Nil. J' I A;i - editor awd-pRopaiKToa. CHARLOTTE, N. C., TUESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1 1869. Trnm o 5uirH'(4on-fT a rtr Dox-iass, i advance,. EICIITEENTn VOLUJIE K DUB E B. S82. ' 31 ' I s .-- .- - s - i t - n . i . - i . - i i ,7. "Western 33 emocrat ' j " , ! PCBLI-HED BT ' "! "' -' '.' ' WILLIAM J. YATES, Editor and Proprietor. Txxu s Three Dollars pr annum in advance. .Advertisements .jvill -be inserted... at .reasonable -rates, er "in accordance with contract. . : Obituary notices of over five lines In leneth will e cnargea lor. au .advertising rates. . j ' Robert Gibbon,. M. D., . ! PHYSICIAN AND SUItGEON, Tro Street, CJimlottr, X. C.,' Oici unl Uejjl nee. one dopr feiitb old State Bank (for'a.rriy "f w. J jiir.t:cns red lence). Jan !. IH5S. . -: y i . . ' .-" -' :.., . 7 J. P. lilc Combs, M. D., OJers proftai'Ieuil services to Cbi'rlatie and surrounding country. the. citizens, of All calls, both ni'it and Uy, prur.pcly aUendcd to. . o:W in Urown's Uiiliifg, uputairs, .opposite the J " t5- Hot I. . v DR. E. C. ALEXANDER, IfiTi.ij Ir.citrd in Chirlcttp, La opened au office in pj.jki 15u.l linr. opposite the Charlotte Hotel, where lc cm lit f.Jin htn not profesionallj engaged. Miy Dr. JOHN H. McADEN, Whoiesalo and Retail Druggist, CHARLOTTE A C, , , . n hard a large aad well selected stoek of TURE (homical. Patent Medicines, Family Medi i.V !, Painu. Oil. Varnis-hcs. Dye Stufl, Fancy and r-i!--r Article, which he is determined to sell at the wtrj low iL-t prices. ' , I' WE M. SHIPP, ATTOUXKY AT L. A W , Charlotte, N. C, Office is 1wey"s Bavjc Bcildiso. Not- I, 1S tf T ALEX AND E R & BLAND, Dentists, Charlotte, N. C, ! Will wait on parties in city or country whenever their i sertice may oe to.Kiica. Te?ik extracted without rain Gas administered. I titSce iu firo-vn s CuiMirg. ' to 5 P. M. March 8, 1S10. Hours from 8 A. M. J. C. MILLS, A X X O ' U C V AT. ImA XV , ! Charlotte, N. C, I Will practice in the 1'oorte of North Carolina and in the Uuited States Court. OtSc;? above the Store of Elias A: Cohen, opposite ; the Car!tte Hotel. June ISC'J Crapl " Hutchison, Burroughs & Co., Central L'Je and Fire Insurance Ayenis, Ofire on Trsde Street, Chabiottk, N. C. Sept. 7, iNi. tractical Watch and Clock Miker, A.NU DEALER IX. JEWELRY, FISE MATCHES, CLOCKS, Watek Materials, Spectacles, cjr. Aug. 10, 1SC7. ' CIIAULOTTE, N. C. Tho City Book Store, Has brrn lit-mov tl to '. Lmcrit Oil Slamh One door below its former location. . Everybody is invited to call and' examine our Stock, which consists in part of a large assortment of School Religions and Miscellaneous Books, nink and Pas Doofc. Wll Taper. Blank and Printing Paper, and all articles usually. Kept in first-cl Book Store. Our arrangement ith Publishers are ruch that we receiTe U the NEW WOBKS of popular authori al oon published Our prices are as low as any other Booksellers in the State. Jaa i, 1SC3. -.WADE St GUNNELS. J. General Y. BRYCE & CO., Commission Merchants. CA III. (t TTE. A'. C. . Purtk-uiar attention paid to the selling of all kind rr-vliue. Cotton and Tubaeeo. -Ti !1 ff'iwt cash price raid for Cotton., c:. Ail orders froma distance promptly attended tv J. V. BIlYCr:. Mtreh'S. C&.- . W. II. BHVCE. A HALES. Watchmaker and Jeweler, X'xt Door to the Democrat Ojice, CnaRLOTTK, N. C If your Waich needs Repairing, . Don't get mad and go to swearing; ' Jut take it into HALES" shop. He will fix it so it will not ?top. f He warrant. his work all for a year. When it is ucd with propcrcaxe. He will do it as low as it cjjn be Uone, An 1 do it so well it's sure to run. January 1. 1S J '. NEW GOODS!! . I am receiving New Goods every week, and am determine.! tint to ha undersold bv anr:one. Give me a call before buying. D.G. MAXWELL, Coffbo! Coffeo!! i Java, Lagusvr and Bio Co fee. all grades at 31 AX WELLS, Parks' Building. Sugar s Fron 12 J to 20 cents p?r pound by retail, at MAXWELL'S, Parks' Building. . . . Tobacco and Snufll ' Leak s Tobacco and Lorillards Snuff alwavs on hnd 3IAXWELL'S. Confectioneries, Toys, &c. e largest stock io the Citv. . Call and examin Th e for yourselves. D. O. MAXWELL, Parks' Building My io. nco. t . QUE R Y ! ir.ii " rec,T,cif dy Lis Spriug Stock !f " .Millinery. Trimmings, &ci &c, which he asks the La lies and the'pnblic generally, tu cd and exaoiiae. f t'ar llEiS. QUERY I prepared to servo her fntai with the . j LATEST STYLES . Jn EOXXETS, II ATS, DRESS-MAKING, &. i A ! dubious Logs. An industrious German of lualwaukee, who