: . J .; r ! ; i . : ; r-; i' r U' rL-. : -V.--r " .- i 1 . i , r , YUt J l ilV EniTOR AND T,r.H of SH'.Trir(tjn--TuT.T.t DoLtAfts, in ndrance. proprietor. - frH A ,K T A ilf If l.rf h . t 4 - ; H Utl Vr- TTLTXJ.Tr-'-' -HlRi - 1.J2KCI4? Vhi.Mr U J stfvruTiTtfTh vnf.niriL-.-W IT f ft !? n fiTfi "WTesternJD emocrat . " rrBLISUED BT " " WILLIAM J. YATES, KJitor and Proprietor. Tsmxs Three Dollars per o- annum in adTance.' i Advertisements will be inserted at reasonable j - - - rates, or in accordance with cbnfract. j - .Obituarj notices of oYer fiTo lines in length will be charged for a advertising rates. j -l 1 Robert Gibbon, M; D.,- rnysiciAN and surgeon, . Try on Street, Chalottr, X. (7., OSce and Re-idence; one door south old' State Bank, (formerly Wrn. Johnston's rciidcncc). . Jan 1, 1GS. . J ' ' " " " '"D., ; ; J. .P. HcCombs, JjI Offers hU f rofesional services to the citizens of Charlotte and Eurrounding country. ni?ht and day. woRiptlr attcuded to All calls, both ; Office ia Crown's building, up stairs, opposite the Charlotte Hotel. - ' - I Octfl. IK. ''' ' Dr. JOHN H. McADEN, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, r f CIlAKIAiTTE, X.. C.f Ilui on hand a lurre and well selected stock 'of TORE unrr. rWmU its. Tali nt Medicines, Fuiujly Medi cines, Taint-s. Oils. Varnhe?, lye aiTs, tiuicy and Tailet Article, which he li determined to sell at the very lowift prices. i ' Jaw 1. 103. ; i -D R . JOHN H. WAYT, ' Surgeon Dentist. : - . . ' I Ojlice fur tKij at hin lleti-hnce. ; (, rtient ia the City or Country, waited on at their : residence?. Orders pent him through-l he l'ost Oflice will be promptly attended to. No extra charge'on acconut of distance. ; Jan 11, ; r 'y W,M- M. SHIPP, ' A T TO It X Tl y ax l. a iv ; Charlotte, N. C, Orrice ix Ijewey's Bask DriLinxo. -Nor. 9, tf , ALEXANDER & 'BLAND, Dentists, Charlotte, N. C, - Will wail on parties in city or country whenever their service u:iy be solicited. Teeth extracted without ,pin. Q: a.lministereJ. Of.ice in Crown s liuiMiwg. Hours from A. M. to.', r. m. ' : Munh 8. 1?W.. ' FBArTICAL -Watch and Clock Uxkar, i ANT DEALTR IX JEWELRY. rSE MATCHES, CLOCKS, ir.V Muferi'tl, Spffaefr, .jr. i Ang. W, 1:7. CHAULOTTi:, X. C. j The City Book Store, ! iri.LriH H.-mnr-tl '(j I. J'lrrt't't Oft tihitul, One door btlow its former location ', lerjtody is' invited, to call and examine, our Slock, which consists in prt of a Urge assortment of School, Religious asd- Miscellaneous Books, I'.Unk and ih.s Rofk-. W;411 Paper. Wank .-rnl I'rinting IV.per. and' nil articles usually kept in'a firt cbis liook Store. ; Our arran laments .whh Publishers are such that we receive all the NKW WOUKS of popular authors as soon as published .; ' ; Our prices are a- I"" any other-Hookscllers in the Slate.-- . 1 - Jn 4J !?!. ? WADE Jt OUNNKLS. . ' 1 , A. HALES, : Watchmaker and Jeweler, Xext Dmr to t J)ftnocr;t OJist, ClliaLOTTE, If roar Watch "needs Repairing, , Dn"t g..t m.d and go to swearing; "j Ju-t tike it into II ALES shop, j lie will fix it so it will mt Mop. He warrant his. work all for a year, When it is ued with proper care. j He will do it as low a it carr be done, j And ilo it o will it's hu're to run. i Januarv 1, lbC9 f y ' -' N. C. Millinery and Dress-Making. MRS. C. M. QUERY 1; IIa received a fre.-h supply of RONNETS,! JIATS an IFLOtt KKS, towhicU she respectfully invites the attention of the ladies of tliincity and country fri.nJs ati 1 customer?. Mc-can j reeut a large and varied f-flection of . French ! MILLINERY Triisiings, &cv Also the latent Piip"" patents lor ladies and chil-drens-drcsjK-j of the uiot fashionable and desirable kind. . 1 ' he takes great. pleasure in iuforming.her friends and customers that f!ie lias secured tbe services of Mis Cl ivpoM, whol.'a had eight years experience in Chertuuf t . rii;L.l.li h'n, and iu I'roadway, N. Y . a fhiot;ab!e ur - r.tlier and iniilita r, and she knownw that no ertab!.'s'imcnt in the taie .can oT. r more laty, stLSh, -and attractive good:' than sh'. cafu l'rty an l wedding dre??-", coronets, and wreaths niale at i.iortest ni:ce. - ' ' Thankiulti.r pn.-t favors and solicits a contiuuance. M.1V im-.