' ' l ' ' ' ' " . ' -: - - ' - : i VI . ' ' - V . V'- . - ' i ' ; " 51 ' H '." ': . ' 1 ' ' - - . ' - ' t : , ..-! . " : i . '--.':!,.-. nri:. ;pv. ' y.; "T.'-- i - - : ; . i.i- !' : V- - i- ' il- r : ; ;H j . - : ; i ; :. ' -Y '- i Y ! viM f'" -vv I"' .'Y- j ll :-: ' fiY":?! . , ' ' ' --:i " v i '' :t ' .. -I !' -Ml j . : r j - .'!! '-J1-- v? -- ;"': ' J .;; ' s'tllh:- CHARLOTTE, N. C., TUESDAY, JULY. 6, 18G9. J seventeenth volcmes u ib c a 878. t ! J THE "W esterii X) emo ciat I " PCBLI31IKD BT j WILLIAM J. YATES, Editor and Proprietor. TrsMj Three Dollars per annum In advance. ' i o AJTertisemeats will be inserted at reasonable rates, Or in accordance witb contract. Obituary notices of orer five lines in length, will be charged for at a-irertisiug rates. j . j Robert Gibbon, M. D., f . . PHYSICIAN AND SUKGEON, " Tryon Street, Charlotte, X. C; J 0f5iI Renidenc, one door south 61 J State Bank, (formerlj Wm. JoLuTon residence). Jan I. 1SG3. y X P. J.IcCombs,;iIrX)., ' Offers his profcsfional ferticcs to the citizena of Charlotte and snrrouudin country. All calls, both ni?'t and dij. proniptij attended to. . O&ce in Ilroa n bail ling, up htairs, opposite the Ckarlctte Hotel. Oct -2G. lbt. ; DR. E. C. ALEXANDER, i Hat ii4 ilo'a: 1 1 in Charlotte, ka4 opened Rn'office in parV'-i""t opposite the Charlotte Hotel, where ecao be tu nd when not'profeisionalljr engaged. May il, ISO Tmp 1 ( j Dr. JOHN H. McADEN, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, l ciiaulotti:, a. a, - Il k-- on band a large a u-1 Xi.ll t-lcctcd stojk of FUllE iil'tiSs Chemicaly, I'aleut Mclicint's. Family Medi c:a:. I'ulats, Oil-. Varr".l:ttf, Dfc tuff. Fancy and ToIItt Ajti'-I?, which Li i deteraiiaod to sell at the Terr fuct prices. j l; Is -.'. - j WM. M. SHIPP, T 41 ll X K Y AX LAW, Charlotte, N. C, OrncE i- UttfEv'i Panic Eiildinq. Nov. T. lb if ALEXANDER & BLAND, Dentist3, Charlotte, N. C, j W i!l wait cn parties in city or country whenever their NterVice nsny b solicited. . Tt'i cstracied wiiiiout pain. Gas-administered. 0.k?!ia Brown's Buildicg. Hours from 8 A.;M. to : p m. ; ...- , 1 6 PS AC TIC AX. Watch and Clock . xtL Vxor, : ' f - I AXO PE.VtSR IX' FISL WATCHES, CLOCKS, r.cich Materials, jtectade., J c. A u g. 1 ? j I SC7. CHARLOTTE, N. C. The City Book Store, If is been Il-mori1 to J Lmrrie't Old Stand, Oce dcor below its former location. j Everybody i is invited, to call and examiae our Stock, wfiiieh c."nj-ts in p irt oT a large aortinent of School, Religions and MisceHaneoiis Books, Blink and Ps Book.. W.ll Paper. Bla'nk and Printing 'P.ii'.r. njl 1 nil articles usually kept in a firt-i;Iai? Buok .lore. ' Our arraiieit-t-n:. witb PuMirhers are fnch that we receive all the NEW WOlIKS of popular authors a oon publi-Lid ! i Out price" are as lew as any other Booksellers in the State. Jan 4.: IS G9. ' WADE A GUNNELS. J. Y. BRYCE & CO., ! General Commission lIerchants ; ciiAKLinrt:, A", c. i ! Particular attention psid to the felling of all kinds of I'rtiKiiviee. Cotton "and Tobacco. ' : i &-t. Ilihet ca.-h price paid for Cotton. i ' All -orler uoi:i a distance pramj tlv attended to "T", J. Y. BI1YCE.! March leOS. W. II. BUYCH. I ; J. D. PALMER. Family Grocer & Wine Merchant, And deuier in all kinds of imported Wine and Spirits. DM Ryei Monojigahela, Bourbon and Cabinet Double IH.tilfc Whiskey ; IomctIe Corn and Bye Whiskey; Pec'i aud Srpls Brr.ndy. I I alio tiavite the particular attention of Druggists to nrr sWek'of Port. Sherry and Madcria Wine, BranJy 4 lid -Whiskey, bottled especially for ledi cinal pdrprs. ' All orders. Wholesale or RetaiL olirite lknd punctually attended to. Constantly j on hand all jkinds of Domestic Spirits oh consignment. A specialty made to old N. C. Corn WhisLey.-Jan-iaj-y 1. is'.r. . ' . J " A. HALES. " - j Watchmaker (v and Jeweler,' X'Tt Tiokr to the Pwoerui t'jnce, ChBL0TTE, N. C. j 111 your Watch uecls Repairing, : Din t get ma 1 and go to sweari-ng; . Jj.-t take it into HALLS shop. Hp will fix it o It will cot 1 Ilk warrants h. work all for a year, ;wi.en it i.s used with proper care. He will do it as low a it-can be done, Ao l do it so well it s sure to run. , Janu.y 1. 