I In Kv ''-. t o:- r -) h I Ml - ',! . - J f,r V "v THE VVestern DeiriGCit WlLUAM.ATSOitor and Proprietor. 'r.Thrr DyWs per annum irl aJTance. AaTtrUsemnLi be interted al reasonable AdTen. with contract. "Z" ofo,er n.e lines in length .ill te cKarjed fur tt ,aJ.erti?ing rates. TTrSiwTcfrif; in the Union, rkuref tVt collection dislribt b !L. kri rVUincrease itf the incomes of HUUUlfc vi"''- " PHYSICWX ASD -SUBOtOM, . ' ' JVvofl A'r', Charlotlt, A . -., 05ce and Mtoee. one --. 5toSrlj Wm, Johnston 8 reMdence). " V n l T.TflPntnhS. Til. 17., J' - r .erticel to the citien3 of UlJCC lt . Ctarlot4 Uotei.. Z tt -rT-. a TlTTM- CllAnLOTTK A- c , rTrTfr v . tnct of rUUL l7frrd7for breach of t Incidents of -ew ior .ny; :..r -l'f !. eJ Rn JnWnce of! iluct k'.woflb al regiment of T' 2TJnrTbsVed to," and a Weeding d decbioa hiTe'carr ed mea sa ely tnrougg shattered mtnd bl.stn . Neyer tinsTirmountible:.Mo all orobabihty ' of iron are no' mannlactnred. jive not by their Uboj ut by Ar Jits ana Thcv are attached to the limb of a tree by a screw arc ventUated irom ornamental ; sparrow b, - " tnhlrf. The authorities of Boston rV..wtlia hundreds to be attach- " ,c7T' . :ti.' n,r.tSnastreet8. heft it I'M cuesa wnin: v"- -,7 . , fcj d d3 muj;W0Be.iwjmr.4 edtcrtne trees m vuoph - - 5 , ; (U . m . I "1 iihi;A of 3.016,000 or jear The person addresfeed . mecnamcaiij, u b tlie forfcy-t wo riches" . r r K wlio at once jan out ot naii L,Q-;ino-Vh hundred auff aid doors, and was sooTqst he thought him a cierh. the dIec- Ti TVT "PRESSUJM VV., ' , -.Ll Urrre stock of GROCERIES, Sl&;ZZCtin kepi in a lasses, dee, sam - vr; : - re. ' . , t first-class Uro.ery vr" ble SIiOESwar- Also, a epienam u j ranteai Also, a splendid lot or ' . T.innnrs: j j - - . . t r- - n tCITtnnlv' '.! We sell Lueap ior March 'ZZ, iooj "d-c'.m Planter andTanncr. ,. . ECircna: Hajing teen It t - , i StThtUjaroud tltchmond, -as abo l . l cel feel ".dli to tepul. S thTSSun Jof Jccuimunicitxoo cf mxa In U : feterrlwhicM Z :4 tV, VAtn in fall . ' ! , A tout ioeire. r y V " r .fT. tocorre?pond in size to the Wbcr .. 'ca . place jt wherthy. aie W-W v. : V iV tmn. f A let off the Burplus water , x UiH full of redT,tha ?JVtVrQ :WnneXut nicht, Ihey tnll .inyanab!y,. . -otonheuuh and lick' to' their ;atiaactica. SVn-tU;-h5A fall the-aHiill satorato.'ths v. Toil .rin.'- xerf lowest prices. 'dbTHN H. tytAYT' Surgeon Dentist. , .. at his Residence. . . r;iv nr Country waited n at thei Patient in the 0y or t wji rost 0JSc ;4Mence. """7 - ".-rtr Charge on Sayl .ht, took off his coat, put on a dugter,stucK uajfiie"" wlkfid deuber- a pen behina nis ear,i"u " - . , . y tolWs. and . cashier, ana GMEB & ALEXANDER,! , ing ihep Crocers i : with some oi ine -"r nftfnlonev iivcdut, - ... iiruwi .hiraselt -to tne uirsM. i " Vi suspecting that any will be promptly attended t account of distance. 