lt year, ana : wi.o are now ordering heavy supplies for the coming season, now oruirj r, J 0f superiority. whicu is a m'uv.V" :"7.Wx n a pi AVJJtr m. March 13; 18C9 - . Ages.J.htJC "mV'tT wrFston & CO., ! Auctioneers . ! r And General Commission Merchants, ; For the Sale and Purchase or ToDeo.io ... v Produce and Merchandize of all kinds, . Mansion H-v,e Jjiuitf-ng, ; j CHARLOTTE, X. C. , KS', ".f.. "- Thos A""'l . wrth & DanieL Wilmington. C; Baltimore, Md ; "lV.: E S-Jaffray & Jordan & rojn".. 7 r New York J Geo W Wil Co., and 11 R Claflin . i .Co , e w 1 oi , &nJ :"C; 5 Meador Brothers,' riuntatba!: wiodVutT & Parker, Mobile. Ala. Jan 1K18C3. r ".mTn i n.,.' tnprshin heretofore existing under th Au.r;;;v.nf taylor & duxcak was nazne.sHu ;-- w , March' 29, 18C9. W. & R. A Liberal Reward f TrishM Potatoes. 't. ft lare-e lot of Irish Seed l'otatocs. CrcVV io m Tt M. PRESSON & irrn - - i CO. 1 v wa ij vivv it - 1st Secretary ot fctate iusn a xuiuu iciU.ui- er and Postmaster uenerai reswen uavueno i' w ..ii.,fbr.i. ! ! ThA r'p!ifrious faith of CllUrCIICa diiufcuvii t T VP ! T?fTOn Riixclins is not vet known 10 lame lfptKndista. and that is th vw.-y I III UUU O 1UUII" I -- " I Ahnrf n wiiii'.ii muauv avuvuuo. I above, it' will be seen that it would ! i Notice to Debtors. ' v I H Notes and Accounts arc m me uauua u i m - cn . lirown lor coaecuou- ea Will tAKe UU um. TTvrW xt . March 22, 18G9. j .: N uudi. uiu.-, i is the From i the have been Will be paid 4r the recovery: ofa Mare borrow a white man named Richard Hagms which . -hJ has fIed U, renitn, and it is believed that he- has :run awHvdthth property. . The Mare was borrowed fVom afreednfan named Wm:. Davis about the loth of March, anajne buu ""r" Ir -T"h Ves I one above, it wm ue.--6ceu The Mare - s a sorrel; blind . acc! difficult to fcave obtained a greater tarietyof re- sunken; whitUairs on one Ij Lions creeL inUhe Cabinet." : I . il,,l.ihflf Hutch - fthmi 8 yearaoio, anu vua r-y o-- i ..i - o , , i. i L - .- i. TU0S pcfosin,st- .r' "U'rm.om"1 uU "from the T,J -poWlcnco betweoo Lewii Cass XKr" Ix'i T.,v,pPrft Ford. Ii iVnI,1nt. liuchanan.' when the! tormer cen- "fra-iri " i JAS. B. BE ATY. Vj -U:L:a WWbrvfi . iiarcu .i', r- , . ; D. IMcMTORAY; DAVIS & CO., j Groceries, Hardware, Staple Goods, Shoes, TV,. Streets CHARLOTTJS, v., i Ifavethe largest Store Room in thegty, and the lgcst Block of Good, wu -e- ryVS'co in lour whole may ntuu. v .4..,w. f mnniher around, h bill endiaytyoui-c. uuT:: , KfiwYorv One 4f our nrm n J St nek of i ... nnw receiving uaur .6V-"-,; UUU wv v " And Fancv ii i "I T A, ins Secretarv oifi btate. was .omittAd tn the Senate Tuesday. It discloses a .if. ! ft lJ-' IU .n in" n -it-- !.b-innf tn cscane. lhere wm it ; iio clniirrhtpr house, but ne tooK apanic and ran up a ladder lnto a otl. Mr r . 