1S7J y i. , , I NEW GOODS ! I - f r am r?civin Nw Gtx.d every week, and am d'tcru.inH r.t to b? un dersoM l y ary one. Give tc a till b'.::rtf buying. DCi. MAX WELL,' -1 CoHec ! Coffee ! ! ( olive. a!I rrai!cs al a. Latu.i ra and III MAXWELL S Parks' Building. Surrar to 2 ") crnts p t j ";u ! bv retail. at ; -MAXWELL , Kiks Euilding. ra 12 S Tobacco and Snuff. ! I.a Tobacco and LorilUrd s 'iiutf always on Uuiat ! MAXWELL'S. -Confectioneries, Toys, &c. Tb liirt stock iu the Cuy. Call and examine for fjrtl. . My 10, D. G. MAXWELL. Prks' Building t QUERY , I reeciTing daily his Spring Stock of i Hillinery, Trimmings, &c.,- &c., irc! b nk tlic Ladies aud the public generally, to caII and cxiuine. .5 MRS. QUERY is prepared to serve her fraJ with the i I - LATEST STYLES " la BONNETS, HATS, DRESS-MAKING, &c. Keep to the Kifcht .z "Keep io the riphtl as the lavr directs, -For sach4 is the rule of the . road . Keep to the right, whoever expects f Securely to, carry life's load. ! Keep to the right, with God and hi3 Word; Nor wander, though folly allure : ; Keep to the ri''l)t, nor ever be turned i . Jrroai what faithful, and holy,, and pure. Keep to the right, within and without . . 1 AVith stranger, and kindred, and friend: Keep to the right, and you need haVe no doubt That all will be well iu the end. s " Keep to the right in whatever you do, Nor clahn-bufcyour own on the way: Keep to the right, and hold on to the true, w rwuixnora it'Al thVIo ff life's day. ":, Sewing! ilacbino Depot. You will fiud for sale at the above Depot, 22 Tryon Street, Charlotte, X. C, the celebrated "COMMON SENSE DEWING 11 AC II IN ES" that are becoming so popular throughout the country, combining all the latest improvements of under-feed and upright Spool-Ilolder.v Price only $13. Also, the "BUCK-EYE AND HOME SHUTTLE MACHINES," price $20 Extra Needles for tale. ' Agents wanted everywhere. ' ' I V. S. HALTOM & CO. June 14, 18C0. I Cm - ; VALUABLE LAND For ! Sale. - I offer for sale a tract of LAND in Hopewell neigh borhood, known as the" 'Wilson tract," containing 111 acres heavily timbered ahd well watered ad joining the lauds .of Dr W. S. M. Davidson David Allen and others. . j' ' . Also.'a Plantation adjoining the above land, known as the Berry place," containing 2S0 acre3 about 10 acres of which are cleared and the balance wood laud. This is fine Cotton land, and lies on- the Beattic's Foard road, 10 miles from Charlotte. The buildings on the place are inferior . Alo, I Avill pclHXK) aeresof the tract on which I now re.-ide. It is tine farming land, consisting of up-lai.d and river and .creek bottoms. Application ina-t be nide early, and a personal inspection is preferred.! - Al BE EVA ED DAVIDSON. Mav PA, 1869 4f Cleaveland BTineral Springs. FUUMEULy WILSONS):. These well known and highly appreciated waters, located in Cleaveland 'county, North Carolina, will be opened for visitors cn the 10th of June. i Persons wishing; to visit these Springs will take the Traiu on the Charlotte & Rutherford Railroad, (which runs at present on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays,) from Charlotte to Cherryville, 42 miles, and whence, in comfortable conveyances, 10 miles to the Springs. ! ' : Gratefully acknowledging the liberal patronage heretofore extended by the public, ad respectfully soliciting a continuance of thesame, iMe Proprietors pledge (ieir best efforts fo pfouioto the comfort of tf;oie who may favor theni with a vioit,' ' ! Da. M. B. TAYLOR, " I J. J. BLACKWOOD, May24, lSC9. ' j Resident Proprietors. : GRIER & ALEXANDER, Wholesale and retail Grocery : Having purchased Mr Sims1 interest in the; Stock of W. W. drier & Co., they would call tho attention of their friends and the Public generally to their Stock of Choice i ' J-' 1. , . t , ; Family Groceries, not to be surpassed in the' market either in Quality; or variety. i I The hisrhest cash prices naid for all kinds of country produce. A speciality made of good family flour. All Goods purchased at this house will be deliver ed any where in the C lty tree or cnarge. - Thankful to our many friends for the very libera patronage bestowed upon 'us heretofore, we ask continuance or the same. Uur motto is as it ever has been straight forward, true to the line. ' : ' W. W. GRIER, . Jan. 18. 1 SCO. - Ci W. ALEXANDER. BLUE STORE BLUE STORE! Ha jut received and opened his beautiful stock of Spring and Summer Goods. I have a full line of Ladies Dress -Goods, consist ing in part of Mozambique?, Poplins; Lenos, Organ die. Granadmes, Piqued, Marseilles. Delancs, Lawns, Shalleys, Chintz, and every style of Prints, &c. Hardware and Groceries,- An 1 .everything keptln a fy-st-class Establishment . May G, IbCU. ' . 