? . I f 1 r i- i Art" 4 f s f s., - w.oT - .. I if: rii'W - - - Y CRS EiiToit aud Proprietor! , nf Stt Itscfipi .I Tw k e b DoLlab, in advance. C II ARLOTTE. N. C., TUESDAY, MAY 25, .1869. SEVENTEENTH VOLUME -IV U 51 B E R ,872 "-rrr .-n iHfc r i ; mm ..ill iff, 1 I W 1 .if 1 1 III III 1. ' 3 't I 1 I 77 i. f ir - .... j " ' 1 I THE "W estern. Democrat WILLIAM J. rCBtl.UED f BT YATES, Editor atid Proprietor: Tsasc!" Three Dollars per i AdTtrtLsciaeuts will bo inserted. rt, or in accordance witb contract. f Obituarjr notices ofoTer fire lines in be chirged for at adTertising ratea. . annum In adTance. at reasonable length will A New Form of Slaver r.-r-In'nuDj re-- FpeCta the n,egro u as much a Elate '.-to-day xis he vras aii years, ago." vino-tentb$ of tbpm are.. en rolled" iu the Loyal' Leagues, and are bound jby oaibs toobey their superiors and masters." They move like. "sheep,-and dare not disobey, "unde peril of persecution in their.bustneesjsocial ostra-r cisin, and persoual violence,! even to the taking of life. 1 he few negroes: who some years Ago in Virginia undertook to act S independently and Eobert Gibbon, M. D., "I PIIYSIOIAN AND SURGEON,- f - Tryon SVr, L'futrfotte, C, OfSce and Residence, one door south old State Dank, (formerly Win. Johnston's residence). most slavish despoiisnrcrccted over the Afrfeari The poly difference is that he' has changed hn master: ' "I " . v WliolesDme Advice to Yomig- Womea. , Many ."beautiful . forms are mada decidedly. nomeiv ov inaiviauais irvinsr ro .sec fit uaoLiui the laws of uatureJ For this rjnrnose delicate youp IadicS lacec 'tlieiuscltcs until i tWy4 can, scarcly lrcatheJ iAndrall for -'what 2 -J To, den : ceire poori(weak minded creatures like thjemel vefi auain jneir ownuiniaginationx appear, Deauii luL "?Vhcu is a cirl must beautiful; - .jietore she.basreaeEed her teens: 4)efore she hasarrived Jan'l, 1G3. j To. Wholesale and Retail Buyers LOOK TO YOU II INTEllEST J: P. Mc Combs, M. D f Offers hi professional services, to the citizens of Charlotte aad urrouudn coii;itry. " All calls, both nif ht and day, pronij'tly mtcn led to 1 ; - Office in Urowa'i-luiiding, Up ttaiis, 'opposUe; the Charlotte Hotel. - Oct 2c, itoe. - . .' ;' Dr.i JOHN H: McADEN, Wholesale and Retail "Druggist, CIIA HI. V TTE, X. C r ! 9 en hind a litrcrc and wvll svlrctcd stnek of rURL DUUOS. Lim:cals I'ateni .Me-nciiies. rain::y .uc-ii- Tui'tt Arfklv-". which Tery lowi r-rices. Jiii 1. l'.K ,- i he is dutciiiiincJ to sell at the PR. JOHN H. WAYT, ; Surgeon Dentist. O Fc? fur tMs twr al h s ITttiJenre. ; Patieuti iu the City'orlCcuntry waited on at their riM!ih the Pivst Ofhce Will be irotMi.nv acce unt of di.!ance. t Jail ll.i lv attended to. No extra charge on A T T O It X IZ'iY A T 1a Yf Charlotte, N. C, (Vnre is DtwEi'3 Dank I3iritiiNa. Not. O.-lfOH - tf I i 1 Watch and Clock I-T dt, N. ' " AN! liTAUKK JEWELRY, TI SF.' WSTC.ILS, CLOCKS, - : ? Watrh M.tlcril, Fptetachs, c AnK. lV,T. 1 CHARLOTTE, X. C. li reccirlEjr, daily. Lis Spring Sfok of !HiUiuf ry, TrissiiixiiJj. &c. :c., Which he'nhs th Ladles and the public generally, to call and examine. MRS QUERY i prepared to serve her friend j with the LATEST STYLES in Ronactg, ilxts. lro.-s ns ikinj', Sic. . Miv 1. It W j - HALES, r I " A. Watchmaker and Jeweler, txt Door to the If your Watch n?id R p Don't jret ma 1 u r. i p t Ju'-t tak.- it int. li.M.L.S" lie will fix it so ii will He wa.ri.-n.t Li work all J (HA!IUTTK, irint". . wiring; ; !vp. '.r a y-ar, X. c. When it is u- 1 L'e v. ill do it a-' January 1, w proper care. And do it wt-il it. I.t IV- -1.4 It I. sure to ran. V ALEXANDER & BLAND, Dentists, Charlotte, N. C, Will wait on parlies in city or country w henever their orvices may L !ifl?rd. . . , T.H-th rttr.n-'i ! ivii ), if pain, tin ndr.iiiiltered. .tJ2ica iu Riuwji' Jiu.I Iin. ' Jloiirj from S A. M. to I .M March 8 Old North State Distillery, . Clf AKLOlTU,"N C. GROOT, KUCK & CO., 'i .'!.' r tin I E-etiJfers cf Com and Eyt 'hlst f. Ue warrant our Lienors I'l'RE and UNADULTHR ATliU. j Ordr solicit el from the trade. SIerjoni on Trym istreci, oppoite T. W. Dewey & (Vs V ink. " .. . s Kthi:, 1S00. tf 1 . SMITH'S -Boot, Shoe and Leather Store, AVr door to Jtcirty Jiarik, Ch'irlotie, X. C, Is the largest Wholesale and 'Retail Shoe ltab!ish '' ment in North ("urolina. The qualify of their .tock is superior in every re- T-ct. and uneoualed in s-fvhv fcmsii ten. Ta rrifrs :ire as low n3 and workniar.