-r ' - .."--- ,'VK,' rh f. :-'!:.:-.. ,:.:;:! - --j I 1 ;'':iy "Mb i 1 - " - '-' , - ; : ; .v ... .- - m:-: .41 -,;: - - -J; .:-;.. - ;'l:r''''-! 'l'-''--: ' -. " . v 1,1 " ' ' ' 1 - !- I ' 11 " 1 11 I i -.... - - ' - 1 i t HI I I . . I .. . .1 , . - - . .. - .n. -U ' - J . , ..'..) ' u i i.i i .... . . ! 1 , , i, - . i - i, - : ; . , ii . ii . . i .l ' i i vf .i .......... i ... . ! .i . i ... , . i ii , .. . , . iV U. Jl i 11 k V -KnlTOK AND Ptt0fEIKTOKc ''G H ARTi OTXE, N. . C 4 AUGUST XOy EICnTEEXTn YOLtMEN U EI B E U 883. r i . THE : - . i W"estjerii 3Democrat ' -VILLIAM J. YATl'S, Editor and ''rrpprietiV: . ' Tckxs- Tliree Dollar pf unnuta "in-1 tdranee. 1 'rates, or iiTaccorJance with conimct. . Obituary notis f oxer fire Mttes in "length will be charged for at alvertiiBg rates. ; Robert Gibbon, IL D' PHYSICIAN AND SUKGKON, Tryon S'rt-rf, Cl,(nlottey X. OSSce and! Re?Ilencp, one Jdor south oM State Bank, (formerly ffm. Johnstoa's reiidence). I Jan 1. 180$. . j i J. P. McCombs, HL D.t Offers hi profc.-u-'ional. services to the citizens of Charlotte and surrounding country. All calls, both nipht and day. promptly attended to. j Office in Brown's building, up stairs, opposite the Charlotte Hotel.; Oct I'O, lwX. i - - ' DR. E. C. ALEXANDER, . HaTtng located in Charlotte, has opened an office in Parks Building. oppo?iLe.the Charlotte HoteUwhere he rat be found when not profcwonally'engnged. May Ul, IS i'J "mpd , . i Dr. JOHN H. Mo A DEN; Wholesale and Retail Druggist, ! C1IAULOTTK x. a, Ha" r n hand a liTge and well sclecteil Mock of TUBE l)il";'. Chemical. Patent Medicines Family Medi- cin.-. Taints. Oils Varrishes Ije Stuffs Fancy and J To'Avt Articles whicli i determined to sell at the t Tery lowest pi ice. , ... ! Jan 1. ntl'J. . - i : - WM. EI- SHIPP, . . ATTORXKY AX L, A W Charlotte, N. C, r ' Oirica in I'ewkt'b Baxk BriLDiKa.' Not. 9, lf8 tf ! ALEXANDER & BLAND, Dontists, Charlotte, N. C, Will wait on parties in Hty or country whenerer their BerTioe- may ! solicHcd. . . TYetli extractel without pain. Ga administeTfd. iiiice in Bron a Building. Honrs from 8 A. M. to u. - . ' ': .March S. - J. C. MILLS, A X T O U 7t K T A X L A IV Charlotte, -N. C.,"T " Will practice in the' Court of North Carolina and in rh- 1'iuted States Court. tli'aco .ibor the Store of Elian & Cohen, opposite thi Charlotte Hotel. . . . i Jitae IS.;i Otnpl . ',' Hutchison, Burroughs & Co., n.u r"l L-f- tuft Fire I,i.inrntcf " Jy?iitsy Otfiie o? Ti-a.dc Street, CiiauioTTK, N. C. S. i.!. 7. !-. B 6 PRACTICAL r Watch and Clock Mik3r, M" DEALER IN - ', ;:';. at, fixe watches, clocks, W'ah'h M-tiTt'al, Strtacle, A c. V-i- . ISC7.- CHARLOTTE, N. C. The City Book Store, ' fn b'tu ' mcrt1 o P. Invert f Ohl Sfavtt, One door below its former location. Everybody is invited to call'and examine "our. Stock, which cni?ts in part of a large assortment ot School; Religious and Miscellaneous Books, It: ink nl l- r.oofcs 7W11 Paper. BUnk. and l'rinting I'per. and all articles usually -kept' n a firt:clas Book Store. Oar arranfui'-cts with. Tubliiihers are such that we revive ail the NEW WORKS of popular authors a." soon n published - ' r- . . - j Our prices are a low as any' other Booksellers in !h(? Stfcte. ' ' ' Jau X- 18iV WADE k GUNNELS. BRYCE Ft. CO.. Gen'cral Commission McihaTit' S C 1 1. 1 1: LOTTED SI ; Partiti'ar attention pa:i of Pr.vlue. CVtton and Tobn r r " linie.t c:i;b r 'All order " TTX, N. a armg; shop, ot stop. : for a year. roper care. " ijw aq it can be done, ' - r a In run. . - y:ecdc. aati am anymore. uit From 1 TqU I.eiV Tob.iWS hand at Confectionerielh The Urcst stock la the City.t ynrselvei. . . - 4 . 7l -0 M.ny IP. 18CT. . r. Q) TJ' E R Is receiving daily his Mpring-Svock't v Millinery, Trimmings, &cc:&ca -Which he aks the Ladies and 'the! public geaerilly,. K. to call and examine. ,r 'l,4"-i --- -z . . ; -- MRS. QUERY is prepared to serve her friend with the ' " . LATEST STYLES ':!" 1 " In rONNET5-HATSv DREiSLAKG, &c. to t 1 -wCall 5 X Mi is toia ot a ynung .'omnvwho' tttsnded a'- social circle a few. ereuinrs since. 