1. KOOPMANN. KOOPMANN'S BITTERS. KOOBM ANN'S BITTERS cures Chills and Fever. For Dysentery 'and Diarrhoea, use KOOPMANN'S BITTERS. ! ; i . tor Cholera .Morbus ana all lowel Auectionsi use KOOPMANN'S BITTERS.' !. . I For Dyspepsia and Indigestion, use KOOPMANN'S BITTERS. i'; -- 1: i ! For Loss of Appetite, use KOOPMANN'S BIT TIIRS. ' ! i ' ! " "' ' i t I- For sale bv all Drugsrists. i and at my Store in Charlotte, N. C. ' j j ,; ' ! -M :. i ; i Mav 24. 1800. "! i B. KOOPMANN j B. M. PRESSON & CO.,j ITftve iust received a larsre stock of GROCERIES, consisting in part of Bacon Hams, Shoulder a,nd Sides: Lard, Flour, Meal, Corn, Sugar, Cofiee,! Mo las.e, Rice, Salt, Fish, in fact everything kept' in a. first-class Grocery and Provision Store Also," a splendid let of double-sole SHOES--ivar- rautcd. . 1 ; Also, a splendid lot of ' .." Liquors: Monongahela, Nectar, Corn and Rye Whiskeys 1 barrel pure North Carolina Corn-Whiskey. We sell Cheap !or CASH only. m March 22, lbC? ..)',' State of North! Carolina, Gaston county. interior Court' of LatcJIau Term, lfc'GU.f J. AV. Wilson vs. James EJ Lyon. ;j Vttachment levied on the following property, to wit: All Cooking Utensils on hand, 1 sett of Carpenter's Tools. 1 Portable Engine and Boiler 1 Ten Stamp Quartz Mill and all fixture.3 belonging thereto, 1 Mill Building and all'the Lumber thereia. Y It appearing to the satisfaction or the Court that the Defendant resides beyond the limits of this State; therefore,-it is ordered by the Court that publication be made, for four weeks, in The Western J)exnocraJ, notifying the said Defendant .to be knd appear be fore thc'cierk cf the Superior Court of Law for the county of Gaston, on the oOth of June, 18C9, then and there to answer, plead or replejy, or judgment final will betaken against him; aid the property levied on condemned to Plaintiff's usje. Witness. E. II . Withers, Clerk of Superior Court of Law for the county of Gaston, at of$ce in the Town of Dallas, on the Cth Monday after (he 4th Monday in March, 1SC9. - I The. Seventh Vial i . The celebrated English preacher, ; Rev. Dri jbumniings, is convinced that the tribulation is rapidly approaching which was foretold by the prophet Haggai : ; ''Yetalrttle, and I will shake the earth, and the .gea: and the drj land." He says that we are in the seventh vial, the'open iii" of which was so vividly depicted by the be Wed disciple upon the isle of Patiiios, and that 'l6rie sho"ck, startling, terrific, aqd of huge and unprecedented proportions'' is yet to cbnie W are "getting to be pretty much in that way of thinking ourselves, j The universal corruption .which abounds, lead US to 'the ! Irresistibly ooT cluiori that nothing; short of a general "coinbul-' tion will ever purify the miasmatic, moral ana political atmosphere. The spirit of true religion 13 weak all over Ch ristendom, and we seeia to bS rafidty approaching the time when it: will suc cuinb entirely to the desperate inroads making upon itlbyjlatitudiuarianisnj, scepticism, infidel ity,! ambition, avarice, icovetousness. lust, envyj hate, and all unchantaWeness. lhere is discord 'L 1 TJ i::., 1 religion there is notiiins like the unanimity there whs at Babel after the confusion of tongues; Kverybodyj seems to be pulling1 and hauling in opposite directions. , mere is concora nownere; neither in the camp; the cabinet, the church, or the cloister : in the forum or otv the bench ; in academic halls or in i the mart ; in the palace or in the hovel. Teace among the nations stands upon n very slippery foundation: thereis scarcely a single one ofthem but what is m a highly in- uamuiauie cuuuniuu, aim n nutcu uiatuii should suddenly be thrust in, there is no know- ing where the contlagration would stop JUussia is moving lier capital toward the Turkish fron tier so-as tpbe ready, when the hour strikes, for a spring at the throat or Islamism. r ranee and Prussia are glaring at ieach other "with a hate which theytdo not take the trouble to disguise. England and the United States are In anything but ian amicable mood ; while the smaller nations arc either .seething already with discontent, or are prepared to boil over at the slightest provo cating I All have their blood up to lever heat: all are looking for the ball to open, but uo eneis particularly an xmus to lead oil in the sanguinary dance, j Some trivial circumstance, which in nine hundred and ninety-nine cases in a thousand, would passi by unnoticed, may i precipitate the catastrophe aiid then the wrath will be upon us; a wrath thai will- not b,e spent until all the peo ples 'of the earth shall have undergone a general chastisement and purification, and ! those who survive! shall