had by dint of hard labor and economy saved 0500, put it in an old stocking stowed t away behiud a rafter in his hoi;e, and lately was in diypair to find the mice had made a nest of it. lie gathered f the fragments, and they made a peck measure bf scraps of jpaper. itocking. wn.d,.nut shells, &c. A friend advis ed hiiu tsend tTo whoh? mass. to the Treasury Department at Washington, and he didsVj; This was several week's ago. and Saturday he received, la draft fr 8250 from the Treasury Department and a letter statin? that so much onlv hd been saved out of the $500. Two girls in the Depm ment were at w.rk seventeen days sorting, pick, inland pasting, and hid finally succeeded in getting 3250 n th-t it . on l: re'- g:i'zpd ' DR WILSON'S' SCHOOL, v. CIIAllLOTTi;, N. 0. f . '. Exercises will he resumed on the 0th of August. Terms for session of 20 weeks $'2 for English, and $Crfor C'laPiicil nd High Matliematical course. &ins of Clergyman nud bomi fide candidates -for the Ministry, taught gratuitously, aud special terms made for promising boys in indigent" circumstances. , '- A few good boys taken - to board with. Principal upon moderate terms. Others placed in good fumi lies and under his supervision; I . . i " . JXO. WILSON, Jr., Jufy o, 18G9- ' t r Principal. ; ' ) ! J.f H. HORNER'S Classical & Mathematical School, i OXFOKD, X. 0. ! : - i r - Th8 Fall Session will open the Fourth Monday in July, j The Spring Session, the first Monday in Jan uary.' i : -: -f. 'j ' 'j, The Winter Vacation will not exceed three wrecks so that students need uotbi at the expense of return ing home before the close of the Spring Session . The charge for board aud tuition has been reduced to one hundred and tventv-ve dollars. f . ' Oxford, N. C, June 28," IbC'J. . 6r ; Alexandriana . Academy, .-h. KLtMiUKG COUNTY. ' t The exercist8 of the 4th term, under the auspices of A.f J. HAUUISON, begins: July 19th, 1809, and ends ficcember 7th. Cuarge made from time of en- trance fucui as follows: : i Ll.i.stiCs ............ Higher English Primary Ei..plish. '. ... Si 5 ... 12 -. 7 00 00 Board irorn $S to Slljper month.; . , Also.' in the same neighborhood.! on the same day. in ihe basement of Temperance Halloa School will be opened for Misses aud little boys, by Miss IluUk Harrison, who comes highly recoinmended, and who has had some experience in the business r Patronage respectfully solicited. ' f TUITION Ilieber English. $10 00 i Primary English..;............. 7 00 .Sciences... 111 50 Board as above. j For further particulars address,' ! A : j A U. IIARJIISON, j Care of Brera, Brown k Co., Charlotte,' N. C July 12, 1869 3w - -S . ; j ' i " DRUGS JN GREAT - VARIETY, i At Dll. J. N: BUTT'S. Corner Trade and College Streets,1 Charlotte, N? C , you can buy Mustang Liniment, Vermifuges, Hoiloway's and Van Deusen's Worm Candy, Queen's Delight, Rosadalis, Radway's Resolvent, Radway's Relief;) Hostettcr's, Hoofland's, German, Baker's, Koopmann's. and Drake's Plantation Bitters ; Ayer's and "John BulPs Sarssp-irilla1; Number Six; Bur nett's, Wilson's and DeJnogh's Cod Liver "Oil; Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, Batema-n's Drops, God frey's Cordial, Ayer's" Cherry Pectoral, Ayer's Hair Vigor1: Ayer's, Wright's, Jeyne'Sj Deems', Strong's. McLane'e, Radway's, Mnggiel-s and Compound Ca thartic Pills; Blue Maps. Pain Killer,) Solid Opodel doc, Wislar's Balsam Wild Cherry,' Hall's and Wood's Hair Keuewer, Bachelor's Hair Dye, Tarrant's Com pound Extract Cubi-bs and Copaiba, Jacobs' Cordial, Sanford's Liver Invigorator, Philotoken, Hembold's Buchu. Ayer's Ague Cure, Osgood'slndia Cholagogue, French Capsules, Bison's Tobacco Antidote, Rai Pills and Poison," Carter's Spanish Mixture, Sulph. Mor phine, Opium, French and Power and tWightman's Quinine, Hampton's Tincture, Essence Jamaica Gin-, ger. Horse and Cattle Powders Calomel, Sweet Oil, Castor Oil. Muetard. CIoycs, Cinamon. Spice, Ginger. Mace Nutmegs, G'elatine.: White and Black Pepper; Aniline Red; II. and S Dyesf-Brown, Black, Red, Pink. Bine, Green, Solferino'and Magenta;j Dead Shot for Chills. 1 I ; j. ; Paints and Oils,' All kinds; non-explosive Kerosene, Kerosene Lamps, Lanterns,-Garden Seeds, Window Glass, Flavoring Extracts, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, j. Toilet .Articles, Tooth Brushes, Brushes of all kinds, Toilet Powder, Camphor Ice, Lip Salve, and all other articles kept in a FIRST CLASS DRUG STORE. Prescriptions carefully prepared at III ! DR. JAS. N BUTT'S, Corner Trade and College Streets. Mar 3. 