11, 19 7 4 WM- TlC- SH Charlotte, C, Orr,c i BASK UfiLDisa. n tf - .. A. ' -.ff" r V i- r tlipv would call the attcnyou u W. W. Qrier 4. to , they to their Stock their frienai anu iuc x t, - , ' of Choice i Pamily Groceries, i not Co be surpassed in the market either in quah.y rT"eriehfibest cash prices paid for all kinds f coIJtry iSduce.. " A iality made of good family fitAU Goods purchased atii house win bedehver- ed any where in the City "Xe Tery liberal Thankful too-n a ?atronageueSio-Fr ,to iSra3 it erer -mlinuance ot me same. u" , Jan. 18. 18G9. - I ' :iing was wrong off and cut oi sign. I j . . , j:nve K few montns a 1U ' . up to the door of a Lrision. i A genteel young Up t0.l L vn ,1 innuired for the man that - , , i . .lnm - tnwn. lie. baiu uvea tuere, uuv- -. were the the hearse contamcq a cj",; . -rtT.p . PBACTICO. , I ' ... Watch and Clock , f.i- ivvf: ir.tn- .clocks, j c n fM.t. , - ----- J ' TTacA XalerutU, SptctaeUS tje. Auip.lWT. CHARLOTTE a u e r y. - r ..;l. hi Sr.rinz Stock of is TeceiTiug, - rv mines. VC'aVC, to call and examine. rrtnv U prewired to serve her friend, with tl e STYIjES in Rennets Hats, Dressmaking, &c May 1, ISO - -KTIVI GOODS!! ! Iam receiving 'New Goods every week, and am aJerminenot . be undersold by Q me a call oeiorr uuj - k, BuiWing. K Coffee! Coffee!!! ' . : Sugar ,.,", From 12 j 20 EBfS,VItoi' " ' : " " f m 1 ' fTIvn It I f Choke Green and Black Tea at MAXWELL S. fM rr -rC A large rf-k of ForefE .d Vwjto gjg ot their numuct w ness to inform himjof the sad news. n;nJm the house to wj" erieuimuv- i . , .. the man arrived tne tM,f R?. n(l0 worth of UUU auiru" i . , bureau caskets, nag . . a b acb l A.ri,nA tn hp. filled with, a Deatu was openeuauu - . . ; . -I-i wnft nnmc uuuic i n . " c- r . - , . , :.rAiiAni rSVhpw. .SJI!; , .ft Artv in the same great city, ?neirver, a ....( r.l, wbrt! . for the sum ot- disease. . ." aV -' aw i .neifia r tne mass aujt-v.-v 3pcav 7 'soon louna a miu us.!, ) r "V , on tKt u;itv o to prove that my iainjr iif,rA Wpa th accumulates and men decay. vJnllara to be t)aid when the gnmy l - ,v ... . K , . t BaltimUSnn. j: -i, N , . were,niarried, gcd t0 An uncle oTdine told me years ago,, that he ... j !wvnnr him. rIhe marriage , .! ' .: -nttla. one oi ma. ingred clay, and nf nature bcautl- add, the dog, when and the guayaau, frVnt.iu2ncies.M ' I i - s , ) " i - opennnts of We have read some very uuiubiu, . , the facility with Which almost an v imaginable I: 1:1 x nrht under thek head ot Con- i a " TT AT.T7.C! Watchmaker -g and Jowoler, ClliKI-OTTK, If your Watch need Repairing. iWt -ct mad and go to swearing, .ji"t Ukeitinto.lIAU:S- .hop. He will fi it o it will not stop. He warrant his work all for j year. VVheuUisulwUhprop. He will da it a- 10 - doit wwm ll!SU c. 1 Bnnff. hand at - , .'; 1. '.,(. s r The largest stock in the City. q j aXW ELL, yourselves. , ' ; parks' Building. May Ji, KU.'