have;discarded the Mvain imagin ings'' of innovators, and returned to the pure and sininle faith ot the; acostlei. I e are not a nrophet. or the son i. i ;t U m rXf -r c " r r i'i - - v believe the times are ominous, and therefore have wrttien what we have written. be wise. Asherile Netcs. i -L rrr BLACKBERRIES. I "want to buy a lar;e quantity of i Dried Black berries this Summer and Fall, and hope the people of the surrounding country children, boys., women and men will gather ami dry all they,ian and bring them to my store. Ij will pay a ;Jir jcash price, which is at present ten cents per paundJ J.une J4, 18G9. Ml AV. J. BLACK. ! h H"- : '- ; : Catawba Valley Land Company. Having been elected President of the Catawba. Valley Land CompanyJ chaitcred by the; Legislature pf North Carolina at it List session, "lor tiie purpose of facililatiug the Sale of Lands and other Real Es- tate. and the more speedy ;deveIopment ot the Agri cultural, Mineral and Manufacturing resources of the State," ;I hereby-give notice to the. Community at large, that the Books of faid Company arenow open for the entry of. r arming Lands and otner Keal es tate, to be disposed of by faid Company by Certifi cate.i The Company will not deal in any other than Landed Property or ISeal Estate, and it is our pur posed to dispose of all the Real Property that may be entrusted to us, at fair prices and upon fair and honorable terms. V i r ! A small fee of Two Dollars will be required of evcrv one upon entering their Land on our Looks for sale. ! j i W.F.DAVIDSON, June 11. 16G9. ' . ' . President C. V. L. Co. Burton's Itch Ointment, Will cure Itch, Salt Rheum, Camp Scratches and all cutaneous eruptions. H It is free from any disagree able i-rnell, and can be used by persons of any age: without the slightest Injury. - !;.; -( For sale by ! KILGORE & CURETON, JnnolL 18G0. Y' Springs' Corner. : . : ' . 1 :Y- . , - ; ; . I j I Administrator's Notice. All persons bavins?: clainis against the Estate of Robert B. Lowrie, ! deceased, are hereby notified to present the same to me within the time prescribed by law, br this. notice will! be pleaded in bar of their rpftftverv. VI - I. J. PRICK, j Administrator or li. is. -Lowrie, aee a. June 14, 1800 f 4vpd . . j j U i - v i 3T. L. WRISTON & CO., .! Auctioneers ! j And General Commission. Mercnants,. For the Sale and Purchase of Tobacco, Cotton, Grain, Flour,1 Produce and 'Merchandize ofall kmd3, I i Mansion House JJuitdinr, :j I j CHARLOTTE, N, C. j . '''r- f T. Wkiston. ' Ik-CL Eccles. T.i Ii: UXiTurr., T.!li Af R. I. M. C. of Iredell co. of Mocksville. 'hi !! i '-I "V ' i iY ',' ; Prrrnrvrua; T W! Dewev & Co.. Bankers ; MP PegramJ Cashier First I National Bank j W J Yates, Editor Western Democrat; Hutchison, ;Burroughs & CoJ General Insurance Agents, Charlotte, N. C. Wni H Jones & Co. Raleigh, N. C., Geo S Palmer, nf Palmr. Hartsook & Co, Richmond. iVa.; Rev Dr ThosE 15ond, Editor of Baltimore Ep. Methodist; TR1t;mrre. Md.': Worth'& Daniel, Wilmington, N.C; Jordan & Brother, Philadelphia, Pa.j E S Jaffray & CoJ, and II B Claflia & e , New York Geo W il- Ti..-,o'e- f. rhor rcJnn. S. t; Ja Miller, i-sn.. ana Oslovl A:-. "Wilson. Auffiifta, Ga.; MeaSor Brothers, Atlanta, Ga.: Woodruff & P-rkcr, Mobile, Ala.- Jati 11, 1SC0. yy;i V I Ij " -. i - . Dissolution. The firm of T. L. RITCII BKO. was dissolved by -urtn-il ennent on the 4th inst. The business of the firm will be continued by T. L. HITCH. i IM T- T T. T. L. RITCII, June 7, I860. P. M. RITCII. GRANGER'S HOTEL, GOLDSCO RO'f W.:; C All Railroads centering at and passing this point, have their Ticket Offices in this Hotel. . Passengers going South, Hast ana esr, aine ai IfoteL T : - : Vv ' naTrirA tit.n ( and from the House tree or i charge! and checked to any desired pouY , y V t. a. p ranger; CO.. ft ! - T ' ; 1 - . - . - . - ' VMWMVHV-BMHMHMOHHHHHHa rietors iTte Laic of Corijugq.1 SeZectwni 1 Withj regard to the proper combinations! of temperature m the marriage relation!: physiolo gists have differed, one contending that the, con stitutions of the parties should be similar, hle others, on" the contrary; have taught that con trast should be so'ught. ' ; It seems to us that neither of these statements i "jexresseCfully the true law of selection. The end' tb.be aimed at is harmonyj! There can be no liarmony.without a difference; but there ma be diflerenqeitho.ut: .harmony, p j It isnotl because la womap; is iike?a man that he loves herj but because she is unlike. The qualities, which, he lacks are the