5 The exn tercet ion tamed on Caiitbrnia and gettinncb Toui rts Uiaxked that if he was in Oalilbruia hfe wtmld; instead of Working in 'the' Diiues,"- Waftay: some rich man who had a bajr full ofgirkl,'' knock but hiii brainsgather upv the and kdaddle. On of the jotMi)! ladies iuietly replied -that, he had better pa her up the brain, as he evidently iUtt d in rwony need -of that -article than gtld. DRUGS IN GREAT VARIETYl At DIt: J. N. BUTT'S. - Corner Trade andCellege Streets Charlotte; X. C you can buy Mustangs Liniment, Verntifitges, Uolloway'a and Van Deuen'a Worm Candy. Queen's Delight, Rosadalis, . Had way's llesorent, ft ad way's Belief; Hosfeller'si lloofland's" Gertnan, Baker e, Koopmann's, and Dnike's Plantation Bitters ; Ayer's and John Bull's- Sarsaparilla ; Number Six; Bur nett's, Wilson's and DeJnogh's Cod Liver Oil; Mrs. Winslow'a Soothing Syrup, Bateman'a Drops, God frey's Cordial, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Ayer a Hair Vigor; Ayer's, AYrigut's;JayneXDeeni9 Strong's, McLaae's. Radway'sMaggiel's and Coinpoiind Ca thartie Pills? Blue Mass. Pain Killer, Solid Opodel doc. Wistar'a Balsam Wild Cherry, Hall's and Wood's Hair Renewer, Bachelor's Hair lye, Tarrant's Com pound Extract Cubebs and CopaibaJacobs' Cordial, Stanford's LiTer Invigorator, Philotoken,' Heipbold's Bnchn, Ayer's Ague Care, Osgood's India Chola'goguc, French Capsules, Rison's Tobacco Antidote, Rat Pills and Ppisoo.iCarter's Spanish .Mixture, 6ulph. Mor phine. Opium, French and Power and Wightman'a Quinine, Hampton's Tincture, Essence Jamaica Gin ger, Horse and Cattle Towders, Calomel, Sweet Oil, Castor Oil, Mustard, Cloves, Cinamon. Spice, Ginger, Mace, Nutmegs, Gelatine. White and' Black Pepperj Aniline Red; II. and S tyes Brown, Black, Red, Pink, -Blue, Green, Solferino and - Magenta; Dead Shot for Chills, . . ; ! . Paints and; Oils, j All kinds; non-explosive Kerosene, Kerosenei Lamps, Lanterns, Garden Seeds, Window; GlassJTatoi'ing Extracts Perfumery, Fancy Soaps Toilet Articles, Tooth Brushes Brushes of all kinds, Toilet Powder, Camphor Ice, Lip Salve, and all other articles kept in a FIRST CLASS DRUG STORE, prescriptions carefully prepared at i ! - v ' ! ' PR JAS. N. BUTT'S, ; Corner Trade and College Streets, ' May-3,-1869. ! r j : Charlotte, N C; DR. WILSON'S SCHOOL, ... ;j : CHARLOTTE, N. Exercises will be resumed on tho 9th of lAugust. Terms for session bf weeks $25 for English and S3o for Classical and High .Mathematical course. So of ClergYmen suil baiia; fide candidates for J tb.Mini?trYi taught cratuitously, and special terms wade for promising "boys'; i" Tmligenr ilFcTrnr- A lew sroo rooa noy taken to boartt witn iT-.neipai upon moderate terras. Others placed in - good farni--lies and under his supervision.; , ' ' T -.J ' i i S I JXO. WILSON, Jr., JuIvS, 18C9 i I Principal. Fresh Cakes; and Candy. Jhave secired the service? a Pji-tTUss. IJaker. j ami will ketp constantly on nana a mil assortment ol CAKES AND CANDY warranted fredi and nice linking every day Ordlrs filled sat short notice. Weddings and Parties furnished at short notice. I al-o manufacture plain aud funcy Candies.- , - Feb. '22, 18G0. j w , j 1. M. RIGLER. Canned Fruits, &c. Fresh Peaches," Pine A rpls,'1 ToiWtoes, Peas and Corn. - Pickles by the dozen or gallon at f Feb 22, 1869. j - l. M. RIGLERS. ; s-t 1 7 ! --- I FRESH ARRIVALS OF, - , China, Crockery and Glass Ware J .JAMES HART j (Next Doob to thk CovfiT liori,) i t --..- i Is jnst receiving' a very large stock of : China, Crockery, and j Glass Ware. Together with a gooil assortment of. Housekeeping articles, conflating of Knives and t c orsj opoons. Castors, Butter Prints. Ladles. Tubs, Churns, Ruck ets. Uread TraysJ Rolling PSnsi Steak Beaters, Tea Kettles. Stew Pans Gridirons, &c. Oct 20, 18t8. , , i , ' I j JAMES ,11 ARTY. Sewing " Machine Depot. You-will find for sale at the above Dep.ot, 22 Tryon Street. Charlotte, N. C. the celebrated ."COMMON SHNJSS .SEWING MACHINES ': that are becoming so rspular throughout the country, combining all the latest improvements ot unuer-ieea ana uprigiu nQol-IIelder. Price onlr M5. ' ', t Also, r a' .' JLA-rfv-'i'j 1 Aiiu nu.uij Biimi-ii VraytvJicre. t 1 Sir VW: S. IfALTOMi & CO. .. - - m 4 - 6 ra . E. ,. ripnions. aiSeiTTarec qiiantitVof lieat, for fi"f fflghe.vf market price will be paid. - Also. Garomr wanted at market rates." 4 JtyA2, lSftO.j f ; , u - W. J. BLACK. TURNIP SEED, Early- Flat Dutch, ; ; . i -. Purple Top, ! ! Larcc Norfolk, Seven Top, and Ruta Bara. Jutt received at - KILGORE A-CURETON S, July 19, 1809 - !piinga' Corner. Machine Oil, .' 