- ean be affordel. Th'V hitr thrir t'.. ! fhisi xel v troin Manufac- tur.-r or have thon ni-vde to onfer. They pay no rRtand d-uhe b:iiness tliemselvrs, and enn, there fore, an 1 will sell all styles and juulities of Roots alShoeat lower prices than can be'found else where ia this market. Kvcry .pair of Roots and Sh.e 1 warranted as represented. " ''One price to 5-" an I -fair dealing," is their niotlo.. Leather, Shoe Findings & Belting. Tbir stocli of Leather and Shoe FiiHlins is roost comvWte. embraein every grade of Hemlock aud .t1 Lei4,liir. Upper Leather, French and Amcr 1Cnn ?lf 'Vkin' KIP- - Iai,9 ic- They also furnish ail wi.ithsof lUbberaud Leather Veiling at Manu Ucturers" price. . j .!-k for SMITH'S l&Miilicd Shoe II SHOE STORE, the oldest es- oum m the State. SIlTli:4 s'JlnR RTORT " ' -exi uoor to bew ey's Rank, Charlotte, C. Ilul The City Book Store,, rf, J.'.intfif t.. I T . tlt Ci 7 i One dojr Ulow Irs former location. . Everybody ii i.:;t.l .. t 1 :to,: Ulva cni- .... . r t , . . f i n , 4 w an iui a larjjc 3.-unmcui 01 j -uwj, Kelsons asd Hisdellaneons Books,- 1 . . I - ; l'r 'Looks, Wall .Paper. Rlank r.:,-. ual all articles usually -- arr.T. ... ' . . - H'wi'iim With and kept in a liihl!4ili4(rt nr Bi:rli iht all ihf? rv u-iir- i is n!iei. ie Si., are aa Iuvv s any other Booksellers in ie. v9te wiin tne consenives were set upon nd. fo . tJfa Jad;e8 fort -thif barcly.cscaped mtb.tbfcir .lives. W e tT3 see a,Lfi -getido tholawsnaturc; tbeinwtm ccssAriljrxTjn tract a lieforii)itand, consaitntly cutie tbc-Jbbd v to Irecosi d iseased. I We noiioetT a jouugnais ou tnetreeisi ie aa j ago ierfc wiMst encased in iiBout half Uitnaturallv reQtusitG space, her pacfcsanjetbitKtn tbe fbapc of a can- el ' by reason of a bonnier, her feet L cramped in snoc8 atiuj 4ua,ii,aaxg5 t$, uer iectn' causing nr to ra3k ""as af she was slopping on bpfnirrg cial Poqr-rrtjrc?;;. menu.' ,Unr. .jonn.fadws.and, their-.mothers,? oijtbir forgc nutuan ngure are srriciiy ,mainemaucat,j oretsa they have never biecn Badd acquainted with the 4TV . - M f B Uie waist shcmkl measure pve inehes iu eii, cuuiferencc for eveTj foot thejady is burbv- Tpe whole figure is sj, tiines-thengthiof theot.. . uetacrtic lorn i beiuecder or, plumps tb rnle holds' jrobd; .any-deviation. from it, is fdepartore from the highest J beauty- in proportion. The Greeks made all their statues accoHins to this" rule. .Th5 face from, the highest Iprehcud where tho lUyr begins, tof one tenth bfthe-whole stature. Tn The Largest Stock of Goods in the Market. .r- - . '- tn conformity to our CARD of last month, wherein we. staled the fact of -'our 3Ir RINTELS having left for'Northerh rnartcts," we now take pleasure -in in forming our numerous friends and customers that, our Stock (and we'say with pardonable pride) the largest', ever brought to It his - market is now in, to which we respectfully invite the .Wholesale and Re tail trade. . ; j ... All we aik ircorac and examine our Stock and you will at once percerre where your jnterest lies. AVITT1IOWSKV & RINTELS. ' - Millinery; ; We al-o have the largest and njot complete Stock of M'sHinerr, strperintended br tli4 favorite and popu lar. Milliner, Miss RETSY WILLIAMS. ' , f March 2'J, 18tirJ. . . W. & It. ' ASSIGNEE'S SALE. As Assignee of A 0. Stacy, Bankrupt, and by order of the 'PNtriet Court, I will fell at the Court House dtfor in Charlotte, on the j-'.'tb day of : May; le-GU, tha following botes and accounts :. , ' , One note tn S A Ilovy, $'.).7u ; oee on C L Ruffe,; balance, 'J: ci:e ou J J Malion, $ol.(; oue account on A Rithuuc, bnlance. one on-R W JLeck with. SlJ.": one on W:h Eaple, $-1; one onMr9 0 Mctli'.vary. one on M Rudi.fill. $1C0; one on M W Robinsou, $M..V: one on It P Chapman, $0.Gi; one on E II White. 