: - : t . ; j -' . i . ; I : i " ' ' , j! lM M '.' ! ; ' ' . ii , -j . T : " . .1 f - " ; . i I. .';-.! ;-; i- ! I v! M . i .1 .i' . : 1 H -i -"'!'- v ! ! 4 1 HV.f.: : ;'"-' . ' !; '' ' ; '!' ' 1 L. .1 ;l. :-,' ; -My j. v ''.riM . " j 1, 1 ' ji" ' 1 ; ' 1 ..i',"' i' ' ' I ' ' ' i ' ' i 1 ; 1 ' ''!'''''''' -' ' j ' ' ' ' ' ' - ' HJj; Ji 1 .1 ibS EoifoR and Proprietor. Ttrint of Subscription Threk Dollabs, in adTanee. -' N.'. :c.' TUESDAY;1 JULY 1869 EIGHTEENTH T0LIHIE---N U J B E H 880. CHARLOTTE, 20, i - i THE "W"estexix Democrat j rrBtI?IIED BT , WILLIA1I J. YATES, Editor and Proprietor. Tcrjis- TLrcc Dollars per annum in- advance. A" Ivfrti'mcnt3 will le inserted iat ; reasonable rate3. or in accordance with contract. Obituary notices of over fire lines in length will be cnargeu lor at advertising rate?. r . ' 4 Robert Gibbon, M. D., . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Tryon Street, Charlotte, X. C Office and Residence, one tloor eoutb old State Bank, (formerly Wm. Johnston's residence). ; - Jan 1. y ' S ' J. P. McCombs, M. D.r OSTers his professional services to the citizens of Charlotte and surrounding country. All culls, both nijrht and day, promptly attended to. : ' . Uflice in Urowu's building, up btairs, opposite the Charlotte Ifotel. ' ' , , Oct -i, lho8. DR. E. C. ALEXANDER,, Having locate 1 in Charlotte, ha opouiI an office in l'arks lltill'Iinjr. oppo-ite the Charlotte Hotel, whore J if can he tVtiMi-l when not professionally engaged. May ::i, I Si-.'.i Tmpd T Dr. fjOHN i H. McADEN, Wliolcsalo arid Retail Druggist, l CHARLOTTE, IV. C, Via m if:nd a iar ail well selected stock f PURE IKL"US, t aeniicai.". I'atcnt Mehcines, 1'amily Modi c;nes Piiiuti. Varni.-hen, lye Stuffs, .Fancy and Toilet Articles which he ia deterniined to sell at the Terr lowest r.rjcea. Jan 1, nnt. WM. M. " SHIPP, A T T O It X C Y A X L, A W Charlotte, N. C, Orncr ix Dewet's Bank BriLnixo. Not. V, tf ALEXANDER. & BLAND, f Dentists, Charlotte, N. C, "Will wait on ?irtiesin city or country whenever their prvi"e ni-y te ol. ! Teeth extracted without pain. Ga administered. i Ornre in BroviTsdJuilding. Hours from 8 A. M. t IV 3t. - . ' . M.nrch 8. U J. C. MILLS, ATTOinKV AX Lt A w , Charlotte, .N. C, t "Win prrrtiee in t!jc Courts of North Carolina and in te rnitel Mates Court. tl.Sce abjv- the Store of Elias & Cohen, oppo the Charlotte Hotel. ' June 2, J'-' Gmp l . ! ite Hutchison, Burroughs & Co., .Griiftul L:Je 'tin I Fire. Inuranre A'jcnls, Office on Trade Street, Chahlotte, N. C. ; Sept. 7, IKS. ! i ; Watch and Clock Mik3r, AN p DEALER IX j JEWELIir FIXE WATCHES, CLOCKS, WdfcA Mjtfritih, Specbtrlfs, ,yf. Aug. 10, i;t. CHARLOTTE, V Tho City Book Store, i j lLtik'tn li'tiioi fd n I. Ijovrie$ Otd Stand, : One door below its former location. ETtrybwly is inritcd to call and examine our -.Stock, which coniits in part of a large assortment of School, Rdigious and Miscellaneous Books, Blank a;i I !'. Wall Paper. Blank and . Printing V l r. and all articles usually, kept iu a i firi't-rlj Booli Stnre. j Our rr.injrenicnt with Publishers arc 5iich that I we receive all the NMV WORKS of popular authors as soon a puMib"Vl. 1 Our prices are a Iof a. any otlier BuokscIicr! iu the State. , I . ,' - i Jan 4, If-iO. - WADE 4 G CNN ELS. J. Y. BRYCE & CO., General Commission Merchants j CHARLOTTE, X. C. Particular attention paid to the felling of all kinds cf Pm hicv) Cotton an 1 Tobacco. ' j H:gliet cah price paid for Cotton, eth-," All' orders from a distance promptly attended t. " J. V. BRYCE. .March 5; 1S3. W. II. BRYCE. A. HALES. I Watchmaker and Jeweler, XTt Door t tit Dftnocrat 'fr, CHARLOTTE, N. C. If your "Watch necls Repairing, Don I 'get laa I and c to swearing; Jii-t take iinto HALES shop. He nil! tix it o it will hot stop. ! He wirr.n: hi work all for a year. . i Whffiit i ufed with proper care. ' He vtill do it as low as it can bo dhct , ' At.!nt.. It fo Trc.'t it's sure to run. J'.nuxry 1. l'.'J y i NEW GOODS!! I m r.