1809. i I I "Charlotte. N J FRESH ARRIVALS OF China, Crockery anld Glass Ware- JAMES HARTY, : j (NXT DOOH TO TUB CotRT llOVSK,) ! Is just receiving a very larger stock of China, Crockery and Glass Ware, Together with a good assortment of House-keeping articles, consisting oi ivnives. ana rorns, cpoons, Castors. Butter Prints, Ladlesji Tubs, Churns, Buck ete. Bread Trays. Rolling Pins. Steak Beaters, Tea Kettles, Stew Pans, Gridirons,!&c. Oct 2G, 18G8. I JAMES IIARTY. BINGHAM - SCHOOL, 1IANVILLB WM. BING II AM, ROBT. BINGHAM, W. B. LYNCH The Session of 1809-70, begins 25th of August and'eontinnes forty weeks. ' The course of , instruction includes the ordinary English branches, the Ancient Languiges, ! Freuch. Mathematics, Book-Keeping apd the elements oi Natural Science. ! .5 i Expenses, including Tuition, Boards Booke, Fuel, Washing and Clothing, SG5. ; Circulars sent on appiicaiion. . , Jnnc HI, 1SC9 Cw Sowing Machine Depot. i'ou will find for sale at the JMve Depot. 22 Tryon Street. Charlotte, N. C tho celebrated "COMMON SENSE SEWING MACHINES f. tliat arc ni coming m zonular throughout the country, combining ali the latest improvements of under-feed and upright Spool-Holder. Price only $15. v Abo, the "BUCK-EYE AND HOME SHUTTLE MACHINES." price $20.! J ri Extra Needles for sale.; ,1; j Acents wanted everywhere. 5 1 ! W. S. IIALTOM & CO. June U, 1S09.. 6m f 1 U . Wheat and Onions. I want to Durchase a large quantity of Wheat, for which the highest market price wil) bepaidJ . -K Also, Onions wanted at market rate t v . July 12, 1?9, J - ; W. J. BLACK. , The Wife Market in! Russia; 1- A French writer, whose name I ) forcret. has tru'y saidf the liussians are a nation of polite savages? a remark that is not very! apt, but it helps us toward a proper understanding of thp social condition of the people. Ihe rich are very,rich, the poor are very poor. . The nblep are courtly, polite, and as refined in manners as those oi the same class in Germany, but the seris. or those who belonged to the nobles with the &oii, Deiore tue emancipation, are rude and not Halt civilized. Almost as soon as a fiirl is born in the better ranks vt society, her parents berin to preparjj the' dowry she must have when she goes to h'eir husband.' j For this, is indispensable j in the eyes oi any luissian young genth-mati "who propoi-eirf to bcuarned. fche must lurntsh everything for an outfit m life, eveu to a dozen new; shirts for her c.uiinir husband, v I 'i 1 I have heard of a lady of rank and wealth who h:.d prepared a costly idowry oi silks, huen, jewels, plate. fcc, for her beloved daughter,jwho diedaS auu uccauie io De twenty years oia.i iinemotne L . 1 ' . I 1 . . it. mi . , ' 3 i resolved to endow six irirls with these riches, an actually advertised lor them- A host of appli cants came, and she selected six.! None oi theni had lovers. But now they had a j respectable dowry secured, each irl was spcedijy eugagedi, and.: with tho husband, took, the dowry, and pai4 the rich lady by promising to pray fur the repose oi her daughter s sou . ; f ! In no countiyjis this arrangement of terms carried, ou with more caution and couipletenes than iu Russia. ! Th(; young man goes to tin house of his proposed bride, and counts over the d esses, and examines the furniture, laud sees tt the whole with liison eyes before be commits himself to the irrevocable bargain, j In high lift such things are fontli;cted with more apparent delicacy, and the business beinir in the hands pi' brok er or a notary. Ihe trousseau is exposed, m public belore the Wedding day. f At W hitsuuday there is, a curious custom which is gradually giving way with thu advance; of civilization The vountr people of a neighbor -j hood come together a d the girls stand in a row j draped, indeed, and not like so many statues, ''i t 11.1 my urapea outares.sei d in their best, aud paintedj too: for the vnnni 1 dies, aud tho older ones, also, of this country use cosmetics freely, and a box of lady's paint is a very conitiioti present for alyoung uan to uiake to the girl he likes. v l?e hind the row of girls are their mothers; the young meu having made known their.choice the terms are settjt d between the parents of the parties' The ladies iu Kussiti are very anxious to mar-i ry, because they have no liberty before marriage. i'hev are kept constuntlv under the-maternal eje until they are given up to the htisband, ;tnd then they take theirowii course, which is a round of gayety and dissipation, nly regulatd by their means of indulirence. TheGreek Ohurch like the Homan. permits no divorce Kmperer, like the Pote, can ) grant but the dis- special neosations. Ihe tjrreefc priest must quarry once and if his wife dies he cannot tnarryiagain. Ad one in Russia can be married more! than three; times.. .';'! ..' ! ! North Carolina Land CompanyJ ' I j I RALEIGH,1 July 2,. 