5?Ct JO; .one. on R Culpepper $::3 -iO; one on J II Sanders.' ol.ilo; one on Milo ..Martin. one ou W J Hicklein, $14 08; ; one on Elizabeth Moycr, $17.0S; one ou J A Duckworth' balance, $-0: oac on Dr W Carr, $20: one on S R Andrews, Sill; one oniJ'P Sorry ce, $11.0;onc on Dr (.'yru3 Alexander, SI1.08; one ou D D Phillips $'.',S7; one on Wilson Wallaoe, -3.o0; oue on R P Wari:.r. one on ' James Nfirthey $3.4.T: one on; Rachel Helton, ?"; on,c on M D L Moody, $30;; one j01iss Emma lTu?tonl $lGrone on David point of ..the. the chin, is ehand, from the wrisl io the end of the middle finger, is the. same'.'" From tbe'tbppf the chest 'to the .high est point in the forehead, 1 is one-seventh. If roots of ihfr. three 'cq rial the length of the f fiicev;,frota . the . hair'to the chin: b6: dffided 4uto purts the first division defenntues vfherc the ete- brows meet, the second tire place of the nostrils. The height from the feet to the top of the head is the same as thej distance from . the extremity of the fingei-s whejn the arms are exnded. - J Henderson, S-.2-j; i Mayi 10, lSC'J and others. JOHN Sv BROWN, Apsigcee. The Corner House, - ( l ' stairs in Spritis,Buiiirtf,') ; Is now open for the accommodation of transient and permanent Boarders. The undersigned have had 'considerable experience in keeping a Hotel,; and -therefore tVel satisfied that they can give satisfaction! Important Sale of City proper ty . 'In-'pnrsatiee of jan order of th Superior Court of Mecklenburg counly, I will sell , at the Court House door in Charlotte, on Monday the 24tti of May, 1669, at he hour of 12 p clock,1 the LOT on which Mi 8. Ortnent now Tesides, in the rear of Hi F. Davidsons Farnithre Store, fronting onj College jStreet-twentyf four feet nine inches. Terms, six-months rcdit, with interest froni date. E. A. OSDORNE, Clerk Suierior Court May 3, 1809 lv & ALEXANDER, retail Grocers, interest iuihe. Stock of aid call the'attentioa'of generally to their "Stock Terms moderate. Charlotte, Jan. 18, 1S89. T, L. HITCH & BRO. SPRING TRADE, 1869. ; I t.ikp p!-.aiurc-in rnformlng-Ivou that I an new? "rveeiviug AT MY NEW STAND. National Bank Building, XICX OF THE 'SlRilSS BOOT, direct from the Manufactories, a larce and well' selected Stock' of ; I . . ! 1 .Boots and Shoes, IMll ,TIIE Sl'lilNO TRADE, comprising, every art cle in' the Root and Shoe line- I invite especial X tontion to my assort uioni of Gcntlemens", , Ladiev, Misses" and Children's Root eeis, Balmorals and Gait erf. My j increased facilities aud jl?ug experience in bu-ipc.-.s make me cnnHdentj that my prices, and tlie jualily of my Goods, w ill- 'compare favorably w ith those vf any other house in Uie Xitf. .. j 1 shall be plcJsed 'to offer riy stock to your in spection at any time you m.'ty faver me with a call. Wiiili? truly grateful for past jfavors extended me,' I de?ire your continued patronage. .. ! S. B. MEACH AM, : Sign of the Brass Boot, Salem Made Shoes. ENCOURAGi: ROME ENTERPRISE. I fAn now Ageit Tor (he s.-il w of Vogler & Co.' Salem' made Sh ,e. I guarantee cVery ' pair sold, and request you t j try them. S. B. MEAcHAM, f Sign of the Brass 'Boot Rubber Belting, i Trunks and Hats, always on. hand at i " , S. R. M EACH A MS, Ko paper tf wood' bottom ' S B. MEACIIAM'S L GRIER j Wholesale and Having purchased-Mr Sims' 4Vwrtrcr-rvi:ey wo their friends and the Public of Choice I ! !. Family Groceries. not to be Surpassed in the 'market 'either: in quality or variety.. . ; U ' ' , ! ' ' .The hishest cash prices paid for- all kinds of country produce, flour.- I - All Goods purchased at this honsejwill' be deliver ed any w uere in tuoUity trre or cnarge Thnnkful to our manyfnends for the very liberal patronage: bttowd upon . ua- heretofore ask a continuance of tho same. Our motto is--as it ever. has "been-f-straight forwarcL true to the line if Food of aii. Epicure. I f Xt mav surprise dhe reader to know that in bis life of say j 65 years j duration, with ;a moderate- allowance of mutton, for instance, a flock pt io0 sheep .would bej required, and that altogether, yor .dinner alone, adding to bis mutton, a reasonable1 allowance of potatoes,.'vegetables, and Water, or other Tiquid daily, for 30 years jof this loeriod over thirty tons of solids and liquids will Jrve beenj consumed by him. : I V J -tA carculation has been made of what (a modern cpicuxey tc& boq vivantj" can consunig iii a life ":?me. ir Jtlis as I follows W j .'; . Take seven ty years as the life ofv the epicure, beyond which age many of that class .of menjar five,, being still in the full enjoyment, of a good .&gestioh,f(for jez ample, Talleyrand, Cambacores, Lord Sefton, and othersj) we 'will suppose him x.0 De contemplating py reironection tnei wnoie iunouhtotj his jlife's consumption of food and irrnky laid outtbefbre bimi at one view.-1 : J ", . , i . ': i Here Js probably wlrat he would see:' : 10 ozied, iOO sheep;3l00 caltes 200 lanibs 50 pifil t0 fowls, 300! turkeys, 150 geese.. 400, ducks," 1!w0O pigeons, j 1,400,! partridges and quail, b00 woodcocks, 1,400 snipe and other ., small game,' guinea fowl, 10 peacocks, and 36Q wild fowls.; :lDiish' 120turholirai0ealnaop-12CGd60 irout. 