-rin'f Vaw firiftd everv weiu and am I eri'uiu-.l not to be undersold by any " Give ne a c?U t.cfvre buviui. V. Grk.XWELU : . . Coffee! Coffee ! ! Jst.i, L.igu vra and Rio CwfTect all prudes at I . M AXWELL'S, Parks' Bail l.u. t j . i P ' Sugar lrrn i ,0 20 cents per pound br retail, at ..." j MAXWELL'S, Parks' Building. Tobacco and SnuiT. Lea V To? and Lorillard's Snuff alwavs on MAXWELLS. knn l at T Confectioneries, Toys, &c. T'! Iirft stock iu the City. Call mid examine for J'ir!it. D: G. MAXWELL, May H, sVX Parks Building QUERY : Ic receiving daily his Spring Stock of Millinery, Trimmings, &c, &c, bich Le the Ladies and the public generally, ieall and examine. . - .I-TMIIS. QUERY i prepared to serve her uJa with tho 1 LATEST STYLES! In BONNETS. HTS, DRESS-MAKING, Ac. lav I We have Ion believed tJiat the Weekly Press of the United States wielded the "chief in fluence, and moulded and controlled public sen timent, and in this re haye merely shared the opinions of older and more experienced journal if is; ana so iar as our own ctaie is concerned we knflw tnis is trie case. uonsequentiy the con- ductorsof the Weekly Press of -North Carolina occupy an important position in society and one not to be abused, but which demands of thenva diligent, earnest and faithful discharge of duty; lot me newspaper is alter all tne the educator ot youth, the preceptor ot age, and the custodian of the morals of the community. Goldiboro' Jfefvjijer. , r " j i .' Fres"h Cakes and Candy, I have secured the services f a First Class Baker, and will keep constantly on hand a full assortment of t;KtS AU CAMJ1 warranted fresh and nice Baking every day. Orders filled at short notice. Weddings and Parties furnished at short notice. I also manufacture plain and fancy Candies.,: Feb. 22, 1SGU. ; D. M: 1UGLER. Canned Fruits, &c. ; Freh Peaches, Tine Apples, Tomatoes, Peas and Corn. Tickles by the uuzeu vr gallon at 1st Feb 22, 1). M. R1GLERS. Llodern j . IMPROVED LIBERALISM. r ntend Painting as cheap as any man can, to do well. Houe, Slsn and Ornamental Painting, and rresooerng.Lhurehe, Dining Boom, Parlor?, Halls, 4c.. done in the latest and most improved - and ele gant style. THEUl'JlELUS JOHNSTON, " Charlotte, X. C, j P. O. Bo jlOl.' j RtrKUEXCEs Hon 7. B Vance, lJ Y Bryce & Co., ?icnlioue, Macaulny & Co., J II IcAdeu, Rev E J Ieynurdie. J ates. Feb 1, 1800. - 6m Como to Beattie's lord, N. C. i The undersigned beg leave to inform their numer ous irieuu ana tne public at larce. that they are receiving more t I i I ! New Goods, ij And keep constantly on hand the largest and best assorted stock than any other store in the country, all of which they offer at prices that cannot be un dersold wholesale or retail. ; f i I Como to Beattie'i Ford! If you want to saVe money we"are determined to'sell. Ct LP, CONNOR & CO., Jjne 2S, m7J t.w ' .J L j FRFSII ARRIVAL OF China, Crockery and Glass, Ware- ! V JAMES HARTY, j (Next 1oor to tue Cocrt Hocse,). I. juf receiving a very large stock of China, Crockery and Glass Ware, Together with a good assortment f House-keeping Articles, consisting of Knives and Forks, Spoons, Ca3to;s. Butter Prints LrllejTTrt, Churns, Buck ets, Bread Trays', Rolling Pins, Steak Beaters, Tea Kettles, Stew Pans, Gridirons, &e.' I Oct 1 80S. JAMES JIARTY. BINGHAM SCHOOL, IIUBANEVILLB, N. C WM. BINGHAM, ROBT. BINGHAM, W. B. LYNCH. The .Session of 18G9-'70, begins 2"th of August and contiuues forty weeks. I The coui-sc of instruction includes the ordinary Enjjlih branches, the Anpicnt Languages, .French, Mathematics, Book-Keepiog and the elements of Natural Science. j Hxpenses iuelnding Tuition, Board, Books,! Fuel, Washing and Clothing. -"Jtlo. ( ireulsirs sent on application June 21, lbK Ow TO HOUSEKEEPERS. Spices ! Spices ! ! Just received a lot of .fine ENGLISH SPICES of very superior quality .to anything ever offered in this lunrkrt. in if ' ' j N UT.M EG:?, CLOVES,' if' 1 I MACE.! GINGER,, SPICE, BLACK an 1 WHITE PEPPER. Ao., &c. 'At i i ( F. SCARRS April 12, ltrtO. i I Drug Store 1 t . Sewing Machine Depot. You will find lor salt at the above Depot, 22 Tryon Street. Charlotte, N. C, Ihe celebrated "COMMON ,SLNSE SEWING AIACIIINES:' that are becoming o popular . throughout tlie counirj-, combining all (t he Litest improvements of under-feed and upright Spool-Holder. Trice onlr SI . r . , Also, the "BUCK-EYE AND HOME SHUTTLE MACHINES." price $20.. . . Extra Needles for sale. .Agents wanted every where. ; I , W. S. IIALTOM & CO, June 14, 1SO0. Cm j j BLUE STORE! BLUE STORE!! K. KOOP XI A If It Has just received and opened I his beautiful stock of Spring and Sumrner Goods. ( I have a full line vf Ladies'; Dress Goods, consist sng in part of Mozambique?,- Poplins. Lenos Organ- lic. Granadines, Piques, Marseille.