ones in her which attract bimthe'persbnal;traits'!bdlnen-' uu peculiarities wnien compine jq maitejner a-wj a6a in or possesses masculine characteristics ,' walli woman repel the opposite sett So a woman! ad mires in -man true manliness, Jind is repelled by weakness and. effeminacy A jsromanish iniaq awakens either the pitv or the contempt of the 1 i n l- r , fair sex . This law, we believe, admits of the widest, ap-. plication. The dark-haired, swarthy man is apt to take for his mate some azure-eyed blonde; the lean and spare choose the stout and plump;; the tall l and short often unite: !! and homely ; men generally win the fairest of the fair. I . j In temperament,1' as m everything else, what we should seek is hot likeness, but a harmonious difference. Ii The husband - and! wife are! not J counterparts of each) other, but; complements, i naives wmcn loinea tosretner iorma rounaea symmetrical whole. ' In music, contiguous notes are discordant, but when we sound tosrether a nrst ana a third or a third jand a nlth, we pro and a ntth, duce a chord. The same principle, pervades all nature. Two persons may betoolmuch alike to agree. They crowd each other, for two objects eaaoot occupy the same spacej j at the same time While therefore, we do not) wliolly agree with those who insist upon tire union of opposites in the' matter of temperaments, we Relieve that a close; resemblance in the constitution of the body between the parties should be avoided, as hot only inimical to their harmony and happmespp but detrimental to their offspring. hren. J Journal for July Around the World, Probably but a few of our readers, says a jTs ew York paper, are aware, now! that the sPacifie Railroad is completed, that k journey around the world can be made in eighty days; which; esti mate allows tor ordinary delays incident to travel? Moreover, the entire distance can; be tra- versed by steam either on land or water,: save about one nyndred miles: in India, oetween A1Iahabaa and Bombay, Over which a railroad is now Constructing. The particulars or this liaarvelaus.trjp -for it h even mori thantiiarvelj j oiis we pondeuse into tabular form, for conyef oient reference, as follows : Days -It i 21 ; G 12 I .3 UJ G 11 New York tot San Franciscou rail San Francisco tookbhamavitftivsliip, Yokohama to Hong Kong, steanir"slijpr. Hong Kong to Calcutta, steamship, Calcutta to Bombay, rail, L I " Bombay io Cairo, steam ship and rail, Cairo to Paris, steam ship and rail,1 Fans to New xork, Tota I BO This includes mentioned! above. the - break of. one : hundred miles My first.is what lies at the door; my second is a kind of corn; . my third" is what nobody -can dpi without, and my whole is one or the United Mates. Mat-ri-mony. j.YY, "f -; i- : r' NOTICE i' ;viii Thfe undersigned hereby forbids. all persons from: hunting with r without dogslor guns on his dandsj or fishing vith nets or otherwise 'on hispr.eniises,! from passing through his fields or enclosures, or in; any mandr 4respassing on hisjjcopertj', as he is de- termined dn a strict enforcement of the law igamst; all offenders, without regard to race, color or Icondi-s tion.. i j!.-" i"' JOHN; A. YOUNG, j j June 21 jl SCO ; - " t": ! "MiYJ; "" ! r' !: Important Notice. J? j. We the undersigned, having suffered loss and in-; convenience by the conduct of persons whohui)t with vr withoutldogs. and fish on our lands, are compelled in self protection to Forbid all persons from hunting or fishing on our premises, or. passing tnrougu our. fields, as we intend to enforce i the law against tres- tassers of all sorts ; i M.i B. WALLACE, N. P. TRADENICK, T. i A. "MORRIS, : J. B WILLIAMSON, i "R JB. WALLACE, AI- G. STANSTiLL, i J. SOL- RE ID, I ,. S. J. BLACK, ARTHUR GRIER, Da.- S. WATSON, S. II.! BIGGERS, ' N. a: NOLES, Hi BOYCE, ! ROBT. GRIER, T. W. SQUIRES, M, D.r-SQUIRES-, QUEEN L. R. McCACLEY. Jun 21 18C0. pd NOTICE. The undersigned ! hereby forbid all persons from hunting, with or -without guns or dogs, oh their IiaskIs,' or fishing with nets or iOtherwise on their; premises, ocia -anvmanner i trespassing -on; iueir pr6perty, as they aredeermined On a strict enforce- ment of the laxv against all offenders without regard to race, co or or condition joiin w; moore: JAS. F. JOHNSTON, CJH.i LAFFERTY, ELAM ROBISON, W, H. ROBISON. J. A. -CANNON, j June 21, 18C9 BINGHAM "SCHOOL, ME BAN E'VI T L B'.SN.