400 mackerel.! 400. iaounders, 2.00 eelsv 150 haddock, 400 herringsand 1 0,000 smelts.. Alsor- New Laws. ; AN" -A CT to .establish Day Mrid, Mefvf I , felling Rtpl fropfrty- un der, Exccmlon. ?rT i Section 1 i - j The G4neral Assembly jof iioxth Carolina do enact; That so much oi sectiotf four teen of chapter forty-five of ;;the lie vised. Code as relates to sale of elayes, ftnd so mtlch thereof as relates to tbe days! hereby repealed. , I Sea. 2,. So much o 20 turtles.4 3a00tf ovsters, L500 lobsters and crabsdOjOOO prawns I shrimps, sardinesf a inchdvtes. " fj- 4 'if : ;r ;ilIu fruit', about l;5O0 lbs. of grapes, 50 pine- J r pples, 2,000 peaches. 1,400 apricots, 240 melons; r,.id somd one hundred thousand pi umsl green- jciges, apples i pears, 1 arid millions of cherries,! "-i-T- ' j.' --i i n t siawuerries, currants, -.waiuots cuesiouiu, ug, almonds, jeto-i nj i . j:. hj. ilXa, vegetables of other kinds, 25175 j pound.s weight; about 2.434 lbs, of butter, . 084 Jbs..of cheese. 21.000 ei Of bread: 14 J)00 1 R)S;C $f salth pepper, etc.: 1,006 lbs.; of suSart 4.00 lbs G Tn liquids he would have imbibed'. 14ftS7(vgal- Fatdtba Court' House . i i ' i- 1 aS. ,.;s e Sort 1 H TVTA Ml of sale of real property-, be section sixteen iof chapter forty-five of the Revved Code, a prescribes, the time of advertising; the; salQ of-land and slaves; .JaQ'derexcicati6ir.!sr. hfiteby 'repealed, "-s 'iiimji See. 3. So .much of section two hundred and sixtT'three of the Code of Civil - Procedure. a -i utti uays ut jsaie, 14 .uei ex)j repcaieu. j ! occ. 'k. cecnon two or an aer- enurieu, An act for regulating . the selling of? land Under execu tion,"-ratified the twentyfourth-djiy of August. eighteen hundred and sixtyStx is herebj repealed, ;-tSc;.5i-AH privat&'.acts by which; lands ji particular count ics ae reiuiredi ex allowed' to ,be soia, ax places or -at times otiiec- taar t,o?se Sere-i maiier.p.r.eBC'rioe.q are uereoy jrepcait?a-j vi ; Sec. 6; The repeal of the above . mentioned act3 atid parts of acts shall, not invitlidate uny proceedings had under them befyre this act goei Into. ciFeet, and' no sale heretofore 'made' under any o.f said acts shall be lnTalii?rnerelj beqause omu u r regularity r UiJ!9ia K.e m ziMt ray w -wuv F;SeAirreat pppertyoTd undei execution or by virtue of an oirder or J udgmeu t of & Court ir this State shall be sold -at tbe Cour i House-of the County in which the property, or some part hereof, is'situat;;;;3 i-'i'..-H'- -'!' i Sec. 8. ' The salehall be during the first three days of the tert ofpihe Superior Court of the County, cr.pnjthe first Monday iri aj months or on the Monday andi Tuesday -next-' succeeding j.;: Aec.? v; x he. onerut, tor or other just cause may ;0ouritj or iStatc ofliccr, i chasing of any bounty 1- Eh.tll'cngago in the pur or bbte claim at a Jctf price than its fult and true value,- or at any rat$. m uiscuunt inercon. or 00 speculation in such ciailus, h a misdemeanor, and subject to indictment in tho Superior Court of the County in which tho or reuse is committed j and, ou he shall be fwblejto rejmoval discretion of the Court. t Ratified the 12th day of April, ! A. D., 1869. conviction tliereof from office at tht What. the ;N6rtli;: has Gained by tho War, The 'New York Day-Book, tho moat nhcom promising .enemy ' of Kew England Puritan poli tics jh all its vicious formaj f.ees the 'political day,of jiidgnicntr "corning :to' the people who have set the nation by thej cars through their grasping and meddlesome spirit. ' It adverts ti the'lact that cotton -factories, ara springing up alfoter the' South ' No lfss than eighty-air L mills are already started, distributed as follows f i 'Slirrf:f,$ptidles. CoUon'ijmn, 3q,000 j 4,010,000 24.249 3.537,000 , 31583 4,174,100 6S(.782 10,864,350 25.19G 2,820,596 . 8,752 1.157,000 "'829 1,301,101 921 . ' . 253,400 ,13,720 1,847,200 ti(2Gir 1,075,000, lot-3, which, for a man accustomed to, the use of Strong drmk, might be Subdivided'intotdj) hogs hen dsof wiae .1 ,3 G8 gallons of beef, 58 gallons Oi pints!. 5,394 gaIIonS.Qi conee, cocoa, and tea ions Oi uiiiK,! auu A,iou -gtuuua 1,3 4 of w irhenuaniitj' of foed consumed ' by one pian in the course of his life time, ai , estimated aboveT astoundirigisi it-appears,1 is based on an; authen- tlC.scaie or mo regular average uiuajs ui tut? uuy of an epicure for 60yeaTS.' i daj to day,- but- not such post ponement i more: the absehc of bidders postpone at sale from than six days ; upon; io shall post a notice thereof doorJl' Virginia, Iorth Carolina,) Sonth Carolina, Georgia, I Aiaoama, s j jUississippi, Texas,' Arkansas, Tennessee, ICnttirkv. 