( - '' i 1 .- - , . . i ' '. !'t'V- i Y r ''':' ' ' Y'... j-'YY j-Y Y Y-Y rY' Y; . .Y- ". -Y Y i;; 1 J. ' - ," : ; s - -; , .v : -i -i -ky-y; . ' : i " ?, : . - . :: -: vyy: y i p Yy- ;'Y"wyy-yy ii yyy . ;'- - .. .. " ;i . ; . f ; V- - ' y': ! '-I'- : '"I' y ' i - " n rY y-.-e; ; i--y y yyJ - - : 'v -: -Mf"- r s- . . 4 .! i ! :!' --. , !. J, i! " i-ii:; -"i-: " -rr- .-i-r-'V-i-?l:--1- -v " . :," -1--" -t- -ii. ' I ' i" ' .;!. Y7.Y- J '" ' h :: j - Y!i ' . J 1 ' .!, ii i' - i I J !!;: .f -'f V. - vj-'P: J' .:J ' ' ' ; j , 1 - ' ' - j 1 '-'J J-" .-' -'f-, -.'! 'i-i' -f ii - ' : " ; , . :- .!: -.v' .w--'-.,;i- J: ' iifh trVi i!.i;7f iKi IVTavj. lJTr-j. t :! Ijlrv .tt yp:i vv;." ' : J -!; . - WM.: J. YATS3," EDITOR AND PROPHH5TOR Trrn of Bttltrripiiom- Dollars, in m.dTtix'e. . - ,T II K Westorn Dempcrat ; , ' PCBLIslilD BT . ; y vILLXAM J. YATES, EJUor and rroprietor. ; :,- " z '-' ,r ' . Xibms -Tliree t)ol!rs per annniu in adyance. AJrertiseiantj vill.be inserted at reasonable ' tales, or in accordance with contract. , . ' . Obituary notices of oxef fire liaca in length n HI e charged for .'at adTertising rafes. j i Robert Gibbon , ii; D., - WIYSKJIAX! AND St'RGKOX, Ofice and ReM.uee, one door PoutI cM . State EauK, (formert Ww. Jchntuus TeiJincc). Y . . Jan 1, ' J j ' . , . nil ii. . . ... ii m i ' J.. P. iMCCoinbs; LI. D., OfTtr hJV profe-Imsit erTjce .ti iht -cilirens'df Charlotte and nrrvundin uuuutty. All calU, bota aiat atd daj. j.rn: ily attcu ld lo. Oflice in Drou"-;!, building, uj. stairs,, opposite tlte Charlotte UWL . ' i Oct 1H.. ! ' Dr.' JOHN; H. McADEN, Wholesale and Retail " Druggist, cjAi:f.OTTi. x. a. II .n bfn I a lar?o ani wen tpiccicu ?jock 01 i cui. pRLrt-'hcr.i.i cine. riftf". 'J'--' I;titnt .Mfdiciu!, family Jledi Vai-ni-heI'rc .Stnft", TiiUCVand he determined ta n il at 'the Tecv low prices. DR. JOHN H. WATT1, " urgeori. Dentist. Ptfn:s In th Citv or (Vuntrv waited on nt their reiJtnct. nli.- ." ui hiut thron-'li ihe l ost OHice ui'l be prcmj-tlv- aittu k J to. acrmmt of JisTane. j J.n 11. 1K. y No cxlra- charge uu WLI- M. SIIIPP, A T T O U X i: Y A X L. A Y Charlotte, N. C, Orrirc ix I)vkjs E.,vk. .Eiilhixo. tt ... T B U rp IZU1 IC.Vi ... ; Watch end Clock Mikor, : AND ci.vLKi: IS ' JEYh:LRl IIXE M A TCIIL'S,' CLOCKS, Aug. 10. lf;7. j ; CHARLOTTE, N. C. Q U E R Y I:, ycc- iTir , ti.!Ij-. !.- Sj-i oisi-Yk of OTlillSuery; Tri milling, Vr. Arc, Which h-; ak? j the La-lies and lLeubI: generally, to call aud cxnminc. , j MRS iQUERY is prepared to c-erte Lcr frieu-l with the I j L LATEST STYLES ' "in Eonnvi, Hats,-lrci making, &c. f A. HALES, Watchmaker and Jeweler, Xtlt Dtor"t the D.!.f rr.rt Oj'rt, CllAELoTTK, X. p. ' If yoiy. Wnteh needs Repa'rinp. .. L Don't get ma I ar. l to !M ea.ririg; 4 Jii!t take it into HALES hep, I lie will Sx ii i-o It will iut tp. .'. . He warrant work all for a year, - ' " ; Whn it i"-u?d w It h proper care." He w'i'l do it as low as it ran b d-me, I ' AjuJ JJ it jo will it's Miie to run.. Y; " Jannary 1, 10l y ALEXANDER & BLAND, Dentists, Charlotte, N. Ci Will Whit in parties i-i city, ev country whenever their 8erTicc nav he so!."ciie !. . ' . Teeth extracted wirl.vut pain. Ga adtiWiwi-tered. O.Tiee in Urown's BaiMinj. Hours froiu 8 A.M. to o 1. M. . Mare S. 1P!0. '''." J Old North State Distillery, ; CIIARLMTTE, N. t. ' . GROOT, KUCK & CO., Dif tillers an t Rertif.fr of Corn att Rye If "ni7Je9. : We n arrnt our Liquors PURE and UXADl'LTER- ATKI. - ..j.,.'! . : ' Orders solicited from the tri-Te. ' Silcsroom on Try on ii: reel, opposite T. W. Dewey fct'o's Bnk. J ! Feb 22, l sr.o. tf Dissolution of Copartnership. - The rm heretofore? existinj under-the naOie and stjle of NIS-RET & JIAXWEEL was disorved by s-uUal eon-etit on the llli of March. . The business .icfter be eon Jutted by D-- O.MAXWELL, who is authorized to collect all debts due tlie f r.ni. . ; - A 11. NISEET. i D. g. MAXWELL. Notice. ; ; n.ivir pr.ivhnsrdljhe interest of Mr A. R. Xiibet, Lwill vontlnae tl.e busfnoss in my own tamo at the Y.i:ne stand, and respectfully solicit a continuance of tue' patronage so liberally bestowed upon the late frra. ' ( j D. G. MAXWELL. . Charlotte, March 22, l!i;0. " ' SMITH'S - : Boot, Shoe and Leather Store, AVx.' far i t DetchjM B-Jnh, Charlotte, Xt C, I he Ur2t Wholesale and Rttail Shoe Establish ' . iieat in, North Carolina." ' I The quality of their Stock superior ih every rc ppect. and ui....i.at.,J iu style, finish and worknian 3h:p. The p' ce nre at "low a? can be'afTordcd. Tuty- boy tLeir (j.x,U exclusively from Manufac turers, or have ii,tu Made to orier. The-ypay no rent an I do the lu-iacH ii,pm. lTei. cr.d can. there- an i wiij Leather, Shoe Findings & Belting. T'ueir fctoek of Leather aud Shoe. -Firidinr. is most i' - .tte, embracing every grade of Hemlock and ) Vk Sole Leather. iZver Leather. F, ench-aud Amer- i Calf strn- Ki- r.cK, t .ti.0. .h f,,,;.i, -wni or llubberand Leather Belting Ask fn irices.