- - .i -i ,. j ' : ; r C - ' LYNCH. WJf. BINGHAM, EOBT BINGHAM, W.1. The Session of I869-'70, b'egins 25th of August nd continues fortv weeks'.. The course of instruction includes tne orennary English branches, the Ancient Languiges, I rench. Mathematics, Book-Keepmg and the elements ot Natural Science. ; Y . . . '.-': : , Expense?; including Tuition, Boara, iJooKS, mei, Washing and CJothing, oOO. I i.. j Circulars sent on application. ; - ! j j June.21,18C9, i 6wV; ..j Y- jv : r:i j Notice to Debtors. I - A n Executor of W. K. Reid, dee'd, I hereby give notice to debtors to his estate that they must settle with me bV the 15th of July, or their Notes ;wUl be placed in the hands of an Officer for collection. It is actually! necessary that I "should settle iup the Estate immediately. Y ;V THOS. P.UBliU, JunlJ18G9 3wna I I -i xecuior. atibn- ly gTandfether. a retolut ibnartr.? soldier, was .4 accustomed to relate the following amons the in cidents of his ei'periencsj during tlie war ' It was d.uring the faiubus, Iersejr campaign of 1777-78. ! Attached to the commnv to" which he belonged; was a. prh-'ate soldier nu inveterate fitult finder. -SCjur' crabheJ. 'rerJeHia11v ";di. less, was. never; sftspeetejJi of leaning towards the enemyj and had always idonc his datv as a pend su5dier of the Continental army,- 1 I ! " -.' - vn one occasion, a - lieutenant and u part of his company, incudipg';the "subjecof ourtory, were' snt out on a scouting excursion iustruct ed to wiitch'the lnoyeuients of a body ! of the ; Power of eneiay whawereJrrnvHivir in the vicinity. Itwea wancporMerala view of our EitaaUoa, sW.r.'!!f 44ti.. 'rather t!iAfihi 1m1mw t hours tramp cauie-Jn : jsightof the "foe, who, being in greater numbers tlian was anticipated, compelled tiie lieutenant ; and his men to use ' the better! part of valorl': an,d treat: . 1 v-j' ,: i;-:. prepare for a're- On this "Old Grcwity, as he was called, low ered his musket, broke f prtliinto a tirade ajrainst military duty in general 'and. scouting parties in particular, and finished by declanh done enough for one day.; and was detcrmiBed to remain wiiefc lie was: tor the remainder; of it do the representation' of his comrades that he would be captured' by 'the eneniy, he replied that such an event would be preferable to any further exertion, and Stay .he would and abiile the result, f After exhausting argument and entreaty tlie iieu'tehant informed him jthat rather than 'suffer him to be taken by the British and give them the information thev would seek, eobcernino' our forces, if he persisted in J " J . ' . TO-- us -determination; to re main, he .must shoot hi in in order to secure the en era! safety.; The rep y was 'ktnoot and be hanged I shall stay wh6re I am it On this a hurried Consultation -jvas held bv the pfficer vith.hi3 men; and it was resolved to experiment with him, andiavoid, if 'possible, the sacrifice of his life. He was' told td take a seat upon a log in the woods where the then were, and to avoid alarming the enemy. j ! a. .general volley a single soldier froln : behind !was to send a bullet through his'heari. ! ! Y The announcement was received with a doed resignation and an unaltered purpose;. ! All being ready, the S9ieVii-etanaasexecutonerfv tit the word of commaud, firetl a blauk cartridge, wliile by prearrangement a second simultaneously threw a small pebble at the spjot intended to be hit. lie tell and groanedvi and the Lieutenant an- proached, expressed his opinion that the wound was mortal, and his sorrow that his dutyj com pelled him to the measure, bade him adieu, and then led his party to ihej rear, where they con cealed themselves to watch the result. ' v The uxartyito stubbornness- lay for some time. uttering an occasibual grUnj varied! with male-' dictions upon the service, his! fttte, tjho redcoats and his comrades. His wrath towaMUhe latter seemea xo DeiKinaieu. ,Dy tnp tnin;iin; maimer in which they had-perf'ornied their, duty, leaving m to a lingering death- instead of dispatching him'at once,:1..1: 1!:Yf;MYjj J. ;' ' : . .! .: At lengjli, with a. dolorous exertion,1 he. raised himself on his; elbow and looked over and beneath his shoulder, as though t(j determire the near ness of the' exit by the quantity of blood that had issued from his wound. Apparently astonished at fiuding.norie, he next, with Slow but seeming- y less: painful moverjients, commenced, feelina: behind his back for-traces of. the bullet ! hole Unsatisfied with this, he Raised himself to a sit ting posture, andvwith much i exert on took off his coat, and finding no perforation the truth of the trick.' flashed upon him at once, when , sec ing some