-, Delanes; Lawns, dialleys, Chinti!, and every style, of Prints, &c. ilardwaro aiid ! Groceries. S.Vnd everything kep.t in a first-class Establishment Mav P.. IfiOfi. B. KOOPMANN, Catawba Valley Land Company. I Havins : been elected President of the Catawba Valley Land Company, chartered by the Legislature L'f Nortli Carolina at Us last Session, 4,lortne purpose r.f f.iciliatin!r the Sale of Lands and other Real Es tate, and the more jpredy development of the Agri j u'.tural. Mineral aiid Manufacturing resources of the jitate," I hereby give noticejto the community at large, t hat it he Books of said Company are now open fothe entry of Farming Lands and other Real Es tate, to be dispose! of byjaid Company .by Certifi cate. The Company will not deal fn any other than Landed Property or Real Estate, and it is our pur pose to dispose of all the Real Property that may be entrusted to us, at fair prices and upon fair and honorable terms. i t ' A small fee of Two Dollars will be required of fverv one upon entering their Land on our Books for sde. I WJ F, DAVIDSON, j June 14, j President C. V. L. Co. HIRAM BALLARD, l General Commission Merchant, j 37 Ilr Street, X W YORK, For the sale of Dried and Green Fruits, Wool, To bacco. Cotton, Egg. Beans, Teas, Flour, Grain and all kiuds of Southern productions. . ! My long experience in the Commission Bneiness enables me to sell goods without delay for the highest market prices. - , t . $ .... - " .1 Cah advanced n consignments. Sales promptly made, fiend for price current and marking plate., i j June 2!, IfcCi) 6m I - Quantity of Seed. We copy the foHowfnK table from VWardrops Catalogue of Vegetable, Field and Flower Seeds' showing the time -of sowing field seeds indquan- - j tity for an acre : Time of Sotting, j ySeed per Acre Clover, white, spring find arry in falij- 4; td 6 quarto. 6 Timothy, 6td7 i' Orchard Grass, 2 bushels. Lawn. . :. " ; - 2 Rye, 9 n I( Wheat, litblbush Corn, 7 quarts. Broadcast 44 -Broom, : 1 4 bushels. Buckwheat, June and July, Lucerne, spring and early in fall, Barley, f - mT v ) ' Rye grass, i At it Oats, - J " Field Peas, " i AVhite Beans; i Mangel Wurtzel, Sugar Beet, I Carrot, . Ruta Baga, and other Turnips, J Cost of a trip' around the i . If the main route which we have IS followed, a traveler startin Ndw York in! June and inn rn pvi n S westward Southern Kurope iu about twelve months, hav- j the other side of iheglobe. Full and explicit iniorumtion in regaru to tne .cost ot a iQurney cannot be given, but the following general state- ineut. will cuabie.to estimate the probable amount required for farei at gold rates, i; Let it be re niombered that the statement will not jincluda the cost of living while on Jand, jneitheri wUl it include the many trifling sumsj' which in the aggregate amount to a good deal given to port- eis and coolies: New York to San Francisco (est.) 100 fean t rancisco to fehanghae, Ilauk&w and return, Sharighae to Ilong Kong, To Canton. ijMacao and return. 300 100 70 30 Ilong Kong tk Calcutta via Ceylon, 350 Calcutta to Dijlhi, ! Return to Allahabad, Allahabad to Bombay, Bombay to Suez, Suez to Marseilles, Marseilles to Loudon, ' Loudon to New York, 24 10 20 B00 96 20 120 Total 51,534 Excursions to I'ektn and Batavia are not in eluded m the above estimate, but on the other hand the full amount charged by the peninsular and Oriental Company to Calcutta, by way of Ceylon is included. If the Burmah r( ute is taken, the fare will be about the saine, but if the direct line to Singapore is taken,! it will bo 8100 less. The estimate is based on the supposition ; that the traveler i will return ft-omj Delhi to Allahabad, aud proceed thence to -Bombay, in stead of going oil to Lahore and down the Indus! to Burachce, and thence to Bombay. It the last named route is taken, 6100 must be added to- the amount a already summed up . DR- WILSON'S SCHOOL, CHARLOTTE, N. C. I Exercises will be resumed on the 0th! of August.! Terms for tfession'of 20 weeks &'2i for English and S.frtr (:I.issicl imrl llifrh Alathematicalicourse. fcons of Clergymen and bona fide candidates for the Ministry, taught! gratuitously j and speciaf terras made for promising boys in indigent circumstances A few good boys taken to Doaru witn rrancipai upon moderate terms. ; Others placed iri good fann-t lies and under his supervision. ! ! ! JNO. M ' ! July 5, 1869 WILSON,' Jr., Principals j. ii.: noiiNER's Classical & Mathematical Schoolj j ; OXFORD, ,-N.iC. -The Fall Session will open the Fourth Monday in July. The Spring Session, the first Monday uary. ' I j i I The AVintcr Vacation will not exceed three n Jan- kveeks so t hat students neil not be at the expn$cif return in or home before; the close of the Spring Session The clmrire for board and tuition has beenreduced to oue hundred arid twenty-five dollars. Oxford, N.'CJ, June 28, 18G9: 5w R. nJ Graves' School, GRAHAM, Nl C. Course- of instruction- Classical, Scientific and Practical. ' M ; ' " ' - I ; - I- - For Board and Tuition 20 weeks, from $81' to SllO, as per Circular to be-sent on application. i Julvo. 