- ; V'I,U'"J S'l.oe Houe in the State.- . SMITH'S SHOE .-STORE. ct Door to Hewey's Bank, Charlotte, X. C. ' " o A r ' ' i-jrp. nn.i n-i.': . n 11 .1 v.; i . , t., ". v" ' 'jies nu-i u4uuni "4 ..i, c. rvntl.r rii latlelnh a. l'a.: ri a janrav !ere in tl.:. . Y . V. .Y ' 1 Co., and it 1 C'lanin &to J.ew iors; ore." i ii wl 7 LXCT7t r,:Ur n : 1 'Co.. Charston, S.!C: Jus Miller, Esq., and a "!ilfr pnce-t0 0ley & Wilson. Augusta, da.; Meador Brothers, ! fair de.n-, Ms their motto. ; At uifn. Ga.: "Woodruff Tarter, Mobile, Ala. - PURE -KtLGORE DRAGS' Sj'riitis 'Corner, CAqrtotte,1 A . ' ' Keep constantly on hand a full supply of Pure prugs, fedicines, l'aiats, Oils, Perfumery and Patent JI ed icines.: ,-;.: i ' v;.-;'; ' Prescript ion a carefully prepared. . Y Y.t - Physicians from, Ihe country are respectfully in vited to give ns a calL "-' iY-'r '-M-l i -V7 - April in, sgd. r ; .; f j y ; : ;LIFE yiNSTJRANCEJf S y! . THE iifxi LIFE INUILVNCE COMPANTArin Insure i p?rscrn35 yearaobi for $17 S'J per $1,000 -11 t. T ? ' 1 !it . r i , I " -aji cssa i reiDium iwBproiwg ironi uaieoi l oiicy. . r , : . 1 W. IiJftADSHAW, Agent. ; , Y'-Dn. Robt.' Qjbbox,' Medical Examiner. j " April 19.18C.V J - . j ) : : Y J- KFiSrY';;: I haTe associated . ivitU u6 in the Grocery and PrQ Ti.i(.n Euo'uess, Mr J. S AYILEIAMSON, and here after the Firm will be known1 as GREGORY WIL LIAMSON. -- " jl - Y . ;:-T- - B3 I earneflly request those indebted to trie to call and make scttlvruent,' a4 tuy old accotmts must be arranged ut an, early day ; ; and persons -having fl.iiim .ns;in.''t nie ; will i-lease present them for payment:- - : ! i j -. i ? . March 20, isco. j IT. If; GREGORY. - 4 Groeefies. . .The UBlerKrned 1 hare in iStore a central assbrt- meut of Jrocprics, thich they offer at ihe lovvest possible, rates. Having bonght,their,Stock for Cash, they can afl'urd to tell at moderate prfces for Oa6h. Call at the old 'stand of J. Y. Rryce & Co., and examine our (joodaJjetore purchasing H. II.; GREGORY. March 20, lS'OO. J. S. WILLIAMSON. GRIER & ALEXANDER, -i " Wholesale and retail Grocers. Having r urchased Mr Sims' interest in the Stock of V. W. drier & C , they would call the attention of their friends and the Public generally to their Stock of Choice . I j ;i j ; j; Family Groceries, v.oi to be surpassed in the! market either in. quality or variety. . - j j Y . j ! Y The highest cash prices paid for- nil kinds of country produce. A speciality made of good family flour., f I j ' ' ' : ' All Goods purchased at ,t li i s house will' be deliver cd.any where in the City free of chorge. ' : ' i rhankf'ul to our many friends for the very liberal patronage bestowed upon us j heretolore, vo astc a Our mottp is as it ever continuance of the same has been ! straight forwaril, true to the line. r ! : W. W. GRIER, llSOO. C, W. ALEXANDER. Jan. SPRING TRAJDE, 1869. I take pleasure iji informing you that I am now reccivins AT MY NEWi STAND, National Bank Building, S1GX OF THE JIRASS BOOT, direct from the Manufactories, I a large and well selected Stock of ; b r " - .! ! Boots and Shoes. FOR TUR i 'VUlNtJ TRA tEj cowpriiir eery aHi- c!e in the Boot and Shoe jwc . I invite especialiat tcntion to pit a ssort 171 ent. of j Gentlem ens', Ladles', Misses $ndChillren:s Bv-otc"cs Balmorals and G Ail ers. My increased facilities' arid long experience in business make ine confident that my.priees, and the jHalityof my Good., will compare favorably with those dfjkijy other house in tlie City. - . 1 thai! be jdeased to oiler: ray tock to your in spection at any time you may. faicor me with a call. While truly grateful for past favors es.t ended ine, I desire yotir continued patronage. . is. 3lrA-II..U, . Sign of the Brass Boot'. . ' Salem Made Shoes, i IINCoL'RAGE HOME' ENTERPRISE l nm now Agent for the sale of Ypgler' & - Co.'s Saleiri niafle Shoe. I ghiarantce every pair sold, and request you totry them. I ' 15' MEACHAM, I Sign of the . Brass Boot. j " Rubber Belting 1 Trnnks and Hats, always on hand at " .' ; . t , j IS.. B. M EACH AXES.