1869. Messrs. Editoks : We are receiving, letters daily makini? inouirv as to the connection of the ?ortli Carolina Land Company with the agency in this cityf that is carrying on the Lottery business. We wish to inform the public generally, tnat our Company is a separate and dtstinct organization, con ducted upon entirely different; plans, and presided over by diflerent omcefs. 1 I fj 1 ULORuti L.ixxir;,rresiaeni B. W Best, Secretary. Julv 12. 18G9 ; lm - Fresh" Cakes and Candy. I have secured the services of a First Class Baker; and will keep constant CAKES AND CANDY y on hand a full.assortment 0: warranted fresh and nice Baking cyery day. Orders filled at short notice. Weddings and Partifes turmsiiea at snort notice. I also manufacture plain ana lancy anaies. Feb. 22, 18C9. D. Ml R1GLER. Canned Fruits, &c. Fresh Teaches, Pin Apples,) Tomatoes, Peas and Corn. '! Pickles by the dozen or gallon at Feb 22, 1869. !D. M.l RIGLER'S. TO HOUSEKEEPERS. ' 1 l : ill. Spices ! Spices ! j Just received a lot bf fine ENGLISH STICKS of very superior quality market, in I ,to anything ever offered in thife NUTMEGS, CLOVES MACE, GINGER,. SPICE, BLACK and WHITE PErPER, Ac, &c. At F. SCARK S April 12, 1869. Drug Store. RIVES & PROCTOR, Wholeslb asd'Retaii! ": -f. ESTS Dealers in Drugs, Medicines, Fancy and Toilet Arti cles. Paints, Oils, Dyfe Stuffs, Perfumery, Imported and Domestic Windowj Glass, Putty Spices, e. S SOUTHERN DEPOT FOR ROSADALlS. Would resnectfullv call the attention of Merchants Physicians, Planters, (and others, to their extensiv stock and superior muacemeuis. 4, ;j I 107 Sycamorel street, Petersburg. N. F. RIVES, M. D. i -AAffoO. 1809 6m Wi H. PROCTOR! T. A. WILLIAMS & : CO., WLetexole Grocers and Commisin Merchants, I No. 6, Roaxoke Square, NORFOLK, VA. t lwavs on hand a 'full stock of all articles in the Grocery line, at lowest market rates. t -i Strict personal attention to consignments, and re turns promptly and reguiariy maae 1 April 19, lbt"9 ; iy DR. QODDIN'S Compound Gentian! Bitters Cures Chills and Fevtr, Uypffia, jnatjesnon, voite, .?,! Xiamask: Iironihitts. Asthma, Aeuraigia, Kkeu matismJ Jre. A universal, rroii;-Ta 1 A sure safe and reliable preventive and cure lor all Malarial diseasesi,' ana au aiseasea requiring a ireneral tonic impression. j I ; Prepared only by lJr ! A. II. OUUlills, ana ior sale everywhere. .JAMES 1. VtfluUiivo, - rSuccessortoJ. il. cater io.,j rropriei.rjr jtcu. n(i vt iiniesaie ucaicriiii i icui uucuiviuo, Virginia. M . LAPru-u,iIOUJ 1 1 Justices Summons, or iWarraiit t f. . . Just print sd and for sU at this Office. J , , The Increase of Crime. r Referring to the newspaper record 'J crime if and -casualties in New aork and Tieinityj within a lewdays, the Episcomlian says: u The-Vasua ties such as boiler, explosions. , the t collisions ip, the harbor, and the railroad accidentsj are things bad enough in their way, but what shall we say ot tne crimes. r hat of the bank j president who was killed jon the Long Island Raproad; and who was subseqjuently discovered to be a idefault- er to ine amount ot 200,0UU f YY hat l ot the wealthy citizen m . Fifth avenue who attempted to make way with his lifesimply because he wajs embarrassed in pecuniary affairs and j amazed at the extravagance ot his family? What of the various murders and other atrocities, the;! partie ipauts in which embrace all ages, from boy falooo to hoary age f yv hat; but that, crime at times puts on t ne cnaracter oi an epiacmic, i ana seems to carry everything before it? What, but that the rampant ;Worldliness. the criminal eixtrava!