1 " ! Tanners' Oil, Rank Oil, f - ' ' ' Straits Oil, For sale by ' l" . ' July 19, 1809 KILGORE &; CUnETON. North Carolina Land, Company, t . . . RALEIGH, July 2, 1809. . MzsVrs, Editors :-Wc are receiving letters daily, mLini? inuuirv as td the.: connection of the Jorth Carolina" Lan,d . Company with the agency in this city t-hit is carrvinst on the Lottery business. w4h tfri n form .the pnblio generally Jhat our -i-aiTv'js & tevartu ana orgHuiiaiiwu, v.-wu- Sl: frbon" entirely different plans, and presided officers. .; 4 - - . - G EOUG E LITTLE, President. rctary. Ira Ngrth Carolina. "nslitution'.will commence V1-- r.rftx . mad continue adv,c.ontijQue.: f 1rl JVm-trtai Uetmrt- I w . . - . I tt7iverSiiy Lectures, 1 -3ki4mdag Bord, Vr e lred f ree .of CO. laif ,?9Ton -AM ailroad, 5 me west of Wades, srmfcrnt wn.; Chk boro?. X ., Jrty inr A -.' . -"."- rT The luandaria in. j Barlinanie's troupe, -who wnfca-up the manners aud customs of the Various wulalrjes for the Chioese arehires, has eiren th raru currpomletit ot the .London l-'ost a trans lutioD of his b)t letter. In it he speaks of the table habits jof the Paris barbarians. ; "We have dined," he j says, j j'-at . their tables, wherer the stomach 14 expected ta receive with j pleasure soiue thirtj ditferejit objects of fod, j and per haps tea different liquids. The; trench and other foreigners eat until they! feel oiicoiafort- bie. and require much medicine drugs, as? may be see a by the many chemist's; shops of the city. 1 hey have the same capacity as our pigsV . Had jou beeu herd the othecni;htaiid obsefed how these people rudely scramble for food iit.the sup per table when we gave our fete I .TJey ut their hau(Lj .vioieutly on the dishes ana disputed with each other most routihlv.'f In tellim about Burlingame's ball be writes: "Oh ! if you had They bame half seen the women at pur ball! undressed: that is to say, the upper part of the body was wholly- exposed j bui they are jealous of showing their feet, and seem toesire to hide iue uoor aiso, as cacn woman araM aooui wuu her a long robe, on which it is not etiquette to place your shoe. Their eyes are painted round (not all of thetn,)'and they use coloring for the lips, and pearl powder ior various s exposed ; sec tious of the lVameJ They purchase the hair of tHe dead, and artists work it into various designs? theu tlie womeu put it on thetr heads1 with flow ers; aid yet they are not a dirty j people. . The high caste womeu are allowed every license. At our fete they were clasped around the waist by-f men thev knew not, t and danced with painful vigor,!lor it was hot. Easy Lessons in Geography. M ' if ; We have "several reasons for writing upon . the earthj the -principal one bejng ithe imperfect facilities' afforded for getting upon any pther planet to write". Xthing preveuts our writing upon the sun or the moon except - the dimculty ot getting there. It lis estimated that about two-thirds o the surface of the globe is covered with water. Al- though millions of living creatures slack creatures slack thetr thirst daily, the quantity of water has not' been materially diminished for centuries past,; at least uot 'since !he' introduction bf whiskey . shops, which .: 'prove a great saving jof waterauil are therefore of immense benefit J to navigation i The I greatest distance from the earth (o the sun is 90,000,000 of miles, and the least' distance 1 . ' ! AJ AftA ' A ' 1 f f C A Art A saving of 2.000,- i ,7 , n-T - m-n-M cbnnld A)vv could i be enected il ever u conneet . the two - by takiug j the least distance. This' would- shorten the time consumed in run- ning, and reduce the expens very l The j earth turns upon its axis, materially upon its axis, masing one revolution ! every twenty-four hours, except in leico ttvre tnev nive a rfVoi!.t4n . tv?n or three times a day. j ! 1 j j Jt am t j every. lool jof a planet that can get around the sun. The earth does it.. however? She would get around most anything The earth is not' such a dismal place to live upon as many try to make it out. So far as our knowledge extends- and we probably know as much" about it as anybody it is far preferable to any of her sisterlplauets as a permaneni resi dence. At least, we are satished with it, and intend ! to remam here as JOni; as we are "on e;i rth j Administrator's) Sale, j VALUABLE LLANDS AT . A tfCTION, At the Court House door in Charlotte," on ISatur daj.' the 21st day of August, '809, I will expose to public sale the lollowing Litndd, Ac., the property of the late Dr. L. II. Anflrews : j j . One tract of