-.i. . - ) " ' I SMITH'S ; :j . Boot, Shoo 'and Leather Store, Xi! dior to Dtrry's Bank, Charlo(te, X. C, . Is the iarjest Wholesale and Retail Shoe Eatablish- went in North Carolina. ' . The quality of their Stock is superior in every rc fpect, and une-p-ialed iu style, finish and wtrkman ship. The- prices arc as "loir " as can be afforded. They buy their Goods exclusively from Manufac turers, or have theiu raadc to order. - They pay no rent and do the business themselves, and can, thcrc- fore, and will sell all styles artd qualities of Roots ni Shoes at lower rices than can be found else wliefe ia'thi market. Every pair of Roots, and S?ho is warranted- as represented. One : price to a!L an l fair dealing, i their ctctto. r Leather, Shoo Findings & Belting. Their i-.k of Leather and'Shoe Finding i most i complete, embraciog every grade of Hcmlock'and a, bole Leather. L nrrr Leather. French and Anier- n Calf Skins Kip, Lasts, c. They alsar furnish H widths of Rubber and Leather Belting at Manu facturer ri. ! . . - i Asl: for SMITH'S shof! STORE, the oldest cs- 1 t&Uished Shoe II. UUse in tne Male. - j SMITH'S S1IOE STORE,. Next Door to Dcwev's Bank, Charlotte, N.C. . Keeping to the .-JHgfhtJ . j . r w An exchange raises thexjuestion as t&twt lit is proper in meeting ladies ua the dewalK. Should1 tbcj be piveo the. iinside - or , the -rigt&J side:- If the desire is to j enable. ladiq&to get alon without beinj? jostled-.bid them takp' the, Tiht." This everybody fbouKf; lo? and there wi"H ht no collisions, no delays, no inconvenience. Now and"lhca a lady tnay be seen njaklnv Ber way along a. crowded idcwalk jostled. by ewy- uvuy, ner apparei aisarrangeu, ana sne wonoers why people will be so rude. The poor 'wontan did not know that the fault washer ownrthaf she was persistently endeavoring to' take th,eletV side; of the walk against the curreni of turfnani ty letting down that side. JSTo better: evidence of verdancy in man orwonian can Jbe wanted j than the fact that.they turn to the left in meeting f t V'Z V P'lri.'vts; T?.V it oTCtie highway I is as applicable to the sidewalk as 1 to the roadr ppllcablc to the sidewalk as j way. The consequences of -departure from the rule niay not be quire feo danperous to .life and limb, when the pedestrian takes the left as when the" driver doesbut the practice is-scarcely less provoking, j Turn to the right always and every where on meeting; ' ! jfr We think it would be well for, the Pastors of the different Churches in this city to read the above to their congregations. . White people and black. people ought. t observe the rute Go to the Right B. M. PRESSON &; tO., Have iust received a laree stock of GROCERIES. 1 consisting in part of Racon Hams, j Shoulders and SiJes ; Lard; Flour. Meal, Cprn. Sug:ar, Coffee, Mo lasses, Rice, Salt, Fiskin fact everything kept in a firstielass Grocery and Provision Store. Also, a splendid lot of doublo-sole SHOES war ranted. I : 1 ; Also, a splendid lot of 1. i Liquors: Mononcrahela, Nectar, Corn , and Rye Whiskeys. 1 barrel pure North Carolina Corn Whiskey. We sell Cheap for CASH only: - March -22 ; IbOO. : j ' f ! ; '. GRIER & WtoftMile ALEXANDER, and 'retail Grocers, Having purchased Mr Sims intercstj in the Stock of W. W. Grler & Go ;they would call the attention, of their friends" and the Public generally to their StockJ of Choice I -t ' " i i Family Groceries, not to be surpassed iu the market either in quality or variety. .: ; j i . The highest cash price' paid for all kinds ot country produce. A speciality tuade of good family nour. ' j ' " 1 ' All Goods purchased at this house will bcdeliver ed any where' in the City free of charge. Thankful to our many friends for the very liberal patronage bestowed upon us j .heretofore, we ask a continuanceof the same. Our motto is as it : ever has been straight forward, true to the line. I. W. W. GRIER, ' Jan. 13. 1800. ! C1. W. ALEXANDER. NEW GOODS! ! I am receiving New Goods every- week and am determined nJt to be undersold by any one. Oive 111c a -call befok-e buying. I- j D. G. MAX ELL, Cofieo! Coffee!! Java, Laguavra and Rio Cotlee. all grades at " MAXWELL'S, Parks' Building. Sucar From 121 to 20 cents per pound by retail. at MAXWELL'S, Tarks1 Building.. Tobacco and Snuff. ...- . Leak's Tobacco and Lorillard's Snuff always on hand at: " - . I ' .MAXWELL'S. Confectioneries, Toys, &c. The largest stock iu the City. Call and examine-for yourselves. . ! D. G.i MAXWELL, May 10, 18C0. jRarks' Ruilding. J. Y. BRYCE & CO., , General Commission i Merchants ' CUAltLOTTE, X. C. Particular atfention paid to the selling of all kinds of Produce,. Cotton and Tobacco.' peri, Highest cash price paid for Cotton. All orders from a distance promptly attended t5" -i J. Y. RRYCE. - March 5, 18C8. j j W. II. RRYCE. J. D. PALMER. Family Grocer & Wine Merchant, And dealer in all kinb5 of imported Wines and Spirits. Old Rye, Monongahela, U'ourbon and Cabinet Double Distilled Whiskey : Domestic Co'rnnd Rye Whiskey: Peach and Apple Brnndyi ' .' ' ; ' . I also invite the. particular attention of Druggists to. my stock of, Port, Sherry, and. Maderia Wine, Rrandy and Whiskey, bottled especially for Medi cinal purposes. All orders "Wholesale or " Retail, ??4icifed and punctually attended io Constantly on hand all kind? jof Domestic Spirjls on consignment. ' A specialty mftdc to old N. C. Corn WJiiskey. January 1, 1SW. - ' ; ,. , ' BLUE STORE ! BLUE STORE I ! B. KOOPJI AKS ' . Has just received and epened his beautiful stock of Spring and Summer Goods.' j I have a fbll line of Ladies' Dress Goods,, consist-; ing ,n part of Mozainbiiaes. i Poplins, Lcnop, Organ--dies. Oranadines, Piiws- Marseilles. Delanes, Lawns,1 Shalleys, Chintz, and every style of Prints, &c. . j Hardware and Groceries,. j. And -everything kept in; a first-cbiss Establishment 3Iay3,'lC0: , a ', R. KOOPMAXy. KQOPMAIJN!S BITTERS. . ' KOOPMANNTS RITTERS cure's Chills and Fever. For "Dysentery aud Diarrhuen, ue KQQPMANN'S BITTERS. - ! " . ' , For Cholera Morbus and all Rowel Affections, use KOOPM ANN'S RITTERS, T .J 1 Tor Dyspepsia and lni;igcstion, use KOOrilAIv a RITTEKS - ; ' ' Tor Loss of-Appetite, usu BLOOPMANN'S RIT TERS. - " " ' vZ'.mkl l.v nTVDru'r?ristg. and at my Store in Charlotte, N. ' i May 21, 1809. i B. KOOPMANX. State of North Carolinar Gaston county. ; Sgriny Term ', - . IV. P. Bynnm rti King'a Mountain Gold Mine. Com-J 4 pany and E.B. Dorsey," H Comr-laint fil'eJ for t oicciosurc. Inthrs case it appearing to the Cohrt that) the Kin s.Mountain Gold -JJinlng Company is aTforcign i-corporation, and that the other, defendaflt 10 ft non resident oXtneaiaie, ins wruea ' uu" pifblicatton be made for six weeks, ii-thc Wvttern Democrat, published in the City of Charlotte noti iu rlfrn.f.int to appear at the next Term of th Simcrior Court of fia?ton county fb"be hi-H m the 1 I tlJ V - - CJli Monday after the 1th;)! ondiy iti f?ep timber next, .then and there to answer rracnuro earn iihju&iu or indement will bo taken against mew. - " v m v ' f 1 - - : - ' , . J :Jortli Carolina News, k ' - The Supreme' Court of Korth Carolina convened in RaJeighon the 7th insC; All of the judges .wercpresent except Judge' Keade, who we" learn is detained at. borne by sickne in his family. , "Notwithstandio the late rumors con-: cerning Jhe 'appointment of .JVictor Baxringer, Lewig P. Qlds appeared and acted ksAttoney General i. Thja trihunaTwill probably be in ses sion for. the next ix' . weeks, as there is a large amount of business to come -before it. j . . - JC The Insane Asylani is now' full, and at :)east one hundred applications still on file. And Tof course none can- be received until discharges occur. Every' Sheriff throughout the State, has peen notmea iDy , circular omciany, not to nnn patients, without previous correspondence witn tne-ctiticriatenrtest. tuticxyh &enttnei. ' ' AVeldqn, i C., June 4. The feat. cock fight ended this evening, resulting: in; a drawn contest between. Virginia and North: Carolina, each whipping six fights during the three days. Geo. .Palmer pf ;Portsmouth represented.. )Vir: ginia, and. John Faulcori,' of , Halifax, ceiinty, represented North Carolina. ,j A large crowd.was in attendance. . The betting was pretty, havy. . ' . '' ! L' ; ' j . 1. Jfcg? Judge Shipp has been "appointed public administrat6r. for the . "county of Meeklenburgi VO ueiier appoimmeqi, cuuia uave, ueeu made. jniABTER Banks Railroad. Col iWm. Johnston', andothers, will meet and address the people, in behalf of building this important JvDad, at the following times and places - Statcsville, 3Ionday, T " June l4tbj - ! Tumersburff. Tuesday, i " 15th Lacle Mills, W ednesday ,16th -17th -18th 19th i 1 :,1 Jojiesville, f Dobsonj r Thursday, i Friday, - - JIt. Airyi Saturday; Other amointments will.be made for Iredell in-a shprt while. Statesville Aiderican. ! Tax Notice to Merchants- 1 . -' - i i ' The attention of the Merchants of Charlotte is called to the following'provieion of the N. C. Revenue law: j .'! :.. . . ;. .. 7 ..." -j " j . j section id.; aciieaui ii.