stragglers of ;h enemy in ihe distance, he started up, seized his musket and ran, as none had ever seen him do; before, toward the Ameri can lines. Jle arrived Jil6ni in advauce of the Lieutena'ni and his paity, jwhohad never occasion tnereaiter to censure: nis jDameu suDOraiuate " Slavery irj j Brazil - ' TKe-warwith Paraguay j has prevented Brazil Prrtrti Ji t i rtry. rio?i cn rti 1 kiKcilich cluV'orir irbli wereto hayebeen ;j inaugurated justjatUhe time the- contest uesan.h is it. is, iioweMer, the;: war causea the nocration'oi many negroes wno nave enlisted in :the EoilDeror'slarmius. . . i . ; i Tho days of slavery have been numbered in Brazil ever since the: abolition of the) slavetrade; ' for the, laws of the country have always given such; extraordinary facilities for the liberation of slaves, that almost ail cciuld be' freq that chose to be so, and any negro could register his child ree on me paymeit. or lour aoiiars ac nis Dapxism.' The abolition of slavejrjri in Brazil will not in ure the special' status oftlthe country! which is too bad to hurt! For a tod'g tune the difference between the classes has rbcen between free and slave, 4nd not betweeuvrhite . and black. The masses of the Brazilians iiremucTi more degraded than the PortugeseA'and j there has never been much soeiatistrnctionj ;in favor of the white ,man pver the blackJ flatters have thus ever been so bad in this respect that they -can't be come any worse.1 ll As the! black "race, however. is far more numerous tlian the. white, aided by these ideas of social equality, many years will not elapse before the whole . empire will become a negro country as barbarous as Congo ifself ;' for the blacks of even some jparts of the West Indies are civilised compared with those of th'e interior 01 irazii. Tli ere is a man livingf in Northampton, Ma?s.. w ithin three hdles j of tlic railroad, thirty-eight year3 of age, who has been! in but four different towns in his life, has never een inside m a rail road car, and has never.slept in any house ex- ee?t the one in which he ?was born,! has never -been courtin,and never kissed a gin. - A Western editor named Steele reports hav ing received an offer, frcjthj a printer hamed Dooj little to go : into partnership.- lie respectfully declined on account iof the ; bad sound the firm name must have Doo; little and Steal," or t? ice versa. 'One of us wouid soon' be in the poor- house and the other hi the penitentiary. 1 Gommoore Nutt and jMinnte Warren were" married on Thursday at the residence of uTom Thumb's" mother, QIxs. Stratton,) at West Haven', Conn.; Tom Thumb and his little wife, once IVIi jlAviniai arrenr the sister of the bride, acted as groomsman and bridesmaids Fronf the Tarljoro (N. C.) Reconitr'ucted Farzair. "-' J.-.' I - Parents.;: ;'";! '. .' Parents, we .were, to day passed, blessed, j we-suppoacd, in a iystem bf contented laborcrJ, and with that -system4 We were thoughlv qiiainted, biing educated in it fromi our infancy. Through this svaien? cf labor our. everv . habit rwas forniv'Ji it Leiitg t!ic chief iource of reven.l to our socjaI and domcstie comfort "A new eri has dawned upon us; that labor and lociilfji. tern has been dstn.yed, and with it tho ihvrocf January, 1803, ia.in, .reality a legislator, fof tat, instead of his ftoarier xaaster who may possess th highest order of 'statwthanstup.'. Ve' know Wi have niany causes , for 'complalnt,-4)ut doct tHj avail, us anyt h.ai ? : Certainly not. Then let ca day instead of our. children's time, for we out .aise them to the new ; situation without tauch inconvenience ' to tueni. - To do thu wt mast educate them differently, not only In the school roojn, but in the entire social and domestic circle. We .hope you will not infer from this that wt are opposed to a classic education. Oar object shoufd be to instill ia our children the idea thai to give them a finished education is simply to prepare them for future usefulness in the various pursuits ot me. . ; .When we were .rich in negroes' we seat oar sous (these of the-best intellect) to college, and after going through, this course, we put them U some profession, and generally they did not sue cecd. JTlic reason was, their fathers owned ia the negro a sufficient - patrimony to live on, and consequently no exertioU was made by them. On the other hand, those .who were not so well provided for, if Xhey wished to acquire a pro fession toiled hard, and geuerally succeeded, for iivennoou. i. v - i - 1" I'l it . . .1 We have a sufficiency. "or