- gauce, the hot haste to berich, no matter how, the passion, for pomp and display, which! are so! painfully promised, are doing-, their inevitable work, at the devil s bidding. Not . that the devil is any busier to-day. i however,, than he Has been from the begiuning; not that ''the mys tery qi iniquity: iS more luconiprehensible now than it was yesterday, last month or last year, but that the powers of evil may be concentrating their strength to regain ground which; has herer tofore been lost to them through the efforts of Christianity, land 1 the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. V e put this view .of the case I to the hearts and conscience of all christian" meii. and of all who are anxious to labor for moral reforms! We put it also, to! the churches, as such, in the hope that it will quicken them in their! efforts to extend the kingdom of God. i If atan increases lis devices for the ; destruction, of soul&i they must likewise seek to increase 'their influence ti save and preserved We must look 'facts, frbidJ ding as they may be, straighi in the j face, and adapt our course accordingly.! If Action,'!' earuj est action is the word, with ;business men .and men of the world who would accomplish an y4 thing, so must it be with the church in its con flict with evil. Let us be in earnest. Railroad Matters. A meeting oft: le Presidents and Si uperintenj dents of ! various Railroads in the JSoutheru tates convened in LoiuniDia, ooutji Laroana I On motioaof Wui. A. Bmithi .ml 1 ' ri . t ill 1 J week before lust.; Col. Wm.i Johnston, President of the Columbia; Charlotte and Augusta railroad, was calle to the Chair, lie explained the object of the meeting to-be to arrange the schedule to meet the iDg lines from New Orleans and Mobile to points North, and, as far as possible, to harmoni ze the conflicting interests ot the various lines Dele rates reported from nearly all the principal con nectiDg lines of Virginia, the Carolinas, (Georgia ami Alabama. A committee were appointed to ramea scneuuie as soon as practicaoie. a com mittee were also appointed to devise some plan to protect "growers aud shippers of - vegjetables rom Southern to Ivortliem markets against raud. Resolutions favorable to reduced rates for immigrants were adopted. ' A resolution was Itlso adopted j relative to the appointment of a committee to consider tne propriety 01 iicKets reduced rates to land buyers. A Curious CasePoisoned by a Razor. A barber J named William Brewster, doing weeks business at C liatham, Ontario, about sixl since, was called to shave a man whose death was y occasioned bv lung fever: the instrument h( used was afterward laid by, to be used np 'mon as a razor But! being one j morning without i knife, and desiring to sharpen his pencil, Brew ste'r used the-razor for the purpose, and during the operationj cut aslight gash m the left j fore finger. In an hour or two the finger commencec aching, and continued to grow, "worse, until the whole hand and arui were fearfully swollen,-and the flesh in spots, assumed a mottled -appearance! HaviDg doctored for four weeks, withoutsnccess, among the skilled physiciaus at Chatham, Brew; ster came to this city to seek relief at the jStj. Mary's Hospital, lie had lost' .the entire tiseot the arm and it had swollen to four times I its natural size, the flesh emitting a bad odor. r Ttltgrom. : . "'. i y . - - j - Carding Machine. I take pleasure in informing my friends! and the public that my CARDING MACHINE, on thj waiers of Jlallaru creeK, is now in jiisi rate oraer, uu ready to card into rolls all Wool that may beibrougfit in. The Machine now runs by water, ana 1 guar antee to do as good WQrk as can be done anywhere. All Wool left at the storexoif Bariinger & Wolfe, in Charlotte, wilf be taken out,: carded and-xeturned Carding done at 10 cents per pound. 1:1 I 1 ! W. BRYCE COCHRANE. Mallard Creek, July 19, 18(9 .. Swx i j j State of North Carolina, Gaston c Superior Court. - I r, David Ilhyne, Administrators, Geo. C Khyhe. i f ,' x WPiT. Sbipp and It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that Geo. C. Ithyne, the defendant above named, has left the State, and the ordinary process of law cannot be served on him it is ordered by the Court that pub lication be made, for four weeks, in the (Western Democrat, notifying; tne said jdetendant to appear before the Superior Court for Gaston county, on! the Cth Monday alter - the 4th Monday ; in ; feeptemper, 1809. and answer the. plaintiffs complaint, or the plaintiffs will take judgment against "him- for four hundred and eighty dollars, with costs of this action Witness, E. II. Withers, Clerk bf the Superior Court for the county of Gaston, at office in Dallas, 14th July, 1869.1 l E. H. WITHE KS, U 80-4w $8adv. ; TURNIP SEED, Early Flat Dutch,' rut pie l op, Large Norfolk, Seven Top, and Kuta Baga. ; n Jnst received at July. 19, 1869 r KILGORE & CUBETON'S, ; . i. Springs' Corner. f TVTo inn i nA.riil Tanners' Oil, , Uank UU, Straits OiL. Vnr salfl Vl V