Land, four miles wesf of Charlotte knowni&a the Cat hey Gold Mine j tract, containing IH-j acres, two-tuir.3 of which is well timbered. A Gold and Comer Mine has been worked . on this tract, and the products are Said to ,hate been good- mere arc ordinary ounuinjrs on iue preiuisun. ' AlsKi I will sell ono-third interest in the Tredenick Gold iMine tract, 6 miles sonth-east of Charlotre, supposed to contain about 80 acres This tract lies on or gear the Potter road, i f . v j Also, will be sold at the same time aj . i 1 . Cabinet of Minerals, Said. to be the best collection in the Stafo Terms. The Land will be :old on a credit of 12 months interest from date. ' j;- i . j t ! ; , ISAAC N. ALEXANDER, Jiiilv 19. 18C9 : lm I Administrator Beef Cattle and Sheep Wanted. I want "to buy one or two -I -i . "I hundred jhead of eood fat Shetp and 60 head !i Beef Cattle il also, would like to employ an agent to buy shf ep 'j Call on j iV. ' A.i COOK,; i City Butcher. j July 19, 18C9 New Saddleand Harness Shop, ; M ( 'Opjwsite. the Charlotte Hotel) ; f The' -undersigned has opened a Shop in i the David rarks' building,; opposite the Charlotte Hotel, where he will keep for; sale a jgood assortment of Saddles, Harness, &c., " Of his mm Manufacture. He will sell on the most reasonable terms for Cash, and asks a enll from those desiring such work. July 19, 18C9 n r WJ E. SHAW. f' ! TRINITY . COLLEGE. The Fall Term will i commence. August 4th, and close December 17th. Entire expenses, including all contingencies, $85 to $100. .4 . ) j . .,:, The College Is organized qn tne university plan, with the following Departments i ' j , ' ' lj Metaphystcs, Rhetoric and Logic, embracing i j Intermediate and Constitutional Law 2. Mathematics, Pure and Applied.; Si Ancient Languages. 4i Biblical Literature". 5; Nat kmal' Science. .rt .w. 1 - . 1 T?i .1. .Modern Aanguages We bar the following Special Schools, viz : f 1. The COMMERCIAL SCHOOL, embracing the Theory-and Practice of all that taught in the best , ' C,.. in IK. nnnnl rv o Tlie School of CIVIL ENGINEERING. Those who complete the coarse in this, Swill be competent to a r. . t . . : periorm any-eervice jn trcnn.eciuru irunsirucuuu, Strrvejing, locating roads,. &c ; ( r:- 1 f Students may select griy Department or SchooLr any special Studies, and wil receive! certificates pr Diplomats according te advancement. AH the regular Department 9, except Biblical JJterature," are ' re- flniaitetoobUinA. . B.'s i' n-f'", ii ; ! " Stud eB ts inay , enter.it any tin e, mud pay "frcsa the time of entering till the end f t,he,.TerKi. k. K .v,V Ctal6gue8 furnished on application. " ; :ij .r ? .Tnlrl?: lSR9;j--'tt fp-'T'? i 'p?rwaeuLi ; f ': How it' Looks' .to a 'Cninaman- , .From 4 he, Raleigb Episcopal -MetbodisU , : dmid-fbr the- Promise land r . "" jut.Ajry, xv i uijrAtiu, ioua. - ere occurred in this tolace oh Friday. 9th JnlViiicene novel and strange-forithis countrvL 0, in i r -A: company iof M ormons - passed through our little town on their-way, to i Utah estimated number'' from 130 to 150. meu. women, and chil dren; old and youDgj in wagons, , oni .horseback, and afoot. Some pi" the ivonien were .walking auu carrying uttie lniants jn meir arms. .ney. were LoundT immediately i tor the ..-Virginia and Teouessee llaiiroadj". theuce to Kewf" yprkl, u - . . . ". . . t .' ' i. . 1 x. . l mwb, report; say SjTney are w pe joinett vy a largo company from Liverpool; and all. will thei go ou together to Utah They were all, I think, citizens- of Surry county some of them :ma have been from. Stokes and some of them lived but a few miles east of Alt. AirV; ; -;!A tikrt of them'are -what are called good, honest peuple ciever neiguDors, put none men oi mnuence t- just the class of people who can be persuaded to almost anything, especially if piere is connected with it the uame of religion.!.. Many, of them we're once members of some 1 branch bf Christ's Church, aud were; for a long time, coniekleied christians; but they are completely deluded by these iniposteirs who' call . themselves 4 The Latter-day Saints' I have Veen told, by good au thority, that some of them probably all of them -say they know that they are rilit, because they have hajd a vision from! Ileavenf inlorming them of the fact' and they have been fmade"to believe that their only Hope of - salvation", is by going to Utah. They do uot expect to. better their condition in this