1 I. ..II .t. h'lAltHnVI Flinn finally succeeaeu iu gciwug w ii UnJttinia t.ThAe' ' 4,IJii t UUil uwiu'-v eoual to MrFln'n,tf1 when ho would again uc 1 A rrottinn- him unon his back. Uoth be- came nearly exhausted. i ... He called in! vain for tho craven up the lad der to come to hia assistance; to hknd hiina . knife or anything to dispatch the brute ; but . every time he came down a few stepf , the dog, who apparently understood jail, would become more enraged, and his panic; would hgain setie him, and he would run up the ladder A crowd of women and children bad got arourd the door, all of whom heard the fight and cm, and not . ,i e tn thn morocco 1 actor v. one inouirnv ui luumuj, , ---j . i which wS a short distance off, and where several men were at work, for assistance, bustood there i in oreniiunis :r-.iiJ.:-iOD f.umd in the State oi xsorm y-.- i mem oi vu luiiD iu; v..v-v.. 7----:i i ineioiiuiii -- -- -- , 4r nr mTiam'g i , -;- - u -, i Vfl hinth rrtncnr in lina,ior " ,., . o:i.. On.! f nnner. . . i ., L -, ! . 1 4- V. -ri,-rT tn Office, Baleifebr rUoiu filVaiT TdvTSlO the opinion that .wmgim . uuvyv- Oir.J Irnn K I OVJ : iUiv" i V . -T ' I Ui.ta tn rnm'tin in me UU1UU. ami Soan Stone, S10 . and an cow a -r """ rr , Shet-aVria iu prportioi j Sh ?JJ nf H i ThildeSt Episcopal Chprch (jforth) S5. The specimens will be submitted: to m We ."f '"twtl1 t"Iv i&de thb attea- rTtTnfncricti' and tirennums -awaruu uj in a aiiuuuuttu, "v-.- , ---r . . repoW l -a ! I., tion whether the laity shall hereaftc be admittec repqrv. i , ,--.vr- r A rnmTimi Ttal-1 . . . . ti . ?... p. . . Mail mom receiving dailv a GOODS Delaines, Lawns, Maal. & :e. .A Urge if ! a full line oi men s uu uvj t ,, Misses BOOTS AND SHOES.-'. ! iiardware, &C.; 1 ; il Giveu a call before buying ewhere, as we are determined not to be csohL y - j , i rK yi 'C'J. i "iU - ,t i i:i. ! . 1 U norror-Btr;.c.. . . 4l illy, when Mr l'lmn was neanv "ua-j tn Virnnlf 9WaV from the doc, and by some means to get up in a window where V , . i V. Avliamtd t IDl the savage Druie waa iuy - - low him. Assistance finally arrived; Mr Flinn was rescued, but the animal, appearing, to know i i . j jr....nnry nf nniA made DU i!SC3Pd lie- no nan limit: niuu( v - i . . . was followed by a crowu, v, when libcratea. nau u owlorl liv hlS I If Ca onnmiinrpd Will next JUne, OOT1UU UlU quwa- - " - ! i i I 'I i tlan whether the laity shall hereafter be admitted -,. - j ta was covered Iwith cKi ii b marked N; C: Land Company, Kai- .j aa AntL to the Conferences. !A11 the mem- r. hi thQ animal. j Wilmu i j 1 I R. W. BEST, Sec & jTreas. r.'lAi.l Uli 'iWlAi and ftmale' will vote. 1 . ! -' !- 1 rkTU III I. IK I lllllLUi UiUIW 7 . I KW' eigh , Marp I- 29 j 1869 lm as ueieaies iu luc yuuici"". . bers oAh chnrchjmale; and female, will vote, i . . i i , . J I -J;il:l . fnfn.m'ir WAT. ana iu urupr i v1v'f,j " : . the views bf the denomination on the subject, a -. -e L.. fVionrl nf the chancre him. j Mr lothcs torn lood, being Yon C'.) WHOLESALER .lAii.. Sd. of the cUe Now Spring and Summer Goods, witt.be toft throiigrtheiiywiiitiy.. j ; -. rtxxii?tM n ELIAS & Bank and make payment aiaie1 of the lor. whoi. 'authorized t settle j" the firm xin. AH pen,"'" "rTcnt to the fame. ' I will present them for Wf0 jy, TAYLOR, ' ; 't !; J. DUNCAN, Ja-;' ,.J- interest of J. rsr Having purcnaseu . " .t the New Duncan. Jr . 