16- 17. G 20 V8. 6 4 "2 10' 3 property $b all be sold until the same shall have been advertised! fh thirty days at the- door of 4 the1 Court y House of the County in which the said ii to, take "place, and at three k)ther public places in: theT" Coiwity.- Tn lieu of advertisemoiat in the three olther public, places" in the county advertisement olnce a weelfr ror our weess, iu some newspaper puonsuea in tbei'co'untywtirsuffice. fjj ' r" ii; ISeci- llr Iii addition tb f theadvieTtisements A speciality made; of good family i i 1: Ja. 18;:18G9. W. W. GRIER, C W. ALEXANDER.' Guarantee: Shot.' sold at CALL OS S. Ii. MEACHAM, when you want gooil l'oots and Shoes. " March ; ;' : . Great Bargains at . 13 E ATTIE'S FORI), N. C. The undersigned beg leave to Inform their frtends, nnd tlie public at large, that they -have-jiow in store their j ' . ' Spring and Summer Stockj Consisting of Dry Goods in great variety; Hardware, a large stock; Clothing in every style; Hats of hc latest style for Gents, Ladies. Misses and Eoys ; Iioots and Shoes, Crockery, Motions, lrugs ..tiu Groceries. All of which they w ill sell at prices wnic arc guaranteed to be as low as- the lowest, intending that lieattie's Tord shall still he w hat it has been, the cheapest piacc in this section of the State. Come to l'.EATTIE'S FORD if you would be sure of buvinr j our Goods cheap, as wc arc 'determined to telfl. ":, .' ' ! ; . i i . j Notice the following prices:! Calicoes from to 15 cents per yard: Factory Shirting, yard wide.-lG cents by the bolt ; Yarn ( LSnebargcr's) Sd per bunch; C Su"-ar, lCj cents per pound ;j Kio Cofl'ec as low as 0 cent per pound ; Kerosene, Oil GO cents per -gallon, and o on. - CXtW CONNOR & CO. Bttie's Ford, N. C, May 1800. 4w : ! . INSURE YOUR PROPERTY WITH 1 " CALDWELL & 13REXIZER,! IK ' j . " ' The Liverpool &L011- don & Globe J71S. L01 Affets Gold, $ I 769Q39 ' " i?i tlie :':; , ' I ' United States 2 ,ooo,ooq Directors personally respon sible for all engagements of tlie Company. BLUE STORE ! BLUTORE ! ! . . ! . - ! . . 1 . It. K O O t M . A T9 I Has just received and opened his beautiful stock-rOf Spring and Summer I Goods. I have n. full line of Ladies' Dresai Goods,-consist ing in.paf.t of Mozauibifiues, Poplins, Leups,. Organ-; dies, Graaadines.d iiuesi .Marseilles, Uelanes, Lawps, Shalleys,iChintz,.and every style of prints, &c. 4 j.- ; white loods."'irV";;:; My Stock is complete, and t efl'er great indacernc'nts. Embroidcries,and a beautiful stock of Clnney and Thread Lace Collars, I'dgihgfJ, Insei'tings, &c. i " I ' I Millinery. T i In this." department 1 feel assured I "cannot be ex celtod ini'vafefy, taste aAdT qualitJr, and am con stantly adling to; it: .. i j Jt ' j Farals and Sun Umbrellas, a large! variety. . I Clothing Department. - -1 have1 a general and will-selected stock of "Men's Wcar-nnd-Furnishing Goods. HATS of -all styles, Silk. Fur andAVool a ?pWndid assortment, SHOES Men's, Ladle?'; Misses and Children's, direct from the -Manufacturers'.'" Noljons, Fancy j Articles and Trimmings, in endless variety. - ' ! ;Harware ' and Groceries, And everything j kept in i first-.class Establishment i. Having tw eay-carsi experience in this City, aiid knowing weirtKe tasies and w'ainfs of .this com munity, l flatter myself, with the' aidvantarge.s'Ivp,os scss," that I offer' them as iiatidsomeia. stock as can be found aiiy where, and having purchased 'my Goods since the late decline,' I am confident ! can sell as cheap, if not cheaper, than any house m the State. LA DIpS ! If you desirtj td purchase bargains, come to the lsLUi; s:ioi;l. May 1869. - . B. KOOILMANN. NET? STORE and" NEW! GOODS. t - 41 er nave tormea a copari- of conducting a first-class : Ai H. INisbet and Brot nership for the; purpos v Confectionery & Grodery Store, Office, j . H . C . , j of Goods in their ' 1 Cnder the fyimocrat " CIJAULOTTE, 1 - .. r And are; now receiving-a lins, allj fresh and new, are iuvjted to call and vears of experience, an . 