18C9! 3w. . IR. I1 GRAVES. , . , . k H Alexandriana AcademyJ MCKLMSUHU CULiSTlj The exercists of the 4th term; under he auspices of! A. J. IIARKtSOX, logins July 10th, 18$9. and ends December 7th.- Charges madefroni time' of eh- trance incur as lonows Classics .......L. .1.... ' lllisrher Enclish..... $15 P0 12 50 Primary Eujrlish. ......... ....J...... Board from $8 to' $11 per month K) Also. In the same neighborhood, on -the "same day!,! in the basement of Temperance j Hall, at Schcjol will; be; opened for Misses and little boys, by MissUlattie, Harrison, who comes highly recommended, and who1 haffe had some experience iu the business . Patronage respectfully solicit euj T UIT ION 1 1 i eh er EDgli sh. .. j. .1 J. .$1000 Primary English .4 ..U." T OO Sciences!. J... 2 50H Board as abovej .. ... For further particulars address, 1 . I I r ! . -r A. J. : HARRISON. Care of Brcm, Brown :& Co. Charlotte, X. CI Julv 12. 18G0 I I 3w T r ' - Edge wortlr Female Seminar27. Tl.o niit silnn will roRirtence on the first Mon dav of September The entire expense oi ueara ana Tuition will be from 5iw 10 no, ipwu mau-t vanee. Each boarder will; find her own lights and tfttt-els. and also a pair of sheets ana piUdw cases. J ' ,r. M.! M.'-CALImiELL, i -T,,riA 5fl isfii) - 1m r ! Greensboro, rs. lt. 4- ! Concord Female College The year is divided into two terms, one of 16 and one of 24 weeks. The next term will begin the 1st qi September next, and jena tne zza or iiecerooer, tfnard. Room. Washine and 1 Fuel, $15 per. months Tuition from $2 50 to 5, according to class. Music, Drawing and Painting, extra, as low as any ocuooi f the same erade. Each boarder to furnisn ncr J i;,ki. tnwph rI.ppIs and cillow cases. Pay ments half in adTance. i - For further information, addree ;: I i j ' .' E. F. ROCKWELL. Jnlv S. 1S9 Swpd ! 1 . FtatesTille, N cil &;td " 3 to . 1 ! - 1 ' ' i It 80 i ftrs. J If ta2 bushels i n it " 2 to 3 t( lji j ' , 4 pounds. V I to U lbs. i .: World. ' r : indicated I from New York may reach I Subjeci of I the Laws on ' the! FnutlDistmlngvn Every person intending to distill brandy from apples and grapes, exclusively, belpre entering upon the business, must L i j f 1st. Register their;; stills With: the assistant assessor of the division in which they reside, as provided in section 5, act of I July 20th ' 18GS The assistant assessors are provided with! the i, t f i h j I had on application. 2d. Notice must be sriverii in writinfr; to the assessor of the district, statins the name and place of residence of the person or persons intend ing to engage in distijling, and the! place; where said business is to be carried on ; also, the kind of stills ' and the cubic contents thereof : the number and kind of boilers, mash and fermenting tubs, and a description of the lot or tract of jland on which the distillery is situated ; the size securities, td be approved by the assessor,! m the , . i . ' e" !rt I j'x- "i'Li the party or parties will faithfully1 comply -with all of the requirements of the) law relating to dis tillation! -i : ,.; 1 4th. A survey must be made of the premises where the distillery is situated, by the assessor, i 1 at'the expense of the Lfnited fetates otn. sign with the woras "iteg V A TV tillery" upoti it must be placed on ihe outside of the building! where the distillery is situated. Cth. A book or books must be kept in orm prescribed by the Commissioner o Internal - 1 Revenue forj.the entry kf the aiiwnnt: of mas; h or wort used daily for distillation f "also the ainbunt of proof spirits produced daily, j :l - ! ' 7th. Returns must 1 be' made monthly td the assistant assessor of the' amount q?