. ; -, 1 -,- ; - The Corner House, j (Tn stairs in JSprutga uuauj- Is now open for the cconimou ba(J permanent uwniu. r ,n1n; a Hotel, and 1 . , .vi ,rriince 1 in keeping- n "V1; ' .. eonswwa""." '."" .-, . ,.,,.,, -ive satielaction. therefore feel -atwncuiua. & crvO. : Terns m-ieraic. - Charlotte, Jan. li, -nr- tvt -I irriT.T1 CO.. i Sit. .oa. - - Tvrornnnnt.S. i' i ltiATiT.nTTE. N. C. ' I! i Vrf u I! f ' i : I ' . n.u Pnr-Ti. Wheat. c . . . ' . T)lMa ann Ticking, Aiamancej utx ; . urocenua. Of the latter we noV have in Store and offer 500 -Sacks Liverpool Salt, . .: C.I l000! Tound Bacon, j 100 Boxes Soap, I , 100 Cases ancy 50 00 37 00 bo '00 oO Boxes 50 100. t ssorted Cracker?, Sda, Adamantine tanaiw, r Starch, j: 5 Barrels O i1 200 Barrel: Sugar, 1 Cadie of Teas. Fish- 11 f?al. coloirne, 1 gal. bay rum, -5 gals, alcohol, i : 1 qt.spts1 camphor, . i doz. shaving brushes, 4 doz. plate brushes, 7J lb bathing sponge,. . 1 doz. mugs,! 1 ; J 4oz. flesh brushes, 24 iboxes lemons, G bottles extract of gingerr 120 extra Scotch wood pincushions 1 Ai AV. Winlfield, fiirnishiog tea ana inaking the same for the use ot y .1 . t' ti- o-Antlemeri tjosmetiques, aioucj , alcoholcamphor, shaving, brushes, plate brushes, aiconoi, v f ;cllosf:vfi LmuS, flesh brush- bathing Vrr - , -cushions nd esr lemons, ugi h-r -- ' 1 nuiciug . I tir wi.fiol. Tiirhishini? tea ana maKiufe 15 8 25 ,2 12: 24 35 6 9 365 36 29 3 00 15 00 00 1 i.t 1 : ftnminfnrtc(i as a sovereign vm nrdeni 1.. ,Thci mm l not entirely convinced auu c.- "- . u. . gaid t0 b0 the Dost auuwu -,-7 voke the laVa aid and have the h1 for distemper in horses. J 1 ? . , .1 . f wrote to her lover an 1 uyiu 1 ., ,x . nrnnmnnt. ly sittett, -tne wue .y vtJ--ii and The late DT. m. if .' ,1, 1." tbat had happened. He realized 1 " W"J cation t0 the Southern Planter in '54, on . duUnv. Woarations to fly. 7 In a l ! "in Mttu Said: UI strongly suspect that what ori . nnd 'there! disappeared, and present. . inn a the matter stands at pwm VT- - inofScot, .ri-fen,-;:4-Af fireatrlirUain; and that we call Uistcn.per, v .s . 4 v aHvoisifotiriown: land ami 6therpat ,W wnat pcw ",-rri h An tbe jt carried to. jhi -y. i . i. . i3 !f tt-ysi told to USJ . 1 1U , 1 i.J T Viavn reason VO ye tell tne .nrr,, on1 nneof them grants, lhe .Dovcm.gBw- . n parties are h.ghiy:r AbIy mmo belicve is correct, as lcc.n ea,. T.