'full Sfort kvhich the public generally Haying had. several see. 1 by strict personal atten tion, they hope tabo ablelt merit ia liberal share of public patronage. ; i - a. u. iXJ-ui. Aprib5, I80U I j V-' JJISKET. Dress Trimmings, &c. Drcs' Trimmings, Silk Gimps, just received at . j j' : i , J 11. & bj ejunuel's. Second Arrival J v j Of Popjins, Lenos, Mozambiques, d' igured Muslins, Chambrays, Tidues, Alpaccas," "White Swiss, Jaconet Marseilles, &c.f&c , which will be sold-at our'usual popular prices. The Ladies arc respectfully invited to examine our stock. : 1 , II. &.B. EM AN t EL. 1, -1 ' - ' .... 1 I ' ' ' t ' Just Received, Gent's White Linea Suits, Brown Black Alpacca Coats. II. fclJi. ,'EMAKtJEL." 1 . New Style Paper Collars "Bnrlineame." Howard,. Kaufmans Imported "Five Twentv." II. & B. EMANUEL, Mt 3. 18G9 ; i J 1 I - ' I .ii Trade-Street The iGreat. Eclipse, -The, great eclipse of the sun on August ; 7th win be observed by a scientmc expeaition re-. cer4.otderidJyta bernfc-tut to Alaska and Siberia. : i Ihis eclipse it' is stated 1 will be the most .interest! hi; that has-occui red.cT jwill occur in; the Tjnited1 States fbr many years It becomes total first upon the earth in Siberia at sunrise. The eclipse is total at noon in Alas-j ka. I The line of the total eclipse theu : runs southeasterly, crazing the coast of North Anieri ca hear! Sitka, thence runninjj.off into Bntish America, and ajraiu entering the UuitetLSiatesJ near the origin of Milk river, in 30 degrees !Vest longitude; thence through the southwest corner of Minnesota; and diagonally through Iowa; cross in the! Mississippi river near "lurlington, Iowa thence through Illinois just north of Spring field, and crossing! the Ohio I River hear Louist ville, KV. Fronrtliis point the line; of j total eclipse passes through the south-west corner of v irgmia, i-inrougi iortn itrouna: just souui of llalelghj thencej td Newbern, and entering the Atlantic justi northf Beaufort, N. C.jand end ing at s'unsei in the ocean. -jAt Philadelphia, the 'eclipse commdicWat 5 hours & minutes ip ,the afternoon ' and ends at G hours .53 minutes. The middle of tiio eclipse occurs at 6 o'lclock. The observations by ithe seieitific -eorps sjen 6 Alaska will be highly interesting, not only in an agronomical point of -view"; but'wni settleimany questions in reierenee to the sun s atmospnere and to jthe properties of hgW.', : rjj The United States Internal-Revenue, Coi.i.i:eTOR?s"Omcl., 6th Dist., N; -C.; T - 1 . j ; Salisbury May lsiJ.1869.:.-r Xnnual List for' 1869, ha? been placed; in myi hands for collection, and-the Taxes assessed thereon. have.bijcomejclue and payable, ! All persons having Takes nsfessed aga!npt them oh -that Listor'dne and remaining unpaid j oh any: other-List, are hereby uoUfiet to meet nro or my Deputies at the tiroes and places iaentidned below' and pay the-eaid Taxes.. A penaltypf five peij cent, and ihterest at jthe'jriite of one" pei cent per mpnth.will be exacted fijoni those Who may negjeet ' tjo pay for :ten days afte the ap poihtnijuit forrthe county.'in which they rpside.1 - t . Any-iperso whoishall exercise or carry on any business i or. profcision, for the doing j of which ;a Special Tax is imposed by Law,! without payment thereof as requirejd,! is -subject; to a fine: of hot less than teri;hor;moi'cth;anr$5H)0.' j'-i- " ;j 1 1 ' ;'r - :' Apwiiitmetsfohthe present won th; May) 186$. I ) Salisbury, j May ? 3, 1 4, 15 ; TadJ; inville, m ay 1 ; M6cksille,SMay! 20; Cbncord, May! 24 and 2f ; Monroe, May 2(3 ; Wilkefebcre', May J4 j Taylers-' ville, May 13; tatesville, May 17 and 18 ; Newton, May 10 and 120; Lincoiuton, May 21 ; Dallas, Miy 22. Charlotte, Hay 24, '25 and 26. M . f" j j I may be found at' the Assessor's office, over Duls & linker's store.1 Ion "Trvon street, on thei"2(th1of May, I8G9.i h , May1 10, 18G9 3w SAM'L II. AVI LEV, Cpllcctor. NEW GOODS ! 1 I . . " - . ! : I ani receiviue New Goods -every week, and am determined hot to,be undersold by ! any onev Give me a call before buying. D. G. MAXWELL,! 