professional, men to last this generation, consequently educate your . sons to develop by science the hidden resources of the 'argicultural,, mineral and manufacturinir a . I' .1 -- V II : . . mierest oi; mis couniry. It seems that parents and guardians hereto fore did not endeavor to make their sons and wards finished scholars, thatj they might prove as benefactors to their race by that science which is so much needed to a cotnpleto development of . the hidden wealth of the soil. It was; then, as we fear it will be considered at present, stooping too low to come to the soil and thpe, with patient ' practice, demonstrate .that farming is a science; by letting us know what properties are;wsnting in this, that, and the other coil jto make it pro ductive of good crops. i Suppose that the educated clarjs of this coun try for. the last quarter of a centurY had made the same- effort to develop the agricultural mechanieal, mineral aud manufacturing interest, thev have to "du'rw their countrymen nolltlrallv: v won Id'. they have failed f All must confess theT, - might liave conferred the CT-catcsti of, blessings on their country if their aleuti had ben directed " ' in the proper channel. ! ' " Teaeh'your children, "by pirecept and exam ple,' that to work in the farm, in the machine shop, or at any laudable pursuit, is' honorable.- Teach your fair and virtuoui; daughters that it is not unbecoming "beauty, wit and gr-co" to learn all the duties oLhousewifery. Those who have been dispossessed of luxurious livinr must not 'despond, but must effort to rise once, more, anu ulate their children to do so. join in an humble by all means, stim- No longer look on djio past, but forward, hoping that while your pathway through life is ruirtr eu,your cuuuren may enjoy a orignt, xuiura Interesting about 'ithe Bible. work ever printed, after the in vention of the art of printing, was the Holy Bible.. It was ahout the middle of the fifteenth ceniury -between the years 1450 and 1455. It wa the Latin version first translated by Jcromeand'callcd the Vulgate, because soon falter he translated ititj became v verj popular among the rvlgus or common people, f Iu the year 1525, after many! editions had been issued in various languages online continent, the '. fkst edition of the New 1 cstauient in the English, , tongue was transjated by" William Tyndalo. He ' finished hi3 great work and j) had It printed ia f uermany4 1 he King ot hngland and Cardinal ; olsey and Sir Thomas 3lore tried to induct him to return, their object beinj to carry him to j the stake. He was too cautious and escarped ; them. His associate in' the work of translating, John Frith, did return and was martyred for his devotion to the truth. , Tyndalo was at length caught near Autwerp by sk 'emissary cf King Ileurj.and execut ed on the charge of heresy. j The following literal version of tba Lord's Prayer, t;iken from this first English Translation. " is interesting as a specioien ofour tongue in that " day, showing! the vast change for thq better through which it has passed within the last- thret iccnturies : - ; , . v j ' : j ! " . "Ouro Ftlicr fhich arfe in hcven, halowed be thy name Let thy kingdom coma. Thj wyll be fulfilled, as well in erth, -as hit ys iu heven. Geve vs this diyo oure dajly breads. And forgeve vs bue trcaspSsIs, even as we for geve them which trr-a?pa3, vs. Leede vs-not into temptacion , ha fdely vre vs fro:n p'ell. Amen." The first English edition of tho whole Bible , ,was published by $lict Covcrd-lc, In the year . 1535. EveVin.thoc few yeirs theorthograrb7 had passed through favorably change?, thong. . still very .awkwaid aud quaint. The following ' verse Gen. 20th chapter and 32d rcrte is taken literatim from his translation r j ' uBut when the Lordo sawe that .Lea- was nothinge regarded, he made(j her fruteful and Rachel barren. Add Lea coneeaved and bare a sonne whom alio called Kuben, and savde: the Lorde hathSoked upon mine adrersitie. ; Noir wyll my hushande love me. ' Little and. Mean' A Washington dLpaUh says. - Special orders No. 149, just issued from the War Department, directs that Hospiul Stew ard W. P. Taney, United States Army, be dis charged from the service of. the United States, from July 1st, 1869. Taney, it wiji be remesv bered, was married to Miss Annie Surratt a Xcrm days since." ' , "L .l lJ. ' Ttsa anvrnment murdered Miss Surratt mother, and now it attempts 'to start her hus band. Prettjrjneau. . 73-4 wpd E- IL WITHERS, C. S, C June 14, 18C9, ( 1 c T ' - - 1 : y " . ; ; ' i