-very mercnani or c dealer shall apply to the Sheriff for a license, Section 15, Schedule. B. Every merchant or other and shall state on oath the estimated "amounts of ha pur chases from the time when the license -is to begin to run to- its expiration, and the amount of tax. to be paid by him shall be computed upon that estimate, and the tax 'shall be one-fifth of one per cent, and shall be paid on receiving the license, and .shall in no instance be less than ten dollars. I K I am now ready to attend to the issue of Licenses, and request that application will.be speedily made. fIay 31, 1SC9. R. M. WHITE,. Sheriff. DR. IE. a 1 ALEXANDER, i Ilavin? located in Charlotte, has opened an Office m Parks' Building, opposite the Charlotte: IIoq1 where he can he found when not professionally ng aged. May 31, 1S69 ;, 7mpd i r j ,ICE CREAM GARDEN. ! We haW completed, in the rear of our Store, (un der Democrat Office.) aoi ICE -CREAM GARDEN, where wje iuteod keeping the very, best article, and would hi: glad. to have our friends, both "Lacjies and Gentlemen, call and seC us. We are prepared with Freezer sufficient .to- supply-Parties and' Families Vith any reasonable quantity that may be desired, at short notice deliTereu in any part oi.tneity. May 41809. l . A. R. N1SBET & RRO. THOS.W. DEWEY & CO., B a nkers and Brokers . . j CHARLOTTE,. X. Cy .- i We enter upotf our second year of business on the first dav -of Ootobor," and return our , 'thanks- to our old friends and new friends for.thcir-custoni and patronage during tbe year now closing. -. i We are now prepared with Increased Means & Ample Capital To transact any safe and desirable Banking business i A: 1. t JT .3 i " ' l' 'I . - ' -j We f ill receive deposits and-pay same onjCall, and when left on time will pay Interest on same accord ing to agreement. We buy and seU Gold and Silver Coiu alnd Bullion, ! Bank Notes, &e. Will -discount fnr cusiomers rood business paper. Purchase' and sell on commission Stocks and Bonds, nd jgiye bur best atjtentien-to any other matter in the Banking or Brokerage line entrusted to us. i . - i Revenue stamps Alway son hand for sale. L " Hours of "business to suit dealers-arid customers. I ! THOSjw: DEWEY & CQ-, 1 At Building f formerly Branch Bank,) one door below Smith's Shoe Store, Tryon St Charlotte, Sept. 281808. :! , - r ' airview i'emaie college, OH ARLOTTl, -N. C. - - j . Tifm. of thi newlv'chartered Institution, wilt commence ?cpicniuer iwiu, actvi, nuu iuc octuuu Term February. 7th, lSiO. - j .k - Thd BnildinffS are-larce. and com-moditous: grounds cover an area 'of about lGc'res, well shaded. Ve have secured ibe services o'f very" accomplished rapetent INSTRUCTORS. We are well silp- ith APPARATUS' for iliostrating.tire various 1-Sciences ; therefore we feeb safe )n stat jng tuiblio that, in evtrn reevect, y. this Swill be a V'UOB TVTlTI!Tin' - i! uiaco jnuni 1 - ures witn csperimenis win ue giveu;iii an w . . . ' . . :n 1. ' ;J 11 T. partm'ents of Natural Science j . . Ou charges shall not exceed tLose of qthr lHgh grade InstitutiorisVj ; : : . ; I ' Amlong our Instructors arc Rev. E, J. Mvxabpie, A M.t JuiksL Joxis,A.M.;.rrof G. G.dlExsLtB; Miss Mary T. Lke, and 'Miss Katie; A. Baksuaut, a.m ' - nr" - The".dsiring.-Rooms and Board na tne Institu tion 'should send their applications as early as 'pos sible.!' m-'. ' : L-. -. - . -L MXrEXSES Per' Session of Txfn.fy jrteks : nnr.l Fiipl" Wa jiini? and Tuition in ReeU- -laJconr ' V ! ' $120.00 Tuition in English course, embracing Laiii, - : T Jay .scholars ; L F. . j- jt ' TniiiLi in ri enaratorv Denartmcntrt 15.00 to 20.00 v-. . . v - - x - --r ; , j Primary !. - ! 12.00 25.00 Musi on- Piano' or Guitar, W lessons in ' tweqty weeks, ;1 Vocal Music all the pupib Extra Singing lessons, Use jf. PianoJ, . . Drawing, Grecian Taintingrj . . I'astel Painting, 1 ' 1 . '. -no charge. 12 CO 5.00 12.50 1200 iO.OO 5r00 12,50 15.00 12.50 .Taintingn Oil, Embrokl err, Wax Frnitand Flowers -French,- Gkrman tfad ltaliln, ach, .-Bksnd Stationery will be famiahedjin th In siim(ion for cash, at the regular" Stationery prices with fiTteeh per cent discount, J , ,j ' , v . For Circulars containfug full particulars 01 terms, -Ket. T, D..BARNUAK4, :siaeiit, ' . TIkVJ E J. MEYJiAEDIE, A. M'.. and ci plied kr Nafniia to thef i5Tti.'(n r iftoi Led Char otte; N. C. - RevemiBMiaw InformatiOB. Salisbury, J.'?'., June 2d, 1860; R . u'-he aUentionvtf Assistant ' Assessdrs, Iiiquor Dealers' -and all otheii'- concerned,' is " called : t the fbUowinofsecttcna of this tJJ S. .Internal Tax. approved July 20, 1868, the provisions 6f wien musi. rje-strrctiy tjompued wjtn, as ltwiii be- rfgidlt en forced v T.T II ENDEESOJf. Assessor. .