July 19, 18691 KILGORE & CURET05; - DA VI D SON C O L LEG E , ' ! MECKI.ENBTJRG COUNTIT, N-iC. j The 83d Collegiate year will open September 2, 18C9. Preparatory Department .discontinued, i For Catalogue or other information Apply to the Presi dent, the Bev.,G4 JVilsos Jlci'UAiL, V. v., LL. v, a. Bynrder of the Faculty. July 12, 189 W. RICHARDSON, Clerk- -,1 London Horror. Domestic 'Jevbtiori- Pbvertv ;. Vesterati6nl and Death, Less than three .weeks have : passed . since a terrible domestio , tragedy eepurred in London In Hosier Lane,- Sniithfield. almost within a stone's throw of the spot where so many martyrs were burped at;, the stake, three centurit s ago. lived afaniily yarned l)uggan. The family cin sisted of. Walter .)nggan, the father. Emma; his wife,tbree sous ,and . th-ee daughters. The children ranged, aa to. age, fiom : thirteen years down to between one' and' two years; the eldest being son the. .youngest a -daughter. 'The whole of; jtbis family -father, mother and six chiidret---on the morn ing bf the 28th of June, were fiuiidlby thelpolice lying dead in two chanibrs bf the house which they occupied. 1 he hildi"eh had been-poisoned during the night by the itather, the wretched mother consenting to their1 death. : For four jhrurs subsequently Duggaij and; his wife st together in the chamber surrounded :by lheir deadj children!! . Before tbeui, 011 a' cot by himself, the eldest boy 'was lying on his back and slightly "on his side." On another cot were jtwQ girls, oqe twelve and the other sir. decently covered up and both dead On the mother's bed we're the three joungerTthanuro per acre. children, two boys andia girl, also dead. What passed iDetween JJuggan and his wile in that awful interval between ihe (3,elath of their children ' ""!- 1 I' . I-. 'S- . :.rtt' and their own suicide will never now be known. But, towards morning, the evidence goes to prove that pJrs. luggiin undressed herself, and lym chi'l mgddwn oh the bed beside her three vounest ldreri tWk'a.spponJ containing; about thirty drops of prussic acid, from the hands of her hus- bund, and swallowing the terrible dose- nut her hands beneath. the. bed! clothes and died. " Only Duggan then remained alive. After drawing the bed covered clothes over his dying wife, until they he breast, hejjtook with him the fatal poison and went into the adjoining room, "011 I Here he undressed the' secon ,d fldor.backh hi nisei f and driuking from a small glass the re- mainder of 10 the poismjstagjered into bed! but before sqould . compose j himself to die.' was seized w ith the mortal pagony. . When Sergeant Evans, bf thi; police eii tered the r 00 ui, Duggan waslyiri g:oui his back with one. arm beneath the coverlet urn ine. oiner aroppmg relaxed over tne side of the! b ed and CiOe tolthe ch.-iir 011 which he had placed the via labelled ' Poison," land the empty glass. In he description given by Evans of the members of the dead family as they uie't- bis.eyes seven' in the front room of the second. flcMir, and one itr the adjoining room buck' he 6ays with a :mplicity of d;ctiori that is inexpressibly touching, 'They all looked as if they were asleep and bid not struggled."; j i he prelude to this'fr igedy is-a 'piteous story. Tho mail Duggan was Ii native of Bristol, and a silvers tiiith by trade. and he and his wife hail lved happily yigether iduriag the whole period of their married life I Thiev were verv fond of each ot ner.'i says the toother of Duggan rand anythiu jg-whieh- affected him Would greatly grieve her. ; He was a' sober aiid mdustrious man but had fbrisome time previous been laboring of spirits. His childreu them, he thought, were unaergreat ' . ! 1 ' ' depression Some. of were sickly -! . .'1. . - consumptive. lie- himself had been suffering for several years at intervals with an anection of the throat. ; Kecently it had become woreejadd symptoms or consumption j hart ma te their ap pearancp -the post inOrtem showing disease of the lungs of some months standing. . These dis . t n ' ' 1 Mi t . ' orders acting upon his jmind rendered hi 111 unfit to work Ho coutinued at! his trade, however. until the 19th of June, when, he either! left Adams', his employer, pf his Own ?ccord orjwas harshly dismissed. puggan's letter to I his brother! writteu in the,full conieniplation of the tragedy', wh ich occurredl a few ho'tirs later;charges Adams jwith being "a liafdlj selfish and narrow minded man," who; on Diiggan's leaving I "him, gave him also notice tip quit within a