world;? but they go to Utah to go to Heaven! Truly-isj the devil a hard master.! When he inteuds lo effect, his foul est ends he ! always, approaches - his victims, in the guise .of an, angel of light, aud tnobt cut ninjily keeps his fiendish motives concealed fixtn their notice. Wheu he dives to blaspheme. by aspiring to tpe prerogatives ot ueity, ne liivari-. ably puts dreams into the distorted brains of the poor creatures he;proposes toj delude, and passes lUVUl Kill AJl 1 v I V HI liUUC UUUJ jt uu. - ! i The unfortunate people ( who passed through this place last Friday, on their way to what th?y vainly imagine a secoud Lden, are so completely duoed bv the imvM-sters. callin-ir. then selves I preachers of the true doctrine, that! they deliv ered up all their money into the hands of theiir leader, lioyle; and those who. have uot enough for their journey (to Utah are. to be supplied irojui the little super-abundance of jthose who may hate a small overplus. ' However J I guc$s they- had . t n: . i . ' i ' ! i: .. leit tnem a small amount, oi, pocKet.icuange; ior when they reached this place they crowded the ere strong drink is. kept for sale. And some of went 'away iutoxicted- tbtiiA sner II U I. W C II I. J .' Y l. , . V1' A pts. ! And i-et nncordiiicr heads and eaptier to their own1 declaratioiist:hey are tlie only, saints , i i on earth !, Aud worse still they! left leliihd tlit-tii gome young females wIk htye Lwh, ruined by these men who profess to! be tcaehing them the way of salvation, i These 'nvolVes m sheep's nlotniiir i ... told these unfortunate y! pung wouien that they cojuld not marry them in this eountty. but that tnev would uo so when ttiey iey ,t to JJtah, telling theui also there was nothin improper' in meantime I their actlug'as liiau aud wife: in the AlorDiu inaeeu must De tliei moraij I sensibilities for a moment of any one, who would even listen to such words coming from tion ! , ;j ! -., : ; . ' - .J'. any man in any posi- ; 1 It is proper to state that some oi tne , women who have gone off with this deluded crowd do not belong to the Mormons, and aiie not of their faith ; they' went! with their - husbands, wh have joined the M ormons. 'May God pity them . ' ' . lARQUIsiL. . WtfODi : " ,i " i - t j ; ..'ft A little girl worn out by a long sermon, ' pb-. serving thej preacher preparing ; hiniself for ; the introduction of another ?point," exclaimed, ''Oh. mother, he is not gomg to quit at all; he is swel hug up again. J ,j . Sawdust pills would effectually - r . . - " :- cure many of the diseases; with which mankind is afflicted, if every individual would do Ins own . l - .... v ... . : . . I sawing. t (Notice. At the expiration -of ninety days from this date, 1 application will be made to the author-ities of iihc .Chaidotie, Columbia & Angusta Railroad Compsiny for the renewal of ICertificatc of Stock No.?9av dated December 2,' 1802, for Seven haresrlfihe.i Charlotte k iSouth Carolina Rairh-oadi Conrpany and receipts for the p.-iyment ot One llundredand J.iFcnty fi ve Shares in . the Columbia & H;tnjbnrg Railroad Company, issued in tho name of the; late Roberts. Young, which evidence of property has been'lost or destroyed. ' . 1 SARAH VL YOUKG, Admx with the Will annexed of R.S. Yonng. July 26. 1809, ; i3wpd :-,( . i. .il'-,--. j Oats Wanted j tj-;':JJU- , We want fo purchase 400 bushels Oats, for which the market price will-be paidJ if i . I tiKtiUVlti & niXiUAMSUa, July 26, 1809. : j ; - Executor's I Notice. As Executor of W. J5. Parks, deceased, notice if hcrebyjgiven to all persons .indebted to Said Estate to make immediate settlement, and those, having claims against the slime must'prespn!! tliem properly authenticated within the time prescribed ' by law, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. July 25 j . j " J. L. PARKS.Executor. : i : ' .- T : :'S : !h ''P-f- -U- : X?" All persons indebted to the .firm of W. B. Parks & Co., are hereby notified -toi settle I with me immediately. J. L. PARKS, Jnly 26,1809 - lmpd Surviving Partner. ' ' Notice." The lindershrned hereby forbid all persons from . ... ... ... : - l . l lr. nunung witn or witnoutuogsjorgunsj oh lucinauus, or fishing with nets, or otherwise ; jtretpassing on their premises., or from passing through their fields orj enclosures leaving jgatei epeu, r taking light wood or in! any manner whateverntrespassig on their .property, as ! they are j 'determined on a strict enforcement of the law agaiiist all offenders without regard to race, color or condition. 