- spirits pro duced and the tax paid at th'e time) of return.'" tillery until the game is inspected and racd" uml , O.LI. 11U CLMlllO 1 VUU UC U1U.VUIU llOIll IliC U1S the tax paid stamps affixed to aires containinir the sDirUs br lan officer desi2 nated.fbr tjiat purpose.1- M ! l' ' , 9th A special tax of j fifty, dollars is imposed on all distillers.of ifruit-ho distill one hundred And fiftv barrels or less rer annum i also, a tax of At uu luuiJiuicu two dollars per day while in operation. ! ' All blanks and forms necessary to comply with the -above can be had on- application to t ne pro- per omce.; , Suicides ---The statistics orsuicides in Ensr- land duripg tho nvfi vfiars hpo-inninor .innnnrv 1st, 1863, and ending January 1st;, 11868, have recently been! published.!.;-'' Tihe!toital number of deaths from jthat cause was 6,696 ; j the principal r modes of. self-destruction were fby hanging, Seed ! Corn. With reference! to: seed corn, select the middle of the ear to the excli lusion of its on the the ends, fori though the corn that jgrow end3tf the cop, if ripened, s as good as J that which grows in the middle of the, ear, yet it is more iikoly to be i unfavorably affected by the season, J5 The J disease, known 'to the ancients as the inhabi- leprosy, is making sad havocjamong tants or - the fcanuwict Islands rrti ' ' i ! i n is scourire attacks old, middle aged and young of both sexes. In one group may be seen an' aged woman, eta! wart man iu the prime of life.) the! ciil in hor teens, the schoolboy and siiooiooy ana enna or j lour years oi i In ..'ii i-ii n I ni i age, all bear ing tne distinctive ana ncv-er to be forgotten marks of leprosy. The ears of one are swollen, another's minds are deformed, the fin gers being Irawn into the. palms of. the hands aud one orjmore joints gone from each' finger, while another's face is so swollen and disfigured irks ox lenrosv. Li tie ears ot one are that his1 own friends "find it hard him. There: is no cure for this horrible afflic tion. Its victims are all sent to iari islanjd de voted entirely to their occupation, !au!d are icom- pelled to remain there until dpatji.j ; ,uYoucan'do anythinif yoa hare patience, saia an oia his nephew, iuncle. -who had made a; fortune, to l . .- , - - T A T c one. . v .arer can .be carrie u in a sieve.i u you oniy ;w aic. 'llow long?'' asked the petulant spendthrift, who was impatient for the old man's obituary. 'Till it freezes ! was thexold reply. Fire Screens and Window, ShacLes A lot of Ffrc Screens ! and Windok Shadesj just received and, for sale by I I j WADE & GUNNELS, JuneT, 1869. At the City Book Store. Improved Fruit Jars, ; Entirely of Glass, the safest, simplest and best, j"?t received and! for sale by NISIJET & BROl, June 28, 18G9. under I Democrat Office Itch! Itch!! Itch!!! I Camp Scratches, Itch, Salt Rlieuln',1 Tetter, and all such diseases, cured by'"' -',- i".- ''., 'i W -. !- - Burton's - itch Ointment, Which is free from any disagreeable j smell, and can be used by all ages. : . . Sold in Charlotte by j i ' ' 1 I ; j KILGORE CUHETON, Springs' Corner. July 5,: lir. - ': . . - : ' ! : . Wheati i- -M:T BUSHELS WHEAT WANTED; for which ; we will pay the highest market price. ' : : " i I ;. .- -! U : I ' u ' . ' rSTEN HOUSE, MACAULAY & CO. Jnly 5. ' . : 'A ;j . ;,.,:i.f ' 'HOTICEL:;Mf.!!i :M.i 1 , r All ; persons having - claimsj against the Estate of John Elms', deceased; are hereby notified to present the same to ihe-undersigned" as the law directs-,' or this notice w3! bu pleaded in barf Itheir recovery. : l"i TJ- l-- TtT 'FT Af Q ! lnonU. ! 'f -Jnly 5,-1809- 4wpd j . I j H-H Dissolution of Copartnership. f The. firm pf ! B. RJ SMITH & CO J was dissolved by mutual consent on the first day Hf January 1 1869 B. R, SMITH withdrawing1: i jj;r f j S-r f Hereafter he Boot and'Shoe businegi will ;be con ducted bj S.. P. SMITn &; CO.. at thtoldi stand, whereby striet attention to business and fair dealing they hopejtoiinerit a continuance of the liberal pat ronage bestowed on ihe old firm. r 1 ; rH- : fc The business of the old concern .will rbe settled bv either of the undersigned. -J tL:' ,.' j A -;- -j. j B. R. SMITH, in witJxdra.wing from the Boot and Shoe business, takes occasion to return hia acknowl edgments for the liberal support and confidence be stowed on'him heretofore, and trusts that in the new field in which he is about to engage, be will, by deal inv nn ih Wrnn,re." command the same in an .in creased degrets. i I - 8-1 ; June 21, 1S-J3 , j . B- P. SMITH, R. SMITH. Synopsis of nTfl nxr 'nftincr thA fhmnt I nxr HrVirrn- ! Tu.icrmnf. jinn'fnfcrr nt. tho AYOfnfinn Khali iijiva ing, 1,115 ; by poison, 671, and by jfirearnis,288. eflect from the lirue'l)r1 the filing of the appeial. i&4i4-Lk"iati f.P w-hf r-1 h'orh''iimltT-in the-'-ado Supreme- Court General Rules of Practice in the Supreme Court i of North Carolina, adopted June Term, 1869. 