- - . Shoo -Piiidings. " .: A good assortment of ShoO Findings at ! ; ' I ' . S. B. MEACHAM'S. . Guarantee- o pnper or wood 'bottom Shoes sold at " I IS B. MEACHAM'S.. rS-CALL ON S. B. good I'oofs and Shoes, j Mireh lhCi. J MEACIIAM when you want -I- To Wholesale and Retail ' Buyers- L001C TO QV1X IXTEHEST. The Largest Stock of Goods in the Market In conformity ta our CARD of last month, wherein we Mated the fact of "our Mr 1UNTELS having left for Northern marketsVxfft notr. taYer pleasure; in in forming our numerous friends and customers that our Stock (and we say with pardonable pride) the darkest ever brought to this market is now; in, to which we respectfully Invite the Wholesale and Re tail trade. ' : '''' j Y All we ask is come and examirte our Stock and you wilLat once perceive where your interest- lie. J . . Millinery: ' .,!!-- Ve also haTe the largest and bost complete Stock of Millinery, superintended by tlie favorito and popu lar Milliner. Hiss BETSY WILLIAMS, i - lSii. W. & R. m: L. WRISTON & CO;; , ; Auctioneers . I , " I And General Commission Merchants, Fcir the Sale and Purchase of Tobacco, Cotton, Grain, Flour, Produce and Merchandize of all kinds, JSanaioU Zloitsd JjuilJingy'l . CIIARLOTTiJ, N. C. - . !- 1L L. WB13T0X, ... Late of It. I.'M. C: , C. EccIes, of IredeH co. .T. II. GaithtJj, of Mockaviilo. Refeeences: T W Dewey k Co., Bankers; MP Pn-rnTii. Cashier First National uanK; W J Yates, Editor V.'estern Democrat ; IluteSisom Burroughs Co, General Insurance-Agents; Charlotte, .N.-Lr. Wm II Jones & Co, Raleigh, N. C; Geo.S Palmer, of Palmer, Hartsxk Si CoJ Richmond, ATa.; Rev Dr n-i.. e i.l l-Mitnr-nf - Ruitimore Ed ' Methodist, Baltimore, Md.; Worth & Daniel, Wilmington, N-C; LHiJIl1 J T. T. CARRAWAY. i o o i o n! i TVT nr n "h n. n t CommiSSlOll MOrCRani, NEWBERN.iN. C. &c.,ntommisain." ' f " -' f Court Houae BuildTng, Newbern, "April 12. lyj- ; N.C. at Manu- And dealer in Groceries Provisions, Hardware, Glass, " i and Crockery Ware; Wall Phper, Window Shades, &c, oldest es- i prompt attention gfven 10 orders, find to 4h.e sale ; : of Cotton. Grain Naval Stores, Tobaccd, Dried Fruit, 7f N$3W FEE BILL. S AX AG T tqanwdjitleto of. Civil Jocedure:Pbssed, April 1 09.J -.-.The General Asscmblj of Jortli; Caroling do enact as- follows v-?n -P- - f'-'-'Y' " :c Section 555. Pees of 'Officers; bg tcttom atid Jioic payallcr--The ''several officers licreinafter named, shall receive Ihe'Yfcest bereinaflcr pre scribed for inetn TesriecliVly trovf4 tfcei persons fear whom j or at whose instance; the? service shalj be: performed, except persons' sueibg as pampers, and no" officer shall be compelled t6 perform any serviceunless his fee be paid or tendered- The 6aid officers ihairreCeive -;no extra 'allowance tor other compensation whatever nnlqs3 the "samo shall beexpfcskly. reftnircd byonje staatq: ,3 t.: 111 officer'of thef Stateor of a4 county,' for the bene- fit of the State or -conntj, the fees need "not.be paid in advance ;,but if for the State, shall be paia Dy tne rotate, as oinerciaims against it arcj if for a county, by the Connty CommifssionerSj ont of the county' funds.; T H Y Y Sec. 550. WojtfAeet it7prt7.A copy sheet shall consist lof one-hundred words. "1 V?sk '' Sec. 557. Fees on - returns to Secretary eof Stale. All officers required by law to make re turns to thej Secretary: of State, shall receive, for such returns five cents per copy heet, to be audited on the certificate of the Secretary ! of State, and paid as other claims against the State are required to be. f I 1 ' V Hi ' Sec. 55S. j Clerks to f tin isA lilanl' Writ.--Clerks of courts shall furnish to parties printed copies of the! formal parts of all writs required to be issued' by them, with convenient blank spaces for tHe insertion of written maker ; and also the blank forms of such bond$ as are required to be taken by them, j , M " ' Sec. 559. j Who to pay costs in Criminal actions. If a lefejndant be acquitted! or ' judgment against himiarrested, the costs, including the fec3 for all witnesses summoned and actually ex amined for the accused whom the judge or jus tice of the peace before whom the irial toot place, shall certify to have bden necessary or proper for his defence, shall be paid by the prosecutor if any be marked on the bill, whenever the judge ,r justice of the