-- Sec. 43-And be it further enacted That ii T shall be the duty, of every , person who' eniptiek w. uiawa yiijvor causes ; to pe emptiea or .arawn off, any-distilled spirits froni cask.or . package bear jng any, mark brandorr'-stamfe." required by law, at the timeof eijaptinucki?a6k or packaeer. tq,eflace and OhuterateidtoarVvfiianiporbrandl Any 1 Any such cask ot toackageTroin wTiiehsaid marK braqd and stamp is not so effaced and obliterated, as hereiu- required, j shall be fVrferted to the United States, and majr. be seized by abyofficer of internal revenue wkerever; found. -Any;i'ai-road conipany transportation coiugahyVor; pe' son,? wtui shall receive or - transport, or hava in possession with intent tec cause or procure id bef transporter any snen empty casic or paejeage-, or any:pari'thcreol havihg thereon any brand; mark, or stamp, requited by law to be placed on- any cask or package, ' containing' distilled spirits shsill forfeit and pay three - hundred dollars for'! each such cask or package-or; any part thereof, so re ceded or transported,: or had in possession; wih thepnteit aforesaid;! any boat, railroad ear cart, dray, wagonj or other: vehicle,' and all horses pr other, animals used in carrying or! transporting the same shajlf be forfeited tQthe jLluited tates. "Any person -'who shall fail, or 'neglect to jefiace aad obliterate said niark,' stamp, or, brand, at the time of Emptying sujjh case or -package, or any part with, the intent aforesaid, i pr Who shall trans port the same,1 or knowingly! aid or assist there in, or who shall remove v any stamp "provided by this act from aj3y''.'caskj or package j containingor which had contained distilled spirits, without defacing and destroying the same at the tinie!of such reinoyalor who shall aid or assist" therein, or who fehall have in hisposession any such stamp du icluucv4 us i iiiuicsitiu, ur iiuve in uuu&scsbiuii anv Cancelled stamn or -anv Ftamn which has been used, or which purports to have been "used, upon any cask or package, of dii'tiiled ; spirits, shall be deemed guilty of a felonyj and,-on : cpn victionj sball .be lined not less than tivje hundred dollars ,nbr more ithan ten thousand - doilais, and imprisoned not less' than- one year nor more than five years.1 I - - ' 'i' I -,' 'J : -i ! The! JealLusy !of GirlI. .Girls are awfully jealous of each other. IA I hoiild call this the girl's distinctive fault; See itheui when they, are introduced, or whejn they first meet at a j ball or coquetj party see ioV coldly critical thef look at each other, how nsdeotly their eyes rove, qver eery portiod of their rival's! dress ; read in tieir faces the outspoken scorn as the result of their scrutiny. loq think, you havo done;it;very well, put you-liayd made a 1 right! or- yourseUyand Ijam much better than you V "Vafch tlieir'dis-. daln of the more admired among them ; ' and how I excessively naughty for attracting so much at- r . ' . 1 . 1 'I i1 j k 1 j 4 -: f l l. a. tention tnev tnius. inaL Aaa or jmy is, auout whom1 the young men ! cluster. l How bold she. i$ ! r-howj afFectedj she: is ! and oh ! -.how she is ! Souiietimes, if they are deep", they will overpraise her enthusiastically jllbut the ruse is generallyj oo'tran$parent to deceive any bne. and simply counts what it is a clever feint that 'doesn't answler.! It is irjuite a study to-watcli the w.ay in which girls shake hands together, or take hands in the dance.. L'he liiiiD.- cool imtertrnent way in whicfifhiy. just "touch! palms, (theh let their iarnis fall as. Daralvzed, tells a volume to those; able; to jea'i" the lettering. r Shaaic upon such conduct; ' f .L : .";! ; 'I .' .' .M . Cleaveland Mineral Springs. jr. 'txfoKMERLV WILo?sy:.) I These well known and highly npprcciated waters, located in .Cleaveland county, North Carolina) will . e opened for. visitors on tbrl0ti oXJune. i .j Persons wishing (o; Visit, tlieso Springs ' will take he Train on the Charlotte & Rutherford Railroad, whieh runs at present t)'n Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays,) from Charlotte to Cbcrryvillc, 42 miles, and thence, in comfortable conveyances, 10 miles to tu fiiM-itiw L j. .1 . , rr . I j Gratefully :. acknowledging the Jiberal patronage. neretoioro exienaea Dy me puouc, anu respcyiiuiiy .soliciting a cootinRaoice orthe same, thel'ropifietors pledge thiir; best.efFbrts' t'a" promote the comfort of I thpse who may favor them with a visit. . J , i . i I f, - j ; DR. M. 15. TAilAllt, 1 4 1 ' " i ' I r J."X BLACKWOO May 24, 1J9- -f " M Resident Propr jetors. r;ri 1 r, t ; r - -. -. ;. a.-..-- -; Notice to Ice Consumers; ICE will be "sold in the Basement of Oates, tValler jBrem & iCo", at the following rates, j from 6 to 9 o'clock A M. :j jr. '! ' . i" S 50 toilOO pound?,v 2' cents' per pound .10 tr50 '. I " H " less than 10 pounds, 4" - " f ;- Ice sold after that time, will be ohargerd a small advance. j - . j : : j j,-. All orders mustjbe aocompanled wit If the Cash, or they; will not be filled. ! " t. V ! j. p'.-j- May. f? 1,-1800.