week the house he occupied; anil which was owned by Adams. appealed io him," writes Duggan. ufdr 'soil le .consideration! for my wife and little ones, and asked if it wer !jpcssibile he coald go to such I extremes after Iny pating been between four and five years in his employ." . His answer wasthat I must be out oft his house "at thbi ex piration of a week, or lie would , put my things into the laue.' Ten days bad elapsed since the conversation thus , refe -red to had taken place. Duggan had sought eti ploy ment elsewhere, but f ailed to gei it., , Thj- weiek's wages received from Adams on part it g from the latter were nearly exhausted, and bresSed; with "the alter native t if starving in th "sttcets; the work-house or death," the Duggani; both husband and wife, determined on putting themKelves j and tHeir six children to death. k'jMyself. and Emma, and the children!," he writes, jare fariom strong ; .we aire deeply attached !)to each other jeparation alone wpuld; be ast bad s death,' and we lovejhe children dearly r---toO;darl to condemn tiiemto utter wretchedness andlwant." Then followsjin the midst of his ownjj griat agony v a touchi.of filial tenderness. ''Break the news gently; to mother' he. writes, an next adds, in a burst of uncontrollable anguish ''Oh! the horror of this nkhtn ;. -V'l;j'-';; !J: ' j A lttle later perhaps almost before the ink was dcyf with, which the' concluding words 'Fate- Tfll 4 Iroror'' XTTaya, Tvrt an noIrlilT nrVioa f vili. vl,v 'vaw s tvwvu Im uygu house is exactly eppos te that occupied by the DuggansJ saw. a light in. the front room, first minutes after midnight. floor. It was then ten and from jother testimony- which was elicited be fore the (?oroner's jury: it marks the. time when Duggan, in the presence of his -wife, "a very sympathetic! wauun, and very: affectionate to wards her husband," wakened the children and administered., tle . poison to them one by oiie. From that hour until 4 o'clock io the morning the wretched couple sut together and bewailed j their woes. ; Then followed the consummation 1 of the tragedy., The Wouian sought her, bed, :took. the poison from tre,hands of her husbaqd, drank it, and died in the midst of her children. A few ; minutes afierwrd& Va flickering light" was observed in -Duggan's. room., Presently it went outL t He, too, had i swallowed tho fatal draught and ail was darkness. RaSiie! ' IlANDKEadiitjWe have been shown several haudkerchiefs made in New Or leans from tlie' Ramie plant., -'The texture is Inandkerchiefs are a trite finer than silk.and the pretty. ; Tbo price paid Tor them was One dollar each. Vt(mtngtfyn,itar: ; , 1 '3 n . How to have Good lleadowH. - ,3Ir N. Piatt, of Bradford county, PeW, In letter to the Amer'oiq Institttto Farmers' Club, gives his experience as followi: My land is adapted to all kind of grain and to tiiuothyigri.i aud red clover.jl My practice is, when I sow. a piece to grass, not to plow (t tgaia in eight yeJik, and I frequently let it lie a much longer time. L have a meadow now which hsfl been mgied for sixteen tocccasivo years, and it wasnever better than now. In act, my'mead ows, under the right treatment, grow better n they row blder. I do it by returning to a mead ow all the manure the hay made that was take a from it, and soinjr a bushel of gysum per acre each year. In- i-hit way 'the yield jof grass" is heavier and finer and richer as 'the sod thickens. . t " . ' ' f- 'r m "!, , . I used manure only for top-dressing tne mead.' ows; in that way I got double price for it. " It produces as much worth of gpss as it would in grain, and'also reproduces" itelf again j, in thi turf. 31y turf, when ready 'fov plowing . under, is a solid body of grass toots twelve inches deep or more, and so thick on the top that no soil caa oe seen. 1 nsiacrone sucn iurt, when turned under, equal tjrl GO tons of firstclass barn-yard Land ao often plowed for grain gives up to the. grain all the bone beef and tallow there is in it; consequently the grass crop is so destitute of nu ' triment-that farm stock rill oat. thrive well upon- it without grain a portion ot : tho season II p furnishes a plenty of skin and rib as the cattle . . are witnesses, Ji)ut the flesh' is minus, j Qraps grown upon land kept in the right kind of order for grass, will keep stock in first- rate order at all seasons of the year. I have .seen, it tried in both ways, and 1 know whereofl spea ; liais ing grain on a piece of ground , three seasons to two of grass enriches it in