peace j shall certify that, there was n3t reasonable ground for the prosecution, and that it vas not required by. the 'public inter est. . .If there be no prosecutor, -br if the judge or' justice of the peace shall certify as aforesaid, the costs shall be paid j by ths county, in which the bill was found. i . . . . Sec. 5G0J Fees if convict insolvent. The costs in crimiual actions shall, in all cases, be paid by the person convicted, if he beabl ; but if he-be not. able, the county where the bill was found snail pay one-naii oi tue costs oi only - ., j i i ' he prosecution j ! - ; " i H ' ' ' ; j' Sec iGli Jioic fees .of .officers received. -If any:officer3;to wbom fees are payable by . any person, shall fail to receive tli em at the time the service is performed,: he. may bave fjudtrment therefor buj motion to the court, in which', the action is or was pending, upon twenty days' notice to the person to be charged, atj any time within one year after; th'e determination of the action in which the liarrro was performed if the motion for judgment be in behalf of the clerk of the Superior Court, .it shall be-. made .to the judge of the court in or out of terms. j t , 1 : I ; OilAPTER II. ,:."' "'.'' l" - J FEES OF SOLICITORS. l; ' " '; Sec. 5G2. The solicitor shall rpceivo forty dol lars fed every attendance on the session ,of his court, and ifull fees iniill -cases' of judgment ren dered against the accused, to bepaid by the county in which the bill is found, if the defendant be insolvent.-j ,' V .- ' " j-; 'y! " jl; :;.'. I:-'. !"'"' ''i Sec, 5G. Fees of j Solicitors.1. On every conviction jfor any capital crime,1 twenty' dollars. 2. f On every conviction where by law the punishment must be j imprisonment at hard labpr in a Penitentiary ibrjnot less" than six months, ten dollars; -j - j - ''j,L ' ; . 3. On conviction on any other indictment, four dollars. I ' j - . j Y''Y ' ii , 4. On lunar judgnvent against a "defaulting witness or juror, w her et' nd isstlepis joined,' two dollars. "JY-? v "' 'j-" Y - ! ;;; ; .' . 5. On s'ueh a judgment, when contested, four dollars. f-': ' f yY';"; ' f'"- " 6. Judgment on undertalelng of feil br recog nizance, if uncontested, two dollars. T. r;t"'. 7. On thosamej if contested, four dollars. " 8 On application1 to renew bond to; keep the peaces if granted, 'one dollar. ; f - 9. On an issue in bastardy, if found ' against th& putatire father, four dollars.! : ' j ' ; 1 1 ' y FRES OFicLERKS OF TIIE SUPERlokjcbuRT. - ; ( J rr ' in civiL causes. , i i ' "... Sec. 5C4i; What fece, ' dnd for cliai. fFurt nishing b lank. writs of summons, or otlier writ or process require to be issued by j him, and taking a bond from , the plaintiff as security j.for costs, or receiving a deposit from plaintiff and giving a certificate! to him and . the defendant, ! One dollar. 2. Docketing summons, five cents. . - v , ' 3. 'Recording a return of a Sheriff or other ministerial officer, tea cents: . '-..jl . -Y . 4jllechrdihg, filingVaud noting on. the docket any pleadjng or demurrer, and delivering copies filed to the parties to whom addressed,; ten cents. 5. Urder enlarging, or to enlarge, time for pleading, or 'for any other act where au thorized, fifty cents. ; s :....; C.'Kntcfipg judgment against either prty,! one dolla ' -. . " .. :--!.'- 'y ''-,-' 7:1 Judgment on any question authorized to be. decided by him, if I there .be no appeal to the Jud-e' or if the judgment of the Clerk be con firmed on! the appeal, one dollar. Y Y i 8." Preparing statement of case on appeal from his decision to the Judge, one dollar.1; , y ; Q.: Transcript of record for Judge on issue of law joined on the pleadings, one dollar. . ; I 10. Acknowledirius: ' receipt xif decision, of Jud"-e. and notifying each attorney thereof thirty cents. et. ten cents. ;. .-M. '. ' .1 ' 13. Transcript of case and record for Supreme Court, tv;o dollars. -j- Y:;;, -i ; ' if A'-T'"S , 1, Mailing transcript, ; post paid pteen cents! 1 15; Docketing tiny, judgmenton.: execution '-docket, twenty-fiye centsi . .v ff h.f.-f - v - . 16. Affixing, seal or lQVi;.aci r necessary, twent v-five, cents. h "4-' ''H- h s - i -' . . : si . - I .: . . S: - GJV . . - 11. lakmg an amaavu except iu; a hiiuc . , . , T . .rLw.-i lJ. .cjr 5. Executing subpexma - i. mJi.: ,;(ic inrc.s i: mileage, twenty-five cents. -: ; J,--- ' t Entering i)nt record any. orderjorj judg. men of tbe iJudgev; an a .'