1 ii ; ; I'arks' isuiiuing Jav From i, Lag Coffee! Coffee!! guayra and Rio CotFee, all grades at MAXWELL'S,! Parks' Building . Suear r 121 to 20 cents per pound by retail, at MAXWELL'S, I'arks" UmiUing : Tea! Tea!! Choice Green and Black Tea at MAXWELL S, Ciears. I H : ' -' A larce stock of FoiigaAnd Domestic Cigars at '' Tobacco and Snuff Taksf Tbbaccd and Lorillard's Snuff always f - ' m m . wwr v w . above required i thej Sheriff shall in jevety case, at leastj ten days eforo ai sale pf tHfd M-pettj under execution, serve a copy'of so mach of the advertisement. as relates jt.bj the real property of any defendant, bu him personally, if to be found I in ha county, or omnia ag&nlyii'hohv -aflAyaJ agent wuniu tue county, or n ne pe not to oe found ;within tho jcountyj and have no known; agent therein, but! bis address be known by mail to such address : aiid the 'date of sii vicc shall be Ascertained : byj jthe usual course of . the mail from the place where sut to the . place of its address,! ;':.ij j ;j Hi- n ' . " ; j - i - i Sec. 12.' An act entitled uAn act to protect property. ola under execution, lrom sacrifice. Tatified the twent7f-jsixth;jday of February,5 eigh teen hundred and sixty-seven, is hereby repealed. , Sec. 1 3. This adt shall I go anto i flect at the end of -thirty da-s from it? ratification, j 1 - ', -! Ratified. the 12th day of April, A. J)., 1869 . This is the f'beginning of the! end" ef New fiUgiauu cuiiuu ppmuiiig, uiiu umruiwr iuun; that within ten, perhaps five jears, the South will manufactory nearly ,all!the cotton prodiicod within its borders?' Ou ofl.this must epring'up a direct Sduthe'rn trade v with Europe, aud thui - cut the North out of the-prthtablc trado she hai dode for the', South, and put a stop to the' com-, mercial dpcndelQce of tho jlattcr on the former. The Day IJook goes on to tnakosomo rcflectionic that it will be useful to kce in mind, both North and South: " It isnygi : ' . .'. .j , is ,..) ' Hitherto the -South has loadod our.vcs3cld tor -European trade und has also been the market tor Till our waves. lliepe-maneint result il tho war will inevitabJy.be to strip the North of thesa great advantages, which wpc the real source of our' wealth. 'Here is the etcuso which the mor yhans ,6? . New (York, Philadelphia and Uonton gave for -prostjeut ing the. war: jThcy said Who, Nprth cannot afford to let tho South go, becaus it would ruin u-v financially.'' Ahdsotho mad men supplied! money for ai war which they .im agined was to keep the South as the great market for its warsnd as its most profitable customer. The Day JJooW tricd- in vvin to beat it into the trulrheadS ot this'nierchatil class that war wai A2F A CT m t elation tpithe Execvlioii of cer- tain Morlyayc Deeds. Section 1. The Carol ina do enact,- estate wno aces n 1 Assembly of North the purchaser of real the whole of the. pur- w'hen he takes a. deed age for securing the iGencra That ot pay chase mouej - at the. time" for title, may make a mar pay ment' of such-purchase money, or such part thereof as may j;eiuiain 1-atipaid, which ; shall be good arid "effectual agaI1is4f.vh.is wifQ1 (if he be a marricd.man) as well as jhrni-selr, without reriuir- ia actihall take effect from its hNll .. - ' " I'.1.!'' i " Ratified th 12th 'day! of April, . DVj JS69. , - . "- ii 1 time "fort 'Registering join m d6ed. ''If Sec.2. That th ratification 44 4. liV AVE tor ijxtena, tfis t : -. Certain Deeds A " 1 'Sectional. The General Assembly. of' North Carolina do enact, . That,!a31 grants of land in this State, all deeds of mesne conveyances, deeds of roll, deeds of gift,! powers of attorney, and other I conveyances, which are allowed or required by &vr: to be proved and jregistered, shall within two years after tl e passage of 'this ' actVbe'ad mitted to broof and''r6istratf6u' unkfer the same rule&,Te'gulationsn" !and r rcTstriciibhk las heretofore or heriaft6r may be "provided by law j aud when so proved and registered ihall be' as good arid valid as if they had been' proved and registered within the time heretofore allowed ; Provided, Tha nothing herein contained shall be construed toj exteiid tomdrtliges'and conveyances w trust, of t'o'niarria'ge settlements. " fit '--: of April,' A." D.; 1869. precisely the most effectual way of everlastingly breakiug up those relations between the ortlt and South wlch were tli e source of euch ira measurable benefits to us Rut this merchant class was, mad.) I'vervbody was mad. Aj whold , people seemed; to, have turned jfool in an hour, and went screaming about; a flag: which they hai converted into an , enginej of ; blood, despotism, and idle, vagabond 'negroes. They deliberately set themselves to work toj ruin the laudl which was our market, and to destroy tho. System f negro labor which was the! fountain of more tha two-thirds of all our antiuar profits. . - The poor' working people, or the mechanics of the North, were rjer.uaded into a system of vengcauco and butchery which has. annihilated those staples of the South which