-man"thW cVe do- not know,. of relatives! m this . city. v 1 has any -,acqurur -;T , , f f r and ,rom amnenu. "-r - 50 re ativesun s w aQ ro0reithat the 01 1 pourse. wneiuer ui r . i. d t p fi.orA 1 st-itn near raveuevine, , who . ;nta :n the horrible affair, but if there htate near x , name nQ. dl.fey them be ore our. cipauy -... n . ) darlger- ortland Herring, is we snaii-. h"-' J i 7f 17, r..ders:-Jmn (6t.) Journal, 15f ; . . x.-Jt'- Uniant. hut rather ous, for an Old man to. marry a young gal ; ' - i-: j . I J. , I t-jIit TJnrvinP"ft." eSr lemons . ".fj . ' nd . niikiDff Beecner .9a r" f stand the soap, cologne ana tWCT "TftrrS pinion' in their solf-douymg W.ill. IlATCIIETT., Keysville, Va., April, 100 4i r 5 Cases Sardines, - -. . ulitcn uerriug, 1 ion,il barrels Boston Mackerel. Coffee,' Molasses, &c And January 1, 1800 ALEXANDER & BLAND, Dontists, cuanoiiu, . "J!'-. ...iUine. Hour from A. M. Oince in ii - " " - " to 5 r. M. Mrch 8, lS'.'J. Old North State dkuhw, . w - CUABl.OTTL, N. t,. -nnrxrn TTTTnTT & CO., We warrant wr Lienors 1 - u f Salesroom on ry- t v r opt? TWO TRADE, t I860. rcceivm- AT nR.sS B00T direct Hnnts ana. ouwa, , FOB TUB B?.SiMaH pS de in the Boot and Shqc me " adies tention to lmorals and Gaiter,. Mioses anaviiii-irca f .-----j lAB:wr(.nCe in quality 01 my uuv.- ! . ,Ue of any other house m the Ci,y . 1 "in. aL.-l in fill 4 I IU 1 trav- V I sunn uei'i..--." --.:,:-. wilhanll. PS rSfc, .irtAiir. extended n. I Jcsirc jour continue! patron.gCj jCHAM, 1 Sign of the Brass iooi. , . 1 - 1 ' 1 . - - . . TiTnHn Shoes.! M .. f v t v Tf t li 1 SB. Iamnxm Apent forthe sale of ZeTJ Lo j and requcst Shoe.. I grantee me ACH AM? , ' you to try bcm. cj the Bras3 Boot ' .j . IT . Rubber Belting, Trunks and Hat, always.on ACIlAM.S. - ! . , .,cnfiil articles, such a, larce siov;-.,i uv..-- . . . (1 Us ISIICKCIS. , - Sr B, Bfcs, Blacking, Bope, Twine,, Ties, Basket-; Tubs aid Meaurw. . . j. A,mod.'.SPiee, Omger, Perper, rickels, Copperas, , . . , . mon? ' t' ,Lrinr Yarn, Sheetings. Tickings Y manufacture J: lour, iarn, f , rn and Checks. - t' l Hi1M on v n We are buiiaing a large " . ; ; - TT . -1 . .1 to move into itiwitlun We keep tne llilUV,. UUU -"V-. ----- ,;, , ;CV, I -V . ,1; .l.!fi,tfnnfor ie IKlHIUHWi: Sectors- but every hounjan v tl permanent ed to learn x.;a,afr - rr- tagesjaro, o:wictednes3. Jet every jcar. ; iastice r ,nd more; BiBwnit, cpnpw.eov . - . Tl: eu 10 luuru - of the people's money. Here is an instance of the way they do j . ... -1. 14 ..nlfb5liei of Voter o pk r'lim! .tan" until the w.t,r i. cUar then Rnd rlrenrh wUh a quart twice a day, unu th; aiml recovers: ' Threcnor four aosf arc c- erully entucicnt., " ' ' .' i - -,- r - 'LamiDg Horses' . The horse is one oi - v" f " J ' bilious and sensible of domestic animals, and yet,.; . onnu U fnr from being a hardy one. in 1 certain sciine, is "u ,iw"ft , in a cciiaiii . , nnfenua to the rough. 