.matte? j whiolvho ias jurisdiction to 4eci4e out;of . term, if nol ! more thahohecopsheetfVe the hrst, ten cents. 4 Y rT ,, v. liilfiL'' Enters sod the octet a bhef'oiany com Dlainti blei.' demhTrer dr intionf five 'dents. " T r t!9 'Entering general verdict ; fiv6 1 IntaJ' T j j 20. Entering speciar yerdic;-five cents, l 21v, Entering: appeal; taken,-,fiyelc3it8:!-r rt C2ssulng sabpo2na for,rWitn,es&e3; each xiftme. !ceb icejit8.fU' r A?: Vi4'(-'r : t;,. Copy n .any. .record or writing Jin. hisibf fecv" per' cony sheet ten ccnts.Y , : " l s Vf j iy i ! t R- "DZZUl- Yl ; l lib. I'roDate or acknowledgment rot deed; or other writing, anid taking- private examinaiton bfaiarried women, with certificate thereof,- fifty cents i' ' i 1 rrooate of a will in common form, with certificate and issuin 1 OP letters testamentary, one uouar. 28. Recording will, per copy sheet. ten cents! Of executors, administrators, guardians or other trustees, required to return accounts: u If amount returned 'does hot exceed two -hundred "dollars twenty cents; if amount returned exceeds two bund red and under five hundred dollars, fifiyi cents; if amount returned exceelds five hundred dollars "and tinder one thousand dollars, seventy five cents; if amount returned exceeds one thouj sand dollars and tmder two thousand dollars, 4nQ dollar; if amount exceeds two thousand dollars and under three thousand dolllars, one dollar and fifty cents; if amount above three thousand dolr. lars. two "dollars.! y : : , - j 29. Grant of Hetferrof administration of any 9ort, and taking bond of 'administration, one dollar.. - j jy;' .; Y:;:.;. ;, ;' j. -i 30. Every notice required to be issued by Clerk, ten ccntsi j 1 . J .. f j i: 31. Grant of gnardianship, including taking of bond for jeach; minor, fifty cents. Y. ' J j 32, Apprenticing infant, including indenture, fifty cents, f i ;i-; " ", j ji 33. Entering-caveat on contested will, twenty cents: ; ; - j J -; ; . j j 34. Recording .articles' of agreement of pro posed corporation, including all services, two dollars. jri W I ' ,.' - .- Y-'i f 35. 36. Issuing commission of any sort, fifty cents. Entferingj return to. commission and order for registration :6f deed; ten cents. . - Y 1 . I j 37. Auditing account of executor, adminis trator, guardian or other trustee, required to re turn accounts, fifty' dents if not oyer three hun dred dollars, eighty cents if over three hundred, and not over one thousand dollars; one dollar and a halfjif over one thousand dollars. 33Y Justification of sureties; fifty cents. 39. Continuance of a cause, thirty cents. 40. Execution,! thirty-five cents. 41. Foi-j any service required bylaw for which ho fee is specifieel in this act, the Clerk shall be allowed twentydlvc cents, y Y j II. IN CRIMINAL ACTIONS. i l-'i - . I .' i 42. Issuing capias, one dollar, ; 43. Docketingi action andientering return ten cents. '1 ! . f-,H .P 1: ''! f 44. Taking a recognizance ten! cents, f. 45. Issuing' subpoena, fifteen cents, y S 40. Entering judgment against a defaiilting juror or witness on a pan nona or recognizance, fiftv cents, - j j-" ; ' . : ' y;v .' - ' if I -ri. Wintering veTaictana judgment, one acinar. ,.10. Ti.: L.,t J t.J, : -I : 48. j 49. Justification" of bail or sureties to an peal, fifty cent, f ;;':i'';"Y ' ' 'i -"rYiVi : '. 50; Affidavit, : except to witnesses, '.or jurors tickels,' twentyf-five cents. f : i 7 5t. Affidavit to witnesses or juror's ticket, tenentsili il YY ; vYs .r: ". . f .; . ;j r-j. - 52 Affixing eal when necessary, twenty-five np.nrs.- I : i 53 Transcript on appeal, as in civil bases O-i. irjLavmE; ijransqripi-, as iu qivu caa.es. i 55. JJndictmen sixty cents. 1 'J ! 56. Continuance, thirty cents. Y : . , , Ui :;-''-M . " ''-.1 Lu-'-'7-V- .' . 1 'FEES OF REGISTER ,OF ! DEEDS. ?M : i .:'..' Y .---.-" ( r - - . 1, - J Sec.; 505. 1.. Registering anv 'deed 1 Or other- writing authorized 'tcr be registered of Sfedcjrdedj by him, with certificate of probate oracknplj iedgmentjand prvafe examination of; a married ftvoman, containing riot "more tban three ;c6py lEheets,' eighty! cents: and for every additional copy sheets ten- cents, yy ' f ' Y;f j . 2,;For;a copy of anv record or paper - in hi: lofficer lile feesji as for registering the sameU r iS. ror issuing eacn t notice or order requirecl by the pouniy ;Y Commissioners,' including subj pcenas for Witnesses fifteen ceptsC.,! y ' .;,"'v: . ; 4. Reciording'ieaclj order of Commissioners,"if not over! one clonv sheet twentv cents: -! i1 y 5. If oyer one copy! sheet, for, every one ten cents,; . ! .