eniploycc, directly and indirect ly more than twothirds.of their iodustry.j . Noii the merchants of 'the NoTth are sinking into despair under the pr.cssjure of ''hard timei," which is due almost entijcly; to their own folly of lending money to, dcslroy the labor sy6t6ra of the South, apd tho meclianics: and laborers of the'North begin in earnest to feel ihe terrible pinching of want, which was born entirely of the accursed negro war. ..They were, poor fcllowi, fobled into doing the biitcbery 0f their own race, to put the negroes where! they have to be' op- portea oy a tax upon tnemseivei. Xorth Carolina has 4! .Factories, instead of Jf as above stated 10 cotton .and 6 woolen. Numb-r of spindles &i,o75numboir of pounils of. material used CnAintoiTt Democbat. ' Ratified th lth day -H'J i 11 11!- 'Sheriffs . t ihz Sale 0 AN ACT to .Prof erf Lands' fi,r- TAfrs. 1 Section 1 . The General Assembly of North Caroliha do.enact, That in all cases of a levy made on land for the laxes, which 'ffiay be due from the owner' thereojr, the Sheriff shall make return of said levy to the Superior C3urt of the bounty in -which the levy w made,"' for the pur-' pose, of- a judgment of condemnation, hod all. other proceeding now required by law. : '! Sec; 2. 1 his act ; shall take ettecti lrom and after its ratification. H '"' f :i ? ' v ... . .!: J I I' AN ACT loJftntsh persons hairing or r Kill ing Live $tock. Sectiou 1. The General Asse'pibly of .North Carolina do enact, That if any person shall kill or abuse any horse, mule, cattle, hog, sheep .r neat catue;,. tneji j roperty oi anoiner,,iu any, in- closure not surrounded, by a lawful fence, such ) person shall be 'deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, pr jimpnsoned on Hnnfe'etioneriesi Toys, &c. f h larirest stock iu the City. Call and examine: for nnllvesi ' M: i I. Q MAXWELL, J'i - ' rtArt- : . PaL-a' ftn1i4iniv T1 L dl AC f Ull'IIUK. -May 10,;18fi ISGQ. arid, on conviction, shall be fined. at the discretion; of tbe. Court. Ratified the 10th day of April,! AN A &T to declare it a Mislemeanorfirravi j . tyintty Ufftcer- topectuaig n yonnfy Llairns. ; Section 1. The ..General Assembry.of .Nojth d Carolina do jcnact; m Thatlf any,) Clerkheriff, jttegwer.oi vipas. ,.1ounvy , i rea?urer or .nr ner " ' ; . ; ThQ Pacific Hallways. There is a Union Pacific and a Centra Paeifie, and a Union Pacific Eastern Division, and a Northern Pacific, and at 'outli-wcstcrnjl Pacifio, an Atlantic.and Pacific a Central branch of the Uriioii Pacific, a SoathcfiJ Pacific and an Inter . national Pacific v ' , : : ; - '. ;.''' " ' The Union Pacific commences at Omaha and runs westward The Central Pacific , run from California eistward. ; 'Jhcse; two roads met somewhere in Utah, and is the first completed line "across-; the I cuntiujint. 1 These, jointly, arc what are usually known as the Pacific Rail road. The Union Pacific Eastern Divuion rum froux JVyapdotte, Kaows, westward through Topeka and along thc-Smoky Hill route. Ita western terminus will probably bo Denver, at which place it will connect with a branch of th Uuipu Pacific.-, It is aho proposed to diverge a. branch in Wecrn Kausas, to run aoth-we8t- e"rly to Gnyamus,pu th Gulf of California, in SonorOj Mexico,! passing -through 'Santa Fe. ' j A The Northern Pacific is tho routo ' propoed to ' propoed connect Lake Superior! with the 'Pacifio tia Portland, Orcgoand PugetSound. The South western Pacific and the Atlantic and Pacific form a continuous line from St. Louis southwetteriy through the. Tndian Territory, -New - Mexic, Arizona and Calitbi nia t b San Francbco. The Central Branch of tha ! Union Pacific, U) ponoct' Atchispn, Kansas, with the Union Pa cific, at or near Fort Kearney. The Southern Pacific has proposed to run. from Little Jlock, Arkansas,' through Northern Texas; to the south eaat;corner bf.New 3Jexicoj thence ', westerly, through Southern Arizona, to Foft. Ytjma, th squth-easterQ corper of Caliioruia; ihence to ihn Prannisoo ' !' ' 1 '' ' " ! 1 TheIritepatioaal pacific is proposed oa at alhiBst .anfccHirie -from Cairo, 111, Miroigh Ark ansas and. TexM to Rio Gwndi Cityj thcnc liaMohtereyi Saltilloj and Zacatcoas, to Bias, oi ihe' Pacifio Coast; of. Mexico. From this road. ranches" are. proposed from Ki0, Graode'City ahdionlcreyi to mt;et At yictori, and runs thence to tiieLatvoi.iiexicu--.trf4n7 WADE Jk C.UNNELS. ' ! ; I

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