1 trill floors Vtsl Springs friends ni jmo""- j - N M.AYLOR, o-Vi National HWnORTII CAROLINA. ;i .i -Lotnr have resolved to increase the Capi-. The Directors naTe";iTr., tinMnnKD TI10U- ilO Iliu i, wna wishingUo eubsenbe to -it r communicate with " , . i U. lli JC IKBlUtU". ! w. .1 i-.i.i. ri..l. 1 J 1 RC9 6m ALEXANDER & , Dontigts, Charlotte, N. C. . Win w7tt on Par.les in ci.y .r .ounlrj whenever lhr leein exiru i!Wiir .:lTonrji from S AvM. Office m urowM a ' h - " i ; March Wholesale and Retail customers. - j;- I market rates March 29, r 4 l9j: ' I ."Ti FntTi SUPPLY ot Ifhnn ever -savst the Are! now receiving meir atl . 4 .,1 L Svr nd arid Bummer Goods, wmcn ""i --. e :teMs,tp Wholesale andetiil buyer thpi can be haa tnis siae ui iic . -WiS anvperience of eighteen years residence in M.1!0 f? r0n mir'aelvcs that we hae old "M.8r tte wants of our neighbors fiends Mdw" promise that no othbr jhouse, whether Vele Ami or new comers, shall undersell us. There is no liumoug aoouw yu p r -- Stock,! withi a correspondipg desire to selL j A call, will satisfy? you of the fact. i i i. We havJnow on hand and are daily recemng our .1. -! ' 1- i r I ' r -f I '..(.'! Summer ciocit w, n rAc ! i i iadies' Dress Goods, i I . i ' J wn ':- tw flnnda. ' Ready-made Foreign i?P:i., Yrftt; and Caps, Notions ijLoi.ni.ug, u" r ,7 -fii. iij : j. ; i . ... i. i -"; j. andcutiery,j . Crockery, ; , r i i . i. : (1,. I'pmiinda Oi Ana a ireneiw "ou""v v ,- A Domestic NECEssiTY.--We fully concur in the sensible advice of an exchange, which ahould have as an inmato a 'TVV .. j 1 . -naTn: sensible. old ladi , This im- It begins to be understood, nof lm, IUV "ortant filtufe should always. -be, f poesiDW, a if ltnralJJarme.r, , dmother, or, as next beat, an aum, yc.,. indispensable to the respectability, porniori ana 5:- Uf' waII remilated hoxisehold is the . . - . ' nr t 1 tUUTCUKUbV V " O -. midsummtr, arid the earjxrains wtii so aavance if thisg,tcm 0f hqweketoing wcome. the crop tbat it will occupy and shide sthe ground .fc wm ite .natural to find under the and formja suffic:ept growth to.reacli niaturity. B ' M nt8 in tu0 newepapergl mauiricsfor if --ijftrtni ti rround is made mellow aeep- i uj: i B.,nrvW 1ia lark ol a oar oia xi, iu uu , "--- j , -f4A ;v proper oia lauius vw pui't'v .'''-- j .ij ly, but especially on the surf to the better borne. Indeed oU; ." ii jI:.J .,n littU dnnht of at I . . o .t 1. ,lrtTnnd. would 13 Well ui aiucui iiv11- Tr 7 least a fair yield in good soil. loits crone w vo j - , . i : i,mo0lvP( in demand, would tomes, aiacoycnuB keepin preservauonu .i - People are Jcontnally. complaining ow im- ? tU in the shock. wiiWnitiis a wash fiannel clothing so aa to lore vue f , iclsi are needed. i ii A.rtcT,nV;ntr 1W wiittin? a little ot corn iuny riF. v-v n uft?n lirevcimm iivu oifM" o j r . c. i D.tlanw rfMiPiiea ineui wiu' j"t)v r"""- for inti co d w tir, itwillbe f4 thatikn- cIS ctoremaxliablo U liiing nebwillBot only soma ouioewei cieiujocu, uu. -- iTe9, tut for olners in most thorewmieabsoltttelynhrinkiig, i?J5cinj. ;fj ,Xcton of disinterested love thiuL .Bo4 been'

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