1 I. Appeals, will be docteted ' for their proper uisirics in me oraerj in wmca in et papers are filed with the" perk. :j jp.. l? ; U - :- II. The Clerk will; docket no eppeat in a civil I i action,! unless it appears that the aprellanf has in the voMt below, an undeTtakini payable - ll-L Ut.t . f . ta the appeUee, w thi sumeient surety, and in a suflffcient sum .for the payment of all costs which may be adjudged against him in the! Court ; or has made a debosit iq lieu of such undcrtaking j or- unless, byvleave of; this rCourt, h!e shall fib such an undertaking! Or make such dlejposit Vith th CyrAheet " This rule shall appjjy,-notwithstanding a4 aPP?al bond shall be waiVed by! the appellee. j f.-il - rt'' ;-4 V-' i' r 1U ttt'J:ti, 1 ojl Jnd' Qow JhaH have,; allowed tl isc: ant. to appeal as a' paupec, or,- 2d.J where" the 'ij1 r- iiiiJ :'o-.--i I " i wuere an oiucer oi me oiate is uie appellant, m his capacity as such, and the interest of the State alone ii concerted. r ' ' '' '.. '-j-'' : -j IV., Appeals froma cothaty in which a Court shall bd ; held jjdi iring i' -erin; of this Court, if filed before thexniratio' of the time assigned to the Bistrici, will i bk called during that week, if not I.J iJil.i'i' !' it:L :il l .11. 3 i ,1. J .:. j I ult:t4 uJi itu.c, nwy villi uc laucu ui, vu cuu ofthe dockets Vl The Judicial Districts shall be arranged and assigned in the following order : - v"! i 1st week 2d ! First; and Second Districts' ' tl I- il " l . T-i- r. . -' i ...-( " -' roartn ana rmn -ttj- -Third and Seventh . -Eilhih-and Ninth" . Tenth and Eleventh Twelfth and Sixth 4th 6th Gth A-- VI. The cases! from 'each District will be called fa their proper prde if either arty is, not ready, the case hiaf s be put to tht cnd ot the eauft sKown, die cail0,(11Ii inat place, ;otnerwiiv tne nrst caii is peremptory. In likejj manner, coent, or for cause, a case niayjbe uJto the enjil!ie docket or continued, lr no; counsel pr i r ; m -.- ; . is ; , . i- lt jf ., : party at the nrst call, the ezs&V:r$i to the to the tlhtf end of khe District, and if nonS second pall, it will be: continued, f&r VII; Gases not-prosecuted for. Hfchhs will be disniissed at the ticbfHhe appottat, unless continued for( cansj yix(H liberty; however, to oifbn-r : 'rwrtv In Vj'i'k.--vt'lo f fbo' rvn-r-f. rtrrW in fu. instate jit; or aft'etwiartls upon -sufficient 'caused VIII. The appellant ia entitled to open ana conclude the atumeipt 1 IX. jW heir &i 'appeal shall be taken after the commencemenf oa term or this Court, the ption or this.-! rule, was the case or Jrurlev vs Lec 1'U and MiGd; for the dea of allowing a judgment iir a case which in fact was not tried below until after. the commencement of a term of this Court, to relate'back and take, effect from the first day of the .term was outof the question.' ViTe are relieved from this aifficultjr by Whifaker vs. Wesley 74, E. V.L. Uim decided in 1852, in which all the cases on the subject were fully re viewed aud the conchision is, "that -a mere form or fiction of law introduced for the sake of justice, shall "not work a wrong, contrary ! to the real truth and substance of. the thing." We consider hti'lt ir v.s.- L At.p.iAe( Jn ;1ftMj3V nvpr.riilrl hv I i "- r' r V t .; www , w . , the aUtfcority !and! rdxsoniug of this case. The judgments of thid Cdbrt Vas- between themselves j :A 'JJ..L!L ..'.. j r.i.! auu wiLiquii reiereuce io tue juuguiuu ui uiugr Courts) .relate to! and take effect from the nrst day lof the term i except in the case above re- ferred to, in such cases the judgment takes eflect from the filing of the! record of appeal. .1 ! . X. The Clerk bf this! Court will keep a judg- ment aqeset," witn an aipnaueticai muex ox j. me 1 J I i ' -11 '1 i- V - uaiuus ui i lie uuiuuuanis. i ju una uumcii ...OF will enter a brie memorandum of every final . Court affecting the right to of Jevery-judgment requiring, judgment of this real property, and in whole or m parathe y payment of money: fctatini; the named of the parties, the term of the judgmej)tj .itsnumbci