-x: :f. :!i". ; ! ;! j ore; G. Miking but tax list, fbr j each name on copy required! to be made, two cents. j 2ach . 7. When the fees do not compensate the Re ister, thej Commissioners' may allow hini nipt tp exceed yiree idopars per; day for services. ' 8. Issuing marriage license, one dollar. 9 Search of record, twenty-fiv cents. ' : iu. i-.or any -service require. by law, where no fee is! specified in this ac-: the Register "of 1 jjceas snail pe auowea twent-nvo cents ! FEES OF SllERIFFS: , - W j-. a i i -w- 1 bee. pub. 1. iiXecuting l summons, or. any other writ or notice, simply by delivering ajcopy l to tne party or nis uorney, sixiy cenia. j 2. Arrest of aiefendant in a civilTictioti and taking bail, including attendance to justify, nd all services connected there with,' one dollar. j 3. Arrest Vf person indicted, including all service cpanected with the taking and justifica tion of .Kail, one dollar.. - if - 4ylmprisonment of any person in a civil or I criminal I action, fifty i cents; and release irom on a witness without 6. Cohvevinff a prisoner to lail. to another county,' ten cents per mile.-: . ! . For a prisoner guard, if iny necessary, arid approved by .CountyrComiriissioner per each, five! cents. ' pj - ; ; ' 1; - ;j 8. Expense of giiard and all - other expenses' ,01 conveying .priaqner-to -jau or irom erae jau another br'.any -purpose, pf to ace of iinwiraTertiniy '-lie f albwed by .the CofeinissionWs'ctf the ctvunty in which the indict- 1 9-YFeeding f prisoners Y n the county ' jail, per ajQbexedsby the Commissioners of the tbonty'.-' f-bU .vfj.'.,-.'iti ??:l ,:-ji..-.Y-i; UO :Prey?iding prisoners - in Sottnty -Jail with suitable besYbdlethtng, ; otherlc!6thjrig and fuel- and keepitig the Wisen and wotindff frWnlv t-vbatever, .'shallv bo- allowed;; by 1 the3 Commis Lsi9erTso.theuiity Yf" . y U q lCollectingr;fine and , 6sts frdift convicts, tq 4 a -ha per cent on the amount collected! ,.12 CSoIktiiig execilonrifdt taoney in civil acttonskr-rtwp and a. half per cent on; the anaennt 1 tJ3i4drtising a saJe:of; jxroperty'-wnde exe cnlloat eaArfWkrJ& rehuired, 15 rents ... ,14. Seizing1 specific property ; under 'order of a court, or judge! )r executing. anjr -other order of a court or judge, not specially provided for to be;411owed by.! the Judges f;?jtf . yyi t'c.v; ; lo.' Taking any. bond. including fnrnishiwg lib 1 he actual expense oi Keeping ail pro perty .seized underrocess or order of court ; to be 'allowcdi by ; tlie court j .i 17. A capital execution,: including the burial of the body, twenty-five dollars. , u u t y j j j 1 3. Summoning a grand -or ., petit jury, fbrj each man summoned, thirty eents, and ten' cents lor -each person1 summoned on a special venire: ..!L9i Serving any writ or ; other process, with hc iidjof the eountyf or arresting any criminal, ,hree dollars, and all necessary expenses incurred ;herbby. . - j .; Y ;j ij j-YY,a j;.o ; .. j 29 ! All just fees paid to any printer for . any advertisement required to - be printed by the swiff. . v--ur i-'r- r .1;;24? Bringing up of a prisoner upon a habeas hoi-fas to testify or Answer to any court, i6if be- ore ;a judge,, one dollar, land allnecessary ex penses y . . -. M-j N-f,- ; j- UHAPTER Vn. . . FEES OF 1 CORONERS." I - ; - i i r. -. ' Sec. 507. 1'. Coroners shall receive the same fee$ las are or shall be allowed Sheriffs in similar ease$.Y - ' ir.;' . Y J i';-li. ; i ' ".'..''. l ' :' 2. For holding an inquest over a dead body, including thefeummoning of the jury and return ingiihe verdict, ten dollars; if necessarily en gaged more than- one day jTor every additional day, ui&.uuiitiia. .f L I I For summoning each 3. witness on in(uest; twenty-five cents. " Y I : 4 M 1 : ! A .:. 1 f 1 ror purying a pauper,; over whom ' an in quest has been held, ten dollars, to be paid by the' county. IV ; , i ; , i ;;j- I ': 5i The fees in cases numbered j two and three shalj be paid by the county. --;' Y jj; , : -,' 6i. It shall be the duty of every coroner, when the jor any ofthe jurymen may deem it useful, to thej better investigation of the cause djr manner of death to summon a physician or surgeon who shall be paid for his attendance and service ien do sioners of the cbuuty may deenij reasonable FEES OF JUSTICES OF .TIIE PEACE, - hi Sec. 5G. For attachment or transcript of a j udgmen t;, twenty-five cents.; y - lor summons, forty. cents. Hor adjournment or continuance, ten cents. For subntena or order for witucss, including all; 6f tlbe nme$ iusertejd. i Jf or fil ing every paper five-ccnts.H; -';'.