1 4. 1- 1 a fncnni'i. 1 111: iiuiiju ww tt more ana naoiqi :".'-"-. -rr ' ' iin,','Tv,'r ,.1 ,1. An th 1 ..i.. i'.m htp.rv i.t Hms oi iSOCKn, i " , . , -1 ana iuuiuw - . : . i , . nT4Q V r.( 1 1 . ' 1 1 11 WUA ..-J I f IIP T-fr. Ill H LUC vV" . T r . 1 '.Li. l.Aul ' . . . 1 w. V r OlSI Kl miTexas. A .! A:a, r "T lntrimonial State wnicu. .table, and after search was heara irum a-- ;eter. u -"-"V. . . ;a8 , ' - m ,t nra i ntterwaru icw'"- cnor.Vwas heard trom m a ui- wer up0n tnaB mi . ',.nfnorn i i'i:i:i v iv I rrn ri 1 1 1 ill ; uiivi. rI he nroprietors uiw"- . t I P1 wFc TasSa ehas fblios:-"Your ;1,aro.s jfre, m Courage ana tant town. College Street, anu -i rMay 10;-1869. . '.. 8 month. . I - : NEW STORE and NEW GOODS. i c T.T TTTT'S Boot,' Shoo ana xxv Theqcality oftheitock '5 4 &ndUVorkman- . y ' QT woo3 bottom tpeeuandunequalcdin -ijlenn.-u affurJeJ. Guarantee- .? PpEACHAM P. FVf. IVivelv trod Manufac Suoes .old at ' ; ..bJ' . J They buy iur t0 ordcr. They W A. B. Kisbefi ana isomer - " flM,iass uwhipfor the. purpose oi eonuuu-8-v s Confectibnery & Grocery Store, cm er.inc . m C II A ULOTTC, C. a cv f finods in their are invited td call and see , atten. years of experience ana y f - t ghare of iiuu, r. - public patronage. v arWb. 1BC9. ! To Wholesale and Retail Buyers '! LOOK TO YUUli lxxvx. on ! Consignment. .100 BagsTChoice Family' Flour, aULHj. - -'A. irr round, i1 Bbll Sfcnppcrnong & Tlowers Vmo. and eniciUKoo' almost at tne Deg- a wrd nek. xut UCW i ! I public sentiment - put i ai cviQfi I And Hams, f LaSo lot of Boston Bny Mackerel in k f bbl. feW'l, very find.' ; . , niveau, i ; May and tumbiC usage wnicu mc. t r uri.hont exhibiting. marked aigni of Virtue; -as -frcll f,fue!r the severe discipline to w.nicniney u.?. . i ., I Vila li . . i i .1 ff. There it is that a man. revitwl0jr the many Lors daily ""ongiQg. it a icked and ndi9u1ous he f tbc Brgcr it0WIlf , an -cities,: . the 'tr-.i.nrimoiti nuts a man wuu - numoer oi ueicvn vv - - i:.w pubhc sediment puts ;tU num Some are ailinR. in tha fore hmK r U -nf rondU on and not of dis?osit on and iu the bind ones, and .not .a f twj in hoth. ferU W Tn SiiSit has mcaui Mhrewith not nccc5arily the result of age, defect fcaibV s'af ivWood,n,r:cd-sribar ork l ru The! nian that has virtue and it rn Q instance3 it may ,ttil: irenerai ruio. iis ... fovnni to . -.,,Trtt hnnnlinff or nosttiTe " i ,w nAt.nincr .w tuiw.'r": i- Mnscnucuce v van. -in ... manliness,- u-v - r ... .. , so'cietv. v". X' these to . whoi shoWlS nOf.Uf.Uuy v - , - niarrv V1 . I . . j 1 a l.or -nlrttuW ,inl .S;nna-irniih(r men win iwv "v-- . entrtisiea. ..oT.