1 ! V . 1 . jj.L. PARKS, ! ... Julj'26,18C9 Iwpd HARRIET r - . i- f . PARKS. "Tl tCh Th ffi TOUNDS BEESWAX, for which JL HVHXyf the highest cash price! will be paid. " ; i . July 26V 1869. ? i ''--. 1 5. D. G. MAXWELL. ' j j , 'Parks' Building i '-"., ii Oats. ,r"i.: The hic-hest market pric paid for OaU, br. ! . STENHOe.SE, SLCATJLAT & CO Social Life iff India. "Carlton" writes ' as fo J ournah 7T0 comprehend lows , to ... th e Boston domestic life among look at one of their tne nanaoosr let us take k a home&Thiaintlyfis patriarchal. The father is the head; Us sons bring their wives home one alter another j the women occupying apartments by themselves :T!ie llfbdoo word for woman's apartments isfzeoannai' ;j The women "of! the household mingle freely together but John never sees the wife of hi$ brother Josephf Six or eight families and three or four generations Tare sometimes seen pndeir one roof, and when the, house becomes thus populous the head of the family has quite" as 'much as hd can attend to in setthug; family tf6ubleslThiuk of the life,bf those women. ; Tjiey ar wholly, ignorant; they kfiow( not a -letter "of jtheir language.-ij Why should a -woman learn'tQ read What would come of it ? j If they go to visit, a neighbor it must be iu a cIosefpalatHjjuinu their faces veiled. "Tjiey 'know inthim except . family .gossip. Thev cannot d6 the nldinest se wins'.- 'The little towhead on the lowest bench of an infant school in -"America ma mg. patchwork can use .the needle more deftly than most of the millionaire Baboos". C-.Think of your little rosy- cheeked dar- ling. who climbs upon your knees for , her good night kiss: being affianced fin. marriage at, the age of live; and attwelve being a bride, shut up ior the rest or h0r davs.witli nothing - to ao no knittrng work; no bed (milts : to- make, no know- ledge, of ueedleWprk; siirrci tlcd with .buoks, yet not: knowing a lette Ml dai dutic s loT the reiuaiuderof her JUe being tiief peiflrmauce ot her duily jsrosa a worship of little brass or stone image in the ioritt of a monkey, or a figure with six arms and fur faces -hanrug fiuw.eli'b'aroulid Its neck, sprinkling it whjb water,-bowkrjg before It, walkibg arouhd it. Ikiiigi to" it as Ilit.Ie gifts Jia theirdulls flight ing lime wax fariers: uothiuir but thia; except to dawdle her children Jl bruiir food to her hus- baiid and eat Ker! Own. and re-arrauue. the. folds of clot h which a uswer for :.a garment; doing this, and sletpirig'thoirest of her time from morning until mght; liu; nighunjil uiOiuing," through th4 tjlnty-four hours,! the weeks, the months the year from ctuldhotid to old age! .Such is Lthe dalilyunvaiyiiig lie of the Hindoo women of the m per classes. i TUse baboos, who know 8 that theje is an awkyjsrd gap iu their sy The, lliiidoo uprji- clalses, who are item ot lue. 1 i upper classes, wno are too lntenect- ua to be grossly sensual Baboos, repudiate Brtg- hain Yoiiug; 1 I They are notj Ipolygimists ; they, are fond of .1 theif wives "and treat them with respect, and !thir chihireu. tibeeiallv if thev are sons. But there iTn,"1 llr Parau,se- , . i voiotj Jiuuie lruui uieir utiuutiu day:s -work' is d bhe, re;d a nlay from S re- or iU article from BIackwoid, or Longfellow's last poTjmi, and then comes the reflection that his wife, so far as this is concerned - is, an j idiot, Many of the Babws rare now anxious . to have tneir wives euupateoiDut tne women. Knowing U('thinir of .tl -i f- t; i i ... i he isweetsfcif knowledge manifest but little desire t bbtahf an education." Yet they are desirous of learning embroidery. Those who have 'undertaken to dd something towards raising tuq women ot tms lafid Wim their, degradation have, seized npim this- and are using it to great advantage. .Death of the leeping Woman. Miss -Susan I. Caroline i Godsey, the sleeping wuuutr, uicu iiv i ner xiiuiuer s uunie. souie iiiut miles from Hickuian, KyJ, on thel4thTjIt- 1 he history of -Miss Godsey : is well- known to the public, a stat enient of ! her- wonderful condition having been publisheid extensively by th press rinifl -AT1 V van i(fss Godsey was aboht JWenty-sit years !of age years. The existence of this wonderful case of coma, or pref erpat uri dispfisition to sleepj. has ueeu uwuoceu joy uiariyj out; me raet is tnaispu ta.me. :Cj.uqeea,jSo