- NEW GOODS. Second Spring Stock -1889. i-,;;m. -i -.-. --'-.i ": rriU-i,- i rtlcTlURRAY, D,tTIS &T CO. , arc no nov-i receiving a riew-sjfock of lry ; Goods' and (jrreceries. - Their stock of firy. Goods consist inpfrrt of Indies Dress - Gbodg, :Triprmimg.v Ilats Kjbbpns, Eaces, Sac. '.'!;"1 . ; -" - . ! --; - i1'- .Groceries and Family 'Supplies iu.large'quantitaca and jevcry variety. 1 - i -. ; j I Hay HI. JS69. McMCRBAf DA.VI3 & CO. ; j -Cattle -iid:Hbgsr iWajatidFr1' f Wanted.'. tot jtt"haifr"romr 500 to. 1,000 Jead-of IlOds and; GATTLE,for which Caiihwiff be pafd,' or reoeivcbn chares.; ilnri'uire at th. ihstulery-of i300T, RlK & CO. nj "r ;.! near Cl?arUtte,"K. C. Old Nortli State Di'stilleiy, - j . J-" JilAli.Ui iC '4'- Ditttttert and Bectifiefs-of Corn, and Rye Whukies. . We warrant our Liqwrsrr RE LATED TED.-iT U y.;1-?r .-r: "f-; t..- W : .Orders-sblicifedfrom -the-rrade. , ; Sa'legrooni en-Tryaa Street, oppefite'T W- 'Dwey Feb 22, Ibtiu. -r- - U North Caljplinians fin'; a.tjjew York" Court; From: tie New York Herahkl'June 1st. At the opening of the Court yesterday morn- fng.his Hondr JudOTBedfdrd delivered the Ifol- feepiem?E. Xy4imctism: RobertlFMJ and al though wages j were low in those TJiopias J. 4Sumnr !On: the UtiffafiiffiW of 6 and silverourreticY, he saved from . and April, 1868 the. v Grand Jury, of this- cotralyr ibund anindHstmnt' against the; alm-e iiiamirs wft nvejy looking, aspiring and- , this itjrw;"r 5 one of the indicted mrtiesL t his aVpntt Wd an. thorized him ia' that capacitvt to visit New York aifdneotiate ibrt thtf aM certain, lands" in Ndrth.X'ariDV.H.itisUlsdaUeiged that! Hoke on arrivingin Kew! York had -an interview , with George W. Swepson. liooert it. jwepson, tl. Thomas J. Mumner, in Nye Hutchinson aBd which interview-they entered into a conspiracy to cheat" and defraud M rt3arter out of the real tnarket: value c-f his lands, in JSforth Cajolina. It is furthejr alleged that in - pursuance 0:' this.de ign Uok, the agent of garter) with the.conseht, knowledge' and approbation of the bthea' indicted; parties, wrote a- letter while in;: New Yrlv to 31r Carter, then in olth Ctirclitfa, in which" lettelr Mr Carter was gjyen to understand that his lands in Nortk'fJalini could inot bsild in this city -except at a comparatively nominal price, and tbat. this fetter.: wits' w ritteri with vintjnt to de-' ceive Ir.Carter as regards ihe reaL value, of his lauds. Upon these! faiprsthe indictment is drawn, j Th del'endantidemuil to the indictthent prin cipally and Substantially upon' the jl following -on the part of tbe defendants ; relative to - the tation. . Second v tliat it was clearly a case where 1.1 .v . 1 ' . . '-i t 1 dencej die would have ai uau me compiamanc uapia. oruvnary care an u pru roided any iiubosit'ron in 1 4o not .1 think; these! points, together with j others on defendants' btiefj aire well -(taken, and am of opiniofn" that th lpdictaient 13 properly drawn; I, am also of; ppiniou that this case iu -volven peculiarly land particularly questions for a jury to pass "upon. And these. questions are to myt mind as! follows JFks't!, lwhetheT ij from the evidence thei ddfendants did f conspiire. as is al leged, to cheat and defraudMr Carter out of the Teal market value of his1 lauds. Second, . whether Hoke wrote the ietteif,with! the. intent to de fraud,. &c., and whether-the letter was written with the knowledge, consent and approbation of jhe other indicted parties. ' Third, Whether the letter was Written in i furtherance of a common design on' the part of the defendants to -cheat and defraud, or, in other ! words, to influence 3tr Cartero sell ;h't3 lands belw the ;al market valued It is for .the jury to find! tho afiirmativc or negative of these propositions, a nd as they fiud-sti stauds the gui t or innocence of the par tic indicted. The d jmuiTer is overruled, with out pronouncing judgment upon the defendants, but. giving jthefn permission to plead not guilty and to deniand a triaji i j J - ----4 ii'oreign News. England, -The temperate "speech of Claren- ; 1 ) E don, in the House of j ; Lords, onthlej subject of tne.iviajoaina claims treaty, enciteu tne ioiiowing cominents from the lion ddh, journals : .J - The :Tirjies'i says : "-"For our-owni part, considering- the demands of -America aiid the ready copcessions of Jvnglatid, t,e Wonder the latter got off so well. J -The rejection of the treaty was more a iucky cfance 1 thai ijj the result of firmuess on the pa-r.fr of anybody! engaged in behalf of Great 13j:itaiq." . . :'-''h -j :jf . r:j "...