- r- . rf i i' Just ret hi i R. NISBET, B XISBET. i'st NatTorof Cbarlo 'H I . Ij( i J. J-J ' . li :- show, 4isno.t. nsnaiiygyr,Tr- , & A-mhif ous vouns vmpu , To ueieinnt ,j y , w, tw0 jcannot lnc cneappr tton pn?; f "fw;"lnorBn. Office The Largest Stock ot Goods iu the Market. R. V. 1h J-cvWeu'S .Vcu; 1, turers. or U.tC tuem iu- j.iW therc- rcntnd d the bnj J-,.,.- of l)oots Tore, and tv ill scl1 al1 f1,, " ciin be found clsc asd Shoes at lower pneva . tl-a V f lk)i,ts and wUere in tLL market, cry i f price to Shoe-t i warranted as f cpreentcl. une p . i ai ifir motto. -Tl t'tair Aiezallli. ao aiL ua n i T T. ON S. B. MEAC11A.M hb i j good i Uoot-H and Shoes. j - j ; j y . i, -mt n D.fnm Cnehier r.'&'.4T President. : ii- -6t- , i A. u.-;i?reniac ; t H: wherein In conformity to -- . left we stated tip fact oi ;ke leasure in in- r M Qatei, forNortnernmarM customers that ( forming our "; Vb pardonable pride) the Stnck Cand we say wim in. to . i. fin uruuL"' Board OF Bisectors.. vfdcn.' TUlsrem, AVm Johnston, Jo-hn Wilkes. Wm R Myers, 5 A Uouen, ? , ho I : i.l L ' . m J.!-. v.. , , : i.u..e i itu paraonauic , , . ' ... r-.-Whffe. 1 Sicnt oralis, uuiu Drafts- Gold and L-ather, Shoe Findings & Belting: Their tock of Lyter an, - -- an1 compute, embracing everj graic ,mcr. OA Sole Leather. Upper Leather, t rench ican C.U Skin,, KiP, Lat. jK, lacsi cs- entrusted. As hasten alrcaay , , y hor-e- in a certain sn30,- is a . and rnced upon iua r-1. bed with harns, nnd pjssibly ithji load too heivv for easy movement, the chance are that in over-tenion oi - - . . a" . Tlio i rrreatttt eare,- it is togrow from ...arrying thtough -eoot prevent, accident, W Loibm, !S "S m ."! t.',o halting o -ouUuto o- ,;q - .. rpvAv ate tempted-fO suiiHiii-ttvo to the pocket.; ihey are tc 1 j ambition for Jove, wtien tl-ni tw . . m- Antsi in Europe. Tt4s said that meii who wiit il1 thswU'W .fd- reoua where, thj iup Alas fQr.thcwite.wno w . , i t pr m01. thound. ' J - . J 1. rtnnn' 1)111 lO . W tv..--- T . . , 11 - . I.r I I. :.!!.. I IIXTV 1 1 . O V " rraeucC brrw . .i Knt what is pro- many yea. V" s ,.rv Wni VW'tcnhlion'bf the heac all width cf Uubber and Lcatl.er lci.iu0 . . t-TriT'l." Ihi o Ask lor a.Mlllls Miur. oiw" , taUUhed Shoe Houe in the State. I 1 j SMITH a Miuc .j" i Next Door to Dewey's Bank, Charlotte, v I Ang'i 1 , 1 1 1 Tim mtxr Tlrvnlr Store. ! TT ..1 ir.mnrs.I in P Ijtntrie "QUI S(uml, One door below its former location, EFerjbo-lyU incited to call and ""line our . ?tock, which con-ut in part of al.ir5e a..,ortmen4 of SAbol, RcUgions .and Miscellaneous Books, BUnk and BaSS Books, Wl Taper. and Trinting Taper, and all.articles usuauy SrtUss Book Store. . J -.,-, , Our arrangement wita rublishers areeuch that we receire all the SCW WORKS of popular authors H soon as published. in ft.. w t.,w as anr oilier Booksellers in CALDWELL & BUE-VIZER, t v -1 don'& Globe fa Co. Afets Golden fiM9 " in the :j j . : Zmrcclors Pcndlyv,g sidle for all engagements of. W ; Company " - tail trade. I J om:nft or Stock and youj AH we ask i come ; nterest lie9. ! Uillutoncepcrceiv & RINTELS. "Millinery. il . : .