ago Jliss G.bdsey:ia!l', teJlN'ashyille and other' places forexbibttion, tliejihysician's qus we unuersiana many even or of Nashville Jooked upon the case suspicion The history Of jXie': caso . is, briefly : ' n i . i When . about twelve years of age she was taken witb a severe chill and treated accordingly by her phys sicians. ' As nei fever which. followed her chill subsided, she :Jell into a deep sleep, in l-whicb condition slie las remained ever since, except at intervals. --It was her custom, at first, lo awake regularly twi( e in twenty-four, hours,", and. sin gularly, within a fe minutes of the same hoitrs; ejich day ; but of Jatjpr years she awoke ofteer, so much so th: fc many considered it an indication of her final re ;overy'. : She would remain awake five, ten; or perh ips fifteen minutes, and gradmdly fjrop ioff to . gl jp agiin W hen asleep it was ujtterly 1 impos sible to ! arouseher. She never cpniplained.of iiny Wnlily pain, though when asleep she was.veryjj' nerjous at times, and ap peared to j surfer: considerably by the violent twltchirtgs abd jerkiags ofher muscles and Kmbs; and her hands i clenched tightly as if enduring sevejre -paiq, but wneu,awatte fene aia not appear to sutler, except frqiu a, drowsy, gaping inclina tion and persistent effort to cleanse her throat of, phlegm, ;. She generally passed into slep thrmigh af violent, paripystnj which- would last perhaps five minutes j and" shf woiuld then sleep awhile as .calmly and quietly s an infant. . Miss Godsey was of medium, size.fand her limbs and muscles Vf ere well proportioned .and developed, and grew considerably, after If her affliction- -Hickman Cowridl A dilapidated old darkey m Montgomery, while watching the I monkeys in a menagerie in that city, spoke "tlittsly: jj "Dem children got too much sense t jcom outer dat cage; white folks ($ut their tails cdT,j ind Set 'era tovotin' and makin' constitewtions.''i.f?v: ' r - - v : Cotton i Engagements- ' - We want to 'engage 1,000 Bales Cotton,; . to be. de- ivered-in October,! Jsovember arid "December. fW Will make a Cash Advance on each bale. f e. m: nOLT a Call and .see us Immodia July 261 869? I ;;;(: CO. ir Justices'; Suinxriohs, or,. .Warrants, ; Just printed and for eal at this OfBce. vuat ih iroiug on in America, even ! to rappiuii I pf !the!Kpiritfi,' wh.w.iU; discuss the isms of Iheo jdore IViiker with"you,!aire begiuniug to feel ' ! " Aslies for Wheat .11 J .Ashes as a fertilizer are almost wholly neglect ed and .allowed to go to waste bj our fanners. In many instances -indeed they seemip be igno rant of their value, or if not ignorant too care lesato take the necessary pains to iccure and nsa n themrDuring the winter, ashes can be collect- , ed in large Quantities, and fartners should do this ' for the purpose fiowing them on wheat foil. In my. experience with ashes I have found them of great value on different grams,-but most valu able when used on wheat. 'Ashes are an active fertilizer on wheat, and even I five bushels per cre will push it forward two days ahead' of that 1 1 ! I. T ' upon w men none are apptiea. jr in some seasons, v when hot and sultry weather prevails about tha time wheat is ripening, a few days gained is worth half a crop of grain. ' " i I The aslie'a strengthen the wheat stem, giving ' , it substancend solidity; and deveiopes ths ber- 1 xy quicker and better. Ashes are also a pre ventive against rust, and I have seen' the wheat upon which ashes were sown free from rust f while that upon ihich none hid been sown was rusted close to the drill row. j Save your ashes aQU irJ ino-capenuiens.uexs 6easiu. uu wm jt to pay you wdlto collect all the ashes you cau get. ; Japan. Some of die Peculiar it tea of lthe Country! and ' -;' ' .-. People. j I j : j ITev. Dr. Brown, a missionary to Japan, gave tOVP.