-'' ''-:r j' The '"Standard" says : Negotiations for the Alabama, treaty xil:d because America never intended lhen to b jji successful, j If "England how admits that it is her,, duty to. ifenew her .ef forts for peacefulset iemnt, it is without hope. appreciated but" by a small sect ion of the. A me ri- ejn peopleL-. In the biearitmie, until I the details oif jMotley's mission are knovyn, we should fold pur nanos anaf.umiB ourCompiimepts to nim as; .ilo-rpfitr hiRtnrian. 1 is-,. v r- . - i J . j The "Star" says :J :i;Amcricans can "no'longelr apuDt our willingness; iq aotnem rignx, or our determination to preserve Our uaticinat character ".-I - - "' 1 - . i it - - i ' - ' i4 i' 1 " i !i. 1' " .1 . ; .abd crediU", - .-f 1 1 ' ,h- T i ' i ' ih: ' ;! : r Fkance. M. Xavalette ofiicially declares that the warlike rumora publjished in tho newspapers recently are withoiit any foundation-.. - .Si'Aix:When t v as promulgated ilf o new Constitution of Spain Madrid on' the.' Tth.ihst."; a riot occurred in which., several were killed and wounded The Governor' or; Mayor of Madrid -1 rushed in aimohg the rioters and"bv his personal exertions Testorea peace ana oracr. -.. . i I-:- '!"-, -4' HussiA. The report. -is current . :' . . ' it . ; " , t- - T-.i .1 in Europe thajt the Emperor Alexander has de ecreta me re- inovai oi tne capital oi me itussiau umpire irom StrPetefsbukf to Kiev, 'on the. River. Dnieper. X pahiceis now bujlding for huh at the" latter place, and tne ium press ;nas purcnasca a targe estate there. If this,'repart be trb,lt.s;cu3e.bf the roostlimportahi.iuoyements whjich lussia "has made ! forfmany years! f.ijSfotonly is ' it a r formal advance' upon the. granraysteriijpf jpblicy dtrcided aud'cQmnieuced by" Peter the G reat for Cf vi lizi n g his-empire and incorporating it into the family of European natioVsibufcat is an bnhouncement to the. world that the. I designs of Kussia upon Turkey are henceforth to he 'steadily and.unro- f leutingiy pursued.! .Kiev;is 670j inileS "nearer Constantinople than .fct.Ii'etersburg; ,jt is-, wrth ii 300 njiTes of the port 'of Odessa "on the "Black" Sea"; arid, by the aid of thc'r-iilroads huilt and soon to ue uunc, ic w a pmii upuu wuivu, iu tue shortest sriace of time, the whole "military "force r -'.-l-t.- -:'t.v ''LiAiilJi 1 j. --.L' uiadeniimef)se?dep apd iq' the e-ent of a war Would -'td both cc'nvpnient Irtorjbefap6TSti tehjeadquiirtejs of iiinrtaryfap3 .civttyenrment .J . ( fr vt ' J JjOSt' rOTlr MlSlalaf P''' i'ro Shares r-"5-m tHe.Laarto feoata oaro lina a ilrod Company; in- ihe aa ofJoliJa Elms -App'lfcation. will ,!b iiad for a reiiwal of th ft C'er- W4 BLSlS, MV 3ldPtl0 , .1M Executor. mrtififffnr entei-imT Info nfiMArh irwCtaoibitious ta becouie uselul, noble and perhaps - How a Poy bought a Farm. Several yearago, a youth of sixteen years, of good sense, and a farr Enslish educatiodr hot having profitable employment at his father! tieme in" Kentucky, sought! tor employment among hia enterprising neighbors a few miles" his first ytf4rjSv wages $7Q.' lie was tha 1 had already learned (that money. loaned atvhig$f ratesxf interest was oppressive td ! the loader, an4 in all. articles in the X commercial world; that men sought justification Kor 'HfMOTcE the fact tht tHey had pitd targe rafaioT interest; t Feel- ing, therefore, that liberality; as well -as justice, I was necessary to -every man s dealings with his fellow menJie loaned his 570 to an exemplary enterprising and prosperous trading man in his neighborhood, at the lowest ratcrof interest known Lin business in -that State," vizi" six per cent pr annum. 1 He' worked" another year, clothed him self in neat; Kentucky jeans and other tibeap bat neat articles of appearel, and .weut to the country school three monthrin the winter of that year, and learned " the rudiments of Latin and) something-of the" higher branches of mathematics, working for a prosperous knd liberal farmer evenings and mornings to pat the boarding : and 'at 'the'. 