-;YYYij :" herein, fifty cents,! - neccssaTy to be ljied, "-'""; 4 For trial bf an issue4 fifty .cents Ifor entering judgment twenty-five critfl. i or taking afSdavit,1 twenty-five ioenfs. ." ! . iFor drawing or faking bond or undertaking, I'"- . YY . . ahidavife.Yuiond or un- dertaking, per copy ''stieetj, :ten cent it :' For receivingvapd , entering verdict of jury, twenty-fivelcents.Y ;H df..-:i Y For execution, forty! cent For removal of execution j ten cents; For making a return to an appeal, ( one dollar. For, order of a!n arrest in a civil action twenty- five cents, ; ". . I YY -U iY-f- -z -,;,, j For war jant , for apprehension of any person charged with crime, ox with being the father of I a;bastard fifty cents, y v 1, , - ;y$-:ii.: - i or entering judgment ior a conempci yu gib. For execution of such judgment, 2!5 cents. , .": For warrant of commitnieut for any cause, .twenty-fivdcenta.Vi::Y:j-:ir 7;Yti -f. ;j , -. : ! Fpr order for a commission to take testimony, For, raking deposition on an order or commis- sion fssucel by some court, per copy sheet, 10 cts. j For rfaklng necessary, return ; and certificate thretrj: fifty cents, y! . , Chapter . ,viij. FEES OF ; CONSTABLES..1 lec. 569, Vrhe.fees E)f;Constable8 'shall be the flame as those for. Sheriff for the like services. ' I""'- " ' Y ! - jYY1. ClIAPTEtt IX, l I FEES' OF; JURORS, &ec. 570. '1 Jurors to the Superior ; Courts. pe j" dtyj wha 'sliall ba allowed . by the County VVJfUJUllcaiUljgiD. Ul tilt; VUU.UkJfj lXMi CAlb&Uiu y w w dollars and fifty, cents, i );'.' : v i.Y .2.' Per mile of travel coming to and returning from Court, five cents, and such ferriage or tolls as jthey inay have-to ; pay going and ' returnin irom Court. 3. The same pay arid mileage shaE be allowed to j special jurors, and the same pay, without mileage, to talis jurors . Chapter x. y i Salaries and fees of clerks of supreme - J-'' - f " : ... COURT. , ; ;Y -Y " -; Sec. 571. The salarv and fops of the Clerk of the Supreme. Court, shall be as provided by sec tion twentv-five, chapter one hundred and two Of :Y l ' . -.- . Chapter xi. '' FEES OF WITNESSES. I.Li'. Sec. 572 1. The fees, of witnesses, whether a&en'dirigfat a'-tenu bfiht' court, or before the clierk, or a referee, or, ; upon any lqquest or. ex aminatipnl shall be, one dollar and fifty cents per day; theyf shall also receive mileage at the rate of five'eerits per mile for every mile jiecessarily traveled from their respective residences injgoing to arid reiuming froin the phice of examination b the orjlinary routeand ferriage aqd.JtoU paidr m -going imd retnrningj; T 'iAK".1 r"' LfThel itne shall fprpveth number of days of his attendaricie, and the distance' traveled, ber. fore the cferk-of the "-corirl,' or- the referee or offi - j T---. lf;Y'--Wt-ttff--'--''i TifY 'Ik I r SEYENTEENTn VOLUME N U U D E B 8 CD. cer taking the inquest or examination, and rf ceive'a certificate thereof;, the said certiilca shUl also state the case in which,' and the prty by whom, the witness was summoned; and, ft shabe, as against the party to be charged there fonpresumptive evidence of thej fact et forth, therein. ,. ' '' . j- - y .'.;..;-.. '. , 3. ; -Witnesses are not entitled to receive their fees in advance; but no witness in a civil action or special jSroceeeling, unless summoned on be half of the State or a municipal corporation, shall be compelled to attend jnore than ont day, if the "party-by 'or for whonl he was summoned, ball, after one day's attendance on request and pre sentation 'of la certificate, fail or; refuse to ptj what then msy be due, for traveling to the plica of'.examinaioh, and for tho number of days of attendancff.