-'( Je aisoUe the largest and most complete Stock f Millinery, snpenntenaeao, . - , Ur MilUntr, Jlis3 wi' V. & R. March TJ. loou. u . c-.ti-;mns iust received at prcS9 rimmings, Sdk Gun?, ju EMANUEL,g, mnns W DEWEY & CO., "- -v. c. . center upon our Second yearjor nu. Jam intoj tbe f Vgg u.. -v . -, ?UCriCt S .and desirable Banking Business Off,beyoud thep1" m08t lo tran8vvj - , , j. j f -- i f i. - Tf i thC orV, caicuiviiu" v - - i.;.- ( i nc procKWM'JB u. Vit. Istnopruoonce ,.J 4. aVfhi.ir.4. Jwdr.. S nor prufce in. the .mp.ration of Jb kiagy.nmtt.tS-: fo . . . !u.;rinr1 two voun" PersoDfl fc" v . , , , r. an'r tct to sail iaith py wnicu - - vId-. iConJe already D00a.ior ' "1JT from thia kin d down intojtnepru; .. . v. . -Europe will reap wrgp aanv- v-- oP emigration. A nooa oi goiu-- r . . , ..Anortion very easily u naraiy eatuc .mW r . : . - . willoour in upon hotel Keepers, rvr;r w 1Ph' . J i3;inrand-acalera io . curicaities; fl-DVPT' CO.. . T.Hicular attention paid to the selling au ofVroduce. Cotton J" Cotton. ' 1 - . . Highest caahp ncjPJJj promptly -attended tT All orders from a dietance pr 'RYCE "n t rans&tt "j fle.ww.i""' - fn 0-.?ntret on same wru When left on time -P eU Gold and Silver w , viM Muslins, I ffood business paper. j - , Tnft- J10iamDiqH. 'fe".-- V . wr movv.. o;. , c.not find JjOWWi nl1 6" nauiu. ."-' c which will te 60w ai ----- best atteimu" y --'...a . 1 .Marseilif.. respectfully inriieu Brotejage line entrust- " oloTVit papnc".. stlck & b. emasueU f , Eeventie ..Stami to examine our stock. i , ; Lrwivi on hand for sale. i Tnt . "Received, Gent's White Linen du ; - II - " I Brown . r f Black Alpacca EMANTJEL-. ! Trad? Street. Rhvenue Stamps i Charlotte, aep. AVV ' . ' -r i -1 -V-! fr .' -i Ar Democrat pmce,) ? , virl and here we.intepd keepmg "im Ti nd i i ti j.j n hiM our mtuuBi ( uv.-. ... wouio -.j - e are prepared witn Genuemeu, . Bartieg aird:ittieji wI,deliTered in any part of At City. May2f 18691 lillpour in upon nowi scCpr., "7 i . so that all t&ese cwb-M V'''-o n , rloncers, etceron,, hacVmcn.huxomharmsids ard mo. . .t ' -.:ti raaoa to hlct the rea-nosea CVVU.; he.rtr' welcorxe Drsprity oi auichv b- . f.: L?J.-v. Af the A mencao cation.' . , ertS-exodu,; proper Tetnxo ' Vfferenc. b tlU.. the hpe of .ujrain "lb . UvUh b iena monyj fy."-v-Z -hi, (Ha teaii to us mausiry, itvfor the deTelopement ' TV. ii. bkyce. May w .. . a.vv M . . . -. . - I. i l.t .llllf. W.DE k GCp'ELS. Irch o, let. '1: r .. " i1 nli

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