'cud of thesc6nd year, or when ho was 10 years oi age, he had saved fc'Jb more.; j He worked on a farm andirodo as collector for trading inen and. the SherifTof his county.; and at the end of his nineteenth year had saved $110 more. r With the' interest ;accumulatcd ; on jiii other two; years7 wages he had fnow $300j was comfortably ' clothed, and had'a good businces education which he improved from one, winter to another,ytill hebVcame asehobr,"both literally and scleutificallvi -T His influence and usefulness iucreasipg, he 'had a7the ago pfi twenty years, iH80. -1 At twenty-one he had accumulated Sb50 arid was well kpown lor his 'activity of j life, aa.a young man of intelligence, virtue $nd usefulness, as well as a ycaing maq pf Ivery attractive man- ners and ways. " r 1- He, moved to where land was ehcap, and en tered'150 acres by a land .warrant, which ho purchased with 8150 of his money. He madoa good selection of la.nd,.in a-good region of coun try; he used a j portion dfpthe balance ' ef hia money in improving his land, buying a little stock, and a few implement for farming, and tho second '.year ho rais'cd a small rrop. J Having gone to his new neighborhood with about $100 . in money, apd uscd it cautiously,; he. byldejccs gained the name of a responsible citjzen and a good paymaster, and hisinjlucnce rose gradaally from his appearance among his new and scatter ing neighbrs.g Year aftei vear he raised a crop, continuing to rcad'tlTe best .newspapers, periodi cals, and books which still! further improved his mind till sheep; cattle,"andj other stotk grew up in flocks around hini, moio land adjoining him being purchased 1 from time'td time, till now he finds himself, when scarcely arrived at the mid dle of life, a gentleman former of wealth, sur rounded by comfort and many luxuries, esteemed by neighbors both far and near, and would re- ceive'the suffrages of- th)sc who know' him to airy office for j which ho might bo nominated," irrespective of party pelrfiics, so firm is thelr'con fide'nee in both his abilijty 'and integrity.1 Sfr Louis Journal of Aqrieuliurei . Honor' to whom Honor is. Due. ibrth .Carx)hna .certainly has reason tp fool proud of the inventivo get nius aad enterprise of her .sons: The repeat ing pistol arrd the magnet- and 1 we now find it settled, almost beyond'li jioubt, that Mr David Rienhardt formerly of Lincoln couuty, was one of the originators , of the great L Pacific Railroad schenio.4 . . ' : I i in a Washington Jet tcr, published in the ppar tanbtirg (S. C.)Spartan, wo find the. statement . that moro than' twenty-years' ago, Mjr David Rclnhardt, who had removed from his nativo h6me in Lincoln county to Spartanburg, became warmly interested in tho Pacific Railroad enter- prisjp, then deemed about as practical as a voyage to the ioon, and wrote an article op- the subject . for.thKSpartan.. The editor cf that journal de cHrjted publishing the articre on the ground that "the idea of building a rallrcad across tho Miss- tissfpiand Missouri iiyesrs, thpugh the Great to California, was so utterly J chimerical ''that be Ycared'lvis readers would jlhiiakiit a hoax." . Some, friend thcrrurgcd Mr Reitihardt to send the article to tha,old fional Intelligoneer; bht, with the modesty of trud merit,' ho' said ho had not th vanity to suppose an article,, .rejected bj the Spartan would "he published by tfco Intelli gencer, whicht hen stood at the head of, Ameri-' .'carrjburiiatif'in-' Finally, however, he was pro vail6d xvi ta! .send ;thv jommunication to that 'paper. 4 i l l - j- ' '.'''';" ' The article was not only accepted arid imme- t diatcly published,: -m'v- thc corrcp.oudcuce of' the Spailai,7-bnt wj v wsirndy eoiriplimeuted 6di tonally and rfjiithlicV (Mr Piciuhardt's uorn de plumej) rcqneft'wl t) vyritc a series of articlci elaborating the sn!j;rr; He did s-j'for a length of time, wakening r:uch inTcrcsC in tho pub lic mbd, arid cp chilly hi " Congress, that he was invited to' Vrashirigtolj Ifperhitps to lay hiaYicw , perso'naHy before a eptiimitt.) and was actually onliis way Unere whetflio tiif.t with hi death by an accident'-n Rtiloiglf, ibrth Carolina?' ' - ' . '.; I - " i - l I- ' ' Roguery in . HiGn Cihcle3.. A young lady of the most respectable ! character was re cently arrested in Concord; New Hampshire, for theft of clothing and 'jewelry'. She is. in jail awamnga' trial. " The daughter of a banker in Chicago, and the ocice of a grain dealer in St. Louis, have" lately breea accused of stealing while BhoJmg-, but tbe matter waahushed up and they -were liot brought to trial. ?; Two weeks ago a woman moving it the wealthier circles of crcJle Bociety, if we may believe the New Orleans Jews papers, was "detected in like peccadillos. ' Late San Francisco journals, contain a similar siory. The daughter of a wealthy merchant in this city is serving a second term in 'State -Prison for larceny - On the kfvU of thtsel&ffonc-fis wo have the arrest in this city of lisa Kato Fisher, a well known actress", orl the chjiVge -.of stealirg goldValch.:JVr. -K $yn. .1,1 J . P ill (!) n 7.J-Gwadv,5l0J .-' ELI H TVITIIEBS; C. S.f. Mav 10, lSR?r 4 -;-

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