&tinir statements id rcgatd to that nation. which is now attracting so much attcution. brief abstract of tho address isj appended : ' "We find in Japan a people who date back seven centuries before Ohrist-J-2500 years from the pres'ent era. There has been but one reign ing family on tfie thrdne in all ihat time.j Vhila iu other kingdoms the seepteif passes ! Into other hauds, here is a King who is descendant of thd King of keven centuries befortjj the Christian era.' The inland of Japan Tioks small upon .ithef map, but it is treat iu reality. ve call ipurseivei great, because, if we took a census,1 wo sfiould bave 4U,UinJ,0U0 "peorie in our hind. Tht Japanese have as great a population to-day i as wa have, and they hae the mostjj perfect system 1 which to take a census at any time. ' This most' ancient.of people; are but twenty days from us. They have had written laws for 1500 years. They have a literature, and bjooks on all manner of subjects. They have had time to do the best, thing; snd have done whatfjno other1 heathen natiou has ever accomplished They; are very ' pojite, and f from the nobleman to the peasant slow much culture and breeding. Th$ writingi of Confucius have been translated from the Chinese and thoroughly studied. They have acquired such a degree of - skill in many things as to be uneoualea oy any people in tne worm. rm T " 1 I . I . . .11. 1 I jie apanesenavg i iiiK-Mt'c,,nnux "' argue as clearly, and drive a. sharp a bargain as any people in the world. Atid here is a mutaks made by churches, in supposing, because a man is not smart enough to suit a home congregation," he will do for a missionary to the heathen. They need as smart a man as we do. 1 The speaker was located at Yokohama, and there learned the Japanese language. ! The peo ple are very reticent about themselves and their -country, but ask all - manner of questions con- -cejbing other people and lands; they are ia .quisitive aud employ every means f to learn. Their knowledge of lthe outer world' is" also as tonishiug. The history of Washington is well known, and his memory is revered by them. Whenever the Governor of a province goes out lie is attended by a body-guard of armed men, who are in turn well watched by others. He visited the missionaries on their arrival and desired to know what they not see. what men wished wanted, t He could there if it was not money, and his curiosity was great to see what ever the ministers had-brought with them from America. - The piano excited great admiration. Chinese books were particularly inquired after, and a Bible printed in the Chinese language be ing shown the Governor, he doclarod them to bs Keman Catholicaj who were driven out of that country longego; A contiuual visiting wss kept up for the purpose of spying out what the missionaries were dtng. Finally tlie Governor desired that young men connected with the cus tom (house Should be -taught the English lan guage : but a soldier was "constantly present to see. that they did not teach Christianity. The guard could not of course, speak a word of Kng lish.aod Christianity wms taught.. A1- few young men eame to get Ilible primiers ; when next seen they had carefully obliterated the, word 'Chris tianity." Their heads would have'paid the for feit had it been seen. They are afrsid of it the very name of Christianity is a terror to them. No one can buy, sell, or even! live, if he is known to have "anything to do with it. . j . t last, the missionaries were permitted to teach what J.bey preached. ! Some hundred of them have been taught, and a few of them are of noble-families and heads of departments; so Christianity is getting a foothold in the high places. The country is divided into sections, each one being governed b;r a prince who has staiiding army of his own.. Could these princea be Converted, how much pood would there bo accomplished, as. tbey. h.ivo control of so many I here are now twenty Japanew in this coun try, sent here for an education by princes, who pay all expenses. - o othier country had uond what this has witbiu ten years after its being opened to civilization. The Emperor of Japan nas oruerea inai pix young men D3 educated ac his expense in lnglish- one in each of the prin. cipal professions. These men do not want tog into the .military, or "other; professions, but to preach!.- : " -.11 ". .1 . Inr the year 1820 much happiness . was occa- 1 sioned bythe news th.it in the Sandwich Islanda ihe people had a creed ta abolish iheir idols. Now 40.000,000 of heathen peoplotwtre ready to receive the gospeL . ' The Chinese Emperor . has ordered that no new. ljuddhist temple shall' be erected; and no decayed Uuddhist idol re paired -in China.. The Chiocso have decided that Buddhist . . 1 ' should no longer be tho Stat religion. Mammy 1" said a precocious little boy, wfco, against his will, was made to rock the cradle of his baby brother, "it the uoctor nas any mor oapies to eive away, uuu muu mm : t I,

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