on the docket of the term, and if f jr the. paymept ofmouey, the amount of the judgment ; ai d, when ft shall appear from the return fori an exe.ution or from an order for an eutry of satisfaction by this Court, that the judg ment has been' satisfied m whole'or in part4 the Clerk, at theireqvkestlof any person interested in such entry, and on piiyment of "the lawful fee, shall make a memorandum'of the time of euch Satisfaction, whetheil in whole or in pari. I and reier urieuy to tne evjuence oi it. j t .XI. Executiops roin this Court may be directed to the proper officers of any county iu the State ; the manner of their teste is prescribed iu Rule IX preccdibg; ttt the request bf; the pariy p whose fayqr, execution is, it may be made returnable joa in y! specified day "after the commencement of the; term df this Court next ensuing its teste. In the absence of such re quest executions shalj be made returnable on the first dajy of the ternl next jensuing their teste; and on j motion, fo r special cause, execution may be takeju out during. he term. ! : XIIJ The Court jfvill nbt regard any agree ment nllcged bet?reetii Attorneys or Counsel un less it Be admitted orlshall be in writing and filed XIII Memdrand of - TjleadinM will not be received in this Cout as pleadings, even by con sent of 'parties, but will be "disregarded as frivil- rm rir' im-nArtinprif. I t i 1 V l . J ous or impertinent, On motion- of eithef party, or in a gross case, bf its own moUoh, tlefC6uit will refer it to the Clerk, or to some member of the lir, to report whether pleadings in a' cause are s eandalous and impertinent, and if they be found so, the Court will! orider ,.;tfie tscanal or impertinence to be stricken out at the cost' of the party. ' j ; ' XV A motion td dismiss an appeal, for want of-notie, of the appeal, can! only bo made at or before ihe calling of he cause.- On the hearing of sucH motion, the notice bust be shown, or be shown to have been received. Notice will not be presumed merely because the appeal appears to have been taken daring; a term, of the Court. ; XVI. Any prtyl.within. two terms after a judgment in j this Court, may file a petition' to have the cause reheard1 upon any matter of law. To such' petiiio,a shall be attached a" certificate signed; by two Counsellors of this Court, who did not appear in the cause at its first hearing, stating their opinion thaf the judgment was erroneous the easks-or pack- lVm?lch DY consen.t.pror cau sKown, an . , , 1 . t must-alsaLappear that the lodgment has been performed, ortialitrforniajicehajbeen properly secured ; or some BuScient cause muft be shown for uispensinj:! with! these conditions. Such petitions must also assign the ertora com plained of. XVII. Appeals from judgment rendered tta or more days before the commancementof a term of this CVurt, most be filed within the first eight days of the teriii; or before tjhe calling of the district to' which) the ase belongs, otherwise they will be continued until tho next term. " :;'.;...:, . J ' f ! ' - , : Bad Penmanship. ' 1 . To write a, bad hand may scmetimet be a ttgu that a wa' has risen injtho world, inasmuch M sdme.'gueat.meti hato- Ttrrittcn; more" and mora illegibly the higher tey roso to distinction. Napoleon I. wrote well enough when he was a pupil at tho military school of Brienne, but his signature after he became Emperor of the French was as scratchy as 4 William the Conqueror, hia mark." llufus Choate, Jwhen Jja schoolboy, was never flogged by his wrtting teacher, 'for which very reason,; perhaps, hs manuscript; after ho became an eminent lawyer anJ a United States Senator, looked as if he pad dipped, a spider ia the inkstand and then let it crawl over tiiepnge.' But, if sometimes a feign of greatness, bad pen manship ofteh leads to queer results, j Thus an angry letter of dismissal from jonc bf our great railway klnrs to !an eriirJlovefl served the latter as a free pass tor himself and family for a year: TVrrcshest case in 'pojtjit, however, turned out )ff . f luckily for the, party chiefly interested in it. 1 VTi'rX been tricf and fouud guilty. t:..rz : UU-UC2tUUt I uv nig Wt SVNIUU VI on Saturday last. The Judirqsaid that numer ous letters had been received y hiin testify in p: to the previous good characterjof the. accused, to his military service -and to litis wounds. " But one letter had.been received from Horace Orti. ly which he could not ntake- but, cn' account of its cramped illegibility. It might boa. request either to inflict the severest punishment on tho accused or to grarut hi3 discharge Atfoordingly without giving him the benefit of tho doubt. the' Judge actechon his own jtidgmcpt and sent the prisoner to tho City lYvsori for thirty daya. JVr.. Y.IIcrald. v - ;: -The Dandy and his Turkey.!. ".Chief Justice' ''Marshall was' in the habit of going to market himself, and carrying' honuy hit purchases. " Frequently" be irould. be "seen. 