- ' ; s - ";i:; " ' ' Y 4. The fees of wituesses may be recovered Ly action before a Justice, of the Peace, is is pre scribed in other cases of actions, j Ratified April; 12, 18C9. : ;j 1 ' ' Y . . i - Jteir Judge Rlatchford of tho' U. S. District Court for the District of New York, has decided that a bankrupt's wife can readmitted as one of the creditors entitled to a claim: against! the estate of her husband. j .; ' . : A young fellow n England has settled a breach of promise suit,' brought against him by a most eligible damsel, in fa new Way. The damages were laid at jC5,006, and she gained them In full. .Whereupon' the defendant addressed the young ladv a note, saving : ' "I have behaved infa- mouslv. but if vouj will only for giye and forget. we may be happy yet: The which my friends had to you is oniy ODjeciion now removed. They can say no longer you are without a penny, since von have i.5.000 of vour own." And she married him. H I'hev alwus scd.4guve a woman the choice ov thrfiemeh for a husband, and the chances iz. she- will manage to looze all three of ihem. Everybody luvsj tew drive forq-in-hand better than they do a single hose. - -. - y If yu hev got three beaux, freeze last to one ur them at onst. ! i Y The more yu look for perfeckshun, the more blemishes yu will come acrost, and the more suckers yu git into jure: net, the! more yu will- hanker for, and t nets bursting and le more danger thare iz ov the letting awl the fish leak out. 1 kan t tell yu wieh ov. the three follows yu had better snare : but mi advice iz to take the one wich yu fiud yurcself the mOst anxious tew please, and to keep on doing so after yu are' one flesh, and if you am t a happy pair, yure husband iz simply a mean kuss: Josh Billings. " . -. ' Y ; f Rosina'D. Richardson is tho New Hampshire giantess, and has married John A. Wood, who weighs 130 pounds to her 400. j This make 530 pounds of wood. Rut we hope tho children will not be blockheads. ' I I " , The New York Express says : j "The highert store rent paid! in Broadway is that of . E. S. Jaffray s dry goods store, corner " of , Leonard street, ' which , brings $60,000. 1 The higheft hotel rent is that of the lifth rates at 8100,006 per annum. ' Avenue, which . i! Baron - Rothsehild's fortune reaches the of sum of three h rind red and forty millions doii ars. THE GREAT CAMERA it" II. ! I hate recently j bought, at great cost, .two of 4h Best Cameras in tho World. The maker off cine J..' II. Dalmeyera, of London, x received a gold and eilter niedal at the Paris Expo sition. The other is Parallactic Solar Camera, : made by the celebrated optician, Herman Roettgcra, ofOei-many. Tb!e bent "judgea pronounce thla the best instrument in the world. With the best Instm ments, the best of light and the beat materiala, I guarantce PICTURES to surpaaa anything1 U th'e Sfatoand equal any( in tho World, cither. froja old Anibrotypes, Daguerreotypes, or from Life. I am prepared to make any ize pro to re as good, If net better than the original, from finger-ring site Up to ' full life jgize. J ..:.''', ' i - - - ' Iri makingtbis announcement--1 would return my grateful thanks; for the very liberal patronage be-' stowed upon mei in the pasf, and ! pledge my best ef forts in producing GOOD PICTURES in the future. The best, judgea re most pleased, and- apeak moat flatteringly, but ha Pictures , will peak well for themselves. Come all and see. j . - - -If... ! f . I April 26, 1869 j . . J.-SJ BROADAWAY. Coffee, Boots, Shoes, Liquors, &c. ; (Tti Bl3 offe t he House of all Rations. 1 lALr New Spiring Goods, at the same place.. Rest Manufactured and. Fashionable Clothing, at the llouso of all Nations. ; r ' " k of Boots, hoes, Hata, Notiont, of ail Nations, ; . i - t- Foreign and D6matic Liquors, at the ITouse of all Nations. - Y ..-' I " Country Merchants will- find a full and generis! supply ot'Goodp, and as cheap as tie cheapest,, at yi. RICHARDS & CO 8, 1 House of aU Nations. April 19, 18C9 Confectioneries and Groceries. -i .t.. r . I.y Just received at the NEW STORE, under DEMO CRAT OFFICE,! a choice lot of Rio and Lagnyra Coflfee, which wd offer low tor casn. ,30 Barrels of Sugar, all grades. Pepper, SpiceJ Ginger, Nutmegs and Mace. Mackerel, in kit s and half barrels.. j Pure Lard, and White Wine Vinegar, a prime arti- Ltle. A, R. N1SBET A BRQ, Snuffl That good old Lord ard's Snuff, at the old pric. at A. R, NISBET & BRO'8. - Cigars. .. j . ' A choice and Foreign Cigars, well selected stock of Domestic -and at A. R. NISBET & BRO'S. Matches. ! Those good' Siwift & Courtney i Matches, Just re ceived at the ncHr store. A. R. NISBET BRO. ; ; Tea, Tea, Tea: v i Yonng Hyso4 Uncolored Japan, Ouppowdcr and Black Tea, all just receirtd at the new tof- :,i Layer f Raisins Just received A. R. NISBET L BR0." Candy. ; i A choice lotef fresh French Candy .and Cryatal iicd Fruit Candy ,jit received at- - nnft0 - 1 . April 19 : :w 1H!I. A.iK.MMiM

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