the same -ratio that paying S3 for &! would enrich a man.! Like produces like in grass as in breeding, consequent Iy, manure made of good hay i : is the best tor. meadows. : it stands to reason . j 1, I -w . for meadows to grow better when their own pro ly Returned to them. y duction is honest Many of our writers on agriculture have in comes from other sources beside their farm, and can fo.fow any system of rotation and have plen ty of time and leisure. But the man who bo gins at (he foot of the hill, ruus in debt for twe t hirds of his farm, all his stock and tools, then clears his land of stone and stomps,- walls it in, enriches it and puts on the buildings, and raises a family of children, must soubd all the j depths of true economy; in that case he must not raise too much grain; if he docs the Sheriff 'will sell some of it for him. I - . ThE Costs of Justice! At the recent session of the Court of General Sessions, Judge Boozer, there was tried a case of larceny that is worthy of mention, as illustrati ve of the costs, if uot the value of justice in th'cue times of "liber ty, fraturnity and equality." j A negro stole a chicken worth thirty-seven cents, lie was con victed and sentenced to one month's imprison ment. He had been kept iu jail two months be fore brouglit to trial. "His case came; on the thirtecnthday of the session.. The expenses I have had carefully macja but by an officer of the court. . They are-as follows For jail cxpensca, that is fifty cents a day for three months, - are $45; six witnesses in attendance for twenty days,' 3120; jurors, $18; solicitor's, hcriCTs and clerk's fess $35; making an aggregate of just $208. Isu't the tax-payer fond of tbit kind of admin istration ? Cmrleston JCeics. ' i Just such cases have occurred in this State. A man who. has taxes to pay Kid better give a thief a dozen chickens than arrest and return him to Court. Too many little trifling matters are carried to Court. ''.'I V'l: ' v Shall Drunkarus MaiIry? Tbo. State Temperance Journal advocatesjthc enactment in Connecticut of a Jaw similar that which i$said4 to exist in some European coujiltry, forbidding a drinking man to marry, and remarks that "if in temperance increases much longer ns rapidly as . it has for a few years past, tlic people will bo quite ready for a law of the kind." That it is inexpressibly desirable to present tne marriage f relation froui being formed by, persons who are , becoming drunkards, is' unquestionable; whether we are ready for a prphibitorjr(Iaw of this sort or not. We are repeatedly amazed be3'ond measure at the infatuation of young women in connecting themselves for life with men of drinking habits and no less amazed at the; friends of these- , young women for encouraging such connections. But. reaeon and observation weigh very little with many people in this world of pai-aion and appetite. . . ' ' ' ' '; , . The CRors.1 Fromll sctions of j Western North Carolina we have cheering accounts of the fcrpps. The Wheat has all been cut and gathered in, anqtne crop is pronounce gooa in quantity and quality.' The Corn is growing finely. Tbo late wet andcold ppring retarded the plantiog1 fully one month.'and many fears were entertained that an average crop -could 'not bo expected. The recent favorable wcdther has fetarted it to growing in" fine st ye. It now has a healthy green appearance, with fine" stalk, and gives every indication of a large crop. Oits aro looking fine and: will yield a heavy crop. - Rye has also turned ont equal to any previous yeari"" In some locali- ties we hear tho peaches were not injured by the late frosts, and ibe usual croj) wtil be fplbml. Asnevtue A eves. : ! Crime - Encouraoed. The New York papers are advertising for the return of the money taken from tho Ocean Bank, and offer 23 per cent, of it as a reward to the burglars if t hoy will return it, 4and no questions askcd'ji When circuta stances like this exist, it is not strange that crime stalks through the land. It is encouraged and paid by such as should nevefjjet interest stand in the way of justice and until tho laws arenjorb rigidly enforced, crime will liatttase turf c7t abate. Newhem Times. ) ' Let the whipping1" post and branding b Re established and there will bo fewer rotcs to punish;-,, , . . 1 -II . .. A Railroad meeting of all the people interest ed in the ' Cheraw and Salisbury. Road; if to b held in the town of Wadvboro, oiUb "Oi oJ August. It t 'i . ! 1 It

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