'at sunrise, with poultry in one hdfind and vegetable-" in the other. On one ol'thcscij occasions, a" fash ionable jTouug man from the North, who had re moved to llichmond, wa swearing violently bc cause he could find no one toif carry homo hii turkey. ; Matglirill stopped and! asked Jiiffl trlicfd he lived, and saidon being told, "That is on my way, and I will take i came to the house, th for tou." When ho youg man inquired. "What shall I pay you j the Chief Justice, "you my way, and no trouble. '"Who was that' polite home my turkey for mc " "Oh I nothing," aaiq are wflcomo: ' it waa.oa j '";(;''.'.". i old rijan that brought ?" Jn.inirnfl h Vrtilno " 1 - " - .-v J " man oi a ovstanuer. luatr replied he, Via John Marshall, Chief Justice" of the, United States." "Why did he nnng iomc my turkey VI "To give you a sevcro reprimaind; and to teach you to attend to your own bpsiness," '.-was th$ reply True greatness never feels above doing anything that is useful; jbut especially tho tn)d great man will never, feejabovje helping himself. His own independence o ' character denehds oa his being able to help h mself . pr. Iranlclioj when he first established himself in business in. Philadelphia, wheeled hbme the paper which ha purchased for the printing office, upon a wheal- Darrow, wun nis own nanus. ' THE fcEA ISLAND l.TOTTONI Crop, An ex and, South Caro- lina,- writes a letter to the Charleston Xews. jn which he saj s that there is marked irhproTement in the laboring population of 'the Sea ; IsIarxJa. Since the removal of thd FrectTmah's Bureau the freedman finds he has tc "rely upon hiajown ex ertions for a support, ana he works more cheer fuly, more contentedly andjj altogether . mora efficient. The systenj of labof is by contract for two days' work ou of every .week for land, in place of wages and rations" Some fbr thrcft days for laud arid ration! in place of warea, and s?me fur wages for the hoie ftimcj' at tins rata of a hundred dollars per year, tnd rations eqtlal to fifty dollars.1 The latter contract is in every respect the best both fori employer and employee; but the freedmen much prefer, the firft, as'i their jown disposal," but gives them more 'time at much less money in their pocVets in the end. The fine growiVg weathc r, with its hot and dry days, and heavy dews at night! which -wo, bay had for the p&st month, has cajused tho'crt-ps tf cotton to recover from i h effects of thfe cold spring, and is pushing t leni ripidly .fdrwird to a state of fruitf ulncss an J'prcrfaisc. " Massachusetts YvlmmQK LAvy." Tha 3Iassachnscits Statecr.;; (alld areattcmptmg io enforce tho ncv prohibic -rv If nuor iaw th rougti- out the Male, iTiii t-roui ic is ilea If a 10 BfitlH o the larger places. The bciinldjcs under 'the law are heavy ; 'for a' single sale 2i is 810 fina'aod from twenty to thirty dais' iijjprisonnient ; for a second violation ?2J and frtlir thirty.' to sixty days' imprisonment, and for any subsequent uo- lation u ana 'rom-three tA six montn' im prisonment, with an" cxtjra'pionth in each case when the fine is not paijJ. I jf he .keeping with an intent to sell is punished by SIO ,fioe and twenty days' imprisonment. -jpThe. seller ia liable for all damage done by the tuyet and drinker, while drunk, and any person arrested for druni ennes3 can v escape prosecuf ion - by appearing; ? s a witness against the man or whom nqpnxchasca his liquor. . . . Heaven helo the ma l an whl ,i unagtnei hecsJi dodge enemies by trying to please ,eTe7body; Other people nave a right lo their opiniotr33 have you; don't fall into the error cf yit&P2 they will respect you moio for turning jonr coat every day to match the colors of "theirs.? Vear your own cojorin spite of wind orweaUicrstorm or sunshine." It costs the Tc!!Lttin and irrcsor lute ten timea the trouble to wind, tbuCo, and twist, that jt does lnnesl, rcHiily wudcne0 Jo stanfl,itf grouDa. t , J